Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1984

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Alumni Weekend '84



Building HenalDed


To Honour U of G's First President


S ummer 1984 Vo l. 17, No.3





PR ES ID ENT Glenn Powe ll , OAC '62. PAST PRESID EN T : Barry Sta hlba um , C PS '74. SEN IOR V ICE-PRES IDE :'<T : Ross Parry, CSS 'SO SECRETA R Y. l.ind a McKcnLic-Cordick, Arts '8 1. ASSOCIATES ECR ETARY Ro,ernaryCla rk, Mac '59 T REAS U RER: James J . Elmslie.

V ICE- PRESID E TS : Sue ( Beatty) DaVidson, CS5 '84, Dr. Ron Downe y , OVC '6 1; Jean ( Full er) Humc. Mac '64; Brllcc Richa rd so n, CPS 'S2, Gar y (K ozak ) Selby, Arts '79: Jan Watso n, CBS '75.

DIRECTORS: Dave Barrie, OAC '5 3,0.: Rob Ba rron, CSS ' 78: LO rTI e (Rolston) Cosens, CBS '79: Pete r Fane, C PS, Ph.D. ' 74: Ma rie (HoMs o n) H unt. \>lac '59. Ginty Jocius , OAC '70, Bill Macdona ld , Art s , ~ 78 . Rob M ilne, CBS '~I. Dr. Harold Re ed, OVC '55: Rosemary (Schmidt) Smith, F'ACS '79; Jim Thomson, C PS ' 79: D r. Don Wil so n, OVC '66. EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS: John Babcock , O AC '5 4 . Director, Oc part m ent of A lu mni Affairs and Oc ve lopment; John Currie, CSS ' 70, P r eside n t , ' ollege of Social Science Alumni A"sociation; Co nnl c (Hauka) JaSinskas, H. K. '76, President, Human Kinetics Alumni Association; Ginty Jocius, O AC '70, Preside nt, OAC Alumni Association; John King, President , C entral Student Association; Ga il Murray, FACS '78, President, MlIc -f ACS Alumni Association; Dr. Wendy Parker, OVC ' 71 . President, OVC Alumni Association; Brian Rennie, Preside n t. G raduate St udents Assoc iation ; Margo Shoemaker, Art s ' 79 , President, College of Arts Alumni Assoc iation: Lucas Van Vee n , CPS ' 74 , Preside nt, CPS Alumni Associa tion; Will Walker, HAFA '~O, President, Hotel and Food Adminis tration Alumni Association; Chris Wren, CBS, Ph .D. '83, President, College of Biological Science Alumni Association .

The Cuelph Alum"us is published by the Departmen t of Alumni Affairs and Development In co -operatIon WIth [nformation

Services , Uni versity of Guelph. E DITOR , Derek J . Wing , Publicat ion s Manager. Depanme nt of Alumni Affairs and Developmenl.

The EdJlon a l Co mmi ttee IS comp ri sed o f the Ed itO r, Derek Wing : Direc to r Jo hn Babcock , OAC ' 54 : Rose mary Clark, M ac' 59, Ass istant Direc to r, Alumn i Pro grams . a ll With th e Depa rtme nt o f Alumni Affairs and Devel o pment , a nd Eric h Ba nh , Art Director: Donald J ose, OAr.: ' 49 , Press -P ub lici ty, and DirectO r Douglas Waterslo n . all with Info rm a tio n Se rvices.

The Edit o ri a l AdVi so ry Boa ru o f th e Universi ty o f Gue lph Alumni ASSOC ia ti o n is co mp rISe d of Ross Parr y. CSS '80, c ha irm a n : Dr. O . Bnan Allen, C PS '72 : Dr. A ll an Austi n : Dr. Donald Barnum. OVC '41, Richard MOCC ia, CBS '76: Ja nice ( Robenson ) Partlow, An s '70 , Oli ve (T ho mpso n) Th o mpson, M ac '35: Sa nd ra Webster, CSS '75 . Ex -o ffic io: John Aabcock, OAC '5 4 : Barry Stahlbaum, CPS '74.

Undeli vered copies sho uld be returned 10 the Depart ment of Al umni A ffair s and Development, University of Gue lph , Guelph, Ontario, N IG2WI.


Dr . John Douglas MacLachlan.


ne of the o ldes t buildings on campus, the Agricu Itural Econo mi cs and ExtenSion EducatIOn Buddtng on Stadium Walk, was rename d Ih e J .D. MacLac hl an Building when a plaque was unveiled during Alumni We eke nd ' 84. Cecil Franklin, chairman of the Board of' Go ve rnors said in making Ihe ann ouncement earlier Ihis year: "The Board wholeheartedly cndorsed thi s proposal to recognize thc invaluable leadership provided by ou r founding president and vice-chancellor." Dr. Maclachlan, who came to Guclph in 1939, was pre sident of the University from its founding in 1964 until 1967 when he retired and be­ ca me an education consultant with thc government of Jamaica. He was president of the OAC from 1950 to 1962 whcn he was appointed pres i­ dent of the Federated Colleges of the Ontario Department of Agri c ullure , th e predecessor of the University. Dr. MacLachlan joined th e faculty of th e OAC in 1939 as assistant professor of Botany, becoming associate professor in 1944 and professor in 1946, and head of the Department in 1948 Unlil 1961 the building nam ed in Dr. MacLac hl an's hono ur wa s Ih e Biology Building, in which the Departme nt of Botany was localcd. It was renamed Agricultural Econo mi cs and Extension Education when the cur­ renl Biology Building was co nstru cted. A clear and inspirin g teacher, Dr. Mac l achlan was an equa lly 7,ea l­ ous and meticulous researcher, stud ying physiological diseases of crop plants. " The soundness of plans wh ich he drafted is evidenced by the rapid growth. hi gh acade mi c standin g and exce ll en t r~puta ti o n of Ihe University, " sai d Preside nt Burt Matt hews. OAC '47, in pre se nting the proposal to the Boa rd . Born in Burritt 's Rapid s , Ontario, In 1906, Dr. MacLac hl an co m­ pleted high schoo l in Ke mpt ville and no rm a l sc hoo l in O ttawa. Fo r three yea rs he taught in Ott awa a nd Ca rp whil e tak in g ex tramura l co urses at Queen 's University from whi ch he gradu ated in 193 I with an Honours B.A. He did pos tgradu ate resea rch spec iali zing in planl patholog y at [ lar­ va rd Uni versit y and rece ived an M. A. in 1934 and a Ph . D. in 1935. l:3e­ fore joi nin g the OAC in 1939, he worked in Jama ica and at Clemso n College, South Carolina , U.S.A . 0


A Message Fr om

Glenn PoweU, OAC '62 , New UGAA President

, ' Hcy , , . do you remember the night we . , .?" It is perhaps to be ex­ pected that alumni gatherings or meetings find most of the group recalling the days (or nights) spent as undcrgraduates. The period on cam­ pus was an experience of learning, sharing and living that we would neither trade nor sell for "all the tea in China'" Oh sure, there were some disappointments and some things best left forgotten. But, for most of us, the days spent on campus at Guelph were days of good timcs, and now good memories. Thc University of Guelph Alumni As­ sociation is, I believe, the link between the good old days , the present and the future. A strong alumni association will ensure those precious links will not be broken, and the strength of the Association will depend on the su pport it receives from alumni. Thc UGAA is proud of the support it has received from alumni across the country, and indeed around the world. Today, and in the future, we need that support. Few, if any, institutions of higher learn­ ing can match the achievements of the U niver­ sity of G uelph. It is a campus with unique and wcll-recognized qualities. As alumni, we are part of a community that has a track record of which we can be justly proud. Now we must usc this strong foundation to look to the future , Through this publication, the " Guelph Alumnus," we endeavour to keep you abreast of activities both on and off campus that are of particular interest to alumni. We trust you will find these activities of interest and benefit, but to make the programs successful we need your participation. We need to know what you as alumni want your Association to be doing. Comments, suggestions. . yes, even criti­ cisms, are welcome, Please make your opin­ ions known . If we are to maintain a vibrant Association it will be because of the members who actively participate . But participation goes beyond the or­ ganized activities of the Association. We alumni can playa vital role as the ' 'eyes and cars" of the University of Guelph. We can, with both business contacts and friends, be the unofficial public relation s arm of the Univer­ sity, As alumni, there is a great opportunity to make sure that students planning a university education are aware of what our University has to offer. And in the process of making others aware of the University o f Guelph we will no doubt receive information in return that will be of assi stance to those on campus who are involved in establishing future directions or new initiatives for the University. As alumni

Glenn Powell, OAC '62. we can provide the communication link be­ tween the University and the community, however far-reaching that community may be. To complain about the so-called "ivory tower" is to admit that we have not done our part, Fund-rais ing campaigns have, and wi II continue to be, an integral part of the UGAA

program. Rcsponse in the past has been heart­ ening. Our a lumni have enthusiastically shown a desire to ensure the continued de­ velopment of the University. As we look to the future, one can predict the need will continue to grow . If we each do a little, together we can do a lot. As president of the UGAA for 1983-84 I would like to acknowledge and thank all those who have in the pas t given so much of their time and energy to the development and growth of the Association. ) look forward to the challe nge of maintaining the momentum in the year ahead. Together, with our Board of Directors and the support and participation of the alumni body, I am confident we will move forward with the spirit that has characterized the University of Guelph Alumni Association since its formation . We have, I believe, an obligation as alumni to maintain and enhance the status of our Alma Mater. Future generations will judge us by our actions and deeds. Let us not disap­ point them . Glenn Powell , O AC'62, President Univers ity of G uelph Alumni Association 0

From th e Immediate Past President


t Alumni Weekend , '84 , my term of office as president of the University of Guelph Alumni Association ended. ) would like to reminisce, if I may, for a few moments. The Association's position of Honorary President has been filled by three participants during the past year. Professor Donald Forster commenced the year and we were all saddened by his sudden death. Dr. Howard Clark, as acting president , then joined us and his eagerness to get involved with the Association was most appreciated. At the March meeting of our Board of Directors, Dr. Burt Matthews, OAC '47 , attended and spoke on many matters of interest. We must all be proud to have "one of our own " (i .e . graduate of Guelph) as our new president. Welcome , Dr. Matthews, from all Guelph alumni. Although attendance, in general, has been somewhat down at most of our special events during the course of the past year, the quality of the programs has not suffered. Everything from the wine symposium to the winter carnival to the leadership conference continue to be of the highest cal ibre. The Special Events Committee de serves many thanks for a job well done. Our financial position remain s good, thanks in part to the new Finance Sub­ committee. On their behalf, I would like to highlight the efforts of Jim Elms lie, assistant director for de velopment, Department of

Alumni Affairs and Development, for keeping such a watchful eye on our finances. To everyone who has participated in the many and varied committees that exi st within the structure of the University of Guelph Alumni Association, I say " Thank You'" Without you, your ideas, your e nergy, your time, your consideration, and your support , the Association would amount to very little. As president, I appreciate your support, specifically for the previous year, and I know that it will continue to grow well into the future . To my predecessor, Jane (Yolliek) Webster, FACS '75 , I c an only say how much I appreciated her honesty and enthusiasm during the last 12 months. To my succe ssor, G lenn Powell, OAC '62, [ have every confidence th at, under hi s leadership , the next year will be productive for the Associ ation. [n closing, I would really like to thank John Babcock , O AC ' 54, director, and Rosemary Clark , Mac '59, assistant director, alumni program s , and the entire staff of the Department of Alumni Affairs and Develop­ ment for the continuous support and tireless efforts that they put into this Association. All too often, we fail to recognize their significant contribution to the viability of thi s Association, Barry Stahlbaum, CPS ' 74 Immediate Past President University of G uelph Alumn i Assoc iation. 0



"SkiDs and knowledge

Are a Form of Capital . •

. . . Its Growth May Well Be the Most Distinctive Fe ature of the Economic System" Published in Briefing Notes, a publica lion of Ihe Council of Ontario Universities (COU) the following brief was submirted to the Treasurer of Ontario , theHon. Larry Grossman, asa contribution to the consultative process adopted by the Treasurer in the preparation of a provincial budget.


he universi ti es of O ntario have a large and importan t mi ss ion which touches the lives of all Ontario citizens, contributing not only to their economic but also, and as signifi­ cantly , to their social and cultural well-being. " O ur universiti es stand as an intellectual resource from which industry and business can draw for adaptation of scientific and social theory to the realities o f today 's marketplace, from which governments can draw for the development of new soc ial and economic policy, and from which individuals can draw for greater understanding o f their place and context in the hi storical evo lution of man­ kind." (Once More With Feeling, COU, 1982). The richness and uniqueness of the intel­ lectual well from which we draw sustenance results from th e unifying role of universities in the creation, preservation and transmission of knowledge . Notwithsta ndin g thi s broad mission, universities are clearly generators of economic growth. American studies have shown educa­ tion, historically, to be a highly significant factor in the improvement of productivity in the United States. Similar conclusions were reached by the Economic Council of Canada 4

relative to the performance of the Canadian econom y. In 1979, Theodore Schultz, Nobel Laureate in Economic s. noted: " Although it is obvious that people acquire use ful skills and knowledge, it is not obvious that these skills and knowledge are a form of capi tal , that this capital is in substantial part a product of delib­ erate investment, that it has grow n in Western societies at a much faster rate than conven­ tio nal (non-human) capital, and that its gro wth may we ll be the most distinctive feat ure of the eco nomic system." In 1982-83, universiti es in Ontario awarded over 37,000 undergraduate degrees, an increase of almost 9,200 or 25 per cent during the past ten years. Of that increase, 17 per cen t was attributable to growth in arts and science output and 83 per cent to output in profess ional and semi-professional fields .

Degree Holdel's D oubled Th e number of degree-holders in On­ tario' s population has more than doubled during the last decade. Yet, there is no evi­ dence of oversupply. University graduates continue to demonstrate a higher rate of la bo ur force participation as well as a significantly lower overall unemployment rate than the ge neral population as a whole . University grad uates also con tinue to demonstrate ability to attract significantly above-average sa laries, a reflection of th e value emp loye rs place on the importan ce of such highly qualified manpower to overall productivity. About eight per cent of the student body

at Ontario universities is drawn here from outsid e Canada. Given the heavy depe ndence of Ontario on international markets, the ro le of our universiti es in providing an Ontario per­ spective to future business and government Icaders ab road is s ignificant for the economic pote nti a l of thi s province. Univers ities play an important role in the re trai ning and upgrading of large numbers of profess ional s. In 1981-82, total non-credit continuing ed ucation registration in Ontario universities was over 123,000 and 55 per cent of these registrations were in professionally­ related programs. Ontario universities also contribute to the development of human ca pital throu g h the highly uniqu e role they play in the formati o n of research skills among graduate students in all disc iplines. Some 41 pcr ce nt of the graduate students in C anada were e nroBed in Ontario universit ies in 1981-82. In engineer­ ing, management and computer sc ience, thes e proportions were 44 per cent, 47 pe r cent and 48 per cent respectively . Ontario universiti es have assigned prior­ ity to the developm ent of graduate studies and provided the province with a rich and diverse range of graduate programs, many of which ha ve earned interna tion a l di s tin c ti o n. The Ontario univers it y co mmunit y attaches great importance to basic research and sc holars hip and to the necessary interrela ti o nship between vigorous research programs, capacity to train graduate students, and th e vitality of the uni­ versity as a whole. Since the mid-1970s, the proportion of research revenue relative to total revenue at


Ontario universities ha$ increased by ovcr 50 per cent. By 1982-83 total research revenue reached $275 million. Within the Canadian university community, Ontario now attracts over 40 per cent of federal research money, 60 per cent of foreign government money, and 50 per cent of non-government research expenditure. Contract Research Growing A new and important element of the research enterprise is the ex tent to which university personnel are beco ming involved in rcscarch application s . It is estimated that contract research now comprises some 12 per cent of total research activity . Contract re­ search takes many forms , involving the acti v­ ity of indiv idua l faculty, the activity of groups of facult y and students under th e umbrella of industrial rcseareh offices and, with growing frequenc y, the creation of research institutes de ve loped to foster the univers ity-indu stry interface. C anada in general, and Ont ario in partic ular, face enormous c hallen ges in co nfronting the accelerating pace of scientific and tec hnological change. O ntario must undertake a major readjustment of its economic infrastruc tu re if it wants to maintain anything approaching its present standard of liv ing. T he uni ersities of this province have an enormous pote ntia l to contribute to thi s adaptati on. Indeed , many wo uld argue that w ithout conti nuin g stro ng suppo rt of th e uni versi ty sector, Onta ri o w ill not make the adaptation success fully . As w a.'i noted recent ly by W alte r Light, chairman and ch ief e xec uti ve office r o f ort hern Telecom Limited : " Un les s we are prepared to come to grips with our c urrcn t cri s is in ed uc ation. unle ss we arc pre pared to in vest in highe r education at leveb comparab k to . or higher than, su ch inves tments be ing made by other cou ntries, wc run the a im! st certa in risk ot precl ud in g a ny rea l lon g -t I'm produc tivity im provcment in Canad a ." T he greatest im pact of techn ologi ca l change on future manpower needs w ill be fe ll by those occ u py ingjo b ~ requ iring a m iddle ran ge o f occ upational skill s _ H ighly sk illed and lower sk ill ed personne l wi ll con tinue in de mand regardle ss of the direction of ch ange . The pacc and direction of change, however, arc c rit ic,llly depende nt on O ntario 's having ace ss to a large poo l of wel l-trained uni versity graduates . Dema nd for access to higher education in O ntario is present ly at record high levels and con tinues to grow. W hen this continuing high demand is combined with the prospect of additional numbers resulting from the restructuring of Ontario's secondary sc hool curriculum that is now under way, the arlier forecast of an almost certain decrease in

applications during the remainder of the '80s become unlikely. Ontario must not take an ass umptio n of declining enrolments at the university level as an exc use for reducing government support to the universi ty sector. Instead, we should be examining means of enhancing accessibility to e nsure that the flow of highly qualified manpower does not decline to dangerou s ly low levels. In particul ar. we must protect the richness and vitality of the graduate enterprise in Ontario. Ontario's graduate programs and basic research and scholarly activity must be carefully tended and nourished if Ontario is to operate at the leadin g edge of a technological change.

"No other research institutions give as much return on investment as universities in the long term. No other institutions produce both knowledge and people."

Research and Scholarship the Key A strong program of basic re search and scho larship in a ll di scipl ines is O ntario 's key into the fo refront of the international in te llec­ tu al tide. It will allo w rapid ad aptation of inte ll ect ual de velopme nts e lsew here to O ntario's particul ar c ircu mstances_ It will e nsure a rel eva nce to graduate tra ini ng in th is province that can be a cOOlplished in no othe r way. nd it wi ll ensure that ind ustrial innovation in O ntario can draw from intel­ lectua l resources that exte nd beyond our bound ari es . As G eorge Key worth , science advisor to U .S. Presi dent Reagan, recen tly noted: "No other researc h institutions give as mueh return on investment as universities in the long term - not federal labs , not non-profit organi/.a­ tions, not industry. No other in stitutions produce both knowledge and people ." In a similar vein , a report publishcd by the Roya l Institute for International Affairs in

the United Kingdom has noted that, in one particular sector, in stead of paying subsidies to pharmaceutical companies in Britain, the government there might do better ' 'to give th e University Gran ts Commission equivalent resources to help maintain and expand o ur intellectual effort in biotechnology and re­ lated studies ." The adaptations which have been required of universities in recent years to cope with demand for grad uates of vocationally­ oriented programs, to undertake a maj or shift of activity towa rd the research functi on , and to significantly enh ance the university-industry interface, have placed an enonnous strain on our unive rsity institutions . M uch of thi s adaptation has been accom plished in an era of severely constrained funding . . While question s of ba lance loo m large, universities recognize that further adaptation is not only desirable but vital if the university community in th is province is to fulfill its potential for easing O ntario's transition into the post-industrial age. With continuing financial constraint however, our capacity for further change is severely limited_ O ntario universities need injections of new operating and capital funds: • to permit new hiring of youn g academics. • to allow repleni shment of equipment stocks

to s tate ot' the art le ve ls .

• to maintain the very considerab le in vestm ent in physical plant . • and to permi t adaptation and selecti ve

expan. ion of ex isting uni vers ity space such

that it more effecti vely com pl ement s new

objectives .

In the '60s , Ontario mad e a major comm itme nt to the hi gher educati on e nterp ri se in order to allow all those inte llec tually capable of it the righ t of access to univers ity le vel study. A new o m m itment [0 hi gher educat ion is now needed - to ensure th at our intellec tual well remains fu ll and to a llow private and corporate c itizens a like the righ t to d raw from its wate rs . 0

Erratum- It has corne to ou r atten­ tion that the article" An Agricult ural Poli cy fort he Yukon," in the Guelph Alum llUl' S ummer issue 1982 , Vol. 15, No .3, referred to •' the Re­ source s Planning Branch of the Can adi an Gove rnment." It s hould have read "the Resources Pl a nning Branch 01' the T e rritorial G overn­ ment ." T hc draft submi tted did not indicate the level of government re­ spo nsible for its preparation. No slight was intended to those res ponsi ­ ble for its prepara tion .


Farming in orthern Ontario - 1903 By Adam Graham. OAC '23


n the spring of 1903, my father, a widower, since the previous August, obtained a half足 section of land not far from Lake Nipissing, some ten miles west of Sturgeon Falls, The north 160 acres was pre-emption land, The south half, through which the Yeuve River flowed, had also been obtained that way, but abandoned some years previously,

Adam Graham, OA C "23,

About the Writer Lasl March 25, Adam Jam es Graham, OAC '23, celehrated hi,I' 90lh hirlhday, He was born in Carll on Pla ce, nearOffaW(I, in 1894, Raised/rom agl.' 9 o n ajimn in Northern Ontario , he finish ed public school There hut did nOl ha ve Ih e opporlunily to aff end high school. Fullowing graduUlionfrom Ihe OAC, he worked on insect re.earch al th e Vineland Experimental Farm and, in 1925, allended the College of EduCUlion, Toronto, lu uhwin 0_ teaching certificate , HI' ~-tarted teaching al Bean)Sville H,S_ 111 1926, married Evelyn Sleph enson in 1927, and moved 10 Walford DiSlriCI H ,S , in 1929 where, Jar Ihe next 18 years , he tau ght Botany , Zoology, Chemislry, Agri cultural Science and Music. During Ihat lime , on e a/hi s star pupils I\'(/.I 1I00Ie olher Ihull Unil'ersirl' a/Guelph pre,li(/ent-lO-iJe Bllrt MUllhel".\', lOf er OAC 47 _ Adam joined Ih e sldjfat Leaminglon H ,S , in 1947, and moved on 10 Blenhe';';n DiSlrict H_S, in 1950, His wife died in 1951 and he married Grace Curbin in 1952 , He swrled whal was 10 be his lasl leaching POSI, al R , H _ King Collegiale Inslilule in Smr.buru ugh in 1955 , and relired in 1961 Adam is currently wriling a book - Tbe

Geneology of the Grahams of Lymek iIns and 'Kottochside, Scotland, Hi s family records dutl.' back 101647, 0 6

Dad ' s lot was separated from the neigh足 bour's by the rudiments of a roadway between the river and a main road about two miles north , Along this roadway, on Dad' s side, were three loose strands of barbed wire that dangled from wobbly fence posts , some of which were nearly horizontal. A few acre s along the ri ver bank had been cleared of trees but not stumped or cultivated, The ruins of a small log cabin was the only sign of former occupation, I remember seeing my first garter snake while watching grasshop足 pers being caught in spiders' webs along the base of its walls, Such was the place wh ere Dad settled to raise hi s boys to manhood, There were four of us - Jack, 19; Bob, 14; myself, 9, and Bill, 7, Jack went north with Dad quite early to help him get started , but we three younger ones were left in Carlton Place, near Ottawa, to fini sh out our school terms at the end of June_ By that time, a good start had been made on a frame house , about an acre of potatoes was mad y to be hilled up , and a few acres of mixed oats and peas were a few inches high , For a few weeks we were lodged at a neigh足 bour's place_ Jack and Bob, accompanied by our little , fox terrier, slept in the hou se after they came north with the furniture, but Bill and I did not move in till some time in August. The hou se had one room below and one above which was reached by climbing an almost perpendicular ladder. The cracks in its floor admitted enough light from the lamp below to see to go to bed, Baching it presented many problems, Jack had often helped Mother prepare mea-Is and could make a cake or bake the simpler food dishes such as rice pudding, soda stones , Adam Graham Snr,

johnny-cake etc, but the art Dr bread-making , with the old type of' slow-rising dry ycast cakes, had to be learned from scratch, Both Dad and Jack tried their hands at it. For some time at first we never knew what to expect, but we were always hungry enough to eat anything that even resembled a loaf. But after some sticky, slithery messes, caused by the soft spongy mixture overflowing its container, and learning that proper temperatures and plenty of kneading were as important as the ingredients, Dad became quite expert at it. Of necessity, our bill-of-fare had to be simple, Potatoes were the only food crop the farm produced that year. We had them boiled or fried twice a day except Sundays, Dad often made potato scones, in which mashed potatoes were mixed with the flour before rolling, They were browned on both sides, on top of the stove in cast iron frying pans, They were somewhat cloggy but good with a smear of molasses, With no refrigeration, salt pork and baeon were the main types of meat used, but when cold weather came Dad bought the frozen carcass of a whole pig and sawed a pieee off whenever pork was wanted _We rarel y had apples, but Dad bought some oranges and lemons for marmalade that winter. Cuttin g the well-soaked skins into thin slices was the basis of a family party one winter evening , When we were settled in the house, and it was made habitable, a small temporary stable was started and Dad went back to Carlton Place where his brother-in-law , a veterinary surgeon, selected a horse and a cow for him, It was an eventful day when he drove home with the three-year-old Suffolk Punch gelding, pulling a democrat. The horse was quiet and well suited for handling by greenhorns, The cow was a four-year-old Ayrshire-Shorthorn cross, not milking, but supposed to have a ealf in January, Fortunately for us, even an apology for a fence would keep her in, Once we became established in the hous e , we started a major project in which anyone not otherwise engaged took part, It was th e digging of a root-cellar in the back of a nearby gully,

Adam Graham Jnr , Bob, cou sin Jean, Bill and Jack , in 1908 ,


I well remember the peculiar subsoil which consisted of alternating layers of fine, dark and light clay, each about one-quarter of an inch thick, and that when dried, the layers seemcd to disappear. The walls and ceiling were supported by poles cut from the bush, and carth was piled up on top to a depth of about two feet. The outer end had an air space between two doors lined with fe lt paper for insulation. The interior was divided into bins, but no special provision was made for ventila­ tion, and the potatoes sweated badly. In the depth of winter, long frost crystals were formed. Some of the outer potatoes were frozen solidly, but in spite of their unnatural sweetish taste and soggy tex.ture we ate them anyway. Potato harvesting was another family affair. It was the only harvest because, with such poor fencing, the oats and peas proved too tempting for neighbouring cattle. At Christmas time, Dad took Bill and me back to Carlton Place to be with our relatives, but Jack and Bob were left at home to care for the horse, cow, and dog . With so much unex­ pected cold weather, they had a tough time of it. The house had very little insulation and was distinctly drafty. Temperatures must have dipped to _40 0 Fahrenheit or lower because when a small bottle of mercury was put out it froze into a solid lump. There were two stoves, but when the fire went out at night ice formed on the water in the kettle and on the top and sides of the water pail. It would be nearly an inch thick. Jack declared he could not bake bread because the sponge froze during the night. Fortunately, neighbours asked them over for Christmas dinner and the evening. One cold night in early March the cow gave birth to a calf that was dead when discov­ ered. Dad called the colostrum milk beestings, and made bee sty-cheese of it by mixing in a little salt and cooking it in a boiling water bath. When coagulated, he cut it into thick slices to be eaten with bread. In the summer of 1904, a trio of weaned Berkshire pigs was bought by mail order. Bill and I made pets of them and often herded them

The farmhouse and temporary stable.

while they dug for roots or grubs in places where no crop had been planted. Dad was an ardent reader of agricultural bulletins and farm magazines, and vowed that no scrub bull would ever be used on his place. Since there were no purebreds in the vicinity, he ordered an elven-month-old dual-purpose Shorthorn with a registered pedigree. Neigh­ bours thought it rather extravagant when he had only one cow. The bull was supposed to be of serviceable age but when it was turned out to pasture, it was morc interested in sucking milk from the cow than in anything else. There were only 13 English-speaking families in our " Veuve River" settlement, and when our local school opened in January, 1906, only eight pupils attended. Classes were held in a room separated from the balance of a private farm dwelling by a thin temporary partition and the family on the other side could hear all that went on. Desks were home-made and seats were simple benches without backs. By September of 1907, I was ready to start my entrance class to high school, but no teacher had been found, even when a new school building with plastered walls had been erected. Shortly before that, Dad had some­ how become acquainted with an old man, a former "seaman" from Georgian Bay, who had to retire because of paralysis in both arms and legs. When the seaman learned of my desire to continue at school, he suggested that Dad let me go to live with him in Sturgeon Falls, where he had a couple of rooms, so that I could go to school in return for my help. I was left to choose, and though I had never met the old man I accepted the challenge. Of course a rather bashful counrry boy starting in a strange school in town became the butt of a number of harmless jokes and pranks, but when I bested the champion arm-wrestler of the c.!ass, three times in succession, without much difficulty, I won their respect. But my real problems came from another source. I soon found that the old man was living off the generosity of anyone whom he could persude to help him. In about a month he had to move to a house at the far end of the

town, and by that time food supplies were becoming increasingly scarce. Late in October, when Dad learned of my predicament, he thought I should go home. But I was getting along well at school, and my teacher, the principal, had informed me that I had a good chance of winnin g thc school medal for highest marks on the high school entrance exa mination nex.t June, so I decided to stick with it. Looking baek at the situation now, I really don't know how I coul d possibly have managed had not Jack, soon after his return from a survey party in the far north, obtained a job in the pulp mil] in town, and eome to live with us. He brought a bed from home, and then I could sleep with my own brother. His wage was $1.50 for a ten-hour day, six days a week with day and night shifts alternating weekly. Out of this he paid the rent of $7 monthly, bought our fuel, lamp oil and all our food supplies ex.cept potatoes which he brought from home. I finished my term at school, wrote the departmental examinations to enter high school, won the medal for top marks in the school, but was never awarded it. My princi­ pal did his best to obtain it for me. A lame excuse given was the shortage of funds, but I think the real reason was that I was from out of town and of course the school board did not know how much financial help my brother Jack had given the old man in those eight months. To my great disappointment, I never had the opportunity, or the privilege, to attend high school as a pupil. During my following five years on the farm, I became keenly interested in dairy cattle and dairying. Our pure-bred Ayrshires won many prizes at Vernor and Sturgeon Falls fall fairs, as did my dairy butter. By using milk scales and the Babcock test , I knew wh at each cow produced. As some of my classmates of Year '23 may know, I enrolled in two dairy short­ courses at the OAC in the winter and early spring before we all came together in Sep­ tember 1919. With no high schooling at all, and only four years of public school atten­ dance, though I did have my entrance certifi­ cate to high school, I felt I was lucky to be admitted. At that time I planned to speciali ze in Dairy Husbandry, but by the time I finished my first year of studies, I realized that the study of life had greater educational appeal to me than what was offered in the Dairy Hus­ bandry option. So, in my final years I special­ ized in Biology, and ever after became known to classmate Ted Hutt as " Chcnopodium album." In all my 35 years of teaching high school pupils, chiefly in Agricultural and General Science , Botany and Zoology , I have never had cause to regret that choice. 0



At th e noon picnic .

The OAC wine tastillg .

At Alumni Weekend '84 Couldn't be thel'e but. Dear Dr. and Mrs . Mat thews: Thank-you very much for your invitation to the reception at the President's Rcsidence on June 24 during Alumni Weekend . As a Ccn­ tury Club member I feel a littl e guilty that this is for our be nefit only and not for all the other donors to the Alma Mater Fund . I' m sure it will be well attended and it would be an excel­ lent time for me to mee t some of my class­ mates aga in. fllcominll, UGAA Presidenl G lenn nfortunately, time and distance just Puwell, OAC ' 62, and olllgoiflg pres­ don 't pe rmit me the privilege of attending. I idelll [Jarr)' Slah/baulII , CPS' 74 . re a lize it wasn't nee ss ary for me to write, but I wo uld like to take this opport un ity to wel­ Leon Claus, OAC '22, at the UGAA co me you to the University of Guel ph and (If/flaa / mee ting . asked " Du Y UIi slill e xte nd my best wishes fo r your sta y at the grow IlI mips at Guelph ?" U niversity. As an Alu mnus of G uelph I am o nly too happy to contribute my small part to the AMF with the knowledge that I' m helping some ­ bod y else ac hie ve as fi ne a n ed ucation as I received. I am proud or G uelph and its fine reputation as a learning inst itution, and to con­ tribute to it is the least I can do after the four great ycars it gave me . Thank you again for your invitation , I'm sorry I won't make it but I'm sure it will be a fi ne afternoon for all there r Yours trul y . Peter F. Wal sh, OAC '81, C lear Range Farm, Box 97 , Marwayne, Alberta, TOB 2XO


Full marks/or this hat Irick .

Banquel tables lVere g roaning .


Class ofOAC '49 perused their yea r book.

OVC open hOLise displayed some AMF equipment purchases.

Three old cronies .

Arboretum tours.


6 Fall Semester - classes commence.


Aggie Wee k.


OAC golf tournament.


Alumni Harvest Fair F ill o ut the orde r form below a nd " c()m ~ to tilt: fair , " a family day katuring 1880, style acti vitie s at the O ntario Agric ultural Mu se um at M ilto n. Ticke t prices include e n颅 trance fee and a chicken barbe cue w ith corn on the cnh , baked potato , salad, de ssert a nd beve rage.

Dr . HUlVard Clark, vice-presidell t aca颅 demic left , a/ld Presiderzt Bu rl Mal/hews, OAC '47, dedicated a sugar maple to the October memory of the late Presiderzt Donald F. Forstllr . November The Donald F. f'lirs tt:/" daliw tion plul/llt: .



5 Fall Convocation. 15 Toronto alumni V.I.S.A. group hosts a "Night at the Royal."

Alumni Harvest Fair Ticket Order Form (See details above)


College & Year:

NAME: {Plea..c pnn lJ

MAILING ADDRESS: (PIC d ' ~ (Willi )

PI 'usc r 路' g is ter the followin g fo r the fa ir: Adults:

C hildren:

M ai l with your chequc ($9 pe r adult, $5 .50 per child under 13) payable to the ni versity

of G uelph Alumni Assoc iati on to: Alumni Harve s t Fair, Alumn i Office , J ohn ston Ha ll,

Uni ve rsity of G ue lph , Guelph, Ontar io N I G 2W I no t latc rthan Septcmocr4, 1984 .


Income Tax

And the Part-time Farmer

By Professor J. Gary Hutchison, OAC '58, School of Agricultural Economics and Extension Education, OAC, University of Guelph


here has been considerable discussion in the media and among part-time farm­ ers, farm organizations and politicians regard­ ing part-time farming and Revenue Canada. What is causing the problems? It would appear that Revenue Canada has increased its audit on all taxpayers and particularly those filing as farmers with other sources of income. There have always beenrandom audits and reassessments of part-time farmers. The concerns are greater now only because of numbers, and the occasional unreasonable assessments, as well as the tactics used in some cases. The following comments will attempt to clarify part-time farming and the controversy with RevenueCanada. Thousands of taxpayers have moved to the country over the past 15 years or more. These country dwellers have many of the same expenses as farmers, such as building and fence repair, water pumps, balky tractors or even feed and veterinary expenses. Since a taxpayer is not required to qualify as a farmer before filing as a farmer, many began deduct­ ing farm losses against other income. Farming is the only business allowed to file on the "cash method" of accounting. This means expenses of livestock and crops are deductible, but the inventory build-up is not taxable until sold. All other busi.nesses would have similar expenses, 'but the inventory build­ up would be subject to tax . Cash accounting allows expansion to take place, creating cash losses, even though the farm may be profitable using accrual accounting. The tax referrals created are the equivalent of an interest-free loan.

False Impressions Revenue Canada has been assessing the taxpayer based on information submitted, not whether or not a legitimate farm was being operated. Such assessment and refunds often have continued for several years giving tax­ payers a false impression of their farming activities and tax position. In some cases, brought to my attention at the University of Guelph, Revenue Canada appears to have been over-zealous and unfair. However, in most cases that government department is perfectly within the law in disallowing some losses 10

entirely and reducing others. There are basically three classes of tax­ payers filing as farmers: the hobbyist, although many do not claim to be such; those with a "reasonable expectation of profit" but pre­ occupied with other employment; and "full­ time" farmers with or without off-farm income.

or accrued income of $7,500 per year. Again, these taxpayers do not have a "reasonable expectation of profit" based on the expenses being charged for tax purposes. Therefore , according to the tax rules, these taxpayers should not be allowed any deduc­ tions against other sources of income. The tax rules should not be changed to accommodate these people. They have a hobby not unlike skiing, travelling or collect­ ing stamps. All hobbies come at a cost, few ever make money, and the costs must be covered with" after tax" dollars. If these same people rented land and used custom operators they might qualify because their costs would be reduced substantially. Another group of farmers do have a "reasonable expectation of profit" but their "chief source of income is not farming or a combination of farming and some other source of income." The major part of these tax­ payers' time and effort is spent doing some­ thing other than farming. Such taxpayers are allowed to deduct, against other income, the first $2,500 of cash losses plus 50 per cent of the next $5,000. Any balance must be carried ahead up to ten years or back three years against net farm income.

Limiting Loss Deductions

The first group constitute a wide range of country dwellers. Some may have two riding horses and even harvest crops for their live­ stock. According to the tax regulations such taxpayers have "no reasonable expectation of profit" and none of the costs are deductible against other sources of income. Others file as farmers because they feel they are really farming. The farm work-load, costs and frustrations are considered sufficient to qualify them as farmers. They are the tax­ payers with 15 beef cows, or 40 ewes, two mediocre race horses or 40 acres of hay, writ­ ing off operating expenses and depreciation of $10,000 a year, plus $10,000 mortgage inter­ est on an operation with a maximum cash and!

Many of these taxpayers, however, have not restricted themselves to the $5,000 maximum. They have been deducting un­ limited losses against other income for several years even though off-farm employment controls their time and effort . Revenue Canada, under the present law, has every right to l.imit their loss deductions. Likewise, merely having gross income from farming in excess of in­ come from other sources, does not automati­ cally qualify a taxpayer for unlimited farm losses against other income. All raxpayers who have filed as farmers are also eligible to deduct the full amount of the investment tax credit when new qualifying machinery or buildings are purchased. This credit reduces federal tax payable, not taxable income, by $7,000 in southern Ontario or $20,000 in the Maritimes on a new bam cost­ ing $100,000. It soon becomes obvious why Revenue Canada is concerned about part-time farming. The third classification, filing tax returns as farmers, involves taxpayers whose chief source of income is, indeed, "farming or a combination of farming and some other source of income." Such taxpayers many deduct


unlim ited farm cas h losses against other in­ come in a given year. It is ex pected that farm­ ing prod uces the bulk of inco me o r is the ce ntre of work routine and is the taxpaye r 's major preocc upation. A farme r dri vi ng a school bus should easily qual ify. Many fanners who have taken full- or part-time jobs , because of fi nan ­ cial difficulty, should be able to work full- time for several years , without losing their el igibil­ ity, provided they had a history of full-tim e fanning . In my opinion, any taxpayer who could not show a profit using accrual methods should not be allowed any tax relief regardless of the scale of operation . A ll othe r businesses must file on the accrual method. Part-time farmers wou ld o nly be req uired to prove on aud it that they could show a profit using accrual acc unti ng .

Then , anyone who could prove an accflI al profit should be allowed unlim ited losses against other sources of income regardless of th si ze of operation . For example , a person purchasing one or two dairy heifers each year, worki ng for thei r feed and housing them in rented quarters , could li kely show a profit using accrual methods. T heir tax liability is only deferred. Many taxpayers are lobbying for in­ creases in the $5,000 li mit. The li mit has not changed since its inception in the early 1950s. Such an increase may be justified in light of infl ation over time. Howeve r, an increase in the limit would not necessarily be o f be nefit to agriculture. In the first place, encouraging more capital into agriculture may not be desirable. T he "city money" would put pressure on land

prices. W hat chance would a beginning famler with no o ff-farm income have in competing for land? T he established farmer would also have difficulty atte mpting to expand in co mpetition wit h the non-fam l dollars . It would also be logical, with more dol­ lars at stake, for Re venue Canada to step up its audits. It has also been s uggested that the dcpartme nt shou ld hir agricultu rall y trai ned aud itors . My experie nce would ind icate that a profcssional agricultural auditor could easily testify in court that the majo ri ty of part-time fanners have' ' no reasonab le e xpectation of profit " using aecmal ac cou nting methods . Th is wo uld mean that ma ny taxpayers now lim ited to $5 .000 would get nothing. As a part-ti me farme r and Profe ssor of Agric ultural Economi cs and Extens ion Edlleation at the Un iversity o f Gue lph , I rest my case. 0

Table I- Farm Taxfilers' Average Income from Farm and Off-farm Sources, by County, 1981

Off-Fann Income

Tax fi lers Reporting Wage s and Salaries

Average Income from W ages and S alaries

Average Net Income from All Sources

Net arm Inco me as a % of Total Net Income

Farm T ax filers

Average Net Farm Income

T axfilers Reporting O ff-Farm Income









1,695 3,425 4,905 5 ,955 1,960 6,295 4,250 5,485 4,625 4,440

5.293 3,812 3,395 4,441 262 6 ,279 3,130 3,486 1,063 5,273

1,584 3,204 4,769 5,542 1,887 6,063 4,086 5,198 4 ,437 4,158

12,620 10,256 15,857 9,724 21 ,999 II ,610 14 ,618 14,450 18,011 10,350

631 1,248 2 ,409 2,083 1,084 2,530 1,944 2,410 2,445 1,480

6,3 13 4,838 9,002 4 ,745 13,184 5,583 8.723 7,651 11,130 4,625

17,914 14,068 19,252 14 . 165 22, 261 17,889 17 ,748 17,936 19,074 15,623

29 .6 27 . 1 17.6 31.4 1.2 35.1 17.6 19.4 5. 6 33 .8





18 ,263


17 ,309

22 ,3

4 ,470 1,365 3,725 1,675 4,520 1,715 4,685 4.515 3,330 4,425

-168 - 180 363 - 165 3,388 -431 4 .935 115 3,692 1,537

4,242 1,301 3,519 1,628 4,219 1,67 1 4,323 4,318 3,137 4,099

10 ,931 15 ,315 11 ,032 27,976 9,055 31,243 8,789 14,188 15,034 12,850

1,942 704 1,718 953 1,626 1,013 1,514 2,265 1,405 1,968

6,243 9,220 6,361 16 ,2 11 4,416 18,0[7 3,891 8,637 7,872 8,187

10,763 15,134 11,395 27,811 12,443 30,812 [3,724 14,303 18,726 14,387


34 ,430




















16 ,325




16 , 143



- 139




10 ,898





J 12,975

15 ,263



17 ,358

12 . 1





13, '00





Di stricts

Brant Elgin.

Esse x Ha ld im and-N.,rfolk Hamilton-Wentworth .. Ken t . . Lambton Middlesex Niagara Ox ford .. SOUT HERNONTARlO . Bruce Dufferin Grey Halton Huron Peel Perth Simcoe Waterloo Wellington


Av erage


3.2 27.2

36.0 0.8 19. 7 10 .7


No tes: A farm tax filer is a taxfil er who reported positive gross income or non-zero net income from unincorporated, self-employed farming activity. Figures may not add due to rounding . Source : Data are derived from the administrative records of Re venue Canada.


In Touch With the Gryphon

Athletics Scene

athered for thc annual Intercollegiate Athletic Banquet, the people making up the traditional full house in Peter Clark Hall had good reason to celebrate. The reason? An other annual tradition - the conclusion of a highly successful season. National and provincial champions, plus Ontario and Canadian all-stars, received recog nition and four deserving athletes were rewarded with special awards for their out­ stand in g e fforts. The Uni versi ty of Guelph Male Athlete of the Year Award went to Sam Benincasa, HAFA '84 . A fifth-year football team linebacker, he was se lected as an All-Canadian for the second consecuti ve year and was a nominee as outstand ing defensive player in the country. A Hamilton native, he culminated hi s career by returning an intercepted pass for a touchdown during the final home game . Ear­ lier in the year, Sam was the recipient of the Wildman Trophy, awarded annually to the outsta nding graduating player who has com­ bined sports manship and leadership with sc ho lastic achievement. The U ni versity of Guelph Fe male Athlete of the Year Award went to Silvia Ruegger, FAC ' 84, of O shaw a, who was delcared the Canadian Inter-univ e rsi ty Athletic Union Cross-country Runnin g C hampion for the

second time in her career. Her previous triumph was in 1980. The W. F. Mitchell Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year Award s went to Gav in Carrow, Arts '84, and Karen McBride, FA CS '84. These awards, named after Bill Mitchell, OAC ' 38, lo ng-ti me director of athletics, are given to stude nts in their graduat­ ing year who demons trate outstanding talcnt and ability in their sport combined with leader­ ship and involvement in athletics . Gavin Carrow, who won the CI A U Wres tlin g title in the 86-kilogram class for a seco nd time "was an inspiration to hi s team­ mates" according to coac h Lo ndo Iac ovelli. Karen McBride was a member of both th e Fie ld Hockey and Ice Hockey teams and also se rved on the Athletics Advi sory Council and the Wome n's Intcrcollegiate Cou ncil. Of course, it was a success ful year for Gryph o n teams as well. The football team had a 5-2 record highli gh ted by the demolition of the University of Wes tern Ontario 36-11, and the routing of the numbcr- one ranked Wilfrid Lau rie r University team by a score of 27-9 before large crowd s. No less th an s ix Grypho ns were accorded leagu e all- star honours. The Wrestling Gryphons won an unpre­ cedented fifth consccutive OUAA title and narrowly missed out on a third st raight C IAU

President Burt Matthe ws, OAC '47, ce ntre , with athletes of the year Sam Benincasa, left and Silvia Ruegger.

crown. Roth Gav in Ca rrow and Pe te r Domar­ chuk took Cl AU titl es in the ir respec tive weight classcs. The men's hockey tc am ran a seven-game winnin g stretch in Janua ry to finish fou rth in the 13-tea m 0 A A league. A fter ousting Laure n­ tian University of Sudbury in quarter fina l play they were e liminated in the semis by thc Uni ­ versity of Toronto Blucs, the eventual national champion. Defenceman Bruce K ilgour earned the respec t of league eoachcs to earn a first­ team OU AA all-star selec ti o n Th e women's basketball tea m saved the ir best effort for the cnd of the year as they won the consolatio n title at the OW IAA c hamp ion­ ships . Cindy McMastc r was sclected as a first­ team Icague all-star, while Joa nne Hurd was named to the All-Tourn ame nt team at the c hamp ionshi p tournament. The women's swimming team had th e ir most suc cessful yea r placing fifth in Ontario. Shannon Smith won the gold medal in the 100­ meter back stroke. Barb Jonak won the individual title as the Gryphons regained thei r O W IA A archery crown, a nd Judy Richard so n took top honours in leading the Alpine Ski team to the cham­ pionship of th e C an-Am Challenge at Mont Gabriel, Que. With only a few athletes gradu ating fro111 the University this year, prospects look eve n be tte r for 1984-85. 0


Archer y Trophy

r..'IO., f Improve d

B<l rh Jon:.k l3a ~kc lb;.JlI

Award t "kll) ....... Joh n r araght: r

A d ll)irTl~onMen1 on ;'JlM.V Y

I'ruphy Puul Flack. An[hClIl Y SICW ;irt M o~ tlmpro \'l.:d Ba!\ k C-Ib<:l1l AwarJ (WtllllC II) Shelky Robcn ... M . V . P. B~,J.: e lba ll Award (Wo m en) ..... JO;lun e Ilurd Darle ne II (Ju~ c M .V . P. Oaom inlo n Aw ard (WIJI' lc n) M . V. P. Badmi n1 0 n Award ( M en) Manno Mekhlnrn: /v1.V P. C rt)!\,C'ounlry Awa rd (Wum cn) Sil Vi a Ru cg~c r M;lll uel S;J\ ,';.al i Art Hachl/Trophy 1\-1 VY CUrlil lg ~\warJ Chri, Harber M .CP. held lI ocke)' !\warc1 Ann M ldJklon M .V P Fll~ l d I-Iockt;y "W ,IlJ ........ J ulie II nn1c y

M. I.P Fool bull A wa rd Ml nlO D i mu/ lo Thl' Prc:-idc lli r\)r ~ l e: r M .V .P. rOOlhdll Trop hy Je d Tommy Foolball Rook ie Aw ard, ...... S( olll .nJ.y. Jeff Vo lpe: M . 1. P. ICl: llock t;y Aw ;mj (Wom(' n) An n We'IL'1I M \I . P. COtJc hc~ Icc Hoc ke y 'l rophy .. .............. T ina Vl;;d Roy RU:<O'l." 1I Walt er Ri ckard Mcmon ... ll{uokie Awaru Jack [l os M .V .P. Hod.l~Y AWd rd~ .. Hrul C K II!;our. T Hll Burton kU ;1I1 F.vansM .V. P Ru gl;.c r '\ward ..... ... Je rrB il lrJo d Oill M ~:All u ff St) .... cc r Tro phy M lkl'M il k r M.I P Swimm 1l1 !\wClrd ( Wulllcn) Siobhan S mnh M V. P. Sw i mming Awa rd~ (Women ) Janic e P t!u:. Ann M cn/ ic Ilowaru T hw aitcl, M . IY Swimm illg Aw,mJ ( Mcnl C. M . Ki nncar MClnonal M.V.P..Awa rJ Jcl f Wadgc: M . \ '. P Syndml ili /cd S wi mm in g Award I klcnc C an:a u Sa m Mallhn... , M .I. P. VOllcyhal1 A wa rd(M en) M.V. P. Vollcyoall Awa rd (Me n) Vil,,07\JI ... M . 1. P. Vnl le yhoJll Award (Wumen) I.clu ne ~kK cc M.V P. Volleyball Award (Wo men) J(lC li e fl narr /\"1.I.P WrC ' llin l,; Awa rd . .... . . .......... • . . ". K en Pull M.V.P. Wre~111I1 £. Aw<.l r d .... ..................... Ga \' IIICarro'W

S PECIAL AW AROS - MEN A:'oIO WOME :'oI Cath y Rowe Man ,lge rH ra iner o fth c Year Aw .lrd .. Cu lin Silll ret! W ll dm,lIl Trophy Sall1 [kninct !'! J Or Mary Beve rl ey -Burton I{ ookie of l hc Year Award L.!111..:e PrJ ce tvl lfTlO Di nHII l(l Don r JllJer'on Tro phy W .t- Muche ll Spon:<owoman Award Karen M c Bride W F M ilChcll Sr)(.m , m;m Awa rd ............... Gavin Carro .....' FcnMk Alhl e te of"t he Yeara SilV ia Ru cg l,;1.:r Male Athlete nflhc Yea r Sa m BcmnCiJ'<I



John Musselman Appointed

New Head Football Coach

Gryphon Club

Sports Hall

of Fame

John Musselman.

E arlier this year, Director of Athletics David Cop p announced the appointment of John Musselman as the new head football coach of thc Univcrsity of Guelph G ryphons. John succeeds Tom Dimitroff, who has returned to the Ottawa Rough Riders of the Canadian Football League . In making the announcement, Dave Copp says that he was pleased to bc able to obtain the services of John Mussel man. "We had a number of outstanding applicants for th e job which made the deci sion a tough one. We are ve ry happy to have John on our staff, and we fee l he will do an excellent job in buildi ng the stren gth and reputation of the Gryphon foot­ ball program which has flourishe d in recent years . Tom Dim itroff built the football pro­ gram here to the point wh re wc are ju ·t onc ste p away from a national champio nship and , un der John Musselman , we hope to take that next step." Th 34-year-old coach comes to Guelph after six years as head coach of the St. Francis Xavier X-Men in Antigon ish , N .S ., where he won thrce conference championships, incJlId­ ing titles in the past two seasons, and com piler an overall record of 35 win.', 17 losses, and onc tie . John wa the Atlanti Universities Athletic Associati on Coach of thc Year three ti mcs. Before assu ming the head coaching position at St. Francis Xavier, he spent two years as the defen sive co-ordinator at that school. His playing background began in Windsor when he attended Rivers ide High School and was sclected as an All-City offen­ sivc lineman. He then went on to play fo r the Duke University Blue Devils of the Atlantic Coast Conference but returned to finish his career with the University of Windsor Lan­

cers. He was a team captain and OUA A alJ­ starin 1972 and 1973 . While at SI. Francis Xavier, he was involved in coaching th e wrestling team and taught a Sociology of Sport course in th e School of Physical F.du cation. John, a native of Windsor, has both Bachelor and Master of Human Kinetics de­ grees from the Universi ty of Windsor. The new coach was asked to comment on: A Canadian Championship - "I hope no one expects miracles. That next step is a big one, but I'm looking forw ard to tak ing it with the Gryphons." The Challenge - "It might be easier if the G ryphon s hadn't won a game in 30 years. Then th ey would only hav e to win one and I' d be a hero. It's a little tougher coming in after a coach with the reputation of Tom Di mitroff, but I'm looking forward to the challenge and, as a native ofOntano, it's great to be back home again." The Game of Football - " There's no point in hav ing a lot of fancy theories on the game, you have to adapt your game to the talent you have. It' s easier for me to adapt to them, than it is for them to try and adapt to me and try and do th ings they aren't capable of doing. ''Certa inly, anybody that plays for me had better be aggressi ve both on offence and defence . You have to have some degree of balance on offence, but whether you run a little more, or pass a little more, depends on the players you have. Then too you have to take whatever the opposition defence will give you ." The Current Gryphons - " I haven ' t had much of a chance to study game fi lrns , but I've been impressed wi th what I've seen so far and I'm impressed wi th the credentials of the playe rs Guelph has been recruiti ng. Losing players of the calibre of Sam Benincasa leaves some b ig holes t be filled, bu t Guelph now has a winning trad ition and it' a traditi on th at I plan to keep alive . I' m just excitcd to be here . " New Prospects - "There are a number of good players who have indicated they ' re interested in coming to G uelph and I have to talk to them . I'll be discussing thi s with Tom Dim itroff and the assistant coaches as well." Hugh Bowman, sports editor of the G uel ph Daily Me rcury commented: " If John Musselman can translate his excitement and his level-headed approach to football to his players, the winning tradition appears to be in good hands for another exciting season at Alumni Stadium." 0

T he G ryphon Club , in co nj unction with the Department of Athletics, is pleased to an­ nou nce the creati on of a S ports Hall of Fame at the University o f Guel ph . The inaugural in­ ductees will be honoured at a dinner Friday, September 21, 1984, at the Arboretu m Ce ntre. T ickets for the evening cost $30 and are avail­ able at the Athletics Centre. In mak ing th e announcement, president of the G ryph on Club , Kim Mi les, CBS ' 76, exuded a strong sense of pride . "At last, outstanding individuals who have repre se nted the Un iversity of Guelph in intercollegiate sport will have their places etched in history." Members of the Hall will have their pictures and accomplishmen ts entered into a display on the " Wall of Fame " in the newly renov ated Class of 1909 Lounge at the Athletics Centre. The initial list of inductees incl udes 13 competitors and six members in the Buildi ng Category. The following athl etes will be ind ucted: Mike Chepesuik, OAC '30 - Football and Wrestlin g. W.F. "Bill" Mitchell, OAC '38- Footba ll

and Director of Athletics.

Bob Steclde, OAC '52- W restli ng.

G rant McLaren, CBS ' 70 - C ross-countryt

Track .

Gerry Organ, CBS '71 - Football.

Ken Lockett, CSS '72 - Hockey.

Wayne Morgan, CSS '72- Basketball.

Anne (Walton) Grape. Arts '74 ­ Swimming .

Bruce Morris, OAC '77 - Footbal l.

Bob Sharpe, CSS '77 - Basketball .

Linda Ka7.ienko, OAC ' 78 - Arc hery .

Brad Pirie, CSS '79 - Hockey.

Richard Deschatelets, Arts '8~Wrestling.

In the Bui ldi ng Category arc: Fred Baldwin, Professor Bill Blackwood, Professor A. W. Baker, OAC'l1j Professor Ross Cavers, OAC'29 j Valerie (Milla.-) Freeman, CBS'70, and Mildred McQueen. To be el igible for the Ha ll of Fa me, nom inees must have gradu ated at least fi ve years prior to nomi nation . Pcrformance rec­ ords must be so ou tstandi ng that there is no question as to the ir qualifyi ng for recog nit ion. In lauding the init ial selection , Kim Miles proudly pointed out that all 13 athl etes were graduates of the University and had gone on either to national represe ntation or to the professional sport ranks . "The quality of their performances gives instant crcdibility and stature to our Hall of Fame." 0 13




Newly Elected as

AluDlni Senators

Following the annual election ror three of the nine alumni seat.. on Senate at the University, the rollowing three alumni have been elected to replace those who will fulfill three-year terms on August 31 , 1984.

H. Clark Adams, OAC '56, is a lawyer wi th a private practi ce in Oran geville. He was appointed Quee n 's Counsel in 1974 . He is chairman o f the D ufferin County Board of Education, and is a past presi dent of the Duffe ri n C ount y Bar Assoc iation, and the Dufferin C oun ty Ca nadian Cancer Soc iety. He is a pas t member of the Orange­ vil le Plannin g Board, the Duffe rin Area Hospital Bo ard , and was vice preside nt of the Dufferin As soc ia tio n for the Me ntally Re ta rded . He a nd his wife , G wen, hav e a family of four.

John " Jack" George, OAC '48, is senior partner of George, M urray & Shipley , Bar­ ri sters and Solicitors, Sarnia. He is the im­ med iate pas t preside nt, S arni a Ro tary C lub; pres id e nt of th e Sarnia Rotary Foundation

H . C lark Adams, OAC ' 56 .

and the Al co hol Countermeas ure Syste ms Inc.; chairman of the Blue water Bridge Co m mission and a memb r of the advi sory board of the Vi ctor ia and Grey Trust Com­ pany. O ne of the founding members or the Univers it y o f Guelph , Ima M ater Fu nd' s C en tury Club , he is a mem ber o f the first g radu atin g class In Agricultural Eco­ nomic s orthe O AC.

Patricia Grenier, Arts '72, graduated with an honors degree in Political Science and French. She earned a Master o f Li brary Science dcgrec at thc Unive rsity of Wc stern Ont a ri o in 1973, workcd for o nc year with th e Lo ndon Publi c Library Systcm and then s pcnt five yca rs at the Univers it y Library as a refere nce libraria n, Docume ntati on C entre. She is co-o rd inator of' Informati o n

Jack G eorge,

OAC '48.

Parriciu G renier,

Arts '72 .

Services , Information C entre , O ntario M ini stry o f Educa tion. S he and her hu s­ band , Alan C av ell , (,SS '71, 0 M .Se. '76, live in Peterburough .

Janet "Jan" Watson,

BS '75, w il l serve the un exp ired time or Royden R itz , OAC '72, who has resi g ned from Se nate . H is term would have ex p ired A ugust 31, 1%5 . Janet lives in Toronto and is market man ­ ager for blood co llec ti o n and labware prod­ ucts with 13eeto n Dic kinso n C anada, In c. As a stll uc nt she was vic c-president of the CBS Student Coun c il and , later , was in­ volved with the fOnllati o n of the CBS Alumni Association and was It s first presi ­ dent. She is a vice-prc s ident o f the UG AA and c hairman of its S pec ial Events Commit­ tee. 0

Disbrowe, OAC'23, Does it Again A reg ul ar and valued contributor of feature articl es to the Guelph A/umnLls, Harold B. Disbrowe , OAC '23 , has authored his sec­ ond book, A Schoo/mail 's Odyssey, a 183 ­ page paperback publi shed by the Publica­ tions Office o f th e Faculty of Educa ti o n, Univers ity of We stern Ontario. He reports that hi s fir st boo k, Down all th e Farm, a 67-page paperback pub­ li shed in 1981, a nostalgic glimpse of farm life in western Ontario during the first quar­ ter of the 20th Century, was well received by alumni and th e general public . (See Gue/ph A/umnLis. Summer Issue , Vol. 14, No.3) A Schoo/mall's Odyssey, is both un­ us ual an d refreshing - unu sual in the sense that it is one of the ve ry few books descri b­ ing with verve and considerable charm th e gro wth and deve lopment of a profess io nal 14

Pres idell{ BLirt Matthews, OAC ' 47, left, alld author Harold Disbrowe, OAC '23. ed ucator, and refre shing in its eandour and honesty. Harold takes us from his beginning

in the rural area of Canada, to a brief but important period of teaching se rv ice ove r­ seas, and then back to a distin gu is hed career as a te acher a nd a principal. Haro ld retired . in 1965 , after 20 ye ars as principal or El ­ mira District Hi gh Sch oo l in Waterloo Co unty. The book gives a personal- and very forthri g ht - acco unt of hi s re ac ti ons to the major cducational dev e lopments of the last 60 yea rs. And what' s morc, it 's very well written. Priced at $':).95, pos tpaid. A Schoo/­ mal/'.I Odn·.\ e\· ca n be obta ined by writing to: The University of Western Ontari o, Fac ­ ult y of Ed ucati on, Publicati o ns Office, 113 7 Wcstern Road, London, Ont. N6G IG7 . Or write to th e autho r: Harold B. Disbrowe, 17 Farm Manor Court, Lon­ don, Ont. N6H 4J2. Priced at $5, postpaid, Do wn 01/ {h e Farm can only be obtained by writing to thc author . 0

The Donald Forster Sculpture Park

T he Macdonald Stewart Art Ce ntre has received the go-ahead to begi n landscaping part of the Donald Forster Sc ulpture Park adjacent to the south of th e Ce ntre. Art Centre Dircctor Judy Nasby says phase one of the plan , developed by Toronto landscape architect Walter Kc hm, began in August and will be completed by early November at a cost of$1 00,000 . The plans call for a landscaped setting in which existing and newly acquired work s, reflecting the forefront of sculptural activity in Canada from the 1980s, can be exhibited to advantage. Step one will pro­ vide a main entrance to the park, paved areas , a trellis-covered courtyard, the Donald Forster memorial plaque and the tirstofa large number of trees and shrubs.


"Passages," by Kosso Eloul, in the Donald Forster Sculpture Park. The full development of the Donald Forster Sculpture Park will take place over

L to r. Janet (Lackner)

Boyle , CSS ' 76; medal

winner Brian Boyle ,

OAC '76, and UGAA

Immediate Past

President Barry

StahLbaum, CPS '74.

Memo From

the President

1984 Alumni Medal of Achievement D uring a ceremony performed during Alumni Weekend '84, Brian David Boyle, OAC '76 , was presented with the 1984 Alumni Medal of Achieveme nt for his out­ standing contributions in the field of On­ tario youth leadership . With the Ontario Mini stry of Agricul­ ture and Food (OMAF), Brian has been Agri cultural Representative in Lambton County since early 1983 . Hc covers an area of more than a half-million acres of cropland. The oldest of a family of six, and born on the 250-acre family beef and crop farm near Ripley in Bruce County, Brian became involved with 4-H clubs at age 12, and his acquired skills are evident in the success of 4-H programs that he later supervised. He doubled the number of 4-H clubs ­ from II to 22 - in Peterborough County in seven years; started a 4-H T V Star pm­ gram - using the . , Reaeh for the Top"

a five-year pe riod to allow g radual acquisi­ tion of major sculpture th rough purchase, commission and donation . A se rie s of loan ex hibitions will serve to produce the various styles and concepts c urrent in contemporary sculpture. As the collection grows, the two and a half-acre park will be further de­ veloped by adding s uch fe at ures as a wa ter e lement , additional display areas and li ght­ ing appropriate to the overall design. The Donald Forster Sculpture Park is expectcd to become a major attraction for visitors to Ontario's Festival Country. With its attractive plantings and seating areas it will serve as a people place for outdoor art classes, performances and talk s by art­ ists. It will also take its place as an impor­ tant sculpture collection to be visited by serious students of this aspect of Canadian art history. 0

concept but translated to agriculture ­ which rapidly became a province-wide invi­ tational eventIn Beef Extension, Brian developed thc Wea ning Weight program in Peter­ borough Count y; developed the annual Summer Field Day program, and estab­ lis hed the Peterborough Beef Bull Test Station . He was awarded the OMAF-sponsored Junior Farmer of Ontario United Kingdom trip in 1976; was a membe r of the Rotary Internatiunal group study exchange to Au stralia and, in 1983, was chairman of the Provincial O rganization Committee for Rural Seminars for Vita l People . Brian and his wife, Ja net (Lackner), CSS '76, live in the country on the shore of Lake Huron ncar Forest- With the help of Bri an's dad , Franci s, the y maintain 50 head of beef cattle on 100 ac res of leased land close to the home farm near Ripley. 0

T he evaluation of G uelph's programs and departments should be an annual exercise and viewed as an opportuni ty, Presiden t Burt Matthews, OAC '47 , said in hi s first "Memo from the President" to all faculty, staff and students. He said the findings of the Presidential Working G roup on Budget Priorities , Working Group [ , a re not intended to pro­ vide a basis for decisions o n phasing o ut any program or departmen t. Each of the departmen ts placed in the special category in the report we re req uired to su bmit to the dean of the ir C ollege, steps taken or to be take n to improve qua lity. The reports w ill be re viewed by Working Group I w hich will report to the president, the vice­ president , academic, a nd the Senate Com­ mittee on University Pla nning . " Wo rking Group [ should be see n as only one step in an on-going process that will help to ens ure that the University con­ tinues to grow in academic qu ality and strength, and that the fin ancial and other resources avai lable to us will be wi sely al lo­ cated and effectively applied, " said Dr. Matthews . Workin g Gro up 2, which is rev iew ing the program s a nd resources of the non­ teachi ng units o f the Universi ty , is expected to report in the fal l. Dr. Matthew s plans to use the " Memo from the Presiden t" fomlat from time to time to communicate directly wit h faculty, staff and stude nts o n matte rs of s pecial con­ cern or importance. 0




Dr. Janel Wardlaw.

Margaret Beckman.

Dr. John Black.

Dr. Stan BleIcher.

Dr. Alan Meek, OVC'7I.

Dr. Richard Miller, ove '58.

stee ring the furth e r de ve lopme nt of infor­ mation technology in the te aching, re se arch and outreach programs of the University. This will include advising on priorities , re­ source allocation and eo-ordinating the roles and responsibilities of information technology service organizations and user groups and individuals on the campus. She was appointed to the staff of the University of Guelph Library in 1966, and played an active role with the arc hitect s in the p la nning of the University's Mc­ Laughlin Library building. She later be­ came systcms librarian and, in th at ro le . contributed to the development of the UflI­ versity's widely acclaimed automated library systems She is chairman of the Advisory Board on Scientific and Technological Informa­ tion of the National Research Council, and has been widely sought as a consultant on library design and operation. She is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and of the University of Toronto.


Dr. Janet Wardlaw has been named as­ sociate vice-prcsident academic, effective August I for a five-year term. The appoint­ ment, approved by President Burt Mat­ thews, OAC '47, was announced in May by Vice-President Academic, Dr. Howard Clark. Dr. Wardlaw will fill a position changed from assistant vice-president academic, which was approved by Senate last November. She will be responsible for the detailed content and administration of Guelph's academic programs, will organize and co-ordinate liaison programs, and will be responsible for allocation of academic space on campus. The director of the Officc for Educa­ tional Practice and the registrar will report directly to the associate vice-president academic. Dr. Wardlaw, who served as acting vice-president academic, last year, was dean of the College of Family and Con­ sumer Studies for 13 years. During that time, she planned and canied out a major transition in the teaching and research roles of the College. A nutritionist and professional dieti­ tian, Dr. Wardlaw has been a member of Guelph's faculty since 1966. Previously she was on the faculty of Food Science at the University of Toronto, with the Michigan Department of Health and with the Cana­ dian Red Cross. A graduate of the University of To­ 16

ronto, Dr. Wardlaw has a Master's degree from the University of Tennessee, and a Ph.D. degree from Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity. She is past-chairman of the Cana­ dian Dietetic Association's special commit­ tee on education and internship, a former member of Guelph's Board of Governors, and past-chairman of a number of other professional committees.

* * * Margaret Beckman has been seconded to the position of executive director of infor­ mation technology at the University for a three-year term, Vice-President Academ­ ic, Howard Clark has announced. Chief Li­ brarian at the University for the .past 13 years, she took up her new post on July I. The University has committed itself to achieving a leadership role in the applica­ tion of information technology in its academic programs. Dr. Clark pointed out that the plans, approved by the University Senate, were intended not to increase the amount of computing on campus, but rather to apply the new technology to enhance the efforts of faculty members in every dis­ cipline. The emphasis, he said, would be on creative application of information tech­ nology in all scholarly activity. The role of the executive director for information technology will include both co-ordination and management responsibil­ ities. Margaret Beckman will be responsi­ ble for overall planning, co-ordinating and

John Black has been appointed chief librarian, University of Guelph for a thre e­ year term which began July I. He su c­ ceeded Margaret Beckman who was named executive director of information technol­ ogy at the University. Dr. Black has been associate librarian since 1974 and for three years before that, was assistant I.ibrarian for services. He also holds an associate professorship in the De­ partment of Political Studies of which he has been a member since coming to the University in 1966. Previous to that he was a member of the De partment of Political Science, University of Western Ontario, of which he is a graduate. He holds a doc­ toral degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Univer­ sity of London. The new chief librarian has taught as a visiting lecturer in the School of Library Science, University of Western Ontario. Dr. Black recently served as the only academic on the Canadian delegation to the 1984 World Administrative Radio Confer­ ence in Geneva, which dealt, among other topics, with a reallocation of short wave radio frequencies.

* * * Dr. Stan R. Blecher became director of the School of Human Biology at the Univer­ sity of Guelph , effective August I. He holds medical degrees from both the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Af­ rica, and the University of Copenhagen, Dcnmark. Previously, he was professor of anatomy, Dalhousie University, and a con­ sultant in clinical genetics at the Izaak Wa'l­


ton Killam hildrc n's Hospital, Halifa x, N .S. He is a Fellow orthe Canadian College of Medical Geneticists. He has lectured at the universities in both Johannesburg and Cope nhagen , and held this rece nt post at Da lhou s ic Uni­ versit y since 1978. For 12 years he was ex ternal examiner in medical genetics, in the Institute of Medical Genetics, Univer­ sit y of Copcnhagen . In Canada, he has sc rvcd as a membcr of the Grants Commit­ tee of the Medical Research Council of Canada, as a member of. the accreditation committec o f the Canadian College of Med­ ical G ~ncticists and as chairman of the Sci­ ence Polic y Committee of the Canadian As­ sociation of Anatomi sts.

D r. Alan Meek , OVC '71 and '74, has been appointed chainnan of the OVe' s De­ partment of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology . He took up hi s position July I. He holds a Ph .D . , 1977, from the Uni­ versity of Melbourne, Australia. He has been a mcmber of faculty in the Department since 1978 and, between 1979 and 1983, was also cross-appointed to the Department of Animal and Poultry Science, OAC. As co-ordinator, since 1980, of the OVC Computer Group , Dr. Meek has been responsible for a feasibility study and for sevcn staff whose task has been to develop and maintain an integrated, computer-based system to assi st with the research, teaching and hospital functions of the College. Thi s systcm , called the Veterinary Medical In­ formation Management System, is now operating in approximately 75 per cent of thc functional areas in the OVe's Ve te ri­ nary Teaching Hospital and is considered to be one of the most adva nced of its kind in the world . He has served as consultant for the University of Michigan/ M ichigan State De­ partment of Agriculture with respect to a 1978 epidemiological investigation of PBB recontamination in Mi chigan dairy cattle, and for the University of Wiscon sin in 1979 concerning the economic impac t of swine influen za . *=


* *

Richard B . Miller, OVC '58 , has been appointed chainnan of the OVe's Depart­ ment of Pathology. He took up his position July I. Following completion of a B .Sc. de­ gree in Agriculture at the University of AI­ bcrta in 1960, he owned and operated a cattle ranch in northeastern Alberta . During his four years at the OVC he proved to be one of the College's distinguished schol­ ar , winning the Andrew Smith Memorial

Gold Medal, the Second Proficiency Prize , the Small Animal Medicine and Surgcry Award and the Holstein-Friesian Prize at graduation. In 1980 he received a Ph .D. in repro­ ductive pathology from Co rnell Univers ity and , in 198 I, board certification in morpho­ logic pathology from th e Amcrican College of Veterinary Pathologists.

He joined the faculty in the Depart­ ment of Pathology in j 969 as assistant pro­ fessor and became associate professor in 1976 . During the past seven years his skills as an excellent teacher have been recog­ nized and he was nominated for the Norden Di stinguished Teaching Award three times ( 1978, 1981 and 19 82) , before fi nall y win­ ning the award in 1983. 0

Grant Misener Honoured

largely the rcflection of the collective stand­ ing of its graduates," said Dr. Misener. "As the prestige and reputation of the Uni­ versity grow, so do the pre stige and reputa­ tion of its individual a lumni. This is one reason why alumni support the Alma Mater Fund with gift s that prov ide continued e nrichmcnt of programs and facilities at the Uni ve rsity. This is why you will be invited to support thc Fund . When you contribute, you are certain to have a feeling of he lping repay what the U niversity has given you." At th e same ceremony Dr. Donald Barnum, OVC'41, Department of Veteri­ nary M icrobiology and Immunology, was named Professor Emeritus of the Unive r­ sity. Dr . Bcrnard Mc Sherry, O VC '42 , De­ partme nt of Pathology, was al so to have been named Professor Emeritus, but hblth reasons prevented him from attending. Degrces granted that day wcrc Doctor of Philosophy , Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Landsca pe Architec­ ture, Graduate Diploma , Bachelor of Science in H uman Kinetics , Bachelor of Sciencc- Ge neral Prog ram and Doctor of Veterin ary Medicine . 0

Dr. A . Grant Misener, OAC '35 andOVC ' 38. During the third day of Spring Convo­ cation, Dr. Grant Mi sener, OAC '3 5, OVC '38, on e of the University ' S most ac tive alumn i members , urged graduands to join their rcspective alumni ass oc iations and take an active part in activities. Dr. Mis­ ener, a key figure in thc Friends of Univcr­ sity of Guelph, Inc . , was named an Honor­ ary Fellow of the University of Guelph . " The reputation of the University is

University Wins Photography Award T he University of Guelph received fu ll mark s in photography, recently, winning an international award for the best use of photography in uni­ versity publications . Fifteen univ ersities , includiog three Canadian universities, com­ peted for this honour at the a nnual conference of the Un iversity Photog­ raphers Assoc iation of America held recently in San D iego, Calif., U.S.A. The President's Award for best use of photography--quantity and quality-in a university publ ication was presented to Ted Carter, man­ ager, Department of Illustration Services, Office for Educational Practice, who received the trophy on

behalf of the Un iversity of G uelph and who, in tum, presented the trophy to Pres ident Burt Matthew s, OAC '47, atGuelph. Ted' s submission to the six­ member selection committee in­ cluded a pack age of Unive rsi ty of Guelph promotional brochures as well as copies of the Guelph Alumnus and the University News Bulletin . Ted, who offered a powerful presentation package to attract the Association to Guelph , tells us that the Association's 1985 Annual Con­ ference will be held at the University of Guelph July 10 to 13. This wi ll be the first time that the Conference has been held outs id e of the U.S. Ted will act as co-ordinator .



The College of Physical Science Alumni Association


Editor: Bob Winke l

M.Sc. in Computer Science

Gets Preliminary Approval




A new Master' s Program in computer sci­ ence has received preliminary approval from Senate. The new M. Sc. will be an applied program which Computing and In­ formation Science C hairman Jay Majithia expects will relate closely to other disci­ plines on campus. It is hoped that the program will clear local and government hurdle s in time for five to ten students to enrol in the fall of 1985. New graduate program proposal s in Ontario go to the Ontario '.:ouncil of Graduate Studies for appraisal of quality and then to a relatively new committee of the Ontario Council on University Affairs (OCUA) for funding approval. It is this group that decides how the proposed program fits into the Ontario uni­ versity system, and wh ether thu'; is actu­ ally a need for such a program. The unique aspect of each proposal or, alternatively, the justification for duplication, is then con­ sidered as is the question of whether the graduate program fits the traditions and strengths of the institution in question . Dcan of G raduate Studies, Carlton Gyles, O vC '64, explains that the new pro­ cedure for considering justification for the fun d ing of new graduate programs was ini­ tiatcd at the recommendation of a Council of O ntario Universities committee chaired by former University of G uelph president, the late Donal d Forster. The evaluation sys­ tem has been operating for about 18 months and is just catching up with the backlog of unfunded programs . Profe~sor Majithia points out that the Guelph program should satisfy the qualifi­ cations of the OC UA committee. It will meet an increasing demand for re sea rch and deve lop ment people in the industry while simultaneous ly dovetailing with Gu e lph' s existing programs. Computer applications related to the traditional strengths of this campus, as well as such topics as office automation and, of course, information technology in gen­


Bruce Ramsay, '80.

eral, could all come within the sco pe of the degree program which will require at least four graduate-level courses and a thesis. The proposed courses will re prese nt the mainstream areas of practical computer scie nce wh ere there is still a lot of material to master beyond the Bachelor's degree. For this reason , the Senate report points out, it seems more appropriate to develop this expertise than to venture into more exo­ tic areas. "One thing the new progra m will not do," Professor Majithia says, "is produce mass ive software program s. It will , how­ ever, have a beneficia l, if intangible, impact on the quality of the undergraduate pro­ gram." Professor Majithia spent I I years at the University of Waterloo before coming to Guelph two years ago. "The Mas ter's degree will change the outlook of under­ graduatcs in thi s Department, " he explains. "They will ex perience the enthusiasm as­ sociated with the teaching of advanced­ level courses and profit from an enriched curriculum ... Th e Senate re port explains that there is a need for computer sc ience professionals w ith advanccd training in C anada to work with the producers of computing hardware , computer system integrators, developers of software syste ms and in commerc ial appli­ cations as well as with use r organizations applying computer sys tems for their main­ stream and deci sion-support needs. T he proposal comes at an important time in the ex pansion of the 13-year-old Department. In the last five years th e faculty has grown by SO per cent, research activity has expanded significantly and student numbers have more than doubled. The document, prese nted to Senate, explains that graduate students will have a strong base of undergraduate teaching and faculty research to build on since the De­ partment is already strong in the areas of human/computer interaction , arlificial 10­ telligencc and machine architecture. 0

Our Futurist A vision of the future where collector units in space beam e nergy back to earth and advances in genetic e ngineering allow hu­ man s to regene rate entire li mbs has earned graduate student Bruce Ramsey, '80, Bio­ chemi stry, a $500 prize in the first Hon­ ey well Futurist Awards Competition. Joel Braverman, spokesman for Hon­ eyw ell Ltd ., says that more than 1,500 re­ quests for entry material we re received from full-time univers ity and college students across Canada. The students we re asked to submit a two-page essay on any two of the five su ggested subject areas, predicting the technolog ical changes of the next 25 years and the ir impact on society. Entries were judged for creativity, plaus ibility , clarity of exposition and leg ibility , A futurist, B ruce has ambitions to write science fiction and books on popular science. Hi s submission was an imaginative ex trapolation of present trends in space tec hnolog ~ ' , organ transplant techniques and current research in genetics. Th e sponso rs of the competition attach great imporlance to the co mpe tition, which is now in its second year in the U,S.A . and will be extended to Europe next year. As winn e r of a second prize , Bruce was invited with th e five othe r p rize winners to a reception in Toronto , a tour of Honey­ well facilitie s and an awards banquet at­ tended by senior management of the Com­ pany as well as a di sti nguished judging pane l re presenting education al institutions, scientific media and government. T he key­ note address was given by Dr. Ian Mac ­ donald , preside nt, York Univers ity, and of the IDEA Corporation , a provincial govern­ ment initiative to promote technological in­ novation. 0


What's in a Name Change?

T he Department of C hem istry has ch anged its name to the Departme nt o f C hemi stry and Bioc hemi stry . The ne w name re flects more accuratel y the range of activity in the Department. Chemistry and bioc hemistry degrees have been offered in the Depart­ ment for many years. C hairman Ed Janzen observes, " One­ third of our faculty members are bio­ chemists, one- third of the Department 's undergraduate students arc regi stered in biochemistry courses and one-third of our off-campus gra nt money last year went into biochem istry research . " T he close association between ehemis­

try and biochemistry on this campus influ­ ences the nature of biochemistry here . Pro­ fessor Janzen say~ the biochemists in this De partment tend to be more phys ically oriented. They use more physical tech­ niqu e s such as light scattering, mass spec­ trometry and magnetic resonance because the instnlmentation is close at hand and because their colleagues in the College of Physi cal Science have a we alth of ex peri­ ence in these techniques. Their research tends to be less physiologically orien ted th an it might be with biochemists who are associated with med ical school s. Given Guelph's concentration of ex-

Chem and Biochem Awards

The Department o f Chemistry and Bio­ chem is try , along with the Biochemistry! Chemistry C lub, held its first annual awards dinn er at the Col. John McCrae Roy al Canadian Legion Hall in Guelph. Following a buffet dinn e r , awards and scholarships were prese nted to the follow­ in g first-semester, in-course and recently graduated students : College of Physical Science Award, semester 6 a n d 7: Ke vin Wang. Entrance Scholarships: niversi ty Award - Steven Wong . The Mc Arthur Humphries Award- Kevin Wood. The Alumni As­ sociation Award- Catherine French. The E. B . MacNau ghton Award- James Noel.

Honours Applied Chemistry Scholar­

s hip: Mi chelle Moore .

Society of Chemical Ind ustry Prize:

C hemi stry , Margaret Hyland; Biochemis­

try , Susan Bishop Graham; Applied

Chemistry , Na ncy Ha ll.

Chemical I nstitute of Canada Silver Medal and Prize: Kevin Wang . Demonstrato r Award : Barbara Ruhl, and Don Stephenson . Chemistry/Bioc hem ist ry Undergraduate Awa rds-Prize for top g rades in Chemistry 19- 100: Scott Jcrmey, Chris­ topher O'Ca liaghan, and Dirk Vanderwall. Prize for Excellence in C hemis tr y 19­ 100: Twel ve top students in W'S3, S ' S_ , F' 83 semester; Kent Acker man, Yee Lai Chan, Donna Faekoury, Scott Jenney. Matthew Kingswood , Joe Kozar, Jennifer Lazar, C hun Wah Lin , Ellen Morito , De ­ borah Nunn, Christopher O ' Caliaghan, and Dirk Vanderwalt. Undergraduate Awa rd in Ana lytical

Chemistry: S usan Post .

W eston Research C entre Book Prize:

Dwayne Barber. 0

pertise in the biolog ia l sciences , it is natural that the bioehemi IS have forged links with many differe nt departments on campus , he says. Collaborati ve research is in progress with faculty members in the O VC and in the Departments of Nutrition, Bot ny and Ge netics, Crop Science and Microb iology . Bioc hemists and chem ists will also be pro m ine nt in the Ca nadian Ce ntre for ToxiCOlogy . " We have an unusually broad range of chemical expertise for a departm ent o f this size , " says the chairman . In the Guelph- Waterloo C entre for G raduate Work in Chemistry (and Biochemi stry ), (GWC )2, the biochemists occupy an impor­ tant part of the research spectrum. In fact, about one third of the I 17 (GWC )2 graduate students study biochemi stry . 0

Grad News

Geo rge C racknell, B,A. ' 71, of Guelph, is a financial an a lyst with O ntario Hydro. Susa n Ingrams. B.A . ' 72 , M,Sc. '73, is currently a se nior methodologist with Statistic s Canada in Ottaw a. E laine Hoskins , B. A . ' 72 , M.Sc. ' 73, is a statistici an with Rev enue Canada, in Ot­ tawa . Larry Mark, B.Sc . ' 73 , is practising medicine in Newmarket. Andy Orr , B.Sc. ' 75, o fVancouvcr, B. C. . has rene wed his studies at Simon Fraser Universi ty in Burnaby . J e nnifer (T homs on) jackman, B.Sc. '76, M.Sc. ' 78, Ph.D. '83 , and hu sband , Torn, B.Sc . '72 , M.Sc. '74 , Ph . D, 'SO, arc both employed at the C halk River Research Lab­ oratories in Deep River. Allan johnston , M.Sc, ' 79, Ph.D . '82, is continuing his work in chemistry as a post doctoral fellow at the Universi ty or Victoria. B.C. Norma (Wilson) Hykaway, B.Sc. ' 79, of Vancouver is a research assistant at Simon Frase r Univers ity in Burnaby, B. C. Mark Leonard , B.Sc. '80, li ves in To­ ronto where he is account representative fo r the First National Ba nk of Chicago .

Recipients of the Prize for Excellence in Fundamental Chemistry included: Back row: Matthew Kingswood, Kent Ackerman, Scali Jenney and Christopher O' Callaghan. Front row: Joe Kozar , Yee Lai Chan and Jennifer Lazar and Professor Elmer Alyea.

Alana Kerr, B.Sc. 'SO, lives in Ric hmond Hill and is a statistician with the M inistry of Nationa l Resources in Map le . 0 19


The College of Arts Alumni Association

DELPHA Editor: Debbie (Nash) Chambers, '77.

From the Dean Dean David Murray. On se veral previous occasions I have had the privilege of a column in DELPHA to bring you, our alumni, up to date on wh at has been happening in the College of Ans. I am grateful to editor Debbie (Nash) Cham­ bers, '77, for another opportunity. Thi s has been a bitter-sweet year for the College of Art s. We mourned the loss of two very close friend s of the College, President Donald Forster , and Secretary of Senate, Walter Vaughan . Each will be missed grea t­ ly within the College as in the rest of the Un iversity. We hav e also had a number of occa­ sions to celebrate. One was the very suc­ cessful conference on " Strategies for Peace and Security in the Nuclear Age, " or­ ganiz.ed by Professors Gunnar Boehnert, History, and Henry Wi se man, Political Studies. The conference highlight was the kick-off of Primc Minister Trudeau's peace initiative. Other noteworthy conferences during the year included a major gathering of Commonwealth writers and academics, hosted by professor Dougl as Killam, chair­ man o f the Department of English Lan­ guage and Literature, and his colleagues in the Department , and a conference on key issues of contem porary philosophy which brought some 200 philosophers from Canada, Britain and the United States to Guelph . During May and June , the Univer­ sity hosted the Learned Societies, a major undertaking which has involved extensive preparat ions for over a year. Both faculty and students in the Col­ lege have won significant honours recently. Professor Marguerite Andersen, fonner chainnan of the Department of Languages


and Literatures , won the prestigious "Prix du journal de Montreal , " for her nov el enti­ tled De M emoi re de Femme. The College of Arts medallist . Nicole Didicher, '83, who graduated with disti nc­ tion in English, was awarded the Winegard Medal in June, 198 3 , the University's high­ est academic award . This is only the second time a College of Art s graduate has won the Winegard Medal so we are very proud of Nicol e' s accom plish ment. Mi chelle Ur­ quhart, who is majoring in Fine Art and Classics, won a national class ics tran slation competition. Through the efforts of Professor Leonard Conolly, the McLa ughlin Library has acquired , on permanent loan, a number of archivcs fro m Ontario theat res. Thc co l­ lection includes the Shaw f estiva l archives and the archivcs of the Tarragon and Young Pcople 's Theatre fro m Toronto, and archives from two theatres that havc closcd, the Opcn Circle and th~ Phocnix. The College of Arts has also become more activ e in international development. Professor Douglas Killam and Elizabe th Cockburn are managi ng a major ClDA proj­ ect in Cameroon, assisting teachers there to develop new learnin g materials . Closer to home, our liaison programs have been reaching out to seco ndary sc hools in the region . We have consciously tried to ass ist teachers working with gifted children. To that end, Professor James Har­ rison and colleagues in the Departme nt of English Language and Literature have mounted a creative writing contest for a number of years, with the winning entries being publi shed in Focus. We have held a Creati ve Arts Day for gifted students in Wellington County , giv­ ing these students opportunities through work shops to learn from professors teach­ ing in Fine Art, Drama and Music. Profes­ sor Pare and hi s colleagues in Frenc h Studies, in conjunction with the Canadian Parents for Frenc h, sponsored a public speaking contes t for students in French im­ mersion programs. Entitled" Exc hanges," it, too, proved to be very successful. Facul­ ty members spe nd a great deal of time in these and other liai son programs which help to reduce the barriers between secondary

and post secondary education. In closing , I want to pay a special tri­ bute to De bbie C hambers who ha s ed ited DELPHA for five years and will be retiring with this iss ue . She has done a first-rate job in her ed itorial role and has displayed a deep loyalty to thc College ancl its alumni . Thank you very much, Debbic , for ajob well clone. 0

An Editor's Farewell J ust a short notc to wish Terry Ay er , '84, well and to say thank you to the many, many people who have made the DELPHA editor's job such a rewarding tas k over the last five years. Thank you for your mail and the article sugge stion s over the past many iss ucs of the G uelph AlumllllS. It has been very interesting to follow the career paths of fellow alumn i w hile pre­ paring the grad news sec tion for each issue . It has also been grati fying to witness the coming of age of the College of Arts Alumni Associati o n . When I succeeded Judy (Main) Car­ son, '75, and Pe te r Vaugh an , '78, as editor in 1978, the Association was in its infanC). Now, five years later , the Bo ard of Direc­ tors is continually ex panding and its mem­ bers have undertaken three annual projects and a variety of new sc holarship programs, I think that the early stalwarts, such as Evelyn Willi ams, '73 ; Edi th LeLacheur, '72; Janice (Robertson) Partlow, '70; Anne (Hewat) Vau ghan, '78, and Judy and Pe ter, would s hare my opinion that we have been very forrunate to attract such dedicated Board members over the past few years . The presidencies of Julie (Russell) Thur, '78, and Margo Shoemaker, '79, have been tenns full of innovation, careful planning and hard work. However, the number of active Arts alumni remains rela­ tively small. Why not "back a winner" and make a personal time commitment to our Association? Hope to see you at a future al.umni event. Debbie (Nash) Chambers, '77.


From Your Association President

The past year has been a busy one for the directors of the Coi'lege of Arts Alumni Assoc iation. In November, our second annual Ca­ reers Night was held for in-cou rse students. We werc assured , by the students who at­ tend ed the evening, that the professionalism and the diverse experiences of our panel members ensured the success of our pro­ gram. Your participation in a future Careers Night would be greatly appreciated. Any Arts grads who would like to be involved ean contact the Arts Careers Nig ht Commit­ tee , c/o the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development, Johnston Hall, Univer­ sity of Guelph, or phone (519) 824-4120, Extension 2122 . Your interest is most welcome . We launched a new venture in March, with our first "Transitions" reception for graduating Arts students. See accompany­ ing anicle fordetails. The directors were also busy arranging the third annual art show-DIMENSIONS '84. Our DIMENSIONS project has been successful in encouraging alumni to submit work to the show and in raising the aware­ ness of alumni from other colleges to the excellence of our progra m in Fine Art .

Terry Ayer, '84, has agreed to replace Debbie as DELPHA editor and the directors wish to express their sincere thanks to Terry for her interes t in undertaking this demand ­ ing position . We know that she will do a superb job and will maintain the exeep­ tional4ual ity of our publication. In closing, I would like to acknowl­ edge the assistance that has been offered to our Board of Directors over the past year. Dean David Murray, as always, has been a valued advisor. I would also like to thank the chairmen of the departme nts in the Col­ lege of Arts for their support of our pro­ grams and I would like to extend a special note of appreciation to Professor George Todd, chairman, Department of Fine Art, for hi s hclp in pl an nin g DIM EN S IO NS '84. My final words of appreciation are in recogn ition of the time and effort of the members of the Board of Directors. They all worked very hard to make this a success­ ful year. The term of 1983-84 has been a very gratifying one for all the members of the Board. We look forward to 1984-85 and hope that you, our fe llow Arts alumni, will contact us with great new ideas.

Four new scholarships have been es­ tab:lished by our Association through the generosity of the Alma Mater Fund. Two of the awards are to be presented to Fine Art students, one for Art History and one for Studio. The first winner of the Studio prize is Renata Fitzgerald . The two remaining new awards will bc presented to outstanding drama students. The Departments of Fine Art and Drama have extended their appreciation to us for cnabling them to recognize the academic achievements of their students. I would like to extend a personal invi­ tation to College of Arts alumni to become involved in their Association . We need your help. Volunteers are need ed to serve on the Board and we would be pleased to re­ ceive any future suggestions for the DEL­ PHA section of the Guelph Alumnus. We are always an xious to have your ideas for events that alumni would be interested in attending. With your help we can keep the lines of communication open and better serve both you and our Alma Mater. Due to the pre ssure of her doctoral studies, Debbie (Nash) Chambers, '77, has tendered her resignation as editor of DEL­ PHA. We accept her resignation with re­ gret, and we extend our appreciation to her and congratulate her on a job well done . Debbie, we wish you all the best in your Ph .D. studies.

You rs truly, MargoShoemaker, '79.

Grad N ew s J oan Fowler, '68, is a case management offiec r employed by Correctional Services, Canada, at the Collins Bay Institution . Vikki Macdonald, '70, has been teaching fo r the Depanment of National Defense School s in Belleville . Jenry Kozak, ' 7 1, is the principal of a school in the County of Vennilion River, Alta . Li nda (Durra nd) Huff, ' 72, is an employ­ ment counsell or for the fed era l government and resides in Brantford . Brian Thackray , '72, is vice-president of The Me rlin Group in Oakville. Bar bara (WiJliam s) Wilson, M .A. ' 73, lives in T oronto, where she is working as a free-lance wri ter . Nadia Smy lski, '73, lives in Mi ss issauga and is pursuing a career as a high school teac her. Mary Lang, '74, is nursing Michael 's Hospital in Toronto.



James Stone, '75, is vice-principal, Harry J . Clarke Public School, Belleville .

Transitions '84 During the past Winter Semester, the Col­ lege of Arts Alumni Association sponsored a new development project. A reception, dubbed Transition '84, was convened to recognize the pending graduations of fi nal semester Arts undergraduates. The get-together was designed as a forum for future alumni to meet other grad­ uating students and to become acquainted with their own College of Arts Alumni As­ sociation. Representatives from the office of the dean of the College of Arts , and faculty representatives from departments within the College, helped to welcome and entertain the guests. The Directors of the College of Arts Alumni Association are very grateful for the support and assistance offered by Dean David R. Murray , department chairman and individual faculty members. We would also like to offer our thanks to Janic e (Robertson) Partlow, '70 , and Linda Mac Bell, '72, for their efforts as alumni con­ venors. A special thank you is also extended to Rosemary Clark, Mac '59, assistant di­ rector, alumni programs , Department of Alumni Affairs and Development. 0

Colin Puttock, '76, is a captain (navigator) in the Canadia n Armed Forces and is cur­ rently stationed in Comox, BC, with his wi fcJulie (Gerrc d) '79. Catherine Guthrie-Mc Na ughton, '77, is working in Toronto as an assoc iate librarian at the Royal Ontario Mu se um. Jerry Steinbe r g, '77, lives in Vancouver, B.C where he is free-lancing as a language education cons ultant. Anne (Hewat) Vaughan, '78, is enrolled in graduate studies at the School of Social Work, University of Manitoba . Dr. Peter Vaughan, M.A. '78, is a flight surgeon stationed in Winnipeg, Man ., and is with the Canadian Armed Forces at base hospital, CFB Winnipeg . Heidy Steinback, '79, has written to say that she has moved to Georgetown and is enjoying her new full-time job looking after her new son , [an. Wendy Izatt, '79, reside s in Uxbridge a nd is a free-lance artist . 0



The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association



Dr. Cliff Barker, '41.

$200,000 for OVC Study Assurances of support for the <,(udy to a.s­ sess the physical needs of the OVC became reality last April when cheques for SiIOO,OOO eac h were delivered from the fed­ eral and provincial governme nts. Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan presented the federal conu'ibution to Chan­ cello r William A . Stewart, LL.D '76, and Vice- j)resident Academic, Dr. Howard Clark. Thc minister exprcssed hi s pleasure at bein g able to mak e the presentation . and noted thc distin ct contributions that OVC graduates have made to food production in Canada and around the world . Bill Ste wart said the study wo uld be the first "tep tov,·ards "making the OV again what it has always bcen in thc hearls and mind s of the public and of agric ulture . " He notcd that thc co ntributions towards !'ceding the world, such as thos e made by OVC graduates, arc often taken for granted. Dr. J. Clare Ren nic , O AC '4 7, assi s­ tant deputy minister, Ag riculture and Food , pt'cscntcd the provincial share . Both k, e b of government have COI11­ mitted ~ 2 5 0 . ()()O towards th e ove stud y. and Dr . C lark note d that these first contribu -

Research on th e Royal Canadian Arm y Veteri nary Corps has bcen in prog ress for se veral years by your OVC Alumni Bul/erin editor. Ma ny items ha ve been collected for the OVC museum e .g . badges , photos, instruments, with the latest being a Webley pistol used by Captain L. A. Donovan, ' 16, donated to the mu­ se um by his so n Dr. Larry A. Dono­ van, 'S2 ,Sussex, N. B. If you know of any First Wo rld War item s co ncerning the RCA YC (letters, diaries, names of surviving office rs, equipment er al) . I would apprec iate word of these. Please send your letter to C.A .V. Barker , O YC Muscum Workshop, Ontario Veteri­ na ry College, Univer. ity of G uelph, Guelph ,O ntariu N IG 2W I.


tions will pcrmit the work to begin qui c kl.y. While the fcderal government has not yct made a formal commitme nt towards funding th e cap ital cost of the ren ova tions, Eugene Whelan hint ed that "we all know

th;lt things can change ." Dr. Rennie under­ lined the provincial governme nt's commit­ ment , saying that it "has every intention of making available the capita l expenditures necessary to bring the OVC up to the ful l accred itation stage." 0

Le/i to righl. Federu/ MinlSler ojAMriculrure , Eugene Whr:/un, Vi ce- Presi­ dUll Acude/1lic, Dr. HUII 'ard C/ork. onc! Dr. Jim Schroder. '42, MP .


Dear Cliff.' The 111'(}-lia<~e slJrea(/ or nell's ill rhe Win IeI' '84 edirion of th e Guelph Alumnus \\'0.1 grul elillir recei\'ed (lnd el1jm·ed . I sincl' reir IWjJe Ilwr olrh ough retiring, rou II 'ill ca ll· rl/llIl! Oil (1.1 edi/ul. I SlilipO.le it';, a sigl1 of ugl' to reme/nber so much of the pusr (IS I do, bur the picrure of th e class of' 4 I. I rememhe r lik e' \ '('stel'(lm·. Onl\' rhe' latest piclllres of rou ol1d Don Barnum, '4 I. on those pages iJring o ne /Jack ru reality . Anorher picrure, of rho se who "worked" with rhe lare Joe Johnson, '19, bro ught back pleasanr memories; ro see again c/assmores who I haven't seen since graduarion; Dolr Docksreader, '41; Clem Reeds , '42; Gt::orge Boyce, '42, and Russ Mc Donald, '45. The enclosed snapshor was raken on rhe sreps of rhe AVM A headquarzers in Schaunburg, Ill., by Don Price, ediror of the Journal. Ir involves a toral of 136 years of acrive vererinary p racr ice . None of us hos , o r H'ill he rerired. Th or's an e.rample or IUiH' gr('(lr it fws bee/[ ./iJl' us ro be (I .Imoll parr orrhis projt-.Ision.

In the fronr ro w is M ildred (Taylor) Misener, Ma c ' 36, from Burlington ; my wife, G race,from Hamilton, and June BOlle of Chicago . In rhe ba ck row, those chara c­ ters you know very well-Ken Bone, '38; Granr Misener , '38, and D.C. " Pete " Masr er, '40. Although deponed in '39 ar D erroir, like so many orhers over rhe years , rhe ironic rhing about ir now is rhar I'm a citizen of the country rhar deporred me and have been rhe mayor of rhe Ciry ofCharles Town, Wesr Virginia,jor 16 years. Warmesr regards ro you and yours and ALL thoseorhers ofour vinrage. Sinc{'/'('/I' yaurs,

Don{/Id('afl/e/'On "P er(''' Master, '40

Muwr. Charles Towli

West Virginia. 25414 , U.S.A .

Meet the Newest Authors

pass ion of Bruce Fogle, for both pets and T wo more O VC alumni have joined a their people, makcs absorbing reading. We growing number of graduates who have au­ suggest you read this book. 0 thored popular non-scientific books. Dr. Charlie Goodwin, '28, of Picton, now over 80 years of age, and A lan R . Capon are co-authors of 50 Years A Country Ve/erina­ rian, published by M ik a Publishing Co . , 200, Stanley Street , Belleville . Charlie prac tised for over 50 years in the town o f Pi ton, treating large and s mall animals. From this life as a sma ll -town practitioner he has re lated, in an enjoyable manner, many anecdotes well worth read­ ing. T itles of some of the ch apters, 27 in all, are: T he Mai den's Blush, T he Bear in the Haymow , The Constipated Ge lding , W here is the Calf'- lots of inte resting ma­ teri al. Dr. Bruc Fogle , '69, of London , Eng­ land , is the author of P els and their People, publi shed by Viking Penguin Inc . , 40 West 23 Street, Ne w York , .Y. 10010. Bruce, orig inally from T oronto, has been a small­ ani ma l practitione r in London , Engl and , for almost 15 years . He is the editor of the textbook i n/erreia/ionships Be/ween Peo­ Dr. Bruce Fogle, '69.

ple and Pels and has become well known as a guest speaker at scientific meetings D r. C harlie G oodwin, ' 28.

in several countries. Pels and their People is dcscribed as a lively and com prehensive look at one of man's most complicated and gratifying relationships . Some well known animal lovers have said that the humour and com-

B urnout can occur in di fferent degrees and at different time s in your life. It occurs when excessive demands on you cause a general erosion of spirit. One of the first signs is when it gets harder and harder to get up and go to work. Various signs of burnout include: laek of interest in your job, decrea sed interest in personal appearance, insecurity and paranoia, quick temper, etc. These signs are expressed in various ways, ineluding alcoholism, rigidity to changc, and frequent

Th is letter came to light during a desk clean-out following your editor ' s recent re­ tircment from the OVe. How times have changed.

OfficI' ()( Ihe VI:T FIN NA RY nIRrCI 0 R­ GI.N rRAL f) CPA RTM f:N I OF AGRICUL­ TURlc·. ()n A 1\1;\ Jllhll II elldn.\ol/. r :.I(! .. /Iii \·32

p()r{ U g ill . 0111 . Ma l II . 191 8

Si r .

I have Ihe h ono ur / 0 ackno wledg e /he receipl of your lerrer of Ihe 91h iil.lIOnl en­ closing Ihe SlI/n uf $3 .00 and asking Ihal a supply o(blackleg vaccin e he s enl " " 11. fn Ihis cOllneclion I would poinl oul Ihal blackleg vaccin e is pur up in luh ,-:·; in 10 do ses, Ihe cos I of which is 50 c Is. per lube, and Ih e injeClor is so ld al 7'; CIS. I am , /he n?fllre . sending YOli 40 dose s uf va ccine and an injee/or, Ihe COSI oj" .!lich is $2 .75, (lnd I am pla cing Ih e exIra 25 CIS. ro vour credil for furrher slIl)f)lies of

vaccine . I hal'e Ihe hon o ur 10 be, Sir. YourobedielZl servanl,

F . Torran ce,

Velerinary Direclor G eneral.

In Memoriam

T he OVC Teaching Hospital has is­ sued two brochures , Referral Policy and Admissio ns Procedure. Copies may be obtained by writing to the Veterinary Teaching, Hospital, On­ tario Veterinary College, University ofGuelph,Ont. NIG 2Wl.

Burnou t

Some Change

Dr. R. Vern L. Walker, '26, died on April 10, 1984. Last address: 956 Killeen Av­ enue, Ottawa. Dr, W.L. Bendix, '28. Date of death not reported. Last addrcss: 6924 Lakeside Av­ enue #205 Richmond, Va . U.S.A. job changes. Things that can bring out burnout are : high patient load, family stress, lack ofso­ cial contacts, lack of professional support, and laek of training opportunities. Avoiding burnout involves the ability to recognize the signs. Be wise enough to seek support from those around you. Recognize that you cannot be all things to all people. Develop hobbies, rotate Job functions, do different tasks and limit work­ ing hours. Take time off. Help others. This information appeared in Vol. 38, No.4, October 1983 issue of the A WV Bullelin (Association for Women Veterina­ rians). 0

Dr. William J, Stoneman, ' 31, died on October 22, I n:1 Last known addrc ss: RO Devon Strcct , Brantford . Dr. Theodo r e A, K ragness, '39, died on April 7 , 1984. Last address : 6031 Went­ worth Avenue, Chicago, Ill., U.S .A. Dr. T. Sheppard, '43, died on March 24, 1984 . Last address: 45 Cloverdale Cres­ cent, Kitchcner. Dr. Joe Elmes, '79, died on April 8, 1984. Last address: Fort Erie Animal Hospital , 315 Walden Boulevard, Fort Erie. 0 23


The College of Social Science Alumni Association




From High School to University

T he College of Social Science held a wine and cheese reception to honour its 1984 scholarship winners and those students namcd to the Dean's Honour List. Alma Mate r B.A. In-course Scholar­ ship recipients were Rene Juraschka of Freelton and Jay Whetstone of Guelph, Economics; Nicola Linnell of T oronto, Geography ; G ina G ianetto of Midland, Political St udie s; Rosemarie Schmidt of Delhi and David Lang lotz , of Guelph, Psy­ chology and Patricia Tigchclaar, Guclph, Sociology and Anthropo logy. C ollege of Social Sc ience Al umni As­ soc iation In-course Sc holarships were awarded to Laurie Ross of Fergus, Economics; John McColl of Kitchener, Geography ; Joan Taffe of Guelph, Political Studies; Anita Maiste of Brantford, Psy­ chology and Melissa Reyn olds of Ne pean, Sociology and Anthropology. C hristopher Heap of G uelph , Psychol­ ogy. was the recipient of the J .W . Skin ner Honou rs Scholarshi p in Social Science. 0

H igh schools are in a transition stage when it comes to economics, according to Profes­ sor Doug Auld, chairman, Department of Economics. "High school teachers can be quite flexible in th ei r approach, which re sult s in some Grade 13 stude nts working success­ fully on material that is a close approxima­ tion to what we gi ve them as freshmen." he says. " On the other hand , this is by no means universa l and it could be a no ther two years or mo re before we know whether the material will be standardized province­ wide as an Ontario Academic Credit. When that happens , if th e natu re of the curriculum

Political Studies prufessur Bill Christian presented Cino C ianello \\'ith an A!ma Mater B.k In-course Sc!w!arship.


justifies it, it may be possib le to pass high school economics studen ts straight into sec­ ond year as is now done at one O ntario university. " Dr. Auld and three other De partment of Economics facult y membcrs me t recently with II area high school teachers to ex­ change information about teaching econ­ omic s and manag ment economics at thc Grade 13 and first-year university leve ls. T he me eti ng provided an open forum for discussion on thi s and other topic s and helped both high sc hool teachers and Guelph faculty arrive at a better understand­ ing of one another's problems . " We have not done this before , " com­ ments Professor Auld, "but we certainl y plan to do it again. The high school partici­ pants were unanimou s in their enthusiasm for the exchange of ideas and we gained a great deal from the dia logue . " 0

The portraits of two former deans were hung during a special gathering held in (h e 9th floor Arts building office of the dean of the Cullege uf Social Science. Murdo Mac ­ Kinnon, left, was the only Dean of Wellington College and the first dean of the Col/ege of Arts. Jack Skinner , third fr om left , was the first Dean of the College of Social Scien e . Also attending the ceremony wue CSS dean, John Vanderkamp and, right, Joh n Currie, '70, president of the College of Social Science Alumni Association. We llington College was established as the College of Arts and Scien ce when the University was founded in 1964 . It existed until the present seven-college structure evolved in 1970 .

John D . Mahley. ' 70.

Our TraveUing Graduate W hen

we heard from John D . Mabley, '70, he had been newly appointed to the positi on of director of developmcnt, Dalhousie University, N.S . However, that is not to say he will still be there when this article is in print. John has done muc h travelling and made many moves in his carcer path since he graduated with a degree in Sociology and Political Science. Dalhousie Univ ersity feels John will be a strong asset to them with hi s extensive and impress ive background in fund raising.

They believe his maj or fail accompli was Jirccting a $2.5 million capital fund raisin g campaign for the Toronto French School. John received his secondary education in Toronto, graduating from Victoria Park Sccondary in 1965. Fro m 1965 to 1967 , John was enrolled in the Journali sm course at Bowling Green State University , O hio, U .S.A . , and from there it was but a short journey to Gue lph . John returned to Bowling G reen State to obtain a Master's degree. He majored in "outreach in higher education" and from thcre went on to the Universi ty of Northern Co lorado, U .S. A., receiving an E. D.S . Hi s major was Human/Community Relation s O rganizational Beha vio ur. We understand Joh n also visited Cleveland, Ohi o, U .S A., for a time where he was an intern with the Community Services Divisio n of C ayuga Community College, Cleveland . Back at the University of Guelph in 1975, he held the position of development officer with the Department of Alumni Af­ fairs and Dev e lopment for just over a year. He assisted in setting up fund raising proj­ ects, beques ts and commemorative giving. Most of John's working experience has been in alumni relations and development

Responding to ·a Call


The Reverend Donald M. Prince, '77, was responding to a call when he enrolled at Guelph to follow Christ in the ord ai ned mini stry. Do n has a back ground of working for what he wants and applying his talents in order to achieve his goals. In thi s, he

was successful. Don did not complete his G rade 13 prior to leaving schoo l. In stead he entered the wo rkforc e and became invol ved w it h the "big three" auto ma nufacturers . A total of 12 years were spent in that worki ng environment and, during this time . Don successful Iy completed his Grade 13 at night schoo l, and spent three years in the Royal Canadian Army S ignal C orps. H avi ng completed G rade 13 . Don then applied for entry to G uelph specifically be­ cause of the value of the three-semester system. His aim was to quickly attain an undergraduate degree before entering E m­ manuel College, Toronto, to pursue a de­ gree in theology. Once more, Don's goals were established- to take two years to complete his Bachelor's degree th e n on to funher studies . By thi s time Do n was married to Judy, a University of Toronto grad, and was the father of two young daughters, so it must have been a gigantic step to make the deci­ sion he did . Obvi o usly, the ca ll he had was

The Reverend Donald M . Price , '77.

very positi ve but none the less somewhat frightening. Do n sums it up sim plistica lly by saying "Univers ity was an adjustment. First came the reality of once again being a student. I remember standing on the steps by the McLaughlin Library looking towa rds the University C e ntre and thinking 'LORD, I must be crazy to be here . '-an oblique cry for help and reassurance." If it w as, Don ccrtainly had the answer in the support of the strength given to him by Judy. his fami ly , friends and professors . Don believes the most sig nificant in­ flu e nce of the University upo n hi s life was being forced' ' to think systematically, write appropriately and to express my faith in Jesus through academic channe ls. Hc concluded hi s studies at Emmanuel College in 1978 and since th e n he and his

or fund raising/liaison and as an admis­ sion's counsellor. In 1982 John joined thc Ontario C rafts Council as its exceutivc director. Thc C oun­ cil, which is a non-profit organization rc­ ce ivin g 20 per ecnt government fundin g , IS a multi-faceted operations gallcry which pre se nts 12 publications annually . At the Ontario Crafts C ouncil , he de­ veloped prog rams that incrcased member­ ship by one third, in crcased fund raisin g rcsults twentyfold, and in stitutcd corporatc sponsors hip for the first timc in the Coun­ cil's ex ten s ive exhibitions program . Hc helped to found th e Southcastern Michi gan Assoc iation of Alumni Directors in 1977; served as vice-president of the O n­ tario Assoc iation o f Alumni Administrators in 1978; was a mem ber o f th e Board of Director, of· the National Socie ty of Fund Raising Lxec utives (Can ada ) in 1981 and 1982, and ha s chaired committces for the Canadian Ccntrc for Phil anthropy . John has do nc much travelling to ar­ rivc at h is current status. in fact you could call him a ro llin g ston e. But unlike the stone, which gathers no moss, John has gathcred cxpericnccs and used thcm to grc at adv ant agc. Congratulations John . 0

family, including the dog, have travelled in pursuit of his new field of cndeavo ur. Furthcr trainin g took him wcst thcn back to Ohlano a nd Emmanucl College where he achievcd a Ma stcr o f Di vinity dc ~ ree and cxperienced ful fi Ilment of his dreallls­ ordination by the Toronto Conference of Thc United Church ofC' anada.

This was succeeded by more travelling by Don and family on placements in Sas­ katchewan , Man., and it was during their thrce-year stay in that province that they Icarned to appreciate its beauty, wonders and the hospitality which enhanced their

lives further.

Don share s with us the fulfillment al so

of a boyhood dream when he expericnced.

"the ca ttlc drives and round-up s, cowboy­

style . It was in ~;askatchcwcn where I was

introdu ced to ~' hristian Cowboys, an as­ soc iati on of Athlet es in Action." Don and Judy, the girls a nd the dog, are now residing in Fleshenon-split rail country-serving 5t. John's United C h urch and Eugenia Unit ed Church. They are hope­ ful of a more permanent stay in Fles heno n and hope to see their children study at Guelph. Don was pleased to share with us his experiences and concludes with, "For students and academics at Guelph I have these words o f Jesus. 'With man it is impos­ sible, but not with G od; for all things are poss ible with G od . ' Mark 10.27. I share with you the joy of our li ves. " 0



The 1984 CBSAA Annual Meeting open­ ed with Dr. Gcorge Dixon, Ph.D. '80, prcsidcnt, who welcomed everyone. Five undergraduate scholarships were awarded as follows: Madeline Austen, Zoology; Liz Hazlett, Botany, and Tracey Robinson, Human Biology, were recIpIents of CBSAA-AMF scholarships. Mark Chan­ dler, Wildlife, and James Kurucz, Un­ specialized, were recipients of CBSAA scholarships. Dr. Bruce Sells, dean, CBS, was the guest speaker. He opened his address by stating that we, the alumni, are in effect ambassadors of our University and of the College of Biological Science. As ambas­ sadors, we contribute by being representa­ tives of our College's achievements in the work force, by recruiting new members, by making potential students aware of our academic programs and by developing means of providing financial aid. Dr. Sells advised us that the College, in addition to maintaining its traditional strengths, will change its direction to en­ compass many of the new developments that have taken place in biology during the past few years. A new Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics will pro­ vide a higher profile for molecular science in our College in addition to addressing thc necd for cell biology. The meeting was followed by a buffet lunch . 0

The College of Biological Science was first identified as a separate college of the University of Guelph in 1971, making it one of the newest of the newer colleges on campus. Because of this, the CBS Alumni Association is one of the more re­ cent alumni groups to be established at Guelph, and is the smallest. Since the first organizational meeting of the CBSAA on December 2, 1975, our various boards of directors have worked to establish a place for the CBSAA wi.thin the University sys­ tem. At the time of our March 1984 annual general meeting, there were 583 members of the CBSAA , representing just over 14 per cent of our 4,130 known alumni. This proportion is up from about 9.5 per cent the previous year, but there is lots of room for growth. As the CBSAA becomes more established, and its membership continues to grow, we will be in a better position to serve both alumni and currently enrolled students in the CBS. Last year we launched the first issue of the Zygote Plus. The newsletter was well received and will, in the future, be sent to all members of the CBSAA. In addition to bringing you up to date on current issues and news within the CBS, I'm sure the 7.ygole PLus will bring back many memories of tramping through the halls of BG&Z. Other activities of the CBSAA include

the sponsoring of fi ve undergraduate schol­ arships and one graduate scholarship and, this year for the first time, we will be proudly presenting the Keith Ronald Fellowship to an eligible graduate student. Two items of change are in the wind for the coming year. Firstly, your Board of Directors will be making a motion at the next annual general meeting to increase membership fees. The current fees of $4 per year for annual membership and $40 for life membership, have remained un­ changed since the CBSAA was established in 1975. As costs have risen , we must in­ crease our income to meet demands. Secondly, we are looking into estab­ lishing, across the country, a network of alumni to act as regional contacts for the CBSAA. There are enclaves of CBS grads in almost every biological institute from Victoria, B.C. to St. John's, Nfld., and from Windsor, Ont., to Yellowknife, in the Yukon Territories. These contacts would act as a physical link between the CBSAA and alumni living and working in various locations throughout Canada. If anyone is interested in acting as a regional contact person for the CBSAA, please let us know. Chances are good that many of you are in your present position because of the education you received while at the CBS. Now might be the right time to consider giving a little something in re­ tum-become involved with your Alumni Association . r would very much welcome hearing options, news and ideas from alumni wher­ ever you may be. Christopher Wren, B.Sc . '77. Ph.D. '83, President , CBSAA .

Change of Editor

academic department, Human Kinetics, within the School. Although he has always been active and intense in his involvement with phys­ ical activity, he is proud of the creation of the academic atmosphere in what is now the School of Human Biology with its three science degrees, and of the pioneering steps taken for the establishment of the discipline devoted to human movement. Indicators of his participation in the University Community are shown in the recent honours he has received. In 1980 The Community Service Award; in 1981 the University Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to Athletics; in 1983 the first Special Merit A ward from the Faculty Association in three categories, excellent teaching through the years, cur­ ricular development, and involvement with student advising. In 1984 a scholarship in his name was instituted by the Human Kine­ tics Alumni Association.

Mention must be made of Dr. Powell ' s involvement in the Olympic movcment , which is a source of immense pride for him . He has been an Olympic coach in 1952,1956 and 1960; is a life member of the British Olympic Association and is a member of the Canadian Olympic Associa­ tion where he is a national selector. In 1972, 1976 and 1980 he was present in ancient Olympia at official torch-lighting ceremonies, and has been a lecturer at the Intemational Olympic Academy seven times. He has been named as "col­ laborateur" by the Academy and his "big moment" was in 1981 when the President of Greece presented him with the Academy ' s silver medal for "devoted ser­ vice to the Olympic movement. " He has always enjoyed his involve­ ment in Alumni Affairs and has been a rep­ resentative for many years. We regret the resignation of our enthusiastic news editor Dr. John T , Powell. D

Annual Meeting '84


' ",

Editor of the BIO-ALUMNI NEWS since the summer of 1981, Dr. John T. Powell, who retired from the College last June has, with regret, tumed in his editorial pen following three years of dedicated service as our CBSAA scribe. We offer our grateful thanks to John for ajob well done. We extend a very warm welcome to our new editor, Marie (Boissonneault) Rush, B .Sc. '80, Marine Biology, a re­ search technician and part-time lab instruc­ tor with the Department of Zoology. Marie was CBSAA president for 1982- 1983. In 1965, Dr. Powell was invited to the University to form a School of Physical Education. He is the creator of the Human Kinetics concept and soon instituted an

From Our President



The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS Editor: Dr. Harvey W. Caldwell, '51.

IlDproving the Strain

Reprinted from the OMAF News Asparagus, pri zed for its delicate flavour and considered to be somewhat of a luxury food, commands an excellent price in both fresh and processing markets . C o ns um e r demand for this delicacy often exceeds locally-grown supplies . In 1981 for example, On tario imp orted about 1.6 million kilos of asparagus, worth almost $3 million; in the same ye ar , the province's growers produced about 1.3 million kilos of asparagus, also worth about 5 3 million. To help Ontario's growers expand into this lucrative market, high-yielding as ­ paragus varieties suited to Ontario's grow­ ing conditions are bei ng developed a nd tested at the University of Guelph 's De­ partmental Horticultural Sc ience . Funding for this research , which has gone on at the Mi nistry for a decade, has becn provided by the Ontario Mi nistry of Agriculture and Food, Ag ricul ture Ca nada and private industry . In 1981 , OMAF also int roduced the $ 1. S III ill ion O ntario Asparagu s Produc ti on Incent ive Progra m which granted new and prc se nt growers $ 1,200 per hec tare over a three-year period for ne w plan tings. To d ate , almost $ 1 million has been aW(l rded . As a res ult of th is support pro­ gram, IOtal la nd plan ted in asparagus has increased from 971 hec tares in 1980 to 1905 hec tares in 1983. A n addit ional 1.2 14 hec ­ tare s shou ld be added this year. Many of the asparag us va rid i 's grown at prese nt in O ntario, such as Vik ing, Vi ­ king 2K, and V iking 2G, arc hardy but do not produce yiclds com parable to var­ iet ies g rown in o the r coun tries , says Uni­ versity of G uelph hort ic ulturist Professo r Herma n T iessen, 'S 1. But tri als of variet ies and lin es from all ove r the world , set up in 1979, arc beg in­ ning to show promise. he says . or example, the German lines Lueul­ Ius and Seh wetzinger Mc iste rschus yielded 70 to 80 per cen t better than the Viking 2K at the Simcoe Research St(ltion in the first two harves ts ; the results from Cam­


bridge Research Station's older trials cor­ roborate these results , while the new trials there show a number of new Rutgers hy­ brids to have considerable prom ise. O ne in particular, Ce ntennial, de­ veloped at Rutgers University, in the U .S .A., is high yielding and more tolerant of O ntario' s en vironmc nt than varieties now grown here . Yi elds of Centennial can be up to 30 to 40 per cent more than Viking in some locations. Centennial will now be used as Ontario' s standard variety; future new vari­ eties will have to exceed Centennial in performance. By agreement with Rutgers Univer­ sity, the Univers ity of Guelph is now developing ? commercial seed s tock for Ce ntennial. 'f he male and fema le plants provided were ti ss ue-cultured at Gu elph and, in 1983, one hectare of these pare nt plants wa s set out at the Un iversity'S Cruiekston Park Farm . Co mmerci al seed should be availab le in 1986 . New crosses from superior plants ob­ tained from all over th e world are also be ing bred and more than 100 lines arc now be ing assessed as po te nt ial varieties for O ntario . Dr . T iesscn warns that seed costs for these new hybrids are much higher . Old- va-

D r. Herman Ti esscn, '5/ .

riety seed costs about $ 66 to $ 110 per kilo, but prices range from $440 to $880 for the new hybrids. "But this must be put in context. An asparagus bed lasts IS to 20 years and the newer var ie ties can produce 4S0 to 900 kilos per hectare per year more than the older ones . Considering that the selling price of asparag us is about $ 2 .S0 or more per ki lo , the extra price of the seed could be recovered easily in the first fe w years of production. " Asparagus has been grown commer­ ciall y in O ntario for more than 7S years , with the original sites on well-drained sandy soil close to cities and then in the Bu r­ lington, Niagara , Colling wood, Leam­ ington, and Delhi -S imcoe are as, Production has shifted rece ntly to Hal­ d imand-Norfolk, Ke nt , Essex. an d El gin counties, all of which border o n Lak e Erie. Dr. Tiessen says many farmers have expressed interes t in g row ing the crop , but there still r mains ple nty of roo m for expansion . 0

Appointment K enneth R, Farrell , ' SO , fo rme r adminis­ trator of the Econo mics and Stati stics Ser­ vice of USDA, Was hington. D .C., U,S .A. has been chosen to head a Nat iona l Center for Food and Agricul tural Po licy. The Ce n­ ter is supported by a $4 .S million grant fro m the W . K. Kell ogg Foundati on . Accord ing to Fa rrc ll, the Ce nter w ill devel op fu ture ag ric ultural pol icy leadcrs by o ff ring fell owsh ips , in ternsh ips and worh hops for young profession al s; and will examine and eva luat e: exi st ing and al ­ te rnative agri cu l ~ural po licie, t ass ss the ir k~y economic , social and instit ut ional im­ pl ications . The Ce nter wi ll also im prove public understanding by periodic reports on iss ues in ag ricultu re , natural resourc es, food, nutrition, and international tracle and will support policy analysi s projects at other in ­ stitutions by making research grants. 0

Land Resource Science Honours Prof. Jack Ketcheson

P rofessor John Wi lliam " Jack" Ketc he­ son, '44. has fo r'mally retired a ft e r a long teaching and re~earch career at the U ni ver­ sity of G uc;lph . Howe ver, the soi l scienti st ha s no inte ntion o f g iving up hi s interest in the fk ld. He will presid 0 e r the Inter­ natIonal Soil T ill age Research Organi7a ­ tion's 10th conferen ce to be he ld in Guelph in 1985 fo r an expec ted 300 scientists . .lac k is also conti nu ing his Hasti ngs Coun ty fa rmi ng operati on in preparation for an eve ntual move to th at area . Both Jac k a nd his wife, Be tty , Arts ' 83, come o f pio neer stoc k and gre w up on Hastin gs C ounty farm s in the sam e area as the fa rm they now own in Frankford . Jack farmed with hi s father before entering the O ntar io Agricultural Co llege in 1940, and took up so il fertility fiel d plot work at the Co ll ege' after his graduation . He late r worked as a soils fie ldman with agricult ural representat ives throughout central O ntario frolll York to North umberland Count ies until. in 1949 , he took a leave to comple te M .Sc . and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Illinois . He returned to the O AC in 1950 to the then Soils Department. now the Depart­ ment of Land Resource Science, where he has been a facult y mem ber since. In more recent years he has spent periods of time on a soil manage ment project for the Interna­ tional Atomic E nergy Agcncy.

Bt'lly and Ja ck Ketchesun, ' ,,/4, lef t, were royallv fetcd th eir table is OAC Dean Freeman McE wen .

Over the years, the Ketc hesons hav e played an active role in church and com mu­ nity activities in G uelph with Jac k servin g on th e Board of Educ atio n and the executive uf the Wav erley Masonic Lodge , and in organizations includin g th e On tario In ~t i­ tutc of Agrolog ists, the S igma Xi Resea rch Society, the Intern at ion a l Soil Till age Re­ \ e arch Association and the Univers it y Fac­ ul ty Association. The Kctche son s plan to retain their home in Guelph, but will sp nd time devcloping a crops program on thei r farm . Jack was honouree at a recent party where he was presented with a captain 's


a rctiremelfl party.

Sh(/rin ~

chair', a lit ho graph by Bria n Lowry, Illus tra­ tion Se rvices , a nd a book of le ttCfs from former graduate students who now live as lar away as Africa and the Ph ili pp ines . 0


OAC Alumni Association University ofGuelph Guelph, Oll1. NI G 2WI DearSirorMadam,

All You Need to Know About...

By Penny Clelland If hothouse tomatoes depress you, if the arrival of the first seed cata logue fill s you with gl ee, if your thumb has the sli ghtest green ti nge, you may have the makings of a super-gardener. Super-gard e ne rs transform seeds and soil into baske ts of big, fresh, beautiful veg­ eta bles . They save money (about 13 per cent of the ave rage food budge t goes for fruit and vegetables), and they are alway s searching for a new strawberry variety, a better cold fram e design or th e ultimate zu c­ chini recipe. Fortunately, super-g ardeners are made, not born, according to the Univer­ sity's Independent Study divisi o n. A home study course offered by Independent Study was written specifically with green thumbs in mind . "Plant care in the Home Garden" is

a co mplete garden guide with practical ide as and tips. T he tex t describes th e activities of each seaso n wi th schedules flir plan ting , fertil i7­ ing , spra ying and har esting. More than 500 col our sl ides in fil mstrip s , accom­ panied by the author's commentary on cas­ sette tape, explain planting. pruning and identifyin g varieties, disorders and pests . O ther courses inc lude "Plant Usc in the Home Land sc ape. " " Landscape De­ sign and Installation" and" Plant Propaga­ tion . " There are also mini-courses in "Growing Rose s ," " Deciduous Trees" and" Propagation of Tropical Plants." Prices range from $20 to $140 for the courses. For more information contact: In­ dependent Study, University School of Part- Time Studies and Continuing Educa­ tion, South House, Univers ity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N I G 2W I, or phone (519) 824-4120, Ext. 3375, 3400 0

I would like to thank you Jor helping us keep in touch through your publications. They were most helpflll during (he three and a half years I was posted in the Carib­ bean wh ere information and telephones were not easily obtailled . The articles ill th e G uel ph A lumnus proved helpjill ill more than one ilfJ tance in obtainillg edllcatiollal information much Ileeded in a country like Ha iti. I would appreciate if you would report theJollowing in yo urOAC grad flew s:

Jim Hamilton , '77, has return ed 10 Brockville, Oll l£lrio after three and a half years in the Caribbean workin g with Maple Leaf Mills. He is now working as territory manager Jor their Feed Division in eastern Ontario. Thank you once again for your fine work. Sincerely, Jim Hamilton, B .Sc.( Agr.) '77, 57 Bartholomew Street Brockville, Onl. K6V 2R5 29


U of G's Yellow Potato Takes Market by Storm


unique, yellow-fl es hed potato de­ veloped at the University of Guelph has taken the u.s. market by storm . U.S. buyers, particularly in Michigan, are buying all of the seed they can; some are disappointed that more seed is not avail­ able. The potato variety, known as Yukon Gold , was devcloped by the De partment of Horticultural Science and released four years ago by potato breeder Gary Johnston, now retired from Agriculture Canada , and University professor Geoff Rowberry, '55. [t is the fir st yellow-fleshed potato to be developed and licensed in Canada . Gary Johnston's succe ssor at Agricul ­ ture Canada , Robert Coffin , says the Amer­ ican s received sample seed as part of an on-going exchange program among breed­ ers. They tested it and liked it. " The Americans liked Yukon Gold 's buttered appearance, saw a marketing op­ portunity in it s golden colour, found it grew well under their growing conditions and now package and sell it under the trade mark "Michigan Golden Bake, " Robert said. One America n market survey shows consumers like the potato ' s fla vo ur, ver­ satility and colour. Growers al so like this ne w variety be­ cause it gives good yield s, ha s high solids and matures early so it can be harvested in mid-July to fetch a prcmium price . Yukon Gold was first developed in 1966, in res pon se to reque sts from Euro­ pean immigrants to Canada who were accustomed to eating yellow-fleshed pota­ toes. [n Europe, Brazil and the Caribbean, yellow-fleshed potatoes arc preferred. Gary Johnston created Yukon Gold by cros sing Norgleam , a variety from North Dakota , with a hybrid of a wild yellow-

Robert Coffin, left, and Professor GeoffRowberry, '55, with Yukon Cold.

fles hed species from Peru and the variety Katahdin . Yukon Gold IS ideal for boiling and baking and makes superb french fries. But it does not chip well. This limitation has partially prevented it from being widely grown in Ontario; up to 50 per cent of the potatoes grown in Ontario are used for mak­ ing potato chips. Robert Coffin is pleased that Yukon Gold is being well received in the United States and he hopes for increased recogni ­ tion for this new variety here in Ontario . "The opportunity is here for Ontario

He Was the Prairie Gardner

Reprinted from The Prairie Garden There arc fcw horti culturists who ha vc co ntributed as much and for as long a timc to horticultural education and ck ve lopment ofth e pra iricsas .l .R. "Bob" Almcy, '21. Th" Prairie Garden. first published as thc Winllipeg Flower Ca rdell , in 19 37 , knew him, both as a frequent contributor of articles and al so as a long-timc board me JJ1bcr of the publish ing co mm itee. Bob Almcy was 16 wh en he accom­ panicd hi s parc nts to Ca nada from Le iccs­ 30

te r, England. On his arrival , hc started a long carcer in his chosen field with John son Brothcrs, orchardists ncar Forest, Ontario. Hc soon becamc a student of horticu ItUfe at the Ontario Agricultural Collcge at Guelph. During his summer holidays, spent with the Horticultural [)(;partment of the OAC. he worked alongside Isabclla Pre­ ston , noted origi nator of many new plant varieties. In September, 1917, during his third year of studies at Gue lph, he joined the Royal Flying Corps as an air cadet and was

growers to capitalize on Yukon Gold's unique properties. But it doe s take promo­ tion and consumer awareness." The University' S breeding program is now concentrating efforts on finding an im­ proved chipping variety. Such breeding programs usually start between 40,000 and 50,000 new seedlings every year. "We graduaJly elimin ate the inferior seedlings until we get down to very low numbers and, hopefully, after 12 to 15 years, we co me up with superior attributes compared to those varieties already on the market," say s Robert Coffin . 0

discharged with th e rank of Second Lieuten­ ant in December 1918 . He returned to th e OAC and graduated in 1921 with the degree of Bachelor of Sci­ ence in Agriculture. The Manitoba Department of Agricul­ ture created the position of extension horti­ culturist in 1921 and hired Bob Almey that year. He filled that position from 1921 to 1928. His dutics in the first year included the distribution of two carloads of certified Irish Cobbler seed potatoes to farmc rs. He worked closdy with market gardeners and the hobby horticulturists of the Manitoba Horticultural Association (MHA) . He left the 'Manitoba Department of


Agriculture to become chici' horti cu lturi st, Wes te rn Lines - T hunder Bay to Van­ co uver Islanu - of th e Canadian Pac ific Rail w ay. As s uch, he was in charge of the railway ' s park and garden work. advising officials and empl oyees o n stat ion garden plantings and o n tree shelter belts along the rai Iroad 's right-of-way. Oldtimers will reme mber the we ll land scapeu prairi e stations and the beautiful parks in large r centres that resulted from his work. Bob wa s mad e ge neral agricul­ tural agen t , combinin g both ho rticul ture and agriculture, a nd co ntinu ed in th at post until his retirement in 1960 . Rob Almey was an organi zation man. Hc Joined the MHA as soon as he ca me to Manitoba a nd was its secretary/treasurer from 1922 to 1928. In 193 I, hc becamc a director of that Assoc iation and se rved in th at capac ity for man y years. In 1938, he became president of the MHA . In 1956 he was made an honorary life member. Bob is a life member of th e Steve nso n Me morial Boa re!.

For many years he was a judge of the Provincial Home Grounds Competition and also the Prov incial Slide Co mpetiti o n. Bob al so served the Association as ex -offic io director and finally as honorary preside nt , a pos it ion he re linqui shed in 1981 . The Winnipeg Hort ic ultural Soc iety and the Winnipeg Gladiolus Society value his co ntributi ons to the ir programs. He served as director and preside nt of both o r­ ganizations and wa s honoured with ho nor­ ary life membe rsh ip by both . He is a c harter member of thc Western Canadian Society for Horticulture , it s presi­ dent in J 952 , an d rec ip ie nt of its hon orary life me mbershi p in 1961. Th e Man ito ba In ­ stitute of Ag rologis ts and the Agricultural Institute o f Canada both honoured him with honorary life memberships . In 1972 , the anadian Ho rticultural C o uncil Fesented him with a merit awa rd. Three awa rds are esp eL' ially dear to Bob and hi s wife , Olive. In 1970, the Hon . Philip Petu rrson , Mini ster of Cultural Af­ fairs , made Bob a captain of the Order of

A Pioneer of the 4-8 Program

Frederick Waldemar "Waldo" Walsb, '22, M.B .E, F .A .I.C ., L L.D . , formerly of Palmeter Aven ue, Kentvill e , N .S . , and .<l Ia ng-t ime res ident of Hal ifax., N.S., di ed at th e W es te rn King' s Mem orial Hos pit a l, Berwick , N.S. , on February II. He was 86 years o ld . Born in Monc to n, N . B., Dr. Wal s b will be re membered as being one of Ca nad a's outstan ding agriculturists who se rved in many capa.cities, and ma ny offi­ ces , throughout a distinguished ca ree r span­ nin g some 51 years. At the time of hi s retireme nt as Deput y Mini ster of Agri cu lture and Marketing for Nova S cotia in 1962, a pos itio n he had held for 17 years, he was the lo nge st servin g Deput y Mini ster of Agriculture in Canada. Upon g raduation from th e Nov a Scotia Agri cultura1 College in 191 7. he en lis ted in the Royal Flyin g Corps with the rank of seco nd lie utenant and was in training as a pil ot when the war ended. Upon di-s­ charge he joined th e staff of th e New Bru-ns­ wick Department of Agri cu lture, Livestock Division, w ith whtch he remained until 1920 when he e ntered the OAC. In 1922 he joined Jh e staff of the Ca nada De partmen t of Agriculture as sheep and sw-ine promoter at Truro, N.S., where he rem ain ed until 1926 whe n he was ap­ pointed professor of Animal Hu sbandry a nd director of Live stock M arketing at the Nova Scotia Agricultural Col,lcge . In 1927, Waldo became eastern super­

intend en t of agriculture for the Can ad ian Nationa l Ra ilway s and, in 1929, superin­ tenden t of ag ricultu re over the entire C R syste m. He rejoi ned the staff of the N .S. De­ partment of Agri culture in 1933 as director of marketing, a position he he ld until his appointment as De(1Uty Mini ster in 1945 . Follow in g hi s fonnal retirement he served for several months as specia l mar­ kets adv isor and then, for seven years, as director of Co-operative Advisory Serv­ ice s , Maritime Co-operative Services, Moncton, N.B . W aldo was the last surviving me mber of a g roup of three w hich was responsibl e for the creation and developmen t of the Canadian Council on Boys and Girls Club Work (now 4-H Clubs) and the las t surviv­ in g member of the first Maritime Livestock Marketing Board, whi c h eventu a ll y became Maritime Co- operative Servi ces and now Co-op Atlanti c . He was recognized by St. Franc is Xavier Universi ty which confetTed th e de­ gree of Docto r of Law, honoris causa, in 1953. Oth er hon ours included being named a Member of th e Ord er of the Briti sh Empire in th e 1945 New Ye a r's Ho no urs li st; being elected to the Atl antic Prov ince' s Agricu l­ tu ra l Hall of Fame; a Fe llo w of the Agricul­ tural In stitute of Canada; an honorary life membe r of the Nov a Sco tia Fruit Growers Associati o n, a me mber of th e Senate of the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture,

th e Buffalo Hunt. This order wa s in stitut ed in 1957 spec ially to hon ou r those who have made dist inct ive contributions to life in th e provin ce of Manitoba. The wi dely famed Almey Rosybloom crabapple was fittin gly named in Bob Almey' s hon o ur. Ju st re­ ce ntly, the America n Gladi o lu s Society ho noured Bob w ith its Gold Med a l Award. Despite all the activities in whi ch he was invo lved, Bo b and Olive found time to garden. This gladio lus ex pert grew 1,000 and more g lad s at hi s little farm in Libau , Man . He named several varieties. He lo ved to grow potatoes and Spanish onions. But both of th em al so loved to show at the an­ nual flower shows , w innin g many prizes and ribbons . Today Bob an d Olive live in th e ir com fort ab le hom e in Winni peg . Both an: alert and we ll. They still attend horti cul tural meetings and Bo b still prescnts a n ocea­ sio na llectu re . The Prairie Garde n sa lutes thi s grand old hort ic ultu ris t a nd hi s wife. All. of us prairie gardeners arc indebted to the m . 0

and a life member of the C anadian C lub Council on 4- H Cl ubs. Durin g the past te n years he was inst ru­ mental in obta ini ng services for alcoho l a nd d rug dependency pe opl e in th e An napoli s Vallcy Reg ion, and was a member of the Advi sory Council of the Valley Hea lth S er­ vices Associ ation Alcohol Dependency Program sin ce its inception. He was a great source of co mfort and assis tanc e to many individuals in this prog ram. He was a membe r of the Kentvillc Ro ­ tary Club and, for many years, an acti ve and enthu siastic membe r of th e Ha lifax Curling Club. 0

Fellowship J.

Edward Brubaker, '49. manage r, On­

ta rio Ministry of Agriculture and Food ene r­

gy centre in Guelph , has bee n nam ed a

Fellow of the Agr icultu ra l In sti tute of

Canada (AIC)

He is among fivc AIC membe rs to re­

ceive the fe llow ship hon ou r this year. An

honorary life me mbe rs hip has als o been

awarded to G eorge Price, a CBC radi o ag­ riculture reporter who cov ers Parl·iamcnt Hill. Former pres idcnt Art Guitard was given the Ale recogni tion award for work on a c rop producti on and th e environment publication. The award s will be m ade during the annual meeting sc he d uled for Winnipeg, Man. , in Augu st. 0 31


Grad News

Wilfrid Holtma nn, M. S.A. '62 , is direc­ tor of ma rk etin g. C IAQ Inc , SI. Hya­ cinthe,Q ue . jurgen Koch, Ph. D. ' 74 , is a re search as ­ sociate. Departnw nt of Land Reso urce Sci ­ encc, Cn ivc r,i ty ofG ue lph. Marcel Couture , M.Sc . '76, a farm man­ agement speciali st. was appoi nted as direc­ tor of c xte nsio n sen'icc at Macd ona ld Col­ kgc. McGil l Uni ver,ity , Que . . effective anu ary I , 19X4, A na tive of th e eastern towns hips, he is a I 91i5 graduate of lacdonal d 's Dip loma Pmgrall1 in Agricu ltu re an d earned a H.Sc.(Agr.) there in 1 ~72 be fore cnteri ng the nivcrsity o f Guelph in th e fie ld 01 Ag ric ultural Econo mi cs and Extens ion Ed uc ation, He was a ~s is t a nt director of Mac­ dona ld' s Dipl oma ProgrJill in Agric ulture be'fore hi, prescnt appo intment and will co ntin ue w ith hi s tC<Jeh ing and ad mi nistra­ tivc duti es in thc Dipl oma P ro[!r~ lill . Gail (Tuumanen ) and Nei l Dolson. both gradu<J tc s of ' 77, arc now ow ner/operators of FJ inbroo k FaInl Supply, Binbroo k, Kathr)'n ( 1cLcod) Harrison, '77, and husband. Wayne. ' 79 , arc li ving in Guc[ph . Wa ync is credit office r wi th the Toro nt o Do minion Bank , Guelp h, T he y have a daughte r. M 'gha n .lea n. born Novem ber 15 , I l)X)

john Tucker, B.Sc. ( En~.) '78, is a cus­ tOIllS inves tiga tor. Re venll e Canada. Cus­ toms and Excise. Il amilto n. His wife . Anna Mae Shelton-Tucker is J graduate of ' 79. Glen I\1cRuer, '79, is a rn al(ster. Canada M:I [ting Cn ,. C li g:lry . A[ta. Steven Vl'nkatarayappa, M .Sc. '79, Ph.D. ' S3, is an assoc iat e profe ssor of Hort icul ture, Unive rs it y of Agrieu [tural Scie nce. Ra ngal orc . Indi a, joan (Elder) Weller, 'SO, i, an ass istant CilCllli , t, Pops iclc Indu, tri cs. Burl ing ton. Husband. Tim, also ' SO, i, dislt-ict s a [e~ m'1I1agcr. Pionee r IIi-Bred Ltd . , Clla tham. Rogcr SI. Pierre, 'SI, i, a grai n me rchant wi th Jalllcs Rich ardson & Sons Ltd " To­ ro nto . His \.... ik, Stephanie (Weedle), is a graduat c of ' 82. Sophi a Dinnisscn, 'S2, is a studen t :I t Wil ­ fr id Lau rier Uni versity. Wate rl oo ,


Nicholas Groot, '82 , is milk superv isor, Ontario Da iry Herd improve ment Assoc ia­ ti on. Toro nto. Rober t Hack ney, ' 82, is head wi ne maker, Chara l Wi nery and Vi neya rd s Inc" B[enhe im . Frederic k j amieson , ' 82, is a qua lit y as ­ suran ce inspec tor. J . M , Schneide r Inc , Kitchener. Geoll'rey Jo nes, 'S2, UCO Elmwood bra nch,


man ager o f th e

Susan Kelner, '82, is a tec hni ca l a ~.~, is tant. Chip ma n Inc .. SlOney Creek. Ca rolinc Kennedy, 'S2, is a gradu ate stu­ de nt. Uni vcrsi ty of Manitoba , Win nipeg . Jannette Leask , '82 , is territory sales rep­ resent ati ve, Ral ston Purina Canada In c. , Whit by . Christopher McLean, '82, IS a reseJrch te chnolog iq . Ca mp bell So up Co . Ltd . Toron to. Lloyd Mitchell, '82 , is territory manJge r. Ralston Purin a Can ada Inc" Woods tock. R. Ramirez Nathan. '82 , is an ag ro nomist promoter. Communidad Por Los Inos . Antiolj ui a . Colombia , Sout h Am erica, Eileen (Richards ) johnson, M.Sc. '83 , is an executive assi stan t, Ontar io olll mu ­ nit y De vc lllp ment Associa ti on . Uni ve rsit y of Guc[ph .

Diploma G..aduates Keith Sinclair, 'S4A, has reccntly bee n appoi nt d vice-president and treasurer of· the United Co-ope ratives of Onl,lrio , lie hi!, been wit h ljCO to r 21 years, David Thorton, '64A , is a [oco mot ive en­ g ineer , Canadian aliona[ Rai lways . To­ m nlO . Larry Inglis, '66A, i .~ purchasing man ­ age r. Canadi an Ca nners Ltd ., Hamilton, Wa)'ne Waugh. '68A, is an age ncies sale s a nd deve lop me nt represe ntati ve. Petro­ Canad a Prod ucts. Don Mills, Eugene McDonald, ' 77A, is a mec han ic with Motorways. Edmont on. A[ta. j ames Slingerland, '79A, is an inspector, Ontari o Ministry of Agricultu re and Food . . liagara Fal[ s,

In Me m oriam

Donald Risebrough, '77, immed iate past preside nt of thc OAC Alumni Assoc iat io n. d ied on June 30, 198 4 . The news of his tragic death brought a great sensc of sad ness and almos t di sbe li ef to his man y fri ends , Don had presided , a wee k prev ioUsly, at ma ny ac tiv ities during Alumni Weekend ' 84 celebration s. He was kill ed when his ca r went out of co ntrol on a Hi ghway 40 I off-ram p. He was on his wa y to visit his paren ts at th eir farm ncar Markham , Do n was di stri ct rep resentative . Ontari o Hol­ stc in Branc h, Holstein-Fri es ian Assoc ia­ ti on, Brantford . William J . C ohoe, '03A, died on March 19 . 1984. ilt Norvi[[ a ursing Homc , Nor­ wich. He had becn one of the oldes t grad­ uates of th e OA Dr . Lloyd G. Herman, '34, a mi cro­ bio log ist who retired fro m th e U.S Na­ ti ona l Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1')7l), di cd Febru ary I , 1984 at his home in Bet hesda , Md , Us. A, He rec e ived his doc torate in Mic ro­ bio logy from McG i[[ Uni versity in 1948. and . after wor king at severa l private labora­ tori es in the U.S .A joined th e sta fr of IH in I <:i 1i8. In 21 years lJi' se rvice. he publi shed and lectured exte nsively and aec umu[ated vario Lis honours in his fie ld . He was the first to ide nti fy a strain of ye llow-pig me nted waterborne bacteria th at th e Cente rs of Dis ­ ease C() ntrol name d f~s('I/(:r;(' h ;(l hall/ (//III;; in his ho nour in 19X2 , Dr. Herm an was vc ry active in the American Sl1ci ety fo r Mi ro bio log y (ASM) and its Washi ngto n bra nch . Ill' held JII offi ­ ces in the Washingto n branch of ASM , in­ cl ud ing pres idc nt. :Jnd con tinual[y he ld branch posts un til his death. He was also a paS! pres iden t 01 th Ca nadian C lub of Washingtoll and \lft he Envi ro nlllcn ta[ Man3"cme nt Associatio n , He WJs one of the incorporators or the Fric nds of ni ve rsit y ofGuclph, Inc. George C. McLaren, '35, on Fe bruary 10 . 198 4 in O llawa. I Ie had retired fro ill th e Dcpart me nt o f Na ti onal lJe fence . Robert Karl Allison, ' 75 B.Sc.(Eng), o n Novcmber 6, 1910 in London. He had bee n product io n manager for Modo rnc:kan LId, Alison Lyn (Geddes) L1nyck iz, ' 7S, in a car acc ident in January 19X4 , Her two- year­ o ld da ughte r, Jess ica , and her mother we re also killed in th e accidcnt in Norfolk Count y. Her husb and . Peter, a lso a grad­ uate of ' 78, is cmp[oyed at anadian Can ­ ners. Simcoe, 0


Macdonald Institute/College of Family and Consumer Studies Alumni Association

ALUMN NEWS Editor: Joan (Anderson) Jenkinson, '66 .

From the Dean Dr. Rich ard Barham . There is seldom an issue of the Mac -FACS Alumni News that goes by without there being a special interest item or two about our faculty . On this occasion I want to draw your attention to the announecment in this iss ue of the appointment of Dr. Brucc Ryan to the chairmanship of the Department of Family Studies . I ex tend our co ngratulations to Dr. Ryan on hi s success in winning this appoint­ ment in the open co mpetition which was he ld across Canada for the position At the samc time I want to extcnd my very warm thanks 10 Dr. Eli za bcth Miles who has been serving the Department, and indeed the College, so well over this past year through her rcs pon siblities as the Department's act ­ ing chairman . I know that you will be interested to learn, too , that Dr. Powers's appointment as Director of the School of Hotel and Food Admini stration has been renewed for a furth er term . W e wish Tom and his eol­ leaglle s a continuation of the distinction and successes which have marked the life of the hotel school to date. And while referring to the hotel school, J also want to ask you to read thc article in thi s iss ue on Professor George Bedell , the School' s first director. George has made a remarkable contribution while he has been at Guelph, most particularly, of course, in a ll matters relating to the HAFA program and its students. J want to thank George , on behalf of us all, for his vision and commitment over the years, and for the intere st and care he has for the HAFA grads . We had a spendid alumni retirement celebration for George at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto, in May. In the best tradi­ tion of our HAFA alumni and the hospitality industry, it was a superb occas ion, and fully expressive of the affection and respect which we all feel towards George. Many,

many thanks George. We wish you and Louise a long and happy retirement. As I prepare the draft for this newslet­ ter, the Annual Mae-FACS Alumni Seminar has just been held. The topic this year was " Aging : Myth s and Rea lities" and this oc­ casion, too, was a resound1l1g sueecss. r am sure that I express the se ntiments of the many alumni and friend s who were there in extending our congratulation s and thanks to Gail Murray, '78, and the members of her organizing committce . By the way, if you have not yet made a contribution to the MAC '38 Gerontology Scholars hip, please do support the vision of this wonderfully energetic group of grads right now . They reall y need your contribu­ tions to build up the scholarship fund, and we have an urgcnt need to support students in this "ncw" and humanly important area of sc holarship. Many of you, and others who arc not among our alumni, have been ask ing us to org anize cou rses which ill help you keep up to date in your profe ss ional fie lds. Some of our conferences , of course, along with the Alumni Seminar, arc intended to do ju st thi s. But we now also have a number of our credit courses specially de signed and developed for what we call "dis tance teach­ ing Already we have eomscs on Human Development, Marital and "amily Dynam­ ics, Family Economics, Human Sex uality and th e Exceptional Child . The se courses are ava ilable to you on a correspondence basis and usc a comprehensive and carefully prepared study guide. The y in vo lve tests and ass ignments, of course, and the course in structors re spond to questions either through mailed memos or by phone , You can take the final exam here in Guelph or possibly at a centre either in or ne ar your own home town Write to Profes ­ so r Sam Luker, chairman, Part-Time and General Studie s, if you want to find ou t more abo ut our distance teaching program . You might want to note the fACS Sheel order form on page 34 of thi s issue . Ifon the mailing list for FACS Sheel publi­ cations, you will sec topics which intere st you. Keep in loueh with us by sending for eopics. D

Appointment Dr.

Bruce A Ryan took up his appoint­ ment as chairman of the Department of Family Studies on July I of this year. He has become known to many of our alumni over the years s ince his first appointment to that department as an assistant professor and directo r of the Laboratory Schools in 1975 He was promoted to the rank of as­ sociate profe ssor in 1980. Dr. Ryan had hi S B.A. in Psychology eonfelTed by the University of Alberta (1964) He obtained both the M ,Ed . (1969) and Ph.D . (1971) degrees, in Educational Psychology, from the sa me university. He has held the position of Psychomotrist at the Alberta Hosp ital, in Edmonton, and a Post-Doctoral Fello wship at the Centrc for the Study of Mental Retardation at the Uni­ versity of Alberta. Before moving to Guel ph in the mid- '70s Dr. Ryan held his first university teaching and research post at Victoria University, in We llington , New Zealand I'rokssiona l and co mmunity service activities figure significa ntly amon g Dr Ryan's involvements . He is first vice-presi­ dent of the C'anad ian Association for Educa­ tional Psychology and vice-president, also, of the Ontario Association of Family Se r­ vice Agencie s. He is on the editorial board of the publica tion, Canada's i"I{'nlal Heallh and, among other sc holarly and profes­ sional bodies, a me mber of the Canadian Association for the Treatme nt and Study of Families. The primary focus of Dr. Ryan's teach­ ing, research, and academic publications has been upon the ecology of human (and particularly child) development and learn­ ing. He has a special interes t in person-envi­ ronment interaction s, particularly within the context of family system s and with re­ ga rd to possible impacts upon children 's learningdiffieultie s in school. Dr. Ryan's wife, Nancy, is a librarian with special interests in children's books and school libraries. Bruce and Nancy have two delightful daughters, Keri and Jenny, both of whom are at elementary school. D 33


End of an Era The editor wishes /0 extend a sincere thank you to Joe Van Koe verde/l, '75, B .Comm., editor oJthe Hotel and Food Administration Alumni News Jor permission to reprint this article, wrillen by D. Kanzler and pub­ lished in April.


hen retiring Professor G eorge Bedell close s his office door behind him for the las t lime on September I. and hangs out the " GONE FISH IN G" sign, he'll close the door on an era in the Canadian hospiality education indu stry. And , he'll open the door to a flood of tributes from the hospitality industry as the man who spearheaded the development of Canada's first sc hool of hotel and food admini stration. Th ey will reme mber him as the mentor who set high standards ­ th e man who made hospitality manageme nt a profess ion. The students , now 650 graduates strong, will remember him as th e man who gave hospitality cducation credibility - the man who made them professionals. His fac­ ulty peers will prai se George Bedell' s per­ severance in building a degree-granting sc hool at a time when such an institution wa s unhea rd of on Can adian university campuses. All will point to hi s many a wards, chief among which were the 1975 Queen's Jubilee Med a l, the 1981 Member CRA Found ation College of Diplomates and the 1983 Jack. C. Sim " Man of the Year" Award, as confirmation of Pro fe ssor Be­ dell' s outstanding contributions. T he tribute s would make Geo rge SOli Ie, perhaps blush , and prompt a throaty chuckle; because when all is said and done , he would s imply like to be remembered for who he is: " When you leave something

The Mac-FACS Alumni Seminar attracted 175 to the Guelph Campu s in April. The topic was "Aging: Myths and Realities ." Leaders oj the interest sessions were, I to r: Dr . John Powell, Leslie (Good) Snell, '64; Smuly Forbes, '82, Gail Murray , '78, seminar committee chairman; Donna Woolcott, '69; Rev. Lance Woods and Grella Riddell-Dixon .

Participants a/ the Seminar included Alumni in Action members, I to r: Jack Palmer, OAC '38; Elsie (Hume) Pettit, ' 34; Harvey Pettil , OAC '32 ; Do (Stuari) Paitner, '36, and Jim Baker , OAC '28 .

you hope you ha ve made a lasting contribu­ tioll. And I hope my leade rship, with the help of others, has ensured this program 's success, .. he says. Connec ticut-born George Bedell cred ­ it s an itinerant father for developing his interests in the industry. "He used to bring back all kind s of fascinating brochures from hotels across the USA - that's what got me started." George completed his B.A. studies in

Hotel Admini s tration at Michigan State University, but in 1942 draft papers took priority. He served with the United States Army until 1946, when di sc harged as a Captain , an d continued as a reserve officer until 1962 , when he was discharged with thc rank of Major. The post-war years saw him work as manager of scveral Connccticut inn s and hotel s before being asked to join Michigan Statc' s Facult y of Continuing Education in

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The School/ Family Connection

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Social Polic y and the Aged

The Senses (Should) Steer Product Development

_ __

Dual Income Familes: Pressure and Payoffs Fast Food: A Reflect ion o f Changing Consumer Demand

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Day Care: An Essential Resource for Families

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Vegetarians Enjoy Some Health Benefits

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o Consumer Education -- A C anadian Original

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Return to: Dea n, C ollege of Family and Consumer Studies, University of G uelph, G uelph , O ntario NI G 2W I



1953. It proved to be a turnin g point in hi s career. By 1959 , George had been appointed director o f Man ageme nt T rainin g Pro­ grams, and director of Business and Tcchn i­ cal Advisory Service for the National Re~­ taurant Association in Chicago. He held that position until 1969, when he was in­ vited by thc Uni versit y o f Gue lph to take ove r as director of Canada 's first School of Hotel and Food Administration . H~ re­ ma ined director until 1979, fo llowing whi ch he co ntinued teaching at th e School. " I kn ew lots of peop le in industry here , and saw the opportunit y to help the hospitalit y industry," he says of hi s de ci ­ sion to move to Guelph. "[ saw thi s as a rea l chall enge But [ always kn ew we wo uld succeed . I de cidcd from day o ne that we would make a go o f it," he ad ds, with characteri stic determi nation . If his first years were frustrating, it was mainl y because of thc stud ents' skepti­ cism : "They we re so worried about th e School's reputati on and whether there' d be Jobs waiting for th em. I had to build Iheir confidence - ove r and over again . I look now at what our gradu ate s ha ve accom­ plished and I feel go od about hav ing played a role in their su ccess. II mea ns the pro­ gram s have grown the way we th o ught the y should , and proves th at we ha ve bcen doing so methin g right here at Guelph" Professo r Bede ll is particularly proud of the new Advanced Management Program for the Hospita lit y Indu stry (AMP HI ) estab­ li shed by Pro fe sso r Tom Po we rs, the pre­ sent director of the Schoo l, last ye ar to help train and de ve lop top level manage rs . " No other uni ve rsity in the world is do ing this type of ed uca tion al training for the hospital­ ity industry," he points out. " Moreover AMPHI is th e kind of prog ram that 's vi tal to the future of the hos pit alit y industry . The industry is still ex pand ing: all for ecasts po int to mo re peopl e ca ti ng out, more peop le travelling - and that means a gro w­ ing need for facilitie s and trained peo pl e" Corne September I, George Bedcl l wi ll monit or th at growth - and "his" School's successes - from afa r. Hi s" re ­ tiremenl caree r" in clude s "so rnc trav el. lots of fishing , tinle to get a little fun out ot' life" and pl~tnS to build a hOllle on the coast of Maine t'or his wife. Loui se , and himse lf. But distance wo n' t keep hi , thought> from Willin g back to G uc Iph. Fifteen yea rs, ago, he says. he was given the chal len ge to get Guelph's Schoo l of Hotel and Food Admini st ration off th e gro und . :<o w, on the e ve of hi s retirement. he iss ues hi s ow n chall enge to the Schoo l: " Ten yea rs from no w [ wa nt to be abl e to say - ' Look how that School has grown, ho w it's progressing, how it's getting better al l the time' ." 0

Grad News

Eileen (Derynck) O ls thoorn, '78, is a '0­ cial wo rker with Halton Children's Aid. Oak vill e.

Foods & Nutrition LornI' Dixon, '83, is a die teti c intern at th e Health Scie nce Centre in Winni peg . Man . Lori M. Farr, '79, is empl oyed with the Nutri tion Department , Cen tenary Hospi ta l, West Hill.

Donna (Rose ) Allen, '70, is a compl ianee officer with the Hea lth Protecti on Branch, Health and Welfare Canada. Otta wa. Janine Jones, '82 , is a developm..: nt al In­ structor with Si rTI eoc Habi Iitative Sen ICC ).

Business and Industry

Pat Faber, '78 , is pati ent food services co-ordinator with Ro ya l Jubliee Hospital. Victoria, B.C.

\-'arion (Kerr ) I1ennenrent. ' 7 1, 1\1.Sc, '76, is employed wit h Gary S . Hcn n..:n k nt Insurance Services Ltd. , Vancou \'cr, B.C .

Elaine (Dashner ) Robichaud, '80. i, food service directo r, Saga Ca nad ian 'v1anage­ ment Servi ces . Susse x Health Centre , N.B.

Edna (Hay ) Jarrell, ' 36 , is presiden t. Edna Jarrc' II Rcal atc, h lingt o n.

Karen (Seib ) Webber, ' 78, is an outpati ent dietiti an at Van couver Ge neral Hospital, B.C. Libb~'

(Lewis ) Logan, ' 74, is a clin ical di etitian with the hildren' s Hospi tal 01 Ea\lern Ontario, Ottawa.

Educa tion fngl' id (:\ ppell ) 'larsh , '69 . i, ;1 l e~tC llcr . Wentworth Count) Fl(l~lnl Dr hluca tioll . Lolly (Robinson) Bartkew, '62, is a sup­ pl y teacher with the Waterloo County Boa rd () f Education . Kathi Ayers, '73, is an in~dru cto r with Grande Prairie Regiona l College, G rande Prairi e. Alta . L auric (Wa tson ) Goorts, '79, is a Family Stud ie, teache r with th e Waterloo County Board of Educati on. Ta mm )' (Hryhorenko) Warren, '75, is de partm~nt head, Famil y Studies, Westdale SS . Hamilt on. Josie (Lohuis) Schneider, '80, is te aching at the Catholic Central High School. Lon­ don,Ont .

Ann (McClure ) Keller, '78, is a denta l tec hnician with .J . PO\\ I'r()CC"."or~ In c., Gue lph. Sharon Salm-<..;rose, '82., is an advert isi ng consultant wi th W .S Marketi ng, AlnlC! . 0

Meeting Notice Guelph Branch

Mac·FACS Alumni


Annual Membership

Coffee Party

7:30 p _m. to 10:00 p.m_ September 2 5,1984 At the home of

Margaret (Hamilton) Bates, '53

303 Edinburgh Road South

Guelph , Ontal'io.

In Memoriam Mar gare t (Blac kh am ) Elliott, ' 350 , R. R . # I . Blenheim, date h unknown . Edith (Hubbard ) Garrison , '320 , Janu ­ ary 19K4. inCenterLine. Mich . , U.S ..

Social Services S usan Judi th Tansley, '69, is a counsellor with Sunstar Hou se, Saskat oo n, Sask . Rev, Kay (Finlay) Hagey, '37, is wilh th e Ang lican C hurch of Ca nada, SI. Andre w's Church, G rim sby . Christine (Brady) MacPhee , '78 , is a unit le ade r/soc ial worker with Famil y and Chil­ dren's Services, Goderich.

lIem i n g w a~' ,

'31D, February 1,\ ,

19R4 , inTnronto .

J u ne (Van Someren ) Van Wyck , '47 D, Februa ry 12 , 1984, in Hamilton . Ve lma (Balkwill) Stuck, ' 210, February J, 19R4, at R. R . if f>, Woods toc k. He r hus­ band, th e late Fred W, Stock, was an OAC ' 21 grad , Her son, Oa\'id J,B, Stock, Q,C., isan OAC '59 grad , U 35


AI m nos




Elliott "Mac" McLoughry OAC '22 ith th e Ontario Department of Agri足 c ulture (ODA ) as Agri c ultu ra l Repre足 se ntative in Vi ctoria , Dund as an d W aterloo Countie s, Elli o lllrwin Mc Lo ughry was a pi onee r d uri ng a time o f greattec hnic aJ advance in Fann practi ces. A h ighly re spec ted ge nt le man who ga in ed the co nfide nc e o f th e Me nno nite peo pl e o f Wat erloo C o unty , hi s acco mpli shme nt s in c lude the intro du c ti o n o f s hort-courses for far me rs and a soil co nse rvatio n program ; the es tab lishment of Baco n Hog Fa irs and th e W a terloo callie breedin g unit , and co-ope ra足 ti o n w ith the OAC in the first nema tode program. Aged 90 last Jul y, M ac , thro ugho ut hi s worki ng li fe, made s ign ificant co ntributi o ns to C anadia n agric ultu re and to socie ty a nd, ill 1964, re tired from his positi o n as d irector o f e xten s io n , DA. He liv es at the Presto n Sp rings G arde ns Retireme nt Ho me , J 0 2 f o untain tree t So uth , Ca mbridge, Ontario. 0


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