MAY 2018
STANDPIPE Official Newsletter of the Barbados Water Authority
Welcome to the newest edition of the STANDPIPE.
Just as the standpipe was the place of old to find out what was happening in the community, this is where we will keep you updated on everything happening in the
Message f rom the Chair 3
Barbados Water Authority (BWA) and more. This is a monthly magazine which will be available online. We will also be printing a
From the desk of the GM 4
limited number of copies for each department. Be a part of it by sharing your views, news and opinions; submissions have to be in by the 15th of each month. Contact us at
A week of celebrating the natural gift of water
The BWA partners with a Florida university for better coasts
Ambassadors for renewable energy
WWD on the job
Editor: Dale Forde, PR Consultant Layout: Dale Forde, PR Consultant With support from the Marketing Department, the Wastewater Division and the Human Resources Department Special thanks to: Rommel Parris, Clerical Officer We welcome your comments, suggestions, ideas, stories and images, contact us at
Message from the Chair FTC Regulation is here Dear Staff, As you are aware, from January 1 the services provided by the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) are being regulated by the Fair Trading Commission (FTC). In August 2014 the FTC was given the mandate from government to maintain a minimum standard of service for the supply of potable water and the treatment and disposal of wastewater. This is to ensure that the BWA provides a safe, efficient and reliable service to its customers. After meeting with the BWA, conducting research and engaging the Authority’s customers the FTC came up with nine (9) guarantees of service which include: • Installation of service • Response to complaints • Wrongful disconnections • Repair/replacement of faulty meters • Reconnection after payment of overdue amount and connection fee • Reliability of supply
Chairman Dr. Atlee Brathwaite
To qualify for compensation which is granted via a credit on the bill, the customer has to submit a complaint directly to the BWA within three months of feeling they have been aggrieved. Additionally, 12 general overall satisfactory standards of service (SOS) apply and include: • 100% Meter reading accuracy and timeliness • Notification of planned service interruptions • WHO Potable water quality • Prompt Repair of ruptured mains For these overall standards, there is no direct compensation for customers, but the FTC may impose penalties if breaches occur. The standards of service remain in effect until December 31, 2020.
The BWA has a time frame to respond to any complaints from its customers and if it fails to meet these standards the Authority has to make a monetary, compensatory payment to the affected customer.
With your help, the Authority is fine tuning its operating system for the administration of the SOS. We need your continued involvement and support to ensure that we deliver a good quality product and excellent service to our customers. If you need any additional information please contact the Human Resources Department.
The only exception is under very extenuating circumstances.
Thank You for your support as we work towards a better BWA.
From the Desk of the GM Keithroy Halliday Dear Staff, The BWA heartily acknowledges the hard work of all of its employees and at this time also particularly recognizes the dedication of the staff in the Wastewater Division (WWD). Given recent stressful conditions and taking into account the health and safety of the individuals employed in the Unit, Network Services Inc has been engaged to provide counselling services. Individuals wanting to avail themselves of this service should contact the Director, Human Resources Management and Development. All efforts continue to be made to address the suspected collapse in our sewage collection system and we are actively engaged in the pursuit of a specific, phased action plan to bring resolution to this national challenge. Cabinet approval was recently received for the use of deep injection wells to aid in the
"We however need your complete and focused attention to all FTC requirements..." diversion/control of effluent as we seek to put in place appropriate remedies. In the medium to long-term, funding has to be sourced to provide for the necessary repairs and upgrades at both of our Sewerage Treatment Plants. We also point out that from January 2018 the BWA is now being regulated by the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) which necessitates our strict adherence to mutually agreed delivery of specific, service standards. Preparations for this started in early 2017 but some of the glitches experienced with the changeover in the CIS and other systems, have prevented us from being fully prepared for this regulation.
An injection well being dug adjacent to the South Coast Sewage Treatment Plant (SCSTP).
We have made an effort, though incomplete, to submit the first quarterly report which shows, that with greater effort, the BWA will be able to meet and in some instances, surpass the standards set by the FTC.
With this being part of our culture and collective mindsets we will be better able to inform our discussions, interactions and decisions.
We however need your complete and focused attention to all FTC requirements as non-compliance will result in very heavy penalties/fines, which we can ill-afford at this juncture. With reference to other matters in the Authority, in an effort to operationalize our Strategic Plan as a guide for the organisation's way forward, a copy had been submitted to the BWU in the third quarter of 2017 as well as to all Directors and Divisional Managers. The expectations and core values will be communicated to all staff and other stakeholders. The statement of Corporate Intent which also includes the Vision, Mission and Core Values are to be mounted within the Headquarters building as well as at other key locations as an ongoing reminder of who we are and where we want to be.
We are pleased to report that Ernst & Young (EY), consultants have commenced an independent review of the calculations for retroactive pay. This approach had been chosen to ensure that we are utilising the best HR practices and in an effort to minimise the occurrence of anomalies which occurred in the review of salary adjustments for Bargaining Unit 1. Performance Management Appraisal System or PMAs collaboration between the union management and the consultants will continue to ensure that the relevant documentation is finalised.
It is expected that a pilot programme will be implemented during the month of May 2018, after the documentation is finished and before the full roll-out. The pilot will be conducted in the Procurement, Commercial, Customer Service, Internal Audit and Capital Works Departments. STANDPIPE 2018 the official newsletter of the Barbados Water Authority
"PMAs collaboration between the union management and the consultants will continue to ensure that the relevant documentation is finalised." Additionally, the framework for establishing an Incentive Programme is currently being discussed with the union. This programme will be supportive of PMAs. Institutional Strengthening Several Vacancies have been advertised and interviews have been held over the past three/four months to fill some newly created positions within the Authority.
As well, a number of apprentices were employed on a short-term basis as part of the BWA's national focus, from which it is envisaged that the BWA will be able to source future personnel as needed. In an effort to stay connected we will be launching a BWA Face Book page soon, recently we created the BWA - Wastewater Division page. We encourage you to like these pages and share them with your family and friends.
It is expected that the filling of these positions will ensure that the Authority becomes a more productive and results oriented organisation.
OUR VISIONÂ To be the most effcient, reliable, costeffective and customer-oriented utility, contributing to the social and economic development of Barbados.
OUR MISSIONÂ To provide, safe, reliable and sustainable water and wastewater services whilst ensuring customer satisfaction.
NATURE FOR WATER was the theme of this
year's World Water Day
Students of Wills Primary School becoming familiar with the services provided by the BWA.
recognised on March 22. The focus was exploring nature-based solutions to the water challenges we face in the 21st century. The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) paid homage to this annual event by hosting a week of activities which included a church service, fun day and hosting over 200 school children at headquarters and making them familiar with the inner workings of the Authority. Congratulations to the organising committee. Here is a look back in pictures at our sevenday tribute to water.
Cashier Supervisor Sonia Moore presenting a customer with a gift basket on Customer Appreciation Day, Thursday, March 22nd.
STANDPIPE 2018 the official newsletter of the Barbados Water Authority
Staff bowing their heads in prayer at the church service on the BWA compound held on Monday, March 19. Staff paying rapt attention to the message from the Church Service, which formed part of the BWA's Week of Activities.
A student of the St. Giles Primary School in the cabin of a BWA bobact on Tuesday, March 20th at the Career Showcase. Final year students of the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute getting a first hand look at how the BWA team sets up a plumbing system.
Students taking a selfie on Tuesday, March 20th at the Career Showcase.
The first World Water Day, designated by the United Nations, was commemorated in 1993. It is celebrated around the world with educational, theatrical, musical or lobbying events.
Students of the Hilltop Preparatory School at the Career Showcase.
BWA & Florida University working together for stronger coasts The BWA has signed an MOU with University of South Florida USF College of Engineering USF College of Arts and Sciences. This makes the BWA a partner on the National Science Foundation National Research Traineeship grant that was recently funded to USF and the University of the Virgin Islands that will use a systems thinking framework to address Food, Energy and Water Systems (FEWS) in coasts. At the signing Professor Maya Trotz, of the University of Florida's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department explained that the MOU builds on work started when her engineering students took a 10 day trip to Barbados i 2014 to work with faculty and students in Student Entrepreneurial Empowerment Development (SEED) at the UWI's Cave Hill Campus. The students opted for a BWA pilot. UWI Lecture in International Business Ayanna Young Marshall has worked with her colleagues at UWI on funding that initiative, much of it driven by the business needs of one of SEED's graduates, Ibis Soaps.
General Manager Keithroy Halliday (L) Chairman Dr. Atlee Brathwaite (C) and Professor Maya Trotz of the University of Florida at the signing on April, 11 at the BWA headquarters. The MOU follows work which started in 2014 when Professor Trotz and a group of her students came to the island.
Since that time, and with support from #usfreclaim Professor Trotz had the opportunity to work with the BWA and UWI on developing the Green Climate Fund proposal that was recently funded through the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre. Between the BWA's GCF proposal, Water Sector Resilience Nexus for Sustainability in Barbados (27.5 million US in grant funding) and a $3 million dollar NRT proposal, she hopes the graduate students from environmental engineering, anthropology, and marine sciences, find some compelling research topics with partners in Barbados that address FEWS challenges, add knowledge on FEWS, and build long lasting relationships with colleagues in Barbados.
STANDPIPE 2018 the official newsletter of the Barbados Water Authority
BWA engages Community Ambassadors
to train in renewable energy
Under a 25,500 Euro (Bds $61,000) Grant from WISIONS --- Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy - in Germany, seven (7) young people have been engaged, by the BWA, as ambassadors in a community outreach programme. The ambassadors are being trained in Renewable Biogas Energy Generation from Wastewater for Sustainable Development and on the workings of the WWD. With this training, they will exchange the knowledge they have gathered with customers of the BWA and people in the community. A total of seven students are participating in the project.
The Ambassadors also visited the Bowmanston Pumping Station.
The Community Ambassadors becoming familiar with the operating system at the Bridgetown Sewage Treatment Plant (BSTP). STANDPIPE 2018 the official newsletter of the Barbados Water Authority
Ambassadors observing a section of Barbados’ reservoir system, this tour ended with a view of the distribution pumps. Here the BWA's Health and Safety Consultant, Philip Gittens encourages the Ambassadors to be aware of their enviroment in order to pervent injuries in the work place.
They took part in several activities including attending lectures on the principles of water and wastewater and community health and safety; visited facilities in water management, wastewater treatment including lift and pumping stations, the sewer network and the treatment plants and sat in on training sessions in effective communication and advocacy skills. Tours for the various activities included a visit to Bowmanston and Golden Ridge Pumping Stations which distribute water across the island; a visit to the Bridgetown and South Coast Sewage Treatment Plants. The Ambasadors are preparing a manual
The presentation by the BWA's Customer Service Supervisor, Melanie Haynes, focused on attitude, speech, body language and appearance in the community and in the work place.
to assist with the training of future exchange participants. It contains policy suggestions and is also a foundation for future projects and studies. The programme is in its fifth month and is expected to conclude in August.
STANDPIPE 2018 the official newsletter of the Barbados Water AuthorityÂ
The Wastewater Division works tirelessly on the South Coast
On the Job
While efforts are being made to repair the infrastructural weaknesses of the south coast network, the Wastewater Division (WWD) continues to do all it can to minimise overflows as a result of these weaknesses. Repair and upkeep also continue as the WWD stretches to improve the functions at both the South Coast Sewage Treatment Plant (SCSTP), the Bridgetown Sewage Treatment Plant (BSTP) and their networks. The Division is also working to reduce the damage being caused by FOG (fats, oils and grease) build-ups and blocks in the lines.
Clods of grease found in a manhole in Redman's Drive, Lakes Folly, Bridgetown, image by Michael Mason of the WWD.
A second maintenance cleaning of the Needham's Point and Trevor's Way outfalls occurred between January 13 and 16, 2018. In order to reduce overflows on the streets and backup onto properties on the southcoast a number of manhole covers were repaired between March 2 and March 28, 2018 during six (6) nights of operations.
BWA/WWD staff installing the bypass next to the old Scotia Bank building.
A manhole on the south coast clogged with FOG or fats, oils and grease. STANDPIPE 2018 the official newsletter of the Barbados Water Authority
Head of the WWD Patricia Inniss (left, behind the desk) meeting with staff at the South Coast Sewage Treatment plant before going out to tackle the sewage challenges.
Another view of BWA/WWD staff installing a by-pass on the South Coast adjacent to the old Scotia Bank building. (Image by Patricia Inniss of the WWD)
This trash pump was temporarily out of operation after being damaged by rags which were dumped in the sewer system.
Adrian Yarde of the WWD inspecting a manhole on the South Coast
Our Valued Staff Annie Alleyne Kenneth Alleyne Luke Alleyne Adrian Best Kenneth Best Kevin Best Jason Boxill James Boyce Melanie Brathwaite Sophia Brathwaite Byron Bynoe Stephen Campbell Corey Chadderton Judyette Clarke Meredith Clarke Tracia Clinkett Alexander Daniel Ronald Eastmond Pedro Farrell Shawn Fields Andre Forde Richard Forde Sandra Forde Carol Gill Eric Gilkes Mark Goddard Carol-Ann Greaves Linder Griffith Joanna Hannaway
Grafton Harewood Ryan Haynes Peter Herbert Leslie Holligan Cheryl-Ann Hoyte Ezra Husbands Darold Ifill Alex Inniss Yvet Yarde-Jones Andre King Cheryl Lashley Kirk Lashley Anthony Layne Neil Lyte Denis Mason Roger Mayers - CW Roger Mayers - COM Ovid Moore Irvine Moseley Eucline Nurse Steve Nurse Devon Phillips Shaun Pilgrim Dorian Oliver Kelly-Ann Raymond Melissa Reece Juanita Roberts Anderson Sealy Howard Sivers
Compiled by the Human Resources Department
Jason Small Antoinette Smith Jermaine Smith Anderson Spencer Paul Springer Fiona Thorne Henderson Trottman Brigit Vaughn Jaleesa Watson Nikkei Weekes
All classes are held in the evening, bring a towel and a water bottle
BWA S FITNESS ZONE There is a workout for every BODY
Pilates with Priscila
Monday 4:30 - 5:30
Fat Burning Workout with Diane
Tuesday 5:30 - 6:30
Soca Workout with Jefferson
Tuesday 5:30 - 6:30
Cardio Burn with Tennyson
Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30
Boxercise with Shaka
Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30
Zumba Caribbean with Vicky
Thursday 5:30 - 6:30
Pilates with Priscilla
Thursday 6:30 - 7:30
Carnival Burn with Shaka
Friday 5:30 - 6:30
Boxercise with Shaka
Friday 6:30 - 7:30