Illustrators and artists define their work
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University of Guelph Alumni Associa tion
the Way We Were
5 message from the President
SUMMER / 1999
in and around the University
alumni yV1atters
alumni rela tionships is o ne o f the go als identi足 fl ed by ;-'11ichael
GUELPH campus is celebrating th e achieve足 m en ts of fac ulty, stud e nts a nd alumni, A new dean
Somerville, of G's new directo r of alumni affa irs,
has been appo inted to lead the C o ll ege o f So cial a nd Ap plied Human
in a p rofile that intro 足 duces him to G uelph Alumnus readers. O th e r sto ries a n nounce the first recipi e nt o f a new alumni
Scie nces, and fac ulty in m a ny departm ent s have rece ived new fun d in g beca use of th eir o ngo in g ex eHe nce in resea rch. O ur stude nts ha ve wo n prestigio us co mpetitio ns in co-o p educa ti o n a nd deba ting, a nd U of G ho no ured o ne of its own gradu ates at w inter co nvoca tio n .
leade rship award , o ffer a n o ppo rtunit y fo r alumni to m e ntor students a nd prov ide d e tail s o f Alumni Wee ke nd a nd the o ngo-
An artist and a scientist d isc uss the ro le of scient ific ill ustrators from Leonardo da Vinci to bot ani ca l artist a nd U o f G grad ua te Pamela Stagg, who is pictured o n th e cover w ith o ne o f h er award-winning watercolours.
in g celebra tio n of OAG s
by Andrew Vowles
A NEW TEAM TAKES THE FIELD Introducing the people who will lead U of G fu nd -raising initiatives into the next millen n ium.
by Mary Dickieson
22 THE SANDWICH GENERATION G uelph research e rs loo k fo r wa ys to ease th e stress o n th ose who a re tr yin g to do m ore for children , pa rents a nd e m p loyers in th e sa m e 24 -h o ur day. by A lexa nder Woo ley
research 'Notes 11
Su mme r 1999 3
guelph alumnus SUIllmer 1999 '
3 1 Is,
Editor Mary Dicki eson
Director Darlene Fr,lIll pton
Art Direction Peter Enn eso n Des ign In
Contributors Gayl e Anderson, BA '92
Barb ,]['a C hance, I3A '74
Lori Bon.) Hunt
Andrew Vowles, B.Se. '84
Alexander Wooley
Advertising Inquiries Brion Downey
519-8 24-41 20, Ext. 6665
E-m ail bdown ey@exec. admin .
Direct nil Ol" er correspolldellce t.O: Guelp" ; II!/II/11/1S
Call tod ay for information regarding: Retirement and Estate Planning Interna tiona} Investments Portfolio Strategies Tax Advantaged Investment Strategies Charitable Gift Strategies
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COIllUlunica ti ons and Pub lic Affairs Unive rsity of Guelph Guelph, Ont ari o N 1G 2W 1 Ph one 519-824-41 20 Fa x 519-824 -7962 E- lllailmC\ ickie'o@cxec.adrnin. lu mn us/ Th e Glldpll A IIIIIIIIII; magazine is published three times a year by Develo pment and Pub足 ~ c Affairs at the Un iversity of Guelph. Its mis足 sion is to enhan ce the relationship between the University and its alumni and friends and promote pride and commitment within the University co mmunit y. All m,Herial is copy足 right 1999. Ideas and opini ons expressed in the articles do not necessarily refl ect the ideas or opinions of the Universit y or the ed itors. Canad a Post Agreemmt :t 1500023 Printed in Ca nada by the Beacon Herald Fin e Printing Division ISSN 120 7-7801 To update your aluillni record or change yo ur address, please contact: Deve lop ment and Publi c AII ,irs Pho ne 5 19-824-4 120, Ex t. 6S50 Fax 519-822 -2670 E- mail j ea nw~}l a lumni . llo g Ll elph .ca
message f om t
I want to inform you about a n mendations on ste ps the governmen t should take to important issue facing the University of Guelph. This restore quality and access ibility. issue will be of particular interest to alumni who are In making its case for renewed public fun din g, COU parents of children about to enter high sch oo l. revea led projections of an enrolment increase provin ce Over the next 10 years, O ntario universities will face wide of 53,900 to 88,900 over the nex t decade, including 30,000 to 40,000 add itional st ud ents as early as 2003 as some m ajo r challenges in ensuri ng accessibility and th e quality of the university experience in the face of increased a result of the so-ca lled "double co hort." Just as critical is demand. University leaders are work the need to hire a substantial number of new faculty to cope with a retirement ing with the Ministry of Education and Training to tr y to ens ure tbat every bulge that will occur at roughly th e same interested and qualified stud ent has a time as the double co hort. Other con place at university, but I think it's cerns noted in the reports include a stu important that people understand the dent/faculty ratio in Ontario that is 21 per cent higher than the national aver magnitude of the probl ems we face. age, a deferred-maintenance problem of We expec t university enrolments to in crease by up to 40 per cent over the more than $600 million for all Ontario uni versities, and inadequate funding of next 10 years because of four converg student assistance and research infra ing trend s: a population increase in the struc ture, which is proving detrimental 18- to 24 -year- old demographic, a to Ontario's competitiveness. greater university participation rate by To address these issues, CO U esti you ng people, more employers asking for university degrees, and two mates the province will need to gr~~duating classes (Grades 12 increase its ann ual investmen t in Ontario uni versities over the and 13) th at will finish high A MAJOR REINVESTMENT IN next seven yea rs by between $1.2 school in 2003 - the last year POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION for Grade 13 in Ontario. biUion and $1.8 billion. From our own perspective When you re cogni ze that IS NEEDED TO RESTORE THE Gue lph and other Onta rio here at Guelph - and from the FOUNDATION FOR GROWTH universi ty perspective province univers ities are alrea dy at or near capa cit y dnd have be en wide - the message \Ve are giv underfund ed for years, it's ing government is that we must restore our qua lity foundati ons as part of any consider clear tl1at a major reinvestment in post-secondary edu cation is badly need ed to restore the foundation th at is ation of significan t enrolment increases. An important necessary to accommodate this expected growth. first response by government was th e recent provincial budget, which allocated significant fund ing for cap i Through the Council of Ontario Universities (COU), we have lobbi ed fo r years for increased provincial fund tal/deferred-maintenance projects related to the double ing of higher ed ucation. Earlier this spring, COU took cohort, a proposal for additionJI student assistance and a new research fund. We await government response on our case directly to th e public at a Queen's Park press conference. o ur operating and qualit y investmen t proposals. Three key docum ents were prese nted to the media: 1 know from m)' own meetings with parents, alum A PricewaterhouseCoopers report titled Will There Be ni and other members of the community that when peo Room for Me?; the Meeting Expectations Project, a col ple are made aware of the tru e financial condition of lection of Angus Reid surveys of 1,000 Ontario residents Ontario universities, they alm ost always agree that and 31 business leaders; and a co mpanion document increasing gove rnment funding sho uld be a priority. Getting the informatio n out into the public realm is produced by COU's government and commu nity rela ti ons com mittee, whi ch I chair. Thi s latter report, high on the CO U agenda and high on th e University of Ontario's Students, Ontario's F~lture, provides reCOlll Guelph agenda. I know we ca n count on your support. N THIS CO LUMN,
Summer 1999 5
Nightingale named dean MrCHA EL NIGHTfNGALE has been appointed founding dean of U of G's College of Socia l and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS). He had been serving as interim dean si nce the May I, 1998, amalgamation of the former colleges of Family and Cons umer Studies (FACS) and Social Science (CS S). "Our new co llege will offer a rich and diverse range of programs that reflect the heritage of our founding co lleges, balance the practical and theoretical, and are designed to provide a better understa nding of human behaviour and improve the human and eco nomic development, hea lth and well-being of indi vid uals, families, communities and organ izations," says Nightingale. As dean of FACS from 1994, he steered that college through a $3.2 -million addition of laboratories and classrooms, the creation of a PhD program in family relations and human develop ment, an articul ation agree ment with Loyalist College, Nipissing Uni versity and Fanshawe College, and the 16 month process of discLlssion and consultation that led to the amalgamation with CSS. Nightingale's academic career began at Guelp h in 1987 when he came
from a bu siness backgrou nd in manage ment consulting and training development to head the School of Hotel and Food Administration. Since that first appointment, he has con sistently stressed the import ance of main taining the quality and relevance of the pro grams offered in tbe school, FACS and now
the new co lJ ege. In 1994, Nightingale said that ser ving society is "just a natura l part of what we do," and when celeb rating the crc ation of CSAHS last spring, he described it as a vibrant and progressive academic com munity that would be distinctive in its scope and responsive to a range of pressing soci eta l needs.
KUDOS a Profe sso r at the Massachusett s In st itute of Technology, received a doctorate of letters. George Bain, presiden t and vice -cha ncel lor of the Queen's Uni ve rsity of Belfast in Ireland, was awarded a doctorate of laws for his work in labour econo mics and indus trial relations. University of Waterloo earth scientist Robert
U o f G during winter convocation ceremonies in February. Noam
received a doctorate of sc ience
Three distinguish ed scho lars
Chomsky, a wo rld-renowned lin
for his research on groundwater
recei ved honorary degrees from
guist and cultural theorist who is
clean-up tech nologies.
Gillham, BSA '63 and M.Sc. '68,
IN FACT... University of Guelph grads beat the provincial average in employment rates - 97 per cent of Guelph grads are employed within two years of graduation.
U of G helps expand education in Russia, Egypt
wo University of Guelph programs aimed
the University of Mansoura, which is sup
at improving educational opportunities
plying an additional $400,000 of in ·k ind
in Egypt and Russia have received more than
support. Faculty in the School of Rural Exten
$1.2 million from the Canadian Internation
sion Studies will help Mansoura faculty deliv
al Development Agency (ClDA).
er and manage distance learning programs
The Distance Learning Program in Agri
in agriculture and rural development. Fac
culture and Rural Development in Egypt has
ulty in Egypt will design and write the cours
received $750,000 from CIDA fier 2 funds.
es and will visit U of G to receive addition
These funds are managed by the Associa
al training and information.
tio n of Universities and Colleges of Canada
In Russia, U of G faculty will work with
and promote the development and interna
Russian People's Friendship University, which
tionalization of Canadian education, research
is supplying $200,000 of in-kind support.
and extension activities of Canadian uni
They will develop training programs for stu
versities. CIDA is also contributing $528,000
dents, agricultural support person nel, farm
to the Farm Management and Distance Edu
managers and farmers. Another important
cation Training Project in Russia. Both pro
part of the program is the creation of dis
jects are being overseen by U of G's School
tance education courses related to farm
of Rural Extension Studies.
management, marketing and productivity for
The project in Egypt is in partnership with
people curren tly working in the field.
U OF G STUDE)!] Tammy Lee was recently named the Ca nadian Co-op Student of the Year by the Ca nadian Assoc iation for Co operative Education (CAFCE) and ClBe. She was chosen from 31 nominees from colleges and universities nation wide . A psy cholog y major who graduates this spring, Lee has had three work terms in Ontario - at L'Arche, a home for special need s adults in Stratford; at the Peel Health Department as a vol unteer programs assista nt; ct nd
at Hu ron Feathers Day Camp in Sa uble Beach, were she was the special-needs co- ordinator. Her enthusiasm for her work was recognized by the CAFCE se lec
tion commi ttee, which judged nomin ees on the bas is o f their achievements and contributions in all aspects of student life - aca demic, work terms and extracurricul ar and community in volvement. In addition to her co- op placeme nts, Lee wo rked as a U of G peer helper for five semesters and was a member of the Co-operative Education Stu dent Task Force. She's from WiJberforce, Ont. , and hopes to pursue a ca reer in occupational therapy.
U OF G rS PART OF a new Ca na dian Agri-Food Trad e Policy Re"."arc h etwork (CATR ) designed LO build lldtional exper tise in agri-(()od trade policy. Two other universities are involved Saskatchewa n and Laval. Sponso red by Agri culture and Agri -Food Ca nada 's (AAFC) Agri-Food Trade 2000 prog ram, the network will "" igh th e costs and benefits of various trade policy strate gies an d address how polici es affect Canadian producers, pro ce~sors , consum ers and taxpayers. "We' re lookin g at interna ti o nal rules that gove rn tile amount of support a country can pro vide it s farmers ," says Prof. Karl Mcilke, Agri cu ltural Economics Jnd Bu sin ess , who co-ordinates Guelph 's partici pati o n in the proj ect. CATRN received a boost this April when AAFC ivlinister Lyle Vanclicf, B.Se. (Ag el '66, visited U of G to announ e a comm it ment of $750,00 0 to the net work This sUPf.l 0rt will enable each of the pdrtici pati ng univer sities to hire assista nt professors dedicated to the agri-food trade. Rcsc,1 rch ers will pred ict how po ss ible s enario s such as decrea sing Europe,l J1 tariffs or increa si ng dom estic support would affect Canadian s. That could be cruci,)] informati on as the Canadian government nego tia tes a package of reforms during multilateral trad e negotia tions beginn ing late this year. Summer 1999 7
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in and aro n
THESE ARE NOT JUST OLD COOKBOOKS THE 1760 Lady's Companion, which includes cooking tips on how to measure butter with a fist and rules on how women should live their lives, is more than just an old cookbook. Its pages paint a picture of what life was like for women once upon a time. That's why former Chatelaine editor Una Abra-
12 receive CIDA support
for developn1ent research
welve U of G graduate students
cal Science, Department of Zoology and
nine from the School of Rural Planning
School of Rural Extension Studies. Their
and Development (SRPD) -
have received
(IDA grants to pursue research projects
research projects will be conducted in Vietnam, Indonesia, Guyana, Syria, Sri
throughout the world . (IDA awarded 51
Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania, Guatemala,
research grants in the 1998 competition,
Venezuela, Ghana, Nepal and India. Topics
with 41 going to university students and
include conservation and biodiversity,
to individuals representing private
small-scale food production, community
agencies. In addition to SRPD, U of G
based tourism and financial planning
recipients are in the Department of Politi
for women.
Guelph debaters capture North Anlerican first
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hamson included it in her collection of more than 2,000 rare cookery and recipe books. Donated to Guelph in 1997, Abrahamson's entire Canadian cookery collection was moved last year to the U of G Library, where it will be available for scholarly work and study. Abrahamson, a writer, businesswoman, painter and advocate of women's rights, died Feb. 28. Her son, John, is a 1982 B.Se. graduate of U of G. Chief librarian Michael Ridley notes that Abraham son's collection was built specifically. "She knew which books were valuable and had historical importance," he says. " It's one of North America's finest collections - it is truly spectacular."
Two U OF G STUDENTS won top prize at the recent North American Debating Champi onships held at Smith College in Springfield, Mass. Averill Pessin, a fourth year philosophy student origi nally from Vancouver, and Nathan MacDonald, a fourth year political science and phi losophy student from Sydney, N .S., captured first place in 10 rounds of debate, beating teams from Princeton, Stan ford, Brandeis, Johns Hop kins, McGill, Queen's Univer sity, the University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario. In the final round, they beat a team from New York University in a debate on the ethics of colonialism. MacDonald was defending the North American champi onship he won last year while on a letter of permission at the University of Western Ontario.
No other debater in the history of the championship has ever won twice. FoJlowing this win, he went on to earn the title of top debater at the Nationa l Debating Championships at the University of Wes te rn Ontario. It was the fourth time he had been named top speak er at a tournament during the
1998/9 9 academic year. Both MacDonald and Pess in credit their wins to the training they've received as members of the U of G Debat ing Society and the financial su pport the society has received from across the Uni versity, enabling team mem bers to attend tournaments.
IN FA(T...
In its annual ranking of Canadian Universities, Maclean's
magazine put U of G students near the top with an 85-per-cent graduation rate.
Two RESEARCHPROJECTS in U of G's Centre for Cultural Studies have received national recogni tion for their grassroots attempt to involve community organ i-
zations in the community-based initi atives. Th e Soc ial Sciences and Humanities Resea rch Co uncil (SSHRC) has awarded $200,000 to the projects, which wi ll involve community organi zations in the earl y planning stages of academic research and deve lopments in teaching. In the humanities, these are large award s, says centre direc tor Prof. Christine Bo ld , and they are among the first award ed by SSHRC's new initiatives progra m, whi ch has a mandate to support inn ovative projects that prom ote the changing direction s of research and the evoluti on of disciplin es.
The grants will supp or t research that brings toge ther facult y and students from sev eral colleges at U of G in part nershi p with the Macdonald Stewa rt Art Centre, the Guelph Jazz Festival an d social justice organizations such as Guelph Wellington Women in Crisis. One project will look specifical ly at the political implications of a local park buil t to memori al ize the issu e of violence against women. The other will in vo lve the local ar ts, theatre and music communities in curriculum developme nt and resea rch on the use of improvisation in these cultural art form s.
Research benefits from CFI, ORDCF University of Guelp.h collaborative research projects will receive more than $35 million in awards and matching funds through the Ontario 'Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). That amount includes about $18 million awarded to Guelph last fall to establish the Food System Biotechnology Centre. This innovative centre will bring together some 70 faculty members from 11 departments whose research will yield prac tical outcomes, including new kinds of plants and animals, new value-added products and safer foods . The funding also includes a project that will look at enhancing agroecosystems and another that involves the construction of new plant growth facilities needed to improve research infrastructure in controlled envi-
ronments related to space science, terrestri
al applications and technology transfer. In
addition, 11 young researchers will see their
work advanced under CFl's New Opportuni
ties program.
This is good news, says Prof. Ross Hallett,
Physics, who was recently seconded for a two year appointment as assistant vice-president (research infra structure programs) to co-ordi nate the University's applications to both the CFI and ORDCF. CFI is intended to increase innovation capacity at Canadi an universities and research institutions, says Hallett. The federal program pays for up to 40 per cent of a project's infrastructure costs. Through the ORDCF, Queen's Park matches CFI fund ing, and universities are expected to obtain another 20 per cent from institutional or pri vate-sector funding.
OVC STUDENTS GO GLOBAL ENID STILES AND Mi chelle Cutler are pioneers, both in Guelph and India. During their second yea r at OVe, the two decided they needed some experience outside the classroom - and country to be successful veterinarians. They started an organiza tion
at OVC called Global Vets that gives students the opportunity to study veteri nary medi cine overseas. The women found a fa culty adviser and got industry sponsorship for th eir 91f2 week trip to India last year. "India is an amazing country for veterinary med icine;' says Stiles. "It has vast numbers of animals - 280 million cattle alone. TIle peo ple have a special relationship with and affection for their animals, especially cattl e." Both women say they returned to Ca nada with international knowledge and a new respect for their cho sen fie ld. Their success means that Global Vets is here to stay. Each year, at least two OVC students between their sec ond and th ird yea rs will be chosen by a committee made up mostly of students.
Summer 1999 9
OU ••• To the generous donors to
the University of Guelph ACCESS Fund,
from the students who are benefiting
from the financial assistance it provides.
These are some of the U of G students who say " thanks" for the generous donations of alumni and friends to Guelph 's ACCESS Fund for studen t financial assistance. ACCESS was launched in response to the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF), which provided matching grants for donations to student financial aid . U of G received a total of $8.4 million in donations and realized a matched total of $16 .8 million . As a result, annual allocations for scholarships and bursaries have grown to almost $10 million . To U of G students, ACCESS financial assistan ce can make all the differen ce in building a promising futur e.
To discuss other U of G giving opportunities, call Rudy Putns, executive director of campaign programs at the Un iversity of Guelph, 519-824-4120, Ext. 6384; e-mail .
Clockw ise f rom top left Brett Hickli ng. econom ics co-op; Catherine McLeod, fam ily and social relations; Jessica Braden, Ca nadian st udies; Don O'Conn or, veterinary medicine; Kathryn Boys, Akademia; A nn a Huennemeyer, agric ulture.
WAVE OF THE FUTURE U OF G ASTR OPHYS ICIST Eric Poisson hopes to pick up where Albert Einstein left off and find a way to detect an elusive form of cosm ic radiation. Poisson, a fac ulty member in the Depart ment of Physics, is researching ways to measure gravitational waves, whose existence was first postulated by Einstein in 1918. Gravitational waves are pro duced by the interactions of far-away black holes and other celestial bodies. The forceful ness of their movement gener ates rippl es that spread out ward through th e fabric of space and time. "With gravitational radia tion, we're go ing to see the uni verse with a completel y new set of eyes, and we're bound to see something that was never see n before:' Poisson says . Unlil(e electromagne tic radi ation, such as li ght or radio waves, gravitational waves are not produced by elect ri ca ll y charged particles; rather, they are generated by moving mass es. Because these waves are so weak, they llave not ye t been detected, alth ough there is sol id evidence that they realiy exist.
Poisson believes it is simpl)' a matter of using the right receiver. Scientists in the Unit ed States and Europe are build ing huge facili ties designed to pick out these waves from th e jumble of cos mic radiatio n bomba rd in g Earth. Poisson plans to stu dy th e data collect ed at the Laser Interferometer Grav itational Wave Observa to ry, which will co nsist of twi n detectors in Washi ngton State and Louisiana.
vaccin e. The discomfort expe rienced by the animal is equiv alent to an insect bite. This con trasts sharply with th e traditional method of injection, Wllich requires wi ld animal s to be penn ed, ha ndled and given a need le. It is also more effec ti ve than oral methods. T he laboratory work for th e study was completed at U of G. The Colorado Division of Wildlife, which is funding the research, administered the vac cine.
RES EARCHERS TAKE SHOT AT SHEEP DISEASE U OF G RESEARC HERS ha ve de ve loped a vaccine that cou ld be th e am munitio n Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep need in the battle against a devastat ing disease. Pathobiology professo rs Patricia Shewen and Ian Barker and grad uate student Heather McNei l worked with the Col orado Division of Wildlife to develop the vacci ne for pas teurella pneumonia. The vac cine is encapsulated in a biob ullet and shot from a gun at a distance. The bullets dissolve in the shee p's body and con tain a
Researchers say we can promote health by adding nutraceuticals to food products.
IF INGREDIENTS KNOWN to treat or preve nt disease are added to food products, does this protect consumers against the illness? U of G researchers hope to answe r this question throu gh the new Hum an Nutraceutica l Research Unit. "Nutr ace utica l" is a term used to describe natur al foo d ingredients that are known to fight o r prevent disease. One exa mple is th e omega-3 fatty ac id found in fish oil. It help s red uce triglycerides, a known risk for heart disease.
"When these ingredients are in corpora ted into food at cer tain levels, the food has a drug like effect," says Prof. Bruce Holub, Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences. The research unit will per form homan research trials on food produ cts containing nutraceuticals, test an d develop new food products, and o rga nize nutraceutical education programs. It will also adv lse government agencies and ind ust ry on th e efficacy of spe cific nutraceutica ls. The unit will be directed by adjunct professor Julie Conquer and Prof. Bill Bettger of the Departme nt of Hum an Biolo gy and Nutritio nal Sciences. Holub and fa culty fro m va rious departments will form th e research adviso ry board and condu ct research trials, work ing with undergraduate and graduate students. The unit will also include other nutraceuti ca l specialists, research scien tists, exercise and performance specialists, medical pra ct ition ers and dietitians.
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANTS that are known to cause cancer in rat mammary tissue have been discovered in hU)11an milk for the first time by U of G researchers. The researchers stress, however, that the bene fits of breast-feeding co ntinu e to o utweigh the risks. The substances, aroma tic
Summe r 1999
amines (AAs), are being studi ed as a possible cause of breas t can cer as well as a ri sk to nursing infants. AAs are inte rm ed iates used in the ch e mical s)' nth es is that produces plastics, dyes, pes ticides and pharm ace uti ca ls. One of the AAs detected, o-tolu idine, is known to induce mam mar y tumours in fema le rats. En vironmental so urces of AAs include industrial was te, air and water pollution , to bacco sm oke Jnd some food s. Prof. David Josephy, C he m istry and Biochemistry, was the senior researcher o n the project, which also includ ed graduate
student Lillian D e Bruin and Universit y of Waterloo chemi st Janusz Pawliszyn. Th ey tested samples from 31 lactating moth ers living near Guelph, none of whom reported occupatio nal exposure to AAs. All the sa mples contai ned levels of AAs. Researchers ha ve long known that AAs are prese nt in human urine, but this is the firs t time huma n milk was examined and the carcino ge ns id entified.
a mystery. The retired U of G h is tory professor is researching the possible connection between Guelph foundr y ow n er Adam Robertso n, a Confedera te sym pathi ze r, and tile assassinatio n of Abraham Lin coln . One th eo ry says Linco ln was killed to avenge th e Civ il War GIL STELTER I S OUT TO SOLV E
hangin g of a Con federate so l di e r. The soldier had led a plot to free prisoners of war be in g h eld by the Union side o n an island in Lake Erie, a scheme that was reportedly concocted
Landscape architects say beauty really isn't in the eye of the beholder.
in Robertson's Guelph ho m e. Stelter says the connection to the late U.S. president is like ly untrue, but many of the fac ts emerging from his r esearch read like a best-selling suspense story. He says Rob ertso n was per s uaded to make seve ral ca n nons , cannonballs a nd even grenades in his foundr y by hi s cousin , a Confederate office r,
a nd a compatriot, who was a fri e nd o f Lincoln 's assassi n, Jo hn W il kes Booth. The inten ti o n was to use the can n o ns to capture a Union boat on Lake Erie. They would then us e the boat to attack and free Co nfederate prisoners of war on Johnson's Island. The plan was aborte d when it wa s discovered the Union had been no tifi ed of the attack. Stelter is working on a boo k abo ut w hether the assa ssinatio n of Lincoln is linked to th e aborted rescue attempt. The historian has a personal inter est in the mystery - he and hi s wife, Sally, own the Guelph home tila t once belon ged to Rober tson.
in th e
eye of the beholder, resea rch by Prof. Nathan Perkin s sh o ws.
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Ins tead, nearly everyone has th e sam e ta stes when it com es to comeliness - and is willi ng to pay bi g bucks to look at it. " Peo ple app rec iate natural bea uty - to the tun e of tens of thousands of doll ars ," sa ys Perk ins, a fac ult y mem ber in th e Sch ool o f La ndscape Archi tecture. He studies the psych ological, physical and economic imp ac t of scenic bea uty. He examin es all aspects of co meli ness - what is considered bea utiful, what draws peop le to bea ut y, how it makes peo ple fee l and what amoun t they are willing to pay to add
bea uty to their lives. One study Perkins helped conduct revealed th at peo p le are \", illing to pay th o usa nds of do llars m ore fo r ho mes with yard s th at include large trees - abo ut $ lO,OOO to $ 15,000 more per tree. Abou t 90 per cent of people can ag ree on wh at is beautiful, he adds, and the No.1 choice is usually scenic beaut-y - forests, lakes, rive rs, canyons, even trees in res idc nti alneighbourhoods, Perkins also researches th e link between bea uty and health, es pecially the ph ysical and psy chological effects of scenic beau t)' O ne stu dy found th at belll g outd oors fosters calm, peace fu l fee lin gs and that peop le prefel' those settings even wh en th eir em otions run th e gam ut.
PROFS STUDY SH OPPING HABITS \11/ A N T T O SELL a pa ir of shoes to a Canu ck? Then p ush q uali ties that are im po rt ant to Ca nad a's
culture, such as functionality and in divid ualism, says consum er stud ies professor Lianxi Zhou , Zhou has res earched how ad ve rt isers marke t pro du cts to ag ree with the cultural con tex t and values of th eir audience, But his colleague Prof. John
U of G studies show most Canadians don't care where consumer products are made.
Liefeld says don't expec t Cana dian sho ppers to kn ow wh ere th e products they buy are made. He studied Canad ians' shopping habits and lea rn ed that 88 per ce nt of consumers do n't kn ow the origin of their pu rchases. Liefeld's resea rch, cond ucted at shopping malls i.n Guelph and Ca mbr idge, contradi cts more
th an 600 studi es since 1965 th at co ncl ude the origin of products is an im po rtant criterion of con sumer choice. Pl'evious research about co nsume r choice relied on transparent survey qu es tioning, whi ch is sub ject to a va riety o f systemic biasing effec ts, he says. Zhou conducted his resea rc h in Callada and China, usin g adve rtising sam ples fea turin g at hl etic shoes. He ana lysed th e co ntent, messages and overa ll stra tegies and used mail surveys to determ ine audience res ponse He predicted that Can adian ad vert isements wo uld rely pri marily on sen so ry an d fu nc ti onal techniques because Cana dians tend to va lue indi vidu alism. H e anticipa te d Chinese au d iences \yo u ld be 1110re receptive to ads that emphasi zed a product's so cial functi on becau se th eir culture places hi gh value on commun i t y. The st udy res ults suppo rted Zhou's hypo theses.
Our tour begins in Lo ndon in late May 2000, wh ere we will exp eri ence the exc ite men t as th is beauti ful city cre ates yet another spec tac ular complex ca ll ed the Millennium Dome . o We co ntin ue to Paris anoth er ro mantic city and experience a luxury dinner cruise along the Seine River, o Then on to Lucerne, Switzerla nd, a be autif ul city where we vi sit its This once-in-a-decade event f eatures fam ous Wooden Bridge (now co mpletely rebuilt a cast of thous a nds performing the after a de va stating fire) and Passion of Christ aga ins t a natu ral do some shopp il1g. backdrop of the Bavarian Alps. o Ou r Ob erammergau experi· ence offers us first-class Cost $5,739 per person based on accom modation, as we ll as fi rst -class seating at th e double occupancy. Single supple play (this sea ti ng is sold out ment $800. years in advance). o Th en to main tain th e millen Royal City Travel niu m momentum and Royal Plaza (Pa is ley and Norfolk) excitemen t, we conti nue on to Venice an d Rome to be Guelph, Ontario part of Italy's Ho ly Year (519) 763-3520 Onl. LIC#2716341 celebrations.
Royal City American Express Travel Passion Play 2000 May 19-June 5, 2000 Hosted by Norm and Jean Jary
Royal City Travel Travel
Summer 1999 13
Scientists and artists at the University of Guelph value scientific illustration as a way to in terpret nature
EAU TY CAN LEAD THE SCIENTIST to discove ry, wrote the late British animal pathologist Geof frey Lapage in his 1961 book, Art and th e Sc ientist. But what of the reverse' Think of delicate but detailed wate rcolours by 18th- and 19th-century botanists. Or Leonardo da Vinci's semin al illustrations of human anatom y. Or John James Audubon's signature re n derings of North American birds. A thing of bea ut y or a too l for di scovering some thin g o f our natural world' That paradox confronts an observer of scien tific illustration, whether it be cl ass ical hand-rendered works from th e age of botanical and zoological dis covery or tod ay's depi ctions of flora and fauna burned into an educational CD -ROM. Is it art or sci ence' No question for Prof. Paul Heb ert, ch air of th e Oepartmen t of Zoology. For all his ad miration of clas sical biological illu stration, acc uracy comes before esthetics. "Applied sc ience is science in se rvice o f soc iety, and it seems to me that sc ientific illu stration is art in the servi ce of science," says Hebert. "What J'm lo ok ing for in good scientific illustration is bringing a lev el of und erstandin g to a phenomenon tha t you can't
· . . and the nature of art.
Artist Chandler Kirwin, left, and sci entist Paul Heb e rt with a Leonardo da Vinci illustration that is part of the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle.
An drew Vowles
eas il y capt ure. I think a rtists could be swe pt away more readd y by the quality of tbe art. As a sc ient ist, the other thing I'm looking for is, is it relating to the biological information I understand about the sub ject or my ow n experience with living organism s. If it were arti stically perfect but jolted th e biological sensitivity, I'm going to say: 'That's not great sc ien tific illustration, although it may be some of the most beautiful art I've ever see n.'" For fine art professor Prof. Chandler Kirw in , the key word is illu stration. He is an expert on th e works of da Vinci, whose drawings of human anatom y are often held up as being among the earliest sc ientific illustrati ons. "Howeve r ski lful, however artistically superior, it is illu stration. It is an attempt to make visual those things that often can be said textually but tbat require an image to amplify them. It ha s to be initiall y artistic, but it also initially has to serve sc ience and illustrate tbe appro priate text," says Kirwin. Biological illustratio ns fornled the basis of ln any of the ea rliest catalogues of the livin g world , includ ing th e sen1inal1 6tb-ce ntury writings of ea rl Linnaeus, who laid down the fundamentals of modern
Summer 1999 15
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-A gallel:¥- of_b-Lolo-gical illlJstrations bv Attention to detail
ago, Toronto based iJotanic<ll artist Pamela Stagg took to the British Iris Soci ety her new w,ltercolour of a specimen from Turkey. The organiza tion was able to identi ~, the species based on the small es t of det ails in her carefully crafted illustration - minute indentati ons on three petals. "My work was accurate enough that someone cou ld actually see something not seen before and say: 'This is a new type of iris,'" says Stagg. "It had scientific value." The artist is pic tured on th e fron t cover of this issue of the Guelph Alumnus with her illustration of a kiwi. Stagg stand s in the front ran k of botan ical artists world wide. She is currently showing her works in London , England, in the Denve r Botani c Garden and as part of an international show that visi ted Japa n last yea r an d is now in South Africa. An avid ga rd ener, she decid ed in 1989 to take a botanical illustrati on course at Toronto's Civic Garden Centre. "I thought it could be my retirement hob by," says Stagg, who also has a successfu l ca reer in marketing, promotion and corporate com munications. Her Pamel a Stagg EVERAL YEARS
Creative Services firm in Toron to recentl y h andl ed communi cations sur ro undin g the sa le of SkyDome to Stadium Acquisi tion Inc. The illustration course rein forced the talent Stagg had devel oped in private art lessons while growing up in Toronto, then in studies at the On tario CoUege of Art. She ear ned a degree in art hi sto ry at U of G in 1974. En couraged to show her work abroad, Sta gg won the Royal Horticultural Society's gold med al, the world's top award for botanical illustration , in 1991. Art is approachable UELP H ARTIST and U of G alu mnu s Gary Eden , B.Se. '79 and M.Sc. '82, recall s how he wa s stee red toward sc ience by, o f all people, his Gra de 12 art teacher, who sa id : "Don't go to art school- you' ll never go
taxonomy. The age of exploratio n brou ght a t10wering of scientific illustra tion as Euro pean bota ni sts and zoologists accompani ed seagoing vessels to capture flora and fa und of other lands. One gi'lrlt in zoologica l ulus tration was Konrad Ges ner, a Sw iss arti st who co mpleted seve ral lan dmark volumes, includ ing J-Ji sroril7 Animalium, publish ed between 155 1 and 1558. The Birds ofAmer ica, publi shed b), Audubon in the 19th cen tm y, is still one o f the most sou ght-after works of its kind. Among lead in g botanical
of G studen~
back to science." Inspired by hi s moth er, a painter, Eden had taken up a brush at age 13 and held hi s first exJ1ibit two years later. He con tinued paintin g, first whil e completing Guelph degrees in zoology and environmental biology, tl1en while working for a mul tinational ph arm aceuti cal company. Since he began Eden Design Cons ultin g, a commercia l art house in Gu elph, he has strad dled the art -science border in such projects as a revised edi tion of O ntario's weed guide . He says a detailed rendering of garl ic mustard isn't all that many turn s of the prism from paintin g a meadow in ac rylics. Paring away the extraneo us material to focu s the eye on telling details is "a funda men tal par t of all art. A scientific illu strator has to take so me thing very com mon and full of
illustrators, George Di onysius Ehret wo rked in Germ any in the 1700s, and Pierre-Joseph Redo ute ga ined renown durin g the 18th and 19th cen turies for nume rous works, includ in g pictures of roses culti vated by th e Empress Josephine. Another wo rld open ed to scientists and illustrators with th e invention and refine ment of the microscope. Robert Hooke used a compound mi crosco pe to produ ce so me of the first illustratio ns of fl eas, lice and mites in his groundb reaking Micrographia,
non-essential;;, redu ce it to some quintessence, then put it ou t so the rest of the world can say: 'I see.'" Art with a purpose
is fourth-ye ar B.Se. student Glen Oomen describes hi s pe ncil drawings done for former professors in the depart ments of Zoology and Human Biology and Nu triti onal Sci ences. The essence of the craft, he says, lies in stripping away extra neous info rmatio n to depict the stage of development of a chick embryo, for exa mple, or th e work ings of a machi ne used by a biomechanics profes sor. " It's art fo r scie nce's sake and science for art's sa ke," says Oomen, who hopes to become a freelan ce illustrator. " It might be the art of science. It's what conveys a mood or an idea of what science is doin g." " / \ RT WIT H A P U RPO SE"
M. how
published in 1665, as well as drawings show ing the porous structure of cork. From medicine to zoology to botany, sci entific illustration has lo ng been considered art in the se rvice of science. That purpose still drives today's scientific illu st r ~Hors , althoug.h tJ1eir tools are radically altered from th e woodc uts , co pperpl ate engrav ings and li thographs of their predecessors. "Scientific and biologi ca l ill ustration wa s extrem ely important up to about the middle of the 20t11 century," says Prof. Steve Scadding, Zoology.
est of my cartoons beca use they're the most creative:' says Potter. But they're not comic book stuff. Cartoons can also be a powerful mnemonic tool for students suffering from information overload, she says. Potter, who has also created more conventional illustrations,
Memorable illustrations
ow DO YOU GRAB a stu dent's attention with an illustration of an invertebrate's
sucking mouth parts? Use car toons, says Sheila MacLeod Potter, B.Se. '94, a multimedia developer whose work appears in the Department of Zoology's Great Lakes Faunal Atlas on CD-ROM. Still under contract with Guelph, she recently moved to Nova Scotia, where she runs Turnstone Produc tions, an educational software development company, and plans to study technology edu cation at Acadia University. "In some ways, I'm proud
cites conciseness and simplici ty as hallmarks of good scien tific illu stration , along with a solid grasp of the concept being depicted. Teaching with illustration
LOOK AT BIOLOGICAL illus tration as a mode of teach ing," says Dianne Drununond, BA '87, an instructional design er and scientifLc illustrator at U of G. "Rather than drawing for drawing'S sake, I find it more
satisfying to deliver a message!' Tha t's the point of her meticulously detailed illustra tion s, created in a variety of media. She has helped explain concepts in continuing educa tion materials for doctors and
"By this time , photography had di sp laced biological illustration to a great exten t." That's exemplified here at Guelph by the kinds of images captured by photograp her Don Hamilton in his studio in th e Department of Environmental Biology. You could hardly get much closer to th e real look of an apple than photographing it to adorn a researcher's conference poster. But is that art? No qu esti on, says Hamilton, ges turing to photos and posters depicting every thing from a "living wall" being studied by a
veterinarians, in zoology multi media materials, and in editor ial and advertising copy in med icine and pharmacy. She is now working on a CD-ROM project on acid rain for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Does she consider her work art or science? "It's hard to divide it into two camps," says Drummond, who studied fine art and English at Guelph and biomedical communications at the University of Toronto. "For me, it's always a meeting of the two. I would call myself a med ical artist."
more documentation than art." Like most of the photos he takes, those shots of ticks collect ed this spring from a moose in Northern Ontario will become part of the voluminous slide col lection used mostly in teaching tomorrow's veterinarians. Apart from veterinary pathologists, he doesn't think many people find beauty in a crisp, clear image of a blood-bloated tick or a dog heartworm in situ. To Sullivan, a member of the U.S.-based Biological Pho tographers' Association, art is what happens when he's out looking for subjects for the sig nature black-and-white images he collects for a line of greeting cards produced under his Rasp berry Rain Images label. A shot of the moon artfully positioned over stone ruins is art in the ethereal or even surreal sense of the word, he says. In the gallery: left to right, an iris
bud by Pamela Stagg, Origin by
A camera is not an artist
Gary Eden, a developing chick
Fresh from training his high-powered lens on four moose ticks crawl ing around the OVC Media Centre, photographer Tim Sullivan hardly gives the ques tion a second thought. "It's
embryo by Glen Oomen, cartoon
U of G horticulturist to a tomato variety being grown by food scientists. " It's art illus trating science." No mere pointing and shoot ing here , says Hamilton. " There's an art to arranging a photo to make the subject clear and comprehensible to the viewer!' Still, even photography isn't all things to a ll biologists. Although a laser-equipped microscope can integrate numerous cross sec tional views of a unicellular organism into a stunning three-dimensional photo, Prof. Denis Lynn, Zoology, says it's a skilful
images by Sheila Macleod Potter, part of an illustration depicting acute retinal necrosis by Dianne Drummond, and a close-up of E. coli bacteria photographed by nm Sullivan.
pen -and-ink drawing that filters extrane ous information and allows him to zero in on, say, the minute hairs that characterize a ciliate. Not to mention that the act of putting pencil to pap er requires th e illus trator to think about what he Of she is see ing. "You h ave to know what yo u're looking at before you can illustrate it," says Lynn. "The further from your realm of knowledge, the harder it is to render a good illustration." H e is co-ordinating th e inaugural under graduate course "Teac hing in Zoology,"
Summer 1999 17
which offers biolog ical illu stration for lab ora to!")' manuals or Web materi als as a pro ject option. Tod ay might be heralding a renaissance in sc ientific illu stration, althou gh of a so rt hardly envisioned even by da Vinci. Says Kirwin: "In scien ce - and I'm a fairly gen eral reader when it comes to scientific mate-
rials - I find increa singly th at the role of th e image is expanding in relation ship to the text. The im age is coming to be a more predominant and sometimes pre-emin ent device in th e scientific literature." Th at's no surprise to College of Biol og ical Sci ence illu strator Ian Smith , who se computer- generated images and text adorn
th e walls through out the Axelrod Building, as well as lab manual s, educati o nal CD ROM s and Web-based materi als. "What I find interes ting is th at art and scien ce are coming together," says Smith as he clicks a computer mouse in th e Biolm age Digital Fac ility to begin a virtual ex plorati o n of amphibians, reptiles and mammal s in a new edu ca tional C': D-ROM , the m os t rece nt relea se in a series about Creat Lakes fauna produ ced by the Departm ent of Zoology. <' The whole digital revolution has made a bi g imp ac t," says Smith, wh o pra ctised more convention al drawing o f in sec t parts while co mpleting his mas ter's in entomo l ogy at U of G. But for all th e hi gh-tech wi z ardry, th e sam e purpose underlies his cre ation s as an y of those ea rlier handm ade rend erings. "What's utmost is sci entific accura cy," he says. Sca ddin g says computer gra phics de vel opm ents are leadin g to som ethin g o f a rev ival of bi ologi cal illustratio n, "although th e obje ctive is often no longer to simpl y record something acc urately - we can do that better with photography - but to pre sent inform ation and visual id eas to th e observer, such as on 'Web pages and C D ROMs. Mos t biological illu strators toda y are mo re likely to use co mputer drawing programs th an pen and ink. It 's not draw in g in th e traditional scientific illustration sense, but you're using the sam e basic prin ciples to present thin gs graphi cally." In a different way than those cl ass ical illustr ations in printed texts a nd mon o graphs, today's electronic materials give stu dents at lea st virtu al access to aspects of biolog y and th e enviro nment that th ey might not otherwise ge t. Th at trend raises ye llow flags in so me minds. Says Kirwin: "To me, that's one step furth er re mo ved
ital Media that ""auld bring together art and science in a joint certifi cate program in mul tim edia studies offered through the O ffi ce of Open Learnin g, perhaps as early as next summ er. Fin e art pro fess or Chandl er Kirwin, hopes to see 15 to 20 stud ents enrol in an inaugural cou rse and ha s visions of eventuall y offering gradu ate or undergrad uate programs. Instru ctors fr o m both departm ents would teach skills in multimedia techniques .
Students migh t use such a course as a first step toward studies in the grow ing fi elds of animati on or bi omedical illustrati on. Or they might be aiming for a career designing edu cational Web sites, CD-ROMs and oth er educational mate rials. The idea fo r the proposed ce ntre was sparked last faUdurin g a discussion between Kirwin an d Dep artm ent o f Zoology chair Paul Hebert conve ned by the Gu elph Alum nus for this fea ture on scientific illustratio n.
Truly great art is not simply beautiful; it takes you beyond where you were and changes your perceptions
high-tech ca reers as scientifi c or medi ca l illu strators - or as di gital artists or an imators - may ge t a chan ce to expl ore the ge nre at U of G through a proposed collaborati on between th e School of Fine Art and Mu sic and the Departmen t of Zoology. Sin ce last fall, both departm ents have been discussing a proposed Centre for Dig
from th e ph )'s ical experiential process, It's almost a co ntradictio n in terms - a virtu al ex perience." Add s Hebert : "Fo r co urses in inverte brate zoology, one wo uld like to believe that the stud en ts we re loo king at livin g, brea th ing organisms, but of course that's not often the case. Fo r the ave rage st ude nt to tr y to reco nstruct life fro m the stud )' of death, it's almost as difficult as what's confronting pro fessional biologists, and 1 don't think a lot of stud ents are up to the challenge. So this digital world is go ing to allow us to pro vide students with virtual studies of life, They're not goi ng to see rea l li ving orga nisms, but they're going to be able to see a Tetrahymena swimmin g ac ross a virtual mi croscope slide," Th ere is a powerful rol e to be played by pa ckages of so phisti cated image ry and vid eo that allow stud ents to go o n virtual field tri ps as if the y had go ne to the Great Ba rri er Reef, says Hebe rt, Some of those fie ld course students are learnin g to ge nera te CD-RO Ms from tex t and visuals collected on th eir travels to the Cana di an Arctic o r Aust ra li a, For man y, Hebert co ncedes, th e res ults are prob ably cl ose r to science th an to art. And he says that, fo r aU their eye-popping special effects, computer graphi cs still have so me distance to go to matc h the quality of the hand -ren de re d pl ates in Audub o n's The Birds of America, O r to equal the ki nd of work done by today's illustrators that ca n elevate a sci ent ificall y acc ura te re nd er ing of, say, acute retinal necrosis into, well, art. Gesturin g to Kirwin's des k and a vivid airbrush of the hum an eye by U of G iJlus trator Dianne Drumm o nd, Hebert says: "I've rea d about rods a nd cones, bu t 1 do n't kn ow ifJ've ever seen a more bea u tiful illu stration that shows with such c1a r
BIOLOGISTS DISPLAY HIGH-TECH WIZARDRY com pu ter technolo gy has become co mmo nplace in the Co llege of Biological Science for illustra ting everything from pos ters, lab manuals and research pub li catio ns to in stru cti o nal CD-ROM s a nd conference slide presentations. The foll ow ing titles are part of an edu ca tional series of CD -ROMs pro duced by the Depar tment of Zoolo gy to explore aspects o f Ca nada's
Good scientific illustration brings a level of understanding to a phenomenon that you can't easily capture.
ity the str uct ure o f the hum a n eye , She co uld h ave shown me a fun cti on al dia gram of the eye that showed all those parts labe ll ed, but this is no t sim pl y fun ctio nal - this has to nal qu alities , Trul y grea t art takes you beyo nd wh ere you were; it changes yo ur perce ptions, lt's no t simpl y a matter o f sa ying it's bea utiful, but you
say: 'T hi s changed th e wa y 1 vie w th e worl d or some aspec t o f it.'" Nodding in agreement, Kir win says: "I'd like to hang it on m y wall. And that can onl)! happen after the artist in the scientific illus trator has imparted or embedded his or her own sense of wo nder, their se nse of extra o rdi nary perceptio n,"
fres hwater and marine environm ents. • The Grea t Lakes Exp lorer: Biodi versity • Introduction to AquaticEnvironments, a two CD set that won the 1997 Sony Prize for best post-seconda ry educational CD-ROM, Birds of th e Great La kes Amphibians, Reptiles and Mam mals of the Great Lakes The Daphni a of No rth America Zoology staff also maintain Canada's Aquat ic En vironments, an interactive education-
al We b site that allows users to lea rn abo ut aquatic habi ta ts, plants and ani mals, The site was pro du ced wi tb fun d in g fro m the Max Bell Foundation, th e Nat ural Sciences and Engi neering Resea rch Council, Hu man Reso urces Can ada and Industr y Canada's SchoolNet Digital Collections program . Th e project's ar tists, illustra tors and writ ers are now ca lled the CyberNatura l Group, complementing tbe work of the CBS BioIm age Digital Facility,
Summer 1999 19
his spring, U of G is fielding a new major-league development team
that will take a campus-wide approach to the planning and imple
mentation of campaign and ongoing fund -raising initiatives. Senior
development managers will be situated in the colleges as strategists and will form direct links betwee n college deans and Development and Public Affairs (D&PA). Th ere are several new faces on this team , including its manager, Rud y Putns, executive director of ca mpaign programs, who ca me to U of G last Augu st fr o m the Univers ity of Waterl oo. He has 20 years of fund-raising expe rien ce in the LlI1iversity and health-care sectors. U of G's new tea m of seni o r development managers will ad va nce the Universit y's capital cam paign, Annual Fund and special fund-rais ing initiati ves such as matchin g-grant oppor tunities proposed by government and projects that address unique co ll ege need s. John Mab le y, vice- president (deve lopment and public affa irs) , says th e University ha s matured to a po int where a ce ntralized de velo pment orga nization ca n no longer address all its need s. "Our development team will work direc tly with dea ns, facult y, alumni, staff and students to identify the strength s and needs within each co llege ," he says "By relating college goals to the sys tem support available at Alumni Hou se - alLlmni re co rds, prospect research, treasury and donor recognition - th e new senior devel opm ent managers will be better abl e to sys tematically identify fund-r<lising opportu nities and translate th em into institutional support." The dec entra lized structure is common among larger ~orth American universities and has received enthusiastic support from GLlelph's
tion sharing across campu s Jnd stewardship of donors. OAC dean Rob McLaughlin will wo rk directly wit h senior deve lopment manager Paul ette Sa mson, a longt ime D&PA employee who has a new offi ce in Johnston Hall. OVC
dean Alan Mee k welcomes LlLIra Manning, B.Comm. '97, who moves across campu s from a position as research anal ys t in th e O ffice of Institutiona l Anal ys is and Planning. Bruce Hill, ,1 D&PA staff member since 1997, will liaise with Gera ld Manning, acting dean of the College of Arts. Th e n ew Co llege of Soc ial and Appli ed Hum an Sciences welcomes one of its own grad uates, Tim Mau, SA '92 and MA '93, who served as general manager of th e 1998 Ontario Sum mer Games, to assi st dea n Michael Nightingale. And William Rowe leaves a deve lopment posi tion at the Unive rsity of Waterloo to take on the ro le of seni or manager for th e coll eges of Bio logical Science and Phys icl l and En gineerin g Science, work ing with deans Robert Sheath and Robert rVIcCrindle. Alumni House wi ll still serve as home base for new recruits Ross Butler, SA '8 1, and Patrick Abdul. Bu tler is J financial plannin g consultant who com es to th e University from Guel. ph's Fin,lIlcial Concept Group to wor k as director for planned giv ing. Abdul brings telemarketing exper ience frolll th e Unive rsit y of Wa terloo and is now call centre supervi sor Jeading a kee n team of U of G students in th e Annual Fund telep hone program. Whil e the colleges begin to work with tbeir respective senior developme nt man agers, earIy preparations for th e University's next major
campaign con tinue to mo ve ahead. The next few month s will be spent organizing, impl e menting and analys in g th e results of a fea sibil it y survey. Outcomes o f the survey wi ll help shape campaign proposals to be used for major gift calls durin g the coming year and beyond.
Su mmer 1999
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sandwic1Lge..~~~ (U of G Researchers Investigate Slices of Canadian Family Life) Alexander Wooley
What do Prince Charles, Madonna, Hillary Clinton and many of this magazine's readers have in common? The answer is membership in one of the largest, richest, most
tired and most stressed-out clubs in the world -
the sandwich generation.
As the name implies, the sandwich generation is that busy demographic caught in the middle, simultaneously caring for children and elder relatives. The clas足 sic sandwich generation involves what's known as the 35-year split. An example is the man or woman aged 45 who has a 10-year-old child and a parent about 80. The baby boomers come to mind first when one thinks of being sandwiched, but although they're charter members of the club, they're not the only ones.
Sum m er 1999 23
_ I
According to Statisti cs Can ada, m ore than 2. 8 mllh on adult men and wo men (o ne in eight of all adult Ca nadi ans ) p rovid e some form of care to peo pl e with lon g-term health problems. Th e repercussi ons are that caregivers suffer, too, with about h alf say in g the y enc ounter problems at wor k beca use of their careg iving resp onsibilities. Caregivers may also experience econo mi c costs, stress , guil t and hea l th pro bl ems . Acco rd ing to news reports, Canadia ns are going to bed ea rlier than the y were 20 years ago, som et im es not making it th at far, but falling asleep on the sofa watc hin g the news o r reading their alumni maga zine. As boomers and their kids age, child-care problems shou ld ease. But fe wer pa rents are ab le to stretch ali t and enj oy the emp ty nest. "Some ti mes their kids are ge ttin g laun ched later in life and sometim es - this is a fact or compli cat in g the lives of sa nd wichers - t hey co me ba ck," says Prof. Kerry Dilly, Famil y Relations and Applied Nutrition, co-director of U of G's new Cen tre for Families, Work and Well -Being. "The children are older, they're adults, and they're movin g in and out of th eIr parents' house, so met imes we ll into th eir 30s."
Centre for Families,
Work and Well-Being
T he only re!;ea rch centre of its kind in the country, U of G's new Centre for Families, "'''ork and Well-Being has a mandate to promote responsive wo rk nments and help families across Ca nada manage work and fa mily responsibilities in healthy ways. The centre is building on inter disciplina ry opportunities in the Col lege of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSA HS ). The centre h as m ore than 50 fa culty and staff affil iates, drawn fro m every department of CSAHS and from Student Health Services, Teaching Support Serv ices and Child-Ca re Services. "We ne ed to know m ore about family relations;' says centre co-direc tor Prof. Donna Lero, Family Rela tion s and Applied Nutrition . "We need more research i.n how they work and how families can integrate work."
In 1996, StatsCan foun d th at 56 per cen t
of unm arr ied me n and 47 per cenl of
unmarried women between 20 and 34 were
living at their parents' home.
'lAT '
• tryIng
to do more,
at greater
in a day that
still has only
24 hours.
~V~ e~r~
The increased li fe expectan cy of Canadi ans means dealing with responsibilities for a longer time. In cases of an eld erly relat ive req uir ing chmnic care, the burden 0 11 mid dl e-aged sons and daughters can be immense. Gen erall y, however, today's increased life expectancy goes hand in hand '''ith elders who are healthier, wealthier and much more independent than previous generations. One misco nception about modern fam ily li fe is that parents are havi ng ch ildren much larer in life, says Dal y. The truth is that famili es in previ o lls ge nerati ons also had children into thei r 30s, but had more chil dren overall, startin g at an ea rlier age. "The boomers have a mll ch sm aller window where th ey have children than previous ge n erations did," he says . Research ers at U o f G bri ng an impres sive array of ex perti se to bea r on sa ndwi ch challen ges . So universa l and perso nal is it as an area of in quir y that when one sits down with a Guelph researcher in the fi eld, the in tervie wer beco mes the intervi ewee. "Are you marr ied ? Do yo u have kid s? Par
ents health y? How mu ch st ress is involved in writin g for the Gu elph Alu m nus?"
No TIme to Loaf The fundame ntal probl em is as sim ple as a high sch oo l math problem. We're try ing to do mo re, a t greater distances, in a day that sti ll has onl y 24 hours. Ge og ra p hy professo r Alun Joseph believes th e geography and mobilit y of Canadians means that grea t dista nces are in vo lved in o ur dai ly li ves . He sees three sides of a triangle - where yo u li ve, where YO ll work and where yo ur elders whom yo u ca re for live . Wo rking wi th PhD stude nt Bonnie Hallman , he drew data fro m the fed erally funded work and famil y survey con ducted by CA RN ET (Ca nadian Aging Research Netwo rk) and fo und tha t th e len gth of journey to wo rk co m bi ned wit h caregiving affects stress levels and can affect work perfor mance. Sig nifi ca ntly, Josep h found th at stress le vels increased dramati caliy jf children were added to the mi x. "A lon g commute to work each day and ca ring for eld er relatives was m anageab le for childless men and women;' he Sd YS. "But if you added children , tbe reported stress le vels rose." In an arti cle for the Canadian JouI'II111 0/ Aging, Joseph and Hallman quote a 38-year old mother of two young children who also provides abou t fi ve hours of assistance each week to her elderly parents. "The burden of carin g for paren ts and children leaves one (or a co upl e) with no time for themselves," she said. "This is a big problem , and you begin to resent the constant dema nds of relati ves." Histo ry professo r Jam ie Snell's most recent book examines how the elderly far ed in Ca nad a in th e fi rst half of th e 20 th cen tury. \lV-it h few senio rs' homes during this time , it was up to women at hom e to look after child ren and elders. Th at's cha nged. " Do ubl e-incom e families mean tha t bo th are des perately short of tim e," Snell says. "Money doesn 't necessa ril y solve the problem, and non-mon etar y sup port is time-co nsumin g and a source of stres s. These days, we go o ut to th e eld erly. We're tr ave lling som ewhere, and we worry abo ut the stan dard of care a pal'ent is rece iving in a senio rs' home." Eldercare is more problematic than child ca re, for seve ral reasons. Wit h a child ,
growth is typicall y normative, wi th fix ed waypoints of progression througb to adult ho od . \lVitb an older perso n, there are va ri ables and uncerta inty. One ne ver knows when th ey will need help or for how long. "Also, there are n't usually substitutes as you find with child care, such as J babys it ter," SilyS psychology professor Benjamin Gottlieb, who co -auth ored 1998's Flexible Work A rra.ngements: JVJa1iilging the INo rk Family Boundary with colleague Prof. Kevin Kello wa y and PhD stud ent Elizabeth Barham. "A nd very often the elder relati ves wa nt to be involved in decisions made dbout them," Gottlieb sa ys. The res ult for a son or daughter ca n be longe r abse nces from wor k for an eldercare iss ue th an for a child-care issu e. A re curring byprodu ct of being sand wiched is guilt guilt at a la ck of time spent w ith fri end s, fa mil y, a spo use or at th e wO I'kplace, where many of th ose sandlNi ched are mid- career, climbing tbe ladd er. At home or at work, Isolation and a lack of control make for fr ayed nerves. "A con sistent so urce of stress for san dwichers is the sense of being on their own in their spe cific pred icament," says Prof. Donna Lero, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, co dir ec tor of the Ce ntre fo r Families, Work and Well-Being. "In to day's soc iety, yo u are basically on yo ur own to decide which child- care program to use, so there is th e terror of finding th e right perso n to look afte r yo ur child."
We Knead the Dough Where th e wheels Cdn come off is when famil y and wo rk responsibilities meet. Daly believes that th e highly str uctured and sched uled rou tin es of most workplaces are inher entl y incompatible with the unpred ictab le, time-consu ming need s of ca regiving. Pa rt of th e mandat e of the Cen tre for FamiJies, Wor k and Well-Being is to get peo ple to integrat e th eir responsibiliti es rather th an juggle them. Seve nt y-five pe r ce nt of t\vo-parent families have both parents work ing. As Daly no te s, this mea ns family resp o nsibilities are performed at weekends or at night. Go ttli eb wou ld like to see employers doing a be tter Job of accom m odat in g th e famil y needs of employees. By wo rking wi th com panies tha t have leading-ed ge family-
care p rac tices, he 's hoping to sprea d th e word to organizati ons that haven't yet seen the li ght. He's looked at high-tech , 111 for mat ion-age co mpanies with a youl1g wo rk-
EaGh generation.
takes a turn
at being a
slice of bread
and the filling
in the nliddle.
for ce . Em pl oye rs treat the se workers what Gottli eb ca lls " bright collar" wo rkers _ . wi th tender loving care because the com panies have made significa nt invest men ts to recruit and retain th em. Usuall y young and free of resp onsib iliti es, th ese workers put in lots of ti me at the offi ce, so the com pa ny provides all sorts of dctivities like Fri da y-a ft er noo n kegs o f beer that blur the bound ar y betwee n work and play. But a neM-co nstant presence at wo rk can run co unter to the needs o f the sand wich ge neration . Altemative soluti ons includ e work-at-h ome arra nge ments and job shar ing. Another option involves work-based ca re progran1s such as company-run information and re ferr al services, intergenerational (fo r young and eld erl y) da y-ca re cen tres and "resp ite" programs, where an employee ca n dmp off an elderly relati ve in the morn in g and pick him 0 1' he r up in the aftern oon. Gottlieb ci tes a U of G study of 300 CIB C worke rs, which found that empl oy ees who could cb oose their own work arran gements had much better performance
meas ur es th a n those who didn't. Other research con du cted by th e Guelph CAR1'lET team found th at fo r em ploye es, usin g th e se rvices isn' t as imp ortant dS th e avail.abil ity, kn ow in g they're th ere. "Set it LIp, make it available, com municate it," says Go ttlieb. "It wo n't cost a lot." Guelph experts say th at workpl ace cul ture is lagging behind the realities of the modern family, requirin g a major attitudi nal shift. Prof. Be linda Leach , Sociology dnd Anthro pol ogy, who has bee n ITscJrcbing home- based work ror 15 yea rs, says a fun damental problem is that so me emplo yers are suspi cious of alternative work routin es. "To para ph rase, the mentality see ms to be: ' How do we know yo u' re rea lly INork in g if yo u're away from the OftlCe1'" She notes that flexible work arra ngem ents are more li kely to be present in larger workpl aces th an in sma II businesses. The ex perts agree th 3t em pl oye rs, em ployees and la bOll r orga n iza ti ons need to ta lk as a first step to m ee tin g all their need s. "We need a management culture that all ows accomm oda ti on Jnd nego ti at ion ra ther th an fi xe d policies," says Da ly. It shou ldn't all be one-sided, however. Gottlieb belie ves th at it's up to the employee to make the business case for a fl exible arran gement. Ageism in a subtle form is present in tbe workplace. Barham, Gottli eb Jnd Kellowa ), found th,lt a female s ub o rdin ate who asks for tim e off fo r child- cdI"c purposes will invar iably be granted it. The least likely to be gra nted fl exibl e tim e is a male employ ee o r manager as kin g for time off to dea l with an eldercare problem. "Employees arc ofte n re lu cta nt to tell a m ana ge r th at th ey need tim e off to look after elders," says Go t tli el). " Indeed, some mana ge rs believe th at elders should be better able to loo k after them se lves, or th ere should be other ser vices to take care of them. This attit ud e has to change." So Gu elph researchers recomm end that wo rkplaces become ,1 lot more. .. we ll, car ing. In fac t, th ey should treat employees like family T he pa yoff is greater employee loy alty, better mora le and willingness to go the extra di stan ce .
Choosing Rolls O ne of the most disappointing as pects for resea rch ers examining sandwich iss ues
SLImmer 1999 25
• I
is the deep ge nder divide that still pervades caregivin g. In a nutshell , wom en still take primary responsibility for the family and men take primary responsibility for work. Jose ph and Ha Jlman's research found th at women on avera ge spe nd less than half the tim e trav el ling to wo rk that men do, but women will travel farther to give ca re. In resea rch ca rri ed out "'lith fellow soci ology and anth ro pology professer Tony Win so n, Lea ch found th :l t when wom en are faced with a choice between jobs and fami ly, th ey oft en take lower-pay ing jobs as a comp romi se to be closer to the somces of th eir caregiving duti es . She found th at wom en laid off fr om relati vel y we ll -paid manufa cturin g job s \"ould oft en take pay cuts down to $9 or $10 an hour, workin g in a restaura nt or nursing hom e, to be phys i call y closer to th eir children or el de rs. "This trend exacerb ates the gender wage gap," says Leach. When women go to ca re for an elder, they are more likely to give constant, repet it ive personal care such as feeding and bathing , wh ere as mall Y men believe that wo rk in itself is a form of caregivin g. Daly attri buLes some of that to the typical work place of ea rlier decades. "Men are still stuck with th e idea of bein g pb ys icall y in th e wor kpla ce as a sign of loyalt y," he says . In additi on, career women may experience more guilt tha n men, because of their se nse of being th e pr'im ar y care giver and still wanting to manage a care er. What fru strates Guelph resea rchers is a recent anti-feminist backlash, naysaye rs who argue th at becau se women are usually the prrmary family caregivers, they should aban don th eir careers and sta y at home. Th at's th e th es is o f Dani elle Crittenden 's recent contro ve rsia l boo k, What Oll r Mothe rs Didn't Tell Us : Why Happin ess Eludes th e Modern Woma n, which proclaims the death of the "superwoman" and essen tially advis es working mom s to stay at home and look after the kid s. Crittenden's thesis fli es in the face of StatsCan surveys showin g that both men and women beli eve wo men should contribute to family inco me. "A single income doesn't usuall y support a famil y these days," says Lero, "so the option to have one parent remain at home simply doesn't ex ist for most families. Second , the
You Can Go Home Again There was a time the sandwiched just had to worry about day care and grade schooL But as th ey aged, their children moved on to high school, university and work. "Fre edo m?" parents asked them selves. Not so fast. If you're like man y Canadian moms and dads , you've had a child come home to live in their 20s and even 30s. Gen Xers and Yers are returning home - in some cases because of high unemployment rates, uncertain wo rk arrangements and delayed marriages. Pro fs . Joe Tindalc and Joan Norris, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, are studying how adults negotiate with their adult children as part of a larger research interest in generation care, what they caU "inter generational reciprocity." "Th e problem is th at a son or daught er in their 20s or 30s who returns home thinks of him or her self as an adult, whereas the parents will still think of them as children," says Tindale. "The key is to talk about these issu es and renegotiate roles. Establish if the child should pay rent, and ho w much, and whether he or she should take Oil responsibilities Jrollnd the house." There can be some positive spin offs, says Prof. Donna Lero. "lr's not necessarily all bad , Older kids can help their parents - the middle of the sandwich - carc for their elders. There's also the chance for intergen eration al sharing, building closer family ties."
super fici al notion that women sho uld remain at home and be caregivers ignores th e fac t that a high number - and a grow in g number - of Canadi an wo men have post-secondary educa tion. Why should that talent, that human capital , go unused' These women are your doctors, accountants, social workers, teachers an d nurses. Finall y, there is th e qu esti on o f choice. Wo men should ha ve the choice to remain at home and be the primary caregiver or go to work. But they
should not be compelled to remain at home because of sandwich generation issues." Crittenden also errs in assu ming that being sa ndwiched is ab ou t making choices, says Leach. In fact, working and caregiving in vo lve littl e freedom of choice. "For so me families, a job is not a ca reer, but a matter of simply putting bread on th e table."
and wa nted to contin ue giving care after a
parent was institutiona lized.
Those who are sa ndwich ed in 1999 will
want to be cared for themselves in old age.
Toast Yet?
Are the '90S the
Best Thing Since
Sliced Bread?
Family relations professors Joan Norris and Joseph Tind ale have spent years resea rching intergenerational relationships. Th ey're critical of the hyp e the sa ndwi ch generation receives, especially as it relates to elderca reo They note that parents weU into their 70s are often giving care to their children and that it's o nly in their sunset years, perhaps in their 80s and for a period of only five years, that they receive care from the sand wichers. "So elders have cared for their chil dren for 50 to 60 years," says Tind ale, "a nd in the end , their child ren give five years in return and find that a burden?" In the 55 to 64 age group, 52 per cent of mot hers and 42 per cent of fath ers report providing some form of help to their adult ch ildren, and StatsCan repo rts that II per ce nt of retired Canadians are still perform ing caregiving duti es. No rris and Tindale beli eve the fact that Ge n Xers are returning home supports these numbers. They say the experience of being sand wiched is cyclical and has been for J 50 years, with each ge neration taking a turn being a slice of the bread and the filling in the mid dle. Historian Snell agrees. "Adu lt children have always looked after their agi ng par ents," he says. "Usually when push came to shove, they had to take th em into th eir own homes. If anything, the elderly right now are more independent than ever before." Gottlieb has seen resentm ent over th e use of the word "caregiver." 'Tve had more than one person tell me: 'I'm not a caregiv er, I'm a daughter. ['m simply repaying the years of ca re [ received from my parents.'" In a study of middle-aged parents pro viding care to their own institutionalized parents, No rris and PhD student Sherry Dupuis found that many of the middle-aged parents did not see caregiving as a burden
to work, so they always experienced these symp to ms of the sandwich generation. It's only now that the middle class is facing th~ same crunch thaI we hear so much about it."
1:he wQt;kplaG€
culture is
lagging behind
the realities
of the modern
Here's a tip: research shows that how yo u care for others m<ly influence how yo u are cared for yourself. Norris and Tindale ha ve found a link between the attach men t and support experienced and later reciprocation. "In general, we can predict ho w people will manage th eir caregiving roles, based on how the relationship was first established, 6·om the ti me the caregiver was a baby," says Tindale. "A secu re bond ea rly sets up a close relationship for a lifetime." Norris and Tindale will next study how ethn icity and diversity playa part in CMe giving. So how did th e sandw ich generation becom e such a hot topic? Leac h says it's because middle -class boomers are politi cally savvy. "Sa ndwi ch gen erati on iss ues are more widely known because journalists listen to the middl e class and the boomers phone up their local politician:' she says. "In past gen erations, middle-cl ass women didn't have to work. [t wasn't an iss ue be cause Mom W<lS at home. But working-class women did have
Whether the sandwich generation expe rience is new or old is little comfort to those puttin g in longer working ho urs, making ends meet and suffering und er cuts to trans fer payments, social programs <ll1d hea lth care, all of which put more onus 011 the individual and the famil y. Guelp h resea rchers are calling for a fun damental rethink of the probl em. T hey believe governm ent, the comm unity and empl oyers need to take the lead, armed with the focus, findings and recommendations uni ve rsity rc carchers can deliver. "The notion that the re is one ki nd of family form or one kind of employment form is wrong," says Lew. "vVe've moved on. But the workplace and public policy haven't caught up to where today's families are." She notes as an exa mple how national programs of early childhood education and care are stalled for lac k of funding. Leach believes th ese critical iss ues tran scend the challenges faced by those currently sandw iched. "This is a moment in history when we have to say: "Wh at so rt of society do we wa nt?' Instead of families fightin g for su rvival on their own, we need to rethink these issues so that how we do things is care fully thought through, with employe rs and government taki ng the lead to put in place policies so that people can take tim e off when they need it."
Reading List
by U of G faculty
Families and Time: Keeping Pace in a Hurried Cultl/.re, Kerry Daly, 1996. Flexible Work Arrangelllents: JVlanag ing the Work -Fa mily Boundary,
Benjamin Gott lieb, Kevin Kel
loway, Eli zabeth Barham, 1998.
Among Generations, Joan Norris and
Joseph Tindalc, 1994. The Citizen's Wage: Th e State and the
Elderly in Co /lac/a, 1900- 1951,
James Snell, 1996.
Summer 1999 27
H O W OU LD DRIVE 3,000 kilometres on a long weekend to a [tend a 25th wed din g anni versar y party for a uni ve rsit y classma te he hadn't seen in seve ral years' Michael So merville wo uld. Tn fac t, he and his wife, Sh eryl, didn't think twice about making th e trip to Tennessee . " It's tru e for me and for a lo t o f o th er people th at th e friends you ma ke in uni vers it y are friends fo r life," he says. For SomervlUe, th at recogn ition was rein forced during 18 years of wor kin g with alumni at Brock University in St. Catharines, On t., and it will continue to govern his pro fessionallife as he takes up the rol e of direc tor o f alumni affairs ilt U of G. John Ma b ley, vice-president (development and public affairs), welcomes So m erville aboard and echoes his assessme nt th at "our Job in alum ni affa irs is to understand what keeps peo ple co nnecte d and to ensure that they fe el th ey're alwa ys welcome on their campus." SomervlUe has a unique relationship with his own alma mater because Brock was also his employer during m ost of the 21 yea rs he spent as a part-tim e stud ent earning a BA an d a master of education. Mat ure students have a far different uni versi ty expe ri ence from th ose who attend full tim e and spend four or fi ve years on ca mpus. Th eir expec tati on s as alumni ca n also be much differ ~ ent. Recognizing th e diversit y of relati on Sii ships within the alumni ra nks of a university ~ is one of th e first steps in strengthening them ~ and benefit in g from them, he sa ys. ~ When he completed his second degree in Vl "i5 1992, Somerville was Brock's associate direc ~ tor of externa l relations (alumni affai rs) . He ~ left th e position in 1996 to become director ~ of development and com munity relations at &; Greater Niagara General Hospital. He want a b ed more ex peri ence in communit y and I "- media relations and got it during wh at has
proved to be on e of th e most controversial times in Ontario's health- ca re history. "Working in health care has helped me un de rstan d how im porta nt it is to identi fy the greatest need s of any organi za tion and hOI-V it relates to th e people who use its ser vi ces," he says. The number of vo luntee rs who come in and out of a hospital every day also made an impact, and combining th at experience with the choices he makes [or his own spare time has put a star beside his goa l to strengthen U of G/a lumni relati ons hips. Somerville senred on the Niagara Hospital board of gov ernors before Joi.ning its staff. His first dipl o ma and one of his fir~ l jobs came from the Niagara College of Arts and Technology, and a few years later, he W3S invited to sit on its adv iso ry committee. He is an ac tive mem ber of Rotary Intern ationa l and cut his teeth as a voluntee r wi th Boy Sco uts Ca nada. In
hi s hom e town of Niagara Fa lls, he sat on the re crea ti on commiss ion for three terms and was chair of the planning com mittee for the 1994/ 95 Ontario Winter Games. There is gre at satisfaction in supporting an organization you believe in, he says, and tbat's an import ant reason fo r alumni to stay connected with U of G. Somervi lle says it was Guelph's reputa ti o n th at lured him back into edu ca tion . " Ranked by Maclean's magazine as number two among Ca nada's comprehensive uni ve rsities, U of G was a prize to be won . The opportu nit y to \vor k here doesn't co me around ever y day." He's ea ger to get to know his new cam pus, especially its at bletic facilities. A min or hoc key referee for 21 years, he's looking fo r ward to a skate in Guelph's twin-pad arena and a ch ance to give so ns Scott and Kevin a campus to ur.
ecause his own upbringing was fllled with si nging and a love of music, Dr. John Munn of Kincar dine was iaspired to encourage Universi
ty of Guelph students in their pursuit of vocal stud ies. His $50,000 gift has endowed an entrance scholarship in the School of Fine Art and Music that was presented for the first time this academic year to Kelly Mayell of llderton, Ont. The $2,500 award wLiI help Mayell pursue her
interest in voice and vocal performa nce. Munn estab lished the scholarship in memory of his mother, Mary Alice, and his sister. Marion, who were well knOl-l'n for their musical talents. His own career was in the medical field, where he helped establish the radiology profession in Canada . He was at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children for many )rears before retirement and was a longtim e member of the Medical Advisory Board.
New award builds leadership skills
g f
~ <.9
5 ~
GM president Jim Weeden, B.Sc.(Eng.) '71 and M.Sc. '86, was the first recipient of a volunteer leade rship award that is designed to enhance the role of the Un ive r sity's alumni volunteers. Named for Rosemary Clark, B.H.Sc. '59, the award has been endowed by donation s from alumni and friends in recognition of her contributions to alumni programs during 24 years of emp loyment at U of G. The award enables the recipient to attend a leadership conference or workshop to gain knowledge that will benefit his or her role as an alumni volunteer. Weeden attended a th ree-day workshop offered by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs that provid ed hand s-on exper ience in areas sllch as group problem solving, dealing with difficult people, com municat in g with a group and creative thinking. "The group spirit was exceptional," says Weeden, wh o found many of the exe rcises appropriate to the organizationaJ difficul ties facing the University's alumni associa tions. "We sometimes get so task-oriented th at vve forget the real reaso n \'ve have an
Rosemary Clark and Jim Weeden
organization. We should take more time to eva lu ate the needs of o ur organiza tion." Weeden believes many alumni volun teers would benefit from attending a simi lar type of program and encou rages all U of G alumni associatio ns to submit candidates for tile Rosemary Clark Volunteer Leader ship Award.
UELPH ALUM Nl who attended the , Flor ida reunion March 3 enjoyed a look back in time to the beginn ing of the annual picni c in th e early 1960s. Alex Henry, BSA '5 1, has recorded its history in a story that places the first Florid a picnic in the backyard of A.W. "Jack" Baker, BSA '11, and his wife, Grace. Baker taught at the Ontario AgriCLd tural Co llege from graduation to retire ment in 1955. He had entertai ned many stud ents and alumn i at his Ontario home, so it was a natural carry-ove r to 11is retirement retreat in Florid a. When the Bakers died in the ea rl y 19705, the trad ition wa s carried on by their daughters, Margaret Maclean and Ruth Wright, DI-JE '37, and son-in-law Gord Wright, BSA '33. The picnic moved indoors as it grew over the years, attract ing as many as 200 alumni and recog nizing some notable participation. Thi s year's picnic drew 115 people, with OAC '48 having the largest num ber of classmates (seven) present. Morley Funston, BSA '32 , and Kay Mayn ard, DHE '32, were recognized as the earliest graduates , and thanks we re extended to Barb and Ken Grant, BSA '48, for chair ing the 1999 committee. The 2000 event has been scheduled for Marc h I, wit h Liz and Jack Hann a, BSA '53, as organizers. The l1iStOfY written by Henry was shared with those who attended this year 's Florid a reunion, but copies are available to aU interested alu mni throu gh f\Jumni House. Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 6533, or write to Development and Pub lic Affairs, University of Guelph, Guelpb, ON NIG 2Wl.
Summer 1999 29
Conn ection (UCC) thi s fall . UCC is a program designed to support entering student s as
after that initial meeting. Futme contacts might include b e ing availabl e to an swer s tudents '
ould yo u b e willing to
th ey make the transition to uni
qu es tions by teleph o ne, pro
volunteer your tim e to help fir st-year U of G students
versity acad emic and social life. Alumni ment o rs will be
viding job shad owing oppor
mak e inform ed choices about t'he ir acad e mi c and vocational future?
invited to an o ri entati o n in th e fall , then 3 for mal introducto
additional programming at the Universit y. For more info rmation about alumni career mentors for Uni
tunitie s or participating in
With financial support from
r y event in the winter, wh ere the y will mee t student s in the
th e Universit y or G u elph Alumni Association , G uelph's
degree pro g ra m m ost closely associated with th e ir area of
Office of First- Year Studies will
ex perti se. The Office of First
Roberta Mason a t th e Office of Firs t- Year Studie s, 5 19-824
launch an alumni ment o ring
Ye ar Studi es will h elp alumni
4 j 20, Ext. 2365, or send e- mail
program fo r Universit y Co llege
and studen ts stay connected
to rma so n@uo
versity CoUege Connection, call
OAC s tudents from the sale of recycl ed
ente rtainment and dancing to a nine-pi ece
Notahle eve nts in the year-long cel ebra
orch estra , A reception is planned for 5:30
ti o n of OAC's 125 th anni ve rsar y includ e the Apri l 30 launch of a new hi story boo k
paper and lec ture admissions. OAC's uniqu e his to r y of supp o rt fo r th e visu a l a rts is highlighted in an exJlibi
and recogniti on of the enduring relation ship betwee n the co llege a nd th e provin
tion called "Sowing the Seeds" that will be fea tured a t the Macdon a ld Stewart Art
p.m. in th e G ryph o n C entre, with dinner at 6:30 p.m . Tickets a re $75 an d can be ordered by ca lling Ca rla Bradshaw at 519 824-4120, Ext. 6657.
cial governm ent.
Centre until July 25 . It con tain s a selection
The College 011 th e Hill: A New History of the Ontario /\gricultural College, 1874 -1999
of important works acquired by OAC, as well as wor ks detaili ng th e college's histo
was written b y Guelph histor y professor
ry and pieces created by its students, grad
The last for mal event in OAC's a nnive r
Terry C row ley and Univers ity pro fessor emeritus Al exander Ross, author of the orig inal College 011 the Hi ll for OAC's 100th anniversar y. It wa s launched a t a reunion
uates and faculty. Among th em are histo r
sary year looks to the future. A landmark conferen ce cal led " Persp ectives 2000+: Ag ri-F oo d Tr ends at the H orizo n of
ical portraits, landscapes and campus views
Change" will be held Nov. 24 at the Rive r
gathL'fing fo r current and fo rm er employ
Run Centre in Gu e lph. Th e George Mo r
o f the college and th e Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Th e
ris Centre is organizin g th e confercnce with s upp ort from the Bank of Montrea l,
d ay was planneJ to reco gni ze th e provin ci ,ll gove rnm en t's role in establishing OAC
OM AFRA , OAC and Guelph alumni. "There are some mega-forces that are
in 1874 and the partnership that co ntinues today between th e agriculture ministry and
by well-known Can adi an artists s uch as
likely to affec t Canada's agri - food sector in the fu ture , n o t j,ust the imme dia te
th e Uni versity. A noon-hou r picn ic was fo l
A.Y. Ja ckson, Geor ge Re id and Floren ce
futu re , but on into the n ew century," says
lowed by a re-enactment of several histor
Wyle. The art centre is open Tuesd ay to
centre director Larry Martin. "Perspec tives
ical event s and personalities that influenced
Sunday from noon to 5 p.m.
2000+" will examin e the impact o f popu
the developm ent of both insti tu tions.
GALA EVENING LOOKS BACK AGGIES BEGAN ART COLLECTION The Univers it y of Guelph art collection tra ces its beginnings back to 1925 when
Th e premi er social event of the ye a r cele brating OAC's 125 th an niversa ry will be
Dri ve, a large pa intin g by Gro up of
the Sep t. 25 H e rita ge Banquet and Ball. Alumni, m em bers of the Universit y com
Seven contemporary Tom Thomson, was purchase d fo r $500 wi th fund s earned by
for a semi-formal evening of fine dining,
ni l?
mu nit y a nd fri en ds are invited to ga th er
lation growth and environme nt , technol ogy, the implications of clima te change, changes in th e food distribution syste m , th e ro le of government and h ow public pol icy may have to adapt in changing tim es, and the impact of change on edu cation and research. For more info rmatio n about the conferencc, call 1-800-206-039\.
Come to Alumni Weekend!
WE'RE GOLD-MEDAL PROUD! Co me to Alumni Weekend June 18 to 20 and see why this annual U of G gat hering won a gold medal in 1998 from the Cana dian Council for the Advancement of Edu cation (CCAE). A nationa l organi zat ion whose members represent university and co llege adva ncement offices, CCAE gave Guelph top honou rs for hosting the best alumni eve nt in the country. UGAA NAMES AWARD RECIPIENTS The University of Gu elph Alumni Associ ati on will comp lete the 1999 Alumni Awards of Excellence program at Alumni Weekend by presenting the Alumnus of Honour Award to former OAC dean Rick Richard s, BSA '38, and the Alulllni Vol unteer Award to Dave Adams, B.Sc.(Agr.) '49, retired executive director of the Ca na dian Meat Council. The awards will be pre se nted at th e President's LunciJeol1 June 19, as will the OVC Distingui shed Alum nus awa rd , which thi s year goes to Dun-
ment will be prest'lltc:J during Ju ne convo cation to Adrian Park, B.Se. '85,,, professor of surgery at th e Uni versi ty of Kentu cky.
This drawing by Guelp h landscape designer Wendy Shearer, BLA '81, caught the imagi na' tion of alumni, faculty, staff and stud ents who have been working for more th an a year on th e restoration of the conservatory greenhouse and the garden development project. The offi cial opening takes place June 19 at Alu mni Weekend. can Sinc lair, DVM '58 . Recipients of the Go rdon Nixon Lead ership Award wIiI be recog nized later that evening at the Go ld en Anniversary Dlllller. The UGMs Alumni Medal of Achieve
ANOTHER FIRST FOR 1974 GRADS They were the ri rst to ski down Dai ry Bush hill. Th ey helped Of\C (debr,llc its 100th anniversary an d ch eered tbe (; rypho ns to a national ba sketba ll championship . Now U of G's 197·J grdduates have launched a new Alum ni 'vVcekend evcn t as pa rt of thei r 25th-anniversary celebration. The Class of ' 7-1 I JS in vited cver)'onc who g ra duat ed in tbe years 1964 to 1974 to atte nd a , pcci,d alumni reuni o n d in ner june 19 at U of C. The t' vent will feature lots of nos ta lg ic mo men ts an J en te r tainment, pro mises comm ittee chair Bill Laid[mv, BA '74.
For more in format ion about Alumni Weekend events, call Alumni House at 5 19-824-4120, Ex t. 6657, or send e-mail to carlab@alumni.uogucl,
G STUDENTS and alum
ni ki cked off Biology Week in january with a career night
organ.ized by the College of
Biological Science Students'
Council and sponso red by the
CBS Alumni Association. About
140 studen ts participated in
round-table discussions and
~ net\vorking with th e following <..0 alumn i: Douglas Clark, B.Se. ~ '89; George Coker, B.Se. '86; o a< Peter Conlon, DVM '80 and <{ z UJ u PhD '86; Tim Cooey, B.Se. '90; B Nancy Crenna , B.Se. '86; Ann ~ Maslen, B.Se. '76; John Pawley, ~ BSA '62; Cam Portt, B.Se. '77; ~ David Steph enson, B.Se. '82 ~ and 1V1.Sc. '84; Garry Wallace, o b B.Se. '90; Barry \I\fllite, B.Se. '72; 6: and Mark Wright, B.Se. '74. OF
Hired to assist with alumni eve nts this summer, these student ambas sadors from across Ontario will help build meaningful relationships between students and alumni. Seated, left to right: Mark Hallman, Sudbury; and jeff Reid, Owen Sound. Standing, left to right: Marie France Gravelle, Sturgeon Falls; Tara George, alumni program offi cer; Tamara Small. Brampton; john Mabley, vice-presid en t (devel opment and public affairs); U of G president Mordecha i Rozanski ; Julie Donohue, Sarnia; Nadine Devin, Corunna; Kate Sharpe, Picton; and Am y Boeckn er, Cambridge.
t too k two c:url in g clu b, in
Guelph to 3l\:0 I111110J al e the
248 OAC allJl11ni who turned
o ut for the OAC Alu m ni Asso
cia tion's annu al cu rl illg bO I1 spi el [viJrc h 19 and 20. Draw
master :>.I u nay Woods, I:3S
'56, 3nd ,core kccpc r Dwig ht Creer. B. Sc.( Agr. ) '72 , co-o rd i nated 40 socia lt c<l m; alld 22 c011lp eti live I C :1ill ~ wit h the hell' of COlll lllillt:t' membe r Caro lyn 13arkC)', B.Sc.( Agr.) '9il , Li nd,l Hru ska, B.Sc.(Agr.) '85 3nd M. Se.(Agr.) '88, and ji!11 Stewart, B. Sc.(!\ gr. ) '67. The Ct.l " of (l AC '49 too k the leaJ as 1110 ~ t sen io r curl n Gkn Hen derson, Tom L,JIl C, Ted ~k l\ in c h and Don Spell.
Sum l11er 1999 31
U of G Degrees
= =
ADA Associate diploma in agriculture BA Bachelor of arts BASc. Bachelor of applied science B.Comm. Bachelor of commerce B.H.Sc. Bachelor of house hold science BLA Bachelor of landscape architecture BSA Bachelor of science in agriculture (pre-196s) B.Sc.(Agr.) Bachelor of science in agriculture
= = =
= =
• Don Graham, BSA '43, was naml:'d Citizen of the Ye'H in 1998 by the people of Brantford, Ont., where he lives and has been a memher of the RotdfY Club for 50 years and a canvasser for the United Way for 33 years. A retired provin cial agricultural representative, Graham has also dOlle com munity work with the Brantford Boys' and Girls' Club, the Brant Business Incentive Corporation, Ca nfarm and Probus. In 1970, he was made an honorary chief of th e Six Nations. • Peggy Knapp, BSA '49, ha s received a Women of Distinction award from the Guelph YMCA- YWCA. She was recogilized for her services as the Canadian representative of the Association of Country Women of the World and for 50 years of active partici pation in the Women's Institute. 19505
• Harold Baker, BSA '50, re tired in 1994 as professor em eritu s of extension at the University of Saska tchewan. He and his wife, Phyllis, live in
B.Sc. Bachelor of science
B.Sc.{Eng.) Bachelor of
science in engineering
B.Sc.{Env.) Bachelor of
science in environmental
B.Sc.{H.K.) Bachelor of
science in human kinetics
B.Sc.{P.E.) Bachelor
of science in physical
DHE = Diploma in home
DVM Doctor of veterinary
Saskatoon nea r their three children and four grandchil dren. Friends and classmates can contact him bye -mail at • Nancy Cook, B.H.Sc. '59 and MSA '62, was one of four women of distin ction recog nized in Febru ary by the New Brunswick Ministr y of Agriculture and Rural Development for contribu tions to the province's agri food industry. She was direct or of the Department of Agri culture's home economics branch, fir st director of the Fredericton Central Region in the Health and Community Services Ministry, first female president of the KB. Institute of Agrologists, chair of the Atlantic Co mmittee on Food and manager of the Malawi Canada Dairy Project. Aftcr 13 years in agriculture, she became direc tor of federal provincial rei a tions with the Department of Finance, retir ing in 1993 to pursue a certifi cate program in gerontology at St. Thomas University. • Tom De Geer, DVM '54, has been awarded Rotary International's highest honour,
= = = = = = =
GD Graduate diploma MA Master of arts M.Agr. Master of agriculture MFA Master of fine art MLA Master of landscape architecture M.Sc. Master of science ODA Ontario diploma in agriculture ODH = Ontario diploma in horticulture ODR Ontario Diploma in recreation PhD = Doctor of philosophy
the Service Ab ove Self Award.
He is a previous recipient of the Rotary Citation for lVleritorious Service and the Distinguished Service Award. He served as president or the U of G Alumni Association in 1980/8 1. • Ruth Diamant, B.I-I.Sc. '56, retired as associate professo r of food s and nutrition at the University of Manitoba March 31,1999.
• Joanne Watt, ADA '56, writes to remi.nd fonner Aggie and vet residents of Bursar HaLl that the next annual reunion wil! be held this November at her home in Markham, O nt. 19605
• Janice Edwards, I3.H.Sc. '69, is a business instructor at th e College of the Rocki es in Cranbrook, B. C. Her e-mail address is • Bruce MacDonald , B.Sc. (Agr.) '66, has retired from the research branch of Agriculture and Agri -Food Canada, where he was head of the O ntario Land Resource Unit. H e is 110W living on the famIly farm ncar Teeswater, Ont., and works as a con sul tant.
197 05
• James Damianoff, B.Sc.(Agr.) '77, has developed a biodegrad able surfactant and process for in-situ hydrocarbon soil reme diation; it was launched com mercially in 1998. He is presi dent ofRDI Chemical Co rporation in Brampton, Ont., and lives in Streetsville with his wife, Jane, and two sons, John and Martin_ • Brian Kidd, B.Sc. '70, is a biologist at the University of Florida's resea rch and educa tion centre in Quincy. He's been involved in the universi ty's row-c rop agricultural re sea rch programs for 19 year~. • Cheryl (Ridout) and Rick King, both B.A.Se. '78, moved back to Mississauga, Ont., last August with their children, Brad and Lauren. Rick was tran sfer red wi t.h Petro -Canada after seven years in Calgary; Cheryl was a teaching assistant with th e Calgary Board of Education. • Alec Leask, B.Sc. (Ag r. ) '77, is an excavating contractor in Uxbridge, Ont. , where he lives with his wife, Ca thy, and four dau ghters. He says he made m any good friends at U of G, as did his brother, Ian, DVM '74, who died in Se ptember after a battle with cancer. Ian's wife, Brenda, and four children still live in Sussex, N.B., where he was a veterinarian with the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture. • Carl Loewith, B.Sc.(Agr.) '70, and David Loewith, B.Sc.( Agr. ) '75, were recent!)' selected as 1999 Negev hon ourees by the Jewish Na tional Fund of Hamilton for their contributions to the }cwish and agricultural communities. • Joe McKenna, I3A '79, has worked in environment and waste management for th e City
of Oshawa since 1993. He is
speaks to aspiring vet techni
married, has a six-year-old
cians at technical colleges.
daughter and lives in Courtice, Onto • Vijay P. Singh, M.Sc. '70, of Baton Rouge, La., received a senior doctoral degree in June
Nelles Real Estate in Belleville, SHEILA AND PERRY GRAY
Onto She has three sons who
• Paul Augustine, B.Sc.(Agr.) '86, and his wife, Carrie
she says may one day come to
(Valade), BA '85, are enjoying
from CBS friends bye-mail at
U of G and she invites contact
their roles as parents to Andrea Danielle, born May 25, school for Wellington County.
• Stephen Stobie, B.Se. '84, qualified as a chartered accountant in 1987, completed
modelling in hydrology and
• Barbara (Watson) Beauchamp, B.A.Se. '84,
water resources. He is only the
graduated from the Canadian
• Sheila (Hendry) Gray, B.A.Se. '88, married Capt.
is now vice-president of
sixth recipient of the D.Se.
Memorial Chiropractic College
Perry Gray Oct. 24, 1998, in
degree in enginee ring in th e
in 1997 and opened the Box
Nepean, Ont. Last year, Sheila
in Toronto. He and his wife, Hetti (Booi), BA '84, have two
university's history.
Grove Chiropractic Family Health Centre in Markham,
joined Perry in Cyprus while he served for the Canad ian
children, David and Andrew.
Ont., in January 1999. She has
Contingent United Nations
eight-year position as gen eral
four children: Sean, Zachary,
Forces. She welcomes corre
• Pat Tracey, ADA '83 and BA '87, returned to U of Gas
manager of C o ~ op e rative
Samantha and Max.
head of th e Ontario feed op er
• Terrence, ADA '88, Nancy, DVM '93, and Janice Charlton,
spondence from her U of G friends at sheila_hendry@
assistant football coach and
Research Farm s and is now
ations of Land 0' Lakes. He
B.Comm. '97, are not only sib
ager in January after complet ing an eight-month stint as
lives in Guelph.
1998 from the Witwatersrand in South Africa for his contri butions to entropy-based
• Jim Wadleigh, B.Se. (Agr.) '76, has moved on fro m his
1998. Paul teaches secondary
training as a tax specialist and finance with Citibank Canada
Hetti is a teacher.
assistant athletic facilities man
lings, but also participants in a
• Deborah Hoekstra, 13A '81, accepted a call to First Mill
special teams coach with the
farming operation that earned
Woods United Church in
Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Tracey
the Charlton family the 1998
Edmonton July 1, 1998.
has coached in the CIAU ranks
• Mark Jensen, BA '88, is the municipal planner for Perth, Ont. He earned a master's
with Guelph since 1987, after a
title as Brant County Farm Family of the Year. • Colin Christie, B.Se. '87, lives in Calgary, where he is group underwriting director, western region, with Sun Life of Canada, group division. • Marty Fairbairn, BA '82, has edited a book, The Ethics of
Postmodernity: Current Trends in Continental Thought, with
degree in planning from Queen's University in 1992 and was married in 1994 to Janet Snider. They have two children. • Geoff Kirkham, BA '85, is a key accounts sales manager for Cloverleaf Canada Canned
notable career with the Gryphons as a defensive back. In 1996/97, he was U of G's spe cial teams co-ordinator and has been the football team's recruit ing co-ordinator since 1995. 199 05
Seafood and is in charge of
• Tim Abercrombie, B.Comm.
'94, worked after graduation in
University. The book is being
national and regional accounts. He lives near Barrie, Ont., with
designing and selling large
published by Northwestern University Press and is a col
his wife, Janice, BA '87, and
communications systems in
a veterinary technician at
daughters, Annie and Meghan.
Toronto. For the past two
OVC's Veterinary Teaching
lection of articles exploring
Hospital, she has been reward
the possibility of an ethics for
• Mark McClure, ODH '83, and his wife, Danielle, are
account consultant with Bell
ed for her professional ded ica
the postmodern age.
thrilled with the arrival of
Canada, serving the western
tion by being named Veterinary
• Michelle (Timo) Gietz, B.Se. (Agr.) '83, lives in Memphis,
their triplets, Logan, Paige and Riley, born Nov. 2,1998. Mark
Ontario market. He can be
Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians.
Tenn., and is an agricultural
is a golf course superintendent
analyst with Sparks
at Burford Golf Links.
Atkinson is the executive direc
Companies Inc. Her areas of
• Becky Atkinson, B.Se. '84, has always known that working
Gary Madison at McMaster
with animals was her calling. Now, 10 years into her career as
Technician of the Year by thc
the communications industry
years, he has been a major
reached at
• Gillian Barrick, BA '96,
married Jeff Emch, B.Se. '96,
tor of OVC's Wild Bird Clinic
emphasis are crop and live
• Brian Rintoul, ADA '82, has his mvn real estate company,
and the avian and exotic head veterinary technician in the
stock production and price forecasting for Canada and
Valley Homes Realty Ltd., in Ottawa. He and his wife, Sam,
where Jeff works in sales and
hospital. She is also actively
dairy market analysis for the
have three children, Nichlaus
Gillian works in marketing
involved in promoting the vet erinary technician field to the
United States. She and her husband, Ron, have four chil
general public, and often
dren aged one to seven.
on Oct. 17, 1998, in Barrie,
Ont. They live in Toronto,
and twins Monica and Jessica.
and advertising.
• Jo-Anne Smith, B.Se. '80, is a realtor for Coldwell Banker
• Melanie Buddie, BA '94,
completed an MA in history in
Summer 1999 33
1997 at the University of Nort hern British Colu mbia and is now doing a PhD in Canad ian history at the University of Victoria. She is engaged to marry Drew Gin ter in July in Lakefield , Ont., and would love to hear from Guelph frien ds and classmates, especialJy the first -ever Akademia class. Conta ct her at . • Cori Cowan, B.Se.(Eng.) '98, is an engineer with CanAmera Foods in Fort Saska tch ewan, Alta. • Victoria Davidson, B.Se. (Agr.) '93 and MBA '9 6, is an agr icultu ral accoun t manager with the Royal Bank in Winchester, Ont. She also has a small hobby farm where she trains horses and coaches riders. • Alison Derry, B.Sc. '98, received an Undergraduate Student Award of Excellence
from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment fo r her work on arc tic soi ls and is now doing grad uate work at the University of Alberta. • Kelly (Farwell) Taillefer, BA '94, graduated fro m Sheridan Co llege's hum an reso urces management prog ram in 1995 and now wo rks for the Bata Shoe organ izatio n in Toronto. She is married to Paul Ta illefe r. • Lisa Fleischaker, BA '92, has been wor kin g in the pharma ceu tical and pa ckaged goods industries si nce gradu ation an d is now in the marketing department of Robin Hood Multifoods in Markham, Ont. • Garth Frizzle, MLA '9 1, mar ried Tena MacArthur Jun e 6, 1998. He is em ba rking on his own business in site and master planning in Th und er Bay, Onto • Nancy (Ludlow) Gammon, BASc. '90, is a ha lf-ti me edu
*' TOP
ca ti onal assistant at Beechgrove Public School in Graven hurst, Ont., and a half- time program manager for three after- school programs in Bracebridge. She was married in Banff in 1995 and recently bou ght a house in Gravenhurst. • Lisa Gehrs, BA '92, moved to Bru nkild , Man., in May 1998 to begin her new parish, St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Sh e can be reached bye-mail at Igehrs@tech • Lynne Grozelle, BA '94, lives in the Beaches area of To ronto and tea ches Grade 1 for the Toronto District School Board. She ca n be reached bye-mail at • Jennifer Hamilton, BA '94, completed an MS in student affai rs in hi gher education at Colorado State Un iversity in May 1997. She now teaches at Portland State University in
Oregon and is an adviser to student organ izati ons. Her e-ma il address is hamiltonje @pdx .edu . • Janine Handforth, DVM '90, has a mixed-animal prac tice in Wolfe Island , Ont. She married Henry Posth umus in 1995. • Jeff Hathaway, B.Sc. '94, and Je!U1y Pearce, B.Se. '94, have purch ased thei r Ilrst home in Etobicoke, Ont. Jeff works for Na tu ral Wo nd ers, a com pan y in the aquatic/aquarium indus try, and hosts tripping adve n tures an d brings nature to peo pIe with his aqu arium and landscaping experience. Jenny has opera ted Sciensational Sssnakesll since 1995. • Tom Hawke, B.Se. (H.K.) '94 an d M.Sc. '96, was named the 1998 OUA Women's Lacrosse Coa ch of the Year. In addi tion to coach in g th e U of G women's team, he is an attack
The demand for tax speCialis ts is growing, and a Master of Taxation degree will gi ve you a definite advan tage in the markelplace . Our program delivers the kn owledge and skills you need to become a hi gh-level lax advisor. It wil l prepare yo u for a chall engin g and rewarding ca reer of developing tax-minimi za tio n strategies for cli ents, designing bu si ness transacti ons, planning corpo rate slructures for companies, advising on compensati on sys tems- and mo re! FOR MORE DETAILS : WEB: hllp :// /ACCT/tax/ mtax.htm E-MAil: jbarnell@ PHONE: Jim Barnell - 519 888·4567, ext. 5143 FAX: 519 888·7562
PARTNERS University of
Waterloo ~
Arthur Andel~en Deloille & limche Ernst & Young
KPMG PricewaterhouseCoopers
CCH Canadian Limited
man on the men's lacrosse
and Rob Madill, B.Se. '94 and
'94, is an organic food distrib
her career in retail sales. She
team. Last year, he was award
M.Se. '98, were married Oct.
utor with Organic Choice in
married Fred Rovers in 1996,
ed First-Team All-Star hon
10, 1998. Many Guelph alumni attended the wedding; photos
Wellesley, Onto He and his wife, Heidi, have two children,
and they moved to London,
ours and named outstanding graduating player. H e is now working on a PhD in bio
were taken on campus. Allison earned her B.Ed. degree from
Kailin and Amilee.
account manager for a soft
Queen's University in 1997
• Jamey Heaton, M.Se. '95, and Elise Gorayeb-Heaton,
and teaches at Havergal
farm with his father after hav
College in Toronto.
ing various jobs in the agricul
• Eric Olson, ADA '94, returned home in 1996 to
Ont., where she is an exec uti ve ware development company. • Charlie Samms, ODH '91, has a new job as greenhouse
ture industry. He and his wife,
foreman with the City of Oshawa, after 20 years' work-
November and live in
Debra, have one daughter and
i ng in the greenhouse of the
Cobourg, Ont. He is head of research, development, quality
live on the 1,600-acre family farm in Ruscom, Ont.
cemeteries .
a nd processing at Gaines Pet
• Marc Prevost, B.Se. '95, and Sheila Rose, BA '95, were mar
BA '92, were married last
Foods, and s he is an adminis trative assistant with th e
ried Sept. 26, 1998. Both Roger
Canadian Pellet Council.
Sdao, B.Se.(H.K.) '95, and
• Robert Hill, B.Se.(H.K.) '90, has a chiropractic and physio
Ramona (Effinger) Thompson,
therapy practice in Ontario's
Mount Pleasant group of
BA '95, took part in the cere • Natalie Malarczuk, B.Se. '96, is a full-time animal caretaker/
mony. The couple now resides in Windsor, Ont.
children and does a lot of
educator at lungle Cat World in
mountain biking and skiing.
Orono, Onto She helps socialize
• Andre Raine, B.Se. '96, recently earned an M.Sc. in
• Michael Holland, B.Comm. '96, is the product manager for
exotic animals and teach chil
conservation from the
dren across Ontario about
University of London. He has
Retail Ready Foods, Ine. in
endangered species.
worked on a biodiversity pro
National College of Chiropractic in Lombard , Ill.,
• David Leip, M.Se. '96, a nd his wife, Yuan Fang, have two
• Machuki Mandieka, M .Se. '93, recently started a private veterinary practice after work
ject in a national park in North Vietnam conducting
in April 1998 and has been practising in York, England,
characteristics and populations of the critically endangered
cottage country. He has two
children, Michelle and
ing for the Government of
Thomas. After working for
IBM Canada for six years, Leip has accepted a promotion to
• Stephanie McClellan, BA '95, Aimee Watson, BA '96, and
IBM WW corporate headquar
Sharon Young, BA '97, will
ters in Somers, N.Y.
travel across Canada this sum
since August 1998.
Bermuda rock lizard.
• Saeed Soltani, B.Sc. (Eng.) '90 and M.Se. '94, joined the
• James Ripley, BA '94, com pIe ted an internship with the
after completing his master's
Bahai World Centre in Israel
mer, stopp ing in a different
University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, then worked for the
comm unit y each evening to
Southern Alberta Art Gallery
offer a workshop on ways to
and taught English in
include people with disa bilities.
Nagasaki. He is now a curator
installing an irrigation system for th e gardens surroundin g
McClellan, who has been living
with th e National Library of
one of th e Bahai Holy Places.
with debilitating rheumatoid
Scotland in Edinburgh.
He married in 1995, has one
six years, developed the idea for
• Brad, B.Sc.(Agr.) '97, and Shelly (Nicholson) Rooney,
child and lives in Lesotho,
the "On Wings Like Eagles"
B.Se.(Agr.) '97, were married in
tour while studying for the
October 1998 in Whitevale,
ministry at Regent College in
Ont. Brad is a nursery co-ordi
• Tanya Stephens, BASe. '96, has moved from Vancouver back to Ontario to attend
arthritis and fibromyalgia for
• Yolanda (Weir), B.Se. '98 , and Craig Mackinnon, PhD
research into the physical
• Isabel Serruys, B.Se.(H.K.) '95, graduated from the
degree. He worked with 600 volunteer staff from more than 60 co untrie s for four years,
where he works as a water
British Columbia. Leaving from
nator for Wea l and Cullen
'98, were married in June 1998. He is a post-doctoral fellow at
Vancouver May 30, she will ride
Nurseries, and Shelly is the gar
teachers' college in Windsor,
a hand-propelled three-
dener for the Town of
majoring in French.
the University of Calgary, a nd
wheeled bicycle to Ottawa,
she is a research ass istant in pediatrics/neonatology at the
travelling 50 to 100 kilometres
• Dawn (Church) Rovers , B.Comm. '90, was in the first
• Lee-Ann (Zimmerman) , B.A.Se. '96, and Eric
university's Health Sciences Centre. • Allison (Heming), B.Se. '94,
a day. To find out more about the tour, visit the Web site
class of graduates in Guelph's
Westerberg were married June 27,1998, in Windsor, Ont.
commerce program in market
They live in Dresden, Onto
• Darrell Mueller, B.Sc.(Agr.)
ing management. She began
Summer 1999 35
REACH THE UNIVERS ITY OF GUELPH WITH YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE The Guelph Alumnus maga zine reaches all 65,000 of the University's active alumni, as well as business leaders, friends and members of the campus community. Published three times a year, the Guelph Alumnus offers features, research updates, campus news and alumni inform ation.
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internat ionaux
Agriculture leader remembered George Morris, H DLA ''13, died Jan. 13. A self-ta ught Illan, renowned ent repre neur
John Edwards, M.Sc. '69, Dec. to, 1998 Lisa Fiore, BA '94, Jan. 31 , 1996 Paul Flipot, PhD '74, date unknown
and leader in the beef industr y, he was rec
Isabel Forward, DHE '35, May 28, 1998
ogn ized for his contrib utions to agriculture with a n OAC Centennial Medal, an hon orary degree from U of G and a place in th e Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. In 1989, he founded the Geo rge Morris Cen
1999 George Gray, BSA '5 1, Feb. 5,1999
tre at U of G as an independent think-tank wi th a mission to provoke dialogue on agri
Joall Groves, DHE '30, Aug. 10, 1998 Melinda Hamilton , MA '98, November 1998
cultural policies a nd issues. Because o f a
Brian Harrison, BSA '36, Jan. 3, 1999
shared inte rest in agriculture, Mr. Morris
Fred Hillhouse, BSA '41, August 1998
was a strong supporter of the University's
C harles Hipple, BSA '43, DeL. 24, 1998
capital campaign in the 1980s. O ne of hi s
Dou glas Hill, BSA '37, March 8, 1999
gifts was a red Corvette convertible that was used as the grand prize in a fund -raisin g raffle.
Thomas Hogarth , DVM '37, Jan. 26, J999 Sister Joann Hogervorst, M .Se. '78, November 1998
William Aimers, BSA '50, Ja n. 21, 1999
Frederick Horsley, DVM '49, 1997
Donald Allan, BSA '47, Feb. J 5, 1999 Victor Alton, BSA '33, date unkn own
Thomas Hyslop, BSA '40, Dec. IS, 1998
Perry Archer, ADA '77, Ap ril 27, 1998 Hagop Ashjian, BSA '39, Apri l 17, 1997
Alice Janes , DHE '39, jan . 22, 1999 janine jobb, B.Se. '91, Dec. 19, 1998
Harry Avery, BSA '40, jan. 15, 1999 H arold Ballantyne, BSA '39, Jan . 27, 1994
Alan Kempton , BSA '54, M .Se.(Eng.) '56, Oct.17,1998
Roy Bass, B.Se.(Agr.) '66, Dec. 14, 1998 David Bechtold, BA '79, Sept. 3, 1998
Rosemary Kivell, B.Sc.(Agr.) '66, jan. 2,
Kenneth Bone, DVM '38, Dee. 29, 1998 Graydon Bowman, ADA '58, Jan. 25, 1999 Kenneth Bragg, I3SA '48 and M.Sc. (Eng. ) '50, Dec. 5, 1998
Gordon Inglis, ADA '35, jan. 21,1999
joan Kennedy, DHE '48, june 17,1997 1999 George Lambert, DVM '47, Dec. 2, 1998 Helen (Wilson ) Lanning, DHE ' 25, Feb. 14,1999
George Brown, DVM '40, lull' 19,1996
Margaret Loewen, B.H.Sc. '60, Jan . 25, 1999
Brian Broxup, DVM '81, Augu st 1997 William Burton , B.Sc.(Agr.) '76, Iv1arch
George Luscombe, HDLA '96, Feb. 5,
22, 1999
Pamela Londos, M .Se. '86, 1994 1999
Elizabeth Carman, DHE '50, April 1998
Gordon Macleod, BSA '50, Nov. 26, 1998
John Carpenter, BSA '43, M.Se.(Eng.) '48, Dec. 10, 1998
John Mahon, BSA '44, Jun e 28, 1998
Gordon Clark, BSA '59, Jan. 25, 1999 Muriel Clipsham, DHE '33 , Oct. 27, 1998 Helen Curns, BA '74, Nov. 25, 1998
htt p://
www.i casca n ada .ca
orman Gallagher, BSA '39, jan. 9, 1999 I3renda Grant, B.Sc.(Agr.) '87, Feb. 6,
Gary Malott, B.Sc.(Agr.) '65, March 1996 Frances Malison , DHE '32, jan. 1, 1999 Robert Martin , B.Se. '75, Aug. 30, 1998 Oliver Maybee, BSA '44, Jan. 17, 1999
Robert Dechman, BSA '61, Dec. 15, 1998
Michelle Mazziotti, BA '81, Dec. 20,1998
Gerrit DeKruyf, ODH '64, Jan. 29. 1999 Clyde Dennie, ADA '37, Aug. 26, 1998
John "Jack" McGregor, BSA '40, May 9,
Ralph Desmond, BSA '44, Oct. 1, 1998 John "Jack" Drover, DVM '47, Feb. 16,
Myrt Merkley, DVM '38, Nov. 23, 1997 Elgin Mund ay, BSA '34, Nov. 20, 1998
1999 Maurice Dykstra , ADA '60 and ADH '73,
Lorna Needham, D H E '33, Sep t. 27, 1998 joan Nixon , DHE '36, jan 9, 1999
March 13, 1999 Thomas Eddy, BSA '41, jan. 5, 1998
Amanda Ocran, BA '84 and MA '90, July 12,1998
Merrill Palmer, BSA '36, Nov. 2 1, J998
D ean Plummer, B.Sc. '90, Feb. 6, 1999 Jonathan Pusey, ADA '57, 1990 Stuart Roblin, BSA '49, Nov. 27, 1998 Harold "Pat" ScoUie, BSA '28, Feb. 17, 1999 John Scott, DVM '72, Dec. 2, 1998
small business
step by step
Dorothea Seiple, DHE '41, Novem ber J 998 Leah Shedden, DHE '31 , December 1998 Hugh Sm ith, DVM '54, Feb. 20, 1999 Gary Spink, BSA '64, Feb. 1, J 999
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Robert Stevens, BSA '49, Janu ary
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1999 Jea n Stock, BSA '44, Jan. 19, 1998 Arnold Taylor, DVM '40, March 18, 1999
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Donald Taylor, BSA '44, Jan. 5, 1999 Katharine Th irtle, BA '74, June 14,
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1993 Evelyn Thompson , DHE '29, Febr u a ry 1998 Mary Tisdale, DH E '33, Nov. 1, 1997 James Turnbull, BSA '34, Jan. 3, 1999 Bernice Webber, DJ-I E '40, Dec. 11, 1998 Stephanie Wilken, BA '95, May 26, 1998 Nu-Ying Xu, M.Sc.'93 and PhD '98, Dec. 4, 1998
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the Way We Were
s MEMBERS OF the Ontario Veterin a ry College grad uating class of 1999 bid farew ell to their sludi es, they join the ranks of men and women who have cre ated and maintained the lega cy o f the oldest co ntinu
year students of 2000 will be the inaugural class of a com pletely renovated curriculum. DVM 2000 will include new tcaching and evaluation methods, a more integrat ed curriculum with more interaction among inst ructors
o usly running ve terinary college in the Americas. T he la st g raduate s of the mill enn ium offer a fine exa mpl e of the progression of OVC since its first grad
and an enla rged professionalism component. Rather than moving through program levels defined by years, stu de nt s w ill progress through a series of four phases,
uatin g class of three m en in 1866. This year, 32 m en a nd 67 wo m en will be the 133 rd grad ua tin g class, joinin g m ore than 9,000 OVC alumni a ro und the world. An inn ova tor in ve terin ary medicine a nd sc ience, OVC continues to evolve with t he ongo in g chan ges in educa tion, science, medicine and technology. The first-
offe rin g clusters or themes of co urses in eac h phase. During the infant yea rs of OVe, th e curriculum dealt o nl y with ve ter in a ry science and agriculture. Now the graduates o f th e m o dern OVC have a broaden ed focu s dealing w ith th e essential iss ues o f a nim al be havio ur,
the human-animal bond, professiona l affa irs and ethics.
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