Lured to the North Guelph grads in Canada s northern territories
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The Ultimate University of Guelph Souvenir There isn't a Guelph graduate who hasn't been a part of a late night cannon painting party. Now you can o wn a part of this U of G tradition .
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You might even recognize
a colour that you painted the cannonl
1 13
December 1994 Editor Mary Dickieson
Discovering the secrets of the Arctic
Exec utive edit or Sandra Web<lcr, BA ' 75
Margaret Boyd Bal'bara Chance, BA '74 Maurice Oi , hi , PhD '92
U of G fights to retai n its au tonomy
D es ign/production Mary Dick ieson Linda G raham, BA '77
Editoria l Adl'isory Board Trish Walker, BA '77, M ,Sc , '90, chair Su,,,n Blair, B A 'S:I Shei la Lel'ak, B.Comm, '81 Denis L ynn , B,Sc. '69 K aren Manlel. BA '83 H arold Reed, DVM' 5S Peler Taylor, BA '76
Charlene van Leeuwen, BA Se '87 Diane Wetherall. B.Sc.(Agr. ) 'X4 Bob W inkel, B.Sc.(Agr.) '60
Recommended reading for the win ter months ahead
On the cover
Editorial onil'r:
GI/elph A/llmllll ~i Mag~ z ine Uni versit y Communica ti ons Uni versity of G uelph Guelph,Onwi o N I G 2WI Canada Phone: 5 19-824-4 t20, E,, \. 8700 Fax : 519 -824-7962 E-mail: mdickies@ lllin .lIoguelph .C(1
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Cuelph A/unuws
dian Arctic , Award-winning photographer Mike Beede lllOok thi s photo at the mid-poin t of a 3,000 kilometre trek across the eastern Arctic, In thi s is sue, we vis it with Wi ssink and severa l other Guelp h alu mni who' ve made their homes in the vast lands
Editor's note: We've updated the look of the
Guelph (ISSN 0830-3( 30).
Vol. 27, No, 4, Co py ri ghl 1994.
publication. Opinions
you view the vast and brutal landscape of the Cana
Stories begin on page 4,
Telephone: Ext. 6690
Fax: 5 19-X22-2670
E-mail: velma @
vax l .nlullln i.
Wi ssink, you feel a se nse of adventure and awe as
and sma ll communiti es of th e northern territories,
Alumni records:
Publication dates are
Out on the land with Guelph graduate Renee
22 The win ners of the 1994 Guelph Alumnus writing competition
29 Alumni and Grad News
Guelph Alumnus, with a new front- co ve r design and
some cha nges to our reg ul ar sections, As always, we'd like to know what yo u think abo ut your al umni magazine, and we 'd li ke to hear your news , Write to us c/o of the Departmen t of University Com muni cation s or li se the teleph one, fa x or e-mail addresses printed at left.
left: On a mild day during the Oitdlarssuag Expedi足 tion, Renee Wissink puts booties on a dog to prevent snow from building up on the pads of its feel. RighI: Summer in Pangnirtung Pass reflects the barren landscape of Baffin Island. Photos by Mike Beede/l 4
Cue/"h Alumnus
to the North
. Guelph grads put down roots in the tundra by Mary Dickieson
Only seven yea rs after he mo ved to Baffin Island , Renee Wi ssink led an Arcti c expediti on from Igloo li k to re trace the journ ey of a legendary 19th足 century Inuit shaman ca lled Qitdla rssuaq. Three month s and 3.000 ki lo metres later on the coast of Gree nl and . he co ntempl ated why he had done it. The only answer he could find came from iln Inuit story about Qitdlarss uaq , who once told hi s
follo wers that he knew Ih e desire 10 see ne w lands and new people. It 's the same desi re that has lured Wi ss ink and about 100 other Guel ph alumni to Canad a' s north足 ern territori es. Few. if any, of thi s hard y hundred had planned to live perl1l anent ly above the 60th par足 allel. They went looking for adventure, but found a place to call home.
here are 2,700 km between David Petkovich' s home in Whitehorse - in the southwest corner of Yukon - anc he house where Maggie Strac ha n lived in Pond Inlet on the northeast coast of Baffin Island, The land and water between them - and fo r 1,000 km far ther north - make up one of the world's last great wilderness are as, It' s not surprising that wildlife speciali sts and en vironmental consultants are the largest professional group among Guelph graduates in the territories , Teachers make up the second largest grou p, And man y other Guelph grads work in the areas of nutri tion. health care and social servi ces , There are also a number of Guelph entre preneurs in the North including a veterinarian and a gold miner - a half dozen writers and broadcasters, a few politicians and a military pi lot, 6
Capt. Matthew Eva ns, first flew the arctic skies in 1988 and still thinks the best way to see the land scape is from the cockpit of a Twin Otter aircraft. He recalls a month spent in Eureka , just above 80 degrees north latitude, less than 1,100 kilometres from the North Pole. " It' s something to wake up and see 30 musk-ox grazing on the horizon. or fi ve arctic wolves trotting by the kitchen window while you chow down some Shreddies," From Eureka , Evans flew to and landed at Tan quary Fiord , where the runway is a glacial flood plain sUll'ounded by spectacular icecaps. Blue-grey glaciers seem to be everywhere, flowing out of the mountains like thi ck syrup on to the valley floors, " I even witnessed the birth of an iceberg, and J' ve come across polar bears, vast herd s of ca ribou , numerou s beluga and other whales throughout the North." Guelph Alunmus
"Th ere is serious ta lk of construct in g an all weather road from Yell owknife north to th e Arctic coast," say s Lee . "It would pass through an environ ment and ecosystem th at is essentially as it has been for thou sand s of years. It seems incredible that the Canadian Wi Id Jife Federation is campaigning for the North 's endangered species, while the N.W.T. is carving up so me of the las t untouched areas." Some 2,300 km to the east, ano ther wi ldli fe bio lo gist, Renee Wissi nk, hopes that de vel opme nt in the eastern Arc ti c will be managed wi sely by a new ter ri to ri al governme nt now in incubation . The Nu nav ut land-cla im agreemen t, app ro ved by Parli ament las t yea r, is the largest lanel-cla im settl e ment in Canada. It ensures the creation of a new Ca nadian territory covering almost two million square kilometres in th e central and eastern N.W .T. Nuna vut, whi ch mean s our land in the Inu ktitu t language, is horne to more than 17 ,000 Inuit. They represent 80 per cent of the popUlation in the east ern Arctic, ensuring that Inuit concerns will domi nate the territory'S new publi c government. Wi ssink says Nun avut is a positi ve step for [he North . The land-claim agreement outli nes the rights of both the Inuit and the government, designates Inuit-owned lands and prov ides for the ongoing manage ment of land and water resources, mineral depos its, archeo logical sites and wildlife. Deci sions about wildlife manage ment - includ ing hunting quotas - will be handed ove r to the new Nunavut Wildlife Management Boa rd . Thi s will change the way Wissink handl es wildlife con servati on in Ellesmere Island National Park, where he is chief park wa rden. "Our job will be to provide population data and advice. " But he has no fears about the chan ge . "The Inuit are great conservationis ts. They traditionall y li ve close to the land and want to continue [ 0 use its re sources. They realize the onl y way they' re going to do that is through some means of conservatio n."
left: Pangnirlung Pass in the summer. Below: When the Qitdlarssauq Expedilion arrived in Pond Inlet, it was an occasion lor the people 01 Pond Inlet to wear tradi tional clothing. Photos by Renee Wissink and Maggie Strachan
The Gue lph grads who live with thi s wilderness at their doorstep say there is much to preserve wildli fe , water resources, landforms and the abori gi nal way of life. John Lee is an N.W.T. wiJdli fe bi olog ist wh o has spent 15 yea rs in the Yellowknife area and is still awed by the vas tness of the arcti c landscape. "I ca n walk out my front door and travel north fo r 600 km with out cross in g a road , fence or power line." Wherever he chooses to hike or ca noe, he can ex pect to spend a day without see ing signs of other peop le. But Lee fears that may soo n change. "Di a monds have bee n di scovered on the barrens (j ust north of the city), and the gove rnment of N.W.T. see ms eager fo r development. "
A diamond mine or two would not in itself have a large im pact on the land, but the assoc iated transpor tati on structure and access would. C uelph Alumnus
conducted a raplOr sUI'vey and collared a number of Peary carib ou for a sa tellite telemetry progra m. Nex t sum mer, th e survey will be expa nded to in clude arctic wolves and mu sk -o x. pro viding a holis tic view of what's happeni ng to the carib ou population in the hi gh Arctic. Th ere are al so plans to conduct a surve y of arctic char in Lake H azen , the largest fres hwater lake north of 70 degrees latitud e. A number of fi sh w ill be radi o ta gged to determine how many , if any, are sea-run char. Survey res ults will provide base-line data on th e lake 's fi sh population. Perhaps th e data acqui red on E llesmere Island can bene fit w il dlife manageme nt prog ram s i n the more so utherl y parts of Nunavu!. N.W .T. and Yu kon , where tourism and develop ment are already well establi shed.
Above: Hiking near Airforce Glacier on Ellesmere Island. RighI: Sealskins stretching outside an Inuit home in Pangnirtung . Photos by Renee Wissink
ll es mere I sland National Park co ntains the mo t northerly lands i n Can ada ; its south ern boundary li es more than 600 km from th e nea res t se tt lement at Grise Fiord. North ern Elles mere is the only ecosys tem area in al l of Nun av ut wh ere there is no harves tin g by humans.
here is hope lhat Nunav ut will ena ble the Inui t to prese rve their culture as well as th eir homeland. Certainly , th e Inuit negotia tors strugg led to mil intain a large measure of seJf determination and accepta nce of Inui t custom ary law , but Maggie Strachan , say s their effo rts are thwarted by a co nstant ba rra ge of western civ ili za tion . Strachan is one Gue lph grad who didn't stay in the A rc tic. She spent a to tal of six years in the re mo te settlements of Arctic Bay and Pond Inlet, but says she wa s never more than a long-term vi sitor. " Non-nati yes or qal/u l1ClCI[ do not belong in th e true North." Her pe rception of th e North exc ludes urban cen tres like Wh itehorse and Y ell owk nife, where the lifestyle is similar to smaller cit ies in so uthern Ca n ada. I t's quite different from th e geographi cal and cultu ra l isol:l ti on of a place like Pond Inl et. L ocated on the north shore of Baffin Island, Pond I nlet has a sc hoo l, an arena , two stores that sell food and clot hi ng and an airstrip w ith five week ly flights to Iqu aluit. Th ere are no road s, but a surpri s
It pro vides a un ique opportunity for bio logists to look at the dynam ics of w ildli fe popul ati ons and how they di ffe r between harve sted and unharv ested populations. " We ca n stud y much here that can't be done anywhere else i n N un ilvut," Wi ssi nk says. He spends the three su mmer month s on foo t pa tro l in the park at base ca mps in Tanqu ary Fiord and along the shore of La ke Hazen. The average sum mer temperature is 8 C , and th e on ly com muni ca tion w ith the outside world is a tw ice-dail y radio ca ll to th e Polar Continental She lf Proj ec t in Reso lute Bay . L ast summer, he and fo ur seasonal staff discov ered a new wolf denning area , identified anoth er hiking rou te and, with the help of two vo lunteers,
ing number of snowmobiles and all-telTain vehicles. Almost all of the 900 residents live in govern ment hous ing with running water, ind oor plumbing, oil-generated heat and hydro and good TV recep tion. Rent is geared to income, so a fami ly ca n pay as little as $32 a month on a hou se th at cost $240,000 to build. The community has many of the sa me socia l prob lems that plague other nati ve communities - alco holi sm, drug use, unemployment and youth suicide. After 12 months back in Guelph , Strachan ad mits she's still. in culture shock. She says she can under stand the effect that our gasolin e-powered, neon-lit material world has had on the Inuit people, but she can't resolve the repercussions. Until 50 years ago, the Inuit in Nunav ut were a nomadic people - hunters and fi shers. The co ncept of a permanent settlement was introduced by white western civi li zation - the fur traders, the miners, the military and the government seek ing to establi sh its sovereignty. Today, the Inuit lifestyle in N.W.T. is a peculiar mi x of traditional ways and socia l we l fari sm. There is a move by some Inuit elders to return to the land and a complete relian ce on traditiona l hunt ing, but these efforts, too, are hampered by western in flu ences, says Strachan. Even an outpost cam p can have a generator to run video games and a ra-
dio, which the residents can use to order cigarettes that will be dropped by airplane. Strachan was the li aiso n between the N.W.T. housing corporation and the Inuit-managed loca l housi ng organizations in 13 communities. She logged a lot of air miles, but communication was her biggest challenge - not just the language bar rier, but also the grea t differences in attitudes and thought processes. Concepts like the hierarchy of government organi zations, balancing bank ac counts, maintaining stock inventories and office hours have no meaning to the Inuit, she say s. They aren't needed "out on the land."
Above: Pond Inlet sits on the northeast shore of Baffin Island. The nearest neigh bors are 250 kilometres away in Arctic Bay. Below: Inuit children in Igloolik. Photos by Mike 8eedel/ and Paul Hebert
ukon Tenitory has a different his tory, wit h man y of the sa me results. Fur trading came first, but the di s covery of go ld in 1896 brought the first ma jor in vasion of whites to the area. By 1898, Dawso n City boasted a population of 40,000. Today, abo ut 1,800 people live there. Mining was followed quickly by log ging, trapping, building and farming on what were stiH IOO-per-cent Indian-owned land s. The population declined around the tu rn of the centu ry as the mine fields were de pleted , but grew again during the Second World War when the U.S. army built the Alaska Highway from Dawson Creek to Fair banks, Alaska. Today, the Yukon First Nations peop le represent only one-quarter of Yukon's popu lation . Nativ e land rights in all telTitories were large ly ignored until the 19705, when native leaders like Elijah Smith bega n to speak out. He began negotiation s that re sulted in the 1990 Umbrella Final Agree ment of the Yukon Land Claim. It granted aboriginal title to about a 10th of the 536,000 square-km territory. The Nunav ut Final Land Claim Agree ment fo llowed three years later. Many other native land claims in the remaining N.W.T. are sti ll pending.
Guelph Alumnus
Northern notes
Awinter outing for.the Poole family of Yellowknife.
On Christmas day
in Whitehorse
. and Yellowknife, the sun will rise at about 10 a.m. and set at 3 p.m.
The MacDougall family
On the shore line of Grea t Slave Lake, there ' s a pl ace whe re a creek brings warmer water fro m a smaller lake upstrea m. It' s j ust warm enough for a quick swim and then, up on shore, you can break off chunks of ice to keep your camp rations cold . The ice builds lip through the winter and lasts all summer, to the de light of boat ing/ca mpin g/fis h ~ · in g e nth"usiasts li ke Louise (Woodhouse), B.A.Sc. ' 7 9 ~ and Kim Poole, B.Sc. ' 8\. The Pooles live in Ye llowkni fe wi th their two childre n, but they get "oUI onthe land" whe never they can. A fa vorite fall oUling is Ie) tl y 140 kil ome tres north to tile barrens fo r camping and caribou hunting. They moved to Ye ll ow kn ife ill 198 1, only days afte r gelling marri ed, because Louise had fou nd a job Ihere as a nut ritio nist. 'T here is a lot of work to be done to undo the ill effects thaI southe~n diets have had. on the health of northern people," she says. She and her colleag ues have worked hard to encourage theconsumptiou of traditional country foods fo und in the NOll h. She has deve lo ped nutrition edu catio n materi als for native peo ple and has dea lt with nu trition and contaminant issues re l.uted to PC Bs and toxaphe nes found in the ·a rea. Kim works fo r the N0I1 hwest Territo ries gove rnment as a fur-bearer biologist. Hi s work primar il y in volves lynx an d mar ten, but ri ght now he's working with John Lee, B.Sc. ' 75 ,011 a survey of wolve rines. J.jv ing just two doors down fro m the Pooles are Ga ry and Audrey (Chadwick) MacDougalJ, BA '76 and '78, and the ir fa mil y. Audrey is ~I teacher; Ga ry works in tpe land regisrry office of the territorial government. T here are only 15,000 people in Yellowkni fe, so it' s not surprising th at the two dozen Guelph graduates who li ve there often I1In into each other.
Deborah·(Ashford), B.Sc.' 77, and Paul Stipdo nk a lso mo ved north o n their honey moon '- 10 Pe lly Bay, N.W.T. ---: to teach in an Inuit school. After fo ur years in re mote communities, th ey moved be low the tree line to Fort Simpson, where they are rais ing two sons, Chri stopher and Colin. Deborah says there are wonderful fri ends in a smaJl northern town . She knows the faces of almost all .1,000 residents, dri ves a snowmobile and heats · her ho me with wood that she and Paul cur ·them sehies. They have a short-tcrm lease on a 200~ by 400"Oletre woodl ot of blac k spruce and birch as part of an ongoing nat ural reso urces progra m to se lect.i ve ly c lear and regenerate forest areas. She says · th e woodlot is also a great place to pick wild cran berries and raspberri es in the fa ll. Deborah teaches hi gh school zoology down the hall from Henriette (Stobbe) Prosper, C BS ' 87 , an art teacher. Pros per and her husband, Mi chae l. a warden at Na hanni National Park, are ex pectiug their sccorid child thi s w inte r.
Ninety per cent of Arctic field work is done by aircraft, in, eluding inventory surveys of polar bears. Photo by Mike Beedel/
For most o f his 15 years in N. W .T. , John Lee has been the territori al gove rnment's polar bear techni cian, do in g a n in vcntor y o f polar bca r populations across the territory , recommending management changes and in volvi ng the Inuit in co-operative management. But the ncares ~ polar bear is at least 700 kl11 away, "so j ust getting to the stu dy area is timc-con suming and expe ns ive," says Lee. Flying fro m Ye l lowkni fe to meet with hunters in a Baffin Island communit y can COSt several th{Jusand dollars. A sin- . gle re location ni ght could tally $25,000. ;'One thin g th at struck me when 1 first arri ved and is still a source of constern ation - is the pau city of wildlife," he say s. ;'1 grew up in southern Canada with notions of this hu ge wild area to the north tecming with caribou, moose, wolves and bears . True, those animals are here. but the po pul a~ tion per acre is ex tre me ly low."
. .-
.. . ~ !rom' Guelphgraqswholive
in the Canadian .territories'
The N orth ' s spectacularland- ... r - - ..--- sca pe is conl l"asledby a SQ lne~ , _
whatbruta Ld iillate,says "
Matthew Evans,
13 : S c ~ (AgL) '8:3 , a pilolwith
lhe440 SquadrOll stalioned in .
,Yello\vk nife . .:' , .. .
"' ''I've landed aTwin'Ouer if) .,. , places like Rankin Inlel and . Resolule 'Bay, where it"s-45 " ,
'c with .6 5 kiIollleire-a n-ho uf'
winds, 'and the airc raft muSt be ..
put .lo b ed before th e crew can
h ead fo r shelter," s'aysEva ns, ' .
"In these conciitioris, bOlh pilots and th e engineer be~
gillby diill bilig up on the w illg~ arid .covering each engi ne. micelle wi,thi ~sula ted b13nkeri. .. ,. . . "The 80cpoun:t1 b~ltrery must be rern ovcd and car- . Tied to aW,a rm bli,ildillg for overnigh:t slorage. Snlall heatei'sare plLigged in tO keeJJ c)igine and gear oil \vann for' the)leXulay·s:s lart. lnlets arO\lnt1 the e n gi nes are j)lugged 10 prevent heilt loss and damage f rom.debris hl ()w n arouTid during .the ni ght. .When' . ..all tIli s is done, lh e crew canMullhe ir luggage to ... the \varmtb 61' a hoiel:' E\fans says, hi~ love for the Arclic "does sag ,I . . llttk 'durill g these' pt;riods, bUl if the winter does anythillg, iCcoli1pe lsyou t o trn lyapj:)I'ecrClte th e ~ u 'liJ!ner ," '.,
Arctic flowers grow,c'lose to the
ground in clumps
" tocnnserveheat. .'
". Many species dis~ . .play fuzzy or hairy
looking blooms that
.also help to trap heaL
. 'David Petk()~kh; B .Sc. ' 83,say~there rire gOClt!
Above: A Twin Otter Petko vich ',s partner is a parked at the North Pole. meni ber of Medi cine Beat. Far left: Matthew Evans \vh.ich is drawing the attention asurvival training course. '. . of southcm Canadian audi Below left: An arctic hare . . enc s: to it ' Tns honni Firs t Na- . SeelnS oblivious to . . tio ns mu sic : . . humans. . Hi~ cons ulting company Photos by R~ W1~nk 811Q does su'rvey workand contllmi . MatthewEvans .:' n a nt ~ tu di e!; . Yukon has maj or ..' coilcer'n ' relaled to conta mi nants of freshwater lak~s, air pollution and caches . of DDT buried du rin g construclion oLt he Ala, ka . .· Highway.
' .
. Bird-watc hin g in her home town Of Point PeLee, Ont., .. was'Jusl awarln-u\) for )he job Vicky Johnston.B.Sc. ' 84 . has nQw in lheeastern :Arctk, docll lnentillfphe . ' , d i s~ribut lo li a nd .abundance
of arcti c birds.
A ha bitat bio logist ~v'lth .
tlieCanadian Wildlife
Ser~ ice,she t ravels . .
throughout the: new NUlia~ vut te nitory 10 CQn~ Url with Inuit commun ities abo ut the po 'sibil ity of esiabli shing new national wildli fe . area.~. " Living in the North has openedin y eyes to it world I never Knew-exi sted, ho[h from hio logicai . and a culrural p er. pcclive:: She says iifc in -Yellowknife i Sll ·tiiluchdiff~rent . . froina so ~the rnOnt, rio 10Wn; bu t working witbthe Inuit, the wildlife and th e cli mate defi nitel y ai·e. '. "Y o ~ qu ickly lem:;l to become sel f-suffi ci ~nt. When a plane leaves you s talldlng on the edge of an esker, ,y ou ' d better be carrying all lhe uppli es YOlI'llneed unJil it returns." .
Northern pastimes 'includ.e clarn~ digging, fishing; canoeing, hikil1g . and camping in the ' summer; cranberry .pic,king .and caribou hunting in t.ha faU; figure skating; hockey; . snowmobiling, .., · · skiing,vIsiling 'friends and traveUing south in othe winter. ' . .
pusine s~ oppoit\lIIitie,~ in the no;~th telTitori Gs, l;ilit
..not witho \l.t ri s ~ s, H e learn ed the hard way , along
with parlners Gavin Johnston, B.Sc. '80, a nd ... Cathy McEwen, BSc. ;80: After fivecyear Inves t~
illent of"s\\iealequity" in whiu was:lhe firs! arclic ,
,char f a rill in North Ameri ca. tiieyw ere forced to
sellin acoI'pQrate ta ke(;ve~ . ..
. Still entrepreneurs in Whitehors~ , each is in '~ol ved in eiwironmentalcpnsl)lting. and, PelkM ich . nioonlights as ,a band rnanageL.He handles hi . C inou : a folk jazz group with-a pop a coustic sound, a nd ~hirry ' Al f):ed a nd the Medi cine Beat. ... .
Left: Boats on shore at Pangnirlung , N.W.T. ,P/JolobyRellBe Wissink
. 11
Morenoks ...
. Percy usedthevisit as ;~ opportupity w bring .her .. visit relati vesancl tgenjoy springrn . .. OI:1tarlO, She has beenreaching ih N.W.T. for II " yeflr~, fOllr inlnuvik .on thc wel;t:coasland seven jn the east on souihern Baffin Island.' " P,e rcy leache& fltlil1l ksukJfigh schooi, abOltt ;\ t~ ve-mirillte \"alkfro!li the Arctic O cea n:.Thc 300 student s at Inukslikcome fronl both naii ve and nOIl . nati ve backgroLlnds. Many infrollli s larldv il~ •I(lgc.s 01' bo'ai'J intown.duli ng the~c h oo l yeai·. . T oo man y, shesays, Will never get 10 her ad ~ ... : vancedmath and sri\ence cJasses. Native kids oft en drop out ;;fsdlOOI afiGrGrade6, lllol:e after Gnide school .9~.Onlya . . ..bolltfi .. . ~e pe r celil.will earn 'ahigh ~ , diploma. .... . . GaylePerey SOil .south to
'. RlirieeWisSirikkneels to get a.better lo6kat a; ~Iumpof , ground-huggingwtllow herb;'
. . . . ..... . .. .., PhotobyLeafi WiIIiiJms . ~aggjeS(racb~~. MA '88, fi rst wenttoN: W:T.on .
If 'yo u ever decide to pac k.up )'our V:ofC du ffel '. a :one~yt)ar cont rilclas:the econoiJlic pl anner fo( Arc-
bag aildwalk to the No.nhPole-,)Iou' II haye !<) get tic Bay. S hesilY~ licrlllOSl s,ii isfyiilg coiltribution
.. . p,,~l park w'nrden Renee Wissink, B.Sc. 'SO, f irst.. ," \Vas el~tef\hg k~lllliks' (b'oo(s) 1l1ade by iocaLwome n .. •'... W ard HUDt Island is.a faVofite.jllll1ping:ci fr s pi~ffor .. ill aC'ompe tilion sponsqreo by the B~lta Shoe Mll• .. .•.. ,: NOI'th PoJeex pedit!olis; and it ' s part M Enes'mere lS~ seum,in Toronfo. They wonf i·ve of the llliie LOp . . land National Park.·"Wcsce afew loohy-tuney pole prizes,ancl earned up to $300 a paii'Vor their hand- . in ade sealskin kamiks.; . . . vaulfei's eve ry spring," Wi ssink says: . "E veryolle \v /) o wunls togo to tl;e North P ole ha~ A t the end of iheyear, Strachan l-eturllcd to ·.. .. agiiillllicK - snowlllobile. d'()g tea111 ~ moto rcYd e; Glie lphto \\lrite her master' s thesis in tlie Univer- . ... oltralight aircrafC' he ~ays: Th ese people some c sity SChooJof RiJralPlanning a nd Devell)pment be · rime~get lost and .ha\'cJobe rescued. butnlore 1'ol:e accepting a job ''I itb rhc.N: W.T: housing . corporillion, first :ili 14~llu,i t a nu thcniriPond ~li hit , . · OfteIl rheyaggl'aV:ate Wissink by causillg ullncces. . · sury destnICtior1 9f i,.v.ildlife: TQo many pole vaulters \vhere Shespent fi\ICye<)I'S: .. .. . thInk bullets ate fli eonl), oeierreI1f forarc:ticwulve s Called "The Truth Is Chailging All the. Time~" ' and polarbear:s~' he says, . . ,...... . Strachan ;s was ~lIl cx p l orati o n inti) the nature . L;11987, .\Vissi'1Kmadc an expedition to Qitdlars- . of Inuit logi c. SorTie o fhcrid~;is pilrallel th0~'e0f '
saul] \\lith 4 2 dogs a!1u se:verill sleds carrying .sea l.' ' ~t;rpe ri Ri)ss in' his 1992 book. Dancing Idl~1 the.
"We atlnlcted a l oi 9 rpl) l ~i' beal's, but \ve GfiOsi, which ex plores the differences he tween Inuit
!leVer had to kill one,;' Bar'king dogs, Sh\)ltti ng hll- ' : re~ lit Y ~lIldlh e ana lytica l thinkij1g process i.hat ri;6st
.. inans and loud cracker s~e ll s~lre lIsuidl y e nO,lIgh io ' uf us use. The Intiit ,ire highl)i developed intuitive ..
frighte.n even abear, hesays; The most persislen t ...... tltinkers, says. Sti'aCh;iB, l)ecision maklilg In vol ves '
. the whole bodY: is preco nscious and prevel:bal. A
poJar b'ears were.shot with a nlbbel' bullet rather than aJeao cine, .''It gIves the heal' ;;nasty welt, bll ~ . . decision is thereforea li.vays aq:e ptedi:\t face value., .. Maggie Strachan and
. '... doesh ' t cause p eni1anent damage." . '. .. .,.. she says. ~ ' l¥hy 'is aninappro phate questioll." .. . .' frleods rest during a hiking ' InI 992;.Wiss<il.l.k .l.l1,a..d.~ .as~cond, stlOrt~r jOllrney ...•' Siradian's IXlper is written from.the .... excurSion up Sa.lmon Creek of ai) I<lIlnt:r . .' at Pond Inlet. · ar'oUlid southern Baffin Island. He lives pernlii
dealin.g wii ha
ne!itly iliPai1gnirlllllg wi ih' bi$ wife, Leall Will iarris. .. The towil ·cif 1.IqOl ies j~l stbdo\.v the A.rctic Cii-cIe cu.lture thi.l( sees '.'
.. a'lu sect1}s ii k,e "the big city"tn (;01111)a1:ison wtth ,.' .'. litll e,ne~d For
" . .' ..........'. . .. . planilil'ig. A
· northern EHeSilletc. ' . O rigii1ally from Si. thomas; On!. , Wissink \y~n! .carvcrdOI:S n{)! .
to Baffinlslm)u to teach, but hi sac!vcnlurous spirit ,verba lize wbill .•..
l.ed,him iht() outfitting alid guiding, After Qitdlars- , woi'kis (o be '
. , ... . ·sauq, he went to \vork at qI e par. k.and sp ent.... 1993.11 . .. do"I.·1..e . .s·ll·. e ~: ,i,' _~,IS.' .... the. SCOtt Polar. ,Research Instituie earilin 0cra mas- ' Thes ton ~ wi ll
... . . . ... .... , ter's degreefi'olll O llnbric!geUni versity. . . ' le~ld th!; carver's
hand illld ~h e re .. . ........ ' . • .. , . . , •...• ..... ..... slilt will s hcii.v' .
··' Wheli Gayle Percy. B.Sc. '79; brolight' rOlir of her '
:stude.o.tsto Guelphlasf JOlle fo(; the Canada-Wide the i(lten!.
· Science Fair:;;sbe SjJent a lot oJ tillle eSC(jrtiiig them ....... Strachan's r e ~o th,e l oc~l mall. The girls w,inted,to'take homea .. pOI·t i sa ~ a ilable
neW ward robe·thatclidti' t c,omej'rorn the Sear..,; catuat.theUof G .
· iogue, .' ." liprary: .
Discovering the secrets of the Arctic
by Margaret Boyd
he pri stine stretches of Canada's Arctic pose a giant pu zz le fOI" sc ienti sts tl"ying to pl"obe its mysteries and understancl its uniqueness. As Un iversity of Gue lph evolutionary biologi st Paul Hebert says: "Many ~ tran ge thin gs happen under the northern lights." Just how do aquatic organisms sL1I"vive and adapt to the ex treme cold? Why are some marine spec ies prone to giganti sm and others to dwarfism') What makes arctic plankton so vividly colored,) Wh y is th e Arctic a bellwether for environme ntal changes elsew here on the planet') Th ese are some of the questions being asked - and answered - by U of G scienti sts. Adaptat ion to climate is the primary ex planation for such oddit ies as giant isopods and co lored plank ton . The brilliant red, orange, black and purpl e pig ment<ltion of arctic pla nkton, for example, sel"ves as protection against the intense ult rav iolet light. The al"cti c sum mer sun prod uces UV light expo sures greater than anywhere else in the world. 1n ad dition, crystal-c lear arctic wa ters lack the protective material s leac hed frolll plants that absorb Illost UV radi ation in temperate-zone lakes. "To cope, arctic plankton have evolved melan iza ti on," Hebe n says . Guelph A 1/,/11 IIlU.l
For 18 yea rs, he 's bee n making annual sc ientific pilgrimages to the Arctic to study freshwater organ isms. As an aqu atic eco logist and former directo r of th e Great Lakes In stitute at the University of Wind sor, he is interested in water resources and lak e eco systems. A ma jor goa l of his research is to reco nstruct the di spersa l routes th at fish used to recoloni ze the Arc tic. Because the area was covered by an ice sheet 8,000 to 10,000 yea rs ago , fish species are no t in di geno us. A logical question, then, is: "How did these organ isms get th ere')" Only recentl y, molecular genetics ha ve been used to help answer such questions. Working with gradu ate student Chl"is Wil so n, Hebert turned his atten tion to the two major freshwater fish species in Northern Canada - the arctic char and lake trout. Convent ional wisdom held that these spec ies had moved north from refuges in the sou th ern Mi ssis sippi Basin, but molecu lar analyses proved th is the ory wrong. Instead, the fis h ac tu ally origina ted in Alaska, which rai ses another question: "How did they cross the mountains')" "They didn ' t climb the Brooks Range," says Hebert . "They swa m the Beaufort Sea in stead."
This cluster of freshwater lakes at Richards Bay were formed several thousand years ago by the retreat of the polar ice cap . Photo by Paul Hebert
stance , the entire island of Igloolik, which now sup ports a community of 1,000 Inuit, was below sea leve l until 3,000 years ago. For an aquatic biologi st, one of the most striking signals of thi s emergence lies in the populations of cod trapped in a sa line layer at the bottom of so me arctic lakes . The Arctic is yielding new spec ies, which is sur prising because most arctic hab itat is comparatively new, say s Hebert. But it' s not so su rprisin g when one realizes that throughout th e Pleistocene Age, parts of the Arctic afforded places where plants and animals could live . The ocea n influences freshwater fish in other ways. One influence is the relationship between fish size an d type of lak e. Fish ill landlocked lakes are dwarves. This summer, Ri cha rd Ru ssell and Kim Mand zy, students working with Hebert, found e ight year-old arctic char that were only seven centime tres long. Thi s dw arfing is the result of low temperatures and few re so urces. In contrast, it 's not unusual to find 10-kilogram fish in lakes connected to th e ocean , says Hebert. These fish spend a portion of each year feeding on rich marine invertebrate communities. He' s also found that hybrid s - between arctic c har and lake trout - make up about 10 per cent of the fish population in many arctic lakes. Gi ga ntism is also observed in the Arctic, but is not eas ily explained . A numbe r of marine inverte brates such as isopods and crustaceans develop into what are known as polar gia nts, says zoology profes sor Jim Ball antyne, who studi es the evolution of me tabo lism and environmental adaptations of o rgani sms in the Arctic. This summer, he and sev eral graduate students dove and collected specimens of these polar giants.
Above: Acampsite near Tanquary Fiord in the high arctic , with Gull Glacier in the background, is reminis cent of the way Ontario looked 12,000 years ago, says Uof Gzoologist Paul Hebert. Right: Some species of plankton and marine invertebrates that live in cold arctic waters are known as polar giants and display brilliant red, orange, black and purple pigmentation. Photos by Renee Wissink and Paul Hebert
Yet another puzzle piece emerges. How would a freshwater fish intolerant of sal twater survive a lengthy ocean voyage') Hebert believes the ans wer lies in the fact that when sea water freezes in the po lar winter, it excludes sa lt ions, resulting in fre shwa ter ice on the ocean. "With the an'ival of spring, thi s ice melts, produc ing a freshwater layer on the ocean that provides a dispersa l corridor for fis h," he says. "From a physical standpoint, th e Arctic repre se nts Ontario as it looked 12,000 years ago," says Hebe rt. "A visit to the Arctic is, in one sense, like being in a time machine." Modern arctic landsca pes are remarkably dy namic because of the phenomenon of isosta ti c re bound. The massive weight of the ice sheets depressed the land surface by several hundred me tres, but s ince the ice-melt, the land surface has re bounded at a rate of nearly one metre per century. As Hebert points out, large areas of arcti c land scape and many fres hwater lakes were very recently either seg ments of sea bottom or fiords. For in
" Many of the species that we found were 10 centi metres in size, whereas usually they are a few centi metres," says Ballantyne. "These polar gia nts are not found anywhere but around th e poles and in the deep-sea abyss, where water is extremely co ld ." He hypothesizes that there is a metabolic adv a n tage to being large in cold water, but the phe nome non is not c learly understood. It' s co mpli cated by the fact that some species are of normal s ize. Cuelph Alumnus
Ballant yne is trying to characterize these giant species bioc hemicall y, to determi ne such fac tors as the appropriateness of their metabo li c rates and en zyme leve ls to their size. "We don't have a clue why some spec ies are large," he says. "It's an excit in g little qu es ti on." Each summer, he and severa l gradu ate students tra vel to Igloo lik Island. Over two to three weeks, they coll ec t aq uatic invertebrates and vertebrates fo r the Department of Zoology's marine holdings and conduct experi me nts. Thi s yea r was the first time they ' ve collected spec ime ns by sc uba di ving. Grad uate student Paul LeBlanc notes that di ving prov ides an opportuni ty to obtain species no t avail able thro ugh other methods. They collected ti ssues from several fish species and numerous inverte brates - molluscs , snaiIs, clams and large iso pods - and froze them fo r analy sis at Guelph . Ball antyne is also conducting bas ic research into cold-water adaptat ions by fis h. For the past fo ur years, he's looked at the bi ochemi stry of fis h in the t\rctic, with support from the Department of Indi an .-\ ffairs and Northern Development, and the Natural Sciences and Engi neering Research Council. Another of his interests involves probing the con nection between various organisms - th e dynamics of transfer of certain molecules from organism to or gani sm in the food web. Understandin g the transfer of essential amino acids and fatty ac ids is importa nt fo r determining the organization of the food chain in the Arctic, he says . In the future, Ballantyne hopes to bring back li ve spec imens for research. The Aqu alab fac il ity now under construction at U of G will allow sc ientists to conduct experi ments under a ra nge of enviro n mental conditions, including low tempe rat ures. Arctic marine animals have a na rrow temperatu re tolera nce, which makes the area espec iall y vulnerGuelph AlwlJn us
able to global warming, he says . " If global wa rming is rea l, it co uld be devastating to the Arctic." The environmenta l se nsiti vity of the Arctic is of in te rest to environmental bi olog ist Peter Kevan, who has exa mined the im pact of vehi cular tracks in the North . In a study on Ellesmere Island , he fo und that vehi cles have fa r-reaching effects on soil chem istry, structure and vegetation. His paper on the stud y will be publ ished in an upco ming issue of the Journal af Applied Ecology.
Kevan looked at the im pac t of a trac tor used in the 1950s during the constI1JC tion of a ca mp at Lake Haze n. Because the trac tor was used for specific purposes, it was poss ible to date eve ry trac k, est i mate the number of passages and evaluate th eir ef fects on the tundra . Amazingly, a sing le passage of the ve hic le caused meas urable di fferences th at have persisted for decades, Keva n says.
Above: Summer reveals a polar desert in the high Arctic. The raised beaches on Rowley Island were left by the retreat of the polar icecap. Below: An aerial view of Igloolik. base camp lor University of Guelph researchers. Photo by Paul Hebert and Renee Wissink
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" In th e A rctic , organisms are different, and life is not as abundant," he says. " W e find that vehicle traf fic is very destructive." In most cases, vegetation declined on the track s, although in some ca ses, it inc reased. Th ere wa s less so il moisture off the track than on, and less carbon and nitrogen on th e track . Soil orga nisms were also fo und to be fewe r on tha n off th e track . The mos t in teresti ng difference was a grea ter number of asex uall y reproducing an imals on the track than off. The asex ually reproducing anima ls obse rved by Keva n are not an anomaly . It' s not uncommon for animals and plants to "give up on conven ti on al sex" in th e Arctic, says Hebert, who has used ge netic ana lyses to determine th e breeding sys tem of many arctic organis ms. The abandonment of sex is perhaps exp lained by th e seaso nal habitat, he says. In an environ ment hos tile to reproduction , organisms ada pt to their abbre viated life cycle by producing large numbers of female offspri ng.
Scientists w ho have visited the Arctic are un eq ui vocal in ca l ling it an un forgettab le experience. Th e scenery is spectacu lar <lnd mostl y unspoi led , says Hebert, and it 's awe -in spiring to reali ze that certain vis ta s have never before been seen by hu man s. And in eac h of those vis tas lie new mysteries
An iceberg stranded on shore. Photo by Paul Hebert
Arctic field study captivates students
Fiftee n students and several U of G sc ienti sts trav el led due north thi s summer to participate in an Arc tic field-stu dy course - the only one of its kind in Ca nada. Geared to th ird - and fourth -year biology studen ts in Ontario univers iti es, th e bi enni al course alter nates betwee n Churchill , M an. , and I gloolik I sland i n the N orthwest Territories. The program is in de mand; it accepts on ly 15 stud ents from a pool of abo ut 45 applicants. The Arctic research co urse is intense - tw o w ee ks o f working from 8 a.m . to midnight, develop in g th e ski lis needed to compare the two fi eld-study sites w ith each other and with other more temperate co nditi ons. Churchill and Iglooli k are both in the Arctic, but there are great di stances between th em and vas t differences in climatic conditions. Department of Zoology chair Paul H ebert co -ordi nates the course. " Students are able to stu dy marine, freshwater and terre strial ecosys tems," he says . " In add iti on to studying rece nt ecosys tems, the y can study foss il deposits that are 475 milli on yea rs old. " Base ca mp for this year ' s course was the 19loolik Re sea rch Ce ntre, whi ch is run by th e Northw es t T er ritori es go vernment. Students and professors were flow n in by the Pol ar Continental Shelf Project. Guelph envi ro nmenta l biology professor Peter K evan wa s one of the in stru ctors wh o led students through severa l day s of " con tinu al lectures while in the fi eld tramping, sampling, wadin g and boating." These open-air lec tures deal with the fu nc ti oning of th e terres tri<ll ecosys tem, in cluding the inter<lc ti on betwee n plants and animals, physical and
chemi ca l properties of soil , and the influence of ic e in soil , plant and animal life. Similar di scourses are also co nducted on mari ne and freshwater ecosystems <IS th ey are vis ited. L ectu res on the go (jfe supplemented with read ings and followed by gen eral group projects. Students div ide into ma ri ne, freshwater and terres trial groups to carry out projec ts stress in g the themes of biologica l pro duct ivity and diversity. Guelph zool ogy profes sors M ary Beverle y Burton and John Roff have instructed the Arctic course in oth er years. It' s one o f about 30 field-study courses offered by the On tario Field Courses Pro gra m through biology departments at Ontario uni versi ti es . 1:...._ _ __
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Guelp h offers fo ur of these courses - th e Arcti c course, a tropica l cou rse in Jam aica (mn alternately wi th the A rctic course), one at Huntsman M arine Science Centre in N ew Brun sw ick and one in A 1 go nquin Park.
Derek Tavlor, a Guelph PhD student in zoologV, holds a giant arctic char. Pholo by Chris Wilson
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Stuck in a funding fun house
Jocius, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 70, president of Ginty Jociu s and Associates; William Stevens, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 58, president of Willi am Stevens Ltd.; and Bruce Whale, B.Sc. (Agr. ) '70, president of Clovermead Farms Inc. They talked about the need to maintain autonomy from government, the importance of local account ab ility, the benefits to bu si ness of direct access to uni versi ty resea rch capabilities and the far-reaching finan cial benefits of government investment in uni versities. "The deficit has got to go," sa id Wha le, "ye t in a democratic and tec hno logica lly advanced nat ion , it behooves us to support uni vers iti es as the engines of 25 per cent of Canada 's researc h efforts and as independent critics of gove rnment and soci ety." Guelph Mayo r John Counse ll sa id the loca l econ omy benefited from U of G to the tune of $400 mil li on in 1992/93. That was more than three times the comb ined Ontari o govern ment capital and operat ing grants made to the Uni versity in thar year. John Wood , president ofW.C. Wood Co. Ltd. , told the hearing that decentra lization ha s been the formul a fo r success in the private sector. "And in the public sector, uni versi ties have done a much bet ter job at fiscal manage ment than governments." OCUA is now considering the comments heard at Gue lph and at ot her hearings across the province. Recommendati ons to Cooke will fo llow , probab ly in the new yea r. Pu blic hearings are just getting under wa ya n the fe deral gree n paper. To get invo lved , contact yo ur local MP or ca ll 1-800-735-355 1 to requ est more in fo rmation.
by Mary Dickiesol1 University ad mini strators in Ontario mu st fee l like they're trapped in one of those carn ival fun hou ses where the floor shifts in two direction s at once. The Ontario Counc il on Uni ve rsity Affairs (OCUA ) has been shaking thi ngs up with a discus sion paper on uni versity funding that suggests the provincial government centralize deci sion mak ing and fu nd unive rsities on a pay-far-service basis. Com ing from the other directi on is federa l Hu man Resources Minister Lloyd Axworthy's di sc us sion paper on social-program reform. One of the opt ions li sted here would elimi nate some $2.6 bil lion in cash transfers to the provinces for postsecon dary ed ucation, channellin g some or all of the money into repayable student loa ns. These suggestions are much more seri ous tha n the threat of budget cu tbacks, says U of G president Mordecha i Roza nski . Some of the opti ons brought forward by OCUA would destroy the autonom y of Ontario unive rsities, he says. The OCUA review of university fundin g was re quested by Mini ster of Education and Training Dave Cooke, who asked the counci l to exa mine how the government allocate s alm ost $ 1.8 billion in annual operating grants to Ontari o uni versities and colleges. In the guise of increasing accessibi lity and em phas izing teaching, the paper outlines a pa y-fo r service model that would have uni versities biddi ng agai nst each other fo r cont rac ts to prov ide teaching, research and other services to fulfil the gove rn ment' s public-po licy objectives. Rozanski says th is would undermine uni versiti es' acco untability to thei r boards of governors and se nates and destroy the co lleg ial and community process unique to uni ve rsities. "As impol1ant, it wou ld dimin ish the role of research at the University, focu sing prima ril y on teac hing and , as a resu lt, would elimina te the essen tial interrelatio nshi p between teac hing and re searc h. " Guelph , which is now undergoing a massive stra tegic-plann ing process to plot its future co urse, woul d lose the autonomy to make those kind s of de cis ions in the best intere st of the institution, says the pres ident. "We're not afra id of change, and we ' ve demon strated that we can deal with the real ities of limited fund s, but we need a system th at provides stability, not one that would turn universities into the ca t's paw of the government of the day . Tt is simply unac ceptable." A lot of people appea r to agree, based on the number of loca l bu siness people and al umni who turned out Oct. 13 for a publ ic hea ri ng held on ca m pus to di scuss the OCUA rev iew. Among those who spoke were Larry Pearson, B.Sc. '72, president of Li namar Industri es; Ginty Guelph
Fiscal responsibility: Since 1978, Ontario universities have experienced a 44-per-cent increase in enrolment, but a 23-per-cent per-student decrease in funding.
Accessibility: There are 27,000 students enrolled in Ontario universities whose positions are not funded by the province , Uof Galone has forgone more than $13 million in income to accept an extra 2,000 students .
L'. 1\'1I'>I'J \ ,l I ." 11
Joanna Leyenaar, right, accepts a President's Scholarship certificate trom Uof Gpresident Mordecha i Rozanski.
Father knows best
When it came time for Joann a Leyenaar to ap ply to uni versity, her father had to bribe her to send an application to his afma mater. Stuart Leyenaa r, B.Sc.(Agr. ) , 70, an ag ri cultural representati ve in KemptvilJe, Ont. , ta lked so much about Guelph and its ag ricultural col lege at home that Joanna says she started to tune hi m out. But she let him pay the $50 appli cation fee, and now Dad' s gloa t ing over the wisdom of pa renthood. Thi s September, Joa nna rece ived a $1 6,000 Pres i dent's Scho larshi p and enrolled as Gue lph ' s top fi rst-year student. "{ had always con nected Guelph to agriculture, and { wanted to stud y optometry , so r hadn't rea lly considered it," she says. "Then so me 17
of my teachers told me that Guelph had the best sci ence program. Then 1 visited the campus and fell in love with it." She' s now enrolled in the biophysics program. Joanna and the 12 other 1994 President's Schol ars were chosen for their leadershi p and academic abilities. They have already made a difference in their home communities and will no doubt make great contributi ons to U of G. Now in its eighth year, the President's Scholar ship program has awarded 9 1 scho larships to stu dents from across the country - from Vancouver Island to Newfoundland. A major fund-raising ef fort is now under way to comp lete the endowment of 13 schoJarships. To date, eight have been fu lly endowed. Donors include Cec il H. Franklin, former chair of the Board of Governors, and Ingrid Franklin; the es tate of Charles Humphrey , former president of Hart Chemicals and a longtime friend of the University; the estate of Jack Longstaffe, a former executive of Renfrew Electric; and the estate of Lilli an Stewart Usher. Patrick Lett, B.Sc. '74 and M.Sc. '7 5, supports three Pres ident 's Scholarships named in honor of football coach Dick Brown , who served as a role model and friend to his players. Lett played with the Gryphons, an experience that he says had a benefi cial impact on his li fe. The eighth endowed scholarship is named for Burton Matthews, BSA '47 , Hon. '89, who pro vided leadership in establishing the awa rds during his term as president in the mid-1980s.
Prof. Michael Dixon ad mires some ollhe 8,000 plants in a new environ mental boardroom in the Canada Life building in Toronto . The room will be used to study the effects of plant and aquatic life on air quality.
A breathing wall Waterfalls, orchids and tropical plants, mosses, fish amd amphibians co-exist harmoniously in the most unlikely place - the new corporate boardroom of the Canada Life Assurance Company in Toronto. In mid-October, the compa ny unveiled a $500,000 environmenta l room that' s designed as a mini-ecosystem to be studied as a means of improv ing indoor air qua lity. Guelph horticultural science professor Michael Dixon is heading lip a three-year research project that uses computer systems to moni tor indoor air quality and assess the benefits of repli cating nature. It's the first time such an experiment has been de velo ped. Ultimately , its findin gs will ha ve applica tions for commercial and home use and will add to the understanding of fields such as botany and medi cine.
Tax-free gift J.E. Blake Graham, DVM '51, of Scarborough,
Happy birthday UC! Hundreds of people turned out to help the University Centre celebrate its 20th anniversary in October by devouring a 200-kilogram (500-pound) cake in less than an hour. Chefs Joe and Domenico Ranalli and baker Maurice Loustaunau started baking the cake at 4 a.m. and made the behemoth out 0150 large slab cakes, laid out like bricks. Photo by Maurice Oishi
Ont. , is the first U of G donor to channel a gi ft through the newly established Heritage Foundation. His $70,000 gift will support a joint GuelphlMcMas ter research project on breast cancer at the Ontario Veteri nary College. The Heritage Foundation is a Crown agency that provides tax relief for donors, with gifts now eligi ble for tax credits of up to 100 per ce nt of their in come.
Hi-tech studies Students at the universities of Guelph , Waterloo and McMaster are studying Russian literature and music via microwaves and fibre-optic pbone lines that al low two campuses at a time to commun icate elec tronically. Music professor Mary Woodside at Guelph and literature professor Robert Karpiak at Waterloo are bringing their students together for an interactive stud y of Russ ian culture. Cuelph Alumnus
AI DS researcher honored
In most cases, animal mode ls of human di sease fol low the identification of the human disease sy n drome. HIV infecti on and AIDS, however, are exceptions. Much of what we know abo ut the viru s - the way it replicates and spreads - and the slow type of clinical di sease that it ca uses, were foreshad owed 40 years ago in an obscure disease of sheep and a much older viral disease of horses. Working at Johns Hopkins University in Balti more, Opendra "Bill" Narayan , DVM '63, M.Sc. '67 and PhD '70, described the unique viral infec tion in sheep (maed ia-v isna) 10 yea rs before it was fou nd to be ide ntica l to the HIV vir us that causes AIDS in hum ans. When Opendra deli ve red OVC's Schofield Me mori al Lecture Oct. 6, he outlined the hi storical con tributi ons veterinary sc ienti sts have made to AIDS resea rch and explained the ongoing efforts of an AIDS research tea m he now directs from the Uni versity of Kan sas Medical Centre. DVM stude nt Joanne Hewson presented the Schofield Medal, thanking Naraya n for "show ing us how far our education in veterinary med icine can take us and, more importa nt, how fa r we can take our ed ucation."
Durin g fa ll convoca ti on ceremonies Oct. 7, U of G presented honorary degree s to bu sinesswo man and phil anthropist Mona Ca mpbell , Oxford Uni ve rsity evo luti onary biologist Willi am Hamilton and psy chologist Blosso m Wigdor. Con vocat ion honors al so wen t to retired English professor Eugene Benso n, who was named profes sor emeritu s, and ret ired engineering professor Trevor Dickinson. who received the Joh n Bell Award for teachin g exce llence . About 650 students graduated at convoca tion, in cluding the first rec ipients of Guelph 's new PhD de gree in psychology and master's deg ree in management studies. The psycholog y grad uates are Daniel Ashbourne , Charles Ev ans and Maurinus Getkate. The first graduates of HAFA's MMS pro gram are Kira Fergusson, Karen Gerlinge r and Jacq ueline Vant Spyker.
Bill Narayan
RighI: Prof. Elisabeth Nichol Photo by Maurice Oishi
Award-winn ing students Three biol og ical eng ineerin g stude nts are among 25 recipients of a 1994 Nati ona l Research Council (NRC) Women in Science and Engineering Award. Over the last two years, U of G has put fo rward the names of eight ca ndidates for the national com petition, and six have gone on to rece ive the award. This year' s winners are Michell e Gal, Heather Gunter and Laurie Halfpenny . The sc holars hips for wo me n en tering their sec ond year of university offer opportunities to con duct research for three summers at an NRC facility.
Cue/ph A/wllnus
NRC scholarship winners, from lell, are Michelle Gal, Heather Gunter and Laurie Halfpenny.
Physics debut Prof. Elisabeth Ni chol has made an ausp icious de but at U ofG. The newest member of the Department of Phy s ICS faculty has bee n named a winner of the prestig IOU S Polyani Prize in Phys ics, given annu all y to up-and-comi ng Canadian scie ntists. Her area of expel1i se is the theoretical physics be hind high-temperature superconductors, materials that, unlike everyday wires, are capable of carrying electricity with negligible resistance when cooled to extre mel y low temperatures. Thi s and other unusual properti es of a supercon ductor give rise to uniqu e app li cations ranging from high- speed transportation to medi ca l diagnosis . Origina lly from Ottawa , Nichol is a graduate of Mount Alli so n University in New Brunswick and McMaster Uni vers ity in Ontario. She held a Natural Sciences and Engin eering Resea rch Counci I post doctoral fellow ship at the Univ ersity of California, San ta Barbara , before com ing to Guelph. / <)
Writers and readers
f you want to be a writer, read. "Too many young writers are impatient with but to become a sophisticated writer;you must read," says poel: novelist and teacher John Steffler, MA '74. 'A wnter must be aware of the past, of what has already been written, painted and composed." For many people, the inspiration and impulse to write come from personal ex perience. But much of what happens today is a sequel to the events of the past, says Steffler. "Our history and culture are tremendously important features or our environment, as important as the sky, earth, trees and buildings." We cannot escape the past. That 's a tmth revea led by the world around us and by the words of writers like Steffler. In his award-winning first novel, Th e Afterlife of George Cartwright, both his readers and his main character are un able to escape the past. Published by McClelland and Stewart, the book is based on the Labrador diaries of an 18th-century English adventurer. We meet him as a ghost, trapped in the afterlife, unable to escape the realities of hi s own life. In a sense, Cartwright's ghost is still with us today, says Steffler. "We are his afterlife ." You don't have to look very far into the urban sprawl of any large city to find the same kind of disregard for where we live . The same kind of greed that motivated Cartwright motivates people today. Like many 20th-cen tury materialists, Cartwright loved the beauty he found in Labrador, but couldn't be content with it. He wanted to alter it and ultimately destroy it. On a personal note, Steffler says he escaped the urban wasteland of southern Ontario when he moved to Cornerbrook, N fld., in 1974. He teaches at Memorial University's Sir Grcnfell College, but often seeks the solace of nature to write. And he hints that the images of industrialization usurping nature will reappear in hi s second nove l, now in incubation. It will draw on his experiences growing up in a rural area that has since been swallowed up by the city of Toronto . readi~g,
hether you're a yet-to-be-publi shed writer or a reader eager to liven up a winter evening, try one of these books by University of Guelph faculty and alumni. Ask for them at your local library or bookstore, or use your alumni borrowing privileges at the U of G Library.
Resl Harrow is the most recent work by Guelph pro
Book: Adual purpose enterta in ment package and educational tool. Compact, portable, needs no batteries. 100%recyclable .
fe ssor Janice Kulyk Keefer, who teaches creative writing in the Departmen t of English. Published by Harper Collins, Rest Harro w is her J Oth book, fol lowing severa l volumes of poetry and short fi ction. Th e bestseller Away is the mos t recent novel of Jane Urquhart, BA '71. Co-w inner of the 1994 Trillium Award, Away is published by McClel land and Stewart and fo llow s two earlier novels, Chang ing Heaven and Whirlpool, and a book of short sto ries, Storm Glass. Award-winning fic tion writer Thomas King will be joining the U of G family next summer as a profes sor in the Department of English . His short stories have been widely published throughout Canada and the United States. His latest books are Green Grass, Running, a novel shortlisted for the 1993 Governor General's Award, and One Good Story, That One, a collection of short stories.
George Grant, A Biography, written by political studies professor Bill Christian , is an in-depth and sometimes personal look at the renowned Canadian philosopher. Ch ri sti an, who knew Grant for 15 years before his death in 1988, calls him one of Can ada 's three most fa mous intellectuals of the 1960s and '70s. (Northrop Frye and Marshall McLuhan co mplete the trio). The Grant biography was pub lished by University of Toronto Press ,
Readers with an interest in women's history will en joy hi story professor Terry Crowley's Agnes Ma cphail and the Politics of Equality, published in 1990 by J. Lorimer. Crowley remembers an undergraduate essay by K. Linda Kivi, BA ' 86, on fem ale Canadian Illusi cians. It was a good idea then and now, ev idenced by the rece nt publication of Canadian Women Mak ing Music by Green Dragon Press . Ki vi interviewed more than 70 women across the country to tell about the struggles and achievements of Canadi an women in the music industry. Writing Away is a travel anthology edited by Con stance Rooke, a board member of PEN Ca nad a and U of G's associate academic vice-president. It con tains the tra vel experiences of 35 well-known Can a dian writers, including U of G hon orary degree recip ients Timothy Findley, ' 84, Margaret Atwood, '85, June Callwood, '89, and P.K. Page, ' 90. Proceeds from the book will go to the Ca nadian Centre of Internation al PEN in support of its work on behalf of free expression and writers in pri son around the world. Writing Aw({y is published by McClelland and Stewart.
Three vo lumes of The Selected Journals ofL.M. Montgomery have been published by Oxford Uni versity Press. Edited by English professor Mary Ru bio and retired professor Elizabeth Waterston, they are drawn from the handwritten diaries of the be loved Canadian writer who created the Ann e of Green Gables series. The three publi shed volumes document Montgom ery ' s li fe from age 15, when she started the journal, to age 55. A fourth - and perhaps fifth - volume, detailing the final yea rs of her life, will complete the series. Montgomery died in 1942, but her books are still widely read in Ca n ada and around the world. Waterston is al so co-author of Silenced Sextet, a look at the phenomenon of neglected female authors. Co-written with Lorraine McMullen of the University of Ottawa and Carrie Macmillan of Mount Allison Univers ity, the book is a collection of essays on 19th-century fe male Canadian fiction writers, who had the distinction of being "enor mously popular in th ei r lifetime but all but forgotten today," says Waterston. Guelph Alumnus
keep on growing
Not many writers can fill a book with musings abou t vom iting, diarrhea and death and still leave Paradise - Class, Cummuters and Ethnicity in Ru
their readers laughing. One who can is OVC epide ral Ontariu, by anthropol ogy professor Stanley Bar
miologist David Waltner-Toews, PhD ' 85. Pub rett, looks at how Ontario has been coping with
li shed by NC Press, Food, Sex and Salmonella is a modern soc ial and economi c rea lities, Publi shed by collection of essays dea ling with the intimate rel8 U ni versi ty of Toronto Press, th e book ex plores a 30 tion ship betwee n our bodies and the environment year span in a southern Ontario town as it relates to that provides our food. It is the latest work by class divi sions, raci sm, newcomers and commuting, Waltner-Toew s, who has also publi shed fo ur books of poetry. A Journey Through Ecun omic Time is the late st book by U,S. econo mist and OAC grad uate John Cfiift[ren {iterature Kenneth Galbraith, Dip. (Agr.) '28, BSA '3 1 and HDLA '65. A prolific writer throu ghouL his ca reer, StOries by Guelph nativ e Jean Little, an adjunct pro Galbrai th provides i n thi s book a first-h and view of fessor ill th e Department of Family Studies, some tim es go around tw ice when young children grow the larger econo mi c and soc ial curre nts stre aming through th e United States. up to read them for themsel ves. Lillie by Lillie and HomeFum Far are familiar titles, M ore recent Lit Th e Early Origins of th e Sucial Sciences, by Prof. tle books published by Viking Press include Once L ynn McDonald, chair of the Depa rtment of Sociol Upon a Golden Apple and Jess Was th e BrOl'e One. ogy and Anthropology , argues that the inception of Dinosaur Days by Linda Manning, BA '75 , was th e soc i al sc iences extend s back further th an popu inclu ded on the 1994 " Our Choice" li sting of chi 1 larly be lieved and into sources not often recog dren 's books by the Canadian Children' s B ook Ce n ni zed. Th e book, publi shed by McGill -Queen's tre in Toronto. Publi shed by StOddart Publi cation s, University Press, di scusses heroi c nurse Florence the picture book is a co mpanion to Manning's ear Nightinga le as well as th e reformist work of such lier Allinwl Hours. fi gures as Voltaire, Diderot, John Stu art Mill and M ary Woll stonecraft. Lo ve You Forever by Robert Mun sch is a chi .l dren's
all IJ{pn fiction
us lilleratures de l'exigLli'te, which won a Go ver nor-General's Literary Award for French -la nguage non-fiction , was wri tten by French studies professor Franr;ois Pare in an effort "to challenge the way we think about literalure and how we teac h it." An es say of 175 pages, it was written over the course of a sabbati cal year in 1990 and w as publi shed in 1992 by Le Nordi r, a small Franco-Ontarian press.
book about a mother's love for her son, It was first publi shed in 1986, but sti ll tops the New York Times bes tse ll er li st of child ren' s books. Munsc h, who is an adju nct professor 111 the Departme nt of Family Studi es, has writteJJ a number of books for young children. Recen t tit les published by Annick Press inc lude Mortimer, The Pap er Bag Princess, Som ething Good and
Show and Tell ,
~r..~T 114~«O"
Origins and Aspects of Olympism, written by retired human biology professor John Powe ll and publish ed by Stipes Publi shing Company in Illin ois, looks at the ce ntury-old Olympic movement and how Olympi sm permeates Ol y mpic life. It delves in to con troversial issues such as ergoge nic aid s in sport, ho lism and health, es th etics and violence.
.",'., a~ = Paradise
OJ Poetry/ essays Th e end uring popularity of Robert Loui s Stevenson is being re-examined in a 30-volume editi on of hi s wo rk s 100 years after hi s death . Th e first three vo l Editor's note : W e invite umes re leased in th e fa ll included The Weir uf Her you, our readers , to share miston, ed it ed by Guel ph Engli sh professor your fa vorite work s by Cat herine K errigan, who is genera l edi tor of the pro authors, mu sic ians and art j ect. The other volumes were Th e Ehb-Tide, edited ists in th e U o f G famil y. by K errigan and Peter Hi nchc liffe of the University Send ti tles anci summarie s or W aterloo; and Th e Coller·ted Poems of Rober! for publicat ion in future is Lo uis Stevenson , Vol. / , edited by re ti red Guelph sues of the Guelph A lum professor Elizabeth Waterston and John Manning of nus to th e address printed Queen's Univers ity in Belfast. Guelph Atumnus
ehave," Daddy said, " and you ca n do whatever you li ke." He sa id good manners are like a pass port . When people see th em, they let you into places, let you do things . Like eat dinner with th em, sw im i n their pools or stay up late to watch Go-Go '66. Wh ate ver you like. My friend L oui se won't believe thi s, but it's tru e be足 cause I've ju st behaved and got away with murder. Today was my brother's seven th birthday, and I had Louise 's trick to show him but was afraid of getti ng caught like she did . I didn ' t want to be ground ed or get anot her spa nking, like th e one Mummy gave me last year after I peed on my younger sister in th e bat h. Th at was shameful. Even th oug h Gwyn washed herse lf in my shower. Even thou gh we laughed. I was barenaked when Mummy hit me on the bum with that hairbrush , and I was already eight - whi ch is too old for barenaked. So today [ wore my flowery green dress, shiny black party shoes and emerald barrette, and Daddy wore hi s Sunday best and smelt of sha ving cream and poo. He sa t down on th e ches terfield , put me on his lap, and I fe lt hi s bi g warm arms around me as we looked out over th e sea . " Trick is to watch th e host," he sa id, "a nd do th e sa me." Daddy explained how Romans ea t ly ing down, how Germans fold their hands on the table between courses and how people on Van couver Island - he pointed across th e water - have suppe r at fo ur-thirty in the aftern oon - tea tim e. He said I shou ld do the same if [ was ever in Rome or Germany or Nanaimo. So at lunch, [ watched how he held his fo rk wi th th e fingers arched upward s li ke a cat's back. A nd I watched how he used his k ni fe to roll peas on to his fork and balance them all the way to hi s mouth . Then [ did the same . First , all th e peas ro lled off. Then I ate one. Then tw o. Then' stabbed a bi t of potato with my fork, the way he does, and used it to keep a who le bunch more peas on that cat's back. "Very good, Sarah," he sa id. "That's stupid ," Gwyn said. " No, i t's not - it's good manners," he replied. "Lail doesn't do it. She scoops her peas like thi s." She shovelled a forkful of peas into her mouth. "WeIJ, that's fine for Lail." " Her mummy and daddy, too:' Gwyn said. "Gwyn, don't talk w ith your mouth full , please," Mummy sa id.
by James Boothroyd
A nd I said: "So scoop your peas when you go to Lail's house." Daddy disagreed: " No, it' s impol ite." Gwyn should have known better, but she d idn' t. She pushed a single pea on to the back of her fork and rai sed th e fork so the pea fell off. She did it aga in , so the pea fell agai n. And again. And then she sa id: " That 's dumb." And th at was dumb because now Daddy was mad. " Take your leg out from unden1irrth you." Hi s T's were as sharp as sli vers. "Si t up and fini sh you r peas 足 properly ." ''I'm not hungry ," Gwyn compl ained to Mummy . " Gwyn, do as you r father says," Mummy sighed . " Or you won't ge t any tart." A ll thi s time, Ian was beside Daddy, eatin g. Roa st lamb, mint jelly, roast potatoes, green peas - all his fa足 vori te foods. He was so bu sy stuffin g hi s li ttl e body th at he didn ' t not ice his elbows were out. But I saw th em flap like turkey wings. And agai n, so his elbow bumped Daddy's arm. And th at's when I saw Daddy put down his fork, pick up hi s napkin to wipe his mouth , then reach under th e table into th e pocket of hi s trousers. All thi s time - and nobody but me seemed to notice - he never put down hi s knife. He kept it in th e hand neares t Ian , just on th e table like he was abou t to cu t some thing, while with hi s other hand, he secret ly undid th e safety pin and waited for my brother's next flap. I saw the pin go right into Ian 's elbow, th e hard part, so I know it hurt. But it was weird how my brother just froze , for a moment , like he was tryi ng to figure out what happened . Then his knife and fork clattered on the plate, and he was looki ng at thi s li ttl e dot of blood on hi s chubby hand and bawling hi s head off. "Come on, it's ju st a prick:' Daddy sa id . He reac hed for Tan' s arm, but my little brother hugged hi s elbow and wouldn ' t let it go. " Gross," Gwyn sa id . "Remember, I warned you," Daddy said as he gentl y pried lan's arm away from his chest. " You mustn't flap - it 's rude." Ian 's whole body sobbed. Mummy climbed on a stool to reach the black-out box . It's whi te wi th a red cross on the side and contains things like cand les, sticky tape and Band-Aid s. She was wearin g her beautifu l blue pleated skirt and th at buttery blou se - her party clot hes - but as she stepped down, she looked tired. Daddy led Ian to the sink to wash his elbow . "A lways use plenty of soap and water," he sa id , like Cue/ph Alumnus
James Boothroyd of Montreal recently turned in his press pass to pur sue a career as a fiction writer. "You can say more in fiction that in journalism writing ", he says. "II's a wide-open form with no hard-and-fast rules about how knowledge is creat ed and stories are told." Originally from Vancouver, Boothroyd earned university degrees in Mexican his tory, Spanish and jour nalism at universities in Canada, Spain and England . He began his career writing at London newspapers, but has been working in Canada for the last five years. He now does freelance writ ing and teaches at Concordia University.
Guelph Alumnus
he was talking to a patient. "Come on, don 't cry. You 're seven now ." Mummy looked at the treacle tart in the oven, then handed Daddy a towe l. She pulled on the red thread to slit a Band-Aid and carefull y peeled one of the stic ky bits. "Hold it LIP," Daddy said , steadying my brother's arm in the light of the window. Mummy wa s looking over his shoulder. "Really, Ted ," she said , shaking her head. "It 's hi s birthday." "They've got to learn some time ," Daddy replied. Whenever he's angry. he uses short words. That's why the y say " he was short with her" when they mean "really mad." I think Mum my was really mad , too, but she didn't say anything else. She just watched Daddy put on the Band-Aid , and we all sat down again. Now, Gwyn turned her fo rk the right way up and speared some peas. And one pea at a time, Ian did the same. And after that, we sang "Happy Bi11hday" to Ian and ate our tart and folded our napkins. So when I asked if we could get down , Daddy said: "Certainly," and we ran outside, where it was so bright I had to squint. I led them into the long g ra ss below the vegetable patch, and the air smelt of ri pe blackberries, ceda r trees and compost. It was st ill dewy underneath. and the grass licked and tickled my legs as I made footprints for my brother and sister to follow in. I could tell they we re eager to see my trick be caLIse they stayed close behind, even when we ca me to some prickles th at I had to pullout of the way. And when a bumblebee buzzed around Ian 's head, my brother didn't freak out and run back - he gets all swollen whe n he 's stung - he just did what I said and froze until it went away. We didn ' t stop until we got to the bamboo at the bottom of the garden. It's a magic place. On one side, there's this bamboo that hides you from the fence and the road , and on the other, there's that long grass and the big shady chestnut, so when you sit down , you're surrounded by green and nobody can see you. We sat down, and I told them that Louise had shown me this trick after I promi sed to tell nobod y. And I expla ined how I was going to te ll nobody, ex cept Gwyn and Ian beca use it was his birthday. So they shou Id te ll nobody, too, because it was a top secret trick that woul dn't work if everybody knew it. When I sa id th is, Gwyn nodded because she loves secrets. And Ian nodded , too, because it' s not every day his older sister lets him in on one. "A nd you ha ve to do exactly wh at I say," I added. "What?" "Ju st a moment, Ian ," I replied. "Do you swear to follow all my instnlctions and not tell anyon e." "I swear," Gwy n said. "Yup," Ian sa id. His party shirt was still done up to the top button,
which looked tight against his nec k, so I said: "OK, first, lan , unclo your top button ." For a second, he looked at me and Gwyn suspiciously, like he thoug ht we might fOITe him to undress ancl play nurse or something, but he followed my order and when he did, I sa id : "Good - now watch this." I pulled out a lo ng blade of grass and showed it to them , turning up one side , then the other. "It has to be abo ut this long and it has to have the hairy stuff und erneath - you fee l it?" One at a time, I took their hands and gently ran their fingers down the hairy side of the blade in the smooth direc tion. Then, in my lowest, slowest voice, I to ld them to choose a blade of grass. And when they'd done that, I said: "Good." "Now hold the bottom end of the blade in your right hand, like this, and the top end in your left. " I made sure they helclthem the right way round. " Now watch me," I said. "First you close your eyes, like this. Then you put the blade between your lips with yo ur left hand on the right side cif your mouth, like thi s. Then, when I count to three, you pu ll it through really quick, like this." I whipped the grass between my open lips. "Only put your lips together before pulling, be cause then it'll work." "What?" Ian sa id. He shivered the way we shiver after sw imming lessons on rainy days. " You ' l] find out ," I told him. " I didn 't do it prop erly because I want you to make the sound yourself. That grass will make the weirdest sound you ever heard." I asked them if they were both ready and they nodded . "O ne, two, three l " They pulled. Louise sa id the grass would make them bleed, but I was surprised how much. Gwyn just sat there, like she wa s dumb or something, staring at the green grass and the bright red drops falling on her dress. Ian' s face crump led. He began to howl. Then the two of them were stumbling bac k through the grass with hands cupped ove r their bloody mouths. I followed them , trying to help and trying to think of what J'd say. Louise never told me it wou Id be this bad, but I couldn't blame her. That wou ld be squealing, so I decided to confess that I'd made a mi stake. I would say I'd chosen the wrong type of grass . Or told th em to pull it the wrong way. I wou ld tell Mummy and Daddy that the other way it makes a neat sou nd , and I'd demonstrate, pUlling a blade of grass between my thumbs and blowing to make a squeak. And that's what I did. I was right there with them in the hou se - apo logiz ing, recommending cold wa ter for the stain s, telling what happened. I got a sco ldi ng from Mummy, and she smacked me through my dress and sent me to my room. But that was it, because I knew how to behave. Loui se won ' t believe me , but it was worth it. I've never seen that much blood. 0 23
by Jessica Weslhead
he fl ies were buzzing a little concerto in the swea ty diner. June was hun ched over a plate of limp toas t and mini -s izzlers, contem plating havoc. The remain s of her sausages resem bled burnt, slubby eels, and her appe tite was thwarted further when she noticed someone's lacq uered finger ll<lil paring on her dish - a tin y, pink moon . She was reminded of an impass ioned speech at the re cent family reunion by Eddie Pigeo n, a pinched-look ing man vaguely related to one of her third cousins. Eddie, his mouth painted lipstick red with pistachio shell dye, telling anyone within earshot: "And you can bet your kidneys ['II stand by th e Pigeon M ea t Plant un til whores grow tails. Since my great gra nddaddy Pi geon slaughtered his first hog in hi s diapers, our family's been making the best processed pork money can buy - none of thi s low-fat, cholesterol-free turkey franks crap , nosireebob." " Whore s growing tails" and "nosireebob" were two of Eddie's favorite expressions. Eddie had never been more than a rung above slug on the evolutionary ladder. June poked al her breakfast, not feeling hun gry any more. She checked her watch. Late. Nearby, a wasp was wading dizzily in some spilled syrup on the counter. The bored-looking, pimply wait ress waved the wasp away and asked a severely coiffed man in a white jumpsuit and alligator shoes how he'd like his eggs. He winked at her and drawled: ''I'd like 'em looking at me, but not cryin'." He flashed her an II-dollar grin and made a shooti ng gun with one hand, mouthing " pow" and then blowing on the index finger. The wait re ss yawned. June fidgeted. Her own gun was digging into her side. Farther down the counter, a pig of a man with his gut spi! ling over hi s shiny belt and hi s chin smeared with Salisbury steak gravy grunted for hi s cheque. He mopped swea t off his doughy face with a wad of paper napkin s and butted his cigarette out in his sunny-side up yolk. June squinted impatiently at the door. The only liv ing thin gs outside th e greasy spoon were a few June bugs that clung to the flimsy screen . She ordered an oth er oily coffee and watched her toa st get colder. The hea t was making her queasy. She traced her finger over th e chicken-scratch graffiti carved into the countertop. Next to her plate was a
crude heart with "Sergeant Squirrel is good in bed" sc rawl ed in side. Sergeant Squirrel and His Small Mammal Friends had been her favorite show when she was a kid. She'd si t in front of the tube watching squeaking brown pup pets acting alit morality play s while her nervous mother put out the ant traps . The woman hated all insec ts. She reserved a spec ial loathing, though , for June bugs. Her mother had always had a morbid fear of the things. When June was little, her mother told her over and over that an old neighbor man used to chase her with handfu ls of June bugs, with June bugs clinging to hi s arm hairs and hi s bushy white beard - like dung beetles on Santa Claus. June had been named "June" as a sort of ca tharsi s, her mother once explained. A weird sort of home ther apy. June had never lived down the stigma. " Ju st be thankful she didn ' t call you 'Earwig,' " friends had often teased. "Nobody like s earwigs." It was 100 hot in the diner. The ceiling fan refused to make a breeze. The lumpy smoker had paid for his food and was starting to ease hi s ample buttocks off the cracked or ange stool. No. He had to stay. If he left, he 'd ru in all the fun. "Stop," she commanded suddenly, standing up. The man's li zard-l idded eyes widened at the large automatic June was pointing at him. "Sit down." He started to obey, but at that sa me moment , a wasp landed on his meaty arm and jammed its stinger home. The fat man yelped and instinctively reached his other hand over to slap the pest away. The droning of the yel low j acket was sile nced by th e firecracke r " pop" of June's gun . . The fat man clutched at his chest and crumpled like an overstu ffed rag doll. The wasp buzzed merrily away. "Oh, geez l " exha led the teenage waitress. The gum she'd been chewing like cud fell out of her open mouth and stuck to the fro nt of her starched uniform. The griddle hissed, and th e fat man's wheezes com peted with the flies' serenade. June's mouth was dry. She took a hand ful of mints from the candy dish on the counter and stuffed them into her cheeks. She wondered what Sergea nt Squirrel would have to say abou t all this. Not much, probably. Guelph Alumnus
Jessica Westhead, who hails from Whitby, Onl. , says June Bug Meat was fun to write. "II's not very serious, but there is a tit tle bit of darkness in there . And I got to talk about sausages. " She is studying English and drama at Trent University and says: "I really love to write, and I'm blundering toward making a career of it."
Cllelph 4/"'"1111.1
Lounge Act Jack in the white jumpsuit was star ing waight ahead, crumbli ng his pie crust into hi s tomato soup. "OK ," June mumbled around the mints. "OK. " This wasn' t ri ght. She needed lime to think . " Make so me more sausages," she told the wai t ress, "and clean that gum off yourse lf. " The girl blinked and nodded dumbly , and picked the gum off her flat chest with wate rmelo n-co lored fingernails. "And keep yo ur nail s on yo ur fingers th is time ." June loo ked back at the heap on th e tloor. Behind her, the screen door banged open. Fin all y. "What the ..." a ft'oggy male: voice said. "Doug I" the waitress squea led. Doug? June swung around with the gun. The raw-faced youth at the door had a wet patch on his bell-bottom jeans. "Over by the counter l " June ordered. The boy gawked. "Move l " The boy moved. "Did yo u see anybody else outside')" June sn apped at him . Doug shook hi s head fervently at the g un , eyes big. 'That 's Doug," chirped the gi rl. "We ' re go ing out." "S hut up," June told her. June took so me more mints. Thi s was not go ing we ll. The hea t made it worse. She wan ted to clim b out of her skin; her stomach was doin g flip- flops. Where was Sylvester? Syl Pigeon, brother to Eddie. He was yo un ge r. shrewder, uglier. June was in love with him. June had met Syl at the same family reunion whe re Eddie had denounced the use of poultry as a substitute fo r good old-fashioned pig llesh. She'd been listening to her mother relate th e June bug story to the blulTed faces of numberless kin s fo lk when she' d noticed him picking the cashews out of a can of mixed nuts. She smiled whimsically at the diner hostages as she reca ll ed the way the goa t-faced Sylves ter had licked the off each cashew before devouring it. Their eyes had met and locked , and they were drawn toget her like the ants to the fat man on the fl oor. It never mattered to them that they shared a few genes. If anyt hing, that taboo notion made their love exotic, and they were alwa ys look ing for ne w ways to stoke the tlames of passion . "Junie (he ca lled her "Junie" or else she was hi s " Love Burger"), you're like a cold beer in a hot slaughterhouse, " he often to ld her. In addition to their gift for meat making, the Pigeo ns also had a way with wo rds. June would have done anything to please him.
Th at's why she was here. Only she'd ne ve r meant to hurt anyo ne, just shake them up a lillie. Well, they were ple nt y shake n up now. Lounge Act hild crumbled hi s entire serving of rhubarb pie into hi s cold soup, nnd he had the hic cups. He looked m hi s hand s, covered in fruit gore, nnd started to lick the m clea n. The wai tress had one hand on the counter in her steady's paw while she fri ed up a package of sau sages with the: other. Doug had his other hand jammed into hi s pocket, and he was humming a ditty to himself that Jun e thoug ht she recognized. "What tune is that')" June asked him. "It ' s from S-Sergeant S-Squirrel and His S-Small M-Mammal F-Friends," he stammered, sighin g with relief when she nodded and turned awny from him. The man she had shot was attracting more ants than her mother', strategically placed traps ever had. Spoon ing the last mints out of the bowl, June felt herse lf beg inning to corne apart. Thi s was n' t sup posed to hap pen. Syl W<lS supposed to be here, and the two of them were going to pull a harmless littl e Bonnie and Clyde, wave the gun around , scare a few people, then let everybody in on the joke and breeze out laug hing. Get into the car and drive to so me empty parking lot and make out like jack-rab bits. Ju st a game, to beef up their lo ve life . That was all. "Look, Junie:' Syl had sa id over meatloaf the night before, "it's all set. I gotla see Eddie early at lhe plant. All yo u do is wail for me in lhis diner. We dea l with them all the time - they're good Pi geon Meilt c ustomers. When I come in, you take th is pisto l outta your shorts and we shake the peo ple up a bit. The n we drop the act, everybody's happy aga in , and we ride off into one helluva horny sun set." " It's not a rea l g un, is it, Syj7" "Sure it 's a rea l g un , Love Burgeri You ne ve r know what a turn-on it is to hold an honest-to-good ness pi sto l in your hands until yo u give it a whirl. " She 'd nodded nervo usly. "Trust me ," he'd crooned around a mouthful of Grade B catt le pans. " Now plant a we t one on me." June had ki ssed him the n, and the nex t morning, after a ni ght ripe with sin , she'd taken tbe bus to this diner. Sy l had go ne to see hi s older brother at the famil y plant. And here she was. June wanted to cry. Doug had gotten hold of the Pi geon Meat sau sage wrapper and was stilring at it. Smoke was com ing off the grill. The meat was on fire. The wa itress pa id no attention. She had gone white and was po in ting ilt the fat man. 25
His hand was twitching. June dropped the gun. The dead man moaned. Lounge Act Jack looked around and hiccupped loud ly. The waitress suddenly noticed the burning sausages and snapped off the flame . She doused the grill with a nearby pan of water and sank to her knees behind the counter, exhausted. June was sti ll enthralled with the body that was now slug gishly moving its arm. She felt dizzy. Doug mumbled something. The room was spinning. June felt her stomach lurch pain fully and tasted something rotten on her tongue. Doug spo ke up, mostly to his sweetheart under the counter. "The expiry date here is for last year. Did you serve those things to anybody?" "Her," came the feeble reply. June doubled over then and di sgorged her breakfast and a great quantity of used mints on to the floor. The smell hit the fat man and he moved again, more quickly this time. "You're alive," managed June, then she glimpsed the sur prised form of Sylvester Pigeon behind the June bugs on the screen door before she collapsed on the so iled floor. Syl coughed as the potpourri of vomit and the charred meat on the grill assaulted his hairy nostrils. "What happened here?" Syl wanted to know. He knelt be side June. "S-she s-shot him." Doug's stutter was back. Syl picked up the gun. "With this? But it's not load ed. I put blanks in. You ' d have to be at point-blank range to do any damage with these babies." June' s eyelids fluttered. "Blanks?' "My heart," gurgled the plump corpse, sitting up slowly. He still had a hand on hi s chest, and his other was fumbling in his jacket pocket. He brought out a small prescription bot tle and shook out two pill s, which he ate greedily. "You sa id it was a real gun," June said faintly, accusingly. " It is real, Junie. But no bullets, seeT He showed her, then handed it back with a wink. "Sorry 1'm late, Junie bug. Hey, whaddaya say about that sunset we talked about?" Her eyes were angry slits. "What took you so long?" "Eddie and I had to fill a bunch of orders for sausages. We haven't been on the ball lately. A few whores grew tails you know what I mean ?" He leered. June tighten ed her grip on the gun she held at her side. The onlookers in the diner tensed as they watched June, who had a funny half-smile glued to her face. Oblivious as ever, Sylvester tried to flare his nostrils seduc tively. "Now plant a wet one on me." "OK," she said sweetly , fingers twitching like antennae. "Come closer." Point-blank range. June wondered if Sylvester had paid any attention to her mother's June bug speeches at the reunion. "People should be careful around June bugs," her mother had lectured. "They bite." As she pushed the gun into his goat face and squeezed the trigger, June 's smile widened at the stupid look of shock that registered there. Evidently, he hadn't been li stening. 0 26
python -
a dream 4:21 :93
we hugged , as pets will allow, then wrapped and carried away he struck qui te unprovoked and undeserved, i thought, but it was a sma ll bite his head undoing like a brass zi pper probably some gentle, curved teeth ex tended for my fingers, or a piece of arm, thi gh he must need the mi ce, now. they only feed, i'm told, every three weeks and being wild-caught, will prefer live, although he may eventually acquire a ta ste for dead. the feeders are named pinks (almost foetal) , fu zzies, hoppers, and full-growns, those scooped by handsful from the deep-freeze, the larger ones thumped by the tail on a cou ntertop to defrost. snakes want warm kill, room temperature 86F. a small bite, on ly insulting in that i saw the mark, and feared for my own young. i tried to grasp behind the wedge-head - he writhed as some sort of numbing venom seeped from those fine , orderly sca l. es behind vestigial. limbs. he may have hi ssed and i know that flagellant tongue was surveying, recognizing. but the twisting resistance of this co-ordinated muscle kept poisoning me with his juice and squirting warm pee to slicken hi s escape as i wrestled the expansions and worked aga inst and with his contractions stuffing the ang ry reptile into a convenient grocery bag, concerning myself, still, with the availability of oxygen. Laurie Smith
Cuelph Alumnus
man i remember summer afternoons with adolescent allies there is strength in numbers or at least shel ter
laurie Smith published her first poem at age 10. She wrote a Haiku for a Grade 6 literary magazine and has been writing ever since. But with two kids and aTV, she says she often has to steal quiet hours late at night to pursue her craft. AWindsor native, she is enrolled in a master's program in English and creative writing at the University of Windsor, works as a teaching assistant and is co-editor of Wayzgoose, a Windsor based literary maga zine. This poem is drawn from her own experience with a python.
Guelph Alumnus
wa lki ng purpose ly thro ugh an imagi nary Bruce Springsteen vid eo (or may be Bob Seeger - my memory improves with time) wa lkin g ta ll- or as tall as fi ve fee t get with our chests pu ffed out and our hands in our pockets pimply peacoc ks lost in a testostero ne fog searching arde ntl y fo r fe males of the spec ies none of whom appears even remotely interested but always amused
Paul Bramadat is a Winnipeg native head ed for a career in acad emia. He did under graduate work at the University of Winnipeg , earned a master's degree at McGill and is now a PhD student in religious studies at McMaster. He says he's con stantly writing and often turns to poetry to help resolve atroubling or inspiring experience. "A few words or a phrase will pop into my head and I have to work it out on paper. " This is the first time Bramadat has ever submitted a poem for publication.
we were about to lea rn that all the strut and swagger in the wo rld could not protect us from what we no w all and cy nica ll y call even with qualifiers and fo r Jac k of a better term reality that in other wo rds bill s re nt taxes ins urance RRS Ps birth con trol AIDS signi fy so mething irre voca ble un seen unavoida ble points of no retu rn reminding yo u th at only passing does not pass that yo u are after adolescence not just an adult but an alien as well
Pau l Bramada t
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The judges ... The Guelph Alumllus writing competition offered three things that beginnin g writers covet: prize mon ey, publication and the chance to ha ve their work read by an elite panel of contempora ry Canadian writers. An accompli shed editor, cri tic, short-story writer and awa rd-w inning teache r, Constance Rooke ca me to Guelph in 1988 to chai r the Department 01' Eng li sh and is now assoc iate vice-president, academic. She is also a strong supporter of Canada ', literary comlllunity. Rooke guided the award-winning Malahar Re I'in...-, Canada's foremost literary magazine, for nearl y 10 years. She and her novel ist husband , Leon, in itiated and . till help organ ize an annu al writers' fest ival in Eden Mills. And McClelland & Stewart In c. has just publi shed a travel anthology edited by Rooke that contains the personal acco unts of 35 ren owned Canadian writers. Proceeds from Wriring A\1:a.\" go to the Canadian branch of PEN International in support of its wo rk on beha lf of free expression and writers in pri so ns around the world. Playwri ght Judith Thompson - winner of tw o Gov ernor General's Awards for her plays Whir e Eiring Dog and The Orher Side of rhe Da.rk - crea ted a whi rlwind of exc itement when she joined Guelph' s Department of Drama two years ago. She catapulted stude nts into the rea lm of profes sional theatre with the on-campus stage premiere of her play Tornado, and her courses in acting, direct ing and playwriting are helping to break down barri ers between the academ ic side of drama and the more practical side of thea tre production. Thompson' s plays have hee n staged ac ross Can ada, as we ll as in New York , London and Australia. Thi s sp rin g, a 10th-anniversary prod uct ion of Whir e EiLing Dog was Ill ou nted at Tarragon Theatre and the Du Maurier World Stage in Toronto. She has it so lid reputati on as a director and has wriLten num erous radio plays and scree nplays for tele vision and film . Thi s winter, she performed her one woma n show Perfeel Pie on CBC TV. John Steffler describes hil11self as a poet, even though he wo n the 1993 Sm ith Book slB ooks in Can ada First Novel Award for The Ajieriife oj' George Cartwright. A fictionali zed account of the life of the 18th-century Engli sh ad venturer George Cart wri ght, the hook incubated in Steftler's mind for 12 years while he was busy with other things - family, sc hool, caree r. He has publi shed three vo lumes of poetry - The Wreckage> of Play, The Grey Islands and Yel/ow. A second novel is now under way. Steffler earned a master's degree from Gue lph in 1974. Shortly after, he and his wife, Sha wn, BA '74. moved to Co rnerbrook, Nfl Li ., whe re she works as an artist and he teaches at Memorial University' S Sir Gren fe ll Co ll ege. 0
Cuef/)lI Aluml1 us
. .--A . . . .. . · .
Latornell dedication
Cruise the information highway U of G is offering an on ramp for alumn i interested in crui sing the information highway. Hooking up to Internet, the global computer net work that links users to each other and distant infor mat ion warehouses, has often been a pricey venture. But the University is now able to provide alumni with wide access to Internet resources for a nominal charge. The venture requires only a persona l computer and a modem. Connection to the U of G alumni sys tem will cost a one-time $25 fee, $ 10 a month and $ 1 for every hour of use. Users can get up to a month's free service to tryout the syste m. "The publicity around Internet is phenomenal," says Trish Walker, director of Alumni Affairs. "We've had a number of alumni contact us about getting connected thro ugh the University. Now . we ' re pleased to oblige them. It's a way for alumlll to keep in touch not only with each other but with the University as well." The range of Internet services is vast. One stu dent uses it to get information for her thesis. An other person taps into it for the latest on his favorite soap opera. A retiree uses it to get the latest reports and financial statements on publicly traded corpora tions in the United States. U of G's Computing and Communication s Serv ices (CCS) will provide documentation to the main elements of Internet, and it'll be up to the users themselves to explore the electronic frontier. (In computer parlance, yo u'll learn to "surf the net.") The 6,200 alumni who live in tbe Guelph local di alling area will be best served by the Internet con nection. Others can also subscribe, but long di stance charges will increase their overall costs. For more information about the free trial and us ing Internet, call CCS at 5 I9-824-4120, Ext 8013.
Gue/ph A//.III/nus
During Homecoming Week· end , the class of OAC '82 dedicated in a new kiosk at the entrance to the Athletics
Centre as a 10th anniver'
sary project. Pictured standing from leH to right are: Alu mni Affairs director
Trish Watker, OAC '82 ex· ecutive members Martin Harry and Nancy Noecker, Uof Gpresident Mordechai Rozanski and athletics director Dave Copp. The cheerleaders in front are Niels Nielson, Cheryl Hoo·fall, Dave Kassera
and Arlene Stanleigh. Photo by Mary Dickieson
The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and other related environmen tal programs on campus now live tooether in the remodelled Latornell wing of Black;ood Hall . The building was renovated with funds from the estate of Arthur Latornell, BSA 'SO, and the wing was named in his honor Nov. 4. The opening wa s followed by the first in an an nual lectu re series to promote conservation and en vironmental awareness. James Patterson of Ducks Unlimited Canada gave the inaugural lecture. The Arthur D. Latornell Endowment Fund also supports travel sc holarships for graduate and under graduate students, as weJl as conti nuing-education ane! professional-development grants. Latornell was a strong environmenta list. His ca reer spanned nearly 40 years with the Ontario Min istry of Natural Resources. He died in 199 I. The Latornell wing will house th e Faculty of En vironmental Sciences, which includes a federally funded Eco-Research Chair in Ecosystem Health, a research program in agro-ecosystem health, the Tri Council Award in Environmental Information and Database Management and the Institute for Environ mental Policy.
Three cheers Congratulations to these Guelph alumni:
Gwendolyn (Peters) Tonge, Dip.(H.E.) '59, was named minister of state for women 's affairs, com munication s and youth development in March by the prime mini ster of Antigua and Barbuda. Tonge has also served as a teacher, specia li st in home eco nomics and executive director of the Directorate of Women' s Affairs. In 1993 , she was named Woman of the Year by the International Biographical In sti tute in Cambridge, England. Russell McDonald, DVM '45, was inducted into
the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Nov. 13. A
pioneer in the application of artificial insemination
to cattle, he played a leading role in developing the
industry into a major ex port sector. Since retiring
from Western Ontario Breeders [nco in 1989, he has
been execu tive director of the Canadian Associa
tion of Animal Breeders, a organizatio n he helped
A.M. "Mac" Cuddy, BSA '42 , was named Mas
ter Entrepreneur Oct. 6 in an award s ceremony for
the Ontario Entrepreneur of the Year program.
Cuddy was recognized fo r continued years of service as an outstanding entrep reneur. He started his bu sin ess on a turkey farm in Strathroy, Ont., but Cuddy International Corporation is now a dominant player in the pou ltry industry in North America. Other Guelph alumni who were provincial nomi nees were Don Ziraldo, B.Sc.(Agr.) '71 , preside nt of Inniskil lin Wines, in Ontario and bu siness inno vator Mac Taylor, BSA ' 58, in British Columbia. 29
Hey! HAF A grads,
remember when ...
. there were 110 men's washrooms il7 Mac Institute . . . organic chemistry was a required course - UCH' .. . 54-100 was a significant number in )'0[,( r life. .. the most common phrase was "Meet you in Der Keller. ..
Join other HAFA alumni in ce lebrating the sc hool 's 25th anniversary on the weekend of Saturday, April 29, 1995 gala dinner dance directors' roasts D§ hospitality suites ",;r class reunions n:,'j" rami Iy events ((i)' Sunday brunch
IQ '
at the Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Centre in Mi ssissauga, Ont. Call Alli son Cooper at 905-727-2235,
Dave Houghton at 905-847-5739 or
Heidi Wilker at 905-457 -2092 for details.
Mark Yoltr calendar now and start spreading the word.
Biological adventure Feb. 26 to March 12, 1995 Join Arboretum director Alan Watso n on a bio logical adventure tour to Costa Rica. See Costa Rica's jungles and beaches, rainforests, hot springs, an active vo lcano, exotic birds and flowers and the largest leatherback turtles in the world. Cost, $2,995 per person.
Call Rosemary Clark,
Advancement Programs, ALumni House,
519-824-4120, Ext. 6534.
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2Quebec treet, Guelph
824-5720 + Fax 767-0322 30
-- - -
UGAA president's message by Clay Switzer, BSA '51 & MSA '53
New members of the UGAA board and other alumni boards met for a workshop Sept. 7 to learn about the respons ibilities and the chaJlenges of board membership. Much of the di sc ussion con cerned the future roles of the con stituent alumni as sociations and the UGAA . Partici pants agreed that the UGAA has an impor tant role to playas an um breJl a organization for most alumni and should work with Alumni Affa irs staff to organize eve nts li ke Homecoming and Alumni Weekend, provide opportunities for alu mni to network and foster con tacts between alumni and the University. They said the UGAA should not du plicate programs and pro jects of the co nsti tuent associations, but should be UGAA president Clay ava ilable to help where needed. Swilzer greets lirst·year In add ition, it was agreed that the UGAA has a marine biology student major role to play in work ing with students, who Silvina Carou 01 Scar· will , of course, be the alumni of the future. borough and first·year psychology student Tanya Al l these activities are in keeping with the Mclachlan 01 Orillia at a UGAA 's mission: to sustain and strengthen the Uni barbecue for new students versity 0.( Cuelph. Welco ming new students is one during Homecoming. way al umni can work with the University. Thi s Photo by Mary Dickieson year, several al umni helped Alumni Affairs staff and senior students serve dinner to more than 700 new students at a barbecue held at Alumni House. Students learned a little about the activities alumni are involved in. And they now know where to find Alumni House. They'll be able to visit again to learn more abo ut how alumni can help them with job opportunities, off-campus learning experiences and even financia l aid. The UGAA staged the barbe cLie with a food donation from J.M. Schneider and a grant from North American Life. The association receives ongoing income from an established insurance program with NOL1h American Life and a Bank of Montreal MasterCard program. The latter was recently modified to make air miles and a first-home feature available to all participat ing alumni . A team of Alumni Affairs staff, students and alum ni also organized a successful Homecoming Weekend -- dampened only by the Gryphons' loss to Wilfrid Laurier. A new feature thi s year was a re union luncheon of pas t UGAA directors. This pro vided an excellent foca l point for former members of the board - they now number more than 200 to renew friend ships and discuss alumni activi ties. As you know, the University is in the midst of a strategic-planning exercise that will have a major Guelph Alumnus
Nominations sought for alumni awards Alumni Volunteer Award The University of Guelph Alumni Assoc iation (UGAA) will present this award to a graduate who has de monstrated loyalty and commitment to the University of Guelph by supporting it through volunteer work. To be presented durin g Vol unteer Week in April at U of G' s annua l vol untee r reception.
Alumnus of Honour im pact on its future programs and activities. Alumni were invited to parti cipate, and I had the honor of chairing a committee that looked at Uni ve rsity co ll aboration with alumni . The committee report ou tlines numerous ways in wh ich U of G alumni could help the University and emphasizes th at alumni could be more involved in working with parents, students and prospecti ve students . I am looking forward to vi siting with all the con stituent alumni associations over the next few months. I hope these di sc uss ions will lead to even better ways that we can all wo rk together to strengthen the prog ram s of our alma mater.
Coming events Jan. 13, 1995 - The unofficia l fa n club for retiring professor Ted Hadwen wi ll host a reception in hi s honor at the Uni versi ty Club (formerly Faculty Club), 7 p.m., $5. RSVP to Da le Perigoe, c/o De partment of Socio logy and Anthropology. If you are unable to attend , please send greetings. Jan. 27 - Aggie Goodtime Banquet, sponsored by the Student Federation of aAc. For detai ls, ca ll Sarah Nadal in at Alumni House, Ext. 65 33. Feb. 2 - Thursday noon-hour concerts begin fo r the wi nter season, 12: 10 p. m., MacKinnon 107. Feb. 18 - Fourth annual Canadia n University Alu mni Dinn er, 6 p.m., We sti n Hotel, Cypress Creek. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. For informati on and tickets, call RJ. Simms at 407 -278-2110. March 8 - Florida Alumni Picnic, North Port Yacht Club, North Port , Fla. For in fo rmati on, ca ll Ross Bronson at 813 -764-0123 or Alumni House, Ext. 2122. April 7 & 8 - aAC Alum ni Bonspiel. To register, ca ll Sarah Nadalin at Alumni House, Ext. 6533. June 16 to 18 - Alumni Weekend. For informa tion or to plan a reunion, call Sue Lawren son at Alumni Hou se, Ex t. 6963. June 19 to 21 - The 17th Annual Guelph Confer ence and Tra ining Institute on Sexuality deals with the theme Sexua lity: Towa rds Equa lity. For detail s, call 5 19-767-50000rfax to 5 19-767-111 4. Guelph Alumnus
At the Gryphon Club Hall of Fame induction ceremony Sept. 23, inductee Lyle Smith , BSA '41 and Dip.(Agr.) '38 , regaled din ers with tales of student life in the late 1930s, including one story about a daring handstand on top of Johnston Hall. Smith is seated in the foreground of Ihe photo above . With him are the other inductees. From left are Liz Teskey and Sue Nuttley, accepting on behalf of their father, Earl Hunt, BSA '51, who was unable to attend; Tyler Burch , B.Sc. (Agr.) '67; Parri Ceci and Jeff Volpe, BA '87; Maria Borges, BA '88; and Jim Atkinson, PhD '78. Photo by Mary Dickieson
A graduate wi ll be recogni zed by the UGAA for significa nt contributions to comm unity service, science, ed ucati on, bu siness, indu stry, the arts or alumni affai rs. To be awarded during Alum ni Weekend in June 1994.
Alumni Medal of Achievement A gradu ate of the la st 15 yea rs will be recogni zed by the UGAA for contributions to country, com munity, profession or the world of arts and let ters. To be awarded durin g June convocation ceremonies. To obtai n nomination forms fo r th e above award s, contact Ri chard Vo ll ans, UGAA Nomi nation s Committee, Alumni House. The dead line for nom inat ions is Feb. 10, 1995.
ove Distinguished Alumnus A ward Pre sented an nually by the avc Alumni Associa tion , this awa rd recogni zes a graduate who has brou ght honor to the coll ege and fell ow alumni through leadersh ip and service to country, sc i ence, education , profession or alm a mater. To be presented at lhe a vc lun cheon during Alumni Weekend in June. Send nominations to the avc Alumni Associa tion c/o Richard Voll ans, Alumni Hou se , by Feb. 10, 1995.
George Bedell A ward of Excellence Thi s award is presented to a grad uate of the School of Hote l and Food Admini strati on who best represents the sc hoo l in terms of profession ali sm, achievements and contri bution s to the hos pitality indu stry. To be prese nted in the spring of 1995. Nominators shoul d send their name, telep hone number (home and bu siness) to the George Bedell Award Committee, c/o Richard Voll ans, Alumni House. The dead line is Feb. 10, 1995. Award committees for the above can be reached through Alumni House at the Univer sity of Guelph, Ont. NIG 2WI , 519-824-4120, Ext. 6657. 31
1~'~! ~: ,'~i ~'~; ~ ": ~~ ;'O~:"': ;:' Jack Murray, BSA '57 and
MSA ' 59, is chair of the Commis sion on Election Finances in On tario. which administers the
be spec iali st in Ontario and also lectured at U ofG. He later served as research associate with the Toronto Board of Educatio n, director of a study of educa tional facilities, research consul ta nt with the York Board and superintendent of capital program and planning wit h the Metropolitan Toronto Board. Mur ray has served the community orEast York for three terms on the Committee of Adjus tmen t and one term on the Planning Board, was president of the Ontario NDP from 1978 to 1980 and full-time party secre tary from 1980 to 1982 . His wife, Margaret (Mulhall), B.H.Sc. '57, and eldest daughter, Ellen, B.Sc. ' 81, are also Guelph grads. Fred Christensen, Dip.(Agr.) '58. recently re ceived the Award of Merit from Ontario Teachers of Design and Technology for his contributions to teach ing in the field. He wo rks for the North York Board of Education in Toronto. Nancy (Morris) Cook, B.H.Sc. '5 9, of Frederic ton, N.B., was install.ed as president of the Canadian Home Economics Association th is summer for a two-year term. She succeeds Ellen (Subject) Boynton, B. H.Sc. '69, of Nepean , Om.
William Ritter, B.Sc.(Agr.) '65 ,
has been elected a fellow of the American Society of Agricllltu!al Engi neers. He IS a professor 01' ag ricultural engineering at the Uni versity of Delaware and it pioneer in research on ground-water qu ality. Robert Pugsley, B.Sc.(Agr.) '69 and M.Sc. '75, has worked in Toronto for the past seven years as a funeral director, but recently moved to Yellowknife , N.W.T., with his wife, Evelyn Dean. She is assistant deputy minister, human resources, for the territorial government, and Pugsley is hoping to work in his
I \
orig inal career fie ld , fi sheries biology. "The long days, sunshine and low humidity of th e summer al most make up for the lon g nights and -40 C te m peratures of the winter," he writes. "This area really is the Great White North. " William "Sarge" Sargant, BA ' 69 and M.Sc. '74 , is president and owner of Cathexis Associates Inc. , which provides consulting and training in plan ni ng and fundrai sing in Burlington, Ont.
David Harris, BA '70, is teach
ing principal at Heritage Acad emy, a private school in Hamilton, Ont. He's also involved in re sea rch on how to speed educa tional reform.
Marilyn (McKennedy) Leuty, B.Sc.(Agr.) '74, received an M.Div. from Emmanuel College at the University of Toronto in May. She has been or dai ned into the United Church ministry and has set tled at a churc h in Walter's Falls, Ont. She lives near Markdale wit h her husband, Rod, B.Sc.(Agr.) '74, and their son, David.
r.c. Sharma, M.Sc. '75 and PhD '77, was re cently named associate professor in the school of en vironmental studies at Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya. He was previous ly senior lecturer in the de paI1ment of agricultural engi neering at the Univer si ty of Nairobi. He has also served as head of the water reso urces research program of the Research Cou ncil of Za mbia and was chie f technical ad vise r on water resources developme nt on a United Na tions assignment in sou thern Africa. Mary (McMahon) Laing, BASc. '75, has been appointed to the Ontario Paren t Cou Dcil, which was created in 1993 to adv ise the minister of education on ed ucational poli cy and program issues. Laing is a dietitian in Cambridge, Ont. , and the mother of three children.
Doug/as Holdway, B.Se. '76. M.Sc. '78 and PhD '83, is c hief environmenta l toxicologist at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Austra-
Can you dig it? If you graduated in 1970, dig out your platform shoes and hippie beads 'cause we're gonna "get down " lor a quarter-cen tury celebration at Alumni Weekend June 17, 1995. See the next Guelph Alumnus lor details or call 519-824 4120, Ext. 6963.
At their 41st reunion in September, OAC '53 alumni enjoyed a private air show, courtesy of classmate and stunt pilot Norm Beckham. Class members and spouses posed for the photo below in Iront of Beckman's plane on a grassed airstrip at the Brussels, Onl., home 01 Jim Armstrong, a second OAC '53 pilot and host for the reunion . Photo by 8ill Tollon
Guelph Alumnus
lia and was recently promoted to assoc iate profes sor. He and hi s wife, Tracey, welcomed a third child, Morga n Alexander, in September, Ralph Anisman, B.Sc .(Ag r.) '77, is pro vincia l sa les manager for Nikon microscopes in Calgary. He's been sell ing microscopes for almost 10 yea rs and says hi s agricultural education ha s give n him an advantage with major accounts like the Albert a Wh ea t Pool and Agricu lture and Agn Food Canada, Ani sman is also a sing le parent with three children . Marie David, BA '78, of Hanover, Ont ., sta rted her career in the mai lroom of her home town newspaper. She moved into advertising sa les, be ca me ad manager and wa s appointed publisher in 1987 - the first fel11ale publisher in the Th om so n newspa per chain. She is now publi sher and genera l manager of the Hanover Pus/. Doug Tanner, B,S e.(Agr.) '78 and M.Sc. '8 1,
has co mpleted 10 years of se rvice w ith th e In ter
national Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre.
He and hi s wife , Preeda, and their two children,
James and Joyce , are now ba sed in Addi s Ababa,
Et hiopia, where Doug is a regional wheat agrono
mist, providing aid to the nati onal wheat research
programs in eastern Afri ca,
Graham Wood, Dip .(Agr.) '78, recentl y
moved to Panorana , B.C., w ith hi s wife, Shirley ,
and four child ren. He is general manager of Pano
rama Resort, a di vision of Inlrawest Resorts of
Guy Bonnetta, B ,Sc.(Agr. ) '79, is production
manager for Pi oneer Hi-Brecl International in
Zi mbabwe . He lives in Harare wilh his wife ,
Carolyn Knowles, B .Sc, '78, and daughters.
Uta Kayser, Dip.(Agr.) ' 79, is a realtor w ith Re
max Realty in Guelph and is president of the
Guelph and Di stri ct Real Estate Board.
Ali Manoucheri, MA '79 , is a financial analy st
with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporn
tion in Ottawa. He and hi s wife, Sharon , li ve in
G loucester with th eir two daughters.
Barbara Miller, B.Se. '79, was recentl y ap
pointed assistant depuly mini ster o f the co rp orate
se rvice s division of the Ontari o Mini stry of Agri
culture, Food and Rural Affairs. She was director
of the ministry 's food-indu stry co mpetiti veness branch and had pri or busi ness experience wi th Campbell's Soup Company and Silverwood Da ir ies/Ault Food s.
Bruce Ramsey, B.Sc. '80
and M .Sc. '84, left Guelph to co mpl ete PhD st udies at Carle ton Uni versity, followed by two years o f postdoctoral research in the marin e gene probe lab at Dalhousie Un iversity. Then he made a comp lete career switch and entered the Dalhou sie M ed ical Guelph Alumnus
School, where he is a third-year student. Hi s wi fe, Una , is a first-year medic;]1 student. Th ey hope to eventually return to southern Ontario to practise.
Sheila Whaley, BA '80, and Michael O'Connor, BA '87 , co mmute to work in oppo si te direction s from their home in Oakville , Ont. She is director of hum an resource pJanning at Pit ney Bowes in Toronto, and he is an empl oyee benefits consultant at Bauman McKay in Hamil ton.
James Donison, B.Sc.(Eng.) ' 81 , is a co nsult ing engineer in New Hampshire and work ing on an MBA at New Hampshi re Univ ersity. He and hi s wjfe, Susan, li ve on a "m i ni-farm" with th eir children , Pete r, 3, and Grace, 1, and a menage ri e of sheep, chicke ns, pigs and horses. Sandra Luciantonio, BA '8 1, and Daniel Tierney, B.Se. ' 83, ha ve been enjoying a string of Illu sica l successes since the early 1993 launch of their debut album with M ontreal-based rock band Gogh Van Go . Th ey have four mu sic vid eos and a Felix - a Quebec music award - to their credit and ha ve been well received in tours outside Quebec and in Europe, Their ori ginal CD has been re leased in Europe, and th ere wil l be a new release in 1995 . Ti erney, 1he band ' s song writer and guitari st. describes the group' s sound as " ri ch, o ff- the- wall electric folk mu sic." Luciantonio is lead vocal ist and ba ss pla ycr. The two met at U of G w hile he wa s studying biology and she was ma.ioring in fin e art . Th ey are ba sica lly self-taught Illusicians w ho perfected their sty le playing with the H odads, a popular country -rock group in the late 1980s. Desp ite ex ten sive touring, they've found time for family life and have two ch il dren, Esme and Elli s.
Brian Kassner, B.Sc . ' 82, li ves in Ajax , Ont., and is an emp loyee benefits con sultant for Eck ler Partners Ltd . H e was previou sly employed by the Prudential Ins urance Company . Kevin Rogers, Dip .(Agr.) '82, is a sales repre sentati ve for Durham Farmers Co-Op in Orono, Ont. , cove ring East Durham and Northumberl and counti es, Rosemary (Laszlo) Cote, B ASc. '83, teach es elementary sc hoo l in H anover, Ont. She and hel' hu sband , Joel, have two children , Joshua <lnd Rebecca. Pat Crosscombe, B.Sc. '83, returned lO Can ada la st spring after fiv e years in Th ailand - as a CUSO vo luntee r and employee, a research asso ciate for the As ian In stitute of T ec hnology and a stat istical resea rcher for the Food and Agricul ture Organ ization of the United Nati ons. She spe nt the summer stud ying French in Quebec , th en left in August for Corne ll University in Ith aca, N.Y., to begin a master's degree in th e Col lege of Agric ulture and Life Sciences.
· If Y(lLl know an address or phone.llumber [OJ' any of · the t(1.lIow ing alul.llni , send it to lIS .SO they. to(l, .ean·re ~'eive th e Guelph AI,117I11I1:1:. A lulllni Re cord~, Alumni House, Universi1y of · Guelph. Guelph. OnL IG 2WI. . Fax 519-822-2670, E-mail : vel III a (g) vax I. alullln i,Llogllelph.ea,
1950s Allan Rabjohn, DVM 'S ()
Jallle~ Robinson, DVM '50
1960s ' Robert Robson, B.Sc.(Agr.)
David Scott, B.Se,(Age) '68
1970s Byron L ei b, BA'7,I
Janel (Baderski) Ronne.
BA '73
Ee kehard S1elzer. B,Sc . "74 .
Mary BLlCkle y. B.A.Sc. '7'5
Faridah Noor, 'OV Nt '76
Kenneth Taylor.BA ' 77
Elisse (Scotten) Kenned y.
B,Co lllm. '78 ' .'
Gary Sisson. B.Se .'7')
1980s . Starr Aitken, BA '.SO· Latira Applelby, BA 'SO JosephCarubba, BA ' SO . Ch ri stina Chatt), BA 'SO John Finlay, BA ~ 80 ·Robcl1 Milici', SA' ~() .. Michael Allen, B ' 8 1' Paul Bethune, BA'S I Joali Briti ll;'\., BA ' 8 1 Paul Bryden, BA 'XI Gloi'iaEpping , BA'X I Tara Grant,BA '8 \ Cyntliia Kelly: SA " SI Steve Killlck, BA 'Xl ' Anne Leyden ..BA ~ 81 Brian M eNe lis,BA'~ 1 Douglas McGiljn;~ , B.Sc.(Eng.) '82
Andrea Phillips, BA ' 83
PatriciaCu st, BA '86
.Jean lng, B ,Sc, 'X6 .
Frailk Encarn(lI:au, BA ~R7
Sorab Rupe, B.Se. '87
Sandra Eansor, BA ' 8& ·
KC I]Il ~ thRobel'1s , B.A .Sc. .
' 88 .
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Sylvia (Kohout), BA '84 and MA ' 86, and John Church, BA '84, ha ve moved to St. Albert, Alt a. He completed a PhD in political science this spring at the University of Western Ontario and is now a postdoctoral fellow in the department of public hea lth science at the University of Alberta. She is a research analy st for the Edmonton Police Service. Mark DesRoches, BA '84, works in customer service fo r Dominion Stores Inc. in Toronto. He is an avid hi ker and member of the Bruce Trail Cl ub, and finds it hard to believe that it 's been 10 years since graduation. He misses the campus and ftiends. Douglas Grenville, M.Sc . ' 84, works for a man agement consu lting firm in Switzerland. Sandy (Corby) Gunn, Dip.(Agr.) '84. is now liv ing in Calgary, where she works as a registered nurse. Her hu sband , Murray, is a well-site geologist, and th ey have a five-mon th-old son, Alexander. Victor Ku, B.Sc.(Eng.) '84, is director of Mapleland Corpora tion in Malaysia. He is married to Alicia Chong, B.A.Sc. '84, wllo is headmis tress of SS Methodist Kindergarten, and they Ii ve in Selangor Darul Ehsan. Leo Pellizzari, BA '84 and MA '86, lives in Kitch ener, Ont., and teaches for the Waterloo Region Separate School Board. Mark, B.Sc.(Agr.) '84, and Kimberly (Gunby)
Weavers, Dip.(Agr.) , 85, operate a landscape con
tracting business in Dundas, Ont. Their first chi ld ,
Aliana Kathleen, was born Dec. I, 1993.
Andrew Wilder, B.Sc.(Agr.) '84, recently moved
to Winni peg as manager of transportation andlogis
tics for James Ri chard son & Sons Ltd.
Sarah Boyd-Noel, BASc. '85 and M.Sc. '88,
says she's finally settled down after stints working
with the Ontario Ministry of Housing in Toronto,
with Canadian Crossroads Internati onal in Guyana
and as a research consultant in Vancouver. She and
her husband, Norman , are renovating a house on the
Neehako River in Prince George, B.C. , and enjoy
ing their year-old son, Matthew .
Sheryl Harding Friedrich, BASc. '85, and her
husband, Carl, recentl y returned to Ontario after liv
ing in No va Scotia fo r more than two yea rs. She is a
dietitian in P0l1 Perry. Their first child , Jonathan
Andrew, was born in August.
Jennifer Willson, B.Sc. '85 , moved to
Westerville, Ohio, this summer. She is a scien ti st in
Owens-Co rning's science and technology ce ntre in
Paul Woods, DVM '85, is an assistant professor
in small-animal medicine at the Oklahoma State
University in Stillwater.
Sarah (Yeatman) Bloom, BASc. '86, and her
husband are both teachers in Kamloops, B.C. They
have two children , Alison and Eri ca.
Paul McElligott, B.Sc. '86, recentl y completed a PhD in natural resource sc ience at McGill UniverGuelph A/WIlt/us
sity and is now an assistant scientific co-ordinator in the Great Whale public revie w support office in Montreal. Working under the auspices of five pro vi ncial and federal environment departments, he is evaluating biological and phys ical as pects of Hydro Quebec ' s environmental impact statement for the proposed Great Whale hydroelectric project. Sarah Valentine, BA '86, earned a B.Ed. from Queen's University and now teaches French immer sion in elementary sc hool. She li ve s in Whitby, Ont., with her husband and so n and has a home based business making hand-painted sweatsu its. Jam es Hoof, Dip. (Agr.) ' 87, is head gardener with the U.S. National Park Service at the Sa int Ga udens national hi storic site in Cornish , N.H. Linda (Ka/laste), BA '87, and Scott Preston, B.Sc. ' 88, have a nine-month -o ld son, Jonathon Lloyd , and live on a farm near Guelp h. Jonathan Watchurst, B.Sc. (Agr.) '87 , is owner and principal co nsultant at LEAP Consulting in Orangeville, Ont., specia lizing in land, environ me ntal, agricultural an d planning services. He is married and has a 20-mo nth-old son. Carl Fisher, B.Sc. ' 88, has just started graduate studies in biochem istry at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Lynn (Barry) Gibson, B.Comm. '88, is on mater nity leave from the payroll department of the Metro Toronto School Board. She and her hu sband, Kevin, had their first ch ild, Braden Keith , in August. Sheila Hendry, B.A.Sc. '88, is a primary spec ial education teac her wi th the Carleton Board of Educa tion in Ne pean, On t. She teaches developmentally delayed children aged fo ur to seven at Cry stal Bay Schoo l. Her su mmers are spe ll[ in Toronto, where she's working on a master's degree in spec ial educa tio n at the Ontario Inst itute for Studies in Educa tio n. She says she'd " love to hear from my fe llow Lambtonites and University acquain tances." Lynn (Freeman) Jarvis, B.Sc.( Agr. ) '88, has worked for the past three years as a soil cons ultant and labo ratory co-o rdinator fo r Soilcon Laborato ries Ltd. in Vancou ver and has earned the profes si onal accreditation P.Ag. She and her Australian-born husba nd are preparing to leave Can ada to do some trave ll ing and to even tuall y settle in the Austra lian state of Tasmania. David Jones, B.Comm. ' 88, moved back to On tario from Montreal in Septembe r to pursue an MBA at Wilfrid Laurier Uni ve rsity in Waterloo. He and his daughter, Sarah, are both doing well and want to thank everyone for their kind words and support. He' d like to hear from classmates and can be reached at 519-888-9357, fax 519-888-0679. Julie Caty, B.Comm. '89, and Jeffrey Roy, B.Comm. '9 1, planned to marry in November. Both are accountants working in Toronto. Caty earned her chartered accountant designation in Ju Iy and is with Ernst and Young. Ro y is working tow ards hi s Cu elph Alumnus
designation and is employed at Deloi tte and Touche . Tracy Urquhart, BA '89, has been living in Lon don, England, since 1990, working for the English National Opera and fo r a city lega l firm. Sh e is do ing an MA in informa tion and library management and li ves in Wi mb ledon with her partner, Da vid.
g~~~~: ~:~t~:i~~,
wish to anno unce the birth of the ir son, Pi erre, in January 1994. Sue Senior, BA.Sc. ' 90, is a first- year medical stuclent at McMas ter University in Hamilton , Ont. She earned a B.Ed. fro m the University of Western Ontario in 1991 and taug ht high schoo l for three years with the Waterloo and London boards before ma king the decisi on to stud y med icine. Bruce, PhD '90, and Laurie (Smith) Webster, B.A.Sc. '8 3, recently moved to Athens, Ga. , where he is an ass istant professor in poultry extension, spe cializing in layers. She is a stay-a t-hom e mom for their four children, one girl and three boy s. Anthony Yu, DV M '90, and Andrea Pang, DVM '92 , rece nt ly moved from Auburn, Ala., to Hill sboro, Ore. Yu com pl eted a residency in veteri nary dermatology in Auburn and has joined the Ore gon Veterinary Specialty Gro up in Portl and. He wi ll take board certification exams in veteri nary der ma tology next Augu st and is currently comp leting an M.Sc. ill small-animal surgery and med icine. Pan g completed a sm all-a nima l internsh ip in Auburn in 1993 and spent a year doing loc um s. She has joined a small-animal general prac tice in Port land. Bot h are looking forward to this new chapte r in their lives and wou ld love to hear from c lass mates and fr iends vis iting the Pacific northwest. Jamie Aalbers, B.Sc.(Agr.) '91, and Rachae/ Parker, B.A.Sc. '93, had a mini grad re union at their Aug. 6 wedd ing. Ha ro ld Parker, Dip.(Agr.) '60, gave the bride away, and the wedding party in cluded Elaine (Boothby) Wilson, BA.Sc. '92 , Dennis Joosse, B.Sc.(Agr.) '91, ancl Dave Van Vliet, B.Sc. '9 1. Mu sic was provided by Pam Joosse, B.Sc.(Agr.) '9 1 and B.A.Sc. students Jen nie and Kati e Morley. The coup le li ves in Guelph. She wo rks for the Well ington County Board of Ecl ucati on and he is assista nt greenhouse manager in U of G's Department of Horticultural Sc ience. ,
Environmental biologist Austin Fletcher and his fam ily visited several U of G graduates last summer in Malaysia , where he pre sented a research siminar. Left to right are: Edna Fletcher; Wan Sulaiman, B.Sc. (Agr.) '69, dean of agriculture at Universiti Pertanian; Austin Fletcher; Philip and Kitty George; Airmy Johari , B.Sc. (Agr.) '69, director of the state department of agriculture in Selangor; Perlanian faculty Nadzri Salim , DVM '73, and George Joseph, DVM '69; and Robert Choo, B.Sc. (Agr.) '70, a microbiologist at the MARA Institute of Technology.
A first ,,' This issue of the Guelph Alumnus is winging its way to the first Guelph grad to live in Poland. Dorothy Zencykowski, BA '92, earned her degree at Guelph while her husband, Peter, com pleted postdoctoral stUd ies here in nuclear and particle theoretical phys ics with Prof. Gabriel Karl. They now live in Krakow, where Peter works at the Institute of Nuclear Physics.
~<A;;education is still the greatest gift of all
teacher at Ee ncho kay Birchstick Schoo l on the First Nations Reserve at Pikangikum, Ont. She ea rned Your donation to th e Uni ve rsity of her teaching certifi cati on from the Univers ity o f ~J Gu e l ph Alma Mater Fund willbenefit
Maine at Presque Isle . She says she' s st ill chce rin g th e next generation of uni versity stu
for the Gryphons, even though her rem ote location dents by he lping to establish scholar
mea ns she can't be in the stands and has to wa tc h ships, stoc k library shelves, provide lab taped ga mes instead. "Go, Gryphs , go." equipmen t and support good teac hing. Bill Montague, MLA '92. is wo rkin g for the City of Mi ssissauga on parks development. Beatrix Beisner and Caedmon Nash, both B. Sc. ' 92 , were marri ed in July. Both are complet
ing M.Sc. degree s in eco logy at the University of
Ca lgary.
Your donati on, ifdmed by Dec. 31 and ma iled Sarah Bound, B.Comm. '92 , and Philip
by Jan. 3, 1995, ca n still be claimed in your Charbonneau, B.Colllm . ' 93, ce lebrated the first
1994 tax credit. l\1ak ec hequ es pa yable to the birthday of the ir son. Ashto n Ale xander, in Aug ust.
Un iversity ofG ueJph and mai Ito A I111 a Mater They live in Calgary , where she is housekeepin g su
Fund, Al umni House, U ni ve lsi tyofGuel ph . pervi sor at the Palli ser Hote l and he is building man
Gue lph, Ont. N IG 2W I. ager at the Red & White Cl ub in McMah one
Wendy Jolliffe, B.Sc.(H.K.) '92, spent tw o years
Help us reach our goal of $1.75 million in annual giving.
tra ve ll ing around North and South Ameri ca, but re
Every gift makes a difference.
cently moved to Sydney, N.S ., where she is enro lled
in a four-yea r officer training progra m with the Ca
nadian Coast Guard.
Target Your Market Adam Bergman, BA '93, rece ntl y bega n a one
Through Guelph Alumnus yea r M.Sc. program in Rus sian and post-Sovi et stud
• Reach over 55.Q(JJ subscribers ies at the London Sch oo l of Economics in England.
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Lisa (Choi) , BASc. '9 1, and Kong OOi, BA ' 89, recently celebrated their first weddin g anni versary. Th ey li ve in Singapore, where he is director of op erations for Nam Ho Trave l. Barbara Dawicke, M.Sc. '9 1, has dec ided on a maj or career change, lea ving her position as seni or bio.logi ca l sc ientist at the Uni ve rsity of Florida to enrol in the uni ve rsity 's law sc hooL Sean Draper, BA '9 1, was married in Augu st and started a PhD in September. He is studying sports psycho logy at the University of Ottawa. Ivan Jurakic, BA '9 1, is administrator of Hamil ton Arti sts Inc.. an artist-run cen tre in Hamilton , Ont. He has be~n wo rking and exhibiting his ow n artwork in Hamilton since 1991 and rece ntl y cu rated an exhibition for the centre that runs until Dec . 17. It features the mixed-medi a sculpture of five regional arti sts. Debbie (Killing) Allan, BA ' 92, is a Grade I 36
Abbreviations BA = Bachelor of arts B.A.Sc. = Bachelor of app lied sc ience. B.Colllm. = Bachelor of commerce = Bachelor of I·anc!scape architecture B.Sc.(Agr.) .= Bachelor ohcience i'n agricultu re ' 8 .S.c. = Bacheiofof science B.Sc.(Eng.) = Bachelor of science in engineerin g B.Sc:(H.K) = Bacbelor of scie nce in human kinetics DVM == O(;cl()rof ~eterin ary medicine . Oip.(Ag~.) =Associate diploma in agriculture Oip.(H.E.) = Diploma iii lionle economics ODA = Olitilriq diploma in ilgriculture . OOH =,'Ontario diploma in horticulture PhD = Doctor of philosophy GO = Graduate diploma MA= Master of arts M:Agr. = Master of agricu lture MLA = Master of landsc<)pe architecture M.Sc. = Master of Science Glfe //)h A/ut!!n/ls
The following deaths ha ve been reponed since the las t issue of the Cuelph Aluml1us. Full noti ces, which are usually submitted by fami ly or class mates, may ap pear in th is issue or in a later one.
Marguerite (Gilbert) Allan, BA '7 4, May 23, 1994.
Elmer Banting, BSA ' 50, Aug. 25, .1 994.
David Barbisan, BA ' 93, July 24, 1994. Ste wart Bolton, BSA ' 63, Feb. 21, 1994. Frederick Bridgman, DVM '37, April 12, 1994. Donald Butterwick, DVM '4 1 and B.Sc.(Agr.) '38, Jul y I , 1994. Anne (Laidlaw) Iso, DVM '45 , Jul y 8, 1994. Joseph Dignard, BA ' 85 , Apri l 1994. Douglas Edmonds, BSA '24, Jul y 20, 1994. Mary (Russell) Irvine, Dip .( H.E.) '3 7, Oct. 5, 1994. Donald Lashley, BSA ' 5 I, Jul y 28, 1994. Frances (Gavi/ler) Lewens, Dip.(H .E.) '40, Jun e 29,1994. John McGregor, DVM '47, Sept. 11 , 1994. Margaret (Bales) McGregor, Dip.(H.E.) '27, Sept. 1, 1994. Albert Mcintyre, BSA '34 , Apr. 3, 1994. Edmund Parkin, BSA ' 34, Aug. I, 1994. Marjorie (Hea therington) Prosser, Dip.( H.E.) ' 32, Jul y 7, 1994. Thomas Sanderson, BSA ' 15 , Jul y 16, 1994. Edgar Scarffe, BSA ' 49, July 24 , 1994. Helen (Walker) Sprung, Dip .( H.E.) '26, Sept. 12, 1994. William Thompson, fr iend of the OAC associ ate dipl oma class of 1932, Jan . 22, 1994. Hugh Wathke, BSA '89, May 20, 1994.
Reginald Balch, BSA '23, of Fredericton, N.B., di ed April 14, 1994. In the last issue of the Cuelph Alumnus, he was incorrectly identi fied as a member of the class of 1933. Ba lch taught at OAC arter graduation and was dean of residence unti l 1926. He left to pursue a career as a fo rest entomologist with the U.S. Depa rtment of Agriculture. He is sur vived by his wife, Martha, and two children. Willis Buie, BSA '42, of Etobicoke, Ont. , di ed July 12, 1994. A teacher before enrolling at OAC, he joined the Canadian Officers' Train ing Corps after gradu ation. He later worked for Canada Packe rs Inc., becoming general manager of the Shur-Gain Di vision. He moved to the Potash Company of C ue/ph Alw/lIUls
America as Canadian sales manager in 1963 and re tired in 1977. He is survived by hi s wife, Ali ce. Marg Carss-Harrower, B.Sc.(Agr.) '78 , of Brampton, Ont. , died in November 1993. She is sur vived by her hu sband , John Harrower, B.Sc. '77. Charles Cerswell, Dip. (Agr.) '32, died Aug. 23, 1994, at Bond Have n Farms in Beeton, Ont. He had been a master breeder and me mber of the Holstein Associati on of Canada. He is survi ved by his son, James, B.Sc.(Agr.) '72, and three daughters, Joan , Anne White and Lynd a Rene gar. Robert Claremont, B.Sc .(Agr. ) '67, di ed sud denly Oct. 12, 1994, at Grassie, Ont. He had been a winemakeI' at Culotta Wines Limited in Oak ville and is sur vived by hi s wife, Kim berley, an d their Four children: Shari , Jennifer, Rebecca and Cody. Kenneth Cox, BSA '24, ofTru ro, N.S. , died Aug. 16, 1994 . He se rved hi s enti re career in Nova Scotia - at the Na ppan experimenta l farm as pro vincia l agronomist and at the Nova Scotia Agricu l tural Coll ege. The col lege 's Cox In stitute is named in hi ~ honor. In 1949, he was one of seve n Ca nadi ans chose n to be a guest of the British government on a tour of agri cultural fac ilities. Hi s affiliations in cluded the Agricultural In stitute of Canada, the Ca nadian Seed Growers Associarion and the Masons. Hazel (Pound) Hamilton, B. H.Sc. ' 13, of Rid ge way, Ont. , died Jan. 9. 1994 . An accomp li shed mu sician, she superv ised mu sic programs for several schoo ls in the Ni aga ra area, orga ni zed mu sic festi va ls and played orga n for several loca l churches. She was al so act ive in hi storical and horticul tural societies and the Ni agara branch of the Mac- FA CS Alumn i Association. Theodore' Heeg, BSA '33 and MSA '48, died in Guelph Oct. 5, 1994. A professor in the soil s depart ment at OAC , he was in strumental in develop ing the soil-testing laboratory for On tario farmers. Pre deceased by hi s first wife, Irene Master, he is sur vived by hi s wife Dorothy and a stepson. Lee Master, BSA '56. Edward Heming, BSA '29, died in Burl ington , Ont., Oct. 8, 1994. He completed gradu at.e work at Cornell University and taugh t there before movi ng to Whittier Co llege in Cal ifornia , where he also did research iri the citrus pest lab of the U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture. In 1949, he returned to OAC as a professor in the department of entomo logy and zoo logy. He was head of the depa rtment from 1955 to 1964 and reti red in 1969 . Predeceased by hi s first wife, Helen (Robertson), and son Paul , he is sur vived by hi s wife He len and son Bruce, BSA ' 63. In rememb rance , the famil y have w ggested dona tions to the Alumni Memorial Fund at U of G. Graeme King, BSA '55, o f Ridge to wn, Ont ., di ed sudden ly Sep t. 7, 1994. A re ti red secondary school teacher, he is surv ived by his wife, Shirley (Richardson) , B.H .Sc. '54, and one daughter, Kathryn Vander Griendt.
Donations given in memory of deceased alumni will help support scholarships at the University of Guelph if directed to the Alumni Memorial Fund. Send c/o Alumni House, University of Guelph, Guelph , Ont. N1G 2W1. For information , call 519-824-4120, Ext. 6183.
Doug Robinson
Doug Robinson, BSA '53, died Sept. 27,1994, in Cambridge, Ont. An innovator in agricultural communications, he was instrumental in estab lishing the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture , Food and Rural Affairs motion picture division at OAC. He later produced an agriculturaillews show on Toronto's CFTO-TV an d founded Summ it Film Productions Ltd. in 1962. He joined U ofG in 1989 as the first manager of the Stewardship lnl'ormation Bureau. Recently, he foun ded and helped incorpo rate the Inn ovati ve Farmers' Association of On tario . He is survived by his wife, Marilyn (Inglis), B.H.Sc. '55, their daugh ters, Heather, B.A.Sc. '83, Mamie Wigood, BA '84, and Jane, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 85 , and sons, Peter, B.Sc.(Agr.) '86, and Scott. The Dougla s M. Robinson Memorial Fund has been established, and donations may be senl to the Development Office, Alumni House, University of Guelph, Gue lph , Ont. Nl G 2W I . A lree will be planted in his memory at the Wall -Cus tance Memorial Forest at the Arboretu m. Edna (Bradley) Schneller, Dip.(H.E.) '25, of Kitchener, Ont., died Aug. 27,1994. She was a longtime member and officer of the Eas tern Star in
New Hamburg and Kitchener. Predeceased by her husband, Wilfred, BSA '24, she is survived by on e son, Bradley, BSA '53, a daughter, Marion Summers, and seven grandchi ldren. Regina (van der Horn) Waem, BSA '35, of Hamner, Ont., died Sept. 19, 1994. She farmed in the Su dbury area with her husband, taught high schoo l science and wrOle a high schoo l science text book. She li ved by the mOlto: "Happy is th e one who ca n learn the cause of th ings" and was 72 when she en roll ed in a PhD program in biology at Laurentian Uni versity . Predece<lsed by her husband, Henrik, BSA '35, she is survived by one daughter, Sari , and fou r son s, Jon, Bryn. Richard and Pieter. Wilfred Watson, DVM' 19, of Hawick, Que., died June 6, 1994. He practised veterinary med icine for more than 72 years in the Chateauguay Vall ey of Quebec and is survi ved by his wife, Jean, <lnd fo ur so ns, David, Ian, Mac and Don ald. Bertram Young, BSA '37, of Ridge town, Ont" died Oct. 3, 1994. He operated Young 's Hatchery and Poullry Farm and is survived by his wife, Isabel (Goddard), Dip .( H.E.) ' 38, three sons and three daughters.
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Mail yo ur order to: Alumni Collection, Alumni House, University of Cuelph. Cuelph, OllIario. N IC 2W 1.
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The Research Park is a joint project of the University of Guelph's Office of Research and Real Estate Division.