Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1988

Page 1


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ALUMNUS Summer 1988 Vol. 21 , No, 3 University of Guelph

Alumni Association

Honorary Prcsitknl Presid(..:'n r

rase PrL'siuent

Dr. Bu rr Matlhc-w5. OAC '4 7 Dan


Q,:\ C '57A & '60

Dr. Ron Downey,

ave '6 1

Se nior Vice-President

Karin Davidson -Taylo r, COS '83

Vj cc· p[t:SJ(j~nt s

Sarah (Wy.m) N;lQahn, Arts 'H2 Rwhannc Snide r, FAGS '75 Dc jim Atkinso n, CBS '78 Keilh Murray. OAC '65A

Rurh Miln er , CPS 'AS Oircuo r.,

Ma.rgo Shoemak<.:r, Art s '79 Dr, Cinoy Abeek, ArT.> Ph.D '87 Jane l ( St,,,,I<),) Creame r , FACS '83 Do nna Graccy, FACS '60 Gary Cbapman, CBS '110 W ally Knapp, OAC '4 8

Maureen Higa, OAC '79 D r. Bill Harris, OVC '68 Dr. ScOlt Gillingham , OVC '86

Christopher Co uhlllrd, CPS 'A6 Bn.H..:e Ril:hardson, CPS 'A2 F. x-Offic.: iO Directors

John Alvian o. CSS '74, President, College of SocI.3.l ScIe nce A1umnl Association john j o yner, CBS '77 President, CoUego of Biological Science Al u mni Association Douglas lian('" HK '79, President. Human Kinetics Alum n i

Assoclatlon Margarel (McKellar ) Hcd le)" fAC~ '64 , President, Mac· FACS Alumni A..sociatioa Cathie Lo w,y, OAC '78, Preside nt, OAC A1mnnJ As>ocialon M Ichael Chacbc y, H....f A '75,

PresIdent, HOlel a. food Admlnlsttat.lon Alumni Assoclallo n Nancy (Baum ) Fitzpatrick, Art s '86,

Presidennl, CoUege of A.r1s AJumnJ Association Crd.i g 5:lndc rson, PresldeDt, <:enual Stude:ot AssoclatlOtl Jos(.'ph Woods, President, Grnd uate Stude:nts Association D r. Brian Bucmll , OVC '68, President, OVC A1umnJ Assoclatlon M arjo rie M illar,

Director, Dcpartmeol of Alumni AffaJ ... and Oevelopmenl Numni·jn -Act ion


Outgoing UGAA president Ron Downey, 0 VC '61 (right) , passes the gavel to newpresident Dan Rose, OA C '5 7A & '60, at the UGAA annual meeting during Alumni Weekend.

From Your New UGAA President The University of Guelph wlll celebrate its 25th anniversary next year, The expansion from a campus of three colleges to a full-fledged university in 1964 has greatly enriched our academic community. There have been many Significant accomplishments over the past 25 years, The quality of teaching and research conducted at the niversity is reflected in the fact that 12 Guelph fuculty have been named fellows of the RoyaJ Society of Canada and many others have received awards of recognition too numerous to mention. Alumni have also made Significant contributions toward building a first-class univerSity, Most recently, they funded the transfonnation of a sheep barn into Alumni House, a permanent "home" for alumni and the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development Their generous don­ ations have also helped make The Campaign, conducted by Marjorie !Millar and her tAlumni A./Iairs and Develop­ ment staff, an overwhelming success. As alumni, we can take great pride in our University and our Alumni Association, We must take every opportunity to tell the community at large about the strengths and accomplishments of this institution, Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your UGAA president for the coming year,

Arthur Grubb e, OAC'4 J

Dan Rose, OAC ' 57A & '60

Stalf A<lvisor &

Associat e Secretary

Rosemary Cl ark, Ma<.: ''59

Th e Guelph Alumnus is published in F(:bru;try. ~b y,A u gu s, and Novt.:m bn ,

by tht Department of Alumni Atbi.n. and Development

On The Cover

Editol':joann c Wahcr'S

For ci.n:u.latJon

Inquiries, contact,

Department of Alumni and Dcvdopmc.: nt

University of Guelph, Guelph , O ntario 1G 2W 1

(5 19 ) 8 24-4 120, ext . 3810 ISSN 08 30-3630

Jane Siberry, CBS '79, photographed in concert at War Memorial Hall this spring byJohn Majoros~l', charmed the audience with her songs, humor and reflections of her student days at Guelph, She received two standing ovations, For more on Jane's musical career, see page 3,



By Mary Co ivera,

Director, Development

Come September I, Burt Matthews will take the cover off his driver and bead for the flIst tee after completing his term as the University's fourth president. With a dynamic and decisive leadership style, he navigated through the choppy waters ofbudget restraims and guided the campus community to a shared vision of where the Uni ­ versity is going and how it will get there. Dr. Matthews was no stranger to Guelph when he became president. From 1943 umil 1970, except for three years in the U.S. doing graduate work, he was a student, then a member of faculty and finally vice-president academic at Guelph. He served as University of Waterloo president for 11 years and as chairman of the Ontario Council on University Affairs before returning to Guelph as pre­ sident in 1984. Dr. Matthews admits satisfaction in being president of the University of Guelph. " I spent 28 years working here. I feel pride and satisfaction in being part ofthe development because I was here when most ofit happened." If there was any surprise after an absence of 14 years, it was that things had not changed very much. "The budgeting process, for example, was still the same ponderous process that was in use when I left." He streamlined this process and made much of the decision-making more open. The Uni­ versity community now sees issues and the budget evolving. Returning to Guelph, he also felt a lack of confidence among faculty and staff. "People didn't recognize the strengths here. They had to be con­ vinced ofthe quality at the University." A president has to "enjoyvicariously the success of others," Dr. Matthews says. His approach is to put good staff in place and give them freedom to take initiatives. They work hard and deserve the credit when they succeed.


At the President's Council dinner in April, President Burt Matthews re­ ceived a framed citation acknow­ ledging his efforts on behalf of the University's fUndraising campaign, from John Bassett, co-chair of The Campaign. While Dr. Matthews may shy away from taking credit for Significant developments, it is clear that great strides have been made during his term. It is easy to point to concrete accomplishments, such as increased contract research, a larger share of funding from research granting coun­ cils, and a 29 per cent increase in undergraduate admissions appli­ cations, but the intangibles give Dr. Matthews the most satisfaction. "1 sense a commitment and renewed confidence among faculty and staff. I think we as a University know where we are going and how we will get there. The long term future of this University depends on people being committed to this institution and each other." Guelph has every reason to be confident, he believes. "We raised close to $30 million from private sources in 18 months. This is a remarkable statement about the Uni­ versity and its image and a vote of confidence from the business com­ munity and general public."

Dr. Mattliews has prepared the ground and planted seeds for many developments that will come to fruition in the future. The capital campaign reached the $60 million mark before the end of his term, but there are still many dollars to raise to complete all the building projects. A major initiative in tOxicology, which has been under discussion for several years, may become a reality within the year. The Research Park, which already has two tenants, is in the final planning stages for a multi-tenant facility. During the Matthews years, Guelph has gone from no privately funded research chairs to six. This means Significant long-term stability for the University. Dr. Matthews' wife Lois has also left her mark. Under her direction, the President's House was completely redecorated and has become a "window on the University." In these elegant surroundings, faculty, staff, students and visitors have enjoyed recept ions, dinners and parties. Because the Matthews retained their home in Waterloo, the President's House is available to overnight guests and many a visiting dignitary has enjoyed Guelph hospitality. The Matthews will retain strong ties to the University as life members ofthe President's Council, established by Dr. Matthews in late 1985. The council, which has grown to 250 members, held jts third annual dinner this spring and honored Dr. Matthews by announcing a President's Entrance Scholarship in his name. Undesignated gifts from council members for a period of three years are building the endowment for the S.c. Matthews President'S Scholarship. A full-time job is not part of Dr. Matthews' plans as he contemplates retirement, but he doesn't rule out short-term or part-time projects. He sits on several Boards of Directors and will continue to share his con­ Siderable expertise through such channels.

Siberry Sings

financed her first album by waitressing). Although she had difficulty memorizing facts rather than con­ cepts, Jane doesn't regret studying The Great White North's (latest) science. "Every time I left a science musical export is Jane Siberry, per­ class, 1 felt like I was on a cloud. formance fOIkie andoffbeat charmer. Someone had explained how some­ - Rolling Stone magazine thing worked. It was wonderful to have the whole universe opened up Sibeny's strength lies in herintelligent tome." songwriting. - Maclean's magazine Jane, whose love of nature is often revealed through her lyrics, also Jane Siberry is arguably CalUllkl's enjoyed the aesthetics of the Guelph most innovative musical artist. ­ campus. "1got a 10[ of pleasure out.of The Calgary Sun just walking to classes, especially in the fall. I also love the calmness ofthe am really not as artsy as everyone Guelph campus." thinks," said Jane Siberry, CBS '79, While studying at Guelph, Jane following a spring concert in Guelph. formed a folk music duo, Java Jive, How does she see herself then? ''I'm a with singing partner Wendy Davis. left-of-centre pop artist; Everyman's They began playing original compo­ favorite art pet," she giggled. sitions at local places like the Bullring Jane returned to her alma mater to Cafe. They soon and Carden Street perform at War Memorial Hall as part Arts added bass player John Switzer, of a Canactian, U.S. and European tour '78, and began to perform on the cO-inciding with the Warner Bros. Ontario campus circuit. John, son of Records release of her latest album, of Agricul­ Ontario Deputy Minister The Walking. The album has met ture and Food Clay Switzer, OAC '51, with nearly uniform praise in the and Dorothy (Allan) Switzer, Mac American music press (one Of this '52, is a leacting member of Jane's year's mostdaring records - People current band. An accomplished magazine) and Warner Bros. has who has also worked with arranger signed Jane to a worldwide, multi­ he produced three Bmce Cockburn, album deal. (In Canada, she remains albums,jane Swerry ( 1981 ), oOane's on the Duke Street label). No Borders Here (1984), and The Jane's unconventional musical route Speckless Sky (1985). He and Jane - from microbiology at Guelph in The Walking. co-produced 1979 to a Casby award for "Best Jane left Guelph for the Toronto Album of the Year" (The Speckless music scene in 1981 and made her Sky ) in 1986 and aJuno nomination first big impreSSion with the song, for "Best Female Vocalist" in Mimi on the Beach from No Borders November the same year - isn't as Here. Since then, she has won music unconventional as it first seems. awards and accolades in both Canada Growing up in suburban Toromo, and the U.S. and has been featured in Jane, now 32, rejected formal music a TV special, One More Colour. lessons in favor of learning to play piano and guitar by ear. She rejected Despite her multialbum deal with formal training again in university Warner Bros., Jane retains creative when she dropped out of the music control over her music and has not program to study microbiology. "I sacrificed her unique style of song­ knew I wouldn't use my degree (in writing simply to get airplay. In fact, microbiology )," she admits, "unless I many ofher songs are too long for the could pick up work in labs to support pop ractio stations. She admits, "I my music." ( As it turned out, she can't write Top 40 songs and the The Canadian art-rock singer and composerJane Swerry is one ofpop's most fasdnating eccentrics. - The New York Times


Jane Sibeny, CBS 79, received a CBS AlumniAssociation Life Membership from Kevin Cockell, CBS '83, Asso­ ciation vice-presidentpublic relations, at a reception held at Alumni House follOwing her spring concert in Guelph.

world doesn't need more Top 40 songwriters anyway." Music critics often try to slot Jane into a category by comparing her to other artists like Joni Mitchell, Laurie Anderson, Kate Bush and, most re­ cently, Suzanne Vega (of My Name is Luka fame). But her music defies comparison and remains as original and individual as she is. "I guess people need to do this (comparing) for a point of reference. I just ignore it," she says. At present, Jane says she is most proud of her band; Al Cross, drums, Anne Bourne, keyboards,John Switzer, bass, Ken Myhr, guitars, and Rebecca Jenkins and Rebecca Campbell, vocals. Good music is coming from the col­ lective talents of those talented inctividuals, she says. (By the way, Ken's father is Al Myhr, a retired Food Science professor from the University of Guelph). Jane says her future direction is unpredictable. While she could ome day give up performing and recorcting, she says she could never give up writing. Asked what she visualizes herself doing 20 years from now, she says, "I'll still be going out for espressos every morning ... have a few kids .. probably something totally different than I anl doing now."




T he ground was formally broken for the University's new multi-million dollar athletics facilities duringAlumni Weekend June 18. Phase 1, a project in The Campaign, is c onstruction ofa 57.6 million twin-pad arena, expected to be ready by 1989, The 1,300-seat arena will house both a North American and inter­ national-sized rink for year-round bockey and skating. It will be built adjacent to tbe Crop Science building on land now used for parking. Plans approved by the Board of Governors in March call for closing off Powerhouse Lane south of Reynolds Walk to vehicles - except those required for emergencies and services - to emphasize the pedes­ trian concept of the walk. The arena will face Reynolds Walk and will house ticket and lobhy areas, change rooms, referees' room, first -aid room, pro shop, administrative offices, skate sharpening facilities and snow melting pit. The second floor will have a large open area overlooking one of the

An at'chitecl's design Of the north (fronl) lliew of the twin-pad arena. rinks, which will be used both for instruction and as a licensed lounge. There will also be a concession booth and meeting area with large television screen. Large-truck entrances make the arena area suitable for exhibitions and concerts, The building will blend in with the Crop Science building, with accents in the Gryphons' red and yellow-gold colors, Besides the arena, the new and renovated athletics facilities will even­ tually include squash courts, indoor

track and 2S-metre eight-lane swim ­ ming pool. Money for the project has come from various sources, including S2.5 million pledged by the University of Guelph Central and Graduate Student Associations, $1 million from the City of Guelph and 5703,000 from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recrearion , Alumni have a rare opportunity to help build the arena by sponsoring spectator seats, See the fonn below for details.

. A special offer to 'a lumni


For, $I ,000, you can sponsor a prestige seat ilJ the Urnversity's new arena. A permanent nameplate be affixed to the ,

seat with a suitable inscription: in memory of . .., in appl'eciatiooof . .., John Doe, class of 1956 . '.. ,' ' .



Other benefits for sponsors of seats:

, - your~ame pn it d6n~' board in the loyerof the arena' , '

• advance notice of all


events " , '

• One year ~erribership in the Pr:esident's Couo.cil ',

' andmaiHo: A~now. Only 200 seat~ ~e a~le,,for' " this ,sp~tia1 Qtf~, H you would like more information, fill out the form below , ' ' . ' Bill Greet, Alurilni House, tJniversityofGuelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, , " '


"", or phone (51'9) 824-4120, ext. 6543.


, PHONE: (HY _' _____--~-------~~_:_--: ( B)


--,,--"-c--""-----'--'_ _~~_


_ _ _ ___:'"'_~




An Inrramural Chapter of the Uni­ versity of Guelph Gryphon Club was Marjorie Millar with the Hong Kong Alumni Chapter committee. Edmond Lo

CSS '85, chapter chair, is in the back row, far left. '


HONG KONG Sixty enthusiastic alumni gathered for dinner at the Lucky Drdgon Rest­ aurant in Kowloon in May. Edmond Lo, CSS 'S5 , spoke on chapter organization and future plans which might include a business seminar, annual social event and another annual general meeting. Marjorie Millar, Director, Alumni Affairs and Deve­ lopment, spoke about The Campaign and developments at the University. Following a question and answer period, she was presented with a gift and the alumni wrote notes to Guelph friends for her to pass on.

SASKATCHEWAN Over 30 alumni had an opp ortunity to meet several Alumni Affairs and Development staff members at a dinner/reception held at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel, Saskatoon in June during the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education confer­ ence. Attending the conference were Marjorie Millar, Rosemary Clark, Director, Alumni Affairs , Mary Cocivera, Director, Development, and Joanne Walters, Editor, Guelph Alumnus. Saskatchewan alumni plan to have more get-togethers in the future . VANCOUVER The Vancouver Chapter is on sound footing following an April wine and cheese party at the home of Jim and Jan (Walker) Snyder, OVC 'SO, FACS '7S, and a June family picnic at Trout

Lake. There are 75 members on the chapter's mailing list. MONTREAL Alumni and friends enjoyed a ski day in March at Auberge Bromont, organized by Helene Pacquet, HAFA '8 4. Helene has moved to Ottawa where she formed a property man­ agement and consulting company with two partners. Anyone interested in becoming the new events organizer for the Montreal Chapter? FLORIDA The weather was perfect for the annual Florida alumni picnic at the North Port Yacht Club March 2. More than 180 alumni and friends from Canada and the .S. gathered for food and fellowship, followed by remarks from President Burt Matthews. Mrs. Florence Meredith, Mac '25, Pat Scollie, OAC '28, and Dr. Edwin Powers, OVC '35, were members of the earliest graduating classes repre­ sented at the picnic. Attending from the University were Marjorie Millar, Rosemary Clark, and Shirley Peterson, Director, Women's Athletics. Next year's picnic will be at the same location March 1. Organizers are Carl Mumby, OAC '41 , Don Moffatt, OAC '46, and Betty (Clark) Fuller, Mac '35.

For further information about chapters, contact Betsy Allan, Alumni House, University Of Guelph, N 1G 2W1; ( 519) 8244120, ext. 6533.

recently formed to organize on­ campus sporling events for alumni. The Chapter is also a fund-raising vehicle to provide the best possible on-campus athletics program for alumni, students, staff and faculty. Membership in the Chapter in­ cludes any persons contributing to the Alma Mater Fund with Gryphon Club -Intramural Chapter deSignation. The executive consists of a chair and seven members representing each College. Kevin Eccles, OAC '79, Brent Matthew, OVC '84, Norm McCollum, OAC '66A, Bill Clausen and Brian Tapscott, OAC 'Sl , are serving as the executive until one is officially elected at the first annual meeting September 24 (Homecoming Weekend). Anyone interested in serving on the executive, should attend this meeting at the Athletics Centre. Two successful Chapter events have been held. 'The first annual Intramural Alum ni Hockey Tournament in December drew 60 participants from CBS, OAC '79A and '81 , and OVe. The CBS team was victorious and received the Don Risebrough Memorial Trophy. 'The OAC Associate Diploma Hockey Tournament drew eight teams. Winners were OAC '8 1A ( non-contact division ) and OAC 'S9A ( contact division). The first annual Alumni Cooed Volleyball Tournament is set for September 23 and 24 at the Athletics Centre. The second annual Intramural Hockey T o urna m ent will b e December 2, 3 and 4, and the OAC Associate Diploma Hockey Tourn­ amentwill be February 10,11 and 12, 1989. Teams interested in entering should contact Bill Clausen, University of Guelph Athletics Centre, ( 519) 824-4120, ext. 2160. Acceptance will be on a first-come, first ·serve basis as facilities will accommodate only a Umited number.


Sunny skies smiled on Alumni Weekend June 17-19 as more than 2,000 Guelph graduates gathered on campus to reminisce with former classmates. They came from across Canada and the United States. The two grads travelling the furthest were Orville Seaton, OAC '58, England, and Lou Marcello, OAC '38, Venezuela. Activities began Friday with regis­ tration and refreshments at Alumni House and the Gr;phon Club golf tournament at Victoria Road East Golf Club. One hundred and fifteen golfers teed off. Adam Brown shot 71 to win for the seventh time in eight years. A Distinguished Teaching award was presented to Sandy Warley and a Distinguished Extension award to Stan Young, OAC '49, at the OAC Alumni Association Directors and Past Pre­ sidents' dinner Friday evening. A barbecue and casino night followed at Alumni House. Nature lovers went for a guided walk at Elora Gorge Saturday morning

and there were lectures and tours in FACS and OVe. At the President's Picnic at noon, Dr. George Fisher, OVC '44, received the Alumnus of Honor award. Dr. Mark Cochran, CBS M.Sc. '80, was recipient of the Alumni Medal of Achievement. Throughout the day, 12 teams played co-ed slow pitch. The Con­ sumer Studies/Chern team won the championship trophy donated by the OAC Alumni Association and the OAC '68 team won a spirit award donated byOAC '80. Tours of the Marine Biology Labor­ atory and Equine Research Centre were given in the afternoon. The sod was officially turned for the Univer­ sity's new athletics facilities at 2:30 p.m. (see page 4) and a sugar maple donated to the Alumni House gardens by OAC '88 was dedicated at 3 p.m. Children were entertained on the lawn while the adults attended a celebrity auction. A reception at Macdonald Stewart Art Centre

honored Dr. Fred Jerome, OAC '33, who set up a trust fund to buy works by Canadian artists. A Golden Anniversary banquet was held Saturday evening for those who graduated 50 years or more ago. The OVC Alumni Association hosted OVC '38, '4 3, '47, '48 and '68 at a separate dinner. Dr. Robert Curtis, OVC '61 , was presented with the OVC Dis­ tinguished Alumnus Award. A dance for all alumni concluded the evening. A champagne brunch and outdoor concert were held at Alumni House Sunday. Dr. Ron Downey, OVC '61 , outgoing UGAA preSident, gave a framed Robert Bateman print to Dr. and Mrs. Burt Matthews as a retire­ ment gift from alumni. The weekend ended with a reception for major gift donors. (More details about award winners named at Alumni Weekend will appear in the fall issue of the Guelph Alumnus).

Brayden Szostak, 18 months, atten­ ded the slowpitch tournament along with friends Bill Tysiak and Pam Davies, both Arts '85. Brayden is the sonofGaryandDanielle(Wenstrom) Szostak, CBS '83 and OAG '82.


Leslie (Huffman) Balsille, OAG 78, tries an Alumni Weekend T-shirt on four-month-old daughter Amelia. Leslie and husband DOUg, OAG 77, also have two-year-old Megan.

Morgan Inglis, OAG '63A, purchased some treasures at the celebrity auction.

Dr. George Fisher, OVC '44, Alumnus of Honor, gives bis acceptance speecb at tbe President's Picnic. Ibis alumni group enjoyed a warm summer evening at the barbecue in Alumni House gardens,

jes:.""ica andjonatban Hart, children ofGraham andEleanor (Dick) Hart, OAC and Mac '68, enjoyed games and face painting.

Frank Partridge, OAC '28, enjoys tbe President's Pinic.

Turning tbe sodfor tbe new athletics facilities are, left to rigbt, Rick Ferraro, Guelph MPp, Kristal McGee, Athletics Advisory Council, andjobn Counsell, Maym' Of Guelpb.

Greta Hofstra, Consumer Studies, gave a computer demonstration to visiting alu.mni like Laurie ( Curtis) Fraser, FACS '83.

Linda McKenzie-Cordick, Arts '81 (far left) and Nancy (Baum) Fitzpatrick, Arts '86, operate the crown and ancbor wbeel at casino nigbt. Rutb and Don Grabam, OAC '43 and Rudy, OAC 33 and Audrey Goltz hope for a win.



1988 HALL



Glynn Griffiths, OAC '30 (deceased) -champion in basketball, wrestling, track, football (1929 tcam captain), gymnastics, swimming and fencing. The M.G. Griffiths Award recognizes Canadians for courageous water rescues. Dave Hume, OAC '61 - football (played in inaugural Atlantic Bowl, 1959), Wildman Trophy winner (1961 -62 ) , faculty advisor for Ath­ letics Advisory Council ( A.A.c. ) and Gryphon football, Wildman Trophy Committee Chairman. Pat Scollie, OAC '28 - varsity hockey, soccer and rugby, Major "0" rugby and baseball, A.A.c. member. The Pat Scollie Intramural Hockey Trophy is presented in his honor.

Jean Steckle, Mac '52 - archery champion ( 1948-51 ) . Won first Dominion Championship in archery against competitors from Queen's, Toronto and McGill universities and was responsible for introducing competitive sport for women at OAC. Tony TenWesteneind, OAC '81 ­ volleyball: Ontario University Athletic

Association ( OUAA) all-star ( 1978­ 81 ) ,All-Canadian (1981 ) , OUAAand Canadian Intercollegiate Ath letic Union ( ClAD) tournament all-star ( 1978) , member of OUAA cham­ pionship Gryphons (1978) and member of Canadian National Junior Team; chairman of Lettermen's Club. Received W.F MitchellAward ( 1981 ). Don Westlake, CBS '72 ( HK) - foot­ ball fullback, linebacker and place kicker, U of G Athlete of the Year (1970-71 ) , Wildman Trophywioner ( 1971 -72 ) , OUAA heavyweight wrestling champion and CIA bronze medalist ( 1971). BUll.DERS Dick Brown - a driving force behind Gryphon athletics for 20 years, he produced 12 All-Canadians and multi­ ple award winners. He was head football coach (1970-80) , assistant coach of ClAD basketball champions ( 1974) and assistant coach of CIAU football champions (1984 ). He was also a member of the All-Hamilton TiCat Team of the Decade.

Wendy Parker, OVC '71 - played an

instrumental part in Guelph athletics as game offiCial, faculty advisor and committee member. She was a student representative to the Women's Inter­ collegiate Athletic Union for three years, women's ice hockey manager for five years and an A.A.c. member for 10 years.

fjl''IpItOH 8pll'It:CoHtest .



.·Help keep the Gryphon spirit alive by entering this contest: Category 1:

Draw a (cartoon -type) caricatur€ of the

Gryphon tei be used by the St.udent

Alumni Association (SM) ' .

and/or Category 2: .' Write a cheer to be used at sporting events (especially Homecoming). It can be spoken or sung to an or iginal or' . . fami liar tune.






. '.' Send entries to the SM office : c /o Al umni' House, University of Guelph. Guelph, Ont o. N1G 2W1 by JAN 1,1989. Enclose your ' name , address and phone number. . .


Winners will be notified and their names ' announced in the Guelph Alumnus. . First prize in each category includes a • . $25 g iftcerhficate from the Co-op Shop, . matched by $25 cash from the SM. . For more mformation, call (5 19) 824­ 4120, ExI. 2 102 .

Jim Farrell, OAC87 (Eng.), tightend for the G1J1flhons, won the Ted Wildman Trophy for the 1987 season. The trophy, established in 1932, is the football Gryphons' most presti­ gious award, presented annually to a senior or graduate student who combines excellence on the football field and in the classroom with team leadership.Jim statted every game in 1987, catching 12passesfor95yards in seven regular season games. He was also one offive Gryphons named to the Ontario Universities Athletic Association 1987 All-Star teams as the first team's tight end. He is pre­ sently studying water resource engineering in OAG's M.Sc. program and will be back on the field for one more season with the Gryphons this year.

GRYPHON FOOTBALL 'SCHEDULf '88 Home Sat: Sept. 1.0, 2 p.m . Sa t. Sept 24, 2 p.m.

York Waterfoo (Homecoming)

Thurs. Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m . Laurier Sat. O ct 22, 2 p.m. Westen1 Away

Sat. Sept. I 7, 2 p.m. . Sat Oct. 1, 2 p .m .• Sat. Oct 1S; 2 p .m.

Windsor McMaster . T6rqnto

*T . reserv seaso n ticket ca ll (579)824-4 120, Ext 2223 . . . 'f


Homecoming Schedule of Events

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Hall of Fame Dinner, Peter Clark Hall

6:30 p.rn. Cocktails 7:30 p.m. Dinner ]0:00 p .rn. Special Coffees & liqueurs (cash bar), Faculty CJub Hall of Fame Dinner tickets available at Athletics Centre ONLY, for $10 per person (120 is tax deauctible). Phone (519) 8244120, ext. 3430.

4:30­ 6:30 p.m.

LA.U.G.H. Charette


6:00 p.rn.

LAU.G.H. Dinner Party

6:30 p.rn.

Student Leaders Alumni

Reception co-hosted by the

Central Studem Association,

Student Alumni Association

and Inter-Hall Council


7:00 p.m. Registration/Reception, School of Landscape Architectme


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 8:00 a.m. · 5:00 p.m.

LA.U.G.H. Charette (Case Study) , School of Landscape Architecture 10:00 a.m. Brunch, Brass Taps 10:00 a.m. Alumni Swim Meet, Athletics Centre HomeCOming Parade Football Game - Gryphons vs. Waterloo Warriors

4:30 p.rn. Post-Game Reception for

CSA Office, University Centre Class Reunions For infomlation, contact Alumni House, ( 519) 824 ­ 4 120, ext. 2102 or indicate interest on form below.

5:00 p.rn.

Landscape Arch1tecture University of Guelph Homecoming (L.A-U_G_H.)

Noon 2:00 p.m.

Gryphon Club members,

Wildman Room,

Alumni Stadium

AJl-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti

Dinner, Peter Clark Hall

8:00 p.m. Homecoming Pub - DJ Peter Clark Hall

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Breakfast, reelman Hall 9:00­ 10:30 a.m. LA. .G.H. Picnic Brunch .



If you need a rnotel for Homecoming Weekend, rnake 'reservations cfuectly witb the location of your ch9ice. When making reservations, a guarnIltee must be given by leaving your credit card number .,, ... PhonelSo. ". ., Motel ~roup 'Rate •speci41 rate only effective until September J . .:.. . ..' .. Biltmore'Tnn Regular rate less ,6 (2 people ( 519) 822·9112 . ,.. in a room is '59 -·,6 = '53) .CoUegeInn

(519) 8~6- 1240

.Holiday Inn

(519) 836-0231

f63 per double room $73 flar rare per room (regardless 'Of room size or no. people)

Journey's End Motd .

(519) 763·]900

$49 per double roorn

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Telephone: Home

Business Per Person Cost

Event Football Game

S 6.00

Spaghetti Dinner

S 5.00

Homecoming Pub

S 3.00

Homecoming Package: Game, Dinner and Pub (save $3.00)



x No.



TICKET COST Add 52.00 for handling & postage


TOTAL Please indicate here if you would like to have a reunion, and state which group you are interested in getting together.

Make cheque payable to the University of Guelph and send to the Box Office, University Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIG 2W 1 or phone (519 ) 824·4120, ext. 3940 ( MasterCard and VISA accepted ). Box Office hours are: 8:30 a.m. -4 p.m. ( weekdays ). Deadline for reservations is September 19. For further information, call Alumni House ( 519 ) 824·4120, ext. 21 02.




Editor: Rich ard Buck, ?6A



Dear Editor, OAC staff and grads have been prominent in the field of stressed land reclamation by revegetation. Their efforts and achievements have attracted world-wide anention from individuals and countries involved in ameliorating the adverse impact humans have had upon the environ­ ment and ecosystems in some areas. A few who have made noteworthy contributions, particularly in the area of reclaiming land stressed by the . mining industry, are: Claire Young, OAC '35 -a pioncer in reclaiming lands stressed by the mining and smelting industry. Harold Kitching, OAC ' 38 -a fonner member of the Agricultural Engi­ neering staff, OAC, he has worked for the United Nations Environmental Program, organizing seminars and conducting field studies on mine tailings stabilization in Southeast Asia. Dr. Jack Winch, OAC '51 , MSA '53

-retired from OAC ( Crop Science ) in 1986, he is a charter member of the Canadian Land Reclamation Associa­ tion (CLRA) and was its first president. He won the first oranda Award for his work in land reclamation. Dr. Edward Watkin - formerly of

OAC (Crop Science ), he is known throughout the world for his research and development of methods for re­ clalming sulphide tailings. The CLRA's E.M. Watkin Award is named for him. Sarah Lowe -formerly of the Arbore­ tum staff and now employed by TCG Materials, she is known for her work in gravel pit reclamation in southern Ontario. Her re-establishment of a producing cherry orchard 30-plus feet below its former level, after the gravel was removed at a Fonthill site, has attracted considerable attention. Ellen Heale, OAC '76, M.Se. '80 - her work on stressed land related to


metal contamination is becoming widely known. Alex Ansell, OAC '57A, '62, M.Se. '72 - has worked with Ontario Hydro since 1976 as Head, Ecology Section, where he directs environmental con­ straint analyses of new transmiSSion line programs and hydro generation upgrades. He has been president of the CLRA and the Soil Conservation Society of America. He co-authored a booklet on wetland management using amatol for creating ponds in cattail marshes. He received the E.M. Watkin Award in 1987 ChristopherPowter, OAC '78, M.Sc. '80 -research manager, Terrestrial Sciences, Alberta Ministry of the Environment. Nina Naumenko, OAC '81 - her work on establishing containerized seedling conifers on su-essed land has attracted considerable attention.

Michael Peters, OAC '73 - currently working on seedling tree establish­ ment and the development o f machinery for donnant seeding on rough terrain in the Sudbury area. These people have worked to reduce the stress imposed on soils and ecosystems by the mining indus­ try. There are many others who work in various conservation and land reclamation projects to correct in1proper Jand use practices All have shown that Guelph grads have the basic knowledge of life sciences and the ability to successfully adapt them to solve land reclamation problems. An opportunity is present for Guelph to become a leader in this field by following and enlarging the path blazed by some of its grads. Other Canadian universities are shOwing an interest in land reclam ­ ation and some in the .S. have established undergraduate and graduate courses on the subject.

Tom Peters, OAC '48, with Noranda Award Guelph, with some undergraduate courses related to land reclamation in place, should continue to partici­ pate and develop in this area. In a related way, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food ( OMAF), in developing its new land stewardship program, is showi ng awareness of the immediate need to practise basic reclamation methods on one of our most important natur,t1 resources. Yours truly, T.H. ( Tom ) Peters, OAC '48

Copper Cliff, Ont.

Editor's Note: Tom Peters' pioneer work on tailings and stressed land reclamati011 has won him several awards: 1977 - first non-u.s. citizen to receive a plaque from the Mineral Waste Stabilization Liaison Com­ mittee; 1979 - Doctor of Science degree (honoris causa), Laurentian University; 1984 - Noranda Award, CLRA; 1985 - an annual award for Guelph students u ho take :.pecific reclamation related courses was established by friends and INCO Limited on his retirement; 1987 first non-u.s. citizen named "Reclama­ Iionist Of the Year" by the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation. In 1987, he was also made Honorary Life Member Of Science North ( Sudbury) for advancing reclamation science.

"These awards were due, to a large extent, to the basic knowledge gained 40 years ago as a student at OAG, " says Tom. Co-incidentally, soon after Tom's letter arrived, OMAF announced it was giving the University $1 million to establish a land stewardship chair to develop andpromote sustainable farming systems in the province. Agriculture and Food Minister Jack Riddell, OAC '57. said it is part of OMAF's S40-million program to promote sustainable fanning systems throughout Ontario. The program also offers financial incentives to farmers to adopt practices to protect soil and water resources.

Riddell said the establishment Of the chair recognizes the University's unique abilities andpotential to assist the ministry in its land stewardship goals. "The expertise that will be developed at Guelph . . . will directly help the application Of land steward­ shiP on the farm. " Created for a minimum of five years, the chair will add to the University's capabilities in extension, research and education. President Burt Matthews says the chairholder "wi/lplay advocate to raise theprofile Of land stewardship by investigating, discussing and resolving issues. " The funding will contribute to­

wards the salaries, equipment and operating expenses ofthe chairbolder, as well as the support staff and graduate students conducting re­ search and extension work. The University will appOint an advisory committee to meet at least once a year to review progress and advise on priorities. OAC Dean Freeman McEwen applauds estabLishment ofthe chair, saying it "will give leadership towards ensuring that our resources arepassed on to futw'e generations in a produc­ tive andsustained state. Conservation Of our 1-esources is not just a Canadian prOblem, it's a world imperative."


Dear Editor, I was very pleased to see the article "Don and Carol Langford: Feeding the Worlo" in the winter 1988 Guelph Alumnus. Although the headline was a bit presumptuous, the work des­ cribed is important because of its impact in both the Third World and Canada. The most important aspect for Canadians is the awareness of global issues generated when an arti­ cle like this appears and the education we all receive when we read of the work by a couple like the Langfords. There are three important points made in this article: 1) meeting basic needs of the Third World people; 2 ) noticing government shifts in priority to food production; and 3) the exis­ tence ofcomplex and often conflicting theories ofinternational development. These three problems, amongst many others, are confronted by all who are associated with Canadian non ­ government organizations ( NGOs ). NGOs specialize in Third World programs designed to meet basic needs of smallholderIpeasant farmers in areas such as education, food, water and housing. Usually these pro­ jects are low-cost and village-oriented. It is, therefore, especially rewarding when a government decides to re­ orient agricultural production from a cash crop-based economy to one concerned with food self-sufficiency and a self-sustaining economy. This is

very difficult, especially considering the pressures on some of these foreign governments by groups such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. NGO projects try to consider all aspects of development so an inte­ grated approach is taken with special emphasis on environmental concerns, women in the community, and sus­ tainability of the project once the donor agency has left. Obviously, trus can only be accomplished when the project has been identified by the villagers themselves and when the villagers are treated as partners in the overall development scheme. I'm sure Mr. Langford would be first to admit his corn collection and distribution is only a temporary pro­ ject that will, I hope, be associated with future plans for food self­ sufficiency by the people he is working with. Food aid is excellent in emer­ gency situations; however, if it continues too long, it has been shown to upset the already fragile farming economy in any Third World farming community. Another important con­ sideration is food distribution and I hope Mr. langford'S group is con­ cerned with who is receiving the food aid and that distribution is fair and equitable. Overall, thank you for an interesting and positive article on development

and agriculture and please print more success stories such as these. Regards, David W. Beckerson. Guelph-Africa Network member, UniverSity of Guelph

Rosemary Clark, Director, Alumni Affairs, accepts cheques totalling 13,000 from Sean O'Connor and Drew Foulds, both OAC '88A. The money was raised through College Classic, an annual consignment sale of Holsteins. Sean was chairman and Drew was secretary-treasurer for this year's event. The money will he divided evenZy between memorial scholarships in the name of Don Risebrough, OAC 77 andKevin Lang, OAC 79. The classes ofOA C'86A and '87A donated their College Classic proceeds toward the Alumni House patiO.





Dave Watson, OAC '51, Ph.D. (Cornell ) '55, was honored by the American Registry of Professional Entomologists (ARPE ) of the Ento­ mological Society of America (ESA ) as Outstanding Entomologist in 1987. He also became president electARPE and will serve in 1989, the ESA Centennial Year. Dave was active in the :xv Inter­ national Congress of Entomology, Washington, DC in 1976. He was program chair, Pesticide Develop­ ment, Management and Regulation section and helped edit, Pesticide Management and Insecticide Resis­ tance, a compilation of papers presented at the Congress. He is married to Florence (Benner), Mac '49, and they reside in St. Charles, lllinois. Most of Dave's career has been in the agricultural chemical industry. He is president and general manager of his own company, D.L. Watson Consulting Services and Enterprises, Inc., dealing with project management for national and international companies and contract research on the company farm .

Laurie Hennigar, OAC '62 , was elected President of the Canadian Horticultural Council ( CHC ) at its 66th annual meeting in Ottawa in March. He grows apples with his father and two brothers in Aylesford, Nova Scotia They are marketed locally, interprovincially and for export. Laurie's association with CHC began in 1976 as a director and representa­ tive ofthe Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association. He was elected to the CHC executive as Atlantic Provinces representative in 1984. Laurie and his wife Joan have two sons.

Diane Mather, M.Sc. '82, Ph.D. '88, is one offew students to graduate with distinction from both a master's and Ph.D. program at Guelph. "She wa') (he best graduate student I've had in 35 years," says Professor Ernests


Dave Watson, Diane Mather Reinbergs, Crop Science, faculty advisor for her master's. After receiving a B.Sc . from Macdonald College, McGill niversity, Diane worked in the seed corn indus­ try in Chatham but decided to come to Guelph to pursue crop science. After earning her M.Sc., she spent eight momhs doing barley research for the Danish government. She began work on her Ph.D. in 1983 "I believe Diane's is the first thesis in this department solely based on intellec­ tual work without any laboratory or field data associated with it," says her Ph.D. supervisor, Professor Lyndon Kannenberg, Crop Science. She studied corn breeding methods used by Professor Kannenberg and he says her studies gave him a better under­ standing of the limitations of his methods. Diane is now an assistant professor, Macdonald College. She breeds oat and barley, teaches and researches.

Professor Susan McIver, chair, Environmental Biology, received the memorial lectureship award at the 54th annual meeting, American Mosquito Control Associati o n, Denver, Colorado in February.

OAC engineering students ruck and Valerie Todd, Ron Lutzer and AI Tinholt shared first prize, cOt-por­ ate design category in the provincial engineering student design compe­ tition at Guelph in February. They offered a plan to prevent runoff from a localland.fill site from contaminating Muskoka Lake. More than 100 sntdents from the province's 11 schools of engineering competed.

Professor John deMan, Food Science, has returned from meetings of the program advisory board of the Palm Oil Research Institute of MalaysL:1., Kuala Lumpur. He addressed a symposium on fat crystallization and gave a lecture on canola oil at a teach-in sponsored by the Malaysian Institute ofChemistry, Genting High­ lands. He visited food science departments at the Agricultural Uni­ versity of Malaysia and the Science University of Malaysia, and delivered a lecture in Bombay, India.

The late Gerald Ruhnke , OAC '23 and honorary president of Year '38, was one of six agriculturalists named to the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame for 1988. He was a leader in soi 1 science research who was involved in establishing a soils deparunent in OAC. He died in 1957. .

. '.

·CALL 1:-800­ 265.;. 7282 -:


be Uruversityhas initiated a .'

"career hodine" to help grad­

uating secondary school stu­

dents re'define their image of

agricultural careers: The toU­

free number was setup because

many university applicants aCe

overlooking . the diversity of

Guelph's agricultural science

programs, says OAC Dean

Freenlan .McEwen. .

Although applicatiOns to the

'.. l!ruversity for the fall 1988

semester are up almost 29 per .

· cent, .the number of students

who want to enrol in agricultural

.sciences is declining. lbisindi-.··

eates tbat high school students,

their parents and gUidance

'counseUors still thiIik agricul­

ture degrees are only fOr those

, who wallt to be Jarr,ners, ~ays · Dean McEwen. In fact, fewer

than -IS per cent of the agricul­

ttical scie~ce. grads take up


. ....




Most people just cook food and eat it. Evelyn (Camelon) Hullah, Mac '69, experiments with it, writes about it, teaches about it, and makes it look good for the camera. In fact, she has become known as an expert in recipe testing and development as well as food styling. FoUowinggraduation from Guelph, Evelyn worked as a county home economist for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and for General Foods Ltd., Toronto. In 1974, she started consulting work as a home economist and began teaching night school. Then she and her husband Bill, OAC '67, University of British Columbia '69, established Cardinal Kitchens, a division of Cardinal Bio­ logicals Ltd. Cardinal Biologicals Ltd. was founded by Bill, a microbiologist, in 1969, at the same time he became a professor of food microbiology at Ryerson Polytechnicallnstitute. Over the next 15 years, he and Evelyn built Cardinal Biologicals Ltd. into Canada's largest independent food research laboratory and in 1983, Bill bade farewell to the classroom to devote all his time to the growing business which now counts many of Canada's major food companies among its clients. When he reached out globally, FTI Foodtech International Inc. became his public vehicle. The resu It is a company with a pragmatic differ­ ence: licensing. Since commercial operations began in August 1986, ITI has created eight innovative food products for licensing and several more are in the development stage. Cardinal Biologicals Ltd. is co­ owned by Bill, who is preSident, and Evelyn, who is vice-preSident. They employ 12 to 24 people, depending on the number of projects underway. Evelyn is also senior home economist of Cardinal Kitchens which offers a complete range of services for the consumer food and food service industries. Recipe testing or deve­ lopment projects, food product formulation and preparation, sensory evaluation tests and seminars are carried out by specialists in each area.

Being adjacent to Cardinal Labof".t.­ tories ( another division of Cardinal Biologicals Ltd.) , the Cardinal Kit­ chens home economists can draw on the knowledge of the laboratories' food chemists and microbiologists. The facilities include test kitchens, sensory evaluation booths and con­ ference rooms. Among the varied services of Cardinal Kitchens, food styling - for t.v. commercials, print ads, coupons, cookbooks and food packaging ­ remains a personal favorite with Evelyn. It is "a wonderful blend of precision and creativity." The term food styling means the process of making food look appealing in pictures - whether taken by still photography, movie ftlm or video tape . Cardinal Kitchen' motto, "Working with you to present food at its best!", is a good description of a food stylists' job. Evelyn has also produced Cardinal's

Evelyn (Camelon) Hullah, Mac '69 Handbook ofRedpe Development, a 160-page Canadian text which serves as a recipe development resource for food professionals and post-secondary students. A new Cardinal Kitchens cookbook, On The Go! . handy recipes for busy cooks, has just been published, and additional books are planned for the future. Evelyn, a busy mother of three, also looks forward to increased involvement with food styling in Cardinal's own TV/photography studio.


Roy Paul, HAFA '74 , vice-president development, Four Seasons Hotel, Toronto, received the George D. Bedell Award from HAFA Alumni Association vice-president Michael Chadsey, HAFA '75, at the Associa­ tion's Hostex Hospitality Reception in Toronto this spring. The award, established in 1986, recognizes the contributions of Professor BedeLl to the hospitality industry. It is presented annually to a HAFA grad who has shown leadership in the hospitality industry and community. Roy, who also has an MBA from York University, has worked as a manager, director and consultant in the hotel and foodservice industries. In his current position, he is respon­ sible for identifying and evaluating new hotel opportunities and co­ ordinating the development process up to six months prior to opening. In 1983, he achieved the designation of Certified Management Consultant.

Roy Paul, HAF<A 74 Roy has been a speaker at many industry workshops and meetings and wrote a 10-week course for the Federal Business Development Bank to use in training small hospitality industry operators. He also helped create and develop Canada's first tracking study ofdining-out behavior, now known as Infostudy and pro­ duced by Pannell Ke rr For ter Ltd.





Cooklore and Recipes of Ireland "A cornucopia of Irishness" des­ cribes Cooklore and Recipes of IreLand, recently published by Ivy Christiana Courtenay, Mac '57. Proceeds from the sales will help feed children in the Third World. The 263-page paperback features 160 recipes from the four corners of Ireland, many handed down word-of­ mouth from generation to generation. It is also laced with facts and legends about Saint Patrick, shillelaghs and shamrocks, the Mac 's and O 's, Christmas in Ireland, the Great Irish Famine, the Blarney Stone, lri h tartans, and more. Christiana spent the last three summers in Ireland researching it. Christiana and her husband Henry Courtenay, OAC '57, were born and raised in the Province of Ulster, Ireland, where more Irish recipes for traditional fare are known and used than anywhere else in Ireland. Henry spent 30 years teaching and re­ searching in Agricultural Economks, first at Texas A & M University, and then at Purdue Urtiversity, Indiana, where he is a professor emeritus. He also conducted consumer research and educational programs for the food industry. Christiana'S work, in addition to helping her husband in research, has included owning and operating an exclusive restaurant, Christiana Courtenay's J890 House, serving specialized colonial dishes. It was the only historical house restaurant in Indiana and won an award from local authorities. The Courtenays have raised seven children (one daughter drew many of the illustrations for her mother's book). They now divide each year between living near Dublin, Georgia and Donaghadee in County Down on the Irish Sea. Although retired, they continue to lecture, write and travel with their efforts directed toward reconciliation in the sectarian troubles in Northern Ireland; a project to feed hungry Third World children; and church activities in Georgia and Ireland.


Ivy Christiana Courtenay, Mac '57

Barbara Oram, FAGS 76

The Courtenays were an active couple at Guelph. Both appeared in the first Curtain CalI production, Hometown Fair. Henry also wrote a column covering OAC/Mac/OVC campus news for the Guelph Mercury. For more information about Cook­ lore and Redpes Of Ireland, the Courtenays can be contacted at Rte. I , Box 180, Adrian, GA 31002; (912) 668-4043, after October.

Box 2691-GA, Silver Spring, MD 20902.

Barbeque - Sizzling Fireside Know-How You've mastered the basic tech­ nique of grilling hamburgers, hot dogs and steaks. Now it's time to broaden your horizons with Barbeque - Sizzling Fireside Know-How, a 64­ page paperback written by Leslie (Beal) Bloom, Mac '70 of Silver Spring, Maryland. Leslie has worked as a food writer, caterer, cooking instructor, reCipe consultant and editor. Her highly successful business, Creative Caterers, was the testing ground for most of her original recipes and theme menus. Her many articles and recipes have appeared in Food and Wine, the Washington Post, and the Time-Life Healthy Home Cooking series. An active member of the Inter­ national Association of Cooking Professionals, Leslie's reputation as a skilled cook and writer has grown rapidly. Barbeque (the "q" spelling reflects Leslie's Canadian roots ) includes not only recipes but infor­ mation on grilling equipment, timing, woods, and what to do if it rains on your barbeque party. It is available at kitchen shops in Canada, through Tiimports, Diane Erskine, 50 ix Point Road, Toronto, Onto M8Z 2X2, or from the American Cooking Guild,

Living With Diabetes

By age 70, some 10 per cent of the Canadian population are diabetics. Despite examples shown by famous diabetics like Mary Tyler Moore and hockey star Bobby Clarke, most exper­ ience fear and despair when the illness is diagnosed. To help diabetics and their families come to terms with this chrOnic, so far incurable, disease, Heather Maclean and Barbara Oram, FACS '76, have written Living With Diabetes ( niversity of Toronto Press, 1988). It draws from interviews with 50 diabetics of aU ages, and is an optimis­ tic 154-page paperback that helps the diabetic come to terms with a con­ trollable disease. Exercises at the end of each chapter aid this process. Royalties from the book, endorsed by the Canadian Diabetes Association, will be used to further diabetes education. Barbara Oram worked as a dietitian for two yea rs after graduating from Guelph. She then earned a Master's degree in Health Science from the University of Toronto, specializing in community nutrition. It was there she met co-author Maclean, a member of the Department of Nutritional Sciences. As a health professional, Barbara understood diabetes and its manage­ ment from a medical perspective but realized, from counselling diabetics, that following the dietary guidelines is often difficult. 'Through her husband Robert, who has insulin-dependent diabetes, she became aware of the everyday reality of living with the illness.

In her work and studies in adult education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Barbara has learned that people 's everyday experiences are an important resource for learning. Reading about the issues and concerns of other diabetics, might help diabetics feel less isolated and gain a better understanding of their own thoughts, feelings and actions in relation to the disease, she says. Barbara worked on the proposal to

research and write Living With Diabetes, helped obtain funding from Health and Welfare Canada, and was project director. She interviewed half the participants and has drawn the data for her doctoral research from these intcrviews. She will discuss the implications of this research for enhancing the effectiveness of dia­ betes education. Barbara is a member of the Diabetes Educators Section, Canadian Diabetes

Association and is on the National Nutrition Committee of the Canadian Diabetes Association ( 1987-88). She moved to Oshawa in 1986 and is writing her thesis, working for the National utrition Committee and helping with the management of the law firm of which her husband is a partner. Living With Diabetes is available in many bookstores or can be ordered from University of Toronto Press.



The following article is edited and reprinted from Exchange magazine, February 1988.

By Cathy Williams Managing a restaurant and mar­ keting a firm ofchartered accountants may not seem like similar occupations, but there arc links between them. Both involve strAtegic planning, sales skills and the ability to deal with people, says judy Stcin-Korte, HAFA '82. She should know. She planned to be a restaurant manager and ended up as director ofmarketing at Thome Ernst & Whinney's Kitchener office. In between, she was a conference planner for the University of Guelph and a relocation counsellor for a management consultant firm in Toronto. "My career path has had a few curves in it," she admits. The 29-year-old Moncton, N.B., native grew up thinking she would help her father, Simon Stein, with his regionally famous restaurant, Si's. To that end, she enrolled in the HAFA program at Guelph and earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree. She wanted more than the sort of hotel management course offered at com­ munity colleges. "I was looking for a degree with a number of disciplines attached to it. So 1 took marketing, English, music, and fine arts courses as well," she says_ She thinks the broader perspective gained through this multidisciplinary approach has been useful throughout her career. She worked as "slave labor" for her

father for years, she says with a laugh, and while at University, 1>-pcnt summers working at hotel jobs. "After all that, I decided to get into a more general business situation before I committed myself to a restaurant undertaking." [n 1984, she was hired for the marketing job in the Kitchener branch ofThome Riddell, which later became Thome Ernst & Whinney. The char­ tered accounting firm 's parlners believed that with new services bei ng offered, "It was time to bring some focus to strategic planning. Marketing tends to bring discipline to that thinking, since it is client-centred_" judy's duties have "evolved" during her four years in the post. "The company has changed quite a bit. Besides the name change, we now have a staff of close to 100 people in the Kitchener and Cambridge offices." So, internal communications are an increasingly important component of her job, with newsletters informing everyone of new clients and the achi­ evements of staff. She produces recruiting materials, keeps CAs informed about the finn's services, and is involved in advertising. With changes in government regulations, chartered accountancy firms do more advertising than they used to. She also works in external communications, issuing press releases and editing resource material produced hy staff. "like other professions, accounting has its own language. I translate it so the general public can understand it. My job is to help our people market themselves." In that way, the job bears similarities

judy Stein-Korte, HAFA '82 (Photo by Michael Messner)

to relocation counselling. "Relocation counselling is helping people market themselves," she says. "I did a lot of skills training: resume writing, what not to say in an interview, how to respond to an ad. There are certain techniques that put you in a better light." She honed her own communication skills in that job. "It is fairly stressful to counsel folks (who are) in that position. There was a lot of on-the­ job training. The skills I reamed helped me in tackling this (present) job_" As a relocation counsellor, Judy advised her clients never to apply for a job by making a "cold call." But that is precisely how she got that job. "I remembered the company name from a previous job interview, looked it up in the Yellow Pages, and called." Despite straying from her original career intentions, she hasn't severed her connections with restaurants. Last April she married Carl Korte, co­ manager ofBenjamin's Restaurant, St. jacobs. " It was fate," she says. "We met in a restaurant and married in a restaurant. "


Editor: Karen (Hawkins) Mantel, '83



Being quadriplegic "is slowing me down a bit but it won't stop me" says Barry Munro, Arts '87. Barry is undergOing out-patient rehabilitation from his parents' home in Richmond Hill after spending almost a year in Lyndhurst Hospital, Toronto. Lyndhurst is one of the few hospitals in Canada strictly devoted to spinal cord rehabilitation and Barry calls it "the best".

'1 was lucky. It could have been worse, he says. JJ

Barry graduated with a BA. in history and political science in June 1987. On the August 1st ( Civic Holi ­ day) weekend, he went swimming with a group of friends at Bent Shoe Lake near Minden, Ontario. On a shallow dive into the lake, he hit his head dead centre on a rock. His spine absorbed the shock, causing a C-6 fracture and leaving him without the use of his legs and limited use of his arms. " I was lucky. It could have been worse," he says. "My spine was not severed, just damaged. With my type of fracture , I will eventually need minimal care only." Although he has limited hand func­ tion, Barry can operate his electric wheelchair and is learning to feed and dress himself, and look after his personal hygiene. His short-term goal is to gain independence by learning to lift himself in and out of bed and to transport himself. For the long-term, he wants to earn a master's degree in political science or industrial relations and work in labor relations. Barry says there is no point dwelling on why his accident happened. "You can't waste your time and energy wondering why. You have to pick up the pieces and go on." He says he has been fortunate to have a supportive fanllly and friends. His friend James Kennedy, OAC '88,


Ba17J1 Munro, AltS '87 helped organize a fund -raiSing pub sponsored by the College of Arts Alumni Association last February which raised 82,800 for his rehabili­ tation and education, Barry is optimistic about the future for people with spinal cord injuries. Until the Second World War, most people died from spinal injuries. But with the discovery of antibiotics and modern rehabilitation techniques, spinal-cord-injured persons have been able to survive. Swelling of thcir lesions used to cause further paralysis.

"Now, within four hours of a spinal cord injury, doctors can freeze the spine to kcep the swelling down," Barry explains. Not only has research allowed people with spinal cord injuries to live longer and better-quality lives, but there is hope on the horizon that it may also lead to restoration of impaired limbs with the help of elec­ trode implants in the spine. Barry belongs to both the Spinal Cord Socicty Canada and the Canadian Paraplegic Association. He feels it is important to have both groups but plans to get more involved in the Spinal Cord Society which has only been in existence since 1978. "One hundred per cent of its funds go toward Canadian research projec ts," says Barry. And for people like himself, research holds the key to a brighter future.

Editor's Note: Between 600 and 1,000 new spinal cord injuries occur each year in this country. The average age Ofpersons incurring spi'n al injuries is 19, If you would like more infor­ mation, write to the Spinal Cord Society Canada, po. Box 707, King City, Ontario LOG IKO.



Toronto's Theatre Passe Muraille has donated its archives - 60 boxes of material - to the University Library, reaffirming Guelph's role as a leader in the study of Canadian theatre, With this acquisition, Professor Len Conolly, Dr.una, says, "I am reasonably confident that Guelph has the largest theatre archives collection in the country," Closest rivals are the eoUec­ tions of the Stratford Festival and the Metropolitan Toronto Library.

Theatre Passe Muraille - or theatre beyond walls - was one of the early alternative theatres in Toronto, per­ fonning often-controversial plays that reflected Canadian political and social issues, This theatre will now have greater access to its archives because all material will be properly sorted and catalogued. "Now they are sure their history will survive," says Pro­ fessor Conolly.




Distinguished Canadian artist Alex Colville gave a public lecture on campus this spring in honor of the retirement of Professor Helen Dow, Fine Art . Professor Dow, an art historian on faculty at Guelph since 1971, is author of the first published monograph study on Colville's work. She and Colville were colleagues in the Fine Art Department, Mount Allison Uni­ versity, New Bmnswick in the 1960s. Following Colville's lecture, an exhibition of 24 Canadian artworks donated to the University by Professor Dow and her family was opened at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre. The donation includes a silkscreen print of Colville's Border COllie, as

well as works by other Canadian realists, D.P. Brown, Glen Adams, Rodger Savage,Ken Tolmie and Group of Seven member Edwin Holgate. Also included are two rare Inuit sealskin stencil prints produced in Povungnintk in 1961. Last year, Professor Dow donated a collection of27 Colville works to the Art Gallery of Ontario. Professor George Todd, former chair, Fine Art, said it was fitting that Professor Dow was honored on her retirement by one of Canada's fore­ most painters. "In her quiet way, she has made a lasting in1pression on Canadian culture through her teaching, scholarship, collecting and


Happiness: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the eI usive dream many people can never quite grasp. Sometimes it's found more easily in a mud hut than a suburban split-level. People are as likely to find it in a wheelchair as on a king's throne. The young and old, rich and poor all have equal chances of finding it. That's because happiness is mainly a matter of attitude, says Professor Alex Michalos, Philosophy. "Eighty per cent of happiness is a result of what's going on in our heads," he says, "and not what's going on in the world around us." Professor Michalos defines happi­ ness as a relatively justified and long­ lasting good feeling or attitude. He is analysing 9,000 survey responses from 38 countries to find out what people around the world look for when they seek happiness. Results show that in many cases it is the gap between what we have now and what we wish we had that deter­ mines how happy we are. Comparing what we have with 'What our neighbors have is also a factor. Professor Michalos' results show that men are more prone to compare themselves with others - the keeping up with the Joneses factor - and

women arc more concerned about closing the gap between what they have and what they want. The study focuses on gaps in several areas oflife - health, finances , family relations, employment, friendships , housing, living partner, recreation religion, self-esteem, transportation and education. Of these 12 areas, Professor Michalos found that inter­ personal relationships have a greater impact on happiness than material things. "lfyou have to make a choice between relationships and money, take loved ones and friends over money any time," he says. To close the gaps in many of these areas, Professor Michalos says it's important for people to set goals. "A necessary condition for happiness is having some achievable goals, both short-term and long-term," he says. Through goal setting, people who have had debilitating illnesses or injuries can have the same satisfaction with life as healthier people. To bounce back, they need to redefine their goals and start pLaying the game again, he says. Professor Michalos' surveys were completed bytmiversity students from 38 countries, ranging in age from 16 to 70.

Alex Colville andProfessorDow stand in front of "Two Riveters': painted by Colville in 1954 and donated to the Macdonald Stewart Art Cen tre by the QVCAlurrmiAssociation in 1972. Colville donated seven drawings related to this painting in honor of Professor Dow's retirement. preserving and her concern for the heritage of Canada anu its peoples," he said.

.CO-OPE RATIVE " VENTURE Dear Editor, Wewere pleased to see cover· age of the Records of Canadian Theatre (ROLf) projectiri .t he · winter J988 issue of the Guelph Alumnus ("ProfC5.5ional Theatre . in Canada: Researched"). We would like to stress, how­ . ever, that the revival 'of the (",anada on Stage theatrical yC'M­ books is an ' initiative of the ProfessionaJ. Association ofCana­ dian Theatres (PACT). As one of its.research activities, ROCT has undertaken to collect; edit, and enter production infor­ mation from Canadian theatres into a database. The infonnation is then transferred to PACT for publication. The fruits of this co-operative venture will be seen later this year with the publi­ cation of the first volume in the new series of Canada on Stage. Yours sincerely, L.W. Conolly, Progr-.un Director, ROCT Catheriile Smalley; Arts ' 77, Executjve Director, PACT .



Edit or. Marie (B oissonnea ult) Rush, '80



Until he was in his late twenties, Stephen Ascough, CBS '75, had no idea he was artistically inclined. "It was by pure accident I discovered this," he recalls. His sister was drawing an owl for a high school art project and when he tried to help, he was astonished at the result of his efforts. Following graduation from CBS, Stephen worked at a number of jobs, including some on campus. But with the discovery of his latent talent, he began to spend an increasing amount of time on his art until last year, he decided to give it his full attention and attempt to earn a living from it. Most of his work sells through word­ of-mouth. He knows it will take several more years of development and hard work before he is at the level of proficienq and income he hopes to eventually realize. Until then, he says he is w illing to tolerate people who tell him to "go out and get a real job."

Stephen Ascough, CBS 75, Arts '80, with some selections ofhis work. "My overall goal is to make a life, not a living," he says. He refers to himself as "a late bloomer" and admits it has taken him a long time to ascertain his strengths

and define his goals. But since dis­ covering art , he has found the necessary strength to press on and attain these goals. He originally enrolled at Guelph with the intention of becoming a teacher. Although he received a science degree he had an affinity for Janguages and also earned his B.A. in French from the College of Arts in 1980. He is interested in archaeology and ancient history as well but says he does not want to " accumulate degrees" in these subjects. Instead, he continues to study French, Latin, Hebrew and Egyptian hieroglyphics on his own. His art is self-taught as well. Although he has had no formal trai ning, he says he values the guidance given to him by art-trained friends, one of whom was the late Professor Gordon Couling. Presently, Stephen does pencil and prism a color pencil drawings of


HEDGEHOG FAMILY by Stephen Ascough A limited number of high quality prints are available to alumni and

friends at the low cost of $10 each plus $2 postage and handling .

The prints are 17" x 22 " and are black and white on cream

colored fibre paper.

Proceeds from the sale will be directed towards projects such as: • The Canadian Tree Collection , Univers ity of Guelph Arboretum • The Establishment of a Wildlife Museum

So join Stephen Ascough, CBS '75, in supporting the

Association by ordering yours now!

~~;)---------------~~;;;;;~-;e~;;;-----Address _ _ __ _ __

Postal Code _ _ _ _ __

Telephone (home)

(business) _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ posters x $12


_ _ __ Total

Enclose cheque or money order made payable to CBS Alumni Association and mail to CBSAA , Alumni House, University of

Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 .


nature. He explains: "My work as an artist revolves around a personal understanding of nature as God's creation in action: there is always something going on. It is indeed beautiful and I greatly enjoy portraying something of this through my hand." He recently began experimenting with drawings ofpeople and buildings and is developing an interest in Biblical historical art. "I would like to pursue this theme (of Biblical history) . It will take a few years to develop but it will tie many of my interests together and allow me to give a personal interpretation to historical events." Stephen's work has been displayed at a number of area exhibits and has won several awards. He says he won't display or sell anything he is not happy with. "I don't like to rush my work. I aim for excellence. I'm a firm believer in quality." He plans to stay in Guelph where he has developed a solid network of friends. He says the

region offers a good marketplace for his work and the opportunity for further education if desired. He feels "there is much value in coming to grips with one's potential, no matter what age." After many years of working at other jobs, he discovered that, "I like variety and I need to be creative to express my inner self. Once you discover what it is you like to do, then you do whatever it takes to accomplish that. I feel I will be able to make a bigger contribution to the world as an artist than anything else. And my art gives me a lot of pleasure."

Editor's Note: Stephen has loaned one Of his works to the CBS Alumni Association. Poster reproductio ns will be sold to raise money Jot' various University projects (see opposite page). The original work is on display at the Arboretum Centre.

john Berges is the 1988 redpient Of the Keith Ronald Gradu£lte Scholar­ ship presented by Dr. Ronald during College Royal weekend.



Professor Terry Beveridge, Micro­ biology, and Professor Larry Peterson, Botany, were inducted as fellows of the Royal Society of Canada in June. They share the FRSC distinction with 10 other Guelph faculty. Professor Beveridge has gained international recognition for his work on the structure ofbacterial cells and the role they play in the formation of metal ores and other geochemical processes. In 1985, he received the Steacie Prize, given annually to an outstanding Canadian scientist under the age of 40. The FRSC recognition is a pat on the back from colleagues in the scien­ tific community, he says. "Many of the scientists in this country that I admire are also fellows of the Royal Society, and I am honored and overwhelmed to be included." Professor Peterson, a plant biologist, has made numerous contributions to research on the anatomy and morpho­ logy of roots. His work focuses on symbiotic associations between plants and micrO-Organisms, an area ofpoten­ tial importance for agriculture and

forestry. He says a lot of what he accomplishes in research is "because ofexcellent students, lab technicians and post docs." Winner of the 1986 CBS award for excellence in teaching, he is preSident-elect of the Canadian Botanical Association.

CBS Alumni Association and CBS Alma Mater Scholarships were presented College Royal Weekend by CB.SAA President jim Atkinson to Sandi McKone (CBSAA Scholarship), Michele Bobyn (both Scholarships) and Patti Mara (CBS AM Scholarship). Absent for photo was Mary Berkmortel (CBS AM).


Ed it or. Bob Winkel, '60



Why do babies start to breathe im mediately after birth? This pheno­ menon cannot be readily explained based on existing knowledge about why adults breathe. But Dr. Lee Adamson, CPS '77, is looking for an explanation. Over the past two years, she and her colleagues have been designing, equipping and organizing a new perinatal research laboratory in Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Her goal is to build a strong group of researchers in Toronto who are interested in fetal and neonatal physiology. After earning her B.Sc. with distinc­ tion in Honors Biophysics at Guelph in 1977, Lee earned her Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Biophysics from The University of Western OntariO, London. She is now assistant professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Pedia­ trics at the University of Toronto and

underway. The goal of the first project is to help neonatologists understand why some babies - especiaUy those born prematurely - fail to breathe reliably immediately after birth and require artificial ventilation. "One reason so little is known about why babies start to breathe is that it is very difficult to study," explains Lee. "Many changes occur at birth in the physical environment of the baby, such as light, sound and temperature, and in the physiology of the baby, such as the loss of the placenta from the circulation. At birth it is not possible to isolate each factor and sUldy how it may affect breathing." Dr. Lee Adamson, CPS '77

a scientist at the Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Lee has two major research projects

As a way of solving this problem, Lee has developed a method to provide animal fetuses inside the uterus with access to air so they can start to breathe before they are born. In


Guelph hosted its second annual "Girls in Physics Day" on campus earlier this year. Or­ ganized by Professors Bonnk Edwards and Ernie McFarland, Physics, the event was open to Grade 10 and 11 girls in Halton County, and designed to en­ courage them to remain in the maths and sciences - tradi­ tionally male--dominated fields . "The first big drop out of women in maths and sciences occurs in high school," says Professor Edwards. "We're trying to convince these girls to take (these subjects) a little longer, to keep their options open." The day consisted of a short lecture on the stmcture of the universe by Professor Edwards, 16 hands-on physics aClivities, a


campus tour and a round table discussion with 10 women pur­ suing careers in physics and engineering. Forty-five girls from 17 schools took part. The round table discussion was one of the most important aspects of the day, says Professor Edwards. 'The women who parti­ cipated are role models for the girls, she explains. "They're proof that women do find physics interesting, and that they Gill have a career in physics and a social and family life as weU." She believes a combination of conditioning and cultural bias discourages girls from staying in science -related fields. "Traditionally girls weren't supposed to show they were bright and medlanicaUy minded.

Onley didn't fix their own bikes or play with blocks." But times are changing, says Professor Edwards. Children now play mixed games; boys learn to cook and girls play with blocks. She says tinker toys and blocks encourage the growth of three-dimensional visualization skills, which contributes to con­ fidence and aptitude in maths and physics. In spite of some psychology studies that suggest boys per­ form better spatially and girls are better verbal performers, Professor Edwards believes dif­ ferences between the sexes are largely a maner of aniulde rather than aptitude, and that in the future , as times continue to change, such studies may pro­ duce different resultS.

research involving pregnant sheep, she has been able to show that fetuses would start to breathe air if the placenta were cut off from the cir­ culation. This demonstrates that changes in the physical environment are not essential for this event. She will use the same method to investi­ gate whether cooling or other factors also initiate breathing. U they do, it will prove that more than one mechanism exists to stimulate breathing at birth. The mechanisms may provide a back-up should one system fail, says Lee. Her second project, in collaboration with colleagues in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is inves­ tigating the use ofDoppler ultra')ound

to monitor the velocity of blood in the umbilical arteries of human fetuses. This is a safe, non-invasive technique which may yield important information about the health of the unborn baby. It has been discovered that blood flow changes with each heartbeat are abnormal in fetuses that do not grow well. Further re­ search will discover what this means in terms of the health of the fetus. Although Lee's work revolves around babies, she says she and her husband, a scientist in the Max Bell Research Institute at Toronto Hospital, are too busy promoting their new laboratories and pursuing research interests to think about having children of their own at present.

Lee has won many scholastic awards, published numerous research papers, belongs to several professional societies and has lectured in Canada, the U.S. and Japan. She says her experience in bio­ physics at Guelph provided her With an excellent basic understanding of phys ics and physiology. " This background has enabled me to make an unique contribution to research in medicine. I am able to understand problems in terms of both the physio­ logy and the physics involved." When she confronts a research problem, she applies the discipline and organi­ zational skills learned when she tackled physics problems as an undergraduate.



By M arla Stewart, Public Relations and Information


f the incidence ofAIDS were greater in the heterosexual population, the government would be more willing to encroach on individual freedom, says Professor Rod Gentry, Mathe­ matics and Statistics. "} think you would see the same type of government effort to eradicate it that you saw with tuberculosis earlier this century." Inadequate record keeping and testing programs, combined with respect for individual privacy, is preventing statisticians from pro­ jecting with certainty how the disease might spread, he says. Professor Gentry is the only Canadian mathematician working in AIDS modelling with the Federal Centre for AIDS and with statisticians at the Canadian Centre for Disease Control. He is trying to determine the odds of contracting AIDS according to lifestyle. Part of his interest also lies in the mathematical modelling of the epidemic aspects of the AIDS virus in an attempt to determine time-frame probabilities between contracting the human immuno­ deficiency virus (HIV), developing

AIDS from it, and dying from the disease. Modelling provides mathematical assistance in identifying the extent to which different factors influence transmission of the YinIS . Its aim is to suggest measures that might control or eradicate the disease.

(: . . there are extreme sen­ sitivities concerning access to personal health infor­ mation." To model the spread ofAIDS, many factors about a popUlation must be known or estimated. Populations are made up of various identifiable sub­ groups, each sharing specific social habits. Lifestyles such as homo­ sexuality, habits like intravenous drug use , or med ical cond itions like hemophilia have put certain groups at higher risk of contracting HTV. Modelling requires that something be known about the interaction between all these groups. "This is where we run into difficulty," says Professor Gentry, "because there are extreme sensitivities concerning

access to personal health inform­ ation." Respect for individual privacy means that a great deal ofinformation is not even taken, and when it is, it is often difficult to access. In Canada, collecting data on rrrv prevalence is difficult "But it is critical that some programs be initiated to detennine the incidence of the disea..e in various subpopulations which may be at higher risk, as well as the general population," says Professor Gentry. This could only be achieved by HIV-antigen testing programs designed to obtain the frequcn<.) ' of individuals testing positively for HIV antibodies. Without such testing. a problem might not emerge for six to eight years, and by then it would be too late to control its spread. ") have a conservative faith in the confidentiality of health agencies, and believe that for health purposes, a means of detecting the incidence of HIY infectives before they start suffering from AIDS could be accomplished," he says. "My role is not to settle moral issues, but to provide rational bases for assessing possible directions the epidemic might takc." And that means having a mechanism for identifying cases reliably.




Editor: Sandra Couch, '84, M.A. '8 7


Suzanne McNamee, CSS '88, says Guelph's co-op program in psychology has given her increased self­ confidence and made her more marketable in the workforce. She is one of the first graduates of this program which has gained rapidly in popularity since it began three years ago. Students entered in the program must not only be honors psychology students, but must be minoring in another field as well, saysJane Morley, OAC M.Sc. '81, who is responsible for liaison with employers. These students alternate four months of study with four months of work in businesses or industries related to their studies. For each work ternl, they must to write a report that fits together academic interests and practical concerns. Because it combines minors and honors psychology, the workplace and tbe classroom, co-op p~1'chology places special demands on students. But those who have risen to the challenge, highly recommend it. Suzanne, who has a minor in busi­ ness administration, spent her first work term developing a database for the personnel department at IBM in Toronto. While doing this, she con­ vinced her employers that her edu­ cation would be useful in other contexts. On her second term, she was assigned to IBM's usability laboratory, where consumer recep­ tivity to computer innovations is tested. This led to a double work term with IBM in Sweden where she did more advanced work in the company's usability lab. "My work terms gave me the chance to try out different things. Although I can still use my psychology back­ ground, I am now morc interested in business and I will try to earn my M.B.A. ," Suzanne says. Claudia Turowski's career direction changed as a result of the co-op program. "If I hadn't taken co-op, I would have graduated thinking I wanted to run a day care centre," says Claudia, who has a minor in child studies. Her work terms at Faywood Boulevard Child Care Centre, North


York and for Health and Welfare Canada's Health Services Branch, Ottawa, changed her mind. Now on a term as a hospital administration assistant at Chatham Public General Hospital, Claudia says she wants to stay in the health field and earn a master's degree in health adminis­ tration. "I never thought I would go past the undergraduate level before." The co-op program made Sharon Nicklas decide she would like to work in industrial/organizational psychology. Her work teems with the University ofGuelph AtWetics Centre, the Regional Municipality of Peel, and currently Northern Telecom, have developed her job interview and computer technology skiiJs, and her ability to work with a variety of people. Clarence Bos' work teems with the RCMP Human Resources Department, Health and Welfare Canada and Rideau Regional Centre for the develop­ mentally handicapped allowed him to apply classroom concepts in a practicaJ manner. Working every four months has also meant smaller student loans, he says, and living in different communities bas given him the ability

to settle in and meet new people more easily. Employers praise the co-op program as well. Dr. William Barnes, chief psycholOgist, Rideau Regional Centre, says co-op students are competent, enthusiastic workers. "They often provide extra manpower for services we would not otherwise be able to provide. And they give us a fresh perspective. Sometimes we get into a rut of doing things the same way and students will question us." Colleen Gordon, university recruit­ ment co-ordinator, Ontario Region, Northern Telecom, says co-op pro­ grams are beneficial to both students and employers. "It's an excellent way for students to get experience so they can determine what they want to do when they graduate and it gives the employer a chance to look at those students for full-time work. It's also a good way for a company like ours to complete short term projects. 1 really support the program." For more information abollt co-op psychology, contact Jane Morley, Counselling and Student Resource Centre, University of Guelph NIG 2W1; (519 ) 824-4120, ext. 2399.




is tough at the top. But it may be even tougher for women, according to research by Professor Karen Korabik, Psychology, and graduate student Usa McDonald. In a study of job stress among 19 male and 20 female managers, the researchers found that many of the stressors women reported were sex­ specific. Prejudice, discrimination and sexual harassment were higher on the women's list of stressors, as was the combined load of work from home and office. In this age of equality and task sharing, what surprised the re ­ searchers most was the fact that while 40 per cent of the women reported stress from the combination

of home and office work, none of the men did. It appears women are still the ones carrying much of the load of family care and career, Professor Korabik says. Another of the researchers' findings was that women and men seek differ­ ent types of social support. While men look for information and facts, women tend to look for a listening ear to support them in high-stress situalions. That could cause a great deal of tension in the workplace, says Professor Korabik. Women who look for listeners are likely to find men who are used to supporting with information and facts, and that type of support may not be perceived as helpful.


Professor Eiju YatSlt

Professor Eiju Yatsu returned to Guelph from Tokyo earlier this year to present his book, The Nature of Weathering: An Introduction. The dedication of the 624-page book reads: "To the University of Guelph, and past, present and future associates in this field." In the preface, Professor Yatsu says: "In 1976, I left for Japan without completing my lectures on weathering, which I was giving to students of geography and soil science. I gave my word in the last lecture that I would write a book on this theme and give several copies as a gift to the Library so that you might read it when you attend alumni meetings on campus." This promise has been fulfilled, and the University is indebted to Professor Yatsu, who is remembered fondly by former students and asso­ ciates, says Professor Fred Dahms, Geography. Professor Richard Lonetto, Psychology, has written a new book, The Rhythm: Being Your Best in Sport and Business. Advice in the book is based on his 12 years of work with profeSSional and amateur ath­ letes. During that time, he discovered a pattern used in sports activities that can be carried over into business life - a pattern that allows athletes to comrol tension and anxiety and per­ form at a consistently high level. Professor Lonetto's idea is that almost everyone can feel their rhythm at work when playing sports, but must learn how to plug it in while making important corporate or family decisions or when doing tasks around the home.

Professor Ron Hinch, Sociology and Anthropology, and sociologist Elizabeth Comack, University of Winnipeg, have founded Canadian Critical Criminology: A Newsletter. Two issue have been released. Financed entirely by its growing list of subscribers, the quarterly news­ letter is a place for academics to express their feelings, debate current issues, offer opinions and analyse issues and problems, says Professor Hinch. It offers a qUicker and less formal forum for interaction than a journal. Professor David Piggins, Psycho­ logy, won The Mathematical Intelli­ gencer's cartoon contest with his fractal cat drawing published in the

"Oh, he always goes a bit fractal in this weather."

summer 1988 issue. (n the world of scientists and mathematicians, a fractal is a new breed of geometric objects whose boundaries are irregular at every point. Professor Piggins' car­ toons have amused readers of many publications over the years.


By Ma rla Stewart, Public Relations and Inform ation


elJing children not to take candy from strangers is important, but it's not enough to ensure they are street­ proofed. Professor Dan Yarmey, Psychology, says rnanyparents take their children's knowledge of safety information for granted. He says they should simulate various emergency situations so their children will know how to react in a crisis. Professor Yarmey and graduate stu­ dent Susan Rosenstein , CSS '86, conducted a study of potentially dangerous situations involving more than 60 parents and their children between ages five and 12, and dis­ covered parents were not always good at predicting their children's responses. Although they were fairly accurate in predicting their children's under­ standing of who strangers were and their trust in police officers, they were not accurate in predicting their children's knowledge of telephone and address numbers or their ability to act wisely in emergency situations. The study indicated that younger

children in particular were less know­ ledgeable than their parents believed. "Parents generalJy think kids know more than they do," says Professor Yarmey, "but they haven't really prac­ tised and tested the child in situations where there might be dangers." Pro­ fessor Yarmey suggests parents instruct their children in some basic at -home streetproofing methods. For example, he says, parents should teach children how to call the operator and give them opportunities to use the telephone and understand area codes. The study also found that children between five and eight ye-drS may not fully understand that Block Parent homes arc places where they will be protected. Professor Yarmey suggests parents make a game of spotting Block Parent homes. Five-year-old children did not res­ pond well when asked what to do if they got separated from their parents while shopping in a store or mall. "It's not that the child lacks the mental capacity," says ProfessorYarmey. "It's that the child lacks mental rehearsal." Professor Yarmey advises parems to streetproof their children by teaching a skill, rehearsing it, testing it and testing it again. "Withoul giving them simulated emergencies, you're asking for trouble," he says.


Editor: Dr. Haro ld Reed,

ove '55



OVC Professors Patricia Shewen, '75, M.Sc. '79, Ph.D. '82, and Bruce Wilkie, '65, Microbiology and Immuno­ logy, have developed a vaccine to control shipping fever, a disease that costs the North American cattle indus­ try up to 8600 million a year in losses. "In the bovine world, discovering a vaccine to effectively control shipping fever is comparable to finding a way to control the common cold in humans," Dr. Shewen explains. The discovery was announced at a can1pus news conference this spring, where Frank Oberle, minister ofstate for science and technology, and Clayton Switzer, OAC '51 , Ontario's deputy minister of agriculnlre and food , were guest speakers. It took more than 10 years for Drs. Shewen and Wilkie to develop the vaccine that has proven effective in laboratory tests. Their process is now being adapted for commercial pur­ poses by Langford Inc. of Guelph, which has a licensing and technology development agreement with the ni­ versity. Langford plans to market the vaccine later this year in Canada and the U.S. after adequate data for licen­ sing of the product is completed and accepted by Agriculture Canada and the u.s. Department of Agriculture. The University has received more than $560,000 since 1977 for the vaccine research. Of this amount, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food provided 8174,000 and the federal government provided $216 ,000 through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Agriculture Canada and the Medical Research Council. Lmgford has contributed S 172,000 with sup­ port from the National Research Council's Program for Industry Labor­ atory Projects in Biotechnology. Drs. Shewen and Wilkie say tl1eir work culminates the efforts of many University researchers who have studied pneumonic pasteurellosis since it became a problem in the Canadian cattle industry. Cattle deve­ lop the disease under stressful condi-


Drs. Bruce Wilkie, ave '65 and Patricia She-wen, ave 75. tions. The bacterium that causes the pneumonia is carried naturally in the noses of all cattle. Normally, only minute amounts are released into the lungs and can be countered by "clearing cells" in the immune system. Under stress, however, the organisms' numbers increase and are taken into the lungs, where they mUltiply and impair the function of the dearing cells. In laboratory tests, Drs. Shewen and Wilkie discovered that shipping fever bacterium produces a toxin during its most active stage ofgrowth.

This impairs the clearing cells' ability to get rid of the bacterium. They grew the bacterium in a culture, monitored toxin production, then extracted the active toxin. Cau1e inoculated with minute quantities of the vaccine made from this toxin built up a significant resistance to it. "Other shipping fever vaccines failed to recognize the importance of the toxin," says Dr. Wilkie, director, An.i.mal Biotechnology Centre. "Ordin­ arily, vaccines were concocted after the toxin expired, so the inoculant didn't contain anything for the animals to build up an immunity against. In fact, studies show previously inocu­ lated anin1als becan1e worse when treated with these vaccines." Drs. Shewen and Wilkie have worked for more than two years with Dr. Charles Povey, a for mer OVC professor, now president and chief executive officer of Langford Inc. 1l1e proposed move of the vaccine into the U.S. market represents a new venture for Langford and fo r Canada, says Dr. Povey. About 80 per cent of the vaccines used in animals in this country are imported from the U.S.


A promising artificial reproduction

technique has led to the UniverSity'S first test-tube calf. /. v. , a 92-pound (41.7-kilogram) Holstein, was born this spring from a bovine egg matured and fertilized in a test tube. Other researchers have developed calves "in vitro" (outside the body) from mature eggs. Bur Dr. Robert Stubbings, OVC '76, M.Sc. '84, and a doctoral student in Biomedical SCiences, is the first in Canada to develop a calf from an egg that was both matured and fertilized in a test tube. "/. v.'s uncomplicated birth is a leap forward for embryo transfer technOlogy," he says. Dr. Stubbings explains the impor­ tance of I v.'s birth to agriculture is

two-fold. First, the huge supply of slaughterhouse cow ovaries offers an economic and readily available source of eggs for embryos. This can help in establishing cattle and dairy herds for developing countries. Second, the technology has the potential to become an integral part of other cattle-breeding strategies, including animal cloning and gene injection, which is most successful when con­ ducted at this e arly stage of development. Support for Dr. Stubbings' research, under the supervision of Professor PK Basrur, was provided largely by the University's research excellence fund , the Canadian Association of AnimaJ Breeders, and United Breeders of Guelph.



T he Canadian Figure Skating Asso­ ciation can rightfully be proud of its skaters' performances at the Winter Olympics in Calgary this year, says Dr. Suzanne Morrow Francis, OVC '57. "It was one of Canada's best years ever (in this sport)," she adds. She should know. She witnessed the performances as an official judge in the pairs event and as a former Olympic skating champion herself. Suzie began skating when she was nine years old to strengthen an injured leg. By the time she was 10 her potential talent was evident and her sports-minded parents, although not wealthy, made sure she got the best training possible. In those days, training was done in private clubs and the Toronto Skating Club was one of the main centres for deve­ lopment. It was there Suzie teamed up with Wally Distelmeyer at age 15. Although she had won junior skating chan1pionships before, she and Wally

really began to collect medals. First they received gold medals at the Canadian and North American pairs championships and in 1948 they won bronze medals at both the Olympics and World Championships. Theywere also Canadian Ice Dance Champions in 1948. In 1949, 1950 and 1951, Suzie won the Canadian Ladies' Chanlpionship, making her the onlywoman to date in Canadian figure skating to have been national champion in all three dis­ ciplines (singles, pairs and dance). From 1950 to 1952, she was ranked fourth in the world in ladies' figure skating. Then she hung up her skates to attend OVe. "I had wanted to be a veterinarian from the time I was nine years old. Skating just put that (ambi­ tion) on hold for awhile." Today, Suzie runs her own small animal practice in Srantford. She is a published veterinarian and was the



first woman to obtain a licence to practise at Canadian race tracks. Despite her busy career, Suzie still participates in the sport of figure sk.'lting as a judge. For the past 35 years, she has worked as a builder of the sport through the Canadian Figure Skating Association. She is considered one of the top international judges and referees for the singles pairs and dancing disciplines. She has trained other judges and travelled the world giving seminars on judging. This year, Suzie judged pairs at both the World Championships and the Winter Olympics. Her role was highlighted at the Olympics as the judges' oath taker in the opening ceremony and as a past Olympic medalist participating in the closing ceremony. On April 23, she was in­ ducted into the Canadian Amateur Sports Hall of Fame as an athlete and builder - a fitting tribute for her years of dedication to a sport she loves and cares about


Dr. David Waltner-Toews, Popu­ lation Medicine, recently published his fourth collection of poetry. EndangeredSpecies ( Turnstone Press, 1988 ) examines the human animal in a state of siege, from technology out of control to friendships and the natural process of aging. Born in Winnipeg, David has lived in many communities across Canada and the U.S. and has travelled exten­ sively in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. He earned a SA. (English Liter­ ature) from Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana; and a DVM. (with distinc­ tion ) from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. He received his Ph.D. from OVC in 1985, with epidemiology, preventive medicine and biostatistics as his areas of expertise. Because his parents came to Canada from Russia in the 1920s, David says many themes in his writing deal with adjustments made by first and second

generation inunigrants to this country. One of his better-known poems exa­ mines the process of assimilation through a Mennonite farm woman's lament for her son who has run off to the big city. Although he tends to use animal images, his subjects arc mostly human. David has had poetry and fiction published in many magaZines in Canada, anthoLogized in Canada,the U.S., Great Britain and East Germany, performed over the radio and adapted for stage in Canada. He also wrote a column on animal care and diseases for Han'oU/smith magaZine for two years and has had many papers pub­ lished in refereed and non-refereed journals. Presently, he has several works of fiction , including a murder mystery, aWaiting publication. His previous books of poetry are entitled Good Housekeeping (1983), The t:arth Is One Body ( 1979) and Tbat Inescapable Animal (1974 ) . The

Dr. David Waltner-Toews,


PbD. '85 latter two arc out of print blll many of the poems, especiaUy from Good Housekeeping, have been re-printed in the book, Three Mennonite Poets (Good Books, 1986). David says he writes in "fits and starts" in the evenings, on weekends and vacations - whenever he can work it into his busy schedule as professor, husband and father of two children, 9 and 11 .





FuU accreditation was restored to

ove in April, "lifting a cloud" on the reputation of North America's oldest veterinary school. "It puts us back into our rightful spot under the sun," says associate dean Alan Meek, ove '7 1, M.Sc. '74. "It's a reconfumation of faith in our programs." 'The American Veterinary Medical Association suspended full accredi­ tation in 1983 after finding some deficiencies in staffing and resources. Limited accreditation still meant that ove met or exceeded most of the minimal requirements for a satisfac­ tory program in veterinary medicine, but it was a disappointment to the College which is the alma mater to 60 per cent of Canada's veterinarians. Over the last five years, OVC has worked with both federal and provin­ cial goverrunents to upgrade facilities. TIle Sl3.5-miUion addition to the VeterinaryTead1ing Hospital and large animal areas, opened last June, was funded by equal grants from Agri­ culture Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Operating funds have also increased.

Concerns regarding facultyI student ratio were addressed by a reduction in undergraduate enrolments and an increase in faculty numbers made possible by faculty grants from the Ontario Ministry of CoUeges and Universities. OVC has a current enrolment of 4 20 wldergraduates in the doctor of veterinary medicine progranl and 120 graduate students, with a faculty complement of 120. Dean Ole Nielsen, OVC '56, says "we're not stopping here. There is still progress that needs to be made to allow the kind of stand'lfds and programs that we aspire to." The ongoing redevelopment plan includes renovations to the teaching hospital and the proposed OVC learning centre, a project of The Campaign. When completed, the $3­ million centre will become a focal point for undergraduate teaching in the College and will foster continuing education for practising veterinarians. Dr. Meek says the recovery of full accredilation status is also important to College alumni,as a reconfirmation to faith in their alma mater and in the reputation of its degree program.

, - - - ------- - - -- ------------,





t's traditional that OVC's graduating dass make a contri­ bution to the College, hut the Class of '88 has outdone itself with more than 72 per cent of its members pledging to support the le<lfning centre project in 'The Campaign over the next five years. '.l11eir total commit­ ment of $22,000 is the largest donation ever made by a gradu­ ating class. Class presidentJohn Harding says the class ran its own awareness campaign, with volW1­ reers contacting their classmates personally to discuss the project and ask for a donation. "The University has invested a lot of money in us," says John, "and this isane way we can give something back. Besides, the antiquated lecture halls at OVC are in poor condition and the learning centre project is the best way to improve them." ....


OVC Conference


V cterinarians in unusual practice roles were featured at the first Careers

Night ever held for avc students in March. Sponsored by the OVC Alumni Association and the students them­ selves, the event was organized by Dr. Brian Buckrell, '68, ancl student Chris O'Callaghan. More students than ever are inter­ ested in specialized careers in veterinary medicine and the evening gave them an opportunity to speak to 16 veterinarians with unique jobs. They were:Dr. Lowell Ackerman, '82, Dermatology;Dr. Brian Brandenburg, '68, M.Sc. '71, president and chief operating officer, Guelph Inter­ national Development Consultants;


Allan DeRoo, M.B.A., associate pro­ fessor, Agricultural Economics and Business, OAC; Dr. Paul Doig, '66, M,Sc. '70, Syntex Agribusiness; Dr. Randy Grahanl, '74, TUCO; Dr. Greg Hawkins, '82, Langford Inc.; Dr. Kathy Hunt, '81 , and Dr. Steve Jacobs, '79, locum practice; Dr. Brent Matthew, '84, MBA, medical director, Veterinary Teaching Hospital; Dr . J o hn McDemlott, '81 , Population Medicine; Dr. Allan Norris, '77, Imernal Medi­ cine; Dr. Beverly Poitras, '80, Warner Lambert Co.; Dr. Robin Rosco, '85, Exotic Animals; Dr. Nonie Smart, '84, locum practice; and Dr. David Waltner -Toews, Ph.D. '85 and Dr. Murray Woodbury, Population Medicine.

October ·14 and 15 • continuing education sess'ibns • wet labs • m usical revue • Schofield Memorial Lectwe " Wilc(life Diseases:


So What and



Who Carest' Dr. Thomas Yuill • luncheons, drnners • student/ faculty awards banquet For furt her information, contact Dr. Ron Dow ney, {5 19) 824- 4 T20, Ext. 441 1 or 4413. ,.


Prior to this, she was director of public rclations for the ationa! Ballet School of Canada.


Debbie Browning, '78, is a drama teach e r , Peel Board of Education , Wallaceburg.

Lyn (Ebanks) Pedley, '78, is program

Judith Cameron, '75 , is a librarian , Department ofNational Defence, Ottawa.

Deborah Walker, '79, is assignment editor, CHCH TV, Hamilton. She started in ["ailio, working in Woodstock, Brantford, London and lIarnilton, then switched to TV in 1983 as field producer for Tom Cherington's talk show. She has worked on documentaries and as a gen eral asSignment reporter.

Beth Rankin-Crowley, '77, is a financial consultant, E.F. Hutton, New York, NY Lou Fedorkow MacPhail, '80, OAC '81 ( ODH ), is execU[ive assistant to the Ontario Potato Growers and the Fresh Potato Growers' Marketing Boards. Jacques Fortier, '74 , is clerk of the court, Government of the Northwest Territories, Iqaluit. Katherine Hoimes, '77, became senior manager, Marketing and Public Relations, at Ontario Place, Toronto, in March after five years as director of communications at the Shaw festival , Niagara·on-the-Lake.

co·ordinator, Teaching Assistants Pro­ gram, Temple UniverSity, Philadelphia.


Rick Aldridge, '72, is vice-preSident, Manufacturing, Trans Continental Printing Inc.,Ville Saint-Laurent, Que.

Michael Boucher, '77, is oral contra­ ceprive product manager, Ortho Phar­ maceutical ( Canada ) Ltd., Don Mills.

Edina Burns, '84, M.Sc. '87, is senior lab technician, Department of EntomOlogy, Cook College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Dr. carol-Ann Courneya, '80, is teaching and doing post doctoral research at Baker Institute, Prahran, Sta te of Victoria, Australia. She received her Ph.D. (Philo­ sophy), University of British Columbia in 1987. Robert and Debt (Irwin) Foster, '80 and '79, have two sons, Christopher ( CJ ) and Jonathan. They live in Cold Lake, Alta., where Rob works with Esso. They write: "Cold Lake is a nice little community with lots of wildlife in close range. TIle waterfowl are especially numerous and we spend a lot of time trying to canoe with binoculars to our eyes - not an eOb)' task, especially if OUf two-year-old is with usr"

Chris Glenn, '80, is aquatic leadership development co-ordinator, Department of Parks and Recreation , Toromo.


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MlI1lSlry 01 Skills Developmen AlVin Curl' ng Onlano Min iS er


Rosemary Hartley, '83, assistant to a biology specialist, Ministry of Natural Resources, Dorset, is married to Richard Salmon, '87.

September 16 OAC Alumni Golf Tournam ent

September 23-25 Homecom ing

Mark Jackson, '78, M.Sc. '81, is a nutri· tionist, Heartland Lysine, Chicago. Chuck Lawrence, '81 , is a hospital sales representative, CIBA·Geigy Pharmaceut­ icals, MissiSS<lUga.

October 4 Studen t Alumni Association Ice Cream Eating ontest

October 5 OAC '83 Class Reunion

October 7 Fall

Rod McDonald, '73, works at the Sca Lamprey Control Centre, Sault Ste. Marie. Karen McIntyre, '84 , M.Sc. '87, is a research assistant, New Zealand Dairy Research Insti tute, Palmerston.


October 20-21 anadian Gree nhouse Conference

October 25-28 Internationa l Techn ology Conference

November 11-20 Roya l Agri cultural Win ter Fair

Karen Oddie, '83, is a research assistant, School of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. John Papp, '86, a researcher, Veterinary Microhiology and Immunology, OVC, received the Dr. J Sberman MemoriaJ Travel Prize to attend the American Society of Microbiology meeting in Miami, Fla. in May. He presented a paper entitled, Tbe Sceptor System for Identification of Bacteria Of VeterirUlry Origin. Valerie Pulkys, '81 , is a speech language pathologist, Huntsville District Memorial Hospital. Les Sztramko, '73, a fisheries biologist, Ministry of Natural Resources, Simcoe, is married to Jennlfer Moore, fACS '73. Duane Vincent, '82, is a social worker, Kelowna General Hospital, Kelowna, B.C.


Celebrations Begin in January See your next issue of Guelph Alumnus for details.


·· NEWSLETTERS ARE AVAILABLE ·' .For your copy, contact: l aurie Malleau, i House University of Gwelph, Guelph, Ontario N 1G 2Wl . . .(5 19) 824-4120, Ext. 2] 02


Albert Kwok, '86, is a systems anal~1, Pavement Management System Ltd., Cambridge. David Legg, '80, a software scientist, MPDI, is married to Louise Berry, CBS '80, a programmer/analyst, Silicon Systems. TI1ey live in Huntington Beach, Ca. Dr. Su -Loog Nyeo, '82, M.Sc. '84, Ph.D. '86, has been awarded a research !CHow­ ship by the Alexander von HumbOldt Foundation, Bonn, West Germany. He has been at the State University of New York, Stonybrook, since It:aving Guelph . He begins his new position in May 1989 at the niversity of Hamburg. Ban Sing Soo, '85, is manager, MTC Microcomputer Training Centre, Bidor, Malaysia.

Lorraine (Pieck) Tawfik, '80, and her husband, Dr. Hazem Tawfik, are the proud parents of their first child, Julian , born Jan . 27, 1988. Lorraine has returned to teaching in the Mathematics Department, State University ofNew York, Farmingdale, long Island . Hazem teaches in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department at the same university. Diane (Mitchell) Nishri, M.Sc. '87, is a health information analyst, Department of Public Health, Toronto. Dr. Thomas Racey, M.Sc. '76, Ph.D. '82, is an associate professor, Physics Depart­ ment, Royal Military College, Kingston. RobertW. Reed, '85, M.Sc. '88, is enrolled in a doctorate program, Department of Chemistry, University of Edmonton. Vicki (lsotamm) Ricci, '82, preSident, Isotamm Consult ing, is married to Claudio Ricci, Arts '82. Heather Tomalty, '82, is project leader, Bank of Bermuda ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda.

CSS Laura Allison, '87, married Terry McDonald, CBS '85, CSS '87, an OMAF lab technician, on May 28. They live in Guelph. Dr. David Burnie, '75, is a professor, Western Michigan niversity, Kalamazoo. catherine cameron, '76, is a psycho­ logical assistant and trainer, Defreese, North & Associates, Inc. , Birmingham, Alabama. Mike cassidy, '76, principal, Sagonaska Demonstration School, Belleville, is married to Madeleine Dowling, '80, part- time Bank of Montreal teller and part -lime pre-SChool special needs worker. They live in Tweed. Karen cathcart, '80, is underwriting manager, Canadian Livestock Insurance, Toronto. Angela Crabtree, '84, is a social worker, Government of Alberta, Fort McMu.rrdY. Margaret Crosskill, '72, is a probation and parole officer, Collingwood. Michael Davy, '79, deputy clerk, Town of Georgina, is married to Shelley Fontaine, FACS '79, a family studies high schoo l teacher , Durham Board of Education.

Tom Hedican, '82, is business editor,

keting research analyst, Hallmark Cards Willowdalc.

London F1"ee Press.

Canad~I ,

BillJennings, '75, is controller, Soumam Newspaper Group, Toronto.

Carol Wiboury, '83 ( HAFA), is a sales representative, Glasshouse Marketing, Toronto, a new foodservice resource group servicing traditional retail clients in the food.~ervice industry.

Valene (VareY)Jones, '85 , is seconded from the WelllilgLOn Separate School Board, Guelph, as co-ordinator, Special Needs Education, Baffin Division Board of Education, Iqaluit, .W.T. Briar Harley Maynard, '82 , received a BA in English Literature, Brock Unjversity in 1985 and her MA in English Uter'dture in 1987. She is an archivist, Ongwanada Hospital, Kingston. She married Stephen Maynard in Aug. ] 987 at Beaverdams, Onto He is working on his Ph.D. in English Literature, Queen's University. Pensa Roleas, '87, is senior lecturer, Administrative College of Papua, New Guinea. Cidalia Soares, '87, is a residential care officer, Department of Social Services, Paget, Bermuda. Steve Thompson, M.A. '79, director general, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, is married LO Jill Sellwood, OAC '78. Michael Westhead, '84, and his wife Janet ( Vogelsang ) , are pleased to announce me arriV".t.I of meir firs t child, Angela Danielle, bom March 6, 1988. They live in Raleigh, N. C. where Michael works as a surveyor for Rive rs and Associates.

Karen (Wardley) Gray, '7'>, is head, Grain Marketing nit, Agriculrure Divi­ sion, Statistics Canada, Winnipeg. Ellen (Macdonald) Hall, '600, is part owner of two Cotton Ginny retail stores, London. Judy Halladay, '81 , M.Sc. '87, is zone nutrition ist, Medical Services Branch, Health and Welfare canada, TIlompson, Man.

tion Branch, Tunney's Pasture. Lyon McLeod, '6ID, received her B.Ed., Queen's University and has been teaching food services for the North York Board of Education, Scarborough, for 10 years.

Guelph Annua l Giving Melody Phippen, '86, is a teacher, Black I.ake Band School, Black Lake, Sask. Michele Ramsden, '85 , is an admissions representative, Canadian Travel School Corporation, Toronto.

Siet Yuen Tye, '82, is marketing manager, Visam Inc., New York, NY

Debbie-Ann Davis, '80, is senior mar­

Remember Your

Alma Mater

Ellen (VandenBygaart) Lakusiak, '82,

Ellen (Synnes) Allen, '82 ( I1AFA ), is sales manager, Hotel Plaza Amenee, New York, NY.

Jane (McCormick) Couer, '80, a family studies teacher, Wellington County Board of Education, is married to Raymond CoUer, CSS '78.

VA NTAGE PRESS, DEPT. DA-89 51 6 W. 34th St.. Ne w York,N Y 10001

M.Sc. '87, is a nutritionist, Health Protec­

Jody Triano, '82, department head, Family Studies, Port Col borne High School, is married to Tom Hesllp, CSS '81.

Brian Cook, '83 ( l1AFA ), a chartered accountant, Coopers & Lyhrand, Hamilton, Bermuda, is married to Maureen Turner, '83.

A well-kn ow n New York subsidy book publ isher i, search ing for man uscripts worthy of publication. Fiction, non-ficti on. poet ry, ju venil es, trav e l, sc ien tifi c , specia lized and even controversial subjec ts wil l be considered. If yo u have a book-length manu sc ri pt ready for publica tion (o r 3re still working on it), and wou ld lik e more information and a free book let, pl ease write:

Janine Jones, '82, is a case manager, MinislryofCommunityand Social Services, Port Sydney.


Lynne (Lichty) Brogden, '64, ofSarnia, is a member of Visual Arts Ontario. Her drawings and sculptures have been in­ cluded in a nu mber of juried shows. Her work is shown under her middle name, Kenneith. She received the purchase award at Lynnwood Arts Centre, Sinlcoe.



Why not get the old gang together again?

Donna (Browne) Washburn, '63 , is a teaching master, St. Lawrence College, Brockville . Barbara (Rosser) Weatherall, '54 , is a minjster , St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Kitchener.

Debora Windover Hill, '74, is depart­ ment adm inistrator, Tourism and Hospitality, Sir Sandford Fleming College, Peterborough.

Book now for a reun ion of your former c lassmates, roommates, cl ubmates, teammates . . . at Al umni Weekend '89, June 16, 17, 18 or Homecoming Week­ end '89, September 29, 30, Oct. 1

Judith Zaichkowsky, M.Sc. '77, is assis· tant professor, Faculty of BUSiness, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.

To make arrangements, phone the Alumni Office, (519) 824­ 41 20, Ext. 2102.

Cathy Wilhelm, '84 , is product deve­ lopment technologist, Universal Flavors -Canada, Rexdale.


It is Better to Give Than Receive



For injonnation, contact: Donald L. Stephenson Planned Giving Officer Alumni Affairs & Development niversiry of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 (519) 824-4120, ext. 6498

The OTS Fraternity presents its annual Delta Symposium

Nancy Brown-Andison, '79, is senior

consultant, Agriculture and Food Scrvices, Price Waterhouse, Kitchener. Keith D'Eall, '78, is a minister, Varsity Bible Church, Calgary. Peter Ferket, '81 , is assistant professor, Poultry Science Department, North Carolina State niversity, Raleigh. Dr. Rohh Gowe, '45 , is director of research, Shaver Poultry Breeding Farms Limited, Cambridge. For the previous 21 years, he wa') director of the Animal Research Centre, Ottawa. Gord Hastie, '86, is research assistant, H.J. Heinz Company of Canada Ltd., Leamington.

"Pra rice Managem ent and th e Law" November 5

Enamul Haque, M.Sc. '87, is a lecturer, Agricultural Economics, University of Chinagong, Bangladesh.

For further information, contact Martha Leibbrandt,

Clair Heinhuch, '74 , is national sales manager, responsible for sales and mar­ keting ofChemagro Umited's crop protec­ tion product line. He and his wife have three children and live in Arkell.

(5 19) 824-4 120, Ext. 4414.



Research·Centre ... at the University officially opened May 17 with a ceremony at the new fucilities at the comer of McGilvr'd}' street and Smith lane .. Ontario Premier David Peterson arrived by ho~-drawn carriage to cut ·the ribbon. The Centre; the only' one of its kind in Canada, provides · .state-of-the~art research facilities

and brings together experts and . . .professionals to snidy . major ... factors that affettequioe health.

.Its first project, begun i.n

November 1987, is.afield luvey of respiratory disease outbreaks ... · jriOntario horses. . The Centre is a co-operative· effort · involVing the Ontario MinistcyofAgriculture and Food, · the Univer'ity, the Ontario . Racipg Commission and the ' 'horse industry' at large. Centre · director is Dr. RllSS Willoughby, . . OVe'57:



Hank Hunse, '84, his wife Joanne and two daughters, recently returned to Canada after three years as mission workers in Haiti. Hank served as a diaconal developer with the Christian Refonned World Relief Comminee. He is now growing fruit on the famil farm at iagara-on-the Lake. Dr. Steven Ikurior, M.Sc. '77, earned his Ph.D. in Animal Science (Non-ruminant Nutrition), niversity of Tbadan, igeria and is a senior lecturer, Animal Production, niversity of Agriculture, Makurdi , Benue

State, igeria. Lynda (Magahay) Kemp, '84, senior crops analyst, potatoes, AgricuLture Divi­

sion, Statistics Canada, Tunney's Pasture, is married to David Kemp, '83. Stephen MacMackin, '83, is preSident,

Brenan's Funeral Home, Saint John, N.B.

Anna Majury, '83, OVC '87, a graduate student, Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, OVC, received the Don Ingram Travel Fellowship to the University of California, San Diego, to work for a week in February with Dr.Susan Swdin in cancer immunology.

Philip McEwen, '78, M.Sc. '84, head, livestOck Section, CentraLia College, Jluron Park, is married to Eileen Rose, '84. Ian Mclaurin, '75 ( Eng), has moved from Winnipeg to Ottawa where he is bead , data control section, Water Re­ sources Branch, Environment Canada. Brian Orshlnsky, M.Sc. '83, is a research biotechnologist, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, Saskatoon. Charles Regele, '82A, worked on a dairy farm in Australia with the Intemation Exchange Association for six months after gr'dduation. He and his wife Carol Anne now operate a 1~O-ac re dairy, pork and beef farm near Dublin, Ont. Their first child, Brian, was born in June 1987. Harold Rudy, '71, is program manager, Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Asso­ ciation, overseeing and directing the management and operations of the Land Stewardship Program throughout Ontario. Most recently he administered OMAF's Ontario Soil Conservation and Environmental Protection Assistance Program. Dr. Sergio Serrano, M.Sc. '82 ( Eng), is a'iSistant professor, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Richard Staughton, '77A, is landscape planner and course superintendent, ColOniaL Charters, a private golf and country club and residential community, North Myrtle Beach, S.c. He is also the proud father of Ashley Nicole, born June 28, 1987. Gordon Stitt, '74 , purchased a retail florist shop and greenhouses in Meaford in Oct. 1987. He and his wife Margaret are the proud parents of Laurd, born Aug. 30, 1987. Brenda Theyers, '77, is office manager, National Audubon Society, Alash Regional Office, Anchorage.

W.O. (Bill) Thomson, '50, retired from MSD AGVET Division of Merck Frosst in June after 36 years. He lives near Bath. Richard Toman, '78, is controller, Dole •Fresh Fruit, Bakersfield, Ca Marinus Van Dijk, '77, M.Sc. '80, is vice­ preSident, Agristudies/Canwest, Toronto. Fred Wasson, '22, turns 95 this month. He and his wife, married in 1925, live in Kelowna, B.c. Happy birthday Fred!

David Whittington, '72, is d1e first recipient of the Ontario Cattleman oj the Year Award. He and his wife Cora (Van Raay), FACS '72 , operate Oacor Farm in Peterborough County.

and herd health specialist for Western Ontario Breeders, Woodstock. Dr. Paula-Marie Kingston-Mather, '87, owns and operates Miramicru Animal Hospital, Newcastle, N.B.

Lome Widmer, M.Sc. '87, policy advisor, Ontario Ministry of Treasury and Econo­ mics, Toronto, is married to Indira Ganaselall, '86A.

Dr. Paul Manley, '74 , is assistant pro· fessor, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison.


Dr. Reuben Mapletoft, '67, is a pr fcssor, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.

Dr. Desiree Chen, '85, practises at Hamilton Emergency Clinic, Hamilton. Dr.John Findley, '47, is general manager, Madawaska Farms, Arnprior. Dr. Helene Girard, M.Sc. '87, is a veter· inary inspector, Agric ulture Canada, Montreal. Dr. Jack Hansen, '79, is practising at Algoma Park Animal Clinic, llmnder Bay. Dr. Brian Hill, '80, is an cmbryo transfer

Dr. Byrnne Rothwell, '64, is veterinarian in charge , Canada Packers Pou ltry, Saskatoon. Dr. James Stowe, '69, bec ame co­ ordinator, Professiona l Affairs and Extension, OVC,June 1. Prior to this, he was a consultant for Animed Inc., Animed Computer Systems and Advanced Veter­ inary Systems Corporation. Dr. George Summers, '62, is head, Meat Hygiene Branch, Government of Alberta, Edmonton.

Drs. Jim Stowe, Chelyl Yuill Dr. Cheryl Yuill, '85, is the 1988l£ljo ret Fellowshipwinner.lhe $14,500 feUowship was establi hed from the estate of Alma and Raymond Laforet, OVC '51 , for OVC graduate students. It is based on academic performance and financial need. Dr. Yuill returncd to OVC in 1986 to study for a Master'S degree part-time while con­ tinuing to practise. She is now studying cardiology in small animals fuU-time under supervisor, Dr. Michael O'Grddy, OVC '76, Clinical tudies. She will pursue her Ph .D., investigating intravascular macro­ phages in sh ep lungs under the super­ vision of Dr. Onkar S. Atwal , Biomedical Sciences.


ARTS William Scott Nelles, '84, Guelph, died May 15, 1988. He is survived by his wife Elizabed1, parents Robert and MarjOrie, and two children.

CBS Katherine E. Long, '85, an OVC srudem, epean, Ont., died in Dec. 1987.

CSS William P. Barclay, '73, died March 10, 1988. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Barclay, Guelph.

MAC-FACS Jo Anne (Selman) Carter, '76, ,amia, died April 17, 1988, at Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto at age 34. She had been a teacher fo r the Lambto n Board of Edu­ cation for 10 years. She is survived by her

husband James, parents Bruce and Helen Selman, and two children.

survived by her husband Jack and five childre n.

JoanL. (Cameron)Courtrice, '55, Port Moody, B.c., died March 11 , 1988. She is survived bv her husband Dr. David Courtrice, ·ovc '56, and two sons.


Dorothy E. (Coatsworth) Dewar, '250, OakviUe, Ont. , died May 14,1988. She is survived by her son John.

William C. (Scotty) Allan, '3 1A, '33 & '34, MSA '53, Guelph, died May 13, 1988. He was a retired professor, University of Guelph. He is survived by his wife, Winifred and one daughter.

Margaret A. (Wray) Lewis, '350, Montreal, died Aug. 4, 1987. Evelyn A. (Cheney) Potter, ' 310, Toronto, died in Aug. 1987. She is survi ed by her husband Bert. Maud E. (Bell) Riddell, '330, Toronto, died Feb. 26, ] 988. She is survived by two children. Laura (Soden) Shimer, '220, London, died Oct. 31 , 1987. She is survived hy he r husband Howard and a son. Elizabeth (Betty) O. (McCoubrey) Usatis, '400, Islington, Ont., died May 16, 1988. She is survived by her husband Bill and two so ns. Dorothy E. (Mitchell) Virtue, '400, Hamilton, died Feb. 28, J988. She is

Arthur R. Appleton, '50, Toronto, died April 22, 1988. He served with the RCAF du ring the Second World War, volunteered fo r du ty in the Far East and spent four years in a prison camp in Sumatra. He was an agricultural expert wi th DuPont Canada Inc., To ro nto and in 1977, founded the Appleton Boys' School at iagara·on-the. Lake (now closed). Jt was Ontario's first private school for boys with learning disabiljties and was in memory of his son, Robert, a dyslexic who died in a car crash at age 18. He is survived by his wife Mary and her two sons, and his brother, John, '35. Royden G. Boyd, '36, Toronto, died April 2 I, 1988. He served in the RCAF in the Second World War. He had worked as a teacher, a writer with the Peterborough Extlminer and a real state salesman.


Harold W. Buck, '50, St. Thomas, Ont., died Dec. 20, 1987. He is survived by his wife Margaret. Daniel F. cameron, '33, Kars, Ont. , died Feb. 11, 1988. He is survived by his son, Dr. AJ. Nick Cameron, OVC '66. Roy E. Class, '43, Kemptville, Ont. , died May 14, 1988. He was reti red as a teacher at KemptviUe School of Agricultural Technology. He is survived by his wife Alexena and two children. George S. EUiot, '33A, Blenheim. Ont., died April 30, 1988. He was the retired vice-president, British Leaf Tobacco Co. He is survived by his wife Peggy and four children. Clarke H . Gilbert, '21A, Brantford, Ont., died Oct. 29, 1987. Frederick R. Graesser, '34, Islington, Ont., died March 21, 1988. Retired as a research chemist from Canadian Brew­ eries, he developed the continuous malting process and wrote many scientific papers on brewing and malting. One of his papers on brewing technology won the 1964 Schwarts Award fro m the Master Brewers Association ofAmerica. Following retirement, he went to South America to advise breweries on the design and inSl<lllation of laboratories to establish Colombia's malting industry. He is survived by his wife ora and three children. RJ. Oesse)Jennings, '24A, Guelph, died April 8, 1988. He is suIVived by his daughter, Berry Dadd. Richard HJ. Johnston, '63A, Guelph, died March 25 , 1988 in a car accident near Kitchener at age 47. He was a technician, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, OVe. He is survived by his wife Catherine, one daughter, his parents, Garnet)ohnston, '49, and ElsieJohnston, and three brothers. Eva (Frankel) Kassirer, '44, Ottawa, died April 30, 1988. She was a medical sociologist, Department of 'ationa! Health and Wefface. he is survived by her husband Archie, mother illy and three children. Stanley C. Walker, '38, Auror"" Oor., died May 8, 1988. He was retired from Collis Leather Company Ltd_He is survived by his wife Clare Tory and four children. Leslie O. Weaver, '33 & '34, C Liege Park, Md., died Sept. 29, 1987 He was a professor emerinlS, Universiry of Maryland, College Park, Md. He is survived by his daughter, Joan Patterson_



Frances Maud (Axworthy) Jones, Toronto, died May 6, 1988. She is suIVived by her husband Dr. Trevor Uoyd.Jooes, OVC '34, a former dean of OVe. Fred Kramp, BowmanviLle, Ont. , died March 16, 1988. He is survived by his wife Freda and three children. Kenric Marshall, Toronto, died March 6, 1988 at 72. He received an honorary LLD degree from Guelph in 1982. He was a member of the Order of Canada in recognition of his services as national director of CANSAVE and for his work with other public service agencies, including the YMCA. He was recreation director for the Ciry of Guelph from 1950 to 1955. He is survived by his wife,

Barbara Howe (Stewart ), twin daughters and two stepsons. Dorothy H. (Walsh) McMillan, Guelph, died March 4, 1988. She is suIVived by two children , Mike, vice-chair, ni ­ versity ofGuelph Board of Governors, and Norma_ G.B. Milling, tormer member, Board of Governors, died Nov. 22, 1987. Qaudia M. Reed, President'S Council member, Ancaster, Ont., died April 20, 1988. Sht: is ~urvived by her son-in-law, John Gartshore, OAC '37 and grmd­ daughter, Mary (Gartshore) Dyer, CBS '73 LellaM. (Howard) Ridley, Rt:gina, Sask., died May 6, 1988. She was predeceased by her husband). Ed Ridley, OAC '27. She is survived by two children, Arthur, and L. Dorell (Ridley) Taylor, friend of OAC '27.



Retired Professor Frederick T. Hung, internationally-known

scholar and founding chair of Guelph's Department of Geo­ graphy, died AprilS , 1988 in Guelph at 82. A graduate of the Sorbonnc and the niversity of Lyons, Professor Hung was a former chair of the geography depart­ ment, University of Winnipeg. His many publications, in ­ cl uding articles in [he Encyclopedia Britannica, con­ tributed to international scho­ larship . He was also an internationally-recognized expert on tea. His research accomplishments were acknowledged by several Canada Council awards and invitations to lecture at Yale and Oxford universities. He also served as an external examiner for Nanyang University and the University of Hong Kong. He was active in community affairs, founding the Wellington Men's Club and organizing Chinese-Canadian cultural asso-

The late Dr. Frederick T Hung

ciati ns in Guelph and Winnipeg. He was also a member of the University's President's Council. He is survived by his wife Mabel and three children. A Professor Frederick Hung Memoliai Entrance Scholarship fund has been established by his family and friends for under­ graduate student majoring in geography. Donations may be sent to the Department of A1wnniAffitirs and Development.


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