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'. :~GUELPH _ .
May 1990
On the cover: Goslings aren't the only thing to hatch on campus this spring. This issue of the Guelph A lum nus presents some new ly hatched ideas about how to p rovi de be tter service to alumni. Th e family of Canada geese wa s photographed in The Arboretum by Norman Lightfoot.
The goose that found the golden egg It's not unusual to see geese anyw here in southern Ontario, thanks to a highly successful restocking program . Yet, there are some who question the w isdom of mixing w ildlife w ith urban life.
Understanding police and police work Whe n being a police officer becomes a way of life as well as a job, it places severe stress on both officer and fam ily. A U of G psyc hologist attempts to increase our understanding of police work.
The travelling bug
Let 's look at where we like to travel and what we like to do on our vaca tions.
Comments We're introducing a new feat ure in the Guelph Alumnus, a page devoted to alumni opinions that will g ive o ur readers a cha nce to hear from each other.
Vol. 23, No.2 Editor Mary Dickieson Executive Editor Sa ndra Webster, CSS '75 Contributors Margaret Boyd, Barbara Chance, CSS '74, Linda Georges , Dorothy Hadfield, Christopher Holloway, CSS '81 , Norman Lightfoot, Alvin Ng, Herb Rauscher, Owen Roberts, David Thomas, Debbie Wilson, Arts '77 ISSN 0830-3630. Guelph Alum nus
Editorial AdviSOry Board Rosemary Clark , Mac '59, Chair; Richard Buck, OAC '76A; Dr. Denis Lynn, CBS '69; Agnes Van Haeren, CSS '86; Karen Mantel , Arts '83; Carolyn Moore, FACS '84; Dr. Harold Reed, OVC '55; Susan Saganski, HAFA '86; Bob Winkel, CPS '60 The GuelphAlumnus is published in May, September and January by the University of Gue lph College Press. For circulation anel advertising inquiries, contact the Ed itor, Creative Services, University of Guelph, Gue lph, Ontario N1G 2W1, 519-824-4120, Ext. 8706.
Letters to the editor
I just received and read with delight the winter issue of the Guelph Alumnus. Of particular interest to me was U of G's receiving the fossil col lection from Dr. Herbert Axelrod. Learning would have been a lot more interesting had we had a collection of such magnitude to ponder over when I attended the University. Reading some of the comments and seeing the photos of such people as Eugene Balon, David Noakes and Bill Beamish brought back many fond memories of my U of G days. Many a time I reflect on those days and on the impact they have had on my life. To give Axelrod anything but the highest praise would be less than satisfactory. This donation is some thing we should all be proud of. As we get older, our quest for knowledge should never depreciate. I only wish that I could be invited to see this collection.
George Petrie, CBS '75 Tweed,Ont. As a regular reader of the Guelph Alumnus, I would like to thank you and your staff for putting out a good quality magazine. A few months ago, I was in Guelph for a short visit and noticed the new alumni building. As an alumnus of the University, I'm happy to see that we are not a forgotten group and that we are in formed about some of the latest developments back in Guelph. That way I will not feel a complete stranger if I return to Guelph again in a few years.
Rene van der Meijden, CSS '87 P.O. Box 319 Velp, The Netherlands It gives me great pleasure to con gratulate you on your first production of the Guelph Alumnus. I read it from cover to cover without putting it down' Of particular interest to me was the article on JK. "Spike" Galbraith and the story by Tom Jukes in "Letters to the Editor." Both were members of the Class of '30. After graduation, they were contemporaries at the Univer sity of California and received prominence in their respective fields. 4
I'm sure that the survivors of OAC '30 are proud of both of them. Total enrolment at OAC, OVC and MacDonald Institute did not exceed 650 in 1926. This is mighty small when compared to the present day. There were at least three events additional to those described by Jukes that, in my opinion, are more notable. The first is the "flag fight" a day or two after enrolment, in which the frosh attempted to take away a flag mounted atop a stout pole sunk into the ground in the middle of the campus in front ofJohnston Hall from the defending sophomores. This was a time for the coaches of the many teams to assess the prowess of the newcomers. Then there was the March 17 an nual fight between the same con tenders. The 1927 event was notable for the amount of nudity at the end of the fracas. One final event was the "Beddoes Affair," a clash between some British and Canadian students for hegemony in the fall of 1927. This gave rise to publicity of a negative nature. Al though we were small, we were not insignificant.
M.W. "Mike" Chepesuik, OAC '30 Kelowna, B.C. I am deeply disturbed to hear of the University's decision to sell a size able portion of The Arboretum, lo cated south of Stone Road, for a retirement village. Southern Ontario wilderness areas are nearing extinc tion, and this action is one extra nail in the coffin of this irreplaceable resource. As a scientist, I can say that Guelph holds an international reputation for its high quality of teaching and re search in the biological sciences. My own research career would not have been possible without the excellent undergraduate training in microbiol ogy and ecology that I received at Guelph. As a result, I am saddened to see a philosophy of natural preserva tion, reflected by The Arboretum, replaced by a "develop-at-all-costs" mentality. Realistically, I do not expect this letter to influence either the Board of Governors or the president. As an act of protest, however, I am cancelling my support for the alumni campaign
and will strongly encourage other alumni and businesses to do likewise.
RobertJ.C. McLean, CBS '78 Kingston, Ont. Editor's note: Congratulations to Ed Stoltz, a former member of OAC '39, who con tinues to set records in cross-country skiing. He has participated in the Canadian Ski Marathon from Lachute to Gatineau, Que., 19 times and, in February, completed 60 miles of the 100-mile semi-wilderness trail for the third consecutive year. A week later, he entered the Gatineau 55-kilometre race and, at age 77, was the oldest skier to finish the entire course again for the third consecutive year. Stoltz lives in Athens, Ont., and skied well over 1,300 kilometres last winter. He says he's disproved the prophecy of G.F. Baldwin, OAC's director of athletics in the late 1930s, who told the Class of '39 they would no doubt fall victim to sloth by the time they were 40. Because of the Depression, Stoltz was unable to graduate with his class, but he says he's "proud to be included in a history of the Class of '39" and remembers his classmates and professors well.
Buried in letters Do you have any idea how much space 20,000 letters take up? Rosemary Clark, director of alumni affairs, and her staff have been over whelmed by your response to the alumni directory. She says "thanks" to all alumni who returned the informa tion sheet so quickly. Alumni records have been up dated to ensure that the directory will be current, but staff are anticipating a delay in printing and mailing. Please allow until the end of May for delivery. If you didn't order a copy, but would like one, there will be a limited number avaiJable directly from Alum ni House. The cost is $30 plus $2 mailing. Ontario residents, acid $2.40 for provincial sales tax. Even if your form didn't arrive in time for the directory, please send it in now so your alumni file can be updated. Guelph Alumnus
The goose that found the golden egg by Mary Dickieson
Most Canadians think of Canada geese as grea t migrat ing flocks of birds. But in some parts of the country especially in southern Ontario - that image is changing. In Ontario, the geese have found themselves a golden egg filled with food, shelter and protection, so they've set up housekeep ing o n a permanent basis. But they haven't always made friends in the neighbor hood. Most people enjoy watching a family of geese swi m ming on a pond, but not everyone wants to share a picnic spot with them. Although the giant race of Canada goose is native to southern Ontario, it was virtually eliminated by settlement. In the 1960s, the Ministry of Natural Resources spearheaded a program to reintrodu ce the Great Lakes population. Breeding pairs were brought from the Prairie provinces. And they have thrived - better than most co nser vation ists would have predicted - because of increased crop production in rura l areas and the sanctuary provided by urban areas. The Canadian Wildlife Service estimates th ere are now more than 100,000 resident geese in southern Ontario. More than a dozen pair reside in the University's Arboretum. Last year's American Bird Society Christmas Bird Count listed 2,401 Canada geese in Guelph and 1,532 in Toronto. It's quite likely that the breeding pairs originally released are still among them. Canada geese mate for a lifetime that Guelph Alumnus
can last up to 30 years , and even migra tory populations prefer to nest each year on the same pond or stretch of shoreline. The goose and gand e r choose a nesting site in early April and fiercely protect it until the eggs hatch in May . Most wild geese still maintain traditional migratory pat terns, says U of G zoologist Vernon Thomas, although the predominance of cash crop farming across Canada has altered the fall migration by making food avai lable late into the season. The MNR program has preserved a form of native wildlife to the benefit of our increasingly urban society, says Rick Ortlieb, director of Guelph's KOI1right Waterfowl Park. And the geese have demonstrated their ability to cohabit successfuJJy with humans. The things people like about city parks - lush, green grass, solitude and fresh water - are also the ame nities geese prefer. What people don 't enjoy is the mess the geese create, says Jay Kive ll , manager of Guelph's park services. "[t's difficult for us to encourage park users to clean up after their dogs when goose droppings are all over the shoreline," he says. The difference is that dog feces can carry disease, but there is no evidence that geese are ca rriers of bacterial infestations and parasites dangerous to humans Too often, Ontario'S resident geese are should ering the blame for nuisance prohlems caused by migratory popula tions from tbe United States, he says. These birds fly as far 5
north as the Hud so n and James Bay regions to breed, but the younge r, non-breed ing birds ofte n stop off in sou the rn Ontario for the sum me r moulting pe riod. He says park officials could
u se fir ec rackers or trained dogs to sca re the geese off in early June before the y start to moult. A fence 1 }/ 2 feet high will stop the geese from w alk ing up on to the grass, and they'd be less of a nui sance if people w o uld stop fee ding them , he says. Thomas cites the example
of the Toronto Island airpo rt , which has physically alte red the pe rime ter land sca pe to be less inviting to Canada geese. In the 1970s, nesting geese became a rea l danger to air transportation at the airport. There were plans to shoot the m until Thomas stepped in to help eliminate the m. At his suggestion , the coastal zone was bulldozed to a flat surface to e liminate nesting sites. Today, the airport is virtually free of nesting geese. Because geese are migratory birds, they are protected by fed eral laws go verne d by th e Canada/U.S./Mexico Migratory Birds Conve ntion Act. Rural la ndowne rs take their co mplaints to CWS law enforcement office rs like John Sullivan in Lond on, Ont. From May to July , he hears from angry farme rs whose emerging spring crops a re being eate n. But he gets a poo r response from farm e rs when he asks them to document the actual damage in eco nomic terms.
Sullivan advises farm e rs to sca re the birds away before they nest. Failing that, CWS will issue a permit to allow farmers to s hake the eggs so they w on 't hatch or, in rare
instanc es, a kill permit to destroy the goslings. In Weste rn Canaci a, decoy crops are used to protect farm land from m igrating w ater fowl , and crop insurance is availabl e to farm ers . A s imila r compensation progra m cou ld be implemented in Onta rio, says Thomas. He goes on to
suggest that geese can actually become a llies to agriculture in the fa U - by eating grain seeds that were missed by the combine and preventing unwa nteci germination the next spring. A numbe r of farme rs along the Toronto to Ki ngston shoreline have found a golde n goose egg of their own by opening their farm s to hu nte rs in return for an access fee. The nuisance problems created by geese are not uniqu e to southern Ontario, says Thomas. Cities in British Colum bia and severa l U.S. states are also expe riencing large porulations of resid en t geese. The Canada goose was introduced to England in the late 1600s, and th e urban popula tion in London parks is also do ing well The re is even a thriving p opulation of imported Canada geese in New Zealand. The goose pro blem - if there is o ne -lies with socie ty, says Thoma s. "We humans have essentially created the situation by doing everything that is right for geese,"
Lightfoot stalks wildlife for the trophies II his sh ip hadn't hurn ed in the had)or, Norm Ughtfoot Illight be nlllning a snake p3i'k in Austra lia. Instead , he's a .,uccessJu l wildli,fe pilO~ogr'lpheJ and filmmak er ' and director vI' \:inematography and TV produc- . Lions a! U of O . ~\ world tt::iveller fn)m an ea dy.age , Irish- ' bvrn Lightle'lOt lived with his fam il y in Egypi, SOli th Africa, ·KenY'l, en g land and finally Ca·nada , before.: decLding to e mi~~ra-t e tv . Auslrali,l in 1969. His .planto open a 's nake park went up in smo ke, lite rally, w he n the ship h,e w a s scheduled to trave l o n burned a fe \'.' ciays before the sailing date . . After coming _to Canacia, Lightfoot had wught himself how t() photograph animal s as a hobby whil e wo rking as'l typesetrer. . . I-li,s jQve of nature soon led him Locxplo re the Canadian wi lderncs,s with his came ra : "PItotograpIiY,g i,'es you the thrill of track ing an anululin the \~; i1d "_nel the pleas ure of secing it in irs natural_habit,n, and you come: home with a trophy'," he: says. When still .ph o tograph y b e('ame too j-ioring, Ligl·itfoot. tllr~led t;l Inotion picture . film. Hi s docu mentari es Ilave sin ce won C ina:diali, American anu British awards , and
his films have heen aired by the nBC ,
CBC, the Na Liona l Film Board and svn
'dica ted te lev ision progra ms s uch ' as
Profiles of Na ture: Thc Untamed World
and ALlclubo n Wildlife. Cine ma .
His "acto rs" hav e included wa lrus,
caribo u, sp in y soft- she ll turtles, hooded
sea is ,'birds and rc pliles.+le wa." rh e first
cincn)atographe r to fi lm the birth of a
harp seal.
Lightfoot still Il asn 't seer) Australia,
hut he has carried aClJllera rlack across
Afri can plains a nd Arct ic Ice fl oes,
through tropi ca l iagpvns and northei'n
fo rests. The Canadian geese fcatured
herc, however, were photograpl;ed in
the University's Arboretu m.
"Yo u don't ha ve tv go t'ar from home
to find wildl.ife," says Lightfoot, whose
(~UlTe nt project is a loca ll y film ed c1ocumen
[alY v n raccoons. He expects to spe nd two yea rs ca pturing the ;lIlilllaJs. o n film through' tht, fo m season s, fro m birth to maturity, Hi s interest in wildlife has led him to appreciate ancilOmake films "hour the work of severaJ wi ldlife arti:;ts - h.b IDng-time fri el)cI Robe rt Ba te man , Ray S\va nson. Pau l . £ alle, Mayna rd Reece anel Gcorge Maclca n ,
Lig h!/OOI, photographed by son t :rie. ror rh e University, whe rc he has worked
since 1969. Lightfoot ha,s made filmson topics
as divcrse as surgical tec hniqu es, tile Ca r,
diovascular Clu b aod beekecpi ng. Because
o f th e con ve nience and economy , most
projects 3rt now done wi·th videot,lpe, Ie is
ClItTt'o tl y prociucing vkleos on da y ca re and
00U-year-old ceua r~ .
Guelph A!Ul1mus
Taking a critica l look
Alumni associations consider remodelling If your goal is to remodel a house to make it stronger and more service able, then you can't let your ideas be restricted by the existing wa lls. This architectural co ncept seemed to be genera ll y accepted by the group of al umni who met in Barrie in February to begin planning the future of U of G alumni associations. They ca me to the retreat to discuss the results of the UGAA's alumn i survey , but they left wit h a rudimentary blueprint o n the drawing board . Delegates began by summarizing w hat was learned from the 1989 sur vey. The challenge of how to provide better se rvice to alu mni I")y strengthening the UGAA was the d ominant theme thro ugh out the weekend discussions , w hi ch iden tified th e key issues facing the as sociations - organi zation and role , membership, communication, ser vice and continuing edu cation. From a gro und-fl oor under sta nding of where the w eaknesses are, the participants bega n to build an aggressive plan of action. The UGAA's ad hoc survey com mittee was given the task of review ing the workshop proceed ings and making recommendations to resolve the issues. The committee recommendations include: • a system ati c evalu ati on of the UGAA and its relationship with other alumni associatio ns and the Department of Alumni Affairs and Community Relations ; • the forma tion of an inter-associa tion li a ison committee to com muni cate, fac ilit ate and co-ordinate the implementation of individual association plans; and • a review of the Guelph Al'umnus, considering the issues and sugges tions from the planning workshop. To show the UGAA's commitment to the process, the ad hoc sUlvey committee has become the UGAA Planning Committee and will present a plan for strengthening the associa tion by Jun e 1991. These recommendations answer the issues identified by the a lumni Guelph Alumnus
Caro~yn (Redden) Moore, FACS '84 (leji), joan (Trimble) Aird. FACS '74, andBill Sanford, CPS '73 and M.Sc . '75, took pari in the UGAA workshop 10 plal1 lheju ture direction of alum ni associations at the University o/Guelph.
sUIvey and reflect the objectives es tablished in Barrie. But the delegates went beyond objectives to suggest som e of the building blocks that could become part of the foundation fo r a stro nger alumni association . They suggested restructuring the UGAA to strengthen its role of leader ship and co-ordination for alumni programs. It wa s agreed that alumni should be an integral part of the Unive rsity co mmunity on a con tinuum from student recruitment throughout life. They wa nted to identify and in crea se the ben efits of being a U of G gradu ate, make communications with alu mni more timely and cleady define the ro les and accountabili ty of alumni volunteers w ho work with University sta ff.
Because the Guelph Alumnus was identified as the rrimalY so urce of University and association news for more than 70 per cent of the alumni surveyed , the Barrie d e legat es believed it was essential to make changes to the for mat ;md scope of the publication to increase its value to alumni readers. De legates said alumni should have an advocacy role in the Univers ity, such as promoting co-operation with alumni objectives and encouraging the enhancement of teaching quality on campus. The action plans of individual col lege association emphasized mem bership, faculty and studen t involvement and liaison w ith other as soci ations, as weJ! as ca re er development and con tinuing educa tion opportunities for members.
Guelph Alumnus responds In this issue of the Guelph Alumnus, we've to.rn down so!ne ofthe old \valls inside the magazine and have redecorated to give it a new look. You 'll' Imtice "l greater .emphasis o n feature stories and some new sections -'- "Campus News," "Coming Events," "Corpment" - that are sp'e cificaUy designed to answer the cl1allenges given us by the UGAA sUlvey and workshop teams. . With the new 40-p~lge format , publication dates for the Guelph Alumnus will coincide ,vith academic semeste rs to improve timeliness. You will receive the September 1990 issue in mid-August, so you won't miss o ut on campus activities, arhletic eve nts a nd con tinuil~g education rrograms. We'll be working with the magazine 's advisory board to continue to make improvements with each issue. And \'\fe .look forward to hea ring your comments and 'suggestions. .. .
University introduces cross-discipline academic program for new students In September, the University will launch a new progra m for first-y ea r students that will give them the op portunity to explo re several academic disci pi ines before choos ing an area of specia lty, AKADEMIA will accommodate up to 200 students in its first year, and will offe r 16 courses over the fall and winter sem esters - six integrated art and science courses, five art and five science courses, Students must take at least three integrated courses, which will be issue oriented and taught in teams of two facul ty - one from the arts or social sciences and o ne from th e scie nces, A physicist and a philosopher, for example, might teach a course on science and religion, A botanist and a geographer might teach a course dealing with the survival of the rai n forest. The program is designed to stimulate intellectual curiosity, provide stude nts with an o pportunity to explore connections betwee n academic disciplines and broaden their horizons, In addition, AKADEMIA students who choose to live in residence will be housed toge ther in Lambton Hall, to encourage e}"1.ension of the program outside the classroo m, "There's excitement in having a group of students who live together, take courses togethe r and are closely involved with their professors," says Prof. John Vanderkamp, dean of the College of Socia l Science and director of AKADEMIA, "It's not that AKADEMIA students w ill have a lot more skills than other students, but they will have a different outlook. When they move into regular classes in the ir second year, they will bring interesting perspect ives to bear on issues and will be able to sha re what they've lea rned with other students," he says, Unive rsity liaison officers say the program has been met with enthu siasm by many secondary school students, wh o like the fact they will have an opportunity to explore their options before dec iding what area to specialize in. AKADEMIA dema nds at least a 75-per-cent average and proficiency in both the arts and sciences from its applicants,
When the University announced that Nlills Hall would be used in the new AKADEMfA program - turn ing it into a co-educational residence - students protested that they had not been involved in the decision, And the University listened. "We heard you, "said Prof jack MacDonald, vice-president, academic, "There was insuffiCient studen t input in the decisio n-making process. " As a result, ({ committee composed ofstudents, staffandfacul~y has selected Lambton Hall as the residence for AKADEJllIIA. The residential component of AKADEJ1IIfA is meant /0 extend the educational experience beyond the classroom into Phoro: The Ontarian the living-learning environment of th e University, 8
P o lice officers, whether they like it or not, are often stereotyped and as Signed roles by soc iety. They have social roles and job duty roles, They interact with people from a ll walks of life, with a ll kinds of cultural biases and misconceptions. Police officers must deal with the resulting role conflicts, And the stra in from these conflicts can produ ce feel ings of dissatisfaction, in adequacy, tension, anxiety and fru stration, Con flict can turn into comm unicati on failures, soc ial iso lation and in creased hostility. Like most of us, U of G psychology professor Dan Yarmey didn 't rea lly "know " any police officers until several years ago when he was asked to assist in a trial involving eyewitness evidence and spent a number of working days and socia l evenin gs with the police assigned to the inves tigation, Since then, he has grappled with th e psychological implications of police work and poli ce o fficers ' interactions with society, That work has resulted in his recent book, Un derstanding Police and Police Work, published by Co lumbia University Press, Guelph Alumnus
Do you know a police o.f~ ficer? "Sure, " says one per son. "You can tell theln coming a lnile away same haircut, pretty stand offish, they think they know it all. "
The police profession - charac te ri zed by hi g h stress levels and a lie natio n fro m the general public would be nefit fro m a better under standing of the psychological factors that affect it, says Yarmey. Po lice officers must routinely be have like applie d psycholo gists , but few have special training in this orany re lated fie ld . And Yarmey says psycho logists - who are often asked by the co urts to pre se nt forensic evidence o r give the ir opinion on co mpete ncy to stand trial- may lack an aw are ness of po licing. "I rea lized that most psychologists kn o w littl e a b o ut how police operate," he sa ys. "If we 're going to criticize po lice practices, w e 'd better know mo re abo ut the general nature of police wo rk. "
Y a rmey fo und that o ne of the most mi s und e rsto od asp e cts of police work is its high stress leve l. No t only do po lice face majo r stresses such as vio le nce, traffic accide nts a nd deaths of childre n, they must a lso dea l w ith bure au c racy a nd see min g ly an tagonistic courts a nd lavvye rs. Shift wo rk , ra cia l pro ble ms, in adequ ate re so urc es a nd a n ega tiv e pu blic image add to the stress leve l. "A police officer ide ntifies his o r iler self-esteem with po li ce wo rk ," Yarmey says. "It is not just an eight hour shift." The result of stress can be hea lth problems or domesti c a nd fa mily problems and job di ssa ti sfac ti o n. Stress can also lead to e rro rs in judg ment in dealing with the public. Ya r mey suggests that every po lice fo rce should ha ve an in-house psychologist to help officers dea l with stress. Guelph Alumnus
Do yo u know a police officer? "Not really, " says someone else. "/ tly to stay out of trouble. Oh, 1 got a speeding ticket once, but the officer just said 1 was over the limit and told me to have a nice day. "
The training of po lice o ffi ce rs usually a n eight o r nine-week co urse - is inadequate , he says. Most of ficers have to Jea rn the jo b o n the street, w ith few g uide lines to cover pot e nti a lly dan ge ro us s itu a ti o ns . This, too, is a so urce of stress. Police officers wo rk in situatio ns that require them to be proble m sol vers , decision make rs and to use dis cretion, but a re offered little training in these skills. In police work, bad decisio ns can be fatal. "Intuitive knowledge based on practical expe rience is insufficie nt as a guideline for police dec isio n making," says Yarmey. He suggests a re-arrangement of priorities is needed to resolve role stra ins and stresses. The occupation of p o li ce wor k should be professionalized and of ficers should be tau g ht stress preve n tion techniques , he says. Because police officers represe nt a uthority and have the po we r to punish, society tends to isolate the m and their families , says Ya rme y. As a result, they often limit the ir socia li z ing to other police office rs, furth e r isolating themselves. He says officers who become in volved in community activities , such as coaching a minor sports team, have a better chance of being accepted into the mainstream of community life. In Understanding Police and Police Work, Yarmey also discusses control techniques used by criminals ancl police, psychological theories of criminal behavior, research on ag gression, violence and criminal vic timization, and the particular problems that police face in dealing with the mentally disordered. He looks at the social-psychologi ca l iss ues of policing, discusses the effec tiv e ness of punishment as a
Do you know a police of ficer? "Yeah," says another. "He lives down the street. He's alright, keeps a n eat lawn. Offered me a beer once. Nice guy. "
deterrent to crime a nd offers s ugges tio ns fo r improving the accuracy of e ye witness testimony. Yarmey , an expert on eyewitness tes timony , ha s been studyin g the psychology of law for the past 12 years. He has served as a consultant to the Law Reform Commission of Canada and the u.s. Department of Ju stice and has acted as an expert w itness on eyewitness identification iss ue s in the United States and Ca nada.
$l-million goal
The Alma Mater Fund goa l for 1989, our 20th anniversary year, was $1 million. Thanks to our volunteers and donors, this objective was surpassed by more than $114,000. Some $9, 164,078 has been contributed in the 20 yea rs from 1969 to 1989. This is an impressive total and a tribute to all of you who support our objectives. The Alumni Hou se mortgage has been paid off! For the first time in four yea rs, unrestricted money, in the amo unt of $2 1,000 from the Alma Mater Fund , was ava ilable to help retire the mo rtgage. There wiU be an official "mortgage burning" at Alumni \X1eeke nd . Our goa l in 1989 was 12-per-cent alumni participation. We ac hieved 7.6-pe r足 cent ove rall , but some colleges s urpassed the 12-pe r-cent ma rk by a considera ble amou nt: 13.2 Mac degree Mac diploma 18.3 ove 12.0 Gordon I.E Nixon OAC degree alu mni , w ith 1,11 7 donors , gave generously in the amount of $166,677. On behalf of my colleagu:s on the AMF Advisory Co uncil , I would like to express ou r a pprecia tionro each of you who contdouted to the, nnu, I fund [ look fo ,~md to yom cont;n" cd >u ppon ;n 1990
i:, <:J~~n ~1~~~
LE OAC '37 AMF Adviso ry Co uncil
How you designated your gifts Designated gifts Research equipme nt & build ings $393,5 55 Scho larships & bursaries $309,428 Alma Mater Fund prio rity $182,757 Class projects
Academic enrichme nt
$79,5 31
Arbo re tum
Athletics -
Research equipment & huildings 35 3%
Athletics Grypho n Club 1.6%
Grypho n Club
Scho larships & bu rsaries 27.B%
$17,307 Alumni House Library Total
$16,928 $7,702
Alma Mater Fund priori ty 16.4%
Guelph Alumnus
Matching gifts for education
College Report # of Alumni
0/0 #of Donors Participation
Total Giving
137 272
Friends/ Parents
Faculty/ Staff
35 ,463
OVC Total Alumni
Corr ./Fdn./Assn
Total Annual
BRAVO! Bravo to
e e e e
Alma Mater Fund Advis01Y Council
Represen tatives
Class Agents
College Representatives
Thank you for your support and contributions to the 1989 Alma Mater Fund.
Guelph A{umnus
G jft matching promotes priva te support of education and is a great opportunity to increase the value of your gift to Guelph. Hundreds of companies match their em ployees' contributions to univ ers ities.
Through matching gifts , your gift may
be doubled or even tripled, depend足
ing on company policy. Contact your em ployer's person足 nel department to find out if your company provides matching gifts. Our thanks to the follOWing 28 companies who matched 53 gifts to Guelph's annual fund in 1989 for a total of $7,140. 3M Canada In c. Akzo America Inc. Ayerst, McKenna & Han1son Inc. The Bank ofMontreal C-I-l In c. Campbell Soup Company Ltd. The Coca-Cola Compa ny Chevro n Canada Resources Ltd. Dig ita I Equipment ofCanada Limited Dow Chemical Canada In c. Dow Chemical U.S.A. Ford Motor Company ofCanada Ltd. IBM Can ada Ltd. INCa Ltd. Kraft General Foods Canada kIcColl Fontenac Inc. Nabisco Brands Canada Ltd. A.C Nielsen Company o/Ca nada
Noranda Inc.
Pfizer Canada In c,
Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited
Prudential Insurance Company 0/
Ralston Purina Canada Inc.
Rohm and Haas Canada Inc.
Sara Lee COIp.
Sunoco Inc.
Torstar Corporation
Upjohn Company of Canada Ltd
Capital campaign donations in 1989 Of the $8,24],671 donated to the Uniuersity 's capital campaign in ]989, $890,903 was donated by alumni and class friends, $390, 555 by associations, $398, 722 by campus members - including/acuIty, sla[J; students, parents and Board q!Gouernors - $4,101,650 by government, $2,14 5, 787 by colporations and foundations, $312,362 byfriends and $1, 712 by others.
Picnicking in Florida
Photographed at th e Horida picnic were (fuji to right) Dr Doup, Maplesden, ove '50, t:velyn Harden, Dr. Bill Brack, ove '4 9; and Dr. Fred Hardel/, ove '49 Photo: Helen Mo ffa t!
A record crowd of 182 alumni and guests from across Florida a ttended the annual picnic March 3. The ea r liest class represe nted was OAC '29, by Ross Cavers; the most recent was Mac '60, by Marcia (Hughes) Brown. The picnic committee was chaired by Don Moffatt, OAC '46 . Othe r me mbe rs included Henry Orr, OAC '43, chai r of the Al um ni-in-Action Committee; Hel e n Mo ffa tt ; Betty (Clark) Fuller, Mac '35 ; Barbara a nd Bob Skipper, OAC '51; and Dorothy and Carl Mumby, OAC '41. Also in attendance were fo rmer preside nt Burt Matthews, OAC '47, and his wife , Lois, and forme r OVC dean Doug Maplesdon, OVC '50, and his wife, Joan. Forme r OA C dean Clay Switzer, OAC '51, brought greetings from President Brian Segal. FACS Dea n Ric hard Barha m was the guest speaker.
Three tons of veterinary books build Chinese library
When Dr. Kan Che n , OVC '47 ; retired in 19H1 after 2H yea rs as a food
Dr. Kan Chen
hygi en ist with Agriculture Canada in Vancoll ver, he loo ked :lfOund at the mounds of veterina ry books and jo ur nals he'd acc um ulated over the years and wond ered what to d o with th e m . Ar the suggestion o f a veterina rian frienel in Shanghai , Chen shirred his entire library - all th ree tons of it to an ag ri c ultura l col lege in Hangzho u, China , whe re such litera ture is in sho rt suppl y. Hea rin g of hi s cont ributi o n, clOothe r college put in a requ est for similar materials , so Cben solicited books and jo urnals from ot her B.e. veterina riclOS a nd shi pped those off as well. Visiting the Hangzhou co llege in 19H6, Chen found that his hook s and jo urnals "pretty we ll made up the who le library. " His co llection o f jour
nals from the American Veterinary Medical Assoc iation had been bound and g iven a plac e o f h o no r in a cabinet bearing the name plate "The Chen Library." Altho ugh re tired , Chen still works full time, doing co mmunity work wi th the Scouts, Chinese schoo ls, the church and local Chinese groups. He is o ne o f the organizers of Vancouve r's annu a l Chinese New Year celebrations. Married to Alice, he has four sons: Cedric, Lister, In gra m and Regan. Che n , who was last in Gu elph for the 40th anniversary of his class, says he's looking forward to coming back for the 45th anniversary in 1992. He hold s the distinction of being the first Chinese person to gradu a te fro m Ove.
Receives Order of Ontario
Ph otographed in Port-of-Spain
Dr. James Archibald, OVC '49, re tired professor and former chair of the Deparrm ent of Clinical Studies, rece ived the Ord er of Ontario in April. A srecialist in canine surge ry, Archihald joined the OVC faculty in 1949 and remained there until his retire me nt in 1986. In additi o n, he served on the Board of Governors from ] 974 to 1977. In ]970, the Royal College of Veterina ry Smgeons in England elected him to their fellowship.
Some of our globe-trotting alumni recently turned up in a photograph in the Trin idad and Tobago Express. Dr. Theresa Bernardo, OVC 'H4, was pictured with Dorothy Switzer, Ma c '52, and Ann Pires, w hose hu sband,Joseph, OAC '53, is president of Ca ribbea n Chemicals Ltd. in Porr of-Spain . Al so pr ese nt at th e Canadian High Commissioner'S reception we re Joseph Pires and Clay Switzer, OAC '51
Guelph Alum11us
ove research tackles bleeding disorder in cows
hy Owen Roherts Ca nada is stepping forwa rd to help eliminate a potentially le thal blood coag ul atio n disorde r in dairy cows, throu gh a test in g and resea rch pro gra m at U of G. The di so rd er, ca lled Fa c to r XI deficiency, is associated w ith a lack o f a clotting protein in the blood. It ca uses hemorrha g in g an d oth er probl ems in H o ls te in co ws, the world's most popular dairy hreed . Humans have a parallel disease. Researc he rs believe the problem in ca ttle can be e liminated byensur ing that breeding stocks are free of this genetic disease. Some govern ments ag ree. Ca nadian I, ulls whose se men is d es tined for ex p o rt to Britain, w he re the probl em has sur faced over the past few yea rs, are all volu nta ril y certified free of Factor Xl defici e ncy by Canada 's six artificial insemination (AI) ce ntres. Testing for all of Canada is con du cted b y Prof. Patri cia Ge ntry, Biomedica l Sciences, and research technicia n Miche lle Ross . Gentry's laborato ry is one of o nl y two in the world testing for the disorder. "This is no t so le ly a Ca nadian proble m, " she says, "but bes ides iden tifying the ma tter, Canad a is doing something constructive to e radica te the problem " Factor XI-d efi c ie nt a nimals are d evoid o f a v it a l blood- clottin g prote in. This ca n lea d to clinical problems such as hemorrha ging after calving and at the onset of lactation, as well as poor re production rates, pne umo nia and derma titis. But the problems are not always im mediately o b vious. An affected a nimal ca n simply be a ca rri e r of the disease a nd live a norma l life, but be spread ing the d ::fect thro ugh its progen y. Fac to r XI d ef ic ie ncy was fi rst re ported in a dai ry he rd at Ohio State Univers ity in 1969. Gentry found it in Canada in 1975, in a lo ne stee r named "George" tha t was part of OVC's re search he rd . George had some o f the hest Canadian Holstein blood li nes in his parentage , so the mode of in he rita nce and the po te ntial incid e nce were of concern to OVC and the i n dustry. Guelph Alumnus
Gent ry has been p urs uing th e probl e m ever sin ce. With su pport from the O nta rio Ministry o f Agricul ture and Food , Semex Canada , the provincial Unive rs ity Research Ince n tive Fund and Ho lstein Canada , her researc h team acce pted the difficult challenge of charting the " attern of inhe ritance of the de fect. This was crucia l, given the h.igh rate of artific ia l insemination in the dairy indu stry. Seme n from one bull is regularl y used to .~i re hundreds o f offspring throughout the w orld, so "assing on a defect to progeny can easil y snowba ll . Ge ntry' s team ultimat e ly co m pleted th.e Ho lste in geneal ogy exe r c ise and id e ntified the affected a ni ma ls, hut by th e lime the prohl e m and inhe ritance "atte rn we re id en tified , seme n from some of the defi c ient hulls had a lready been ex ported , a nd bleeding in cidents we re heing re ported abroad . Stil l, not all co untri es where Factor XI d isease prevails are showing co n cern ahou t it. "Because there is not an immedia te, obvious physica l defect
li ke a deformity assoc iated w ith it , Factor XI deficie ncy has tended to he dism isse d ," s a ys Ge ntry But a ll Ca nad ia n h ulls known to ha ve th e defiCienc y ha ve been ide ntified and voluntarily re mo\'(:d from natu ral or a rtificial I)ree d ing stock. "The art ificia l inse mination marke t is very active rig ht now," says Gentry. "Some AI co mpanies a re advt'rtis in g their hull s as bei ng I:ree o f Fa ctor XI deficie ncy. Ac. it hecomes Illore ex pens ive to feed and ma int;lin a nill1als, ge ne tic defects w ill become mo re o f a consiclerati on ." To le:lrn more a bo ut the disease, Ge ntry maintains a .'i mall resea rc h ht'rd a t the Ponc.onhy Resea rch Sta ti on. To hohter the iJ erd, the unive rsity's :JOim;ti e mhryo hiott'ch n o logy lab o ratory ha s successfull y transplanted e ggs from Factor XI defici e nt cows , fertili/ed with se men from FaC lor A'1-de f'i cien t hull s, IDto non -affected surrogate cows, under th e dir ec tion of Profs. Keith Be tteridge, Biomed ica l Sciences, and \'X/ a lter J oh nso n . Population Medicine.
Dr. !V/alcolm "Ma c" Ba/~er, o ve 50, o/JVlea/ord, On!.. presented the accoll nt hOaR" of his/amilv~\- Montreal oeterinary p retcl ice to the o ve museum last Decem her. h)[Jr p,eneralions oj!Jakel'S have heen assuciated with the Jl!!cFachrall. /JaRer, McEachmn p ractice, which was estahlished in 7866. Pictured, lefl tu rip/ll, are /J(lkel', ove lihran:an DaIJid Hull and ove historian Dr. C/i)f/Jar/~er, o ve 41 . Ij
Synthetic salt more palatable
It 's becom e a spring ritual counting th e number of new ru st spots o n yo ur car brought on by winter's sa lty roadways. Highway de-icing sa lt is eq uall y deva sta ting to roadsid e tre es and shrubs and has come under serio lls criticism from homeowners, tree nursery own ers and fru it gro we rs. There must be a better way . At U o f G, th e search for a better way is pointing to a less harmful salt found in trace amounts in such foods as ho ney, cheese and stra w berries. Sodium formate, a white, odo rless c rys ta lline sa lt that can be manufac
tured sy nlhl't ically. is being tesled o n se ve ral species of co niferous a nd dec iduous trees a nd shruhs by ho r ticultural SCIenl ists Gle n Lumis a nd Ken Ca re y, la nd resource scient ist Tom Bates, OAC 'S1, ane! environ menr a l biol og ist Gerry Hofstra, OAC '63 and M.Sc. '64. Sodium fo rnu le contains n o chloride, which is hclievecJ to be th c ulprit in saIL C!;l ll1;lge to roads ide: pla nts. And fiel d t J SLS in other parts of O ntario have shown that it is as effec tive a de-icer as co nventio na I .~a lt. The resea rch is supporled hy Celanese Canada and Perstorp Polyols. J
fighting fungi with fungi
Environmental biology p ro fe ssor
Greg Boland, OAC PhD '85 , is fight ing fungi wi th fungi. His resea rch is demonstrating th at naturally occur ring o rga ni sms can he effective in combatting white mould , a stubbo rn fungus that devastJtes b eans, lettu ce , to matoes and ca no la . The white mo uld fungus ca n lie dormant in soil for ye<HS, then sud den ly infest an entire crop . The fun gus can sp rea d qui ckly when a cro p starts flowering, feeding o n nutrie nts provided by the no we rs. But Boland has fo und two "a n tagonist" fungi that are a lso attracted to the flowering feast a nd can outdo
the w hite mo uld . They also act as "mycopar:lsiLt'S ," u:-, ing the vv hite mo uld ce lls as hosts and e ve ntually killing the m. So me a ntago nists also pr()du ce a kind of a ntihiotic Ikn in hibits wh ite mould grow th . Bol a nd is no w isolating the effec ti ve a ntagoni sts through greenhou se tests. "We are trying to impro ve the level o f biological co ntrol until it is as good as or heller than curre nl fun gicides," he says. The resea rch is supported hy the O ntario Ministry of the Environme nt's Pestic id e d viso ry Committee and the Na tural Sciences a nd Enginee ring Research Council of Canada.
Are chickens happy in their work? At the Arkell Research Station near U of G , animal a nd po ultry scie ntist Frank Hurnik, OAC PhD '71 , has created an open-concept aviary fm chickens, to address w ha t he calls th eir "occupatio nal vacuum" In co llabo ratio n w ith philoso phy professor Hugh Le hma n , Hurnik ha s d es ign ed a sy s tem that he say s a nswers criticis ms some people have about chickens being deprive d o f their liberties . The experimental a via ry eliminates th e occupational va cuum created by convention a l ba t ter y cages , where chic kens have no thing to do but eat, drink and lay eggs. It o ffers chickens seclu s ion for la ying eggs. perches for roosting, n oor sp ace for roaming a nd so ciali z ing, and air s pa ce for flying. It also protects the bird s from the pitfalls of their "natura] " environment in a b:lf nyard, such as ad ve rse wea the r con dition s , po o r wa te r q u a lit y and predators. The new design ce rtai nly addres ses the concerns of animal w elfa re advoca tes, hut do the chicke ns like it l And wh at ahout farmers' In theo lY, if the chickens like it, they ' ll s h ow their co ntentm e nt through impro ve d health and in creased egg production. Early indica tions a re th at egg production is comparable w ith convent iona l cages. "That 's important for industry ac ceptance," sa ys Hurnik . "New sys tems mu st all o w producers to a t least maintain historic inco me level s or the y won't he implemented." The resea rch is sponsored and w ill he closely mo nitored h y the Can adian Egg Mark e tin g Agen c y and the Anim a l Wel fa re Fo undation o f Ca nada.
Roamillf!, and ro osting in an experim en tal aviary. ['h o w : O wen Hobens
Guelph A lum n us
McEwen retires
The OAC Diplom a Hucke), To u rI7mJ1Cn l held in Fehru wy sel (/ record, w ith 12 tea ms entered. The win ning tea m was (JA C ·90A . iu celehrate th e 10fh un niuersaJJJ o.l fhe tourna ment, it was renam ed in h onor oliVorm /V[eCo//um . (JA C 66A, one oj the originators . ::,pecial g u esls at the openinf2. cerem ony included Dean Freeman MeFwen; form er dea n CLa y Switzer, OAC '51; DUll lJ/a ekh u rli . d irector of Ihe diploma pro,qmm: and Harry Caldwell, OA C ·"i i ,formcr diree ful'. I'ro( ,veal Sfoskop/ OA C '57 ({nd :11.Sc. '58, d ropped fhe opening puck.
finding a home for garbage causes 'NIMBY' syndrome The NI MBY sync! rom e has rcachcu a c risis point in rural communities, w he re residents w ho d on't like t he idea of being neig hbors ( 0 a landfill site are sa ying: "Not in my backyard. " Waste issues in rural commun ities generate a combination o f fear a nd nuisance, sa ys Prof. Ste p hen Rodd of the University School of Rural Plan ning anc! De ve lo pm ~ nt In many cases, past experie nce has show n that fears a bo ut e nvironme ntal ha rm from dumps were valid, says Rodd . But new fears based on su ch past ex pe riences do n 't consider tha t curre nt regulations and th e landfill si le sel ec tio n process are now muc h he tter , he says . To help educate rural res idents about was te issu e s, Ro dd a nd graduate stud e nts Helma Geerts, OAC M.Sc. '89 , and Ruth Coursey , OAC '87 and M. Sc. '89, w rote <l hanu book entitled Waste Management/o r RuraLCommunities. Commi ss ioned by the O n t<.l rio Federatio n of Agriculturc , the h:ll1U book o utlines the sou rces o f waste a nd the main technologies for dC<lling with w aste, as w e ll as aspe cts of redu ction and recycling. It also deals Guelph Alum n us
w ith co mmunity invo lvement in the planning process . All ru ra l co mmunities have their ow n ,\\'<l ste prob lems , and some a re faced with big proposals fro m citi es for waste di;; p osa l sites. Knowing 11m\( to ueal with these iss ues is im po rtant and essential in p rovinces like O ntario w he re public input is now req u ire d, says Rodd. "One of the va lues of the la nu fill cri sis in Onta rio is that it h<.ls in creased o ur awa reness," he says. Rodd is concerned tha t municipal waste is viewed too mu ch in te rms of municipal cost - solving the sho rt te rm crisis - and not in te rms of e nvironme ntal d egradation and co n se rva tion valu es , the lo ng-term issu es of resou rce use. RccyclJl1g efforts are good , he says, but they dea l with only o ne e nd o f the waste crisis. "Th e amo unt of w aste w e gene rate is im portant be cause of the e nviro n me nta l harm ca used wh en we extract res o urce s and m a nufactur e p roducts," he says. If those environ menta l costs we re includ ed in the price of p roduc ts , the m arketpl ace it se lf migh t redu ce waste di sposal problems.
Before Prof. Fre eman Mc Ew e n re tires <.IS dean o f O AC, the Unive rsity c o mmunity w ill honor him at a s peciaJ dinn e r to be held .June 22 <.I t 6 pm in Pe te r Cla rk Hall . McEwe n retires .July 1 from the u ea n's o ffi ce , which he h as occupied since 1983. He was chairm a n o f the Dep<.lrtme nt o f Environme ntal Bio l ogy from 1971 to 19B2 anu has been o n faculty at OAC s ince 196B. He is well kno wn in the agricul tural indu stIy for his adrninistrJtive service to the university a nu his re searc h e xp e rtise in pesticid e use and pesticide res id ues. Alumni w ho woulu like to attend the retireme nt dinn e r can caJl Ext. 3344 for ticke t information.
In brief .. . In March, the OAC Alumni Fo un dation prese nted it s annual awa rds fo r di stinguis hed work in exte ns io n, research a nd teaching to Profs. Jim Atkinson , CBS Ph D '78 ; Gordon Bow m a n , Animal a nd P o ultry Scie nce: <l nd Uryan McKe rsie , Crop Science. The new cha ir of the DepJltm e nt of Environm e nt a l Biology is Ro n Ha rri s . Ha rris comes to Guelph from Agri culture Canada, w here he has bee n p a rt of a researc h tea m with particular ~ x p e rti s e in so il a nd water co ntaminants. O n~ of Prof. Ma rc Le Maguer's first tasl<s as chair of the De partment o f Foo d Sc ie nce was to th a nk industry d ono rs for contributions th at he lped ren ovate la boratories and in stall a new ventibtio n system in the Food Scie nce bUiJding . Do nors included Ca nada Packers Inc., Camp hell So up C<ln ad a Ltd . and Crown Cork and S ~ a l Canad a Inc. (form e rl y Co ntinental Can Ca nada Inc)
H<lt'old Draper, retired chair o f the Department o f Nutritio nal Scie nces, was named pro fessor emeritus at the Fe bru a ry 1990 convocation. Drape r joined the University in 1975 to chair the the n De partment of Nutritio n.
Alumni seminar How well is the fam ily in the 1990s 1 Mac-FACS alumni are invited to dis c u ss that question wi th Bar bara Pressman , a Kitchener, Ont., mar riage and fam ily th era pi s t, at a n educational semina r during Alumni Weekend . Pressmen will speak June 23 at 10:15 a.m. in Room 209, HAFA. She will challenge some favorite myths about marriage J nd the fami ly, Pressm an is a n a djunct faculty member at Wilfrid Laurier University , ho ld s a master's of educati on in coun se lling from Harva rd 's G radua te School of Educa ti on and maintains an active famil y practice.
Mac-rACS alllmn i lUere on han d last/all/or presentatio n uI underh',raduate scholar ships tu st udents in/amity a nd cu nsumer stue/ies. Representing th e Mac-FA CS Alulnni Association were Na ncy Plato, FA CS '8l , presid ent; Lori IWUrCIfl, l-ACS '76 a nd M.Sc. 86, treasurel;' (l nd Nora StuskUjI(' Mac '59D, p resident oIthe Guelph branch. StudeNt w;l1nel~" included !'vielarlie Fa/I, 10 v Walker, She/lev Graha m , Ann Peckouer, Heather Noble, Linda Hayes Clnd Ch '-iS/iiui McA/lister. .
Campus day care improved The numbe r of day-care spaces available on campus has almost doubled with the opening of the University o f Gue lph Child-Care Centre - the first in Ontario to be ow ned and opera ted by a university. The new ce ntre has space for 104 children, including 10 infants, 30 toddlers and 64 preschoo lers. Seven ty-five s paces are ava ilable for stud e nts , sta ff and facul ty of the Un ive rsi ty, with the remaining spaces ~lVa ii ah l e to the Gue lph community. The child-care centre complements the activities of the Campus Child-Care Co -orerative of Guelph , which has bee n in o pera tion for 14 years, and the Family Studies Laboratory Schools' five nursery school programs. Together, th ey offer child-care spa ces for 135 children. Loca ted next door to Alumni House , the new faci lities of the child-care centre will be used durin g Alumni Weeke nd June 22 to 24 to provide a children's program for fam ilies visiting campu s.
The Viney ards o f Germany an d France
TOUR: 15 days, Jul y 25 to Aug . 8, 1990 Vis iting the Moselle, Rhine and Ba den vineya rds of Ge rmany a nd the French wine regions of Alsace, Burgun dy, th e Loire Valley an d Cham p agne ... plu s time in Paris a nd Belgium. ..... HOSTS: Bo b Desaute ls, FACS '75 and Arts MA '84 , and Jacques Pauwels, lec turers in the School o f Hote l an d Food Auministration. Bob is a restaura teur a nd w ine expe rt;Jacques is a specialist in French a nd German histolY and in the history of wine and foou. COST; Just $2 ,495; includes a ir fair, accommodation , breakfast daily and ten s pecial dinners, la nd transportation by priva te coach , special sightsee ing tours and win e tas ting. INFORMATION: Contact Bob Desa utels at 519-824-4120, Ext, 397 1. 16
Family studies The Derartment of Fam ily Studies w ill welcome a ne w c hJir July 1, w hen Ge rald Ada ms of Utah State University succeeds Prof. Bruce Ryan . Adams is a professo r o f family and human development and psychology at Utah. He hJS twice served as cha ir o f his depJ rtment a nd is curre ntly director for his college'S labo rato ry for research on adolescence. He is wide ly recognized for his research and publications on ado les cen ce, spec ifi ca ll y on adolescent identity formation. He has al so been involv ed in projects on teenage preg nancy, runaways , ado lescent suicide and pare nt-adolescent soc ial s kills training, Jnd ha s unde rtaken exten sive work on marriage and fJmily relationships.
Distinguished award Janet Ward law, dean o fFACS from 1970 to 1983 , was hono red recently with Penn State University 's Distin guished Alumni Award. Wardlaw earned a PhD in nutrition from Penn State in 1963, after receiv ing a BA from the University ofTo ron to and an l'v'LSc. from the University o f Te nnessee. After 13 years as d ean of FACS , she served as associate vice-pres id e nt, academi c, until her retirement in 1987 Ward law is now ch air of the hoard of governors of the Inte rnation al De ve lo pm e nt Researc h Ce ntre, travelling throug hou t the world to evaluate the e ffectiveness of IDRC programs in the Third Wo du . Guelph Alumnus
New recommendations for Canadians
Linking Foods high in chol este rol - such as eggs - are not the main culprits in high blood cholesterol. Calcium sup pl eme nts do not prevent os teoporosis. And it's unlikely that vitamin supplements prevent cancer. These are some of the findings of a scientific review committee ap pointed by the federal government to study the links between diet and dis ea se. Family st udies professors Donna Woolcott, Mac '69 and PhD '79, and Susan Evers, and retired nutritional sc iences professor Harold Draper were members of the commit tee, whose rev iew, Nutrition Recom mendations Jor Canadians, marks the first time that dietalY recommen dations for the prevention of chronic diseases have bee n iss ued by Health and Welfare Canada. Some of the recommendations are designed to offset the public's preoc cupation with the unproven health benefits of certain foods and nutri e nts, says Woolcott. Others pose a challenge to consumers, govern ment and the food industry. Included in the more than 100 recommendations, which will be used to update Canada's food guide , is one suggesting fat consumption be reduced from 38 to 30 per cent of the diet, says Woolcon.
iet and • lsease Achieving this recommendation will req uire a major change in dietary habits for those Canadians who still have not met the 1977 nutritional guidelines , which reduced recom mended fat consumption from 42 to 35 per cent, she says. The nutrition report sa ys saturated fat - not dietary cholesterol as found in eggs - is the main dietary culprit in high blood cholesterol, a recog nized risk factor for heart attacks. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have tbe opposite effect, but they are only half as effec tive in lowering blood cholesterol as saturated fat is in rais ing it. Woolcott gives high marks to the food industry for beginning to reduce fat content, but say s more food products should cany labe ls to inform consumers about nutritional content. The committee's report also dis counts the widely publicized preven tive link betwe en calcium supplements and osteoporosis. Rece nt studies found no significant effect o n bone mass from the use of calcium s upplements, says Draper, and there is more and more evidence
Diabetes: greater among native peoples The alarming discovery of a high prevalence of diabetes among Canada 's native population has inspired a Guelph proposal for a national study of the problem. Diabetes is seven times as prevalent in Indians living in certain regions of Canada as it is in the generdl population, says epidemiologist Susan Evers of the Depa rtment of Family Studies. She is deve loping a proposal for a national study with colleagues at the universities of Manitoba and Western Ontario. The pl<!Oning stage is funded by Health and Welfare Canada . By studying data from the federal government's med ical services branch , Evers and other researchers found that the incidence of diabetes increases in Indian communities in the southeastern areas of the country. In some groups, half th e population over 45 are diabetic, she says. In addition to the geographic pattern, the re was also a pattern in the Indian-language families and cultures that oc cupied these areas, suggesting a strong genetic factor. The new study will scree n 12 native communities to help pinpoint the risk factors for diabetes. Cuelph Alumnus
that physical activity is the most effec tive preventive measure. The report recommends dietalY supplements in only three situations - vitamin D for some elderly , iron and folic acid for some pregn an t women and the addition of fluoride to drinking water. A recommendation to have the elderly double their intake of vitamin D was based on evidence that sub stantial numbers of older people have undesirably low l)loo d leve ls, prohably due to low exposure to sun light, says Drape r. Mainly on the basis of ev idence that excess alcohol is a cause of hy pertension, the committee recom mended that alcohol consumption be limited to five per cent of calories, and recommend ed abstin e nce during pregnancy. Because of the association be tween high intakes of caffe ine and cardiovascular disease, the commit tee recommended that caffeine con sumption he limited to the equivalent of four cups of regular cor'fee a day . Discounting claims that high in takes of vitamin C are benefic ial, tbe previous recommendation for non smokers was lowered. But the recom mendation for cigarette smokers was set at twice that of non-smokers be cause of evid e nce that smoking in creases vitamin C requirements. A reduction in the use of salt by both consumers and food manufac ture rs was also recommended. Woolcott hopes tbe fe d e ral government will follow through on tb e recommendations to update Canada's food guide soon. Estah Iished in 1942 during food ratio ning, the guide was intended to help Canadians identify the minimum foods required to protect them from nutritional deficiencies. Times have changed . In 1990, Canadians need to be informed about the problems as sociated with an excess of intake , says WoolUltt. 17
U of G sc ie ntists are pla ying a ce ntra l ro le th e Sudbury in Neutrino Observatory (S NO), a projec t to study unique ~ lln- a nd star-emitted particles that has re ce ived maj o r fundi ng fr om th e federa l gov e rn me nt. Physic s professo r John Simpson says the gove rnm e nt's $35 million , fi ve-year commitme nt w ill e n su re that the SN O facility is o ne of th e best in th e w o rld . l) of G sc ienti sts have be e n wo rking with o th er grou ps o n th e d es ign o f t he pro ject for the last five years. "W e' vl' bee n in vo lved primarily as the ce ntre for control ling a nd measuring radioactivity levels," sa ys Simpson. Neutrinos are diffi cult to dl'tect beca use there 's so much background radiatio n on the surfacl' o f the planet Even in a mine shaft ,l!most two kilometres unde rgro und , where SNO is located , the particles are h:lId to detect. Simpson a nd his colleag ues have been ma king su re thl' d es ign of the facility - using 1,000 tonnes of heavy wa ter, spec ia l
materials and thousa nds of tonnes of li gh t w ater properly mask s th e radiation. Simpson , Prof. Jimmy Law and re s ea rch as soc iat e l'i llalam ar ri Jagam a re invol ved in monitor ing a nd co ntro lling the de ve lo pme nt and co nstru c ti on o f the facility , and ar e de vcl op ing co mpute r s imu lat ion s o f the op e ration of th e delecto r. Sim pso n says SNO ",·' il l be at the forefront o f ne utrino research because it will have a highe r co un ting ra te than other detectors a nd ca n me asu re the ir energy. This w ill give scientists a much bet te l' understanding of energy processe s in the ce ntre of the su n. Th e project is suppo rte d h y In dustry, Science a nd Tech no logy Ca nacl<l <lnd the Na tio nal Resea rch Cou ncil , as well a .~ the O nta rio go"e rnnlcn t ,md agen ci es fr om ot her coul1trie 'i. lJ of G prm 'idc d o ne o f the o rigi na l resea rc h gra nts. Inco provid ed th e si te , a nd Ato mic En e rgy o f Ca nada Ltd. is providing th e hea vy wa ler,
Funding ensures bright future
for neutrino observatory
Is what's ailing you ailing your computer?
hy Aluin Ng
Compute rs are beco ming mo re and mo re like people eve ry da y right dow n to the diseases they catch. In fa ct , the term "computer viru s" seems to have wo rked its way into po pular use large ly be ca use it is anal ogou s to the diseases th at a fflict humans, says Pro f. Ted Swart , chai r o f the De partme nt of Computing a nd Informa tion Sc ie nce . "It's not a forced te rm inol ogy ," he says. "The ana logy b etween a viru s in the body an d a virus in th e computer is quite close." Computing sc ientists ofte n describe viruses heing "tra ns mitte d " from mach ine to mac hin e and tal k a bou t h ow compute rs become "infecte d " by vi ru ses, h ow some viru ses ha ve an "incubation period" befo re they act and how program mers are tryin g to de velo p "vacc ines." 18
Computer viruses a re actu all y hits o f co mputer c ode - tin y, self conta ined rrogra ms - that sprea d fro m co mpute r to com pu te r e ither physicall y by diske lle. or over tel e pho ne lines. Before perso nal comp uter;; a nd noppy disks beca me populJr, viru;;es were rare , says Sw art . Now, wit h more people making them and more compu ters in use , "it's too easy to become conta minated ," he says. Most vir us es ca u se o nl y mi nor damage , but some ha ve becn kno vvn to destroy data and ca use hard di "k" to crash perma nen tly. Most unive rsities and corporat ion s try to catc h intr uders before a virus ca n he passed on , but it's viriLia lly imposs ibl e to st o p ep id e miCS of viruses pa ss in g fro m o ne flop py di sk to a noth er. Th e he s t pro tl' cti o n
agai nst contra cti ng a co mpu te r virus is e luti o n a nd common sense. CIS computer sci e ntists adv ise yo u to b uy yo ur softvvare , and do n't share it or copy it. Don 't tra de di skettes o r soft ware and use o nl y sto rage me dia in origina l packages seal e d by the m:l n u I'aclu ref. 'J'he re arc virus checker disks avail a hle, hut be SLire vi ru s -scannin g progra ms are of the me mo ry-res ident v~ l ri cly. Th ese w ill w arn you o f poten tial trou h le before a n y se ri o u s damage occ urs. It's :i1so a good idea to back up everything o n Hoppy disks. It ma y see!11 like a lot of work, but someday yo u may ha v e to reco nstruct your lbLI fmm tllese c lean disk:; if a viru s \vipes out evctything on your ha rd drive. Cue/ph Alumnus
Bitten by the travelling bug?
by MalY Dickieson
He re 's one insect who re all y gets around . And w hen the tra velling bug bites, Ca nadians travel. W spe nd al most $26 billion a year travelling o ut siele the co untry and m a ke more than 133 millio n trips to Canadi a n des tina tio ns. Where do we go? What d o we see? How can w e m ake the m ost o f o ur vacati o n s~
Following the sun Mo st Canadia ns trave lling o utside the co untr y go to the co ntinental United States, Hawaii , Mexico or the Caribbea n , sa ys Mic ha el Haywood, a professo r in the Scho ol of Ho te l and Fooel Admini stration. The 182 alumni w h o a ttend ed the annual March pi c ni c in Florida are e vide nce of the numb e r of Ca nadians w h o trave l south in search o f warmer weathe r. They 're also p art of th e re ason Ca nada has a S2.8-billion trCl vel d eficit, says Hay woo d. An o th e r r eas on is Ca naeJJ' s rural im age . "Ca nada is still perceived as being e xp e nsive and m o re conducive to fishing and hunting than to a lux ury holiday," he sa ys . The Ca nadian go ve rnment a nd the to urism industry a re workin g to
c ha nge th at im age to o ne of a cou ntry th at can p rovide m u ltiple levels o f entertainme nt. Altho u gh th e nu m her o f America n: visiting anada is not increasing , in o the r parts o f the wo rld , Ca n,ld a is :1 pop ular vaca tion d estinati on heca use of it s w ide. ope n spaces Many Europea ns and Asia ns - 'vva nting to get :l way from crowded u rh: lfl sett ings - are attracted hy the o ppo rtun ity to tre k throu gh the Ca nadian wilde r n e .~ s .
[n Ba nff, reta ilers post signs in two lang uages - Eng lish and Jap:lI)cse. s a ys Ha yw oo d . [ Ie c omm end s westerners fo r t heir efforts to se rve Japa nese to urists . "These vis itors are fa scina ted w ith a Can ad a tha t \ve ta ke fo r g ranted ," he says .
Seeing Canada Th e b righ test sjJut in Cana d ian to urism rig ht now is tht, d o m e stic mark et, w ith Ca na lian s a ve rag ing fou r m 'erni g ht tri ps pcr perso n e ac h yea r. Ou rs is;1 m o hile so ciety, and we are tra vell in g mo re to "hit re la ti ves, for business, to attend co n ve ntio ns a nd to satisfy per~on a l in te re . ts. The va lue of d o leSl ic tr,lvel is pr o bably unc.k resti m at c cl , .~ays Haywood. W hl.;: n fr ie nds a nd fa mily
Unlike traditiunal museums, the Reynolds-Alherta Museu m (scheduled to upen in 7992) will irl1lite visitors tu touch and experience its lIintu,~i? automohiles a nd artifacts.
Cuelph A lu mnus
visit , we spend m o re o n food, on w ine. on sightseeing in o ur own a rea an d on g ifts to se nd hom e as so uve nirs . These dollars a re ge nera ll y n ot co unted as direct inruts to to urism . The increa se in domesti c tra vel may al so he an indicati o n of the growing tre nd toward s nostalgia a nd inte rpretative to urism, he says In te rpr e ta ti o n is b ec omin g a bu zzwo rd in the indust ry, cc nainl y with peo ple like Frank Milligan, Arts '75, anc.! Jim Worton, 0/\ 'W; MLA. Milliga n is fac ilities m a nager a nd Worto n is supe rvi sor of inte r pr e ta ti v e se rvices at the n c w Rey n o ldS-Alb e rta Mu se um, no w unde r constru ctio n at We taskiwin. A pro ject o f AlI.,erta Culture and Multi c ulturali s m , the mu se um is schedule d to op e n in 1992 to "inter pret th e s tory o f transpol'tation , ag riculture a nd indu stry in Albe rta ," says \X/orto n . "It is our d e sire to m ake the museum a vibrant a nd persona l ize d facility whi ch reve a ls o ne imp o r tant p a rt of Alb e rta's c ultural heritage." Altbo ug h museu ms a ren't usually d esigned as to u rist attrac ti o ns - m ost are built fo r e ducati o na l purposes and to prese rve lo cal heri tage for the benefit o f lo cal p e ople - they have beco m e popular as part o f the trend toward s "grassroo ts vacations, " says Ha ywood. T he new Alberta fac ility w ill Glri tali ze o n tha t tre nd . Vis ito rs will be able to ride in a v intage ca r, watch an 19
aircraft take off or ster on to an industrial as::;e mhl y line. Worton :.Ind Mi .l ligan think this h a nd s-on arIJroach to his tory will make the Illuseum a m a jor tourist attraction.
Toronto tourists win in photo 111lish
Be curious To ens ure the s u e ' c ~s of yo ur summer vacation, Haywood aclvises you to be curious. Talk to the reople you meet, as k questions and m e ntion the fact that yo u 're an alumni of U of G. You ne ve r know where you 'll run into anotl1<:r Guelrh graduate or someone who has a connec tion to the Unive rsit y. "U o f G is almost like a lette r o f introductio n anyvvhere in the wo rld ," he sa ys. There are more th,lI1 1,100 HAFA graduates, and at least half of them are involved in tourism, says Susan Sag~lnski , HAFA 'HrS, president of the HAFA Alumni Association. Many alumni from other ( iplines also contribute to the export ot'Canadian la nd scares, history , culture a nd h osp itality. The I-IAFA Alumni Associatjon publishes an annual list ing o f a ll the schoo l's gr~lduates for the benefit of its m e m be rs. If YOll have a copy, or one o f the new U nive rsity-w icle c1irectori<:s , lise it to help plan your next vacation. Michel Mousseau , Arts '73, fell into the hospitality industry hy accident, hut ha s heco m e one of our most trave lled alumni. He describes himse lf as "one o f the g hosts in the machinery that tra vel aro llnd and compile informa tion to estahlish ratings for lodgings and restaurants" in the Ame rican and Canad ian Automohile Association Tour Hooks. Mousseau spends a ho ut 40 weeks a year tr~l v elling to evaluate attractions, campground s , lodgings a ncJ res taurants. He says travellers are demanding and getting more luxurious acco mmociations, even <It hudget-pri ced mote ls. Serv ice is becoming the mo re important var iable in deter mining w hich facilities get fo ur-star ratings, h e says. If you're tra velling by car, he suggests swy ing a t sIl1all town lodgings , where the ()'wner is usually on hand to provide information ahout local a ttl'actions and resta urants. "Peop le in sma ll to wns a re Il10 re genuinely intereste d in le tting you know w hat's important al)out their place ," he says. \'Vhere's the perfect VJGltion spoe "It 's different for m e and yo u ," says Mousseau. "Fo r me , it's m y home in Calgary ... orany pLlce w here there aren 't tourists. When travelling, [ like to come horne kno wi ng so mcthing I didn't know hefore."
Meet alumni Many other Guelph alumni operate th e resta urants, hote ls and attractions that Mousseau a ocl his colleagues v isit. Travelling in Canada, you might m ee t Martin Saunders , AC '79 , at The Village Restaurant in Coe hill, Om., o r Barbara Benne, I-IAfA 75, at he r Sunn y Po int Cottages nea r Pany Sound, Ont. Michael Kaile, AMPHI '88 , is w ith Coast Hotels in Vancouver; Stephen Burchert, HAFA '79 , th e Banff Ce ntre in Alberta; Richard Rubin, HAFA 'H4, Tony Roma's in Mo ntre al ; Neil Hornsby , HAFA '80, the Delta Brunswick Hote l in S~lint Jo hn, N .B ; and Catherine Phoenix, Arts '86, the Eye Level Gallery in Halifax. Other Guelph alumni a re contril)uting to tourism on the inte rnationa l s cene. Paul MacNaughton, HAFA '7H, is w ith 20
\'(fhat 's a tourist attraction? They're the things that tourists come to see - the things they rake pictures of so they can remembe r what they ,':;aw while they were here. Every City information o ffi cer can tell yOLl what the atrra tions are in that city, but they'd probably be wrong, says Prof. Michae l Haywood, Sch ool of Hotel and Food Administr:Hion. Haywood devised a unique w ay of finding o ut what really auracts the attention of tourists by looking at their va ca tion photos. The projec t was conducted in Toronto, with the help of Ko d a k Canada a nd nine major hote b throughout the city, After calling almost 500 p eople who had registered for a m in imum three -d a y visit to Toronto, Haywood asked 50 of them to take pictures of things the y thought were intcreSL ing , memorable and irritating . When developed, the photos were surprisingly unlike Toronto's tourism brochures. These tourists - most were Americans - took photos of "clean" streets, police officers, tree , train and subway s tations, homes and garbage bins. Alm ost everyone co mmented on the cleanliness ofeity street.s and the tidy, fit appearanc of Toronto police , sa ys Haywood. "They liked the blending of old Victorian build ings with come mporary architecture and marveled at how we ll-kept the older buildings were." >
They too k photo,':; inside malls and d epartment s tores, the public libra ry , the "largest bookstore I've ever seen" and the train station . Others photographed people on Toronto the IVlarriott Corp. in Santa Clara, C :ilif. , and Gary Waech ter, HAFA '76, works at Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla. A number of HAFA alumni, including Elias Chu , '83, and Peter Che u ng, '83, a re with hot el s in Hong Kong. MicheUe Wyman, HAFA 'H4, works at a Jamaican resort; Alfred Fung, HAFA '78, is with Quantas Airways in Australia ; and Mauree n Bro okes, HAFA '8 1, owns a ho te l in Shipton-Uncler-\X!ychwood , England. To co mplete the list of Guelph alumni w ho work in the tourism indu stry, we'd ne ed several more magazines , but the alumni mentioned and the colleges where they earned
Guelph. Alu mnus
Toronto uisilors rememiJenhe cityjbr ii" ... eco llomical elhllic reslat[rcinls, its people ace Ijuilies and ils mi.xture o/ lllOdem archilec- ' lure and natural sellings .
Island, at Kensington Marker and just wcdking down the street. There \vere photos of outdoor sculpture, the little ·res taurant where "I had the best hamburger I've ever eaten" and dozens of tlowerbeds a nd trees. The amount. eif' city space devoted to park land was surprisi ng'to many,prompt ing the ohservation that Toronto is a city builnvith people in mind. . There were not many photosof the CNTower, SkY-Dome o r Queen's Park. There were lots taken at the 'Metro Zoo, the Ontario Science Ce ntre, H ~lrbourfroi1t , Ontario Place, Ca nada '5 Wonderland and Toronto Island ~ -all with people in them and accompanied by comments a bo ut the fun visitors had there. These places were also mentioned frequently in the complaints visitors had about high prices and pc}or food service. Many sa id they found Toronto too expensIve for ~l family vacation and prob~lbly WOLJI~ln't come again , even though they had a great time. Other complaints cente red around hotel service and th¢ fact that many thought young people at inforl110tion centres were poorly informed and nor very helpt"ld. The variety of photos and commenLs collected by Haywood demonstrates that tourists ofte n e njoy the same amenIties preferred by reside nts of a city. Yet, most tourism offices still concentrate on the postc;,uc! sites rather than the spcc ial-interc,st activities available. By promoting its neigh borhoods and neighborliness, a city can increase its appeal to visitors and make it.self more memorable , he says. their degrees show the diversity of backgrounds that con tribute to the complexity of the industry they su pport. Gain understanding No matter where you go , Hayvvood says you 're missing the boat if you don 'ttake the time to learn someth ing about the communities and the countries you visit. "One of the reasons for travel i:i to create a better unde r standing among people," he says. That's a bonus for tourists, but it should he a priority for tourism. "There is room in tourism to share cu ltural perspectives as well as show off landscapes, " he says. "If people come to Canada with misunderstandings about the countly, and leave with the same opinion , then Guelph Aluml1us
we're doing something wrong," says Haywood. He says Lewisburg on Cape Breton Island is one place where Ca nad ians are doing a good job of s haring their heritage and cu lture w ith visitors. Mousseau says Rocanville, Sask. , just 20 miles north of the Trans-Canada Highway, is another. "The museum there is staffed by retired farme rs who still like to tinker with machinery and h ave great stories to tell." The best places to visit, he says, are those where you find people who haven't forgotten how to have fun. The desire to mix luxUIY and learning in the sa me vacation is also evid e nt on the international scene. On a summer exc ursion planned by HAFA lecturers Robert Desautels, HAFA '75 and Arts MA '84, and Jacques Pauwels, guests will visit some of the famous vineyards of Germany and France. They w ill learn the history of the various wine regions, as well as improve their app reciatio n of Europea n wines. It's not enough to c heck into a luxUIY hotel on the Rhine and order from the wine cellar, says Desautels. Today's travellers also want to see where the grapes are grown and study the history of food and wine. Another group of alumni have pooled their talents to provide a sim il ar service to an even more speciali zed audience - the agricul tural community. David McCaig, OAC 71A, and Richard Buck, OAC '76A , are managers of a Guelph consu lting company that plans and organizes specialized tours and ed ucational programs for agricultural groups or individuals. Agri-Connections relies on consu Ita nt Cathy Lasby, CSS '74 , to plan conferences, exhibits and marketing ventures for farm organizations. Other alumni participants include Neal Stoskopf, OAC '57 and J'vISA '58, Dr. R.K. Lothrop, OVC '66, and Alan McPhedran, OAC '69 "We' re a ble to fill a specia li zed niche in the tourism industry ," says Buck. Many people who enjoy the security and conve nience of an organ ized tour also want the flexibility of being able to satisfy their particular interests in this case, an interest in international agriculture.
Environmental needs Despite the current travel deficit, tourism is Cana da's third largest export industry, selling $23 billion worth of our greatest natural resources each year - as photographs and memories. "Our resources don 't have to leave the country to be part of an export industry," says Haywood. The Northwest Territories offe r vast areas of park land Virtua lly unknown to tourists and canyons that rival the U.S. Grand Canyon. Would building a new highway and setting up hotels and restaurants add to or detract from the ex perience of visiting the a rea? Would the environmental sacrifices be worth the economic benefits tourism Jollars could bring? Many environmentalists would say not. And even in econom ic terms, the benefits of tourism decrease in remote areas where everything has to be brought in, says Haywood. The tourism industry needs to maintain Ca nada's wilder ness adventures just as it needs to promote its lUXUry resorts and bustling cities, says Haywood. It's an advantage for Canada to be able to offer SLich a variety of vacation options - each one with a different story to tell.
Riding the rails of a bygone era
hy Da vid Thomas
One might ~ay that Helen Tucker's job provicJes a good train ing grouncJ for he r hobby. A railway research e nginee r at a Na tio na l Research Counc il la boratory in Onaw3, Tucker, OAC '65, spencJ s most of he r time solving prohlems fo r the mocJern ra iJ way system. But afte r ho urs, she loves to get her ha nds clirty fi ring an oil-burning steam e ngine as a memb e r of the By tow n Railway Soci e ty. Riding the rai ls on a s team p owe re d train is li ke a trip b ac k thro ugh histOlY, says Tucker, who got a lo t of practice firing the oil-burning locomotive last summe r whil e serv ing as a c rew member o n a six-day trip from Onawa to Saint John, J .B. The rest of the crew cons isted of o ther members of the Bytow n society w ho work at the Natio nal Museum o f Sc ie nce and Techno logy Th e By to wn society owns four passenger ve hicles and helps main tain fo ur more fo r the museum. T oge th e r, th e soc iet y ancJ the museum offer a regular summe r pro gram o f two -hour a ncJ cJay-lo ng tra in excurs ions in the Onawa a rea. The IVlontre a l to Saint)ohn po rtion o f last summer's trip was pl3nnecJ to com me mo rate the 100th anniversary of the esta blishm e nt of CP's 775 kilometre route tha t w ind s its way through the Eastern Townships, into Maine and across the Appal achi an highland s. P owere d by th e m useum ' s locomotive 1201, the e xcursion trai n inclucJed seven vint3ge cars wit h names suc h 3S "Combin3tio n Ca r 22
.3051" and '· Midway." Tucker speaks w ith pricJ e a.~ :s he d esc rihc:-, thl~ powe rfullocomol lvr :, calling it "a r3re exa mple of fine, e le g3 nt technology that ha s somehow survived in the cJ iesei era ." Number 1201 W,IS th e last stea m locomotive complete ly built at CPR's Mo ntrea l Angus s\1o[ls in June 1944, she says. "T hat , ac corcJ ing to [l o pul a r leg ~ n cl, is w ha t saved her. She a lways seeme d to be myste rious ly moved to the end of the scrap line w hile await ing cJ e mo litio n as cJi eseliza tion oc curre d ." Origina ll, built as 3 coal burne r, the locomol ive was co nverte cl to o il before going into exc ursio n service in 1976. It 's a good thing 1201 ancJ the coaches have survived , sa ys Tucker , because rhey give people an o ppor tunity to e xpe rien ce <1 thrill the y just ca n 't get on a modern train. During th e trip to S3int John , she a ncl the rest of the crew put in 17-hour clays , but it was well worth it , she says. "Tile sce ne ly , the nostal gia, the sights, sou ncJ s and smells of firing the locomotive - a ll th e deme nts ca me together to ma ke it a trip III al ways remember, " she says. orking with steam locom o tives transports you hack to the grea t rail era of this countlY, " says Tucker, w h o cons icJ ers herself lu cky lO have me t ancJ workecJ with some of the last steam-loco motive e ngincc ls tr3in ed in Ca nada . On th e job a t NRC' s ve hi c le dy namics la bo rato ry, Tucke r con e o trates o n the problems of tocJa y's cJiese l-[lo werecJ ([<lins. The lahoratory has faci lities for performing squee ze.
il11lXlct ancJ vi bration tests o n railway vehicles. It \'"iJl soon be involve cJ in a c;eries of cJe ta il e d stu dies o n wcu of rails uncJe rcJiffcren t loacl cOlld ition s. Wea r of w hee ls ancl rails is a p roblem that costs the indu stry S300 mill ion to $400 miJJion a year. Tucker i~ primarily respo nsible for the deve lopme nt of a facilit y to ca rry o ut resea rch on ra il way w heels , hearin gs a nd brakes. He r knowled ge ;·ll1d sk ill s have , no cJO Ll ht , m acJe her a n a~ se t to th e Bytown cre w . This year, th e socie ty ancJ mu se um p lan to run a hout 30 two- ho ur trips aro uncl the nation 's cap ita l <1 nd three one-da y excu rsions t o Brockvill e , Pem h roke and Hawkesh u ry . If this souncJs like fun to you, w rite to the By town Rail way Socie ly a t PO Box 141. Station A, O tta wa ION HV 1 for mo re info rmation .
Helen Tu cker prUUided the ahuue phOiU Ufi hE' 1201 a nd ih is one o/hel:'ielj'on the /ocon?oti{)e ~'i hoom c/I'ck. (;'uelph Alurnnus
CSS graduate
heads campaign for performing arts centre Guelph lawyer Robin-Lee Norris, CSS '80, is spearheading an
$11.7-million fund -raising campaign to bLlild a performing arts centre in Guelph. Part of that campaign includes an on-campus drive to raise $300,000 from faculty and staff. In addition, the University has committed $50,000 over five years to reserve space in the centre for public lectures, music and drama performances. The University will be able to use the centre as an alternative location for its drama and music performan ces, allOWing greater community access. Th e new Guelph Centre for the Perfo[·ming Arts will be built in downtown Guelph at the site of old Speed River skating rink. It will fea ture an 800-seat concert hall and a 250-seat theatre, and is expected to open in 1992. The University's commitment will give it first call on the concert hall four times a year, the theatre e ight times a year and ancillary facilities sever;.d times a year, depending on negotiated llser fees. Norris is junior partner in the Guelph law firm Kearns McKinnon and specializes in municipal law . She was appointed to a city council citizen's committee in 1987 to make recommendations on the need for a pe rforming arts centre, its projected cost and fund-raising methods to be used. Norris 's other community commit ments include serving six years as a board member of Guelph Big Si sters and chairing the 1987 Guelph and area Unired Way campaign . She also chaired the 1989 Children's Fund, designed to provide summer camp, music lessons and other activiries for children in need. In her profess ional life , Norris rep resents a mixed clientele of municipalities, ratepayers, develop ers and corporate and commercial real estate agent:;. Guelph Alu mnus
International development student Rhonda [liebert, le}t. ufWlmlljJcp,. andgeup,raphy student Thomas Roe/ens u/Leamington. Onl ., ure presented u'ith C)'S A/umlli Associa tion scholarships of $540 each hy Susan i3!air, CSS 83 f:ach year, CSS ailimni oll'ard jive Alma Mater F~md scholarships to students in Sel1l1.'stel~,/uur to six (J/G/n under gmduClte prugram - one each in econumics, f!,eup,mphy, pulitlcul studies, ps;dwlup'y and sociology and anthropology The uther winners are ecorWllllCS student Curol flub son o/Pickering, Ont., psycholugy student Dia/1n V()i!ick of Cui!clndur. Onl .. and soci%f!,)' student Pina Bruzzese 0/ WeILand, On!.
Advectising .c reates unrealistic image of women Linda H1:lI1te r, ao instructor in the Department of SocLology a nd 1\ otl1roriology, does o't like.the cur renttrend in advertising that de pi ·ts adokscent girls as women. The lise of models ·as young as 14 to depict adUlt women is con tributing to an increase in plastic surg e ry, anOl'exi,j and bulimia among women , she 'ays. She bas s that obse rvatio n · o n her studies of print advertising over the pa$t five years . Ge nerally spea king, she says, [he mass media are creating an un realistic imagethat has- the powerto dama ge a woman's health and destroy he r sense of well-heing. In this iniage-conscious society, young women fac e a clo uhl e whammy in terms of identity; says Hunte r. They are socialized as girls to be n\,lrturing and ca ring , but during adolescence they find that re la tio n ships are d eva lu ed and they're told they should aspire to indepe nclen ' and ca reers. At th . same rime , advertise ments dictate the s tyl ~s they should war,
as wel l as the sizes - sizes that are unrealisti c for most women, she say:;. IIunte r is disturbed by both the valu e placed o n youth and the growi ng trend to violence in adver ti se me nts . The tre nd to portray ,vomen as objects tbaL are child-like and en tic se nds <l cul tural message th a t it's o ka y to make children se 'u ~d o hjects , she S~[ ys. The re 's a danger that a culture that prefer. wome n tu be child-like and depe ndent will use it~ c hildre n as if they w rc grown women, she sa ys . And that's e aet ly what's hap p ening as yo ung ~ r and younger mode ls are used , no t only in adver tis ing , hut in pornography as well. Despite he r con ce rns about sexism and violence in advertising , I funter says ce nsorship is not the answer. She b lie es tbe solution is e d uCltion in visua l and media lite racy. "We need to decode what goes on in advertising by d ucating people ." 2", )
Basketball Gryphons top OUAA, lose in CIAU final Hoping to duplicate their 1973174 natio nal basket l)a1l title , the Gryphons fought their way to the c ham pionship round of the CrAU tournament in Halifax, but lost 80-62 to the Concordia Stinge rs. Despite the second-pla ce finish, the tournament capped an incredible seaso n for the team. The Gryphons had beat the Stingers one week earlie r in Mon treal to take the OUAA championship Wilson Cup, after defeating Brock and the number-two-ranked We stern Mustangs in the west division final. Gryphon coach Tim Darling was named OUAA west coach of the year. Players Airic Hammond and Tim Mau were named to the west division first all-star team. In Halifax , the Gryphons got by Toronto and Vic toria before meeting Concord ia. NIau, a second-year arts student from Nepean, Ont. , was named to the CTAU tournament all-sta r team.
Co-op lawsuit The Guelph Campus Co-operdtive has lodged a $5.5 -milli on lawsuit against U of G related to the Unive rsity's takeover of camp us retail operations. The Co-op claims the Univers ity has violated its current lease with the Co-op regal'd ing its former operd tions in the University Centre the Cam pus Co-op Shop and the Co-op Phar macy, which are now managed by the Un iversity's Retail Operations. The lawsuit also claims the Univer sity does not have the right to ter minate the Co-op's lease on the Campus Co-op Bookstore, which ex piresJune 30. At the same time, the Co-op has launched a complaint with Consumer and Corpordte Affairs Canada claim ing a right to textbook lists generated by the University, and has filed an injunction to remain in the bookstore after the current lease ends . The Uni versity has filed a state ment of defence, which denies the valid ity of the Co-op 's allegations, says John Mason , director of Ad ministrative Services. "We believe we have done every thing properly and in accordance w ith the legal documents current ly in force ," he says. Mason says the new reta il opera tions will make better use of Univer sity resources , while providing high-quality goods and services to students and staff
Photo: !'"ter Scm
More scholarships An 80-per-cent increase in Unive r si ty-fu nded u nd e rgrad uate scho lm ships will form the cornerstone of U of G 's plans to altract more high ca libre applicants. The University aims to set aside $885,000 a year (in 1989 do llars) by 1993 / 94 for various Un iversity funded scholarships. Thi s is up $415 ,000 from the $470,000 the University currently spends on schola rshi ps. Prof. Leona rd Cono Hy, acting academic vice-president , says the program is in line with the University Senate's directive to raise the number of Ontario Sc hola rs at Guelph . It's part of the overall objective of in creasing the excellence of applicants, he says . Funds for the program will come from the Un iv ersity 's general reve nues from red uctions in over head o r ancillary services. Univer siti es are not a ll owed to llse funds from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to create scho larships .
GJypilOj1 pla yer Tim i'klLl Jines ur for a shol i n the final ClAU game against Concord ia. O tl1<:r GJyphons in on the action are Brian Moore (fa llin g) , Rene Luypaen (ba ck ground) and A iri c Hammond (ann up). COllcordia 's #.">.3, Nic k Arvinitis. was named tlw tournam"n t MV!,.
Axelrod honor The Botany-Genetics-Zoology building has been renamed the Axel rod building in recognition o f the contributions Dr. HerbertA,xelrod has made to the University. Since 1972, Axelrod has supported the teaching o f ichthyology on cam pus through lectu res and donations of specialized publications and research specimens. He was awarded an honorary degree in 1978 and was named ad jun ct professor in the Department of Zoology in 1989. In December 1989 , he donated a major collection of museum-quality fossils valued at more than $24 mil lion to the Un iversity. Guelph Alumnus
Run ning tow ard
better footwear
Each year, thou sa nds o f Ca nadian joggers and runners suffer leg and a nkle injuries because o f imprope rly des igned athletic shoes. Human b iology profess or Mario Lafo rtune hopes the results of new collaborative research with NIKE Inc. w ill result in a better shoe design that wi ll reduce injuri es. The resea rch invo lves a new way to m eas ure lo w er leg shoc k in runners. Pre viously, re sea rc hers ha v e meas ured the shock o f repeated im pact by using a device called an acce le rator, adhesive ly mounte d to the skin . This tec h nique has limitations
is best mea sured - prevents tbe two from being directly a tta ched. Lafo rtune goes o ne step furth e r to e nsure accuracy. His procedure af fixes accelerometers directly to th e tibias of vo luntee r athletes. A fi ve-mil lime tre hole is drilled throu g h the tihia , throu gh w hich a pin co nnected to ~ IO accel e ro me ter is inserted . In stress tests , the participants simul ta neo usly wea r skin-m o un ted accelerometers, e na bling Lafortune to re co rd d a ta re pre se nting the diffe rence h etwee n the tw o methods. "Ultimately , we will b e able to both meas ure w hat is hap pening at t he skin level ,lOci predict the shock experienced by the hone ," he says.
b e tw ee n the ac ce lerom e te r and the tibia - w here impa ct
CBS faculty notes Balon The Convention o n Inte rnational Trade in Endangered Species has o ut lawe d internati o n a l trade in th e coelaca nth , th e " li v ing foss il " fish that is the s ubj ect of resea rch by zoology professor Eugene Balon. Balo n a nd o the r scientists in West Germany and South Africa had urged the change to protect the fi sh from huma n commercial explo itation. Coe lacanths had bee n tho ught to be extinct fo r mo re than 70 million years until a fishing boat ca ug ht o ne in 1938 off the coa st of So uth Africa . A 600-year-old co elacanth foss il is in cluded in the University's He rbe rt A. Axelrod Collectio n and will be o n dis play during Alumni Weekend June 22 to 24.
Anderson Prof. Ro y Anderson co mple ted hi s seco nd term as cha ir o f the De p art me nt of Zool ogy last December and was hono red by a "Roy Appreciation Party" to tha nk him for his service to the department Guelph Alumnus
Middleton Zo o log y profe sso r S,l nel y Mid dleton rece ived a 1989 3M Fellowship for o utstanding teaching. Middleton'S love is orn itho logy, a nd few students pa ss through his class roo m w itho ut enriching their arprec iation of hirds and wildlife.
MacCrimmon Hugh Ma cC rimmon , a Gu e lph faculty me mbe r fo r more tha n 30 yea rs , was named professor e meritus a t fa ll 1989 co nv oca ti o n . Mac Crimmon came to the Unive rsity in 1957 afte r wo rking as a researc h and manageme nt biologist w ith Ontario's Department of Lands ancl Fo rests. He was instrume ntal in developing the Un ive rsity's programs in fisheries and the aquatic scie nces, supelvised more than 50 graduate stud e nts and w as active in unde rgradu ate teach ing . He retired from the De r artment of Zo ol ogy in 1988
Hugh MucCrimmort and Chclnce!iur hd m1l nd C. Buuey.
In Memoriam Chancellor Edmund C. Bovey died sud denly April 24, at age 74. Ap pointed U of G Cha n cellor in 19!i9, he had served on Ihe Board of G overn ors fr om ]979 to 19811, Ihe last two years as chair. A memorial fund has been establ ished in h is nam e.
Fire and ice to highlight Alumni Weekend Alumni Weekend '90 will see the burning of the mOlt gage o n Alum ni Hous and the official open ing of the new twi n-ice are na. There will be spe cial anniversary dinners, a slo-pitch tournament and presentations for the Alumnus of Honour and Alumni M dal of Achievement, as well as a weekend full of family activities for you to enjoy. Don't be left out of the fun' Alumni Weekend '90 will feature special ac tivities for the whole family. While you 're playing slo-pitch or atte nd ing an association meeting, your children will en joy thei r special program at the Unive rsity's new child-care facility, located next door to Alumni House. They'll enjoy three legged races, an egg toss and a face-painting workshop.
Check the calendar
The Arboretum is always open for walking or jogging, but will offer a special guided tour on Saturday and will be the scene for the Sunday morning church selvice. Enjoy o ne of the college tours, see tbe Axelrod Fossil Collection, watch a demonstration at the Wild Bird Clinic, tour ,the ait gallery, or go for a family skate at the new arena. To satisfy your appetite, there's a we lcome bar becue or a gala desselt party, the Alumni Picnic, a class reunion dinner or the farewell champagne brunch on Sunday. If 1990 is your class anniversary year, check your mail for a special notice.
Guelph Alumnus
Check the time
2-4 p .m. 3 p .m .
Friday,june 22 A ll Day
3 p .m. S p, m . 8 p.m .
- Registra lio n, Lam bto n Hall - Official o pening of new arena Welcom Barbecue , Len nox-Addington Patio - Dessert Party, Creelman Hall
5 p. m .
Sunday,june 24 9 a .m . - Church service, Arboretum
Saturday,june 23 All D ay
CBS alumni picnic OVC alumni Picnic Free skating , new are na - Gallery talk , Macdo nald Ste wart Alt Centre Alumni Hou se barbecu e Golde n Anniversa ry receptio n Class reunion dinne rs
- UGAA annual meeting, Alumni House 11: 30 a.m . - Champagne brunch & o utdoo r co ncert - Awards presentatio n 1 p .m. Burning the mo rtgage, Alumni Hou se
10: 30
- Regist ratio n , Lamhto n Hall
9 a.m. - 5 p. m. - Child re n's program , Ca mpu s child care centr 9:30 a .m. - Guided nature w alk - Arboretum 9 & 11 a .m. - Associatio n annual meetings 9:30 a, m . - Slo-pitch tourn ame nt - South Q uad Noo n - Al umni Picnic , Cree lman Plaza Class re unio n lu ncheons
a.l11 .
ex Check the
form We'll be there!
Full Na me: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ Coll ege & Year: _ __ _ __ _ Full
i\lb ilin gA(kl n~ss:
_ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __
l s~in~e::::s s::.:==::=:=======-:====~ Tele pho ne Home=====::;::====-.:B~L:~ Cost Per Person #of People _ _~Total =-_ _ O.=...cffi_==lc:e:~~~_4
Postal Code
Name of Event - Welcom!=! Barbecue DesseI1 Pa rt CBS Alumn i Pic nic J-OVC Alum ni Picnic Cham ragne Brunch ,--足
$13 -足
$ 8
$ JO $ 10 $ l(i
Total Cost of Events
Residence Accommodations Cost per Night Cou Ie @ $50 x Sin Ie @ 533 x Sl uden t @ $2'5 x
# of Rooms
June 22
June 23
Office ' _
Total Cost of Accommodation TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED
Are yo u in terested in rhe chilcJre n's p rogram'
Make cbe que r ayabl e to Alumni Events - UGAA. Address to: Alumni House , University of G ue lph, Gue lph , O ntario N1 G 2W l. Guelph Alumnus
Arts alumnus named
Landlord of the Year
Victor Zadro, Arts '78, was recently named Landlord of the Year by student associations on campus. Zadro was nominated by Caroline Hartmann, a third-year sociology and English student, who is one of his 20 tenants. "He removes that gap between landlord and tenant," she said. "He's approachable." Zadro said good tenant relationships are built on respect and "common courtesy back and forth." At right, he's congratulated by Hartmann.
Plato and philosoper challenge the fourth estate
by Margaret Boyd Philosophy professor Jay Newman's new book about modern journalism challen ges all of us in this field to think carefulJy about what we are trying to accomplish when we publish a stol)' or an article ... and to make our goals clear to the reader. As manipulators of public opinion, today's journalists enjoy a kind of power tha t is unprecedented in history, says Newman. In his new book, The journalist in Plato 's Cave, he argu es that journalism's powerful in fluence on society is not being properly used. Despite their power, jour nalists do not have a clear
idea of what they're doing, he says. They are "taught to focus on matters of practice" rather than consider their aims and renect on their cul tural significance. "Jour nalists need to think more about what they' re doing." Newman says he has great res pect for the journalist's craft, but he's disturbed by the present state of jour nalism and thinks abuse of the freedom of the press is endemic. A key issu e for Newman is whether a free press is accessible to people who have something of value to say, or just to a small part of society that may have little of value to say. "It's impossible to recog nize a free press unless those promoting it have a cl ear
French program strengthened
'Let'sgettogether ,
Effective July 1, the De partment of Languages and Lite ratures will be restructured into two new de part ments - the Department of Lan guages and Literatures and a Departm e nt of Fre n c h Studie s/ Department d'etudes fran<,:aises. The move was approved by Senate last March to strengthen th e University's Fre nch-language pro gram. College of Arts Dean David Murray says the restructuring offers new opPoI1unities to encourage and promote bilingualism , o ne of the University's long-standing objectives. 28
idea of what freedom is, " he says. Newman's book says there is a place for philosophy in journalism. The philosopher's role as "a mediator of great wisdom of the past to shed light on the present" can promote und er standing of the broad philosophical spectrum of journalism, he says. He uses Plato's cave parable to show the way public opinion is shaped by elements of society. In the pa rable, the true liberator (or teacher) vies for innuence on public opinion with the Sophist (or puppeteer), who occupies the public with "s hadows on the cave wall. " If Plato were alive today, he would argue that modern
journalists can be liberators as well as puppeteers, the liberators be ing those "who take people out of the cave and into the light ," says New man. Modern journalists , he says, are often caught be tween "the extremes of pandering and manipulat ing" - between asserting their own biJses ancl giving reaclers only whJt they wa nt. This ambiguity is repre sentative of the lack of un derstanding of journalism's true nature, says Newman. He sees journali s m as a branch of lit e rature that needs to de ve lop J clearer sense of identity. In The journalist in Plato's Cave, he suggests some of the essen tial elements of that ide ntity.
Theatre collection increases
, Lynn]()rdon, Arts '79, and ", Kathy Brush, FACS '72, are cbnractSJor a new alumni chap ' ter getting _started in .Simcoe County, ant. With more ' than I· 650 alunini in the county, Lynn ant! Kathy are hoping 'for a big , turnout at the inaugural spring event. If you're one ofthe 650 , ' and you'reinte rested, give Lynn a call at 705-327-7632 or Kathy at 705-737-2853.
A rece nt agreement to establish a duplicate set of some of th e Stratford Festival's archival material will round out the University's theatre archives. Virtually evely other major theatre com pany in Ontario is representee! in the collection. Stratford is the only theatre com pany in Ca nada that mainta in:-; its own archives, and it will continue to do so. Guel ph I ibrary staff will microfilm selecteu documents from the years 1953 to 1960. These microfilm copies will he storee! on campus an cl in Strat ford to guarantee the ir permanence' as research resources . Guelph A/l/.mnus
Everything you ever wanted to know about continuing education at U of G ... The Uni versi ty School of Continu ing Education has published a new "Course Source" reference cata logue of all program offerings in the coming year. It includ es o n- ca mpus workshops, seminars, confere nces, non-credit courses, professional development seminars , d istance education and correspondence cour ses, credit courses for part-time study, certificate programs and many more. To get your free copy, call or write to the Division of Continu ing Ed uca tio n , Johnston Hall , University of Guelph , Guelph, Ont. N1G 2W1, 519-824 4120, Ext. 3956.
! ! ! Ring! ! ! The phone program co-ordinated by CatharineVerby, FACSM.Sc. '83 , gave a new twist to the Alma Mater Fund in 1989. Working from Alumni House Monday to Thursday eve n ings, students made calls to alumni to ask for a pledge in suppo rt of the University. The phone program is designed to: • bring alumni into persona l contact with their alma mater; • give student callers insights into "post-graduation" realities, as well as ideas about possible career paths; • provide the University with fund ing to initiate o r improve quality programs that the operating budget does not cover; and • keep the alumni database up-to date. The focus of the AMF for 1990 is scholarships. If you are a graduate of OVC, OAC, Mac-FACS or HAFA, ex pect a call in 1990. Have fun talkin g with a s tudent of YOUR ALMA MATER. Your tax-deductibl e con tribution will show your support and leadersh ip. Guelph Alu In nus
Coming events May .to September - Macdonald Ste\vart Art Centre eXh ihitions: Samuel Becken tele plays to 3; Roland Po ulin scu lpture to June 17; Robert Hedrick painfjngS(O June 24; "Yosef Drenters: A Lifetin,e of Drawing" ro July'15; "'Threading through We llingto n -:- A Fihre Survey 1990," June 23 to Aug. 19, fea turing ~ln opening-day lecture at 3 p .m. hy adjudicator Ralph Beney; ''T6ronto5uite'' -photos by Michael Torosian,June 30 to Sept. 10; and "A propos d'une te inture des annees 60 ," Aug. 25 to Sept. 23. The art centre is open from noo n to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday. June 5 to 8 - Convocation: June 5, 2 p.m., Associate D.iplom<\ in Agriculture. June 6, 10 a.m., general BA; 2 p.m., honors BA and B.Comm. June 7, 10 a.m. , honorsB .Sc; 2 p .m ., graduate degrees, DVM and B.Se. (human . kinetics). Jllne8, 10 ,I.ln., B.A.Sc. and general B.Se.; 2 p~I11., BLA and B.Sc. (agriculture,ea rth & food science ancl e ngineering). June 11to .13 ~ Continuing education workshop on expert computer systems ~ how they work anc! how to make them w()rk for you. Par ticipants will r~ceive hands-on ex pe rience and advice on how to introduce expert systems into a busin ess operation. Call·Re mo Petrongolo , Ext. 3064, for registration information . June 18 to 20-The 12th annual Guelph Conference o n: Human Sexuality will exploi'c positive approaches to sexuality as its theme. Key no te speake rs are Lynn Leight, a Mia mi nurse, sex education counsellor and founder of 17 well-wome n hea lth cai'ccentres; Peggy Brkk,director oCthe New Jersey Centre for FamilyLife Etlucation; and William Fisher, a professor of psychol ogy and obstetric's and gynecology at the Universitylf Weste rn Ontario. Call Remo Petrongulo, Ext. 3064, fOT information. June 18 to 22 '- Con tinuing education course "Agribusiness Marketing Management II.'.' CIlI MiraSoni, Ext. 3814, for informati o n. June 22 - Official opening of the new twin-pad arena complex, 3 p.m. There'.viU be free skating June 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. June 22 - Retirement dinne r to honor OAC Dean Freeman McEwen , 6 p.m. , Pe ter Cia rk Hi:! 1l .Ca IJ T rudy Sorba ra-Ostler, Ext. 3344, fo rtickt informa t io n. Costis$35. . June 23 ~ FACS educa ti()n selllimr, "Emotional We llness of the h irnily in the '90s," with Barbara Presslilan , marriage and family the rapis t. 10: 1'5 a.m. , Room 209, FACS building . . - June 24"---' Award presentatio ns: Alummls of Honour and Alumni Medal of Achievement,ll::)O a.m.; ·huncb at Alumni House. July 9 to Aug. 24 - Chiklren 's a rt classes at the Macdonald Stewa rt Art Centre forages 5 toli Registration begins.June 19 at the art centre. Aug. 22 to 24 -OVC workshop, "Practical Pathology for the Small Anirnal Practitioner. Call Dr. Jim Stowe, Ext. 4426, for information. Sept. 18 to 21- Continui11g educatio n COurse "Marketing Management for the Food Industry. " Call Mira Soni, Ext. 3814, forinformati o n. Sept. 27 to 30 ~ Homecoming 1990: Hall of Fame dinner. Friday night; football game, Saturday at 2 p.m .; Alumni House open ho use, a ll clay Saturday;rcunions and dance , Saturday e ve ning. For a complere schedule, call Laurie Mallea u, Ext. 2102. Oct. 11 to 14 - C(intinuing educatio n course "Strategic Planning fo r Community Economic Development. " Ca ll Mira Soni, Ext. 3814, for infor mation. Oct. 18 - OVC Schofield Lectu re, 4 p.m., War Memorial Hall, fea turing guest lecturer Cedric Mims, a miz:rooiologist at Guy's Hospital, .London, England. Mims 's lec;ture, "Homage to Viral Ingenuity;" is free and ope n to the public. Oct. 18 to 20 -OVC fall seminar '90, "Management of People, Practice and Information." R gistration information ; ca ll br. Jim Stowe, Ext. 4426-. Oct. 28 - Halloween children 's concert ~v ith the Fuoland Band. Shows in War Memorial Hall at 1 and 3 p.m . Tickets available in .July from the University Centre box office, Ext. 3940. 29
Grad news
Arts Mary Amiri , '82, of Lucan, Onr , says the Guelph Alumnus he lpe cl kee p her in touch during a five-year stay in Nigeria She is now a tea cher at Lo ndon Baptist Bible College . Lisa Anderson , '87 , of Youngs Poinr, O nt. , is working as a fre e la nce artist/il lustrator. Richard Corry, '76, and his wife , Leslie (Ashdown), '74, o f Orlean s, Om., are bo th tea c hing in O ttaw a elementa ry sch oo l~ .
Andrea (Greek) Deluzio, '8 5 , of Kingston, O m., is a nurse in th e neurology and neuro s ur gery unit of King sto n Gene ral Hospita l. She'c1like to hear from he r Guelph friend s. Joanne Gilewski, '71 , of O ra nge ville, Ont. , is a reso urce withdra wa l teacher w ith th e Dufferin County Board of Educa tio n and is earning a n M.Sc. p art time fro m the University of Toro nto .
Music + kids = learning While studying hU01an kine tics at Guelph , Glen Paterson, CBS '78, was asked by a professor to bring his guitar into the lab \vhere the y vvere wcirking with hypera live children. That's whe n Paterson fir~,\ learned what a powe rful tea ching tool music can be. "It w as ,tlso a -lot o f fun, " says Pate rson , who\ still using his guitar _ to teach kids in Thunde r Bay, Ont.
Glen recellt~v recorded an albumjbr ·Confederation College.
Gre g Gourlay , '71 , li ves in G rand Prairie, Alt a ., w h e re he is enrolme nt repre sentati ve for University Schola rships of Canad a. Mary Hallett-Chong, '78 , is a n architec tural a~sistam in Pembroke , Be rmud a. Eric (Rick) Ki ng, '75, and his wife , Simone , mo ved to Austra lia in 1987 He is now marke ting directo r for a luxury hig h ri se co mplex on th e Gold Coast in Q ueensland. William Ku n d e r, '76 , is a high school principal in Yellowknife , N.WT His wife , Phyllis (So m ers), '76, is an e le menta ry school te acher. Bill Laidlaw, '74, has been promoted to director of gove rnme nt relatio ns at Glaxo C:ll1ada Inc in Toronto. William Lightfoot, '77, is a la wyer w ith the firm of Go ldin, Teichman , Houliha n and McCrie in He xdale , O nt. Esther Liu, '8 1 , is a se lf-emplo yed graphiC desig ner in New York City. Bonnie (Lidd le) O rvidas, '7 3, is a case manage r with th e Thames Valle y Addic-
For the past fe w surnme rs , he has pclrticipated in [he city's parks pro gram to prese nt a "Teddy Dear's Pic nic" concert. He also tea ches part time in th e early childho od e ducation program at Co nfed eration Co llege , is w o rking with three provincia l ministries to deve lop a new day-care facility in the c ity, d e Si g ns outdo o r playgrounds and cares fo r two-year o ld Alyssa and one-year-old Ne il while his w ife . Donna , ma intains a de ntal practice. N o matte r what you 're doing with c hildren, says Pat e rso n , mll s ic provides a unique o pportunity to combin e e ne rgy and e nrhu siasm with an important messa ge , Paterson says he's been Singing since he was <l child , has always belongeci to a choir and was one of the pe rforme rs at the·"Easy Wednes day" fo lk con ce rts h e ld in the University Ce ntre during the 1970s. In his co llege co urses, he stresses the importance of a good mu sical fo "You can use mlls ic to teach every thing from the alpha bet, math and la nguage skills to social and physical skills. It's participatory learning , and it 's fun."
tion Assessme nt Centre in Londo n, Ont., w here she lives w ith her hus ba nd , An tanas.
Anne Price, '83, is a library assistant at the Grea ter Victoria Pu blic Library in Vic to ria , B.C Barbara Richmond, '86, is w o rking with Thea tre Ontari o in To ronto. She and John Edvidge, '86, we re married last summer a nd are no w living in Eto bico ke. Catherine Shepherd, '8 0, of Woodbridge, O nt., is a passenge r selvice agent for Wardair Canad a . Nancy Somerville, '80, would like to hear fro m her U of G fri e nds. Sh e is now manage r of cI inicaJ resea rc h anel de velop me nt 3t Q uadra Logic Techno logies in Vancou ver a nd can be rea c hed at 311 1988 Maple St. , Vancouver, B. C V6j 3S1 Janet Stahle-Fraser, '79 and MA '86, is a gall e ry co-orciinato r at the Cha pel Galle ry in Bracebrid ge, Ont, a nd is active ly pur suing a ca reel' as a visual a rtist. He r hom e and studio are in Raysv ille . Marion Steele, '80, lives in Guelph and is a fres h air inspector fo r the G ove rnment o f Canada. Peter Weissenborn , '85 , o f Inglewood, Ont., is gene ral manage r of th e Caled o n Mo untain Trout Club, a private co untry dub in Ingle wood . Arthur Woiting, '78, is a syste m~ analyst a nd Jiv es in Victo ria , B. C
Michael Anderchek , '8 1, o f Sec he lt, B.C, is ope rati o ns ma nager fo r Saga Sea Farms in Garde n Bay. Dr. Samuel Oeeva) Appavoo, '86, has a medi cal practice in Brantford, Ont. He anel his wife , Donna (Duncan), FACS '88, li ve in Drumbo . D r. Catherine Babcock, '8 3, is a radi o logist at McMa ster Unive rSity Medi cal Ce ntre in Ha milton, Ont. Odette Barr, '82 , teaches and Jives o n Baffin Island , N.WT Laurie Buckland, '80 , writes that she has worked th ro ughou t O ntari o, mainly with the Ministry of Natural Resou rces, fro m 1980 to 1989 She th e n moved to Yel lowkni fe , N.WT, whe re she is a wildlife bio logist w ith the te rritorial governme nt. "I have discovered many G ul e ph grad s and fo rmer c las smates north of 60 degrees," she says. Dr. John Chardine, '76, is a seabird biol ogist with tile Can adian Wildlife Se r vice in Sf. john's , Nfld. He and his wife , Jean (Ruddell), FACS '74, live in To rbay .
Guelph Alumnus
Barbara (Loder) Clare, '75, is a trave l constul ta n t in Lonuon, On t
Carrie Fitzsimons, '84, of Burli ngto n , Ont , is a stud ent at McMaster University Medica l School. She says she d rove b y the G u e l p h cam pu s re ce ntl y a n d was delighted [0 see the progress and res ults of The Campaig n. Warren Foster, '79 and OVC M .Sc. '86, is a resea rch consultant w ith H ea lth and Welfare Ca nada. He and his w ife, Helen (Kozbor) , FACS '79, Jive in Stoney Creek. O nt. Dr. Brian Goslin, '70, is an assoc iate professo r wit h O akla nd Unive rsity's School of H ealth Sciences in Hochester, M ichiga n .
Robert Howarth, '74 and M .Sc. '76, is ano th er G uelph grad in Y ellowkni fe. He is chief of en viro nmental engin ee ring f o r En vironment Ca nada .
Lome Ke Uaway, '85 , and his w ife , Mar garet (Francis), H AFA '86, live in Bel levi ll e, On t. , w here Lorne is so fnvar e revenue supervisor fo r Digi tal Eq uip ment Ca nada.
Bruc e Keown, '74 anel M.Sc. '77, is fl exible packagi ng manager fo r Ma jo r Smith , Inc., in Newholland , Pa.
have moved from Kingston, O nt. , to Sas ka toon , Sask .
Margaret Ross-Dochoda, '76, lives in Ann A rbor, Michiga n. <l nd wo rks fo r the G reat Lake s Fisheries Commissio n.
Oswald Schmitz, '82 and M.5c. '85, com pl eted his Ph D in w ild life ecology at U nive rsity of M ichiga n in 1989 and is now at the nive rsity o f British Columbi a on an NSERC postdocto ral fe llowship. He is married to Leslea (Dalrymple) , FACS
'83 Donna Shaw, '86, is a ma rketing re sea rch analyst <l nd lives in Beaconsfield , Q ue.
Gary Slapack, '81, is p roduct and project ma nager for Joldon D iag nos ti cs, a Scar borou gh, Ont ., comp<l ny invo lved w ith the manu facture an d distrib utio n o f med i ca l diagnos tics. Dr. Eric Smart, 'RO , is an op tometri st in Da wson Creek, B.C., w here he li ves w itll his w ife, Nora, '83.
Linda Smith, '88, is a fooel specialist w ith Consumer and Corpora te Affairs, Canada, in W illowda le. O n t Dr. Barry White, '72 , is an o rth odontist in Guelph.
Larry King, '76, is a biologica l survey technician w ith O ntario Hydro anel lives in Caisto r Centre, On to
David MacKelvie, '79, of Brampto n , Ont. , is a p ilo t with Ward air.
Jim McMillan, '79, is a programmer fo r Fisheries and Oce,lOs Ca nad a at the Bed fo rd I nst itute of O cea n og r aph y in Dartmo uth, N.S.
John Murray, '80, te aches biology in Va nco uve r.
Carl Paton, '87, is it field tec hni cian fo r Limn otek I:{esearch and Development in Vancou ve r.
George Petrie, '75, is a real estate bro ker and ma nager o f an o ffi ce locate d in Tweed, O n t. He is married to Na ncy and has o ne son, Thomas.
Daniel Puddister, '88, and Gwyneth Wilcox , '86 , li ve in Atikobn , O nt. , w here she is a supply teacher and he is a fish and w il d life b iologist w ith the M inistry of Na tural Resources . Dr. Margaret Pybus, '75 and M .Sc. '77 , is a Wildlife disease research bi o logist in Edmo n ton.
Michae l Rankin, '83, is a toxicologist w ith the Dow Chemica l Company in Sa l' nia , O nt. He and hi s w ife, Eva (Rein 00), FACS '83 and M.Sc. 87, li ve in Clea rwa ter.
Vinodkumar Bbaga, '86, says hi s Guelph degree in co mputer science is bei ng well used in his work as a program Iller anal yst. He an el his wife , Meenaksili , live in Gri msb y, Ont. Carl Bull, '89, <lncl his w ife, Katherine Lamos-Bull, CBS '89, have moved to H alifax, whe re th ey are both workin g o n bach elo r o f ed uca tio n deg rees at Dal ho usie U nive rsity. Ca rl is also a rese arch assistant at th e Atlantic Research Ce ntre fo r Me n ta l Retar dat i o n in th e li pid biochemistry labora tory.
Terry Copeck, '85, is an artificial inte l ligence appl ica ti on consultant anc! lives in O rlea ns, O nto
Henry Cornelissen, '74, is a chartered acco unLant in London , O nto SheryJ French, '82, is co mpl e t i n g gradu ate studies in clinica l psychology at Qu een 's U niversity. She li ves in Napanee, O nt.
Larry Flint, '70, lives in Inglewood , Ont., and works as science advise r to rn dec North in 13 rampto n .
Sometimes things don 't work out exactly as you'd expected. Un foreseen circumstances can dramaticaUy affect your plans for the future. But adversity needn 't be financiaJly debjJjtating. You can protect your family against misfortune with a sound insurance plan. And there 's only one group term life and heaJth program that's endorsed by your aJumni associa tion. It's offered by North American Life. Your Guelph alumni plan offers you such special features as: low group rates; portable protection that moves with you; guaranteed renewable coverage; waiver of premium if you become totally disabled If you have any questions, call NAL toll-free 1-800-668-0195 (in Toronto, 229-3000) for assistance or a free brochure. You can also contact your NAL representative or caJl Jeff Jennings, the Guelph Alumni Insurance Consultant, at (416) 491 4046.
David Hewett, '70, an d his wife , Sheila,
Wayne Rice, '71, teaches at Na panee D is
li ve in Petro lia , O nt. , where he is a hig h school science teacher.
tricr Secondary Sch ool and lives in Roblin, Onto
Catherine Kirchmeyer, '7 1 and I3A '77,
is an assistan t professor at the School o f Ma nagement , University of Le thbridge, Albe rta .
Special Products Division
Dr. Thomas Roberts, '78 and MSc. '82 , and his w ife, Dr. Brenda Allan, M.Sc. '81,
Guelph Alumnus
5650 Yonge Street North York, 001. M2M 4G4
Birds of a feather sing together It 's probably no t tru e, but it makes a great beginning to this stOlY if we give U of G credit for bringing toge ther the vocal tale nts of Susan Smith, CSS .'83, Tannis Slimmon, OAC '82 and M,Sc. '88, and judi Vadala, a form e r student in the College of Art:. Toge ther, they are the Bird Sisters and they have just released their firsl albuni , "Flo, " produ ced hy Jeff Bird, Arts '80. If you were a stud e nt at Gue lph in the early 19805 , yo u may reme mber Sus an aspart o f the folk rock group Grapevine , Tannis as a memhe r of the rhythm and blues gro up Reverbs and Judi as pa rt of the blu egrass group This Side Up. Jeff is a maste r of many musica l in,:;truments who co-fOLindeci and performed with Tamarack for 10 years anu now to urs with the Cowhoy Junk\es . The y combined their talents a fe"w years ago to fo rm th e a cappe[[a group the Bird Sisters. Both the performe rs and the critics say the ir musical styl e is unique, a combination o f all the ir backgrounds , plus gas pe! and I1ladrigal. Jeff is a full -tim e musician ~lnu pro duce r, hut Sue also works at U of G in University Centre programming, Tannis supe rv·ises a horticultural scie nce re search lab o n CarYlpllS andJucli is a nursing sll.ldent. judi, lal1nis and Su.saN in concer!.
Photo; John Ma cDo nald
Roberta Munn, '73, is a criminolo gist with the De partment o flu sti ce in Ch:l[lo t te ro wn anelli ves in Cornwall. , P.E. !. Jeff Sedgwick, 'S5, and Robin (Whit worth) , 'S4, w e re ma rrie d last Septe m be r, with a numbe r of o ther "Gu e lphites" in attend ance. Jeff is an adjusto r with State Farm In s urance , and Ro bin is a casewo rker at Innovative Rehabilitatio n Inc. in Wate rloo . Maureen Sinclair, 'SO, lives a nd wo rks in Brantfo rd , O nt., where she is co-o r dinato r of d esign and dev elo pme nt Fo r the city parks depa rtm e nt. Barbara (Kemp) Skakich, 'S.3 , ventu red into the w o rld o f small bus iness last s um me r whe n s he ope ned a toning a nd tan ning salo n in Stoney Cree k, Ont. She anel her h usband , Milan , ha ve a three-year-o ld so n, Michae l. Aubrey Smith, ' 71, is a se ni o r tax avoidan ce office r with Revenue Canada. He a nd hi s wife , Burki Hildegarde, FACS '70, live in Grimsb y, O nto Sally Smith, '86, is a fund raiser fo r th e Socie ry Pro mo ting Enviro nmental Co n se rvatio n and lives in Maple, On to Jo-Anne Thoms, '72 , lives in Willow dal e, Ont. , and works as an investiga to r fo r the Onta rio O mbucls ma n. Pieta Van Dyke, '73, is a po licy a nalyst for the B. C. MinistlY o f Labor a ncl ho ld s an e le cte d pOSition on Victoria's City co un cil.
Patricia Lang, '88, is te aching at Jo hn Pa ull! High Schoo l in Lo nd o n, Ont., a nd says she w ants to keep in tou c h with U o f G fo r "yea rs and years to co me." John Morrison , '72 and M.5c. '74 , is a plant o pe rati o ns manage r for the Upjohn Co. Animal Health Divis ion in O ran geville, Ont
Margot Sadler, 'H2. o f Halifa x is co mpl et ing her MD at Dalho usie Unive rsity. Joan (Storey) Van Asseldonk, '80, is a n account manager traine e with the Roya l Ba nk in Portland , Ont , wh ere she lives with her husba nd, To ny.
Mary Ellen (Mitten) Ball, '74 , run s he r o w n compan y, Cambridge Tra ining Con sulting. She lives in Burling to n, O nt. , w ith her hu sband , Gary, OAC '76. Virga Baitrusiunas, 'S2, is a reg istered labo ratolY technol ogist and wo rks fo r the Canadian Red Cross Socie ty in Ha milto n, O nto Helene Bienert, '85, is a psychom e tl-ist a t th e Children 's Hos pital o f Eastern O n
ta rio and a PhD stude nt at the Univers ity of O tta wa .
Roberta Oohnston) Chapman , '77 , w as o ne o f Gue lph's "lost alumni " until our reco rds sta ff fo und her in Po rt Dover, Ont. Robe rta is marrie d to Jo hn a nd wo rk s as th e children 's libra rian a t th e Simcoe Public Libra ry . "It's great to hea r from YO Ll ," sh e w rites. "I've a lwa ys wondered about othe r U o f G alumni. Thanks for getting in to uch " Suzanne Frick, 'S8 , and Kevin Mooney, OAC 'S2 , w ere marrie d last Oc tobe r. Su za nne is director o f commun ica tio ns fo r IDC Canaela Phone/Mail Inc. Rebecca Jubis, MA 'S2, is a p;uHime fa c ulty me m be r at York Univers ir y's departmen t o f psych o lo gy. Sh e li ves in Do wnsview , Onto joy McMillan , '77 , has o pe ne d her own business in Gue lph called Ki Design . Jason Miller, 'S4 , o f Barrie , O nt., te lls us his re cent trip a ro und the w orlel qu a lifies him as a "g eo gra phi c info rmati o n specia list. ..
Michael Mousseau , 73 , o f Calgary , Alta ., works for the Canadia n Automo bile As sociati o n.
Maria Anne (Kukovica) Warner, '72 , and her hus band , Joseph, live in Wex fo rd, Pa . Ma ria Anne is mana ger o f mark e t pl a nnin g and rese a rch fo r noad w ay Pack age Syste ms in Pitts burgh .
Wendy Workman , 'S5, lives in Kingsto n , O nt.. and says she looks forwa rd to hea r ing what is ha ppening at Gue lph.
Mac-FACS Kimberly (Boychuk) Baxendale , '86, is a Grade 1 tea cher in Lo ndon, Ont. , whe re sh e lives with hus band , Martin, Arts '86. Diane Bourn , M.Sc. '84, is a lecturer in food scie nce a ncl nutriti o n at the Univer sity o f Otago in Dune clin, New Zeala nd. Verna (Grant) Brown , '400, is retire cl ancllives wi th her husba nd, Albert, in St. Catha rines, Onto Gary Buchanan , AMPHI '88, is vice preside nt, sa les, fo r Sco tt's Food Se rvices in Westo n, Onto Isabel (Curley) Christen, '75 , .lives in Summ e rside, P.E.I. , and w o rks as a co n sultant [ 0 the provinci al. de partme nt o f education . Jemima (McNaught) Danard, '54, is a co unse llor fo r the Grey-Bru ce Wo men 's
Gu elph Alumnus
Centre In c. in Owen Sound, Onto She li ves with her husband , WaJlace. in Kemble .
hushand , Ron , OAC '76A , li ve in Little Britain .
Eva Eichenbaum , '75, was marri ed last ./une to Dr. John Barnes o f the Un iversity of Waterloo. She has retired from a high school teaching ca reer to embark on a new career in broadcasting, and w ill be moving to Victoria , B.C., this sLimmer.
Nancy Simpson. 'SO , is proud to tell us
Shelley Eves, HAFA '88 , is an interna l
last sum mer from the Branksome Hall Girls School, w here she taught fami ly studies and fashi on art. She lives in TOl'on to.
auditor w ith Scorr's Hospitality Inc. Sile and her hu sband, Richard Hamilton, OAC '85, li ve in Woodstock , Ont.
Sally (Ridgley) Flanagan, '64, and her husband , Frank, li ve in th e Cayman is lands.
janice Green, '78 , edits a newsletter for
I ~.
the Angus Reid Group. She lives with her husband, Da v id Bignell, in Winnipeg.
Joanne (Graser) Harris, '69 , and her hu sba nd, William, OVC '68, live in G uelph . Joanne teaches el ementary school in Campbell ville. Dr. Ann (Langton) Harvey, '64 , lives in Sherwood Park , Alta., and work s as a policy consultant for Alberta Edu cation .
that she is a "fu ll-time mom." She and her hu sb:wcl, Doug Austin , CBS '80. are look ing fo rward to the ir 10-yeal' re unions next mo nth at Alumni Weekend .
Frances (Pressey) Stretton , '56, retired
Marie (CouItes) Taylor, '69, is a diet:lry inspector for the nursing hom es branch of the Ontario M inistry of Heal th. She li ves in Alli ston with husb;wd , Robert, OAC Yvonne Tremblay , 'SO , is mal-keting m ,mager for the Androck Company in JVlbsissauga, O nt.
Elizabeth Wallace , HAFA ·S4. is an inter nal aud itor with Revenue Cana da Taxa tio n and lives in Kars, Ont.
./o hn , li ve in Sf. James , Barbados, where she teaches clothing and text iles.
Philip Boyd, '80 , is an econom ist with
Anne-louise (Martin) Hill, '78, says: "A loha from pa rael is e. " Sh e's been globetrotting since compl eting Guelph 's child studies program - working first in Gambia, W est Africa, then with native c hildren in northern Alberta. Thi s ex perience led her to take a nursing degree from the Universit y of A lberta. Now Anne-Loui se and her husband , Thomas, are in Hawaii, whe re she work s o n an oncology unit.
Kerri (Fleming) Lins , '82, has moved with her husband, Robe rt , from Sas katoo n, Sask., to Lethbridge, Alta , where she is working as a dietitian. leila LouJa, '80, is a clini ca l dietitian at the Vancouver General Hospital
Berneice MacFarlane, '390, is retired anclli ving in Edmonton.
Bonnie Mare ntette , '71, teaches family studies at the Napanee District Secondary School She lives in Tweed, Ont. , with her husband, Stephen.
Ruth (Schooley) McKersie , '560, and her husbancl, Kenn eth , run their own business , Karl's World of Home Entertain ment, in Orillia , Ont.
Pamela Myers , '80, is a retail advise r in marketing support for Petro Canada in Ca lgary.
Jean (Edwards) Nobbs , '79, is a
tiona I coun sellor with Centra l Seven 1n dustries in Port Perry, On t She and her
Karen Cummins , ·S4A . is a horticultural t e c hnician at HalTis Cloni ng and Progapagion in Sa rdis, B.C.
Charles Currelly, '71 , :Ind his wife , Deborah (Budge), CSS '7 1. <Ire living in Pelion Vi iI<: , Haiti. where John is o utreach adviser for the US Age'ncy for Inrerml tional Development.
Jim Darlington ,
'62 , is now sa les/m:ll-keting ma n ager of Easte rn Cana da for Pickseed Canada Incor por<ltcd. from Statistics Canada. He and his wife , Aud rey (Shackl eton) , Jive in Cobourg, Ont.
Douglas Doer.k sen, '84A , works at the U niversity 'S Cambridge Research Station . He and hi s wife, Laurie Pearson , CSS '84 and MA 'S7, live in Brantford. Anton Donkers , '72 , is v ice-president of
Sandra Hastings , '69, anel her husband,
Ont., with her hu sband, Harold , an d works with seni o rs as a co unsell or for the Canadia n Hearing Society.
the Crossro;lds Gard en &. Produce Centre in Ca lgalY.
James Davidson, '46. reti red in the 19BOs
Joyce Haynes , '87, lives in Kitchener ,
Barbara Cole. '77 , is owne r/ manager of and marketing food service for Canada Packers. He and his w ife, Anne, live in Oak vill e, Ont.
the Canada T urkey Marketing Agency in Brampto n , Ont.
Coleen Drew , 'S3, is a teacher at North
Charles Broadwell, '')4, manager of the Ontar io Bean Pr o clucers Marketing Board , has been named a fell ow of the Agri cu lture Institute of C<lnada.
Ed GimpeIj , '79, is manager of info rma tion sys tems for Eli Lilly Ca nada Inc. He and his w ife, Gail (Sadler), '82, li ve in
H astings High School in flancroft: Ont.
Mark ham , Ont.
"The children nee(l you. " The childre n Villnie Griese , fACS '84, is talking abo ut need . parents- thekind o ffoster parents who understand the emot iona l as well ai:; the physical-needs of children. Griese co:ordinates a "profes sio lia l parents" program fo r Regesh . Famil y a nd C hild Services, a private, non-p rofit agency in Sca r borough , Ont. Sbe says she's put ting her chi ld studies degree to the test ' as she he lps matchchil clre n Wilh special needs to foster homes where they can experie nce a 11.1Ore stable famil y setting. Not everyone has the parenting skills needed to nL1rlur~ a child w ho may hav~ expe rie nce d physical, emotiona l or sex ual abuse, says Griese. So a major pan of her joh is to provide traii1ing. and suppo rt for parenting co uples. And it 's a 24 hOllr-a-d ay job. ''I'm a J\vays ava ilable to provide support to parenting families," sbe
Vinnie. on 1I recent uisit 10 FACS
says, "anC! I vis it each home week ly. " The philosophy behind profes ~;io nal parenting is being able to treat chi ldre n's behavior prohlems in a regu lar h0111(, sening. Griese l.ives in Ge rgetown with her husband , John, Arts '80, .l)llt gets back to Guelph about o nce a week to visit family and would like . to hea r fl'Om fellow alumili .
Ellen Heale , '7 6 an d M. Sc. '80, is a graduate of Ontario's Advanced Agricul tural Lead e rship Program. S he is employed as an environmenta l co-or dinator for Inco Ltd . in Copper Cliff, Onto Charles Herbert, '61 , is head o f the regulatory services bra nc h o f Albe rta Ag ric ulture . He a nd his wi fe , Yvonne, live in Edmonton. Robert Jordan , '49, is a write r and lives in Tunstall Bay, B.C. Donna Kelland, '83, is director of farm business for th e Department o f Forestry and Agriculture, governments of Ne w foundland and Labrador. Brian Kelly, '87 Eng., ha s left the hydrolog ical engineering department of B.C. Hyd ro and is now working for Inland Wa ters, Water Survey Section, for D.C. and the Yuko n. He lives in Vancou ve r. Jane Kerr, '78, is an edito r w ith Biomedi ca l Publications in Amste rd a m, Neth e r lands. Merlin Knapton , '86A, and his wife, Debbie, manage a purebred Ho lstein he rd at Almonte, Ont. Victor Kucyk, '77, is an agronomist with Cropco in Centralia, Ont. Mark Lauzon, '83A , works as a customs broker rater for X.M. Brokers Ltd. in Windsor, Ont. Carolyn Lindsay, '87 , is a dairy producer technician for the O nta rio Ministry o f
'It's a ·dirty job . . . The re were three good reasons why Greg Cornfonh, hon orary member of OAC '81A, and his wife, , Suzanne, dec'ided to start a diaper service. They have s trong feelings about. pr0tecting the environment, but as ' expectant parents, they didn't like
OAC '75 and friends Jeff Slager , OAC '75 , repol1s that a class represen tative will he stationed in the Unive rsity Ce ntre courtya rd June 23 d u ring A lumni Weekend. Stop by to discuss a Novemher class reunion.
Agriculture a nd Food in Peterborough, Ont
Bill Maclenna n, '51 , was recentl y a p pointed cha ir of th e Scottish Socie ties As sociation o f Nova Scotia . He hds been an dctive me mbe r o f the Scottish co mmunit y in Nova Scotia , was fo unding p reside nt of the Clan Maclennan Atlantic Association and was preside nt o f the No rth Britis h Society of Halifax. He and his wife , Geor gie, have attended inte rnational gather ings of the clans in Austra lia and Scotland. The 1991 gathe rin g will be held in Nova Scotia. In his profess io nal ca reer, Mac Lennan is retired executive cons ultant for farmers of the Co-ope rative Dairy Ltd. in Halifax. In recent years, he has bee n director of th e Nationa l Dai ry Council o f Cmada and the Ca nad ia n Co-operati ve Association, and is curre ntl y director of the At lantic Institute of Biotechn ology.
• • the idea of washing diapers. And Greg was tired of fightin g th e F lamboroLlgh-to~Toronto traffic. So, last winte r, the Fanny Drybot tom Diape r Service got ro lling. Lucy, the expected baby, is in charge of quality control; Greg does. the pick up and delive ry wl~i l e Suzanne works at McMaste r University in Hamilton. Most ne \v parents like the fact that . ;, diaper serv ice can be up to $800 ,cheaper than d isposat) le diapers over 2 112 years of diape ring , says Greg. And they're enthused ab Jut the e nvironmental benefits of using c lo th diapers ... if it '~ co nve nient eno1.lgh. "Fa nny" offe rs weekly pick up and de livery to home, sitter or day-care f~ic ilit y. Greg says he doesn't miss the. nine40-five routine and has enjoyed th e extra time h e's had to spend \v ith . Lucy. "Babies take a lor of time, but it's titne well spent, " he says.
Bob Massey, '8"'[ Eng., w rites that he en joys re<Jding th e Guelph A lu.mnus a nd li kes to be kept up to date with 'what's going o n at th e University. Bob is now prod uction ma nage r at Transglow Sys tems in Ric hmo nd Hill, OntoHe is married to lv[ary Sinko w s ki and they live in Moonsto ne . Keith McFarlane , '68. has been posted to Romania as comme rcial counsellor and co nsul with the Canadian Embassy in Bucharest. Glenn ( Mort) Mortimore, '38, ha s r et ir e d from Stewa rt Seeds Ltd. in Strathroy. Onto He and his wife, Olive, live in Amherstburg. Eric Norris, '64 Eng. , is associ<lte profes sor and c hair of the department o f agricul tural e nginee ring a t Macdo nald College , McGi ll Uni ve rsity . He a nd his w ife , Bo n nie , li ve in Baie d 'U,fe , Q ue. Dr. Erin O'Connor-Cox, '81 and M.Sc. '84, finished hi s PhD in app lied microbiol ogy at the University of Saskatchewan last fall and is now in a management trainee position fo r South African Breweries Beer Division in Jo hannesh urg
Dav id O'Drowsky, '86A, chaired the 1990 congress of the Landscape Ontario Ho rticultural Trades Associatio n. \Vhen not vo lunt eeri n g , h e o p e rates D.E. Landsca ping Inc. in Oa kville , O nt. Mark Palme r, '86 Eng , a nd his w ife, Jane (Toenjes) , r ACS '84 , a re Jiving in St. Ca th a rin es , O nt. , w ith o n e -year-o ld Andre w. Mark is manager of the water resources engineering division of Upper Canada Cons ul tants, and Jane is going back to work p ,Jr{ lime as a clinical dietitian. Michael Panciera , '77 and M.Sc. '79, and his wife , Anne (Erb), '79 , live in Wasilla, Alaska. Michael is a n assistant professor :Jt the Unive rSity of Alas ka in Fairba nks. Rosemary Peer, M.Sc '89, is assistant dean in extension services at Olds CoJlege in Olds, Alta . Frederick "Poj" Podealuk, '73 , lives in Burlington, Ont., a nd is a senior planner w ith O ntario Hydro. Mark Robinson , '86, opera tes a dairy farm, Raensons Holstein s. in Eld orado, O nt. Hamid Saleemi , M.Sc. '73, ha s returned to Cana da after a lS-year stay in Nige ria , w he re he earned a PhD from Bayero Un ive rsity in Kano. He is now living in St. John's, Nfld. Thomas Sawyer, 'S9A a nd '64 , wa s re ce ntl y appointed exe c uti ve v ice preside nt o f the rertili ze r Institute of On ta rio, Inc. Rod Scou, '47A , is a senior inspecto r w ith th e agri cultural inspectio n d irectorate of Agriculture Cana dJ. He and his wife , Lourene, live in Guelph. Guelph Alumnus
Dr . Ping-Ho Shih, '78, moved to the United States in 1978, earned a master's in eng in ee rin g from California State Po lytechnic Unive rsity in 1983 and a PhD from the Unive rsity of Utah in 1989. Ian Stewart, '77, is a nutritio nist with United Feeds in Edmonton. Bill Storey, '44, and his w ife, Rut h, live in Willowda le, O nto He is chair o f Gilbe rt C. Storey Machinery Ltd . George Tersteege, '85A , runs two bus i nesses. He works as a frami ng carpenter in the Palme rston , Ont., area and runs his own d istribution company. Christopher Thompson, '67 Eng., is director of sa les and marketing at Dover Powe r Was he r in Troy , Mich.
If there are other Michigan or Windsor, ant., alu mni who are interested in joining a local U oj G alu mni chapter, p lease give Christopher Thompson a call at his home in Bloomfield Hills, 3 13-589-7740. David Trus , '83 , is employed at the As sociazione Italiana Allevatori in Rome, writing ge netic eva luation programs for da iry and beef ca ttle. He says visito rs are we lcome. Amber(Gibbons) , '79and !\I! Se. '87, and Nelson Underwood, '80, are living in Wingham, Onto Amber is an editor for AIS Communicatio ns in Exeter. Ont. OOpSI [n th e last issue o f the Guelph Alumnus, we incorrectl y p laced Lyle Vanclief, '66, in P.E.! He is, in fa ct, MP fo r the Prince Edwa rd -Hastings riding anc! lives in Be lleville , Ont. David Watts, '75, ope rates a tree se rvice company, Uxbridge Forest Ga rd ens Ltd . He and his w ife, )acqui , have two sons: Ru ssell and Curtis. George Weaver, '71 and M.Sc. '73, and his wife, Judith (Mills), Arts '74 and M,Se. '79, live in GueJph, where he is di rector o f sa les fo r Semex Canada . William Western, '53, and his w ife , Joy, are e njoying a cha nge of li festy le since his retirement fro m the Public Service Com m iss ion of Canada. T hey've moved from O ttawa to Port Dover, Onto Last fa JJ 's project was the constru ction of a new horse barn . Dr. Jane Yeomans , '77 , lives in Win nipeg and is an ass istant professor of soil scie nce at the University o f Manitoba .
Dr. Lowell Ackerman, '82, practises at the Mesa Vete rinary Hospital in Mesa, Ariz. Guelph A lumnus
Dr Gabriel Ankeli, '70, is wit h Super so nic In su ra nce Bro kers in Makurdi ( Senue) , Nigeria. Dr. Robert Armstrong, '89, is a fish hea lth ve terinarian fo r the S.c. gove rn ment in Vancouver. Drs. Peter and Michelle Azan-Backx, bmh '84 and CPS '79 , ha ve mo ved from Ca lgary to Maryland, w he re Peter is on a postc!octorate fe llows hip atJohn Hopkins Hospital. He also has a visiting fac ulty position in biomedica l e ngineering and ca rdio logy. Mi che lle has been work ing as a sma ll a nimal clinician since graduation , but is now a research er at John Hopkins in electrophYS io logy . They have two childre n , Alanna and Aaron , and are living in Catonsv ilJ e. Dr. John Ennals , '65, has a practice in Victoria , B.C. He is ma rried to Dianna. Dr. Ja nice H u ntingford, '84 , and Harold Wagner, OAC '8 1, anno unce the birtb of a son , Matthew. Harold is farming and se llin g Alpine plant fo o d in Maic!stone , O nt. Janice is co-ow ne r, with Dave Wilson, '84, of the Essex Animal Clini c in Essex . Dr. Rober t "Moose" Mason, '86, and hi s wife, Ann Daly, CBS '86, li ve in Toronto. He works in a small animal practice. Dr. John Alexander McKe nzie, '50, and Dr. John Alexander McKe nzie , '84, have occasio na ll y co nfus e d ~dllmni records ~tarf. But the senior lv[cKe nzie is
Commended by Co ngress A commendation for Dr. Ian Taylor, OVC '43, of \X1h ~e li ng , Ill. , appea red in the ..S. Conp,ressional Record last Octo, a fte r similar recognition fro m the Illino is House of Representa t.ives and' the Village o f Wheeli ng. Now re tired, Ta ylo r practi se d veterinary medicine in Whee ling fo r 3:1 years. To recognize his service to the community, th town named a day in his honor. In add ition, the local Lions Club recognized him fo r 20 years of perfect attendance and named him its officia l goodwill am bassador. H has attende d Lions Club meetingsin 57 countri es. Guelph Alumnus rea d e rs will remember past stories about Taylo r's work w ith the Lions Club and his unu. ual hobby of "stampog raphy ," which he inven ted while a stL1dent at ave. To brighte n up his res idence room, he deco rated a shabby waste bas ket with postage stamps -: the ·
now retired and living in Brockville , Onto His son practises in Hamilton . Dr. Hea ther Nestel, lVI.Sc. '73, is a veteri nary consultant for British Airways. She li ves in Wasse naa r, Netherlands, w ith her husband , Barry. Augustine Peter, M.Sc. '83, is a n assistant pro fe sso r o f theriogeno logy at Purdue University in Lafa ye tte, Incl. Dr Gerald Seltzer, '68, is practising in London , Ont. , at the Talbm Animal Hospi tal. Dr.John "Jack" Steele, '40, is retired and lives w ith his wife, Joyce , in Ahbotsfo rd , S.c. Dr . J a net Steiss , '75 , went on from Gue lph to earn a PhD at the UniverSity of Geo rgia. She is now an associate profes sor at the Co llege o f Vete rinary Medici ne in Auburn. Ala. Dr. Marian na Van Cruyningen, '87, is
a locum vete rinarian in Pete rboro ugh, Ont. Dr. Paul Warmington, '8 1, works for Agriculture Canada in food production and inspectio n. He and his wife ,Julie , li ve in Fe rgus, Ont. Dr . William Whittick, '55, is w ith the Anim al O rtho pedic Hospital in Miami , Fla. Dr Thursa Wilson-Zebic, '75 and CBS '71 , is a ve terinarian at the Niagara Pet Hosp ital in Grassie , On t.
first appli ca ti on of this uniqu e art mecIium. Since th en , he has c reated man y beautifu l pictures and maps fro m cance lled postage stamps.
FrO/ll the hlslorlcaljiJes of IheC/uelph ' AllIIllrll:lS comes this photo, a/Dr. Jan Tay lor in. his Illinois w lerlnClI)' (~[(ice, where he was known as "a p et's best
ji'lend . "
Class of '52 meets at CVMAconvention
The class of '52 lleJd a reunio n last summer at the Canadiao Veterinary Medica l ASsociation convention in Ottawa. The following news o f CH1SS membe rs'.was collected at that reunion by.or. J. Harold Reed. Dr. Ross Ainslie and his wife, Isabelle , plan to host a cl ass reunion at th eir home during the 1990 CVMA c()!1vention in Halifax. Mark (he date ! ' . . Dr. Doug Alexander . continues to be employed by the . animal health djvisiC>n of Agriculrure C~lnad a in Ottawa as chief of its biologies section , .
Dr. Wa.yne Baldwin is now retired, but sti)lliving In Knox ville. Tenn , He thinks "it's one of the best places to live,"
Dr, Dorothy Barrales has a new address: Casilla l'i 1, Chiguayante, Chile. Her hushand , Hugo. is a professor of botany at the University o f Concepcion. .
Dr. Bnlce "Moose" Parliament workS fcir the anim,il health uivi ~ ion of Agriculture Canaelaand is in dlarge of tiie regula- . tion of semen anclembtyc)export<;.and artificialinseminati o n in Ca nada, He has fou r children . . .
Dr. Wes .Trenholm. retired last fall, He and his wife, Millie, . live in Kentville ,. N.S. Dr. A.S. "Jladdy" Clerke got married last June. He and his wife , Sylvia, live in !\elowi1<1, B.C. ' .
Dr. Larry Donovan recenrlyretired from his Sussex, D.C., l,irge animal pr'ictice. Dr. George Frederick resigne<;l from the Bureali of Human · Prescription Drugs, Health and Welfare Canada; · more than two years. ago in protest o\rerthe continLiecl:ma rketing· of benzoyl pe roxide for the.treoatment ofacn&. He is now retited, hut is still active in his nlanyinterests.
Dr. Newt retirecl il11 983 ariel lives in Pickering, Ohio. lit is Hying to become a p ilot and is · thinking of building hi:; own aircraft.
Dr. Russ Furness is retired from Agri culture Ca nada, but · works partt.ime for the Ontario Racing Commission. He lives
Dr. Peter Bissonnette and his wife, Grace, have four sons and t~'o gr,H1uchiluren. Pet~ is still with Agi-iculture 'Ca nada in Niagara-eJl1-th e -Lake. Ont..
Dr. Gerald JeUy is enjoying retirement inPeoria, I1l,but works a Iittle'in meat ifjspeCtion and dr'ivesJor the Red Cross .• delivering blood to hospitals : Froln time to time, h e sees Dr. . J.V; Johnson, who is also retired. .
Dr. Maurice Clark of Kensington, PEl., does diagnostic pathology and ~e rves as co-ordinator of contil1uj ng ecluca lion fo r the Atlantic VeterinalY College in Charlottetown.
in Guelph .
Dr. Ross. "Avard" Mitton spends winters il) North Palm Beach, Fla"and sends greetings to aiL
In Memoriam
Katherine (Beatty) Toole, '37D , of
Doug Brooks, '76, of O nanole, Man., died Aug. 18, 1989.
Margaret (KendaU) Anderson, '27D, of Toronlo, died Oct. 2, 1989. She is survived by her son , Jo I1l1..
Douglas Hayes, '75 an d OAC M.S c. (Eng.) '79, of Ottawa, died July 1, 1989. He was emp loyed with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada at the time of his death and is su rvived by his son, Drew.
Gu elph, died Dec. 4, 1989.
Mary Bustard, '350, ofKemprvi lle, Ont., died Jan. 20, 1989.
Elizabeth Trotter, '38, of Toronto, died Jan. 7, 1990. She is survived by h er chil dren, Elizabeth Ann and Thomas. Wilfreda (Rowe) Wybrow, '3 10, of Toronlo, dieel Nov, 29 , 1989.
LeNore Callan-Jones, '320, of Onawa , died Sept. 25, 1989,
Edythe Card, '260, of T oronto, diedJa n. 7, 1990,
Waldo Arbuthnot, '29A and BSA '32 ,
Sandor Varga, M.5c. '67, o f Falmouth ,
Lila Cockburn, 'lSD , of Guelph , died
N,S. , died in an automobile accident last winter. He is survived by his wife , Helen,
Nov. 4, 1989, in her 100th yea r.
died Ocr. ] , ] 989. He is survived by his wife, Vera , and three daughters: Fran, Norma and June.
Ruth (Nichol) Gordon, '290,
Guelp h, died Dec. 12, 1989
Jean Grant, '210, of Birmingh am, Ala bama, died last winter.
Hilda (Mather) Green, Mac '31, of Or [awa , d ieel March 1, 1990. She w as retired after tea ching for man y years in Ontario and Quebec, and is survived by a son. a daughrer and three grandch ildren.
Matthew Barr, '69 and M, Sc. '71, o f Elsfield , England, died last November. He is survived by his wife, Mary.
Jane (Kennedy) Hughes, '340, of Mil
Shawn O'Brien, '86, of Prince George,
Emily Robertson,
B.C. , died Dec, 13, 1989.
ton, Ont., died Dec. 18, 1989, ' 270, o f Catharines, On t., died Jan . 2, 1990,
Robert Balkwill, '62 and honorary mem ber of the Class of '6 1, died May 11, 1989, in Ingersoll , Ont. , where he taug ht high school math and sc ience, He is sUlvived by his wife, Patricia, and three child ren.
Denney Charles, '38, of Georgetown, Ont., diedJan, 24, 1990, He is survi ved by his wife, Evelyn, Mac '37. Harry Claus, of Ridgeway, Ont., died Sept. 23, 1989, and is su rvived by his wife, Doris. Robert Easton, '24, of Lond on, Ont., died Nov. 29, 1989, and is slIIvived by his Guelph Alumnus
wife , Kathryn, Mac children,
'38, an d
Dr, S.E.A. McCallan, '23, of Charlottes ville, Va" died Jan, 22, 1990, A world authority on the development and use of fungicides, McCaJlan was Bermuda's fi rst PhD and a twelfth -generation Ber mudian, He was Scientist Emeritus and a Director Emer itu s of th e Boyce Thompson Institute at Corn ell University. McCalian's fath er, E.A. McCallan, was al so an OAC alumnus, Class of 1895 A, and was former directo r of agricu ltu re for Ber muda'
Alan Moore, '49, of Bolton, Ont" d ied Dec. 20, 1989. He is surv ived by his w i fe, Dorothy.
Stanley Morrison, '21, o f Vancouver, B,C., died Jan, 13, 1990, and is survived by his wife, Doroth y, Born in Nova Scotia, he came west to Ontario to attend OAC, then moved on to teach for many years in native schools i n Saskatchewan and British Columbia, H e later wor ked for the Saska tchewa n Department of Social Wel fare.
L.N. "Nonn" Pearce, '38, of Sudbury, died last fall.
C.E. "Robbie" Robinson, '29 , died Dec. 29, 1989, in Paris, Ont. He is survived by his w ife, Thelma. Robinson was well known to the North Ameri ca n golfing fra ternity for his work as a go lf course arc hitect, and to th e University co m munity for his initiation of an annua l turf grass conference in 1949 for RCG A - the forerunne r of the annual show now run by the CGSA. He began his career as a golf co urse manager, but eventuall y turn ed to ar chitecture. During his ca reer, he designed o r remodelled more than 300 golf courses in North and South America.
Esther Sheldon-McArthur, '34 LA , died Dec. 7, 1989.
Gordon Skinner, '24 , of Hamil ton, Ont" died Jan. 10, 1990. After graduation, he joined the Ontario Department of Agri cu l ture as an agricultural representative, serving in Grey County, th e New Liskeard area and, finally, Haldimand County, He was better known to many as Haldimand Harry, the pen name that appeared on the 1,070 "On the Farm Front" columns he wrote for newspapers, Skinner was also active i n the Ontario In stitute o f Agrologists, w hich established a scho lar ship at OAC in his honor when he retired as registrar for the institute. He is survived by two daughters.
John Tait, '39, of Walkerton , Ont., died Dec. 22 , 1989, He is survived by his wife, Marion.
Douglas L. Thompson, '48, of Toronto, died Aug. 28, 1989, and is survived by hi s w ife, Fran, and three children. Originally a member of th e Class of '43, Thompson interrupted his co llege years to serve in
Guelph Alumnus
the R. C.A,F. as a bomber pilot. He suf fered serio us burns when his aircraft was shot down over Germany, and was a prisoner of war before being repatriated throu gh Sweden. After recovery, he returned to OAC in 1945, And after graduation, was employed in th e malting industry in re search and development. Dr. Cecil Twinn, '21A and BSA '22 , died Nov. 25, 1989, and is survived by his wife, Emma. Dr, Twinn had a 35-year career with Agricu ltu re Canada and is remem bered as a pi oneer and a principal or ganizer of v eter i nary and med i ca l entomology in Ca nada,
Stephen Went, '75 LA, of Toronto, died Oct. 20, 1989 H e was employed by Toronto's departm e nt of parks and recreation as a landscape designer,
Raymond Wetmore, '33, of Fredericton, N,B., died last September, He is survived by his w ife, Helen Wetmore, '35.
Dr. Findlay McCorquodale, '50, of Bel lev ill e, Ont., dieu Oct. 31, 1989, anu is surviveu by his wife, Helen, Dr. Charles "Chuck" Roe, '50, uieu Dec. 18, 1989. A specialist in swine uiseases, Dr. Roe retireu from oves Department of Population Medicine in 1988 after 38 years on facu lty. He was a counci l mem ber of the Ca nadian Vete rinary Medica l Assoc iation and the On tario VeterinalY Associat io n, He was president of the CVMA in 1978 anu was instrumental in establ ishing its Pet Foou Certification Pro gram. H e is survived by his wife, Lillian, two uaughters, Sherry anu La urie, two sons, Terry and Brian, OVC '74 , and four grandchildren, A memoria l scholarship fund has heen created in Dr. Roe's name, admini stered by the OVC dean's office, Dr. Alan Steel, '50, of Bowman v ille, Ont., died Nov, 1, 1989 He is survived b y his wife, Eileen. Dr. Howard Tay lo r, '13, of Q uali cum Beach , B.C. , died last December in his 102nd yea r.
Dr. Albert Geffert, '36, of Ree dsburg, Wis., died Nov, 24, 1989, He is survived by his wife , Ethlyn, tw o so ns and a daughter, Dr. Alexander Hanna, '43 , of A lmonte, Ont" died last December and is survived by his wife, Ann Lyn. Dr. Walter Ludloph, '52, of Belleville , Ont. , died Nov. 3, 1989. He is survived by his wife, Ve lva, and three sons, Robert, Ronald and Gordon.
Robert Hamill, h on orary memher of'40, died Nov, 16, 1989, in G uelph, H is career was with th e Gue/ph Daily Nlercu ry, where he began as an advertising repre sentative in 194 3 and was general manager and publisher from 1949 until retirement in 1981.
Valentin Kirschner, ODH '65, d ied Oct. 28, 1989 , in Ottawa. H e worked for 33 yea rs in th e nurselY trade and is survived by his sons, H aro ld and Cbristorher
Open the door to 47,700 new customers For most of U of G's 47,700 active alumni, the Guelph Alumnus is their ~~~~;;;;!db::::!@i~~ principal source of information abo ut yo u and other membe rs of the University family. You can increase your alumni contacts and the number o f pote ntial customers for your company's product or service through a Guelph Alumnus display ad, As a member of the alumni "family, " you'll receive a 20 per-cent discount on Guelph Alumnus ads, To place your bu siness ad in the next issue, call the editor at 519-824-4120, Ext. 8706. Open the door to 47, 700 potential custumers,
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Tran sportation alternatives for the enviro nment are essential
by Christopher Holloway, CSS '81
After two decades of progress, the campaign to control ground-level ozone across North America is, in fact, losing ground because of an enormous increase in the sheer numhers of cars and trucks on the road. Transportation is the largest consumer of petroleum in Canada and, hy extension, the largest emitter of atmos rheric rollutants. Intercity passenger transportation is resronsible for ahout 26 per cent of petroleum consumed. The automobile uses 62.6 per cent of that, air travel 35.5 per cent, rail 1.1 per cent and buses 0.8 per cent. Such statistics leave us open to question the wisdom of recent cuts to Canada's national passenger rail service. The cuts make it apparent that the environment will pay a significant price. If two million of the displaced VIA passengers switch to driving, as the transport ministry predicts, then at Canada's average vehicle occupancy rate of 1.2 people, some 1.8 million additional automobile trips will contribute annually to air pollution and traffic congestion. Organizations like Pollution Probe, the Canadian En vironmental Law Association, Greenpeace, Rural Dignity and Transport 2000 have also suggested the rail cutbacks are precisely opposite from what Canada should be doing in transportation. Although it's true that, since 1970, stringent air pollution regulations and technical innovations in the automobile industry have substantially reduced emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, federal analysts say this progress is being offset by the sheer numbers of cars, trucks and [,uses added to the roads each year. Ground-level ozone is still the principal air-quality prob lem in many areas across Canada. About half the population is exrosed to ozone levels that are known to have negative effects on health. With respect to the greenhouse effect of atmospheric warming, it is known that carbon dioxide is the major contributor. Emission projections for 1990, drawn from Environment Canada and the Railway Association of Canada, show that automobiles and gasoline light-duty vehicles wiJi displace 462 kilotons of volatile organic com pounds and 337 kilotons of nitrous oxides over the course of the year. Compare this with passenger trains, which, over the next 15 years, are projected to emit fewer than four kilotons of volatile organic compounds and only 20 kilotons of nitrous oxides. The rail mode certainly compares favorably with other modes and is far less energy-intensive, particularly when we consider the capacity of trains to carry large numbers of riders. Future environmental policies on transportation should stress the use of intrinsically clean modes of transportation,
including alternatives such as electric light rail and trolley bus within cities and the development of electrically generated high-speed rail between cities. Many of us are aware of commuter rail advantages. The GO Transit system in southern Ontario, with its bi-level coach cars, has been viewed as one of the most progressive people movers in North America. And intercity high-speed rail may be more of a reality than many of us think. Bombardier, based here in Canada, has announced its decision to promote a high-speed train based on French technology between Windsor, Ont., and Quebec City. Bombardier suggests a double-track rail could be built between Toronto, Ottawa/Hull, Montreal and Quebec City for $5.3 billion, a cost that could be recovered in 25 years of operation. The proposed route would largely follow existing railway rights of way. The service would operate 15 to 16 hours a day, at intervals of 45 minutes during peak periods. Each train could carry up to 366 passengers and would travel at 300 kilometres an hour. Itwould take two hours and 45 minutes to go from Toronto to Montreal. And if powered by electricity, the train would be virtually pollution free. Such high-speed rail service is expected to attract close to 5.3 million riders a year, an increase of 3.7 million over VIA ridership between these cities before the cuts in ser vice. This endeavor would rely on private-sector initiative to, in effect, stimulate public policy change the change being that fewer cars, buses and planes would spew out harmful atmospheric emissions over the long term. Granted, electric trolleys or high-speed trains cannot be viewed as the panacea for all our environmental problems. But they could go a long way towards reducing the pol lutants generated by intercity transportation. Although current transportation policy creates skep ticism about the prospects for implementation of improved rail transport, I still believe rail transit offers a major oppor tunity for industrial development. And it will be essential to our environmental well-being as we head toward the year 2000.
Editor's note: A CSS '81 graduate, Holloway is national director of Transport 2000, a non-profit transportalion lobby and re search organization based in Ottawa, Holloway has been a broadcast journalisl for 10 years, sl udied civil and constitution allaw at Universite Laval and workedfor the federal govern ment before joining Transport 2000, 7he "Commenl"page offers aforumfor Guelph alumni to com ment on topiCS ofpubliC concern. To suggest an idea or submit an article, contact the editor, Guelph Alumnus
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