Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Winter 1983

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AWMNUS Winter 198J Vo l. 16, No. I

UN IVE RS ITY OF GUELPH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HO NORA R Y PRESIDENT : Professor Dona ld F. Forster. PRES IDE T : Jane (V o llic k) Webster, FACS '75 . PAST PRESIDENT: lackie (We myss) Wr ig ht . CBS '7 4. SENIOR VICE-PRESIDEN T Barry S ta hlbaum . CPS ' 74 . SECRETAR Y: Dr . O. Brian Allen, C PS '72. ASSOC IATE SECRETARY : Rosemary C lar k, M ac ' 59. TREASURER : Jam es E lmslie. VICE路PRES I DENTS Cath y Knipe, CBS ' 79: Edilh (Si mm o ns) LeLac heur , Arts ' 72: Eli zabe th O 'Neil. FACS '7 4: Ross Pa rr y. CSS '80: Glen n Powell. OAC '62: Bru ce Richardso n. CPS '82. DI RECTOR S : Dr . Brian A llen. CPS '72: Larr y Arg ue , OAC '58: Deb bie (N ash) C hambers. ArlS '77: Dr . Dudley Collins. OVC '56: Lorrie ( Rol sto n ) Cosens, CBS ' 79 ; Sue (Bealty) Davidso n. CSS '82 : Dr. Ron Downey, OVC '6 1: Dr . Peter Fort e, CPS M .Se. '70: Alvin J o ry, CSS '74 : Lorna (I nn es) La wrence. Mac '68: Ja nice (R obert so n) Pa rt loll'. Arts '70; Dr . C lare Rennie. OAC '47: Ja n Walson. C BS '75 : Janice Yellow lees . Mac '80. EX-OFF IC IO D I RECTORS John Babcock, OAC '5 4, Director of Alumni Affairs and Oefelopment; John Henning, CPS '7 6, President, Gradu a te S tud ents Associa tion; Pa tri cia (Hone y) Lonerga n, CSS '68. President, College of Socia l Science Alumni Association; Dr. Archie MacKinnon, OVC '43. President, Ontario Ve terinary College Alumni Associat ion; Denis Ra il ing, President, U ni versi ty of Guelph Centra l S tudent Associat ion; Marie (Boissonneault) Ru sh, CBS '80 , President, College o f BiOlogica l Science Alumni Association; M argo Shoema ker. Arts '79 . President, College of Arts Alumni Associa tion; Ba rr y Stah lbaum, CPS '7 4, President, College of Ph ysica l Sc ience Al urnni Associat ion; Henry St a nley, OA C '55, Presiden t, O ntario Agricultural College Al umni Association; Carol Telford-Pi ll ma n. FA CS '75 , President, Mac-FACS Alumni Association.

The Guelph Alumnlls is publis hed by lhe Departmenl o r Alumni Affairs and Development in co-opera ti on wilh lhe Depa rtmenl of Infor ma ti o n, Univers it y of Guc lph . EDITOR , Derek J . Wing, Pu blica lions Office r, Departm e nl of A lumni Afra irs and Developmenl.

"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life."

T he Edilorial Commi ll ee is comprised o f the Edil or, Derek Wing ; Jo hn Babcock, OAC ' 54, Direclor , Departm enl of Alumni Arrai rs and Developmenl; Erich Ba rth , Art Director, De partment o f Informalion ; Rosemar y Clark, Mac '59, Assistan l Director for Alumni Programs, Department of Alu mn i Affairs and Developmenl; Dona ld J ose, OAC '49 , Press- Publi ci ty , Departmen l or Informalion ; Robin Bai rd Lewi s, Arts '7 3, Deve lopmen t /Co mmunica li ons Officer, Depanment of Alumn i Affairs and Developm ent ; D ougla s Walerslon, Director, Depanment of Inrormali on.

Those words of Sa muel Johnson, 1709-1784 are still true today. These University of Guelph students pose on the steps of Guelph-London House, a residence owned by the University of Guelph and located at 105 Albert S treet, London, N,W. I, England . The house, used as a student resi dence during Fall and Winter semesters, is available to visitors during the balance of the year-approximately mid-April to mid-Se ptember. Alumni are encouraged to stay at London House durin g this period. Accommodation in Lo ndon House includes: two self-contained apart颅 ments, s leeping five, each with a fully-equipped kitchen and a bathroom; two double rooms, each with two si ngle beds; three single rooms, each with a si ngle bed . Occupants of double and s ingle rooms share a fully-equipped kitchen and a common-room. These facilities are available at reasona ble rates. For further information write: John S. Wills, Property Manager, U niversity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N 1G 2W 1 or call (519) 824-4120, Exl. 2734.

Thc Edilorial Advisory Boa rd of the U ni ve rsit y of Guelph Alumni Associa lion is comp rised of Dr . O . Brian Allen , CPS '72 , Chai rma n: Dr . All a n Austin ; Dr. Do nald Ba rnum , OVC '41 ; Pe le r Hohenadel, OAC '75; J anice ( Robertson) Panl ow. Ans '7C: Oli ve (T ho mpso n) Thompson, Ma c '35; Jan W a lson. CBS '75; Sandra Websler, CSS '75; Ex- offi c io; John Babcock. OAC '54; J ane (Vol li ck) Websler , FACS '75. Undelivered copies should be relurned to th e Depa rt m enl o f Al um ni Afrairs and Developme nt, Uni vers it y of Gue lph, Guelph, Ontario, N I G 2W I .



Gua phi... Around the Globe

Apiculture on Four Continents

Seed sorting in /bodan, Nigeria, West Africa. Reproduced and condensed from the U. of G. News Bulletin. oday, the phrase " international concern" has become a hackneyed catch word. On the University of Guelph campus, however, it is a tradition with a long history of successful application. Nearly 20 per cent of the faculty members at the University of Guelph have first-hand experience in one or more Third World countries. That is to say nothing of the large numbers of graduate students who have traditionally come to Guelph from around the globe to complete their preparation for useful careers in their own, or some similar, country. And, for generations, agricultural and veterinary graduates have gone to serve, with distinction, in many parts of the world. More recently, their fellow alumni in other disciplines have joined them with equal success, although agriculture and rural development remain the predominant theme of many projects. The University's international efforts are co-ordinated by the Centre for International Programs under the direction of Professor John Cairns. Kath Beaven, assistant to the director, is responsible for the budgetary aspects of project submis足


sions to funding agencies, while Bob McEwen, the University's policies and procedures officer, works closely with the Centre on the budgetary and contractual issues of every international program. The Centre provides a focus for the many projects and undertakings that contribute to the University of Guelph's high profile on the international scene and a convenient contact point with federal agencies, international bodies and non-government organizations involved in the Third World. Many of the University of Guelph'S official links abroad have been with individual universities. Others have provided assistance to government agencies in those countries. Most have been supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the International Development Research Centre (lORC), or UN a gencies. Some have been short-term, others of longer duration. The columns that follow summarize a number of the projects currently in progress to provide a brief overview of the scope of the University's international involvement.

In the last 15 years the University of Guelph has become one of the world's leading centres for tropical apiculture. This international renown dates back to the foundation work carried out by Professor Emeritus Gordon Townsend, OAC '38, in developing countries in Asia. Africa and South and Central America . The Kenya-Canada Beekeeping Project, initiated by Professor Townsend in 1971 and now directed by Department of Environmental Biology professor, Maurice Smith, OAC '42, is considered one of CIDA's most successful overseas endeavors. Although the contract officially terminated last September, CIDA has approved an extension for 1983 that will allow remaining funds to be used for the support of Kenyans studying in Canada and Nairobi. As the result of a CIDA-supported project in Sri Lanka, the number of beekeepers in that country has grown from 1,000 in 1976 to more than 7,000 this year. Initiated by Professor Townsend, the project, which is nearing completion, is now directed by Department of Environmental Biology professor, Peter Kevan. Professor Kevan explains that the foundations have been laid for a cottage-level industry supported by a highly developed government extension system. Although problems exist in the areas of marketing, processing and quality control, honey production has improved dramatically and provides stimulation for the rural economy. Professor Kevan is also finalizing plans for a proposed conference on Asian honeybees to be held in Sri Lanka. It is expected that this gathering of southeast Asian scientists, apiculturists and government workers will lead to an apiculture network in which Guelph will playa prominent role. Agricultural Education In China The Centre for International Programs contd. over


administers many links and bilateral agreements between this University and others overseas, funded by CIDA. The newest of these is with the Beijing Agricultural University in the People's Republic of China. This link is primarily designed to upgrade and retrain scientists and teachers and, hence, revitalize the agricultural sector which suffered during the Cultural Revolution. Funding includes provision for a maximum of nine months overseas exchange each year for faculty members of each institution. Department of Clinical Studies professor, Dr. Frank Milne, has already lectured at Beijing and plans are under way for Department of Pathology professor, Dr. Bernard McSherry, OAC '42; former OVC Dean Dr. Dennis Howell, and two Department of Land Resource Science faculty to visit China in 1983. The program is co-ordinated by Professor Cairns. He visited Beijing two years ago and again in April, 1981, when he was accompanied by President Donald Forster, OAC Dean Clayton Switzer, OAC ' 51, and OVC Dean Douglas Maplesden, OVC '50.

University of the West Indies A project begun in 1979 to develop an undergraduate agricultural engineering program at the University of the West Indies, has already resulted in the training of 12 graduates who are now involved in research, development and extension work in the Caribbean islands. Department of Engineering professor , Hugh Ayers, is co-ordinator of the link that will end this year. He points to the need for trained people in an area where erosion

problems are severe, and the best land is in sugar cane, a crop reduced by one-third in the past decade because of poor land足 management practices. Trained people are also needed to develop systems of mechanization suitable for small farms and to instruct farmers on the preservation, storage and processing of their products .

The Southern Link Professor John deMan, Department of Food Science, is project co-ordinator for another four-year link, this one with the University of Campinas in Brazil. This exchange with the Faculty of Food and Agricultural Engineering has involved food science, environmental biology, consumer studies and agricultural engineering personnel. Faculty have been able to advise their Brazilian counterparts on such subjects as cereal, baking and milling technology, extrusion of plant proteins, cheese making, microbiology and food hygiene, as well as marketing research methodology, irrigation and farm machinery. The exchange has implications in food production for all of South America as the University of Campinas is an education centre for a much broader area than just Brazil.

stock, is designed to provide income for poor farmers in the area as well as stock for recreational fishing. Project director, Professor Hugh MacCrimmon, Department of Zoology, and biologist Barra Gots, OAC '65, are now able to demonstrate the practical application, in highland regions of other tropical countries with appropriate water resources, where trout farming and recreational fishing can generate new income in the economy.

The Successful Ghana Project One of the University's best-known programs of co-operation with a Third World institution was the CIDA-funded Ghana-Guelph Project which ran from 1969 to 1978 under the direction of School of Agricultural Economics and Extension Ed\lcation professor Jim Shute. Fifty graduate students, 43 of them Ghanaians, benefitted from the exchange and more than 20 Guelph and Ghanaia n faculty members were involved. This connection has continued at a reduced level with a close relationship still existing between the College of Family and Consumer Studies at Guelph and the Department of Home Science in Legon.

Preserving Oral Literature Trout Farming In Central Africa An acquaculture project in Costa Rica, now in its fourth year, has shown that trout farming in the highland regions of Central America is biologically feasible. The scheme, which is using Ontario-produced rainbow trout as one of several progenitors for genetic development of Costa Rican

Faculty from Gue/ph and the University of the West Indies with a sugar cane harvester in Barbados.

The Cameroons Project is unique among Guelph's international involvements because it concerns two arts departments, the Department of English Language and Literature at Guelph and the Department of African Literature at the University of Yaounde. The co-ordinator is Professor Doug Killam, chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature and a well-known student of African literature. He is responsible for the University's part of the exchange. Project advisor, Elizabeth Cockburn, CSS '81, who spent two years as an instructor at a teacher-training college in Cameroon, is working with school足 children and teachers, many of whom are active in the country's Association for Creative Teaching.

Trend-Setting In Teaching Skills Among the most rewarding experi足 ences of Guelph personnel in overseas work are the conta cts made with colleagues in Third World countries. This is particularly true of the workshops and training courses that bring together people from all over the world . The University of Guelph has arranged successful workshops in teaching methods


in agriculture, veterinary diagnostic microbiology and soil and plant ana,lysis. Professor Jim Shute is co-ordinator of the workshops on teaching methods in agriculture which are designed to improve teaching skills in developing countries where the need to produce university graduates capable of improving the food system is urgent. Four workshops have been held so far-two in Guelph, one in Ghana and one in the West Indies. Planning is under way for a fifth in Malaysia this summer, supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and CIDA. A handbook for planners, teachers and administrators has just been published by the Office for Educational Practice, co-sponsor of the workshops with the University School of Part-time Studies and Continuing Education. Soil Analysis

Land Resource Science staff member, Dirk Tel, was invited to go to the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture in Ibadan, Nigeria, as visiting scientist in 1978. At the request of the Institute, he organized the first training course for 25 soil and plant analysis technicians in 1980. Response was enthusiastic, he says, and a second course was run, with CIDA support, in Ibadan in 1980. Veterinary Microbiology

Department of Veterinary Microbi足 ology and Immunology microbiologist Dr. Donald Barnum, OVC '41, has also had enthusiastic feed-back from the training courses in veterinary diagnostic microbiology that he has co-ordinated in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The aim of this program is to introduce new techniques and advances in diagnostic microbiology to young veteri足 narians in the geographic area where the workshop is held. The courses receive support from UNESCO, the UN Environmental Program, the International CeIJ Research Organization, the UN Food and Agri足 culture Organization (FAO) and CIDA.

Many years of study have shown her that these women often bear the brunt of economic and domestic support for their families. Author of a 1979 monograph on the role of rural women in development, Professor Cebotarev is now helping set up rural development programs dealing with women and family life, work commissioned by the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Co-operation, an agency of the Organization of American States. Professor Cebotarev has organized five workshops on the quality of rural life and the role of women in Latin America over the last few years. She is currently involved in studies that will initiate training programs in rural family life in Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, and the Caribbean. She explains that Latin American women produce as much as 70 per cent of the food in their countries although they seldom receive training in agriculture, credit or marketing. Development Education

While faculty, staff and graduate students are involved in development projects around the world, the Development Education Program at the University brings the issues of the Third World to the campus and the community. During the past four years the program's mandate in development education has involved it with schools, community groups and the Guelph Correctional Centre, as well as with University personnel and students. One of the longest running and most successful aspects of the program has been the ten-year-old inter-cultural exchange that

takes students from developing countries into public and high school classrooms where conditions in Peru, Tanzania or Sri Lanka come to life with the aid of slides, food and personal anecdotes. Now in the first year of a new format, the program is directed by Wilma Van Berkel of the Centre for International Programs with the support of the University and CIDA. Pot Pourrl

At anyone time the University is engaged in some 20 development projects. It is impossible to cover every aspect of this work in an article of this scope, but it should be mentioned that faculty members are currently giving assistance to a veterinary college in Sri Lanka. A land evaluation scheme in the Caribbean and a Physics graduate program for a Brazilian university are at the planning stage. A literacy study will be carried out in Sierra Leone in the near future. The University has also received IDRC funding over the years for several substantial research projects that include on-going cassava work, directed by Department of Microbiology professor, Ken Gregory, and a completed work on trypanosomiasis and triticale. This spring the University and the Commonwealth Secretariat will sponsor a meeting, in England, on price policy and agricultural marketing to be attended by senior agricultural planners from Commonwealth countries. School of Agricultural Economics and Extension Education professors, Truman Phillips and Stewart Lane, will represent Guelph at the meeting. D

In Ghana, agricultural workshops on teaching methods include visits to demonstration plots.

Role of Rural Women

Department of Sociology and Anthropology professor Nora Cebotarev's concern for the women of Central and South America expresses itself in her widespread involvement in rural development In that large area of the world.


Homo SapJens Was Just Another Species

Jill Pangman and Bruce McLean, both CBS '79, spent 1981 travelling through the African continent, from Egypt to South Africa, visiting as many national parks and game preserves as possible, and meeting with biologists conducting research on various wildlife species. Currently In Australia, they flied this report from Sydney, New South Wales.

By Jill Pangman, CBS '79. here was no moon to illuminate. the darkness, and I edged in closer to the fire. The dancing flames were a comforting distraction during the long African night, when voices of nocturnal creatures are intensified in the still air. The light caught the soft shades of sandstone behind me, and outlined the ochre-coloured sketches that were engraved into the face of the rock. I thought of the generations of bushmen who had sought refuge in this same shelter and who had also looked to a flickering light as their guardian against the night spirits. I remembered a night not long before. The moon was hidden then also, and we had difficulty guiding ourselves under the meagre light of the stars. The rarified air was bitterly cold, and our lungs and muscles ached from the exertion of climbing. We reached our goal, the crater rim of Mt. Kilimanjaro, at the first glimmer of dawn and the plains below were obscured by rose-coloured spires of cloud that would soon envelop us as they crept up the flanks of the mountain. An avalanche thundered off one of the nearby glaciers; then all was silent. This colourless world of rock and ice seemed to be devoid of life; yet the same equatorial



sun burned life into the tropical forests and grasslands some 19,000 feet below us. More than 20,000 years ago, violent subterranean forces started to tear apart the earth's crust. Today a 6,000-mile-long rift, between 30 and 300 miles wide, stretches most of the length of the African continent. From the top of Kilimanjaro, we could see this cleft merging with the distant horizons to our north and south. We had started our journey near the beginning of this great rift valley, on the shores of the Red Sea, surrounded by the stark but sculptured aridity of the Sinai Peninsula. One year later, near its southern end, we would be sleeping in a river-side cave reflecting on the route our travels had taken, and wondering about the forces of nature that had carved out these valleys, ranges and plains of Africa. From Kilimanjaro we could see the results of these forces in every direction. Somehow, we felt we were above it all, that we were immune to the powers of erosion that, over millennia, would tear at this mountain and reduce it to the level of the plains far below. About 100 miles to our north the disfigured cone of Mt. Kenya jutted through its own blanket of clouds. It had

once been a higher testimony to the volcanic powers beneath the rift but now only a magmatic plug of rock remains, skirted by huge glacial moraines. We had caught our first glimpse of its two highest peaks from its topmost hut. T he clouds had cleared during the night and, when I glanced out the window in the early hours of the morning, the glaciers were glistening in the moonlight. Bation and Nelion rose 1,500 feet above us, saluting the night sky like prolld old warriors. Now their successor, Kilimanjaro, towers 2,300 feet above them. Many years ago a cataclysmic explosion formed the crater of Ngorongoro, 100 miles to our west. We had spent the night of the last full moon on the floor of this eight-mile-wide amphitheatre. The last rays of the sun had highlighted the reddish hues of the flamingoes which had settled on the soda waters of Lake Magadi. The moon rose over the 2,000 foot-high wa lis and illuminated the nocturnal world around us. We could pick out the silhouette of a cow rhinoceros and her calf on the opposite side of the lake, and we listened to the demoniacal laughter of hyenas echoing across the wa ter. I knew of a pride of lions that inhabited a grove of acacias at the far end of the caldera, and wondered whether the mother had had success on her evening hunt. We could hear hippos snorting from the nearby spring, and could imagine several cats stalking amphibious prey in the creek beds. An old bull elephant wandered through camp, his larg~ tusks gleaming in the silvery light. Although many of the animals remain within the confines of this immense natural kraal , others just pass through on their movements to and from the Serengeti plains. The most spectacular of these migrations is that of the wildebeeste which move over the savannah in the hundreds of thousands. They are accompanied by lesser numbers of zebra , gazelle, impala and other ungulae, which all utilize different species or parts of grasses. In this way they can coexist by capitalizing on the limited resources. Unfortunately they are competing for their food with large numbers of cattle. Social customs of the Masai people dicta te the need for the tribesmen to own huge herds of these beasts, not for food, but rather for status and wealth. Fires set by the Masai as they retreat with stolen cattle, or set by poachers who are after skins and ivory for overseas markets, also devastate


large tracts of land . As a result, vast areas of the plains have been denuded of grass. In years of drought, when potential shoots do not receive the moisture that they need to grow, thousands of animals will die. Their bodies will litter the cracked mud flats of the last water holes, and the air above will be thick with scavengers. Through the rift valley, the pattern of life is governed by the seasons, and moisture is always one of the predominant limiting factors. Far to the west of Kilimonjaro, along the borders of Uganda, Zaire, and Rwanda, lie mountains which have as explosive a history as those of the main faultline of the Rift Valley. They actually border a western extension of this valley, which curves upwards from Lake Malawi through the lakes of Tanganyika and Victoria. One of these volcanoes had erupted only a few years previously . We climbed up it so that we could peer over its crater rim in darkness to see the red glow of the boiling lava. It was an eerie experience to watch wisps of steam and to smell sulphur gases that oozed from this massive jagged hole, and to realize that some of the forest dwellers that had roamed the eastern flank of this mountain were now entombed in lava. The more rugged and isolated of these volcanic slopes are the last domain of the mountain gorilla. We set off with a guide in Rwan9a's Parc des Volcans in the hope of catching a glimpse of this amazing creature. We followed the spoor of a family group through the entangled vines and creepers of a bamboo forest. A fresh afterbirth indicated that we were close to our destination ; we vowed to be carefullest we disturb the new mother, and trigger the wrath of the dominant male.

I was suddenly startled by a pair of eyes that were peering at us through the undergrowth . I wondered how long they had been watching us, or anticipating our arrival. They seemed to recognize our guide, who kept clearing his throat and coughing softly in an attempt to communicate or pacify the ape. We recognized this to be the leader of the clan by the wash of silver hairs down the middle of its massive back. We followed him as he ambled off, and watched him and his family for as long as our guide felt that he would tolerate our presence; then we found our way down out of the forest. I remember looking back at the steep forested slopes, wondering how long the mountain gorilla would be able to find a home there. He is constantly being pushed farther away from his preferred altitude, terrain , and food. The human population of the surrounding valleys is growing at an alarming rate, and cash and food crops are replacing bamboo stands and rainforest. Poaching, as well , takes its toll in lives and casualties; one gorilla we saw had lost one of its hands in a snare. To the south of these cloud-clad volcanoes, along the north-eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika, is the home of another of man's relatives, the chimpanzee. Gombe Stream National Park has been set up to preserve a small area of their habitat. By studying the individuals of one group over a span of 20 years, Jane Goodall, a naturalist, has gained insight into different personalities and social interactions of this remarkable animal. We visited the park for several days and watched the antics of this group; the mutual groomings and juvenile play, the nest-building and infant-carrying, the family bickerings and threat displays. It

was interesting to experience the lead-up to a new male coming into dominance over the clan, and we were careful not to approach too closely , or else we would become the brunt of his displays. We also had to guard our cameras ; one of the younger male chimpanzees took delight in throwing rocks and sticks at any photographer who tried to take a picture of him. I was intrigued by the high level of intelligence of these small apes. I knew how their existence was threa tened by the increasing loss of their habitat. I wondered if their intelligence permitted them to know also. As I sat watching the embers of that fire by the ancient bushman cave I felt saddened by the realization of the limited future for the wildlife of Africa. Months previously we had stood on the shore of East Africa's Lake Turkana, where the oldest remains of humans have been found . At that long-ago time, Homo sapiens was just another species that had to constantly struggle for survival. Sketches on the wall of this cave depicted familiar hunting scenes for these primitive peoples. The Bushmen once roamed over all of southern Africa. Now they have been all but exterminated by advancing tribes and civilizations; likewise the wildlife of this vast continent is being pushed into increasingly smaller and more isolated pockets of wilderness by the descendents of these early peoples . Despite the pessimistic feelings with which I finished my journey in Africa, I shall treasure the memories of our experiences in its wilder places ; from the reed beds of the Okovango to electrical storms over the Drakensburgh; from the chill of the higher peaks to the scorching heat of the deserts; from a sunrise through the spray above Victoria Falls to the trumpet of an elephant-a herald to the beginning of another day. 0

Jill Pangman and Bruce McLean,

both CBS '79


More Involvement In

Adult Education

niversities are constantly making changes in response to the changing needs of society. In this interview, Professor Donald Forster, President of the llniversity of Guelph, dis cusses the llniversity's evolving role in terms of Its adult education program s with Andrea Mudry Fawcett, media liaison for the llniversity School of Part-time Studies and Continuing Education.


students wa s so low. We had by far the lowest number in the province, much lower than Trent Universit y. lthink we have a n obligation to the adult community to increa se opportunities for part-time study. Thi s is what we've done by changing entrance requirements for mature students, introducing more evening classes a nd the General Studies program. So I've been quite pleased with the way it has developed. Part-time Studies is never going to be a huge operation, nor should it be. We should obviou sly work closely with our immediate neighbours-McMast er, Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier- to make sure tha t we don't duplicate offerings. But in certain areas we are unique, and those are the areas we should emphasize. FA WCETT: What about non-degree courses for adults?

President Donald F. Forster.

FA WCETT: In volvement in adult education is relatively new on some Canadian campuses. Is it a tradilionfor Guelph? FORSTER: Yes, this campus has been involved, through the founding colleges, for many years. Veterinarians' short cour ses, through the Ontario Veterinary College, for example, and all the extension work done through the Ontario Agricultural College and Macdonald In sti tute , these were established decades ago, and in many cases are still being offered. So adult education is not new on this campus. Wh a t is new is our heavier involvement in pa rt-time studies. I couldn't understa nd , when I first came to Guelph in 1975, why the number of true part-time


FORSTER: Well one area where we obviously are equipped to do a job better than the community colleges is the general interest courses in the humaniti es and soc ial The typical community college does not have great strength in these subjects. Other areas would be computers , agriculture, and the biological sciences to name a few. By the same token , we shouldn't get involved in meta l-working or welding, or things of this sort. Some overlap is inevitab le, and I don ' t think it should be parti cularly worrysome to people. I hap pen to believe a degree of competition is a good thing, and keeps everybody on their toes. If you look at the future, which is always a dangerous thing to do, you are going to see immense changes in people's work lives, the quality of their working environment, a nd the number of times they are forced into career changes. The universi ties are going to have to be helpful, through degree and non-degree programs, in ass isting people to make suc h changes. FA WCETT: Continuing Edu cation's non-degree courses receive no provincial funding. Do y ou feel, in light of this, that the UniversilY has an obligation to provide this kind of service to (he com munilY? FORSTER: Yes, we always have provided such a resou rse, and will continue to do so. Funding would be nice, but considering the

current tight financial situation, we have to re alize th at funding given to Continuing Education would likely be div erted from funds for some other purpose. General interes t Continuing Education courses, I think, should continue to be paid for by the consumer. More specialized courses might be subsidi zed. Some alread y a re mounted on behalf of government agencies or compa ni es. FA WCETT: Gazing into the cryslal ball, ill/ hefulure where should Ih e em phasis be placed in adult educati on? FORSTER: Well , the majo r need will be to help people adjust to changes in their work. whether th ey' re ch ang ing jobs or th e job content changes. This may includ e counselling or courses to upd a te people in new techniques, such as the use of computers. If you believe som e of the wild forecast s a bout the impac t on employment of women by the office revolu tion, we're going to have a ve ry seriou s social problem. Thi s, also, we should be addressing. Helping na tive people is of particular interest to me. I' ve often thou ght we might do more in that area. I'm thinking particularly of marginal far ming areas in Northern Ontario which have la rge Ind ia n populations. Also the whole problem of rural/urban interface in the future of the small town, city, or ham let is an interes ting one. You wander aro und rural Ontario , and you see little villages sp routin g their suburbs, often low-quality poorly-serviced housing, a nd wonder what kind of problems we're storing up down the pike. This invol ves probl ems such as land use an d land mana gement. They al read y a re crucial issues in many a reas of the provin ce, but will be more so in the future. And again wc ha ve t he ex pertise to be of se rvice. Another set of soc ia l problem s will be connected with the emergence of an aging population. University fa culty are already doing research on the subject. Innova tive thinking ca n be very helpful here. For example, some se niors could li ve on campus. If the tr ad itiona l university age population drops sign ificant ly, as many demogra phers predict, then we may con sider converting one of the residence buildings essentially into a se nior citizen learning centre. Why not ') Senior citizens a re retired or semi- retired , a nd they want to have some exposure to a universit y environment, to take some university courses for general interes t or whatever. Why not give them th at opportunity? r think we'll see a lot of experimentation over the next 25 to 30 years. 0


in 1921 and moved with the College to Guelph in 1922. There, he began a career in teaching and research that would span 33 years during which his overpowering influence would be felt by a small army of students and would establish his distinctive reputation. Student and faculty folklore at the OVC is rich with Schofield stories. The authenticity of some may be doubtful, but many can still be corroborated. They all vividly portray a scientist, of rare talent and skill, who was capable of teaching all classes, in both Microbiology and Pathology, as well as conducting his own research. Throughout, Schofield emerges as one whose brilliance was only matched by his eccentricity. Self-perpetuating stories that have travelled along the student grapevine support the suggestion that Schofield disliked saxophone players~a warning that was seriously heeded by aJl freshmen. Schofield was also purported to have a poor left eye and, to compensate, would rely upon his right. Consequently, the right side of the classroom received more of his attention . . . itself a mixed blessing. Invariably, Schofield's lectures demonstrated a definite left-sided seating

Dr. Francis W. Schofield, OVC '10

ove's Brilliant Scientist ...

Korea's "Tiger Grandfather"

By Robin Baird Lewis, Arts '73 early three decades have passed since the retirement from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1955 of the late Dr. Francis William Schofield, OVC '10, and yet many former students and colleagues still have vivid memories of "Schof." A brilliant but sometimes belligerent anarchist in scielltist's clothing, he haunted the ha 'i ls of the OVC at a ll hours, driven by an irascible temperament, unrelenting perfectionism and frequent insomnia. Born in Rugby, England, in 1889, Francis Schofield emigrated to Canada at age 16, entered the OVC, which was then affiliated with the University of Toronto, in the fall of 1907 and graduated at the head of his class with the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Science in 1910. He remained at the College, became a faculty member, and studied under Dr. John A. Amyot, then head of the Department of Microbiology,


and obtained a Doctor of Veterinary Science in 19 I I. In 1916, Dr. Schofield was commissioned by the Presbyterian Church of Canada to go to Korea as a medical missionary instructor, in bacteriology and hygiene, at the Severance Medical College in Seoul. The Japanese occupation of Korea was oppressive enough to provoke Schofield into launching a fearless personal campaign for Korean independence. So successful was he in this controversial endeavour that the authorities forced h,i m to leave in 1920, but by this time he had already earned the reputation as Korea's "34th Patriot." Many years later, after his return to Korea, he would be given the more benign epithet of "Tiger Grandfather." After his ejection from Korea, Dr. Schofield returned to Toronto and the OVC

pattern as students attempted to escape the onslaught of "attention." A frequent shopper in Toronto's second-hand clothing stores, Schofield rarely bought new clothes and would accept those purchased for him by friends only to pass them on to others. His thriftiness extended to other domestic areas as well. One revealing vignette, typical of the man, describes his gallant offer to supply sandwiches for a picnic trip to the Elora Gorge with several members of faculty from the Macdonald Institute. It was only after the repast that he informed the party they had just eaten sandwiches made with thoroughly cooked rabbit. The animals had served their purpose in the usual fall term demonstration of lesions of tuberculosis, and he hadn't wished to waste them. Another story relates that in a typical rush to catch a late train from Toronto to

contd. over



Guelph one evening, Dr. Schofield discovered that he was short of funds and was faced with an unsympathetic conductor who refused credit. Undaunted, Schofield made his way to the front of the train and presented himself and his predicament to the engineer. Recognizing him as a regular customer, the engineer loaned the amount required to purchase the ticket and was promised a settlement la ter.

Campaign of Personal Censure Schofield's combative nature provoked him to almost look for trouble. He was known to attend seances and indulge in boisterous kicking under the table to make the evening entertaining but disastrous. His energetic campaign of personal censure extended to religious bodies. He was known to disrupt Christian Science meetings by volunteering to challenge the painless theory with his lapel pin. When an earnest suitor tried to explain his intentions towards Schofield's young female lab technician as leading her to the "grea test institution in the world," meaning marriage in the Catholic Church, Schofield replied that he was surprised, for he thought the "greatest institution in the world" was Standard Oil in New Jersey. Because of his deliberately unorthodox view of life, and his feisty temperament, Dr. Schofield left a legacy of such memorable incidents . Throughout his teaching career, Dr. Schofield's lectures were like the man himself, either threatening or stimulating, depending upon how one came to them, ill-prepared or ready to meet his sharp challenges and biting tongue. In either case, Schofield could be depended upon to pursue a bewildering series of topics not consistent with the planned course curriculum. He was a firm believer that "a student's mind should be regarded as a fire to be kindled ." His "trial by fire" lecture style was similar to the active dialogue many instructors use today . In general, Schofield was capable of rapier-style verbal exchanges but, nearly always, was more tolerant with students. He never retreated from his position but, if a student was recognized as one who enjoyed a good argument, and entered into the spirit of free-wheeling debate, then the Doctor was somewhat less lethal with his thrusts. Schofield's habit of going off on a tangent while lecturing was not a product of professional absentmindedness . Rather he saw it as a method of achieving a very important teaching objective. He included philosophy, ethics and religion, to make students more aware of other aspects of life, in addition to the scientific viewpoint. By introducing these mini-lessons through anecdotes from his own practice, where he


would praise or castiga te the client in question, Schofield pursued a private counter-attack upon the belief that many veterinarians were well trained but poorly educated. Schofield was a wide reader, a student of scripture and had a remarkably quick and incisive m ind which allowed him to intuitively perceive relationships more easily and swiftly than others . It was sa id by some that he was possibly one of the few instructors at the OVC worthy of government funds. But the brillant Doctor was easily bored . Without the support system of a large number of graduate students, and with few grants, the lab work required to prove his insights in factual form often was left undone. As Schofield lost interest, so science probably lost many answers to problems still with us, and being examined, today.

A Brilliant Researcher Had Dr. Schofield pursued more of his discoveries, his resulting reputation would have achieved considerably more fame for himself and his college. As events transpired, Schofield was a direct contributor to the discovery of Dicumarol, a drug currently used to treat human vascular disease. He believed that the "bleeding disease" he was studying in cattle was caused by mouldy or damaged sweet clover, which delayed clotting time in the animal and acted as a blood thinner. Despite a lack of funds, primitive equipment and little encouragement from his immediate superiors, Schofield drew on his sound basic knowledge and his intuitive intellect to reach conclusions that have stood the test of time. However, in the tradition of other

unorthodox personalities, Dr. Schofield 's scientific talents apparently did not extend to an awareness of time a nd schedules. His graduate assistants would have social plans upset if a day was to be spent with "Schor' on his rounds, for it would probably extend into late evening. Nor was it unusual for Schofield to phone someone, in the very early hours of the morning, from a train station, asking to be collected and then delivered, miles away, to unprepared hosts. He would thrive in his anti-materialistic pose to the extent that he would push aside his co-worker's carefully laid-out lab equipment to sharpen a pencil with a freshly honed scalpel. It is understandable that such a character as Schofield would suffer a turbulent and unhappy personal life. His absent-minded preoccupation with himself and his own objectives, which served him excellently in his scientific studies, strained many relationships to the breaking point. Balancing the negative side of Dr. Schofield was his altruism and his championing of the oppressed. After his retirement, in 1955, Schofield returned to the appreciative Korean people to reinforce the ties he had established, to found two orphanages, to teach at Seoul National University and to support the underpriviledged. For this missionary work, and in recognition of his many other medical contributions, Dr. Schofield won wide public and professional acclaim.

Gained International Reputation In 1950 he was given the degree of Honorary Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the Ludwig-Maxmilian University of Munich and was also awarded the Twelfth International Veterinary Congress Prize of

Dr. S chofield contributed to the discovery of Dicumarol, a drug used


treal human vascular disease .


the American Veterinary Medical Association (1954). During the same year, the College of Veterinary Surgeons of the Province of Quebec awarded him the St. Eloi Medal. Dr. Schofield was awa rded the Republic of Korea Medal (1960), and that same country further honoured him with the Order of Merit (1968). He held honorary doctor of law degrees from the Univ ersity of Toronto (1962), and from the Korea U niversi ty (1964), and honorary Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees from the National University Kyongbuk, Korea (1963) and Seoul National University (1970). Dr. Schofield was a lifetime member of the American College of Veterinary

Pathologists, and in March 1970 he was presented with a scroll honouring him as a "Distinguished Member." Only three other men have been so honoured. The medical and diplomatic recognition must have been considerably gratifying to Schofield . Not one to be lulled by publicity, the "Distinguished Member" was stimulated to pursue further campaigns to help the underdog. Fired by his own peculiar brand of Christianity, which followed no particular denomination, Schofield would treat farmer and prime minister alike in order to help those who could not help themselves. His first visit to Korea demonstrated his tremendous capacity to badger and

browbeat his way to achieve a goal he saw as truly worthy. From Korean independence and displaced persons to the inmates at the local Guelph Reformatory, as well as the elderly lady down the street, Dr. Schofield took each underdog cause as a personal challenge to his own eccentric program of faith and good works. When the people he championed improved their lot, Schofield's interest would wane and he would move on to the next windmill. Parallel to his scientific stance, his generosity could flash brilliantly and then just as quickly die, leaving a path strewn with grateful but bewildered people . If this consuming interest in his life could be criticised as a posture that was erratic or self-gratifying, there remained Schofield's work with his campus bible group and his younger Sunday school classes. Schofield was given to inviting undergraduates to his house where discussions were launched from a scriptural base and soared into energetic debate.

Fired by Adversity

Paik Sun Yup. left , then Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Can足 ada, decorated Dr. Schofield with the Korean Order of Merit in 1968. Never at a loss for words, "Schor' attracted esteem at all levels.

Among his technical assistants, colleagues and students, memories of Dr. Schofield are consistent in their assessment and vary only in degree. Stimulated by austerity and fired by adversity, Dr. Schofield was known to expect the best from others, whether they were the president of the College or a lowly undergrad ua teo He was "frequently impatient with those who appeared, to him, to be less industrious, able or intelligent." Like a two-edged sword, Dr. Schofield's perfectionism could generate the pursuit of unthought-of careers in science for some, as well as be responsible for latent cases of shingles in others. The many factors that made Frank Schofield a brilliant scientist, and a stimulating instructor, played havoc with his attempts to be a more understanding human being. Indeed it could be argued that Schofield was true to his temperament in living his personal life the same way he lived his career. The tremendous success he achieved in international charitable schemes cannot be denied. The medals given to him by President Park on behalf of the Korean people, now on display at the OVC, honoured him with the recognition that was entirely his due. Dr. Francis William Schofield died iQ Seoul in 1970 and, although he had many traits that firmly eliminated sainthood, he remains in many memories as a complex and brilliant scientist, a great leader, teacher and champion of the underdog - a true " Tiger Grandfather." 0


My Quarrel With Myself

Shirley (Wal lOn) Lewis , Arts '73.

By Robin Baird Lewis, Arts '73 he poet W.B . Yea ts wrote: "A man

T ma kes poetry out of his quarrel with himself, and rh etoric out of his qu a rre l with soci ety," The la te Shirley Therese (Walton) Lew is, ( 1936-1981) Arts '73, was wise enough to reject rhet or ic. She made poetry out of her quarrel with herself a nd pushed it past the philosophica l and into the spiritual, just befo re and throughou t her struggle with a terminal illness. A resulting collecti on of her poems was recentl y publi shed with the title My Quarrel With Myself (Testament of a Mystic) Posth umous Poems 1977- I 980. Taking her cue from Yeats, one of her three major influences-the others were Willia m Blak e a nd Emily Dickinson足 Shirley suggested the title as a fitting one for t he literary struggle which had acted as a vehicle for her deeper, more dema nding journey towa rds spiritu a l fulfillment. The volume's first poem, "The Angel," describes a haunting dre am where th e poet wrestles a ph a ntom adversary "-devil or god?" The verses embody a premonition th at set the stage for the rest of the book, a nd establi sh the tas k Shirley ass umed during the remainder of her life- a soul's search for inward perfection, Thus If you take me to yo ur own, Embrace me as your equal part, Wh oleness th e end, afourfold world Is yours in head and mind and heart.


Shirley was born on the isla nd of Barbados in the Wes t Indies, in 1936, to European-descended parents, As a st udent she excelled in a n Ursuline conven t sc hool , whi ch sh e attended for ten years, a nd showed great intellectu a l promi se, In 19 55, at age 19 , she emigr ated to Canada, settl ed in Toronto, soon mar ried a fellow emigre, an engin ee r, and embraced the routine roles as wife a nd, later, as mother to three so ns and two da ughte rs. During her last 15 years, she lived in Guelph . In 1968, Shirley registered in the B.A. program a t the Universi ty of Guelph, ta king courses in litera ture an d philosop hy. She was a ttracted to the works of poet-m yst ic Willi am Blake an d, after gradu at ion , embarked on a n impress ive study of Bl ak e for a maste r's degree in English which, at age 39, she received in 1976. Dr. Pa ul Hou ri ha n, editor of My Quarrel With M yself, was th en a professo r with th e Department of Engli sh at Guelph and served as Shirley's in st ructor, a nd eve ntually, as her men to r, Accord ing to Paul , in 1977 Shirley suddenly began to write ve rse of good qu a lity, a nd steadily grew in ski ll and power-a de ve lopment in her life without precedent. Wh en Paul introduced Shirley to the poetry of Emily Dickin so n, it s reve lation a nd marked influ ence upon her poetic vision and skill was remarka bly clear a nd immedi a te. Throu ghout the next three yea rs , Shirley wrote with increasing mastery a nd with an urgency th at becam e grimly justified when she was diagnosed as hav ing cancer in earl y 1979. She died in February 198 1,2 1 month s later, a t the age of 43, As edit or, Paul preferred to trust to the poet's intent and so the arrangement of the poem s remained esse ntiall y as Shirle y had pla nned, His intuition in this mat ter, to say noth ing of his commendable determin足 at ion to recogni ze a n incom pletel y rea lized potential, has pushed into existence a small but powerful book of poetry, subtl y framed

by a kind of prolog ue and epilogue to the main drama : the struggle of sel f足 ex am inati on which overcame the physical hurt and gave insight into the fin a l truth , The book's pages are not filled with the coy ve rses of a rhymin g ma tron , nor are they th e co rrosive words of a bitter , terminally ill pat ient un a bl e to get beyo nd th e "w hy?" to the "how ." And yet, therc are g limpses of the various stages of the hum a n battl e, so that the work's greater whole overcomes th e possible weaknesses of some of its parts: I will keep on sm iling Before those masks rude, Whether one or multitude, Hiding th e dreadful srnart 足 T he secret of a fissur ed heart; I will keep all smiling.

Throughout, the poet 's quarrel combines her outward joy with her deep sa dn ess , and brings " Sh ir ley" to war with " Therese," as she saw her two na mes beco me two con flicting elem ent s: the ordinary , everyday woman facing the poetic, ro mantic mystic, Entering deeply into herself to see k out the secret solution to her own a nd others' problems, Shirley determ inedly marched a fearful path, Her la tte r years , a nd the poetry she produced during them, sa w a se lf-realiza tion th at few writers, with longer ca reers, could match fo r its intensity, She heard the invitation, she ent ered th e room, fac ed the s peaker and lea rned to t rust to t he ans wer: He said that I must learn a song, Or live regrel a whole life long, Two choices only given m e Surrender, or to hell begone. Oh, whal a harsh alternative For in a world of life I live A nd now must play th e dead man's part T o sing my song with all my hea rt . My Quarrel With Myself is a powerful , compact collection of provoking ideas. It s lack of clea r ima ge, next to obscure, makes the reading a nd re-reading more ta ntali zing. Certainl y, to dw ell on th e lost potenti a l of a promising poet would be to miss the point behind this sudden vivid nowering. It is more worthy of the poet a nd her gift's acco mpli shment , to celebra te the revelations dem onstrated in this testimony, Shirley Therese Lewis did not write for peop le seeking entertaining , comfor ta ble verse, as Pa ul wa rns, but for people seeking th e "how" of life 's truth-spiritua l perfection. We should be grateful that Shirley'S use of the poetic process achieved such heights in the brilliant, but bri ef, period of tim e that was given her . D


Gryphons Soar

By Peter Barnsley, Publicity Officer, Department of Athletics.

' ome wasn ' t built in a day, Mount Everest wasn't scaled in ten minutes, R good wine isn't ready in a week-and you don 't build a national championship football team in a couple of seasons. But in 1982, coach Tom Dimitroff and the University of Guelph Football Gryphons showed how far they had come since Dimitroff took charge of the program in 1979. For the record, the Gryphons compiled a five-win two-loss regular season showing in 1982 and finished in second place in the eig ht-team OUAA League. That was the best performance posted by a Guelph

football team since the formation of the League in 1971. After defeating the eventual Ontario-Quebec Conference champion, Concordia Stingers, 16 to lOin a pre-season contest, the Gryphons could have packed in the whole season in despair two weeks later. After thoroughly dominating McMaster and Windsor everywhere but on the scoreboard the Red and Gold had a 0 to 2 record and all of their remaining games fell into the must category. However, beginning with a 28 to I thumping of York in the Guelph Homecoming '82 contest, the Gryphons became the dominant team in the league. They took all five remaining games highlighted by a 32 to 18 win over the Western Mustangs in which they rebounded from a 2 to 17 first quarter deficit to outscore the London team 30 to 1 over the balance of the contest. In the last game of the regular series, Guelph clinched second place with a 24 to 8 Whipping of Toronto which guaranteed them a home game in the playoffs for the first time since 1975. Close to 4,500 fans jammed Alumni Stadium for the rematch with Western, but, in an evenly played contest, the Mustangs had one more big play than the Gryphons and took a 26 to 20 victory that. eventually sent them to the Vanier Cup. Guelph placed eight players on the first OUAA League all-star team and three on the second squad. Defensive end Peter Langford and inside linebacker Sam Benincasa were the only unanimous choices to that select squad. The same two players

A packed Alumni Stadium at Homecoming '82.

Guelph footbal/ coach Tom Dimitroff is flanked by All-Canadian Peter Langford, left 6'4 " 250-lb. defensive end, winner of the J.P. Metras Trophy as the nation 's outstanding lineman, and AI/-Canadian Sam Benincasa, right, 6' I" 2 J5-lb. linebacker, nominee for the President's Trophy for outstanding defense.

Mike Hudson, AI/足 Canadian choice for third consecu足 tive year.

were also chosen as the outstanding defensive and lineman player in the con ference res pectivel y. Four Gryphons were also voted to the All-Canadian team, second only to the six selected from the U.B.C. Thunderbirds. Defensive back Junior Robinso n and all-slotback Mike Hudson, who was chosen for the third consecutive year, joined Benincasa and Langford as Guelph representa tives. Peter Langford also capped off the awards by winning the J .P. Metras Trophy as the outstanding linem a n in Canada. Quarterback Mike Eykens also came into his own this year by leading the league in passing and becoming only the fourth player in the history of the OUAA to throw for more than 5,000 yards in a career. Coach Dimitroff, who came to the Gryphons after a lengthy CFL background, was pleased with the year. "When you consider that we had eight new players on offense this season, and most of the team returning, things certainly look promising. Our defence a llowed fewer points than a ny University team in the na tion and we certainly showed a lot of heart coming back from that bad start." Football interest has certainly been resparked on the Guelph campus, and the larger crowds and enthusiasm evident may' indicate that the best is yet to come. 0




To Board of Governors

His community interests have in­ cluded the Burlington Family YMCA honorary board, the Halton Region Conserva tion Founda tion, t he Hamilton and District Chamber of Commerce, the It a lian Chamber of Commerce of To­ ronto, and the Salvation Army Citizens' advisory board.


Philip 1. Carton .

William B. Harris have been appointed to the University's Board of Governors. Each will serve on the board for a three-year term. Philip Cotton, of Don Mills. is vice­

president, personnel, of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. He was ra ised and ed uca ted in Toronto and received his Chartered Accountant degree at Queen 's Universi­ ty in 1956. He Joined the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in 1963, where he has been vice-president since 1976. A member of the Board of Gover-

Michael R. Moss.

New Chairman Professor Michael R. Moss is the new chairman of the Department of Geogra­ phy. With a B.Sc. degree in geography from the Universit y of Leeds, Moss



Ross Craig, of Campbellville, who had served as vice-president, commercial, Dofasco Inc., Hamilton, since 1964, was recently named vice-chairman of that company. A director of a number of commer­ cial corporations, he has also found time to play an active role in community organizations as well as such industry associations as the American Iron and Steel Institute and the Steel Industries Advisory Council.

William Harris, or Toronto, is chairman of The Mercantile and General Reinsur­ ance Group and also of Barclays Bank of Canada. A graduate of the University of Toronto and the University of Oxford , England, he is chairman and trustee of The World Wildlife Fund (Canada) and a founding director of the Nature Con­ servancy of Canada, as well as a director of the Council for Business and the Arts ip Canada. He recently completed a term as chairman of the executive committee for Corporation of Trinity College, Univer­ sity of Toronto. Earlier he served as member and as chairman of the Board of Governors of the University of Toron­ to and then as vice-chairman of the Governing Council of the University of Toronto. A former president of Harris and Partners Limited, he is a director of a number of commercial corporations. 0

received his Ph.D. in 1973 from the University of Sheffield , England. He came to Guelph in 1976 following ea r­ lier appointments at Strathclyde Univer­ sity, Gla sgow, Scotland and Brock Uni­ versity, Sl. Catharines. He has also spent som c time in Malaysia and New Zeal a nd. During his teaching·career he has taught a wide range of courses, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. He has served as graduate officer of the Department and has played a role in liaison with high sc hools. Most recently, he has been involved in teaching a course for the Universi ty School of Rural Planning and Development. Professo r Moss is a physical geog-

rapher with special research interests in applied ecosystem analysis a nd biophysi­ cal process studies. Hi s published re­ sea rch includes work on vegetation/land process interaction on the Niagara Es­ carpment and on vegetation dynamics in southern Ontario rural areas. A current project concerns bio­ physical land classification schemes in Canada and in the humid tropics. Hi s latest book, with S.R. Aiken, C. Leigh and T. Leinbach, Development and En­ vironment in Peninsular Malaysia (Sin­ gapore: McGraw-Hili International, 1982) also renects his interest in the field of environmental data input and the impact of rural land development In the humid tropics. 0

R. Ross Craig.

Philip J. Cotton, R. Ross Craig and


William B. Harris.

nors of the Institute of Canadian Bank­ ers, he is also a member of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto.





OAC Associate Dean Retires

Gordon Ball, OAC '49.

W hen Dr. Gordon Ball, OAC '49, stepped down as associate dean of the Oi\C at the end of last year, it was to cmbark on a new career in the most unfamilliar environment he could think of without leaving North America. A lifelong propensity for anticipat­ ing events has already led to the setting up of a home in Las Cruces, New

Mexico, negotiation s for a possible parl­ t·ime appointment at the University of Arizona and another at the Universit y of New Mexico. In retirement, he hopes to se rve the cause of ag ricultura l a nd veter­ inary economics and act as a private consultant in whatever spare time is left over from learn ing Spanish and adapting to a new soc ial and agricultural climate. As associate dean of the OAC since 1973, he has found enough to sa ti sfy even his appetite for challenge and new . experience. The position has involved responsibility for all OMAF-funded pro­ grams, as well as the day-to-day prob­ lems creatcd by hundred s of faculty and staff members and technicians who operate under the College-Agricultural Research umbrella. He has had to keep in close tou ch with research developments in all parts of the agricultural world, a ta sk that has been aided by his function as chairman

OAC Associate Dean Chosen



Dr. Freeman L. McEwen has been appointed associate dean of the OAC. His appointment became effective on January I, 1983, when he replaced Dr. Gordon Ball, OAC '49, who retired December 31, 1982. Dr. McEwen served as chairman of the Department of Environmental Biol­ ogy from 1971 unttl Jun e, 1982. He has also served as provincial entomologist for eight years, and is currently acting director of the proposed Canadian Cen­ tre for Toxicology. He has been a faculty member since 1968. In 1954 he was appo inted to the faculty in the department of ento­ mology, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell Uni ve rsity, and served as head of that departm ent from 1965 to 1968.

A native of Bristol , P.E.\., Freeman graduated from Macdonald College, McGill University, and completed hi s graduate stud y at the University of Wisconsin in 1954. His teaching and resea rch interests are especially the biology and control of vegetable insects and the relationship of pesticides to the environment. At Guelph he has initiated and directed research in biological control of crop pests and spearheaded the development of the on-campus Biological Control Laboratory, opened in January 1982. In spite of his administrative re­ sponsibilities at the University, he has

of thc American Agricultural Economics Associatiol1 awards committee. Challenge began early for the young Gordon Ball. As a World War Two volunteer in the RCAF attached to the RAF in England, he worked with Watson Watt in the development of radar. Gordon graduated in agricultural economics at Guelph and received his master's and Ph.D. degrees from Iowa State University where he was a faculty member for 24 years before returning to th e University of Guelph. The former public school teacher who also taught at the undergraduate and graduate level, says his most re­ warding moments in the classroom have been when students have told him his subject matter was Just common sense. "That," hc says, "is when I know I'm communicating." Gordon describes himself as a vora­ cio us read er of scientific journals, a lover of gardening, music and travel, and a man blessed with a wife, Aline, who sha res hi s joy in new experiences. 0

continued hi s own resea rch and the supervision of graduate students. He is recognized among hi s colleagues for the high sta nd ards he se ts for both him self a nd hi s student s. He is a Fellow of the Entomological Society of Canada , a nd he has played an active role in many other sc ientific and professional soc ieties. He is a member of Sigma XI. He has served as president of the Canadian Pest Management Society and the Entomological Society of Canada. He is currently chairman of the subcom­ mittee on pesticides and industrial or­ ganic chemicals of the National Re­ search Council, and is ac tive on a num­ ber of other national and provincial committees and boards. 0

Hales-McKay Memorial Dedicated


l Th e Arboretum sheller dedicated on October 24, 1982 by the late Kate Hal es

McKay, Mac' 11 ,10 the memory ofher brother Captain John Playford Hales, OAC' 15.


Ghana-Guelph Project Grad Returns

Nominations Sought for Alumnus of Honour


Alumni Medal of Achievement

• The ALUMNUS OF HONOUR was established to recognize an alumnus who has brought great honour to his or her Alma Mater through a significant contribution to one or more of the following: a national cause for Canada; service to the community, the world of science ~r education; leadership in business or alumni affairs.

Nabilla Williams. FACS '74

NabilJa Williams, FACS M.Sc. '7 4, one of the early grad uates of the Ghana­ Guelph Project, was recently on campus for the first time since she received her degree in Family Studies. Since then she has taught at the University of Ghana, Legon, has taken a two-year leave of a bsence and is now teaching diploma and degree students at Legon . Nabilla, with the help of two other faculty members at the University of Ghana, took advantage of her sabbatical to open Accra's only restaurant specia l­ izing in indi genous foods. The restau­ rant, called DEPO, which in one of the Ghanaian languages means "coming of age," represents a culin a ry affirmation of a culture which is au thentically Gha­ naian rather than a European or North American derivative. Of the Ghan a-Guelph Project she said, "It is difficult to exaggerate how close the ties a re between us in Gh ana and the Guelph facul ty who wor ked with us. I ha ve every rea so n to believe they feel the same. It was an invalua ble experie nce with important benefits reaching far in to Ghanaian life. The only reg rettable thing a bout it was its limit on the number of st udents trained. There were less than 40 stu ­ dents involved altogeth er and often no more than one gradua te per di scipline. We are spread too thin. We need a whole back-up crew if continuity is to be maintained so we look to Guelph . We have no one else we can look to." Nabilla participated in the 25th Anniversa ry World Congress of the So­ ciety for International Developm ent in Baltimore with Professor R. Bruce Hunter, OA C '62, Department of Crop Science, and Jim Shute, School of Agri­ cultural Economics and Ex.tens ion Edu­ cation, and was invited to Guelph by th e Gu elph Chapter of the Society. D


• The ALUMNI MEDAL OF ACHIEVEMENT was established to recognize a recent graduate (within the past ten years) who has brought distinction to his or her Alma Mater through contributions to country, community, or profession. Present members of the UGAA Board of Directors or full-time employees of the University of Guelph should NOT be considered for these awards. All nominees should be living at the time of nomination and should NOT be advised of the nomination. If you are aware of an alumnus whom you feel should be considered for either of these awards, the UGAA Honours and Awards Committee ask that you submit the name of the nominee and, if applicable, a list of names and addresses of colleagues, friends, community leaders who will provide supporting information on the nominee to: Elizabeth O'Neil. FACS '74, Chairman,

Honours and Awards Committee, University

of Guelph Alumni Association, Department of

Alumni Affairs and Development, University

of Guelph, Guelph , Ontario NIG 2Wl.

This office will send to you, and all supporting parties, a standard nomination form which will be completed and returned to the above office by May I, 1983.

Coming Events March

3-5 Ontario Institute of Agrologists Annual Convention. 5-13

College Royal '83. Open House 12-13.

12 Annual Meeting, CBS Alumni Association. General Meeting, CPS Alumni Association. 12-18 April

AAHA Annual Meeting, Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.

1-2 OAC Curling Bonspiel. 10 Alumni Pancake and Maple Syrup Day at the U. of G. Arboretum.

May June

7 Mac-FACS Alumni Seminar at the U . of G. 17-19 ALUMNI WEEKEND '83. 18 Annual Meetings: OAC, Mac-FACS, OVC, Arts, CSS, CPS, and U. of G. Alumni Associations.


Memorabilia -

Don't Throw it Out

Richard E . "Dick" Goodin, OAC '34, was visiting his Alma Mater a few years ago when he came upon" the Special and Archival Collections in the basement of the University's McLaughlin Library. Browsing through old yearbooks a nd college reports, he was surprised and delighted to find that the collect ion also housed manuscript material relating to the agricultural history of Ontario such as the E .S. Archibald Papers , 1925-1977 and the Wilfred L. Bishop collection, 1925-1977. With a distinguished career in agri­ cultural extension behind him, Dick Goodin was well aware of the important role such collected material could have for future generations. Dick had kept all his papers, relat­ ing to the promotion of potato and rutabaga crops and the maple syrup industry, from his days as assistant di­ rector of the provincial Department of Agriculture's Field Crops Branch, and later as secretary and ma rket develop­ ment specialist for the Ontario Food Council. Prompted by his discovery in the Library's archival collection, Dick decid­ ed to donate his material to the Library and, during the course of a return visit to the campus, was most gra tified to happen upon a young researcher making extensive use of the Goodin papers. Many alumni and friend s realize that the Library is always grateful for donations to the Special and Archival Collections, but there are many more who are unaware of the value to the University of grandpa 's old papers still "filed" in attics, cellars, trunks and closets. An appeal, therefore, is being made

for the following items: administr a tive records and documents relating to col­ leges, schools and departments ; private papers of former faculty and staff; pub­ lications of the University and its col­ leges; maps, charts, photographs, souve­ nirs, memorabilia, drawings and similar mater ial; correspondence and progra ms concerning speci a l events such a s the opening of buildings , celebrations, con­ vocations and outstanding guest lectur­ ers. The Library's arch ives staff do not limit their interest to campus bounda­ ries, however. It extends beyond to col­ lections of agricultural and local history . Many of the original settlers of the Wellington County area came from Scotland, and, over the years, the Uni­ versity library has steadily created one of the finest Scottish collections in the world. If you have material that you would like to donate, mark it carefully, to the best of your knowledge, with the date, event, names and any other pertinent informa tion. Remember, you may be the only person who could know and record this information, so don ' t underestimate its importance. Once this is accomplished, call John Moldenhauer at (519) 824-4120 Ext. 3422, or Nancy Sadek at Ext. 3413, or drop them a line. They will be pleased to arrange an evaluation of your material, and will make an appointment or an swer any questions you may have . Too often, in the past, significant information has been lost to the Univer­ sity when it has become pa rt of an estate and been unwittingly discarded. So, plea se, check it out-before you throw it out. 0

Letter to

the Editor

Dear Derek:

I am writing this brief letter to state how proud I am to be the recipient of the Universit y of Guelph Alumni As­ sociation 's 1982 Alumni Medal of Achievement. I would like to thank Ja ckie (Wemyss) Wright, CBS '74, past president of the UGAA, for her involve­ ment in the selection process. I am particularly grateful to my graduate student, Nancy R ehder, CBS '79, who was thoughtful enough to sub­ mit my name for the competition. A College of Biological Science Gold M edal winner in 1979, Nancy has prov­ en, without a doubt , to be an excellent student and I look forward to th e even­ tuality of submitting her name for an alumni award some time in th e future. Sincerely,

David M . Bird, CBS '73,

Assistant Prof essor and Director,

Macdonald Raptor Research Centre,

Ma cdonald Campus, M cGill University ,

21111 Lakeshore Rd., St e. Anne De

Bellevu e, Quebec H9X 1 CO.

Request F or m for F A CS Sheets Name (please print): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Grad . year :_ _ _ _ _ __

Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Postal code: _ _ _ _ _ __

Please send me the FACS Sheet(s) indica ted below:


o Aging and lts Consequences. o Infancy: A Challenge to Parents. o Designing Protective Clothes for the Workplace.

Name (plea se print):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Please send FACS Sheets to my colleague indicated below:

Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Special interests and /or occupation: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

DIn-House Foodservice: Achieving Quality and Variety . Return to: Dean, College of Family and Consumer Studies, University of Guelph, Guelph, Onta rio N 1G 2W 1.



The College of Biological Science Alumni Associatio



Editor: Dr. John Powell.

New CBS Dean Takes Over July 1

Dr. Bruce H. Sells

On July I, 1983, the College of Biologi­ cal Science will have a new dean, the second in what will then be the 12-yea r history of the College. Dr. Bruce H. Sells is presently associate dean of Basic Medical Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine at the Memorial University of Newfound­ land, a position he has held since 1979. Prior to that time , he was professor and

Grad News Botany and Genetics Dr. Gordon Thomas, Ph.D. '72, is a research scientist with Agriculture Can­ ada , Box 440, Regina, Sask.


director of Molecular Biology also at M .U.N. A Canadian, with qualifications in chemistry , biology and biochemis try, his degrees were achieved at Carleton, Queen's and McGill universities. His international travels and studies abroad have been extensive. As a Damon Runyon Research Fellow , he spent two years working in the laborato­ ry of Animal Morphology at the Free University of Brussels and held that fellowship for a further year in Den­ mark . As a cancer research scientist he pursued studies in Buffalo and New York and later, over a ten-year period, was both assistant, then associate profes­ sor of biochemistry at the University of Tennessee in Memphis and full member a t the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. To further extend his knowledge within the biological sciences he became, for one year, a visiting research scientist at the Institute of Animal Genetics at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland , and with perhaps the most prestigious of awards, the Canadian Killam Fellow­ s hip, became a senior research fellow at the University of Paris. Since 1974, he ha s continued as associate editor of the Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and belongs to numer­ ous societies including the Canadian Biochemical Society and Societies of Microbiology, Biological Chemists and C ell Biology in the U .S.A. Dr. Sells is

Microbiology Dr. Brian Nonnecke, B.Sc. '74, M.Sc. '76, is pursuing post-doctoral work in Ames, Iowa , U.S .A., at the National Animal Disease Center of the United States Department of Agriculture, his brother is Blair Nonnecke, B.Sc. '79.

also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Can ada and, having progressed through the offices of the Canadian Biochemical Society, was president for 1981-82. Hi s particular interests have been shown in studies of biogenesis of ribo­ some particles and components of tme protein synthesizing system; modifica­ tion of t-RNAs during differentiation; molecular morphology of eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomes and the role of m-RNP particles in gene e xpression. To support this research, he ha s been well supplied with grants by na­ tional science foundations and va rious medical research funding agen c ies; the result s of these studies have been pub­ lished in ma ny manuscripts and ab­ stracts . Presenta tion of research findings have led to further international experi­ ence in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Puerto Rico and to hi s organization of international workshops on ribosomes in 1974, 1977 and 1982. After an adjustment period , Profes­ sor Sells wishes to teach, particularly graduate students, and will continue the flow of his research. The University of Guelph is fortu­ nate to secure the services of such a man as Bruce Sells to carryon the high standards of administration, teaching and research so well established in the College. His wife, and four children are also welcomed to the Guelph academic community which is well known for its fri e ndliness and academic integrity. 0

Garry Beechey, '76, was married in May 1982 to Janice Crawford, FACS '76, they live in Willowdale where Garry is microbiology supervisor, Retail Re­ search Foundation of Can ada, Toronto. Letty (Skene) Curley, '78, is an accoun­ tant with Beaverdell Hotel Inc. in B.C.


( \1

Bob "L.A. Bob" McLean, '7S, is a

graduate student at the University of

Calgary in anaerobic bacterial physiol­

ogy. He's met the following Guelph

grads at Calgary. Brenda Bramhill, '79,

(Micro), now a technician with Dr. J.W.

Costerton; John Kennedy, '7S, (Micro), a

4th year medical student, and Bob Stug­

nell, '78 (Zoology), the University's bio­

logical safety officer. Brenda Allan, M.Sc. '81, is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mi­ crobiology and Immunology at Queen's University, Kingston. David Airdrie, '82, is a technologist in the Department of Microbiology at Guelph. Pat Thompson, '82, works in Guelph for the Globe and Mail as a district circula­ tion manager.

Charlene Balko, '79, lives in Ottawa where she works for Philip A. Lapp Ltd. as a research assistant. Alan A. Birell, 'SO, has 10 Huttonville Drive, Huttonville as his address . Stephanie Phillips, 'SI, has the interest­ ing position of problem co-ordinator with Fireman's Fund Insurance Compa­ ny, Toronto. Human Kinetics-Human Biology Fred Curry, '70, is still head of boys physical education in Woodstock for the Oxford Board of Education at the Col­ lege Avenue S.S. Dr. Doug Woolley, '71, has taken a position as orthopaedic surgeon at the Western Montana Clinic at 501 West Broadway Ave., Missoula, Montana, U.S.A.

Marine Biology Peter Owens, '72, continues to teach for the Frontenac Lennox and Addington RCSS Board. Married and living in Kingston, he states his niece, Mary Ann Thomson, is a FACS '82 grad. Alan Watson, B.Sc. '73, M.Sc. '77, now lives at 10 Clinton Street in Guelph. Wife Sylvia is an Arts '72 grad. Alan is Arboretum Biologist at Guelph-go, see him, the Nature Centre is first-rate. J. Brian Dempson, '75, completed his M.Sc. at Memorial University in 1982 and is a fisheries research biologist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada in St. Johns, Nfld. Nancy H. (Marsh) Howe, '75, is no longer laboratory technician but food and drug inspector with the Health Protection Branch of Health and Wel­ fare, Canada , a position she finds both challenging and rewarding. She writes: "Many people feel that a University education is sometimes unnecessary but even though my degree was Marine Biology, I would not have this job now without my educational background." Lynn M. Handy, '78, is a senior account­ ing clerk with the Bank of Nova Scotia in Calgary, Alta. Her Cousin Neil Craig is an OAC '79A graduate. Thomas Hurlbut, '78, is now in New Brunswick in fisheries research for Fish­ eries and Oceans Canada. He is at the Biological Station, St. Andrews.

Dr. J. Steve Cramer, '74, who received his M .D. degree from Queens, e.e.F.P., now in residency at McMaster Universi­ ty, wishes to congratulate Patty Vann, '74, on being accepted into Medicine.

Patrick Bazylewski, '7S, may be reached at R .R . No.3, Pike Lake, Saskatchewan or at St. Paul's Hospital (Grey Nuns') of Saskatoon where he works as dialysis technician. Laurie Buckland, 'SO, is a resource tech­ nician with Ontario Ministry of latural Resources in Cornwall. Her sister, Leslie Buckland, '79, is studying at the OVe. Susan Staniforth, 'SO, and her sister, Jennifer Staniforth, 'SI, live in Quebec at 1745312, Cedar Avenue, Montreal. Nutrition John E. Cocher, M.Sc. '79, has been seconded to India, for a nine-month stint where he is continuing to work with Tiger prawns in in Madras. 0

CBS Ties and


Jim Joy, B.Sc. '74, M.Sc. '7S is now supervisor, safety engineering with On­ tario Hydro. He may be reached at 179 Lilla Street, Port Perry. Lynn McFerran, '75, is presently a mother and a homemaker having recent­ ly taken up residence at 64 Shaw Mead­ ow Crescent, South West, Calgary, Alta T2Y IA9. Dan Harwood, '79, works as a pharma­ cist in Guelph at Shoppers Drug Mart. Fisberies and Wildlife Kerry Coleman, '74, is married to Jane Charlton, '74, who graduated in Biologi­ cal Science. They l.ive in Tweed , where Kerry is district biologist with the On­ tario Ministry of Natural Resources. Randy Hutchinson, '75, works as ware­ house attendant for General Motors in Woodstock. Bruce MacKenzie, '76, has a fine family tradition of Guelph graduates through wife Laurie, HAFA '76, sister-in-law Debbie Hastings, '75, brother-in-law Jamie Hastings, Arts '75, and cousin Susan Rottwell, F ACS '7S. Bruce works for the Hamilton Regional Conservation Authority as assistant superintendent.

Very smart blue-striped and crest­ ed College of Biological Science polyester ties and crava ts, mo­ delled here by Professor Trevor Smith, Department of Nutrition, are on sale for $12.50-0ntario residents please add 7 per cent sales tax-from either the College of Biological Science Alumni As­ sociation or the College of Biologi­ cal Science Students' Council. Ties are regular length or long-please stipulate which length required when ordering.


The Ontario Agricultural Colle ge Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS Editor: Dr. Harvey W. Caldwell, '51.

Finance s and the Farmer


Peter J. Barry, professor of Agri­ cultural Finance, University of Illinois, U.S.A., was the guest speaker invited this year to give the .J.S. McLean lecture. His topic was most timely as finances and their management have become such major factors in the successful operation of present-day farms. The following is a summary of Dr. Barry's presentation.




F a rming has been evolving towards an indu st ry of fewer and large r farm units which still have non-corporate family orientation. Mechaniza tion, moderniza­ tion and capitalization of operations have accompanied growth while labour resources have decreased . Farmers have become more special­ ized , relying more on purchased re­ so urces, and bei ng more market-oriented are subject to greater volatility in com­ modity market s. Government programs ha ve had sig nificant effects on the com­ modit y markets as th ey have sought to support incomes and stabilize prices. The outcome of the above has re­ su lt ed in increased fi nancial risks for man y farmers who decided to acquire debt. Credit pl ays an important role. It provid es a so urce of financing for pro­ duction , but also creates payment obli­ gations and external claims on asse ts. The Use of Credit

The use of credit has expanded very drama ticall y-from $4.425 billi on at the beginning of 1970 to about $17.642 billion in 198 1, an annual increase of 13.4 per cent. During the last five yea rs of thi s period, the growth rate averaged 16.65 per cent, higher than the 11 per cent increa se in what farm ers paid for farm inputs. Howeve r, during that period the


value of farms was increasing by a bout 16 per cent. Much of the unreali zed ca pital gain was used as co llateral for the increasi ng borrowin gs. When the low current rates of return from producti on cou Id not meet the cost of the debt the farmer was in difficulty, a position som ewhat perplexing, especia ll y to be­ ginning farmers. In sti tutional sources provide the bu Ik of short- and in termed ia te-term credit, with government sources domi­ nating the long-term category. But the government share of long-term debt has been declining, while th e shares held by banks a nd other institution al lenders have increased. Tlius the grow th in farm debt , high interest rates, heavy reli ance on commercial lend ers where floatin g int eres t rates are the norm, have com­ bined to bring financial instability to many farmers. The Outlook

What is the outlook? Much de­ pends on nation a l a nd internationa l con­ ditions rather than on farming condi­ tions a lone and, although the near-term may look bleak, the long-term is more favour ab le . Real return s to farming should grow from increased li ves tock earnings, higher consumer incomes, lower in l'lation, an d strong farm exports. If farm debts grow more moderately, and interest rates come down, the bur­ den of farm debts should be lessened. This all depends on a strengthening of the economy as farm performance is ve ry sens itive to non-farm co nditions. Balance Sheet Management

In order to cope with ClJrren t stresses, a rigorous approach is neces­ sa ry. First, financial goals must be con­ sidered. Two major goals are profitabili, ty a nd ri sk -the growth in wealth and the possible losses a nd difficulties in

meeting financial obl igations. These are conflicting-profi ts are desired but ri sks are to be avo ided. But in ord er to gain profits , risks must be undertaken be­ cause without risk innova ti on is stifled, prospects for profits are reduced and man ager ial inertia results. Everyone has a different attitude towa rds risk a nd profits , some are less ri sk av erse and more profit orientated. By taking a total balance sheet manage­ ment approac h it is poss ibl e to consider asset s a nd li a bilities in maintaining th e bu sin ess orga nization. The traditiona l business risks a re found on the asset side-producti on and yield ri sk, market and price risk, losses, human ri sks on performance of labour, risks of cha nge, to name some. Also on the liabilit y side-th e greater the debt in relatio n to resources, the greater the fin a ncia l risks in meetin g obligations to lend ers. Variation in interest rates a nd avai labilit y of funds are borrowing risks. Thu s, like profits, ri sks a ppea r on both sid es of the balance sheet and all bring the threa t of financial losses or the promise of gain. Th ere is a close rela tionship be­ tw ee n infl a tion and interest rates and, when they cha nge, the proportional sav­ ings are large, e.g. if the interes t rate was 10 per ce nt, a n increa se in rates to 15 per cent, results in a 50 per cent increase in cost. Other prices may go up 5 per cent but th e cost of credit has greater va riation in response to infla ti on than do oth er prices. This mean s th a t, almost always, the farmer s' tota l ri sk increases- narrower profit margins, more uncert ain ty about debt obli ga tions and more difficulty in converting cash nows to meet finan cial obligations. Th e resu lt may be a cha nge in the availabilit y of credit, a change i'l security requireme nts, more loa n super­ vision , etc., by the lending institutions

and can in crease th e cost or borrowing to farmers. How then can farmers cope" Some choi ces in ri sk management are: Financial Planning


Preparation of budgets is essential, using the best information available. Production IMarketing Responses

time. Drawing on reserves and selling business assets usu a ll y come first while selling capital assets is a la st resort. Credit with Lenders

Establishm ent of so und lasting credit relationships with lenders who can defer payments, refinance debt is most useful as the farm aSSetS will not be disturbed.

Responding to risk includes ent er­ prise choice, diversification, nexibility of organi za tion , cost control , and in sur­ a nce . In marketing, such responses to risk as spreading sales, hedging, forw ard contracting and participation in govern­ ment progra ms.

If family withdrawals can be re­ duced for consumption a nd other pur­ poses, it will provide more nexibilit y and reduce risk . However, not much nexibil­ ity may exist in this.

The Pace of Investment

Leasing Considerations

In response to risk, postponing capi­ tal expenditures, including replacem ent 01' asse ts, avoiding large capital outlays and reducing debt are control mecha­ nisms in adversity.

Leasing rather than purchasing capital assets, perhaps with an option to buy, can be less burd enso me. Share rents, rather than cash, red uces risk as well.

The Pace of Disinvestment

Variable Amortization

Willin gness to liquidate assets for partial or total debt repayment is anoth­ er important response to risk in stressful

Variable payments which could accommodate income va riabilit y might be arranged with lenders, adjusting

Other Responses

Use of government loan guarantees, insurance programs and co-signees of notes are examples of actions to reduce the uncerta inty about debt repayment.

Managing Withdrawals

Two OAC Innovators At the annual meeting of the Int erna­ tional Council of Shopping Centers held in Las Vegas, Gordon Oughtred , '47, and D. Allan Ross, '69 B.L.A ., were joint recipients of the award for Innova­ tive Des ign and Construction for th e Sherwood Forrest Shopping Village lo­ cated on Dundas Street in west Mi ssis­ sa uga. The jury, in giving eight awards,

downward s in periods of reduced income and upwards in more favourable period s. Such an a rrangement would likely im­ prove fin a nci al ma nagement.

one Canadian, two French and fi ve American, out of 37 entri es cited the project as "an exa mple of how it is possible and rewarding to build a mod­ ern yet traditionally styled retail facility which departs radica lly from the con­ ventional." The awards program, now in its seven th year, ha s had a total of four Canadian winners with Sherwood For­ rest joining the likes of the Eaton Centre

The impl ementation of these ri sk respo nses will vary with the farmer, a nd farming operations, but consideration of these options gives a framework for their use for specific types of farms. Th e need to bring financial man­ agement a nd innovations in financing program s to th e forefront will increa se . Permanency in debt use by farmers may become the rul e with financial programs desig ned to accom modate capital gains and variable current returns . Renting or purchase will be a critical choice. Bal­ ance shee t management lies at the heart of a comprehensive approach to finan­ cial management. D

on the li st of di sti nguished projects. Gordon Oughtred is president of Th e Melba Corporation, developers of the Sherwood forrest Shopping Village as well as the adjacent Sherwood For­ rest community. He is also currently active in the de velopment of Castaway Cove , a large residential community in Vero Beac h, Florida. Allan Ross, who is president of the award-winning firm of Chandos Con­ sultants of Toronto, is also Professor of Architecture a nd Landscape Architec­ ture , Ryerson Poly technical In stitute. D


Class of '67, with wives, at an on-campus reunion during Homecoming '82.


Thanks, OAC Alumni Foundation

Each year, following the OAC Awards Presentation, and on behalf of the Foundation, letters of thanks are received. Here are som e of them.

Mr. Gordon Nixon, Chairman OAC Alumni Foundation University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario NIG 2WI Dear Mr . Nixon:


OAC Alumni Foundation entrance scholarship winners. Seated. left to right: Mary Call, Julia Cooper. Gordon Nixon, '37, Foundation chairman, and Janis Mackenzie. Standing, left to right: Mike Brine. Suezanne Kelly, an unidentified student, and Bernie VanDenbelt.

My wife j oins with me in extending to you our sincere thanks and appreciation for being invited, as parents, to j oin with the scholarship wi nners at the OAC Alumni Foundation awards night. The m enu was well chosen, the dinner was delicious, and the hospitality extended to all of us made for a very pleasant evening. We were very favorably impressed by the well-dressed and Ivell-mannered young men and women who received scholarships and awards at the awards presentation in the afternoon. These students appeared young. eager and enthusiastic, and 1 am confident that our country's challenges in the future will be met . and dealt with, in an efficient and confident manner. As parents, we were happy for Elizabeth that she was chosen by your alumni as a recipient of one of the Associate in Agriculture Diploma course entrance scholarships. Thank you. 1 trust that , in the future, your alum ni will again include t he parents to yo ur dinn er for the alumni scholarship winners. Thanking you for the courle足 sies received 011 our behalf and Eliza足 beth's. I am , Yours very truly, Ken Painter . 33 Prospect Street, P.D. Box 873,

POri Dover, Ontario NOA I NO

* Dear Sirs:



Just a short note 10 thank you for Ihe second inSlalment of the B.Sc. (Agr.) entrance scholarship. It is finan Cially satisfying, and good for the ego to receive a check for academic performance. In plain English, fish, "Thanks, I needed thaI'" Yours sincerely, OAC Alumni Foundation undergraduate scholarship winners. Left to righ t: Cullum Johnst on, Gordon Nixon, '37, Glen Austin and Janet Brown .


Bob Buis, Universily of Guelph.

Dear Mr. N ixIJIl:

f) ca r /vlr ..\ 'ix(}/I.·

DeliI' Dr. Caldwell.'

I would like 10 Ihank yo u for Ihe Undergraduale Scho larship I reall lly received 01 Ihe OAC AlufIIlli Foullda­ lion awards nighl 01 Ihe Universily of Guelph . II is Ihrilling II) have demonslraled {() mysel}: (//"/(I Ihe OIher studenlS of Ihe Uiliversily, I he greal inlerest your Fo un­ dalion ,akes in our fU lure through the presentation of scholarships , such as the 0111' I received. Your generosity and interest is greallyappreciated.

I would like 10 express my sincerest thall ks to the OAC Alumni Fo undation. I am pleased and hono ured 10 have been awa rded Ih e Fou ndarion's Und ergradu­ ale Award for BSc. (Agr.) stu dies. As alumni are well aware, funds o/len run OU I before Ihe school year does, and I ass ure you Ihal Ih e money I received wi ll go 10 good use.

It was a great honOlir to be presenled wilh th e OAC Cenlennia l Graduale Fel­ lo wship al Ihe OAC Convocation Awards Luncheo n in Jun e, /982. Thank you very nluch . It is parlicularly grali­ fying 10 receive such an award which com memorales the tOOt h birlhday of Ih e grea l Ont ario Agricultural Co llege. Soon afler convocalion , I was work ing in Ihe Peace River area of norlh ern A Iberia fo r a large co mmercial beekeeper. In mid-September I returned 10 begin my work IOwa rds an M.Sc . degree in Apicull ure, under the supervi ­ sio n of Dr. R egin a ld Shul'l. Prim arily, I will be researching the long-Ierm sub le­ thal d osage effects of sysl emic insecti­ cides on honey bee co lon ies. Through out th e projecl, these effects will be exam­ ined usi ng importanl agri cultural crops cOl11monly visited by bees. Furth erm ore , a variety of nectary ana tom ies will be examined to observe differences in con­ cenlration of systemic inseclicides se ­ creled. On ce again, I wish to thank yo u and th e many organizations and compa­ nies associal ed wi lh Ihis fe llowship for their very generous supp ort of agricu l­ tural research al the OAC.

Yours truly, Glell Austin, 24 Park way Cres., BOI·vmanville, Ontario LlC 188




OAC Alumni A ssociation; As a reCipient of Ihe 1982 OAC Alumni Gold Medallist Graduation Award, I wOl/ld like to ex tend m y appreciation to OAC alumni. A specia l than ks for th e go ld medallion also COl1lrib uled by alumni. [ look forward to supporting the A ssociaLion's activilies and awards in Lhe fULure . Thank you.

Thanks once m ore, Ly nda Magahay, OAC '84 , University of Guelph.


Dear Mr. Nixo n:


I would like to tak e Ihis opportunity 10 ex press my app reciat ion to the OAC Alumni Fou ndation for Iheir ge nerous $2,400 BSc. (Agr.) entrance scholar­ ship. I find th e University of Gu elph an int eresting and friend ly institution, and I find the academic curriculum both challenging and rewarding. On ce aga in, than k you for yo ur assistan ce in f urt hering my education. You rs Si ncerely,

Yo urs very truly, Bernie VanDenb ell, 460 Lamblon Hall, UniverSity of Guelph.

Sincerely, Co lin Okashimo , B.L.A '82 80 Oxford S Lreet, Guelph , Ol1lario NI H 2 M6




Dear Mr, Nix on: I'd like 10 express m y sincere app recia­ tioll (lnd Lhanks for the $ /,000 Asso­ ciate Diploma in Agricull ure el1lrance award which was presel1led 10 me on Thursday, OClOber 14 . I'd also like to express my thanks for th e lovely dinn er and The College on the Hill. I sure enjoyed iI all. II is a greal honour to be a recipiel1l of such an award. f'li cer­ tainly put Ih e money to good use and sincerely Iry 10 get Iha t "B" average I II was a tim e (Thursday nigh t) t hat I'll nOI forgerfor a lo ng lim e. Than ks and with much apprecialion. Yours, Nellie Kn ol, Uili versi ly of Guelph , P.S. Mom had a greal time as well. She said she wouldn't have missed it fo r anything'


Arl Davis, '82. Departmenl of Environmental Biology

A Family Affair




, j,

Th e gradual ion of Carolyn Pietsch, CSS '82, seco nd f rom righI, was a fam ily affair. AI/ending were, from left 10 righl : her uncle Dr. Douglas Piets ch, '62, professor in th e Depa r/ment of Agricult ural E conomics and Ext ension t'ducation; Douglas's wife Vera , CSS '77; Carolyn'S mother, Helen, and h er falher, Dr. Don Pietsch, '6/.


Grad News

David Howell, '74, is a seminary student a t Gettysburg, Pa. , U.S.A.

Barry Grace, Ph.D. 'SO, is at Laurentian Uni versity, Sudbury .

Herbert Schneider, '4S, is working with the H e rita ge Group Inc., W a terloo.

David Willis, '74, is a n inspec tor with the Ministry of Natural Resources , C ornwall.

Murray Innes, 'SO, is a commodity trad­ er with United Co-operatives of Ontario, Missi ssauga.

Lyla Graham, '74, is a resident, famil y medicine, Ottawa Civic Hospital.

Paula Matos, 'SO, is with the resea rch and development department, McCain Foods Ltd. , Florenceville, N.B .

Ronald Johnston, '49, is owner and pres­ ident , Steam Cleaners Inc., Fresno, C a­ lif. , U .S .A . Robert Skipper, '51, has retired from teaching and is living a t Surlingham Farm, R .R . # 1, Tilbury. James Schultz, '54, is with Bowes and Cocks Ltd. , Rea l Estate, Lindsa y. James Chambers, '59, is president, Com­ puteristics Inc. , Branford, Conn., U.S .A. Thomas Powell, '6S, is chief engineer, Champion Road Machinery , Goderich . Roland Patton, '71, is technical sa les repre sentative with Diversey Wyandotte, Dartmouth N.S . Ralph Ainge, '73, is bra nc h supervisor, United Co~operative s of Ontario, Park­ hill.

Eric Davidson, '76, M.Sc. '7S, is with Qu a ker Oats Co. of C a nad a , Trenton. Greg McDonald, '77, is a correc tion a l farm officer, Department of Solicitor General, Corrections, Kingston. Michael O'Sullivan, '77, is manager of operations, Toronto Hum a ne Society, Toronto.

Herman Van Genderen, 'SO, is an a gron­ omist, Pioneer Hi -Bred Ltd ., Chatham. Marjorie (Beck) Brownlee, 'SI, is with Golden Town Apple Products Ltd. , Clarksburg . John Lucke, 'SI, is a marketing repre­ senta tive with Monsanto Can. Inc ., Cal­ ga ry , Alt a .

Alan Seymour, '77, is enrobing depa rt­ ment manager, Wm. Neilson Ltd., To­ ronto.

Associate Diploma

Rohert Denis, '7S, is project manager, Ecological Service for Pl a nning, Guelph.

Donald Walker, '63A, is a yard superin­ tendent with United Co-opera tives of Onta rio, Livestock Division, Stockyards , Toronto.

James Marr, '7S, is credit manager, Farm Credit C orp., St. John 's, NOd .

Stuart Burkholder, '66A, is teaching high school with the Durham Board of Educatio n, C a van.

Margaret (Treherne) Marce, '73, is a lab scientist with Alberta Agriculture, Ed­ monton , Alta.

Gerrit Vander Klippe, '7S, is a n agrono­ mist with the Christian Reformed World Relief Co mmittee, working in Sabanilla , Mexico.

Charles "Skip" Nieman, '73, is teaching environmental science at Glend a le High Sc hool, Tillsonburg .

Shane Murphy, '79, is beef a nd sheep specia list, P.E.I. Department of Agricul ­ ture , Cha rlottetown, P.E.I.

Doug West, 'SOA, is farm service man­ ager, Masterfeeds, Baden. 0

In Memoriam

1982 at Woodstock . He had farmed for many years after serving as princ ipal of the Kemptville Agricultural College.

George Robson, '40, on August 20, 1982 in London . He had been manager, Shur­ G a in Demonstration Farm, Maple.

Ralph Heal, '34, a t Oxford, M a ryl a nd , U .S.A ., on August 27, 1982. He had been technical director and consultant, N a tional Pest Control Assoc ., New York, NY. , U.S.A.

William Slater, '40A, on September 12, 1982 . Details unknown.

We regret to a nnounce the deaths of the following: Mrs. R.G. Knox, friend of '20. Details unknown. William Nicholson, '2IA, on August 23, 1982. Mr. Nicholson attended Alumni Weekend in June a nd thoroughly en­ joyed it. He was 88 years old. Hugh Colson, '29, on at the Holy Cross Mr. Colson had been er, Holstein-Friesian

September 8, 1982 Hospital, Toronto. editor and publish­

Journal .

James Shearer, '26A, '29, on July 25,


Charles Douglas, '35, on September 28, 1982 in Nova Scotia. He worked with the Department of Agriculture, Truro, N.S. Herbert Whittaker, '35A, on March 18, 1982 in Grand Pra irie, Tex., U.S .A. His wife, Georgina, is a Mac '36D grad . Bruce Innes, '36, on September 29, 1982 in Burford . His brothers were Sandy, '31; Gordon, '40, a nd Durno.

Bruce Stephens, '73A, is farming and operating the Bruce Stephens Exca va­ tion opera tion at Brigden.

John Domelle, '44, details unknown. Lorne Donovan, '49, on September 28, 1982. He had been a researc h officer, Central Experimental Farm, Otta wa . Donald Armstrong, '63A. La st known address 246 , Hinc ks Street, Goderich. Murray Richards, '63A. He had worked as ma nager/director , Chas . Richards and Son s Ltd., Ba rrie. Ernest Henson, '65, on A pril 19, 1982 a t Sunn y brook Hospital, Toronto. 0

Macdonald Institute/College of Family and Consumer Studies Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS Editor: Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson, '66.

Fr om

the Dean


This letter will be a short one. Your editor has been busy news-gath ering and news-writing and, in this issue, is bring­

ing you much news of the College. Let me report simply on two "increases" which are important a nd encouraging to us in the College. The major increase in applications, to which r referred in an earlier letter, resulted in record first-semester enrol­ ments in the two undergraduate pro­ gra ms in the College. In the Family and Consumer Studies programs, 270 stu­ dents enrolled in Semester I, an increase of 28 per cent over the prev iou s year. In Hotel and Food Administration, where it was necessary to limit enrolm ents, 139 students registered in Semester 1, a n

increase of 15 per cen t. The second increase which I wish to re port is in the value of the research grants a nd contracts received by faculty members. In 1981 th ese totalled $274 ,000, a 50 per cent increase Over the previous year a nd an all-time high for the College. Be sure to check the FACS Sheet orde r form on page 27 a nd keep in touch with us through this publica ti on. Keep in tou ch, too, by coming on ca mpus when you ca n. We hope to see many of you durin g Co llege Roya l Open Hou se on March 12 and 13.0

ConSUDler Studies - the Facts

Students in the Semester 8 Honours Program in Family and Consumer Stud­ ies (Bachelor of Applied Science) select one of four major areas of study- Fami­ ly Studies, Consumer Studies, Applied Human Nutrition or Child Studies. This article will provide the opportunity to learn more about the Consumer Studies major and the chairman of Consumer Studies, Dr. Montrose S. (Monty) Som­ mers.

In 197 1 th e Consumer Studies progra m was esta blished under the chairmanship of Dr. Richard Vosburgh. A unique program, it required much careful plan­ ning and preparation in order to build a firm foundation for focusin g on co n­ sumption acti vities from the perspectives of individuals, government agencies, business and industr y. The University of Guelph pioneered the development of consumer studies cdu ca tiol'l, and similar programs are now being made available at variou s colleges and universi ties ac ross Canad a as the logic of this type of program becomes more clear.

Consum er needs and wants are com plex. Consumers indica te their de­ sires both by consum pt ion behavior and by being actively concern ed with prod­ uct fe atures and performance. Produ cers and distributors of consumer goods a nd services have responded by increasi ng their emphasis on consumer research, more careful product development, greate r quality assurance , more support for consumer and business education, and consumer affairs. Dr. Sommers has studied the devel­ opment of Consumer Studies for ten years and is appreciative of the high sta ndards presentl y established. Con­ tinual assess ment of th e program will enable him to establish criteria on which to develop new course work at the under grad ua te a nd graduate leve l. He noted that "It 's a truly exciting, chal­ len ging and stimulati ng area of study." The course work in Consumer Studies will provide th e graduate with solid, ba sic aca demic fundam entals. In other words, it 's a "no frills" course. Today 's stud ents must be made aware of the constant ad vances in technology and how they affect life today and in the

f u tu reo Courses In la bora tory science a nd soc ial science provide the graduate with an understandin g and a ppreciation of the effects of tec hnology an d society on consumers, governments, business and indu st ry. The Consumer Studies program, in fo cusing on the dynamics of the market­ place, is based on the st ud y of consum­ ers a nd their behavior in general and, specifica lly, on the areas of food, hous­ ing, a nd text il es a nd clothing. Thi s basic study then leads to the examin at ion of the roles of business in general, govern­ ments and education groups a nd to their interact ion with consumers in the mar­ ketpl ace. Graduates develop ma rketable skills in the areas of consumption research and analysis as we ll as the nexibility to understand and ada pt to change. More "project work" is to be found in courses involving presentation a nd di sc uss ion in class. This is important in th e develop­ ment of the students' skill in self-e xp res­ sion, both written and oral. Dr. Sommers was delighted to meet eight Consumer Studies grads at the rece nt Mac-FACS Alumni Association conld. over



careers night ~" Grads seem to be satis­ fied with their careers, and very compe­ tent- employers are impressed with their knowledge and expertise. " Grads who recently completed survey question, naires indicated that they are successful­ ly employed in various fields -~ consumer education, retail management, market­ ing research analys is, food technology, housing analysis, teaching, quality con­ trol supervision, product development co-ordination and bank management. Currently there are 142 und ergrad­ uate students in the four-year program , and five graduate students. Dr. Som­ mers is confident that this area of study will attract more and more student s as we move through the '80s due to a strong demand for its graduates. Hi s faculty number 19 , II of whom work on a full-time basi s. One concern expressed by Dr. Som­ mers is the fact that, ten years after its formation, the Consumer Studies pro­ gram still ha s to be explained. Probably one of the major reasons for this is that high schools offer various consumer studies program s which are entirely dif­ ferent from that at Guelph. He would like to see guidance counsellors better informed about the emphasis of " study" within Consumer Studies. "It's not training people to know how to buy insurance. It's training people to be able to understand the consumption system in general, how to research and analyze certain aspects of it , particularly food, shelter and cloth ing, for the benefit of consumers, bu siness, industry and gov­ ernment." All of this is cleariy outlined in the University of Guelph undergradu­ ate calendar. As alum ni, we can best promote Consumer Studies by being familiar


with the program a nd communicat in g effectively the career opportunities available to graduates in this challeng­ in g area of study- the marketplace.

About the Chairman of Consumer Studies Dr . Montrose S. (Monty) Sommers has been chairman of the Department of Consumer Studies since July I, 1982. He obtained his B.Comm. from the University of BI~itish Columbia, his M.B.A. from Northwestern University, Chicago (1959) and his D.B.A. from the University of Colorado (1963). In the past , he has taught at the Universities of British Columbia, Texas, Witwaters­ trand (Johannesburg), Nairobi and most recently with the Faculty of Manage­ ment Studies at the University of Toron­ to. Over the past 20 years Dr. Som­ mers has been a student, researcher and consultant concerning consum er and consumption behavior as it applies to

organiza ti ona l stra tegy and tactics. Hc is the author and editor of' a number of books <Jnd articles dealing with consum­ er behavior, communications and pro­ motion, and marketing. Among his pub­ lication s, Fundamenlols uf lv!arketillR is now in its third Canadian editi·o n. Over the years he has acted as a consultant and adviso r to various indus­ tries including telecommunications, pe­ troleum products marketing, finance and insurance, food manufacturing and dis­ tribution , and reta iling and advertising. In the dist ant past he conducted re­ search on, and was adviso r to, somc Co-op organizations. Dr. Sommers and his wife, Helen, have two children, Michael, 15, and Annie, 13. StUd ying French is a family affair. Helen Sommers is cur rentl y ma­ joring in French at Glendon College, York University. Following graduation she plans to teach French at the elemen­ tary school level. Michael a nd Annie are enrolled in an extended French program at high school. Dr. Sommers limps along with his high sdLOo l French- to the chagrin of his family. 0

Dr. Monry Sommers, left, chairman, Consumer Studies, with Dr. Louise (Bazinet) Heslop, '67, Consumer Studies, co-aulhor of Marketplace Canada, who presenled the book to President Donald Forster.

Dear Joan:

Ma ss., U.S .A., to do graduate s/Udies in Afler reading the Guelph Alumnus; Fall

chemical engineering. Since {found my '82 issue, 1 thought I'd write you a short

work rewarding at Canada Packers, and note to te/! you what I'm doing.

Enclosed please find a cheque for $300 would be unable to work in the U.S. I'm a B.A.Sc. '79 Consumer Stud­ 10 be used for some prujeci of Mac­ (visa problems) , we decided on a "long FACS. ies graduale . After wo rking at the Wes­ dis ta nce" marriage. ton Research Centre, Toronto, in sen­ 1 have been cOnlributing yearly 10 We've been apart now for almOSI a sory evalualion for one and a half the Alma Mater Fund bill I'm sure you year, but phone a lot and visit each years, 1 was called by a "head hunter" have dlfferenl areas of interest. other every three to four weeks. Al­ who offered me a posilion al Canada though it's been lough, sometimes you I enjoy the Guelph Alumnus and I'm very proud of my College and Ihe Packers Inc. AI CP. Research 1 head have to make sacrifices ill a two-career up Ihe Sensory Evalualion Departmenl family. University . whe re we conduct all kinds of inleresl­ Yours truly, Very good wishes. ing studies and taste panels on food products. Violet Morrison Johnston, '34D, 1 had 10 make a difficult decision Lillian (Alkok) Lennox, BASc. '79 24 Durham Drive early ·in my marriage when my husband 755 Yo rk Mi/!s Rd., Api. 1503 was accepted al M.I. T., Cambridge, St. Catharin es, Ontario L2M IC 2 Don Mills, Ontario M 3B I X5 Dear Friends:


Kathryn Rattle, '80, Co nsum e r Studies, a program officer with the CMHC.

330 Students Make

Careers Night a Success Careers Night '82 , sponsored by the Mac-FACS Alumni Association , was held at 5:00 p.m. October 4, 1982 in Pctcr Clark Hall where 330 s tudent s and six faculty sat down to a s u pper­ compliments of the Association . Following this, ten alumni panel members brieny described their jobs and outlined thc individual s uccesses, and s tumbling blocks, encountered a lon g th e road to securing their position s. They indicated that the numerou s letters that must be written to prospec tive employ­ ers, projecting the confidence and knowledge that "I am the one for th e job" are a ke y factor in job seek ing. Jane Morley, OAC M.Sc. '8 1, a career counsellor with the Univer sity of Guelph's Counselling and Stud ent R e­ source Centre, explained the ca reer selection and placement services offe red to students by the Centre. Following the panel prese ntat ion,

small di sc uss ion groups were formed enabling st udent s to learn more abo ut s pecific career interests. M any st ud ents ex pressed their gratitude to the Mac­ FACS Alumni Association for spon sor­ in g thi s careers program. following th e de parture of th e s tu­ de nt s a t 7:00 p.m., the pa nelis ts, g ue sts a nd Association boa rd members relaxed ove r dinn er. Alumni pa nel members in­ cluded : Judy Parham, '82, Consumer Studies, a ma rket resea rch a na lyst with Toronto Star News pa pe rs Ltd . Janice Yellow lees, ' 80, Consumer Stud­ ies (Foods), a food te c hnologi s t em­ ployed with Thomas J . Lipton.

Catherine Field, '80, Applied Human Nutrition, a seco nd year student in an M.S c. program in Nutritional Sciences a t th e Universi ty of Toronto. Janet Chappell, '73, Applied Human Nutrition, a dietitian / nutritionist, she is a Ph .D . candidate at the University of Toronto . Caroline (B r ink) Preece, '80, Family Studies, a supervisor with the Visiting Homemake rs of H a milton-Wentworth. Beth Mcilveen, '76, Family Studies , a credit counsellor for Metropolitan To­ ronto . Heather (Snyder) Long, '78, Child Stud­ ies, a c hild life s peciali s t at War Memo­ ri a l Hospital in London , Ontario .

Mel Vincent, '80, Applied Human Nu­ trition, a second-yea r m edical student a t McM aste r University.

Catherine M ille r, '78, Child Studies, a te ac hing ma ster in child deve lopm e nt , E.C.E. field supervision and lab sc hool , at Sir Sanford Fleming College. 0

will be awa rded to a graduate student, within Fam ily Studies, pursuing re­ sea rch in the area of gerontology. Mac '380 hopes all of its members a nd other "oldsters" will donate $4.50 or $45 or two to ten times $45 towards this sc ho la rs hip. The "old girls" of Mac '380 are "smardt enuf' to calion all interested OAC, OVC, MAC, FACS a nd other University of Guelph grads to

join them in the establishment of this scholarship in gerontology. Please send you r cheque to the University of Guelph Alm a M ate r Fund and specify that it's for the M ac '38 0 Class Gerontology Scholarship Fund' In anticipation , m a ny th a nks from Ellen Downie, Mary Singe r, Dori s Dur­ rant and Jean Carter - yo ur M ac '38 0 scholarship committee. 0

Mac-FACS AA Graduate Scholarship:

La urie Dowler, (Con. Stud.) Ottawa.

Anne E, Barber Memorial Scholarship:

Katherine Thomson, Semester 3, Mid­


Katherine Fuller Scholarship:

Nan cy Hooker, Semester 5, Ormstown,


Class of '30 Scholarship:

Mary-Ellen Mallard , Semes ter 3, Dun­


Mac-FACS AA Entrance Scholarships:

Cynthia Bond -- Wood stock .

Lauri e Curry - Brarrialea.

Dorothy D eBoe r - Owe n Sound.

Mac-FA CS AA C entennial Schola rships:

Juli e Brea ult - N ew Liskeard

H ea ther Sagle - Sault Ste. M a rie .

Th e G uel ph Branch M ac- FACS Alumni Association scho la rsh ip winner was Li sa Martin , Semester 3, Weston. Je an Hum e, '64, Gue lph branch presi­ dent, at tended the awa rd s reception. 0

In Memoriam

Vivian (Gilliland) Andrews, '410, J a nu­

ary J982 , in Toronto .

Helen (Galt) Mitchell, '270, May 31,

198 1, in Cambridge.

Lillian Arnold, '320, September 5, 1982,

in Toronto.

Gladys (Forster) Foster, '090, in Char­

lottetown, P.E.1.

Marion (House) McGirr, '390, Jun e 14,

191)2, in Durham .

Nettie (Carrick) Moore, ' 11 D, December

29, 1980, in Belmont.

Judith (Wright) Morris, '51, November

[4 , 1980, in Florida, U.S.A .

Alberta (Robinson) Ward, '250, Febru­

a ry, 1982, in Va nco uve r , B.C. 0

Calling '38D

The class of Mac '380 claims it is "too soon old t bu t is getting sma rd t'" In June 1983, M ac '38D will be celebrating its 45th a nniv e rsa ry. T o mark this specia l occasion, class mem­ bers are establishing a scholarsh ip which


The 19 82 awa rds re cept io n for st udent s within Fam ily and Consumer Studies was held in O cto ber. Mac-FACS Alum­ ni Association president, Carol Telford­ Pittma n, '75, prese nted awa rd s, On be­ half of the Association, to th e following s tude nts:

W e regret to an noun ce the death s of the fo llowing alumni: Florence (Lamont) Adams, '290, July 31, 1982, in Renfrew.



The College of Physical Science Alumni Association


Editor: Bob Winkel

Speaking of Statistics W hen considering the development of statistics on campus, two names stand out as most central to that development, namely the late Professor Robert C. Moffatt and Professor Gordon C. Ash­ ton. Statistics, as a word applied to comparisons of data, had its beginnings in the 18th century, However, any other resemblance to modern statistics stopped there, During the last few decades of the 19th century, Sir Francis Galton did comparisons on social data and, while he appeared uncertain of the principles gov­ erning tests of significance, he is often referred to as "the father of statistics," having introduced such terms as decile, percentile, quartile, media, correlation, and regression. Most of his innovations were based on the mathematical ideas of Bernoulli, deMoivre, LaPlace, Gauss, and Quetelet. At the turn of the century, the influence of Karl Pearson became pro­ nounced with his introduction of the Chi-square test of goodness of fit and standard deviation, In 1925, experimen­ tal scientists, particularly those in agri­ cultural experimentation, achieved a major breakthrough in the development of the methods of designing experiments and analyzing data. In his book, Statistical Methods for Research Workers , Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher introduced techniques for analy­ sis of variance, and established statistics as fundamental to experiments involving large variability from known and un­ known sources. Fisher, in particular, realized the importance of proper expert design to produce valid analyzable data . It is against this background that we come back to Professor Moffatt. In 1917, having just graduated from the University of Toronto, Profes­ sor Moffatt came to Guelph as a lectur­ er in physics. He was interested in 28

• • •

experimental physics as applied to agri­ culture, and paid considerable attention to correlation studies of his data, This was no doubt instilled in him by Profes­ sor John Satterly from whom he took a course in the theory of measurements. This course included the treatment of the median, mode, standard deviation, probable error, least squares, graphic correia tion and correia tion coefficients. These ideas were soon incorporated into Professor Moffatt's courses. First formal mention of these statistical terms ap­ pears in the 1926-27 CoJlege calendar where the words "theory of measure­ ment" appear in a course description for the basic mathematics course. In 1929-30, the calendar records a course titled Theory of Measurements including "mathematical treatment of data, averages, dispersion, probable error, single, partial and multiple cor­ relation," In 1931-32, the word "statistics" was first introduced in the course de­

scription for Theory of Measurements, There the effects of the Depression and World War Two seemed to cause stag­ nation in course development. No new courses or course descr,ip­ tions appeared until 1945-46 when Analysis of Variance was introduced into the course Theory of Measure­ ments-a full 20 years after having been introduced by Fisher. While course de­ scriptions didn't change until 1946, Analysis of Variance was being studied at the College, especialJy by students in the Field Husbandry option, as early as 1935 and one can surmise that it was taught by Moffatt. By 1946, a large number of return­ ing servicemen entered the post-second­ ary education system and major reor· ganizations took place at Guelph. In 1946-47, the Department of Physics was created with Professor Wil­ liam C. Blackwood as head and Robert Moffatt as its only other professor. Professor Blackwood retired a year later

Professors Gordon Ashton. left. and Gustaf Szabo with LGP 30 computer.

and Professor Moffa tt took over as head of the Department and, during that year, recruited Earl B. MacNaughton. Professor MacNaughton arrived in 1948 and soon took an active interest in statistics. By 1950, three versions of the sta tistics course were being taught. Namely a semester course of lectures only, a semester course of lectures and labs for Agricultural Economics stu­ dcnts, and a one-year course for Agri­ cultural Science and Chemistry stu­ dents. During the years 1950-51 , a work­ ing group consisting of Professors Earl MacNaughton, Don Huntley, OAC '41, Frank Chase, OAC ' 38, and Doug Hill, OAC ' 37, all of whom had been exposed to statistical analysis in their postgradu­ ate studies, revised the statistics content of the course. This group was, no doubt , in­ f] uenced by a guest lecture given at Guelph by Fisher in 1951 , and recom­ mended that the three statistics courses be incorporated into a single course named Statistical Methods. This course was taught by Professor MacNaughton from 1953 until 1956

when Professor Ashton arrived and took over the teaching of statistics. Professor Ashton had the distinction of being the first full-time practising sta tistici a n on campus. With the strong support of other users of statistics. such as Profes­ sors Fred Jerome, OAC '33, and Mur­ ray MacGregor, OAC '51, funds were obtained to equip a statistics lab with ten Monroe calculators. Within the first two yea rs of his coming, Professor Ashton introduced two graduate courses; one in statistical methods and one in experimental design. These new courses were major new vehi­ cles and enabled Professor Ashton to introduce experimental design and more advanced statistical techniques to gradu­ ate students in Agriculture. Having studied under Cox, Lucan and Bliss at North Carolina State University and under Hartley, Homeyer and Snedon at Iowa State University, and having ap­ plied his knowledge in animal feeding experiments, Professor Ashton had a grea t deal to offer. He often vented his outrage during those early days over rese a rch projects' being completed be­ fore any thought was given to the statis-

Graduate News

My apologies to Michael Zbozny, "Boz," B.Sc. '69, M.Sc. '72 and Ph.D. '78 (UBC) who was shortchanged in this column in the Summer '82 issue. "Boz" has forsaken chemistry and has gone into the stockbrokering business in Van­ couver, B.C. He wants to know whatever happened to Karl "Super-frosh" Howse, B.Sc. '70, of Omemee, the very same place that I referred to rather dispara g­ ingly in the Summer '82 issue, So "Su­ per-frosh " , give "Boz" a shout at 9-2189 West 2nd Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6K IH7 , or "Boz," write "Super-frosh" at General Delivery, Campbellford, On­ tario KOL I LO. Peter Obrien, B.Sc. '70, M.Sc. '71, is currently a senior physicist with the Ontario Cancer Foundation in Toronto and living in Unionville with his wife Mary (Priamo), CSS '70. Gordon Joice, B.Sc. '73, a fter having spent four years as a dairy farmer in the Annapolis Valley, N.S. , is now a senior programmer/analyst with the Depart­ ment of Defence a t Greenwood, N .S. He lives at R.R. #1, Wilmot, N.S., and would like to know the whereabouts of Darwin Cheng, B.Sc. '73.

Hunt Breckinridge "Breck" Jones, B.Sc. '76, sends us the following message. "I received my M.Sc. in Electrical Engi­ neering from Stanford University and have since been employed by the Wat­ kins-Johnson Company where I'm cur­ rently head of the Digital Engineering Section. I live at 750 N. Stierlin Rd., #24, Mountain View, California, 94043, U.S.A., and would be happy to hear from classmates and faculty. Robert (Rob) Sippel, B.Sc. '80, IS a research assistant in computer program­ ming at the University of Guelph. 0

Reception at

College Royal

A reception will be held for Col­ lege of Physical Science alumni and friends at 4:00 p.m. in the University Centre, University of Guelph on Saturday, March 12. After a long day of trekking around campus join us for some refreshment and good fun. A cash bar and munchies will be provided.

tical analysis of the data obtained. During the 'l ate '50s, other depart­ ments were also becoming aware of the use of statistics. The Department of Agricultural Economics offered a course introducing statistics to Agricultural Economics students. In 1959, the tedium of manual calculations was greatly relieved by the arrival on campus of a high-speed com­ puter, the LGP30 with drum storage and tape input. This machine, while pitifully small in capability by today's standards, tremendously increased the speed with which analysis could be done. In 1961-62, a second undergraduate course in statistics was introduced by Professor Ashton. This course, with more emphasis on theory and statistics, became listed as a discipline in its own right where previously it had been listed under the general term of mathematics. As the '60s progressed , more statis­ ticians were hired. The use of proper statistical design and analysis grew enor­ mously and even those departments not involved in teaching statistics hired fac­ ulty well qualified in the practice of statistical techniques. 0

Free For All You may recall that in the Fall 1981 issue of the Guelph Alumnus we advertised bouO(' copies of se­ lections from the "Science Cor­ ner," articles written weekly for the Guelph Daily Me,.cury by Professors igel Bunce, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, and Jim Hunt, Department of Physics. A second I'olume of selections containing ar­ ticles, which relate to p hysics, chemistry, astronomy and earth sciences, is now available. If you would like a free copy of this handsome soft-cover book please send your request to Bob Winkel, Dean's Office, College of Physical Science, Unil'ersity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N 1G 2W 1.


In Me moriam Department of Chemistry profes­ sor, Ram Goel, died Monday, No­ vember 8, 1982. He was 48 years old. The C ollege of Physical Sci­ ence Alumn i Association extends its sympathy to his wife, Rama, and their five chil.dren.


r - -­

The College of Arts Alumni Association


Editor: Debbie (Nash) Chambers , '77.

The 'Art of

Mac '39 Grad

Grayce Porteous


of the best responses Delpha re­ ceived following a query in the Summer 1981 issue of the Guelph Alumnus enti­ tled "Any Ideas ?" came from a n alum ni artist who studied at Guelph long before the founding of the College of Arts . Grayce Porteous, Mac '39 , wrote us a letter and wanted our Dime nsions 'l:I2 organizers to know that alumni from beyond our College confines have also met with success in the art world . Grayce hoped her letter wou ld en­ courage other retired alumni to use their creative ta lents and enjoy a relaxing and rewarding re tirement. Her letter also lets us know that the Alumni Weekend art show, sponsored by the College of


Arts Alumni Association, has revived a Uni ve rsity trad ition left la ngu ish ing si nce the early days of College Roya l. There was no Department of Fine Art al Guelph when I allended. Once a year, at College Royal, they judged li vestock , field crops, cakes, bread, textiles and included a special classification for anyone on campus wa nt ing 10 enter art . I never won a prize for my cakes or dressmaking but won "Best in Show" for a poster of a rugby player and, th e nex t y ear, second for designing a dance program . The prizes were presented in Mem Hall and, they were $2 or $3. Should I have had any ideas for

pursuing a career in arl , Ihe early 1940s cerlainly were nol Ihe years in which 10 do so. Jobs of any kind were not plenti­ fu l, nor were they lucrative. After pur­ suing jobs relat ed 10 Hom e Economics for nine years, I branched into social work, secretarial work and, lat er, em­ ploym ent counselling. I was employed in Toronto until 1963. Between 1963 and 1970 I li ved and worked in Barrie. In 1970 I lOok an early retirement and sell led in Barrie in an old hou se on Kempenfeldt Bay. Havin g time to contemplate and enjoy the sp lendid scenery, my interest in art slowly re-a wakened. I had sketched a lillie while travelling in England, Ireland, S cotland and Holland in 1968, but it was really 1973 before I started 10 skelch and paint seriously . On my return from a holiday in Tucson, Arizona , where I observed and talked with an artist sketching th e court­ house, I began sketching historical buildings in Simcoe County. After completin g almost 75 sketches, I proceeded to do oil paintings from the sketches. I sold th e first one I painted so I was away to th e races! I then joined the Barrie Art Club and th e six of us ha ve been m eeting in each others ' hom es and painting week ly. In 1975 I entered my painting of St. Paul's Church in th e exhibition "Paint Historic S carborough " and won "Honourable Mention." My painting was one of the 35 chosen f rom 200 entries for hanging in th e Scarborough Town Centre. In 1976 I was commis­ sioned to paint St. Thoma s' Episcopal Church in Shanty Bay, Ontario, for a family li vi ng in Seallle, Washington. The fo llowing year I was commis­ sioned 10 paint a mining site al Blind River, Ontario. Then, in 1978, I entered an oil painting in the Huronia Festival of Arts Show and won "Best-in-Show." A rthur Shilling, an internationally known artist, was th e ju dge. At Collingwood's first j uried Blue Mountain Fine Arts Sh ow, my work was awarded third prize in 1982. My

pai11ling "Railway Station, Wiarton" leller from th e Public Archives, Docu­ makes each day exciting when you have was hung in the Tom Thompson Gallery a hobby you can develop. So, regardless me11lary Arts Section. Ollawa. They advised me that they were delighted at Owen Sound unlil the beginning of of your age, start now. with several historical architectural the Chi-cheemaun 's 1982 sailing season Thanks for listening. between Tobermory and Manit oulin Is­ sketches that had come to their allen­ land. The painling won honourable tion and that they were opening an Sincerely mention at the Chi-cheemaun Juried artist's file on me. I consider that a Show and was among the ten top pic­ great honour. tures chosen to hang in the lounge of That brings you up to date on my Grayce Port eous, Mac '39, hobby. I am self-taught and I continue the Chi-cheemaun jor the 1982 season. 9 Cook Slreet, A recent highlight in my life was a to learn, explore and experiment . [t Barrie. Onlario. L4M 4£8

Scholarships Established


recognition of his significant role in the development of the Arts and Huma­ nities at the University of Guelph, the College of Arts ha s established the Murdo MacKinnon Scholarship Fund. The purpose of the fund is to help compensate for the shortage of scholar­ ships in the College of Arts by providing awards for highly-qualified Semeste r 6 students planning to proceed in an hQ­ nours program in Music, Drama, Fine Art , English, Philosophy, Language and Literature or History. Individuals who would like to sup­ port this program may do so through their regular contributions to the Alma Mater Fund-by designating that their

Arts Show '83 In

response to the tremendous success of Dimensions '82, the College of Arts Alumni Association is spo nsoring Di­ mensions '83, a juried show open to all alumni artists, during Alumni Weekend, '8 3. A total of 50 paintings will be selected to hang in the Faculty Club for the week-long show. Cash prizes will be given for the first , second and third "Best in Show ." There will be a $3 entry fee for each piece and artists ca n enter up to three pieces of artwork. The official opening of Dimensions '83 will be Friday, June 17, 1983 follow­ ing a College of Arts Alumni Associa ­ tion dinner. The Association hopes to raise enough money to provide a schol­ arship for a Fine Arts students. The Delpha section of the Spring 1983 issue of the Guelph Alumnus will contain the regulations for entering Di­ mensions '83. So, alumni artists, get out your paint brushes, sketching pads and sculpting tools and start work on entries for Dimensions '83. 0

donation be channeled to the Murdo MacKinnon Scholarship Fund . The Departments of History, and Polit­ ical Studies and the School of Rural Planning and Development were sad­ dened by the death, in September 1982, of Raja Singh, '82, after a lengthy illness. Although Raja had been a t Guelph for less than two years, he had made a very strong impression upon those around him through his involvement in Third World relief projects and in his active concern for people of Central America. Raja a lso excelled in his studies. In

Grad News Linda (Foster) Davis, '70, is the head of the Gregory Branch Library in the Bor­ ough of York . Marjorie Pulling, '70, is an English and a second language teacher employed by the Elgin County Board of Education. Chris Dennis, '72, is enrolled at the School of Libra ry and Information Sci­ ence, University of Western Ontario.

just over one year, he was able to complete hi s Master's degree in History earning distinction for his thesis on the modern history of Zimbabwe. He had just started to work on a master's degree in Rural Development when he was taken ill. In order to better remember Raja's contributions to the University , a schol­ arship has been established in his name. Each year a student from a developing country who is registered in the College of Arts will be eligible to receive funds for his or her studies. Anyone who is interested in making a donation to this fund should contact: The Raja Singh Memorial Fund, Alum­ ni Affairs, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2Wl. 0

Bob Timko, '73, is a lecturer in Philoso­ phy at Susquehanna University, Selinsg­ rove, Pa., U.S.A . Susan (Thorning) Dennis, '76, is a super­ visor with the Department of Veteran Affairs, the Red Cross Society, London. James Holland, '78, lives in Edmonton, Alta., and is an architectural illustra tor for Holland Associates. Rob Green, '81, teacher at the Saltf1eet High School in Stoney Creek. 0

Executive '83


Arts AA executive, back, Ito r:

Julie (Russell) Thur, '78,

past presiden t; Margo

Shoemaker. '79, president.

Fronl: Linda McKenzie­

Cordick, '81. sec-Ires,

and Bill MacDonald, '78,

vice-president. Missing: Don

Webster, '72, vice-president.


The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association


Editor: Dr. CUff Barker, '41.

Some Fond and Lasting Memories of

Dr. H. Batt '33 The following article appeared in News and Views, a publication of the Universi­ ty of Guelph Faculty Association, in the October 1982 issue. It is believed that alumni who attended the OVC after 1942 will recall this exceptional colleague who desired that no memorial should be writ­ ten. The author is unknown.

Dr. Henry Thomas (Tom) Batt, '33 , died on September 2 1, 1982 in his 75 th year. Hi s life was spent almost entirely in associa tion with the veterin ary profes­ sion. After postgraduate studies he re­ turned to follow hi s father as a professor at the Ontario Veterina ry College. Upon retirement he was retained on a part­ time basis to plan the timetable of the new veterinary teaching program. A bachelor all his life, Dr. Ba tt was a shy man and comfortable only with a few close friend s. These were constantly impressed by his wide range of interests. Current events would be placed in con­ text through his extensive reading of history. Hi s wit would probably have made him a we lcome member of Samuel Johnson's circle, of which he was most knowledgeable. The Bloomsbury group was another of hi s consuming literary interests. He had a passion for the visual arts, for ballet a nd for ·theatre. Gardening gave him much personal satisfact ion as former students, whom he hired over the years to help him , can testify. Raised in a Victori a n household, Dr. Batt retained man y of its values throughout his life. He had a passion for truth a nd worried less a bout how he was regarded by others than about his opin­ ion of himself. Ma ny students and facul­ ty learned to value his judgement for its objectivity, wisdom a nd balance.


He believed that discip line was not magically acq uired but must be ta ught. Faculty should set a n example by dress, by deportment and by their teaching. His lectures, while demanding, were deli ve red in a delightful style. For him, undergradua te instruction wa s the most important reason for a Un ive rsity'S ex­ istence . H is classes were not to be missed for they embodied a un iq ue phraseology of express ion and dramatic gestures with humourous examples a nd analogies. La bora tories were Ii kewise models of ca reful planning and prepara­ tion. It was hi s opinion that members of a profession should look and act profes­ sionally. Earlier graduates will reca ll that he required male students to wear a shirt and tie in his classroom. He recol­ lected the time when the veterinarian was often rega rded as "the drunk behind the livery stab le," a n image that did not accord with the new scientific basis upon which veterinar y medicine was develop­ ing. Dr. Batt was fully aware of the revolution in veterinary education and the practice of veterinary medicine that had taken place in his lifetime. He had been part of it and had contributed to it. His mild eccentricities, and hi s sin­ gular personalitY, which developed in his yo uth before the age of mass com­ munication, will be woven into the histo­ ry of the Ontario Veterinary College. To paraphrase one of his favourite authors, Proust , "in the tin y and almost impa lpa­ ble drop of his essence, the vast struc­ ture of recollection. " Supplementing th e above tribute is the follow ing letter to the editor from Dr. J. H a rold Reed, '55, OVC aca demic counsellor: Dear ClifI On September 7, 1982, the freshman class of the Ontario Veterinary College, '86, was addressed at their first lecture by Dr. Russ A. Willoughby , '57, asso­ ciate dean , research and resources; Dr. 1. Harold Reed, '55, academic counsel­

lor; Dave Hull, OAC '63, librarian; Susan Brown, head nurse, M edical Ser­ vices and Dr. Henry T. Ball, '33, profes­ sional assistant , OVC dean's office, and responsible for th e teaching program tim etable. While the comments of the asso­ ciate dean, the counsellor, th e librarian and the nurse were predictable and directed toward adviSing the students to organize, study hard, use the library and to have th eir rabies vaccinations, th e comments of Dr. Batt were different. Dr. Batt said: "Seventy years ago today my fa th er was hired at th e OVC in Toronto and so, for the last 70 years, there has been a Batt in the Ontario Veterinary College." He went on quickly to explain his tim etable , where changes to it would be posted and why changes were necessary. Dr. Batt explained that faculty some­ times found it necessary to exchange lectures, that students som etim es wished changes, and that the dean som etimes wanted a room and that all th ese things required changes to the timetable. He also said that changes were sometimes necessary because he had made a mistake. ' Xhis brought laughter fr om th e students who were amused by th eir first-and-last encoun­ ter with Dr. Batt. Dr. 1. Harold Reed, '55, A cademic Counsellor, OVe.


Classes of OVC '43, '47 and '78 will be holding anniversary reun­ ions during Alumni Weekend '83. Where'~ On the campus of the University of Guelph. More infor­ mation regarding these events will be contained in a detailed Alumni Weekend Program that will be mailed later.

The Rankin Equine Scholarship Mrs. Margaret Rankin, Regina, Sask. has established an endowment fund of $20,000 in memory of her late husband Dr. George Rankin, '33. The income from this fund will be available to a student in the DVM program entering Semester 7 having a minimum "B " average and an interest and aptitude in equine medicine and surgery. Mrs. Rankin, in making the first donation of $5,000, provided a brief resume of Dr. Rankin as follows: George Rankin wa s born in Oakner, Manitoba, on January 6, 1912 and a t­ tended elementary and high school in the town of his birth. Raised on a farm in this district, his interest in all animals

was fostered by his Scottish parents and grandparents who raised purebred cat­ tle, horses and sheep, importing and improving their herds through the years. Upon graduating from the OVC in 1933, George brought riding horses and hunters to his father's farm, from which he practised veterinary medicine until October 1935 when he joined the federal Health of Animals Branch, Canada Ag­ riculture . He was assigned to Winnipeg and worked in the meat inspection and field division. He was married in June 1936, and continued field work until the fall of 1939 when he was transferred to Regi­ na, Sask., again working with contagious diseases until he joined the Canadian

Army in 1941. Dr. Rankin earned his commission in England and served in Africa, Italy, Belgium, France and Ger­ many as a stretcher bearer officer in the Medical Corps , returning home to Regi­ na in October 1945. George resumed his work with Health of Animals, worked in the field again as a supervisor of Disease Control, and retired as associate regional director of Disease Control. 0

We've lost some of the

Class of '49 Dr. Murray H. Pbillipson, '49, has reported that we do not have cur­ rent addresses for the following class of '49 members. Their ad­ dresses are needed urgently in view of class reunion planning: Dr. G.R. Whenham, Dr. L.H. Thompson, Dr. G.B. Robertson, Dr. R.B. Lomax and Dr. J.J. Kelly. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these alumni please send the addresses to the Department of Alumni Af­ fairs and Development, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2Wl.

In Memoriam The 1982 recipient of the Schofield medal, immediately following his delivery of the 1982 Schofield Memorial Lecture, was Dr. Ole Nielsen , '56, recently retired Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. L to r are Dr. Jim S chroder, '42, M .P. for Guelph, Dr. Nielsen and Dean Douglas Maplesden, '50.

Dr. S.A. Da\'ison, '29, died August 20, 1982. Last known address 168 Wool­ wich St. N., Kitchener. Dr. H. Thomas Batt, '33, died Septem­ ber 21, 1982. Last address 806 Gordon St., Guelph. Dr. Jack Warren, '39, last known ad­ dress R .R . #3, Wheatly. Dr. Wilfred Sherwin, '40, died October 6, 1982. Last known address Nampa, Idaho, U.S.A. Dr. James E. (Ted) Watt, '49, died in August , 1982. Last known address 790 Hortop Ave., Oshawa.

Herb Lambert, lead hand animal allendant, retired from ave duties in August 1982. Hundreds of graduates will recall his assistance on numerous occasions while restraining animals and at other times. Dean Maplesden presented Herb with a retirement giji and Herb was "graduated " at his retirement party. Dr. Chu ck Roe placed the hood over Herb's head as Herb promised never to apply again for an ave appointment.

Dr. Joseph A. Ocran, '63, died in May, 1982. Last known address Tongu Ranch Ltd., Ghana. Dr. Thomas M. Millman, '70, was killed in an automobile accident in May, 1982. La st known address Aptos, California, U.S.A.O



The College of Social Science Alumni Association


Editor: Dorothy Barnes, '78.

A note to thank all those wh~ respond­ ed to our plea for volunteers. It is heartening to know that our PECAS-US section of the Cuelph Alumnus is so well read. When you read this we will be in the midst of our membership campaign. Your support is most earnestly so ught , for financial assistance and for help in fostering ties to the University of Guelph. As our membership gro ws we become more aware of th e need to keep in touch . Our annu a l CSS Newsletter, to be ma iled shortl y and sent to College of Social Scien ce Alumni Association members only , promises to be interesting reading this year and will fulfill one of our prime goals-to keep fellow alumni informed. You will, no doubt, have noticed

A Note From Our



'~ .'


. 1 '"

Pat Lonergan, '69.

mission in Kitc hener , is a very busy lad y in her Job and has bravel y volunteered to add to her workload the respons ibility ot' filling these pages four times a year. She needs a ll th e help she can get - t'rom yo u l So limbe r up those writ­ ing hand s and send her detail s of all these exciting things th a t yo u CSS alumni are doing across this continent and around the wor ld-she wants to hear fr om yo u. Send he r news of your job, your promotion, yo ur family, yo ur triumphs , yo ur failures, your fellow grads, yo ur new hu sband /w ife/baby; let her kn ow wha t yo u'd like to see covered on these two pages-after a ll. as members of the College of Social Science Alumni Asso­ cia ti on, th ey' re yours, so help to fill 'em up. Let us hea r from you . 0

Presi ent

that there's a new smiling face a nd a new name on our PECAS-US masthead (above) in this issu e. We warmly we l­ come Dorothy Barnes, '7 8 , as our new editor. Doroth y, a hum an rights officer with the Ont a rio Human Rights Com­

A Term of Retrospect and Consolidation

Almost four years ago, the College of Social Science Alumni Association ca me into being and , now, it might be ap pro­ priate to reflect on its beginnings , its achiev ement s, and th e reso urces th at we need to prepare us for social and eco­ nomic changes in the future. As a res ult of University of Guelph restructuring , Wellington College wa s divided , in 1970. to form the Colleges of Social Science, Physica l Science a nd Arts, At that time, the Wellington Col­ lege Alumni Association was di sbanded to create separa te new associa tions for eac h of the new colleges. However, it was not until May 24, 1978 that a meeting of CSS a lumni was held to discuss th e poss ible formation of a CSS Alumni Association. An interim executive a nd a n inter­ im Board of Directors was appointed a nd they initiated the necessa ry fr ame­ work fo r th e Associ ation-the const itu­ ti on a nd the impl ementation of by-la w


No. I-under the direction of Michael Jam es, '72. At our first an nu a l meetin g, Octo ber 14, 1978, an officia l Boa rd of Directors was el ected and the constitu­ tion and by-law No. I were adop ted by the membership. The CSSAA was at last launch ed with clear direc tion and the means to carryon busin ess a nd affairs of th e CSSAA. This Board 's ac hievements included adoption of the CSSAA logo, and PE ­ CAS-US, the name of our news bulletin. Alumni and fac ulty support was difficult to attract and a t one point we were operat ing in the red . Howeve r, th anks to a $500 interest-free loan from th e Col­ lege of Social Science Student Govern­ ment, and membership drive and fund raising events, we were once aga in so l­ vent by the end of th e term. The period 1979-80 brought a chan gc in th e exec utive a nd a renewed will to continue the progress of the fledgeling Assoc iatio n. Under the presi­

dency of Jim Dance, '74 , the Board initiated ma na ge ment of our financial resources. This Boa rd 's achievements in­ cluded fund tra nsfers to a debe nture ensuring a healthy interest and Sandra Webste r, '7 5, initiat ed a $ 1,000 grant fr om the Alma Mater Fund for fi ve a nnua I undergraduate sc hola rs hips 1\0 be awarded in th e name of the CSSAA. Thi s, in Jim Dance's opinion, partially fill ed a deep void that had ex isted since the birth of th e College. This period a lso sa w a drastic cha nge du e to the economic situ a tion, as the format of our news bulletin cha nged fr om a separate publication to an inclu­ sion within Cuelph Alumnus. Th e period 1980-8 1 sa w a nother change in the Boa rd's composition. Bar­ ba ra Hind s, '74 , was ap pointed presi­ dent. The Association co ntinued to sho w improved financial status through in­ vestm ents a nd membership increa ses. Its significan t ac hi evemen ts were

payment in full of the $500 loan from t he CSS Student Government; the initi ­ a tion of the Jack Skinner Award with the sup port of the College a nd the student gove rnment ; the acqu isi tion of $2,000 ror our scholarsh ip rund; con­ tributions rrom our rund towards the Dr. J ac k Skinner Awa rd and th e Dr. Tong prize in Psyc hology; re-investment or past debentures to take advantage of gene ra l in creases in interest rates, a nd a 70 per cent increase in our gene ral membership. Th e year 198 1- 82 sa w the fifth Board of Directors appo inted , once more under the leadership or Ba rb H ind s. This Board witnessed further in creases

in members hip a nd fi nancia l strength a lthou gh there was disappointment that th e Alma Mater Fund Adv isory Cou ncil rejec ted Dea n Yand erkamp's proposal th at a rund be establ ished by 1987 to begi n postgradua te schola rships wi th i n the Coll ege of Social Science. Th e present Boa rd of Directors is determined to continue building a stron g a nd represe ntat ive Alumni Association on the successes a nd efforts of pa st Boards. Our president, Pat Lonergan, '69, ha s se t th e tone fo r this term of ofrice by asking the Board, and the ge nera l membership, to concen tra te on improving prog rams that we have learned to manage well an d, a t the sa me

tim e, to con sol id a te our reso urces. At last count , we had 279 members representing 6.30 per cent or 4,42 7 known a lumni . If we had 10 per cent, or 443, or th e alumni body, who each contributed $50 to the lire membership fund , our rin ancial base would improve dr amat ica lly, a ll owi ng for a n increa se in operating funds in th e 1983-8 4 term. Such an increase would simpl y pump mo re than $8,000 in to th e killy for reinvestment by th e Board. Our fi nan­ cia l base would approx imate $ 15,000 a nd provide the support required to opera te an innuential Alum ni Associa­ ti on t hat wi ll be a round as long as Canada has snow. 0


Robert Blake, '73, is now livin g in Otta­ wa a nd is a con sult a nt/ project manag­ er-Comput er Systems with Ba ily and Rose Ltd ., Otta wa.

Robert Norris, '75, of Scarborough, is chief cartographer with Phoenix Geo­ physics Ltd ., Willowda le.


Janice (Behm) Ditsch, '68, now living in Wroxeter, is sec reta ry-treasurer for J . Dit sc h Farms Ltd .

Peter Hood, '73, now lives in Owen Sound a nd is a soc ia l wo rke r wi th th e General a nd Mar in e Hospital, Owen Sound .

Margie (Damude) Burkholder, '69, is now living in Cavan a nd, while not currently working , was employed at Pet­ erborough Civic Hosp ita l as a soc ia l worker.

Sandra Lea (Stopps) MacNeil, '73, li ves in Owen Sound a nd is a psychiatric nurse clinician with the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospit a l.

Margaret (Mooreland ) Scott, '69, is now residi ng in Gananogue a nd is employed as a dairy herds person. Bruce Cliff, '70, now lives in Stouffville, and is execut ive vice-president of Scar­ borough Centena ry Hospita l, West Hill. Paul Dean, '70, is now livin g in Ma rk­ ham, a nd is a cou nselling consultant with Employment a nd Immigra tion Ca nada, Downsview. Mary (Priamo) O'Brien, '70, is now living in Unionville. Lynda "Lyz" (Sayer) Bancroft-Wilson, '71, is now living in Aurora a nd is a consultant with the YW CA of Metro­ polita n Toronto. James Hewer, '71, has ret urn ed from Wes t Malaysia and is now living at 196 Wedgewood Drive, W illowdale. Linda Mae (Hillman) Munrow, '71, is a t prese nt liv ing in London. Bill Stearman, '71 , of Ingersoll is now teac hin g with the Oxford County Boa rd or Education.

Rick Smith, '73, resides in Wind so r and, we hea r, is present ly continu ing hi s studi es the re. Kenneth "Horse" Holmes, '74, lives in Elora and is a methods ana lys t with Euclid Ca nada Ltd ., in Guelph . Sue (Gerbig) Lovelady, '74, is now living in Gloucester. John Slinger, '74, of Guelph, is a practis­ ing lawyer with McQuesten Legal a nd Com munit y Serv ices, H ami lton. Kathy (Mills) Thirtle, '74, is now liv in g in Waterloo.

Marylu (Taylor) Pentelow, '75, is now living in Hepworth, a nd is a teac her. Carolyn (Pinkham) Waddell, '75, is re­ siding in Ottawa a nd is execut ive assist­ a nt with t he Department Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa. Cathy (Weber) Gough, '76, is now Jivin g in Stratrord with her family. Henry Kater, '76, of R.R. #3, Palme rs­ ton, is sel f-employed as a fa rm er. Michael Peloso, '76, now res iding in Yalcaron, is a n assess ing supervi sor wit h Revenue Ca nada Taxatio n, Sudbury. Amy Bates, '77, now living in N ewa rk, Ca lif., U.S.A., is a prac ti sing attor ney with Wa re, Fletcher and Friedenrich, Pa lo Alto, Ca lif. , U.S.A. Bill Hodgson, '77, is now living in Vine­ land Station a nd is prop ri etor of H odg­ son Bros., Vin ela nd Station . Thomas Hower, '77, is now living in Thunder Bay.

Tom Wren, '74, is presently res iding in Rockw ood and is an auditor with the Revenue Ca nada T ax Department in Kitchener.

Cindy McClure, '77, of Hamilton is presentl y continuin g her studies a t th e University of Hawaii-Honolulu.

Rick Clark, '75, of G uelph , is teach ing with the Wellington Coun ty Board of Education.

Bob Sharpe, '77, is now li ving in Guelph and is teaching with St. J ames Jr. Hig h School in Guelph .

Margaret "Skye" Fuller, '75, is present­ ly residing in Seattle, Was h. U.S.A., a nd is a marketing assistant with C rowley Maritime Corporation, Sea ttl e.

Christopher Holloway, '81, has entered the politica l a rena in Ottawa and, sin ce last summer, has been a par li a ment a ry aid to Otto Jelinek, M.P. for H a lton . 0




Alumni Elections to Senate

It is again time to call for nominations to fill Alumni seats on the Senate of the University of Guelph. Each year , the three-year terms of office of three of the nine alumni senators expire. Retiring August 31, 1983, are Paul D. Ferguson, CPS '67, and Robin Baird Lewis, Arts '73. Richard Young, Arts ' 76, who would have retired on August 31 , 1983, resigned and a replacement is pending. The terms of office of Phillip Chan, HAFA '75; M. Christine Hurlbut, Arts '74, and Lorna (Dennison) Milne , OAC '56, will expire August 31, 1984. Dr . Kenneth A. McDermid , OVC ' 51 ; Royden J . Ritz , OAC '72, and Susan (Langton) Shantz, Mac '69, will sit on Senate until August 31,1985. The above incumbents should not be renominated. All alumni who have graduated from the University of Guelph or its founding colleges are eligible to nominate members to Senate. Since the Senate meets at least once a month from September to June, the position of alumni senator is a working position, not an honorary one . Accordingly, only candidates who will be in a position to attend meetings should be nominated. Moreover, nominees must not be registered for a degree or diploma at this University , nor be a member of the teaching or administrative staff of this University , as those groups are otherwise represented. The form below must be signed by two graduates as nominators and may be used to nominate up to three candidates. Nominations will be a c cepted if received at the Alumni Offic e by March IS, 1983.

Nomination Form

W e nomina te the fo ll o wi ng gradua te{s), ordin aril y residen t in Ontari o, fo r el ect ion to Senate fo r t he t hree-yea r term comme ncing Sept ember I , 1983 _

Name of nomlnee(s) (Please print)


College & year

Nominee's signature accepting nomination

Nominators' names (Please print)


College & year

Nominators' signatures





Mail to: The Secretary, University of Guelph Alumni Association, Alumni Office,

Johnston Hall. University of Guelph, GUELPH, Ontario NIG 2Wl

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