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ALUMNUS Fall 1994
COVER As beautiful to look at as it is to listen to, a ne w 17th-century-style harpsichord, purchased with Alma Mater Fund support for the Guelph Early Music Ensemble. At Photo by Martin Sc hwalbe the keyboard is 1992 music graduate Shawn Johnson.
Going for baroque
!ala LJ
U of G musicians explore the music of the baroque era.
Getting the big ~13 picture
OAC changes the way it teaches agriculture.
Celebrating t~e ~19 fam Ily
Every year is Year of the Family for some U of G res earchers.
Alumn i . . . . . . . . 26 U of G alumni honor one of their own.
Gryphons . . . . . . 18
Grad news . . . . . . 31
Hall of Fame inducts seven Gryphon athletes and build ers.
Vol. 27, No.3
Editor Mary Dick ieson
Executive Editor Sandra Webster, CSS '75
Advertising Co-ordinator Vi cki GojanoviclJ
Contributors Margaret Boyd, Barbara Chance, CSS '74, Desmond
Hutton , Ma urice Oishi , He rb Rauscher, M arti n Schwalbe. Pe te r Taylor,
Art s '76, Ke rith Waddington, Mardi W are ham
Design/Production Mary Dickieson, Linda Graham , A rt s ' 77, Debbi e
Thompso n Wil son , A rts '77
Editorial Advisory Board Tri sh Walker, CS S '77, M .Sc. '90, Chair;
S usan Blair, CSS '83; Sheila Levak, HAFA '83; Karen Mante l, Art s '83;
Harold Reed, OVC '55; Peter Taylor, Art s '76; Charlene van Lee uwen,
FACS '87; Diane Weth eraJl, OAC '84; Bob Winkel, O AC '60
C uelph Alumnus
The Cuelph Alumnus is published in April , August and December by the
University of Gue lph, in co -operation with the Uni versity of Guelph
Alumni Association . Copyright 1994. Ideas and opinions expressed do not
necessarily refl ec t those of the UGAA or the Universi ty. Copie s of the
C uelph Alumnus editorial policy are availabl e on request. Articles may be
reprinted without pe rmission if c redi t to author and publicati on is g ive n.
For editorial inquiries , contact the editor, Uni versit y Communications,
Uni versit y of Guelph, Gue lph , Ontario N lG 2W 1, 5 19- 824-4120, Ext.
8706 , fax 519-824-7962, e-mail mdickies@exec.admin .uog ueJ ph.ca.
Adv ert ising deadline is one month prior to publication. For inquiri es, call
the advertising co-ord inator at E xt. 6690.
For address changes, cal l the records section at Alumni House, Ext. 6550 ,
e-mail velma@vaxl.a lumni .uogue lph.ca.
This publi cation is printed on 50% recycled paper.
ISSN 0830-3630.
Here's A Chance to Blow Your Own Horn!
Degree & Year
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FACS: A college on the move
This is a banner year for the College of Family and Con sumer Studies. Prof. Michael Nightingale, former director of the School of Hotel and Food Admini stration, was named the co llege' s new dean, and FACS turned the sod for a $3.2-million addition. With financial support from the Alma Mater Fund, the Department of Family Studies will host a special symposium in November to mark the International Year of the Family. And HAFA is cele brating its 25th anniversary.
Changing deans Nightingale moved into the dean's of fice July I, succeeding Prof. Richard Barham , who is returning to the Depart ment of Family Studies. Before coming to U of G in 1987, Nightingale was a management consult ant specializing in education and train ing development and service-quality manage ment. His experience span s both public and private sectors. He says the perspectives he brings from his business experience add another dimen sion for tackling the issues facing education.
interest earned from unre stricted capital camp aign fund s and $100 ,000 in johsOntario funding.
Sharing ideas There are more th an 500 family re source programs in Canada , developed in communities as a result of local needs. They benefit hungry children, overworked single parents and lonely immigrant families and serve many other family needs. One way these pro grams can improve is to share their knowledge and ideas . The Department of Family Studies has created an opportunity for such shar ing - a Symposium on Family Re source Programs that will be held on ca mpus Nov . 11 and 12. Organi zers hope the event wi II create greater public and professional awareness of the impor tant role of family resource programs.
The symposi um is open to alumni and other interested community, health and social-servi ce professionals, educators and government representativ es. For in fOlmation, call 51 9-824-4120 , Ext. 2424 .
Turning 25 It was 1965 when leaders in the hospital ity industry urged U of G to establish the first Canadian degree program for their field. Four years later, HAFA opened its doors to its first 26 students. Now in its 25th year, the school still enjoy s wide support from the Canadian hospitality industry, including finan cia l su pport for a case-teaching suite that will be part of the new FACS addition. The following time line highlights the sc hool' s 25 years . Over that period, HAFA has produced 2,000 graduates 1,750 in the B .Comm. program, 264 from AMPHl and 280 from HMDC.
The next generation at F ACS
Digging in Ground-breaking ceremonies for the long-awaited FACS addition took place June 18 during Alumni Weekend. Par ticipants in the ceremony were U of G President Mordechai Rozan sk i; Barham; Nightingale; Prof. Donna Lero, Family Studies; staff member David McGee; building architect Carlos Ventin and Lynn Roblin, FACS '80 and M.Sc. '82, and Barbara Conley, HAFA '73, new presidents of the Mac-FACS and HAFA alumni associations . The three-storey addition will be built on the north end of Macdonald Stew art Hall. It represents the first phase of a two-stage plan to increase teaching and research space and consolidate the col lege in one building complex. The 1986-1991 ca pital campaign raised more than $1 million from alumni and corporations for the project, which has since received another $1.5 million from Ontario 's Sector Partnership Fund as part of its contribution to the Guelph Food Technology Centre, $500,000 in Guelph Alumnus
/ Zoe the Clown turned Sarah Wesliake ofTotten/lam, Ont., into a cal at the FACS '84 reunion during Alumni Week£nd. Sarah's mom, Karen (Risebrough), and 50 of her classmates relived campus memories at the Bullring picnic. while other Mac-FACS alumni were digging in across campus 10 turn sod for the college's new addition. Photo by Mary Diclciesofl
HAFA history 1965 • Hospitality industry asks U of G to establish a degree program.
1968 • Hospitality Founders' Fund is cre ated to raise money for a building to hou se the proposed school.
1969 • Twenty-six students enrol. • George Bedell is named director.
1973 • First class graduates. • HAFA Alumni Association is estab lis hed.
1974 • Construction begins on HAFA Build ing, supported by Founders' Fund and Macdonald Stewart Foundation .
1975 • Macdonald Stewart Hall opens. • The school has 300 undergraduates and six full-time faculty.
1978 • Institutional food-service manage ment program is established.
1979 • Tom Powers becomes second HAFA director. • Industry supports a new priority research.
18 full-time faculty. • Management development program offers first course by distance educa tion.
mission." Alumni are invited to respond to Prof. Bev Kay, De partment of Land Resource Science, e-mail: bkay@ Irs.uoguelph.ca; fax: 519-824-5730.
1994 • Ground is broken for FACS addition, to include a case-teaching suite funded largely by the hos pitality and food industries.
Commission frames vision
" Framing the Choices," a discussion pa per produced in June by the Strategic Planning Commiss ion, calls for the Uni versity of Guelph to define and restruc ture itself as learner-centred. The report identifies specific issues - suc h as ad ministrative structures, the semester sys tem , faculty appointments and workload inequities - that mus t be changed to achieve this goal. The University community, including alumni, had the opportunity to respond to the report in a series of meetings in June. The final report of the commission will be delivered to the president by the end of November. " Framing the Choices" is posted on U of G ' s computer information network , GRIFF, under "Strategic-Planning Com
Five named to board A five-member board will head the newly established University of Guelph Foundation, a Crown agency that will provide income tax relief for donors. Chaired by U of G Chancellor Lincoln Alexander, the committee con s ists of Consuelo Allen of the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations; Maureen Higa, OAC '79, of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; former Board of Govemors chair James Hunter; and former U of G president Burton Matthews,OAC '47 and Hon. '89. The foundation will help the Univer s ity enhance its fund-raising initiatives, says Don Stephenson , manager of be ques ts and planJ1ed giving. Prev iously, donors were eligible for tax credits of up to 20 per cent of their taxable in come. This effectively put a ceiling on how much a benefactor might contribute to a university. Now, gifts and donations worth up to 100 per cent of a donor' s in come are eligible for credits.
• Summer work program puts HAFA students to work in the inaugural year of Canada's Wonderland.
1983 • Advanced Management Program for the Hospitality Industry is launched.
1987 • Michael Nightingale is named direc tor. • Hospitality Managers Development Course is introduced .
1989 • Undergraduate students number 600.
1990 • B.Comm. program expands to in clude business-related majors in other departments - agricultural business, housing and real estate management, management econom ics in industry and finance, and mar keting.
1992 • Co-op major is launched. • Study-abroad program s expand. • New master of management studies program enrol s six students.
• HAFA has more than 500 under
graduates, 1 1 graduate students and
To show OAC and The Universil)' how much they appreciate their educaTion, the OAC Class 01'94 is leaving a legacy for studellts 10 come. Orer the next jive years, I class members will (,£Ich donate $150 (111I1I1ally, whiC// U ofG wif( put towards liJe illsurance polides ill their lIames. The $750,000 Ihe pro8ram is e.wecled 10 raise will evelltuafly be IIsedfor agriculturally oriefllC'd programs 011 campus. Here, studcllt representatil'e Glenn Barkey, OAC '94, ('ell/re. prese/1£s a symbolic cheque 10 OAC Deal1 Rob PhOIO by Herb Rauscher McLaugblin and Challce/for Lincoln Alexander.
Guelph Alun/nus
Aqualab fishes for funds
OVC names new dean
U of G has launched a $2.3-mi Ilion fund-raising campaign for a $6-million aquatic sciences facility to co-ordinate teaching and research space for aquatic sciences on campus. The 30,000-square-foot facility will hou se two components - Aqual ab and the Institute of Ichthyology. It will al low faculty from 11 departments to work together in one location on a broad range of issues related to managing Can ada' s fresh-water and marine resources.
Prof. Alan Meek, Population Medicine, began his term as dean of OVC in May, following the retirement of Ole Nielsen. Meek earned his DVM from Guelph in 1971 and spent some years in private practice in Stratford, Ont., before return ing to campus to complete an M.Sc. in epidemiology . He then completed a PhD at the University of Melbourne and re turned to Canad a in 1978 to join the fac ulty of OVe. Raised on a fann near Orangeville, Ont., Meek has links with U of G that date back to the 1950s when his brother, John, OAC '63 and M.Sc. '68, carne to Guelph. A second brother, Lloyd , OAC '62A and OVC '72, also preceded the new dean to campus. And those family links have moved into the next generation. Alan Meek's daughter Lori graduated in June with a B.Comrn., and daughter Andrea just completed her first year in the BA pro gram.
To date, $3.7 million has been raised from the public and private sectors for the project. This includes a government infrastructure grant of $1.86 million, a Natural Sciences and Engineering Re search Council equ ipment grant of $1 million, a $500,000 pledge from Rolf e. Hagen Inc. and a $340,000 pledge from U.S. ichthyologist Herbert Axelrod, a 1978 honorary degree recipient. Guelph' s existing equipment and fa cilities are seriously outdated and inade quate, says Prof. Paul Hebert, chair of the Department of Zoology. Scattered across campus, the facilities consume large amounts of water, have difficulty complying with animal-care regulations and do not pennit precisely controlled environmental conditions, he says. The Institute of Ichthyology compo nent will contain areas for cataloguing and doing research on the University's large fossil collection and living fishes, as well as offices for administration, vis iting sc ientists and educational activities.
Degrees decreed A record number of students - 1,950 undergraduates and 158 graduate stu dents - graduated at spring convoca tion May 31 to June 3. Among them were the first graduate of Guelph's mas ter of fine arts program and the 1,000th graduate of Independent Study. Each year, U of G also adds several distinguished honorary degree recipients to its alumni roster. Those honored dur
ing the past year are: David Armstrong, a 1951 graduate of OAC who has become a world leader in the areas of mammalian egg develop ment, in vitro fertilization and embryo tran sfer. Raymond Breton, a professor at the University of Toronto renowned for his work on the dynamics of multicultural communities in Canada. Thomas Brzustowski, former On tario deputy minister of colleges and uni versities and now deputy minister in charge of the Premier's Council on Eco nomic Renewal. Mac Cuddy, a 1942 graduate of OAC who owns the world's leading turkey breeding and -hatching operation. Nathan Epstein , a psychiatrist who is recognized as the father of family ther apy in Canada. Betty Goodwin, an artist whose works can be found in all principal Ca nadian public collections, including the National Gallery of Canada. John Helliwell, an economist whose public-policy models are used by the Bank of Canada and other institutions. Christopher Polge, an animal sc ien tist whose discovery of cryopreserve sperm was a key element in artificial in semination technology . Simon Streatfeild, former artistic di rector of the Guelph Spring Festival and an adjunct professor at U of G. Reginald Thomson, a 1959 graduate of OVC and former faculty member whose contributions to veterinary pathol ogy include an undergrad uate text and editorship of the Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine.
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nl;1 we be"m, ,oph;";,,"" I;,,'n',", w, ';mply
called Bach a classical composer. But to music histo rians like Mary Cyr, he was a child of the baroque era - the musi cal interlude that followed the Renaissance and set the tone for the Romantic period in European history. Johann Sebastian Bach knew no other style of music. The baroque era lasted an amazing 1SO years, encompassing his I ifetime and the lives of his father and grandfather, who were both accomplished mu sIcIans. The baroque style of music dominated Europe from 1600 until af ter 1750 and lives on today in our 20th-century obsession with his tory, including musical history. Cyr says this is the first century in which musicians and audiences have looked back in time as eagerly as they move forward. With the care of archeologists, music historians try to unravel the intricacies of early music - a 20th-century term that refers to all music composed before 1900. Cyr's specialty is baroque, and her in fluence as chair of U of G's Department of Music has created many new opportunities for Guelph students to study the music of baroque composers and perform it on period instruments. Cyr is one of a dedicated cadre of scholars and performers helping to drive a movement called performance practice - trying to per form the music as it wa5 intended by the composer. Such authentic ity begins by seeking out original and original-sounding instruments. Cyr's gut-stringed viola da gamba was made in 1715 by craftsman Barak Norman. As a solo instrument, the viola da gamba was at the centre of many compositions by composers such as Handel, Rameau and Bach before being replaced by the more powerful-sounding cello. "If you perform the music that Bach wrote for the viola da gamba on the cello, it sounds good, especially when accompanied by a pi ano," says Cyr, "but sometimes the piano drowns out the cello. Play it on the viola da gamba accompanied by a harpsichord and you get the perfect blend that Bach intended. You get a sound that is other wise lost." The music world's current interest in baroque music has created a demand for reproductions of early musical instruments. Over the past year, Guelph has added a reproduction 17th-century harpsi chord, a flute and recorders to its collection. Most replicas copy the wooden construction of the original instruments and produce a sound much softer and more melancholic than their 20th-century re placements. Guelph Alumnus
To study perfonnance practice, Cyr has pored over original manu scripts and visited many of Europe's art galleries . Paintings of musi cal perfonnances offer clues to which instruments were played together and how they were held by the performers, she says. Other details are gleaned from notes scribbled on the margins of original scores, through published reviews by the day's music critics and by the composers' instruction books. Bach, for instance, wrote several instruction books for his own children that have been invalu able to music historians. Perfonnance practice leads musicians back through history into new territory where they explore techniques no longer used and ex pand interpretive boundaries, says Cyr. Without the benefit of re cordings, "we can never achieve a truly authentic performance, but we strive for historical faithfulness. " Cyr began her musical career at the University of California, Berkeley , and was on faculty at McGill University for 16 years be fore coming to Guelph in 1992. She maintains an active perform ance and recording schedule, and has contributed her viola da gamba strains to four albums and three compact discs. She is also editor of the Canadian University Music Review and recently published a book called Performing Baroque Music, a guide for listeners and perfonners. To encourage the performance of baroque music, Cyr launched the University of Guelph Early Music Ensemble, a group of students and faculty who play mostly baroque, but sometimes venture into the medieval and Renaissance eras. Sally Tomasevic and Laura Jeffrey are fourth-year music students who sing with the Early Music Ensemble. The voice was a powerful instrument in the baroque era, used by com posers to convey the strong emotion that characterized the ba roque style. The era began in Florence with a group of poets and musicians called the Camarata who believed the solo voice was the best vehicle for expressing emotion. Tomasevic also sings with U of G 's 80-member choir and a smaller chamber group. She describes baroque singing as "flowery singing," lighter in texture than opera, with orna mentation that includes rippling vowel sounds. Jeffrey has sung with various choirs and has been teaching voice for several years, but says the Early Music Ensemble "has opened up an area of my voice and vocal techniques that I hadn't explored before. Baroque singing is technically demanding, but I like the precision and the way the music weaves together." In baroque, the Guelph Alumllus
Far left: Mary Cyr's viola da gamha. made in England in 1715. Below: A French manuscript of 1680 lIses a lellerillg system called tahlature 10 in dicate the notes to he played. The manu script is fo wul ill Ihe Nalional Library of Paris.
Below: Music historians turn to paintings and sculpture to study instrumentation and playing styles in early music. This photo shows one section ofa mural in Germany's Leitheim Castle. Painted in 1751 by G.B. Goez, Das Gehbr shows hand positioning for recorder, violin and lute. The violin player's thumb held under the bow sug gests the popular positioning for playing dance rhythms.
Right: lnthe ornithology section ofthe library at McGill University, Mary Cyr discovered the "Bird Book," a collection of re lief sculptures made from feathers pasted on paper. The artist was anltalian gardener who produced the "BirdBook" in 1619 near the end of the Renais sance period. Note the chest position and angle of the violin, making the bow movement vertical, rather than horizontal.
voice is an equal partner with each instrument. Jeffrey likes the intimacy of chamber music, but many ba roque compositions are also big, loud statements of emo tional turmoil. Some composers filled their scores with clashing harmonies achieved by duelling instruments or dra matic choral voices. "Baroque" is a Portuguese word that means misshapen pearl. And true to its name, much baroque music was beautiful, but with an unusual twist, says Cyr. Like a simple melody played on the harpsichord followed by a sudden change in dynamics or a stormy movement played by violin and viola da gamba. Like the earlier Renaissance music, baroque compositions were often written as church music, operas or dance rhythms. And sometimes they mingled. Several dance selec tions might be strung together to form an instrumental piece, says Cyr, or churchgoers might recognize a dance rhythm played on the cathedral organ on Sunday morning. Something like hearing a waltz rhythm added to Onward Christian Soldiers. One of the biggest challenges for music historians is the baroque composers' use of improvisation. To today's music students, manuscripts may look incomplete, with empty spaces in sections where the composer intended for musi cians and singers to improvise. Improvisation disappeared in the later Romantic period and did not resurface in modern music until jazz came on the scene in North America in the early 20th century, says Cyr. Unlike jazz, however, baroque composers used controlled improvisation. They wrote music for one specific choir or orchestra and often tailored it to suit the musicians and voices they were working with. As conductor at a church in northern Germany, Bach was commissioned to write a new calltata each month. But he also conducted the choir and led the orchestra, so he had a great deal of control over the tinal performance, much more than modem composers do. Improvisation is one feature of baroque that Cyr would like to see used more often in modern music. Without it, mu sicians have probably suffered a loss of creativity, she says, al though in its place has come musical skill. "We can bring students to a high level of virtuosity today that was unheard of 100 years ago." Shawn Johnson is an example. He started his music career play ing clarinet in a high school band. Then he branched out to other in struments and earned a music degree from U of Gin 1992. With the Early Music Ensemble, he plays recorder or flute, but on weekends, he uses a harp or electric harpsichord to play baroque for weddings, receptions and gatherings of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Guelph Alumnus
Below: Das Fl6tenkonzert, an 1852 paiming by Adolph \'017 Menzel, depicts Frederick the Great playing flute in the royal court. Court musicial7sfor this chamber per formance consisted ofa harpsichord, viola da gam/Ja alld three vio lin players, Inti the king nwy well have employed several more musicians in his pri vate orchestra. [he paiming hangs in the National Gallcry in Berlin.
Many of today's young musicians are go ing for baroque, says Cyr. They know the composers and music from their studies, and most also apprec iate the sound of early ins tru ments. David Yemchuk was a baroque fan who enjoyed lis tening to the harpsichord on recordings long before he got a chance to play one at Guelph. For a veterinary student who almost chose mus ic, Guelph has been a land of mu sical op portunity, he says. Yemchuk has take n several music courses as e lectives and is intrigued by the sound of the department's new harp sichord. It's more technically demanding than the piano, he says , because the keyboard is shorter and the keys them se lves are narrower. " Accuracy becomes more important, and the hand positions required use a different set of mus cles." A pianist uses arm muscle to control the dynamics, but the keys on a harpsichord are plucked, not hammered, so the harpsichordist uses more intricate wri st movements. Yemchuk is wearing out a path across Johnston Gree n from OVC to the MacKinnon Building, but he 's not the first veterinary student to do so. The Depart ment of Music has roots reac hing all the way back to the beginnings of the founding colleges. It 's the smallest department in the Col lege of Arts, with only five full-time faculty, but its influ ence is felt almost everywhere. A thousand students will sign up for introductory music courses this fall, but only 40 will be enrolled in degree pro grams in mu s ic. More than 200 musicians and singers par ticipate in U of G performance groups - the orchestra, concert band, jazz band , Early Mu s ic Ensemble, choir and vocal ensemble. These groups are open to all students, fac ulty and staff on campus. Many non-mu sicians also find their way to Room 107 of the MacKinnon Building for Thursd ay noon-hour concerts. The concert series was saved from the budget axe last fall when Cyr cut costs by reducing the number of invited per formers. The move also gave more opportunity for Univer sity musicians to perform. "Our own faculty are as accomplished as the performers we were hosting," she says . The free noon-hour concerts s ti II play to a full house and now have a closer relationship to academic programs; students often pre pare perfolmance pieces as part of course work . The Thursday concert series gave the Early Mus ic Ensemble its start on campus and featured the debut performance of the new ba roque in struments. The opportunity to perform is all important to musicians, says Cyr, who plans m an y more performances for Gue lph students. Gue/ph Alumnlls
Left: A French vio linist dressedfor a performance at the royal court is de picted in the etching ofa 1688 painting by N . Amoult. No te the violin held downfrol11 the chin, a style popular until the 19th cel7tury.
S(O/) by Mary Dickieson /lfllstrafiollS ('ull,.(e~y ol/v/my Cyr. Dep(/rtment nf Music 11
• •
Mel owmus cans
uelph's Early Music En semble and its audiences are enjoying the sounds of a new harpsichord, a baroque flute and two recorders that were purchased through alumni dona tions to the Alma Mater Fund. The harpsichord is pictured on the front cover of this issue. Built in 17th-century French style, it is the most striking of the new instru ments - beautiful to the eye as well as the ear. The $14,000 harpsichord is fin ished in cherry , with the keys made of boxwood and ebony. The strings are brass, and the soundboard is decorated with hand-painted flow ers , birds and insect s. A piano achieves sound by strik ing the strings with hanuners, but on a harpsichord, the strings are plucked. Seventeenth-century in struments used raven quills, hog bri stle or hardened leather to pluck the strings, but Guelph's new harp sichord makes one notable conces Some of the musicians and singers who ha ve contributed to the U of G Early Music Ensemble are , sion to 20th-century technology from left: Sally Tomasevic; Laura Jeffrey; Prof. Edward Phillips , Music; 1992 music gradlwte it uses a pl astic tip . Shawn Johnson; and Prof. Mary Cyr, chair of th e Departm ent of Music. Built by Willard Martin of Ph oto by Martin Schwalbe, Photographi c Serv ices Bethlehem, Pa., the instrument fea tures a single 52-note keyboard that can be transposed to play at three And its shorter keyboard narrow s the range of notes that can different pitches, depending on whether the keys pluck one of be pl ayed . two sets of strings or both together. A pianist can raise the vol The baroque recorders and flute are also crafted from wood , ume of an overture by pounding the keys harder, but on a harp whic h gives them a soft, mellow tone. The recorders were sichord , the impress ion of vibrancy must be given by varying made by Jean-Luc Boudreau of Quebec, the flute by Peter the number of strings plucked at once. Nay of Toronto. Elementary school recorder ensembles use a A piano also ha~ pedals to sustain notes ; the harpsichord pl astic descendant of the baroque recorder, but the modern doesn ' t. It gives an immediate sound with high overtones. flute has changed more dramatically . The baroque flute has only one key instead of a key for each finger and a single hole instead of a mouthpiece. Because of its des ign, the flute pro duces both clear notes and notes som ewhat covered in sound.
Thursdays at noon
In addition to buying the baroque in struments, alumni sup ported a U of G Choir tour of Northern Ontario and Quebec, repaired one piano and purchased two new ones for student practice modules, and bought music for the U of G Jazz En semble and compact di scs for the library. In total, the Depart ment of Music has received almost $35,000 in AMF fund s over the past two years.
MacKinnon 107 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov . 10 Nov. 17
Mondriaan Quartet. 20th-century work ' Stephanie Martin, harpsichord Sine omine, medieval ensemble The Maple Trio, violin, cello & piano G1yn Evans & Alison MacNeill, tenor & piano Lennart Rubes. piano The Kubica-Van Berkel guitar duo Mary eyr & Sandra Mangsen, viola da gamba & harpsichord
Guelph music faculty who have been puttin g that money to use include Mary Cyr, a speci alist in baroque mu sic and ico nography; Robert Hall, voice and Can adian m us ic; Edward Phillips, music theory; Howard Spring, ethno musicology and jazz; and Mary Woodside, Russian opera and cl ass ical mu sic.
Guelph Alumnus
To cut a straight swath
from here to success
you've got to get
pictu re by Mary Dickiesol1 hen a you head into a 70-acre field of
canola with a swather, you've got to look at more than the reel turning in fro nt of
you. If you don't, you ' ll end up cutting a swath that only a sailor could follow with a combine.
tion, negotiation , problem solving and teamwork. OAC Dean Rob McLaughlin says they've asked the college to do more. And it will. Beginning next fall, students enrolled in the bache lor of science in agriculture program will find a new
Yo u've got to get the big picture.
core curriculum designed to give them a better look
The same thing can happen in any business ven
at th e total food system -
from soil to grocery store.
ture and in education. A company or a school that
It will al so help them develop the interpersonal skills
doesn't have peripheral vision soo n loses touch with
they'll need to make positive contribution s to the in
its customers.
Tills is the kind of advice OAC has been hearing from its customers -
The buzzwo rd is self-directed learnin g, and it' s
e mployers and recent gradu
one we ' ve heard from other campus fronts, most re
ates who want the college to give them more than
cently the initial paper presented by U of G' s Strate
technical competence. Employers are looking for ag
g ic-Planning Commission. That commi ss ion, like
ricultural graduates who have a comprehensive un
OAC' s program committee, is recommending a less
derstanding of the food system . And they want
structured curriculum where students have more re
people with practised leade rship skills in communica-
sponsibility for developing thei r own studies.
Guelph Alumnus
AC began its self analysis back in 1990. The OAC Dean' s Council put forth 10 issues that the college should address. Uppermost was a re view of the undergradu ate program. Since then , the col lege committee has talked to farm organizations - the col lege's traditional clients to find out where agriculture is headed and what role OAC should play in its future. They consulted govern ment, research-granting agen cies, indu stry employers and other stakeholders. In Decem ber 1992, OAC alumni in vited indu stry leaders to a think tank that outlined their percep tions and preferences for future direction at the col lege. "We live pretty close to our alumni and employers," says McLaughlin . The result is a new OAC curriculum that represents a fundamental change - not in course material, but in the way courses are taught. Specialization will be downplayed, and students will be required to take a more general core of courses, selecting the degree of spe cialization they feel is appro priate for them. "Industry leaders - the people who hire our gradu ates - have told us that a graduate's area of spec ializa tion has become far les s im portant," says McLaughlin. J4
"A nd many OAC alumni will attest that a person's career spec ialization can change completely after graduation and usually develops ov er time in response to profes sional experiences." When McLaughlin gradu ated from the B.Sc.(Agr.) program in 1969, the fuse was Ii t on an ex plosion in sc i entific knowledge. To handle the eruption of new technolo gies, universi ties and indus try began to specialize. But the fallout of departmentali zation narrowed our focus, he says.
"The new curriculum represents a fundamental change in the way courses are taug ht." Twenty-five years later, students graduating with a B.Sc.(Agr.) in animal sc ience are well versed in their par ticul ar discipline, but the rela tion ship between animal sc ience and other fields such as agronomy and environ mental studies is less evident. There is less integration of sc ientific knowledge at a time when environmental and economic pressures are crying out for science to get the big picture. The core curriculum com
ing on board in 1995 will in clude 12 required courses that will give students broad exposure to th e entire agri food system. Spread out over the four-year degree pro gram, these courses will draw classmates together more often. It sounds a lot like the ex perience of earlier alumni , whose memories of OAC often provoke comments like "we were a close-knit group" and "we received a well rounded education." That de scribes the experience of 1934 g raduate Gordon Henry , who had more than 20 class mates on hand to see him named Alumnus of Hon our during Alumni Weekend . Henry earned a degree in dairy science and spent more than 40 years at a cheese company in Ingersoll, Ont. He stayed through several changes of ownership and rose steadily to the position of general manager. When he wasn't at work , he was sit ting in the Ingersoll mayor's chair, working for the YMCA or getting involved in municipal planning and re gional government. It was a typical career path for a 1930s graduate, but a far cry from the ex periences reported by today ' s OAC graduates. In the 1990s, they're facing a horizontal corporate structure where technical knowledge won't
sustain an employee and pro mote him or her up the corpo rate pyramid . The pyramid has fl attened into a pancake, and companies are offering new challenges rather than promotions. McLaughlin says today's employers see the B.Sc.(Agr.) as a base point for employment - a cut-off mark from which they begin to look seriou sly at job appli cants. " What they reall y want to see is your CV . What ski ll s do you have, what kind of person are you, what expe riences have you had?" OAC will try to boost graduate CVs by encourag ing students to get involved in ex tracurricular activities and by offering more oppor tunities for travel, on-the-job work experience and collabo rative projec ts - the kind s of experience that develop profession al maturity. Past OAC grad uates were able to gain thi s experience on the job, but ongoing com petitive pressures mean th at bus iness can no longer afford to invest in the maturation of new employees, says McLaughlin. Now, they want graduates who have already been trained. To ac hieve these goals, OAC is getting a lot of help from its friends. A $200,000 bequest from the estate of Martha Robb a Paris, Ont. , woman who Cuelph Alumnus
OAC's Johnston Hall home is a dominant f eature in this panoramic view of the Guelph campus. Phot o by CarroJi and Carroll
loved agriculture initiated an e ndowment that has grown to $300 ,000 and now pays 80 per cent (maximum $ 1,000) of the travel costs for OAC students studying oversea5. Eighteen students took advantage of overseas study opportunities last year. The University surveys its alumni two years after gradu ation. For the past several years, OAC graduat es have been saying they need more skill s in communication, ne goti ation and problem solv ing, says McLaughlin. So the new curriculum will al so in tegrate communication skills. OAC assistant dea n Mike Jenkinson,OAC ' 63, calls it writing across th e curricu lum. He mean s that student s will be evaluated not only on what they've learned, but also on how well they can communicate it. He and McLaughlin admit the new curricul um will be scary for some student s especially those who prefer to memo rize on Monday what will be covered in Tuesday 's quizbut they believe it will tum the students into real-world thinkers. OAC's program committee has come up with a package deal designed to turn stu dents into co-operative learn ers and faculty into coaches, says McLaughlin. That's a big de parture from the style of competitive Gue/ph Alumnus
learning that got today's un dergraduates through high school and into university. But if those students want jobs, they'v e got to learn how to be good team players , he says .
"To teach students to be pmverful learners, we need to be powelfullearners ourselves. " The deci sion to temper the competitive element at OAC doesn't s it well with everyone. Critics say these chan ges will water down the curriculum, reducing its scientific rigor. It's a legitimate concern , says McLaughlin, but he thinks it 's short sighted. Technology is moving ahead so quickly that most of the technical skills OAC teaches are outdated in five or 10 years. He contends that graduates are better off with basic science building blocks and interpersonal skills that will enable them to adapt to change. " A flexible leamer is more powerful than someone who memori zes a lot of technical knowledge," he says. The dean recognizes that
some of the most difficult adjustments will be those demanded of faculty. Most of them came up through the professional ranks on the bas is of their individual re search efforts. They leamed in a lecture format, and most of them teach that way. Or did teach that way. You can't hold back good ideas, says McLaughlin, and many faculty have already implemented some of the sug gestions that came out of the cUITiculum review. And be tween now and the Septem ber 1995 start date, they will participate in teacher training programs sponsored by the college, industry and alumni through the OAC Alumni Foundation. McLaughlin says the college must also make a greater e ffort to reward good teaching , as it does research. This strategy has already affected hiring practices. In the fu ture, OAC will be looking for graduate students and fac ulty with broad scientific knowl edge and strong per sonal skills those who know how to get the big pic ture. The changes taking place at OAC are innovative, but not unique. Other agricul tural schools in North Amer ica have been hearing the same messages from busi ness and alumni. The universities of Alberta
and Manitoba began the re view process in the early 1990s, about the same time the OAC Dean 's Council ap pointed its review commit tee. They'v e been joined recently by the University of Saskatchewan and the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. The OAC committee re ceived valuable advice from administrators at the Univer sity of Minnesota, who have undergone a similar process . And when Jenkinson pre sented a paper las t spring at a meeting of North American teachers of agriculture, he found that the new tenninol ogy and ideas were a lready widespread. These educators seem to agree that agriculture graduates need to be better prepared for the global out look of the agri-food indus try. International trade agreements, environmental pressures, economic con straint s and the ethical con siderations imposed by burdgeoning Third WorJd markets have created an in dustry in flux. It dem ands people with strong leadership skill s; powerful learners, says McLaughlin ; people who know how to get the big picture.
Siory by Mardi Wareham
Felicity Redgrave
te rcolor artist Felicitv Redgrave has successfully melded life and art. The vie w out the large windows of he r Victo ria , B.C. , apartme nt is like a land scape painting in motion , a tre at for all the senses . The ru sh of water makes a soothing bac kground this fin e s prin g afternoon as Bow ker's Creek spla5hes its way through a green park dotted wi th cherry trees in fragrant pink blossom. Beyond the park lies the beach, where seagulls faith fully patro l, hoping for sc raps dropped by children ex ploring the rocks and sand. A lone pine tree frames the point, paying tribute to Can ada 's Group of Seven landscape paint 16
Photo by A rlene L ittl er
ers. On the water, which is s parkling to day , c ri s p white sailboa ts gl ide by. And so the scene is perfec tly set. Here is a woman so enamored of nature and beauty that she must live in its mid st. It is no surpri se that Redg rave ' s re cent pai ntings are fil led with trees, water and brilli antly colored fl owers. But s he is much more than a land scape painter. Her work has e lements of surrealism and s he menti ons post-moderni sm. This tall no-nonsense arti st prefers to elude cl ass ification. "What sty le do you think my work is?" s he as ks. Like many artists, Redgrave is most enthu siastic about her latest work. "The Dream Series" is three waterco lor paint ings combinin g the color and nat ural
beauty of plants and flo wers with SOme intri guing symboli sm. One piece includes a killer whal e swimming in the ocean , an RCMP offi ce r in traditi onal scarlet uni fo rm s ittin g impass ively on hi s horse and a native couple resting in the bottom co m er, with large white flowers beside them. These are ghost plants, s he explain s. Redg rave has chosen to pa int the cou ple in soft grey hues . They are literally fading into the background. Does this mean the ghosts o f First Nations people and legends are with us today? That na tive c ulrure has a strong s piritual influ ence on the West Coas t? The arti st is reluctant to spe cify . She enjoys others ' interpretations of her Guelph Alumnus
with a view
painting. She will allow that it is an "amalgamation of time," with the killer whale representing modern times, the Mountie symbolizing a time earlier in this century and the First Nations people denoting a time long, long ago. Nothing is cohesive in the painting, she notes. But nothing ever is in a dream. The flowers and plants surrounding her symbols are a reflection of her sur roundings and her awareness that nature is rapidly being destroyed . Redgrave says the symbols come to the surface from her subconscious mind. "You don't set out to paint certain things - they just come up. You don't say: '['II paint a killer whale up top and a Mountie in the middle and native peo ple at the bottom. ", Although the origin of her subject maner is mysterious, there is no magic involved in creating paintings. She sees her work as a series of exercises. "[ think that you get an idea and you want to make it concrete, whether in words or music or art, or in a lot of other ways, too. Just like a scientist might get an idea. [ think it's the proc ess - that's the important thing." Asked whether fame is important to her, she replies: "When the thing's fin ished, sure you'd like some feedback. To hell with being famous. It must be hellish." Redgrave does sometimes tire of creat ing, of striving to make the picture on the paper look like what's in her head. When artistic bumout strikes, she sim ply takes a break. Sometimes up to two or three weeks at a time. "[ play tennis, I do a spot of Scottish country dancing. [ poke away at the gar den and wish I had a bigger one. I enjoy cooking. I've got friends. [ come back with some energy. Energy's what you need. If it hasn't got energy, it's not worth doing." Energy was also needed to complete the long studio hours required of fine art Guelph Alumnus
students at Guelph. Redgrave remem bers the University in the early 1970s as a smaller, more intimate campus with about 6,000 students. The Department of Fine Art was just four years old. Not wanting to miss anything , she took courses in sculpture, printmaking, art history, drawing and painting. Her specialization in watercolor painting did not immediately surface. She recalls with a chuckle that she wanted to spe cialize in "all of it." The decision to enrol at Guelph came after Redgrave had graduated from Sheridan College in Toronto with a di ploma in graphic arts. "I lived on a farm then with my hus band and children, and I'd just raised them to the point where I could leave them. I thought [ could do graphic de sign from the farm. Of course [ got hooked on fine art. My mother was an artist. [ knew I had to blow my mind and do it properly, get a good degree." She graduated with an honors BA in fine art in 1973. She says the Guelph experience was positive. And valuable. She learned how to use media - "to know when to do it in pencil, when to do it in paint. Know when to make a print, if you could make a print. Know how to use art history without making a pastiche .... Try to have some sort of inner centre, inner truth, like they all speak of. But it's true. " Unfortunately, inner truth doesn't al ways provide an income, so she fol lowed her Guelph degree with a practical one-year bachelor of education program at the University of Toronto . In 1975, Redgrave moved to Halifax and taught art in public and private schools. She also led workshops, exhib ited her work and travelled to Ontario universities as a visiting artist. She wrote articles and reviews for ArtsAtian tic, Vanguard magazine and others. In 1990, tired of harsh Halifax win ters, she moved across Canada to settle
in Victoria. She is still coming to terms with the art scene on the West Coast, which seems less pronounced, less obvi ous than in the eas t. "Outdoors - that ' s where people think about art, only they don't call it art. [ think it' s in their lifestyle, which is very, very relaxed . You look ou t there and it's art. It's like Monet's garden. It's like Giverny ." Later, she adds: "I think it's just that time has a different feeling here. There's not the necessity to docu ment it. " Redgrave has settled comfortably into Victoria's relaxed lifestyle. But she's not JUS! another complacent, conserva tive middle-aged citizen, if that stereo type does indeed exist. She loves the offbeat humor of CBC TV's Kids in the Hall. One of her favorite movies is the provocative sex, lies and videotape. She has strong opinions about today's society. She abhors politically correct art with "natives being beaten, people screaming, people hungry, incest with children." She notes that the latest Canadian Art magazine is airing artist Emily Carr. "Was s he politically correct because she assumed the culture of another group? It's so ridiculous. " Carr devoted her whole life to study ing and painting native culture, says Redgrave. "She painted from her per spective and a bit ahead. Because artists always are a bit ahead." Even non-artists can discover their creativity in this pressure-cooker world, she assures me. "Read a good book. Find your hobby that you will commit to. Engage yourself." And remember that, statistically speaking, it's healthier to be an artist. Poverty-level income notwithstanding, artists enjoy good health , physically and mentally, she says. The reason? "Just the work . It 's fasci nating. That's all I can say. [can't ex plain it." 17
of Fame inductees
The Gryphon Club Hall of Fame will induct four athletes and two builders at the 1994 Hall of Fame Dinner Sept. 23. The ceremony pre cedes the Sept. 24 Homecoming football game againsl the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks .
.. Jim Atkinson
is a professor in the De partmen t of Anim al and Poultry Science, but he' s also a rugb y coach. He has coached 35 conference all-star players and enjoyed 90 career victories. Highlights of hi. coachi ng career include the 1978 On tario University Athletic Association top
scoring team , coac hing four teams to
league or Ontario University Athl et ic Asso
ciation championship final s and a 1986 un
defeated regular season. He was named
OUAA coach of the year in 1986 and aga in
in 1990.
.. Maria Borges was nam ed most im proved fie ld hockey player and rookie of th year in 1984. That was the first of her four varsity letters in soccer. She was named to the Ontario Women's Intercolle giate Athletic Assoc iation and Canadian InterCOllegiate Athletic Union all-star and all-C anad ian teams in 1986, '8 7 and '88. She was G uelph 's female athlete of the year in 1986, sportswoman of th e year in 1987 and still ranks second in Gryphon ca reer scoring. She graduated from the Col lege of Social Science in 1988 and now lives in Cambridge, Ont.
.. Tyler "Ty" Burch ~~-~--
earned varsity letters in track and fi eld and basketball. He was in dividual champion in the high jump and one-mile run in 1963 and in high hurdl es , high jump and javelin in 1965. He was also a member of the 1965 championship team in sprint relay and mile medley relay. In \966 , Burch served as captain of the basket ball team , finished fifth in Ontario and Que bec A thletic Assoc iatio n leag ue scoring and set a school record for the most points per game in a sing le season (15.2). He gradu. ated from OAC in 1967 and began a career as a high school teacher. He lives in Ome mee,Ont.
.. Parri Ceci
is remembered as the Vanier C up MVP in 1984, the las t year the Gryphons won the trophy. He led the
OUAA in receptions that year (756 yards), was named to the CIAU all-Canadian first team, won honors as U of G male athlete of the year and Gryphon football MVP and was drafted by the Calgary Stampeders. In
terms of career records, Ceci ranks in the top lOin 14 offensive categories. He now lives in Orleans , Onto
.. Earl Hunt
played football for the OAC Agg ies during his student days at Guelph.
Shortly after graduating in 1951, he joined
the OAC faculty and became adviser to the
team. He serv ed as faculty adv iser for 27
years, encouraging high standards of integ
rity, fair play and dedication to academ ics
and athletics. He also kept players on tim e from 1970 to 1990 as offic ial timek eeper at Alumni Stadium. Now retired, he live s in Gravenhurst,Ont.
.. lyle Smith
was a varsity letterman from 1937 to 1940 and was vice-president and pres ident of the athletic society from 1939 to 194 1. He won two interco lleg iate boxing titles and was silver medallist in pole vault ing for four years. After g raduating from OAC in 1941, Smith joined the Canadian Air Force and was overseas pole-vaulting champion in 1944. He is now retired and Jiving in Sarnia, Onto
.. Jim Volpe
was the Gryphon rookie of the year in 1983 , a title he reinforced by be ing named OUAA first-team all-star and in terception champion. He led the Gryphons
in punt return s in the 1984 Vanier Cup win
ning year, was co-captain in 1985 and was
drafted by the Edmonton Eskimos. Volpe
started in I I games for the Eskimos in
1986, including the Grey Cu p game against
the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. He was chosen
specia l teams player of the game five times.
He hold s a Gryphon record with six inter
ceptions in one season and was named to
the Gryphon fo otball 1980s Team of the
Decade. He gradu ated from the College of
Soc ial Science in 1987 and is now a sales
representative for Epson Canada Ltd . in Toronto.
T ickets for the 6:30 p.m. Hal! of Fame recep
tion and dinner are av ailable from the Depart
ment of Athleti cs . Cost is $50 per person, with
a tax receipt issued for $25. To reserve tickets ,
call 519-824-4120, Ext. 6133.
fi wholl grlatlr
than thl sum
of its parts
t' s an idea th at's as old as the beginning of life. Ani
mals and humans alike form family units for com panionship and procreation. In every corner of the
world, families share these common bond s, yet no two are alike. Throughout 1994, the International Year of the Fam ily, we've been celebrating, analysing, discu ssi ng and criticizing families. And we've been making more of them with every new union and birth. Eighty-four per cent of all Canadians live in a family household. And even the 16 per cent who Ii ve alone are part of an ex tended family. At the University of Guelph, we like to talk about yet another kind of family -
the Un iversity family. And it
goes way beyond students and alumni. Some of its members are award-winning teach ers and researchers An untitled drawing ofa woman and four children in an igloo by Canadian /nuit artist Pitaloosie Saila, /942 , Cape Dorset, N. w.T. Macdona ld Stewart Art Centre Collect ion
whose work benefits not only the University family, but your fa mily and o ur families as well.
In the next few pages, you'll read about some of their work. And you'll see images of family life among some of Canada's earliest people, the fnuit. The drawings are from the University of Guelph Inuit col lection at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre.
Cue/ph Alumnus
Part of our family Four U of G researchers are part of a five-year national project linking 23 fac ultyat 10 univers ities across Canada in a study of Canada 's ag ing population. The Canadian Aging Research Network (CARNET) is the only social science Network of Centres of E xcellence funded in Canada. The Guelph component focu ses on the provision of social support to elderly parents. Profs. Ben Gottlieb , Psychol ogy; Alun Joseph, Geography ; Victor Ujimoto, Sociology and Anthropology ; and Anne Martin Matthews, Family Studies, are involved in variou s projects to study the effects of social support on the elderly who receive it and the work ers who provide it. Other projects are ev aluating worksite and community based assistance to help reduce stress in caregivers. The project has wide support from in du stry, with several companies partici pating in the development of question naires that have been useful for the stra tegic planning of corporate initi atives concerning the work/home life balance of workers. Funding for CARNET is provided by the federal government.
Balancing work and family Canadian parents generally lack access to many workplace benefits and arrange ments that might help them balance work, family respon sibilities and child care, according to Workplace Benefits and Flexibility : A Perspective on Par ents' Experience, the fifth publication of the Canadian Nation al Child-Care Study.
Canadian/nuil artist Normee Ekoomiak' s scroll. The Way It Was, /948. Kangiqsua!u jjuaq , Que.
The study found that most parents would like to see changes in workplace policy to help them balance work and family needs . Half of the parents respon s ible for child care already have access to extended (unpaid) maternity leave or part-time work, but most people sur veyed said they need more tlexibil ity in scheduling their work hours, says Prof. Donna Lero , Family Studies, co-director of the $3-million national study. "The study results suggest that vari ous proposals such as a four-day work week might be welcomed by those par ents who can afford the reduct ion in pay," she says . " For many , however, shorter workdays or some c hoice over the scheduling of work hours is what is most desired ." The data were collected in 1992 from a representative sample of families with one or more children under 13. Impetus for the study came from the National Day-Care Research Network, a group of Canadian university professors involved in research on child care. It ' s a collabo rative project with Statistics Canada and is funded primarily by the Child-Care In itiatives Fund, Human Resources Devel opment, with additional support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Re search Council and the provinces of On ta.rio and New Brunswick. Major findings are being presented in a series of reports by StatsCan .
Therapy centre serves clients and students Graduate students in marriage and fam ily therapy receive on-site clinical train ing at the University ' s Marriage and Family Therapy Centre. Accredited by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy in 1989, the centre now sees more than 500 clients a year in about 2,500 therapy sessions. Prof. Claude Guldner, Family Studies , is director of the centre, which provides
servi ces to couples, families and indi vidual s dealing with relationship issues. Clients come from nearly all socioeco nomic levels, races and cultures . Cur rently, there is a high percentage of same-gender client couples/famil ies. This diverse client profile is important to the quality of the graduate program, which accepts six new M.Sc. students each year. Recent graduate research pro jects have looked at late-adolescent iden tity development and the risk of suicide, adult lonel iness and the lesbian-headed family .
Adoption study supports openness Debate on a more open adoption system for birth parents, adoptees and adoptive parents is needed in Canada, say the authors of a national adoption study. Family studies professor Kerry Daly and psychology professor Michael Sobol make 34 recommendation s to im prove the co-ordination and delivery of adoption services across Canada. One in volves ch anging public policy to permit the kind of open adoptions now taking place through private agencies. There is an increase in private adop tions in Canada that is directly related to the waiting period for adopting infants through public agencies. Sobol says pri vate arrangement s also give the bil1h mother more control over the placement of her child. She can , in fact , maintain an ongoing relationship with the child if she desires . Adoptive parents are also more will ing to accept an open arrange ment. In most c ases, open adoptions seem to be working, says Sobol. And he predicts they will ultimately be more successful than the policies of public agencies, which are based on total secrecy. If it works in private adoption, why not through public agencies? Sobol points to large numbers of children liv-
Macdona ld Ste wart An Centre Co llecti on
Cu elp h Alumnus
ing in foster homes as wards of the state and not eligible for adoption because their birth parents still have visitation rights. Why not continue the natural par ents' involvement through an adoptive family rather than a foster family? The study did raise concerns about the lack of regulation of private adoption services and the potential conflict of in terest involved in representing both birth parents and fee-paying adoption ap plicants. It also found gaps in the cur rent system in terms of national record keeping, long-term support services, and native and international adoption.
Rural elderly need services Providing services to elderly in rural ar eas will become a challenge as the Cana dian population ages, says Prof. Alun Joseph , Geography. Rural Canada is well served in terms of institutional fa cilities like hospitals and nursing homes, he says, but not so well in terms of serv ices for elderly who wish to stay at home, such as Home Care and Meals on Wheels. There is a distinctive concentration of elderly in villages and small towns across the country, with almost one in three elderly Canadians living in com munities outside the typical cityscape. Joseph believes the challenge to small communities will be to juggle demands and services. To effectively meet the needs of their aging residents, communi ties will have to do more than identify technical ways of delivering services.
Love and friendship evolve Western society is in transition from a traditional family model to a more open concept, says Iteke Weeda, a visiting professor at U of G from the Nether lands.
Weeda delivered the FACS Harshman Lecture on the topic of "Friendship and Love on the Threshold of the 21 st Cen tury." Her research has found that mixed friendships between men and women are gaining more popularity and accept ance, that men are becoming more inter ested in love and friendship, and that the younger generation is more friendship and feel ing-oriented. She believes society can be improved by greater emphasis on female con sciousness. In a masculine society such as Canada's, the womanly principles of intuition and deep feelingness are not highly valued. In a masculine culture, which emphasizes competition, struc tures and status jobs, women are pressed to become more masculine, Weeda says.
Exploring adult relationships Adult life stages in family and peer rela tionships are the subject of the new book Among Generations , The Cycle of Adult Relationships by family studies professors Joan Nonis and Joseph Tindale. Published by W.H. Freeman, the book contains surprises and revelations. It ex plores the reasons why young adults are more financially dependent on their par ents than previous generations and why this trend will continue. In exploring the many problems typi cally encountered throughout the family life cycle, the authors stress the impor tance of keeping the lines of communica tion open as a route to understanding and resolution. The book also looks at the ways cou ples and families cope with in-laws, sib lings, divorce, grand parenting and friendship. To deal with problems, the authors emphasize negotiation - spe cifically tailored to different types of re lationships - as a means of coping with change and promoting growth.
Why do boys have more injuries than girls? It 's known that boys far surpass girls in the number of injuries they sustain and that injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among school-age children . But little is known about why boys are more susceptible to injury and how injury prevention can best be taught to children, says psychology pro fessor Barbara Morrongiello. Gender dif ferences in activity levels and impulsiveness do not entirely explain the discrepancy. Morrongiello hopes to learn more from a three-year three-part study look ing at risk perception and injury preven tion from the perspectives of children, their peers and parents. The goal is to gain a better understanding of gender differences related to injury and to use that in teaching injury prevention.
Women and nutrition Prof. Donna Woolcott, chair of the De partment of Family Studies, wants to find out how women handle two key health issues that seem to be in conflict. On one hand is the need to reduce fat intake to lower the risk of heart disease; on the other is the need to increase cal cium intake to lower the risk of osteoporosis. Women who cut out dairy products to reduce dietary fat may find their efforts in conflict with their body's need for calcium. Woolcott is working with graduate students at Guelph and researchers in New Zealand and the Netherlands to study how women manage these issues and what factors influence their nutri tion decisions. Data collection will be gin this fall in Canada and New Zealand under the direction of Caroline Horwath, a nutritionist at the University of Otago in Dunedin, who spent part of
Guelph Alumllus
the summer in Guelph. Next year, the project will expand to the Netherlands under the direction of Wiji van Staveren, a nutritionist at Wageningen University . The project will also involve exchange opportunities for graduate students.
Breakfast makes a better beginning Nutritional issues such as food security and food banks are concerns for 11 On tario communities involved in a long term prevention program called Better Beginnings, Better Futures. Four of the communities are native and all have extensive public housing and a high proportion of lone-parent families, 90 per cent of them headed by women. "We have found that for many fami lies, there isn't enough money left over at the end of the month for food," says Prof. Susan Evers, an applied human nu tritionist in the Department of Family Studies. She and colleague Kathy Brophy are members of the Better Be ginnings core research team. "There are a lot of instances where mothers don't eat so their children can," she says. "Many children don't have breakfast and have inadequate lunches." Funded by the Ontario mini s tries of Community and Social Services and Education and Health and the federal Department of Indian and Northern Af fairs, the program is unique in its con sultative approach. Each community organizes its own steering committee and becomes directly involved in all phases of the project, with assured fund ing for four years of implementation. Ultimately, Better Reginnings will in volve 1,000 children across Ontario from birth to age eight. In eight of the ar eas, including the four native communi ties, children born this year will be followed up until the age of four. Base line data on four-year-olds in these com
munit ies were collected last year. " In four years, we will be able to see if there is a difference in weight and height, meal patterns and intake of nutri ents among the children," says Evers. In three other communities, older chil dren from four to eight will be meas ured. Project plans also include a 20-year followup of the children and their families. "The biggest impact is in the early years," says Evers. "The project will give us, in terms of nutritional informa tion, population-based data on the effect of poverty on dietary intake and physi cal health of children. And more impor tant, we will find out if primary prevention programs will work."
Day care empowers women Day-care programs in aboriginal com munities help empower local women and revive a culture in jeopardy, say U of G researchers. Clare Wasteneys, a graduate student in the University School of Rural Plan ning and Development, and her adviser, Prof. Jackie Wolfe-Keddie, have found that the benefits aboriginal women gain from planning and implementing com munity day-care programs far exceed the advantages of simply gaining access to job-creation or job-training programs. After talking to aboriginal women's groups across the country, they found that aboriginal women involved as ac tive agents in planning the programs are empowered to speak out for equal rights and against family violence. Wasteneys says many aboriginal men s how in creased respect for women when they see their positive contributions to the community. The combination of empowerment and increased respect from men can be an important step towards defusing abuse of aboriginal women by aborigi nal men, she says.
In addition, the participation of abo riginal women in day-care program plan ning "helps revive the native traditions of women being responsible for trans mission of culture and being equal part ners with men in community decision making," says Wasteneys. "Through cul turally based day-care programs, tradi tional culture, native language and native parenting skills can be revived." This research is sponsored by the Can ada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
It's a win-win situation An affiliation agreement with the teach ing health unit of the Hamilton Wentworth DepaJ1ment of Public Health Services has given U of G a new faculty position in applied human nutrition and opened doors to research opportunities. Funded by the Ministry of Health, the position is held by Prof. Judy Sheeshka, who divides her time between teaching graduate courses at U of G and research in the Hamilton-Wentworth district. The affiliation also provides new con nections for collaborative research with McMaster University, which has en joyed a similar arrangement with its fac ulty of health sciences since 1986.
Good books live on Earlier this year, the New York Times published a bestseller list of children's books - the first since 1978 - and the book ranked No. I on the list was Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, an ad junct professor in the Department of Family Studies. The book was first publ ished in 1986. Its longevity is typical of children's books, because paJ-ents and grandpar ents often pass their own favorites on to the next generation. Love You Forever, about a mother's love for her son, has sold seven million copies in paperback and 300,000 in hard cover.
Cuelph AlumllllS
Baby formula needs boost Formula-fed infants in North America lack adeq uate amounts of an essential nutrient needed for optimal eye perform ance and brain development, says Prof. Bruce Holub, Nutritional Sciences . Holub says that docosahexaenoic ac id (DHA) - an Omega-3 fatty acid essen tial for visual ac uity and cognitive fun c tion - exists naturally in breast milk and in commercially prepared infant for mul as in some other countries, but is ab sent in North American infant formula. There are no studies that show long term problems resulting from early DHA deprivation. It' s known that for mula-fed infants can compensate for the lack of DHA in later I ife through food such as fish, which is rich in the fatty acid. But they shouldn't have to play catch up, says Holub. He'd .1 ike North American m an ufacturers of infant for mul a to add DHA at levels com parable with breas t mille This research was funded by the Natu ral Sciences and Engineerillg Research Council.
Some of us are bored with sex One of the keynote s peakers at the 16th annual Guelph Conference and Training Institute on Sexuality was a clinical psy chologist and sex therapist who said that many Canadians are bored with sex. She 's convinced that many people who fear sexual dysfunction would bene fit more from see-throu gh lingerie than therapy. Peggy Kleinplatz, a psychology pro fessor at the University of Ottawa , sa id most of us are cond itioned by social mo res to deny the value of erotici sm. She differentiated between conven tional sex, where the goal is or gasm, and an erotic encounter,
which strives for intimacy and takes time for arousal. "One of the ways to ruin a good sexual relation ship is to do what works ... relentlessly." True sexual intimacy is ri sky because it means sharing sec rets and exploring fantasies with a lover, s he said. Kleinplatz was one of 71 workshop leaders at the conference, which was at tended by close to 1,000 delegates.
Bridal showers remain popular For more than 50 years, the bridal shower ritual has remained constant, even though women' s roles have under gone tremendou s c ha nges. Fifty years ago, bridal showers were more intimate, and gifts were smaller and often handmade. Over the years, showers have become larger and have evolved to include men. And the gifts have grown more elaborate. Despite c hanges in women ' s roles, the bridal shower remains "oriented to household duties, especi:llly kitchen du ties: ' says sociology professor Gail Grant. "A bride may be a lawyer, but she is given kitchenware at a shower. " Grant has personally hosted more than 50 showers and is now conducting a sociological study on the phenomenon.
What do you call your in-laws? In-laws are a problem for many people who don't know what to call the m. Most people don ' t want to use the same form of address they use with their own fam ily, so they sometimes become very creative, says psych ology professor Linda Wood. Wood has stud ied forms of address titles and last names, first names, nickn ames, plurals or no names - and found c lues to society's stand
ard s. How people refer to each other is more than just etiquette, she says. "It can be related to broader dime n sions, to how soc iety is organized along status and to solidarity or closeness." She says there ' s a greater tendency in today's society to mov e toward s solidar ity rather th an formality bec ause it takes more work to use proper and formal forms of address. Age and gender also have an effec t on the use of formal titles, says Wood . Women and younger people are more likel y to be ca lled by their first names. And there still aren't clear rules of usage for the term "Ms," she says .
Getting kids to co-operate Parents make many demands on young children in the form of hundred s of com mands and requests each day. These de mands help children regulate their behavior and also influence how well ,hey interact with others, says Prof. Leon Ku czynski, Family Studies. In a five-year study, Kuczynski looked at the socialization interactions of71 mothers and their children aged two to three. He then looked at the same children at age five to see how co-opera tive they had become. He also looked at whether parental requests were "dos" or "don'ts" becau se they ei ther encourage or inhibit c hildren 's behavior. Kuczynski found that parents change their demands as children age. When children are three, parents shift from de mands focused on physical care and pro tecting objects to a new emphasis on asking for he lp with chores and regulat ing soc ial interactions.
Stori es hy Margar e t Boyd. Mary Dickieson , Desmond HuN on, Mau rice Oishi and Kerith Waddington.
Glle/ph Alumnus
through the wall
One man's marathon experience
hy Peter Taylor, Arts '76 TORONTO, May 15, 1994. The emer ald green dome of the church was barely visible in the grey rain falling along Danforth A venue. I kept losing sight of it in the clouds of condensed breath that every step forced out of me. The distinctive shape of the dome hung over the store fronts as if sus pended above the slender columns of the bell tower. With every step, it grew clearer until I ran past the church itself and turned south on to Carlaw Avenue with the other runners. Thirty-five ki lometres. I was through the wall and still going. The church was one of the final turn markers I had cho sen while driving the marathon route in clear weather a week before the race. It made a good marker because its dome was visible from more than two kilome tres away. I hadn't counted on the rain. I had never before run this far. I had been training six days a week for 16 weeks in preparation for my first mara thon, running more than 900 kilometres in sub-zero weather through the worst winter I can remember. My peak train ing run had been 32 kilometres . The marathon is 42.195 kilometres, just over 26 mi les. The first time I ran through the wall at 32 kilometres, it fell on top of me. That was three weeks ago. Now I wondered if it would happen again. This time in the rain. Seven kilometres to go. Every sensation now was new and un familiar . My stomach felt queasy and as knotted as a pretzel. The cramps had started at 12K, and nothing I did seemed to make them subside. The cramps had 24
cost me five minutes at the 25K water station. My training partner, Stephen, had run ahead of me, and from that point in the race, I was running alone if you can consider a dozen shivering runners, bumper-to-bumper traffic and a police officer at every intersection being alone! Drink a bottle of water every water station, I kept repeating to myself. Cramps are safer than dehydration. Dry out and you'll have to stop. Cramps will only slow you down . It seemed absurd to think of drying out with all this rain falling on me . Six kilometres to go.
"Sorne runners
are competers.
I was a completer."
It hadn't been raining hard at the start of the race at 8 a.m. when more than 5 ,000 runners - a third of them in the marathon, the rest in the 10K or relay races - massed on Bay Street beside City Hall, stretching from Queen Street north to Dundas. When the horn sounded, a moving sea of runners stretched all the way down Bay and west along the Lakeshore to the 5K point at the Canadian National Exhibi tion grounds . Before we reached the en trance to the grounds, the heavens opened up and the race became an aquatic event.
At36K, my legs felt like cement, and I had to pump my arms to keep my pace on every hill. Clenching my fists in the cold, I could feel the muscles in my fore arms tightening into piano wires. The smooth, easy stride I had started with three hours ago had become forced and wooden. The road was covered in pot holes filling with rain. Oh, well, who re laxes at the end of a marathon anyway? Just keep going. In training, I had imagined hitting the wall would be like crashing through the barrier in the Shell commercial. Some how I would feel lighter and stronger. Now I felt as though I was running in slow motion as my mind and my body slowly separated from each other. My mind processed every image and sensa tion of the scene unfolding around me the orange pylons marking the route , the other runners around me, the police in their yellow raincoats directing traffic. My body was paying no attention to this. It took all my conscious willpower to force my feet around the potholes or to regain my pace after one of my shoes slipped on the greasy surface of the steel expansion bar in the roadway. The smallest effort took concentration and planning and even then seemed to be happening in slow motion. I guess that's why the marathon is de scribed as two distinct races - the first 20 miles are physical and the last six are mental. Once your muscles run out of glycogen, you begin to feel hollow in side and have to talk yourself to the fin ish line. Five kilometres left. Guelph Alumnus
I fantasized about all the things I would buy myself for lunch - ham burgers, desserts, chocolate cake. Ju st finish, I told my legs , and you can have whatever you want. As I made the last turn west on to Eastem Ave nue, the rich, intoxicating smells of breads and cookies and pastries from the Weston' s Bakery on the corner en veloped me. I swear those smells kept me going all the way to the finish line. One of the police officers on Eas t ern Avenue still had her sense of hu mor after standing in the rain all morning. " Looking good, looking good!" s he called out to the runners as they passed through her intersection, clapping her hands and smi lin g her en couragement. Yea h, I thought. Looking good and fee ling like road ki ll. Four ki l ometres left. The 38K water station was just before the last hill in the race - a long, s low incline arching up over the Don VaJley Park way. After that, the course headed straight down Wellington Street to the crowds and the finish line. When I drove the route a week ago, the hi II seemed easy enough. Now it looked like a small mountain. My nine-minute pace had slowed by a full minute, but I knew I cou ld sti ll fin ish under the 4 I /2-hour mark . I s lowed down through the water stat ion to empty two full juice containers. I knew I needed the sugar rush to get me over that hill. After that, I wou ld be home free. Guelph Aluml/us
Peter Taylor heads for the wall ill th e Shoppers Drug Mart Tor0l110 Marath on, May 15 , 1994.
I cou ld see the finish line . Actually, all I could really see through the rain was something white suspended over the roadway where I knew the finish line had to be. Smal l clusters of watch ers huddled under umbrellas cheering for strangers while searching anxiously for friends and relatives . Keep your pace until you reach the crowd barriers, I told myself, then give it whatever ' s left. Con centrate. Don't fall now. I started pa5S ing some of the runners in front of me as I sprinted up the centre of the roadway, determined to shave a few last seconds off my time. I could read the wording on the fini sh-line ban ner now , and the crowds behind the bar riers were shouting encouragements I couldn ' t understand. The runner ahead of me suddenly stumbled, and I had to sidestep him to avoid a collision. I pumped my arms as hard as I could
while still maintaining my balance. The cheering faces hehind the barriers blurred into a so lid wa ll of moving peo ple. I ignored my complaining muscles and kept poundin g my tired feet on the roadway, fee lin g every jolt in the base of my spine . And then I passed under the banner and it was allover. I was slowing down in the chute, fumbling wit h my watch to record my time, tired , hungry, shivering in the cold. Someone put a fini sher's medal around my neck . I was smil ing in side with a sense of satisfaction J cou ld never ex plain.
Peter Taylor, Arts '76, is director of publications for the College of Family Phys icians of Canada and completed the 1994 Shoppers Drug Mart Toronto Marathon in 4:25:49, finishing 1,294th out of 1,501 runners. 25
Alumni Weekend rekindles memories Fifty years from now, Alumni Week end's Golden Anniversary Dinner will host an overflow crowd, the result of the record-breaking 1994 spring convoca tion, where more than 2,000 graduates received degrees and diplomas. But the 50-year grads attending this year's anni versary dinner represent one of the smal lest classes in U of G history, the re sult of the Second World War. During the war, many OAC and OVC students interrupted their studies to en list. And there were no Macdonald Insti tute graduates in 1944 because the school wa5 closed from 1943 to 1946 so the facilities could be used to train wire less operators and RCAF cooks. The campus also saw the founding of Canada's first University Nav al Train ing Division in 1943, and many of the men trained here returned to campus June 17 for an Alumni Weekend reun ion.
Candy man gets sweet award When he was a kid, he practised playing Santa Claus by ho-ho hoeing turnips on the family farm at Nepean, Ont. When he was a mayor, he treated constituents and other politicians to one of his tradeGordon Henry mark Oh Henry bars. During Alumni Weekend, it was candy man Gordon Henry' s turn to receive a treat - he was named U ofG's Alumnus ofHon our. Henry came to OAC in 1930 with aT. Eaton Co. scholarslUp and graduated in 1934 in dairy science. He spent 40 years at the Ingersoll Cheese Company in Ingersol I, Ont., retiring as general man ager in 1977. Retirement gave him more time to de vote to his other job as mayor of Inger soll and to his many community projects. He served nine years as presi dent of the local YMCA - and several 26
working on behalf of the district Y Men' s Club - and eight years as chair of the local school board. Henry sat in the mayor's chair for 10 years and often handed out Oh Henry bars to help visiting dignitaries remem ber Ingersoll. He once sent some home with Prince Charles and Diana for the lit tle princes. His sense of fun held up through years of committee work to restructure Oxford County government - the first and still the only restructured county in Ontario. Since IUs retirement from public of fice, Henry has spearheaded construc tion of a condominium hou si ng project for Ingersoll seniors. He and his wife, Elita, live there. In the 60 years since graduation, Henry hasn't forgotten hi s alma mater. As permanent class president, he has ar ranged a dozen class reunions, served on the University Senate and canvassed for the capital fund. OAC '34 class members have been ge nerou s donors to the University , presenting OAC with a $35,000 oak conference table in 1984 and later donating $25,000 to buy furni ture for a room in Alumni House.
OVC honors 1943 grad OVC's distin guished alumnus award was pre sented to 1943 graduate Archie MacKinnon dur ing Alumni Week end. MacK innon is known in the vet erinary profession Archie MacKinnon for his contribu tions to agriculture, industry and human medicine. His career began as a Cana dian army officer at Connaught Labora tories in Toronto, where he was part of a gas gangrene antitoxin production team. He served briefly on the faculty of OVC in the early 1940s, worked in pri vate practice, then turned his talents to industrial veterinary medicine. He was with Salsbury/Fromm Laboratories, now Solway Animal Health Inc., launching a Canadian company manufacturing phar mace utics and packaging biologics.
Mackinnon opened a British branch of the company in England in 1955 and eventually became Canadian general manager, supervising the building of current facilities in Kitchener, Ont. He retired in \986 , but continued to act as Solway 's regulatory affairs manager un til 1992. Throughout his career, MacKinnon served his profession through member ship and board service to the College of Veterinarians of Ontario and the Ontario and Canadian veterinary medical asso ciations. He was a member of the board of the OVC Alumni Association from 1978 to 1986 and the OVC Advisory Council from 1983 to 1991.
First volunteer award goes to Nixon "It's like giving a kid a chocolate bar and then pay ing him 25 cents to eat it." That 's what Gordon Nixon,OAC '37, said when he was presented with U ofG's first alumni volGordon Nixon unteer award. Nixon took on his first volunteer cam pus job more than 40 years ago as a member of the OAC '37 class executive and has never looked back. He's worked for the OAC Alumni Association, the OAC Alumni Foundation , Senate, insti tutional fund-raising campaigns and the Alma Mater Fund. He chaired the joint alumni commit tee that established the U of G Alunmi Association in 1966 and served as its first president. He was chair of the Cen tury Club and the OAC centennial pro ject division, was awarded an OAC Centennial Medal in 1974 and was named Alumnus of Honour in 1978. In recent years, the AMF has named him lifetime honorary chair , initiated a scholarship in IUs name and launched the Gordon Nixon Student Leadership Awards, which support leadership initia tives among U of G students. He is cur rently a member of the Heritage Fund Board of Trustees. Guelph Alumnus
Making hockey history During Thanksgiving weekend, Guelph's twin-pad arena will host a combined varsity/alumni women's hockey tournament, the first of its kind in Canada. Nine other Canadian universities and two U.S. institution s have been invited to send teams to the first annual Shirley Peterson University of Guelph Women's Varsity Alumni Hockey Chal lenge Oct. 8 to 10. if you 're interested in playing on the alu!TU1i team or attending to support the hockey challenge, call Alu!TU1i House at 519-824-4120, Ext. 2122, or women's hockey coach Sue Scherer at the De partment of Athletics, Ext. 6134.
Alumni greet new students Alumni in Windsor, London , St. Catharines and Barrie, Ont., spent an evening with new U of G students be fore they headed off to campus to begin their first semester. Alumni in each city welcomed the students and their parents to the U of G family and shared some of their own university experiences.
W<GUELPH Alumni stand on
GUARD for U of G
The University of Guelph Board of Gov ernors has endorsed in principle a Uni versity/alumni partnership that will establish a University research fund and an arm's-length for-profit company spearheaded by alumni to commer cialize U of G inventions and other intel lectual property. "Research-intensive universities are the major generators of innovation and sources of human intelligence required by knowledge-inten sive industries," Guelph Alumnus
says U of G President Mordechai Rozanski. "To sustain and enhance their contributions to Canada's economic fu ture, universities need to secure new sources of research and infrastructure support. This initi ative is designed spe cifically for that purpose." The research fund will be governed by a management committee - com posed mostly of Guelph alu!TU1i with business and sc ientific expertise - and will report to the U of G Heritage Fund board. The committee will be responsi ble for managing the University 's intel lectual property portfolio . The company, Guelph University Alumni Research Development (GUARD) Inc., will be owned jointly by the University (30 per cent) and outside investors (70 per cent). Most investors will also be alu!TU1i. GUARD will pro mote research discoveri es to business and industry, sponsor further research, manage the start-up of new companies ari sing from U of G inventions and achieve licence agreements for the Uni versity. GUARD's board of directors will also include business people who are Guelph alumni, and alumni investors will help raise a $2-million start-up fund. The partnership stems from a 1992 in itiative of the OAC Alumni Foundation, which reviewed its potential for serving the college and the University and iden tified research support as one of its pri orities.
Chapter news Edmonton - On a sunny June day, sev eral U of G alumni families attended a picnic organized by Paul, OAC '67, and Anne (Baker) Valentine, CBS '69. Winnipeg - Alumni attended a re ception June 14 at the Westin Hotel, where they met with staff from the Uni versity who brought greetings from President Mordechai Rozanski, talked about campus projects like the Guelph Food Technology Centre and showed a film about U of G. The gathering was ar ranged by Kari Kilburn, HAFA '84, who works in human resources at the Westin. It was a time for networking and reminiscing and introductions for Robert Moskal, who earned an On tario diploma in horticulture in 1993, but has never seen the Guelph campus.
Career Services links alumni to U of G U of G 's Career Services office pro vides an important link between Guelph alu!TU1i and current students and hun dreds of employers. It offers many pro grams and events that can help in personal career planning. One important event is the Univer sity/College Career Fair to be held Oct. 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Bingemans Conference Centre in Kitchener, Ont. Organized by U of G, the University of Waterloo , Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College, the fair will host employers from both the public and private sectors, franchise organizations and educational institutions. Participating employers will be charged $300, but admission is free to all visitors. Shuttle buses from the Uni versity Centre will run all day. Career Services will also help facili tate the Alumni Career-Planning Work shop Nov. 18 to 20. For more information, see page 28. In addition, alumni are welcome to use the on-campus Career Centre, lo cated on Level 3 of the University Cen tre . Computerized career-planning programs, videos and a resume-critiqu ing service are available, as are career development programs run during the fall and winter semesters. Career Services also offers a graduate referral service that allows aJu!TU1i to re ceive notification of job openings in their field. Graduates pay a small charge for this service, but there is no fee to em ployers who want to post a position . Employer organizations can also make use of the on-campus recruiting service provided by Career Services. This free service offers job-posting and interviewing space. Application s can be collected by Career Services or sent by the applicants directly to the employer. For information about any of the pro grams offered by Career Services, call 519-824-4120, Ext. 2213. 27
fund-raising campaign during Alumni Weekend . The proposed $650,000 res to ration will involve refurbi shing the con servatory as a visitor reception area and crea ting land scaped gardens and walk ways. Ann Smith, OAC '52, spea r headed the drive to restore the conservatory. Bill Gregg, OAC '53 and OVC '61, is fund-raising chair. Located by the southwest comer of
Alumni to restore conservatory The curves and glass of the University 's fallow conservatory may again harbor foliage, the fruit of an alumni-initiated effOI1 to rejuvenate the structure. A committee of alumni, staff and fac ulty determined to revive the 63-year old greenhouse structure launched a
Alumni Caree
"ov~mber 18,
Our program
isn't expensive
. . . j~~s . .~
the University Centre, the conservatory was once the campus centrepiece as part of the horticultural greenhouses. The gardens were razed in the 1970s, and the greenhouses were removed after the 1991 opening of the Bovey Building. For more information , write to Alumni House, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. N I G 2W 1, or call 519-824 4120, Ext. 6548.
1'9 8t 20, 1994
The progro8JD.
Time a er tlme, participants have rated th e Alumni Career Planning Weekend Workshop as 0 of the best investments they have made in their caree rs. Their only regret is that th y had not done it sooner! Similar programs offered by private career counsellors can ost in'excess of $2,000. The Weekend Workshop (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon) is facilitated by ='Cc.professional counsellors from the University of Guelph Counselling and Student Resource -Centre. You will gain insight into your person al career, parti cipate in a lifestyle analysis and explore career alternatives. You will also learn a bout career information resources , how to improve networking skills and much more. No matter what your age, career stage. or reason for transition. this highly successful workshop presents a golden opportunity to develop a personal career action plan .
In order to provide individualized career information, ali registrants must complete the
Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator prior to the
workshop. Pre·testing dates for the June workShOp are as follows:
Toronto: Wedn esday. October 26 , 1994; 7:00·8:30 p .m .
Guelph: ThurSday, October 27, 1994; 7:00·8:30 p.m.
Pre·test locations will be confirmed on registration.
The registration fee of $225' includes administration and tabulation of t he
Strong·Campbell Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indi cator, materials, two
lunches and refreshment breaks.
'Tuition fees are income tax deductible. _....l
This workshop /Vas del'e/opcd b), DI: Sharon CroziC/; Unil'ersity Counselling Scn1ires, University of
Calgary and is sponsored by the Universit~y o/Guelph Alumni Associatioll.
Alumni Career Planning Weekend Workshop
Register me for th e Alumni Career Planning Weekend Workshop, November j 8-20, j 994 I am interested in attending this workshop but am unable to attend on the dates offered. Please inform me of future workshops.
N a m e - - - - - -- -
CoLLege _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Graduation Year _ _ _ __
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Cllelph Alumnus
UGAA president's message
uring the past year, when I was vice-president and chair of the finance committee, I became caught up in the excitement and enthusi asm of the activities of your board of di rectors. Under the capable leadership of presi dent Ric Jordan, the UGAA mission statement was finalized, and a workshop was held in late May to consider the next steps to ensure the continuing vi ability of the association. The timing of our strategic-planning activities is appropriate because the Uni versity is also involved in developing a vision for the future. U of G's Strategic Planning Commission has invited us to suggest ways we can work more closely together to help sustain and strengthen the University. The UGAA mission statement was ac cepted at the annual general meeting on Al imni Weekend. This statement will be used in the months ahead as a tool for guiding direction and decision mak ing. Every U of G grad should be famil iar with the mission statement. Here it is in its entirety.
University of Guelph
Alumni Association
The University of Guelph Alumni Association is a global community of alumni and students of the University of Guelph and its founding colleges. Our mission is to sustain and strengthen the University of Guelph by: • encouraging communication among alumni and between alumni and the University community; • promoting opportunities for life long relationships; • facilitating participation in the af fairs and activities of the Univer sity; and • fostering partnerships between the
University and the public.
As an association, we will accom
plish this by working together to mo
bilize all our human and financial
Guelph Alumnus
The UGAA workshop held in May was a strategic-planning exercise that es tablished several key result areas. The highest priority for your 1994/95 board of directors will be to take action on these issues: • fostering relationships; • alumni involvement and develop ment; • student involvement and develop ment; and • finance and operations management. Previous UGAA boards have recog nized such issues and have responded by developing programs and services that were appropriate for the time. Our response to these challenges may be similar, but it's important that such is sues be reassessed in the light of our mission statement. It seems to me that encouraging communication is the key role the UGAA can and should play. As a UGAA mem-
which provides a forum for letters and articles from you, as welJ as for news from your board of directors and from alumni officers. There is a vast array of talents among the thousands of U of G graduates, all of whom are members of the UGAA. As your president for 1994/95, I encourage you to share your talents with your board of directors by letter, fax or phone. Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 2122, fax to 519-822-2670 or write to UGAA Board of Directors, Alumni House, University of Guelph, GueJph, Ont. NIG 2Wl. With all of us working together, there is no challenge we cannot meet, no mission too difficult to accomplish.
be" yoo «",,'ve the Guelph
a~al alomn'.
I am looking forward to my year as president of the UGAA, to working with an enthusiastic group of dedicated alumni on the board, and to communicat ing as much as possible with constituent
Clay Switzer was elected president of the UGAA in June. A graduate of OAC who went on to become a faculty member and dean of the college, he has a long standing relationship with the University of Guelph and a friendship with literally thousands of its alumni. . Raised on a farm in Middlesex County, Ont., Switzer earned an undergraduate de gree from OAC in 1951 and an M.Sc. in weed science in 1953. He left the campus long enough to get a PhD from Iowa State University , but was back in 1955 as a faculty member in the Department of Botany. He became chair of the department in 1967, associate dean of OAC in 1971 and dean the following year. After two five-year terms as dean, he was appointed deputy minister of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, a position he held until re tirement in 1989. Now, he is president of Clay Switzer Consultants Ltd. in Guelph, where he lives with his wife, Dorothy (Allan), Mac '52. Two of their three children are also Guelph graduates.
His professiona'l activities include leadership in the Ontario Weed Committee, the International Turfgrass Society, the Ontario Institute of Agrologists , the Science Council of Canada and the Ontario Economic Council. He was named a fellow of the Weed Science Society of Amer ica in 1982, U of G Alumnus of Honour in 1985 and a fellow of the Agri cultural Institute of Canada in 1986. He received an honorary degree from Dalhousie UniversitY in 1987. 29
Sept. 11 to Nov. 27 - Arboretum nature walk each Sunday at 2 p.m. , free. Themes include wildflowers, insects, birds, fall color and winter gardens. Meet at the J.C. Taylor Nature Centre. For details, call Ext. 2113. Sept. 18 - Guided Arboretum walk for members and donors to the Children's Forest Restoration Project, 1 p.m.
Sept. 24 - The Ottawa-Carleton Guelph alumni chapter will kick off the season for its social bridge club with an evening at Kingsway United Church, 30 Island Park Dr. The potluck begins at 6 p.m., play is from 7:30 to 10 p.m. RSVP to John, OVC '54, or Margaret McGowan, Mac '54, at 613-828-7038. Sept. 25 -
Wall-Custance Memorial For-
Homecoming Weekend! Sept. 22
• Welcome wagon . • Alumni swim meet and brunch, 8:30 a.m. warm-up. To register, call Alan Fairweather, Ext. 2220. • Pancake cook-off, hosted by the Dip pers, 9 a.m. • Rummage sale for United Way. • Human Kinetics Alumni Association annual meeting, 9:30 a.m ., Powell student lounge. • Alumni House open house, 10 a.m. to 1 p.rn. • Engineering Alumni Association meeting, 10 a.m., Thombrough 100. • Carnival rides and games, all day. • Batting cage, dunk tank, face paint ing, kids' zone, all day. • Beer garden, barbecue and displays, all day. • Inner-tube water-polo tournament, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. To register, call Ext. 6131. • Sub-eating contest sponsored by Subway, 11 a.m. • UGAA directors' reunion barbecue at Alumni House, 11 :30 a.m. • Mills Hall student/alumni barbecue at 30
Oct. 4 - University/College Career Fair at Bingemans Conference Centre in Kitch ener, hosted by U of G, University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier and Conestoga College. Free admission to visitors; $300 fee for employer display space. Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., shuttle bus from U of G throughout the day.
Oct. 12 - Reunion planning meeting to offer tips on how to organize 1995 class reunions, Alumni House, 7 p.m. For more information, call Ext. 6963.
Sept. 23
Sept. 24
Oct. 2 - Guelph Bonsai Show at the Arboretum, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m, $4 adult, $2 child.
Oct. 8 to 10 - Women's varsity/alumni hockey tournament at the twin-pad arena. For information, call Gryphon coach Sue Scherer at Ext. 6134.
• New-student barbecue at Alumni House, 5 p.m., hosted by the UGAA.
• Gryphon Club Hall of Fame dinner, 6:30 p.m., tickets $50. To order, call Ext. 6133. • Alumni welcome wagon. • Carnival rides and games, arena parking lot, 7 to 11 p.m. • Aggie pub, open to alumni and stu dents, hosted by Student Federation of OAC.
est annual dedication service, 2:30 p.m. at memorial forest site on Arboretum Road.
Mills lounge and patio, 11 :30a.m. To register, call Bob Oehu, Ext. 77852. • Parade at noon and pre-game pep rally at 1 p.m., features Griff, U of G cheerleaders and performing dance group. • Football game, Gryphons vs. Wilfrid Laurier,2 p.m., Alumni Stadium, tick ets $3 in advance at Alumni House or welcome wagon. • Barbecue, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. • Post-game celebration for fans, fam ily, players, coaches, 4:30 p.m. • University Centre 20th-anniversary get-together at the Brass Taps alter the game. Everyone welcome. Call Woodsy to reserve a spot, Ext. 3904. • Interhall Council reunion , Faculty Club, 5 p.m. To register, call Ext. 8304. • OAC '64 class reunion, call Victor Bakker at 519-823-1644. • Phone program reunion, OJ/dance, Alumni House, 8 p.m. • Blue Rodeo - multi-platinum Juno Award winners - in concert, 8 p.m., tickets $18.50 alumni/students, $20 general at the UC box office, Ext. 3940.
Sept. 25 • Arboretum nature walk, 2 p.m. Many events take place at the gold arena. Pick up a Homecoming Pass port or call the Homecoming Hotline for more information, 519-824-4120, Ext. 6655.
Oct. 13 - The Canadian Club of New York invites U of G alumni living in the New York area to a cocktail reception from 6 to 9 p.m . The Canadian Club is located in midtown Manhattan at 14 West 43rd St., just off Fifth Avenue. RSVP by Oct. 6 to 212-596-1320. Oct. 29 Dome.
OUAA football finals at Sky
Nov. 11 & 12 - Symposium on family resource programs, sponsored by the Department of Family Studies and funded by the Alma Mater Fund (see page 5). For registration information, call Ext. 6321. Nov. 18 to 20 - Alumni Career-Planning Workshop. See page 28 for details or call 519-824-4120, Ext. 3956. Nov. 19 -
Vanier Cup at SkyDome.
Nov. 22 - The Guelph branch of the Mac-FACS Alumni Association, CFUW and the Waterloo Wellington Home Eco nomics Association will hold ajoint meet ing in recognition of the International Year of the Family. Guest speaker is Bonnie Baker Cowan, editor of Canadian Living. For more information and tickets, call Rosemary Clark, Ext. 6541. Jan. 21, 1995 - Showboat excursion to the North York Performing Arts Centre, planned by the UGAA. For information, call Sue Lawrenson, Ext. 6963. March 8, 1995 - A new weekend for the annual Florida alumni picnic to be held at the North Port Yacht Club. More details in the next Guelph Alumnus. To find out more about these alumni events, call the University of Guelph at 51 9-824-41 20. Gudph Alumnus
Joanne Hewitson, '9 1, is the newest ac count e xecutive to join the team at Ginty Jocius & As soc iates in Guelph. Raised on a dairy farm near Owen Sound , Onl. , she earned a degree in French and con sume r studies and Joanne Hewilson has been working since grad uati on as public relations co-ordinator for the Ontario Canlemen 's Association. Arthur Jamieson, '75, says his drama de gree comes in handy when he's writing the plot for a murder-mystery eve ning at his Vic torian Country Inn in Easton's Corners, Ont. After graduating from Guelph, Jamieson earned both bachelor's and master's degrees in education fro m Dalhousie University. He taught at King's-Edgehiil private school until 1986, th en spe nt four years teaching in Lahr, Germany. When he rerurned to Canada , he opened the inn and resta urant, loca ted about an hour 's drive so uth of Ottawa. Susan Kelly, '89, ea rned a BFA from the University o f Calgary in 1992 a nd is now in Duncan, B.C., where she teaches drawing and gives workshops for local alt groups. Valerie Waiters, '69, and her husband, Peter, are tryi ng out the United States. They won a green ca rd in the Novembe r 1993 lot tery, and she wa') lucky enou gh to land a teaching job at Lely High School in Naples, Fla. Terry Williams, '91, provides employment development and support for individuals with developmental handic aps . He and his wife, Cynthia, live in Guelph with their in fant daughter, Hanna Mary. "We take her over to the Univ ersity for long walks as often as possible," he says.
Chris Cooper, '80, earned a degree in archi tecture in Halifa x in 1984, then " vil1ually lived at various architecrural firm s" before re turning to Toronto to work on hi s own. Cooper says he tries to combine ideas of ecology with architecture - to put Prof. Doug Larsbn's botany classes to good use to create designs sensitive to the environ ment. And he has fond me mories of "helping to initiate the Save the Whal e group and the Contrarion's parallel effort to Save the Al gae." Guelph Alumnus
Gryphon spirit at work Nick Toth, Arts ' 77, is a true Gryphon sports fan. He' s a regular at Gryphon varsity game, and to celebrate his 40th birthday, he bought him self a Gryphmobile - a cu tomized mini-van WitJl the Gryphon emblem promi nently displayed. Over the last few months, TOtJl has plll a lot of miles on his Gryphmobile, travelling to Guelph for Gryphon bas ketball games and bringing students from his science class to other U of G events. And he'll probably be on campus again for tJle Home coming football game. You may see his portable barbe cue set up in the norfueast parking lot a a welcome sign for other members of the 1970s "Johnston Hall gang." Nick Totll alld the Cryphmobile A big part of tJle reason for Tofu's Gryphon pmt is hi His scrapbook contains photo of young concem for the student. he teache~ in Hamiltonians posing witJl Gryphon basket Hamilton, Onl. He says too many of the ball players. handling 70-miLlion-year-old 12-year-olds who come into his das room fish fos il • skating in the twin-pad arena are JUSl waiting until they're 16 so they and swimming in tJle new gold pool. can drop out of school. TotJl has success TOtJl takes advantage of tJle Gryphon fully twinned his school with U of G to Illa~ cot to show hi, students that a univer give mose students a rea on to look for sity campus i ~ a friendly and interesting wardlo high school graduution and univer place to be. sity.
Andrew Dunsmore, '92, plan s to mov e to Tokyo in September to use a teachin g certifi cate earned at Concordia University in teach ing English as a second language. Glenys Hughes, '85, earned her Guelph de gree in zoology, then went on to complete an M.Sc. in biology at Memorial Univers ity in Newfoundland and a DVM at the Atlantic Veterinary College in P.E.I. She's now work ing in a mixed-animal practice in Martin town, Onl. , near Ottawa and says she finally got a cat of her own. Michael Kasserra, '84, has been working as a biologist with the Canadian Wildlife Serv ice for the pa~t 5 1/2 years. He plans to take a one-year sa bbatical in 1995 to tour Europe and the Mediterranean by bicycle. Dawn (Sanders) Miller, '78 , and her hus band, Peter, are expecting their foulth child in September. They live in a St. Agatha farm hou se, where she manages the grounds and gardens, as well as various livestock and fam ily pets. Miller's green thumb extends to a specialty in raising orchids, primarily Asian lady slippers. She is past president of the
Central Ontario Orchid Society. Bruce Reed, '88, has received a three-year fellowship from the U.S. Life Sciences Foun dation to do postdoctoral work at the White head Institu te at the Massachusetts lnstirute of Technology in Cambridge. Merrill Stephen, '92 H.K. and M.Sc. '94, is preparing for an expedition to Uganda in January 1995 to do field research on environ mental issues . She is the firs t Canadian woman to volunteer for a Frontier Expedi tion with the British Society for Environ mental Exploration, a non-profit organi zation founded in 1989.
Interhall Cuuncil Interh all Council will ho st a reunion for past members during Homecoming Weekend to celebrate its 25th anniver sary. If you were a member of !nterhall, call 51 9-824-4120, Exl. 8304, for more information. The council hopes to com pi Ie a complete li st of fonner members. 31
The society acts as a link between scientists from industrialized and non-industrialized na tions and co-ordinates expeditions in collabo ration with national research and conservation institutions in the host country . Stephen will be working with the Ugandan Game Department to assess the impact of civil strife on the natural resource base. While completing her master's degree, Stephen worked as a teaching assistant in the School of Human Biology. She has previous research experience in Ecuador and the Cana dian Arctic. Until her departure to Uganda, she will be working to fund her share (£2,700) of the expedition costs.
Robert Reed, '85 and M.Sc. '88, is a post doctoral research scientist with the chemistry department at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Christine (Tomaino), '88, and Robert Walker, CSS '85, are celebrating the birth of their son , Matthew, March 18, 1994. They live in Aurora, Ont., and Rob is working on an MBA.
Laura (Daniel) White, '90, and her hus band, Thomas, live in Toronto, where she works as an accountant for Pepsi-Cola Can ada Beverages. She is working towards CMA designation through night school.
Graham Worthy, '79 , M.Sc. '82 and PhD '85, was recently promoted to associate pro fessor with tenure in the department of ma rine biology at Texas A&M University . Under his direction, the Physiological Ecol ogy Research Laboratory is studying mana tees, cetaceans and pinnipeds. Worthy is also state director of the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network and a member of the fac ulty senate at Texas A&M. He lives in League City.
Craig Hurl, '87, has been working at the Toronto Stock Exchange since graduating from Guelph ' s program in management eco nomics. He is now manager of index opera tions.
David Dec, '90, is doing postgraduate train ing in family medicine at McMaster Univer sity.One ofU ofG's first President's Scholarship winners, Dec entered the Fac ulty of Medicine at the University of Toronto in 1990 and received his MD June 16,1994. Adele Eyman-Hawkins, '73, relocated to the Burlington-Toronto area this summer as her husband, John, completed a PhD in psy chology at the University of Waterloo. She had been working as a social psychologist/ behavioral scientist at the University of Windsor. She taught psychology and statis tics and was involved in research on lan guage development in children. The couple has a five-year-old son, Eric Michael.
CSS Philippa Cureton, '86 and M.Sc. '90, is working in Ottawa with Environment Can ada's Ecosystem Conservation Directorate (Evaluation and Interpretation Branch). In her spare time, she flies float planes and ski planes into the Canadian wild s.
JeffInglis, '79, earned an MA in philosophy from the University of Western Ontario in 1987 and is now completing a master of di vinity degree at Knox College at the Univer sity of Toronto. Richard Kowch, '90, earned his degree in management economics and worked one year as a pharmaceut ical sales representati ve for ICI Pharma before moving to ITT Com mercial Finance as a credit analyst. He and his wife, Kim, live in Guelph with their one year-old son, Taylor, who Dad says is des tined to attend U of G. Clare Mitchell, PhD '81 , is an as sociate pro fessor of geography at the University ofWa terloo. Her husband, Bill, CSS '8 1, is assistant director of communications for the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. They have three children: Jeffrey, 7; John, 4; and William, 1.
Mac-FACS Maria Barzso, '90, and Doug Paul, OAC ' 89A, celebrated their first wedding anniver sary in July by remembering the many
Investment Planning • Complete range of investment products • International investment opportunities • Access to rap money mal1agers • Retirement Plannil1g Wayne J. Koning OAC '66 Vice-President I First Canadian Place Toronro, Ontario M5X I H3 BURNS 1-800-567-3008 or 1-416-359-4671 FRYUMrTID
U of G grads a/ the July /993 Barzso -Paul wedding were Jront rowJromlefl: C J. Robinson, CBS '92; John Johnson , CSS '90; Paula McClinlon , FACS '90; Hugh Mwphy, HAFA '89; and SIeve Lawson , OAC '90. Back row: Dall Clarke, OAC '89A; Brel11 McJnlyre , OAC '89A ; bride Maria Barzso Paul, FACS '90; groom Doug Paul, OAC ' 89A; Alissa Milani, CBS '90; Scali Gray, CBS '9/ ; and Tim Pirk, CBS '9/. Guelph grads who were at their wedding in Hamilton, Ont. The Pauls now live in Chrys ler, where Doug farms and Maria teaches ele mentary school. Leslie Baldwin, '89, graduated from the Fac ulty of Business Administration at B.C.'s Si mon Fraser University in June, winning a medal for achieving the highest marks in the graduate program. Her master's project was an experimental study of brand equity dilu tion, an important concept in consumer be havior. Originally from Brook.lin, Ont., Baldwin has worked at Ingram Bell Scien tific, but is now marketing assistant in the baby food division of Heinz Foods in Toronto. Jane (Paxton), '76, and Peter Ball, OVC '75, celebrated International Year of the Family with the birth of twin daughters, Faith and Hope, on July 8. The Bells live in Beeton, Ont., where Peter is a veterinarian at the Beeton Veterinary Clinic . Jane gave up teaching several years ago to stay home with their young family , which now numbers eight children, ages one month to 13 years. Sian Fitzgerald, '90 , has been in Vietnam for the past year, working with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on nutrition improvement and com munity development for rural communities. Before Vietnam, he spent a year in Rome at
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Guelph Alumnus
FAO headquarters, working on a Vitamin A project in West Africa. Prior to that , he was in Ontalio with the Waterloo Regional Health Unit and the Food Bank of Waterloo Region. Guelph colleagues are invited to write him c/o FAO, 3 Nguyen Gia Thi eu St., Hanoi, Vietnam. Lynn (Holley), ' 88, and Gordon Jamieson, OAC '88 and M.Ag. '90, are the proud par ents of twins, Olivi a and Philip , bom June 25 at St. Joseph's Hospital in London, Ont. The Jamiesons live in HaITiston. Rick King, '78, of Calgary enjoyed the spring weather in Florida last April when he was invited to speak at TBM' s CICS Tech ni cal Conference. Hi s subject was the use of OS/2-based PCs with mainframe computers in bu siness systems. Lesley Oliver-Rae, ' 89, is regional sales su pervisor for the travel in surance program at RBC In surance in Brampton, Ont. Some of her best Guelph memories come from time spent as a house advise r in Macdona ld Hall . Sonya Sellner, '84 , has been living in Victo ria, B.C., for almost a year, with "no inten tions of moving back to On tario. I now understand the exod us of folk s heading west." She is an employee development offi cer with the B.C. Syste ms Corporation. Lynne (Miller) Van Wyck, ' 73 , is another alumni en trepreneur. She runs the Ginger bread House Tea Room and Bakery in Port Dover, Ont. She was guest speaker at a Port Dover confe rence on "Enterpri sing Women " and was nomin ated for the Canadian Woma n Entrepreneur of the Year Award and the 1993 "IN" awards for Ca nad ian entrepre neurial women.
Irving, '76, and Laura (Lappala) Augustine, CBS '75. are missionaries in Latin America. They've been in Chile for al most se ven years, but still enjoy staying in to uch with U ofG. Amarinder Singh Bawa, M.Sc. '80, PhD '83, has been named head of the newly estab li shed department of food sc ience and tech nology at the Guru Nanak Dev Univers it y in Amritsar. India. Everett Biggs, '48. and Robert Cline, '56 , were honored last spring by the Ontario Insti tute of Agrologists (OIA) for th ei r service to the Ontario agriculture industry. Biggs, a past deputy mini ster for the minis tries of agric ulture and env ironment , was rec ogni zed for accomplishments such as establishment of the Ontario Milk Marketing ' Board , expansion of agricultural trade with the United Kingdom, strengthening farm management se rvices and c reatin g better un derstanding between Quebec and Ontario in rural matters and bilinguali sm. Cline was recognized for his contributions in the areas of plant nutrition. soil manage ment , irrigation and orchard/vineyard manGuelph Alumnus
Y Leonard Weeden, OAC '54, was honored May 6 by Hybrid Turkeys Inc. One of Hybrid's founders and longe 'I-serving em ployees, Weeden retired in January as director of technical service after 33 years with the com pany. His career in Ihe tur key industry began in 1955 when he became a Leonard Weedell once said: "It's notlhe turkeys Ihat are part-time blood tester for stupid, it's tile people who have 1101 figured them out ,vel. " the Ministry of Agricul Photo courtesy of Hybrid Turkeys inc. ture, working at U of G. He special ized in turkeys ting up many new farms and was responsi and wa<; in charge of the research haTchery ble for the physical selection of Hybrid's and liaison with professors. well-known DianlOnd White small-type In 1957, Weeden developed a technique turkey . for the artificial insemination (AI) of tur Over the years . Weeden travelled key and has been recognized by the indus throughout Eastem and We! tern Europe, try as a pioneer in this fie ld. He taught his South America, the Orient and North technique to owner of small turkey America to provide technical support to breeder flocks southwestern Ontario. Hybrid customers. In addiTion. he and his In 1961, he officially joined Shantz wife. Mary, hosted many visitors in their Farms (which later became Hybrid Tu r ew Hamburg home. Their two sons, key') as AI and service crew leader in Kevin,OAC '81 A, and Greg. both work ew Hamburg. Om. ThroughouT the for Hybrid Turkeys. 1960s and '70s, he was instrumental in set
agement as a researc h scientist at the Horti c ultural Research Institute at Vineland Sta tion. The concepts of a balanced and conservative approach to crop manageme nt fostered by Cl ine have brought th e sustain abl e approac h to crop management c lose r to reality. He has reg ularly received requests to share his expertise with growers in Ontario, Quebec and New York. The OlA is an association of professiona ls working in the Ontalio agri-food industry to advance the professionalism of agrologists in serving society. Another OAC graduate, Dan Rose, '57A, '60 and M.Sc . '67, was nanled president -e lec t of the OlA at its an nu al meeting. James Brown, '89, and his wife, Karen, live in Guelph with their chil dren, Jason, Sarah
and Jonathan. He works for the Ontario Agri cultura l Training In stitute as a program co ordinator. Helena Champion, M.Sc. ' 8 1, is senior process e ngineer at Amicon Inc. in Danv ers, Mass. , responsib le for the process develop ment of labora tory products. She li ves in Beverly with her I O-yea r-old son , Ian. Terence Clarke, '65, retired as principal of Huntsville Hi gh School in Hunt sville, Ont. , in June, and says he may try his hand at pri vate enterprise. Gary Fan, '9 1, is working for Environme nt Canada as a pesticide evaluator. Based in Hull, Que., he evaluates the environme ntal safety of pesticides. 33
==============GRAD NEWS
Susan Garrett, '84, has been working since graduation in pharmaceutical research, mar keting and sales. She currently works for Ay erst Laboratories, selling products to veterinarian s in central Ontario and Nov a Scotia In her spare time, she moonlights as a professional dog trainer and actress. She teaches dog obedience classes and manoeu vres her dogs through TV commercials. The latest is a Kodak ad featuring her Jack Ru ssell terrier. Kent Groves, '82, earned an M.Sc. in envi ronmental biochemistry from the Univers ity of Saskatchewan in 1985, spent nine years in senior management at Ontario-based Chem Lawn , then joined the First Service Group. Last year, he started his own direct market ing company, Maritime Trading Company, based in Bedford , N.S. He markets maritime products worldwide through catalogue, in centive and amenity marketing. Groves in vites "Swampers" to call for a catalogue or just to say "hi" at 902-835-7507, fax: 902 835-6767. John Kirwin, '89, and Marnie McDonough" Arts '93, were married Aug. 20. They send greetings to fellow "Johnston Hailers." The couple will live in Chatham, Ont., where Kirwin works as an environ mental planner at Union Gas and McDonough is a fitne ss and nutrition con sultant at a women' s club. Suzanne Legge, '88, is beginning a three-year assign ment in Bangla desh with the Mennonite Central Committee. The Waterloo, Ont., na tive previously served with the Christian Veteri nary Mission in Haiti and has been Suzanne Legge employed at Hanover Shoe Farms. In Bangladesh, s he will work as an agricultural adviser.
Abbreviations: CBS CPES
= College of Arts = College of Biological Science = College of Physical and
= College of Soci al Science = College of Family and
Mac OAC OVC Eng.
= Macdonald Institute
Engineering Science Consumer Studies
D 34
= Ontario Agricultural College = Ontario Veterinary CoUege = Degree from School of Engineering = Degree from School of Hotel and Food Administration = Degree from School of Human Biology = Degree from School of Landscape Architecture = University School of Rural Planning and Dev elopment = OAC Diploma in Agriculture = Macdonald Institute Diploma
They ("{III themselves the College Greys, alld they knoll' tile Unil'ersiry (){Guelph campus betrer thall mOSI hecaulie they've beell visiting il regularly since they were children. Some ofthem played in rhe wagoll wheel-shaped/lower beds (hat alice grared Johnstoll Green, alld they" I'e all WilMS. ed (he mallY moves ofOld Jere miah. The Grey are Don Buchanan, Air Hales, Roy Hammond, John Harcourt, Walter Hill, Ernest and John Kendall, Roy McGilvray, Harold Parker and Sid Simmons. III recent years, they' I'e heen plaming trees ill 'he Ar borefllm. This May, Hales, left, Ernest Kendall, eellfre. and Hammond dedicated Photo by Maurice Oishi the College Greys Tree Grol'e,
Graham Wood , '78A, his wife, Shirley, and their four children recently moved to Pano rama, B.C. He has been appointed general manager of Panorama Resort, part of the In trawest Resorts chain of Vancouver. Donald Ziraldo, '71, president of lnnisk illin Wines, was awarded an honorary degree from Brock University in June, as was his business partner, Karl Kaiser.
Mark Baguma-Nibasheka, '89, and hi s wife, Fiona (Lochhead), CSS '88, live in Ithaca, N .Y., with their children, Fraser and Erica . Mark is completing a PhD in physiol ogy at Cornell University. Previou sly , they spent three years in Kampala, Uganda, where Fiona worked in a medical clinic and Mark taught veterinary reproduction at Mak erere University. Amreek Singh, M .Sc. '69 and PhD '7 J, a professor of anatomy and phys iology at At lantic Veterinary College in P.E.I., was the 1993/94 winner of the college 's out<;tanding scholarly achievement award. He has authored or co-authored more than 70 refe reed papers and book chapters and serves on the editorial boards of two international mor phology journals. He has also attended or contributed to more than 138 scientific meet in gs. '
Singh 's resea rch focu ses on the ultra sound pathology of env ironmental pol lutants, including hexachlorobenzene, lead and PCB. A ma jor thrust of his work involves evalu ating predicted ri sks for PCB. Hi s re search is used regu.. larJy by federal agen- Amreek Smgh cies involved in establishing acceptable lev els of exposure to pollutants. While at OVC , Singh was part of an ex pert panel assembled for U.S. Senate hear ings on photomire s, a potent insecticide and environmental contaminant. Its manufacture was eventually banned in the States. Ian Ta)'lor, '43, OVe' s 1993 distinguished a lumnus, was in the news aga in recently as his home town of Wheeling, III., celebrated its centenni al. Taylor was cited for his 40 years of service as a veterinarian and co n cerned citizen. He used the occasion to make a plea for the Lions International Stamp Club, which collecL,> stamps to sponsor a pro gram for handicapped children and adults. If you ' d like to know more, send a self-ad dressed, stamped envelope to Lions Interna tional Stamp Club, 769 S. Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling, Ill. 600190-6201, or call your lo cal Lion s Club. Guelph Alumnus
====~f~I_M_E_M_o_ m_ AM~ 1 ==== The fo llowing deaths have been reported since the last iss ue of the Gue lph Alumnus. Full notices, which are usually submitted by fam il y or c lassmate s, may appear in this is sue or in a later one. David Armstrong, OAC M.Sc . '75, in 1992. Donald Atkin, OAC '49, Aug. I I, 1992 . Beatrice "Bea" (Blandford) Kay , Mac '25D, March 23 , 1994. Howard Brooks, OVC '36, July 1992. Robert Brown, OAC '63, Jan. 8, 1994. Gerard Bruder, OAC '84A and CBS '92, Feb. 28, 1994. Willis Buie, OAC '42, July 12, 1994. William Crompton, CSS '71 and BLA '73, November 1993. Evlyn (S haver) Crosbie, Mac '29, Aug. 16, 1992. Murray Davie, OAC '30A, Dec. 30, 1993 . Lynn Fair,OAC '30, Jun e 11 , 1994. Rajiv Goel, CPS '85, March 8, 1994. Kenneth Hill, OAC '22A, Feb. 3, 1994. Jane (Dawson) Lalonde, FACS '79, May 13, 1993.
Arts William Patterson, '74, of Guelph died March 18, 1994. He taught in the Guelph area for more than 20 years and was an ac tive member of the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation . He is s urvived by his wife, Joy.
Kenneth Berg, '82, of Toronto died March 19, 1994, as the result of a traffic accident. He had worked for Novopharm since gradu ation and is survived by his wife , Myra, and c hildren, Michae l and Mary. Susan (Asher) Hiebsch, M.Sc. '83, of Ottawa died Jan. II, 1994. She is survived by her hu sband , Rudolf, two so ns, Benjamin and Russell , and her parents , Gordon and Evelyn Asher. David Laugharne, '76, of West Vancouver, B.C., died June 14,1994. He was a sc ience teacher at Maimonides Seco nd ary School in Vancouver and an acti ve participant in school and Ca nada-wide sc ience fairs. He is survived by his parents, Eli zabeth and Alan Laugharne.
Earl Lain, OAC 'SO, May 2, 1993. Alice (Buckingham) Newman, Mac '220, July 3 , 1994 . Marion (Reynolds) Norry, Mac '350, Febmary 1992 . John "Jack" Palmer, OAC '38, July 10, 1994. William Pardy, OAC '5 1, Jan. II , 1994. Donald Phaneuf, HAFA '74, March 3, 1993. Stanley Roadhouse, OAC '47, May IS, 1994. Edward Sovereign, OAC '39A, Aug. IS, 1993. Dorothea (H ill) Seiple, Mac '4 1D, spring 1994. Grace Sharpe, Mac '240, April 14, 1994. Leah (McCarthy) Sinclair, Mac' l SD, Dec. 30, 1993. Arthur van Diepen, OAC '35 A, March 7, 1994. Kenneth Westman, OAC '71, May 23 , 1994. Jean (Shearer) Wolfe, Mac '23D, March 21 , 1994.
Mac-FACS Marie-Pier Lamoureux-Jones, FACS '88 , died Dec. 3 , 1993, as the result of a car acci dent. She is surviv ed by her hu sband , David Jones, HAFA '88, and their three-year-old daughter, Sarah. A memorial fund has been established to provide a U of G scholars hip in memory of he r personal and profess ional contributions. Originall y from Sherbrooke, Que., she came to Guelph to study app lied nutrition and become bilingual. C lassmates remember her musica l talents, her interest in interna ti ona l exchanges and her commitment to her profession. After grad uati on, she completed an internship with the Ottawa Regional Die tetic Internship Program and late r he ld posi tions in Brampton, Ont., Verd un , Que., and Montreal. At the time of her death, she was a clinical co-ordinator at McGill University's Macdonald College at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Mon treal. David Jones is finan c ial co ntroller for th e Holid ay Inn Montreal Centre-Ville. Contributions to the Marie-Pier Lamoureux-Jones Me morial Fund ca n be sent c/o Alumn i House , Univ ers ity of Guelph , Gue lp h, Ontario N I G 2W I . Isabelle (Cook) Rintoul, '27D, of East
Longmeadow, Mass ., died April 8, 1994.
She was a dietitian in Montreal and Ham il
ton, Ont., before moving to th e United States.
Guelph Alumnus
She was a member of th e board of direc tors of the Co un cil of Churches of Greater Springfield, served on the town safety com mittee, was ac ti ve in the historical commis s ion, YWCA and Girl Scouts, and hel ped organ ize a seniors' cl ub. She and her late husband Archie, OAC ' 26, were honored as distinguished ci tizens by the East Longmeadow Lions Club in 1969. Together, they established the Archie and Isabelle (Cook) Rintoul Bursaries for FACS and OAC stud ents. They are surv ived by thei r c hildre n, James, Mary Quilling and E li zabeth Farneth . Eleanor (Dagg) Stinson, , 53, died in Guelph April 3, 1994. She is survived by her husband , Robert, OAC '53, a retired profes sor in the Department of Physics, and three sons: Murray , CPES '83 and M.Sc. '87; Douglas ; and Thomas .
Reginald Balch, ' 33, of Fredericton , N .B., died April 14 , 1994. Born in Eng land , he came to Ca nada in 19 13 and was a lieutenan t in the Canad ian Field Artillery before atte nd in g OAC and Syracuse University. He taught at OAC, then joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a forest entomologist. During his career as director of the Forest Biology Laboratory, he discovered a way to con trol the European spruce sawfly . This led to estab lishment of an insect pathology o r gan izat ion in Canada. He also directed the first budworm spray program in New Bruns wick in the 1950s and helped the city of Fredericton combat the Dutch elm beetle. Prof. Balch was the first Canadian to re ceive th e Society of Ame rican Foresters Award of Achievement in biologica l re searc h and was awarded an honorary degree by the University 0f New Bmnswick in 1963. He recei ved th e silver medal from the Royal Society of Arts and the Distinguished C itize n's Award of the Canad ian C hamber of Commerce. He was also an hono rary member of the Canadian and American so c ieties of entomology and honorary presi dent of th e Co nservation Council of New Brunswick. He is survi ved by his wife, Martha, a daug hter, Cyn thia, and a son, Norval. John Fricker, '49 , of Haley Station, Ont., died June 9, 1994 . While atOAe, he joined th e University Naval Training Division and went on to a li fetime caree r in the Canad ian Navy, retiring as captain in 1979. During his ca reer, he was com manding of f icer on HMCS New Liskeard, Warri or, Crescent and Sheffield and was adm ini stra tive officer and financ ial advi se r in several postings, inc luding the student supply corps school in New Jersey, the Devi l log istics pro 35
gram and National Defence Headquarters. He is survived by his wife, Joyce, hi s daugh ter, Janice, his son, Francis, CPS '77, and hi s daughter-in-law, Kathleen (Robertson), FACS '77. Adam Graham, '2 1A and '23 of Scarborough, Ont., died June 3, 1994, at th e age of 100. Bom in Carleton Place near Ottawa, he came to OAC at age 25 with only a few years of schoo l ing. But like many early graduates, he was determined to re- Adam Graham ceive an education .. . and never stopped learning. After graduat ing, he worked on insect research at the Vineland Experimental Farm and, in 1925 , earned a teachin g certificate. He taught bot any , zoology, chemistry, agriculture and mu sic in several so uthern Ontario hi g h sc hools, ending his career in Scarboroug h in 196 J • He learned to play the violin at 68 and wrote a book in his 90s about th e Graham family's Scottish genealogy. In 1984, Mr. Graham wrote an article for the Guelph Alumnus about farm life in NOr1hem Ontario at the turn of the century. He is s urviv ed by his
wife, Grace, and one so n, Douglas. John Harvey, '76, of Ancaster, Ont., died Feb. 22, 1994. He wa~ sO LI and crop adv iser for Brant and Norfolk counties with the On tario Mini stry of Agriculture, Food and Ru ral Affairs (OMAFRA) . A noted authority on weed-control methods in field crops, he was instrumental in developing a computer ized version of the Ontario Guide 10 Chemi cal Weed COnlrol. Before joining OMAFRA, he was a technical se rvice super visor for Chipman at Stoney Creek. H e is survived by his wife, Rinette, and one son, Trevor. Charles Hutchings, '34A and '36, of Water loov ill e, Hants, England, died April 18, 1994. Born in the Turks and Caicos Island s, he attended school in Jama ica before coming to OAC. After graduation, he directed exten sion services in Jamaica until 1962, when he went to the Turks and Caicos Islands as dis trict commi ssioner. Two years later, he set up an agricultural depar1ment in the Cayman Islands. He is survived by hi s wife, Jocelyn, and two children. Carl Jones, '36A and '38, of Lynden, Ont., died May 11 , 1994. He was a member of th e Lions Club and Dufferin Lodge, past direc tor of Dumfries Mutual Insurance Company and an hon orary director of Rockto n Agricul tural Society. Predeceased by his so n, Ross,
OAC '71, he is survived by his wife, Anna, his son, John, OAC '76, and his daughter-in law, Anna, Arts '82. Richard Keegan, OAC '49, died in Thunder Bay, Ont. , Dec. 23,1993. His career was with Canada Malting Compan y Limited, and he is s urvived by his wife, Shirley, his son, Jeff, hi s daughter, Susan Simpson, and hi s sister, Isabel Cnoop Koopmans, Mac '48. Harold Kitching, '38, of Guelph, died June II , 1994. After graduation, he stayed in th e Department of Agricultural Engineering as a professor for 10 years. A fte r that, he spent much of his time in Third World countries, initiating and supervising agricultural devel opmen t projects for both private and public agencie s, the World Bank and the Asian De velopment Bank. He is s urvived by hi s son, John, OAC '57A. Alan Lacey, '43, of Runcton Chichester, We st Sussex, England, died Feb. 22 , 1994. After g raduation , he work ed in forestry in British Columbia, then returned to his native England to join ICI Plant Protection in Fern hurs t, Surrey. He spen t most of his career overseas, including Ceylon, Cuba, Canada and Africa, where he was responsibl e for evaluating new crop-protection chemicals. He pioneered the developmen t of chemical fallow and conservation tillage practices in Eastern Canada.
~ ~~
~RB O~~
Home of the W ALL-CUST ANCE
Funeral Home and Chapel 206 Norfolk Street Guelph, Ontario NIH 4K3 (519) 822-0051 36
Clle/ph Alumnus
IN MEMORIAM He retired in 1973 to a small farm near Chichester and anended hi s first OAC class reunion in 1993. Thomas Lecky, ' 34, of King ston, Jamai ca, died March I, 1994. He attended a gove m ment farm sc hool in Hope, Jamaica, then came to Canada to study at McGill Univer sity and U of G . 10 1937, he was appointed to the Department of Science and AgIicul ture as a stock inspector, moving to Hope Stock Breed Farm in 1943. He earned a PhD in animal breeding from the Institute of Animal Genetics at the Uni versity of Edinburgh and was instrumental in setting up breed societies in Jamaica . Al though he retired from public service in 1965, he continued to se rve at the Bodies A g ricultural Resea rch Station. Dr. Lecky was awarded an Order of the British Empire and Order of Merit for his work in livestock resea rch, and recei ved an honorary degree from the University of the West 1odies. He will be remembered fo r his landmark scientific research that produced th e best tropi ca lly adapted species of cattle in the world - Jamaican Hope - developed from the Channel Island Jersey and Indian Sahiwal breeds. Michael Miller, '69, died Sept. 22, 1993, at Newbury, Ont. He worked for the Onta rio Mini stry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Af fairs in Huron County fo r 10 years following graduation, the n retumed to the family farm. He was a director of th e Oxford Co-op and Kent County Soil and Crop Improvement As sociation and a life member of the OAC Alumni Association. He is survived by his mother, Eileen Nieth. Glen Slater, '67 Eng., of Alexandria, Ont., died of cancer Feb, 24, 1994. He was an agri cultural represe ntative with the Ontario Min istry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for Glen ga rry County and was active in the Drainage Superintendents' Association. He was a member of the Professional Engineers and the Canadian Society for Agriculwrai En gineering and a key fi gure in the Glen garry Soil and Crop Assoc iation. 10 1989, he travelled to 1odonesia, where he engineered an erosion-control project. A lifelong athle te , he played Junior A and varsity hockey whil e at Guelph . He is survived by his wife, Pauline, and a da ug hter, Julie. Bill Watson, '28, died Jul y 3, 1994, in Mis sissa uga, Ont. A former president of College Royal (1928) , he spent much of hi s career with the Ontario Department of Agriculture, eve ntually becoming assistant deputy mini s ter. As livestock commissioner, he initiated several policies that had a profound effect on Canadian agriculture, specifically artificial insemination, dairy herd improvement and performance testing of beef canle . General manager of the Roy al Agricultural Wint er Fai rfrom 1963 un ti I reti rement in 197 I, he was the first living person to be inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame in 1971. He was also one of the founders and first pres ident of the Hall o f Fame. He was Guelph Alufl/lllls
the first Canadian to serve as chair of Per formance Registry International and was a member and felJow of the Agricultura l Re search Institute of Canada. He is survived by hi s son, Joe, and dau g hter, Jean Comly.
Donations given in memory of
deceased alumni will help support
scholarships at the University of
Guelph if directed to the Alumni
Memorial Fund.
For information, call Alumni House
at 519-824-4120, Ext. 6183.
Findlay Hood, ' 50, of Owe n Sound , Ont., died March 23 , 1994. He was a veterinarian with the Canada Health of Animal s Branch before retirement and is s urvived by hi s wife, Anna, and one so n, Terrence, OAC '80. William Mears, '51, of Las Vegas, Nev., died June 26, 1994. After g raduation, he owned and operated a practice in Si agton, Minn . For the past 20 years, he operated a small-animal hospital in Las Vegas. He is s urvived by his wife , Constance, two dau gh ters , three step-daughters and four sons.
Faculty Jean Hend erso n Sabry, a nutrition ist and professor emerita in the De partment of Family Studies, died sud denly April 7 , 1994, in Guelph. During her caree r, she produced an impressive body of research in areas s uch as nutrition la- Jean Henderson Sahry
belling of food
products , plant proteins in human nutrition,
and nutrition knowledge and misconceptions
among univ ersity students. After retiring,
she investiga ted nutrition practices amon g in
digenous people of Northern Canada for
Health and Welfare Canada.
Prof. Sabry edited the joumal of the Cana dian Dietetic As soc iation, was a membe r of expert committees on the re co mmend ed nu trition intake for Canadians and served as president of the Manitoba Dietetic As soc ia tio n. She also served o n U of G ' s Senate and Board of G overnors. She is su rvived by two sons, James and Charles. Memorial contributions can be made to the Jean Henderson Sabry Memorial Scholarship, c/o Alumni House, Univ ersity of Guelph, Guelph , Ontario N I G 2W I . John Weall, a former faculty member in the Department of Horticultural Science, died Apti123 , 1994 . Active in the ho rticultural in dustry throughout his life, he was co-founder of Weall and Cullen Nurse ries . In 1963, he was one of th e first graduates of the Ontario diploma in horticulture program. He is sur viv ed by hi s daughter, Betty Kelly .
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Fergus Lee - Bed & Breakfast Douglas (Ans 75) & Emily Morrison (FAGS '75) • You r Hos ts' Experience times past in a charming lale 19th century home;n the quaint town of Fergus. Gothic windows, an tique furnishings & beautiful pine floors add to the enjoy ment of your stay, In "season" enjoy aftern oon tea by a cra ck ling fire or In the award-win ning English gardens. Full breaklasl. Open year round . Call for reservations (519) 843-5936 525 Sl. David Street North, Fergus, Ontario N1M 2K5
Arboretum workshops Fern Identifi cation and Propagation , Sept. 7 and 1O; Growing Native Plants from Seed, Sept. 13; Hawk Identificatio n, Sept. 21 and 28; Native Trees, Oct. 5 and 8; Gourmet De· lights for Birds, Oct. 19; Gull Workshop, Nov . 16 and 23; Natural Winter Decora tions , Dec. 7. Registration and fee re quired. Call 519-824-4120 , Ext. 4110, for information . HAFA wine - Cetebrate HAFA's 25th anniversary with a bottle of Henry of Pel ham's 1992 Baco Noir or 1991 Ries ling VOA wine. The sale is organized by HAFA Student Council to benefit the Tim Hor ton 's camp for underprivileged kids. To order, call 519-824-4120, Ext. 8107. 37
Introducing the
l1niversity of (jue[pli
yl[umni Correction
Proceeds support your University of Guelph Alumni Association (UGAA) ./ ..-<\.-~ :2" J-,,- -----;~ . \ \ \ " 7 )." U""" j
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4, Rugger Shirt
1. Crew Neck Sweatshirt
Special Alumni design. 100% heavyweighl cOllon barbarian rugger shirt. while coUar. rubber buuons. generous fil. CololUS: aJ red body. black chesr stripe, gold stripes above and below chesl stripe. bJ black body, red chest stripe, gold stripes above and below chest scripe. Sizes: L-XL-XXL
i;lLoll& sleeve crew neck TIger Brand fleere sweatshirt, drop shoulder, 80{20 ' blend 18 <YL fleece, Iycra 1!l cuffs and waislband, generous fil. CololUs: White, Red, Black SIZes: S-M-L-XL
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S. Alumni Cap
> . ;1 ~OO% :,~:~::::Sh~::
weight conon I-shirt with !.aped neck and '" . \ shoulder seams. Generous fil. .- \ CololUs: Whire. Ash Grry. Black, Red. ) \ ..... • . ~~ __;.;,.! Sizes: M-L-XL-XXL
• '.
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3. Sweatpant
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Colours: Red. Black. Whire
7. Sports Bag Quality denier nylon sports bag with carry handles and adjustable shoulder slrap. End pockets , suede comers. Co lolUS : Black. Navy. Red Sizes : 8-A 22".10".12" (smaU) $35_00 8-B 27"xll "x13 " (large) $40.00
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80{20 blend 18 oz. fleece Tiger Brand sweatpanl with draw· string waisl, elastic cuffs. 1/8 lOp pocket. generous fil. CololUS: Whire. Red. Black Sizes: S-M-L-XL
Main river 100% cotton cap, one. size filS all. Adjustable leather back slrap.
8. Golf Shirt
Main River 100% cOlton interlock quality golf shirt. 3 buuon placket ribbed collar and cuffs . long luck in tail. Generous fil. Colours: Whire, Red, Black
Note: All cost prices include embroidery charges.
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Name: _______________________________________ Address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ City:______________ Prov :_ _ _P.C _ _ __ Phone: (H)( (B)( Please enclose cheque payable to University of Guelph Alumni Association OR Charge to MJC _ _ Visa _ _ U of G MJC _ _ _ Account#: Exp. Date _ _ _ S ignature: _____________________________ ___ _
$5.00 Please allow two to three weeks for deli very To enquire about your order call Main River (519) 652-5292 Fax orders accepted Jt (519) 822-2670. if accompanied by credit card number. expo date and signature.
Mail your arder to: Alumni Collection. Alumni House, University afGuelph. Guelph, Ontario. NiG 2 WI.
afamily affair. We have! If you dig FOOTBALL, CARNIVAL RIDES, COTTON CANDY, AGGIE PUBS or PANCAKES, you'll have a great time at
@ ~
BLUE RODEO, U of G Cheerleaders and
4fJ :.J
will entertain you, while clowns and face painters make your kids laugh.
There's even a PARADE & BBQ and a chance to meet the GRYPHON PLAYERS right after Saturday's BIG GAME against Laurier. GRIFF will be there, along with a bunch of SWIM TEAM grads and the new HALL OF FAME winners.
YOU should be there TOO! HOMECOMING 19 4 Sept. 21 to 25 U of G alumni are invited to attend all Homecoming '94 activities. There's a nevv student barbecue on Thursday. the Gryphon Club Hall of Fame Dinner and an Aggie pub on Friday, and a vvhole day of football, carnival and music fun on Saturday. Find the ALUMNI WELCOME WAGON b y the Gold Arena to get your HOMECOMING '94 PASSPORT. h:'s your ticket to a day of fun and prizes for the vvhole family. For details, see the CAMPUS CALENDAR on page 30.
For more information ,.bout HOMECOMING '94 , contact Alumni House. 519颅 824-4120. Ext. 6655. Fax 519颅 822-2670.
An ideal selling for research and business Many research-oriented corporations and corporate headquarters are now located at the Urtiversity of Guelph Research Park. This 30 acre park can accommodate new tenants who choose to build their own office or laboratory facilWes. Phase I of the Research Park Centre is now fully leased. Space is now available in the recently completed Phase 2. Join the following prestigious tenants 足 Agriculture and Ago-Food Canada, Agri-Food Network, Compusense, Delta Centre for Learrting Technologies, Elanco/Provel, George Morris
Centre, GSW Inc., Lipid Analytical Laboratories, Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation, Semex Canada, Stewardship Inrormation Bureau and Huntsman Corporation Canada Inc. Take advantage of exceptional growth opportunities in a high-profile and ideal business setting. For leasing information, contact Matteis Realty Ltd., Research Park Centre, Suite 310, 519-836-8060. For general information about the park, call the Urtiversity of Guelph Real Estate Division at 519-767-5003.
The Research Park is a joint project of the University of Guelph's Office of Research and Real Estate Division.