Spring 1992
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The odds are won't get his parents' education
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Spring 1992 '
GOVER ..........-~
Three-year~bld SashaV' an Katwyk probably won'[ re~mber how hardhi~ parents . ' worked for university education - theirs 'a ndhjs. But hard work alone won'tensure · . that Sasha's generation has the same opportunity to attend universitY.In th!SissLie ()f the GUf;lph Alumlius,welookat the financial crisis faciJiguniversities~ '. .
. . "
Cover photo by Martin SChwalbe .
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.'0· '. families fight the oddS . .
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·~~~~is~~s:,:~~:;'~~~~~lt~~~~~~~1::.· {. h~ily ~r : downward spiral of govemJ:nent funding . ' . '
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Th~secondpart of a:report on th~use of .
'Genetic " engineering
... and more
blotechnolbgyin University of Guelph research.
1~1991" alumni~nd frierids gave$lA million to
.'Alumni Giving ' Rep()rt
the University of Guelph.
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GO L LJ M N S ...............- - - - - -.....- - - . . . .0 ...."". 5
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. Society'~ ' investmenti I1 universities pays big dividends. .
' Alumni
.- '.
Grad news
.23 ..e-
Alumni Weekend .
VoI;iS;No.2 joACS '85 and M,Sc, ' 88 '
Editor Mary Diekieson . .
",The GlIetpliAliltnlllH is .p~blished in May. Sept.eITlber and J<l!wary by the Executiv~ Editor S';;ldra Webster. C5S '7S ' ...... . . .. ' . Uniyersiiy of Gl.dph, in co-operation with the UniversityofGucJph Alum ' Cooiribulors Burbara Chance. e55 '74, Roberta FranchUk.Martha Association: Copyriglit 1992. Ideas andopii)i'on s expressed do not , .. Ta~(;ock; Herb Rauscher, Owe~ Roberts ,MartinSd~walbe necessar;ilyreflectthose ofllie VGAAor the .U nivers ity, Copies of-the . Design/Production Chris Boyadjian; Art!> ' SI .)aTletCaldwcll. Art~'S6 , Glli!fpli AI(/II/i/UsedilOl'iaJ poll.cy are available onrequest:Articleslilay he · Gabrielle Duval,Lilida Graham,Art s '77,Doug Schaefer; Arts :SS, Debbic . reprinted without pennissionif credit to author anJ pllblicationis gi"cn. For • Thompson Wilson, Arts '77 . . . . . cir.culationand' acfvel1ising inqu iries ;contaq the Editor; U ni vel's il )' Editorial Advisory Board Trish Walker,C$S '77, M :Sc, '9(}; Chair; . .. CorrullUnicaliolls; UTllvcrsily of Guelph, Guelph. Ontario· N rG 2W I, Richa':d Buck, OAC ' 76A;5heila Levak . H,AFA'83;Deliis Lynn , CBSc69; , 5i9-824-4.120.Ex,t,8706, " ..
Karen Mantel Arts '83· Robin,Lee Norri s. CSS '8.0; Harold Reed; OVC
' 55; Brian Ro:nagTloli,Ans '84; Peier Taylor,Art s" 76, Agn<0 Van Haeren . . . ThispubiicatiOl'l is pi;intedon5(J% ~c)'c1ed p~i)er.
· CSS, '86; Robert Wilbur. OAC'80; .Bob Winkel. OAt '60, MahnaWright, ' ISSN 0830-3630, ' "
Cuelph Alumnus
I have just read an article in the winter Guelph Alumnus by Roberta Franchuk on the subject of math anxiety. The ar ticle includes a skill-testing question and gives the answer as 491.95. Because the problem is posed incor rectly, readers of the article mu st certain ly have suffered considerable math an xiety trying to solve it. The answer to the problem should be 597A. The answer of 491.95 would solve the problem if the equation were enclosed in brackets. The square brack ets are the key. Math anxiety, indeed. Joe Hagge Georgetown,Ont. Please note that the answer given to the skill-testing question on page 17 of the winter Alumnus is incorrect. The correct and only solution is 597 A. It's no wonder students suffer " math anxiety." I do, too, every time I see skill testing questions with wrong anSwers. Don Hamilton Markham,Ont. I would like to commend you on the ex cellent winter issue of the Alumnus. In stead of my usual quick skim through, I found myself actually reading it cover to cover. Many of the articles focus ed on re search and teaching, the two things I remember Guelph most fondly for and the two things that may convince many prospective students that Guelph is the right choice. Such a refreshing change from the usual dull material on picnics, conferences, awards, etc. I hope you'll decide to continue in this vein.
Christine (Paquette) Reissmann, OAC '77 Ottawa,Ont. I am writing in response to your letter from a former resident assistant. I agree that being on the residence life staff can be a valuable experience, but so can belonging to I nterhall Council. I am a fOlmer president of both Maritime Hall and Prairie Hall and a former Interhall Council chair. The leadership and skills that I learned have been invaluable to me. They enabled me 4
to enter the pharmaceutical industry as a sales representative. Today I am a dis trict sales manager for Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, one of Canada 's top 10 phar maceutical companies. When I was an undergraduate, Inter hall Council was underrated. Students failed to realize that it was our members who represented the thousands of under graduates in residence on various ad ministrative committees. We were the ones who negotiated for improvements in the residences and cafeterias. Interhall Council spearheaded the
campaign against the closing of Maritime cafeteria. And let's not forget orientation. Without the help of the residence hall presidents and their coun cil of volunteers, orientation would not be the annual success that it is. So, yes , being a residence life staff may provide some opportunity and skills to deal with the future , but I know that without my experie nce as a member of InterhaU Council , I wouldn't be where I am today.
Dean Demilio, CBS '87 Mi ssissauga,Ont.
We made a mistake In the last issue of the Guelph Alumnus, we printed Robe rta Franchuk 's humorou s look at math anxiety, but the joke was on us. In our illustration for the story, we presented this sk ill-test ing math problem
What's 5% of (52 - 14) x 2 16 -
J&- +
(256 - 133) ???
- but gave the wrong answer for it. The correct answer is 597A. Our answer of 491.95 was wrong becau se we failed to observe the order of operations rules. Many readers noticed the error, in clud ing everyone in the Univers ity 's Department of Mathematics and Stati s tics. And several told us stories about the other people they've caught abus ing the rules of BEDMAS (brackets, exponents, division , multiplication , ad dition , subtraction). Our mistake has placed us in the company of several of Canada's largest corporations. Guelph professor Jack Weiner and Gary Flewelling, math consultant for the Wellington County Board of Education, recently argued the case of a high school student who was denied $200 worth of compact discs in an auto manufacturer's contest because hi s a nswer to this skill-testing ques tion- 22+ 14dx4 -3= -did not match the auto maker's answer. The student' s answer was 37 213. The auto maker contends that all mathe
matical functions should be performed in order moving from left to righ t, making the answer 45. Weiner asks us to apply the auto maker's reasoning to a bank ing problem. You have $100 in your savings account when you begin ad ding $10 a week for 20 weeks. How much money do you have at the end of the 20 weeks? If you write out the expression, it looks like thi s: 100 + 10 x 20. The correct answer, of course, is $300, but by the auto manufacturer 's calculation, you'd have $2,200. " Is that how they price their cars')" asks We iner. Thi s is a good example of why we can't Jet mathematical errors go uncor rected. Meanwhile, the high school student still hasn't received his com pact discs. The company is now argu ing that both answers are right. Go figure l Those of us working on the Guelph Alumnus have learned our lesson. Our apologies to those readers who deve loped math anxiety trying to fig ure out how we got our answer ... and to those reade rs who gor the same answer we did, because now you know that you're not a mathematical whiz after all. Guelph Alumnus
Food research gets boost U of G received a $ I-million Chri stmas gift from the W. Garfield Weston Foun dation, the charitable organization as soc iated with George Weston Limited, one of the largest Canadian-owned food conglomerates. The money will fund a research position in food-packaging technology in the Department of Food Scie nce. A competition is being held to fill the position , which will investigate ways to balance the consumer demand for less processing of food products with the need to maintain safety. Campus research in food process ing received another boost with the appoint ment of Prof. Douglas Dalgleish to a re search po si tion in dairy technology that is supported by the Ontario Dairy Coun cil and the Natural Sc iences and En gineering Research Council. Dalgleish works closely with Prof. Mansel Grif fiths, who holds a research chair in microbiology that is sponsored by the Ontario Milk Marketing Board and NSERC. Dalglei sh's research concentrates on milk and milk ingredients, leading to practical applications in the develop me nt of new dairy products. Griffiths 's work also focuses on new products, as well as food safety and the development of rapid detection of micro-organisms in milk and other foods. Griffiths is one of six researchers who recently received funding as part of the Ontario Mini stry of Agriculture and Food ' s $S-million program to help keep the Ontario food-processing industry globally competitive. Other recipients include Profs. Howard Swatland, Animal and Poultry Science, and Ralph Brown, School of Engineering , who will examine the use of fibre optics and ultrasound tech niques to measure meat quality and yield in beef carcasses and live cattle. Prof. Gauri Mittal, Engineering, and Arthur Hill, Food Science, will further their work in pasteurization of milk and other liquid foods, while looking for al ternatives in food preservation. And Prof. Les Ferrier, Animal and Poultry Science, will study the effect of high linolenic acid eggs on blood lipid s in humans. Linole nic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid that is essential to lowering blood cholesterol level s. Guelph AIr.ll1l11uS
. C(il/ege Roya/prepa,:ations are asn.w ell funj'orsiu(/en(s as rlleopen/1ollseisfor cam~ . .. pitS l'isi/ors .Abq l'e. Jackie Fos/eI:,'on ul7dergtod/lal(,.~lIId(!lll iiIIvod~·CieJU:e. clowns '
. around with allo/sleill/u!ije.r in/he lil'q{()(' k.b.onItJn{'(Il1Ipus: . . PhotobyJim V~;l Dusen
Child-care survey reports The largest and most compre hensive sur vey on child care in Canadian history the Canadian National Child-Care Study -launched its introductory report in February. Directed by family studies professor Donna Lero, the $3-million study profiles the needs and arrange ments of more than 24,000 Canadian families with at least one child under 13. It is based on data collected from Statistics Canada interviews with parents in 1988. One in every 90 Canadian households was included. Co-director of the study is Alan Pence of the University of Victoria. Principal investigators are Hillel Goelman of the
University of British Columbia and Lois Brockman of the University of Manitoba. What they've found is that most Canadian parents share common concerns about child care - its quality, affordability, av ailability and stability. The federal government's recent an nouncement that it has sc rapped plan s for a national child-care program does not mean the issue is no longer impor tant, says Lero . It means the govern ment "sees the need , but has chosen not to res pond to it." The study findings will be presented in IS subsequent reports and a set of 12 provincial and territorial summaries .
Creative writing U of G Senate has approved a proposal for a maste r of fine arts (MFA) program in creative writing. Concentrating on prose , poetry, drama or a combination, stude nts would take courses , do inde pendent reading and produce a creative thesis. English chair Connie Rooke says the Guelph program would differ from crea tive-writing degree programs at other Canadian universities. The already hired core faculty - poet Dionne Brand , novelist and poet Janice Kulyk Keefer 5
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = CAMPUS and playwright Judith Thompson - are distinguished Canadian writers, rather than career academics. Another unique feature is that Canadian writers would be invited to give lectures, workshops and seminars, offering students a writer's perspective. Visiting writers would also serve as mentors to individual students. A starting date of fall 1993 is proposed, but is dependent on the availability of funding.
Multimedia French What do French-language students at the universities of Guelph and Calgary have in common? They can improve their language skills with the aid of mul timedia computer equipment that com bines sound, images and text. These are the only two Canadian universities par ticipating in an IBM-sponsored North American program to explore new tech nology in teaching French as a second language. U of G is making the French connec tion thanks to $45,000 worth of multi media equipment donated by IBM. One of the goals of the program at Guelph is
to reduce the drop-out rate in French studies. More than 50 per cent of the stu dents who complete the beginner's level in French do not continue.
Convocation honors At winter con vocation ceremonies in February, J.e. "Clare" Rennie,OAC ,47, former as sistant deputy
minister of
agriculture and Clare Rennie food for Ontario, was named an honorary fellow of the University. He was honored for his contributions to U ofG's agricultural re search program. Rennie was on faculty from 1952 to 1971, then moved to OMAF, where he was responsible for the ministry'S education and research programs, including the contract with U of G. Since 1974, the contract has grown to $34 million a year. In addition, Guelph has named its research chair in animal-breeding strategies in his honor.
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The University also honored Canadian engineer Claudette MacKay Lassonde by awarding her an honorary degree for her contributions to the en gineering profession. An expert on nuclear safety issues , she developed the first site-selection criteria for nuclear power stations. She has served as presi dent of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario and founded the group Women in Science and Engineer ing.
A boost for animal welfare OVC has established an academic position in animal welfare with a gift from the estate of Col. K.L Campbell. His widow, Mona, has contributed $500,000 to start an endow Ron Downey ment fund to support the position . Prof. Ron Downey, assistant dean of OVC, will assume the position July I to explore alternative methods that would reduce the use of animals in research . Part of his job will be to promote the in terests of the Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare, which was established at U ofG in 1990. K.L Campbell was a notable horse breeder and showman who shared with his wife an interest and compassion for all animals . The Campbells were among the earliest contributors to OVC's Pet Trust Fund, which supports research on common problems of companion animals.
Land and water stewardship U of G's Centre for Soil and Water Con servation has been renamed the Centre for Land and Water Stewardship to reflect a more holistic approach to sus tainability. Accordingly , its focus has expanded to include sectors other than agriculture that affect water quality . The centre's new director is Prof. Stewart Hilts, a 13-year faculty member who is cross-appointed to the Department of Land Resource Science and the Univer sity School of Rural Planning and Development. Guelph Alumnus
Rewriting art history In the 1480s, the Duke of Milan com missioned Leonardo da Vinci to produce a 9.3-metre-high bronze monu ment of a horse and rider. But political upheav a l in Italy prevented the artist from seeing II Cavallo past the planning stage. Centuries later, Guelph fine art profes sor Chandler Kirwin, hi s student Peter Rush and international art historians have begun a project to cast the monu ment in two-thirds scale. It will be built in New York State at a cost of more than $2 million U.S. and donated to the city of Milan in celebration of da Vinci's achievements and the SOOth anniversary of Columbus's arrival in America . Rush is a mature student with 30 years' experience as a metallurgist and foundry worker. His technological know-how and Kirwin' s knowledge of the artistic, soc ial, political and cultural climate of the Renaissance has led to a revised vision of II Cavallo. They are proposi ng to the international art com munity that the altist had intended to cast the 60,000-kilogram monument in one piece - an easy task with current industrial practices, but a daring proposal in the 15th century. The project has revealed da Vinci's genius as an engineer and has caused art historians to rethink their assessment of his place in Renaissance art history.
News in brief During Christmas break, U of G in stalled an automated direct-d ial telephone system that means faster ser vice for callers who know the extension number they're trying to reach. Within three weeks of use, the system was han dling half of the 13,000 daily incoming caUs without operator assistance. The six top students who participated in U ofG's first Krakow semes ter were recently awarded certifi cates of merit from the Polonia Institute of Krakow , where they studied.
Prof Chandler Kirwin , lefl , and Peter Rush pose with a model ofdo Vinci's monument 11
Photo by Robert a Franchuk
and more than half a tonne of fine paper are hauled away each week. Ample snowbanks this winter helped protect the Arboretum's gene banks, which contain plantings of more than nine species of woody plants native to the Carolinian forest region of so uth western Ontario. The gene banks will eventually be used to help rebuild the province's heritage forest system.
This summer, U of G begins an ex change program that will bring 28 Pennsylvania students to Guelph for six weeks in an effort to introduce them to Canadian educational and cultural op-
portunities. Teamed up with a group of Guelph students, they will study the creative arts in Canada, Canadian society and the political economy of the Canada-U.S. free trade agreement. The planned widening of Gordon Street - the route from campu s to downtown Guelph - has been delayed until 1993 while city council considers a proposal by the U of G Cycling Club to include bicyc le lanes as part of the project. The first Ontario turfgrass symposium was held on campus last January, bring ing together all sectors of the indu stry to discuss environmental responsibility.
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Five years ago, U of G sent 3,788 ton nes of waste to the city landfill in one year. Last year, the figure was 1,900 ton nes, thanks to the campus recycling pro gram . About 2.5 tonnes of glass and tin Guelph Alumnus
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Predicting food production capabilities A new research technique developed by an interdisciplinary U of G group is the first of its kind in the world to quantita tively measure the capacity or shortfall of food production in a specific geo graphic area. Applying the technique to Ontario in volves a complex computer database that uses production figures from the 1980s and takes into account 18 major crops, 10 livestock categories, seven soil classes, seven climate zones, six economic regions and a number of production constraints. The computer then considers different aJlocations and trends, as well as condi tions that might influence future demands and productive potential. "We found the current agricultural base has the capacity to produce at least 30 per cent more of each product in On tario," says geography professor Barry Smit, who has co-ordinated the program since it began in the early 1980s. "But the 30-per-cent surplus capacity would not be sufficient to meet even relatively
conservative demand projections through to the year 2000," he says. The program has been used to look at food projections and to study the effects of urban growth , acid rain , soil erosion, global warming, climatic variations on food production and to identify regions of the globe where food shortages reflect limit s in production capacity.
Campus safety Students walking alone on campus at night can call the Central Student Association's Campus Safe Walk pro gram, and a team of volunteers will es cort them to their destination. If they live off campus, but need to work late at the University library, students can take the Magic Bus, a service provided by the CSS Student Government after city buses close down for the night. And anyone who is hurt or injured on cam pus can get help from the First Aid Response Program run by the CSA and Security Services. Each of these programs will get a financial boost thanks to a provincial government grant aimed at improving campus safety. In addition, U of G will
use part of the grant to install more emergency telephones on campus, add lighting and rearrange foliage that im pedes vision in some areas. Al so being considered is a campu s safe hou se that would bring together 24-hour services for students.
Preserving beauty U of G landscape architect Nate Perkin s is using a computer, a scanner and a digitizing board to show the effects of development on sensitive rural landscapes. He is working with the On tario Heritage Foundation to identify and protect the esthetic landscape fea tures of the entire Niagara Escarpment. The first step is to create an inventory of existing visual landscapes and how they are currently protected in Ontario. Based on this, selected landscape scenes will be sampled to illustrate what might happen under different scenarios with no regulation, under current local and provincial regulatory programs and under Perkins 's proposals. With com puter technology, he will be able to cre ate a picture of what the scene would look like in each case.
People make a difference on and off canlpus of G has recruited many talented facul
ty and staff who have also become leaders in the community. Two names come to mind John Powell and Murdo MacKinnon - because both are being recog nized this spring for their ci vic contributions. Retired human biology John Powell professor John Powell was inducted April II into the Canadian Amateur Sports Hall of Fame because of his lifelong work in amateur Sp0l1. An Olympic-calibre s printer in hi s native Great Britain, Powell turned to coaching after being wounded in the Second World War. A three-time Olympic coach, he helped 19 athletes earn Olympic medals. And for the last 21 years, he has been a regular lec turer at the International Olympic Academy in Greece.
Powell moved to Goldschmidt, H.D.Mus. '84,
launched the festival, which has Guelph in 1965 to estab lish the University'S pro flourished to become one of N0I1h gram in human kinetics America's most respected small music and the School of Human festivals. MacKinnon was president of its board of directors for 15 years and Biology. He designed 10 courses and was a driving is still one of its most active volunforce behind construction teers. of the building that The Guelph Spring Festival was one houses the school. example of MacKinnon ' s eff0l1s to During his tenure , the create closer ties between the Univer s ity and the community. He and con University hosted eight Canadian national track cert manager Edith Kidd introduced and field coaching courses sponsored the idea of regular noon-hour con by the Royal Canadian certs, still held on cam Legion , with more than pu s each Thursday. 3,000 participants. He also MacKinnon was founded a cardiovascular founding dean of Wel exercise group, which he lington College of Arts led daily for 26 years. and Sciences in 1964. Retired English profes And he became the first sor Murdo MacKinnon dean of the College of will be the centre of atten Arts in 1970. He is an honorary fellow of the tion May 2 at the Guelph University, and the Mac Spring Festival's 25th Kinnon building is anniversary dinner. He and named in his honor. artistic director Nicholas Murdo Ma cKinn on Guelph Aluml/us
University Families Fight the Odds hy Mary Dickiesol1
The Van Katwyks and the University of Guelph are saving to educate the next generation
university education in Canada. At current levels of government funding, decreased enrolments will limit university attendance to one in five within a few years. Paul and Christine Van Katwyk don't like the odd s. They're committed to univer足 s ity education -
their own and Sasha 's -
and they've been sav ing for hi s educa足
tion since he was s ix months old. But what they hear about the continuing decline in government funding makes them worry that the doors to Canada 's universities may not be open to Sasha when he 's ready to enrol in 2007. Guelph Alumnus
On the political age nda , universities have taken a bac k seat to hospitals, so cial serv ices and sc hools, despite the T heee., good ,e"oo to won)'. fact that they are part of the solution to That' s the message we ' ve been getting problems facing the other sectors. from universiti es and colleges in In Ontario , the universities' share of Canada for several years. Many univer the public purse has been declining sity admini strators, including U of G since 1978, even though they've added president Bri an Segal, say they, too, are more than 160,000 students to their en worried about the future of postsecon rolments. Universities are act ually dary education. spending 14 per cent less per full-time student than th ey did 15 years ago. At the same time, Education makes a difference demand for university " Chris and I know fro m ou r own graduates is growing. experience that a university educa The Council of Ontario tion can make a big di fference in Universities (COU) es one ' s life." say P aul Van Ktttwyk. timates that half of the Paul grew up in a university new jobs th at will be famil y - hi. fa ther is a professor created over the next at Wilfrid Laurier Univer ily in decade will require W aterloo. He came to U of G after L1ni versi ty-level high school, but quit before com training. pleting a B A. After two years o f At a time when un making tire , he was back on cam employment plagues the pus and is now finishing an MA in province, when health industrial organizational psychol care and soc ial ass istance ogy. U of G is one of the few costs are rising, when in uni versities in C anada that offer dustry needs to improve graduate work in this fie ld. So Paul competitiveness, when is heading off to the Uni versity of we need to boost invest South Florida th is fall to do a PhD , then will return me nt in research and to Canada to help expand his disc ipline to other deve lopment, one begins C anadian uni versitie . to wonder why postsec Chris is the first mem ber o f her family to atrend ondary education is not a university. She graduates this spring with a B.A.Sc . greater priority. in con umer studies. With other mem bers of her Public opinion seems family out of work because their man ufact uring jobs to support universities. A have disappeared , Chris think a un iversi ty educa 1990 Decima poll found that 80 per cent of tion was the right choi e for he r. She would li ke to Ontarians believe a lack get involved in cons umer/envi ronmental i 'sues and of funding is affecting eventually open her own small business. university quality and 83 per cent believe that university fundin g is not kee ping pace with funding for other services. But the university system needs more than quiet believers. It needs strong vocal support. Good intentio ns are n ' t Universities enough to ensure survival in the politi are spending cal arena or the global economy.
14 per cent less for each student than they did 15 years ago
Financial problems Every year, COU prepares a report on the financial position of Ontario univer sities. The 1991 report reveals a steady decline in the priority that three succes sive provincial governments have gi ven to universities. Collectively, they've ig nored the advice of their own advisory body on universities for 15 years , allow
ing university funding to drop from 5.9 to 4.09 per cent of total government spending. This decline coincid es with the federal government's introduction of Es tablished Program Financing (EPF), which supplies a large part of the fund ing that is eventually allocated to postsecondary education. Prior to EPF, federal and provincial governments shared the operating costs of postsecondary education on a 50/50 basis. Und er EPF, which was supposed to equalize payments to the provinces through a compli cated system of cash transfers and ta x points, some provincial governments have been una ble or un willing to maintain th at 50/50 balance . In Ontario, federal doll ars now acco unt for a much higher percentage of the funding that is eventually transferred to universities. Many Ontario institutions believe the provincial government added ins ult to injury last October when it cut an addi tional $9 million from promi sed transfer payments for 1991 /9 2. Before the c1aw back, COU had advised the government that universities would need a seven-per cent increase in 1992/93 just to m aintai n current level s of serv ice, but the January budget gave them one per cent thi s year and promi sed no more th an two per cen t in each of the ne xt two years. During this same J 5-year peri od, Ontario 's universities have demon strated an increase in productivity un matched in almost any other sector, by finding ways to educate 40 per cent more students with less money. The January budget brought bad news at a time when universities were also facing further cuts in provincial gove rn ment grants for capital reno vations, in creased operating costs for utilities, the federal government 's 30-per-cent jump in UIC premiums , a lO-per-cent in c rease in CPP payments and a loss of tuition revenue because of pl anned reductions in first-year enrolments. Ontario's Employer Health T ax and pay equity costs have also affected operating budgets at universities, where more than 80 per cent of expenditures are dictated by salaries and benefits. Deficit financing is not the norm for U ofG, but in 1991/92, costs exceed ed Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) operating revenue ($160 mil li on) by almos t $4.6 million. The defic it reflects both these une xpected increases and the planned expense of restructuring non-academic units. Guelph Alumnus
1977-78 to 1990-91 11 ,000
(Constant 1990-91 Dollars)
' ,000
9 Provinc es
Natronal Average
' ,000 '-'-_-'--------'-_-'-_-'------'_---'--_ 77 ·78 78-79 79·00 8O·9t 91-82 82-83 83-84
- ' - _L ---'-_-"-_-'--------'_-' 84-85
90·9 1
Charls reprinredjrom COU 1991 Report
Creative solutions Like the business community, Guelph has begun the ongoing process of self appraisal. The $6.9-million cost of the recent non-academic review left red ink in this fiscal year, but the exercise has cut operating costs by an estimated $5.7 million a year. Within the five-year pay back period , the University will have saved or, in reality , reallocated more than $28 million, Segal says. The internal review removed 125 jobs, simplified processes and improved efficiency. A similar assessment of the non-teaching activities within the col leges is being completed and will be fol lowed by a look at academic functions . Guelph is one of the first universities in Ontario to undertake such a struc tured review of its operations, says Segal, and it won't be the last. Every university will be looking at way s to reduce the amount of work required to operate the institution, he says. "We're walking a tightrope, trying to balance strategic goal s and fiscal management in a way that causes the least harm to students." Nevertheless, "universities are prepared to be key players in the process of looking for creative ways of doing more with less ." Segal predicts an increase in inter university and joint univ ersity-college programs that share res ources, more ef fective use of autom ation, more home study programs and co-operative purchasing arrangements. Unfortunately, we'll al so see further staff cuts, a loss of services, some course cancellations and limits to stu dent enrolment. Last fall, U of G decreased first-year enrolment by 686 to help ease over crowding on campus, although total enGuelph Alumnus
Year EnCling
rolment was a high of 13,390 students. The University plan s to decrease e nrol ment to fewer than 12,000 by 1994. There will al so be reductions in facul ty position s; estimates are that at least a third of the 60 current vacancies will not be fil,led in the next fi scal year. In addition to cos t-c utting measures, universities will be looking at ways to generate new revenue. More than 80 per cent of university revenue is controlled by government - tran sfer payments and tuition fees - but short-term operat ing fund s can benefit from increased revenues from food, retail, parking operations and non-tuition fee hikes. Segal says long-term endowment funds like Guelph ' s Heritage Fund will become a system-wide priority, as will revenue sources from planned giving and alumni contributions, real estate
O il
rhe Finan cial Position «( Ontario Uni versities
development - like Guelph's Research Park - and capital accumulation . COU, which Segal chairs, will con tinue to press ure government to increase tuition fee s. Ontario fees have not kept up with inflation. In rel ative terms, they are lower now than they've been for 40 years, representing less than 19 pe r cent of university operating revenue . In com parison, tuition revenues at public universities in the United States are 70 to 80 per cent higher, and students at private U.S . universities pay si x times as much as Ontario 's undergraduates. COU is on rec ord as favoring an in come-contingent repayment plan that would allow students to repay loans based on the level of their future in come. But a COU proposal - even if it is accepted by MCU - is at least a year away from implementation.
Last f all , th e universities of Guelph and Waterloo launched N orth America ' sfirst long distan ce interactive classroom project that links students at both institutions via two-way audio , video and data lin es , Unlike other video systems that offer only televisiolltransmission, th e new Electrohome classroom system leIs studel1ls both see and hear each other, as well as the professor, It' s j us t like being th ere - and it' s ail e example of how universities are sharing Photo by Robe rta Franc huk resources to improve academic programs and CUI costs. 11
University benefits T ime and time again, our alumni tell us that the total university experience is more valuable than the degree they received. Breadth of knowledge, new insights, personal satisfaction - these are things that can't be measured. The 966,000 university graduates in Ontario do, however, share economic benefits that can be measured -like an unemployment rate that is one-third what it is for the general workforce and salaries that are, on average, 63 per cent highe r than industrial workers. In addition, univ ersity graduates share with the rest of the population eve n greater cultural, social and economic benefits. T hrough the percol ator effect , Ontario universi ties generate $6.2 billion (1989 estimate) worth of economic activity each year and more than 138,000 jobs. All Canadian s share in the benefits of an academic system that acc umulates knowledge, trains leaders and conducts much of the research th at gives us a progress ive society. University laboratories have yielded medical breakthroughs in diabetes, can cer, cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer' s disease and AIDS. They have tackled environ mental research on the causes of water pollution and soil erosion. University so cial scientists study issues as vari ed as demographic trend s, cross-border shop ping, adoption and economic develop ment in native communities. On a more personal level, each univer sity in Canada is a contributing membe r of its local community. Says Guelph
Mayor John Counse ll: "The in tangible benefits of having a university within our municipality in clude the injection into the com munity of intellec tual standards, talents and ser vices." Almost every or ganization in the city counts U of G faculty , staff and students among its members and volunteers. In fac t, more than 30 U o/G' s campus we/comes almosl 150,000 visitors every year. university for local re side nts. The number of employees were recently given special people enrol.led in distance education, in award s and commendations from both depende nt study and non-degree courses the provincial Ministry of Culture and at the University is almost twice the day Communications and Ministry of tim e student body. Last year, 500 senior Citizenship. citizens attended courses held on cam Guelph is also enriched financially by pus, and 10,000 sc hoolchildren par the Unive rs ity's presence - 4, 100 jobs, ticipated in environmental education $195 million in annual economic ac program s at the Arboretum . People also tivity. The University is an attraction for brought 12,000 animal s and 500 wild many smaller companies and organiza birds to OVC clinics for treatment. tions and branches of provincial govern Vi sitors to campus outnumber stu ment ministries that deal frequ ently with dents 10 to one . They come for convoca the campu s. In a way, it has he lped to in tion, College Royal, Homecoming and sulate the city of Guelph aga inst the re Alumni Weekend; to tour the Ar cession, says Counsell. Last year, boretum and the Macdonald Stewart Art Guelph enjoyed a net increase of three Centre; to attend workshops, conferen jobs, in compari son with other citi es , ces and lectures; and to enjoy athletic where thousands of industrial jobs were events, music and drama productions. lost. They also come for Sunday afternoon Equally important are the educational walks and sometimes to take wedding photos on John ston Green. opportunities offered by the University
Education is everyone's concern
ith their Universi ty of Guelph
degrees in hand , Paul and
Chri stine Van Katwyk have joined the
ranks of Ontario and Canadian univer
sity graduates who recognize that the
funding of universities is not just a fami ly matter. Education is everyone' s concern and should be a matter of government priority , rather than rhetoric. The prob lem is how to change that. Two years ago, Ontario MPP Sean Conway told a group of university board members that they needed troops. " When you ask us to do something and we don ' t do it, nothing happens," he said. " When the hospitals ask us to do something and we don't do it, all hell breaks loose. " Today, univ ersities are recruiting those troops and are turning to their alumni to help build a strong constituen
cy of s upport. Who better to promote the valu e of higher education? Tell your family , your friend s and your co-workers how important you think universities are. Write to your local paper to let others know that a strong economy and a high standard of living depend on an educated work force. Call your MP and MPP and tell them that denying adequate funding to higher education is short-sighted in the extreme and that voters are ex pecting government action ba sed on long-term priorities. Sasha Van Katwyk 's generation is depending on it. C uelph Alumnus
Marshalling the forces to fight for universities
here is a revolution taking place in education. And when the dust set tles, we will see profound changes in the way we im part knowledge, the way we think about education and the way we pay for it. Some of us will sit back and watch. Others, like Harry Seymour, Harry Seymour OAC '61, will help influence the changes taking place. Seymour spent 22 years of his career on Toronto's Bay Street, then opted for a change that led to the for mation of Pathfinder Learning Sys tems . As president, he champions the Pathfinder program of computer managed learning as a way for class room teachers to maximize their time and their students' potential. Seymour maintains his interest in the investment business with several other companies, including a 93-acre shoreline development project in Mid land, Ont. But most of his time is devoted to education, and university education is a significant part of that effort. "If we can marshal the forces of university alumni, we can have a profound effect on how government prioritizes education," he says. "Those of us who have graduated from a university are in the best position to evaluate the importance of a university education. We can sit back and look at the benefits we ' ve received and the kind of impact it has had on our lives." Seymour represents U of G alumni on the Friends of Ontario Universities (FOU), a provincial lobby group whose strategy is to organize Ontario's university alumni into a political constituency. FOU members sayan unorganized constituency is part of the reason government has fol lowed a pattern of financial neglect. The University of Guelph Alumni Association was one of the first to con-
Guelph Alumnus
tribute $5,000 to help launch FOU, and Seymour hopes in dividual alumni will keep the momentum building. The or ganization needs more than 100 in dividual volunteers in each of Ontario's 130 electoral districts. These friends will lobby MPPs on a regular basis in sup port of universities. "It's a grassroots movement that has the potential to build long-term support among decision makers and future generations of university graduates," he says. If you'd like to get involved , call Trish Walker, U of G 's director of alumni affairs, at 519-824-4120, Ex t. 2122.
ubrey Hagar, OAC '45, describes himself as a "concerned citizen of Guelph who is committed to education." That's an under statement for a man who spent most of his career in educa tion, including 16 years as senior academic officer at Conestoga College. He also cares Aubrey HORar deeply about the University of Guelph. He worked hard in the early 1960s to help bring it to life, serves on a presidential committee to promote a healthy town-and-gown relationship and is now working to increase local pride in the campus. " It distresses me that we are not seeing our universities as intellectual leaders in the community, in the province and throughout the country," says Hagar, who believes there is a need to increase public awareness about the role universities play in
society. He's offered his vocal support to this venture as a volunteer for the Alliance for Ontario Universities.
Who says talk is cheap?
Your verbal support
of universities
could he
the most valuable gift
you could give
to the generations
of students
yet to teach.
Independent of universities, the al liance is building province-wide sup port among communities, organi zations, businesses and individuals like Hagar who are willing to expand that support on a local level. In each univer sity town , there will be an alliance com mittee that works to build community pride in the institu tion and to raise the profile of its scholars. The Guelph group, for example, may in itiate an elementary school program that bui Ids rapport with the University, or it might encourage med ia coverage of Guelph's environ mental work. "Too often, we downplay the con tributions of our universities," says Hagar, "but if we can instil these at titudes in people, then financial sup port through the political process will be there." The aJiiance is unique in Canada. It began in 1990 with seed money from the Council of Ontario Universities and gains financial independence this summer. And it's looking for more volunteers. To learn more about the group, call director Janet Napper at 416-979-0984.
Genetic engineering • • •
This is the second part of a report on the use of biotechno]ogy in University of Guelph research. by Mary Dickieson
tring art. Biotechnology research reminds me of string art, the 1960s craft that had us weaving colored stri ngs back and forth around a pattern made by driving nails halfway into a board. Under skilful hands, it became a piece of sculpture, an optical illusion that prevented your eye from following any single thread across the board in a straight line. Biotechnology tools are like that. Every time you think you understand what one biotechnique can do in one particular dis cipline, you find it reappearing somewhere else as someone in a laboratory across cam pus or on the other side of the world thinks of yet ano ther way to use it. In Part 1 of our biotechnology report, we sk immed the surface of how these tools are being used at U of G to benefit plant re search. In this story , we'll see many of the same techniques applied in other organisms, prim aril y animals. The secret of our success in animal biotechnology lies in the fact that Guelph has the expertise and the facilities to take any project from lab to barn and back again. Throughout this report, you'll read abo ut animal scientists and clinical veterinarians teamed up with molecular biologists, im munologi sts, chemists and microbiologists, and often food scientists, toxicologists and environmental biologists. Their efforts benefit not only livestock production, but also human medicine, pharmacology, food processing, waste disposal and the environ ment.
Embryo transfer A major thrust of the animal biotechnol ogy research at Guelph is in the area of
embryo transfer. In fact, there are three re search positions, funded by government and industry, that deal directly with embryo manipul ation as a way to improve the com petitive position of Canada's beef and dairy, industries. Biomedical scientist Keith Betteridge, OVC M.Sc. '60, heads an embryo research lab; molecular biologist Alan Wildeman, CBS PhD '83, holds a research chair devoted to the mammalian embryo; and animal scientist Charles Smith concentrates on industrial research in animal-breeding strategies. Their work is supported by both federal and provincial granting agencies, animal breeders and Semex Canada, the major marketing arm of Canada's attificial breed ing indu stry . Semex records annual export sales of more than $25 million and is lead ing the industry to the nex t plateau marketing sexed, frozen or cloned embryos. "One route to increasi ng the efficiency of animal production is by improving animal reproduction," says Betteridge. And that in volves many new biotechniques associated with embryo transfer. Conventional embryo transfer means collecting multiple embryos from selected cows and transferring them to properly synchronized recipients. It is now almost equally conventional, however, to freeze or bisect the embryo as part of the procedure. Initially, the selected cow was treated with hormones to produce more eggs, which were fertilized through artificial insemina tion (AI) with the semen of a top-rated bull. A large number of embryos could then be recovered surgically from the cow for im plantation in surrogate cows of lesser genetic worth. These techniques are widely used for the production of purebred bulls. More than half the dairy bulls currently at stud in Canada's major AI centres have been produced this way. There is also keen interest in using the technology to produce genetically superior breeds and provide competitively priced volumes of commercial cattle embryos.
From lOp : Bisecting a bovine embryo to produ.ce identical twin calves, a chimeric chick created by mixing cells from two embryos, microinjecting the egg of a fruit fly with DNA from bacterial genes that can confer insecticide resistance, and a Hereford heifer protected from shipping fev er by a vaccine developed a f U of G.
Guelph Alumnus
and more
Test-tube calves and lambs In 1988, Semex research co-ordinator Robert Stubbings, OVC '76, M.Sc . ' 84, PhD '89, produced Guelph 's first test-tube calf during his graduate studies with Prof. P.K. Basrur in the Depart ment of Biomedical Sciences. It was not the first test-tube calf in Canada, but it was the first developed from an egg that was matured as well as fertilized in a test tube. The resulting zygotes (fertili zed eggs) were pl aced in the oviduct of a rabbit for their early development, then moved after seven day s to the uterus of a recipient cow. Just a few months later, other mem be rs of the Guelph team took the process one step further, eliminating the need to use a temporary host oviduct. Postdoctoral fellow Kang Pu Xu and PhD student John Pollard were able to e xtend development in vitro to the point where the embryo was mature enough to survive when transplanted directly into a recipient cow' s uterus. The early embryos were cultured in a medium containing luminal cells ex tracted from the oviducts of slaughtered cows. Two baby bulls we re born, the first in Canada using this method and only the second in North America. Last year, gradu ate student Dawn Kelk, CBS ' 89, and Prof. Allan King, '73 and M.Sc. '75, of the Department of Biomedical Sciences produced North America 's first in vitro fertilization (lVF) lambs using these techniques. These achievements were important for seve ral reason s. The Animal Biotech nology Embryo Laboratory can now
Author's note: One of the things I've learned while writing this story is that biotechnol ogy is a word seldom used by scien tisrs. For inost of us, it conjures up . images of people in lab coats, bent over microscopes, using precision in struments to manipulate the cells of living,organisms. But for scien~ists ; that' s too vague. The word may have '. meaning, but it d6eslJ.'t really . .
Guelph Alumnus
produce its own IVF embryos from oocytes recovered from slaughter house cows, bypassing the more expensive route of su perovulation and surgical withdrawal. In addition, scientists have gained knowledge about early embryo development that is important for improve ments in embryo viability and vital for developments in cloning techniques and controlled transgenesis in livestock. In a more immediate and Prof. Keith Belleridge, left , and Prof. Stanley Leibo watch practical context, the work as research technician Cindy Christian prepares an has led to the first clinical embryo f or cryopreservation. Photo by Mary Dic kieson use of IVF in cattle, in col
laboration with Brian Hill, OVC '80, of fellow Naida Loskutoff have now ex tended this work in cattle by producing Western Ontario Breeders.
identical twins from IVF embryos divided into quarters at earlier stages of Bisected embryos development. These projects maximize embryo use Meanwhile, yet another part of the and highlight the po tential for creating team based in the Department of Popula significant numbers of genetically identi tion Medicine was perfecting techniques cal animals , which can be vital for con to microsurgicall y bisect fertilized sistent research results. Tests conducted e mbryos to produce genetically identi on genetically identical animals can cal animals. reduce the variables caused by genetic Professors Brian Buckrell, OVC ' 68, differences and, ultimately , the number M.Sc. ' 84, and Cathy Gartley, OVC of animals needed for experiments. '82, D.V.Sc. '89, and postdoctoral fel low Rick Rorie bisected six-day-old sheep embryos - visible only through Frozen, sexed embryos magnification - and surgically im The development of in vitro techni planted them into recipient ewes. Five ques has also made possible furthe r months later, nine lambs were the first studies in cryopreservation (freezing) animals born at Guelph from bisected and embryo sexing. embryos. Prof. Walter Johnson and postdoctoral It' s been possible to freeze and thaw describe anything. They talk instead about cell fusion, enzyme 'systems, i ermentation or genetic engineering. The fact that biotechnology didn't 'appear as a popular buzzword until the 1980s suggests that we are using ilto define something neW , yet none of these disciplines is really new. Human beings have been using other organisms to create new proc!ucts for centuries. That's why We have yeast, yogurt ,and beer, .as well as anti-
biotics, growth hormones and vac cine ~. Even genetic engineering is not ne w, although many of us think it is. , Through selective breeding practices, fanners have been engineering the genetic makeup of domestic animals for centuries. What is new is the
speed and acc,uracy with which we
can implement genetic changes, the
ability to cross the species barrier and
a much greater understanding of life
At the eight-cell stage of development in a bovine embryo, each cell is removed and placed in the shell of a discarded embryo. Afler three days, the blastocysts are transferred into recipient cows and the pregnancies allowed to col1linue. Eight identical calves will be born and will pro vide a valuable tool for research. Photo courtesy of the Animal Biotechnology Embryo Lab
cattle embryos since 1973, and most of the 60,000 or so embryo-transfer calves born annually in North America are now obtained from embryos that have been stored in liquid nitrogen. But there are still many problems to overcome in freezing unfertilized eggs, embryos at varying stages of development and embryos produced in vitro or subjected to micromanipulation. Biomedical science professor Stanley Leibo is a specialist in cryobiology. Before coming to Guelph, he was part of an industry team that produced the world's first live young (mice) from frozen embryos and later invented the patented one-step method of freezing cattle embryos . Other biomedical scien tists - King and Don Rieger - and molecular biologists Wildeman and Stan Blecher are investigating various ways of sexing embryos. Some of these involve the use of micromanipulation to remove a small number of cells from an early-stage embryo. The sex can be identified by locating X and Y chromosomes, detect ing male-specific DNA or perhaps by studying the proteins produced by the DNA segments. In embryonic life, the activity of X-linked enzymes in female embryos is twice that in males. Detecting differences in the energy metabolism of male and female embryos may also become a method of sexing. In studies on early embryos generated in vitro , Guelph scientists dis covered that male and female embryos develop at different rates. In addition to its value in sexing embryos, this knowledge poses another question: If the team can one day learn to control the rate of embryo development, will it be possible to control the sex of an embryo independent of its genetic com plement? 16
Transgenic animals Since the mid 1980s, Wildeman and fellow molecular biologist John Phillips have been producing transgenic mice for studies in human disease. This involves recovering one-cell embryos microsurgicalty from an im pregnated mouse . With a finely drawn glass needle, a piece of DNA is inserted into the nucleu s of the embryo, which is then placed in a surrogate female to complete the pregnancy. The offspring carries the foreign gene. One line of research using transgenic mice involves the study of a virus known to affect the transformation of normal cells into tumorous cancer cells. Wildeman performs this work, using transgenic mice in studies of cancer and metastasis. Transgenic mice are also used in Phillips's ongoing study of the causes of insulin-dependent juvenile diabetes. He borrowed a gene from the fruit fly and spliced it into the chromosomes of the mouse so that it is expressed in the beta cells of the pancreas. Observations from the research con firm the long-standing hypothesis that one cause of juvenile diabetes arises from the action of oxygen radicals in the pancreas. The fruit fly itself is used in studies aimed at producing insecticide-resistant insects. Working with a team of scien tists in Texas , Phillips is perfecting tech niques to transfer organophosphate insecticide-resistant genes to the fruit fly and, ultimately, to agriculturally beneficial insects. Studies have shown that the use of in secticides could be reduced if beneficial insects were not also killed by the spray. In addition , this research may provide the solution needed by North American
honey producers who are suffering great losses in their beehives due to parasitic mites . Currently, there is no effective control of the mites.
From mice to pigs and chickens Transgenic mice are also playing a role in a project that may eventually im prove forage use in domestic animals. Ruminant animals like cows and sheep have friendly bacteria in their in testinal tract that enable them to digest the cellulose fibre in forage crops. If other animals such as pigs or chickens had the same ability, they could be reared on lower-quality, cheaper feed than the cereal grains now used. A research team that includes Phillips, microbiologists Cecil Forsberg and Peter Krell and environmental biologist David Collins-Thompson has isolated the effective gene from a micro organism present in ruminant animals and is transferring it into the mouse, which is also a monogastric animal. Studies with transgenic mice will enable the team to fine-tune its ability to manipulate expression of the gene. This is just the beginning of a long term project, says Phillips, but it may one day connect with the work of Profs. Rob Etches and Jim Squires in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science, who are following separate paths to reach the same goal- trans genic chickens.
Blotchy chicks Etches's lab opened the door for trans genic poultry in 1988 when postdoctoral fellow Jim Petitte, OAC PhD '86, suc cessfully moved cells from one chick embryo to another, creating "chimeric" chicks. Until this breakthrough, Guelph Alumnus
researc hers had been unable to manipulate the avian embryo in the early stages of development. Petitte extracted embryonic cells from the yo lk of a newly laid egg from a barred Plymouth Rock he n and microinjected them into a rec ipient embryo in a dwarf white l eghorn egg through a tin y 0.5-cen timetre window cut in the shell. When incubated, the egg went on to produce a chimeric chick. Embryonic cells from the blac k Plymouth Rock donor were expressed as blotches of black in the chic k's down. Since then, Etches's research team has been able to do the procedure more successfully, get better gene ex pres sion in the donor cells and keep the embryonic cells in culture for 24 to 48 hours befo re transplanting them into the recipient egg. The chimeric chick itself is not tran sgenic; genetic information from the donor embryo is expressed in a limited number of cells in the chick. Animal scienlisl Jim Squire.v has developed a A second-generation chimera, how ch emic(li recipe Ih(l/ causes DNA-I(l ced ever, would be transgenic if the liposomes 10 fuse wilil sperm cells. When per jeer ed, the technique will allow him to use the donor cells contained a foreign gene. natural veeror of sperm cells 10 lransmit foreign That's the focu s of a collaborativ e DNA. Ph oto by Ma ry Di ckieson project between the labs of Etches and colleague Prof. Ann Gibbins, the three main obstacles: encapsulating OAC M.Sc. '71 , PhD '80, who is inter DNA in the liposomes; fu sing the ested in modifying the donor cells liposomes to sperm cells, which affec ts through genetic manipulation. When her the transfer of 0 TA; and retaining the lab team is able to target a specific gene fertility of the sperm. and change it - and only it - they will What they ha ve yet to demonstrate is in sert that gene into the donor cells to th at the process produces a transgenic produce a chimeric chick and, in the animal. Trials are under way, using a second generation, a transgenic chick. radioactive marker ge ne that can be easi ly detected in a developing transgenic Transgenic sperm chicken . Squires will be eager for peer rev iew to document the results this fall. Squires is taking a more obvious , but If successful, the sperm cell technique no less perilou s, route to the transgenic can be adapted for use with all species chicken by using sperm cells to carry of commercial animals. "Sperm cells are the foreign DNA. Ju st as the hen 's the perfect vector because their ultim ate embryo is difficul t to manipulate, the function is to insert DNA into an egg ," rooster' s sperm has barriers of its own. says Squires. We ' ll just be supplying the Prev ail ing thought is that any in vas ion DNA. The method is easy, economical of the sperm cell will kill its potency. and safe to peri'orm and does not in Although Itali an and Israeli re volve expensive equipment." searc hers cl aim to have inserted DNA into the sperm cells of mice through ab sorption , no one else has been able to Disease diagnosis get this to work, so the prevailing thought pre vail s. The international race to identify a mutation assoc iated with a costly swine Squires' s approach is to power DNA disease was won by Guelph pathologist into the cells. He 's de veloped a chemi Peter O'Brien, OVC '88, and Univer cal recipe that causes DNA-laced sity of Toronto professor David liposomes (fat globules) to fuse with Maclennan. sperm cells. Squires says his team has overcome The mutation associated with malig Guelph Alumnus
nant hyperthermia was identifi ed in Maclennan' s laboratory by sequenc ing the gene in normal and abnormal swine. A I OO-per-cent correlation was fo und between DNA- based tests in Maclennan ' s laboratory and phys iologi cal/biochemical tests used in 0 ' Brien' s research for diagnosing the condition. From these findings, the scienti sts dev eloped a test using modem molecular biology techniques to id entify the mutation in the blood cells of in dividual swine. Malignant hyperthermia is seldom fatal in pigs , but it results in poor quality pork. Pork producers suffer major economic losses from what is known as PSE - pale, soft, exudative (watery) meat - in affected animals. Other researc h at U of G cou ld help eliminate a potentially lethal blood coagulation disorder in dairy co ws. Fac tor XI, a genetic disorder associated with a lack of c lotting protein in the bl ood, causes hemorrhag ing in Holstein cows. Researchers believe the problem can be eliminated by en suring that breeding stocks are free of the disease . Testing for all of Canad a is conducted by U of G biomed ica l sc ienti st Patricia Gentry and research technician Michelle Ross.
Vaccine development Vaccination is the cheapest, most ef fecti ve way of dealing with infec tions and the most poweri'ul way of pre vent ing di sease. Advanced immuni zation programs using new biotechniques are under way in many Guelph labs. last fa ll , the Natural Sc iences and Engineer ing Research Council announced strategic grants for advanced tech nologies that included four vacci ne development projects at U of G. Profs. Bri an Derbys hire and Eva Nagy of the Department of Veteri nary Microbi ology and Immunology (VMI) recei ved a three-year grant of $295,000 to perfect gene-cloning techniques for the de velopment of a vaccine for por cine gas troenteritis. In the same department , Profs. Janet Maclnnes, Soren Rosendal and Bonnie Mallard, OAC '79, M.Sc. '82, PhD '88 , were awarded $250,000 o ver three years to work on a recombinant vaccine effec tive against the bacterial organism th at causes severe pneumon ia in pi gs . Al so in VMI, Prof. Patricia SheweD, '75 , M.Sc. '79, Ph D '82 , received a three-year grant of $408 ,000 with Prof. 17
Reggie Lo, Microbiology , to continue work on an improved vaccine for ship ping fever. Lo and Prof. Alan M ellors, Chemistry and Biochemistry , received a $54,000 grant to develop clinical and com mercial applications of a technique used in bone marrow transplantation and vaccine development. These projects follow in the footsteps of earlier developments like the bov ine shipping fever vaccine created by Shewen and VMI chair Bruce Wilkie, OVC '65. It was like finding a way to control the common cold in hum ans. Although the bacterium Pasteurella haemolytica occurs normally in the noses of cattle, its numbers increase during periods of high stress and present an in surmountable problem for the animal's immune system. Wilkie and Shewen di scovered that during its most active stage of growth, the bacterium produces a to xin that im pairs the ability of clearing cells to eliminate the bacterium. They grew the bacterium in a culture, monitored to xin production and developed processes for vaccine production. The technology was licensed to Langford Inc. of Guelph, which man ufac tures and markets " Presponse" s hipping feve r vaccine in both Canada and the United States. Lab work by Lo and former student Craig Strathdee, CBS '85, PhD '89, that contributed to the shipping fever vaccine project also led to a patent ap plication - for the plasmid coding for Pasteurella haemolytic leucotoxin, which has been implicated as a major virulence factor in the impairment of primary lung defence in cattle.
Animal health Wilkie and Mallard are also working with Prof. Brian Kennedy in Guelph 's Centre for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock to develop a selective breed ing program that uses knowledge ac quired through genetic studies and stretches the definition of biotechnology. To stay hea lthy , an individual animal must have the genetic ability to produce resi stance to infection , says Wilkie. That ability is not dependent on a sing le gene, but on the expression of many dif ferent genes. Neve rtheless, these genetic traits are herita bl e and amenable to selection. This team has identified traits in pigs that are important in maintaining health, has characterized individual animals 18
Biotechnology of a different sort in volves the use of traditional selected breeding and a computer database to produce disease resistant pigs.
throug h the expression of these genetic traits and has associated these traits with high productivity. If these high producers are mated to produce a dis ease-resistant strain of pigs, is that biotechnology? If foreign DNA had been introduced into the embryo of a pig to give it the characteristic of disease resistance, that would be an obvious example of bio technology. But how do we catalogue the technology if it uses tradi tional selec tive breeding and a computer to produce a piglet with the same resistance to dis ease?
More biotechniques in action Guelph food scientist Cyriel Duitschaever, OAC M.Sc . '66, PhD '75, has developed new fermented milk products that will benefit peopl e suffer ing from gastrointestinal illnesses. He and research associate Carole Buteau, OAC M.Sc. '78, PhD '83, iso lated two naturally occurring intestinal bac teri a and propagated a pure culture in the laboratory to develop both liquid and yogurt-like milk products th at can be used to stimulate digestion in the in testinal tracts of people who are on an tibiotics, who are lactose-intolerant or who suffer gas trointestinal disorders. Clinica l trials at the Children 's Hospi tal of Buffalo have been promis ing, giv ing rise to another potential use in the treatm ent of acute diarrhea l di seases affec ting people in the Third World. Microbiology professor Joseph L am heads a research team that has devel oped a diagnostic kit to quickly identify a bacteria gro up known to cause fat al in
fections in some hospital patients. Pseu domonas aeruginosa is the principal cause of death in cystic fibrosis suf ferers and is a serious threat to burn vi c tims, cancer patients and those undergo in g trans plants. Because the bacterium does not respond to conventional antibiotic treat ments, quick de tection is central to preventing s pread of the infection. Lam' s kit can cut the test period from 12 hours to five minutes. Hi s current research illustrates the cross-over effect of biotechnology. He identified an antigen that is common to about 75 per cent of P. aeruginosa strains and a monoclonal antibody against the antigen. This has allowed him to iso late spec ia l bacteria that will produce the antigen in large quantities for further s tud y. His work should even tually lead to a human monoclonal an tibody th at cou ld be used to protect cystic fibrosis patients. In 1989, when the federal govern ment decided it was time to put some money behind its verbal thrust in science and tec hnology, it allocated $240 million to estab li sh 14 centres of excellence that would integrate the re search efforts of Canadian uni versi ties, industry and government. Several U of G researchers received funding , includin g microbiologists Chris Whitfield , Anthony Clarke, Joseph Lam, Reggie Lo, Roselynn Stevenson and Terry Beveridge, who be came part of the network looking into bacterial di sease. Their expertise will aid the search for the ca usative agents of bacterial diseases such as whooping cough, gonorrhea, toxic shock syn drome, lung infections and me nin gitis. In 1988, biochemist Jane t Wood and crop scientist Peter Paul s ac hi eved a breakthrough in understanding how sub stances like sugars and amino ac ids are transported from outside to inside a living cell wall. They found th at minute protein molecules in the wall surround ing a cell act like miniature pumps, cap turing the substance and powering it throug h the cell wall. They are now trying to determine how the protein molec ules choose s ub stanc es for uptake or release. S uch cel lul ar behavior plays a critical role in determining a plant's reaction to soi l sa linity or explaining why cells fai l to transport glucose from the blood in diabetics. Guelph AlumnlLS
Behind every how there's a why
While we stand in awe of what sc ien tists are accomplishing in the biological sciences, we shouldn't lose sight of the reasons why they are manipulating cell structure and decoding genetic blueprints. To some extent , scientific exploration is driven by human nature - our desire to understand and control the natural world. Advances in biotechniques and genetic engineering promise to give us more of both. Reports on the Human Genome Project say that within 15 years, we'll know the code of almost every gene in the human body. This work and current explorations in animal genetics are har monized by the fact that many of the genes that control development are similar among species. The chicken, for example, is a familiar model for studies in develop mental biology. Supported by 60 to 70 years of data, today's embryologists like Prof. Rob Etches are learning how to modify the genes that control develop ment of a chick e mbryo, while giving us a better understanding of how genes ef fect development in all vertebrates. Nothing could be more fund amental than understanding that process, says Prof. Keith Betteridge, who head s the Guelph tea m working with bovine embryos. In all areas of reproductive and genetic research , "the big payoff is that we will understand more about how two gametes can unite to fonn a single cell and develop into Northern Dancer or Albert Einstein," he says . Everyone has a role to play in decid ing how to use this knowled ge, says Betteridge, but the researcher has the triple responsibility of thinking through the implications of new technologies, ex plaining those implications to a skepti cal and concerned public and safe guarding the welfare of animals used. Whether manipul ating an entire animal or one of its reproductive cells, the scientist is g uided by the same set of moral standards. "If the technology in duces pain or suffering, causes changes in behavior or affects the animal's abil ity to eat and survive, then it shouldn't be done," says Prof. Bruce Wilkie, chair of the Department of Ve terinary Microbiology and Immunology. He and other Guelph scientists in volved in animal research are subject to Cuelph Alumnus
peer rev iew through the U of G ' s animal care committee, which is also charged with ensuring that research and teaching programs are in compliance with the Animals for Research Act of Ontario. Reporting to the University 's Re search Board, the committee is com posed offaculty, student, community and non-user representatives. It estab li shes animal-care policies on campus and evaluates all protocols submitted by researchers and teachers. After granting initial approval , the committee reviews each project annually and in spects re search facilities each semester. A provin cially appointed inspec tor also visits campus frequently, and the Canadian Council on Animal Care makes an in spection every three years to assess the level of animal care. In addition to safeg uarding animal care , scienti sts al so need to provide evidence that the produ cts of biotechnol ogy are safe for hum an consumption or medical use. The public needs to know that the pharmaceutical protein cloned a nd produced in a chicken 's egg is no diffe rent than the same protein cultured from human cells and produced in a large bioreactor.
"The big payoff is that we will understand more about how two gametes can unite to form a single cell and develop into Northern Dancer or Albert Einstein." One of the most talked-about benefits of tran sgenic technologies is the poten tial for producing e nzymes, prote ins and antibodies for pharmaceutical and in dustrial uses. Molecular farming would take advantage of the expression sy stem in higher animal s to produce a thera peutic protein that is difficult or expen sive to make in a lab. The pote ntial seems e normous, but the prac tice will be quite simple . A typi cal Ontario dairy herd could probably prod uce enough human insulin or blood clotting factor to satisfy the world
demand. It 's easy to see why these tech niques are already presenting problems for patent offices . The past decade of work in trans genesis has been a learning process for all of us. Early research efforts that produced pigs in the United States with arthritic deformities and sheep in Au stralia with ulcers have taught us th at even science must learn to walk befo re it can run. That means perfecting gene tic transfer in animals whe re the techniques are easily controlled - such as mice and fruit flies - before apply ing them to domestic animal s. One of the advantages of gene trans fer technology is the control it offers gene ticists who are able to manipulate expression of a single gene during development. One of the limitation s may be the re lative ly minor change that gene can make in one generation when compared with the changes induced through the countless generation s of selection since domestication . These limitations may alleviate some of our fears about the use of gene trans fer, but it also makes us question its value, at least in terms of breed improve ment in domestic livestock. Prof. Char les Smith holds a research chair at Guelph in animal-breeding strategies and is often called on to assess the value of the new biotec hnologies in the genetic improveme nt of farm livestock. "Economic traits are already being im proved through traditional selective breeding methods," he says. " It would take quite large beneficial transgenic ef fects (at least 10 per cent of the mean) on economic merit to make their incor poration worthwhile." Despite our e thical conce rns, the legal entanglements created by the use of biotechniques and the problem of turn ing new technologies into cost-effective procedures, most scientists agree that these technolog ies are too powerfu I not to use . They have the pote ntial to help allev iate some of the most seriou s problems facing the world - food production , overpopulation , disease and environmental degradation. Statisticians teU us that 50 years from now , we will be trying to feed twice the current world 's population on a smaller land base, in a more fragile environ ment. This is the wh y behind current research in ge netic engineering. 19
OUD TH Annual giving in 1991 reached $1.4 million The value of the Annual Fund becomes more apparent each year as the University of Scholarships & Bursaries Guelph faces continued financial $320,127 pressure. The 1991 Annual Fund raised $1.4 million to help maintain scholarships and provide academic and library programs. AMF OAC Alumni Foundation ______ Scholarships $9,245 grew by 25 per cent.
Athletics $38,326
Pet Trust $261,224
AMF Priority ---------- (Scholarships $228,494
Memorial Funds
$56 ,997
Class Projects $86,658
Academic Enrichment $87,246
Matching gifts grew 31 per cent in 1991 More and more Canadian companies are g iving financial support to the in stitu足 tion s that educated their employees. A total of 44 companies matched 92 in足 dividual gifts for a record $11,120 in Annual Fund contributions to the University of Guelph in 1991 . If you work for a matching-g ift employer, every doll ar you donate is matched - doubled or even tripled 足 by a company gift. It's as easy as it sound s, so check with your employer on how to multiply the value of your gift to the University.
3M Canada Incorporated Akzo America Foundation Alcan Aluminum Limited A lean Canada Products Ltd. Amdahl Canada Limited American Home Products Corp. American International Group Inc. BASF Corporation Bell Canada Boise Cascade Canada Limited Campbell Soup Co. Ltd. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. F alconbridge Ltd. Ford Motor Company of Canada. Ltd. Gelleral Electric Canada Inc. Hoechst Canada Incorporated IBM Canada Limited ICI Canada Incorporated Insurance Bureau of Canada
Library $103,050
Research/Buildings $134,893
J ohn Laball Limited Kraft General Foods Canada McGraw-H ill Ryerson Limited Nab isco Brands Canada Ltd. Northern Telecom Limited Paul Revere Life Insurance Co. Pfizer Canada Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited Pitman -Moore , Inc. Sara Lee Corp. of Canada Ltd. Sq uare D Canada The Bank of Montreal Th e Coca-Cola Company Th e Toronto Star The UPS Foundation TransCanada Pipelines Warner-Lambert Canada Inc. Westeel
Guelph Alumnus
Annual Giving Report
1991 Annual Fund Results
With thanks to:
$1 A niillion wasraised overall,· ariinc\'eaSe of . 7.6 per ceI1t.Thisyear. alumrii in the Arts and CBS groups doubled their;participation alld con tributions. And the parents recotded a 46-per . cent participation rate. . .
Donors Class agents College representatives Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council Alumni and others who give to the University of Guelph through the Annual Fund are helping to maintain quality at a time when governments are funding for mediocrity. Because of the dedication and commitment of our donors and volun teers, the 1991 Annual Fund surpassed last year's total by $100,000. We did not achieve our goal - perhaps $1 .6 milli on was overly ambitious in light of current economic conditions - but we were able to maintain last year's 25-per-cent in crease in scholarship support. Through the Alma Mater Fund, we raised more than $540,000 and achieved Tom Sa wyer the target of 12-per-cent participation among graduates of the three founding colleges. Arts, CBS and CSS alumni substantially increased their donations and participation over last year. Campus participation grew from 14.5 per cent in 1990 to 17.1 per cent this year. And our parents' program pushed contributions from parents to $84,188, compared with $31,500 in 1990. For the first time since 1984, the Alma Mater Fund Advisory Council was able to go beyond its commitments to fund eight additional projects - a total of $86,000. Looking ahead, our flagship project for 1992 will be W ar Memorial Hall renovations. During Alumni Weekend in June, you ' ll have a chance to see the work that has been done upstairs and the work still needed in the downstairs hall. It' s a project well worth the interest and support of alumni. For your past and future support of the Alma Mater Fund, my sincere
thanks .
No. oj' alwnni
6,62 1
. Con:s(itiJ.en~"y
CPI;:S ess . ·FACS ... JiAFA '
I gJl60.5 1. :34536.5 1
12,73 6. 11
' 8, 129
8.3 '
. "\'o.llli .. giving
5.359.70 . ~ , 940.31
9.3 ·'
1,411 ..
ll5. 13,'i.26
4 .3
. 950
. 603 '.
ove USRPD ·Engineering ..
' $540, 778.25 .
64.579. 16
84, IX7.9R
Corp./Folincl./Assn :
5,3 37
450,567 .f)2
ePES En'. Subtotals
1.197.00 '.
OTHERS Fricn(1!; .FacultyJSlaf( .
Total giving
The group of eight Tom Sawyer, OAC '59A and '6 Chair, AMF Advisory Council
Corporations, Associations, Foundations $2,874,947 III
Annual Giving $1,403,701
Alumni Major Gifts $1,236,622
Annual giving contribution s were 22 per cent of th e $6,239,707 given to U 'of G as donation s in 1991 Other
$687,687 Guelph Alumnus
Government (Donations only $36,750
Eight campus projects were selected to share $86 ,000 in highest-priority funds from the 1990 Alma Mater Fund. Among them are the OvC Wild Bird Clinic's education program, a CSS academic medal in memory of the late dean John vanderkamp , a soc ial sc ience citation index for the library, fram ing for the fine art print study collection, a computer design laboratory for the School of Engineering, seed money for a history graduate scholarship, a con tinuin g education survey for the Mac-FACS Alumni Association and a HAFA-sponsored executive-in residence. 21
Of cattle, cash and Colvil e
Alumni gifts to the University of Guelph come in some pretty interesting packages. Over the years, alumni have given livestock, concrete, paintings there are two by Canadian painter Alex Colville - furniture, land, books, in surance policies and a host of artifacts and antiques. And money - a lot of money. Almost every building on cam pus has some bricks and mortar paid for by alumni. And hundreds of students are helped along the way each year by alum ni-sponsored scholarships. The Annual Giving Report on the preceding pages shows, once again, how important alumni gifts are to the Univer sity and provides us with an opportunity to say "thank you" to those alumni who continue to give on a yearly basis. An nual giving is, however, only one of three avenues through which alumni pro vide financial support to the University. The others are major gifts and promo tional programs.
Annual giving The Alma Mater Fund, established in 1969, is the route chosen by most alum ni, faculty and staff who make annual gifts to the University. AMF solicitation and management are handled by a volunteer advisory council. On the preceding page, chair Tom Sawyer, OAC '59A and '64, talks about the fund's success over the last two years, with AMF scholarships in creasing by 25 per cent. This year, the AMF begins a three-year commitment to funding renovations to War Memorial Hall. In addition to its flagship project, AMF provides regular support to ath letics through Gryphon Club contribu tions, to college advancement funds and sc holarships and to individual class projects. The AMF supports the camaraderie of university days, as alumni work together to plan and complete a project, whether it's funding a scholarship, a painting, a tree, weight-lifting equip ment or furniture for Alumni House. AMF contributions also ensure that fu ture Guelph students will remember those who have gone before. In addition to AMF donations, the an nual giving program includes gifts to 22
the OVC Pet Trust Fund, the OAC Alumni Foundation, the Arboretum, the paren ts' program and the Li brary. Other gifts made directly to the University sup port memorial fund s, sc holarships, mu si cal activities and research and academic programs.
Major gifts Major gifts to the University are ad ministered by the Deve lopment Office under the direction of Marilyn Robinson, Mac '55. These include be quests or life insurance policies, short term pledges (often made during a capital campaign), large donations that might establish an endowment fund , or contributions to special University projects like the Heritage Fund or the proposed FACS Building addition. Gifts- in-kind - such as library materials, art objects or estate properties - also fall within thi s category. Last year, alumni gave more than $1.2 mil lion in such tax-deductible gifts.
Promotions Every Guelph graduate is a member of the University of Guelph Alumni As sociation and receives the Guelph Alum
nus magazine and many other privi leges. There are no UGAA membership fees, but the association does raise money through promotional programs like MasterCard , travel packages and the North American Life As surance pro gram. The UGAA provides serv ices to alum ni and students - such as the career planning workshop planned for June and returns many dollars directly to the campus. Last year, it gave $20 ,000 to the library. In addition to direct financial support through annual giving and major gifts , alumni also support the University in directly through membership fees to individual college and program associa tions. The fees pay for association ac tivities that help maintain ties between their members and the University.
Questions If you have questions or would like 10 know more about the tax advantages of giving to U of G, write to Paulette Samson, associate director of annual giving and support services, at Alumni House, University of Guelph, Guelph , Ont. NIG 2Wl, or call 519-824-4120, Ext. 618 3.
When; yo~bear{rom US .If you think you're hearing from us more'often lhanY9u elida 'few years ago, ' , you 'reright. But che.c kyour mail and you 'll 110tiqe that you~re also hearing . more frequemly. from othernon-j:>ro fit{)rganizations .and charities.' We 'v~ .all ' stepped lip oui- fUQd:I'aising efforts. "',' , , ' U QfGappreciates your support and needs your help, but,you won't know " that if we don'r teflyou: A.ildeyen if you .can't afford to make 'a fjnancialcon~ tributiori; we hop~ to 'wjn 'yoUfverbaJ sliPPOJ-t.Jt will take many voices to coii- , ' ylnce governmeritthal universities should beagreater public priority. , ', " When we conta¢tyou on behalf of iheUriivetsity, we ll'y to give more thiin we ask. So, tak~advantage ofthe ,p~1one call o(letter to findoutwhai's happenc ing OJrcarnp~ s. , U ofG h.a smuchto offer ;llufnrii ':""'" professionaldevelcipment ' courses. library privileges, travel programs; recreation and a link I!;> friends and ' . classmates: " " ' " , ' , We Jik~to keep in rouch; arid"Ycwarit yO~1 to know the progress we're , Uriive.rsity '$ prestige grows" so does the value ofyour degree: , rilaking. Ast~e . . .. . .
~0~ MarilynR~binson; Mac' 55; DiJ'ectoJ ofDevelopment "
, ",. Trish Walker, '
CSS'Tl., Dir.e ctor ofAJurhni Affairs
Guelph Alumnus
Get your career on track Responding to alumni requests , the University of Guelph Alumni Associa tion will sponsor a career-planning workshop on campus June 26 to 28. The weekend program will be led by Sharon Crozier of the University of Calgary counselling service. Each participant will receive a career/lifestyle analysis and will develop a personal action plan. The $225 fee includes the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which will be administered and tabulated prior to the weekend. Testing dates have been set in Toronto for May 27 and in Guelph for June 4. Sponsored by the UGAA and co ordinated by Continuing Education and Alumni Affairs, the workshop will also draw on the University's Counselling and Student Resource Centre. Enrolment is limited to 20. For registration information, see page 26 or call Continuing Education at 519-767 5000.
'. On board rizi' sliuuJe DiSCPl'ei'Y; as(/'onamsRoheri(l BUllliaT OIidBiIIReadyflour .' Fam (me eX/}('1'imenfllls(arirjn to anorhel'.Bond(ir is Cc,l//adll,',I' ser-ond a,~(rol1aut - i1l1dU'o{ G's}ir~Ylaluninl/s ~lO (rave/iii space: Sh.e adrmlSllllJ111('r flrs(. , glimpse oj COl1aaa Fon)'//{' shuUle wini/ow broughl I((ars 10 her eyes, bill liley didn' I 'fit/I. III zei'ugi'avity. (ear:; just sfick to your ey~ihall, ' . '. . .. " . ' .... ' . .. .' .: . ' '.. .Photo courtesy of I.beCinadi~n Si)rice Agen<.__y
UGAA board report by Grant Lee, CSS '73, MA '80
The UGAA will present a convocation package to each graduate this spring, im mediately following presentation of the degree or diploma. Developed by Alum ni Affairs staff, the package is designed to increase awareness of the UGAA and the college/school alumni associations, encourage membership, introduce the Guelph Alumnus and provide an oppor tunity for board members to congratu late our new alumni. Approval of the new UGAA bylaw is on schedule. It will be presented to members at the annual general meeting in June, along with an amendment to the UGAA Letters Patent.
In addition, the UGAA board:
• has approved a $400 donation to help cover costs for two students to repre sent Guelph at the 1992 World Debat ing Championships in Dublin, Ireland. • is looking at a proposal to help alumDl with financial planning. There will be more to come on this subject later. • received thanks from president Brian Segal on behalf of those alumni who attended the October symposium Guelph Alumnus
"Canada: Break Up or Restructure." The association was a patron of the event. is responding to requests from alumni for more social events. Aside from the travel program , the UGAA sponsored a ski day at Horseshoe Valley in March. approved a proposal from the School of Landscape Architecture to research places of historical value on campus. Financial support has yet to be resolved. accepted an offer to help sponsor the University Centre's annual lecture series, which invites Canadian and in ternational public figures to speak on current issues, All events in the winter '92 series were free to alumni. donated U of G sweatshirts to Canadian Guidance and Counselling for a conference in Ottawa this sum mer. approved the purpose and terms of ref erence for the new Alumni House Ad visory Committee, which is charged with overseeing maintenance of the
facility. adopted the 1991/92 budget and finan cial plan drafted last November. This year, we expect to generate some $44,000 and spend $33,000. It has been suggested that we set the 1992/93 budget and plan in April of this year, so the new board wi II start in September with a sound financial program and budget that will only re quire adoption or revision.
Chapter news Calgary - About 40 alumni and guests met at the Delta Bow Valley Hotel Feb. 3 to view a U of G video and hear a talk by admissions counsellor C hr is tine Toews, FACS '87. Co-ordinator of the event was Janet Hutchinson, CBS '79. Edmonton - Paul, OAC '67 , and Anne Valentine, CBS '69, hosted a group of 30 alumni and guests at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel. Montreal - U of G welcomed students and their parents - including many 23
alumni - to its first Montreal informa tion night for prospective students. The event was mode lled after a successful program in Toronto that draws more than 800 students each spring. Vancouver - U of G president Brian Segal met with alumni March 5 at the Pan Pacific Hotel. Jim Dodds, OVC '63, and Sarah Bloom, FACS '86, or ganized the event, which attracted about 70 alumni and guests. H alifax- U ofG alumni in Halifax met with Gryphon basketball players during the March 26 to 28 CIAU cham pionships. Despite losing the OUAA west division title to Brock University, the Gryphons qualified for a wi ld card spot at the CIAU championships. Alum ni received free tickets to the game that pitted Guelph against Brandon in the consolation final. Fan support was en thusiastic, but the Gryphon s lost 72 to 64, finishing third overall.
Homecoming 1992 Plans are well under way for Homecoming weekend Sept. 25 and 26. In addition to the annual Gryphon Hall of Fame dinner and award s ceremony, the weekend will feat ure a beach vol leyball tou rnamen t, -'-:!!~4::.:~=iiiiik: concert, alumni brunch, walk-a-thon, pep rally, reunions and the traditional homecoming dance following the Saturday afternoon foot ball game. This year, the Gryphons will play Wil frid Laurier University. A complete schedule will appear in the next Guelph Alumnus, but you can get
Winners of Ihe "Ju SI fo r Fun" square dance compelition 01 College Royal were, left 10 right, Ann Joselin, Kelley Allen. Joanne Hewirson, Brenl McFadden, caller Sue MacKinnon, Richard Presley, Trish Henderson, Jason Thompson and Kelly Lillie.
in the Homecoming spirit now by help ing to plan your class reunion or signing up as a scorekeeper for the vo lleyball tournament. For infOlmation , call alum ni officer Laurie Malleau, HAFA ' 83, at 519-824-4120, Ext. 2102.
Swing your partner Eight squares of alumni took part in the College Royal square dance competition in March. Winners of the UGAA alumni sq uare dance plaque were the Crazy 8s: Joanne Hewitson, Arts '91, Lloyd Hutchinson, CBS '87, Sonya Jones, CPS '90, Ed Ketchabaw, OAC '88 and M.Sc. '91, Carol)'n, OAC '90, and Brad MacNeil , CPS ' 87, Mike Relf, OAC ' 91, and student Sherry MacNeil. Wayne Lowden was the caller. Winners in the "Just for Fun" category were Junior Farmer alumni who included Hewitson, Ann Joselin, OAC '90, Brent McFadden, CSS '90, Richard Presley, OAC '86, and soon to-be-alumni Kelley Allen, Trish
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Henderson, Kelly Little and Jason Thompson. The caller was Sue MacKinnon , OVC '9 1.
Florida pic nic The North Port Yacht Club hosted 199 alumni for the annual Florida picnic March 4. On hand to meet them was Trish Walker, CSS '77 and M.Sc. '90, director of alumni affairs. Judy Phillips of the University 's Real Estate Division also attended to talk about the Village by the Arboretum retirement deve lop ment. Attendance prizes went to Gertrude Stewart, Mac '30, and Morley Funston, OAC ' 32. The picnic was sponsored by the UGAA Alumni-In Action Committee, represented by Ken Gartley, OAC '42, and the Florida reunion committee, consisting of Mary and Ted Brent, OAC '48, Helen and Don Moffatt, OAC '46, Stella and Bob Moore, OAC '48, and Retis and Bill Hasenptlug,OAC '39.
Agri-Connections _ ..' ...... Tour Division of Kortright Travel Ltd. 570 Kortright Rd ., Unit 2. Guelph. Ont. Nl G 3W8 Tel: 519-836-0061 Fax: 519-821-9770 • Customized Agricultural & Group Tours • Corporate Incentive Travel • Alumni Group Tours • Cross Canada Affiliates Reg. No. 2531458
Owned by Guelph alumni. Guelph Alumnus
A new kind of class reunion It's the latest fad in alumni circles meeting your classmates at the an nual University of Guelph alumni hockey tournament. Twenty-two teams played in the fifth annual tour nament in December. " For most teams, tournament stand ings are secondary to the socializing with classmates that they may not see otherwise," says Bill Seegmiller, OAC '83, who worked with Brian Tapscott,OAC '8 1, to organize the event. "We promote the social aspect through two divisions - 'social' and 'more social' - and include family skating and a Saturday evening wine Trish Walker. director ofalumni affairs, presents fhe "social" division lrophy 10 Ihe OAC '79 and cheese party," he says. The OAC '79A team defeated the Dipper Oldies (II the U ofG alumni hockey tournamenl. Grey Gryphons to win the "more so There have been many special func cial" division. The OAC '80 team won tions - entertaining the Gryphon foot the consolation final, and the spirit ball teams, square dances, car rallies, award went to OAC '77/78 . golf tournaments, theatre parties and In the " social" (a little more competi raceway evenings - but the event that tive) division , it was the Faceoffs in first stands out in Fletcher's memory oc place over OAC '88. OAC '90 won the curred in 1966, when five members of consolation trophy, and the Valley Parliament hosted the group in the par Vikings took home the spirit award. Ottawa chapter 50 years young liamentary ballroom. Organizers plan to add women's ex The chapter also includes a couples' hibition games to the 1992 tournament, There was a nostalgic gathering of bridge club, which has been meeting for which is scheduled for Dec. 5 and 6. For Guelph alumni in Ottawa last winter to 25 years in the homes of its members. more information , call Seegmiller at celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 519-836-3807 or Rudy Diemer, OAC Fletcher thank s the 30 people who city 's alumni chapter. '85, at 519-763-2250. have served as president of the Ottawa Donald Fletcher, OAC '36A and alumni chapter and the dozens more '39, who was president of the group in who have helped on committees, "devot 1953, sent us a historical account of the ing years to the executive to promote chapter's activities. the in stitution. " A small organizing committee first met in February 1941 at Madame A night at the races Burgers restaurant to plan the chapter's ScotiaMcleod first fun ction, a skating party at the The UGAA Alumni-in-Action group Ottawa Experimental Farm. It attracted will host a night at Mohawk Raceway 75 people. May 26. The $30 admission includes a Over the years, the group held an an 6 p.m. buffet, parking, program, taxes nual picnic and a banquet and dance and gratuities. For detail s, call Laurie that gave them a chance to invite faculty Malleau at 519-824-4120, Ext. 2102. from Guelph to speak about happenings at the colleges - and later the Univer Wayne E. Snow, MBA
sity. Every president from George I. Investment Executive
Alumni directory Christie to Bill Winegard paid a vi sit. ScotlaMcLeod Inc. In 1951, alumni from OVC and Mac A new alumni directory will be ready Suite 301,42 Wyndham Street North
donald Institute, who had been meeting for delivery in May. The deadline for St. George's Square, Guelph,
since 1936, joined the OAC group. A alumni updates has passed, but you can Ontario NIH 4C9
crowd of almost 200 celebrated the still order a copy of the directory at a (519)763 -0371 1-800-265 -2999
chapter 's 10th anniversary at a picnic at cost of $40 plu s tax . Return the order fax (519)763-0234 form you received with the special U of the farm of the late John Bracken, • Personallnvestment Review OAC '06. During the 1950s, they added G wristwatch offer, or write to • Personal Retirement Planning a get-together at the annual Ottawa-area Rosemary Clark, Mac '59, at Alumni • Managed Portfolios plowing match, which gave way to a House, University of Guelph , Guelph, Ont., NIG 2Wl. curling bon spiel in the 1960s.
Guelph Alumnus
JUNE 26, 27 & 28
The Program
This highly successful workshop, developed by Sharon Crozier, Ph.D., University Counselling Services, University of calgary, is the first step for an alumnus who is considering a career move. The weekend (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon) will consist of group presentations conducted by Dr. Crozier, with smaller working groups facilitated by profeSSional counsellors from the University of Guelph Counselling and Student Resource Centre. Discussion , structured exercises and experiential activities will lead alumni to gain insight into a personal careerllifestyle analYSis and assessment, career information resources, networking skills and much more. No matter what their age, career stage or reason for transition, each participant will find this workshop to be an excellent opportunity to develop a personal action plan - and chart their next move.
In order to provide individualized career information , registrants are required to attend one of two pre-testing sessions. The Strong颅 campbell Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator will be administered and results tabulated prior to the workshop. Pre-testing dates are as follows: Toronto: Wednesday, May 27, 1992; 7:00 p.m . - 8 :30 p.m.; Holiday Inn, Yorkdale. Guelph: Thursday, June 4, 1992; 7:00 p.m . - 8 :30 p.m. ; University Centre ~
The registration fee of $225* includes administration and tabulation of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, materials, two lunches and refreshment breaks. "Tuition fees in excess of $100 are income tax deductible. Enrolment is limited to 20 registrants. Sponsored by University of Guelph Alumni Association .
REGISTRATION FORM ~ Alumni Career Planning Weekend Workshop o o
Register me for the Alumni Career Planning Weekend Workshop, June 26 - 28, 1992 I am interested in attending this workshop but am unable to attend on the date offered. Please inform me of future workshops.
Name _______________________________________________________________ CoUege _______________________________________ Graduation Year ____________ Address _____________________________________________________________
Method of Payment :
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Cheque 0
(Please make cheque payable 10 the University of
card No. ___________________ City _____________________________________
___ Postal Code _ _ _ _ _ __ Ex piry Date _________....:...-_____
Home "Telephone ____________________ Business "Telephone ______________________ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Current employ ment status :
fuU-time 0
I will attend the pre-testing date:
lbronto 0
part路 time 0
unemployed 0
Guelph 0
Register by mail . teleph one or facsim~e : Office of Continuing Education . 160 Johnston Hall . Unive rsity of Guelph . Guelph . Ontario. N1G 2WI "Teleph one: (519) 767-5000 Facsimile: (5 19) 767路0758 Accommodation infor mation will be sent to all registrants.
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The choices are bewildering. Even the language is intimidating ... RRlFs, RRSPs, RPPs, income deferral plan s, money market funds , GICs. What you need is help from a knowledgeable, independent expert who knows the way through this forest of options. Someone who isn't tied to one company or one type of investment. Someone you can trust. Together we set up an investment plan that will give you the fnancial independence you want.
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May 2 - The Guelph Spring Festival begins with a 25th-anniversary gala din ner in Creelman Hall that will honor founding president Murdo MacKinnon. Other festival events run until May 23 . For more information, call 519-821-7570. May 2 An All-Canadian University As sociation d inne r w il l be held in Washington, D.C ., at the Embassy of Canada. Guest speaker is Robert Lanni, president of the University of Windsor. Entertainment will be provided by Windsor's music department. For infor mation, call T. Chan at 202-543-9111 . May 3 - Arboretum Day celebrates spring with family nature walks at 1 and 3:30 p.m. and an electrical keyboard concert at 2:30 p.m., featuring Canadian com poser Carole Anne Burris . May 10 to Aug. 30 - Guided nature walks run every Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Arboretum . Topics include wildflowers, birds, turtles, snakes and insects . The nature centre is open from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m . May 13 - Chancellor Lincoln Alexander is the guest speaker at the A lumni-in·Action annual general meeting , which begins at noon in the Arboretum Centre . For details, call Alumni Affairs , 519-824· 4120, Ext. 2102. May 13 - The Human Kinetics/Human Biology Alumni Association will hold its inaugural meeting at7:30 p.m. at Alumni House with a coffee and dessert social. RSVP to 519-824-4120 , Ext. 6963 . May 23 FACS '82 is sponsoring a col lection of Bob Munsch plays performed by the Carousel Players at3 p.m. at War Memorial Hall. Tickets are $8 plus tax and handling. To order, call the UC box office at 519-824-4120 , Ext. 3940. May 26 - Alumni-in-Action is hosting a night at Mohawk Raceway. Cost is $30. To register, call 529-824-4120 , Ext. 2102. May 30 - An Arboretum sale of rare native trees and shrubs at the R.J. Hi lton Centre on College Avenue East runs from 9 a.m . to 1 p.m. For information, call 519-824 4120 , Ext. 2113. May 30 The sixth annual All-Canadian University Dinner in Chicago will be held
in the Henry Crown Space Centre at the Museum of Science and Industry and will include a reception, buffet dinner and an Omnivax movie, beginning at 6 p.m. Guest speaker is George Pedersen, president of the University of Western Ontario . For information , call David Cole at 312-372-4404 or Hugh Mackenzie at 708-369-3688 . June 2 to 5 Spring convocation . June 13 - Beginning at 7 a.m., the Ar boretum will hold its summer bird survey . The four-hour walk will locate breeding birds and identify their species by sight and song. June 15 to 17 U of G will host the 15th annual Guelph Conference on Sexuality. With the theme "Sexuality: New Visions ," the conference will examine current is sues in human sexuality, counselling strategies for sexual problems and teaching approaches in sexuality educa tion . For information , call the Office of Contin uing Education at 519-767-5000 or fax 519-767-0758 . June 19 to 21 - ALUMNI WEEKEND . See page 39 for a complete schedule of events and alumni association meetings. The UGAA annual meeting is June 21 at 10 a.m. in Macdonald Hall 149. June 26 to 28 The UGAA-sponsored alumni career-planning workshop will be held on campus. See page 26 fo r details . July 31 & Aug. 4 The National Youth Orchestra will perform in War Memorial Hall at 8 p.m . as part of its summer program at U of G. Tickets at $8 general , $6 for stUdents and seniors , will be avail able at the door . Sept. 26 - HOMECOMING. Rise early for the second ann ual Homecoming charity walkathon . At 9:30 a.m ., the Human Kinetics Alumni Association will hold its annual general meeting in the School of Human Biology lounge. Oct. 1 - OVC's 1992 Schofield Memorial Lecture will be given by Steven Arnoczky, a professor in the department of small animal clin ical sciences at Michigan State University's Laboratory for Comparative Orthopedics. The 3 p.m. lecture will be held in War Memorial Hall. Admission is free.
London :;{ouse ... convenientsummeraccommodation in London, England Newly renovated London House is open as a visitor residence mid-June to mid-September. Apartments or rooms + Minimum stay seven nights + Rates comparable with London B & I3 + Modem conveniences FOR INFORMATION OR TO BOOK CALL:
519-824-4120, Ext. 5043, 5044 or 5046 Cue/ph Alumnus
Arts John Boros, '88, of Wei land , Ont. , writes that he is impressed by the way U of G keeps records after graduation . Thi s "gives the graduate a se nse of belonging , a connection to an important period in hi s or her life," he says. Jane Buzza, '88, is working as records co-ordinator/archivist for the Ontario Medi cal Association in Toronto. Jacqueline (Sullivan) DeClerck, '86, is a public relations officer at the Canada Trust head office in London, Onto Richard Ely, '70, works at the Crown attorney's office in WeIland, Ont. He has an LLB from the University of Western Ontario in addition to his Guelph degree. He says he often talks about U of G to young students trying to decide which university to attend. Paul Genest, '81, finished graduate studies at Johns Hopkins Universi ty in Maryland and is now assistant professor of philosophy at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y. He is man-ied to Barbara Jessup, '8 1. Brian Hogarth, '78, is head of interpreta tion at the G1enbow Muse um in Calgary. Martha Hooper, '9 1, was married last Oc tober to David Perry . They live in Calgary, where she is a sw itchboard operator at the Delta Bow Valley Inn.
Rene van der Meijden, '87, has put his degree in geog raphy and internation al development to good use with the Christian Reformed World Relief Com mittce. Originally from the Netherlands, he is now in Uganda Rene 'van der on a three- year as Meijden signment as a rural development adv ise r. He sends greetings to his many friend s in Canada and to Guelph grads Stan and Kitty in Bolivia , in particular, and reminds us that visitors are always wel come in Uganda. Edward Milliner, '85, will graduate this spring from the faculty of education at the University of Windsor. Mark Moore, '85, is doing postgraduate work in history at the University of Bristol in England. He plans to teach high school. fn response to a letter from Dawn Monroe, '69, that appeared in the winter 1992 issue of the Guelph Alumnus, Doug Moynihan, '69 , of Fort McMurray, Alta. , writes: "Be disap pointed no more, Dawn l I, too, graduated in 1969 from (the College of) Arts, or as it was then called, We llington College, and I haven't heard from anyone either. And I, too, think it is time to contribute my news .
"After graduation, f headed out to dis cover and sol ve the problems of the world, travelling overseas for about three years. Since then, I've been working in human resources in a variety of organizations in many different locations in Canada. Cun-ent Iy, I am the manager of human resources in Fort McMurray. "P.S. Do you remember me, Dawn? I was the bartender in Creelman Hall I" John Teskey, '7 1, began new duties last summer as director of libraries at the University of New Brunsw ick in Fredericton. He was head of ad ministrative ser vices at the University of Alber ta before moving John Teskey across Canada to ac cept the UNB posi tion, but had earlier se rved as chief librarian and was library personnel officer at both Al berta and the University of Saskatchewan. Teskey says his biggest challenge is to regain the lost purchasing power that univer sity libraries have suffered as a result of static budge ts and ri sing material costs. He is encouraging increased resource-sharing among universities and interlibrary loan programs with shortened turnaround.
. Qu~b.ec firefighter~sa.· volunteer .• extraordinaire Lastsummer, ~odHodgson,CSS ' 7 8 , k e y organizers ofcross~river food ships'penta'~wo-week \,acation from his job . ments. He aiso helped raisernoney fOJ Inc ' with the p.ublic works department in Huddians trapped inthereserve by the Surete ~oo,Que'i checkingoutfirestationsandelicdtiQuebeCand the Canadian Army. giries ·iriAustrafia.Qn his return home, the '.•. ' ''there were some tense moments for ' HudsOIiG;azeiie dubbed him Crocodile ... n13ny weeks, but fmademanyfriendships Roddee,uidpfintedaphoto ofhim "down ' umongiheMohawks," he says, "That was ... u·l1der." .. . . ..... . .... . . a~:sUr(lriieT ['11 rieverforget," .. . F()t 19ye<\rs, Hodgs()n h;ls pO!lred his Illa 'letter to the Cite/ph A/umntls, eriergies into volunteer(irefighting, He ' Hodgsbn talks about "someofthebesl . . wrii'es a weekly newspaper colllnin ' . years my life" when h.ewas a st!lderit at ' 'Guelph, He lived in La Maison Frailcaise . devoted 10 firesafetyalldpreve'ntioll and is eaptilinof training Fbrtbe Hudson Fire '. }orfive,semestersand was house. adviser in Department. This summer, wiHspeak to . '1976/77, .. the 'i nternational Fire Buffs Associatiori.in ' · '. Hewrites: "Houseadvisers·werdof'n.e 'clevelarid, Ohio;' . . . . . limes looked down on as sorneliOft6f '. ..,Aithb~ghHodgson'sgeography degree ·: prefectorsemi-cop, but we tried our best '. "never.reaIly helped me in gettingajob,;' it ,among some very hard times and r(:stless was useful wheri he was amembefbf ()f1es,too, Buiit was fun and a great learn . ing experience for all of us," .. . '. H~ds()n's town planning committee .His history courses, however, translated i!)ib, U, ' . . The experiencetaughthim how toJielp keen involvement-as president ·. ;- in tl1e ' others through difficulties, "I have \leVe.r Hudson HistoricaLS()Ciet)<, He recently co- ' take!) any psychology courses, but the' year ljuthoredand pllbfishedtwoboQks onhis·ill Guelph as house adviser helpedpreparc , toricHudsoll; which is near Montreal. mea greatdealJor later problenisin life; . ".. , He may cine day writeanQther book on " Jny owninc.Juded." '. . hisobservationsofrhe 1990 O)(ii crisis.. . . The experience was also linguistically •. TheOkaresej'Ve is just acros$theTiver .· . valuable_In Hudson , "Utmbilinguai and frornHudson,and Hodgsonwa~-One ohhe WOI'k.mostly iii the French language," .
• Rod Hoil;r.:son on duty
Guelph Alumnus
Elizabeth (Baxter) Willson, '77, a real es tate agent in Chatham, Ont. , writes to voice a common feeling that the universi ty ex perience itself is often more important than the degree or diploma received. "I am really glad I graduated from Gu elph," s he says.
Michelle Bombadier and Mike Caldwell, both '92, are two of 50 Canad ian youth selected to work in Guyana for three months with Youth Challenge International (YCI), a non-governmental organization that provides Third-world experie nce for Canadians. They may s pend the summer building a school, teaching safety or clearing land for Gu y,tna ' s first national park, but they need some private support to he lp cover tran sportation costs. Anyone abl e to help should write to YCI at I I Soho St., Toronto M5T IZ6. Jane Coventry, '86, writes with accolades for the Guelph Alumnus grad news section and an update on what she and her hu sband, Jaydee Smith, '84 and M.Sc. '89, are doing. They were married in 1989 while working at U of G - he in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science and she in the Depart ment of Crop Science. In February 1991, they moved to England, where Smith is doing a PhD at the University of Bristol and working as a research assistant. Coventry
works in the technology transfer unit of Nick erson Seeds Ltd. in Cambridge. Jeffrey Crawford, '88, and Leslie Thompson, '86, were malTied last October. He is an elementary sc hoolteacher in Mount Forest, Ont. Craig Emerson, '83, earned a PhD at Dal housie University in Halifax in 1990 and is now a research associate in oceanography. Paul Fleming, '85, is a pharmaceutical sales representative for Hoechst Canada Inc. and lives in Nepean, Ont. David Forsey, '80, is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Britis h Columbia in Vancouver. He is mar ried to Lyn Bartram. Michael Gangl, '89, is in his third year at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Astrid Harms, '87, is a registered nurse in London , Ont. Andrew Holmes, ' 85, worked for the On tario government as a wildlife biologist for three years, but is now back at sc hool in his seco nd year at Northwestern Chiropractic College in Minneapolis. Timothy Johnson, '86, works at the Centre for Limnology at the University of Wiscon sin in Madison. Karen Lennard, '77 (H.K.), and her hu s band, Paul Jackson, '79 (H.K. ) and M.Sc.
Are you taking your chances with just any old plan? Cuelph Alumnus
'82, both went 011 to earn medical degrees from McMaster University in HalT.ilton, Ont. Jack son al so has a master' s in physiology from the University of Virginia and is com pleting an ane sthesiology residency in Hamil ton . Lennard has a part-time family medical practice, allowing her to spend more tim e with the couple's two children, Matthew and Nicola. Wendy Maltby, '74, is an elementary schoolteacher for the Metropolitan Toronto School Board. Sandra O'Connor, '84, earned a medical degree from the University of Western On tario and is now practi sing in Burlington, Ont. Linda Owen, '81, runs her own business as a consulting exercise physiologist and fitness s upervi sor in Campbell River, B.C. Sheryle Tetley, '86, is regional sales manager for Glaxo Canada Inc . in Mi ss is sauga, Ont., where she lives with her hus band, Ian. Rob Tonus, ' 87 , is manager of the Black Creek Rehabilitation Project, a grass roots en vironment program to improve a degraded urban stream in Toronto. His office is with the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Con servation Authority, and he lives in Oakville with his wife, Wanda (Knul), '88 (H.K.), a public health inspector in Hamilton.
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Richard Woods, '81, is an instructor of ray technology at the Easte rn Ontar io School of X-ray Technology at Kingston Ge ne ral Hospital. He would lik e to hear from other members of th e 1981 U of G choir, wi th whom he travelled to Scandin av ia. Write to him at RR#I Od essa, Ont. KOH 2HO.
ing finance, human reso urces, safe ty, health and the environment. H e a lso se rve s on the board of the Canadia n Agricu ltura l Research Council and is a me mbe r of the Great Lakes Action Plan Strategi c Advi sory Committee.
Transport Canad a and lives in T oro nto w ith her husband , Christopher.
Kathryn Root Parr, is an assoc iate minister at Lorn e Park Bapti st Church in Missis sa uga, Ont. She was married las t fa ll to Vic tor Parr.
Gina Grieco, '75, is a hi gh school g uidance counsellor in North York, Onto
Peter Simpson , '85 , is di s tric t manager for McNeil Pharmace uti cal Ltd. in Stouffville, Ont. He is marri ed to Cynthia (Hamilton), '85 (H.K.).
James Dy nes, '84 , has comp le ted g raduate studi es in chemistry and so il sc ie nce at the Uni vers it y of Sas kat c hew an in Sas katoon.
Keith Stemshorn, '83, is in the Canadian Armed Forces, stationed in Calgary.
Catherine (McVittie) Clark, '88, is a nuclear medica l tech nici an at Howard Coun ty General Hospita l in Columbia, Md. She and her hu sba nd , Mi c hae l, li ve in Elkridge, Md.
David Holmes, '85, is a sy ste ms analyst at Sun Life Ass urance Company.
Nikki Dignard, '86, moved to Ottawa last year, wh ere her hu sband, Ted Henike, prac ti ses de nti stry. Dignard is working on an M BA and says she 'd love to hear from CSS classma tes T om, C a m and Kathryn.
RolfKierdorf, ' 84 , liv es in Guelph with his wife, Janet. He is se lf- employed as a systems consultant.
Bonnie Dunnett, '87 and MA '91, works on ca mpu s at the Ge rontology Researc h Centre. S he and Barry Hallman, '9 1, li ve in Guelph .
Donald McFadd e n , '71, and hi s w ife, Carol , li ve in A lbany , Ga. , w here he prac ti ses medicine.
Kathryn Faulkner, '80 , is a regi stered nurse in Burling ton, Ont., w here she li ves wi th he r hu sband , John.
Donald Ridley, ' 69 a nd PhD '73, ha s been appoin ted se ni or v ice-pres iden t of Ciba Gei gy C anada Ltd. in Oakvi lle, Ont., and is responsib le for a ll corpo ra te serv ices, includ
Ruth Fox, '84, is a sta ffin g assistant for
Shonna Giles, '88, is an admi ss ions officer at Simon Fraser Univ e rs ity in Burnaby, B.C.
John Harris, '82, is m anager of financial planning and bud gets for th e City of Brampton , Ont. Paulette Heppner, '76, is a teache r in Van co uver. John Johns ton , '7 1, ha s bee n appointed ex ec uti ve vice-pres ide nt o f Ve rsacold Canada Corp. and pres ide nt of Q.F. Foods Distribu ti on Serv ices. Versacold Canada is the largest publi c refri gera ted ware hou sing or gani za tion in We stern Canada. Michael Kral, '79, has moved from the Univ ers ity of Manitoba to the University of Wind so r, w here he is an assistant professor of psyc hology. Jeffrey Lozon, '76, and his family recently returned to T oronto after 15 years in We stern Canada. He is exec utive vice-president and ch ief operat in g officer at St. Michael' s Hos pital and li ves in Oakville wi th hi s wife, Donna, a nd two daughters. Bria n Martin, '79, is a rea l e state apprai ser in Portla nd , Ont., whe re he li ves w ith hi s wife, Margaret (Sheffield), Art s '79.
is our vision for
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Leith Mason, '90, works in Toronto in the Canadian office of the State of Illinois as a special assi stant to the Illinois Department of Food and Agricul ture. Michael McKean, '74, of Don Mills, Ont., was recently appointed president of Wrigley Canada Inc. Before joining Wrigley as execu tive v ice-pres ident in 1990, he he ld se ni or positions in Hong Kong, Brazil and the United States. Rick , '74, and Vicki (Collard) McTaggart, FACS '74, are working in Ottawa. He is director of overseas ope ration s for the Unitarian Service Committee, a c haritable , non-governmental organi zation th at supports commun it y and human resou rce develop ment activities in Africa and Asia. She is sec ti on head of co nsumer analysis in the agr ifood development branch of Agriculture Canada. Sandra Morrison, '86, is an ass istant profes so r in the department of psychiatry at the University of Western Ontario. Stephen Naylor, '85. is director of planning and development for the amalgama ted municipalities of Alliston, Beeton , Tecum seth and Tottenham. Brian O'Neill, '68 MA , lives in SUITey, England, where he is managing director of Innovation Mana geme nt Consultant s.
For the love ofteaching
David Jones, HAFA '88, is a con troller at the Holiday Inn Montreal Centre-Ville.
Moira Skikavich, '81, is completing a PhD in c inema/television at the University of Southern California.
Kathleen McLachlin, '83 , is ope ratin g an insurance agency in Kitchener, OnL She opened the State Farm Insurance office in March 1988 and says she loves her job.
Virginia Sutherland, '78, is an air traffic controller at the Toronto Island Airport.
Susan (Goe ttler) Parker, ' 80, is wo rkin g in Toronto as benefits admi nistrat or for Im perial Oil Limited. She is married to Donald Parker, OAC '79.
Mac-FACS Peggy Bates , '88 , was recently promoted to sales manager with Sears Canada Inc . She lives in Owen Sound , Ont.
Mary Jean (Sinnott) Price, Mac '7 1, ha s returned to sc hool at the University of Ot tawa to earn a bachelor of education.
Caroline Begin, '86, is working in Sing apore as a dietitian.
Sarah Davenport, '90, is a case worker with the Wellington County Social Services office in Guelph. She is malTied to Matthew Harvey, CBS '90. Timothy Dyck, '8 1, is national sales manager for Black & Decker Canada, work in g out of the Corbin Division in Ri chmond Hill,Ont. Sharon (Muir), ' 84, and Richard Ernst, CBS '83, are the proud parents of a "future Guelph grad uate," one-year-old Andrew Graham. Patricia Edwards, ' 78, is food servi ce su pervisor fo r St. Peter 's Hospita l in Hamilton, Ont. Guelph Alumnus
Jodi Parisi, '89, is a sales representative for Gillette who says: "U of Goo was the greatest! "
Diana Close, '87, is a c linical nutri ti onis t at Chedoke McMas ter Hospital in Hamilton , Ont.
Since she .. faculty at Alberta since 1967. . .. She oiscovered she had an aptitude for · graduated ' · teaching as a graduate student at the •from Mac .. University of California, Davis, in donald In · stitute in 1965/66. After earning her M .Sc., she casr . J 963, Nancy about for faculty position in Canada and Kerr has built ' round U of A was the "0111y place I could a career on teach ju, t textiles," plus have a chance to teaching and develop new cQurses and research labs: :research in' · '. Kerr sa)'s she gets a " tremelldous sen.s e of satisfaction:' from teaching and the tel\ttles. The learning he 'must do to stay cUlTent. She ·he:idofthe Uriivei'sityof . attributes her succe s as a teaCher to ·Iec-· . . . . .. '. Alberta's · tures that are well organized and clear and to cre<!ting a positive classroom climate . department of Clothing and texiiles pursues a ·scientific .interest int.hepreserva ~"T h!,!comfort level of students is reaUy . · ililportanL ~' ..
lion of hi stori~lfabricsarid in developing ' .. Kerr eamedherPhD in fibre. lnd
pesticide-proofc1otl1ing. But Jler fitstlove i ~ teaching. '. .. . . ". . . polymer science from North Carolina
In 199b, she.wonone ofU of A's four •. Staie University in 1982. Her doctoral Rutherford AWljrds for .e xcellence ill un . work concentrated .oil deacidification . dergraduate teat-hing. The first member of techniques to preserve historicatcottOn.ln the faculty ·o fliome ·econo.rnicsto receive 1988. she .spent a sabbatical ye~r doing the award: slie. was the r¢cipient6f the .' research at the Caliadian Conservation: faculty's own undergl:<idu'ate teaching.: .. .
· In tirute in OnflW;1. . . award three years earlier. . . ..: · .. Original·ly fro m Ottawa, Kerr is a '
" trarisphlnted -.vesterner" who enjoys '
Winning the Rutherford was "a gte.at
· hiking an<;\ sk1ing.
honor," says. Ken, who has been on : '
Margaret (Richardson) Rankin, '75, has been living in Halifax since 1990 and is an acco unt analyst for Central Guaranty Trust. From left: Diane Ellison, Lisa Wilson, Lori Davis and Pippa Hobbes.
Janet (Wanless) Sutherland, ' 77, is in private practice as a marriage and family th erapist in East Kelowna , B.C.
Diane Ellison, '84, is liv ing in Osaka, Japan, where she teach es English to Japanese busi ness people. Last October, she welcomed three U of G friends for a visit: Lori Davis, CSS '85, manager of Jumbo Video Inc. in Oakville, Ont.; Pippa Hobbes, ' 84, account ing manager for Para mo unt Holidays in Willowda le, Ont. ; and Lisa Wilson, '84, co-ord inator of membership serv ices for the Metropolitan Toronto Board of Trade.
Jean Thomson, Mac '37, says 1937 was a long time ago, but she's "delighted " with all the changes that have gone at the college. A former hospita l nutritionist, she is retired and living in London , Ont.
Monica Hrybko, HAFA '88, is director of sales for the Ramada Hotel Old Town in San Diego, Calif.
OAC Olayiwola " Layi" Adeola, M.Sc. ' 86 and PhD ' 89, and his wife, Mope, are living in West Lafayette , Indiana, where he is an as sis tant professor of pig nutrition at Purdue University. 31
Bruce Barrie, '79 (Eng.), graduated last June with an MBA from City Uni ve rsi ty in Washington State and is now a senior ad viser in strategic planning with Petro-Canada Reso urces in Calgary. He is a professional eng ineer with APEGGA and an ac tive mem ber of the Planning Forum, an international societ y for planning and strategic manage ment. Barbara Bryce, '83, and her husband, Ricardo Ramirez, '82, are living in Rome , Italy. She is a landscape architect and he is a communications officer with the Food and Agriculture Organizat ion. Daniel Campbell, '81, and his wife , Sharon Marianne, are farmin g near Petrolia, Onto Carolyn Closs, '82, and her husband , Harold, operate a beef cow/ca lf operation in Shawville , Que. Luc Cote, '83, is an agricullural acc ount manager for the Royal Bank of Canada in Joliette , Que. Kerrie Lea Curran, '85, plans to graduate this fall from the master of architecture pro gram at McGi ll University. Bruce Dodson, '74A, is course superin tendent at Hawd Ridge Golf and Curling Club in Orillia, Ont. Richard Donkin, OAC ' 85A, original ly from Zimbabwe, is the manager of Venida Packing Inc. in Exe ter, Calif. Situated in central California's San Joa quin Valley , Venida Packing ships tree fruit throughout the Richard Donkin United States, Canada, the Pacific Rim and the Far East. Products under th e brand names " Ruby River" and "Venida" include peaches, plum s, nectarines, kiwi, grapes, persimmons and pomegranates. In 1988 , Donkin married California native Lisa Kolander, and they live in Lemon Cove, a community in the Sierra foothill s. Brendan Elder, '8S A, lives in Kelowna, B.C. , and works for Dogwood Nursery. He plans to be married thi s summer to Rosemary Powell. Robert Fessenden, OAC M.Sc. '67, was recently appointed vice-president of devel op ment and planning at the Alberta Research Council. He is respo nsible for tec hnology management and corporate marketing. John Fitzgerald, '86, was married last November to Susan Given, a ] 991 inde pendent study graduate in animal produc tion. He is a lect urer at Ridgetown College; she works at Centralia College and is work ing on a psychology degree at the University of Waterloo. They live in Strathroy, Ont. Glenn Helstern, '79A, is a driv er for the Calgary division of Greyhound Bus Lines of Canada Ltd.
She tells a princely tale . ..
. ."
. .
For seven miniJtes on Oct. 24, 199 L Ellen He;t1e,OAC '76~U1d M.Sc. ' 80, .. (<llked with PI'ince Charles, . ;Invited toopert a newfumaceat
inco Lilnited's Copper Cliff smelter
iri Sudbury, Ont:; the. Prince· of Wales '
was "easy to talk with," says Heale . .
"ftwas .verycxciting."
As eiwironmental co-ordinator Of . . land reclamation and'revegetation at , Copper Cliff, Healetold the.prince . · .about Tnc(}'secosystem rehabilitat.ion projects: Theroy.a lvisitor was par ticulatfyiilterested,in the tree"grow- . ing. project in abandoned inines f!lld in tl£revegetation ()f acres of tailings . and barren rock. Planril'ig vegetation on the. tailings . hasattr<tcled wildlifeto a protected .habitat , says Beale, who has wqrked .forIncosincc she graduated in 1976. ' Ninety~iwo species ofbirds, as weil asrodems, hares, foxes, wolves, bears andinoQse; have been sighted on the 2,500 acres of rehabilitated ore waste. ."One thing about this job is you' · 'c an s~e where you've been effective," .. she says. . . While an undergraduate student in '. Prill('e' C harles with EI/en Heale. horticultural science, Heale,a native oil her master's at OAC ~ ofSiidbury, worked at Ineo during the ' In her current PdS!tion, Heale has rnore sumniers. She wasthi: tirst woman to administrative and public relations respon ". work inrhemining company's agriculture
ibilities. On her own time, she sits on the · department. After shegraduated, the niek,
:. el inine hired her full time tcido horticul- ' .. board of management for the tocal Red Cross and isalllember of the Sudbury ' turaLfleld research ~ Ineo later granted heT
. Business and Professional Women's Club. 'a two-semester leave of absente t6 work
Theodore Jacobs, '78 (Eng.), is engineering supervisor at Standard Tube in Woodstock , Ont. Greg Keast, '85 (Eng.), is li ving in Mozam bique in East Africa, where he works as a project officer for UNICEF rural water sup ply project s. Richard Kline, '74, was appointed partner of the Toronto accounting firm Schwartz Levitsky Feldman Inc. last faiL He is presi dent of the film 's bankruptcy division , a member of the Chartered Accountants of On tario and first vice- president of the Ontario Insolvency Association. Christopher Laforest, M.Sc. ' 91 (USRPD) , works in planning and economic develop ment for Bruce County, Ont. Jean-Paul, PhD '90, and Lynn (Hammell) Laforest, ' 82 and M.Sc. '85, are both employed at Laval University in Sainte-Foy , Que. He is a professor and s he is a re sea rch associate. Kenneth Lawless, '63, earned a Guelph de gree in agri cultural economics, then went on to stud y dentistry at the Uni versity of Toron to. He is now an oral and manilo -fac ial sur geon in Kingston, Ont.
Margie Luffman, '77, writes that she has happily returned to Ontario after 10 years in New Brunswick to work at the Smithfield Ex perimental Farm in Trenton. She is curator of the Plant Gene Resources of Canada clonal gene bank. Brian MacCulloch, M.Ag. '89, is a sa les representative for Sprin gva le Nurseries Ltd. in Berwick, N.S. Daniel Mansell, '64 and M,Sc. '68, is On tario manager of the eastern habitat joint venture in the wildlife policy branch of the Ministry of Natural Resource s. He is sta tioned in Midhurst, Ont. Peter McEntire, '77 A, writes from County Langford in Ireland to keep in touch with U of G. He is farming and work s as an AI tec h nician with Bova Genetics Ltd. Darryl Mitchell, '78, works at Pioneer Hi Bred Limited in Chatham, Ont. Hugh O'Neil, '88, is manager of customer financial services for Ral ston Purina Canada Inc. Umed Panu, M.Sc. '72 (Eng.) , has done a lot of travelling during his career. After Guelph, he earned a PhD in civil engineering Guelph Alumnus
at the Univ e rsit y of W aterloo, ta ught in Indi a
and at Mi ss iss ippi State Uni vers ity , and
worked with Briti sh Columbia H ydro and
the Government of Newfoundland. In 1986,
he jo ined the fa culty of c ivil engi neering at
Lakehead Uni ve rsity in Thunder Bay, Ont.,
an d was pro moted to full professor in 199 1.
He a nd hi s wi fe, Kashna , and the ir children,
Neeti and Anukud, enj oy th e ou tdoor rec rea
tion ac ti viti es av ailable in Northw es tern On
tario and look forward to visits from U of G
alumni trave llin g to Thunder Bay .
Lyle Pettigrew, ' 61, is a marketin g co nsul
ta nt with Harris Kovacs Alderman in Atlan
ta , Ga.
Helen Prior, '88, joined She ridan Nurse ri es
after gradu ati o n, then worked for a year as a
re search tech ni c ia n in Gue lph' s Department
of Crop Scie nce. She is now in her th ird year
at Emmanuel College at Victoria University
and hopes to be ordained as a Unit ed Church
min is ter in May.
Gregory Scott, ' 83 (Eng.), is operati ons
mana ger for Accuform Gol f Limited in
Toro nto.
Ba rbara (Coordes) Skrypetz, ' 87 , is a fi e ld
supe rv isor for the Ontario Dairy He rd Im
provement Corporation, working out of
Guelph. He r hu sban d , Stephen, '88,
ope rates a bulldoz ing and exca vatin g busi
ness in the W oodstock are a.
Victor Skidra, '6 \ , is re tired f rom hi s job as
a sc ientific evaluator with Hea lth an d Wel
fare Canada. He and hi s wife, Ko nstance ,
liv e in Nepean, Ont.
William Slusarchuk, '63 (Eng.) and M.Sc.
David Nedelko , OAC '86, and Ljrlda ArmsJrollg: CBS' 89, (/Jurk ':011'. cemre) were marriediasl SeplemiJer in Bari~ie. Onl.Tlu:ir weddi/Ig iiarly illcillded,fi'om leli ; Katy Kusmiliski,OA C '88:,Paul Allguslin e; GAG '86 ; Roh Reed, OAC '87;'Carv . Bel'fral1l, oAC :8R;.{JIuJ S;a ndi·o (Co llin:I'). BerlrCIlII, CBS 'RR . Also 1I111ie wedding w(lS Arlllsl;'ong' s !Veal ullcleClarence Flemin g , OVC '34. The couple (Ire living in . LJ llden . · . .
' 67, was recently appo inted pres ident of AGRA Eanh and Environmental Group, an envi ro nme ntal and geotec hni ca l firm th at is a division of AGRA Indu stries Limited . Michael Sullivan, '87 A, is a pol ice officer with the W ate rloo Regio na l Police in Cambridge, Ont.
Brenda Trask, '80, operates he r own com muni ca tion s cons ulting co mpan y in O s goode, Ont. She is marri ed to Ro n Ferguso n. Dave Vanden Bosch, '89, is man age r of operator servic es and plann ing for Bell Canada in London, Ont.
J. Stallard "Skip" Waterhouse,
The way we were in 1902
OAC alumnus Douglas Campbell, ' 60, passes o n a bit of col lege hi sto ry that shou ld make us think twice about our con stitutional squabbles in C anad a. Ca mpbe ll is director of the Latin America and Ca ribbea n Trade Divis ion of Ca nada ' s Department of E xternal Affa irs. Last summer, he hosted a vi s it by the president of Uru g uay, Luis Alberto Laca lle Herre ra , whose grand fa the r made a simil a r vis it to Canada in 1902. This is what the elde r Herrera report ed to hi s government: "Gu e lph agric ultural college e njoys a worldwide reputation ... and is con s idered o ne of the grea t loca l attrac tions. " More than 200 youn g Canadian s, a lon g with many foreign youth s, come together in its lecture room s. There are bursary ho lde rs from Norway and as far a way as Mauritius. C loser to us ,
Guelph Alumnu s
Argentin a ha s 12 students th ere. "We ll, then, couldn't Uru g uay im it ate those good exa mples a nd also se nd a number of worthy youth s to Guelph to acquire the professional know led ge w hi ch is becoming m ore ne cessa ry eac h day for th e deve lo p ment of o ur a g ri c ulture~ " In ad dition to the sc ienti fic bene fits that o ur compatri ots woul d deri ve from entering sLlc h a Ca nadi a n techni ca l in stitution , there would be the inca lcu lable benefit of beco ming familiar with the stric t, manl y and sound habits of these people , wh o are admirable in e ve ry re spect. " Afte r they have stee ped them se lves in this atmos phere of dem oc racy , which fo sters the development of all rig ht s and is ali en to intolerance , thi s legati o n w ill have the great honor of sending home not o nly sc ie ntist s, but a lso mode l citizens."
'54, and hi s wife, Li sa, are ce lebrating the birth of a daughter , Samantha Eli zabe th , o n New Year's Day 1992. They live in New York State. wh ere Wate rho use is i:I pro fe ssor of bi o logical scie nc e at the Plattsburg h S ta te Uni ve rsity College of Arts and Science. Jeff, ' 88, and Karen (Burrows) W h ite, '87, liv e in Strathro y, Ont. Jeff work s for Be ll Ca nada and Kare n is a Lambton Count y rural orga ni za tio n spec ialist with the Ontar io Mini stry of Ag ri c ulture and Food. Harold Wright, ' 86, is a development repre se nta tive for Ci ba-G e igy Canada Ltd. in Mi s sissa uga , Ont. He and Lori Krieg, '84, plan to marry thi s sprin g. Donald Ziraldo, '7 I , received doubl e hon o rs last winter fro m th e Ontario grape and win e industry. Preside nt o f Inniskillin W ines of Niagara-on -the- Lak e , Ont. , he was named to the Royal Order of the Grape for hi s leadership in enhancing the prod uct and its image. In addition , Z ira ldo and his partner, Karl Kai se r, were nam ed 1991 M en of the Year by FoodsCI'vice and Hospitalily magaz in e. During the ir 17-year partnership at Inn isk il lin, the two " have been in strumental in sh ap ing Ca nada 's wine industry, " th e magazin e sa id .
Barry Burtis, '69, was named president of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association in January, after working with the voluntary organization for four years as a director, member of its editorial board and chair of its public relations committee. Burtis lives in Burlington, Ont., and practises at the Bay Cities Animal Hospital. He also appears on a local cable television program called Pel Tales. William Medway, '54, of Blackwood, N.J., has been named an honorary life member of the International As sociation for Aquatic Animal Medicine for his contributions on be half of the association and the field of aquatic medicine. He is both a founding member and past president of the associa tion. A professor emeritus of clinical laboratory medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, Medway is a member of the Marine Mammal Commission's committee of scientific advi sers. Diane Pickering-Forster, '86, is practi si ng at Vander Kraan Veterinary Services in Huntsville, Ont. She is malTied to Chris Forster and they have one daughter, Julia. Julien Proulx, '67, has moved from Kapus kasing, Ont., to La Pocatiere, Que. , where he is superintendent of Agriculture Canada ' s Experimental Farm. Last year, he was fea tured on TVOntario's French network series Personalire Ontarienne for hi s work as a veterinarian , his participation in municipal politics and hi s support of regional develop ment in Northern Ontario. He was also awarded Agriculture Canada's resea rch branch prize "Agcellence" for extraordinary management during hi s direction of the re search program at the Kapuskasing Ex perimental Farm.
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Tw.oc~ireers · on the same.pat~
OVCaruninus Ge'offrey Lord, '49,. felt a thopedic,
· ,enseofdejavuwhen he read theslory gastrointes tinal and carc about Bill Naray~i1 , OVe '63, il1la~t .. spring's issue ofthe Guelph Altimnus. ' diovascular .. There are amazing 'simi laritiesbetween '. surgery," the c~reersof t~e two Guyanese, wh6b6th says Lord. '.' If . earnedvefetinary degrees atGueiph, someone worked in c1ini(:ai practice in)Yestem were to ask Canada, then moved to the .United States .. ' me ioday .what T con~ to work in human medic~lresearch, . Narayan heads an AlDSresearchteamsider to be atJohns HopkiflS l/1)iversilySchool of :. my expertise, MediCirieinBaltimore,Matyland. Lord is I would have retired directorofthdohnson& Johnson ' .... to saymecli- . Geo/frey Lord ;
· Resear~h Found.alion ill NewJersey. cal device .
l"ordsays he was influenced by OVC andbio proJessDfs Anthony Kings(:Qte and Frank Inaterials evaluation .'" . .. .
· SchofieJd~ndw¢nton from GiJelphto pur- . In the I 950s, Lord,waspalt of al:e- .'
sue graduate studies in parasitology auhe se~rch team that pioneered the use of'
.. University oJW,isco.llsin. Sevenmorithsin animal tissue tOTeconstructdamaged{jr ' a mixed practice in Drumheller, Alta., con" blocked al1eries in hUl11ans.Twenty years . vinced 'him thaldinical medicine "wasn6t · later, he drafted the first systematicap· whati w~ted!6 do." returned to Wis" , pr()ach to the safety evaluation of medica! ' con5il11.0 eanla PhDlll pathologyano " ....... .' devices; joined Johnson & JohnsQri as senior · " ;'Allsubsequeill guidelines, inCiLlding patilol(.)gistiriI953. ... .... those of the Foodaj)q Di'ug Admlnistra "Research at Johnson & JohDson . tiOnand the Canadian Regulatory. ~'teeredmeinto many interesting and chalAuthority ; hayeadopteoihis approach ," he .... ... Jenging fieldsofbio-research, includirig . says . .' Lordand his wife, Helen, <;Iividetheir derniiltoi9gy, toxicologic pathology, wound healing, surgical pathology, ... . ";'... iiinebetweel)Ciipe CodandBonita genera'! to'xkology ofi~w drugs andor~ ... Springs, FloriQa.: <
Shane Renwick, '77 and M.Sc. '91 , works in veterinary services at Agriculture Canada offices in Guelph. Ruth Reuter, '61, is a veterinary pathologist in Plympton, Au stralia. Tom Sanderson, '6 1, was selected by the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association as Ontario Veterinarian of 1991. CUlTently OVC' s co-ordinator of off-campus work term s, he spent 20 years in private practice in Listowe.1and Mount Forest before returning to the coll ege in 1982 to manage the veteri nary research stations. Sanderson 's contribu tions to the profess ion have included many hours of volunteer work in the advancement
If you're . moving up or moving on
of the profession and in the development of veterinary in surance programs. He is a past pres ident of both the Ontario and Canadian Veteri nary Medical associa tions. Jennifer Troughton, '86, is practising in Orono,Ont.
Tom Sanderson
Simone Woltner, '86, is a veterinarian at the Chester Basin Animal Hospital in Chester Basin , N.S.
Make sure your Guelph Alumnus reaches you at your new address. Name __________________________________ Degree _______________________________ Address
Telephone Send address changes and grad news to the Guelph Alumnus, University of Guelph, Guetph, Ont. Nl G 2W I.
Guelph Alumnus
The fo llowing dea ths have been reported since the las t iss ue of the Guelph Alumnus. Full noti ces, which are usu ally submitted by family or classmates, may appear in thi s iss ue or in a later one. James Clement, Arts '73 , Feb. 2, 1992. Marilyn (Dyment) Farnan, Mac '5 30 , Feb. 27, 1992. David Fisher, OAC '80A, in October 1990. Elizabeth (C hristie) Glass, Mac '3I D , June 2,l99 1.
Robert Everett, H.K. '74, died in May 1991 in Burlington, Ont. A teac her at White Oaks Secondary Schoo l in Oakv ille, he is survived by his wife, Miche le, and brother, William, CBS '74. James "Sandy" Fear, '75, died Oct. I I, 199 1, in Toronto. He is survi ved by his wi fe, Sally (Firth), OAC '75, and hi s c hildren, Caitlin, Alli so n and Mered ith .
Peter Heskey, OAC ' 54A, Dec. 6, 199 1. Richard Ketchell, OVC '51, Nov. 23, 199 1.
Edward Kowalski , Arts '79, in August 199 1.
L ynn (Dalys) Corby , '84, di ed in Toron to May 6 , 1990, after a long battIe with ca ncer.
Pauline (Dixon) MacMillan, Mac '24 0, Jan. 2, 1992.
Nancy (Birbeck) Gordon, '77 , died Oct. 20, 1991, in O ttawa after a short illness. She worked at the Kitchener- Wat erl oo Hospital and had previously bee n p lan t accountant at Foseco Canada Incorporated in Guelph .
Catherine MacPherson, Arts '83, Dec. 1 1, 1990. Marguerite (White) Maybury, Mac '3 10, in June 1990. Donald McLeOd, CSS '80, Jan . 9, 1992. Albert Meilus, OAC '51, in 1991. Ann (Biggs) Ostler, Mac '3 10, in April 1991 . Robert Race, Arts '73 , in 1989. Ralph Sampson, OAC '40, in December 1989. Mor ris Sanderson, OAC '42, Nov . 17, 1991. Sir Peter Scott, H.D.Sc. '8 1, in Au gust 1989. William Setterington, OAC '40, Oct. 22, 1991. George Shoniker, OAC ' 50A, in March 199 1. John Somerset, OAC '34, Dec. 27, 199 1. Gregory Van Patter, OAC '7 1, in 1990. Frederich Weiland, OAC '20A, in 1990.
Arts Riccardo "Rich" Incitti, '88, died Jan. 5, 1992, as the result of an acc ident near Hami l ton , Ont. He was assistant manager at the Toro nto-Dominion Bank in St. Cathari nes and is survived by his pare nts, Gu igi and Lucia, of Cambridge and two sisters, Laura and Andrea. Larry McNenly, '73, died in October 1991 in Owen Sound , Ont. He is survived by his wife, Marnie, CS S '73. Guelph Alumnus
Mac-FACS Jean (Williams) Forward, '28 0 , Oct. 28 , 1991, in Calgary. She was the widow of Bower Forward, OAC ' 25, and is survived by two so ns. Catharine (Bechtel) Fromm, '270, died Nov. I, 199 1, in Cambrid ge, Ont. She is sur vived by three dau ghters, Ellen Moore, Mac '63, Nancy and Caro l. Alice (Rivaz) Garrard, '28 , di ed Dec. 2, 199 1, in Guelph . She was an active member of the Mac-FACS Alumni Assoc iat ion and was the Mac '28 class agent for the Alma Mater Fund . She is survived by her husband, retired professo r Edward Garrard, OAC '27, and a dau ghter, Betty Nelso n. Della Marie (Diamond) Honey, ' 300, of Warkworth, Ont. , died Jun e 29, 1991. One ofWa rkworth's oldest and most respected citizens, she served as local li brarian fo r 25 years. She is survived by her son, John, OAC ' 52A, his wife, Patric ia, and four grandchildren: James, OAC ' 84A ; William, OAC ' 76A; Thomas, OvC ' 89; and Patricia Lonergan, CSS '68. Barbara (Banigan) Martin, ' 38 0 , died Jan . I, 1992, in Don Mill s, Ont. A retired teacher wit h the North York Board of Educa tio n, she is survived by a son, Ted , a sister and two brothe rs. Elizabeth (Burt) Perry, '340, di ed June 28, 1991, in Sidney, B.C., and is surv ived by her husba nd, Gordon, and so n, Paul Nartel, OAC '62. Jacqueline (Roy) Pote, '34D, died Dec. 2 1, 1991, in Willowdale, Ont. , and is is survived
by her hu sband , William, and two so ns, Merrill and Bill. Doroth y (MacFeeters) Scott, '260, died Jan. 14, 1992, in Toronto. She is su rvived by two daughters, Ann e Donaldson and Cynthi a Scott. Florence (Fre nch) Snyder, '37 0 , died May 6, 199 1, in Calgary and is survived by her husband, Robert , and two sons, John and William . Katherine (Sweet) Watt, Mac '220, died Feb. 23, 1992. She is surviv ed by her hu s band, Leslie, a son, David , and a dau gh ter, Carol Gi llande rs. Mattie (Newman) Widdicombe, '24 0 , di ed Dec. 11, 1991, in St. Catharines, Ont. Pre deceased by her hu sband , John , she is sur vived by a bro ther and several nieces and nep hews, includin g Virginia Rigby , Arts '76.
George "Grey" Arnup, '3 8, died Feb. 2, 1992, in Toronto . He spent most of his career with the plant protec tion branch of Agri culture Canada. He is survived by his wife, Aileen , three chi ldren, Nancy, Jim and Mar y Ellen Vincent, CBS ' 79 , and four grandchi ldren. Herbert Boyce, '28 and MSA '43, died Sept. 2, 1991, in Amherstburg, Ont oHe is survi ved by his wife, Norah, a daughter, Beverley Med lock, and a brother, James, OAC '32. Jack "Reddy" Brethet, '56, died Nov . 4, 199 1, in Burlington, Ont. President of Brethet, Barnum Assoc iates Inc., he is sur v ived by his wife, Caro l, and two daughters, Lyn n and Ann e. Bruce Foster, '28, died Feb. 6 , 1992, in Rid getown , Ont. , and is survi ved by his dau ght er, Gay le Anderson , and son , David , CBS ' 69. Allison Gardhouse, '49, died Sept. 21, 1991 , in Midland , On t. He was re tired supe r intendent of schoo ls for the Simcoe County Board of Educati on and is survi ved by his wife, Merle. Kenneth Harrison, '24, di ed Nov . 5, 199 1, in Kentville, N.S. A di stingui shed plant patho logist , military officer and mycologist, he began hi s career in 1926 as assistant plant pathologis t at the Kentvi lle Experimental Farm . He worked there until retirement in 1966, wi th the exception of mi litary se rvi ce du ring the Second World War. Dr. Harriso n had a lifelong interes t in the study of mushrooms and publ ished numerou s techni ca l papers on the mu shroom flora of Nova Scotia . In addition. he en 35
couraged interested amateurs and led field trips for student s at Acadia Univ ersity and the general public from 1929 until 1987. In 1979, he was honored by Acadia wi th the dedication of the Kenneth A. Harri son L abo ratory of Mycology. During his career, he was a member of man y professional organizations, a charter member of the Mycological Society of America and fe ll ow of the Am erica n Associa tion for the Advancement of Science. He is s urvi ved by hi s wife, Margaret, two brothers , Maynard, OAC '30, and Arthur, OAC ' 29, two son s, Ashley and Kenn eth, and a daughter, Jenni e Sheito. William Kellam, '4 1, died Oct. 19, 1991, in Brockville, Ont. He was retired from the Curb and Gate Co. of-Brock ville, where he had worked as a lab technician fo r 28 years. He is s urvived by hi s wife, Kathleen, a son, George, and a dau ghter, Mary. William M acMillan, '48, died in February 1992 in W innipeg. He was supervisor of Fertilizer marketing for the Manitoba Pool Elevators and is surv ived by hi s wife , Edna Jea n, and brother, Ha rry, OAC '5 1A. Cameron McTaggart, '35, died Feb. 4, 1992, in Aurora, Ont. After g raduating from OAC , he became manager of Don Head Farms in Richmond Hill. He established th e first agri cul tural consulting business in Canada in 1947 and later ran an Ang us cattle
sa les management business from the family farm. A life member of the OAC Alumni As sociation and the Class of '35 exec utive, he is survived by his wife , Margaret, Mac '35, and two sons, John, OAC '62, of Regina and David of Largo, Fla. Douglas Miller, '48, of Victoria, B.C., died Nov. 24, 1991, in T oro nto. He is survived by hi s wife, Ruth, and five c hildren . Gregory More, '76, was killed Feb. 3, 1992, in Kitchener. Ont., at the Ontario Glove Manufacturing Co., where he was co-owner and vice-president. Following graduation , he worked for the Rohrer Drug Co. and the Ster ling Drug Co. , th en returned to school, ea rn ing an MBA at McMaster University in 1981. More was an avid squas h player and golfer; Court A at the Northfield Racquet Club in Waterloo was dedicated to his memory in Ma rc h. He is survived by his parents, Noree n a nd Ken, a brother, Randy, and a sister, Katherine Keeler. John "Jack" Pawley, '33, died March I , 1992, in Guelph. He is surv ived by his wife, Ruth , son, John, OAC '62, and daughter-in law, Carolyn. He was a former director of the Ontario Mi.lk Marketing Board and a past member of th e Royal City Lodge of Perfec tion. Harold Reid , ' 20A, died in Dece mber 1991 in Burlington, Ont. During the First World W ar, he was one of Canada's premier rad io
experts, work ing at the Roya l Canadian Navy shore transmitter in Sydney , N.S. After the war, he came to OAC to earn a diploma, th en went on to Queen'S University to com plete an arts and theology degree. His mini s try was mainly in St. And rews and Montreal , although he spent 13 years teaching Hebrew at the Presbyterian Coll ege before retiring in 1968 Donald Robertson, '3 1, died Nov. 4 , 1991, in Iroquois , Ont. He is s urvived by hi s wife, Ca roline (Grisdale), Mac '38, his two son s, Scott,OAC '65A, and Guy, and a daught e r, Sandra McNeil. Thomas Rokeby, '48 and MSA ' 50, died Jan. 29. 1992, in Fayetteville, Ark. He was a professional engineer and tau ght for 30 years in the Univ ers ity of A rkansas engineering department. Born in Port Rowan, Ont., he was a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War, the American Society of Agricultural Engin eers and the agricu ltural hon or societies of Gamma Sigma Delta and Alph a Epsilon. He is surv ived by his wife, Helen, two sons, Robert and Richard , a daughter. Penny, and three brothe rs, Michael, Noel and Richard, OAC '54. Francis Sweeney, OAC '45, died Nov. 17 , 1991 , in Oakville, Ont. He was a longtime employee of Shell Canada and [nte rnational Shell, working in Great Britain. Europe and
The Wall-Custance Memorial Forest, located at the University of Guelph's Arboretum, was established in recognition of the severe depletion of our forests. It is never too late to be a vital part of the effort to save and improve our air and water for the future of our children, by planting trees. This program is our small part of the major endeavor to reforest and to reduce the greenhouse effect, improve air quality and provide food and cover for wildlife. The Memorial Forest Pro gram not only pays a Significant tribute to a loved one, but also assures a better environment for generations Home of the
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Guelph Alumnus
============= IN MEMORIAM =============
Venezuela. He is survived by his wife, Lynn, and two daughters, Al yson and Joselyn. Bern a rd Weeks, '35, died Oct. 16, 199 1. After graduation, he re turned to his roots in ew York and Pennsylvannia a nd worked in 4-H and you th orga ni zations for a few years. He then took over the family farm at Troupsburg, N.Y., and built up a dairy opera tion with a sideline of sheep. He is surv iv ed by his wife , Ruth, and four children. Glenn White, '43, of Belleville, Onl., died Nov. 24, 199 1, in Florida and is surv ived by hi s wife, Marjorie.
Norman Anderson, ' 39, of Wi nn ipeg died Dec. 18, 1991, in Arizona. He had practised veterinary medicine in Norwood, Man., and was a member of the American Equine Prac titioners Association , director of the Canadian Thoroughbred Society and track veterinarian at A ssin iboia Downs for 50 years. He is survived by his wi fe, Peggy, and two so ns, Laurie and James. George Beatty, '5 I, died Nov. 22, 1991, in Inverness , III. He practised in Palatine fo r 36 years and founded the Palatine Animal Hospi tal. He was an active member of the Ame ri ca n Animal Hosp ital Assoc iati on and the Chicago Veterinary Assoc iation , and wa s a director of the Friends of the University of Guelph. He is survived by hi s wife, Mary , and fo ur c hildren - Suzanne, Patricia , M argaret and Tim . John Hamilton, , 5 L died Dec. 15, 1991. He had lived in Roslin, On!., where he owned the Bay Regional Veterinary Hospital. He is survived by hi s niece, Ann Bongard. Nicholas Labzoffsky, '39, died Dec. 25, 1991, in Largo, Fla. Fonnerly of Toronto, he had li ved most rec en tl y in Dorse t, Ont., and is survived by hi s wife, Jane!. Edgar Langford, '49, died March 4,1992, in Monarch, Alta. A forme r research scien tist with ADRI (Wes tern), he is s urvived by his w ife, Norma, and two daughters, includ ing Carolyn, OVC '76. Stuart Maude, '4 1, died Jan. 14, 1992, in Rosemead, Calif. A former Rosemead co un cillor and four-time mayor, he operated th e Rosemead Animal Hos pital with his brother Arthur, '52, from 1953 to 1980. He was a tru stee for In gles ide Hosp ital , a past grand patron of both the Rosemead and the Califor nia Order of Eastern Star and past-president of the local Kiwanis Club and Chamber of Commerce. He is survived by his wife, Vera, two daughters, Patricia and Susan Bezner, a son, Stuart, and three brothers. Walter Morley, '42, o f Mildmay, On!., died Nov. 28, 199 1. He ran a large animal prac tice in the Mild may area for 39 yea rs, raised cat tle and raced standardbred horses. He was also a pu bli c school board trustee and direc tor of a local te lephone company for more Guelph Alumnus
than 30 ye ars. He is survived by his wife, Joyce, five so ns - two of whom are OVC alumni: Dave, '68, and Randy , '74 - and 10 grandchildren. Lloyd Neily, '52, died Jan. 3, 1992, in Hantsport, N.S. A retired meat inspector w ith the federal Department of Agriculture, he had a private veterinary practice in Wind sor, N.S. He is surv ived by hi s wife, Mary. Elford Nundal, '43, died Jan. 7, 1992, in Lan gley, B.C., after a lon g battle w ith can cer. He operated a veterin ary practice in Langley for 36 years and served as a di strict aldennan for 10 years before being elected mayor in 1982. Last year, he received th e B.C. Veterinarian Assoc iatio n' s awa rd of merit for a lifetime of veterinary work . Humphrey Rees, '55 , died Sepl. 30, 1991, in Amman, Jorda n, while o n ass ignment for the Overseas Development Ad mini stration as veterin ary and animal hu sbandry adviser to the Jordani an government. His co ntem poraries at Guelph will remember him as a sin ger, debater, raconteur, rugby player and bon vivant. He is surv ived by his wife , Alice, of POlt Eynon, Wal es. William Stinson, '40, died Feb. 15 , 1992, in Norwood, Ont. He is survi ved by his wife , Rita, a son , John , OVC '67 , a brother, Ford, OAC '34 , and a gra nd son, John, CS S '87.
Faculty Pat ric ia Harney died Dec. 19,1991, in Yar mouth, N.S. A professor in the Department of Horticultural Science from 1962 to 1988, she developed severa l ne w variet ies of geraniums and was instru menta l in es tab lishing the Frances Ball rose collection at the Arboretum. Anthony Marsto n died Feb. 3, 1992, in Fer gu s, ant. Retired from the School of Hotel an d Food Administration, he was an ac complished competition chef who received his training in Switzerland and England. He the n s pent seve ra l years working in the Caribbean before coming to Guelph in 1970. A member of the Canadian Olympic culinary team , he held a number of positions in the
hote l and food industry until retiring in 1982. He is survived by hi s wife , Di ana. Gordon McNally dled Jan. 12 , 1992, in Guelph. A professor in the Department of Zoo logy from 1934 to 1971 , he served as ac ademic assistant to the dean of CBS until retiring in 1979. While at Guelph, he wa s honora ry pres id en t of the classes of OAC '54 , '58 a nd ' 67. He is survived by his daughter, Jean, tw o siste rs and tw o grandc hildren . Prof. McNally's family has establi shed the A. Gordon Mc a lly Memorial Fund to support a sc hola rship or bursary. Contributions may be se nt care of the Alma Mater Fund, Alumni Hou se , Univ ersity of Guelph, Guelph, ant. N I G 2WI.
Friends Jean (Young) Branion died March 3 , 1992, in Guelph. She was the w ife of th e late Hugh Branion, a ph ys iology professor at U of G and assistant to pres idents Bill Winegard and Don Forster. Jean Branion was an act iv e volunteer on campus for many years and one of th e firs t presidents of the College Women's Club. She is survived by a son, Richard, and his wife, M arga re t, of Van couve r and five grand chi ldren. Dona ti ons may be made to the Hugh D. Branion Memorial Scholarship through Alumni Hou se. Davy Alexander Hamilton- Williamson died Feb. 4, 1992, in Guelph. A painter and author of children's stories, he had been a member of the University ' s President's Council s ince it began in 1. 985. Marjorie Pinkne y, wife of J am es Pinkney, OVC '3 7, died Dec. 15,1 99 [, at her home in Milton, ant. Samuel Wyal! died March 15, 1992 , in Brantford, ant. He was a partner in the law firm Wyatt Purce ll Will Stillman an d Scott. He is surv iv ed by his wife , M a bel. Mac '39, fou r sons, Peter, Michael , William and John , and two daughters, Mary Alderson and Sarah Nadalin, Arts '82.
Donations given in memory of Guelph alumni will help support University scholarships if directed to the Alumni M emorial Fund. In 1991 , donations were made in memory of the following alumni:
Frank MacDonald, OAC '37 Frank King, OAC ' 33 Robert Allen, OAC ' 56A Alice (Rivaz) Garrard, Mac '28 Stan Vesselinovitch, OVC '57 For more infonnation, call the Office of Annual Giving at 519-824-4120, Ext. 6 183.
Facts about university education in Canada and how we pay for it.
By 2000, half of all new jobs in Canada will require a university degree.
But at the current rate of government funding, only one in five children
will have a chance to go to university.
In the seven years from 1982 to 1989. per-student grants to universities in
Ontario barely kept pace with intlation at five per cent;
per-student funding at American public univers ities jumped an average
of 23 per cent in the same period.
Those U.S. universities also receive twice the federal research dollars per stude nt as do Ontario universities.
In 1987. the average sa lary of a full-time professor at an Ontario univers ity was $55,500, compared with $68,200 for a private-sector position of similar education and experience. Lawyers, economists and engineers made an average of $71 ,000.
Ontario rank s ninth out of the
to provinces in terms of grants to universities.
Between 1978 and 1991. enrolment at Ontario univers ities grew by 40 per cent, while funding dropped from 5.9 to 4.09 per cent of total government spending.
Universities were spending 14 per cent less per student between 1977 and 1988; hospital expenditures rose 38 per cent per patient in the same period.
Ontario universities generate $3 of economic activity for every $1 invested by government funding.
And the number of jobs generated by university activities in
Ontario is greater than the employment impact of the textile
industry, the entire paper and pulp industry or utilities.
University graduates can look forward to earning 63 per cent more than the average industrial worker. A 1990 survey of U of G alumni found that two years after graduation, 97 per cent of Guelph grads looking for work were employed. 62 per cent were earning $25,000 or more and 10 per cent were earning $40,000 or more.
Unemployment rates in 1990 for those with a university degree was about one-third what it was for those with only a high school diploma.
Every year from 1978 to 1987 , Ontario university in ves tments in renovating or replacing aging buildings could not keep pace with the rate at which the buildings depreciated. Graphics by Debbie Thompson Wilson
Statistics supplied by th~ Council 01 Ontario UniverSities. Statistics Canada and the U01 G Student EnVifonment Study Group.
Guelph Alumnus
A salute to sport
Alumni Weekend June 19-21 9a.m. Sio-pitch tournament The tradition Jives on at the south quad diamond s. Cooed teams of 12 or more players are encour aged to join in the fun. Gryphs Lounge will be open for lunch and afLer the game.
FRIDAY 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Registration Lambton Hall
6 p.m. Kick-off dinner and half-time show
On your mark, get set and join one of Alumni Weekend's most popular event s . Tours start from Alumni Hou se and are spon sored by the CBS Alumni Association. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Guided walking tours
In the Olympic spirit, Creelman Hall will host the Wonderful World of Sports, with a half-time slide show to entertain alumni of all ages.
9 p.m. Observatory tours
SATURDAY 8 a,m. to 5 p.m. Registration Lambton Hall
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alumni House tours Students will host tours of Alumni House through out the weekend. Come and see what the generosity of alumni has accomplished. 9 a.m. to noon Alumni association annual meetings This is the official notice for the annual general meetings of the following alumni associations: CBS - Alumni House, starts at 8:30 a.m. before guided walk Mac/FACS - HAFA Building Room 209 OVC -
OvC Room 1438
OAC - Macdonald Hall Room 149 CSS - MacKinnon Building Room 305 HAFA boardroom
9:30 a.m. Guided nature walk at the Arboretum
Hou se
Remember making s now sc ulptures on Johnston Green or playing intramural hockey in the old Quonset arena? Relive so me of the memories by taking a walking tour of campus. Tours begin from the lobby ofLambton Hall. Noon - Alumni picnic This popular event has a new location - the sc ulp ture garden beside the Mac donald Stewart Art Centre. Come on your own or re serve a group of tables for friends and classmates. Noon - Class reunion lunches OAC '37 Mac '37 OAC '42 Mac '42 OAC '47 Mac '52 Mac' 57 Mac '67 FACS '72 FACS '77 FACS '87
Noon - OVC luncheon
OAC '67 FACS '82 OAC '82 OAC '82A CBS '82 FACS '87 OAC '87.
The OvC Alumni Association will host a luncheon open to all OvC alumni and their guests.
2 p.m. - Campus Showcase '92 Following on the heels of last year' s success, Campus Show case '92 will be bigger and better. Come to the University Centre to see ex.hibits representing all areas on campus. The Campus Junction store will also be open.
9a.m. Church service and War Memorial Hall rededication
2 p.m. - Zavitz Hall tour Alumni are invited to browse through the newly renovated Za vitz Hall and attend a recep tion sponsored by the Col lege of Arts Alumni As soc iation.
5 p.m.
Golden anniversary
The OAC, OvC and Mac
FACS alumni associations
will provide complimen
tary tickets for alumni
celebrating 50 years or
more. Additiona l tickets
can be purchased. Classes
being honored are: OAC
'22 OAC '47 OvC '22 Mac '22
OAC '27 OvC '27 Mac '27
OAC '32 OvC '32 Mac '32
OAC '37 OvC '37 Mac '37
OAC '42 OvC '42 Mac '42.
6 p.m.
Class reunion dinners
Special dinn e r reunions planned for OAC '47 OAC OAC '52A OvC '52 Mac OAC '57 OAC '62 Mac
are '52 '57 ' 67
Thanks to a commitment from the Alma Mater Fund, reno va tion of the upstairs of War Memorial Hall has been com pleted. Join us for the rededica tion ceremony, commemorating the 1924 opening and the 1952 dedicati on of an OAC memorial plaque.
UGAA annual meeting
All alumni are encouraged to at tend the UGAA annual meeting in Macdonald Hall Room 149. An amendment to the UGAA Letters Pate nt and a revised bylaw will be presented for ap proval. Copies of both are avail able on request from Alumni House. Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 6544. 11 a.m. - Farewell brunch The final event of Alumni Weekend will be held in Creel man Hall. Come and meet the Univers ity 'S president, Brian Segal. The Alumnus of Honour medal will be presented at noon.
To receive an Alumni We ek end brochure or to register for events, call Alumni House at 5/9-824-4120, Ext. 6963.
Research Park Centre
research and industry Dleet
Opened July 1991
Space available now.
Exceptional office and research facilities in
our multi-tenant Research Park Centre.
Research-driven corporations are breaking new ground at the University of Guelph Research Park Centre with exceptional growth oppor tunities in an ideal business setting. This 30-acre Research Park also accommodates tenants who choose to construct their own office and laboratory facilities. Find out why organizations such as Semex Canada, Tremco Limited, the Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation, George Morris Centre, LIPID Analytical Laboratories, and Agriculture Canada have chosen the University of Guelph Research Park. Call Ralph Eades or Judy Phillips, Real Estate Division, University of Guelph . Telephone: (519) 767-5003; or Fax: (519) 837-0353. The Research Park is a project oj the Office oj Research and the University 'S Real Estate Division.