Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Winter 1985

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Winter 1985 Vol. 18, No. I



HONORAR Y PRESIDENT: Dr. Bun Mall hews, OAC '47 PRESIDENT: Glenn Powell. OAC '62. PAST PRESIDENT: Barry Stahlbaum. CPS '74. SENIOR VICE路PRESIDENT: Ross Parry, CSS 'SO. SECRETARY : Linda MeKenzie-Cordiek, Ans 'SI. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY: Rosemary Clark, Mac '59. TREASURER: James J. Elmslie.

VICE- PRES ID ENTS: Sue (Beatty) Da vidson. CSS '82: Dr. Ron Downey, OVC '61: Jea n (Fuller) Hume. Mac '64: Robert Mun so n, ODH '63: Gay (Kozak) Se lby, Art; '79: Ja n Watson, CBS '75.

DIRECTORS: David Airdrie. CBS '82: Dave Barrie. OAC '5 3 A: Rob Barron. CSS '78: Nan C hapman, FACS '74: Dr. Petcr Forte, CPS M. Sc. '70. Ph.D . '74: Ginty Joei us , OAC '70: Grant Lee, CSS '73: Bill Maedon"ld, AI1>, '78: Rob Milne. CBS 'SI: AI1 Peppin, OAC '41: Dr. Harold Reed, OVe. '55: Rosemary (Schmidt) Smith. FACS '79: Jim TllOl1l so n, CPS '79: Dr. Don Wilso n, OVC '66.

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR S: James J Elms lie, director, Department of Alumni Aft'airs and Development; John C urri e, CSS '70, president, College of Social Science Alumni Association; Barbara Finnie, HAFA '78: president, Hotel and Food Administration Alumni Association; Connie ( Hauk a) Jas inskas, H.K. '76, president, Human Kinetics Alumni Association; Ginty Joeius, OAC '70. preSiden t , OAC Alumni ASSOCiation; John King, president , Centra l Student Association; Gail Murray, FACS '78, president, Mac路FACS Alumni Association; Dr. Wendy Parker, OVC '71. president, OVC Alumni Association; Brian Re nnie. president , Graduate Studenls Association; Margo Shoemake r, Ans '79. president , College of Arts Alumni Association ; LucilS Van Veen, CPS '74, president, CPS Alumni Association; Dr. Chris Wrcn. CBS '77, Ph.D . '~3. presidenl, College of Biological Science Alumni Association,

TIle Guelph A/umllus is published by the Department of Alumni Affairs and Developmenl in co-operation with 1nformat ion Services. University of Guelph.

EDITOR, Derek 1. Wing, publications mana ge r, Depanment of Alumni Affairs and Deve lopment

The Edi torial Committee is comprised of Dcrek Wing, editor; Jamcs J Elmslie, director: Rosemary C lark, Mac '59, assistant dire cto r, alumni programs , a ll wi th the Depanme nt of Alumni A ffairs and Development, and Erich Barth, an directo r: Donald Jose, OAC '49, press-publicity, an d Douglas Waterston, direc tor, all with rnformati on Se rvices.

The 81il(1rio l Advisory Board or the University of Guc lph Alumni Associallon is com priscd of Ross Parry. CSS 'SO, chairman: Dr. O. Brian Allen . CPS '72: Professor Jamcs Harrison: Dr. Dunald Barnum. OVC '41: Ri c hard MOCCi a, CBS '76: Ja ni cc (Robertson) Partlow, Ans '70: Olive (Thompson) TIlOmpson , Mac '35: Sandra Websler. CSS ' 75; Ex-ollic io: Jamcs 1. Elms lie: Barry Stahlbaurn . CPS '74 .

Undelivered copies should be returned to the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIG2Wl.


"When a man is tired of London. he is tired of life."


hose words of Samuel Johnson, 1709-1 784, are still true today, And when you are lired of walking, then by all means hop on a #53 London bus back to Guelph London House in Camden Town, London, England. The House, at 105 Albert Street, London NWI at the ed ge of Rege nts Park , is idea lly localed for transportati on by bu s or tube enabling visitors easy access to all parts of London. Owned and operated by the University of Guelph, it is used as a stud ent residence during the Fall and Winter Semesters but is available to visilors during the balance of the year. Thanks 10 alumni, through an Alma Mater Fund ongo ing financial support program, London House recently received a sprucing up. The whole house has been re颅 decorated and a great deal of refurbishing has taken place, In 1985, the summer visilor season will run from Ihe Ihird week in April to mid颅 September. Alumni are encouraged to use the house if 1985 summer vacation plans include London. Accommodation in London House includes two self-con tained fully furnish ed apartments each sleeping five persons. Each apartment has a fully equ ipped kitchen and private bathroom, Two double rooms with two singl e beds and two single rooms are also available. Visitors using th e rooms have access to a fully eq uipped kitchen and a comfortable common room with television. These six units are avai lable at reasonabl e rates. For further information write John Will s, Property Manager, University of Guelph , Guelph, Ontario NIG 2WI or call (519) 824-4120, ex tension 2734 during normal business hours. 0


"The Window of

Opportunity • • • is often open for only a very short time. If we move quickly we can be leaders; if we delay, we may be only followers." The following remarks were made general meeting of faculty and staff by President Burt Matthews, such as thi s provides an opportunity to OAC' 4 7, at a December meeting of discuss current developments and concerns Uni"ersity faculty and staff. Though and to look at the road ahead. This kind of meeting is one of the ways not prepared as a presentation to to keep all of us informed as to what is alumni, the address co"ered areas of Uni"ersity acti"ity that your edi­ happening here, what our difficulties are, and wh at appear as opportunities, This is not the tor considers are of prime interest only means of course. The University of to our graduates. Guelph News Bulletin with its revised edi­ torial policy, is another important means. It is now reporting on proposals and ideas as they President Burt Mallhews, OAC '47 develop and it is also encouraging comment from the University community on issues, I will also use, though sparingly, the "Memo from the President." In addition, I hope to be invited to meet, from time to time, with the Dean s' Councils and with the faculty and staff in individual Colleges, and admin­ istrative units.


Academic De"elop men t Among the several academic initiatives approved by Senate in the past year are: • The Land Evaluation Project; • The Colloquium for the Critical Approach to SCience and Philosophy; • a Master of Agriculture Program , with seven areas of speciali za tion (the proposa l has been forwarded for appraisal, and should ultimately pass to the Ontario Council on Universi ty Affairs for recommendation to the Minister for funding); • an M.Sc ./Ph,D. in Toxicology and an M.Sc, in Computer Science; • a Centre for Plant Biotechnology, designed to provide a focus for research and teaching (further proposals to establish a strong Guelph- Waterloo presence in several broad areas of biotechnology, including plant, ani­ mal, and microbiology areas will shortly come to Senate) ; • a Centre for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock. The Centre will provide a clearer focus for the program, which has been under way for many years;

• a Senate Committee on infonnation Tech­ nology is now developing what will probably become a centre, again to provide a focal point, and in this case studying the impact of technology on people. In addition to the academic develop­ ments there have been a number of others such as the establishment of an occupational health program and the setting up of a child care review committee.

Uni"ersity Aims and Objecti"es The original statement of the Aims and Objectives of the University, approved by Senate in 1972 and revised in 1978 , is now under critical review. A Senate committee, under the chairmanship of Vice-President Academic Howard Clark, has been working for the past several months updating the statement in the light of changes within and outside the University. A draft statement has already been published in the News Bulletin and is now under di sc ussion in Senate and throughout the University. The Vice-President Academic plans to solicit the reactions and advice of senior people in business and industry and in the local community before final statement is prepared for approval by the Senate. r view this exercise as extremely impor­ tant to the future of the University and to the understanding by all of us as to what we are about and where we are going. The new statement will guide the University in responding to new opportunities while con­ tinuing to meet its ongoing commitments and obi igations.

Enrolment The prediction of enrolment levels in the universities of Ontario over the next ten years is subject to a wide margin of error because it requires assumptions about participation rates of 18- to 24-year-olds; about the trend towards Con/d , over 3

increased interest among older people for part-time study; about the economic situation as it affects employment opportunities; about government policie s with regard to tuition fees and student aid ; and about university pol icies on admi ss ion. I am inclined to accept the view of the Council of Ontario Universities that enrol­ ment will rem ain at about its pre~ent level with the exception of a possib le "bulge" in 1986-1987 as the impact of the new high school curriculum becomes evident. Our intention remains to hold total degree credit enrolment at present levels. Currently, Guelph has an enrolment of 10,461 full-time and 1,366 part-time undergraduates and 879 full-time and 185 part-time graduate students. In addition, there are about 5,500 students registered in Independent Study pro­ grams leading to various diplomas and ce rtificates and 2,000 students registered in non -credit courses. In total, just und er 20,000 people are currently regi stered for one or more courses at the University. While we are planning not to increase the numbers of stud ents in degree programs. we must continue our efforts to increase the number of the top academic students who choose Guelph . In recent years the average level of high school achievement of our first­ year students has increased. For example, this year the minimum leve l for adm iss ion to the B.A. and B.Sc. progra ms was 65 per cent. It is a particular concern, however, that admissions to Agriculture, both degree and diploma, have not reached our objectives in rec ent years. The University, and OAC in particular, will be extending its effort to attract greater numbers of stud en ts with hi gh academic standing to agricultural programs. In view of our desire to attract a larger proportion of the best stud ents applying to universities, we are carefully reviewin g our liaison program and our scho larshipprogram. In rece nt years the objective of th e li aison program , I believe. was to create an awareness of the broad range of academic programs offered at Guelph. That objective may have been adequately served. It may be that we should now emphasize more clearly the ac knowl edged excellence of our teaching and research pro­ grams. The liaison co mmittee. under the chairmanship of Assoc iate Vice-President Academic . Janet Wardl aw, is now looking at thi s question .

Research Guelph ranks with the top three univer­ sities in Ontario in terms of resea rch expenditures. The ongo ing contract with the Ontario Mini stry of Agriculture and Food has bee n an important component of our resea rch program. Thi s contract in 1984-1985 amounts 4

to $24.4 million , of whieh $13.2 million is for direct costs of research , $1. 9 million is for teaching students in the Diploma Program and $2.3 million for extension and services performed for OMAF. The remaining $7 million represents th e overhead costs on th e contract. OMAF has questi oned, in recent years , the level of overhead costs that are included in the main contract. For the past year we have bee n involved jointl y with Ministry officials in an in-depth stud y of the components of that overhead. The possib ility exists that the level of overhead may be decreased somewhat. If it is. further constraints will fall on the University. A major change in the resea rch base at the University of Guelph has come about in recent years. In th e 1960s, th e support for research, other than from the OMAF contract. was small. By the efforts o~ facul ty and staff across the University and the work of the Office of Research , th e value and number of research grants and contracts has increased rapidl y. This has been parti cu larl y so since 1978.

"I have the impression

that we actually are

'better than we think

we are.'

We have a higher level

of excellence than some

people outside, and

inside, the University

· "

may rea I Ize.

In 1983-1 984, the total of research grants received by faculty was $14.4 million. Most of those grants are made on the basis of peer reviews by the granting agencies. Research contract s totalled $3.7 million , of which app roximatel y one-half million was in the form of contracts with private sector clients. In the current year, we expect total grants to be $15.2 milli on and tot al contracts to be $4 million. While maintaining our commitment to teaching and basic resea rch, I see great opportunities for growth in contract research ,

but real effort will be required. We must be more aggressive in searching out contract research, and in marketing the new inventions and new technology that come from research on this campus. A task force is now rev iewing the Offlce of Research and is to make recommendations on any ,reorganization or expansion that may be necessary or desirable to ensure that the Univers ity takes advantage of every opp0!1unity to expand its interface with business and industry. In this context, we have recently signed an agreement with IDEA Corporation in the amount of $300,000 over three years to support increased effort to identify and transfer to the marketplace dis­ coveries and new tec hnology arising from research at Guelph. TIle new technobusiness park on Stone Road west of Gordon Street is an integral part of our industri al strategy. It is ex pected to bc attrac tive to public and private corporations as a place to establ ish resea rch and development faciliti es in close assoc iation with the Univer­ sity. The interchange of personnel, faculty and graduate stude nts with the indu strial laborato­ ries will enrich the educational programs of the University and enhance the work of the corporate partners. The University is seriously examining the development potent ial of its other lands on the campus perimeter with the expectation of realizing revenue.

Financial Management Whatever the future may hold, it is reasonably certain that universities will not have enough money, either operating or cap­ ital , to do all the things universities should do. Inevitably, choices must be made and priorities set. The demand for funds by hospital s, health care, municipalities and social se rvices places the uni versities in keen competition for the limited govem ment funds available. University revenue on a per stuclent basis has fallen by nearly 15 per cent since 1974 -1975 , yet I remain optimistic that over the next few years the government of Ontario will be able to increase. th e funding to universities annually, at least at the rate of inAation. Even so, major constraints will remain. Within the University of Guelph, "'e have been fac ing major difficulties in recent months in ac hieving a balanced operating budget for 1984-1985. Thi s is due, in part, to the fact that in developing the 1982-1983 budget the decision· was made to ex pend the $3 million acc umul ated carry-forward in the operating fund durin g the succeed ing two yea rs. The $3 million had been accumulated over the years since the University was established. As a result , by April 1984. the carry-forward in operating account had been reduced to $263,000. It was clea r that we


could not continue in the 1984-1985 budget to incur deficits because we had no more operating carry-forward. Furthermore we were f~lC ed with the fact th at the spendin g pattern in 1983-1984 was $2 million greater than income in the year. Major budget adjustments had to be made to eliminate the University's overspend­ ing. With the support from all budget managers , Deans and Directors, Department heads, indeed, with everyone's co-operation and understanding, we have ac hieved a bud ge t for 1984-1985 th at will allow us to be very close to balancing our income and expen­ ditures. By careful manageme nt, we hope to avoid the deficit of $633 ,000 currently shown in the 1984-1985 budget. If we can live within that budget, we will be in a much better position to develop the budget for 1985-1986. Changes have been made in budget managemen t, with th e major one being to shift responsi bility to major individual cost centres. In the past, the budget policy has been to allocate more money th an was available, approx imatel y $1.5 million, and then at the end of the year, recover savings on positions unfilled and un spent non-salary money. The savings usually covered the orig­ inal $1.5 million excess allocation. There were a number of difficulties with this procedure, the maj or one being that there was little incentive for budget manage rs to save money or increase other income because any unspent funds would be returned to th e Universi ty at year-end. For the 1984-1985 budget, onl y th e money avail,able has been allocated The University's central Administration will not lay claim at the end of th e year to any unspen t funds, up to a specified limit. Those savings will be retained by the College or other budget centre for use in a future year up to a limit of five per cent of the annual operating budget of the unit. To be fair, of course, any defic it will also be carried by the College or other budget cen tre into the next yea r as a fi rs t claim against its 1985-1986 budget. This new arrangement , which has the SUppOl1 of all budget managers, will encour­ agc all of us to be "smarter" in the use of our operating funds. Each of us, in our own areas, must search for and use every opport uni ty to ge t more for our money.

Physical Facilities and Equipment While operating funds are lim ited, funds for capital construction and for eq uipment are cven more difficult to obtain. However, we are having some success. Funding for "the OVC building and renovations seems close to being confirmed. We expect to be in a position to award the contract for the first two phases shortly.

In addition , thc necessary com mitments from the horse industry and OMAF are now in place to cover the operating costs of the new Guelph Centre for Equine Research. A capital fund raising campaign is under way within the industry to obtain the $2 million required for construction of th e Centre. In July we signed a $4.8 million agree­ ment with IBM Canada Ltd . under which two mainframe computers, a min i-co mputer, and 40 persona l computers have been made ava il­ able particularly for programs in agriculture and, to some extent, in veterinary medicine. These computers are allowing our students to become familiar with the use of computers in modern agriculture. One of th e mainframe computers will assist the work of the Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock.

Private Fund Raising While we hope that some money from prov incial and federal governments will con­ tinue to be available for app roved capital projects, we must have fund s from private sources as well.

"I suggest that all

of us n eed to form

ourselves into a

'committee of the whole'

to id entify new

opp ortunities in our

various a re as. "


We are settin g priorities in preparation for a fund raising campaign that will be an aggress ive and a continuing one. We are making internal administrative changes and are search ing for a Director of Alumni affairs and Development to take a leading role in the campaign. The new Director will need the full and active support of all of us It is only by working toge ther that we will succeed .

A Final Note During the past few month s, 1 have become reacqua inted with the University of Guelph and I am more and more enthusias tic

about the great potenti al th at is represented here. The Gryphon Football team , for exam­ ple, has demonstrated again the fact that with hard work, an un waveri ng beli ef in them­ selves and a little bit of luck , remarkable results can be ach ieved - the winning of the Vanier Cup. I have the impression that we ac tu all y are "betler th an we think we are." We have a hi gher level of excellence than some people outside, and also inside, the University may realize. We must continue to emphas ize, both internally and extern all y, th e excellence of th e University of Guelph both in its teaching and in its research programs. We must contin ue to be aggressive in seeki ng new opportunities in academic program development and in resea rch and to seize them without delay. The wi ndow of opport unity is often open for only a very short time. If we move quickly we can be leaders; if we delay, we may be onl y followers. The administratio n and support services of thi s UniversilY are also as good as any in Ontario or Canada. We have shown leadershi p in a number of other areas includi ng library computer systems, administration of large research and international contracts , in co llec­ tion and comparison of data between universi ties , in controll ing energy costs and many other areas where we can look with pride on our accomplishments. Since 80 per cent of the total budget is devoted to salal' ies and benefils, it is impor­ tant that ou r human resources be co ntinually directed to the maintenance of excellence of all Univecsity programs. 1l1e University has come through the recess ionary period without th e major disruplions experienced in many othe l' organ izations. No major dislocations of faculty or staff are anticipated. If some changes are required they will be achieved wilh the least adverse effect to all concerned. Possible budgetary constraints must be co­ ordinated with other personnel act ivities such as retirement s and resignations. The Uni ver­ sity wi ll contin ue to provide opportunities for staff and faculty who wish to develop their career goals. We will co ntinue in the forefro nt of new development in technology. I suggest that all of us need to form ourselves into a "com mittee of the whole" to identify new opportunities in OO r various areas. The University must respond to new proposals and be willing to take some risk. It is on ly this way that we can make Guel ph a better place. I am very grateful lor the support that I have received from all pal1s of the University. We have great opportun ities and major obliga­ tions. I hope that, together, we can pursue both with confiden ce and, ultimately, distinc­ tion. 0


Bequests, Endowments,

Gifts and Commemorative Funds

All very gratefully received, all very much needed.

The Marion Penhale Fellowship

" I

thought to myse lf," said Marion Penhal e,

Mac '3 10 , "Why should I wait till I'm gone? What I'd reall y like to do is back a winner now, and be abl e to share th e suc cesses and the triumphs." Marion is backing her proposed winners, students at the Master's or Doctorate level in Institutional Food se rvice Management or Consumer Food, with a $ 10,000 endowment sc hol ars hip to be administered by the College of Family and Consumer Studies. "Times are a lot tougher now for stu­ dents than they were when, in 1930, I le ft the family far m near St. Thomas to at tend the Macdonald institute," she observed, " The world fo od· situation has also changed, and, in many places, not for the better. People will always have to eat and we have to make sure that they do - and properl y." Before her retirement fro m Home Eco­ nomics and as a critic teacher for stude nts fro m the Toronto College of Education, Marion was involved with foodse rvice and teach ing for 39 years. Followin g graduation from Mac, she worked as a dietitian in a 40-bed hospital at Kapuskasing; as a teaching di etitian and director of Dietet ics at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario; as he ad of Westdal e Sec­ ond ary School Food s Depa rtm ent, Ham ilton, and from 1952 to 1971 was director of Home Econom ics at George Harvey Secondary Sc hool in Toronto's Borou gti of York. Since graduation she has furth ered her education at Victoria Hospital, London ; St. Luke's Hos pital, New York City; Columbia University, N. Y. (where, in 1955 , she ea rned an M. A. degree in Home Economics Educa­ tion); the Ontario College of Educati on, Toront o, Syracuse University, Syrac use, N. Y., and Michi gan State Uni vers ity, East Hornin g, Mich . Living in St. Thomas, she is still very ac ti ve and, when phoned for details for this aI1icle, was busily preparing to attend a committee meeting in London for the Vic­ torian Order of Nurses. Terms of ('derence for the Mari on N. Penh ale Fell ows hip had not been finali zed at the time of thi s writing. 0 6

Marion McGirr Bequest n her 64th yea r, Marion Alfreda (House) McGirr, Mac '39 0, died on March 27, 1982 . In her will, a bequest to the Uni versity of $5,000 was in the name of "the Macd onald In stitute. " Born in Windham Township, she spe nt most of her life in Durham and for man y years was empl oyed by the Durham Creamery. She was predeceased by her husband Gordon. The bequest indicates a long- lived affec­ ti on for Macdonald Hall, a women's residence on ca mpu s situated beside Macdona ld In­ stitute, where Marion lived while attending the Macdo nald Institute (now the Col,lege of Family and Consumer Studies) fro m which she grad uated with a diploma in Home Manage ment.


Ma rion Peni1ale. Mac '3 10.

The bequest has bee n made available to the dean of the Co ll ege of Family and Consumer Studies for use wh ere it will be most beneficial to future alumni. 0

The Fred and Ida Hoskin Bequest


visit. in 1978, to Norv<J 1 (near Georf!e­ tow n) <J nd the four-acre residence and bird sa nctua ry es tabli shed and maintained by Frederick Charles Hosk in and his sister Ida Gertrude Hoskin by personnel frolll the Uni­ versity's Arboretum was f(lllowcd by <J visit to th e Arboretum by Frederick and Id<J. The co upl c must have bee n very 1 ~lvoura­ bly impressed by the Uni vers ity's c lose to 400 acres of treed and path ed pa rklands and wooded ,Ireas because. followin g the deat h of Id a in March of '84. th e Un ivers it y received a bequest of Jw,t ove r $65,000. Half of Ihat sum was to be devo ted to Ihe cSI<Jbl ishmenl of ,In annual scholarship i n Horticultu ra l Science or a related liel d of siudy, wilh the other h.tlf to be ass igned 10 Illai ntem nce and deve lop ment or the Arbo re tum . Fred and Gertrud e li ved in Toronto until they obta ined land at Norva!' around 1948. on whi ch they both started building thcir ho me. They were true biru fan ciers. They built bird houses , and l'ceders, and co rrespo nd ed

with ot her people interested in this hobby. When th ey purch<Jsed the land , there were no trees at all, so th ey kept them sel ves bu sy pl<lnting. <III ty pes of trees and sh ru bs. BOlh Gertrude and Fred we re hard worke rs. They wo uld come in from Toronto o n weekends to work on the land before moving to Norva l. They were involved in , <lnd supported many charities. They wi shed to remain anony­ mous however, on every kind of don<ltion. They were spec ial humanitarians. Gertrude was the stimulus of the two, and ve ly cleve r in bu si ne" ways. She spent her last month s, in Georgetown Hosp ital. She was a lilvourite or many 01' the sta rf. Fred , who. at ag.e 71. predccc<lsed Ida in Jul y of 1979 and who h<ld established the bequest prior to hi s dealh . requ ested that if details of hi s bequest he published then th ey be limited to nlinimulll cove ra ge. The Univer­ sity's express ion of gratitude to (hi s ge nerous bencl'actor is, thcrc!(m:, limited 10 the I()rcgoi ng. 0


The Katharine Taylor Bequest e will never really know for sure, but it may well have been a result of prompt­ ness and the care and attention to detail on the part of Rosem ary Clark , Mac '59, as­ sistant director alumni programs , Department of Alumni Affairs and Development, and Erik Jorgensen, Arboretum director, that caused Katharine (Page) Taylor, Mac '350, to include in her will a sizeable bequest to the University of Guelph. In early September of 1979, Katharine Taylor, of Hamilton, wrote to Alumni Affairs,


Marion Rogers Bequest


bequest of close to $5,000 from the late Marion G. Rogers, of Ottawa, came to the University as a re sult of her exposure to two people associated with th e campus. Man'iage was not to be for Marion so, during most of her adult life, she settled for the companionship of canine partners. It was in 1979 th at she watched the first showing, on TV Ontario, of" People and Pets" featuring Dr. Paul McCutchen, OVC '62. She was so impressed by his practical approach and dedication to the proper care of dogs that she immediately phoned her good friends Dr. Ken MacKay and his wife, Evelyn ,

requesting information regarding the pos­ sibility of planting "one small Scots pine" at the Arboretum in memory of her late hus­ band, Robert H. " Bob " Taylor, who died in February of 1976. Rosemary quickly responded with a phone call to Katharine Taylor, consulted with Erik, and the upshot was the receipt , in early October, 1979 , of a $500 cheque from Katharine, payable to the Alma Mater Fund, to cover the costs of planting, in the spring of 1980, a Scots pine and a variegated maple,

to enquire about bequest programs at the University. Now Data Resource Administrator, Analysi s and Planning, at that time Ken was with the Universi ty 's Institute of Computer Science. Ken contacted the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development , was acqu ai nted with University procedures, passed the infor­ mation on to Marion , and the result , following her death in 1982, was a bequest to " the Ontario Veterinary College for the benefit and betterment of dogs according to the judge­ ment and the di scretion of the College. " The monies have been channeled into an OVC graduate fellowship fund for support of stud y in small-animal diseases. A journalist during her lifetime Marion Rogers was, for a while, assistant editor of the Woman's page for the Ol/alVa Cilizen. 0

The Stewart Lane Commemorative Fund

rofessor Stewart H. Lane retired from the faculty of the University of Guelph's School of Agricultural Economics and Exten­ sion Education in April, 1983 , after 37 years of service as a teacher, researcher and exten­ sion co-ordinator. As a tribute to Professor Lane, and in recognition of the contribution that he has made to students and to the agricultural community, his friend s and associates estab­ lished the Stewart Lane Commemorative Fund at the University of Guelph in 1983. At the close of the campaign , in December, 1984, $21 ,539 had been donated. Income earned by the Fund will become available to recipients of the new annual Stewart Lane Commemorative Award. Thi s $2,000 award is to be granted to members of faculty at the School of Agricultural Econom­ ics and Extension Education at the University of Guelph. Stewart Lane was born in Fillmore,


Saskatchewan in 1918 and, in 1939, received his B.Sc.(Agr.) from the University of Saskatchewan and obtained his M .Sc .( Agr.) from the same institution in 1941. While pursuing his academic goals, he was em­ ployed as an economist with th e Economic s Branch , Canada Department of Agriculture, from 1938 to 1942. During the period 1941-1958 , Professor Lane farmed in Saskatchewan. From 1946-58 he acted as a commuter farmer, sowing and harvesting his western crop in the summer, and returning east in the fall to the Agri­ cultural Economic s Department at the OAC as an assistant professor. In 1958 , he was appointed full professor and, in 1962 , was appointed chairman of the Department. He retained that post until 1968. The official recognition of Professor Stewart Lane, in the form of the Stewart Lane Commemorative Award, is truly deserving. It is a fitting tribute to one whose influence and

each with a ground plaque, in memory of her husband. It was just over one year later, that another donation to the Alma Mater Fund of $500 was received from Katharine, this time requesting the planting of a "Aowering tree (bush) either wild rose, bearing fruit in the fall, or a cranberry. Also, I'd like Professor Jorgensen's views on western red cedar, red maple and blue spruce." It was in December 1980 that the Univer­ sity was advised that Katharine Taylor had remembered her Alma Mater in her will. After due process, it was revealed that her bequest to the University of Guelph Ar­ boretum Fund amounted to $10 ,000. 0

MayBaUGift he rose co llection in the University Arboretum has a name, the " Frances Ball Collection ," and the University is richer by an amount of $25 ,000. May A. Ball, of Toronto, in making the generous gift, is recognizin g her late mother, Frances Ball, in establishing this memorial. The income from the endowment will be used to maintain the rose collection. The Frances Ball Rose Collection, though not extremely large, is very attractive and in a prominent position in the Arboretum, and will be in the Arboretum as long as the University of Guelph is in existence. It is composed of species roses, some old roses, many of which have been used in the breeding of modern hybrid tea roses, and a number of cultivars. 0


involvement has encouraged the Ontario Ag­ ricultural College and many related official bodies, to ac hieve so much for agriculture in Canada . 0 Dear ji-iends: II was my pleasure recenlly 10 presem fhe firSI award 10 be made from fhe Sl ewarl Lane Commemoraiive Fund 10 Dr. George Brinkman of the School of AgricullUral Eco­ nomics and EXlension Educalion. George has become well known IhroughOI/l Ol1lario and Canada for his research and eXlension ac­ livities on lopics of current concern to Ih e agricultural communily su ch as farm in ­ comes, land values, quotas and cost of produclion pricing. I wish 10 take this opporlunity to eXlend my personal thanks 10 the many aillmni, organiza lions and friends whose contribu­ lions have made this award possible. I feel very honoured Ihat YO Il have chosen 10 recognize me in this way. Sin cerely, Stewart Lane.



School / Family onnectio~~

By Mary Cocivera, Information Services eo rge can't read, although he's 14 years old and of average intelligence. Does he have a perceptual problem, poor cyes ight or impaired hearing'? The trad itio nal ex plana­ tion s and re medial work in George's case have ended in frustration because they did not get to the hea rt of hi s pal·ticular reading dysfunc­ tion. The origin of Geo rge's probl em may not be inside him at all, but instead lllay stern ['rom difficulties within hi s family George's reading problem, perhaps, could be helped by working out th e difficulties in hi s family If an assessment of learning problems is not open to the possi bility of th ese ex ternal or environmental influences , then possible causes of the problem may be ove rlooked . With learning problems like George's, many traditional solutions such as remedial classes and extra he lp will be frustrating for all involved and will have only marginal success.


An Ecological Context Behaviour in the classroom often may be linked to the family or a child 's pee r group, but few educators make an intimate co nnec­ tion between an educational dysfun ction and the fa mily Educ ators traditionall y have looked at a difficult child as being the "owner" of a problem. Efforts to " fix" the problem may have ack nowledged the wider eco logical context, but often overlooked the systems link needed to place the problem in an understandab le framework. Now a number of psychologists, family therapists and educato rs are looking at the child within a broader context and rela ting the different systems into a co mpreh ensible and workable whole. Recog ni zing that behaviour does not occur in a vacuum, is one of the maxims of fami ly therapy This discipline, which has been developing as a spec ial fie ld for the last 30 years, takes an environmenta l or eco lo­ gical view of an individual's behavior. The "environment" is the fam il y, school, pee r group - anything surrounding the individual. Many therapists and counsellors look

primarily within a perso n for solutions to an individual 's problem. [n co ntrast , a family th erapist loo ks at all the influences on that indi vidual, and parti cularly at the family which is a major part of nearly everyone's environment. Re search in family therapy has produced co mpe lling evidence that a clinical illness such as anorex ia nervosa so metimes develops in children because the family ca nnot function without it. The disease itsel f actually plays a key fun ctional role in the famil y's survival. The daughter who develops ano~exia ner vos a provides a focu s for her family's concern and thi s takes the heat off so me other problem which is often a deep-seated and unresol ved difficulty in the husband/wife rel a­ ti onship. The interrelation ships in the family enti ce the dau ghter into devel oping an illness which in turn saves th e family from having to deal with other pro ble ms whi ch may seem ultimately more threatening. Several faculry members in th e Depart­ ment of Family Studies see ev ide nce that this same process may be at work in the case of so me schoo l learning and behavior problems. A child's problem may se rve to draw attention away from more fundamental problems within the fami ly. By creating a focu s for family concern, the child's problem he lps the fami ly avoid the larger iss ues. The lea rning problem may eve n become the major reason for that family to stick toge th er. Complex family dynami cs and a host of influences are at work in such a process. )ne of the family members "offers" to be the scapegoat and is the one "chosen" to bear the problem. The whole process occurs on an unconscious level; neither the individual nor th e other family membe rs are aware they have been drawn into thi s process.

The Family Link The family component in educational performance opens a whole new dimension to understanding a child in the classroom, but ve ry little about this phenomenon has ap­ peared yet in educational literature.

Professor Bruce Ryan, chairman of the Department of Family Studies, says that educators have long recognized th e connec­ tion between th e family and behaviour of the child , but they usu ally have drawn a sharp distinction between academic performance and behaviour. The more he works with families and children, the more he becomes convinced of th e link between some learning problems and the family He finds himse lf st raddlin g two dist inct di sc iplines - family therapy and education psychology - and is working at integrating insights from both. Professor Marshall Fine, a fami ly therapi st with the Department's Child and Family Research and Service Unit, sees growing evidence for a connection between academic performance and family environ­ ment. A Systems Approach If family therapists' first maxim is that behaviour does not occ ur in a vac uum, their seco nd is that there is se ldom a simple linear connection between two events. With this profes sional orientation, fami ly therapists tak e a "systems" approach to understanding be­ haviour. They don't look at a single individual, a single event or a single action. Rather, they investigate indi viduals in the context of their environments. In other words , the sys tems within which the person functions become critically important to the understandin g of the person's behaviour. This approach recogni zes that there is an integriry or wholeness to the system. Any changes in one part o f th e system will have effec ts on other parts of the syste m. Acco rd­ ingly, changes in the family may bring about changes in the child's behaviour at sc hool and, likewise, changes at sc hool may directly affect the child at home. This is a compelling reason for schools and families to work together se riously in resolving some of the problems children demonstrate at school . "Recognizing that there is sometimes a significant family component to lea rning be­ haviour in no way should lead u.s to place the

blame for the child 's problem on the parents, " asserts Professor Finc. " Blame is a mean­ ingless and unproducti ve conce pt in th e famil y contex t. Famil ies are concerned fo r the welfare of their chilu, at least on th e con­ sc ious level. No famil y wants to raise a troubl esome child, Events , circum stan ces and hi story are amon g the countless variables that influence how children turn out. In a vast maj ority of cases, families are doing the best they possi­ bly can under the circum stances. Mos t famili es start to feel they have done somethJl1g wrong if th ey are asked to see a famil y therapi st. It is al ways a treme ndou s relief to them if the thera pist res pec ts them and acknowledges the ir co nce rn as parents."

Strengths Stressed Famil y therapy atte mpts to build on ex isting strengthS in the famil y Fam ilies in therapy respond well when their stre ngth s , rathe r than ju st the ir wea knesses are stressed. In additi on, famil y therapi sts attem pt to hear all siues of an iss ue, as fa mily members often have their own po ints of view on a probl em. In stude nt-related problem s, where an ger has escalated, the thera pist has to hea r the perspectives of both th e teac her and the pare nts. By viewing the situ atio n in the most positive light possible, the therapi st finds the strengths of both parties. Frequently a the rapist finds that the parents and ehi 'ld make up a triang le. Eac h parent tries to ge t the child on hi s siue in a uispute. This " triangul ation" process ca n a lso occur hetwee n the child , th e teac her or school, anu th e parent. The therapi st often uea'is with thi s by exc using the child from the sce ne and encouraging the two auults to wor k out the ir conflict on an adult level, where it belongs. Training Needed While teac hers may recogni ze the impor­ tance of the fam ily in behavi our proble ms at sc hool, they generally have ne ither th e spe­ cific training nor the man da te to understand the sys tems approach. Shirley Spe ncer was a hi gh school Famil y Studies teac her for 20 years before enro lling in the Famil y Studies grauuate prog ram. " Some of the ado lescents in my classes couldn't lea rn because they we re caIl')' ing buruens around with them . My job was to teach , but too many problems got in th e way of their \e arnin g, " She saw ex treme states of depre ssion, g ir ls who had crying bout s duri ng class and others who simply couldn't se ttl e uown and concentrate on an yth ing. "As a teacher, I was fru stra ted bec au se I couldn't he lp the kid s wi th the ir rea l prob lems." Shirley believed, " We are not he lp ing a lot of kid s hecau se we can not bring about any real change fo r them through more traditi onal

means. In some of these cases, famil y prob­ lem s must be solved before the child ca n co ncentrate on learning. "

Department of Independence Truancy am ong adolesce nt g irls is a common problem , and one for whi ch the traditi onal res ponses se ldom see m to wo rk we ll, if at all. Shirley, who is do ing a graduate thesis o n thi s pro blem , says that all ad oles­ cent gi rl s, asa normal part o f growing up, need to deve lop independen ce and establish so me d is tance from their fam ilies. Insec ure families oft en react by ti ghte n­ ing the reins. The interperson al co nfl ict worsen s as the family continues to ti ghten the controls and so me dau ghters then react by attem pting to break away. Whe n the girl starts miss ing sc hool, the sc hool boa ru mi ght re­ spond by sending an atte nda nce office r to press ure the family into forcing the girl to go to school . The famil y, however, is alread y exe rtin g too mu ch press ure; any mo re threa ts will on ly exace rbate the situati on. Famil y the rapy would aim to help th e famil y to und ers tand what is happening with its adol esce nt daugh­ ter and to deve lop effec ti ve mea ns of dea ling with these and re lated problems. Shirley stresses that famil y therapists try to enlist the co-operation of the famil y in helpin g the chil d. Few fa milies would rejec t such a chance to help their child.

Systematic Change " The famil y syste ms approac h is far from being the sin gle or simple answe r to eve ry pro blem in the classroo m," caut ions Professo r Fine. Thera pists devel op a sen­ siti vity to wh at will work and wh en. Workin g in the famil y contex t is effec ti ve in many cases an d in so me ways et'fic ient. "By bringing together the di ffe re nt influe nces in a child 's life, yo u can effec t change in a sys temati c anu efficient man ne r, " he ob­ serves. But sometimes for one reaso n or another, the fam il y ca nnot or will not become in volved . A fa mil y me mber may refus e to pal1ici­ pate, or the fam ily may alre ad y be stretched to its limits and simpl y not have the required emotional reserves. A famil y syste ms pe r­ specti ve is still helpful in cases li ke thi s because the sc hool may be able to implement so me changes th at improve the child's be­ havi our at home and thu s dec rease so me of the pressure the fa mil y is experiencing.

Families and Integration Families provide a vital lin k with the

sc hools for all chil dre n, but particul arl y for

those with spec ia l probl ems. Many c lose

co ntac ts betwee n fam ilies and sc hools will

und oubtedl y emerge as Ontario Bill 82 be­ co mes full y impleme nted, obse rves FACS Dean Ri chard Barham, an educati o nal psy­ chologist. This Bill support s th e provision of an appropria te educa tion for all children; inc luding those wit h specia l needs. To achi eve this , so me school board s are mov ing toward more integrati o n of children with specia l need s into the regular sc hool syste m . As thi s happen s, teac he rs will have to be se nsitive to the famil y situati ons of th ese children and wo rk closel y with the fa mili es to develo p progra ms that ca n be co ntinued out side of sc hool hours. Professo r Ba rham believes a famil y sys tems approach ca n be ve ry helpful in these situati ons because with the more .seve re behavio ur or lea rnin g prob­ lem s, th ere is al.mos t al ways a fami ly com pone nt or impact of so me kin d.

Reluctance to Integration " Integrati on o f di sa bled children into regular schools will benefit all children," says Norm an Kunc , a gradu ate student in Famil y 1l1erapy who was born with ce rebra l palsy. "There has bee n some understandable reluc­ tance to auopt in teg rati on in the sc hoo l becau se teach ers and parents are afra id of how the di ffere nt chilu mi ght act and look. " In hi s ma ny prese nt ati o ns to teac hers anu counsello rs, Nor man tri es to get thi s fear out into the open so it ca n be dealt with. " Schoo ls th at commit themse lves to th e ' worth ' of any chil d are com mitted to max­ im iz in g the child's pote ntial. To have th e teac her and other chil dre n in the class rec og­ nize the worth of the disabl ed child is o ne of the grea t res ults of integra tion . When he fini shes the grau uate progra m at Gu elph , Norman Kun c will work as a family co un se ll or wit h th e Ontari o Feuerati on for the Cereb ral Pal sied. " Workin g c losely with parents is the on ly way to catch pe rson al anu soc ial probl ems ea rly. Parent s wh o have a ph ys ica lly di sabled child are torn between an ge r at the ir fa te and the de sire to pro tec t the child from ge ttin g teaseu an d hurt. Parents need to be to ld th at it is all right to admit the han dicap is overwhelmi ng. Thi s ad missio n in no way diminishes the ir love fo r their chil d, " he says.

Family Involvement a Must As more edu cators and coun se ll ors re­ spond to the family co mpone nt in both behavioural and educa tional problem s , schools a nd famil ies will both become in­ volved in finuin g and imple mentin g solu tions. All chil dre n deserve every o pportuni ty to maximi ze their potential. A colla borative effort of the fami ly and sc hool within a syste ms framework ca n be a prod uctive approach to achi ev in g thi s goa l. 0


Vanier Cup Champs!

By Peter Barnsley, OUAA Publicity Officer, Department of Athletics.


he record will show that, in 1984, the Unive rsity of Guelph Football Gryphon s were the winners of the Vanier Cup - they were the Canadian Interunive rsity Athletic Union's football champions! The record won't show, however, some of the other accomplish足 ments that were achieved in the process of winning the title. These include overcoming adversity, performing when it really counted, and the tremendous support and inte rest that built throughout the University and the City of Gue lph. When head football coach Tom Dimitroff left the University of Guelph in the spring of 1984, he left a solid base for a contending team, and had built up respect for Gryphon football throughout the league. When John Mu sse lman was appointed as the new head

Gryphon supporr al Varsil)' Sladiulrl .


football coach he had to familiarize himse lf with the available personnel and find ways to implement his own systems and style of football. After fini s hing the reg ular seaso n with a 4-3 record , the Gryphons became the first team in league history to finish fourth but still win the league title. To do so, they had to win both of their playoff games on the road , including the unbeaten McMaster Marauders and then meet the University of Calgary Dinosaurs, the defending national champions, before advancing to the Vanier Cup game. Coach John Musselman's introduction to the OUAA was somewhat less than a roaring success. The Gryphons dropped their league opener to the York Yeomen 12-7 at North York Civic Stadium . " This will he lp us later

Gryphon john G od,.)' finds Ihe gap.

in the year," said Musselman. "The kids have learned that you can't take teams lightly and thi s York team is going to be a force in this league." The coach was to be proven right on both counts. The Gryphon s went Oil to take a 42-23 decision from the Windsor Lancers before a sun-drenched crowd of over 6,000 at Alumni Stadium, providing a perfect cap to the t1rst Hall of Fame Weekend al the University. Over the years, Guelph team s have had trouble with the University of Toronto Blues. There have been games where the Gryphons have dominated , but in the end have been on the s hort end of the scoreboard. Guelph led 24-14 at the end of the third quarter but a couple of big plays by the Blues, and several costly en-ors by the Gryphons, allowed the Blues to take a 28-24 victory before 1,800 fan s at Varsity Stadium . The Waterloo Warriors game would Ilot go down as one of the classics ill OUAA hi story. Guelph white-washed the Warriors 34-0 in a game th at did not reflect the domination of the Gryphons. Despite running up 359 yard s of offence, five turnovers prevented the Gryphons from addillg to their final margin. The Warriors managed only I U yards of total offence, including a mere ten through the air, before 2,800 , mostly bored, Alumni Stadium onlookers. With ten minutes remaining in the game against the Western Mu stangs things looked bleak for the Gryphons and the fans in atte ndance at Alumni Stadium. Western led 27-7 and the Guelph offence had sputtered all game. But from that point on it was all Gryphon s as they struck for 22 unanswered points, to cap one of the most thrilling comebacks in Guelph football hi story. The he roics displayed against Western would almost pale in comparison to what

The Gryphon defence was formidable.

happened with the Laurier Hawks at Seagram Stadium on Saturday October 20. With I: 10 remaining, at the Laurier six-yard line, Guelph's Walters hit Parri Ceci on an out pattern and, coupled with Tim Quirke's con­ vert, tied the game at 24. With the clock ticking off the final seconds of the game, punter Mark Hurst entered the game and allempted to kick for the winning single. Laurier's Dave Lovegrove fielded Hurst's kick 20 yards deep in the end zone and attempted to return the punt, but linebacker Rob Pavan blocked the attempt and offensive tackle SCOII Campbell fell on the ball in the end zone to give the Gryphons a 31-24 victory. The number-one-ranked and undefeated McMaster Marauders came to Alumni Sta­ dium for the final game of the regular season and over 4 ,500 fans turned out for a contest that was to be played in 70°F weather. The Gryphons took physical control of the game and rolled up 459 yards of offence, but no less than eight turnovers killed their chances of knocking off the league leaders as they dropped a 32-21 decision. It w~s now put up or shut up time. The league semi-finals pitted the first place 7-0 Marauders against the fourth place 4-3 Gryphons, while York and Western met in London. At the start, the Marauders looked as if things might go their way, as they struck for the game's first touchdown and led 15-7 early in the second quarter after a Guelph fumble set up their second major. However, that was the last time the Marauders would hit the scoresheet in 1984. The key plays came early in the third quarter. On their first possession, McMaster moved the ball to the Guelph one-yard line but three attempts to run the ball up the middle proved fruitless and the Gryphons took over. Two series later, the icing was put on the cake as

Victorious coach John Musselman .

Walters hit Ceci with an 88-yard bomb that gave the Gryphons a 27-15 lead. As the game ended, the 600 Guelph fans at Les Prince Field in Hamilton put up the chant, "WE WANT WESTERN." Football fever hit the campus at a record pitch. The first 600 tickets for the game in London were gone within an hour and a half, and before the week was over, 2,000 of the ducats for the game at 1. W. Lillie Stadium were sold in Guelph. Guelph led 17-9 at the half but the Mu stangs proved that they were a determined outfit. A 93-yard pass-and-run play between QB Steve Samways and wide receiver John Moffat narrowed the Guelph lead to two points. With just over 30 seconds remaining, Samways connected on a sideline pattern with wide receiver Rick Wolkensperg, to give the Mustangs a first down inside the Guelph two­ yard line. But as they had done all year, the Gryphon defence was equal to the challenge, forced a Western fumble on the nex.t play and Dan Welton recovered the ball. Scant sec­ onds later, the Gryphon s were OUAA Cham­ pions for the first time in their history. Tuesday November 13 at 10:00 a.m. the Universi ty Centre box office ope ned for business and tickets went on sale for the Gentral Bowl matchup at Alumni Stadium between the Gryphons and the defending Vanier Cup champions the Calgary Dino­ saurs. When the box office closed for the day at 4:30 p. m. , 4 ,500 tickets had already been sold . The Dinosaurs were to be the only team the Gryphons would face that could match them in size and had more playoff experience. But this appeared to be offset by the 8,571 record-setting fans who jammed Alumni Sta­ dium on the first cold day of the season. Early in the season, Musselman had said

privately that if the offensive line came together it would take a heck of a team to beat the Gryphons. That unit indeed proved their value as they wore down a strong Calgary defence. But it still took another stand by the defence to preserve a 12-7 victory. Calgary marched from their own 35-yard line to the Gryphon II in the final two minutes. The celebration in the locker room was matched only by the fans who mobbed the players on the field following the final play.

VANIER CUP WEEK Guelph's opponents , the Mount Allison Mounties, were also making the ir first ap­ pearance in the Vanier Cup after upsetting the Queen's Golden Gaels in the Atlantic Bowl. The Gryphons were favourites for the contest, but that didn't relax. Musselman. "I know Mount A is a good team, having coached against them the last few years in the AUAA. They have a good offensive line and good receivers as well as some talented defensive people. We're going to have to be at our best to beat them ." Almost 20,000 fans jammed Toronto's Varsity Stadium on a pertect 50°F afternoon for the champ ionship contest. The over­ whelming number of them were rooting for Guelph and they had every reason to cheer when, late in the first quarter, Randy Walters found Parri Ceci down the middle for an 88­ yard touchdown strike which was the second longest in Vanier Cup hi story. Quirke' convert made it 7-0 at the end of the quarter. In the second quarter the Gryphon of­ fence could not get on track and the Mounties bounced back to take a 10-7 half-time lead. The third quarter proved even more frustrating for Guelph and lone points came on a Terry Baker field goal that increased the COllI. over II

Mount Allison lead to 13-7. In the fourth quarter, Parri Ceci pulled off what was termed as a "circus catch" as he plucked the ball away from a Mountie defender on the two­ yard line and scampered into the end zone to score. The turning point in the game came three plays later. Facing a third and one at their own 35-yard line, the Mounties decided to gamble against a defence which had stopped McMaster, Western and Calgary in similar situations time and time again. The front four of Blaine Schmidt, Grant Goodrich , Les Pyke and Brian Cluff did it again and the Gryphons took over in Mountie territory. Moving the ball down to the 16-yard line the Guelph drive stalled but Tim Quirke calmly punched a 23-yard field goal through the uprights to give the Gryphons a 16-13 lead with four minutes to go. Mount Allison could go nowhere on their next series and had to punt the ball away. The Gryphons took over nead midfield and the running of Jed Tomm y, John Godry and Darryl Skuse proved to be too much for the worn-down Atlantic cham­ pions. Tommy, with less than 30 seconds remaining, broke up the middle for 23 yards down to the Mount Allison one-yard line and then carried it in on the game's final play to give Guelph its first national title and a 22-1 3 victory.' Parri Ceci was named the game's out­ standing player and the winner of the Ted Morris Trophy for his two tou chdown recep­ tions. Gryphons' captains Jed Tommy, Blaine Schmidt and Randy Walters were able to make their way through exuberant Gryphon supporters to receive the Vanier Cup from Governor General Jeanne Sauve and Spons Minister Otto Jelinek. The Vanier Cup had finall y come to Guelph . It was well over two hours after the

II could h(II'e been "1171' dor 11'1' lUre Ih e g()olp()sIS dllll'll" - bUI il 11'(1.1'11 ' 1.



game's conclusion before the Gryphons could manage to board the team bus for the trip back to Guelph. By thi s time Department of Athletics Director Dave Copp was already entertaining the Gryphon Club's alumni sup­ porters at a reception, Back in Guelph, the team headed for the Brass Taps in the University Centre where President BUl1 Mat­ thews , OAC '47 , on behalf of the University conveyed heartiest congratulations to Coach Musselman and the team - and the celebra­ tion commenced. As the campus celebrated throughout Saturday ni ght and into the small hours of Sunday, plans were being made for further honours. On Tuesday the team was part of a parade around the campus and through down­ town Guelph to City Hall where Mayor Norm Jary and City Council members received them. From there, the entire team was invited to the Quarterback Club at the Hydra-Air Sports Club where speeches were made and 170 people reviewed the final quarter of the Vanier Cup game on TV. That evening the team had dinner at the President's Residence and , the following Saturday were honoured guests at a' special pub held in Peter Clark Hall. The successes of a championship team go far beyond throwing, catching, blocking and tackling. To succeed, there must be strength from top administrative level s, from support staff and from the community as a whole. Thi s commitment was one of the important factors of the team's success. University admini stration, several years ago, committed themselves t·o the structuring of a high-calibre athletics program and made funds available fOLa full-time coach and the support necessary to make th e operation viable. The Department of Athletics put a strong emphasi s in promoting the team and the game The [iwne's MVP, receiver Porri Ceci, le{l, received (In All-Canadian award Fom Ne.Hle's {an Murray,

of football , not only to the students but to the community as well and , as a result , Guelph led the OUAA in attendnce in 1984. The spirit displayed by Gryphon fan s was second to none, Alumni played a major role as well. Alma Mater Fund Gryphon Club donations made possible the purchase of new equip­ ment, stadium refurbishing and apparatus for the trainer's room - a primary reason why the Gryphons went virtually injury-free throughout the season. Coach John Musselman accomplished a great deal in bringing the team together. in leading it through tough times early in the season and molding them into a cham­ pionship squad, H is work, along with a talented group of ass istant coaches and sup­ port people, have made Guelph a team to be reckoned with. The by-products of all this effort wi II be felt for years to come, The faculty, staff and students of the University were pulled to­ gether by the efforts of the team and it brought the University closer to the City. The public relation s value of si x provincial televi­ sion appearances and a nationally televised championship game cannot be estimated in tangible terms but without doubt it has earned the University of Guelph extra recognition and respect. Winning the Vanier Cup brings much. much more to the University of Guelph than a championship in a sporting endeavour. Its effects and memories will be felt and recalled for many years to come. 0

Football Gryphons

Vanier Cup

Fund A

fund has been establ ished to de­ servedl y reco gni ze th e Football Gry­ phons who. throu gh their winning of th e Vani er Cup as Canadian Interuniversity Athleti c Union (CIAU) tuotball cham­ pi ons. have focus ed national atte ntion on the Univcrsity of Guelph. The purpose of the fund will be to purchase C1AU rings tt)r thc players. coaches and training staff as a lasting memento of their el1on , hard wurk and dediciltion . All members of the University communily are invited and encouraged to tak e part in thi s proJect. Please Itlfward your cheque. in the name of the Football Gryphons Vanier Cup Fund. 10 Room 273 . Johnston Hall, Uni­ versity of Guelph . A receipt witl be provided tix tax purposes.

The Gryphon Club


Objectives To provide friend s of the University of Guelph with a means of making a signifi­ cant contribution to the development of the Athletics program. To provide a flow of information about current athletic events, thus ensur­ ing a continued awareness of the breadth and quality of the programs offered. To provide an opportunity for con­ tinued participation in, and support of, the University of Guelph athletic s program. To assist the Department of Athlet­ ics in decision making by providing a­ vehicle for the interchange of ideas and recommendations.

The Annual Report 1983 saw record numbers "Catch the Spirit." Year number five, it wit­ nessed astounding growth as record con­ tributions doubled the 1982 totals. The annual golf tournament pro­ duced predictable results: Adam Brown completed a legitimate hat-trick, firing a four under par 68 to capture individual honours, and some 50 others consoled themselves with an enjoyable afternoon of golf and an evening of fellowship and good cheer. The traditional steak dinner added "roast" to the menu as M.e. Bob Fullerton roasted the Department of Ath­ letics staff to the obvious glee of all. Once again the mixture of general and sport-specific projects provided a rewarding mix. The hockey team was able to purchase a portable skate sharp­ ener and, through a series of "Midnight Madness" bingos, was able to purchase skates.

The swim team successfully gener­ ated funds to sponsor a Christmas holi ­ day training camp in Florida. The football chapter helped construct and carpet a weight room in the Gryphon Room at Alumni Stad ium and the wres­ tling chapter's mat project garnered some $950. In all, some $20,454 was contrib­ uted in aid of projects. General funds were used to initiate the Gryphon Club Hall of Fame project and to assist in the renovations to the 1909 Lounge in the Athletics Centre. From all aspects the 1983 campaign was extremely suc­ cessful. The 1984/85 executive committee consi sts of: President ... '" ........ Ken Miles Vice-President ..... Tom Heslip Secretary .. Bud Folusewych , CSS '71 Ex-Officio . Dick Freeman Dept. Reps. . David Copp Alumni Office ....... ... Jim Elmslie Faculty Rep. . . . ... Ron Heath Members at large ... . ... .. Brad Hall, Frank Abbey, Loui s Harvey.

A Glance Back The 1983/84 intercollegiate season is now etched in history. The year began with footb all fortunes ec hoing a positive note. Although bowing out in play-off action, a number two national ranking, an All-Canadian performance from Sam Benincasa, six-league all-stars and rec­ ord crowds highlighted the year. Silvia Ruegger captured the national spotlight for Guelph with her

second CIAU cross country cham­ pion ship. This was only a signal of bril­ Iiance to follow, as she later posted a 2: 30 marathon to win the Canadian Open Championship and ea rn a spot in the 1984 Olym pics. Coach Iacovelli's wrestl ers high­ lighted the winter pOl1ion of the schedule capturing a record fifth consecutive OUAA title and a second-place national standing. Gav in Carrow captured his third CIAU champion ship and Peter Domarchuk added a CIAU gold in the 68 kilo weight class for the second con­ secutive year. A record crowd jammed Peter Clark HaU for the year-ending awards evening and saw Sam Beninca sa and Silvia Ruegger capture Athlete of th e Year awards. Gavin Carrow and Karen McBrid ge were honoured as W. F. Mitch e ll Sport sm an/Sp o rtswoman award winners.

A Look Ahead Our 1984/85 campaign formally began in latc May. To date, projects that have been endorsed by the execut ive include : Training Room: New whirlpool. . ... . $4,500 Chipped-ice machine . . . $3,000 $2.000 Hall of Fame . $2,000 Football: Weight room Hockey: Team travel bags . . .. $2, 000 BasketbalI:Loc ker room renovations $3 ,000 Soccer: Pre-season training camp . $ 1.000


Membership Applicatio n NAME: ________________________________

What is your occupation ')_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___

ADDRESS: _____________________________

AMOUNT OF GIFT: $,________________________ PHONE: (home) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 0 ._ __ (business) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ YOUR COURSE & GRAD YEAR: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Project preference: 0 Area of greatest need.


Specific sport: _ _ _ _ __ _ __

YOUR SPORT_ _____________________ _

Make cheque payable to: University of Guelph Gryphon Club and mail to: Alumni Affairs

and Development, Room 273, John ston HaJJ, University of Guelph , Guelph, Ontario NIG 2WI.





By John Hearn, Information Services


ust how good were "the good old days?" What was it really like, growing up on a far m in Onta rio durin g th e days before World War One ') How would you set about findi ng ou t') These were the questi ons addressed by Professor Alan Brookes, Department of His ­ tory, and five of hi s student s in a project that kept them busy most of last summer. "Oral history" says Dr. Brookes , " has been viewed with some suspicion by histo­ rians who traditionally set more store by the written record. The troubl e with this is th at it tends to focu s attention on urban communities where quantities of written records are rou­ tin ely genera ted and preserved. Rural areas are rarely rich in formal archi ves, and so the oral traditi on, therefore, ass umes th at much more importance. " But ca n ora l history be trusted ? How good are people's memories') Do we not re­ write our own pasts in the illu sory light of late r experience? The ans wer to that , says Professor Brookes is "Yes. . but whe re there is substan tial agreeme nt in th e de tails of many personal memories we may then be en titled to draw so me positi ve conclusions." Based on thi s assumption, Alan Brookes di scussed the project with the Onta rio Mini s­ try of Agr iculture and Food, and rece ived an enthu siast ic response. Later, the Ontario Bi­ centennial Commission ag reed to provide the funds which wo uld make it possible to se nd ou t a tea m of students , prepared and trained, to ask prearranged questions of large numbers of o ld er residents in so me of th e prov ince's rural com munities. The tea m was co-ordinated by graduate student, Janine (Roelens) Grant, CSS '83, who, with th e assistan ce of Gerrie Loveys, Arts '84, Rosanne Collis, Bev Wemp and Ian Macm illan , talked to more than 150 old timers and brought back more th an 700 hours in taped interviews. They covered Essex, Lincoln/We nt worth , Dufferin, Coch rane and Stormont/ Dundas/Glengarry Counties. They tracked th eir interviewees down throu gh loca l Ag. Reps and local knowledge as to wh o were th e people in the district who were both over 70 and had a tal e to tell. What did the old-timers remember most') Disaster predominated - th e yea r the barn blew down, th e year the hired man fell off the roof: the wors t snowstorm ever, thi s drought, that Aood. But other evoca tive child­ hood memories sugges ted common experiences whi ch cut across geographical

Co-ordinOlOrs of/hI' orol history project II'l're Janine (Ro/en.,) Gram, CSS '83. /e/i, and Gerrie Loveys, Arts '84 .

distances and widely different types of farms. One seemingly universa l memory was of getting an orange for Christmas. Described often as "foreign" fruit, ora nges would not be seen until th e next Chri stmas. An orange was a very special treat. Other Christmas gifts were likely to be of a highly practical nature - socks, blou ses, shoes. Other universal memories were of the arrival of the far m's first machine trundling dow n th e road, and the sight of th at rare monster, the aut omobil e. Then there were th e occasions when people got togeth er for work bees and barn raisings compl ete with a feast and dance afterwards - and annual Sunday School outings and famil y re union s. Of course th ey went to church. Everyone we nt to church . Sunday obse rvan ce was o ne of the uni versals. Thi s made Saturday ex tra strenuou s. Meal s for Sunday had to be prepared in advance. Shoes had to be cleaned ready for church - you d id NOT clean shoes on Sunday. Ironing had to be done in advance - you did NOT iron on Sunday. There was usuall y a separate cl oset for Sunday clo thes. Monday was washday, co mplete with the fetching of water from th e well and was hin g th e Aoors afterwards with the was h water and tryi ng to be the firs t in the ne ighbourhood to have your washing pegged on th e line. The men remembered being tau gh t to sow broadcast - which th ey still swear is the best method - and to plough a straight line. Their memories remained clear on the tiny details of fa rm procedures and practices and such rul e-oF-thumb lore as " planting corn when an oakl eaf was the size of a squirrel's ear."

Everyone scemed to relllelllhn their lirst day at schoo l and the Jlallle of th eir lirst teacher. They remember not eight grad es bll t four classes, each of two levels. And th ey remember being better olT for it - for the hards hips , the di sciplines, th e God-fearing and the chores, for getting out from under a wa rm quilt on frosty momings and rushing downstairs to dress in fro nt of a roaring wood stove, for being a part of a stahle fa mi ly and a mutual support sy stem. They regard today's c hildren as being, in some ways , deprived. They remember, so lemnly and without regret, illness and dea th and accidents and emergency opera ti ons performed by the rural physician on the kitchen table, the teniblc th ings that happened to people when a tractor overturned, the horrors of the Au epide mi c of 1918 which took so many. But over and over again th ey would insis t that there is no life like it and whal a privilege it was to be living then, and how mistaken were th ose who left th e farm for the il lusion of a better life in the city, and their pride in those who stayed to carryon wha t they saw, and still see, as a g rea t tradition and a cri ti cal part of ou r heritage. For the researchers it was more than a project, it was an experience which wi ll remain part of their memories , to touc h fingertips with an age that still exists o nly in the memories of a dying few. A few more years and it will all be lost - save ol1ly for th at precious 700 hours of crack ly old voices of those grandmas and gra ndpas re living a period wh ich is rap idly passing into history. It was a peri od in Ontario's rural life which was deeply touched by th e Ontario Agricultural College, whi ch some had attended and many had vis ited for short courses. Copies of the tapes will be made for the Ontario prov inc ia l arc hives and the University of Gue lph archives. Plans for possible pub­ lication have not yet been formul ated. "The quantity of research material is immense: says Professor Brookes. "Just li stenin g through some 700 hours of tape interv iews wo ul d be a big enough task in itse lf - some individu al interviews went on for as long as s ix hours. " Transc ribin g it all would ca ll for even more resources. What we need to do is to index the inlerviews for future retri eva l. The important thin g is that we now have an irreplaceable treas ure of personal recoll ec­ tions which fUlure students , at this and other universi ti es, can draw on for further and deeper studies into aspec ts of rural life in this province between 1890 and 1920 which have never before bee n avai lab le. " A more immediate benefit will be a number of slide/tape presentations which are bcing prepared for use in Ontario school s, giving today's youngsters a rare oppo rtunity to see and hear for th emse lves Ju st wha t it was lik e in the "good old days." 0







$300,000 for



T he University of Guelph and IDEA Cor­ porati on recently signed an agreement th at will help the University ide ntify and market com merc i ~ ll y significant tec hnologies de­ velo ped by its research groups. The agree ment was signed as part of a new $3 rriillion program, introduced earlier this year by IDEA Corporation, that is de­ signed to hel p Ontario's universities put their research into commerc ial and indu s­ trial use. IDEA has com mitted $300,000 to th e University of Guelph, for th e next three yea rs, to help support the activities of an indi vidu al, employed by the university, to search out new technol og ical research de­ ve lopments th at show commercia l promi se. President, Burt Matthews, OAC '47, said: " The Uni vers ity's recog nized research streng th in the physica l, biologica l and life sciences co mplements the agricultural and veterinary science resea rc h that has lon g been associated with Guelph and supports, particularly, the maj or in volvemen t we have in biotechnology R&D. This program will reinforce the Univers ity 's interaction with

H. Ian Macdonald, Chairman of the Board, IDEA Corporation, and Presi­ dent Burt Mallhews, OAC '4 7. right , sign research development agreement.

indus try by increasing the inte rn al support needed to transfer new techn ologies and re­ search discoveries to the marketpl ace." H. Ian Macdonald , chairman of IDEA Corporation, sa id: "Agriculture's signifi cant role in the health and well-being of the On­ tario economy ca nnot be overstated, and r am delighted that we have completed this agreement with one of Canada's foremost researc h uni vers ities. IDEA's financial com­ mitment will enable the University of

Guelph to further the commercial develop­ ment of its man y ongoing research projects in a broad range of di sc iplines. IDEA is an Ontario Crow n corporati on with $91 million of capital ava ilable for in­ vestment in technological innovations and new technology- based firms. IDEA reports to the Minister of Indus­ try and Trade, and is funded thro ugh the Board of Industrial Leadership and develop­ ment. 0

New Director for Alumni Affairs and Development

Mwjorie E . Millar.

M arjorie E. Millar has been appo inted Di­ rec tor of the Depart ment of Alumni Affa irs and Developme nt, succee din g Jam es J. El mslie wh o retires March . I. She ass umes duties March 15. She will come to the University from Wilfrid Laurier University where she has bee n director of uni versity development and alumni afiairs since 1982 an d al so director of placement and career service s. A Bachelor of Arts graduate fro m Pacific Univers ity, Fore st Grove, Oregon, U.S.A. , with a major in Journalism, and a Mas ter of Ed ucation graduate from Oregon State Un ive rsity, Corvallis , Oregon, she has had a varied career. A former high sc hool teacher of Jour­ nalism and English, a women's news editor

for The Daily Astorian in Astoria, Oregon, and a com munity college instructor in com­ munications, she joined WLU in 1977 in th e Fac ulty of Soc ial Work where she was ap­ pointed adm ini stra tive assistant. In 1979 she became man ager of pl ace ment and career serv ices and assumed the direc tors hip of th e department in 1981. Her profess ional in vo lve men t includes the Co uncil for Advancement and Support of Education , the Canadian Association o f Uni ve rsi ty Deve lopment Officers , the Asso­ ci ati on of Alumni , Informati o n and De­ ve lo pment Officers, the Canad ian Centre for Philanthmpy, the National Society of Fund Rai sing Executives , th e Board of Trade of Metro To ron to and the Admini strative Man­ age ment Soc iety 0



The Forster


E stablished by the University of Guelpb Alumni Association (UGAA) as a tribute to the late Pre,ident Donald Forster, the Don­ ald F. Forster Fellowship will, thi s spring, be awarded for the fir st time. The award was formally an noun ced at an alumni recognition lu nc he on he ld, dur­ ing Alu mn i Weekend '83, to honour Pro­ fessor FO I'ster prior to his proposed move, in September 1983, to Toronto to become Pres­ ident of the University of Toronto. He died on Augus t 8, 1983, at age 49 . Made available from the Al ma Mater Fund , $20,000 will be allocated annuaily, on a rotationa l basis, to the University's seven co nst it uant colleges. The College of Arts has been selected as the first to receive the award which is to be used for faculty de­ velopment.

This Summer on the Guelph Campus The pleasure of listening to a truly fascinat­ ing lecture or of lu xuriously stretching out on the front cam pus to catch the mid-day sun, these are a few possible memories g rad­ uates have of the University of Gue lph. Alumni ca n rel ive suc h moments, and ad d a wealth of new experiences this sum­ mer. The University's Co ntinuing Education Division has orga ni zed three camps for Summe r '85 : all feature courses, recreation and entertainment. Since the camps are designed for vari­ ous ages, alumni can bring alon g family 0 1' friends. so lhat the University becomes part of life today, and not just a fond memory. Perhaps bes t of all, and very unlike the pas t, th ere are no exams l

Su mmer Campus 10th ANNIVERSARY July 8 ·12 A pionee r in camp us vacations, th e University's Summer Ca mpus continues to ~lourish as a rare co mbination of learning and rel axation. TIle Higginso ns of Bowmanv ille, John, OVC '67, and Joa n (Pinehin), Mac ' 68, have attended Summer Campus a number of times, takin g courses ranging from solar ene rgy to crea ti ve writin g. " It's a good way for a family to exper ience a fascin atin g 16

TIle College of Social Scicncc is nex t in line for the award and will bc followed by the Ontario Veterinary College, the College of Bi ological Science, the Ontar io Agricu ltural College, the College of Physical Science and th e College of Family and Consumer Studies, in that order. Faculty me mbers in a pal1icular college wi ll be invited to su bmit applications to the Dea n of the Co ll ege, providing a clear state­ ment of the proposed program to be under­ taken by the facu lty member, of the benefits whic h would accrue to the faculty member and to the University from such a prog ram , and of the costs entailed. Allowable uses of the fun d would be as follows. I. To provide for release time from teaching for an individual faculty member. A max­ imu m of $10 ,000 per facu Ity me mber tor one semester, to be paid to thc De partment con­ cerned , could be clai med . The extent to which this provided release from teaching would be a matter of nego tiation between the fac ul ty member and chairman of the

department. to be approved by the college dean. 2. Associated cos ts: for participation by a faculty member in a formal training course or program whic h might be of variable dura­ tion but not in excess of one ye ar, in an amou nt not to exceed $10,000 per faculty membe r. 3. A su pplement to salary, payable directly to the facu lty member fo r whom approval has been give n, or is being so ught, for a period of leave of eight to 12 mon ths in duration. TIle Inax imum amo unt payable tll anyone faculty member is not to exceed $1 0,000 and in any event, the combined total of available funds shou ld not exceed 100 pe r ce nt of sa lary 4 . Travel and operating cos ts associated wi th a sc hol arly project. with the amount awa rd ed to anyone faculty membe r not to exceed $5 ,000 . The princ ipal crite rion in mak ing such an award will be the creativity and originality demonstrated in th e pro­ posal. 0

week, rather than just sitting on a beach ," explains John. Last su mmer he and Joa n and their two yo ungs ters took full ad vantage of the varied ac ti vities on cam pus. Joa n rook in a Sum mer Ca mpu s cou rse, "The Creative Geni us Within," while John atten ded the Canadian Veterinary Medicine Association (CVMA) convention. Son, Matthew, 12 , chose the Uni vers ity's Com­ puter Camp, while 13-year-old Julie prcfer­ red the Guelph YMCA-YWCA Equestrian Camp, which is one of the youth programs affili ated wi th Summer Campus Courses at Summer Ca mpu s '85 are, as always , purposely varied . These include cre­ ative writ ing, financial manageme nt and time management, calligraphy, Scottis h his­ tory. drawing and th e Fren ch langu age.

plete with a picnic by the Thames, enab les students to analyze the professionals In action.

Theatre Camp


July 7·13 , and 14·20

Youngsters who e nj oy working on stage or behind the scenes. ca n ga in en­ hanced skills and a broader appreci ati on of theatre. plus a lot of fun and exc itemen t at Theatre Camp. "It's an act ion-packed expe­ rience," says Leonard Co nolly, chairman of the Depal1 ment or Drama. Professor Conolly has worked wit h Continuing Education personnel to produce lhis unusual one , week program which wi ll be given twice in July. " Through practical exerc ises . you ngsters gain expe ri ence in all aspccts or theatre including sce ne ry build­ ing, co,tumes, makeup, sou nd, lighting an d act ing," he .:xpiain,. Mime and theatresport wi! 1 also be explored. A day at the Stratford Fe,ti va l, co m-

Computer Camp


July 7 ·13 and 14·20,

August 11·17 and 18·24

The University has the hardware, soft­ ware, and specia lists to provide expert tailo r­ made inst ructi on for keen yo un g Rook ies, Hackers and Gurus. This su mmer, Rookies, youngs ters who have interest but little or no co mputing experience, may atte nd Week I or Week III of the camp. They then have the opt ion of a second, follow-up week as a more advanced Hacker. All weeks of the ca mp a re ope n to Hackers, the mainstay of the progra m. Five Gurus, those wit h an ex ten sive background in computing, will be accepted in to eac h week of the camp. While a camper does not have to be a whiz-kid to attend, a recommendation from a mathematics, sc ience, or dat a processing te ac her is required . Scholarship monies, awarded on the basis of need and /or ab ility, arc avail able ['rom participating corporate sponsors. Application forms are ava il ab le from sc ho ols and must be received no later than May I, 1985. For a ll three camps , vacatione rs ca n li ve in reside nce on ca mpu s or co mmute. Fo r th e sarety of youngsters who attend on the ir own, co unse llors provide co nstant su­ pervision on a I'at io of I to 10. For further information, contact Con ­ tinuing Ed ucation, John ston Hall, Un ive r­ sity of Guelph, Gu.:lph, Ontario. NIG 2WI , or ca ll (5 19 ) 824-4 120, Ex t. 3956 or 3957. 0


Alumni and College Royal

College Royal becomes more comprehe n­ sive every yea r, and it has become difficult for alumni to know just what events are taking place - where and when. As an aid to alumni thi s year, the Uni­ versity of Guelph Alumni Association will have a display, rest an d information centre, located on the open Level 2 lounge in the Uni­ versity Centre accessible by a stair from the central courtyard and close to the Co-op Cen­

tre Pharmacy. At the display, alumni can feel free to ask questions about their associations. Two College Royal features of par­ ti cu lar interest to alumni this year wi ll be campu s tours and the alumn i square dancing competition. Thi s is the second year for th e square dancing competition, which will be held in the Athletics Centre on Sunday, March 10 of Open Hou se Weekend. The competiti on is open to all al umni of the

University of Guelph, but the se ts need not be made up totall y from alumn i. For further information pl ease contact, Bob McRae, 242 Scottsdale Dr., Guelph , Ont. , N lG 2K8, (5 19) 836-5703. Again thi s year, co nducted cam pus tours will be held. Of particular interest will be the buildings which have recen tl y under­ gone ren ovations, or are still being reno­ vated, such as Johnston Hall , the Ca rriage House (old sheep barn), and th e Botany, Genetics an d Zoology Building. Please drop by the alumni information centre in the Uni­ verity Cen tre for information. 0

Coming Events

March 6


Ontario Institute of Agrologists Annual Conference. "Agricultural Development in Northern Ontario." At New Li skeard. Contact Don McArthur, Room 451, University Centre, Uni ve rsity of Guelph, Guelph, On tario N IG 2W I , or phone (519) 824-4120, Ext. 3056.


College Royal '85 Open House.


Annual Meeting, CBS Alumni Association. General Meeting, ODH Alumni Association.


OAC Diploma Hockey Tournament, at Guelph.

April 5-6



Florida Alumni Reunion Pot Luck Picnic. 12:00 noon, Harbour Heights Park, Port Charlotte, Florida. Swimming, tennis, horseshoes, volleyball, shuffl e-boa rd and children's playground. See note below right.

OAC Alumni Association Curling Bonspiel. Alumni-in-Action Lecture Series. "What Darwin Didn't Know" (or Prog ress in Biotechnology at the Uni vers ity of Guelph). Dr. Ken Kasha, director, Plant Biotechnol ogy Centre, U. of G. At the University's Arbo retum Centre, at 2:00 p.m.


OAC Alumni Seminar "Resealrch at the OAC."


Deadline for nominations for 1985 Alumnus of Honour and Alumni Medal of Achievement. See outside back cover of this issue tor details.

24-26 June 14-16

Guelph Alumni Ottawa Weekend. ALUMNI WEEKEND



Annual Meetings: OAC, Mac-FACS, OvC , Arts, CSS, CPS an d U. of G. Alumni Associations.


University of Guelph's 7th Annual Human Sexuality Conference. "Love, Sex and Intimacy." For further details contact : Continuing Educatio n Division , Johnston Hal l, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NI G 2WI. (5 19) 824-4 120, Ext. 3113.


UGAA Alumni Day at the Ballpark. Blue Jay s vs Bosto n at Toronto Further details and ticket order form wi ll appear in the Spring '85 edition of the Gu elph Alumnus.


Agricultural Institute of Canada Annual Conference, Charlottetown, P.E.1. For details , contact the Institute at 151 Slater Street. Suite 907, Ott awa. Ontario KIP 5H4 or phone (613) 232-9459

Florida Alumni Reunion and Pot Luck Picnic Sponsored by the Univer,ity's Aluillni-in-Action gro up, this eve nt is a revival of the OAClOvC/Mac picnic held an nu ally at the Warm Mineral Sprin gs, Flol'ida, home of the late Pro lessor Eilleritlis A. W. " Jac k" Baker, OAC '09A and' I I, prior to his dea th at age 82 in J974. He was head of the OAC's Depanment of Biology until retirement in 1955. For further del<lils of the re­ uni on picn ic, contact the Alumni Office, Room 131. Johnston Hall, University of Guelp h, Guel ph . Ontario N1G 2WI. (5 19) 824-4 120, Ext. 2122, or Jack's daughter, Ruth (Baker) Wright, Mac '37 , and Go rdon Wright, OAC '33. General Delivery. Warm Mineral Springs , Florida 33596, US A. Harbour Heights is a small com mu nity on the Peace River, two miles east of P0I1 Charl otte, and rc ached from Exit 30 on Intersta te Highway 75.



The College of Biological Science Alumni Association

BIO-ALUMNI NEWS Editor: Marie (Boissonneault Rush, '80

Update I

always enjoy this opportunity to submit a few lines to the BID-ALUMNI NEWS know­ ing that CBS grads from across the country are delighted to catch up on news about the College and their Alumni Assoc iation. To assist undergrads in job-searching, and provide some ideas on potential areas of employment, the CBS Alumni Association established a Careers Counselling Register in 1983. Copies of the register are kept in the dean's office and in Biology House. To keep the register up to date, we would like alumni to send in their names, study major, the type of employment presently engaged in (even if not related to studies), address and tele­ phone ·number. For those of you who have not returned to the University of Guelph for a while, there is an impressive addition being added to the Botany, Genetics and Zoology (BG&Z) building. The addition will house the re­

cently created Department of Molecular Bi­ ology and Genetics. Will the building now be referred to as BMBG&Z? Dr. Burt Matthews, OAC '47, presi­ dent of the University, recently made it of­ ficial that Professor Roy Anderson will be serving his second term as chairman of the Department of Zoology. The fund for the Keith Ronald Fel­ lowship has maintained momentum, and to date we have collected approximately 70 per cent of our $10,000 objective. If you have not already done so, help us meet our goal and send in your tax-deduct able contribu­ tion to this worthy cause. We have some new faces on the CBS Alumni Association board of directors. Eric, 'SO, and Lorrie (Rolston) Cosens, '79, recently resigned as Eric accepted a position as planner with the township of Bracebridge. Good luck Eric and Lorrie. We welcome their replacements, Kelly Mun­ kittrick, 'SO and 'S3, and Lorraine Bruce­ Allen, 'SO and OVC 'S4. Kelly did his

New Head

The new Director of the School of Human Biology, Dr. Stan R. Blecher, received med­ ical degrees from the University of Wit­ watersrand, Johannesburg. South Africa, and the University of ' Copenhagen, Den­ mark. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Col­ lege of Medical Geneticists. After emigrat­ ing to Canada from Denmark, in 1978 , he held the rank of professor in the Department of Anatomy at Dalhousie University, Wolf­ ville, N.S. He has taught at the university level since 1960, offering courses in Human Ge­ netics, Histology, Gross Anatomy. Develop­ mental Biology, Neuroanatomy, Cytology and Embryology to medical.. dental, phys­ iotherapy and science undergraduate and graduate students, and post-graduate (spe­ cialist) physicians. His administrative ex­ perience has been both extensive and inno­ vative. 18




Dr. Blecher developed, and imple­ mented , a clinically orientated teaching sys­ tem for basic sciences. He has served on seve ral curriculum committees in Canada, Denmark, and the U.S.A., including the committee that developed the curriculum for the new medical school at the University of Illinois in Urbana (1971). He has chaired numerous academi c and administrative committees. He is currently chairman of the

undergrad degree in fisheries and wildlife before completing his M.Sc. in fish pa­ thology. He is currently working for the In­ ternational Aquaculture Developments Company in Erin. Lorraine completed her undergrad degree in Zoology and then went on to do an M.Sc. at the ave. Lorraine is currently employed as a lab instructor and research technician in the Department of Zoology. The CBSAA board of directors is cur-. rently planning a wildlife art show and sale for the June 1985 Alumni Weekend. This promises to be one of the most ambitious and best events ever sponsored by our Asso­ ciation. If anyone would like to show, or sell, artwork pertaining to wildlife, nature and the environment, please contact us by writing to me, c/o Department of Alumni Affairs and Development, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIG 2WI. Christopher Wren, B.Sc. '77, Ph.D. '83, President, CBSAA.

science policy committee of the Canadian Association of Anatomists, and is a member of the Accreditation Committee of the Cana­ dian College of Medical Geneticist s. Dr. Blecher brings with him an im­ pressive record of scholarship which has been recognized both nationally and inter­ nationally. His research interest focu ses upon developmental genetics of sexual di­ morphism and upon developmental genetic homology between human and animal mod­ el systems. Hi s work has generated substantial Medical Research Council support and has culminated in numerous refereed publica­ tions. Dr. Blecher's goals for the School of Human Biology are to further develop the existing research and teaching strengths of the School; to further enhance the School's reputation for pre-med ical and related pro­ grams, and to expand the School's sphere of interest into the areas of new Biology and Med ica I Research (i ncl ud ing doctora I programs). 0



Mark Jordan, '81, is a graduate student in plant genetics with the Department of Plant Sdence at the University of Manitoba. Kathy Martin, '81, is a research technician in the Department of Medicine - Cardiac Investigation Unit at University Hospital, London, Ontario. Tom Hattie, '82, tells us that there are many University of Guelph graduates at the Uni­ versity of Saskatchewan where he is an M.Sc. student in the Department of Applied Microbiology and Food Science. Human Biology


Victor Andrusiw, '81, is manager and pa­ per stock broker, an exporter of waste paper, with I.G. Paper Recycling in Calgary, Al­ berta (a division ofl.G. Machine and Fibres Ltd .) handling all grades , to Japan, Korea and Taiwan. He also buys and sells paper throughout western Canada and in Wash­ ington, Oregon and Montana in the U:S.A . Liz (Boyle) Curtis, '81, is a research tech­ nician at the Infertility Clinic, Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Calgary, Alta. Nutrition & Biochemistry

Jill Merrill, '79, M.Sc. '82, is a Ph.D . student at Texas A.&M . University in the Vet. PhysioJ. & Pharmacol. department. Her degree will be in Toxicology.

Cindi Clark, '81, is a student with the fac­ Ulty of Medicine, Health Sciences Centre, University of Calgary, Alta.

Sherry Pokol, '82, is a graduate student in the Department of Pharmacology, Univer­ sity of Alberta, Edmonton.

Human Kinetics

Fisheries & Wildlife Biology

Ross Bishop, '79, is the program director, Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Vic­ toria Hospital, London, Ontario. His wife, Elisa, graduated from The University of Western Ontario, London.

Chuck McCrudden, '81, is a Fish and Wildlife biologist with the Ministry ofNatu­ ral Resources, Parry Sound.

Will Cassidy, '78, is a sales manager for Edwards Power Door (Canada) Ltd., M is­ sissauga.

"Guru" Kumaraguru, Ph.D. '83, is a sci­ entific officer at the Madurai Kamaraj Uni­ versity in India. 0


The CBSAA awards. and the CBSAA-AMF awards are presented annually. at the Associa­ tion's annual meetinR durinR ColleRe Royal. to dedicated undergraduates. The 1984 winners were. Jrollt row: Mark Chandler, Wildlife 211d year. a CBSAA award; Liz Hazlett , Borany. 4th year. a CBSAA-AMF award; Madeline Austen, ZooIORY. 4th year, a CBSAA­ AMF award ; and James Kurucy, Unspecialized, 4th year, a CBSAA award. Tracey Robin­ son, Human Biology, recipient oj a CBSAA-AMF award, was unable to attend. Back row: I /0 r. are: Cam Portt . . 77 and' 80, secretary-treasurer, CBSAA; Dr. Bruce Sells, dean CBS, and Dr. George Dixon, '80, president CBSAA .

Nominations Please Our College celebrated its 10th birthday in 1980. We are a young col­ lege but we have graduates worthy of the annual UGAA award , the ALUMNI MEDAL OF ACHIEVE­ MENT. If you know of recent gradu­ ates (within the past 10 years) who have brought distinction to their Alma Mater through contributions to country, community or profession, please s ubmit their name s to the chairman of the Honours and Awards Committee. The address and instruc­ tions are prominently displayed on the outside back cover of this issue. Please note that supporting documen­ tation and a completed nomination form are necessary for serious con­ sideration of the nomination.

Still Space in the Wormy World Department of Zoology professo r. Dr. Mary Beverley-Burton, points out that there are still green pastures for the taxonomist in the "wormy world" of parasites . as new species of flat worms (Platyhelminthes) are described and catalogued. It is in thi s field that Professor Beverley­ Burton was recently honoured when Dr. Georges Oliver, a professor of Zoology at the Universi ty of Perpignan. in the south of France, named a parasite after her. The spe­ cies, Cycioplectanum be verleyburtonae , is of the platyhelminth class Monogenea and is a parasite of serranid fishes (Percifonnes) from the Mediterranean. Profes sor Beverley-Burton became interested in worms of this genus while on study leave at the University of Hong Kong in 1976 and, in 1981. published in collabora­ tion with Dr. Delia Mabel Suriano, a revi­ sion of Cycioplectanum in the Calladian Journal oj ZooIORY. Dr. Suriano is now at the Institute of Marine Research, Mar del Plata, Argentina. Professor Beverley-Burton is the author . of the volume covering the Monogenea and Tllrbellaria in the se ries. Guides to Parasifes oj Fishes oj Canada, being published by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and currently in press. 0 19

The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association

ALUMNI NEWS Editor: Dr. Harvey W. Caldwell, '51.

Productive Farmers carry

Reprinted from the Western Ontario Farmer Canada's most productive farmers are car­ rying most of the nation's farm debt. This result comes from a survey conducted by Farm Credit Corporation Canada during the earl y part of 1984. The survey analysis divides th e farmers in each of the Corporation's seven admin­ istrative regions into three groups of equal size according to the amount of equity they hold in their farms. The equity range varies from region to region with, for example, the high-equality farmers in Quebec being that one-third of farmers with above 95 per cent equity. In contrast, th;,: hi gh-equity gro up in the Atlantic provinces, which are treated as one region , has over 99 per cent equ ity. The low-eq uity group in Quebec has less than 74 per cent equity while in th e Atlantic prov­ inces this group consists of farmers with less than 86 per cent equity. The mid-equity group in each region consists of fanners who fall between these ranges. Across Canada, the average eq uity position of farmers, at 82 per cen t, is consid­ ered high. However, in every region th e aver­ age eq uity of the one-third of farm ers In the low-equity group is far below th e eq uity lev­ els among the top two-thirds of the fa rmers. For example, in Ontario, the bottom one-third of fanners have below 81 per cent while the middle one-third has equity be­ tween 81 per cent and 99 per cent. The top one-third holds over 99 per cent equity in their farms. But the average equity of the bottom group is only 55 per cent. Similar statist ics are rep0!1ed for the other- regions. TIle survey results emphasize that in each region one-third of farmers, those with th e least equi ty, shoulder most of the farm debt. Across Canada, the low-equity group holds farm debt ranging from a low of about 73 per cent of the debt in Manitoba and Saskatchewan to a hi gh of about 85 per cent in British Columbia and Ontario. Thi s high-debt, low-cqu ity group is


most Debt also comprised of the most productive of Canadian farmers. In almost every region, the one-third of farmers with the lowest eq­ uity is responsible for the largest share of farm sales. About half of Canada's food pro­ duction comes from thi s group. The low-equity group has the highest ratio of sales to assets, which means that for every dollar of assets under th eir control, these low-equity farmers sell more in farm products than do farmers in the mid- and high-equity groups. Thi s suggests higher productivity. For example, in the four Atlantic provinces the ratio of sales to assets for the low-equity group is 0.333. Thi s mea ns that for every dollar of assets the Atlantic farmer produces 33 l/3 cents in sa le s. The ratio for the mid-equity group in the Atlantic prov­ inces is 0.263 and for high-equity farmers it is 0.179. The same pattern appears in the other regions. The low-equity group is also made up of Canada's youngest farmers. [n almost every region, the survey showed th at farmers

in the low-equity gro up have fewer years of experien ce as manage rs of their farms. Across Canada, low-equity farmers aver­ aged between 11 and 16 years of experience managing their far ms. This contrasts with a range of between 20 and 32 years for the high-equity group. The length of experience of the high-equity group indicates that it is made up of older farmers who are nearing retirement age. The survey also shows that farmers in the low-equity group invest more in their farms than do those in the medium- and high-equity groups. This suggests that those in the low-equity gro up are yo unger farmers trying to build lip th ei r operations. Across Canada, the average amount in­ vested in 1983 in a farm by low-equity farm­ ers ranged from $21,834 to $52,053. This compares to a much lower range of between $5,910 to $17,700 for the hi gh-equity group. [n all regions except Quebec, low-eq­ uity farmers borrow more than they invest in capital purchases, suggesting that the extra borrowings are used to pay debts, to pay living expenses, or to meet other cash flow requirements. These results come from a survey of 6,000 farmers across Canada. The survey is meant to gather information on the financial structure of Canadian agriculture. 0

AI Ih e Arboretum Celllre, Ihl' occusioll was Ihe I(hh (ll1l1ual gOlhering oj Universiry ((t Cuelph relirees. From I 10 r: Bob Hil/(m, Proj(:ssor Emerilus und Ihe firSI dirl'c/ur of Ihe Uni versity Arboretum; Dr. John D. MacLachlan, president of the University from irs fuunding in 1964 Linli11967 ; Ross Cavers, '29 , and current President Burl Mal/hews, '47.

Carriage House Designated Historic Site The official ceremony designating the nearly 100-year-old carriage house on the University of Guelph campus as a historic site took place on September 12, 1984. This building is better known to many graduates as the sheep barn on ColJege Lane, since renamed the Arboretum Road. The designation by the Local Architec­ tural Conservation and Advisory Committee (LACAC), was calTied out with the unveil­ ing of a plaque with Norm Harriso n, secre­ tary of LACAC ; Ann Godfrey, representing mayor Norm Jary of Guelph, and Dr. Burt Matthews, '47, president of the University of Guelph, participating. The event coincided with a meeting of the OAC Alumni Association Board of Di­ rectors and was followed by a barbeque which, due to inclement weather, had to be moved from outdoors to inside the sheep barn, the central part of which has been renovated. It was very interesting to hear the his­ tory of the building and to look closely at its construction. The central part had been a coach house, built adjacent to the president's home which then stood where Creelman Hall now stands, and was used for the presi­ dent's carriage. When a new steam tunnel was built in

Weed Garden Flourishes For most of us, weeds are an enemy in a war that is never finally won, and it would seem that people in their right minds would not de liberately cultivate these pestiferous plants. But gardeners, farmers and land­ sca pers are beating a path to the University of Guelph's Department of Environmental Biology these days for an informative stroll around Professor Jack Alex's weed garden. The environmental biologist is proud of his exten sive collection of weeds, and explains that far from being a major nui­ sance to be eradicated by fair means or foul, the University's weed garden is flouri shing only as a result of long planning and much care. "We have always maintained a weed

Cuelph's Aldermal1 Al1ne Codji-ev ul/veils {he plaque designa{in g {he riage House as "a building of his{oric alld archi{eClural il1leres{."



the late '20s , the coach house was moved, on rollers and by horses, to its present site. Two wings were added, one on each side of the central ponion, and were copies of the orig­ inal structure but on a smaller scale, with gables, lightning rods, ventilators, etc. The building eventually became a sheep bam. In 1981 the demolition of the sheep barn was considered. Fortunately, however, Anne (Harvey) Smith, '52, a member of our Association's Board of Directors, pre­ vailed upon officials and, with the suppon of the Alma Mater Fund, it was decided to

renovate the building which could be used by various groups as a meeting place with a spacious, bright, all-purpose room. Plans for a fireplace, kitchenette and renovation of the wings are being developed. It was fortunate that Doris (Mahoney) Austen, Mac '34, of Guelph, whose grand­ fa ther Richard Mahoney is thought to have been the builder of this historic structure, was able to be present. As Dr. Matthews commented at the unveiling , "Not often enough do we stop and take time to re­ membe r our heritage." 0

garden here. " says Dr. Alex. "But a couple of years ago we upgraded the collection, laying it out in neat beds and labelling eac h specimen for easy identification. "Maintaining a weed garden is not as easy as it would at first seem. Contrary to most gardeners' experience they do not grow just anywhere. In fact, the most undesirable characteristic of weed s is that they flouri sh best precisely where you do not want them. We have have to get them where we want them in the first place, and then prevent them from encroaching on their neighbours." Some of the weeds are sequestered in metal cylinders su nk well into the ground to contain the spreading root systems. Others must constantly be trimmed back to prevent the spread of surface shoots. A poi son ivy trimming operation a few weeks ago left Prof. Alex, one of Canada's leading au­ thorities on weeds and their nasty habits, with an unwelcome crop of blisters.

"I was weari ng proper protect i ve gloves and boots and th ick jeans. and was careful to avoid contact wherever possible, but the resin s must have spurted from the cuts and penetrated both my jeans and heavy shirt, and I have been under treatment from the doctor ever since. Poison Ivy is clearly not to be fooled with." The Univers ity of Guelph weed garden is easily accessible just off Gordon Street near the greenhouses. The public is wel­ come throughout the daylight hours. seven days a week. Whatever unidentified. unwelcome floral guest .may have claimed squatters' rights in your garden, you will almost cer­ tainly find it here - and accurate identifica­ tion is the prerequi site of eradication. If your weed is NOT here, contact Professor Jack Alex . he will certainly want to know about it. And beware the poison ivy - you can't miss it. 0 21


How Are They Handled?

Gendy! - Eggsactly! BanE E Bes t Eggs, a di vision of Maple Lynn Foods Lim ited , and Ontario's larges t gradi ng stat ion, recently th rew o pen its doors to egg- industry people who were in­ vited to view demonstrat ions of a new com­ puter system, a grading room in operation, and to ind ulge in discllss ions and hospitality with BonEE Best's staff. Welcoming the group to th e statio n, ge neral ma nager, Hank Lammers gave each tour gro up a brief his tory of the BonEE Best f<lc ili ty The gradi ng stati o n, whic h covers 52,000 sq uare fee t, was opened in 1980 an d beca me pa li of Mapl e Ly nn Foods Limited in Sep tember 1981, headed by Ont<lr io's lead ing eggma n Joe Hudson. Bccause of its com parat ively recent constru ct ion, th e sta­ tio n includes much "state of the art" equ ip­ ment and prac ti ces. The stati on is located in Mississau ga, just fo ur km west of Toronto's Intern ati onal Airport. Thi s mea ns th at a pprox imately three million people li ve within a 30-mile radius of the gradi ng station. Rapid distri bu­ ti on of graded eggs to supermarke ts is made comparati vely easy. Eggs are acquired from a large area of south ern and south western Ontario and all tractor trailers used to collect products have air- ride tra i.lers. The dry storage area contains packag­ ing materi al and an indication of the opera­ tion's size is that th ree to four trac tor tra iler loads of cartons are received eac h wee k. The company docs custom packing for all but one of Ontario's cha in stores, in addi tion to house brand BonE E Best. Both foam and fibre cartons are used, dependi ng on the prefe rence of indi vidual customers. A fa rm cooler, mai ntained strictl y at 55°F, is used to. hold eggs overn ight onl y The trac tor trailers leave ea rl y eac h day, fill ed with clean and empty egg carts and fl ats, an d return, usuall y in the aftern oo n, wi th full ones. All eggs are shi pped in stan­ dard ca rt s ho ldin g 30 stacks each of 15 dozen eggs. The eggs rece ived eac h day are graded the follow in g day. While was tage and breakage are ke pt to a minimu m, the compan y has found it wo rth while to in stall mac hi nery for process­ ing these eggs, fo r whi ch no market exists in the human-food indu stry. Broke n eggs are placed in a centri fuge which removes shell, and the liq ui d is transferred to large plast ic tanks and used for pet food. Egg carts are was hed and disinfected in what is rea ll y a small -sca le car wash, and the 22

pl ast ic egg fiat s are washed in a Sey mou r Hat was her. Thi s is thought to be a considerab le improvement on previous efforts to kee p plas tic egg fla ts clea n. The washin g/gradin g mac hi nes are the heart of the operati on. These are Staa kat machines imported from Holland, and four of tl1em operate at the BonEE Best statio n. At full speed, each mac hine handles 140 30­ doze n cases per hou r fo r a tota l of 16,800 do zen per ho ur. Eggs are au tomati c"l ly un­ loaded from 15 doze n stacks and pl aced, 12 wide, on a co nveyor to th e was hing section. Water is mai ntained at 110°F, and all eggs are ri nsed and dried in a blas t of hot air and th en oiled. The machines are equipped wit h elec­ troni c sca les and are computer controlled . As each eg g is we igh ed , the CO ll1p ute r cou nts th e egg and ass igns it to a discharge point according to size. The scale is ex treme ly acc urate, and thus tolerances are kept to a mini mum with benefit to produ cers. Eggs are aut omati ca ll y cart oned , and placed small end dow n in the cart on. Sen­ sors are prese nt so that no canon will be delivered with an em pty space. ]f, for some reaso n, an egg is missi ng, then th e lid of the cart on will not be closed and an operator will fill th e empty space and close the car­ ton ; however, this is a rare occ urrence. This means th at th e great majori ty of the eggs are not touched in the e ntire process, the excep­ ti ons being the und ergrades which are re­ moved in the ca ndl ing process prior to

we ighing. Each mac hine is norm all y at­ tended by two candlers, who arc changed each hal f hour. The overaJi impress ion of the gr<.ld ing mO ln is most impressive. It occ upies a large area, bu t employs com paratively few peo­ ple. There was very little evidence of break­ age of eggs , and beneath the machines the noor was compl etely dry. Direc tor of operations, Murray Woods , '56 , em phas ized the complex ity of tra nslat­ ing orders int o indi vidual shi pping loads. Wi th ma ny stores be ing serv iced two or th ree tillles a wee k. and de li verics orten made durin g th e night , thi s prese nts a tcsti llg situ at ion to BonEE Best Eggs. one which they c laim to mee t with a high decree 01 effic iency. In answer to a qu es ti on, Murray Woods stated th at it woul d be possib le for an egg to reach the re tail supermarket with in 24 hou rs of being laid and at the mos t, eight days wo uld be in vo lved in thi s procedure. Egg cartons are ma rked wit h a " best before" date which is established as 14 days fro m the date of deli very A recent innovati on at BonEE Best, along with th e other two gradin g stati ons in the group, is the introd uction of a new com­ puteri zed acco untin g, reco rding and in vo ic­ ing system. Eac h station is equipped with a MAl Bas ic 4 computer with th ree terillin ais. The soft wa re incl udes all the standard fea ­ tures fo r acco unting, payro ll , etc ., and also a comprehensive sys tem of reco rd -kee ping fo r indi vidu a l pro du ce rs. A s th e be nch counts are bei ng entered from the grading mac hines, th e computer carri es out totalling and sub-totallin g, handles levy cal cul ati ons , and wr ites produ cer state me nts and chequ es for eac h shi pment. Egg gradin g and handling have come a long way in th e last few decades. 0

BonEE Best egg experJ Dr. Peter HUlit on , centre, \·\lith Ko ren Summ ers and Dr. John Summ ers, '53.

Improved Crop Strains The Uni ve rsity of Guelph and AlJelix Inc. of Mi ssissauga have embarked on a joi nt venture that will ca pitali ze on the experti se of both partners to provide imp roved crop strains for Canadian farmers. Usin g s uch biotec hnolo g ical te ch­ niques as protoplast fusion, ti ss ue cu .lture and anther culture, the three-year joint pro­ In-am aims at devel oping improved plant types. Canola is Canada's most important oil seed crop, and is rapidly becoming one of the most important cash crops in Canada. The new techniques being applied will red uce th e time needed to deve lop and mar­ ket new varieties from the current eight- to IS-year period to as few as five, says Pro­ fessor Wally Beve rsdorf of the Crop Science Department at Guelph . The objective is to obtain hy brid canol a varieti es with in ­ creased yields as well as such other desirable characteristics as earlier maturity, better dis­ ease resistencc, improved fatty acid com­

position and ability to compete with weeds. Guelph's crop sc ientists estimate that if the project is successful, the res ultant new strams could add over $200 million to Cana­ dian farmers' incomes eac h year with no increased costs for input s such as fert ilizer, sprays and land costs. Canola, devel oped in Canada, is a high-quality form of rapeseed. Its end prod­ ucts - vegetable oil and high protein meal for lives tock feeding - have wide market acceptance. Development work already done at Guelph , with support from the On­ tario Mini stry of Agri culture and Food , has produced strains tolerant to the herbicide atrazine, permitting its use in crop rotati ons with corn on Ontario farm s. The current project will involve six scient ists and three technicians at Allelix and fo ur scientists and three technicians at Guelph, all of whom will be applying such tec hniques as pro­ toplast fu sion, tis sue culture and anther culture. The joint ve nture with Allelix is one of man y research contracts undertaken by the University, not only in th e ag riculture and food system , but in other areas of en deavour as well. Ron Dolynchuk, director of indus­ trial services in th e U ni ve rsi ty's Office of

Viticulture Award A

, T

gradu ate in th e Department of Hor­ ticulture Science, David Hunter of St. Ca­ tharines has rece ived the first scholarship from the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (eastern sec tion). The schol­ arship is awarded annually to students at­ te nding a Canadian unive rsit y who are pursuing a degree in enology, viticulture or in a program emphasizing a sc ience basic to the grape and th e wine industry. David Hunter has been assoc iated with th e Ontari o grape and wine industry for many years. He was employed as an agri­ cultural tec hnician in the physiology and vi,ticulture program at the Hort icultural Re­ search Institute of Ontari o, Vineland Sta­ tion , from 1971 through 1978. From 1978 to

O(ll'iel Hlln/er.

198 1, he was research viticulturist and grape manager for Chateau-Gai Wines , Niagara Falls, and supervi sed the wine grape in spec­ tion program for the Ontari o Mini stry of Agriculture and Food during th e 1982 crush. He is a member of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists, the Canadi a n Soci e ty of Oenologists and the American Society for Enology and Viticulture.

He obtained his B.Sc. with general ho­

Award for Charlie Baldwin Charlie S. Baldwin, '56, of Ridgetown College has bee n named one of ten recip­ ients of the 1984 Fell ow Award by th e Soil Conservation Society of Americ a (SCSA). The Fellow Award is the highest ho­ nour SCSA confers on its members. It is given for profess ional excellence and for service to the organization. Dr. Baldwin was honoured for his ex-

ee llence as a research er, teacher, writer and speaker on land and water resource con­ servation and for his dedi cated service to SCSA. He heads the soils section or the Rid ge town College of Agricultural Tech­ nology, a post he has held since 1957 . He is leader in th e attempt to create publ ic awareness of so iI conse rvation and related problems in Ontario. He speaks at

Research, provides constant liaison betwcen the University and indu stry. Di scovering and developmg bio-engi­ neered products for world-wide application in agriculture is the primary goa l of All eli x. The Company was formed in 1982 by three org ani za tion s: the Canada Deve lo pment Corpo ration, John Labatt Limited an d the Province of Ontario. In ad dition to its mod­ ern, well-equipped 75,000 square-foot labo­ ratory in Miss issauga, the Company is now building a half-acre greenhouse in Caledo n Township, north of Toronto It could be up to ten years before suc­ ce ss ful result s from the CU ITent three-year project reac h Canadian fa rmers in the form of commercial supplies of improved seed, the scientists say, although if thin gs go smoothly, the time co uld be shorter. If suc­ cessful , the projec t wi II mark the first co m­ mercial application in Canada of the use of biot ech nology techniqu es to reco mbin e plant genes. The joint program will cost several mil­ lion dollars, and is supported by a majo r contribution from the NatiOn al Researc h Council of Canada under the Progra m for Industry Labora tory Projec ts (PILP) bio­ techn ology program. 0

nours in agriculture from the University of Nottingham , England, prior to emigrating to Canada in 1969. He attended Brock Uni ­ versity, St. Catharines where he received hi s M.Sc. in plant ph ys io logy. Hi s gradu ate studies re sumed in 1983 when he entered a Ph.D . program at Guelph. For his research project he is investigating photosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiency in grapevines with different genetic background s, and photosimilate partitioning in " Seyval blanc," with particul ar referen ce to the production of late-maturing secondary fruit clusters. He has also rece ived the Ronald C. Moyer Fellow ship for graduate work in viticulture in th e Departme nt of Ho rti­ cultural Science at Guelph (1983) and Uni­ versi ty of Guelph Graduate Scholarships (winter and spring semes ters, 1984). 0

numerou s extension meetings eac h year. He also initiated, planned , and served as the technica l director of the highl y successful, 21-minute colour film "Land - Our Last Reso urce" and recentl y assisted with the production of' a second film on so il and en­ vironmental conservation. Dr. Baldwin rece ived a B.S .A. in Crop Science and an M.S .A. , in 1957, in Soil Sci ence frolll Gue lph and earned a Ph .D. in Soil Science at Michigan State Uni versity, East Lancing. 0 23


Grad News

Robert Bucher, '79, is sales manager, Mea­ surex Corp. , Cupertino, Calif., USA.

Ronald Watson, '72, is superintendent, Provincial Construction (N iagara Falls) Ltd. , Niagara Falls.

Eileen (Emmett) Cole, '79, is a registered nurse, University H osp ital, Lond o n. Her husband. William, '79, is reg ional sa les manager, Ralston Purin a Canada Ltd., Woodstock.

Winona Joan (Clow) Boyce, '74, with her husband , Bob, OVC '74, practice as a veterinarian. She is his keep er and also helps in raising dardbred horses.

works in his book­ stan­

Gordon Hoag, '74, is ch ief resident , Pa­ thology, Department of Pathology, Univer­ sity Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask. Walter Nicholaichuk, '74, is head, water­ shed and research sec tion, Natural Hy­ drology Resea rch Insti tute, University of Saskatchewan. Steven Cairns, '75, is a grain buyer for the Alberta Wheat Pool, Lethbridge, Alta. His wife, Elaine (Derouin) is a '77 grad. Gordon White, ' 75, is a science teac her wit h the Pee l Board of Education, Bramp­ ton.

Robert Cutler, ' 79, is treasure r, Simcoe County Health Unit, Midhurst. Conrad Kelly, '79, is agro nomist, National Agricultural Co rporation, SI. Kitt s, West Indies. Danila Perez Baldas, '80, is a n assistant profes sor, Dep ar tment of Agronomy, University of the Philippines , Los Baines, Laguna. Gerard Bruin, '80, is manager, tec h­ nol ogy, Zaadunie Seed Company, in En­ khuizen. The Netherla nd s. Elizabeth Wise, ' 82, is public relatio ns di­ rector, Innisk illin Wines In c .. Ni agara -on­ the-Lake.

Benson Yiu Lee, '76, is man ager, Samson Produce Inc., Ajax.

Gordon Grant, ' 83, is a biol og ical techni ­ cian , Grand River Co nservation Authority, Cambridge.

Murray McComb, '76, ;s senior planner with Parks Canada, HUll, P.Q.

James Pang , '83, is a civil engineer. with P.S. Konsult ant, Sarawak. Malaysia.

Andrew Bruce, M .L.A. '77, is park plan­ ner, Saskatchewan. Parks and Re newable Resources, Regi na.

Timothy Emerson , '84, is terr itory man­ ager. Pfizer C & G Inc .. Pointe C laire. Dor­ val, Que.

Diploma Graduates Philip Cairns, '77, is se nior economist, Ontario Milk Marketing Board, Missis­ sauga. Ian Stewart, '77, is district manager, Buck­ erfields Ltd., Abbotsford, B. C. Gregg Allan, '78, is wes te rn sa les manager, Green Cross, Calgary, Alta. Mary Ruth McDonald, '78, is a past man­ agement specia list with OMAF, Kettleby. James Neary, '78, is ass istant Ag. Rep. , N.S. Depal1me nt of Agriculture and Mar­ keting, Picto u, N .S. Lind a (Krompart) Paron, ' 78, is qu al ity assurance supervi sor, Laura Secord Ltd ., Scarboroug h. James Profit, '78 , is a Jesuit, working at " the Farm Co mmunity" near Guelph. About 30 men, women, and chi ldrcn operate the far m. 24

George Honsinger, '32A, is retired and liv­ in g in New Liskeard. George Martyn, '32A, has retired from the federal civil se rvi ce and is liv in g in Ridgetown. Wallace Secord, '40A, is ow ner-manage r of a fruit and vegetable farm, Fenwick. William Butler, '58A, is supervisor, On­ tario Dairy Herd Improvement Corp. . To­ ro nto. Gaye Hoskin, '62A, is treasurer, Hosk in Farms Ltd., Coburg. Patricia (Standing) Parkinson, '64A, is a laboratory technician with Agriculture Can­ ada. Guelph. Doug Vincent, '68A, is manager. Wood­ stock branch, Vincent Farm Equipment Ltd .. Woodstock.

Arnold Main, '73A, is a pastor, with the Tehkummah Pe ntecostal Assembly, Tch­ kummah. Urica Ellies-Garcia, '84A, is a planning officer with the Mini stry of Agriculture, Lands and Food Production, Trinidad a nd Tobago. Alan King, '84a, is assistant marketing officer, Ontario Milk Marketing Board, Mississauga.

ODAGrad Allan Spicer, '81, is account development manage r, Ontario Region, Taral an Corpora­ tion , Crop consultants, Geneva, 1Il. . USA. Hi s office is in Glencoe. 0

In Memoriam Adam Fraser Ross, '20A and '22, o n May \7 ,1984 . He lived in Hali fax, N.S. William Cecil Dyer, '23A. Details un­ known. He lived in Brooklin, Onl. Robert Lee Payne, '23, on August 24 , 1984. He lived in Bathurst, N.B . William Harry Jennings, '33A and '36, on November I, 1984. Retired from Canada Packers Ltd ; he lived in Mississauga. Gerald Francis Pirie, '37, of In gerso ll, in May 19R4. He had been a salesman with Cla ir Bray Real Estate Co. Ltd. Thomas Gerald Hicks, '40, o n July 17. 1984. He lived in Scarborough. Douglas Haig Mites, '42, September 28, 1984 . Doug was an area co-ordinator, Exten­ sion Branch, OMAF. until hi s retirement in December 1983 . Isabel Margaret Barstead, '43, o n August 24, 1983, after a len gthy illness. She had been in real es tate, Barstead Real Estate Corp .. Scarborough. William Charles Christner, '49, on Oc­ tobe r 2, 1984. He had been senior vice­ president , Thomas 1. Lipton Ltd., and was living in Willowdale. Fairbairn Oliver Falconer, '51, in March 1984. He had been principal, Cobourg Dis­ trict Collegiate Institute, Cobourg, prior to retirement. His widow, Joyce (Hooker) is also a graduate of ' 51. 0 .

Macdonald Institute/College of Family and Consumer

Studies Alumni Association




Th e following is a citation presented during June Convocation at McGill Universi fy when the Degree of Doctor ofScience, hon­ oris causa, was conferred on Dr. Margaret McCr ea dy, Prin cipa l of Ma c donald Institute , 1949-1969. Mr. Chancellor,

It is my privilege to introduce to you , and to this Convocation, Dr. Margaret Scott McCready, a distinguished home economist whose contributions to her profession have been evident in academic programs, in the structure of national professional organi za­ tions and in the sphere of influe nce of volun­ teer agencies whose mission has been the health and well-being of the family. Dr. McCread y was born in London, Ontario and received her primary and sec­ ondary education in Guelph and Toronto. She earned the Bachelor of Arts degree in Household Economics at the University of Toronto and completed her dietetics educa­ tion through an internship at St. Luke's Hos­ pital in New York. Dr. McCread y left Canada in 1937 to participate in the United Kingdom Diet Sur­ vey in assoc iation with Sir John Boyd Orr and her doctoral work at the Univers ity of Aberdeen in Scotland was based upon this survey. Dr. McCready has given energetic sup­ port to the goals of home eco nomic s throughout her career and both McGill and the Univers ity of Guelph have been direc t beneficiaries of her leaders hip. Her univer­ sity teaching and administrative career in Canada s pans 30 years and is linked by the name Macdonald, our founder. Dr. McCready was appointed Direc tor of the School of Househo ld Science, now the School of Food Scie nce, of Macdonald

College in 1939 and continued in that post for ten years. She then moved to Guelph to become Principal of the Macdonald Institute at Guelph, now the College of Family and Con s umer Studies at the University of Guelph, and remained there until her retire­ ment in 1969. During Dr. McCready 's tenure at McGill, both the home economics educa­ tion major and the dietetics major were strengthened and became models in Canada for undergraduate programs. Macdonald Institute at Guelph did not have a degree program until 1948 and when Dr. McCready accepted the principals hip it was her task to plan the last two years of the curric ulum, recruit staff and plan fac ilities for additional space needed to hou se the expanding subject matter areas. The pro­ gram developed steadily and by 1969, when Dr. McCready retired, Guelph had the largest undergraduate enrolment in home economics in any Canadian unive rs ity.

Dllrillg Jllll e /';)84 COIII'oemioll {/f M cGill Ullil 'ers il.". Dr. Morgorel McCr{'{/d.", Prill ­ cipol

or Mllcdollold 1II.I'Iilili e .limn 1',)49


/';)69. receil'l'd a Degree of D oc/or or Sci­

ewe, honoris casusa, from Chan cel/or de Grandpre 11l1d Ref!,islror Sfephl!l1 Olive.

In 1972, in recognition of her achieve­ ments at the University of Guelph, she was made a Fellow of that Univers ity. While at Guelph , Dr. McCready initi­ ated a program of edu cation and develop­ ment in home economics with the University of Ghana in Africa. So great was Dr. McCready's commitment to this under­ taking that upon her retirement from Guelph she chaired the Department of Home Sci­ ence at the Univers ity of Ghana from 1969-71. Throughout he r career, Dr. McCready has given the same quality of leade rship to her professional associations as s he has to her universiti es. She has served as President of the Canadian Home Economics Associa­ tion, Pres ident of the Ontario Dietetics Association, President of the Ontario Edu­ cation Association a nd in numerou s other executive capacitie s at the provincial , national and international level. It is indi cative of the impact that she has had on these organizations by their con­ ferring upon her their highest honours. Fur­ ther, in 1981, upon nomination by the Canadi a n Home Economics Assoc iation, Dr. McCready was made a Me mber of the Order of Canada. Dr. McCready 's great co ncern for the health and we ll-bein g of fa milies has been reflected in the voluntary service she has given to man y organizations. Para mount among these is her participation in the Van­ ier Institute of the Famil y since its inception in 1966 and her role as a foundin g member of the Canadian Freedom from Hunger Cam­ paign and the Consumers' Association. Of course, any recital of her activities would be incomplete without noting her lon g a nd warm assoc iati o n with the Women 's Institute both in our Province and in Ontario. Because'of her great affection for man­ kind, it is not surprising that Dr. McCready's potential for political ca ndidacy was recog­ nized and she was asked to run in We ll in gton County in Ontario in the 1972 federal elec­ tion. Recently, retire ment for her has meant more time to devote to public activities and she has served on the Ontario Advi so ry COlli .

()I 'er



('ollld. Council on Sen ior Citizens and the Commit­ tee on Li,ving and Learning in Retire me nt at Glendon College of York University. Throughout her life, Dr. McCready has been challe nged to provide leadership to educati o nal in stituti o ns, to profess io nal assoc iations and to service organizations. She has accepted that challenge wi th e mpa­ thy, en thusiasm and an ex tr aord inary vit ality. Mr. Chancellor, may I present to you, so th at you may confer upon her th e Degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, a dis­ tin gui shed ho me economist Dr. Margaret Scott McCready:

Shirl ey M. Weber, Director Sc hoo l of Food Science McGill University

Their Lives After Guelph T he Mac -FACS Alumni Association spo n­ sored Careers Night '84, October 15 , in Pe­ ter Clark Hall, University Centre. Stud en ts and faculty enjoyed a light dinner prior to the paoel presentation. Opportunity for stu den ts to discuss careers with the grads followed th e formal prese ntation. Liz O'Neil, ' 74 , and her com mittee me mbers including Bonnie Kerslake, '82; Marina Watson, '84; Cheryl Greenlees, '85; Dr. Bill Frisbee and Donna Webb were pleased with the enthusiasti c response to th e program. At the conc lusion of the evening, your As soc iation's Board of Directors hosted a dinner for th e pane l members , who were: Maril yn McNiven , '77 - Nutrition . Marilyn is senior c linical dietitian/ nutri­ tioni st at the Guelph General Hospi tal. She is responsible for eva luating the nutritional status of pati en ts. es tabli shing their goals and monitorin g th eir progress towards those goals. Marilyn is a member of the Mac­ FACS Alumni Association Board of Directors. Nancy (Gates) Garnean, '78 - Nutrition. Nancy is a dietary superv iso r at Oxford Lodge. Guelph. as we ll as a dietary comul­ tant for th e Res t Home Assoc iation of On­ tario. He r responsibilities include menu planning. administrative duties, writing for the RHAO Bulletin, and the development of a manual for res t/retireme nt homes. Susan Thatcher, '83 - Child Studies. Susan is a teac her and assis tant supe rvisor at a day care centre in Kitchener. She is res pon­


sible For planni ng and implementin g pro­ grams I()r child ren , as we ll as assess ing st ud ents from Conestoga Col lege on field pl acemen ts. She is the FACS '83 represen­ tati ve for the Mac-FACSAA. Jane (Howlett) Angus, '75 ­ Family Studies. Jane has had a varied career since gradua­ tion. She has been a program co-ordinator at the YWCA in Cambridge, a social worker at Bran tfo rd Children's Aid, and is presently owne r/manager of a retail gi ft store. Joyce (SoeJmer) Rees , '75 ­ Consumer Studies. Joyce is the fo und ing part ne rofa full service market research firm and is responsible for all activities relating to research, client ser­ vice, reportin g and analys is. Prior to 1982 she was a seni or researc h assoc iate at Re­ search Dimensio ns, and manage r, Market Re search, for the Bank of Nova Scotia. Sherry (Gerow) Lee, '79­ Family Studies. Sherry attended Althouse College in Lon­ don to obtain her teac her's certificate, and has taught at Kitch ener Co lleg iate Institute for the past four years. She instructs in most

areas of Family Studies, Grades 9 throu gh 12. on three level s- basic, the 4- and 5-year programs. Colleen Ball, '83 - Family Studies.

CoHeen is recreation therapist at SI. Joseph's

Hospital in Guelph. Workin g with an inter­

disc iplinary team (physi o and occ upational

th erap i,ts , etc.) she plans and ca rri es out

programs to serve the wide variety of social.

psychological and physical needs of the

chroni c care patients there.

Michelle Drimmic, '83 - Child Studies.

Michelle is a recre ati ona l th erapist /child life

specialist at the Sick Children's Hosp ital in

Toro nto. She works with patients suffering

from cystic fibrosis, asthma, diabetes, and

metabolic disorders. She also co-ord inates

th e act iviti es of voluntee rs and stu den ts in

th e play area.

Lillian (Alkok) Lennox, '79­ Consumer Foods.

Lillian manages the se nsory eva luati on ac­

tiviti es for Canada Packers. both in research

and within the com pany. She desig ns appro­

pri ate ballots, oversees panels, does statis­

ti ca l ana lyses of results, and writes reports

and recommendations. 0

Among those allending Careers Nigh t ' 84 were Class of ' 87 FACS students , Ito r, Mary Keith , Janet Black. Roberta Ready and Marilyn Bird.

The panel, Mac-FACS Careers Night '84, It o r: Joyce (Soehner) Rees , '75; Coleen Ball, '83; Marilyn McNiven, '77; Carol Telford-Pittman, ' 75, editor, Mac-FACS Alumni News; Brad Francis, . 82; Su san Thatch er. '83 , and Michelle Drimmie , '83. Standing ito r: Sherry (Gerow) Lee. '79; Lillian (Alkok) Lennox, ' 79, and Nancy (Gates) Garneau, '78. Missing panel member: Jane (Howiell) Angus , '75.

Mac·FACS AA's New Project By Linda (Wolfe) Markle, '73, Sec-Tres MacFACSAA


have the pleasure of introducing you to a new project that the Mac-FACS Alumni Association is undertaking. Early in the year the finance committee of the Association investigated areas of need in the College and within the University as a whole. The out­ door play facility in the Child Studies lab school program was identified as an area requiring immediate attention. You may, or may not, be aware of the fact that the Department of Family Studies provides its students with the opportunty to experience and take part in a nursery school situation while studying at the College. The Child Studies major operates two lab schools, one for toddlers (15 months to 36 months) on the main floor of a house at 17 University Ave., and a second program for children 36 months to 5 years, in the base­ ment of that building. Separate playgrounds are located behind and beside the house. The program has been in existence for many years and, over time, the playground facilities and equipment have been used to a great extent. As you know, nothing lasts for ever, especially when subjected to wear and

tear by young children four days a week, mornings and afternoons, three semesters a year. Some of the equipment is worn and out of date. Why then do we not have up-to-date equipment and adequate facilities for teach­ ing and study. The Finance Committee feels that the Child Studies Major, our faculty and our Co.l lege could provide tremendous lead­ ership in this field. The Mac-FACS Alumni Association is therefore launching a fund raising project. Proceeds will be direc ted towards the redevelopment of the outdoor play facility to complement the Child Studies Preschool Lab program. The facility will be designed with the help of a consultant and will be suitable for all age groups in the program. Consideration is to be given to long­ range planning as well. The new playground and equipment will provide a model facility which will contribute not only to the improvement of the children's play area, but also to the total program and to the teaching facilities. Our goal for the project is $60,000 which will include the consulting fee, land­ scaping, fencing, labour and equipment. The fund raising for this project falls under the direction of the Alma Mater Fund and will commence in 1985. Our Associa­ tion's Board of Directors asks you, our members, to keep this worthwhile project in mind for next year when you fiJI out your

1985 Alma Mater Fund subscription cards. We also will approach various levels of government, community sources and grant­ ing institutions for financial assistance. But our greatest resource is YOU, our mem­ bership, an d we are calling on YOU, depending on YOU for support. Let's make this project work, for us, for the students, for the College and for the community. 0


Membership Fees


March 30, 1985

Annual Association Membership, graduat­ ing class - $4 (was $2), graduates - $8 (was $4). Paid Up Life Membership -$75 (was $40). Life Membership Installment Plan. Initial payment - $20 (was $5) plus three con­ secutive annual installme nts of $20 (was 10 @ $4) Contact .th e Alumni Office before March 30, 1985, should you wish to obtain a membership on previous fee structure. 0

Notice Grad News

Donna E. Findlay, '75, is with Findlay Re­ search Counsultants, Willowdale.

Helen C. Abell, '380, is a socio-economic consultant and is se lf employed.

Karen C. Wardley, '75, is chemicals head for Statistics Canada, Ottawa.

Kathleen M. (Rutherford) McCauley, '60, is a family studies teacher with the Simcoe County Board of Education, Barrie.

Annie (Choy) Fok, '77, is a dietitian with Royal Children's Hospital, Victoria, Au s­ tralia.

Patricia A. (Taylor) Whuster, '64, is a teache r with the Hong Kong International School, South Bay Close, Hong Kong.

Dianne A. (Wraight) Brown, '80, is a one­ on-one worker with the Ministry of Social Services, Mississauga.

Marjorie A. Schuman, '69, is a health promotion co-ordinator with National Health and Welfare, Whitehorse, Yukon.

Dianne E. (Thexton) Gerstmann, '80, is a se nior underwriting ' assistant with Crown Life Insurance Co., Toronto.

Sharon L. McMorran, '70, is a finance manager with Harlequin Enterprises, Don Mills.

Susan L. Davis, '83, is a food chemist with Stafford Foods Ltd., Toronto.

Laurie M. (Sutton) 'furner, '71, is a re­ tailing instructor with Humber College, Rexdale. Diane M. (McMedemy) Papst, '74, is a lawyer in Winnipeg, Man.

Lesley J. Nicholson, '83, is a child life speci alist with the McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton. Michael Fosbery, '84, is a graduate student at the Annenberg School of Commerce, Philadelp hia, Pa. 0

The Annual Mac-FACS Alumni Seminar will be held in the fall of 1985. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend this popular event on Saturday, October 19, 1985. Deta i Is will be available in the next issue.

In Memoriam Jessie G. (Murray) Carruthers, '080, January 5, 1984, in Creemore. Bass (McDermand) Skinner, '150, June

26, 1984, in London , Ontario. Evelyn (McPherson) Nodwell, '260, Au­ gust 16, 1984 , in Grand Valley. Gertrude R. (Henry) Peterson, '270, July 23, 1984, in Windso r. Mary Harriot (Blair) Wallace, '310, June 14 , 1984, in Burlington. Claire Margaret (Ross) Hubbs , '380, July 28, 1984, in Peterborough. 0 27


The College of Physical Science Alumni Association


Editor: Bob Winkel

Facts of Fluorescence


the 8th Biennial Conference of the Sci­ ence Teachers' Association of Ontario, the University of Guelph featured fluorescence as part of its display. Since applications are so numerous and interesting, the following has been condensed from the display liter­ ature and from" Science Corner" which is written for the Guelph Daily Mercury and many other newspapers by Professors Nigel Bunce and Jim Hunt. Fluorescence is the emission of a pho­ ton of Iight by a molecu Ie, after the molecule has absorbed an incident photon. When a molecule absorbs a photon, the energy is used in three ways: electronic excitation (ex­ citation of an electron in the molecule); vibrational excitation of the molecule; and rotational excitation of the molecule. When the electron returns to its orig­ inal energy level, a photon is emitted. How­ ever, the emitted photon normally has less energy than the absorbed one, because some of the energy which went into molecular vibration and rotation is not converted back to light energy, but instead is "lost" as heat. Ultraviolet (UV) light is an effective exciter in fluorescence because its photon energy is greater than that for visible light, and thus fluorescence is possible over the whole energy range of visible light. For ex­ ample, if green Iight were used as the exciter, the fluorescent light could have only ener­ gies less than that of green light and would appear yellow, orange or red, if it appeared at all. Another advantage of using UV light is that any incident light which is not ab­ sorbed, but instead is reflected or transmit­ ted, is not visible to our eyes. If we are trying to observe the weak fluorescent light, our eyes are not overwhelmed by high intensity reflected light.

Optical Brighteners Optical brighteners are substances which are added to many products to give the appearance of super whiteness. today's exterior house paints, for example, and to­


day's detergents really do give a brighter and whiter appearance than those of years ago, and the difference is due to these optical brighteners. The production of optical brighteners has become an important industry, and many chemical patents are taken out each month for new chemicals having the required prop­ erties. How do these substances work? Essentially, optical brighteners make use of an optical illusion. White light is a mixture of all the colours of the rainbow. However, if a bit of extra blue mixed in, the colour appears to be extra white, whereas if a bit of extra red or brown is incorporated, a dirty or off-white hue resu Its. What the optical brightener does is to add extra scattered light at the blue end of the spectrum; really it is just an updated version of granny's old "blue-bag" which was added to the final rinse of the white laundry. Optical brighteners have a number of special properties. They are transparent in the visible region of the spectrum, so that their presence is not betrayed by a colour, but they absorb in the region of the sun's spectrum which is invisible to our eyes. Mo­ lecular fluorescence occurs when the ab­ sorbed UV light is reradiated as blue-violet light. Your shirt, or your house, will appear whiter than white because, in addition to the white (visible) light scattered by the surface, there is the extra component in the violet provided by the optical brightener. In terms of the special properties of optical bright­ eners, the second requirement is that fluo­ rescence occurs with a high efficiency com­ pared with degradation of light energy to heat or with chemical reaction. The task of the synthetics chemist is to prepare mole­ cules which have the following properties: absorption in the UV; fluorescence in the violet; and high efficiency of fluorescence. It is possible to demonstrate at home the principle of the optical brightener, using ordinary tonic water. Tonic water contains the bitter chemical quinine. Quinine is not

used as an optical brightener, but has mallY of the properties referred to in the previous paragraph. First, observe that the tonic water is colourless: quinine is transparent to visible light. Now take the bottle (or the glass) out­ side into the sunshine. Let the sunlight fall on the bottle. TIle quinine will absorb UV radiation from sunlight. Observe the bottle closely. At cer1ain angles between yourself, the bottle, and the sun, a purple colouration will suffuse the liquid. the quinine mole­ cules are emitting their fluorescence as pur­ ple, visible light. Optical brighteners were in the news recently in connection with the forged Hitler diaries. One of the pieces of evidence which showed that the diaries were post-war fakes was the presence of an optical brightener in the paper. These compounds were not used in paper-making until the middle 1950s.

Road Safety Fluorescent dyes are used in the bright orange jackets worn by road crews. The principle is the same as above except that instead of a violet fluorescence enhancing a white background, the fluorescent material emits a colour similar to that of the back­ ground dye and thus heightens its intensity.

Mail Sorting Canadian postage stamps have fluores­ cent bars along their edges which enable a machine to orient the envelope properly for cancellation of the stamp. In addition, the postal code is translated into a series of fluorescent bars which is printed on the en­ velope and read by tile sorting machine.

Forensic Science The amino acids secreted with per­ spiration fluoresce under UV light. Under good conditions, fingerprints are visible. Fluorescence provided criminal evi­ dence that led police to the murderer of a teenager in Great Britain in 1973. The mur­ derer had used a stolen vehicle and parked it in a garage before disposing of the body and the automobile. Police could "see" nothing

in the garage under nonnal lighting, but under UV light, four tire treads were visible on the floor. The plasticizer in the tire rubber had leached onto the floor to create the print. Subsequent measurements of the wheelbase and tread design matched those of the stolen vehicle. This evidence led to the apprehen­ sion and conviction of the murderer.

Marine Biology Marine biologists working in the Pa­ cific Basin use sensitive fluorescence detec­ tors to observe phytoplankton colonies. Thi s is possible because chlorophyll is weakly fluoroscent. In deep waters only a small amount of oxygen is available and the phy­ toplankton fluoresce brightly. In s hallow waters the more abundant oxygen sup­

presses the fluorescence. In this way the movement of phytoplankton, and water depth, are being mapped.

Medical Diagnosis A fluorescent dye can tag blood cell chromosomes. From the resulting fluores­ cent pattern s, doctors can detect c hron ic myeloid leukemia and Down's syndrome in newborn babies. A big problem for biotechnologists is the separation of specific cloned cell lines from a mixture of cells growing together in culture. Tagging the specific cloned cells with a fluoresce nt antibody enables sorting of the cells. The cell mixture (in an elec­ trolyte solution) is forced through a nozzle at high speed and the spray passed through a

40 Years Later

After 40 years of teaching at Guelph, Pro­ £essor Floyd Roadhouse, OAC '43, has retired from the Department of Chemistry When Floyd Earl Brewin Roadhouse, as a student, first came to Guelph it was a quiet little Ontario town with a quiet little college on the hill. That was in 1939, but even then the OAC and its companion col­ leges , the OVC and the Macdonald Institute, enjoyed a reputation far beyond the city, and even provincial limits, for teaching excel­ lence - something which left a profound inflluence on Floyd for the rest of his life, most of which has been spent on campus. "I graduated in 1943 with a B.S .A. with a major in Chemistry " he says. "My father was not entirely pleased because he had wanted me to go into horticulture. My bent was towards chemistry and that is where I stayed. We didn't differentiate be­ tween chemistry and agricultural chemistry in those day s. The war was still on when I graduated and the Bureau of Technical Per­ sonnel gave me a choice of working in the far north or at Guelph. I chose Guelph. Back in the '40s it was dairy chemistry for Floyd , teaching and working as a lab as­ sistant and, in 1953, he completed his M.S .A . at Guelph specializing in analytic chemistry. He continued with the Depart­ ment of Chemistry, teaching analytic chem­ istry and laboratory practice. Throughout the years, Floyd Road­ house never lost sight of (he vision which had inspired hi s student days at the OAC ­ a vision of thoroughness and meticulous · emphasis on the groundwork without which, he believes, further progress in re­ search, or any other sector of chemical prac­ tice, can be inhibited or even prevented. Professor Roadhouse admits to being a

,laser beam. The beam excites only the tag­ ged cells, which are electronically detected. An electrical charge deflects the cells into waiting flasks. Up to 5,000 cells a second can be collected.

Testing Fabric In the pesticide industry, it is crucial to workers' safety to have effective protective clothing. Research is now being done on the use of fluore scent markers to detect any leaks in protective clothing. The marker is added to the "target" chemical which may be in an aqueous solution, in an organic solvent or in a slurry. If the gannent allows leakage, the fluorescent dye will pinpoint the location on the interior of the gannent, when viewed under ultraviolet light. 0

Grad News

Harold Smith, M.Sc. '71, lives in Win­ nipeg, Manitoba, and is working as a reactor physicist for the Atomic Energy Corpora­ tion at the Whiteshell Nucl ear Establ.i sh­ ment in Pinawa, Man. Robin Lawson, B.Sc. '72, lives in New­ market where he is assistant head of the Department of Mathematics at Huron Heights Secondary School.

Professor Floyd Roadhou se.

Rosa Maria (Van der Heyden) Brkich, '77, lives in Prince George, B.C. , where s he is a furniture maker for Scana Industries.

taskmaster in the lab, insisting on the kind of minute attention to detail that he sees as inseparable from what analytical chemistry is all about. "The rewards" he says, "come from those students who take the trouble to drop in on me years later, saying how much they resented what I was hying to do at the time but how much they appreciate it now." Retirement will give Floyd Roadhouse more time to spend on his many other ac­ tivities. He is an active member of the Guelph Trail Club, the Guelph Naturalists and the Guelph Horticultural Society. He is a skilled woodcarver with many examples adorning his home. He served for 15 years as a Scoutmaster where his dedication to the vocation of teaching led him to insis t that badges should be well and truly earned before they are awarded. "Canoe and camping trips" he says, "like the work in a chemistry lab, involve potentially dangerous elements. My job was to see that no one got hurt - in either place - and for that, there is no way of circum­ venting the mastery of basics." 0

Monica (Weise) Yazdani, B.A. '78, of Kanata, is chief, Special Taxation, Statistics Section , Revenue Canada. David Syme, B.Sc. '79, of Sarnia, is work­ ing for Polysar Ltd., as a chemical lab tech ­ nician. Stanley Henderson, B.Sc. '79, OVC '83, is now a practising veterinarian in Mon­ tague, P.E. I. Alex Campbell, B.Sc. '80, of Vancouver, B.C., is a c hartered accountant with the Clarkson Company Trustees in Bankruptcy. Ken Gerow, B.Sc. '81, is pursuing his M.Sc. degree in Mathematics and Statistics at Guelph. Ian Campbell, '82, of Mississa uga, is an assistant research chemist for the Lake On­ tario Cement Co. Susan (Hird) O'Connor, '82, lives in Alice Springs, Australia. 0



The College of Arts Alumni Association

DELPHA Editor: Terry Ayer, '84.

Theatre Archives at the University of Guelph By Leonard W. Conolly Chairman, Department of Drama Once they've passed through the crowds of students and the clatter of photocopying ma­ chines in the lower level of the University Library, visitors to the Macdonald Stewart Room will find a scene of relative serenity. It 's here that some of the University's most prized possessions are stored. Readers of the archival and special col­ lections normally do not have access to the inner recesses of the storage areas, but if they did they would find plenty of behind­ the- sce nes activity - librarians sorting, processi ng, cataloguing and boxing an eclectic range of rare and unique man­ uscripts , books, artifacts and documents. Recentl y, there have been some impor­ tant new additions to the University's special collections in the form of the archives oftive major Ontario theatres. Theatres are not usuaJly very efficient at the proper maintenance of the documents that record their history and achievements. 30

Theatre administrators are too busy worry­ ing about a theatre's future, never mind its past. The Stratford Festival Theatre is almost alone in having the resources to operate an archi va l centre. Administrators are conscientious about preserving records - promptbooks, desi gn sketches, posters, programs, box office re­ ceipts, and so on - but more often than not they are stuffed into boxes and abandoned in whatever closet or attic happens to be handy. When I first started ask ing theatre ad­ mini strators what they were doing with their archives, I made some horrifying discov­ eries - horrifying for a theatre historian , that is. The coJlection of the Shaw Festival (the first acquired by the University) wasn't in bad shape. To be sure, dozens of un sorted boxes , cartons and filing cabinet s were . jumbled in a storeroom , but at least they were dry and secure. The smaJler collection of Open Circle Theatre, on the other hand, had been moved, when the theatre closed in 1983, to the damp basement of a private home. Much of the Tarragon Theatre collec­


tion was stored next to the theatre's furnace - dry, but very vulnerable l At Young Peo­ ple's Theatre I had to crawl into the asbestos­ filled bowels und erneath the auditoriulll to retrieve valuilble documents. At Phoeni x Theatre, now al so defunct , the staff had discilrded or destroyed many materiills before they learned of the Univer­ sity of Guelph's interest in sav ing them, though seve ral shopping bags of documents were retri eved by the theatre's artistic direc­ tor before he left. The archives of many other Ontario th eatres are in similarly precilrious states. The University of Guelph, with the active su pport of former Chief Librarian Margaret Beckman, and her successor, Dr. John Black, has taken the lead in trying to pre­ serve records of the province's theatrical heritage. Guelph Drama and English stu­ dents have the opportunity of studying these major research resources, and scholars from both Canada and th e United States are now ea gerly se ekin g informati o n about the Guelph theatre collection. Nancy Sadek, librarian in charge of the Library's archival collections, and her staff, have already so rted through dozens of sc ruffy, du sty boxes , and have transferred their content s to scores of neat ly arranged acid-free containers on seve ral rows of li­ brary shelves. The latest computer tech­ nology is used to catalogue the hundreds of separate items in each archive. Nancy has even found space for some costumes and stage properties from the Shaw Festival, not to mention a human sk ull from a Phoenix production of Humle/. Among the other interesting items in the collection are videotapes of productions from the Shaw Festival, photographs of many famous Canadian and foreign actors, scripts of plays by leading Canadian play­ wrights such as .Michel Tremblay, David French, James Rea ney and Sharon Pollock, set mode ls, and, fo r any scholar who wants to find out which plays .drive audiences to drink, the bar receipt s for the Shaw Festival. There is a small display of theatre ar­ chives in the Library's Donald Forster Me­ morial Room, and Nanc y and her staff are alway s happy to provide more information about the theatre collection. 0

Grad News Dianne Choate, '69, is an administrative assistant at Trent University, Peterborough, Dino Pigozzo, '72, is a teacher with the Waterloo County Sepa rate School Board and lives in Kitchener,

Linda Eyman-johnson, '78 , is a freelance classical singer who makes her home in Toronto,

Nancy Roberts, '81, is a graphic anist with Brown and Collett Ltd" of Toronto, and lives in Oakville,

Sandy (Kerr) Bryant, '79, married in June, 1984 , is a personnel assistant for Atomic Energy Canada Ltd" Missi ssauga , She con­ tinues to live in Streetsville,

Donald Rose, '82, is a broker with Marsh anu McLellan Ltd.. Vancouver, B,C, 0

Mark Lemon, '73, is a chartered accoun­ tant with Waltec Plastics, Midland,

Daniela Belluz, '80, is a high school teac her with th e Metropolitan Separate School Board,

Ruth Jackson (McRae), '73, is a music teacher with the Middlesex County Board of Euucation,

Lorne A!derson, '81, is a correctional of­ ficer with the Ministry of Correctional Ser­ vices, North Bay.

John Langon, '74, is a teache r with the Scarborough Board of Education,

Dorothy Inksetter, '81, is a new s an­ nouncer and re porter with CFCO Radio, Chatham ,

A Reminder All anists - take up your palettes and paint brushes and stan working on yo ur submissions tor Dimensions '85, All grads from yea rs 1970 to 1975 - make the decision NOW to attend Alumni Weekend '85, Return to campus for a stroll down Memory Lane,

Rod Will mot, '74, owns a publishing com­ pany called Burnt Lake Press in Sherbrooke, P,Q, He is equally busy raising a two-year­ old son, Nancy Oud, '75, has moved from Califor­ nia to Edmonton, Alta" where she is em­ ployed by Shay 's Audio Visual Ltd" specializing in AV products, Nikki Kelvin, '76, is a Ph,D, candidate at York University, Bravo I Michael O'Keefe, '76, is an ans teacher for the Waterloo County Board of Education and continues to live in Cambridge, Mary Anne (Beaudette) Seymour, '78, is a repol1er with The Whig - Standard Co, Ltd, (Canada's oldest daily newspaper, she claims) in Kingston, Her husband, Mark is a CSS '78, grad and her sister, Susan, is a Guelph '86 grad-to-be l She states that, in King ston , U, of G, grads enthusiastically prai se the University,

The occasion was the 1984 presentation of the Arts AA Scholarships: one undergraduate (Donald Webster Memorial) and three graduate (DELPHA) awards , Standing, I to rare: Stephen Hicks , '82, Philosophy; Bruce Barton, '70, English, and Dean David Murrav, Seated; I to r are: Jean Julian, '83, (undergraduate award); Arts AA President Margo Shoemaker, '79, and Michael Osmanl1 , '8 1, History,

Your 1985 Arts AA Membership Application NAME (Please print) ,




COUNTRY , ' , , , , , , , , , '

If above addre ss is not the same as on maga zine mailing label , pleasc check thi s box, Please enroll me as a member under the plan indic.lIed :



o Annual Membership $4 0 Life Membership $40 o Life Members hip instalment plan initial payment or $5 followed by 10 conseclltive payments of $4,

I enclosc my cheque for $, , , , , , , , , , , payable to Arts Alumni Association,


'" DATE,

Please return to: Arts Alumni Association cl o Department of Alumni Aftilirs, University of Guelph. Guelph. Ontario. NIG 2WI, 11

The Ontario Veterinary College Alumni Association


Editor: Dr. Cliff Barker, '41.



N ommations are being sought for th e OVC Distinguished Alumnus Award . It is open to graduates of th e OVC who have brought honour to their Alma Mater and feJl uw alumni through significant contributions of leadership and servi ce to one or more of the fo llow ing: country, com munity, sc ience, ed­ uca tion, profession and/or Alma Mater. Applications may be submitted in con­ ndence by any member of th e OVC Alumni Assoc iation. Each nomin ati on should co n­ tain th e nominee's full name, address, year of grad uation, bu siness affiliation and title, if any, family details, alumni affairs pal~ ti cipation , professional contribut io ns and ac hievemen ts in ge neral whi ch in the nomi­ nator's opinion entitle th e nominee to the award , and any additional informati on which may assist th e se lection committee, including the names of persons who have firs t-hand knowledge of the nominee's ac­ com plishment s. The nominee should NOT be advised of the nomination. Nominat ions should be submitted, on or before March 31st, 1985, to : Dr. Kenneth R. Gadd, chairman , Honours and Awards Comm ittee, OVC Alumni Associati on, c/o Alumni Office, Room 131, John ston Hall, Uni ve rsity of G uel ph , Guelph, Ontario, NIG 2W I. 0

avc Alumni Assuciatiun Scholarship Awards were presented last September bv aVCAA President Dr. Wendy Parker (cel1fre) IV, Ito r: Maria Spinato, .85. WeslOn ; Heath er WV(I/(. '87, Kingstun; Anl1 Courtney. '86. Richmund. S.c., (lnd Th umas Scholl, '86. Windsor.

Some Relief •



. "((s) '" !,I.RHIPLACE.MVSEUM "











tHE FIGHTING "VETS" . TluJ"COlUitii(J11 Army Vi',!.'ri",ir.,!' CUfp.\ . II! WurfJ. IVaf O~I" -.'


A retirement party was held last November



~~~~A~[ ~~~.

Retire d

in recogn ition of the many years of service to the OVC and the Uni ve rsity for the follow­ ing faculty and staff: Iri s Andrews, Departme nt of Pa­ thology; Dr. Jim Archibald, '49, Dea n's Ot~ nce; Dr. Cliff Barker, '41; Ken Eccles and Dr. Frank Milne, all with the Department of Clinical Studies; Dr. Art Graham and Dr. Fred Lotz, Biomedi ca l Sciences. 0



Visible only as cliems leave the avc Small Animal Clinic, this sign has solved one of the overcrowding problems. A few clients ha ve complained, but most appreciate the situation the University has to face. Several have said that this is their grand opportunity to not only go!.Q the dogs. but also 10 go with the dogs.'

The Colonel John McCrae Birthpl ace Mu­ se um , Guelph , has an exhibit, ope n to the public until May I, of Canadia n Army Vet­ erinary Corps articles, photos and medals on loan from the OVC Museum. Muse um hours are I :00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily except Saturd ay. This is the first display of CAVC items in Canada. A brochure is ava ilable on request from Dr. Cli ff Barker, Box 37 1, On­ tario Veterinary College, Gue lph, Ont. NIG 2WI. 0

Mailbag Dear Dr. Barker: Re Volume 17, No.4, Fall' 84 Guelph Alum­ nm.story "You teach in , 'imfera Vet , Doc?" The mailman's visit this morning was just like a visit from Santa Claus around here. Excitement Even though your editor ' dated me back to World War I (page /I , first para), for which I Jorgive him , it cou ldn't begin to dampen ollr happiness . The most overhead comment was "Oh, if only grandpa was alive 10 read this " ' Without your suggeslion , I never would have experienced the pleasures one can get by pUlting down recalled memories. Thank you for making il happen. Because the world is moving so fasl, things like fixing a cow's milk fever wilh a bicycle pump seem so unreal it almost seems 10 negate any reason to rem ember. You were kind to let me know that reader comments, safar, are on the posilive side. . were th ey made by staff Iyp es? It would he interesting 10 find oul whelher your computer-age graduates simply skip over any article nOI directly related to to­ morrow, or even loday, or, whelher, like the · modern trend 10 antiques , are Ihey really Iryin g to discover the son of stability to he found rooted somewhere in the past? If affir­ mative 10 both questions it might indicate an important reason to continue wilh that type (If scenario. I know your expenses in my case are piling up. So 1V01/ld ),OU please direct the enclosed cheque for $25 to th e Alma Mater Fund for wherever it's most needed. Also. if you co n, I would love 10 mail OUI se veral copies oj Ihe Guelph Alumnus Fall' 84 issue 10 people in the Stonewall and Interlake area . Could you spare another

InMemoriam \Ve sadly report the deaths of: Dr. Frank A_ Young, '13, on October 23 , 1984. Last known address: 812 North Pierce Street, Delphos , Ohio, U.S.A. 45833.

dozen copies or so? Ifnot, I urulerstand all the difficullies in Ihese things , so, not to worry. Am McEwen /I Ha zelde ll Avenue Winnipeg, Man . R2K OP3

Dear Cliff Th ank you for your letter of October 9. I am more than glad to donate the enclosed copy of the 1946 Torontonensis to the OVC li­ brary. At this stage of the (life) gam e, I am gelling rid of any personal belongings that I, or members of my Jamily, do not wish to retain for posterity. In 1982, I made a Irip to China and, aft er 35 years, had a' good reunion in Shanghai with classmate Dr. Sin Fah Wli. He revealed to me that colleges and univer­ sities are begging to have their libraries re­ plenished with literature, lacking or lost during the revolution period. Th eir libraries are lit erally threadbare. On my return, I donated my personal veterinary library to Hang zhou Velerinary Science Department cia Doctor Ching Tien , Han gzhou Commercial College, Han g ­ zhou, Ziejiang. On e co uld not imagine the joy this gave to the sta/fand students - this outreach exchange of veterinary literature. Recently a leller from Dr. Sin Fah Wu stated that one of hisformer associates, Dr. Professor Jin g Qiang Wu, dean of the De­ partment ojAnimal Husbandry and Vet erin­ ary Science, Anhui Agriculture Col/ege. Hefei Allhui. People's Republic oj China, requested veterinary journals and texts. He related that he would be eternally grateful Jo r materials that colleagues in Canada no lon ger used or needed. I con-

tacted the B.C. Vel. Med. Assoc. and eol­ leagues. To date , I have received several donations. These will be stored at my place and will be shipped via boat once a large shipment has been ga thered. Th e generous donors will be gra­ ciously received individually by the Col­ lege, should they visit mainland China . I plan to aI/end the 38th anniversary reunion ofOVC '47 during Alumni Weekend in June. I will be writing 10 Rowan Walker to confirm my intentions and will see you at the OVCAA Annu al Me etin g. Persona l and warmest regards. Dr. Hsin Kan Chen, '47 6968 Quebec Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5X 3G5.

:;: * * Dear Clift: In relurnfor some informalionl lVas able 10 give WIU some vears ago. aiJout Ihe College as it was when it was located on Temperance St .. TorOl/to. WIU have been sending me the OVC Alumni Bullerin. I have mOl'ed again - 10 Van couver Island. I am the last leaf0/1 th e tree and will soon be a Ihing of Ihe past. I appreciate raul' sending the Bulletin 10 me. but Ihere is no olle mentiolled ill it \\'ho is within veal's of 1m' recolleC1iolls. I COII ' t read regular t-"pe, so I think it lI'OIild be best to discol1fillue sending il . Wishing Will alllhe besl ill WillI' work.

0,: H.A. Tar/or, '13 Arr(lll' Glell Lodge, Ql/alicllII/ Beach. VOl/col/vel'. B. C. BOR 2TO.

Editor's note: We repl ied that we would like to continue sending our 0. V.c. AIIfIII//i BI/I­ letill. We appreciate letters from long- time gradua tes. 0

Dr_ H_S_ Smith, '.26, date of death un­ known. Last known add ress: 8 Chenango . Street , Montrose, PA., U.S.A . 18801.

Dr_ Morton L. Walker, '43, died on Sep­ tember 12, 1984. Last known address: 409 Mount Pleasane Rd. , Brantford, Ont.

Dr. Geoffrey S_ Muir, '28, died on July 22, 1984. Last known address: 19 St. Nicholas Mount Boxmoor, Hemel Hem pstead , Hert­ fordshire, England HP! 2B B.

Dr. Graham S_ Wilton, '44, date unknown. Last address: Edmon ton, Alta.

Dr, Gordon A. Rose, 'IS, died on August 18 , 1984 . He had resided in Pict on.

Dr, James 0, Heishman, '34, died Jul y 24, 1984. Last known address: Route 2, Box 212 , Wardenville, West Virginia, U.S. A.

Dr_ WilliamJ. Turnbull, '25, date of death unknow n. Last known address: 1223 Tem­ perance St. , Suite 501, Saskatoon, Sask.

Dr. George C. Bishop, '39, date unknown, last known address: 238 Pownal Street, Charlottetown, P. E.I .

Dr, William R_ Wastrack, '25, died in June 1984. Last known addre ss: Pickerel, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 54465.

Dr_ William A_ Denny, '42, di ed on Sep­ tember 6, 1984. Last known add ress: 1645 Blackh awk Blvd., South Beloi t, IlL US-A.

Dr. Albert K_ Morris, '45, di ed on No­ vember 10, 1984. Last known add ress: 592, Burnamthorpe Road, Etobicoke, Ont. W. Alan Ripley, 'SO, died in October 1984. Last address unknown. Dr_ W, Kenneth McKersie, '52, died on October 25, 1984 . Last known address: Dearborn , Michigan, U.S.A. Dr_ Harry R_ Cunliffe, '57, date of death unknown. Last known address: England. 0 33

The College of Social Science Alumni Association

EGAS-US Editor: Dorothy Barnes, '78.

CSSAA . She has se rved continu o us ly on the board o f directors s ince its formation. She is chairperson of the CSSAA Scholarship Committee, and was instrume ntal in the es­ tabli s hment of the first CSSAA sc holarship award. As o ne of two CSSAA represen­ tatives on th e Alma Mater Fund (AMF) Ad­ visory Council, she helped to initiate AMF funding of the CSS Graduate Scholarship.

John Currie, '70,


Sandra Websler, '75,


A lumni Liaison.

Marion M cGee, '8/,


Gran! Lee, ' 72,


Prof Viuor Ujimol(J,

F(/culty Advisor.

Don McLennan, '84,


Linda Busullil, '85,


Audwin Trapman, '86,

Pres. Sludenl GOVI.

On the CSS AA Board

John Currie, '70, president, has tau ght at th e Guelph Collegiate s ince 197 1. Hi s sub­ jec ts are Hi story, Po litics , and Sociology, and he is c UlTe ntl y timetabled into the li­ brary and a comm unity se rvices co-oper­ ative educati on program. John completed hi s M aster of Edu ca tion from OISE in 1983. Livin g in Guelph affords John the oppor­ tunity to be involved with the University both in fund-rai si ng and with the CSSAA. Marian (McLeJJan) McGee, '8t, secre­ tary, majored in Psychology. She and her 34

hu sband , Brian , are parents o f D an, 14 , and Elizabeth , 10 . She te ac hes a t Guelph 's Gateway Public Sc hoo l, and has been on the CSSAA Boa rd for the past three years. Don McLennan, '84, treasurer, is a man­ ageme'nt economics g rad. He is a past trea­ surer of the Co ll ege of Social Science Student Government. Sandra Webster, ' 75, director, is executive editor of the Un iversily oj' Guelph News Bul/elill and is a founding member of the

Grant A. Lee, '72, UGAA representative, is a long-time membe r of th e CSSAA. For many years he has dili ge ntl y carried o ut the duties of treasure r. Throug h the compe te nt e fforts of Grant , your Association, while in its infancy co mpa red to o thers, is well es tab­ lis hed. Linda Busuttil, '85, liaison, majored in Psychology. She is a pas t pres id en t of th e College of Social Sci e nce Student Govern­ ment and chairperson of the alumni commit­ tee created to evaluate the Co ll ege of Social Science B.A. degree. Her interest li es in crea ting a closer link between CSS students, faculty, and alumni. Donna Webb , alumni liai s on co-or­ dinator, is the Alumni Office rep rese nt a ti ve o n the CSSAA Board . She ass is ts the Board with meetings, programs and th e newsle tt er. Other activities include working with th e Vol unteers In Support of Admi ss ions (VI. S.A ) an e nthusiastic group of Gu e lph grad uates who are interested in contacting prospective U. of G. students. Professor K. Victor Ujimoto, faculty ad­ visor, is with the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Hi s current projec t w ith th e CSSAA is to determine the feas ibility o f c hang in g the B.A. deg ree awarded to Col­ 'Iege o f Soc ia l Science graduates to th e Bac he lor of Socia l Science ( B .S.Sc.). Alumni th oug ht s a re mo st welcome on thi s matter. Audwin Trapman, '86,' president, CSS Student Government is a member of the CSSAA comm ittee whose purpose is to eval uate the College of Social Science B . A. degree. He is interes ted in increasing the awareness, thro ug h socia l and academic fun c ti ons, of the stude nt bod y. 0


-. John is in Ethiopia

Rev. John 1.

M ahon, ' 83.

It was in 1983 when your editor se nt a letter to the Rev. John 1. Mahon , '83, asking for a profile of his achieve ment s. I had given up hope of receiving a reply because of the time span. So whe n I rec eived hi s letter from Ethiopia I was more than delighted. I was filled with interest and curiosity to find out what he was dOlllg in such a place. I'm sure you are experiencing the same curi­ osity. John return ed to his home in Ireland after graduating from Guelph and waited for a visa to work in th e southern province of Ethiopia. He tells us that prior to attending Guelph he had been a missionary in Kenya for some 12 years. We have no detail s of this period of John's life but most of us ca n und erstand the demands of s uch a call ing. He does tell us, though, th at, with hi s move to Ethiopia, he was more than eager to " come to grips once again with situatio ns and problems in the Third World ." When asked what courses were of the greatest ass istance to him in his present sit­ uati on, he se lected tropical agriculture and the philosop hy of human development. He suggested that: " Perhaps a degree in Third World development co uld be created, with flexibility in selection of courses from sev-

era l colleges on campus. This would greatly benefi t CSS students." Following a wait of about a year for visas to go to Ethiopia, John and his fell ow mis sio naries from Ireland, Holland, the U.S.A. and India were suddenly o n their way and found th e mselves in vo lved in a wide variety of duties, including primary health care, water and agri cultural devel­ opment and ecumenical work. They were joined in this work by Ethiopians of the Orthodox faith . Need less to say, with the current tragic situation in Ethiopia th at has been carried globall y by the news media, John and co m­ pani ons are assis ting in the setting up of feedi ng ce ntres to help ease the desperate plight of the starv ing people. Join me in a silent, yet stro ng prayer for the success of John and hi s colleagues out the re wh e re fe llow human beings are sufferin g so much, and for the successful implementation of a long-term solution throu gh ag ricultural and hea lth education. Despite the despair that surround s him , John found time to obtain a beauti fu l pOS!­ ca rd of Ethiopia, in better times , which por­ trays the more mundane chore of shopp ing in th e city of Harer. He tell s us "The Ethio­ pian Orthodox Church retains many Jud aic traditions. Most impoJ1ant is the " Tabot" . or tablet, which enshrines a replica of the ark of th e cove nant. Tradition has it th at when Bethsheba (of Ethiopia) went to vis it Soloman she bore him a son. The latter is said to have brought the ark of the covenant to Axum where it is enshrined today in a

and Sean, 2, and na turall y, a busy house­ hold. As we ll, she is busy trying to ge t back into teac hing but fi nds she is forced to go back to sc hool. She plans to take a Maste r's degree at either Guelph or Waterloo. Dori s and John rec ently moved from London to Cambridge and while John is doin g okay, Doris is fi nding it a little dif­ fi cult. She was teaching boys with be­ hav ioural problems at a treatme nt centre outside London and would like to get back into this field. We wish you well in your endeavours Dori s.

Where Are

You? Lesley Healy, '81, writes to tell us not o nl y where she is, but briefly what she's doing. Lesley is e mployed by th e Washington County Board of Education in Sandersville, Ga., U.S. A. , as a spec ial educatio n teac her. However, she forgo t to tell us what her spe­ cialty is. She did tell us she's starting her third year there. Best wishes for your con­ tinuing success, Leslcy. Doris (Trachsel) O'Keefe, '74, confirms she JS a houschold engineer. Doris's hus­ band. John, '74, is the one who co nferred the title. John's title describes Doris's busy life look ing after two small children, Erin, 6,

Liz (Wright) Ellis, ' 84, tell s us she was rece ntl y married to David, '84, who is em­ ployed by the Mini stry of Correcti ona l Services at Maplehurst , Milton. Li z is a ste­ nogra pher with the Department of Mathe­ matics and Stati stics at the Uni versity of Guelph. Liz and Davi d li ve in G uelph . Con­ grals and happiness to both of you. 0

monastary. The Christi an faith came in the early fouJ1h century from Egypt." John also gives us a brief in sight into the people of Ethiopia and so me of that country's policies and customs. The city of Hare r is an ancient Mu slim city in eastern Ethiopia. Ethiopia's population of 30 mil­ lion includes 15 million Ethiopian OJ1hodox and II million-Muslims. There are 80 lan­ guages in use. Ethiopi a is a melting pot of Asiatic (Se miti c) and African peopl es. Am­ haric is th e official language; English is taught in sch ools and spoken in bi gge r town s. The prese nt government is Marx ist - the first co mmuni st party to be fo rmed in Africa - th e workers party of Ethiopia. The 13 month s in th e Ethiopian calendar indi­ cates 12 months of30 day s and one mo nth of fi ve days. All told , 13 month s of sunshine'" We appreciate the fac t th at John took time ou t of hi s busy lifestyle to write us and share some of hi s ex peri ences. It must be lonely for him at times and if anyone would like to drop him a line of encouragement and suppOJ1 he can be reached c/o Holy Ghost Fathers, P.O. Box 23 - Arba Minch, Gamu Golla, Ethiopia. Carry on the good work, John. Our thought s are with you and you have our best wishes for your succe ss. 0

What to do with

Wyborn House?

The College of Social Scie nce Stu­ de nt Government (CSSSG) has set up a co mmittee to assess the feasibility of continuing to ope rate Wyborn House - the CoJJege re trea t. This ac ­ tion has been takc n as a result of the $37, 000 estimated net loss incurred since th e fall of 1975 . The committee is presently looking int o ways of ma king th e operation of Wybo rn House financially viable, and if that is not possible then it will be lookin g at the option of se lling. Rea lizing that alumni are genuinely interested in the future of Wybo rn House, the CSSSG is as king fo r input ; they would like to hea r an y ideas you Illay have. I f you would like more info rmation on the fin a nci al hi story of Wyborn Hou se, or would like to co ntribute con struc­ ti ve suggesti o ns, pl ease write to the Coll ege of Social Sc ience Stud e nt Gove rnme nt, c/o Audwin Trapman, president, Room 245 , Level 2 . Uni­ versity Centre, Univers ilY of Guelph , Guelph , Ontario, NIG 2WI. 0


Calling All Alumni

No minations Sought for Alumnus of Honour


Alumni Medal of Achievement

• The ALUMNUS OF HONOUR was established to recognize an alumnus who has brought great honour to his or her Alma Mater through a significant contribution to one or more of the following: a national cause for Canada; service to the community, the world of science or education; leadership in business or alumni affairs . • The ALUMNI MEDAL OF ACHIEVEMENT was established to recognize a recent graduate (within the past ten years) who has brought distinction to his or her Alma Mater through contribu­ tions to country, community, or profession. Present members of the UGAA Board of Directors or full-time employees of the University of Guelph should NOT be considered for these awards. All nominees should be living at the time of nomination and should NOT be advised of the nomination. If you are aware of an alumnus whom you feel should be considered for either of these awards, the UGAA Honours and Awards Committee ask that you submit the name of the nominee and, if applicable, a list of names and addresses of colleagues, friends, communit)' leaders who will provide supporting information on the nominee to: Art Peppin, OAC '41, Chairman,

Honours and Awards Committee, University

of Guelph Alumni Association, Department of

Alumni Affairs and Development, University

of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2Wl.

This office will send to you, and all supporting parties; a standard nomination fo rm which must be completed and returned to the above office by May 1, 1985.

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