1 minute read
Choosing Accommodation
You should by now have received your Student Accommodation Guide in the post with lots of information about all the different accommodation options available and how to apply. You may want to spend a little bit of time thinking about what is important to you in terms of accommodation and research the different options.
Remember, here at Chester we don’t allocate the accommodation on a first come, first-served basis. As long as you have submited your application on PASS before the priority deadline, your application will be considered fairly. If you apply after this date, your application will still be considered but priority will be given to those applications we receive before the deadline.
For more information on how to apply, please visit our website.
chester.ac.uk/accommodation T: 01244 513000 E: accommodation@chester.ac.uk
We guarantee University or partnership accommodation to all Firm choice applicants.
Grosvenor House at Exton Park