Images of Canada by Peter and Traudl Markgraf
Acknowledged by their peers and by collectors as outstanding silk screen artists, Peter and Traudl Markgraf have
produced many beautiful images of Canada.
Each of the nine images offered here is marked by exceptional expertise in shading and flawless screening technique.
Each of these images was a sellout in its original form.
You may now purchase high quality lithographic reproductions of these images for your home or office or as a
thoughtful gift. Each image is reproduced on heavy stock and is unconditionally guaranteed.
B Summer Morning
C Sakinaw Lake
E Summer Rain
D Early Frost
A LowTide
F Cove
Sunday Night
H Indian Summer
G Porr Moody
Sheer Size 18" x 18v," (46 x 47 em) Image Size 14" x 14" (56 x 36 em)
Sheer Size 18" x 20'//' (46 x 52 em ) Im age Size 14" x 16" (36 x 41 em )
Sheer Size 25'12" x 19" (65 x 48 em) Image Size 20" x J4" (51 x 36 em)
Sheer Size 24" x 19" Image Size 20" x .14"
ÂŤ(' J x ~8 em) (5Jx36e m )
Please send me the following Markgraf print reproductions at $23.95 each or $88.00 for any four, plus S4 .95 for handling and shipping (overseas: $7.50). Ontario residents please add 7 0/( sales tax to combined cost of print(s ) plus shipping/handling.
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Alumni Media, 124 Ava Road, Toronto, Ontario M6C 1W1 (416) 781-6661. Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied, please return your purchase to us and your money will be returned (/eJJ handling and pM/age).
Alumnus Fall 1986 Vol. 19, No.4
University of Guelph
Alumni Association
Honorary Prc~ldent
Past Presilknt Sc.:nior Vit:t' Pn:sklent Associate: Secretary
Dr. Bun Matthl:ws, OAC '4 7
Ro5.'i Parry, Cs..C;; 'HD
Gkn Powdl. OAe '62 Dr. Ron Downl:Y, OV( '61 R o~ rnary
Clark, M ac.: '')9
Alumni House
Margo Shot.:maker. Arts '79
Jean (Fuller) Hu me. Mac '()' Karin DavidsonTa)'lor, ( US '8:' f,,, Peppin. (lAC '4 1
Dr. Oon Wilson, OVC '66 Barry Smith. CPS '79
BarbarJ. ( hance. C'i"i '74 D irectors
(jay ( K07.ak) x ll1y. Ans 7 9 Nan Chapman. lAC;'; '74 Rosem,r)' ( S<:hmiut) Sm)t h. FAa; '79 Kt:Uh Harris. CBS 76 Kt'i th " t UrTa },. OAC: '6'5A Dan Rose. OA C '63 Dr Tony v:m OCl:umcl, '63 Or. Wendy Parkc.:f. OVe '71
John AJYlano. 'SS '74 GIJ.nt U:l:, C'~ '75 Ex-Officio Om::ltO~
M::Irjorie E. MiUar, director , DepanlllcDt
of Alumni Affalrs and Marion Mc(;cc:. ·
'H l , president ,
CoUege of Social Science Alumni Assoclalion C.arole Rowse ll, HAFA '74,
president , Hot el and Food Adm..I.n1stratlon Atunlol AssoclatJon Joan Ch ri stensen. H.K. 82 , representam·c. t l u,m an KinCUOi
Alumni Noml McCullum, OAC '66A,
.presldent, OAC Alum ni A.ssodatlon Mike Wallace.:, presld~nl, Ce ntraJ Student Association Elualx<h O·Nei l. FI\CS '7 4.
president . Mac·FACS Alumnl AssociatJon Dr Kenneth Cadd oOVC ';6, presiden t, OVC A1umnl Associatio n Pe-r er Gl'lham , OAC '79. p~sid~Dt . C'Tf'3dwiI(' Student Assodar ion U ncia McKc.:rui c-Co rdi ck. Arts '81 ,
president, CoUcge of Art, Alumni Association lul~a..~
Van V c::n , CPS '74.
president, CPS Alumn i AssoclatJon Doug Holdway. CBS '76 . presld('ot. CoUege of Biologlcal Science Alumni Association The Guelph Alumnus is publiShed four tim!..: . . t':tch yc.:ar, in
February, May. Augu M and Novcrnhcr, by the Dc..1Janmc nt of AJumni Affairs
and DC:H:lopmcnt in co-op t= r.uion \vith
Public Re lations and Jnformation. U ni vc~iry Of Guelph.
Walters, pubUcations manager, Depan.m~nt of Alumni and Development
Un deUvered coples should be rrtumtd (0 the Department of Alumni Affain and Development. University of Guelph, Guelph. Ontario NIG Nl, Canada.
Editor's Note Hope you like the "new look" introduced in the last Alumnus. I'd be interested to hear any ofyour comments. It is your magazine and your comments are highly regarded. Letters to the editor would be appreciated and any submissions or suggestions for features would be most welcome. In this issue we have a wonderful feature on Chris Dancey, Arts '74, one ofWestern Canada's most success ful textile designers. Our cover photograph by Jan Bunney shows Chris seated in front of the hand-dyed quilted silk mural she made for the Medicine Hat and District Hospi tal. We can all watch for other beautiful designs to come from this talented alumna io the funlre. Another interesting feature inside this issue of the Alumnus concerns nine HAFA graduates who gained valuable experience working in food services at Expo '86 in Vancouver. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Gary Waechter and his team. The niversity's 560 million capital campaign kicked off in September and you can read the frrst of many progress reports on this important campaign inside. Construction is underway at Alumni House and we look forward to seeing you there sometime after February. OAC '56 has given a special gift of a reception desk for Alumni House. The gift was presented in commemoration of the class' 30th anniversary at a reunion celebrated by 59 alumni and friends this summer at ottawasaga fnn . If your class is interested in giving a gift to Alullloi House, contact the Departmem of Alumni Affairs and Develop ment. Homecoming )86 has come and gone and you can expect full coverage of this annual event in the winter edition of the Alumnus. In the meantime) here's wLc;hing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 1987 certainly promises to be one of growth, excitement, change and challenge at the niversity and you can be a part of it all. Stay informed by reading your Alumnus.
Chri!> Dancey, Arts 74, says that for many years her unconventional life 足 style and varied interests might have led some less adventuresome people to believe she\1 never rit: it all together.
Now, at 36, she is one of Western Canada's most succ.:essful textile designers and she combines her unique past with her varied interests to create fibre art. Her work ranges
from exquisite ol1e-of-a-kind silk haute couture fashion to major public art commissions. Chris, a native of Aylmer, Ontario earned an Iionors Degree in fine art
Social Butterfly: evening dress was fashion designed by Cbarles Thompson; tbe silk was designed cmd dyed by Cbris Dancey. (Photo by Martin Riebl)
from Guelph, then studied interior design at the niversity of Manitoba and archaeology at the University of Calgary. "As much as I use some aspects of my education every day, the fact that I've lived or travelled in over 50 countries during the past 20 years has had a dramatic effect on my creative work," says Chris. "For instance, my 1972-73 trip to Mexic(), Central and South America introduced me to the tropical under water world and archaeology. On returning to Guelph, r became a certifIed scuba dive r with aspirations of becoming an underwater archaeo logist. Archaeology led me to geology and so on. Ele mems from these and other areas of interest are incorpor ated into my work." Chris has lived in Calgary for 1 1 years ( except fo r eight months in the Caribbean and a year in the Far East ). She has combined a love of textiles, art and business to successfully oper ate a fabric dyeing shldio. Her medium is bokashi, the japanese art of brush dyeing which alternates the brush ing on ofdye and hot wax to slowly shape designs with layers of color. Attracted to the emphasis on color and design in th is medium, Chris attended a course at the Alberla College of Art taught by Bil l Morton who had worked 10 years with a master kimono dyer in Kyoto, j apan. One course gave merely an inkling of the technique, so she set off for the Far East to look at fabric dyeing techniques. After visiting japan, China, Indones ia, Thailand and Malaysia during 1982-83, Chris returned to take another course with Morton. Calgary fashion designer Charles nl0mpson has turned Chris' unique yardages into a stunning collection of suits, dresses and evening wear. Two years ago, Thompson's fashion s, created from hand-dyed tabric by Chris and Morton, were featured in a fashion show at the Canad ian Con sulate in Mexico City. Last year, Chris and Thompson collaborated to create the elaborate hand-dyed evening gown worn for the opening of the Calgary Centre for the Performing Arts by Dr. Martha
Chris Dancey wurks in her studio on a 22panet installation she did for University Hospital in Edmon/un. (Photo by Mmtin Riehl) Cohen, Centre president. The opening - and the gown - were St"I.:11 across Canada in a two hour televised special. 111e Dancey/Thompson collabora tions were also displayed at the Festival of Canadian Fashion in Toronto in May. 11tis year Chris has relegated fashion to second place in order to 'oncen (rate on other projects. She instal led a $25,000 silk mural in the Medicine Hat Hospital in August. The ';0 foot by 4 1/2 foot work is quilted in low relicfwith an aluminum frame which is integrated into the design. The lise of machine qUilting recalls Chris' first business. Ten years ago she began c ustom designing down filled quilts with contemporary pieced covers. Her most recent quilt, incor porating old skills, silk dyeing and her favorite imager)" is called "PUlling My Underwater Fanta...-y to Bed". It won the Jurors' Choice Award at a national quilt conference in Banff in 198';.
Success in the quilt conference brought a S12,000 commission for Univt"rsity Hospital in Edmonton which consists of 22 silk panels. Like
all her work, the hospital crt"ation has the unmistakable Dancey stamp - a harmony of rich \'ibrant colors and bold (ksign. She draws on her own wide-ranging interests for themes. For instance, one part of the hospital installation depicts srylized mOllntains, retlccting Chris' interest in hiking and skiing. A fascination with geolllorphology and geology arc evident in thl" design for the Medicine Hat Hospital which is a striking abstract representation of geological cross-sections. Last fall. in an Alberta Culturt" sponsored \et"ture series, Chris' slide pre!>cntatioll "Wearahle Art: Coming Out of the Closet" was a great success. She will also help organize a national fashion show of wearabk art to be shown in Alberta next slimme r. Any one interestt"d in participating should contact Chris oy writing to: 160~ Ct"ntrc St. N., st"cond floor, Calgary, A1herta 1'2£ 2S2, or telephon e (40~ ) 277-') 2')0. She says she would Jove to hear from old friends but t"xplains they may have some trouble con necting with her as she is planning a trip arOllnd the world to research future projects
University Launches Sixty Mil ion Dollar
Capital Campaign
The University announced a 560 million capital campaign September 11 th at a press conference on cam pus. In attendance were the many business leaders who are working on The Campaign for the University of Guelph. Regional and national media representatives also attended the kick-off. This represents the first time Since the late sixties that the niversity of Guelph has undertaken a major cam paign for private funds . The earlier capital campaign put in place the campus as we know it today, includ ing the Library, Arts building, Crop Science building and Animal Science/ Nutrition building. The Campaign has a goal of i60 million dollars, of which $31.5 mil lion will be sought from private sour ces; the government objective is 528.5 miUion. As of the end ofAugust 1986, 37.69 per cent of the objective or $22,618,757 had been raised. This includes 56.75 million from both the provincial and federal governments for expansion and improvements to OVC, S2.5 million pledged by snl dents toward athletic facilities, 51 million from the Ontario Egg Market ing Board for an endowed chair in egg products research, and $300,000 pledged by the Wellington County Counc il towards the Library expansion. Speaking at a press conference, the campaign leaders provided some perspective on the planning behind The Campaign and the task ahead. Edmund C. Bovey, Chairman of the Board of Governors, chaired the campaign advisory committee that did the early planning and recruited the volunteer leadership for The Campaign. He introduced The Cam paign Co-chairmen]ohn W.H. Bassett, chairman of the executive committee of Baton Broadcasting, Toronto, and C. David Clark, President ofCampbell Soup Company, Toronto. Both men spoke enthusiastically about the ni versity of Guelph, its essential role in
Campaign Leadership Honorary Patrons Hon. Emmetl M. Hall, c.c., Q.c., Saskatoon Ho n. Pauline M. McGibbon, e.e., Toronto William A. Stewart, Chancellor, Unlversity of Guelph
Co-Chairmen Joh n W.H. Bassett, Chairman of the Excc utive Co mm ittee, Baton Broadcasting, Toronto C. David Clark, President, Campbell Soup Company, Toronto
Vice-Chairman William T. Brock, Executive Vice-Prcsident, North American Credit, Toronto Dominion Bank, Toronto
Honorary Treasurer Alvin L. Flood , President, Corpo rate Bank, Canaclian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Toronto
National Buslness Committee Edmund C. Bovc.:y, CM., Director, Hollinger, Inc. , Toronto Edward G. Bradley, Executive Vicc-Prcsidt:nt, Corporate Development and Planning, John Laban Ltd. , Toronto Harley R. Deeks, President, Alberta Division, Molson Companies, Edmonton Thor E. Eaton, Vicc-President, 111e T. Eaton Company, Toronto William B. Harris, Chairman, The Mercantile and General Reinsurance Group, Toronto Bernard Lamarre, President, Lavilinlnc. , Montreal Hugh A. Magee , Chairman and CE.O., Great West Steel Industries Ltd. , Vancouver John A. Morrison , President and CE.O ., Continental Can Co mpany Inc., Toronlo Ian W. Murray, President and c.E.0., est Ie Enterprises Limited, Toronto David A. Scales, Preside nt and General Manager, Island fertilizers Ltd ., Charlottetown
Regional Co-Chairmen Kenneth G Murray, Corporate Dire ctor, Schneider Co rp., Waterloo Kenneth O . Hammill, Vice President and General Manager, Omark Canada Ltd., Guelph
Foundations George R. Gardincr, Chairman, Gardiner Group, Toronto
Associations Kenneth G. Murray, Corporate Director, Sclmeidcr Co rp., Waterloo
Special Names Willian1 C Hamilton, Keams, McKinnon, Barriste rs & Solidtors, Guelph
University Community Chairmen Board of Governors Faculty Professional Statf Support Staff Students
Edmund C. Bovey and R. Walte r Hanhidge Peter A Ege1staff Ronald G. Collins Sheila Trainer Michael Wallace
Alumni Co-Chainnen Will iam C. Wincgard, Member of Parliament, Gue lph Harry T. Seymour, President, Dominion Securities Pitfield Investment Management Limited, To ronto
Campaign Director Marjorie E. Millar, Director, Alumni Affairs and Development
Canada, and the need for the corpo rate world to support its continuing work. Mr. Bassett suggested that business people in Toronto do not have a clear idea ofwhat the University ofGuelph is all about. He mentioned particu larly Guelph's work in agriculture and environmental studies, saying we must keep our food supply secure and increase and enhance our envir onmental research. "No university that] know of in Canada, and very few anywhere, have the unique role that this university has in tht: production and the enhancement of food, the most fundamental aspect of life." Mr.. Bassett told the press confer ence that "unless we get people to understand the enormous importance of Canada's role in the feeding of the world and maintain the great facili · ties we have to keep producing, we're going to be in serious trouble - not only us but everyone else. That, to me, is the fundamental aspect of this campaign. Mr. Clark said he has "come to appreciate just what a signal role this university plays in ensuring that Can adians across the board will have a safe, healthy and secure food supply for years to come." He also added that "our only hope is to maintain the high level of scholarship, the high quality of graduates and the absolutely esscntial rcsearch which the Univer
sity of Guelph has historically pro "ided to the food processing and agri food business in general." Guests at The Campaign kick-off
C. David Clark, Campaign Co chairman
john W.H. Bassett, Campaign Co-chairman
Gary Natialin, acting chairman Of
Michael Wallace, President Of the Central Student Association, told the press c nference that the University student body has already achieved its campaign objective of$2.5 million.
the Professional Staff ASSOciation, presented a 11,000 cheque at the press conference to President Burt Matthews as the Association's initial contribution to lbe Campaign.
pho~e. calJ
You.will &oon get a from your Alma Mater. As part of the capital campaign, 'a phoruithon has been launched to give alJ . <;>f you the: oppor-.· runityto be a part of the Univer sity's future. . EnthuSiastic stndent calJers . are nowcOCItacting College of Arts ,. College. of Biological Science and Human Kinetics alumni. Ontario Agricultural College alumni will be next, starting]anuary 1987. . Please take a moment to consider the student callers" reql1est and hear about the Universio/ tooay.
were informed by a video production about the University ofGuelph and its growingpre-emincnce in the applied and basic sciences and the arts.
Projects Environmental Biology/Horticulture Building Oorario Veterinary College Phase I ( Large Animal Clinics, Biomedical Sciences) Phase U ( Learning Ceorre ) Family and Consumer Studies Addition Library Addition Athletic Facilities Academic Enrichment Research and Innovation Scholarships Total
521 .0 million
S13.5 million S 3.0 million S 3.5 million S 5.4 million S 5.3 million S 3.0 million $ 4.3 million S 1.0 million $60.00 million
Private Sector Objective Government Sector Objective
531.5 million 528.5 million
Campaign Total
560.00 miUion
Jack MacDonald, Guelph's new vice president, academic, admits he doesn't like wearing a tie. He describes his "style" as informal and relaxed. It's a style that fits the fricodly atmosphere of the University of Guelph and one that has served him weU since he joined the faculty in 1975 as professor and chairman of the Department of Physics In 1981 , he was appointed Dean of the Col· lege of Physical Science, a position he held until his present appointment as vice -president, academic, which became effective july 1 for a five year term. He succeeds Dr. Howard Clark who has left Guelph to become vice chancellor and presidem ofDalh usie University. Professor MacDonald (if he must have a "title" he says he prefers "pro fessor" even though a Ph.D. in physics from the University of British Columbia also entitles him to be caUed "doctor" ) is responsible for all aspects of academics at the Univer sity, including its seven colleges, Office of Research, Graduate Studies, the Library, the School of Continuing Education and Part-Time Studies, the School of Rural Planning and Devel opment, the Centre for International Progranls and the Office for Educa tional Practice. In his new position he says "my main task is to work in every possible way to help students, faculty , librar ians, staff and all others to achieve their goals and those of the University." Unlike a 'vice-president in business or industry, Professor MacDonald says the vice-president of a univerSity cannot make final decisions independently bilt must achieve desired goals "by consensus, by sug gestion and by example." He explains that "decisions are not usually taken centrally by a few but arrived at through endless hours of discussion in committee and board meetings." It is a real challenge, he says, to operate such a decision-making sys
Professorjack ,l!lacDonald
tern effective ly. "Fortunately, the faculty and staff of this University work very constructively and gener ally with a spirit of co-operation in arriving at decisions," he adds. Professor MacDonald served on the ad-hoc committee which deve loped Toward 2000: Challellges and Responses - Aims Of the Unit ersilJl of Guelph under the chairmanship of his predecessor Dr. Clark. This doc ument sets the direction for the Uni versit}' over the next two decades. "All of us who served on the aims conunittee benefited grearly from the experience. While there were always many sides to each issue, the process was a constructive one and the result was a document which should guide our development as a university for at least the next ten years. We spent many hours discussing every impor tant issue and came to appreciate not only the complex nature of the Uni versity and the community it serves bm also the unifying elemems of the University." Alumni Are Important
Professor MacDonald says one of the most important unifying clements
of any university, and certainly the University of Guelph, is its alumni. "We have a very real responsibility to our alumni, a responsibility which frequently must be balanced against other commitments. niversities mu t change and grow if they are to respond satisfactori I)' to society's needs. Jt is not always easy for alumni to accept change or recognize growth as a pos itive thing and this, in a sense, is not surprising. However, we cannot remain static. We must build on new strengths as the opportunities per mit. TI1i . is the way great institutions are formed and we have a very real chance of becoming recognized on a world-wide scale, as a fine university." According to Professor MacDonald, Guelph has a unique "balancing act" to perform. On the onc hand, it must recognize the founding colleges from the very beginning to the present day, while 011 the other hand, it must give full credit and equal status to the newer colleges which now comprise the majority of students, faculty and academic programs. "We are a full-fledged university and a strong one. Every colJege is important 1O our future and every college has made, and will continue to make, important contributions to thc Canadian academic scene. While we will not turn OUf backs on our tradition, neither will we restrict our natural growth nor fail to support exceUence wherever it may be found." Professor MacDonald says ifhe had a single message to give alumni, "it is to recognize us for what we presently are - a true, full -fledged university of very substantial qualit}'." Although Guelph is going through inevitable changes and will continue to do so, Professor MacDonald rcas ures that its friendly atmosphere will remain onstant. "We work hard to maintain a friendly atmosphere. This is a big place but it gives the impression of being much smaller. A chal1enge over the next few years will be to devise
ways of responding to the informa tion technology that is becoming so important to our education system. We will have to decide how we can best accommodate this technology while maintaining that personal con tact with students. We have:: a reputa tion of caring about our students as well as educating them and we want to keep that reputation." Professor MacDonald says a good university never has enough money and he feels Guelph's capital cam paign will be vital to its academic enrichment. "The campaign has been far too long in coming and I'm delighted that it's now underway," he says while adding that the University "could probably spend three times as much as it hopes to raise" on resources, research, educational projects and scholarships. Professor MacDonald feds that alumni will playa 'crucial' role in the success of the campaign. He says that just as the University has a responsibility to alumni to enhance the status of their degrees, alumni in turn have a responsibility to the University "especially in particu lar times of need." "We depend on our alumni to give us the support we need and they can take pride in our being successful. It
will give them a sense of accom plishment."
Personal Goals While Professor MacDonald chal lenges alumni and others, he has set personal goals for himself as well. He says he wants to continue the process of increasing academic quality while preserving the University's own spe cial features and ambience. He also hopes to build a sense of pride in the University's achievements. "We are much better than we think we are," he says. "Again the trick will be to balance integrity, single-mindedness, aggressiveness, pride and even ego with a co-operative spirit, friendly atmosphere and sense of community." Professor MacDonald plans to "get out and meet the people of the Uni versity." Given his workload and responsibilities as vice-president, academic, he admits this will not be an easy' task but one he feels is "vital CO find out what is really happening and to encourage others in their diverse activities." He also hopes to teach again. "I love tcaching," he says, "and it would be a way of staying in contact with the studenrs." Professor MacDonald places a high priority on family life, saying his own "tightly-knit family" is his first com mitment. He and his wife Lillian have
two sons: Mark, 19, was born in England while his father completed a two year postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, and lan, 16, was born in the United States while his father worked as a researcher at Bell Laboratories. Mark is now attending the University ofGuelph and although his father says he reached the deci sion to attend Guleph independently, he was "delighted" with his choice. Professor MacDonald highly regard.. the advice of his family and says all decisions concerning where to live and work were made collectively with them. "As a fantily we have always enjoyed Guelph and we feel very lucky to be able to live in such a fine community while working in such a rewarding job," he says. In his newest capacity, Professor MacDonald looks forward to working closely with President Burt Matthews and Vice-Pr e sident, Administration, Charles Ferguson. "Clearly they are 'old pros' and I will enjoy learning from them and assisting them in their activities," he says. He also looks forward to continu ing to work with "an outstanding group of academic leaders and uni versity administrators and with an equally impressive group of faculty and staff."
The 1986 Alumni Florida Reunion Picnic held March 5 was a huge Sllccess with approximately 150 alumni and friends attending. Pre sident Burt Matthews addressed the gathering following a sumptuous pot luck luncheon. It was decided the picnic should be an ann ual event on the first Wednesday each March. TIlerefore, you will want to start making plans right away to attend the third annual picnic at Harbour Heights Park, near Port Charlotte, Florida, two miles east of Interstate Highway 75 on March 4, 1987.
If you received information last year, your nanle wi II be on the mailing list. However, if you did not and would like to receive a flyer with more detail.., please contact Rosemary Clark at the Alumni Office, ( 519) 824-4 120, ext. 2122 . Or, please respond by March 1, 1987 to Ruth and Gordon Wright, Airport Road, Venice, Florida 33595, U.S.A. The 1987 planning comminee includes Marian and Ross Cavers, OAe '29, Ruth and Gordon \\'right, Mac '37 and OAC '33, and Willa and Morley Funston, Mac '31 and OAC '32.
COMING EVENTS . November 7-9 - Banff Springs Hotel staff reunion For more informatiOn , can ( 403) 762-2211. February 21 - 0ttawa Alumni Chapter Bonspeil March 4-:- Florida Alumni Picnic April 23 - President's Council Dinner April 24 - Chicago Alumni Reception and Dinner
Did you know £hat a person 30 years old has a 70 per cent chance of becoming disabled before reaching age 65? It is a sobering thought. We all realize that accidents or illness can happen wi£hout warning, and £hat the loss of a regular salary could hecome an unfortunate reality. When a wage earner is unable to work and generate income, ongoing expenses such as accommodation , food and clothing can rapidly eat up savings. How would such an event affect you and your family? Many companies include long-term disability protection in their benefit package for employees. However, if you work for an organization that does not provide £hose benefits, or if you are self-employed, a disabling accident or illness can resu Itin severe financial hardship This year the University of Guelph Alumni Association endorsed an Income Protection Plan, managed by North American Life. The plan offers an economical way to provide pro tection against the financial effects of long-term disability. If you are not familiar with the plan, or with the concept of disability insurance, here are answers to some frequently-asked questions. What is income protection insurance? If you become disabled as a resull of an accidem or illness at home or at work and cannOl work at your regular occupation, income protection insur ance will provide you with monthly payments in accordance with the amoum of coverage you have chosen. How much insurance do I need? The amount of income protection insurance you need depends on a
number offactors such as your current income, how long you could manage on your savings, whether you have another somce of income, the number of people who depend on you , and what financial obligations (e.g. mortgage, loans) you have. How much could I get each month with the Guelph plan? That would depend on your income and on how much coverage you choose . Insurance is available in "units" of $100 up to a maximum of $3,500 a month. To ensure that you aren't paying for more coverage than you need, there is a formula on the application fonn to help you calculate
the maximum lhat would apply to you. How long would I have to wait before benefits start? You em choose from three different waiting periods - 30 days, 120 days or 180 days - with premiums adjusted accordingly. For example, if your employer provides short-term cover age , you can opt for a longer waiting period. TIle longer the waiting period, the lower the premiums. If I become disabled, how long would benefit payments continue? Benefits are payable up to age 65, as long as you are disabled and cannot work.
Gerry I.udwig, Well. '68, recently joined lhe Department of Alumni Affairs and Development as Assistant to the Director of Annual Giving. As an unuergraduate, Gerry majored in English literature and language and spent one year as editorial assistant in the Department of Alumni Affairs and Developmenl before going to teach in Ontario, Quebec and Austraila. She returns to Guelph from McGill Univer sity in Montreal where she worked in both alumni and development areas. Tn her new position, Gerry will he actively involved with specific a~pects of annua l giving such as the class agents program, anniversary and special gifts, memorial and com memorative giving. senior class gifts and the parents giving proAfam. She brings an enthusiasm for re newing acquaimances at Guelph and for reinvolvement at an exciting time in the University's history.
Getry Ludwi& Well. '68
Are benefits taxable?
Benefit payment') are tax free as long
as you have paid the entire premium. However, if the premium is paid in part Or in whole by your employer or by a partnership, the benefits may be taxable.
FELLOWSHIP TO BE PROVIDED FOR WINE RESEARCH of the Canadian wine firms, retiring as president and general manager in 1959. IIe was instntmental in the organization of the Canadian Wine Institute and served as its first pre sident. During his lifetime he was aptly described as "the Dean of the Canadian wine industry" and was also highly praised for his community work in the iagara Falls area.
If I change employers, can I con tinue my income protection insurance? Yes, the program is portable so it moves with YOll if you change jobs. Who can join the plan? All alumni of the niversity of Guelph who are under age 61 and residents of Canada are eligible to apply for this coverage. You must also he gainfully employed at the time of applicatioo, and have an average monthly Earned Income of $1 ,000 or more on a continuous basis.
My occupation could be considered hazardous. Can I get disability
insurance? If you work at a hazarclous occu
pation, your application will be given individual consideration to detcmline whether group rates can be offcn.:d.
Does the plan include payments for partial disability? Yes, providing partial disability immediately follows a period during which yOll received total disability benefits. Partial disability insurance is payable for up to six months at 50 per cent ofyouT monthly income payment. For more information on how your
Association plan can help protect your income, call North American Life TOLl. FREE at 1-800-268-8182, or your North American Life repre sentative. You can also contact Jeff Jennings at ( 416 ) 491 -4046, the Guelph Alumni Insurance Consultant. If you already have disability insurance, don't forget that North
American Life offers an excellent term life insurance plan for Guelph
alumn i. Benefits include low group
rates and high ma..ximums. and your
protection will move with you if you change jobs. Contact any of the above
sources for details about this special service from your Association.
Earl Thomas
Athough Earl A. 1l1omas died in 1966, his devotion to the Canadian wine industry will live on through a research fellowship to the University's Food Science Department. In her late husband's memory, Beryl Thomas of Oakville is providing for a fellowship of approximately 3500 annually through a gift of life insur ance. When the funds become avail able, the award will be made to graduate students of high academic standing undertaking research in the science of wine making ( oenOlOgy). Guelph is the only university in Canada with an oenology program. Established in 1975, the program's research is geared to the needs of the wine industry. Food Science Professor Cyriel Duitschaever says students experiment with fermentation at low temperatures, the selection ofspecial yeasts to develop flavor, and a reverse osmosis ~-ystem to increase soluble solids content. Mrs. Thomas has visited the department on several ceasions and has seen the oenology program in action. Her late husband spent 43 years at TG. Bright Co. Ltd., higgest
Over the past few years, grad uates of the University Catholic Community (UCC ) have expressed a desire to "keep in touch" with each other and the activities of the CC on canlpus. Therefore, a UCC/Newman Alumni Association is being organized. The major activities of this association will be: publishing a newsletter describing alumni and campus UCC activities; and sponsoring an annual "get to gether", probably in conjunc tion with College Royal or Alumni Weekend.
Amailing list ofUCCINewman AlunlOi is being compiled from yearbooks and University records. However, this Jist is incomplete and former UCC/ Newman club members are asked to send their names and addresses, pillS the names and addresses of their CC/Newman
Alumni friends, so that an initial newsletter can be mailed. These,
plus any suggestions, can be
addressed to: John McDermott,
UCC/Newman Alumni Co ordinator, Room 149,.1ohnston
Hall , niversity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N 1G 2W 1.
A visit to Expo '86 in Vancouver could be compared to a culinary trip around the world. Foods ranged from the simple hot dog to the more exotic sushi, Arctic char and B.C. salmon. In each pavilion, the food retained the character of the country, state or province represented. Drinks in the North West Territories pavilion were even cooled with glacial ice' In the midst of all this culinary excitement was a team of nine HAFA graduates headed by Gary Waechter, '76. Along with 5,000 other food service employees they managed and oversaw food service for the Expo '86 Corporation which handled 120,000 visitors daily.
Gary's familiarity with the HAFA program helped him find employees whose backgrounds were to enhance the food service operation at Expo. Gary joined the corporation in 1983 as director of food operations. The expertise he had gained while employed at Canada's Wonderland provided a valuable background for him and his team as they set out to design a project which would nonnaLly take five years. After just two and a half years and many long hours, Gary and his team shared the excitement when Expo '86 opened its doors May 2. To retain their own special "flavor" . many of the theme pavilions and country, state or prOvincial pavilions employed their own chefs, used their own mentIS and prepared food using their own customs. Gary and his team worked closely with the groups in these pavilions to approve their menus, achieve high standards and ensure that heahh and sanitary regulations were maintained. Gary's familiarity with the HAFA program
HAFA Alumni who worked at Expo '86 were, left to right, Linda Picton, '85, Brian Galea, '83, Chris Wadham, '81, Dave Vaillancourt, '8/John Hanlon, '85, Kim Laffet路ty-Marenan, '83, Nancy Clynick, '86, Gary Waecht~ 76 and Vince Lee, '85.
helped him find employees whose backgrounds were to enhance the food service operation at Expo. Dale Vaillancourt, '81 , joined the Expo corporation in February 1984 as manager of food operations and worked closely with Gary in setting up the project. In October tbe same year, Brian Galea, '83,joined the team as area supervisor, food opelJ.tions. Vince Lee took the trip west right after graduation in 1985 and joined the others as cost analyst , food operations. By ovember 1985, three more HAFA grads were on the scene. Kim Lafferty-Marenan, '83, became responSible for inventory control, then moved on to Pacific Station and Horizons; Linda Picton, '85. became assistant supervisor in th e carts program; and Chris Wacth am, '81 , became assistant manager, fooel concessions. John Hanlon, '85, joined the team in February 1986 as cost analyst and ancyClynick, '85, arrived just before Expo opened in May to be revenue control accountant for the division. The team was responsible for 17
fine dining and eight quick cuisine outlets in the various pavilions and also supervised nine restaurants with table service, 10 buifeterias, 27 quick cuisines and 40 carts on the grounds. As Expo '86 drew to a close in October, the HAFA grads began seeking new jobs. AJi of them had known that their Expo '86 jobs would be short term but unanimously agreed they would do it again. They felt the experience would be impossible to obtain at a major corpor'dtion within the same time frame. Are (hey happy it's over' Most of the team said yes but they will hate to leave Vancouver ifemployment takes them elsewhere. The hectic 60 to 80 hour work weeks were taxing but being in on "the action" made the atmosphere exciting and challenging. With their busy schedules, they had little time to visit Expo as tourists. TIley tended to go home more fre颅 quently than Sightseeing. On the whole, the HAFA grads who were part of Expo '86 look back with wonderful memories but also look to the future with up-to-date resumes.
Douglas Ormrod has been appointed Dean of Graduate Studies for a five year term. His appointment became effective July 1. He succeeds Dean Carlton Gyles who completed a five year term in 1985 and accepted a temporary extension. Professor Ormcod came to the University of Guelph in 1969 as chair man of the Department of Horticul tural Science and later was a faculty member in that department. His re search interests focus primarily on the effects of atmospheric pollutants on various crop plants. At present, he is supervising the work of six graduate students. A total of 11 have completed studies for the Ph.D. degree and 31 the Master of Science degree under his guidance. He has had 153 papers published in refereed scientific journals. Professor Ormrod has received a number of honors and awards and many visiting scientist and visiting lectureship appointments. In 1978
Douglas Onllrod
he received the Distinguished Researcher Award from d1e Guelph Chapter of Sigma Xi. In 1981 he was recognized with the Commonwealth Foundation International Exchange Award, and in 1982 the NSERC Inter national Collaborative Research Award. The Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Association awarded
Professor Om1fod their Distinguished Researcher Award in 1985. He has served as visiting scientist at the University of Victoria, visiting lecturer at the University of Western Australia, senior visiting fellow at the niversity of Nottingham and com pleted an NSERC International Colla borative Exchange at Oregon State University. In addition, Professor Ormrod has given many visiting lec tures and scientific seminars at universities throughout Canada and the United States as well as seveC'dl in Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. He has served on nearly a dozcn public consultative bodies in Canada and the United States dealing with atmospheric pollution. Professor Om1fod is a graduate of the UniverSity of British Columbia and the University ofCalifornia. Before coming to the University of Guelpb, he served on the faculties of the University of California and the University of British Columbia.
Margaret Beckman, executive direc tor for information technology, has heen named academic librarian of the year for ] 986 by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRl,) , a division of the American Librarian Association. She is the first Canadian to receive d1e honor since it was first bestowed in 1978 The honor is in recognition of the contributions Beckman has made to academic li brarianship over the past two decades. A key contribution has been her role in the growth of auto mated library systems. As chief librar ian at Guclphfrom 1971 to 1984, she directed the development of the Geac library system, which has been sold around the world. She 1 as also been involved in the worldwide dialogue
that has resulted in the acceptance of on-line catalogues and a new approach to the access of library resources. As part of her Master's thesis. , he developed CODOC, an automatic bibliographic system that is widely used for organizing government publications. The ACRL also recogniz ed Beckman's accomplishments in inno vative approaches to library manage ment and her involvement with library building planning She has lccnJred and led workshops on library manage ment and bu ilding planning, as well as automated library systems around the world. and has been a planning advisor to many pub! ic and university libraries in Canada and abroad. Beckman has a B.A. from the Univer-
Margaret Beckman
Sity of Western Ontario and a B.L.S. and M.L.S. from the niversity of Toronto. She first came to Guelph as systems librarian in 1966; prior to that, she was director of technical services at the University of Waterloo library.
David Houghton, HAFA 75, believes that any student attending the Univer sity of Guelph will be a better person for the experience. That's why he is committed to the University's VISA. (Volunteers in Support of AdmiS.';ions) program. Organized in 1979 by Donna Webb and Rosemary Clark ofAlumni Affairs and Development. and an alumni volunteer committee, V.lS A. was activated in 19R1through the various alumni chapters in Ontario and has grown to over 200 members. Chapters put Guelph alumni in touch with a network of fellow grad uates and provide a framework to support the UniverSity. Guelph alumni help high school students become more aware of Guelph, the quality and diversity of curriculum, the spirited campus life and community amenities. "Alumni get involved because their own experiences at Guelph have been so positive, they want to make the same opportunities available to other students," explains David. He says he "grew tremendously on a personal level" at Guelph as well as receiving an excellent education wh ich has helped him in his career. He is now Master of Oakham House, the campus community ,U1d confer ence centre at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Toronto. David says he likes to tell prospec tive students about the strong residence component of campus life at Guelph, the variety of course material, the many social and cultural events and the athletic faciliti es. " 1 tell student to go to Guelph if they want to grow and discover their abilities. As for the calibre of educa· tion , they simply have to look at the al umni. Many of them are leaders in their professions." Betsy Allan, Alumni Liaison Co ordinator, says the VI.SA idea is not a new one. For many years it was an
informal program nurtured by caring alumni like David. Since it has been formalized though, it is growing stronger. Alumni chapter develop ment is a priority with Betsy. There arc presently seven chapters in Ontario and one is now being estab lished in ova Scotia. But she says a big focus for most of the chapters is the VIS A. program. With her support, each chapter co ordinates at least one information program annually. For example, the V.I.SA members invite studencs, their friends and parents to an information afternoon. At this event the alu mni speak about their career paths since graduation and a representative from the Registrar's Office presents the techn ical side of admissions and residence requirements.
"Alumni get involved because their own exper iences at Guelph have been so positive. _. . )J
An in-course student is often in attendance as well to talk about campus life today an d "because some of the prospective students are more comfortable speaking to thei r peers", explains Betsy. A University display at the event shows the campus at its best and brochures and admissions book!; are available Students can ask questions and see an audio-visual presentation. "That personal contact the V.l.SA members provide is very important," says Betsy. "Once they see the slides, the beauty of the campus sells itself." She estimates that more than half of the students who attend the information programs accept the University's offers of admission as a result. One of the most recent information
programs was held by the Ottawa Alumni Chapter at Algonquin College. It was attended by 4 5 prospective stu dents, eight parents, seven VISA. members and two in-course students. "Everyone met informally after the forma l presentation and the students really showed excitement about Guelph," says Betsy. So me V.T.S .A. members, like Toronto's David Houghton, also con tribute their services through Careers Speakers Bureaus, making themselves available to speak to area high school students on an ongoing basis. As well they partic ipate in high school graduati on nights by presenting niversity of Guelph entrance awards. No matter how they contribute, VJ.5.A. members playa valuable role as they exemplif)' the friendly, caring approach of the University. By talking to prospective students, they help them make informed decisions about post secondary education. Tht::y arc also instrumental in helping the niversity maintain its standard of ex cellence by altracting top students. The members themselvcs benefit too. Active membership is a way to "network" with other alumni, l iniver sity facu lty and their families in their communities. Through their parti cipation, they can improve their communication ,md leadership skills. If you would like to know more abOllt the VrSA. program, contact Betsy Allan at ( 519) 824-4120, ext. 65)3 . In the Toronto area, contact David Houghton at (416) 977-1045 .
'87· June 19, 20, 21 I' ....
Let's get together for a great reunion!
EdilO r Dr C/J Ii BJr~ f r, '41
Professor emeritus Dr. Cliff Barker and Dr. Dennis Howell, chairman and chief executive officer of Guelph International Development Consult ants and former dean of OVC, are among 70 Canadians who have been named to the Order of Canada. Dr. Barker, OVC '41, who taught in the Department of Clinical Studies from 1945 to 1984, is a research pioneer in the field of animal repro duction. He is the winner of several international awards in the field of theriogenology.
Dr Cliff Barker
Dr. Dennis Howell
Last year, he and retired history professor Margaret Evans received the Royal Society ofCanada'sJason A. Hannah Medal for their book Centmy One, a historyofthe Ontario Veterin · ary Association. Since 1970, he has served as historian and archivist for OVe. Dr. Howell, dean of OVC from 1969 to 1979, is a fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the
Royal Society of Medicine and the World Academy of Arts and Science. In 198j, he received the XII Inter national Veterinary Congress Prize of the American Veterinary Medical Asso ciation. Dr. Howell taught in the depart ments ofClinical Studies and Veterin ary Microbiology and Immunology from 1980 to 1985, and was head of external projects in the Centre for
International Programs from 1982 until last January, when he became chairman of GlDC. He was chairman of the board of trustees of Algoma University College from 1976 [Q 1985 and was involved in the study on the necessity and location for a fourth veterinary school in Canada. Dr. Barker and Dr. HoweU will be inducted into the Order of Canada at a ceremony in Ottawa this month.
ave '41, who received an honorary doctor ofscience degree at convocation ceremonies inJune (left), is shown above in an oldphoto taken in the ave anatomy lab in 1937-38. Working in the lab, left to right, are Herb Anderson, Cliff Barker, Fred Blum, Bigland and Don Barnum.
Dr. Chris Bigland,
Dr. Tom Scholl was presented with Ihe AndreIÂŁ! Smith Memorial Medal by ove Dean Ole Nielsen this year. The medal, in memory of the late Andrew Smith, founder of the DVe, is the highest award given 10 a member Of the gradu<lling class ofthe D. VM. program. The qualifications which are considered, in orderoj importance, are scholastic abi/i(y and proficienql in the clinical fields. The student's entire college cat'eer is considered.
Professoremen'tlls status was bestowed on retired oveprofessors Prank Milne,
Jim Archibald, Margaret Hardy Fal/ding and Cliff Barker during convocation
ceremonies injwze.
Dr. R.M. Liptrap, OVC '56, M.Sc . '63, Ph.D. '67, is acting chairman of the Department of Biomedical Sciences. He sue eeds Dr Harry Downie, OVC '48, who ison an auministrative leave in 1987. Dr. Wayne McDonnell, OVC '65, M.Sc. '69, Clinical Studies, conlinues as Director ofthe Veterinary Teaching Hospital until December 31 , 1986. Dr. Ron Downey, OVC '61, M.Sc. '68, will continue as Academic Counsellor for 1987 Dr. Mike Livesey,B.Y.M .S. '74 , Royal ( Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, Scotland, has been appoinl ed Large Animal Surgery Service Chief. Dr. Heinz (Henry) Staempfll, DV,M . '76, University of Berne , Switzerland, has been appointed Large Animal Area Co-ordinator. Dr. Mimi Arighi, D.V.M . '79 , Universi ty of California, has aCLcpted an appointment in the Department of Surgical Sciences, School ofVeterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin in Madison. Dr. Arighi received a M.Sc. degree at Gut:lph'sJune convocation. Dr. Russell Willoughby, OVC '57, chairman of Clinical Studies has bee n appointed Director of the Guelph Centre for Equine Research. Dr. Peter Pascoe is acting chairman of Clinical Studies. David Porter, B.Sc. '60, M.Sc '6 2, B. Vet. Med. '63, Ph.D. '68, University of London, is expected to commence dutie, as chaimlan of the Department of Biomedical Sciences January 1, 1987 He is a Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons '63 and F. I. BioI. '82. He i coming from the University of Bristol. Dr. Jack Cote, OVC ' 5 I, has recently retired from (he Department of Cli nical Studies and moved to Ingersoll. Dr. Harry Rowsell, OVC '49, a former professor in OVC, recently received an honorary professorship from the Peking nion Medical Col lege in Beijing, the first time a Chinese medical school has honored amember of the laboratory animal science community.
Dr. Norman Lewis (Lew) McBride. ave '38, (left) received the ove
Alumni Distinguished Alumnus award during Alumni Weekend. Making the presentation was Dr. Kenneth Gada, ave '56, president of the ove Alumni Assodation.
Two outstanding OVC alumni were honored at this year's Alumni Weekend. Dr. Norman Lewis (Lew) McBride, ove '38, received the OVC Distinguished Alumnus Award and Dr. Reginald (Reg) Thomson, ove '59 and '63, received the 1986 UGAAAlunmus of Honor Award. Dr. McBride received his award at the OVC Alumni Association annual dinner which was part of Alumni Weekend. Active in veterinary mem足 cine from 1938 to 1980, Dr. McBride practised in Wisconsin and IUinois before moving to California in 1943 to establish one of the best known practices in Pasadena. He is still active as a co-ordinator of veterinary medkal continuing education at the University of California in Irvine. lie is a con足 sultant to Carnation Company World Wide Headquarters in Los Angeles, Whittier Foundation for Diabetes and
Endocrinology in San Diego, Pacific Biotech in San Diego, and Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in L'l Jolla. Dr. McBride has organized and conducted symposia on veterinary medicine in several areas of the United States and has authored many articles on small animal surgery and presented programs at veterinary meetings nationally and internationally. Dr. Thomson received his award at the University of Guelph Alumni Association's annual meeting held during Alumni Weekend. Founding dean of the Atlantic Veterinary College in Prince Edward Island and former chairman of the Department of Pathology at OVC, he was selected for his leadership, his ontributions to medical science and his influence on veterinary students in Canada and around the world.
ove '36 alumni Nom1贈lnjerome, Russell Young, Lewis Bodenweiserand Albert Geffert received !>peda/ hats during Alumni Weekend for representing the earliest graduating class at the ave Alumni Association reception, annual dinner and tlu'ards presentation.
Museum displays may be viewed at the entr.rnce to the OVC library and in Room 209 in OVe. The library entrance display contains medals awarded [() Professor Andrew Smith (College founder) and several won hy ove graduates, dating from 1876 to 1933 The display in Room 20() <,:ontains all of the trophks won by Or. James i'inkJl(.'Y. OVC '.l,7 . both as an nvc student and as the leading breeder and showman of swine in Canada. A further display cabinct in Ihe department of .linical Studies con足 tains photographs taken during short courses at the OVC since 194H and 'urrent trophies won hy faculty ~pons teams.
Editor: !\lane (Boissonllf',wllJ Rmh, '80
Professor Bruce Holub (left) suggests thaI eating ocean fiSh two ur three times Cl week may reduce the risk ofheart disease, Research by Nutritional Sciences Professor Bruce Holub, OAC '67, provides hope for people at risk of cardiovascular disease and a boost for Canada's fisheries. Professor Holub's work has Jed him to suggest that eating ocean fish two or three times a week may reduce the risk of heart disease. In recent years, researchers have noted that although Greenland Eskimos eat as much fat as North Americans, they seldom sufier from arterial thrombosis or atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. However, there is one significant factor in their diet. Whereas many North Americans consider gastronomic bliss to be a rare steak or a hamburger, Greenland Eskimos like nothing better than fish , whale or seal steak or stew. It is now known that eicosapen taenoic acid or EPA, abundant in some ocean fish , diminishes blood platelet clumping, depresses high levels of circulating triglycerides and lowers blood pressure . Holub 's research group is looking at the
clinical application of EPA in the diet and the metabolism and mechanisms of action of EPA in the blood. His early volunteers had to have ~trong stomachs and happy early memories of cod liver oil, the vehicle for EPA aclministratioo. However, volunteers now receive EPA capsules rather than cod liver oil. Professor Holub explains that the change was made, not because volunteers rebelled, but because cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D (potentially toxic in the long term ) and the capsules are much richer in EPA. Triglyceride levels dropped The researchers found that within three weeks of initial EPA adminis tration , triglyceride levels in volun teers' blood dropped Since high triglyceride levels are associated with heart attacks, this is an important finding, Professor Holub says. The researchers also found that EPA incorporates readily into the mem brane of circulating blood platelets,
and appears to reduce the interaction between the platelet and the vessel wall. "lfbJood vessels become hardened through atherosclerosis," Professor Holub says, "there is an increased likelihood that platelets will clump, giving rise to the formation of a thrombus at the injury Site." He explains that when EPA is incorpor ated into the membrane of the blood platelet, it changes properties and becomes less likely to stick. Cardiovascular disease is a two step proce 's, Professor Ho lub says, involving hardening of the arteries and arterial thrombosis. "We may have a hard time preventing hardening of the arteries," he says, "but ifwe can introduce EPA to people with this problem, we can increase their life expectancy by reducing platelet clumping." Professor Holub says there is also evidence that fish protein, unlike certain animal protein, and , in fact unlike the polyunsarurate in EPA, can lower cholesterol levels in experi mental animals. By contrast, the poly unsaturate, linoleic acid, found in vegetable oils is effective in reducing cholesterol levels but is less effective th,LO EPA in lower triglyceride levels. Change in food rules likely Professor Holub believes research on the beneficial effects of tish in the diet will lead eventually to changes in dietary r~commendations like Canada's Food Rules. "TIl ere is enough evidence now," he says, "to consider advising the general publiC to eat certain ocean fish two or three times a week." He recommends herring and mackerel as being particularly high in EPA The EPA research is funded by the Heart and Stroke foundation of Ontario and the Medical Research Council of Canada.
I f
If anyo nc had suggested to micro biology professor Nonn Gibbin 19 years ago that he would one day reccive Ontario's highest honor fo r excellence in university teaching, hed have likely shaken his head in disbelief When Gibbins, one of 11 professors to receive a 198'5 Ontario Confedera tion ofl1niversity Faculty Associations teaching award, first came to Guelph in 19(,7, his primary interest was doing research. Teaching, he says, was something " I couldn't be bothered w ith - it just got in the way." Gradually, however, after a fe\-" years of doing research and starting to become more involved in teaching core courses within the microhiology department, Gibbins' outlook started to change. "I began to have a grmving appn: ciation ( f thc importance of the teaching profession in maintaining the continuity of human hei ngs. " With this realizat ion, Gibbins says he also beGffile aware how important it is "to maintain a strong sense of responsihility in what I say in the cia swom. What you say has to be very carefully said and thought about." In addition, he says, you must always be aware of where you arc and what you're doing in the classroom. For example, "you have to remember there are students in the back of the room - there's no use just talking to the front row." Effective teaching requires "human ~;ympathy and sensitivity in large measure , and an appreciation or differences between people," says Gibbins. "You can't talk about students as objects. Each slLIdent is an individual and must be responded to in <In appro priate and individual way." Gibbins says much of what he knows about teaching effectively he has learned from his students. "The learning process goes in both directions," he says, "and the oppor-
Professor Norm Gibbin.s tunities to !earn from students must be taken . If a teacher walks into the classroolll making the basic assump tion that he 's the smartest guy in the room, he's looking for a fall ." Good teaching requires a commit ment, says Gibbins. "It has to he important to you , o r you will fai l. " Teaching should be considt:red a form of scholarship, he says. "You have to read . analyse, synthesizc and digest in exactly the same way VOll do to prepare a scholarly work. 'nle only difference is thar a teacher speaks the results of his scholarship, and a scholar puts it into writing." Although (jibbins maintains an acti\'<: research program, " I am pre dominantl) a teacher, and \'<:ry glad to be. There is tremendous satisfac tion in explaining something and. in seeing understanding develop. I haw gradually realized that teaching is what I do best." Ken Gregorv, chairman of the departmcnt of Illicrobiolo!-,')', says Gibbins' excellence in teaching in voh'cs more than just his classroom performance - it also involves a dedication to curriculum develop ment and the overall quality of
education. His contributions in these areas include serving as chairman of the department's undergraduate curriculum committee, vice-chaimlan of the B.Se program committee and chairman of the Board of L·nder· graduate Studies. Gibbins received tbe OCUFA award at a June luncheon in Toronto. He says his acceptance of (he award repn:sl'Illed a personal commitment and a responSibility to seck to improve :U1d develop his teaching skills. He stresses, however, that he didn 't accept the award solely as a mark of his own achievement, but also as "a mark of thc high standards set over many years by my colleagues, parti cular l y in the department of microbiology.
"Hurdles to Health" 17th Annual
Human Kinetics Symposium
Saturday, January 24, 1987
9 a.m.-S p.m.
Room 105
Physical Sciences Building Health i sues fo rhildren and young adults will be the fOCLlS, with speakers n: • gen tics • h .ad and nec k pro theties • psychology of ho pita liza tion and ~ riOll il lness • anoe tri pping fo r disabl ·d boys • sports medici n and ath leti . inj uries • eating disord rs - anorexia nerVOSd, bu limia, obesity Ticket avai lable in Janua ry at Univ rsi ty b x o ffice or from Human Kinetics st udents. For fu rth er informati on, call
( dl/or. Terry ArC'r, '84
University has acquired a pri vate collection of recordings, books, notes and manuscripts by George Bernard Shaw , the Dublin-born playwright who died in 1950 at the age of94. With nearly '5 ,000 items, the Laurence Collection was the largest collection of printed material by and about Shaw to be left in private hands. Now catalogued, the collection was purchased last winter after negotia tions with American scholar and writer Dan Laurence, literary and dramatic advisor to the Shaw estate and literary advisor 1O the Shaw Festi val at Niagara-on-the-Lake, the only' theatre devoted solely to the work of Shaw. Professor Laurence first heard of the University of Guelph about 10 years ago when Professor J. Percy Smith of the department of drama invited him here to perform his one man show, GBS in Love. In 1983 he came to Guelph as distinguished vis iting professor of drama and he is currently an adjunct professor of drama at Guelph. Professor Laurence spent two weeks at the University Library in August dating material in the Shaw collec tion and was also present at a recep tion in the Library September 2 to announce the acquisition of the collection, On September 9 he narrated the Shaw Festival production of Black Girl in Search Of God. Professor L'lurence says Guelph seemed to be "the logical place" for the Shaw collection. " I wanted it to be accessible, I did not want it in a library that would bury it. For a modest print-out fee , anybody can use the computer here ( at the University Lihrary) and find what they want in a matter ofseconds. It's even faster than many larger libraries " "Guelph is also within reasonable distance of the Shaw festival so the actors and designers have easy access to the material ," Professor Laurence explains. Saying he is "very fond of Canada", he also explains that since the United
DiscussiJlg some iterns following a reception Septemher 2 to announce the Unir ersity's acquisition of the Dall H Laurence Shall' Collection are, left to 17ght, john Black, chief librarian; Dan Laurellce; Christopher Newton, artistic directo}', ,.,haw Festival; and Leonard CunoIZJ', ClctilIg deall, Col/ege ofArts, States had three major Shaw collec tions and Canada had none , he felt it "only fair to divide the wealth," Professor Laurence says the Uni versity now has "what I modestly caJl the best ofShaw's printed works," He says it is divided equally between material for scholarly studies and contemporary theatre research. The collection will also be important to political studies because it contains samples of Shaw's political writing and pamphlets, He was an active socialist. Shaw wrote more than '50 plays, among them Man and Supemzan, Anns and the Man, and Pygamaliotl, from which the musical Jl-(v Fair Lady was adapted. The Laurence Collection contains rare items not found in any other major Shaw collections. TIlere arc many unique copies offlyers, mimeo graphed materials and pamphlets of Shavian authorship; the largest col lection (about 65 ) in existence of Shaw's printed postcards; the most complete set known of the campaign
ing materials relating to Shaw's abor tive 1904 effort to be elected to the London County Counc il ; and the complete phonograph recordings of Shaw and all recorded versions of his plays, Photographically the collection also h,l'> strength, with well over 200 photographSofShaw ( many dated by him on the reverse) and of h is productions. TIle University Library also houses the archives of lhe Shaw Festival, consisting of materials which date back to the founding of the theatre in 1962 by Brian Doherty. Includeli are prompt scripts, pho tographs of the productions and por traits of the actors, set designs and models, technical drawings, props, house/ souvenir programs, reviews and other publicity articles and publica tions , correspondence and some videotapes of recent performances. TI1ere is also a substantial collection of administrative records document ing the behind-the-scenes activities of the theatre company. Beginning with the major deposit
of the Shaw Festival archives in 1983, Guelph has since acquired records of several Ontario theatres, including Centrcstage, Open Circle, Young People's Theatre, Phoenix Theatre, Grand Theatre 1983/4 Season, NDWT, 111eatre Plus and Tarragon Theatre. Various government grants have helped to fund the processing of the material. Attention is first given to performance and publicity items. Groups of materials are arranged chronologically by type. Access to the records is provided by the Library's on-line catalogue. Users can browse through the holdings of one particu lar collection, enter names of play wrights, directors and titles of plays or try a subject approach by keyword. Material may be consulted in the reading room only and patrons will be asked to fill in a request form and, in case of operating theatre , an addi tional permission fom1 must be signed. Reproduction facilities are available depending upon permission granted by operating companies and the per former or photographer , when applicahle. The University' Theatre Archives, along with the recent acquisition of the Laurence Collection of Shaviana, "reflects very positively ( on Guelph's) reputation as a centre for interna tional theatre studies," according to Professor Leoll<'1fd Conolly, chairman of the University's dranla department and acting dean of arts. He says the collection creates immediate oppor tunitie for inviting distinguished vis iting and adjunct professors to the UniverSity; provides an incentive for an international Shaw conference; enriche undergraduate and graduate programs in the Colleges of Arts and Social Science, and adds a major new dimension to the library's reputation as a research institution. TIle collection on Shaw was pur chased with a grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council, funds from the Library Acquisitions Budget and Professional Deve lopment Allowance, contri butions from alumni and other ni versity sources. The Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture also pro vided a grant through the Shaw Festival.
Department of Philosophy: Dr. Jeffrey Mitscherling, Ph.D.'84 returned to Guelph as assistant professor in September. During his absence, Or. MitscherLing taught at the University of Saskatoon, niversity of Western Ontario and McGill niversity. His sphere ofexpertise covers aesthetics, existentialism, and phenomenology. Department of Music: Dan Foley, who was teaching ethnomusicology, has left Guelph and has been replaced by Howard Spring.
Department of Languages and Literatures: A series of lectures was given during the last tv.-a weeks of September by a viSiting professor from the University of Glasgow. Professor A.F. Garvie, senior lec turer in Greek, has an international reputation in Greek Drama. He has published several articles and two books ('69 and '86), the first of which has exercised considerable influence on subsequent scholarship.
Dr. Hennan L. Tracy, former pro fessor in the Languages Depanment at Guc lph , died January 2. 1986 in Ottawa in his 89th year. Departments of English and History: The lnternational Committee on Scottish Studies sponsored a conference on the theme of Robert Burns to celebrate the 200th anniver sary ohhe publishing of his first set of poems, The Kilmarnock Edition.The program included three tOp Burns scholars from Scotland : Dr. Tom Crawford, University of Aberdeen , author of Burns, A Story ofthe Poems andSongs; Dr. Andrew Noble, Univer sity of Strathclyde, who has edited a collection of Burns criticisms and who has written several perceptive articles on the bard; and Dr. Ken Simpson, also of the University of StrathcJyde who is an aurhority on Burns and eighteenth century
literature_ From our own department of English literature , Pr ofessor Elizabeth Waterston presented a paper on the subject of Bums in Canada.
Department of English: Professor Kenneth GraJ an), recently visited Portugal at the invitation of the Portugut:se Society for Eighteenth Century Studies and the New Univer sity of Lisbon_He spoke to faculty and students at the university on "The Gothi c Novel and the Revolt Against Order" and to the society on "Godwin, Burke and the Revolution Controver~y in England." Or G.D . Killam , Chair man, atte11lled tbe Internat ional Federation of Modern Languages and Literatures in Paris and presented a paper at the COlllmonwealth Literary Festival associated with the Common wealth Garnes in Edinburgh. He was also plenary speaker at the Inter national Association of University Professors of English at York, United Kingdom. Professor Lesley Willis presented a paper on George MacDonald's treat ment of doubt at the Third National Conference on Literanrre and Religion held September 22-25 at Durham University, UK.
Department of Drama: Professor Harry Lane has assumed the position of Acting Chairman_ Dr. AJan Filewod was nanled assis tant professor in lhe Department of Dranla, effective July 1.
Department of Fine Art: Walter Bachinski is away on sabbatical and will be back in the spring of 1987. Starting September 8, the depart ment gained two sessional instructors_ Tonie Leshyk is leaching foundation studio and Jean Maddison is teaching printmaking as well as foundation studio.
OAC ALUMNI NEWS EdilOi. {Jr. Harvey W CJItI\\'\'II, ', 1
n the spring of 1913, I signed up to enter a contest open lO farmers' sons sponsored by the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph . A Mr Medcalfe of Gore Bay was a representative of that organization on Manitoulin Island. He outlined the rules I was to follow to grow a crop of fodder corn on a one-acre plot. I was [Q do all the work myself, plowi ng, fertiliZing , planting, cultivating and harvesting. 'nle prize was a two-week course at OAf: with all expcnses paid. ( carried out this program and to my surprise, I was advised inJanuary of 19 14 that I had won for our area. There was a lot of excitement arounu our farm home in preparation for my OAC venture. It was uecided that my sister, Belle, would accompany me to Guelph and tayat our re latives' home in Caledonia until the -ourse was fi nished. I remember being fitted out with a new short overcoat from the village store. This was quite a novelty after having until the n worn only homemade clothes u ~u a lly out grown by o lder brothers. It took two days to get to Gore Bay by mail stage from our home in Mddrum Bay. Wc stayed at thc John Edmons' home at Silverwatcr the first night, then went on to Gore Bay, which was a long, cold drive by h )rse and sleigh . The next day we took the mail boat "Edna Ivan" which was still m nning daily to the village of Spanish . I helieve it was a record for late navigat ion - January 28, 1914. When we approached the main land, it was ice covered and the boat had to break ice as far as it could and rhen, a gangplank was put out to the solid ice. A sleigh with a team of light horses drove LIS to the railway station at Spanish . This was the first time that Belle or [ had ridden on a train but we we re well coached in preparation. We had to change trains at Sudbury and, after a long delay, we proceeded to Toronto. We slept as best we could
The short course group from the Ontario Agricultural College in 1914 is pic tured here_ Arthur Wickett is the third from the left in the centre row. in a day coach that night In the morning \Ie arrived in Toronto and took a cab to the home of friends. That day, I went shopping and sight seeing with the women. I was sick of city life already as the noise and hustle got me down. The next day we went to Guelph and I gO( registered and fixed lip for lodging at the Rob Ro) Restaurant downtown. Our sleeping room was over the dining room and I shared it w ith several other short-course stu dents like myself It was a Chinese establishment and smelled of liver and onions or similar delicacies. I was given a book of meal tickets and a book of street car tickets. It was about two miles from dO\vn town Gudph to the College. [ was homesick from the start and didn't enjoy myself. I remember one incident when I had a dose call. As the street cars were usually crowded \vhen business hours finished , [ had seen how some passengers rode on the steps of the open vestibule. I did this one en~ ning, but I could only get my feet on tbe bottom step and I hung on. So me o n~ lold me 1 would get knocked )ff when wc came to the bridge over the Speed River, so when we approached this point , [ jumped off baci-.-wards into a snow bank and went hcds o\'(:r head a few times.
However, I wasn't hurt and was able to wal k the rest of the way.
At the College, we mixed with the regular studen ts most of thc time bu t they were not friendly. One important event I remember was the official opening ceremony for the Professor Zavit7 Hall, recemly added to the COllegc _ 111e master of ceremonies -mphasizcd [hat lhe present audience should he proud to remcmbcr they had been Illt:mbers of the first class to mtTt in this hall. He said many thou , ands of students would meet there in the fullln.:: but only those present could claim they were in the very' first group to do so. -ow, 72 years later, it stands much lhe sanle as when it opened. In the evening, we watched the firehall crew put the horses through their dri ll. I liked those horses and there were sleigh bells on all the ciry service horses wherever we went. When my course finished , I went to Caledonia and Belle and I visited friends and relatives there and in RrantforrJ . Then we went back home , crossing to the Island by sleigh coach as the ice was solid by then. It was a cold trip and we met up with a neighbour returning from Sault Ste . Maric with his son. There were rumors of war in the offing and that [he farmers' sons might be cO!1scripterJ. 1l1at i~ what happe:-ned in due time.
Glen E. Downing, former Director, Agr icultural Engineering Reseaf(.'h Branch, Canadian Depart ment of Agriculture, now retired and living in Vancouver, is the first Canadian to reccive the 1986 John Deere Medal from the American Society of Agricul[Ura! Engineers (ASAE) . 111e award was presented during the Society's annual su mmer meeting at California Polytechnic State Univer sity. Prescnted annually since 1938, the medal is awarded for "distinguished achievement in the applicati){1 of science and art to the soil." 111(: award was established by dcscendants of John Deere in honor of the man who created [he world's fj rst sllccess fu l all-steel moldboard plow. As a Illuch-respected educator,
Downing was professor and head, Depart m ent of Ag ricul tur al Engineering at Guelph ( now named School of Engineering ) fro m 1946 to 1967 and also chaired agricu ltural engineering at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Ad di tional assignments have taken him to Chile, South Africa, India, Philippines, and Peoples Republic of China. Downing has served on ASAE's Board of Directors and is President of the Canadian Sodety of Agricultural Enginee ring lie is a Fellow of one agricultural and four engineering organ izati o ns, and he hol ds an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree from McGill University. ASAE is a professional and technical organization of members worldwide interested in engineering knowledge and technology for agriculture, asso-
C. Glenn E. Downing d ated industries and related re sources. Headquartered in Mich igan the Society's membership includes 12,000 members in 50 states and over 100 countries.
AC Dean Freeman McEwen, chairman of the Agricultural Leader ship Trust, has announced a second Advanced Agricultural Leade rship Program ( AALP) wiU commence in March 1987. The program is for men and women involved in leadership roles in farming and the farm community or in the entire agri-food business. It deals with a wide range of current political, economic, social and cultural issues. The objectives are: • to increase the participants ' awareness of Ontario's agricultural industry in relation to the national and international community; • to expand the participants' under standing of the Canadian economic, p olitical, cultural and social system; • to broaden the participants' per spectives on the major issues facing society; • to increase the participants' abilities to analyze and react to the complex
problems faci ng people, agricul tura l systems an d rural com munities; The 30 participants in the first ALLP in Ontario are now in the second year of their two-year pro gram. Over the two years, the pro granl consists of 55 days, including 10 seminar sessions. The Agricultural Leadership Trust which solicits support from agri business and private sources, pays the program costs ( participants pay tuition) . Th e Trust is a unique partnership between the private and public sectors. Representatives from the four initiators of the progranl the Foundation for Rural Living, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the University ofGue1ph - act as the board of directors. Applications for the second pro gram, which are due December 15, 1986, may be ob tained fro m Pat
Mighton, Guelph Agriculture Centre, PO . Box ] 030 , Gue lph , Ontario NIH 6Nl. Thirty parti ipants, bet ween the ages of 25 and 40, will be accepted by February 1987. Partici pants can include anyone involved in agricultural husiness in any way. For furthe r information about the program, contact Pat Mighton at ( 519) 823-5700, ext. 209 ·. lome.rnoryofRonald). Qllinn, OAC :35, Mrs~ Helen (Farquhar) Quinn, OAC '35, ofLopdon, has estaplished a $10,000 loan fund .from ·w hich OAC studentswl;lo are citizens of Third World countri~s, as defined by the United Natipns, may borrow funds. Interest accumulated on the loan fund is being used to provide ,bursaries to students from ,Third Work! countries starting this year.
Rosemary Clark, director, Alumni Affairs, received a life membership i1l the OAC ALumni Association for her 15 years ofservice to the OACAlmn1zi Assuciation nJe only other Assu ciation/ife membership f!l1f!r awarded was to Profess01' Ron Stoltz for his free consulting services fur land scaping at Alumni House.
ENTREPRENEUR RECEIVES AWARD Steven 1'wynstr.t was recently named winner ofthe Donald McQueen Shaver Entrepreneur Award at the niversity of Guelph, The award was presented by pOUltry mogul, Donald McQueen Shaver and University president Burt Matthews, in recognition of Steven's business· initiative. The Agriculture Economics student from Ailsa Craig Wa.! the first ever recipient of the $250 cash prize. Ten other University students LOok home S50 prizes. Steven recognized the need for an environmentally safe pest control service for cottage owners. Donald McQueen Shaver is sharing his know-how with dozens of budding entrepreneurs and inventors through h is two-year Entrepreneur -in Residence appointment in OAC. This year's winners had ideas for everything from restaurants to baseball schools. "Universities are perfect breeding grounds for good business ideas," says Shaver.
2,000 people were on hand at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa to help Agriculture Canada celebrate the 100th binhday of its research system this spring. TIle huge hinhday party, held just outside the hbtoric William Saunders building at th<.: farm , was attended by dignitaries from across Canada, inter national representatives who were in Ottawa attending other nllTtings and members of the general public. The celebration, complete with cake clltting and a "visit" from the first ever experimental f,lfl1ls di rector William Saunden;, occurred on June 2, exactly 100 years from the day the Experimental Farm Stations Act was given royal assent. Ottawa actor Des Hanlon was GlSt in the role ofSaunders and he assisted Agriculnlre Minister John Wise, OAC '56, in th<.: offkial uO\'<.:iJing of the Ilistoric Sites and Monument Board plaque. Mon<.:y "pent on research should
not be seen as ,Ul expense, Wise said. Rather it should be seen as an inveM ment in the country's future . Wise promised that the research hranch 's basic work on plant breeding ,Uld crop protection would continue. But the research branch will be emphasizing relatively new areas of study such as soil and water conserva tion, toxic chemicals, energy, bio technology, food processing and nutrition , the minister noted . ] t was because of the Experimenta l Farm Stations Act and the research that it generated that Canada was able to grow, Wise noted. The part n<:rship be tween agriculture and research open<.:d up the West and helped unify the nation , he said. "We will forever he indebted to Dr. Saunders and his son, Sir Charles, for developing Marquis wheat .. . It was Canada's nation -building grain," the 'minister commented. It was important th,H crop: could be developed for CU1ada's short growing season.
The OA C A/umni Association recen tZypresented a sheepskin cheque for 535,640 as its contlihlllion to Alumni House for the next three years. Takingpart ill the pt'eselltatio1Z were, left to right, Brenda Reinhardt, assistant manager at the Toronto DombliQ11 Bank, Campus Estates branch; Dalle Barrie, past /»"esid.ent ofthe GAC AlumlliAssociatioll; Wes Lane,first vice-president; Nonn McCollum, president; Cathie LOWry, second lIice-president; and Rosemary Clark, director; Alumni Affairs, who accepted the chequefrom the Association.
Editor: Doroth y Barnes, 78
Sandra Couch, CSS '84, is a appointed ambassador for the niver sity of Guelph - both through word and example. Her experiences at the niversity have been positive and she doesn't hesitate to tout its merits when the opportunity arises, even going 0 far as to send undergraduate and graduate calendars to people she knows who are trying to choose an educational institution. A native ofCambridge, Sandra found hcrseU' in a newspaper career after high school, first as a reporter with the Cambridge Daily Reporter and then as news editor with the Cambridge Times. When, after five years of working, she decided to get a post seconelary education, she canlC to Guelph because of the positivc comments she had heard about its aesthetically pleasing campus, ex cellent academ ic programs an el friendly environment. "Also, I found it to be just the right si~e - large enough to offer a broad range of pro grams but small enough that I didn't get caught up in bureaucracy," she says. Now worki ng on a Master's degree in political studies whi h she hopes to complete by Christmas, Sandra has proven to be a "prize pupil" at Guelph. By carrying a heavy work! ael, shc has completed her four year under graduate degree in three. She ha5 becn on the Dean's Honor List six times and has won numerous awards, including a departmental fellowship for entrance into graduate school, two CSS academic scholarships, ,Uld an Ontario graduate scholarShip . She was also nominated for the John Mclby Award for the best lInder· graduate thesis in the Department of Poli tical tudles. Sandra has had the additional res ponsibilities of raising two chi ldren while pursuing her education. While their mother attended classes, Mark and Marianne, now seven and eight, attended the campus day care centre. "Without the day care, I wouldn't
Sandra Couch,
have been able to do it," admits Sandra. "It was another factor in my decision to attend Guelph," In 1984, Sandra was accepted into a highly competitive and intensive three-week course at the Maxwell School, it graduate school of politics and international affairs in Washington, DC., which earned her a credi t towards her R.A. Her days were spent criss-crossing the city to interview senators, congressmen, ambassadors and lobbyists. Meals were eaten qUickly, often in the cafeteria on Capital Hill. A few classes were held in the Pentagon and the partici· pants in the course also \'isited the White House. "The school has a good reputation and some powerful people opened their doors to us," says Sandra. She compares the experience to "being live on the six o'clock news" since it wasn't unusual to cross palhs 'with
people like John Glenn, Gary Hart or Tip O'Neill. Sandra says the course, intended as an introduction to American govern · ment, was so intensive, it was almost like French immersion. She spent her evenings researching and formulating questions for interviews. Because she didn't growupin the American system, she says her hours of homework were longer than they were fo r the other participants. As the only CUladi,Ul in the course, she tried to ask questions from a Canadian perspective. She dis covered that many Americans envy the Canadian system 0 government. "111ey feel that our government gets things done because we don't have all the cbecks and bahUlces the American system of government has," she explains. Although sbe made many good friends while attending the course in Wa 'hington, she did experience one occasion of being "left out" As a Canadian, she was considered a "foreigner" and not allowed to visit the CIA offices with the rest of her class. She went to the Canadian embassy that day instead and sat in on a press conference being held by Alan MacEchen, Minister ofExtemaIAffairs at tbe time. On her last e\'ening in Washi ngton, Sandra beat a State Department employee at a g;Ul1C.: ofpoker. "He had four aces but I had a royal flush . I was tOld I had ruined Canadian-American relations: ' she laugh " Upon completion of her Masters, Sandra hopes to tlnd a career in administration, either in a govern mcnt or academic setting. She has already held a full-time job as an administrative assistant at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. She wou ldn't mind trying her hand at public relati ons either. Whatever she decides to do, she should be succes ful according to her profes:.ors who thin k she is "something ~pecial" and beli eve her to be dedicated to achieving her goals.
Edito r Bob Winkel, '6 0
The Computing and Information Science Department's teaching anu research mandate was again in evi dence at the annual staff-student baseball chalJenge played this summer at the East Residence diamond. The teaching effort centred on Professor Balakrishnan, who began his first baseball game as an accomplished cricketer. He quickly ueveloped into a faculty standout and won the Tony Salvadori Award for Cross Cultural Transfer. The research effort was leu by other faculty discovering previously unknown classes of processing error, incluuing Professor Tom Carey's pro ject on "seven innovative ways to let ground balls go between your legs", and Professor David Swayne's in vestigation into "childhood nostalgia as a source oface computation errors in throwing to first base" ( "Gee, I threw that one like a little kid, didn't PH). System manager Rick Macklem, CPS '79, also presented the result of his research on "glove thrashing effects on performance delays for novice outfielders". As is traditional at these affairs, the student team engaged in behavior bordering on the w1SCfllpulous. \Vhile they did not insist on an umpire as they had in the 1985 classic, the students did lodge a protest against the staff use of summer research assistants like Hugh Graham, CPS '86,
CORRECTION The summer edition of the . Alumnus contained an error onpag 20whereitwdScl.aimed that Professor Michael Ruse was "the first non-science faculty member to be named a Fellow of the. Royal Society of Canada (FRSC) at the nivcrsity". In fact, Donald C. laster , Pro fessor Emeritus of History, has been a FRSC for well over a quarter century.
on the grounds that they lowered the median age of the staff team by 20 years. The shallowness of this protest is revealed by the presence of ringers on the student team, like Cory Sanders, CPS '84 . The stuuents had obviously played together since last year's challenge, often as the Base Registers team in the intramural league. Equally obvious was the fact that none of the staff had touched a baseball since last year. The student team took early advantage of the staffs rustiness to accumulate a 16 run lead in the first two innings. Bu t the faculty knew from long experience what to do when chaos threatened. They ttlrned the team leadership over to the secretarial staff. Once I.oreen "Mom" Kelly, C.IS administrative secretary, tOok to the pitcher's mounu, the tide turned as staff bats began to thunder. Hitter after hitter sent blasts towering into the sun, caroming off a foot, or dribbling down the first base line. In the fielu, the staff team showed a renewed vigour in putting their gloves somewhere near the baU. The students' last hope was to prolong the game to wear down the more venerable of the faculty players. But Professor Kats Okashimo had brought along a secret elixir to rejuvenate his team ( "1 bel the stu dents think this is water we 're drinking"). When Professor Carey inserted his nine-year-old daughter to run the bases for him, the students sensed the impending doom. Rather than let the staff run up a humiliating score, the stuuent team conceded the game at the end of tlle fifth inning while still leading 24-20. TIlis technicality of the score did not deter thc staff from claiming thcir well-earned victory, and most are alleged (Q have made it home on their own steam. The students went to a neighboring pub to console one another and plot a comeback next slimmer.
Professors joe CUl1solo (left) and Ernie McFarland received special awardsfrom the University ofGuelph Faclllty Association.
Professor Ernie McFarland, Physics, received the Special Merit Award for outstanding service to the University community from the University of Guelph Faculty Association. UGFA preSident, Professor Phil Sweeny, says McFarland was honored for his class efforts and off-campus activities which include science writing and editing for radio, television and print media. He is active in committee work and also finds time to judge science fairs and serve as a secondary school consultant in physics. Professor Joe Cunsolo, Mathematics and Statistics , received a 1986 professorial award for his strong commitment to the undergraduate program.
Professor EdwardJanzen, chairman, department of chemistry, has won the Syntex Award for his contributions to physical organic chemistry. He received the award at the 69th Canadian Chemical Conference in Saskatoon this summer.
nt:w graduate program in lhe Department of Computing and Infor mation Science ha.<; started this fall to prepare students to use advanced computing methods across a broad mnge of applications.TIle M.Sc degree in Applied Computing Science is intended to attract a mix of computing science undergraduates and students from other disciplines with strong computing experience. Dr. Tom Wilson, department grad uate officer, ha.<; expressed his ple<L';ure at the initial student response. "Even though we couldn't advertise until all the approvals were official in May, we have surpassed our enrolment pro jection for year one and will reach our year two estimate of a dozen students. M.lny of them have been working in the 'omputing industry follOWing their undergraduate pro grams, and sec the need for advanced study to explore recent developments in more depth . Several arc <:Otering the program with thesis plans already
underway, in conjunction with their current work or long standing per· sonal interests." Computing science experts who reviewed the proposal as part of the approval process were in1pressed with the unique applied orientation expected in the M.Sc. thesis. While the course work furnishes the under lying knowledge in computing research, thesis topics are expected to arise from information technology needs in other scientific disciplines, business, or government. It is the thesis research which links computing with the problem area and demon strates application of advanced techniques to new classes of appli cation. The thesis research results con tribute both to computing science and to the application area. Many theses will provide design con siderations and functional prototypes which cou td lead to working products in the application area.
Students in the program will have contacts with "problem owners" in the application area, to ensure the student designs accommodate the real world context of the prohlem. CIS will occupy additional space to offer the new program. 111e base ment floor of the CI.5. building will become graduate offices and research labs. Alumni will remember this space as either the Computer Services terminal pool and advisors, the key punches and card reader area, or the basement lahs in the old Physics building - depending on how far back they go. With the changes, the third floor will house faculty and administrative offices and the grounel floor CI.s. teaching labs. \s well as graduate student offices and work station , the research noor in the basement will include labs for the department's research groups in Human-Computer lmeraction and Very Large Scale Imcgration design.
The Uruversiryand its Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosted a three-day special curriculum work project lhis summer. Five secondary school teachers created a study guide and resource manual for the new Ontario Grade II General Level . Business Mathematics course. The team of teachers consisted of Linda Bain and Lorraine Banks from O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Oshawa, Ron Marcy from Stratford Northwestern Secondary School, Cathy Rowe, FACS '81, from Grand River Collegiate Institute, Kitchener, and Jim Schurter from Ustowel District Secondary School. The project was sponsored and funded by the Grand ValJey Mathe matics Association, the south-central chapter of the Ontario Association of Mathematics Education. Professor Jack Weiner, a councillor with the Grand Valley Mathematics Association and chairman of tbe Association's publi
cations committee, convened the team. GYM.A. has produced a number of useful ( and inexpensive) resources for secondary school mathematics classrooms over the last ten years. The publications committee is constantly looking for areas where existing texts and resources do not meet the needs of the classroom teacher. According to Professor Weiner, this new Grade 11 course is a good example. The new curricll Iurn hali been dramatically altered in both content and emphasiS from that in effect since 1972. Describing the team, he said, "These teachers have several common traits. They are aU presently implementing this course and know the kinds of materials required to make the classes effective and interesting. They are creative and diligent. They are also very dedicated to their students and profession. "
In anticipation of the workshop, the teachers had spent several months gathering real-life examples from newspapers and magazines iJJustrating such matters as bank loans and interest rates, income tax, wages, commis sjons, discounts, saving money and other practical examples of the application of mathematics to the business world. By providing such examples and resources, the teachers hope to better equip secondary school teachers to teach the business mathematics course. Fourth year Guelph mathematics student, Patti Lang, co-ordinated the project and look care of the billeting and catering arrangements for the team members during their time at the niversiry. She also entered the written material on a computer. She and Professor Weiner edited it for publication. The resulting resource book is now available from GYM.A.
MAC-FACS ALUMNI NEWS ( o -(, c/il () (, :
C I(oi T('/lo((II'H lnldn , '7.,
( "li/ I\1(1 rr,1\'. '7H
The fivt -year plan of the College of Family and Consumer Studies as out lined in the Univer ity's aims docu ment, Toward 2000:Challenges and Responses, Aims 0/ the University 0/ Guelph is a retlection of the continual growth and development that is an integral part of the college, says Dean llichard Barham. Because the college's programs are in applied, professional fields that are constantly changing, "we have to be continually updating," he says. "We can't stand still. Revising, updating, reshaping is our destiny on a consistent basis." Because of that need to remain adaptable to cbanging conditions, FACS plans to make some signiiicant changes to its undergraduate and graduate programs over the next year, he says. In the Department of Consumer Studies , for example , individual emphases within the consumer studies major - housing, clothing/textiles, food and consumer
behavior - will be developed into full majors and given "an identity all their own." These t1clds have all been developing rapidly, he says, and it's time to "give them a distinct visibility and integrity" Another field that has grown rapidly over the past 10 years is gerontology, and FACS plans to develop this emphasis in the Department of Fanlily Studies into a major. "Gerontology has developed a life of its own," says Dean Barham. " It has research scholarsbip behind it. And we want to keep the forward and advanced position we have in this field at Guelph hy offering a major in it. " The college also plans to introduce a youth senrices specialization into the early childhood education pro gram , and to review the institutional food seJVice major in the B. Comm. program to see "how we're going, and whether we should be doing more or less." Other proposed progranl develop-
Berenice (Keny) Webbe1" and Lenore (McFadden) Gntbbe, hoth 0/ Mac '40. presen ted a pendl drawing entitled "Rose"by Brian LOWry to the Unive1"SityArt Collection on behalfOf their class in commemoration ofits 45th anniversary,. Accepting the drawing at Alumni Weekend is FACS Dean Richard Barham.
ments include a course work Master's program ( thesis not required ) in the Department of Consumer Studies and a Ph.D. program in fanlily studies, to he offered joimly by the departments of Family Studies and Psychology. The current Ph.D. program in the Family Studies is solely in human nutrition, says Barham, and there have been requests from students to work at the doctoral level in areas such as family therapy and geromo logy, which have become areas of strength within the college. "These strengths are leading us to look at a program that could incorporate the interests of the two departments in an appropriate way," he says. Another priority in the five-year plan is a review of the college's academic advising program. Faculty advising is an important component of an applied, professionally oriented program, says Dean Barham, and FACS is the only college where all students are assigned in groups to faculty advisers and have the same advisor for all four years. In the college's larger majors, however, the student groups are getting too large, making it difficult to provide good faculty advice, he says. A review of the pro gram will consider ways of re structuring it to solve that problem. FACS also plans to set up a number of new support facilities that will provide an organized focus for research. These include a metabolic unit for applied human nutrition that will senre the joint interests offaculry in the departments of Fanlily Studies and utritional Sciences (CBS ), a consumer research unit, and a product testing and development unit. Product development and man agement are becoming increasingly important in Consumer Studies and HAFA programs, says Dean Barham, and a product testing and develop ment unit would provide a centre that would "pull together all the testing of products, build up some strong expertise and provide more opportunity to interact with business and industry."
College of Family and Con sumer Studies has entered the age of computerized informati on. The Collegt: has taken a directive that "information technol ogy must be incorporated into the present system of operation." To that en<.i, a new 20 unit microcomputer laboratory will be completed in the winter of 1987 for use by students and faculty. It will be hoth a teaching and workshop lab. Several faculty members are already using the new hardware for research purposes. Bob Creedy, Information Tech nology Co-ordinator at Guelph , says the equipment purchased for the FACS lab is "state ofthe art" Superior qualitywas a priority so the equipment will be flexible enough to use future software packages for such things as high quality graphic applications for clothing design. Anew course entitled "Information Ma nage m ent" , 26 -2 0 2, will be launched in the winter of 1987. Professor John Liefeld, instructor of the course, says he will expose stu dents [0 the concepts and principles of inform a tion manageme nt , the building blocks and design forces within the context of computerized information systems. Students will also receive hands-on experience in microcomputer hardware and soft ware ( conferencing, database, graphiCS, onHne searching, spread sheets, statistics and word processing) used in infonnation management. The use of computer technology is not new to the College. Several faculty members have already used computers in their teaching. Professor Liefeld has used them in the Methods in Con sumption Research course for the past three years; Professor Richard Vosburg in the Conswller Education and [nformation areas; and Professor Bill Frisbee in Canadian Consumption Systems. There has also been a new computer application in the sensory analysis laboratory.
The Mac-FACS Alumni Association board Of directors for 1986-87 are, front rolli, left /0 right, Linda (Wo~fe) Markle, 73, ad hoc committee chairman; Rita (Klassen) Weigel, 77, senate representative alldpLayground committee member; and Rosemary Smith, 79, UGAA board representative; back row, left to right, Marg ( McKellar) Hedley, '64, second vice-president; Bonnie (Kerslake) Bridge, '82, past president; Liz O'Neil, 74, president;]ean (Fuller) Hume, '64, UGAA vice-president; and Gail Murray, 78, Alumnus FACS co-editm·. Absentfrom the photos were Lori (Mapplebeck) Moran, 76, secretm)l-treasurer; Lorraine Holding, 7 J, first vice-president; Ruth (Coxford) Golding, 79, director;jeanne Hartley, 75, director; Mary ( Eadie) WiI~)I, '82, director; alld Carol Telford Pittman, 7 5, Alumnus FACS co-editor; Carol (Ni."(on) Hoag, '65, director; and Nan Chapman, 7 4, UGAA representative.
100TH GRADUATE Susan Margaret Yeigh-Hollyman, Mac 71, from Beaver Foods, a subsidiary of ARVAK Management, is AMPHf's lOOth graduate. First conceived in 19RI, AMPH/ (Adllanced Manage ment Program for the Hospitality Industry) is an intensive three-week learning experience shared by hospitality industry executives in the company of their peers. It is Offered mznllally in May by the School Of Hotel amI Food Administration. The curriculum uses tbe case study method and is designed around a core of business disdplines; mat' keUng, management accounting, operations analysis and strategy development, organizational behau;or,fi'Ulllceandbll.sinesspolicy.
OTTAWA ALUMNI Wine & Cheese W ednesday, November 26, 1986
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National Art Centre,
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$7. 50 per person
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NIAGARA ALUMNI President's Reception Thursday, November 27, 1986
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Reception Watch yo ur mail for deta ils
For further in formation on an y of the above events, contact: Bets y Allan, Alumn i Office, Room 737 , Johnston Han U n iv ersit y o f Gu elph, Guelph, On tario N 7C 2 W 1 (5 19) 824 -4 720, ext. 65 3 ~ .
The 20s
Larry Ogilvie, OAC '21 , imd his wife Vera celebrated their 60th wedding ann iversary on December 16, 1985. He retired from the Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture in 1960 and moved to Kdowna, B.C in 1968.
Reg Balch, OAC '23, is retired as the director offorest biology responsible for research in the Atlantic Region. He lives in Fredericton, N.B. B. Gordon Good, OAC '27 A, of Stitrsville is retired after spending 25 years employed in the Federal Depart ment of Agricu lture .
of Canada for 40 years, retiring as manager of agricultural research in the summer of 1984. lie and hb wife Eleanor decided to real ize a dream of Living in the Okanagan. They bought a house last winter and their sailboat "Bunerclip" sits in its slip at the marina on Lake Shuswap. "Eleanor and I have dec ided to make this our retirement home to enjoy the nice Living here and the sailing on the Shu!>wap," writes Ron. He reports that another '44 classmate , AI Rawlings, also lives in the area.
The 50s
Elizabeth A. (England) O'Leary, Mac 'SOD, has retired as aquatics director of rhe Jewish Centre in Greater Buffalo, Amherst, NY. W. Nonnan Ritz, OAC '50, who retired
The 30s
Dick Bull, OAC '54, is a teacher at BeamsviUe District Secondary School.
Art Bell, OAC '34, has retired as a
after 35 years with Continental Can Company, is now President of rutz & Spring Property Management Inc., Naples, Florida.
Dr. Bob Billin, OVC '58, is director, Laconia An imal Hospital , New Hampshire. He is married to Carole Pringle, OVC '58.
The 60s
The 40s
RonaldJ. HaU, OAC '44, worked in research at l.ibby, McNe ill and Libby
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chemist and lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Fred Gehnnan, OVC '37, was tbe reCipient of the 1985 Paul Harris Award for comm unity work fro m the Min nesota-Plymou th Ro tary Club which he founded in 1978. In 1972 he was named Minnesota "Vete rinar ian of the Year." The Gehmlan Animal Hospital and Clinic keeps four veter inarians busy, including Fred's two sons.
William Herbert Warren, OAC '29, worked for 40 years as Superintendent of Parle; in Victoria, B.C. a.nd then worked for 15 years as horticultural consultant at the famous Butchart Gardens near Victoria. Since retire ment, he invi tes fellow alumni for tours.
Valera F. (Lipsit) Gray, Mac '33D, is retired as a therapeutic dieti tian from the Ontario Department of Health ( 15 years), Norfolk General ( 10 years ) and the Chedoke McMaster ( 15 years) Hospitals. She resides in Hamilton.
~ f(j
John Knechtel, OAC '67 is licenSing executive, The Innov:uion Centre, Waterloo.
I 5
Mary A. MaCEachern, Mac '67, is a teacher with lhe North York Board of Education.
Kathleen (Nan) Hurst, Arts '68, is a . retired teacher living in Acton. She writes: "I entered the University of Guelph after completing one year of Grade 13 (I had been "out ofschool" for over 30 years ) and may well be the first grandmother to have grad uated from the "new" University of Guelph. I appreciate all it did for me, enabling me to become a secondary
~I ]
schoo l teacher and work in that pro fession for 12 years. In my retiremen t I feel enriched by my experiences - after being 3. st.:'ly-at-home 1ll00her and raising tlve children prior to returning to school. TIlanks to the faculty and the University." James Arnold, OAC '69, is assistant manage r, Soil and Water Branch , Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Guelph. He is manied (0 Lois Ferguson, FACS '71 , director, Con sumer Services Best Foods Canada Inc. , Etobicoke. They live in Milton Andrea (Andy Atkins) Hunt, OAC '69, is a nurse living in Florida.
The 70s
J. David Nattress, OAC '70, is vice pre s ident marketing, Monsanto Canada Inc., Streetsville. Charles Murray, OAC '72, is senior enviro nmental officer , Ontario Ministry ofthe Environment, London. John Anderson, CBS '73, is a studem at the University of Bri tish Columbia. He is married to Margaret Stewart CBS '77 and they have two children, Jessica and Ryan. John Holder, CBS '73, is manager of the Bay D'Espair Salmo n Hatchery, Newfoundland's first salmon facility with a potential production of 400,000 smelts which will be available for marine cage farming commencing in the spring of 1987. Blaine Long, OAC '73, is quality control manager, LIncia Bravo Divi sion ofCieneral Mitis, Canada, Toronto. Joyce (Vince) Stover, Arts '7 3, is the office manager of Danie l D. Stover, D.C. in Windsor. She and her husband , Daniel, Arts '72, live near Belle River, Ontario. Jim Zucchiattj, CPS '73, is a teaching master at Con College. J Ie is married to Lori Beckerman, CBS '82, and lives in Thunder Bay. Maureen J. Kitchen, FACS '74 , is a
senior locatio n analyst with the A & P - Property Development, Islington . Randall Morley, OVC '74, works for Agriculture Canada in Onawa. Barbara]. (Podkowa) Smyth, FACS '74, is a prouuct manager for Ross Laho ratories, a Division of Ahbott Laboratories, Montreal. Leslie Walsh, OAC '75 , is manager, agricultural depart llle nt, Canadian Imperial Dank ofCommerce, Ottawa Sharon Hawke, OAC '76, is farming at Saltspring Island, 8.C and writes that she planted two acres o f kiwi fruit trees on her 10 acre farm wh ich yielded 47 fruit the first year. By maturity in 1991 she says she shou ld realize somewhere in the vic inity of sL'{ tons of fruit per acre. In August of 1985, ahout 15 kiwi fru it growers got rogether and formed Kiw i Fruit Growers of B.C. of which she is secretary-treasurer. Carolyn Langford, OVC '76, M.Sc. '81 , is special projects oftleer with Agriculture Canada, Animal Health Division, Ottawa. Murray Stevenson, OAC '76, is prog r am m anager, Agri c ultural Inspe<.:tion Directorate, Food Produc tion and Inspection Branch , Agri cul ture Canada in Guelph. He and his wife Diane welcomed their first baby boy May 7, 1986.
Terry Twine, OAC '76 ( B. L.A.) is planner for the city of Etobieoke. Penny (O'Rourke) Christie, CBS '77, is an invertebrate taxonomist with Ocean Images Ltd. i n North Vancouver. She is also finishing a course as a chartered fmancial planner. Jane (Ahrens) Eckensweiler, FACS '77, is a teacher with the Bruce County Board of education and lives in Hanover. Cathy Smalley, Arts '77, received the Brenda Donohue Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to Canadian theatre at this year's Dom Mavo r Moore awards in Toronto. She is executive d ir ector o f Theatre Ontario
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Dear Editor, With the aid of magnifying glasses, I've been reading Grad News in the .I1/umnusand think that a recent, bm r.ither uncommon achievement of my own, may be interesling. On Novt:mber 2l, 1984, my per sonal Coat of Arms was registered in the Office of the Lord Lyon King of Arms in Edinburgh, Scotland. The certificate of same now hangs (with pride on the part of the owner) in our front hall where it makes an excellent conversation subject with visitors. Sincerely yours, Adanl J Graham, OAC '23
Volume =; of"Selections from the Science Corner" is now available. Printing and mailing costs are approximately 53 per book. In order to publish future volumes, contributions towards the cost of the volume( s) which you have already received would be apprecialed. For a copy ofVolume 5, write to: Dean's Office, College of Physical Sdence, University of Guelph , Guelph, Ontario N 1G 2W 1. Please make your cheque or money order payable to "The University of Guelph".
You can now make your Alma Mater fund gift available through Mastercard.
Jerry Steinberg, Arts '77, is a language teacher and fredance language edu cation consultant living in Vancouver. He is the author of Cames Language People Pia), and W/Ja' Cha Conna Leam from Comics? and founder of No Kidding!, a group for people who have chosen not to have children . David Trudell, OAC '77 (Eng.) is agricultural engineer, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and food, Markdale. Rob Clement, Arts '78, is serving as a CUSO volunteer (for the third time ). He is no longer in the rainforest of Borneo hut is dealing with the con· crete jungle of Jakarta, a city whose population is one-third that of the entire population of Canada. He is working as an English language curri culum development officer for P~M , the fndonesian Society for Pesanten ( community-based Islamic schools) and Community Development He will be in Jakarta until at least April 1988 Keith D'EaU, OAC '78, is a minister living in Calgary with his wift: Shirley and children Jonathan,Jennifer, Julie and Jacquelyn. Sylvia Harnden, Arts '78, is with Heritage Park, Calgary. Gordon Macatee, OAC '7R, is food processing specialist, s.c. Ministryof Agriculture, Vernon. Peter Madon, CSS '78, is a product manager with S.c. Johnson & Son in Bramford . He is married to Margaret Skead, CSS '78, a registered Ilurse at McMaster UniversityHospital, Hamilton. Susan Murray, OAC '78, is an assessor with the City of Edmonton. Lynn (Clifford) Ward, Arts '78, was
a museum cu rator at Hutchison House Museum in Peterborough. She now lives in Oromocto, N.B. with her husband, CF Captain Nicholas Ward, Arts '79, and one child. Margaret Warren, CSS '78, is planning officer with the Lakehead Board of Education in 'nlundt:r Bay. Karen G. Withers, Arts '78, is a
teacher with the Department offndian Affairs and lives in Sioux Lookout. Nancy Jill (Carruthers) Vandel, FACS '7R , is currently at the Univer sity of Western Ontario in the MBA program. Roger Yeo, HAFA '78, is assistant treasurer, Transalta Utilities Corpora tion, Calgal)'. Bruce Baerle, OAC '79 ( Eng.), is an engineer with Petro Canada, Calgary. Rosemary Collins, Arts '79, did an "instant" honors Bachelor's degree in journalism in one year at Carleton UniverSity from 1979·80. From there she went directly to CBC in Montreal as a researcher and reporter for the radio newsroom. In the spring of 198~ she left CBC to sail for 15 months, completing two trans-Atlantic crossings in 40-foot sailboats and sailing extensively in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. She landed back in Montreal in the summer of 1984 and has been working as a researcher and writer for the French and English· language edition!> of the Reader's Digest ever since. She is also working on a novel based on her maritime adventures. Leslie Demal, CBS '79, is a fisheries biologist with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Susan Flewelling, HAFA '79, works as a payroll accountant and i~ living in Scarborough. John Jaques, OAC '79, is branch manager of the Bank of Montreal, Stf'.lth roy. Steven Oliver, CPS '79, received American Cyanamid Company's Golden Oval Award for outstanding sales achievement in 1985. lie is a sales representative with the Lederle Laboratories division of American Cyanamid Company and lives in Waterdown, Ontario. Linda (McLean) Reaburo, CSS '79, is a Gracie 7-8 teacher w ith the Wellington County Board of Education . Karen (Hanley) Simoneau, OAC '79, is research ofiker with Albert<I Advanced Education, Edmonton.
David Soehner, ove '79, is a veter inarian at Buck Animal Ilospital in Waterloo. He is nJ..'u"(ied to Linda Somerville, FACS '75 .
Douglas Black, OAC '82, is golf superintendent of Beaverdale Golf and Country Club and president of Greenboro Lawn Care Inc., Waterloo.
Kim MCDonald-Taylor, CBS '79, married Stan Taylor, in June 1985. She is working at the University of Guelph Biomedical Sciences Dcp,lft ment and also doing her masters part time. Stan is product developmem o -ordinator with a pesticide formulating company in Mississauga.
Cheryl Lynn Droppo, OAC '82, and husband, Tom, OAe '80, M.Sc. '82, are in Winnipeg where Tom is employed by Manitoba Agriculture as provincial dairy cattle specialist.
Sel"fino ( Fino) Tiberi, CBS ( HK) '79, is assistant manager, lending, Bank of Nova Scotia, Calgary, where he and his wife, Janet Hutchison, CBS '79, live.
The 80s Paul Stacey, CSS '80, is an educational consultant with Educational Motiva tion Systems and lives in Ottawa. MarkJordan, CBS '8 ], has received a Canadian Pacific fellowship to assist biotechnological research being carried out at the University of Saskatchewan to address agricultural problems. Mark is the son of Dr. and Mrs. D. CJordan ofGuelph .DrJordan is with the Microbiology department at Guelph. J ohn Moncrieff, CBS '8 1, is an aqua culturist/ plant manager with little Harbour Fisheries in Haiifa...... Lori (Mangan) Van Wynsberghe, OAC '81 , is the credit supervisor for Topnotch Feeds ltd. in Scaforth. Peter A. Walsh, OAC '81 , teaches in rhe Agriculture Department, Lakeland College, Vermilion, Alberta. Dr. Lowell Ackerman, OVC '82, passed the certifying examinations of the American College of Veterinary DermatOlogy in October 1985 and became the first, and presently the only, board certified veterinary derma tologist in Canada. He currently operates a specialty dermatology practice in Markham.
Scott Ball, OAC '82A, is sales repre sentative for United Co-operatives of Ontario, Alliston.
Peter Fraser, HAFA '82, is Product Manager, Foodservices Division , Canada Packers Inc., Winnipeg, where he and his wife Heather (Morrison), FACS '83, reside. Eric R. GriffIn, Arts '82, graduated from Wycliffe College, University of Toronto in May 1985 with a Master of Divinity and was ordained as a priest of the Anglican Church on May 1, 1986. Theresa (Kavanagh) Snider, Arts '82, is a mother at home in Nepean with two preschool boys. She also produces two radio shows: The Children '... HalfHour and 30 Mi nutes and reads and writes the news. She is married to Bradley C. Snider , CPS '82 , an agricultural statistician fo r Statistics Canada in Ottawa. Roger So lomon, OAC, ODA '82, is business manager and owner of Terra Tanzcafe Bistro Restaurant, Lahr, West Germany. Paul Stewart, OAC '82, is a salesman for Lang's Feeds, Hornby. Mary Elizabeth Takacs, Arts '82 , has graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an MA in philosophy. Emllija (Emily) G. Barisas, FACS '83, is a therapeutic dietitian at Sudbury General Hospital. Melinda (Oosterhuis) Bootsma, OAC '83 , and her husband Harvey are with World University Serviees of Canada in Mo nkey Bay, o n the Nankumla Peninsula of Lake Malawi. The tip of the peninsula is a conser vation area and Harvey is the con servation officer, doing research on the fish in Lake Malawi . Melinda does volunteer work at the local school which ha s 1600 pupils and 20 teachers.
Javier Valencia , OAC '83 , of Ventzuela has placed nrst in a nation wide Science and Technology Youth Contest with a project entitled "Determination of Pesticide Residut:s on Horticultural Crops." He prepared it in co -operation with Gladys Novoa, a che mical engineer from the Univer sity of Oregon. They worked for over a year at the research department of the Un iversity of Tach ira. Tht: project is currently being evaluated by the Nat ion al Re search Coun c il o f Vennue la and they hope to get the necessary funding to carry it out by the end of the year. Joy D. (Robertson) Airs, Arts '84, is a homemaker living in Hants, England. Eve-Lynn Dobie, OAC '85A, is edi torial assistant for the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club. She reports on Jersey sales and events, and assists in the Jersey Breeder magazine's advertising and pro<.!uction departments, Guelph. Christopher Findlay,OAe '83, Ph.D. '85, is director of research , Protein Foods Group, Hamilton. Debbie (Underhill) Pegutter, CBS '8 5, is a research technician with Al1elix Inc. , Malton. She is married to Bernard Pegutter, CBS '85. GreenSiwale, OAC '8SA, is a training officer with the Ministry ofAgriculrure and Water Development in Lusaka, Zambia. BettyWong, CPS '86, is working for Singapore Airlines as an analyst pro grammer. She promises to lise one of her annua l free airline tickets for a (rip back to Guelph.
The lOs Emma Henrietta (Bigelow) Vande rieck, Mac '070, dinl April 16, 1986 in Toronlo, Minnie (Shepherd) Peasall , Mac ' 12D, of Shelhurne, has died.
The 20s Dr. Martin Olsen, OW: '22, of Victoria, llC. died May 5, 1986 Arthur Whittier MacKenzie, OAC '23. died June 1, 1986 in Ha lifax. rIe was a lik memher ofthe OAC Alumni Association . Florence (Clarke) MacNabb, OVC '2 3 (friend), dicd April i , 1986 in Toronto, aller a long illne~s. I ler hushand, who died in 19'i 2, was Principa l of the Ontario Veterinary COllegc from 194 5 to 19';2 Dr. MacNabb was a 1923 gradualc of OVe. Mrs. MacNabh retained a hTn interest in lhe OVC during the vears after hn rcturn t o Toronto in 19';2. E. Muriel (langs) MacNaughton, Mac '240 , of Toronto , died April 19, 1986
Ronald George Smith, OAC '5'5 , of Caledonia diedJuly 28, 1<)86. Hc wa~ the founder of Smith Laboratories Li mited in Caledo nia and a life member of the OAC Alumni Associa tion. I Ie i~ survived by his ,vi fe, Isabel Anderson, two sons and two daughters. Margaret Ruth Weir, Mac ' 55D, died April 26, 1<)86 She had been living in the Bahamas. Dr.J.W. (Bill) Pullin, OVC '56, died April 10,1986 in Ingersoll. He retired in J (Y"9 as officer i n charge of the Branch Laboratory of Animal Patho IOb'yat Macdonald College, Montn.:'al. Jean Viola (Cardift) Spry, Mal' '3HO, died in London , May 11 , 1986 in her 73rd year. She was a J 4 year mcmher of the Cel1lury Cluh and a life ml'mber of the Mac-FACS Alumni Association. She is slIf\'ived by her husband John, OAC '.17, son David ofCamhri<.ige and daughter Wendy Hart of Kitchener. Phyllis Lillian (Oliver) Menzel, Mac '40D, died June 30, 1986 She was a war time member of rhe RCAF (Women's Divbion), She is survived by her husband Arthur ( Bob) Menzel, her mother, Mrs. [E. Oliver and twO son~, Owen and Bill.
Mary R. (Rice) Wood, Mac ' 260, died in Florida.
The 40s
T. Howard James, OAC '27, of Blenheim, died July 26, 1986 in Chatham General Hospital. He was a former mayor of Blenheim and for nearly ';0 years a prominenl agricul lural dealer and president of Howard James Co mpany He was also a life memher of the OAC Alumni Asso ciation, He is sUf\'ived by his second wife, Maude \Volger, two sons and two daughters
Mary Elizabeth Oenkins) Clarke, Mac '410, died July 1 J, 1<)86 in
Florence Hazel (Taylor) Ketching, Mac '29D, of Noh<:l , OntariO, died in the bIll of 1985
Willowdale . She i~ survived by her hushandJohn F Clarke, OAC '40, and children Laura, Michael , Murray and Moffatt Dr. Robert S. lambert, OVC '44, died in Willoughby, Ohio, February, 19~6 .
Dr. Arnold D. Polonsky, OVC '4';, died September 20, 198'; in New
The 50s Dr. George H . Kingston, OVC '5 I, diedJune 24 , 1986 in Urbana, lllinois. He was Champaign County veterin arian from 195 Ito 1981 and after his retirement served as the environ mental control officer for Champaign COllJ1(Y for ] 0 years. He also served with the Royal Canadian Navy during the Second World War. He is survived by his wife Donna T. Landry and twin daughters Darlene and Marlene. Dr. R.E. McEwen, OVC '';7, died in March 1986 in Kingston.
The 60s Dr. Wally M. Branan, ove '6 1, died May 1, 1986 in London. He had been a veterinarian at Oakridge Animal Clinic and was a life member of the OVC Al umni Association. John Richard Kennedy, OAC '61, died Fe h ruary 20, 1986 in Collingwood. He was a physics teacher at Banting Memorial High School in Stayner. He is survived by his wife Anne and [\'10 sons, Ted and Tom. Barbara}. (Cooper)justin, CSS '68,
of Hamilton, died March I , 1982.
Elaine MariJyn (McCrossan) Smith, Mac '68, diedJunc 29, 1986 at Toronto General Hospital. She is sUf\'ived hy her h usband Dr. William Smith, Chairman of the Department of Mathe matics and Statistics; children Daren, Kevin and Melanie; and parents William and Mildred.
11amp~hire .
The 30s
Ross Albert McEwan, OAC '47A, of Smithville, died September \ .4, 1985 He is ~uf\ ' i\'ed by his wife Helen, a daughter, Dianne Culp and a son , L'llirie.
Erie Erskine Bond, OAC ':) lA, of Whithy, died December 22, J 98'; .
Dr. Fred M. Clark, OVC '49, of Otta\>,:a, has died.
Robert (Bob) Harry Endean, OAC '49, of Endean Nurseries, died October 8, 1985 in Richmond Hill.
The 80s Mildred (Millie) A. Cocek, CBS '81 , died May 5,1986 at Trenton Memorial Hospital in her 33rd year. She had been a registered nurse at McMaster Medical Centre.
Woodland Indian Artist
Benjamin ClJee ClJee
Alumni Media is pleased to present 9 reproductions of works by the late Benjamin Chee Chee. These are the only 1'eproductions authorized by the artist's estate. A mainly self-taught artist, Chee Chee was a prominent member of the second generation of woodland Indian painters. Unlike many of his contemporaries who employed direct and "primitive" means, Chee Chee's work was influenced by modern abstraction. His style reduced line and image in keeping with international modern art. At the age of 32, at the height of his success, Chee Cheedied tragically by suicide. These reproductions are printed on high quality, textured srock and measure 48 em x 61 em (19"x24").
A Friends
B Swallow)"
C Good Morning
D Proud Male
E Mother & Child
F Sun Bird
G Spring Flight
H Wait ForMe
I Autumn Flight
Please send me the following Benjamin Chee Chee print reproductions at $23 .95 each or $88.00 for any four, plus $4.95 for handling and shipping (overseas: $7.50). Ontario residents please add 7% sales tax to combined cost of print(s) plus shipping/handling. G ABC D E F G H r Indicate quantities: Cheque or money order to Alumni Media enclosed: Charge to my MasterCard; Visa or American Express Account No. Name City
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