Research by our faculties
The UOC's seven faculties also include researchers, some of them affiliated to research groups and some doing research without any affiliations.
Faculty of Law and Political Science The Faculty of Law and Political Science carries out its research principally through four research groups that have earned official consolidated status (SGR). The DDI group on Internet Law (2017 SGR 1711) looks at the legal issues arising from digital technology and the internet in a variety of areas, particularly intellectual and industrial property, data protection and privacy, user and consumer protection, the liability of internet intermediaries, online dispute resolution, and new forms of crime. The research of the Criminal Justice System group (2017 SGR 763, UOC-UdL) focuses on victimization and devictimization processes, as well as restorative justice practices and their integration in the criminal justice system. The TAXBUSINESS: Taxation, Labour Relations and Business group (2017 SGR 258) researches the field of company law, with a particular focus on tax and employment questions. Finally, the GADE (eGovernance: Electronic Administration and Democracy) group (2017 SGR 509) has three main lines of 64
Annual report | 2019/2020
research: political information and ICT, e-participation, and e-government. In addition to publishing their work in high-impact journals and disseminating results at conferences, symposiums and seminars, the research groups work on a variety of competitive projects. Four R&I projects from 2019 that were funded by the Government and are particularly noteworthy: "Marc legal i fiscal de la creació d'empreses" ("Legal and Tax Framework of Business Creation"); "Reptes jurídics de l'ús de dades massives per al foment de la innovació i la bona administració a través de la intel·ligència artificial" ("Legal challenges arising from the use of big data to foster innovation and good management through artificial intelligence"); "Dret i intel·ligència artificial" ("Law and Artificial Intelligence"); and "Abusos sexuals en institucions religioses" ("Sexual Abuse in Religious Institutions"). Also worth highlighting are the European Commission-funded (Justice Action Grants) project "Towards fair and
effective compensation scheme to victims of sexual violence"; the project of the Government of Catalonia's Department of Justice "Com respon el sistema de justícia penal a les necessitats de les víctimes de violència de gènere? Percepció dels professionals i de les víctimes" ("How does the criminal justice system meet the needs of gender violence victims? Perception of professionals and victims"); the AGAUR's project "La deliberació ciutadana online ("Online Citizen Deliberation"); the joint project with the Public Administration School of Catalonia (EAPC) "La innovació de serveis públics a través de la personalització i prestació proactiva mitjançant l'ús de dades massives i la intel·ligència artificial" ("The innovation of public services through customization and the provision of proactive services through the use of big data and artificial intelligence"); and the joint project with the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona "La transparència dels algorismes als municipis catalans" ("The Transparency of Algorithms in Catalan Municipalities").