Guelph Alumnus Magazine, January 1973

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UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH January-February, 1973, Vol. 6, No. 1





Design: Cover, Ken Chamberlain.

Photography: Cover, pages 3, 5, 6, 7, and

13, Dan Thorburn, Audi o Visual Services;

pages 14, 15, Dave Bates; pages 16, 17,

Audi o Visual Services: page 19

(Duncan Campbell) Ashley and Cripp en.

University residenc es offer much more than mere shelter ; Guelph's residences have been designed as learning resources , as much a part of university as classroom s and laboratories. Graduate student Helen Aitkin describes the value Guelph officials place on residence life, and som e of the goings-on in campus homes.

page 3


HONORARY PRESIDENT , Dr. W. C. Winegard. PRESIDENT, T. R. HILLIARD, OAC '40. SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT, Mrs. J. D. (Virginia Shortt) Bandeen, Mac '57. VICE-PRESIDENTS: Dr. Sandra J . (Kelk) Chernesky, OVC ' 63; Miss Frances Lampman, Mac '54; Mr. A. C. McTaggart, OAC '35; and Mi ss Patricia Moll, Well '70.


SECRETARY: Dr. J. H. Millington, OVC '69.

DIRECTORS : Miss Elizabeth Brandon , Well '70; Mrs. J. B. (Doreen Kern) Dawson, Mac '54; Dr. G. R. Doidge, OVC '52; Mrs . R. P. (Valerie Mittler) Gilmor, BA '72; M. G. Greer, OAC '41; Mrs. A. R. (Shirley Ann McFee) Holmes, Mac '62; Mrs. M. (Linda Sully) Keith, Well '67; Dr . W. H. Minshall , OAC '33; Dr. Jean M . Rumney, OVC '39; Mrs. S. W. (Pat Damude) Squire, Mac '63; and J. A. W iley, OAC '58. EX-OF FICIO DIRECTORS , A. L. Gouge, Well '69, preSident, Art s and Sci ences Alumni Assoc i ation; G. R. Greenlees , OAC '62 , president, O.A.C . Alumn i Ass ociation; Dr. Eli zabeth Gullett, M ac '55, preSident. Macdonald Inst itute-Family and Consumer Studies Al umni AssOCia ti on; Dr. F. D. Horney, OVC ' 51, pre Si dent, O.V.C. Alumni Association; an d J. K. Babcoc k , OAC '54 , directo r , Alumni Affairs and Developme nt. Th e Gue lp h Alumn us is published by the Depart足 me nt of Alumni Affa irs and Development, University of Guelph . The Editorial Committee is compri sed of Editor - D. A. Ba tes , OAC '69, Alumni Officer; Art Director - Prof. K. E. Chamberlain; J . K . Babcock , OAC '54, Director of AI umn i Affai rs and Dev elopment; Miss Rosemary Clark, Mac '59, Senior Alumni Officer; D. L. Waterston, Director of Information; D. W. Jose , OAC '49, Assistant Director of Information. The Editorial Advisory Board of the UniverSity of Guelph Alumni Ass ociation is compri sed of: Dr. J. H. Millington , OVC '69, chairm an; Mrs. J. M. (Ka y Murdoch) Little, Mac '59, v ice-chairman ; Dr. A. E. Austin, Dept. of English; G. B. Love, Well '69 ; and G. B. Powell, OAC '62. Ex-officio , J. K. Hilliard, OAC '40. D. R. Baron , OAC and H. G. Dodds,

Babcock , OAC '54 and T. R. Corresponding members: '49, G. M . Carman, OAC '49, OAC, 'St!.

Undelivered copies should be returned to Alumni House , Univers ity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.


Special report: Financial status of the University While many universities flounder amidst low government grants and lower-than-expected student enrolments, Gue lph remains reasonably solvent, attributable to the University's excellent reputation in the sc iences. The capital budget picture , however. is less rosy as a government budget freeze has stalled much needed construction at Guelph .


TREASURER: J. J. Elm s lie, Development Officer, University of Guelph .

Living in / Helen Aitkin

OVC at Guelph: 50th year of "Blood and Gore" Fifty years ago, OVC moved to Guelph from Toronto. We present the highlights of those fifty years as recently viewed in a di splay of OVC memorabilia in McL aughlin Library to celebrate this annivers ary .

page 10



Four who aren't selling insurance/ DAB Meet four young alumni who , as fate decreed or as personal interest lead them, are involved in slightly differen t or unusual occupations.


Campus Highlights


Alumni News

page 12

Cover photo Most alumni probably would n' t reco gn ize resi dence iifestyles today . For example, Don Camp bell and Frank Stancic enjoy a game of po ol in Lam bto n Hall Lounge . For more ch an ges an d the philosop hy behind them , article begins on page 3.

Living In "E

VERYONE should spend at least his first year of university in residence," claims Nancy Clark, one of the house advisors for Lambton Hall. Almost anyone who has ever lived in residence would agree with Nancy, for, in spite of the water fights and card games, living in residence is a serious affair. It is, in fact, one very significant part of the university learning experience. What better way could there be for the freshman to adjust to the changes in life-style which are a part of university than by living right on campus, side-by足 side with others in a similar situation,


and with senior students , already seasoned to residence life. The directors of residences, aware of the potentialities of residence life for the students' growth and development, have attempted to provide the on-campus student with the best possible facilities for this non-academic education. Guelph's

provost, Paul Gilmor whose concern is the non-academic aspects of university life , explains that on-campus housing is designed specifically to be a " learning resource," and that "facilities are planned with this in mind." Nonetheless, this learning cannot be forced upon the student. George Harding, who plays a significant role in the administration of residences as assistant director for developmental


At right, Elgin Hall house advisor Patti Sniderman and Barbara Lovett relax in their room in the South Residences "Co mplex B." On previous page, Elly Kizito (left), Eric Yaxley, and Ron Phillips enjoy a game of cards in the dining room of their six-person apartment in the new East Residences.

programming, clarifies the objectives of the residence administration: "We are interested not in making it happen , but in letting it happen," he explains. "The residence program is designed to promote growth and the learning of values. For example, we hope that students will become self-directing , self-fulfilling, and non-manipulative. Through his experiences in residence, a student will ideally acquire some sense of 'self ,' and learn to make his own decisions." In order to achieve these ends , those in charge of residence policy realize that the operation of the residences must be geared towards the student of the present , a constantly evolving factor. Based on the results of annual surveys of students' attitudes towards residence life , student housing has undergone many fundamental changes within the past six years. As recently as 1967-68, the system was considerably more rigid than it is now. At that time, not only were all freshmen required to spend their first two semesters in residence, but residence life, itself, was generally more regimented . Women students were subjected to a curfew; no liquor was permitted on campus; and these rules were enforced by student "proctors," who functioned as a residence "police force." To those presently living in residence, this must sound like the Dark Ages. Now , first year students are free to live either on or off-campus, although many still choose to live in residence; there are no restrictions on women students; and proctors have been replaced by house advisors. In line with this philosophy of "letting it happen ," rather than forcing a situation, the house advisors are responsible, not for enforcing rules, but for helping students learn to work with one another, to assist them in becom ing more self足 directing. If a student is irritated by a noisy neighbour or commotion in the hails , for instance, he does not calion his house advisor to restore peace and quiet, but attempts to handle the situation himself. Decisions concerning the residence hall


are made through the Hall Council Executive, a group of hall residents elected by fellow students. Although representatives are elected to the Council in the fall, the Hall Council president is chosen the previous year so that an orientation program will be prepared for freshmen arriving in September. Most student counselling is carried out by the house advisor. House advisors are students , themseves, and since they are peers of the other resident students , there is no age barrier to hinder communication. Each is assigned to a group of from 25 to 50 students , and lives within the residence house. House advisors are also convenient sources of information in matters con足 cerning the academic and technical aspects of the University. Since they are senior students, they are acquainted with the prob足 lems of essays , exams, and such mundane complications as course pre-registration. Residence life is not just concerned with problem-solving, however. In fact , some house advisors find that they are rarely consulted for guidance. Much more is learned simply by sharing living experiences with other students. Again, the residences are designed to maximize this learning experience, by allowing the student a choice in his new "home." There are presently 10 buildings from which students can select accommodation, and many residences are divided into smaller units, each with its own unique character. This allows the student to find a style of living with which he is compatible, and also helps overcome the alienation which could arise from the vast proportions of some of the residence halls. The South Residences, '''Complex B," for example, can accommodate 1600 students, but it is subdivided into six separate halls , which , in turn , are broken down into six smaller units or "houses." In most residences, the "house" is the smallest structural unit, and each of these develops its own character from the combination of students who live there. In some cases , however, the houses are designated to a particular emphasis.

Presently , there are three of these " Living足 Learning Centres:" French House, International House , and Arts Hall. French House , situated in Lennox Hall - a relatively new residence located at the north end of the campus behind Macdonald Hall- is comprised of a co-educational group of students , unified by a common interest in French language and culture. It is equipped with its own French library, and a taste of the French culture is brought to the house through the frequent presentation of French films and visits by guest lectu rers . Many of the students living there are enroled in Fre'lch courses at the University , and many are bilingual. Watson Hall is the location of International House. and although the program is not yet fully developed , it is intended to be a centre for students interested in international issues. At present, a credit course , Developing Countries , is offered in International House. Arts Hall , located on second and third floors of Addington Hall , which is adjacent to Lennox Hall, has already developed into a vital and active centre , even though it came into being only in September, 1972. As soon as you enter you are aware that this isn ' t any common, ordinary house. Doors are painted , and walls covered with collages of pictures and words. Music is no doubt playing and lights flashing from one room , "Electric Bob 's," and the people are open and friendly. Students living in Arts Hall are involved in some way with the arts, whether painting , drama, music, photography , or poetry, and within the house itself, are facilities for their interests. Studios for painting and sculpture are now in operation, and the spacious lounges are ideal for social gatherings related to the arts. One feature of last semester was the gala and highly successful roast beef buffet , prepared for the visiting players of

Le Barbier de Seville. Because of a shared participation in creative endeavours, the residents of Arts Hall have developed into a close and intense group. The co-educational

Lynne Dee Sproule prepares notices for an Arts Hall meeting in her room in Addington Hall.

arrangement is also working out very well. As John Andrews , the house and program activities advisor, evplains: "We have a really nice co-ed , brother足 sister thing here." Other Arts Hall participants are just as enthusiastic about their residence. "I hate to come right out and say that this is the greatest place to live," states Martin Penner, "but it just is." A place like Arts Hall would not be suited to every personality, however. Other students, in fact, are just as enthusiastic about their own residences, each of which is unique. Even the older buildings, lacking the streamlined, contemporary design of the more recently built residences, are popular with their tenants. Like the newer residences, these buildings are equipped with the standard kitchenettes, lounges, colour TV rooms, studies, and laundry rooms. Mills and Johnston Halls, two of the oldest campus buildings may be described as traditional male residences. The men who choose to live within the solid stone, ivy-clad walls of these residences are fun-loving and sports-minded and partici足 pate actively in intramural sports. Games of hockey, handball, or basketball right in


the halls are also co mmon , although the men agree that the buildings weren't designed for such rough behavior. Many men choose an all-male residence because they feel that a co-educational situation would be inhibiting. With women around they wouldn't feel at ease with their sometimes rough behavior and language. Mac Hall , a women's residence, is another of the older and more traditional residences on campus. Originally the home of girls attending Macdonald Institute, it now houses 85 women enroled in a variety of courses. Because of its association with the Macdonald Institute, this residence has somehow retained the undoubtedly erroneous reputation of its early occupants. Women living in Mac have been noted for being quiet, subdued and prudish, but this issue would be disputed by any of Mac's present or former occupants. Mac girls enjoy their fair share of good times and crazy escapades. Another residence with a history is Watson Hall, the International House. Many people are unaware of its existence because it is a little building , tucked away between Lam bton and Addington Halls, right on the edge of a nearby golf course. Until this year Watson has been an all-female residence, except during the immediate post-war years when it was all-male, but now it is co足 educational and houses fifty students, mostly freshmen . Students living in Watson Hall agree that the living-style there is ideal. Life is lively and oftentimes noisy , but there is the warm family feeling among the residen ts which can only develop within a smaller group. For this reason, students have a certain respect for one another. As Cathy Armstrong , the house advisor for Watson Hall, points out, " People care." Still, there is plenty of activity , from water fight s to participation in the mini-golf course in the basement. Maids Hall is another of the older residence buildings. As its name might imply , however, Maids has not always been used for student housing. Originally, it was

a dorm for female housekee ping staff at OAC. Later it became a male student dorm , but has now returned to being a residence for females , housing 50 students. Life in Maids is full of fun and crazy "happenings." You needn 't be surprised to walk down a hallway, bestrewn with bodies and myriad stuffed animals, apparently "s leeping " to the strains of loud and mellow music . At the same time , there is a down-to-earth warmth shared by the group, which gives rise to quiet serious talks, and planned activities to help the new student become adjusted to a new way of life. Lennox and Addington Halls , first occupied in 1971 , are both co-educational, and house over 500 students. Although joined together by a ce ntral snack bar , lounges, TV rooms , mu sic rooms , studies and games rooms , the two Halls differ in structure and size. Addington is a 10-storey high-rise, shaped like a "V". Each floor is a house for 12 male and 12 female students; males live in one wing of the "V", and females in the other. Lennox is a low-rise built in a zig-zag fashion , where females live in a "zig, " and males i n a " zag." The life-styles of the two halls are similar. In any of the numerous lounges , one can almost always find a card game, party , or lively conversation in progress. The largest residences on the University of Guelph campus and, perhaps , the most renowned, are the South Residences, "Complex B." Some people cannot adjust to the preponderan c e of concrete and the endless twisting corridors of the Comple x, but for others it is a unique mode of living. John Godbolt, a Complex resident for three years, sums up the reaction of students to the residen ce. "You either love it or you hate it," he explains. For some , the Complex is an alienating grey monstrosity , but others, who brighten their walls with posters, can find the Complex an exc iting place to live. One attraction is the variety of living arrangements. There are singles and doubles, three-bedroom suites , and

apartments. In the Complex you can choose to be part of an active group , or live in solitude. Although eac h house has a dec idedly unique nature, the six halls which make up the Complex, have their own overall living styles. Simcoe is only for women; Russell is all male. Grey and Dufferin Halls are co-ed , and are therefore, a little more refined than the exclusively male or female halls. This year, Carleton Hall has decided to adopt an atmosphere conducive to study , with scheduled " quiet hours." Elgin Hall is working toward s the development of a matu re style of living , based on understanding and respect for individuality. Elgin and Carleton Halls are also co-educational. The new East Residences, the most popular spots on campus to live, pose the greatest challenge for students. Not only is it a novel living arrangement for a residence, but it also demands a high degree of co-operation among residents . Life in the three united East Residences , Dundas, Lanark, and the 12-storey Glengarry Halls , is apartment-style. One apartment suite houses from six to 12 males or females who share full living­ room, dining-room and kitc hen facilities. The decor is co ntemporary , with low, reclining couches , molded white plastic tables and chairs, adaptable, take-apart bedroom furniture, and deep broadloom on the floors. Because each apartment is a "home" for a group of students, it is especially important for residents to learn to live together. Arrangements mu st be worked out for coo king, c leaning , and the inevitable problem of noise. Shopping can be done in the common area , where there is a small grocery store, but students must decide whether they will share in the cost, or eat individually. Living in residence has something to offer for almost all students. For some it is a convenience, due to its facilities and its proximity to classes; for others it is attractive as a source of social activity. Freshmen value their experience in residence because it helps them adjust to their new life. Most students living

on campus agree that re sid ence life is a fundamental part of their university education . •

Residence room decor is left to the occupant, and many students even brighten up their doors, a good example being found in Arts Hall .




RESIDENT Winegard had both good news and bad news concerning the financial status of the University when he discussed the current situation with faculty members recently. On the good side, he was ab le to report that with enrolment above projections in the fall semester, the operating budget was in good shape. In contrast to this situation, the University's schedule for construction of much needed facilities has been slashed by the Province's freeze on capital construction grants. It appears that funds will continue to come forward for completion of three projects already under way, but no new ones will likely be approved for some time. The President noted that on aggregate in the province of Ontario, university enrolment in September, 1972, was up only about one per cent from the year previous, instead of the expected seven to eight per cent. The University of Guelph and the University of Waterloo were the only two to exceed their enrolment projections in the fall semester. At Guelph, however, this was tempered somewhat by a lower than expected enrolment in the spring semester, 1972. Enrolment at Guelph in September was not up to the expected level in every program , but extra students in some science programs balanced any shortfall that occurred in other areas. The University's acknow ledged competence in various disciplines within biological sciences, as well as its professionally-oriented programs in agriculture , engineering, family and consumer studies , landscape architecture and veterinary science helped the University surpass enro lment projections. "We are anticipating an increase in enrolment for 1973-74 in most programs," the President stated, "but balancing the budget will not be easy even if this is the case. "With an increase of 3.4 per cent in the Basic Income Unit grant per student for next year, the budget committee faces a difficult task in the face of steadily increasing costs in all areas . "Even if we fall short of our target enrolment, we will not for financial reasons let people go who have probationary or non-ten ured appoi ntments. Budget cuts,

Financial status P of the University


if they have to be made next year , will be made through a cut-back in part-time staff, through not filling vacant positions , and in other expenses ," the President stated. He also noted that the University has been able to carry forward some reserve funds for emergency, and these could be called on to help meet any unexpected deficit. Three capital projects are now under way , and it is expected that all three will proceed on schedule. The Laboratory Animal building located in the area behind the Food Science building and the Ontario Veterinary College, and expected to cost 2.4 million dollars , is nearing the end of the exterior phase

Alumni poll

• •

HE University needs the buildings , and needs them now, President Winegard told the Guelph Alumnus in discussing the effects of the recent change in government policy on capital construction. "The budget freeze has pretty well demolished our building plans over the next two or three years," he said. "It wasn't a very businesslike approach ," says Neil Darrach , OAC '42, executive vice -president , Continental Can Company of Canada Ltd ., Toronto. "I think the government's timing was pretty bad. Once it had committed itself and the universities had laid plans , then the government should have seen to it that it followed through." The half dozen major projects put off by the cancellation of capital grants would have helped "balance" the University's facilities with its current needs. "For example," Dr. Winegard pointed out , " in Biology , space is becoming critically short; we know we need more recreational space ; and within a year or two, space will be critical in the College of Family and Consumer Studies." Mr. Darrach regrets that if Guelph is unable to cope with the demand for enrolment because of shortage of space , then students will go elsewhere, and the momentum of the University will suffer.


of construction. The 10.1 million dollar University Centre has been under construction since early fall , with the footings and part of the foundation completed and tenders in for the second phase of construction. Located in the area between Horticultural Science and Land Resource Science, the University Centre will accommodate many student activities, as well as providing facilities for faculty, alumni, and the University's administrative offices. It is expected that it will be completed during 1974. The extension of the Physical Education building to provide facilities for the Department of Human Kinetics is also

under way. It is expected to cost about 2.5 million dollars and to be completed by September, 1973. The University is also proceeding with plans for the Pathology building for the Ontario Veterinary College. The enrolment of freshmen at OVC was increased to 120 in September, 1972 (from the 80 that have been accepted in recent years) in response to pressure for increased numbers of veterinary graduates to meet Canada's needs. More than a half dozen other major construction and renova tion projects on campus have been delayed by the cut-back in government financing of capital projects. "We will keep some internal

planning going on these projects in order to be able to proceed as quickly as possible when money becomes available," President Winegard pointed out. Projects which have been delayed, and which the UniverSity had expected to proceed with in the near future, include : central services building, veterinary field station , addition to Macdonald Institute for the College of Fam ily and Consumer Studies, Biological Science and Social Science buildings , the new rink and major renovation to the Physical Education building. It is estimated that the total cost of the projects delayed by the freeze would have been 18 million dollars. 0

30vernment should honour earned entitlement In addition , the uncertainty surrounding the whole capital picture makes long range planning very difficult , the President stated. He noted that the universities of the province do not know how long the fre eze may continue, nor what the method of financing is going to be when it is removed; they do not know whether funds will be provided for cyclical renewal of older buildings; in fact , there is very little about the future financing of universities that administrators know today. "We believe that the government has the right and the responsibility," says Dr. Winegard , "to say that at the end of any period they will discontinue any specific funding formula. But we don't think it is fair to say, 'we are changing thing s, and we are changing them retroactive ly' . " If Guelph were to receive capital funds in accordance with the financing formula based on student enrolment and space entitlement earned to the date of the freeze, we would receive approximately $20 million. We're going to receive considerably less than that. We feel that the government contracted with us to provide facilities for a certan number of students. The government is now saying, in effect, that it is not prepared to live up to that contract. Freezing capital funds for those

universities that do have an earned entitlement is just not fair." The Guelph Alumnus also polled a cross section 01 alumni. Here are a few of the comments received: "Such an across the board policy does not fall fairly on ev ery university, and there should be some means of determining compensating exceptions," says Dave Adams, OAC '49 , secretary­ treasurer of the Meat Packers Council of Canada. "I can agree with the government's desire to reorder occasionally its priorities, but I think the government should also live up to its commitments. "Guelph has tried to handle its building program in a very careful and responsible way and in doing this the University has been hurt," says Mr. Adams who is a member of the Board of Governors. "If we had been a little more irresponsible and rattled in quickly for new buildings we probably would have received approval for them and wouldn't have been hurt by this budget freeze," he says. "We still have, and are going to have , a tremendous need for sc ientists trained to care for our environment ," says John Moles, OAC '36, general manager of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Mr. Moles points out that he can understand pressure within the legislature,

and elsewhere, to cut back on the total amount of money going to universities, particularly in view of the fact that some programs at some universities have not attracted their expected quota of students. "But the government has not differentiated between a science-oriented university like Guelph , and some others that are not so specialized," this alumni representative on Senate notes. "T here is sincere reg ret on my part that the capital budget has been cut back , and in particular in the manner that it was done," says Larry Gouge , Well ' 69, President of the Arts and Science Alumni Association. "It's tough to have the ground rules changed right underneath your feet." "I have enough confidence in the administration to believe that we 'll come out of it better than most universities ," says Gordon Nixon, OAC '37, director of marketing for Lightening Fasteners , Ltd., St. Catharines, and a past-president of the University of Guelph Alumni Association. "I think Dr. Winegard is correct when he says the government has a moral responsibility to complete those buildings halted by the budget freeze , because Guelph's approach to building is more sound and based on better facts than some of the requests which the government receives." • EC




at Guelph

50th year of "Blood and Gore"*


Above, ave's Toronto Dissecting Room

as housed in the original building in Toronto. On next page, an ave class poses before carrying on with the dismemberment of laboratory specimen . ave founder Andrew Smith is seen at far right, standing.

:)(: From an old College yell : "Live horse, dead horse, sick horse, stiff, Cut 'em up , rip 'em up, what's the diff, Humorous, tumorous, blood and gore, O.V.C. forever more. "


OMING , Dr. A. B. McCapes," proclaims the small 8" by 10" poster, who, as testimony to his skills as a veterinary surgeon, had to his credit "1,400 ridgling horses castrated in 25 years with a loss of 10 only." In a nearby display case rest the medals awarded the late Dr. Francis Schofield, OVC '10, by Korea where he is considered to be the 34th Korean patriot for his support in 1919 in assisting the Korean people to oust the ruling Japanese government. And tacked on display boards are several pictures of eager OVC students gathered about heavy, wooden tables on which rest equine cadavers in various stages of dismemberment. All are treasured mementos of the Ontario Veterinary College's history, gathered in a major display in McLaughlin Library to celebrate OVC's 50th anniversary on the Guelph campus. The month-long showing of OVC mem o rabilia was opened in early De ce mber by Dr. H. M. LeGard , OVC '23, who was a member of the first class to graduate at the Guelph campus. The exhibit, arranged by the College 's cultural affairs committee, included: • Early OVC diplomas, collected by Dr. C. A. Mitche", OVC '14, who donated them to the Publi c Archives of Canada which loaned them for the display; • The original registration fee book used by Andrew Smith , who owned the College as a private enterprise from the time of its founding by private charter from the Upper Canada Board of Agriculture in 1862 until his retirement in 1908; • Twenty-five hand-forged inst ruments , some of which belonged to the late Dr. W. J. R. Fowler, a faculty member for 55 years , who could according to legend perform a "roaring" operation while a class was seating itself; • And numerous references to OVC's

growth - newspaper clippings, photo­ graphs , alumni records, and painting s ­ collected and donated by faculty , students, and alumni. When OVC was about to move here from Toronto 50 years ago, skeptic s prophesied that the faculty and student body would quit en masse rather than come to Guelph. In spite of what Principal C. D. McG ilvray described at the time as " grinding and gnashing of teeth in Toront o", all of the students and most of the staff did in fact come to Guelph. OVC' s move to Guelph from Tor onto on December 12, 1922, reflected a basic change in the social life of the country from a horse-oriented era to the mechanized society of today. Before and during the First World War, veterinary medicine in Can ada had a single, unified centre of interest in the horse. After the war the country became inc reas ingly urbanized, and as cars replaced horses and people moved to the city , the demand for the products of food-p roducing animals inc rea sed. Obv ious as this is now, it was not obvious to many men immediately following the First World War. However , the late Dr. McGilvray realized the direction of change which made the teaching of veterinary medicine in the middle of a large city like Toronto, far from clinical material, increasingly difficult. His constant pressure on the government was a large factor In the Department of Agriculture's decision to make the move in 1922. Dr. McGilvray thought that the location on Highway 6, then Brock Road, across from the Ontario Agricultural College , would allow for co-operation between the two colleges, but prevent the veterinary college's being considered an appendage to the Agricultural College. The 50 years since the cold December day when Dr. McGilvray made his "grindi ng and gnashing of teeth " speech at the

official opening have brought changes that even a man of his foresight could not have envisaged. Under the direction of Dr. A. L. MacNabb (1945-52), and Dr. T. L. Jones (1952-68), and the present Dean, Dr. D. G. Howell, the college has grown and expanded into an active student training and research centre arranged around four areas, biomedical sciences, clinical studies, pathology, and veterinary microbiology and immunology. In addition to the buildings on campus, the college operates a 350-acre field station in Puslinch Township and an ambulatory clinic which serves local farmers and at the same time gives final year students experience in treatment and diagnosis. The once horse-centred veterinary training centre now has facilities for the treatment of large and small animals, fur bearing animals , avian pathology, and wildlife diseases. In 1964, OVC severed its affiliation with the University of Toronto and became a part of the University of Guelph.

Entrance requirements In 1862, OVC graduates completed a six-week course of anatomy, diseases and breeding lines of stock. A few years

later Andrew Smith made available a two-year degree course. These courses , which required few entrance requirements, were very popular in a rural society, and by the 1890s enrolment reached 400. However, by the time the college moved to Guelph, entrance requirements had been raised to matriculation , and the course lengthened to four years. During the 1920s, a period of rural depression, the enrolment dropped to an all time low, although by the late thirties the total en rolment was up to 234. Present high entrance requirements and a six-year course (including two years preveterinary studies) necessitated keeping the first-year enrolment at 80 until this year when it was raised to 120, making a total of approximately 360 undergraduate students at the college. Today's veterinary students do not lack spirit, but they seem to keep it under somewhat better control than some of their predecessors. Principal Smith was so plagued by pranksters that it has been suggested his motto was a reflection of his undergraduates' frequent run-ins with Toronto police. The motto "Civilitas Successit Barbarum", roughly translates as "civilization has followed upon barbarism" - roughly because it is rather

shoddy Latin. The motto was changed in 1954 to "Opus Veterinum Civibus," an acrostic of the college's name which translates as "the craft of the veterinarian is for the good of the nation." Dr. E. A. A Grange, principal from 1908-1918 also had his share of pranksters. On one occasion students lassoed a pedestrian, lifted him to the second floor and laid him out for dissection. When the hapless "specimen" escaped , he was quickly recaptured and locked up in one of the horse ambulances until lectures were over. Other pedestrians picked their way among half dissected limbs of horses which students dangled onto University Avenue from their second floor anatomy laboratory. The First World War cut short many studies when a veterinary corps of 200 was formed to look after the cavalry animals. The end of the war in which horses were so important was also the end of the great era of the horse. With that change, came the changes in the country that necessitated the move of Canada's only English speaking veterinary college to Guelph, beginning the past 50 years of change and advance in veterinary medicine in Canada. •


Four who aren't selling insurance Or, my son, the potter

Du rin g Dave Nowell's three years on the Guelph campus, he heard a great many speeches. One of the speakers - Dave has since forgotten whom - ventured a prediction about the future of his audience. "Within a few years," he said, "half of you will be selling life insurance, and the other half will be buying it." On the following pages, we present four former students, none of whom is selling insurance - a fairly lucrative profession, according to the young alumni insurance agents we talked to while researc hin g these articles. But if one thought seems to unite our featured al umn i, it's this: money isn't everything. Th at's why the air traffic control trainee looked for a challenging job; why the potter worked night and day for two years to establish himself and his wife in a peaceful environment they could enjoy; and why the designer still lives in the back of his office. Al l have followed personal interests rather than academic backgro und in establishing themselves, although some regret havin g had to file away for future reference their university training, taken to ful fil earlier career ambitio ns. Bu t all are happy and satisfied, as they reveal on the follow in g pages. 0 DAB


Dave Nowell

HE GREY brick duplex at 112 Woolwich St., Guelph , serves as both head office and home for Dave Nowell, 26, chairman of the board, proprietor, and head custodian of PDC Typesetting and Design. Dave , BA '72 (Sociology) set up the business nearly a year ago , and now is enjoying modest success , enough to encourage him to stick with it until "I pay off my student loans , a few other loans, and buy a few things that I've wanted for a while." PDC ' s head office is the front room of Dave's three-room, main-floor apartment and assets total one large wooden table covered with work requests and tools of the trade , and tucked in a corner, one complicated looking type足 setting machine the approximate size of a typewriter. Although requests for design work 足 Dave's first love - come in slower than orders for typesetting , he doesn't mind setting type for hours at a stretch since home is only a few steps to the rear from his office. Being your own boss is a pretty good deal , Dave admits, especially if you want to take an afternoon nap. As a typesetter/designer, Dave represents a printing industry middleman few persons realize even exists . "There are tons of printers around, but very few typesetting specialists," explains Dave, "and most printers have tens of thousands of dollars invested in their presses. Naturally, they prefer to keep these presses running and so will job out typesetting and design to other allied businesses such as mine. " Few people realize this. To the average citizen it seems that if he wants something printed , he just takes it to a printer and it magically gets done. Unfortunately for me, too few people are aware of the various steps involved in the printing business, and that's the only major problem I've had to date; I can't deal directly with as many people as I'd like to because so many people aren't aware of what I do." What Dave does is take the written material of a job request, and using his typesetting typewriter, which he has nicknamed "Clark ," selects a typeface and style, and sets the type which a printer


can then photograph and print as many copies as requested. Assuming Dave lands a total package deal, he may also design a pamphlet , brochure, or other mailing piece prior to setting the type and passing everything along to a printer. Design, Dave says regretfully, is still a lUxury item to many people so most of his business hours are spent setting type or supervising students he hires for assistance. Students prove most helpful since they are free to come in evenings and on weekends, standard business hours for PDC Typesetting and Design whenever Dave takes being boss seriously enough to take a few days off in mid-week. Like many young graduates now involved in careers which appear totally foreign to their academic training , Dave developed his interest in typesetting and design while an undergraduate. As a freshman, Dave

discovered Impact, a student organization that sponsored dances, concerts, and all-night movies, and his design talents were quickly put to use creating posters and other advertising materials. Impact officials then decided to publish a magazine called Seer, later renamed Dream, which Dave edited for most of the magazine's three-year lifetime. (Dream recently folded due to an increase in printing costs.) Once PDC (P stands for Peter - a close friend - 0 for David , and C for Clark, the machine) is firmly established, Dave hopes to spend some time writin g , a talent he developed while editing Dream. 0


Bonnie Jean Miller


LTHOUGH she loves flying , Bonnie Jean Miller, BA '72 (Geography) has yet to try for her pilot's license which may raise a few eyebrows since she's an air traffic control trainee, one of 1,700 men and women who have the immense responsibility of keeping Canadian air routes free of traffic jams that can have disastrous consequences. Presently based at Toronto Island Airport, Bonnie Jean or "BJ," as she was known while an undergraduate at Guelph , and eight other air traffic controllers handle the movements of up to 800 arrivals and departures a day. As a trainee , BJ has about two years of learning on the job and course work to digest before she can apply for her air traffic controller's license. Until then , she will be working on her supervisor's license (a licensed air traffic controller is in the tower at all times) a delicate situation for all concerned for if she were to make an error, the experienced controller is considered to be equally at fault. It can be a tense way to earn a living at times , with tension mounting as air traffic volume, weather conditions, and sundry problems complicate traffic flow . But these varying conditions are what appeal to BJ. "It's a job that will never be redundant," she says. "An air traffic controller faces daily continual variation in his job; it's that unique a profession." Her interest in air traffic control was sparked by a relative who served as a controller during World War Two. BJ first applied for an ATC position upon graduation from high school, but later enrolled at Guelph , delaying her plans until this past summer when she re-applied and was accepted. She was one of 15 trainees chosen from an estimated 850 applicants. Not possessing her pilot's license presents few problems and really isn't a prerequisite for competent performance, although some people may think air traffic controllers should have some flying experience if they are to deal with emergency situations in the ai r. "An increasing number of people entering air traffic control do not have much personal experience with flying," BJ says, "although possessing your pilot's


license can be a decided asset." An "interested pleasure flyer" with the University 's flying club while at Guelph, BJ hopes to get her pilot's license within the next few years. The island airport provides a hectic setting for any rookie controller: student pilots associated with one of the numerous flying schools based on the island comprise 50 per cent of the traffic; the airport is within the operational sphere of Toronto International; and the many business executives and hobby pilots in the Toronto area add considerably to the mountains of paperwork involved, logging flight numbers, taping conversations, and recording who landed in what or took off for where. As a trainee, BJ presently acts as ground controller, responsible for all aircraft movements to and from hangars, runways, and other surface areas. Only her licensed supervisor can control traffic patterns in the air. She particularly enjoys working with

student pilots since she has a psychological edge in knowing they ' re inexperienced and unaware of her rookie status. But she is as careful and methodical as the inexperienced pilots who as yet lack the confidence in their ability that accomplished pros have developed. "It's very important that the air traffic controller sound cool, calm, and collected at all times ," BJ says. "It's part of the job to be unflappable." Following her training at the island and course work she has already ,taken at Toronto International Airport's Transport Centre , BJ will take a five-month course in Ottawa which she describes as "The Course " for air traffic controllers. After graduating from that, she will again head for one of the smaller airports for additional experience, and within two years be eligible to write exams , qualifying her as a licensed controller for the "big time " such as a position at Toronto International. D

Ross and Alexandra Long ul


OSS LONGUL, BA '70 (Fine Art), a painter whose talent is very much enjoyed by those familiar with his work, is looking forward to the day when he can afford to paint for a livelihood. "You can't paint for a living and be sure of always being able to pay the rent," Ross says. But to the casual observer, Ross may never have the chance. He and his wife, Alexandra , BA '70 (Sociology) are currently successful potters, working out of their one-room schoolhouse in Wallbridge, Ontario, five miles northwest of Belleville. Once the pottery business is fully established , Ross hopes to open a small woodworking shop - an offshoot of his and Alexandra's penchant for collecting pre-confederation furniture - and a photography studio, as well as dabbling in weaving and silk-screening. And since five businesses under one roof will prove somewhat congesting , Ross and Alexandra will soon be looking for another house to live in , converting the schoolhouse to accommodate their crafts. A skeptic might suggest the only painting Ross will be doing will be walls , cei lings , and eavestroug hs. But paint he will, insists Ross, and to avoid "tainting" his art with whatever success he'll enjoy as a potter-woodworker­ photographer-silk-screener, Ross and Alexandra have named the pottery business Milne (Alexandra's middle name) Studios, and not Longuls ' fine clay works. "I have this crazy thing about my painting - which I should be doing now, but will get to eventuallY ," says Ross. "My painting is much more important to me than pottery, and if people get to know me primarily as a potter, well, they might say I can't paint or won ' t take my painting seriously . So I'd rather sign 'Longul' to my paintings than to my pottery . " After graduating from university and completing art courses started before enroling at Guelph, Ross accepted a te aching position in Thunder Bay, Ont. His and Alexandra's interest in pottery then began as Ross discovered a potter's wheel in his classroom . Having had only minimal experience with pottery while in art college, Ross felt he'd better acquaint himself with the

tools of the trade since pottery would be part of the art course he'd be teaching. It was a messy , self-taught apprentice­ ship. Ross explains: "When you first start working with the wheel , the clay is controlling you ; it's going allover the place and you. What you must do is learn to control the clay and make it do what you want it to. Once you get to that stage you can do anything you want. It's really a satisfying experience." While teaching, Ross worked evenings and weekends , stockpiling vases , mugs, ashtrays , plates, bowls, and his line of Canadian animals - some of which serve as vases for dried flowers - in preparation for regular selling trips , covering 1,000 miles through North Bay, Sudbury, an d Toronto. By last June, business was good enough that Ross could give up teaching and afford to establish Milne Studios in their Wallbridge schoolhouse. The lucrative Toronto market was now only a mere 120 miles away, and home was a quiet,

rural Ontario village which offers Ross the peaceful environment he prefers to work in . But being a country potter isn't necessarily 100 per cent bliss. After moving to Wallbridge during the Ontario Hydro strike, Ross and Alexandra had several orders to fill , but could not convince Hydro officials to connect them. A neighbour eventually offered them his basement - with access through an outside door - in which they could run their kilns. After firing up the kilns one night, Ross was about to return to the basement to shut them off before they over-heated and self-destructed , when a skunk blocked his path . "He stayed there for about 10 minutes," recalls Ross , "and all the time I was going crazy, wondering what was happening to my kilns." The skunk finally meandered away, and Ross saved his kilns , which may explain, in part, why Ross has yet to add a skunk to his collection of clay animals . •


Campus Highlights Campus space critical, President warns CUA Within the near future. the University of Guelph will be in desperate straits for space if some rela xa tion of the recently announced capital budget freeze isn 't permitted. President W. C. Winegard has warned in the University's annual brief to the Committee on University Affairs. Addressing CUA in Toronto in late December, Dr. Winegard made a plea for support of CUA in preventing Guelph's well laid pla ns from havi ng to be discarded. Specifically. the president asked CUA to support the Uni ve rsity's request to the government for a reassessment of the capital freeze as it applies to Guelph. He pointed out that Guelph was not only alread y behind on its earned space entitlement for current student enrolment , but that contrary to most universi ties Guelph was still growing. This meant, he said, that

space would soon be critical on the campus. President Winegard also asked for CUA support of Guelph's request to government that any c hanges in formula funding for operations be instituted gradually so as not to interiere with a university's plans already under way. For insta nce, he said. to in stitute immediately the proposal of providing operating grants on a "slipped" yea r basis rather for the current yea r as now, could lower operating grants to Guelph in 1973-74 by as much as $1.8 million. He went on to say that Guelph would have to protest strongly such a proposed change unless a s pecial allowance for growth was inc luded.

Orientation ca pped off registration week with Pre sident Winegard meeting students in Lennox-Addington cafeteria. He recommended the university's aims and objectives report to freshmen , and asked students to " let us know if we ' re not keeping to our published aims and objectives. " As mo st of the freshman students are registered in the arts and soc ial science programs, Dr. Winegard reminded them of the many choi ces in these programs and also advised them to approach faculty with their problems. "We try to overcome student problems and provide student services ," the president said, "but approach us if you see need s for change"

University meets registration projection

OAC Awards Night presentations total $20,000

Regi strar Arnold Holmes, OAC '62 reports that the University's enrolment figures for the winter semester are right on target with enrolment projections. Total enrolment is 8,150: Of the se 340 are part-time undergraduates; freshmen number 200; and graduate students total 596.

Awards amounting to over $20,000 were presented during the 1972 OAC Awards Night ceremony. Marius Marsh, Burlington, was one of the top award winners of entrance scholarships, receiving the Allied Farm Services Scholarship for a student entering the Bachelor of Science (Agr .) program

In Memoriam: George A. Drew The University of Guelph' s first c hancell or, the Honorable George A. Drew is dead at the age of 78. He died January 4 in Toronto after a lengthy illness that co nfined him to hospital in mid-November. In conveying the University's sym pathie s to Mrs. Drew , President Winegard stat ed: " We are gratefu I for the six yea rs of outstanding se rv ice he gave the University of Guelph in what has been referred to as his fourth career, that of being our first Chancellor. " Colonel Drew was installed as Chan ce llor of the Uni ve rsity at its first convocation in May , 1965. He was re足 elected for a second term in 1968 and served until his retirement on June 30 , 1971. At that time he was succeeded by the Hon. Mr. Justice Emmett M. Hall, who on hearing of Col. Drew's death stated , "He was a very good, personal friend and we will miss him. We regret the death of this important Canadian." Col. Drew , born in Guelph in 1894, started as an alderman in his home town after graduating as a lawyer from Osg oode Hall. He had returned from Wo rld War I a colonel , twice wounded. At 31, he was mayo r, the you ngest in Guelph history. He was ma ste r of the Supreme Court of Ontario from 1928 to 1931 and the


first c hairman on the Ontario Securities Commissi on from 1931 to 1934. In 1938, in his second try for leadership of the Progressive Conservative party , he was successful. and after winning a by-election in 1939 . sat in Queen 's Park as leader of the Opposition. In office, Col. Dre w initiated Ontario's spiralling education expansion , increasing provincial support; he also reorganized Ontario hydro, changing to 60-cycle from 25-cycle. When Federal Conservative Leader John Bracken announced in July , 1948, that he was retiring , Col. Drew ran for and easily won the national leadership convention in Ottawa in the fall, defeating Donald Fleming , member for Toronto足 Eglinton , and John Diefenbaker, then member for Lake Centre, on the first ballot. In 1956, Col. Drew resigned due to illness, and the fol lowing yea r was app oi nted high commissioner to London by the newly-elected Prime Mini ster John Diefenbaker. He became chancellor of the Un iversity of Guelph during an era of violence, demonstrations and sit-ins, but never hesitated to state his opposition to campus disruptions even though there had been no sign of student unrest at Guelph.

The late Col. Drew an d Mrs . Drew at May Convocation, 1971.

Arctic wind testing equipment being developed at Guelph

Gordon Nixon, OAC '37, chairman of the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation , presents three of

the 10 entrance scholarships to, from left, Jennifer Thompson, Sudbury; Marius Marsh,

Burlington; and John Parkinson , Guelph. Mr. Marsh also won the Allied Farm

Services Scholarship.

who attained the highest academ ic standing upon admission to the program , as well as one of the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation Entrance Scholarships for students who obtain a minimum of 75 per cent general average in six Grade XIII credits in one year. The Governor General's Medal for a student who has completed the first four semesters at OAC and who has ranked highest in general proficiency in the degree program was won by Ian Dohoo, Ottawa.

At a dinner for the donors, Dean C. M. Switzer, OAC '51, outlined progress at OAC during the past year. "Freshmen enrolment was up by 10 per cent this year bring ing the number of freshmen to 228 and the total OAC enrolment up to 1700," the dean said. "Reasons for students entering OAC include the fact that OAC graduates are getting jobs. OAC graduates are a good public relations group," the Dean said, regarding the increase in OAC enrolment.

We all know it's windy in Guelph in the wintertime , but this year we'll know just how windy. Professor G. W. Thurtell , OAC '57, of the Dept. of Land Resource Science, is developing an extremely sensitive pressure-sphere anemometer which will be tested in Guelph this winter. An ordinary anemometer provides the observer with an overall average of the wind speed and direction. Professor Thurtell has received a grant of $23,000 from the National Science Foundation for this work, which he is carrying out as part of the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment. AIDJEX is based at the University of Washington in Seattle , and does most of its Arctic fieldwork in the Beaufort Sea area, north of the Mackenzie Delta. Professor Thurtell expects that after preliminary testing in Guelph , he, too, will have to conduct final testing in the Arctic. Professor Thurtell 's pressure-sphere anemometer can take a hundred samples every second, not only of wind speed and direction but also of turbulent up-and-

Alumni elections to Senate

Use form overleaf for nom inations, and return prior to March 16, 1973.

It is again time to call for nominations to fill alumni seats on the Senate of the University of Guelph. Each year, the three-year terms of office of three of the nine alumni senators expire. Retiring August 31, 1973 are Dr. G. C. Fisher, OVC '44, Dr. W. H. Minshall, OAC '33, and Mrs. D. M. (Marilyn Inglis) Robinson, Mac '55. J. E. Moles, OAC '36, Dr. D. C. MacKay, OVC '50, and P. D. Ferguson, Well '67, will sit on Senate until August 31, 1974. The terms of office of Dr. M. A. Chernesky, OAC '65, Dr. R. A. Green , OVC '51 , and Miss Frances Hucks, Mac '26, expire August 31, 1975. The above incumbents should not be renominated. All alumni who have graduated from the University of Guelph or its founding colleges are eligible to nominate and to vote in the election of alumni members to Senate.

Since the Senate meets at least once a month from September to June, the position of alumni senator is a working position, not an honorary one. Accordingly, senate regulations stipulate that nominees must be graduates ordinarily resident in Ontario to be eligible to be elected. Moreover, nominees must not be registered for a degree or diploma at this University, nor be a member of the teaching or administrative staff of this University, as these groups are otherwise represented. The form overleaf must be signed by three graduates as nominators and may be used to nominate up to three candidates. To be accepted, this form must be re足 turned duly completed by March 16, 1973. Nominations in envelopes postmarked on or before this deadline date will be accepted if received at Alumni House by March 22 , 1973.


From left, Ball, Bennett and Brock.

down and side-to-side movements of the air. The visible part of the instrument is extremely simple: it consists of a small sphere of acrylic or other plastic material with a regular array of cylindrical holes bored into it. The vital parts of the equipment are transducers which convert the pressure impulse into electrical signals . These pressure transducers must be extremely sensitive and fast-acting, and also sturdy enough to withstand Arctic conditions. The primary pu rpose of the instrument is to measure turbulent transport in the air immediately above the ice surface. The transport of the wind's momentum is of great importance in the study of ice dynamics. The forces that wind exerts on the ice may seem small in terms of pressure per unit area, but when applied to an ice-field hund reds of square miles in extent, they produce stresses and deformations which can have a critical effect on the break-up of the ice. The instrument will not be limited to use in the Arctic. A detailed knowledge of the air movements above the land surface is important in the study of many problems - heat loss, evaporation from the soil surface. and pollution control are three important examples.

Alumni News Dr. A. Gordon Ball, OAC ' 49, will become Associate Dean of the Ontario Agricultu ral College, on March 1, 1973, President W. C. Winegard has announced . Born and raised near Kemptville in eastern Ontario, he has spent most of his academic career at Iowa State University, where he is cu rrently Professor and coordinator of research in the Department of Economics. When he takes up his new appointment at Guelph , Professor Ball will be responsible for coordinating research and agricultural services within OAC as well as reviewing research and service priorities within the College. He will also integrate post-graduate educational programs with research programs in OAC. In addition, he will share administrative duties at OAC with Dean C . M. Switzer, OAC '51. From 1960 to 1961 Dr. Ball served as head of the Department of Agricultural Econom ics, University of Alberta, after organizing and setting up the new department there. During the same period he also served as director of the Farm

Economics Branch of the Alberta Department of Agriculture. Professor Ball received a PhD in agricultural economics from Iowa State University in 1954. He has taught at Iowa State since 1949, with the exception of the period when he was at the University of Alberta . He is a veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and taught elementary and secondary school in Ontario prior to enlisting.

R. Gordon Bennett, OAC '43, has been elected president of the Canadian Hall of Fame Association. Mr. Bennett, assistant deputy minister in the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food , is immediate past-pres ide nt of the O.A.C. Alumni Association , and has served as a director on the University of Guelph Alumni Association.

William T. Brock, OAC '58, has been named vice-president and general manager / Far East of the Toronto-Dominion Bank in Singapore. Mr. Brock joined the bank in 1963 as supervisor, Agricultural Department, and has held several managerial positions prior to his recent appointment.

Nomination Form We nominate the following graduate(s) , ordinarily resident in Ontario, for election to Senate for the three-year term commencing Sept. 1, 1973: NAME OF NOMINEE(S) (Please print)




NOMINATORS' NAMES (Please print)










Mail to: Th e Secretary, University of Guelph Alu mni Association, Alumni House, University of Gu elph, GUELPH, Ontari o 18


.. Clockwise from top left:

Mitges, McBride,

Milne, and Willoughby.

Portraits: Carroll (left)' and Reek. Duncan Campbell, OAC '58, has been appointed vice-p resident of The Mercantile Bank of Canada with responsibility for the bank's operations throughout Ontario. Named a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers in 1960, Mr. Campbell joined the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce upon graduation and held several posts including manager, main branch, in Winnipeg. He joined The Mercantile Bank of Canada in 1971 as regional general manager, the post he held until his recent appointment.

Two Canadian agriculturists, graduates of the Ontario Agricultural College, were honoured posthumously November 12, 1972, at a meeting of the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame in Toronto . Jack Carroll, OAC '14, and Dr. William Reek, OAC '10, were enshrined as members of the Hall of Fame for their outstanding contributions to Canadian agriculture. Mr. Carro ll (1889-1969). a native of Elgin County and a past-p re sident of the OA C. Alumni Association (1926), vigorously promoted the value of alfa lfa , its pro duction for forage and seed, and he worked tirelessly to improve and ex pand plowing matches, eventually becoming the first president of the World Plowman's Association. He served the On tario Department of Agriculture in many ca pacities, including that of assistant deputy minister. He was active in the affairs of many community organizations in Brampton , including the Hospi tal Board , the Planning Board and the Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Reek (1882-1968) served Canadian





agriculture both at home and abroad. He held positions as assistant agent general for Ontario in London , England , deputy minister of agriculture for New Brunswick, Assistant Li ve Stock Commissioner for Canada, and assistant professor of Animal Husbandry at the OAC. He was the first superintendent of the Western Ontario Experimental Farm, Ridgetown, established in 1922. He became deputy minister of ag riculture for Ontario in 1937, acting president of the Ontario Agricultural Colleg e in 1945, and President in 1947. Dr. Reek was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 1946 , and received honorary degrees from the University of Western Ontario and the University of Guelph. The Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Associ ation was organized in 1961 , to give recog nition to and to perpetuate the memories of persons who have made outstanding contributions to Canada's basic industry.

Four of six Ontario-based alumni were successful in their bids for a seat in the House of Co mmons during t he recent federal election. Harold Danforth, OAC '39, Dr. Maurice Foster, OVC '57, Alfred Hales, OAC '34, and Dr. Gus Mitges, OVC '42, were elected to sit in Canada's 29th parliament . Mr. Danfo rth , Mr. Hales, and Dr. Foster were incumbents, retaining their seats and totaling 34 years of parliamentary experience. Murray McBride, OAC '57, and Ross Milne, OAC '55, were defeated, both running strong seconds to the winner in their respective ridings . Mr. Danforth (PC - Ken t-Essex) is a 14-year veteran of the Ho use, and has been federal caucus ch airman, opposition c rit ic on Industry, Trade, an d C ommerce, and on Agriculture. He has also served as Canadian representative to NATO and the UN. Dr. Foster (L - Algoma) was chairman of the standing commi ttee on ve tera ns' affairs an d was a mem ber of several other sta nding committees. He also represented Canada at the Inter足 parliam en tary Conference in New Delhi (1969) an d at the United Nations Sessions (1971 ). A 16-year-ve teran of the House, Mr. Hales (pC - Wellington) has been c hair足 man of the public accounts committee since 1961 , and has been a member of several standi ng c ommittees and Canadian delegations to international meetings and conferences. Dr. Mitges (PC - Grey-Simcoe), an Owen Sound veterinarian, is a freshman membe r of parliame nt. Mr. McBride (former L - Lanark足

I~ Renfrew-Carleton) served in the House for

4V3 years, sitting as a member of several standing committees and serving on many Canadian delegations to international meetings. Mr. Milne, marketing manager for Ontario Hydro , ran in Peel-Dufferin-Simcoe, representing the Liberal party.

Bert E. Willoughby, OAC '41 , has been elected presiden t of the Canad ian Chapter of the International Real Estate Federation. In his inaugural address to the membership, Mr. Willoughby pledged his term of presidency to the development of the role realtors can play in improving and protecting the environment through th e facilities of the Federation. Mr. Willoughby, president of Gibson Willoughby Ltd .. To ronto, is a membe r and past-president of several realt or associations.

Bates (left) and Webster. David Webster, BA '71 (English) has been named Alu mni Office r and Editor/ Guelph Alumnus, succeed ing Dave Bates, OAC '69. Mr. Webster, 31, fo rm erly a reporter with the Sh erbrooke Daily Record and the Ca nadian Press, is pres ently a part-ti me writer with the ca mpus Dep artment of Inform atio n while he completes his Master's in English. Mr. Bates, 27, editor of the Guelph Alumnus since Ja nuary, 1971, has accepted an edito rial position w ith the Country Guide in Winnipeg.


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Coming Events






The students of the University of Guelph invite you to enjoy

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Ma rch 2

College Royal Ball

March 3

Judging Competition

March 9

Dog Show

March 10

Grand Show Day and Open Houses

March 10

Arts and Sciences Alumni Association Meeting

March 11

Open House across Campus

March 16-17

OAC Alumni Bonspiel

March 29 to April 9

Alumni Tou r to Spain

April 28 to May 13

Guelph Sp ring Festival

May 5

Green Thumb Day

May 11-12

Mac-FACS Alumn i Association Annual Seminar

June 23

O.A.C.l Mac-FACS Alumni Weekend

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