1 minute read
Step 1
Apply for accommodation through PASS, our Pre-Arrival Student Site pass.chester.ac.uk
Applications can also be made via your mobile phone by downloading the University of Chester app.*
Your username for PASS is your 7-digit student number. Your student number can be found on the letter sent with this mailing. Your password is Che followed by your date of birth in the format: CheYYYYMMDD. You will then be directed to the accommodation application pages where you will need to register, create a new password exclusively for your accommodation application, and then and submit your accommodation application.
*The University app is available in the App Store for iOS devices, Google Play for Android devices and Windows Store for Windows phones.
Complete the application form by 18th June 2023
Step 2
We will ask you to tell us more about yourself, your preferences and whether you have any specific needs you would like us to consider when we allocate the accommodation. Please apply even if Chester is your Insurance choice.
If you miss the application deadline or you have selected the University of Chester as your Insurance choice, your application will not be given the same priority as Firm choice applicants, although we will still endeavor to allocate you a place.
Step 3
Allocation of Accommodation
We will contact you following the application deadline to update you on the progress of your application. We should then be able to confirm that a room has been reserved for you.

Confirmation of Accommodation
Step 4
If you are waiting to receive results, we will send details of your accommodation allocation once your results have been received and your place at the University is confirmed. Please note that when you have been notified of your room allocation, you will need to secure this with a deposit.