ALUMNUS Summer 1978
Volume 11, Number 3
UNIVERSITY 0.' GUELPH AL M I ASSOCIATIO HONORARY PRESID ENT Professor Donald F. Forster PRESIDENT: Olive (Thompso n) Tho mpso n, Mac ' 35 PAST PRES lD NT: Dr. Howard J . Neely , O VC ' 51 SENIOR V IC E-PRESIDENT: W. Ke n Bell, CB S ' 73 VICE PRESIDENTS : Ri ck J . C awthorn , CBS ' 73 : Dr . Tho mas R . DeGeer, OVC ' 54 : Joh n Ecc les, O AC '40: Ja net (Thompso n) McNally, CPS '69 ; Judie (Earle) Meredith , Mac '61 D . SECRETARY : Jack C. Palme r, O AC ' 38
Alumni on the go Above; Dr Ron Do wney, avc ' 64 , leads Ih e cheer ' 'Live horse , dead horse ." for alumni attending Ihe Fri ends of Universily of Gu elph Annual Meeling held in Ihe Sail Lake H illon H otel , SaIl Lake Ciry, Ulah , USA . Below: some of25 alumni and f riends who look pari in Ih e Alumni Fly -in 0 1 Gore Bay 011 M aniloulin Island in June, a vc alumni presenl al Ihe fl y -in enjoyed Ihe Irip to Gore Bay so much th aI they are no w plann ing an a vc Fly -in this f all. For more de ra ils flyers and fri ends should contacI B ruce Duncan, a v c ' 63. Surroundin g the prop are; sranding f rom th e left; Barbara (Blair) R unnal/s , M ac '5 7, (partly seen), N ora Wa tso n, John Bennetto , HAFA ' 77; Bruc e D uncan , a v c '63, and Art Agreda, aA C '7 7. Kn eeling; Linda Dun can , Gabrieile Frank and Louise Collins.
DfRE CTORS : Ro bert Esc h, C PS ' 70; Margaret (Player) Ex ley, Mac ' 67; Brad H icks , CBS '73 ; Judith Main , Arts ' 75; Ja nice (Ro bertso n) Partlow, Arts ' 70 ; Kat hy Sa nfo rd, CPS '7 5; Tom Sawyer, O A ' S9A and ' 64; D r. Geoffre y S umn er-Sm ith , M.S c. ' 69: D r. Margery (O ' Bri en) T hornas, OVC ' 6 7; Jackie We myss , CBS ' 74 . EX-OFFICIO DIRECT ORS: Jo hn K . Babcock , OAC ' 54 , DireclOr of Alumni Affairs and Development; G ary Be au lne , President, University of Guelph Central Student's Association ( UGCSA); Dr. H ar vey H. Gre nn, O VC ' 58 , Prt>sident, OVC Alumni ASS<H:iation; Chris Hanna , President, Graduat. Student's Association; Brad H icks , C BS '76 , PresIdent, College of Biological Sci~nce Alumni Association; Pat (Shie r) Mig hton, O AC '64, President, OAC Alumni Association; Eli zabeth (M acNaughton) Sandals , C PS ' 69, President, College or Physical Science Alumni Association; Mic hae l Streib , An s ' 69, President, College of Arts Alumni Association; Rut h (W ood s) W ilson, Mac ' 62, President, Mac-FACS Alumni Association , T RE AS RE R: Jim 1. Elmslie ASS O IAT '59
SECRETARY: Rosem ary Clark, Mac
The Guelph Alumnus is publi shed by the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development in co-operation wilh the Depanme n1 of infor mation, Uni versit y of G ue lph . The Edit orial Committee is com prised of Editor- De rek J . W in g , Publicati ons Office r; A rt Director- Erich H. Bart h; Jo hn K . BabCOCk, OAC ' 54 , Direc tor o f Alu mni Affairs and De ve lopment; Rosem ar y Clark, Mac ' 59, A' sistant D irector A lumni Program s; Douglas Wate rst o n , Directo r o f In formati o n: Donald W. Jose , OAC '49, Assis tant Director o f lnfonnatio n. T he Editorial Ad viso ry Board o f th e Uni verSi ty of G uelp h Alumni Associ ati on is co mpr ised of W . Ken Bell , CBS '7 3, chairman ; Dr. Al lan Austin ; Dr. Donald A . Barnum , OVC ' 41 ; Jo hn Bo wles CSS '72 ; Ro be rt Mercer, OAC ' 59; Glenn B . Powell , OAC '62; James Rusk, O AC '65 ; Sandr a Webster , Art s '75. Ex- o ffici o: John K . Babcock, O AC '54; Oli ve Thomp so n, Mac ' 35. Undelivered copies sho uld be returned to th e
Department of Alumni Affairs and De velopment,
Univers it y o f Guelph , G uelph , Ontario NIG 2WI.
Operafon "POP"
Preserving 0 A C's Past In a very quiet office in the basement of the Univers it y's M cLaughlin Library, archivist D r. Ma rgaret E van s , is patiently and carefully sorting a vast accumulation of valuable hi s torical material - some of which date s back to the very beginning of the O ntario Agricultural College. Re porting to the C hief Librarian, Margaret Beckman, and working with a library committee for rare book and archives in consultation with D r. Clayton M . Switzer, Dean of the On tario Agricultural College, M argaret Evans has the O . A .C . Archival C ollection project well unde r way. Funded by $ 6 ,000 grants from the O. A .C. Alumni Association and The McLean Foundation, an Alma Mater F u nd do nation of $2,628 and a matching W intario grant of $14,628, the project' s purpose is to organize official records of the original College, its facilitie s and student life which form part of the evolutionary process of the G uelph campus. The collection will be a valuable research tool for both the academic community and the general public . Quite often, muffled sneezing violate s the blanket of silence that cloaks the area surrounding that lo wer level room. Surrounded by dusty tomes, stacks of yellowed papers and piles of framed visual record s of the University's pas t , M argaret Evan s gently blew her nose and explained that " for someone with mild hay fever the job of occasionally handling agricultural records that smell strongly of the hay lo ft can be disturbing." A g raduate of the Universit y o f Western O ntario, Margaret is well qualified for the task at hand. After gaining her Ph. D . in History with a minor in English from the U niversity of Toronto, she joined the faculty at Waterloo Lutheran University (now W ilfrid Laurier University) a s a history professor. She was Dean of Women there and devoted five years as a reference librarian organizing government document s. Starting at Guelph 's Wellington College of Arts and Science as an Ass istant P rofessor In 1965, she wa s app o in ted Chairman of the H istory Department in 1970 - the first woman C hairman of a
hi story department in an Ontario uni versity.
Archivist Dr M argaret Evans wirh a du sry tome and with some of rhe archival material already all the shelves . Amassed gradually o ver the ye ars , the archival collection experienced a ra pi d volume increase in 1974 w hen the O ntario Agricultural C ollege, in co lla boration with the O . A.C. Alumni Assoc iation, celebrated the e ntennial of the founding of the C ollege. The event caused many alumni and friends of the College to unearth and do nate historical material that had been stored away by earlier generations. Also it prompted many faculty on campus to gather artifacts and historical record s that had bee n collecting du st in basemen ts and sto rage cupboards . To date, close to 400 acid-free containers, with a total volu me of five cubic-meters, have been fill ed with identified and card-filed material and neatly shel ved . M any reque sts for historical information have already bee n received. T here are still many, many more boxes and package s yet to explore in the library's archival collections area, b ut st ill the word is "more". Margaret Evan s feels that there IS literally ton s of prospecti ve archival material packed aw ay in attics and trunks in the homes of alumni and friends . Any corresponde nce , re ports, minute s , s nap- s hots, scrap books, publications, year-books and the like will be gratefully accepted - who know s , maybe we can instigate another campus clean-up . 0
From the chaos of a supposed quiet leave
OLl r ru s h to re ac h Roda s was to catch a plane to Icela nd to give two papers with my pa 路 t po~t - d oc l oral s, N ils 垄rits land of Norw ay . a nd Ja ck Terhune , (OAC '68), of New Brunswick . Icel a nd wa s , as alway', fasci nati ng; a coun try tha t phys icall y should no t exis t. Ho w can geyse rs shoot out of g laciers? How ca n volcanoes co ntinuo us ly b ubble away to ha ve the ir effervescence used by the Icelanders to g row tr p ica l fnl it?
The author at rhe helm.
From Professor Keith Ronald,
Dean, College of Biological Science
By courtesy of th e Univ ersit y of G uelph, who granted me administrat ive le ave aft e r seven years as Chairman of th e De partment of Zoology and six yea r~ as Dean, as we ll as E xternal Affairs and The N uffie ld Foundation, j 've passe d from 15- min ute sc hedules to 12 months of profes sional bliss - i.e. nothing bu t my own interest s . Se pte mber I, 1977, I flew off to the Mediterranean, via New York , w here the engine fell off the 747 on ta ke off. A fter sharing the wealth by dumping 150,000 lit res of aviation fuel o n the unsuspectin g fish we landed again . Runways look pre tty when lighted by abo ut 35 fire truck s! By far th e most dan ge ro us pa rt of the episode wa s s pending th e ni ght in a hotel alongside Central Park. A fter another try at take-off we arrived in Athens, where I had a reed to meet with the mini sters of Agriculturc, Finance , and the Se nior De puty of the En viron me nt. Be in g a da y late, I had exactl y 27 m inutes to make the appointment from the a irport - I did. The meeting wen t well and we r cei ved en co uraging sponsorship for the Firs t Internation al Co nference o n the Mediterra nean Mo nk Seal which I would co-convene in Rodas in May.
sighting of, we hope, the sa me a nima l mo nths later, grow n to 1.25 me tres . T hat same nigh t my western schedule ca u ~c d u\ to sail ag a inst a mo st a trocious Aegean storm. I n fact we spent 15 hours batt li ng ex treme weat her co ndit ions in a 14-metre caiqu e. T he ri ggi ng was carried away several times a nd we li te ra ll y stood, at daw n, between two bare masts u pon arrival in Ro dos harbour. We we re the objec t of interest as all ou r pla nking had mo vecl to show their sea m s; but as caiques were evol ved for the se waters - we sur vi ve d ; the ai r/ sea rescue personne l did, however, make a few c o mm en t ~ about we ~ t ern impe tuosit y.
By noon I had also mel w ith a lawyer to d iscu ss mon k seals o n the is lan ds o f Ka lymn os a nd Patmos , and th e registration of a researc h vesse l. T he la wyer is abo a guide leader and we have now arranged fo r g uides to carry ou t monk ~ al s urvey~ d u ri ng their fi eld tri ps - and very successf ully too. Th at eve ning we heard Th eodora kis was givi ng the last of his ope n ai r concerts on Mo unt Lyka vertos . My w ife had man aged to ob tain ti ckets, and we ended o ur first day of leave w it h ab out 15 ,000 G reeks roaring, stamp ing and clapp ing to the ju nta ma rtyr 's m us ic . [ can thin k o f no exper ien ce to eq ual the eveni ng: perhaps je t lag imbued us wit h a little li ght - headedness, but I doubt it. T his was Greece . We trave ll ed on to Ra dos, th e Isl a nd o f Kn ig ht s , whe re the invasio n by Sula mein the Mag nificen t has left da rk skin, blac k mo ustac hes, mina re ts , an d luck il y , Turk ish baths amon gst the Greek arch it ec tu re and ruins. We trav el! d on by T urk ish sailboat, whi ch carried us into waters not LI~u a lJ y vi sited b, weste rn ers (or even by Gree ks and Turks) where we we re fort unate to obtain the first record o f the birth of a monk seal in Kaste lorrizo , Greece. and a su b,equent
We had some exce ll ent sessions in Ice lan d, bot h scientific and othrwi se: we vi ,ired the seat o f th e ori gi nal democrat ic parli ament , wh ic h ' an nat be described - o nl y visited to com pre he nd . We enjoyed a co nv ivial eveni ng w ith the Mayo r of Reykj av ik, and , the fo ll o win g day , hoped we would not he exposed to the lo cill an ti freeze Black Deat h) e e r again . B~lck to Greece via Sw it zer la nd , [ visited th e Interna tio nal Un io n for Co nse rvati un and Nature (IUCN ) w he re I head Lip the sea l group in Morges , an d o n aga in to the World W ildli fe F u nd (WWF), to Ge ne va , to A them., to anot her ~ess io n with our sponsor of th Ma y monk seal con ference. I came to halt in Rodo s for a wee k an d , be fore leaving , managed to . ' m ud down" a roof to sto p it leaking dur ing the ra ins. Dow n the coa,! we trave ll ed wi th some In stitu te o f Ocea nog rap hy amI Fishe ri es biology stu de n ts from Athe ns, sever l of who m a re very good fri ends from past s urv eys . We a voi ded thc d reade d si ro ccos an d me ltemis. th e African and nort h winds, but so me times raced past li gh ter craft that we r near broac hing to in fo rce seve n 10 ei gh t fo![ow ing seas . We jo urneyed on into the Deat h Sea of Tu rkey, where I was the o nly one who knew th at we we re being bitten by flatwo rm larvae wh ile sw im m ing in the torr id waters, then
past ruin after ruin of cities, one of which was ancient C nidos where we met Dr. Iris Love who had first di scove red black-figured pottery and hence redated the earliest civilizations of the Casian and Lydian coast s . Afte r we ate a knobbly-headed crustacean with 20 Turks s ipping Pepsi around the table, I chanced to obtain thr e local s ightings of monk sea ls. T he Turki sh military garrison comm ander promised to have his men , situated along the coast, protect these animals. Down the coast, even to the land of Saint icolas and hi s wonderful fortification, we dropped anchor and had to dive to retrieve it because it was stuck in the rib s of an ancient ve ssel. A rip-off artist in Bodrum, with the harbour-master on his side, insisted our propeller cut hi s rope. It cost us $20 U.S. - the amount low, the principles, however, wounded. Halfway through dinner in a came! market we were forced to the street to buy an insecticide bomb to convince the historic and hy steric fleas we were not fair game; they should go find a camel.
Seville snuff could easily be addictive, and having to know one did not take m a lm se y after port; then more lectures to terri bly polite students, the elite of E ngland , determined to make them forget their tripos (B. A. degree examination) and marks; meeting Guelph professo rs all over the place even at the top of $ 1. M ary's lofty church spire, and at Churchill College over a
memorable meal; lette rs from Gue lph; Telexe s from around the world a nd a visit by an adventurous group who wanted to save the monk seal, or La Galite, off Tunisia . My God, student s are stimulating l Time to think ; and realizing that many of our priorit ies are bu ilt on di m e vidence of esse nti al need, but the clock is runni n g - 1 mus t prepare for Sw itzerland again. 0
Bally-Ra and monk seal project survey vessel.
Further down the coast to C as, where they grow pistachio nuts, we saw some of the fine st rock tombs in the world. Here, only the dead have re sted as earthquakes have jumbled the countryside but tombs are often left on pedestals unharmed. W e tied up continuously to grey rocks manned by very efficient Tu rkish sailors who spe nt as much time under the hosepipe on the warf as we did, but my gosh they look efficient. Then back to Rodo s to leave for England , where I had decided to write a book in fi ve months with the co-authorship of Professor R. J. Harrison at the School of Anatomy in C ambridge. Christmas in London! Christmas was St. Martin ' s in the Fields (the fields now being Trafalgar Square); theatre s, shows; places to see; lectures to Part II students in Comparative Biology; talks to the London Zoological Socie ty, the European Aquatic M ammals Association in Copenhagen and the IUCN/W W F group in Faro; carrying coals to Newcastle by lecturing on seals at the Scott Polar In stitute and the British Antarctic Survey as well as th e Ma mmal Society in London. We visited Ely cathedral and heard singing voices ricocheting off the octagonal lantern - the carols of Christmas at King's , Cambridge, with the wor ld listening. Today was wine at John 's ; finding
Alumni And Wintario
Partners in fitness film funding
by Mary Dickieson Se ve ral o f the Uni versity's on-campus alumni we re recently captured on movie film pe rform ing some rather unusual but effec tive exercises. The University of G uelph Alumni As sociat ion has joined W intario 10 provide an S8,450 grant to film the activi ties of Human K ine tics Professor John Powel l' s noon-hour C ardio- Vascular Cl ub. T he CVC has e njoyed a me mbership of over 100 "o ld-boys " since Professor Po well foun de d it more than 13 years ago. It boasts seve ral charter members among the cu rre nt group of U niversity faculty and staff and local businessmen. (W ithout an official membership list , it 's difficult to assess how many me mbers are U niversity of G uelph alum ni, but estimates run as high as 40 per cen !.) W ith an average attendance of 3S, the hard y so ul s s weat it out for 30 minutes each day de spite a barrage of insults, cajoling and corny jokes. P rofessor Powell's squad describe him as "something like a mean army drill instructor , " but they carryon wi th a smile, a nd , mo re importantly, they keep coming back for more.
Audio VisuaL Se rvices' film crew on th e job . Editor R ay Pollard, cinematographer Norm Lightfool and director Le.1 Richards. An average
eve noon-hour class .
The c ve has built a tradition of exe rcise for those members who may be candidates for heart attack or who simply want " to stave off the pressures of the day" . Becau se these men ha ve felt the benefits of regu lar physical activity, Profe ssor Po well says they feel guilty if they miss a session. T here are also seve ral members who have progressed through the daily exercise program and have joined one of the splinter g roups which jog , s wim or play soccer. E ngineering Pro fesso r Trevor Dickinson, O AC '61, is an examp le . One day abo ut five years ago he decided to go for a noon-hour run and met the eve group on the track. Professor Dickinson now runs daily with a group of about eight others; and recently joined Professor Tom Ba te s , O AC ' 51, Land Re source Science, Dr. Greg W all , OAe '67, Agriculture C anada, and Dr. Tony Whitworth, Assistant to the Vice-President, Administration, on a relay te a m which
finished 6th in their class at the 5th Annu a l Burlington Road Race. T hese runners have also been enthusiastic supporters of the Un iversity's annual "Jog-a-Long" event. This year's field of 45 included Professor M arjorie (Wilson) Wall, FACS '6 8 , Co nsumer Studies, who started running just over a year ago at the encouragement of husband , G reg. who admits he probably wouldn '( have begun a daily exercise program without the support and the convenience offered by the CVC program. When he calls it a good opportunity to get away from the pressures of work, Greg is echoing Profe ssor Powell's theory that you can't exercise and worry. Fun is part of the daily activity. " I put laughter as one of the primary aims" , he say s ... because I' m so full of corny jokes 1 couldn't do it any other way. " Professor Doug Hoffman, OAC '46, Directo r, Ce ntre for Resources Development, speaks for most CVC members w hen he says that heading for the Athletics Ce ntre each noon hour has become a habit for him a 13-year habit. He goes because he enjoys the association with others who also strive for fitness. This striving has been captured in the UGA /Wintario film which will be made available to groups and individuals who wish to view it. It will provide the opportunity for those interested to see and participate in the type of exercise program Professor Powell commands. He design s the activities to promote good circulation, mobility and cardio-respiratory fitne ss . Although almost a quarter of the CVC members have experienced heart attacks, a1l of them have been heart attack free since joining the group . M any members report an improvement in blood pressure and a loss of unneeded weight, although Professor Powell stresses that the CVC is not primarily a weight reducing club. " O urs certainly isn't the only way to exercise ," he says, "but it does fulfill a need on campus and it has been successful. " C VC members recently showed their appreciation of Professor Powell' s efforts by presenting him with an album of photographs of the "old-boy s " in action. The inscription state s that "the general consensus of opi n ion from members is overwhelming praise for John and a feeling of well-being both physically and mentally. " 0
P rofessor J ohn Powell pUIS 'em through their p ac:es .
Professor Sam Luker, Family Srudie s
becomes airb orne.
We aring the coveted eve T -shirt , Professor PoweLl, ce ntre, shares hi.1 /lew photo aLbum lVirh its photographer Ke n .linde , left , and Professor Keith Sla ter.
Dr. M. McCready, award winner Gwen (Peters) Tonge, Mac '59, and FACS Dean J. Wardlaw.
....., day for camp
I!\. beau tllU
Alumni We
The dedication of Branion Plaza.
Dr. AJan Secord, OVC '29, OVC's Distinguished Alumnus, 1978.
Sidewalk scene dunn · g Mac 75th ceremonies.
f.'m" ....
Lell t. ';ght; D" Bm W;'.g"d, A/f IfoJ.., OAC '33, .... OAC Dean Clay SWitzer,.,;d••t OAC '51.
Mac gr ads reminisce. 9
Lunchtime in Branion Plaza . - --...- .::
how do we
Alumni can make a significant contribution by Ann Middleton CHILD STUDIES STUDIES
1\\ 0 \I \1(
Associate Diploma in Agriculture Program 1978/79
ON1AFlIO AG~I(.Vl1U~"1..
UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH Information for New Students
of Guelph
T he po st-war baby boom that was re s ponsible for expansion of the school sy st em during the '50's and '60's was predicted to finish its progress through the universities by the mid-'80 's. The prediction was not correct and a steady decline in freshman enrolment began to be felt about two years ago. Since uni versities recei ve their funding from provincial governments on the bas is of numbers of students enrolled, the decline ha s generated intense competition among Ontario universities to attract students. The University of Guelph, which offers a number of unique program s and play s a long-e stablished role in the fields of agriculture, veterinary medicine and famil y studies, has not been as hard hit as some other universi ties in the province . However, as elsewhere our enrolments in arts and soc ial science programs are expected to decline so mewhat. It is in thi s climate or uncertainty that universities are asking what can be done to maintain enrolments. The Council of Ontario Universities, chaired by our President, Donald F. Forster, has a set of guidelines to be used by universities in setting up recuiting policies. Interpretations of the guidelines, however, have varied widely. The P res ident and a number of Guelph graduates were asked how they felt alumni could help to attract students to the U niversity of Guelph. All agreed that alumni can and do make a s ignificant contribution in their day-to-day contacts with prospective students. The old saw , "i t' s not what you say, but what you do " , is appropriate here. As Ke n Bell, CB S ' 73, a teacher and Past President , C ollege of Biol og ical Science Alumni Association, put it, "what you produce in the community indicates to pe op le what so rt of education you had". However, many alumni felt they could make a greater contribution if they were better infor med on programs currently _ offered at the University of Guelph. W ith this in mind, the enclosed pull-out pamphlet was prepared by the newly formed Liaison C ommittee, chaired by Dr Jim Stevens, ss istant Vice- President, Academic. Dr. Ste vens pointed out that alumni can play an extremely important role in providing prospecti ve students with
:eep them coming to Guelph?
inform at io n abou t the University. " Younger alumni find it difficult to make financial contribution s to the University, but are in a position where they could contribute time by providing, on request, relevant information to high school students about th e programs offered at Guelph. It is extremely important that we in volve these people in the liaison program in so me way", Dr. Ste ven s said . The brochure provides general information on all programs and on-campus facilities, but the co mmi ttee hopes that , to become more completely in formed, alumni will take time to visit the campus and become acquainted with developments at their alma mater. "Alumni, particularly those in the founding Colleges , should be aware and proud of the fact that G uelph has an excellent ran ge of programs outside the traditional areas, as well as an excellent learning environment", the President said " I think our a lumni can help tremendously in getting this information across to the larger public". Olive (Thompson) Thompson, Mac '35, President, University of Guelph Alumni Association, is all for that. "Alumni have to take every opportunity of advertising the University", she said. " They must be familiar with the programs and aware of what's going on". Gordon N ixon , OAC ' 37, Chairman, O.A.C. Alu mni Fou ndation , had a similar message. "We have a job to do to make our advantages as a university better known. We should be able to give students information on scholarships and bursaries, the structure of the Colleges and the programs offered". H e added that "Students are always interested in the non-curricular side of the campus, such as the Unive rsi ty Centre, a thletics facilitie s and th e A rboretum ". G ordon N ixon also thinks we could
make more of some of our distinguished
alumni. Many of them are graduates who
have made names for themselves in fields
which seem unrelated to their spec ific
studies at Guelph. This should come as no
surprise to anyone who believes that the
function of a university is not narrowly
Both Olive Thompso n and Gordon
Nixon urged alumni to keep in touch by
visiting the campus reg ula rl y, and to give
their children the opportunity to become
familiar with th e Un iversity of Guelph. Pe ter Tron, CSS '69 , Associate Re gistrar, Ad missions, suggests alumni visit the University for the special events organized throughout the yea r, in addition to a lumni association meetings and reunions. " C ollege Royal is always an ex c it ing lime to bring visitors to campus," he says. " Prospec ti ve students a nd their parents are welcomed at M arch Counselling Days, held every ye ar during the high sc ho ol break week. Students meet with faculty and counsellors, visit classes, and tour the campus. Student counselling days are also held every Tuesday and Wedn esday from Octo ber 1 until June 1." r or a real exposure to campus life, it's hard to beat Summer Discovery, a Sunday in June when prospective students and th e ir families come to campus for counselling, tours , a community barbecue and e ntertainment. Families can book in to a residence overnight. Inform ation on all these activities is available from the Admissions Office, Level 3, University Centre.
The Grass Is Greener At
The University of Guelph has a well established liaison program with the high schools of the province with liaison officers travelling a ll over O ntar io to tell students about the programs ava ilable here. Mr. Tron sees " high school liaiso n as an area where alumni can be very useful. " It ' s possible that the niversity may develop a program, probably on a pilot basis, using alumni to counsel prospective student s who live in their area. Nothing beats talking to prospective students. " Personal contact is most important ", Co lle ge of Arts Alumni As sociation Preside nt M ic hae l Streib emphasized. M r. tre ib, A rts '69, lives in Ay lmer , where he runs the largest pheasant farm in C anada. A former high school teacher who hires a number of high schoo.!
students every summer, he feels the agricultural back ground of the ni vc rs ity is a big bonus for a ll stude nts . He prai ses th e flexibility of a syste m that allo wed him to ta kc a degree in L atin and history and study poultry manage me nt as well. W hen o ther a lum n i ass ociation e xecutives tal ked about attracting students to G uelph , they a lso stressed personal contact. Sandra (Johnson) Ma rtin , M ac ' 69, Pas t-Presiden t, Mac-FACS Alu mni ssociatio n, reme m bered how she w as influenced by friends of her mother wh o were M ac grad uates. Ew a rt C arberry, OAC '44 , Pas t-Presiden t, OAC A lumni Association, pointed out the ultimate effect of pe rsonal contact - the la rge number of U niversi ty of G uelp h st ude nt s who are so ns and d aughters o f alumni. The family fe e lin g that has remained even thou g h there are no w more than 10,000 students atte nd ing th e Un ive rsity of Guelph was noted as an important bonus by Dr . Ji m M illington, OYC '69, Past- President , OYC A lumni Associat ion, and Brad H ic ks, CBS ' 7 3, Pre sident, C o llege of Bi ological Science Alumni Association, who noted also that students ofte n choose a University for its size and location as much as its programs . Eli za beth (Mac Naughton) Sandals , CPS ' 69, P res ident , C olle ge of P hysical Science Alumni As sociati on , said that younger alumni, other than teach ers , often do n' t have much opportunity to talk to high schoo.! students. "Bu t it '~ a lways a good idea to let people know where you come from", she said, a view echoed by G uelph la wye r M ichael James , CSS '72 interim Pres ident of th e newl y established C o lle ge of Social Science Alumni Associati o n . M r. Jame s fee ls the ac tive response the new Association ha s rece ived is indicative of the positive feelings of alumni who like to talk about the Uni versity of G uelph. "A lumni are not interested in becoming active unless they had a good experience at the U niversity ." he said. From the interviews, it's very apparent that alumni can bec ome a pow erful force behind the drive to attract stude nts to G uelph . We ' d suggest you remove and study the pamph let between these pages, and accept this invitati on to join the alumni liaison team. 0
Youth Unemployment
and the
Professor Donald F . Forster
The Sir Ronald Grieve Lecture presented by Donald F. Forster, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Guelph, to the Seventh Biennial Conference of the International Federation of Voluntary Health Service Funds in Toronto, June 19, 1978. Due to space limitations, deletions have been made and are indicated. Thi s lec ture attempts to establish the dimensions of a problem which I and many others see as one of the mo st ex plos ive soc ia l a nd political issues which a majority of developed and developing countries are facing now and will continue to face over the ne xt decade. This is a problem of yo uth unemploy ment and underemploy ment. Thi s phenomenon is very much with us now, in many countries sparking new demonstrations of frustrati on at blasted ho pes and expectation s still fu e led by the
ea sy optimism of the 1960's and ea rly 1970 's, and in so me countrie s, r sus pect, fee d ing terrori sts' activity, min d less , anarchi stic lashing out at authority and established s tructures, which we read about d aily in the press . It is a truly inte rn ational pro blem, now recogni zed as s uch, as rates of econ om ic g rowth in much of the wo rld have fa lte red an d slowed and the surge of you ng men and women into the labour force e xceed s the ability of national economi cs to create new job opportunities . . . .
The scope of th e prob lem is enormous and frigh te nin g . This year the Pop ulation Referen ce B urea u has es tim ated that , b twee n 1978 an d the e nd of the ce ntury, the wo rld's la bo ur force will in c re ase by 81 1 million peop le . D uri ng th is period, total world po p ul atio n is e x.pec te d to grow from a curren t fi g ure of 4 ,219 milli on to some ,233 million . . ... W orl d popul ation , at its prese nt 1.7 per cen t rate o f nat ural in c re a~c p r a nn um, w ill do uble in 41 ye ars. It is est im ate d that 36 pe r cent of prese nt wo rld population is under 15 years o f age and, of course , in many de ve loping countries, the pro portion 0 the population in thi s age category is very considerably hi gh e r. I need not ~ tres' that this fact, to gether with hi g h projecte d ra te s of growth in pop ulatio n , ha s very serious implications for em ployment cre at io n, espec iall y in the va st areas o f th e world des ig nate d traditionally as th e T hird Worl d . G ive n e xi s tin g un e mp loy ment, pe rh ap s totalling bet w e n 300 and 500 mil lio n, we ll o ver 1000 m illion new jobs wo uld hav e to be created by the y ar 2000 to avoid quite mass ive w orld u ne m ployme nt wi th a ll the att en dant socia l and political di fficulties . M any would argue th at achi eve ment of s uch a goal is totally imposs ible and turn th e Ir mind s to musings of chaos and war: . . .â&#x20AC;˘ A famili ar phe nomenon in the developing wo rld is also occurring more obvio us ly in the developed world. Pro fess io na ll y qualified peop le ste p do wn th e e mploy ment ladder to acc pt j o bs for which the y are ove r-qualified. T hi s job-bumping, of course. affec ts the ent ire employment marke t and forc e s workers o ut of their appropriat e places in the pattern of employme nt and into job opening s below th e level of the ir tr a ining and e xpe rie nce . To some e xte nt , th ese diffic ult ies ar th e res ult of widely inacc urate manpo wer forecas ting, a notorious ly inex act sc ience, and the too easy acce ptance by uni versity and o the r education a l authorities of wro ng or se riou s ly biased forecasts of ma npow e r de mand to which uni vers ity admissions and progra ms
are tai lored . Thi s phenomenon, of course, is not unknown in E urope and 'orth Am erica. T o thi s point, I have almost completely focuss ed on the developing countries of the Third World and the massive problems they face. As I have indicated, however, the developing world by no means has a monopoly in the problem o f youth unemplo y ment. In the na tions which belong to the Orga ni za ti o n for Economic Co-ope rati o n and De velopment, one out of two new e ntra nts to the labour force we re unemployed in the early 1970's co mpare d with o ne out of ten in th e period from 1960 to 1965. Studies by the International Labou r Organi za ti on indicate that the OECD countries will have to create 48 milli o n new jobs by 1990 to mat ch the projected grow th in the labou r force and, of course. most of that grow th is a mo ng the yo ung. Yo uth une mpl oyme nt o f this mag nitUde, an OEC D stud y prepared fo r th e Hi g h Leve l Co nference on Youth Empl oymen t in Paris in December , 1977 points out, has not occ urred since th e 1930' s. Faili ng "new policy initiatives, youth unemp loy ment. . (will) continue at excessive leve ls for at least eight to ten years." In a study commissioned by th e O EC D , To rsten H use n, the direct or of the Institu te for the Study o f Inte rnati o nal Problems in Educa tio n a t the University of St oc kh o lm, observes that as " the elimination of eco no mic and geogra phic obstacles and the developm ent of mass edu cati on enhanced op portunities for furthe r educ ati o n. th e re occ urred a revolution of risin g expec ta ti o ns among youn g people in the less privileged classes. Fo rmal equality of access to educa ti o n was expected to lead to equality of life changes. It is easy to imagi ne the fru s tration felt, particularl y by these s tude nt s, o n discovering th a t their de gree lead s o nl y to unemplo y ment or, at best, to poorly paid j obs pre viousl y he ld by people with less ed uc at ion ." O bviously, this is th e stuff of frust rat io n and discont en t; some think it is the stuff of revolution. Experience in this country has not been signi fican tl y different from that in other O ECD count ri es, Between 1966 and 1977 , you th unemployment, unemploym en t in the IS to 24 age g ro up, rose from 5 .6 per cen t to 14 .5 pe r ce nt. The com pa rable adult rate , both ma le and female, rose to 5.8 percent in 1977 , accordin g to data produced by Statistic s C anada. During the same period , the labour fo rce in the young age group expanded by ove r 50 per cent comp ared with a rate of expansion of about 30 per cent fo r
the ad ult population. This massive increase in the number of young people in the labour force foc ussed attention on the importance of structural and fri c tio na l unemployment in co ntrast to unemployme nt resulting from insufficienc y of aggregate demand in the economy. Youn g people on en tering the labour market, face higher than J vcrage stru c tural unempl oy me nt due to lack of practical work experience a nd unfa miliarit y with the labour markets a nd caree r pro pects. C anadian experie nce indicates that basic job search unemployment among yo ung people is considerably higher than that for adult me mbe rs of the work force. The major factor rem ain s. ho weve r, the
"Universities in this province, which have played a crucial role in research, in Canadian cultural development and in the analysis of the societal problems we as a nation face, are in serious difficulty and we run risks that the massive public investment which has been made will be dissipated as we slip back into the mire of mediocrity. "
incredibly hi g h rate of g rowth In yo ung people entering th e labo ur force . T hese co untries with the hi g hest re lati ve le ve ls o f structura l unempl oyment among yo uth have been those which experienced the highest rate of youth labour force g rowt h while countries, such as W es t Ge rmany and Japan, which have had low relative structural unemployment, have had large declines in the youth labour force primarily due to red uced participation rates . A number of o the r structural ri g idities, particularly wage ri gidi ties, minimum wage leg isla ti o n , minimum entry wages and ri g idities in re lati ve wage differential s , probably cont ribute to the extent of the problem but we must recognize th at. with the unusually high rate of growth in th e you th labour
force , a v. uge level which would clear the market might be so low as to be completely sociall y unacceptable to young people tod ay. A ss um in g young people hav e al te rna tive mans of suppon, family sources, welfare or unemp[oYt'J/Cllt in surance, th ey may simply prefer not to work. For exa mple , oronto was shocked earl ie r thi s year by a press cio ry n:vea lin g that mo re than 27 pe r ce nt o f we lfa re ap plicants in A pri l, 6,613 o f 24, 146 applican ts , we re between the ag ;~路c. of 18 and 24. O ne fac to r does differentiate th e No rth America n and E urope a n ex periences. In C anada and the United S tates, the propo rtio n of the population between IS and 24 years of age w il l begin to decline after 1981 with num he rs in the 15 to 19 age group alread y peaking a nd th e 20 to 24 age group e xpec ted to peak in 1983 . Similar peaks in mo st E uropea n co untri es are forecas t to occur later 111 the ne xt decade. Given projected inc reases in femal e partic ipati on in th e labour force , however , youth participation in the employment market will proba bly increase slightly for a minimum of fiv e years . T he refore, unemploym ent among young peopl e will lik e ly remain a serious problem through to at least 1985 even if the econom y co ntinue s to grow at current rates, a ve ry la rge ass umption. In Ca nada, during the 196 1- 197 1 period, g rad uate s from post- seconda ry educationa l institutions tripled in number, from 6 3 ,000 to 195 ,000 , in the 15 to 24-year age group. As the econom y faltered, un e m p loyme n t among those with po st-se o ndary qualifications increased and th e Job-bumping or under-employm ent phenomenon became more obvious. Still , you th unemployment ac ros s C ana da is ve ry significan tl y h ig he r in the IS to 19 year age g ro up th a n among tho se betwee n 20 to 24 years of age, th e latter ge neral ly having mo re education, more work xperience and perhaps somewhat different job habits. Data on unemployment rates by level of educationa.1 attainment produced by Statisti cs C a nada show that, in 1977 , th e rate of unemp loyme nt among those who possessed a university degree was 3 .4 per cen t. In the gro up wh ich had earned a post-seco nda ry sc hoo l dipl o ma . in thi s province largely g raduate s of C o ll eges of Applied Ans a nd Technology , th e un emp loym ent rat e was 5.3 per cent. Th e unemployment rate for the group which had comple ted high sc hool but had not received any post-secondary education stood at 9.3
per cen t, while, in the group w hic h possessed o nly primary school qu a lifi cati o ns, up to Grade 8 in our system , the ra te was 9.4 per cent. It is obvio us then that , while unemploym ent among yo ung people has increased substantially , those in th e gro up w ho have rece ived more education a re stili at a substanti al relati e advantage in secu ring employment altho ugh, to an increasing exte nt , the jobs th ey secure m ay not fully exp loit the ir qu a lifications. Canada's re cord in prov iding educat ional opportun ities for its peop le is good by com parison w ith many in du stria li ze d or de ve loped countries. By 1970, 30 .9 per ce nt of the total Ca nad ian population was enro lled in fu ll- time ed ucational programs of all type s, the hig hes t pe rcentag e a mong the ten countries for which the 1976 OEC D re port , Re views
of Nati onal Policies for Ed ucation. pre sented data. T he comparable figure in Fra nce was 242 per cent, in the Uni ted Ki ngdo m 19.8 pe r cent, in the USSR 25.8 per cent , and in Wcs t Ge rm any 20.6 per ce nt. In te rms of e nrolment as a percent age of popu lation and in terms of the allocation of funds to education as a percentage of Gross Nationa l Product , C anada , by 1970, had accomplis hed mo re than alm ost any developed soc iety . Canada ranks ne xt to on ly the U ni ted States and the S R in terms of the proportion of the 20 to 24 yea r age g roup en ro ll ed in post-secondary educati o na l pro g ra ms. Ne ve rth e less, the 1971 Ce ns us showed th at 937 ,000 Ca nadians had le ss th an a G rade 5 educatio n while almo st 4 million othe rs had on ly between a G rade 5 and Grade 8 ed uca ti on. As one would expec t, th fig ures vary from region to region . W hen age gro ups are considered, one finds that of tho se not attending sc hool 22 per cent of the 15 to 19 age group and 14 per cent of th e 20 to 24 age group possess le ss than a Grade 9 education in the nati o n as a whole . In th e Ma ritime provinces and Newfoundland, the figu res are much higher. In Ne wfoundland, in 1971, 42 per cen t of the 15 to 19 yea r age group had less than a Gra de 9 educ ation and no oth e r training. Compa rab le figu re s are 48 per cen t in Prince Edward Island, 39 per cen t in Nova Scotia, an d 44 per cent in Ne w B ru nswick . T his is what is known as a ' regio nal disparit y ' ! In terms of employabi lity in c urren t labour markets , the implica tions of these figures are obvio us. Despite the hu ge investmen t we have made in the provision of
educational opportun it ies, a very considerable proportion of o ur young people are inadequate ly educated and trained for the requirements of our ;;oc iety tod? ', 1nd even more in adequatel y equ ip ped fo r de ajing w ith acceleratin g change in the future . As a fin a l no te a nd at a nother level, the educationa l system in '. <l nada has cons i : il~ ntly failed to provide suffic ie nt training opportun itie s in certain advanced technical and qu as i-professional fields whe re strong market demand existed a nd , to some extent, still exi sts . As in co untries like Australia, thi s oap betwee n supply and demand ha s bee n filled by highly trained immigrant s , some from areas of the world to which their sk ills were crucia l if minimum
"Any university, which
rushes to tailor its
programs to the most
recent crystal-gazing
of the manpower
forecasters, does
so at its periL"
development goals were to be achieved. The federal government ha:; estimated that, during the 196 1-1 97 1 period , ove r 30 ,000 profes s iona l and technical positions were fil led by immi g rants because of th e lack of s uitably trained Canadians. So far, then , I have attempted to es tab li sh the dimen sions and so me of the characteri sti cs and causes of th e youth un em plo ym ent problem in the developing world, the de velope d countries, and more sp eci fically, of course, in the case of Canad~ . I hope I have establ ished that the re is a problem and that that problem has se rio us econo mic, socia l and political implications which must conce rn us al l. have a lso attempted to illustrate th at , des pite massive advance s in the provisio n of educationa l opportunities of a ll types in both the deve loped a nd de ve loping world , the re have been failures and a great deal remain s to be done if we e xpec t to achieve minimum goa ls in education . . . â&#x20AC;˘ . Concern about the extent of unemplo yment among yo ung people and, more spec i fica ll y, among those with post-second a ry qualifications has a lre ady had an impact o n the universitie s in Ont ar io.
It pro bably played a part , impossible to quantify, in an en ro lment decline in the fall of 1977 of more than tw o per cent across th e un ive rsity sys tem in thi s p rovince w hen ea rli e r p rojec tio ns had indi c~ted mode st conti nued grow th up to 1982 or 1983 when the de mographic fac tor I mention ed earlier w o uld begin to operate. A further dec rease of the same size or large r is now predicted fo r this fall, la rgel y acco unt ed for by a decline in the participation rate, th e proportion of the trad iti o nal university age population which actually e lects to enrol in university programs. Last fall' s unexpec ted dec lin e occu rred both in new entrants and studen ts already in-course who elected not to I' turn , the stop-o ut p henomenon we obse rved sporadically late in the I 960 ' s and early in the 1970 's. Pe rhap s , stud ents who were s uccessful in securing summe r employment took the option, in the face of ac ute economic uncerta in ty, of remaining in the la bou r force . Another obvio us effect ha s been a shi ft f rom so-ca lled general education courses to th ose which are perce ived to teach specific job skil ls o r which lead directly to emp loy ment oppo rtunities. M a ny observe rs have com men ted upon the vas t expansion of app li cations a nd the frantic competition to gain entry to hi gh -level professional programs like law and medicine although there is some e vi dence now that, particularly in law. thi s press ure mig ht ease s ignificantly as c~ree r oppo rtuniti es fo r g rad uates are thought to be softening. These were percei ved as prestige professions with hi gher income possibilities but there is abu nd ant evidence that income expectations held by most uni ve rsit y gradua tes a re fa lling rapid ly in response to conditions in the la bour market . One of the most dramatic shifts has been to business administration programs of a ll type s and to economics, the ' dismal scie nce ' a ~ : 'a rl yle put it. T he humanities, the traditional he art of university programs, have been hit pa rtic ul a rly hard by thi s tren d toward what student s think are more 'practical' or 'vocationally o rient ed' fields of st ud y, Th e implications in terms of staffing and curricu la s hou ld be quite obvious to you particularly in jurisdictions lik e O ntario w here funding from government is a fu nct ion, to a la rge e xtent, of enrolme nt levels in the system . Supplementing thi s poin t, w hil e uni versi ty enrolment fell, en rolment in the colleges of applied arts a nd tec hn o logy in
this province ro se sub stantiall y. S in ce these community colleges offer more vocationally-orie nted non-deg ree programs, the same unarticulated search for job orientation appears de s pite evidence th~. , ihe employabil it y experience of graduates from such ins tit utions is no be tter tha n that for graduates of uni versities. Renewed po litical inte re st in thi s province in jo b tra ining and expanded apprentice ship prog rams is another indicati o n of a shift in pri o rities , a shift which has seen the rate of increase in uni versity funding in thi s fi sca l year fall well below the current rate of inflation with obvious consequences for the quality o f programs we o ffe r. U niversities in this p rovince, which have played a crucial ro le in re search, in Canadian cultural devel o pme nt and in the analysis of the soc ietal problems we as a nation face, are in se riou s difficulty and we run ris ks that the ma ssive public investment which has been made will be dis sipated as we sli p back into the mire of medi oc rity. T here is insecurity, resentment, low morale, and a great deal o f angu ished groping. W hile the publi c has not, at least in my judgment, beco me 'a nti-education', there is certainl y more skepticism, more doubt about univers ities' role and function . T oo many student s , too , while profe ss in g throughout their undergraduate program s that they are studying becau se of the intrinsic va lue o f education, express di s illusionment and anger when the rather hars h reality of unempl o yment and underemployment hit the m . I mentioned earlier the most recent version of the ' relevance' critique and I rejected it as stro ngly as I would the notion that univers ities shou ld become the captive of one ide o logy. Certainly, the vocational element has been a part of universities for hundreds of years and some universi ty programs do have a more prono unced vocational purpose th an o thers. But all universities, to some degree, s hare the same basic objective, to e quip students to think critically, to ana lyze and deal with problem s , and perhaps, above ail , to co pe with c hange and, if there is one th ing we can safely predict, it is that c hange is and will remain the 'name of the game' in all aspects of our societies. Any uni versity, which rushes to tailor its pro grams to the most recent crystal gazing of the manpower foreca sters , does so at its peril. Incidentally, evidence from
Sweden and France, where efforts have bee n made to gear ed uc ational programs to labo ur m arket needs , indicates that student s do not accept curricula centered on s pecific occupational skill s because they fee l they risk being locked into occupations from which it will be difficult to escape when circumstance s change, as they inevitably will. The uni ve rs ity function, it see ms to me, is mo re general and long-term. O f cou rse, uni vers ities should re spond to ne w and eme rging so cial needs and they do. As exa mples , witness the interest in the probl e ms of th e aging, the e nvironme nt , and in nutrition, all o f which have had an impact on prog rams and curricula.
"These, then, are the objectives but we must ask the question, and ask it honestly, whether universities are, in fact, meeting them."
W hat I am arguing is that we still ha ve a bas ic civilizing mi ss ion, un s haken and I hope unshakeabl e , to produ ce young people who are learned, skilled in oral and written communicatio n, critical, re s ponsible, and intell ige ntly ad aptable. T hese, then , are the object ives but wc mu st ask the question, and ask it hone stly,
whether uni versities are, injact, meeting them. M any obser vers of universities and their development, who sym pathiz.e with and accept the objectives as I ha ve stated th em , believe th at we are nol. . . . . W hile I would not go as far as so me of the critics , I have come to the conclusion that all universities should lau nc h a thorough re-evaluation of their undergraduate programs to see whether the innovations which took pl ac e in c urriculum plannin g in the 1960 's did, in fact, facilitate the achievement o f the objecti ves university pe op le accept as important and ce ntral. Both C olumbi a and Harvard uni vers itie s have undertaken such studies and th ey are bound to be influential in future curriculum planning thro ughout North America . For e xa mp le , C olumbia University att emp ted to identify a nd deal with 'the kind of ignorance which is unacceptable' for universi ty
gradu a tes. Basicall y, the mess age is that there are some 'fund a ment a ls' whi c h all univ c[:>,it y graduates shou ld posse ss, that we can not have it both ways whe n we co m p lain, for example , th at so me of our stude nts do not ha ve the capacity to w rite prope rl yl As part of this curriculum rev iew , univ ersi tie s shoul d exa m ine the im plica tio ns of the 'ed uca tional leave' phe no menon, already common in Weste rn E urop , and likely to be more pop ul a r in North America . In terms of employ me nt o pport unities, educational le a ve tend s to expand labour force requ ire me nts an d to pro v ide more thorou gh upgrading and supp lementa ry skill trai ni ng th a n is now possi b le . For univers ities , th is ph eno menon generates a new clie ntele draw n fro m the pro fess io nal and managerial group as well as from line workers. In additi o n, uni ve rsit ies mi g ht e xam ine m ore work-s tud y o pti ons w he re forma l unive rs ity traini ng in clu des professio nal or ind ustri a l exp ri en ce. Th U nive rs it y of Wa terloo has pio nee red in th is area in Ca na da and has demo nstrate d that such programs can make a s ig nifi c ant contribution to easing the trans ition between educ atio n a nd th e wo rk forc e . U n iv ers itie s, too , s ho uld examine both the scope and the ty pe o f guidanc e and ca ree r c ounselling they o ffer to their stu oe nt s . I am no t thinking of the traditio nal placeme nt activity as much as the cou nse ll in g aspect, efforts to impro ve student s ' capac ity to launch a succe ssful j o b search. Supple me nting this , universities mi g ht take more initiative s in e x plorin g the poss ibilit y of expanded interchange prog ram s bet we en univers iti es , industry and government, by mean s of short -te rm appointments and seco ndments. Similar sche mes mi ght be explored with the trade union s. Y o u will notice that [ have sa id almost nothin g about two other important areas , graduate studies and re search, even though there are serious problems in bo th. Pe rhaps a final word about re se arch . The contribution uni ve rsi tie s have made and can mak e to the stimu lu s of research and development in Canada, while difficult to quantify, is undoubtedly er y imp ortant. U ni versi ty rese arch, of all type s, bo th basic and applied, is crucial to the future deve lop nH: nt of the C anadian economy, particul ar ly the manufacturi ng and related sectors. For thi s reas on it m ust c ontinue to be supp orted at reasonable le vels. In my vi ew this is not the case now. 0
campus highlights Honoured at convocation
Dr . Margaret S . M cCready
Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod
The University honoured two of its o wn educators, a best selling author, and a woman who has dedicated much of her life to ch ildren and youth, during four days of s prin g convocation ceremonies.
Dr. Margaret S. McCready, former de a n of Macdonald Institute, was named a Fellow of the University of G uelph. For almo st 20 years, from mid- 1949 to December, 1968 , Dr. McC re ady se rved as Principal and De a n of M acdonald Institute, providing lead ers hip t() the C ollege through its post-war growth period. He r predecessor, Dorot hy (Lindsley) W alden, initiated the four-year degree pro g ra m at M acdonald Ins titute, but it was D r. McC re ady who g uided the In stitu te throu gh the growth and dev elopment of that program . D r. M cC ready o ve rsaw the planning an d building of the" 195 3 wing " of M acdonald Institute to help meet the needs of the expanded academic program. She also sought a broader base of background and experience within her faculty, ap po inting individuals from outs id e the tradit ional " home economics" area, including the first male faculty members. By the time of her re tire ment, Mac donald In, titute had gro wn to be the largest and mo st widely recog ni zed program of its kind in Canada. No t content to rest on her laure ls , D r . McC ready acc e pte d an a ppointment as actin g chairman of the home scie nc e departme nt at th e Un iversity of Gh ana in 1969 , se rvin g fo r tw o and a half ye ars . Her appoint me nt there preceded by a year the establishment of the G ue lph- G hana co-operative project , a fr ui tf ul undertaking in international dev e lopment bet wee n the
Dr. M argery Kin g
Un iv ersity o f G uelph and the U niversity of G hana.
Herbert R. Axelrod , best- ~e lling author and sussessful publishe r , received an honora ry Doctor of Science degree , A grad uate in ge netic s, Dr. Axe lrod has become the be st-k no wn tropical fish expe rt in the world with nu merous vo lumes to his cre d it, including "Tropical F ish as a H obby" which is now in the n inth printin g. He has discovered six formerl y unknown species of fish. Because few publi shers would agre e with Dr. Axe lrod that more books o n tropical fish would sell, he began p ubl ishing his own soft cover e di tions in 195 2 , a nd T . F .H. Publications , w hich he he ad s , now specializes in the pe t field. T he firm o ffe rs some 500 title s, printing 20 mi llion copies annually , in addition to the monthly maga z ine " T ropical F ish Ho bbyist," the most widely re ad mag az ine in it s field. D r. A xelrod ha s wri tte n 16 tex ts on ichth yo logy , as we ll as 30 work s abo ut the tropical fi sh hobby, and hundre d s of po pu la r and scie ntific a rticl es . As a scientist exp lor r he ma kes re gul a r trip ' to the far corners of the wor ld , and has c o ll ec ted ra re specime ns on eve ry contine nt for the n it ed States Natio nal M use um (Smithsonian Ins titute) in Wash ington. Last year, he was honoured with the Sm ith sonian S il ver Meda l for his ichth yo logical endeavors an d for the es tab li shm e nt of the TFH F und . Dr. Margery King, who recently retired as exec utive direc to r o f the C a nadia n C ouncil on Children and Y outh , received an
D r Fronk Newbould
honorary LL. D . d cg ree . A graduate of the University of Wes te rn O ntario and the Un i vers ity of Toronto , D r . K ing worked for a number of years as a research psycholo g ist w it h part icular e m p hasis on children . In 19 54 , he ac ted as confe re nce organizer for th e 5th Inte rnationa l C onfere nce on M ntal He alth . T he [o llowing year , ~ he was in vi ted by U ESCO to assist in esta blishing the In te rnational Institute for C hild Study in Ban gkok . S ince 1955, D r. Ki ng ha s been prominent in C anada in various bodies concerned with mental hea lth se rvices and with the provision of se rv ices for children a nd yo uth. Dr. Kin g has served success ive ly as executive d ire ctor, C anadian Me n tal He a lth Association; di rec tor of education and training , C anadian Men tal He a lth Associa tion, and executi ve d irecto r, C an adian Co uncil on C hil d ren and Yo uth, which she was acti ve in found ing . In ad dit io n , she se rveu fro m 196 5 to 1970 as se n ior staff me m be r of the C ommission on Emot io nal and Le arni ng Disorders in C h ildre n. In that position , ' he was largely respo ns ib le for the designi ng, directing, and writ in g of the repo rt , " One M iflion Children," which ha s recei ved international recogn it ion.
Dr. Frank H. S , Newbould, OVC '36, recent ly re tired from the De pa rtment of Veterin ar y Mi crobiology and Im m unology, was ma d e a pro fess o r emeritus. A n internationally recog n ized authority on mastitis of dairy cattle , Dr. Ncw bould has cont ributed significantly to the re se arch
progra m s of ove with re sultant benefits for dairymen , not only in O ntario but in a much wider sphere. U nder his supervision, a separate herd of dai ry cows was es tablished a t ove exclusi ve ly for mastiti s researc h . Professor New bould was often call ed on to de liver pa pers based on hi s re sea rch at intern ati on al conferences . After graduation fr om OVC , Frank New bould operated a private laboratory for a number o f years. He next went to the C onnaught La boratories of the Uni versity of T oronto, and in 1946 , wa s appo inted to the facult y of the OAC , lecturing in bacteriology . In 1954 he j o incd the faculty of the OVC and began his re search into prevention and control of masti tis. In additIOn to hi s work as a faculty me mber at OVC. Dr. Newbo uld spe nt a two-year period as a visiting scie nt ist at the N ational ins titute for Re search in Dairying , Shinfield , Reading, Eng land, and a te rm as vi siting profe sso r at the School of Ve terinary M edicine, Uni vers ity of C alifornia, D a vis. Dr. New bould ha s bee n a me mbe r of the Na tional Mast it is Co uncil (Washington, D .C. ) since its incep tion , and a me mber o r chairman of several o f its sub-committee s. 0
OAC attracting more women O ne of the most notic eable ch anges in the stude nt body at the O ntario Agricultural College is the steadily inc re asing numbe r of wo me n students . Professor M ike Je nk inson, OAC '63, Assi stant to the Dea n of OAC, recently took a ca re ful look at the OAC e nrolme nt stati s tics from 1974 to 1977 , and came up w ith an inte res ting profile on the fres hman cl ass . Profes sor Jen kin son bega n w it h the OAC' s Cente nnial Year 1974 in which the C oll ege e xperienced what was the n an all-time high in stu de nt enrolment w ith over 2 ,300 students . T he nu m ber of qualifi ed app licants ha s increased rapid ly in the past fou r years, notes Pro fe sso r Jenk inso n , but the number of students e nrolled has grown m uc h more slow ly d ue to re s tric ti ons o n ad miss io n at the fres hm an level. In 1977, the last yea r of re tric ted admi ssi on, total enrolmen t was just over 2 ,60 0 stud ents, The character of the OAC fresh ma n
class has also changed. There are many more fem ale student s now. increasing from 27 per ce nt , or III of 422 fre shma n students , in the 1974 enrol men t to 37 per cent, or 143 of 389 fres hma n stude nts, in the 1977 class . Profess or Jenkinson att rib utes part of t hi s increase to the gro wing number of women who enter the pro g ram with hopes of being accepted into the O n ta rio Vete ri nary C ollege , as well as wom en ' s increaSing intere s t in pro fession a l progra ms . (O nta rio Veterinary C olle ge applic ants are re q uired to have completed at least o ne yea r, or two semeste rs, of a science degree progra m .) T he 1977 freshman class had a ,maile r percent age of students from o ut side O ntario than did the 1974 cl ass , partly as a resu lt of the e nrolment re strictio ns whi c h resul t d in a higher propo rt io n of On tario stud e nts ' be ing ac ce pted. T hese restriction s , notes P rofessor Jenkins on, also had some influe nce on increaSin g the nu mber of fres hme n who are cu rrent Grade 13 graduate s . In 1977,364 freshm e n were from O n tar io, 17 from o ther provinces and eight from fore ig n countries . [n 1974,386 fre sh men were from O ntario, 29 from other pro vinces , and seven from forei g n countrie s. The stati stic s re veal that the metropolitan are as o f To ron to , Durham, Halton . N iagara , Hamilto n-Wentwo rth and the Cou nty o f M iddlesex send the largest n umber of s tudents to the O nt ario Agricultural Co llege. yet It is signifi can t th at o ver 6 0 pe r ce nt o f all OAC s tuden ts ha ve had some fa rm experience. Alth ou g h a few count ies are not re prese n t d in the fres hman class , every county in O ntario is represe n ted in the total OAC student body. O ntario fr sh men a t OAC in 1977 : Algoma 2 . B rant 6, Bntee 5 , C ochrane 2, D uffer in 2 , Durham-Ontario 21, Elg in 3, Essex 5 , Frontenac 2 , G re y 7, Haldim and -N o rfo lk 4, Halton 20, Hastin gs 7 , H uro n 6 , Ke nt 15 . Lambton 7, La nark I , Leeds and GI'enville 7. M iddlesex 19 , M usko ka 4 , Niagara 20, North um be rla nd 5. Otta wa-Carleton 20, Ox fo rd 8, Peel IS, Pe rt h 5, Peterbo rough 6, Prescott a nd R ussell I , P rine Ed ward 4 , Renfrew 2, Si m coe 7 . S to rmont , Dundas , G le nga ry 9, Sudbu ry 7, Thu nder Bay 2 , T imi skaming I, T oron to 55, Vic toria 5, Wate rl oo 8, W e llin gto n 11 , Wen tworth- Ham ilton 19 and York 8. 0
Arboretum grows Ne w dimen s ions were added to the Umversity ' s living library, the Arboretum , la t April. Sunny skies prevailed as the J. C . Taylor Nature Ce ntre was officJally opened. The N ature Ce ntre was named in honour of the late Profe ssor J . C. (Jimmy) Taylor who was on the faculty of the De partment of Horticultural Science for 37 years and retired in 1973. Professor Taylor was a well kno wn and respec ted horticulturalist and naturalist who was acti ve in the early planning of the Arboretum . As a m ember of the lo cal a nd provincial horticultural societies, he was concerned a bout nature education. T he Ce ntre that no w bears hi s na me will furt her his life-long inte rest in nat ure ap prec iation. A plaque wa s al so unve.iled marking the Colone l Jo h n McC rae N atu re Trail. This tra il , nallled for one of G uelph 's most famous sons, links the two xisting loop trail system s in Vlc to n a W oods and W ild goose Woods Th e new trail passes by the Natu re Ce ntre, dips through the gra vel pit re habi lit ation are a , through some maj es ti c mature evergreens, along a century-old fenc e ro w , throu g h a dem on stration fores t and past W ild goose Pond . The trail is a trib ute from the U nive rs ity to the City on its l50th birthd ay. T he C olone l Joh n McC rae a turc Trail pl aque was unveiled by M ¡. D . D . C ampbell of Wate rdo wn , a niece o f Co lo nel McCrae, a nd Brigadier Ge nera l DeLalanne . G rand President of the Ro yal C an adi an Legion, M ont re al , He r Ho nour Paul ine M . McGi bbon, L ieutena nt -Go ve rnor of O ntario and C hancellor of the University, was ill and u nable to take pan in the ceremonie s . He r H o nour' s s peech was read by Univers ity President D. F. Fors ter. M rs . J . C. Taylor, wi dow of Pro fess or Jame s C . T aylor, and Ken ne th G. M urray, OAC ' 50 . C hai rm an of the University' s B oard of G overnors, offi c iall y opened th J. C . Taylor Nature Ce ntre . uring the ope ning ce remonies, an En g li sh oak tree, Quercus robur , was pla nte d to com melllorate the Sil ver Ju b ilee of Q ueen Eli za beth The mode st 2.5 me te r specime n was lifted (offi c ially ) from th e g ro unds of W in dsor C as tle and arrived in Guel ph via the H igh Co mm iss ioner' s o ffice o n T rafalg ar Squ a re, London and Go vernmelll House , O tt awa. 0
Toronto Argonauts on campus Anyo ne who ha s any thou gh ts of an open air job should have watched th e Toro nto Argonauts go through their paces during the first tw o wee ks of June on campus. Durin g their spring trainin g session in G ue lph. the fo otball players ran , tackled, stretched, passed, and kicked their way through two rigoro us training sess io ns eac h day. Competition was kee n - of the approximately 90 hopefuls who started spring training, only 50 survI ved the cuts before the first exhibition game. Before the season officially opened in July, the roster was pared down to a mere 33. At least one of the playe rs was very much at home on campus and on Alu mni Stadium ' s turf. Ru nning back, Mark Brown. a Hotel and Food Admini stration student, has been coached at the Unive rs ity for the last thre years by his fat her Dick. an Argonaut running back from 1955 through 1957 Argo' s first choice in February 's Canadian Football League draft of coll ege players. Mark was well prepared for the switch from amateur to professional fo otball. Sad to relate - Mark was dropped from the roster in the final cut-back of players and is currently playing summer football in Stoney Creek . He will return to his HAFA studies in the fall . Spring training went well , facilitated by plentiful food in Maritime Hall and co nvenient faciliti es. Ex-Gryphon trainer Fred Dunbar, who is now trainer for the Argos, recr uited a Guelph student to assist him during the two wee ks . Together the y taped ankles and wrists and generally readied the players for the daily workouts. This is the fir st time spring training has been in G uelph. Training out side the big city has other advantages. al though players and coaches said little abo ut the lack of tempta tion for players to violate the suggested 11.00 p.m . curfew . A new feature in the Argos' training this season was a regimen of injury-avoidance calisthenics designed by Bill G vo ich , Arts '73, a physical fitness consultant. He led the playe rs throu gh a serie s of stretching , bending, and lim bering up exe rcises before and after each worko ut. At first the players were skeptical of this approach after their tradition al program of developing speed, strength. and agility, but 18
Argos ' publicity manager, Bar:ry Read, said he felt thi s approach is already proving beneficial. A side benefit for the universJty was the income paid fo r the use of its facilities. 0
Tennis -
on a platform -
If yo u're looking for a ga me that' s prestigious . formal and entail s expensi ve equipment purchases - then platform tennis is not for you . If however, you want to try a game tha t' s active, outdoors, year-rou nd , informal, soc iable and piles of fun - th en re ad on. Platfo rm tenni s - a hybrid of tennis and squash - is rapidly attracting fans throughout the United States . Uni ve rsi ty of Guelph students , staff and local reside nts were among the first in Canada to have a go at this new game on a court installed las t summer beh ind Lambton Hall. The Uni ve rsity of Guelph is the first uni versity in Canada to have a co urt. Funds to purchase the co urt were donated to the University by R. A. Ba illie, President of Rab Enginee rin g Ltd . of Miss issauga. The Human Kinetics Alumni Association was awarded a matching W intario grant of one third to cover the cost of installation. Visible from College Aven ue East , the court sits ab ove the golf course, su rrounded by groves of tree s, and offers a vista of the city of Guelph - de finitely a country club locati on. Court reserv ati ons and equipment rental s can be arran ged through the porter at Lambton Hall, according to Doug Dodd, Department of Athletics. "During the summer months," he said , " the co urts can be used from 8:00 a.m. to midnight. or longer if demand develop s." Racquets can be rented for 25 cents an hour for students and 50 cents an hour for faculty, staff and the general pubJ ic. The ball will be prov ided . Aside from soft-soled shoes , no specia l clothing is needed . Rule s are posted at the court and are available on hand-ollt sheet s from the poner. Players will leave suitable identificati on with th e porter while playing with the rental rac qu ets, following the establi shed equipment loan policy of the Depart ment of Athletics. Platform tennis is basically tennis.
except that the server has only one serve and the ball can be played off the screens. Tennis players wiU welcome this feature bec ause it mea ns longer ra Uies and less time devoted to chasing balls. It can be played year-round (sno w shove ls are provided to clean the co urts in the de ad of winter) and round -the-cl oc k. The sma ll co urt puts players close enough for verbal exchanges whi le play ing an aspect of the game th at increa c;< the: fun and good natured co mpewion. r itness add icts will in va riabl y inquire about th e exe rc ise rating of platform tennis. Informal " guesti ma tes " rate the exe rci se inten sity somewhere betwee n tenni s and squ ash. 0
alumni news Social Science Alumni Association Gradu ates of the University' s College of Soc ial Science and its former W llington College of Arts and Science are in the process of establishing a College of Social Science Alu mni Association . As many alum ni will be aw are, the University's Coll ege structure contemplates that each College will form an alumni association of its gradu ates , which in turn will be represented in the Uni vers ity of Guelph Alumni Assoc iation. The UGAA is a general association which directs its activities to intcrest and benefit graduates of the Univer sity as a whole . Seve ral Colleges present.l y benefit from strong establi shed alumnI assoc iations. An informal group of graduates from the Social Science disciplines of economics, geog raphy, psychology, poli tic al st udies and sociology , headed by interim Association Presiden t Michael James , CSS '72, have been meeting on a regular basis, ably assiste d by Joe Brooks . CSS '69, Assistant to the Director, Depa rtment of Alumni Affairs and De velopment, and Rosemary Clark, Mac' 59. Assistant Direc tor, Alumni Programs. to establish an assoCia tion. It is apparent at thi s early stage th at the interest and affinit y exi st to support a strong College Assoc iation . It is hoped th at a College of Social Science Alumni As sociation can be both soc ial and s upportive of the University and its students, while helpin g to fill an increasingly apparent need of alumni for
Alumni elections to Senate co nt inuing contact with de ve lopments in thei r disc ipline s . T he in form al gro up of C SS gradu ates has formed itsel f int o a n interim exec utive and se t itse lf a pri mary goa l of taking the necessa ry steps to form an associati on . A gene ral mee ting ope n to all CSS grad uates, stude nt s and faculty has been firm ly sc hedu led fo r Homeco min g Weeke nd , Octo ber 14 , wi th a wine an d c heese fomla t . At this meet in g, the necessary organizational steps of adopt in g a const itut io n an d by-l aws, elec ting pemlanen t directo rs an d officers and deve lop ing programs can be taken . Full de tai ls conce rn ing the meet ing are co nt ai ne d in the first -e ver S ocial S cience Alumni Ne ws whi c h was m ailed to all CSS graduates , fa culty and student s ea rli e r th is m on th . In order that a functio ning associat ion may come into existence as soon as poss ible , the interim executi ve has begu n the task of de velopi ng ac ti vities an d program s . An impo rtant ste p is the establishme nt of the CSS alum ni ne ws bulletin which w ill app ar re g ularly at fo ur- mon th intervals. Miss G r tche n MacM illa n, CSS '70, wo rked di lige ntl y to ensure th at he fi rst issue was both inte resting a nd info rmativ e. Discussions are curre ntly being held w it h fac ul ty and students w ith a view to deve loping proj ec ts such as a careers nigh t, sem ina rs or gue st speakers . T he pos sibili ty of do nat ing a work of art to the Un ive rsity is being inves tigated. A broad range of o th e r possi ble acti vities is unde r co nsideration. The ultim ate achi e veme nt s of the Ass oci at io n will , of cour se, depend on the interes t and suppo rt of its numerous potentia l me mbers . A nyone interested in assisting at this ea rl y stage sho ul d co nt ac t Joe Broo ks at the Alu m ni O ffice, te lephone 824-4120 Ext. 390 1, or Mic hae l James, 6 2 Y amlo ut h Stree t, Guelph , te le phone 824-9897. Graduate' of Socia l Sc ie nce di sci pli nes are rem inde d th at it is now mo re im portant than ever tha t the Al um ni Offi ce be made aw are of the ir c urre nt maili ng address . Any grad uate o f the Uni vers ity of Guel ph or me mber of the Unive rsity commun ity is we lc ome to take an in terest in the Colle ge of Soc ia l Science Alum ni Assoc iation . T ho se who are not gr ad uates of Soc ial Science d isc ipli nes shoul d as k the Alu mni Office to place their na mes o n the Associ ation' s mail in list. 0
G ordon He nry
Mary McG illi vray
Follow ing the a nnu al election for three of the nine alumni seats on the Se nate a the Univers ity , Gordon B. Henry, OAC '34; Mary (Robertson) McGillivray, M ac '36, and Helen M , McKercher, Mac '30, have been elected to re pl ac e those who have ful fi ll ed thei r th ree-yea r term . Dr, Robert (Herb) Wright, OVC ' 38, had th e next highe t numb r of vo tes an d w ill sit o n Senate unti l Au g ust 3 1, 1979 compl eting the unexpi red term o f Ron Tayl or, HAFA ' 73, who resig ned his seat on Senate due to a move to Northern On tario . G ordo n B . He nry, OAC '34 , li ves in Ingerso ll , O nta rio . He re tired as Manager of the In gerso ll C heese Co mp any in 1977 a ft er 32 yea rs w it h the C o mpany. Preside nt o f his class since grad uatio n . Mr. He nry sat o n the Jnge r 'oll School Board for 20 years; was May or of Inge rsoll for nine years; is honorary advisor to the Ontario Da iry Co unc il and mu nicipa l go vernme nt study co-ordin ator for th e cou nty of Pe te rbo roug h . Mary (Robe rtso n) McGill ivray , Mac ,36 , res ides in Dow nsvi ew , O nt ar io and has ¡ a ,trong fa mi ly affili at ion w ith Guelph . She is the daughter of the late Jo hn Robertso n , OAe' 14 , a nd Ze li a (Parks ) who attended Mac in '1 0. Mrs . McGi ll ivray's daugh ter, Mrs . Dale Fawcett , is a Mac'68 rad . A past pres ide nt of the Mac Alu mni Assoc iation 's T or nto bra nch and a fo undin g me mbe r of the A lma Mater Fund 's Ce ntury C lub, M rs . McG ill ivray ha~ a long record of vo lu ntee r work w ith To ron to hospitals , nursery schools an d se ni o r ci ti ze n group s. Her interest in Senate is prompted by a deep conce rn fo r the qu ality of ed ucat io n . He len M . McKe rch er, Mac ' 30, li ve~ in Stratfo rd , Ontari ,fo ll ow ing a dis tinguished 36-yea r career in home econo m ics exte nsio n . She reti red in 1976 as d irect r of the home eco no mic s branc h of the Ont ario
He le n McKe rcher
Dr. R obert Wrighl
De partme nt of Ag ri culture and Food afte r 20 years in tha t capacit y. M iss M cKe rc her is a found ing member of the A ma Mate r Fun d's Ce ntury C lub . S he has se rved as cl ass age nt a nd ed itor of her class newsle tter. S he was awarded the Ce ntenn ial Me dal a nd, in 1976 , wa s name d by the UGAA as A lum nu s of Ho no ur. Rob rt (Herb) W right , OVC ' 38 live s in Dunda s, O nt ar io. In prac ti ce for 35 years, a nd proprie tor o f the D und as Ani ma l H osp ital , he re tired in 1975. Secre tary of his class since gradu at io n , D r . W rig ht is a life me mber and past-pr sident of th O nt ario Ve te ri nary Asso ciat ion : se rved o n the OVA Ad viso ry C om mi ttee; is a me mbe r o f th e CVMA and the A VMA, a nd was OV A me m be r in the A VMA Ho use of Represe nt ative s for fi ve yea rs . 0
Gam el L. Nix
Garnet L, Nix, OAC '42 , has bee n appo in ted a V ice-Preside nt of Canada Pac kers Li mited. Mr. N ix is a Directo r of Canada Packers and has latt e rly bee n Ge ne ra l M anage r of th e compa ny ' s Yo rk Fa rm s Divisio n . Both he a nd his w ife Ma ry Hele n (Paterso n), Mac '4 1, are fou nd ing members of the A lma M ater F und 's Ce ntury Cl ub . MI'. and Mrs . ix live in Wi llo wdale , O nt ar io , and are pare nt s of three ; anc y, Fre d and Pe ter , OAC ' 70 . 0
S eptember
• cODling
events November
We're • curIous • • • • • • again
Summer 1978 Volume 11, Numb.,. 3
PoSl,19C P'.lK1
PQI1 O<w~..•
I~' /
Ennombre third troisieme class classe 1067 Guelph. Ont.
If the addr essee
or a son or a daughte r who IS an alumnus has moved . please notify the Alumni Ollice, University o f Guelph NIG 2W1. s o that th is mag azine may
be forwa rded to th e proper address.
22 OAC Alumni Association Annual Golf Tournament 30 Alumni Apple and Autumn Colour Tour, Orangeville area 14 Homecoming Annual Meetings. Human Kinetics, HAFA, Social Science and University of Guelph Alumni Associations 15 Deadline for reservations - Alumni Tour to Colombia and Ecuador 25 Alumni Night at Western Raceway, London 10-18 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto
Since the Guelph Alumnus was first published in 1968, we've been concerned regarding the period between our mailing date and the date you receive it. In the Winter, 1976 issue , mailed at third class rates, we printed a cut-out return form requesting confirmation of delivery dates. The returns were good but the news was not. The best average delivery time in Canada was to alumni in Ontario - seven days. The worst was shared by alumni in Prince Edward Island and in Alberta - a depressing 21 days. Faced by the sad facts, we approached the Post Office. It was suggested that we would save money and improve delivery time by mailing your magazine at bulk third class rates. So we switched. The switch involves a pre-sort at the University resulting in direct delivery to the postal station closest to each one of you . We ' re curious. Have we improved delivery time? Ollly you can telius. We'll be grateful if you will record the date of receipt of this issue on the form below and mail to: Derek Win g , Editor, Guelph Alumnus , Department of Alumni Affairs and Development , U niversity of Guelph, G uelph, O ntario N IG 2W I . Please make SUfe your mailing label is on your return and your address is correct. 0
------------ ---------------------------------~
I received the Summer 1978 edition of the Guelph Alumnus on: