Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Fall 2002

Page 1

How Much Protection Is Enough? Easy Steps to Determine Your Family's Life Insurance Needs. By Terry Santoni; Product Manager Manulife Financial When deciding how much life insurance is enough for your dependents, a number of factors need to be considered. Here's a step-by-step approach for determining how much coverage your family may require (as recommended by the insurance experts at Manulife Financial).

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First, think about your family's immediate financial responsibilities if you were to pass away (for example, funeral expenses, legal expenses, medical expenses and estate taxes). At this point, your family will be going through a difficult emotional time and having to worry about finding funds to carry out your final wishes will place an additional burden on them. With life insurance, this situation can easily be avoided. Second, consider funds needed to pay your family's outstanding debts mortgage, personal loans, credit card balances, etc. It is also important to consider your family's monthly housing and living expenses, such as groceries, utility payments, childcare and car expenses. You also need to factor in an amount to allow your family to maintain their standard of living in the future. And, don't forget to include post-secondary tuition fees for your children. You should then determine the assets your family will have available to them after your death, including cash, savings, real estate, RRSPs and investments. If you have life insurance, include the benefit amount as part of your assets as well. The final step is to subtract your total expenses from your assets- any shortfall is the amount your family will have to pay on their own. You can evaluate your own situation and needs quickly and easily with the interactive worksheet on Manulife Financial's Web site designed exclusively for University of Guelph alumni. Go to and follow the links.

3 message from the


FALL 2002


in and Around the University

alumni Matters



G RESEARCH receiving wide public attention includes studies on the detrimental effects of rock climbing, free trade in literature ahd a new navigation system for the visually impaired. Two Guelph faculty have been named to Canada Research Chairs, and nine have received research funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation. OF


in June attracted the largest number of alumni ever. Five distinguished graduates were honoured by University alumni associations, and special events included a Bullring party, a "Food for Thought" seminar and an event to recognize former student leaders in the College of Biological Science.

RESEARCH LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE A multidisciplinary group of Guelph scientists are investigatingand often confirming- that the food we eat can prevent or mitigate cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other health problems.


on the Cover

Talent, opportunity and timing come together for U of G drama graduate Maureen Doherty, who is creating a new brand of leadership for women in Canada's Far North.


U of G researchers aim to replace folklore with scientific facts, and prescription drugs with nutraceuticals and


functional foods.

Photography by Dean Palmer I The Scenario


WHO WILL OUR LEADERS BE? U of G builds on a legacy of leadership education to launch new initiatives that provide training for people who want to improve their skills and maximize leadership opportunities.

campaign report

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20 Fall2002


guelph alumnus Fall2002 • VoLUME 34 IssuE 3

Editor Mary Dickieson Director Charles Cunningham

Art Direction Peter Enneson Design Inc. Contributors Stacey Curry Gunn Barbara Chance, BA '74

Lori Bona Hunt Suzanne Soto Advertising Inquiries Scott Anderson 519-827-8169 519-654-6122 Direct all other correspondence to:

Commw-llcations and Public Affuirs University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Fax 519-824-7962 E-mail The Guelph Alumnus magazine is published three times a year by Communications and Public Affairs at the University of Guelph. Its mission is to enhance the relationship between the University and its alunmi and friends and promote pride

Science @ Guelph Experience (S@GE Camp) For entire Grade 7 & 8 classes

and commitment within the University com-

• Interactive and stimulating academic and recreational modules

• 3 day on-campus residential • 11 Camp choices from May to mid-June

sarily reflect the ideas or opinions of the Univer-

• Topics augment Ontario Science Curriculum

• Special rates for teachers and chaperones • Save with early bird registration

Printed in Canada by the Beacon Herald Fine

• Faculty developed, taught by graduate students

munity.AU material is copyright 2002. Ideas and opinions expressed in the articles do not necessity or the editors. Canada Post Agreement# 1500023

Printing Division. ISSN 1207-7801 To update yow- aiLUnni record, contact: Development and Public Affairs

Visit our on-line registration page at or for more information call (519) 824-4120 (ext. 4737) or email







Phone 519-824-4120, Ext. 6550 Fax 519-822-2670 E-mail



message from the President MORDECHAI ROZANSKI


the Ontario multi-million-dollar science and classroom complexes that will allow faculty and students to reach their full potential. university system has been engrossed in planning for a projected doubling of high school graduates who These projects are being funded through partnerships with government and the private sector and through individwill be applying to university for next fall. This group is the so-called double cohort created by the eliminaual donations to The Campaign for the University of Guelph. tion of Grade 13. In combination with other demoOur campaign goal of $75 million is ambitious but graphic factors, the double cohort is expected to bring essential. Campaign contributions will enable us to susmore than 90,000 extra students into tain Guelph's excellent reputation and Ontario's universities by 2010. carry on our proud legacy of teaching The University of Guelph is welland research that make a difference in positioned for this challenge because the world. we faced the double cohort surge The cover story in this issue of the immediately after completing an extenGuelph Alumnus is one example of sive strategic planning process in which innovative Guelph research that fills we agreed as a community to make inquiring minds with fresh ideas and quality, innovation and accessibility key knowledge. This pioneering work in the exploration of nutraceuticals and funcgoals for the future of our institution. tional foods is inspiring our students Our continual planning is helping us achieve those goals. and opening new doors for the agrifood industry. Ultimately, it will To make the University of Guelph more accessible, we will grow by some improve the quality of life for all of us. 3,000 students on the Guelph This magazine also features campus to a total of 18,000 by new Guelph initiatives in lead2008. We are pleased that the ership education that address WE AGREED AS A the University's responsibility Ontario government has agreed UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY TO to provide full grant funding to provide continuing educafor this enrolment growth tion programs that are flexible MAKE QUALITY, INNOVATION because it gives us added conand responsive to the needs of AND ACCESSIBILITY KEY fidence that we can retain and today's society. attract top faculty and staff to Effective leadership is often GOALS FOR THE FUTURE maintain the quality of our cited as the greatest challenge OF OUR INSTITUTION facing both private- and publiceducational programs. sector organizations today. We have also found ways Many of those who attended a to be innovative off campus in the face of significant enrolment demand. leadership conference on campus in July emphasized the need for modern-day leaders who are innovative, guidGuelph staff and faculty have developed a new coned by a strong moral code and able to unite employees, cept in post-secondary education, working with Humcolleagues and citizens in the pursuit of common goals. ber College in Toronto to combine an applied college diploma and a university honours degree. The UniverExamples of that kind of leadership are evident in the sity of Guelph- Humber welcomes its first 200 students stories about Guelph alumni that are also included in this this month and will enrol up to 3,000 additional stuissue. Their ideas and achievements are impressive. And their insights reaffirm our institutional belief that true dents- beyond the 18,000 at Guelph- by 2008. A new facility funded by the provincial Super Build proleadership- the kind that advances an organization's gram is currently under construction on Humber's Etovision, values and purpose- is a shared activity. bicoke campus. See our Guelph-Humber Web site at This historical and collective point of view has served for more information. us well at Guelph, enabling us to meet the challenges New facilities are also being built at Guelph, including that arise, while enhancing institutional excellence. URING THE PAST FEW YEARS,

Fall 2002 3


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A GROUNDBREAKING study by U of G researchers reveals that recreational rock climbing definitely harms cliff ecosystems. The study by Michele McMillan and Doug Larson, Botany, is the first to isolate rock climbing from other environmental factors and examine the sport's effect on all types of vegetation. The results show that "rock climbing is having a negative effect on everything," says McMillan. "It's not just the trees; it's the entire community of organIsms. In one location, rock climbing decreased the cover of vegetation on cliffs by about 40 per cent. "When some people think of rock climbing, they're thinking it's part of nature," says Larson, "but m fact, they're destroying the very thing they're climbing to see."



SEPT. 9 MARKS thefirstdayofclassesforthe University of Guelph-Humber in Toronto. More than 200 students have enrolled in the new university's first year of operation. Programs are under way in business, computing and media studies. Interest in the new university has been strong. More than 1,400 students applied this year, attracted by Guelph-Humber's offer of an honours university degree and a college diploma in just four years of study. During 2002/2003, classes are being held in a newly renovated building on Humber College's north campus. Meanwhile, construction is in full swing on the University of GuelphHumber's new academic building, scheduled to open in September 2003. The $45-million facility will be a four-storey structure with

MORE U OF G RESEARCHERS TAKE A CHAIR WO SENIOR U OF G researchers- one probing bacteria with a view to fighting infectious diseases, the other trying to produce antibodies from genetically modified tobacco - have been awarded Canada Research Chairs. The appointment of microbiology professor Terry Beveridge and environmental biology professor Chris Hall to the prestigious research posts brings to 11 the number of such chairs atUofG. Beveridge, a leading figure in the emerging science of geomicrobiology, which studies how bacteria live in the deep recesses of the Earth, will hold the Canada Research Chair in


classroom and laboratory space for more than 2,000 students, a 200-seat learning commons, an Internet cafe and a student-run art gallery. Planning is also under way to expand program offerings. Four new programs in justice studies, early childhood services, family and community social services, and gerontology will be launched in September 2003.

the Structure, Physical Nature and Geobiology of Prokaryotes. His research has many applications, including fighting infectious diseases, understanding how pathogens infect tissues, and aiding in the design of new vaccines and antibiotics. Hall, recognized for his significant achievements in understanding the mechanism and mode of action of herbicides and their fate and persistence in the environment, will hold the Canada Research Chair in Recombinant Antibody Technology. His research team aims to provide plant antibodies for applications in environmental detection and monitoring, food safety, discovery of new lead chemistries, purification of nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals, and animal and human immunotherapy.



IR!T PATEL, A PHD candidate in the rural studies program, was one of only two researchers in the world to recently receive a 2002 VavilovFrankel Fellowship from the l nternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute based in Rome. Within the world of plant conservation, the VavilovFrankel is considered the most prestigious award for young scholars. Patel, a native of India, will use the $24,000 fellowship to study that country's link between poverty and biodiversity and develop ways of encouraging impoverished farmers to continue growing local varieties of plants while boosting their incomes.



On schedule and on budget IT WAS A BUSY SUMMER on the U of G campus as construction, hydro qnd road crews carried out preparatory groundwork for the start of construction this fall on the University's $140-million science complex. Designed to accommodate 2,600 faculty, staff and students, the science complex will front Gordon Street and will sit where the Chemistry and Microbiology (C&M) Build-

ing and its adjacent parking lot are now. Over the summer, Guelph Hydro installed several hydro lines along Gordon Street and construction crews began a partial demolition of the C&M Building. Once a builder is selected, construetion on the project's first phase (about 165,000 square feet) will begin with the erection of teaching laboratories. Meanwhile, construction on the $16-million classroom

complex is "on schedule and on budget;' says Angelo Gismondi, senior project manager for both facilities. The classroom project is now 40 per cent complete, and fall visitors to campus will see the new building's outline. Slated to open in fall 2003, the classroom complex will provide lecture space for some 1,500 students from all colleges. For regular updates, visit

Students and staff recognized J\ NUMBER OF STUDENT /""\leaders and U of G staff are honoured each spring for their contributions to the campus community. Among this year's winners were graduating students Richard Appiah and Rebecca Wood and Department of Athletics staff member Pat Richards. Appiah received a student leadership award during the "Last Lecture," a first-time event he organized as an opportunity for graduating students to celebrate and reflect on their experiences at Guelph. A President's Scholar, Appiah earned a degree in political science, served on Senate, and was both president and chair ofinterhall Council.

Left: Richard Appiah. Right: Rebecca Wood, left, arid Pat Richards

Wood and Richards were co-winners of the R.P. Gilmor Student Life Award. Wood is a fine art graduate who won first prize in the school's 2002 Juried Art Exhibition and showed her work this summer in a collaborative installation at the juried "small world tokyo/toronto" exhibition at Galerie LeDeco in Tokyo. Wood shared the Japan-

ese exhibition with 2001 fine art graduate Angela Hajdu. Richards heads a lifestyle and fitness program in athletics and provides a range of employment opportunities for students. Shortly after the U of G presentation, she also received a 2002 Women of Distinction Award from the Guelph YMCA-YWCA.

PREJUDICE IN CANADA THEY MAY NOT BE aware of it, but many Canadians are still harbouring prejudices that affect the way they behave towards others, says psychology professor Leanne Son Hing. Son Hing and her research team measured both deliberate and subconscious prejudice. They found that more than 90 per cent of white study participants appear to more quickly associate negative (versus positive) concepts with visible minorities than with whites, and more than 75 per cent of men appear to more quickly associate incompetence (versus competence) with women than with men. Son Hing notes that these biases are often found among people who report themselves to be unprejudiced.

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Fall 2002 5

in and around the University Millions for genome projects ICROBIOLOGY PROFESSOR Peter Krell and other Guelph researchers have received a significant boost in their efforts to develop a biological control for the spruce budworm, which has devastated Canadian forest resources over the past few decades. More than $10 million from Genome Canada will advance the spruce budworm project and two other genomic research initiatives at U of G. "If you fly over parts of Canada, you can see gray patches where forests have been destroyed by the spruce budworm;' says Krell, who is working with Prof. David Evans, chair of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Basil Arif, a research scientist with the Canadian Forest Service and an associate graduate faculty member in the Department of Microbiology. They hope to introduce a virus or find ways to make existing viruses more effective against the spruce budworm. The other Guelph projects funded are aimed at bringing ethical, legal and social considerations into genomics research, and identifying key genes responsible for the health and quality of potatoes. Profs. John Phillips, Molecular Biology and


FREE TRADE IN LITERATURE CONTRARY TO MOST commentators, Spanish professor Stephen Henighan says free trade and globalization are having a significant influence on Canadian writing and publishing. "The Canadian publishing industry has been restructured just as much as anything else;' he says. That's reflected in his newly published book, When Words Deny the World, a collection of essays about Canadian literature and literary institutions.


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U OF G RESEARCHERS are helping to develop technology that detects when dairy cows are in heat. The method developed by population medicine professor Walter Johnson will allow farmers to use artificial insemination more costeffectively. It detects hormone-related changes through cows' sweat by using a watch-like device with sensors.



ROZANSKI DECLINES THIRD TERM ARLIER THIS YEAR, U of G president Mordechai Rozanski declined a Board of Governors request to stay a third term in office, prompting the board's current search for his successor. Appointed in 1993, Rozanski is the University's longestserving president and a tenured faculty member in the Department of History. He will complete his second five-year term on Aug. 31, 2003. The University has established a Web site to provide information on its search for a new president. The site, located at /info/psc, includes an update on the community consultation process now


Genetics, David Castle, Philosophy, and Karen Finlay, Consumer Studies, will study ethical strategies in multinational pharmaceutical and biotech companies and make recommendations for good business practices. The three will also look at the ethics, consumer concerns and public reaction to Guelph's "Enviropig;' which produces manure containing less phosphorus, making the pig more environmentally friendly. Castle, who has an affiliation with U of G's Food System Biotechnology Centre, will also collaborate with scientists in Atlantic Canada to study the biological targets of healthy potatoes, the fourth most important crop in the world.

under way, a list of the search committee members and answers to frequently asked questions about the selection process. It will be updated as relevant information becomes available.

COLLEGE D'ALFRED TO DEVELOP NEW TRAINING PROGRAMS HE FEDERAL government has awarded the University of Guelph's College d' Alfred $778,000 for new fast-track agri-food career training programs that support Ontario's francophone communities. The money, to be allocated over three years, will help create programs specifically geared to industry needs in high-tech agricultural practices, food processing and environmental


technologies related to the college's Ontario Rural WasteWater Centre. "The funding will allow us to offer technical training, in French, for people who want to upgrade their skills for the workplace," says Alfred director Gilbert Heroux. "Instead of enrolling in a full diploma program, people will be able to take short course modules through a variety of means, ranging from classroom training to on-site sessions and distance education."

VISIONARY PLANS FOR OAC HE O NTARIO Agricultural College has released a new strategic plan based on its vision to be a global leader in innovative education and


U of G receives 'New Opportunities' NINE MORE Universityof Guelph professors have received funds from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) to conduct innovative research in a range of cutting-edge fields. This latest $1.2-million investment comes through CFI's New Opportunities Fund, designed to help launch the careers of new and talented faculty members and help institutions recruit scholars of exceptional quality. The awards are as follows: Carl Svensson, Physics, $320,000 for a high-resolution, position-sensitive gamma-ray spectrometer to aid nuclear physics research. Lana Mae Trick, Psychology, and Blair Nonnecke, Computing and Information Science, $267,890 for research on age differences in driving

research in four core areas: agriculture, food, the rural community and the environment. The plan contains five principal goals: to make a global impact as a united, multi -campus OAC; to produce outstanding graduates in the four core areas; to maintain research excellence while diversifying the college's research clients; to develop top-notch communication and promotion tools for the college; and to provide support to its academic community. To achieve these goals, the plan calls for the Guelph, Alfred, Kemptville and Ridgetown campuses to evolve fully into a consolidated network that provides a cohesive, co-ordinated approach to agri culture and

behaviour and the impact of in-vehicle devices and intelligent transport systems on performance. Shayan Sharif, Pathobiology, $125,863 to study genetically regulated resistance against infectious diseases in domestic animals. Marc Coppolino, Chemistry and Biochemistry, $125,052 for research on cell adhesion and migration that will aid in studies of immunological deficiencies and cancer. Xiao-Rong Qin, Physics, $124,975 to study complex issues related to the structural, electronic and optical properties of organic thin films. Dean Betts, Biomedical Sciences, $124,100 for research on somatic cell nuclear transfer (animal cloning).

food-sector skills training and research. It also call s for increased international impact through an international travel fund , th e establishment of a bilingual intern at ional leadership program, targets for more international research and training contracts, and the development of strategic networks with globally recognized universities and research institutes.

MORE RENTAL HOUSING PLANNED HE UNIV ERSITY AN D A private-sector builder have signed an agreement th at will result in more rental ho using availabl e to U of G students. The University will lease a fiveacre portion o f its Heritage


Scott Weese, Clinical Studies, to establish a laboratory to develop and test veterinary probiotics ("good bacteria'') for use in the prevention and treatment of disease. Dan Meegan, Psychology, $33,385, for a research facility to assist in the rehabilitation of neuromotor disorders. The CFI was established by the federal government in 1997 to address the urgent needs of Canada's research community. It has a capital investment budget of $3.15 billion, and its goal is to strengthen Canada's university research and training environment through partnerships with the research institutions, the provinces and other levels of government, as well as the private and voluntary sectors.

Fund lands to Richm ond Property Ltd., which plans to build and m anage a combin ation of low-rise apartments and town house-style units on th e land , fron ting on Edinburgh Ro ad south of College Avenue. The leased land is part of a 53-acre parcel of Universityowned property adjacent to the Dairy Bush th at is zoned for residential use and has been on the market for a number of yea rs. Brenda Whiteside, asso ciate vice-president (stud ent affairs), says there will be a significant buffer between the woodlot and the housing development. Constructi on is ex pected to begin this fall on 48 units to be occu pied by 2003. The full proposal calls for up to 150 units.

BROCCOLI BOOST APPLYING LESS nitrogen to broccoli crops can increa~e the vitamin C content by about 13 per cent, according to a new study by U of G researchers. Raw broccoli is already considered a rich source of vitamin C, but reducing nitrate boosts the vitamin C content even more, says technician Cathy Bakker of the University's Simcoe research station, who conducted the research with plant agriculture professors Clarence Swanton and Alan McKeown. Less nitrate also means less contamination of streams and groundwater. "I think we have an environmentally sensitive product here that could be the orange of Ontario;' says Swanton.

FINGERS LEAD THE WAY ENGINEERING profesSOr John Zelek is developing a mini-cameraassisted navigation system for the visually impaired. Two small Webcam-sized video cameras wired to a portable computer- all of which can be worn on the user's body- feed information into a special glove worn by the user. The glove has vibrating buzzers sewn into each finger; they send impulses to the wearer, warning of impediments and terrain fluctuations ahead.

Fa ll 2002 7

University community embra n a show of support for the vision and goals of the University of Guelph, individua and groups within the University community have launched a number of projects th will advance educational opportunities on campus. Their ideas and their fundraisi goals mirror the University's ambition to focus campaign resources on student suppor the further development of a world-class faculty and staff and improved academic

It was a big bang campaign launch HE CAMPAIGN for the University of Guelph was launched with a bang May ll when a confetti canon was fired, bringing cheers from the large contingent of campus and external supporters who were in attendance. The $75-million campaign will enable Guelph to sustain its excellent reputation and to carry on our proud


~ legacy of teaching and research that

~ make a difference in the world, saidi:

~ president Mordechai Rozanski. "The



campaign is about 'The Science of Life ~ and the Art of Living' and advances our ~ vision, which seeks to make Guelph a Vl ~ global leader in a world of new lmowlii: edge and perpetual innovation."



The total of gifts and pledges to date has reached 73 per cent of the target. The campaign has picked up momentum since the launch date, says Rob McLaughlin, vice-president (alumni affairs and development). Throughout the summer, alumni reunion committees have encouraged their classmates to support the new science and classroom complexes, the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management expansion, a Scottish studies chair and student scholarships, among other projects. Annual Fund appeals this fall will have a campaign focus, and McLaughlin expects anumber of alumni project and gift announcements in the months ahead. "We intend to sustain the intensity and excitement of the campaign to reach our goal and beyond," he says.

Campus community shows support



for the vision and goals of U of G, members of the University community - faculty, staff, students, retirees, senators, governors and trustees - have collectively contributed more than $4.6 million to The Campaign for the University of Guelph. These are some of the campaign priorities initiated and supported at the "grassroots" level by the campus community.


Helping open learners

U of G staff in the Office of Open Learning have identified a need to help learners in continuing education programs.

campaign priorities "Most of the University's established awards are for people studying full time in degree programs, but that's not the reality for everybody;' says Rick Nigol, manager of distance education. The University has many learners in non-degree programs, and most of them take courses to build their skills and improve their marketability. "A lthough many people taking these courses have jobs, they might still be living very close to the financial edge and don't have the extra income to put towards continuing education," says Nigol. "These are the kind of students we hope to help."


Keeping the faith

The U of G Multi-Faith Resource Teamwhich represents the Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim faiths- has been identified as a project in the campus community campaign. The Rev. Canon Lucy Reid, an Anglican priest and U of G's ecumenical chaplain,

says their work includes regular and specialevent worship services, officiating at weddings and running groups for study and support. She explains that all the campus ministers are independently funded by church groups. "U of G gives us office space but not a salary, so although we work on campus and for the University, we aren't paid by the University." Reid says any funds received through the campaign will go towards filling the spiritual needs of the campus community.


Filling the gap

Student contributions to the University's $2million sports dome were atnong the earliest and most visible campaign donations, but U of G students aren't resting on their turf. Beginning in January 2003, a Central Student Association ( CSA) trust fund will provide bursaries to full- and part-time undergraduate and diploma students who don't qualify for the Ontario Student Assistance Program or U of G scholarships and bursaries, but are still in financiai need. Todd Schenk, student co-chair of the cainpus community campaign, says the endowment resulted from a growing recognition that many students are finding themselves in the aid gap between traditional forms of student assistance and family support.

OAC classes establish priorities N THE Ontario Agricultural College, which spearheaded the first major fundraising drive on campus in 1919 to build War Memorial Hall, the number of identified class projects has reached a dozen, many of them supporting a renovation project that will expand crop research facilities and establish an Agricultural Plant Biotechnology and Biocomputing Centre. OAC classes that have designated the new centre as a campaign project goal are: OAC '55, which has a fundraising goal of $250,000; OAC '57 ($100,000 for individuals, $100,000 for the class); OAC '60 ($60,000); OAC '71


and '72 ($250,000); OAC '77 ($125,000); OAC '79 ($50,000); and OAC 1980 ($25,000). Other classes with designated projects are: OAC '55A, which plans to raise $100,000 to benefit the Department of Animal and Poultry Science; OAC '70, which aims to establish a $200,000 endowment to create a Dorothy and Clay Switzer Award; Engineering '75, which is raising $50,000 for the School of Engineering; and OAC '76, which plans to provide $25,000 in support of the classroom complex. ga

Fall2002 9


Story by Stacey Curry Gunn

Guelph scientists are compiling data

our to help the next generation of medical doctors



1c1ne replace prescription pads with grocery lists Photos by Dean Palmer

your risk Of heart disease? Consuming more fish rich with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to help. But if you don't like fish, how about some scrambled eggs instead? ANT TO REDUCE



U of G research has confirmed that one egg product on the market can actually reduce the risk of heart disease. Omega Pro is a liquid egg mixture enriched with fish oil that's ready to pour straight into the frying pan. Developed by Ontario-based Burnbrae

Farms Ltd., it looks like eggs and it tastes like eggs, with no fishy smell or aftertaste to brave. The Guelph study, by Prof. Bruce Holub, Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences (HBNS), and M.Sc. candidate Emily Rose, revealed that people who ate these scram-

bled eggs over 21 days lowered their risk factor for heart disease. Levels of a fat in their blood called triglyceride dropped an average of 32 per cent- an outcome comparable with the effects of synthetic drugs. That makes these eggs a classic example of a "functional food" that delivers a specific health-promoting effect beyond basic nutrition. By itself, fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids is known as a "nutraceutical;' an isolated or purified component of food that is typically sold in medicinal forms (such as pills) and demonstrated to have a physiological benefit or to protect against chronic disease.

"The amount of triglyceride lowering we observed was eq ual to what you get with costly imported pharmaceutical drugs;' says Holub. "Here we have an opportunity to greatly reduce triglyceride levels using a home-grown Canadian food product. That's what functional foods can do." Nutraceuticals and functional foods may be today's new buzzworqs, but the idea that diet can promote or hinder health is an old one. It was around 400 B.C. E. that Greek physician Hippocrates declared: "Let food be your medicine." Sayings like "yo u are what you eat" and the more ghoulish "we dig our graves with our teeth" reflect the long-held belief that there's a direct link between food and health. This philosophy has been espoused and

passed down through the ages by herbalists, native healers, grandmothers bearing chicken soup and mothers advising youngsters to eat their greens. Today, the OmegaPro sc rambl ed egg product is part of a booming trend- a revolution, Holub says- as people increasingly take responsibility for their health into th eir own hands by consuming foods and dietary supplements th ey believe will help th em live a longer, healthier life. It's a trend spurred on by an aging population, higher education levels and the speed that information is being passed around by th e Internet, says julie Conq uer, director of Guelph's Human Nutraceutical Research Unit (HNRU). "We have an aging society that wants to

Finding the Health Value HERBAL REMEDIES rof. Praveen Saxena is part of a research group in plant agriculture that is systematically identifying, characterizing and quantifying the chemical makeup of plants traditionally used as medicines. Their work has established novel ways of propagating and growing medicinal plants in a controlled environment that allows for the optimized production of specific medicinal compounds. Novel biochemicals such as the mammalian neurohormone melatonin have been discovered in medicinal species, including feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), St. John's Wort (Hypericum performatum) and Huang Qin (Scutellaria baicalensis). Ongoing research is investigating the unique medicinal potential of species from Canada, Egypt and Costa Rica. • Source: Department of Plant Agriculture, research/ cellculture


FISH ating fish may ward off Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and cognitive afflictions, according to research by U of G nutritional scientists Julie Conquer and Bill Bettger. The study, reported in the U.S. journal Lipids, found that people suffering from these diseases all had lower levels of DHA ( docosahexaenoic acid) in blood samples than did elderly subjects with normal cognitive functioning. DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids are found in high concentrations in many fish species, including tuna, salmon and trout. DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids have also been found to lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease, depression and attention-deficit disorder. • Source: U of G news release, Jan. 2, 2001, http://www. archives/00 1182.html



MILK AND CHEESE uelph has also developed a special omega-3-rich diet for cows that produces milk with high levels of DHA, an essential nutrient for visual acuity, optimal mental functioning and cardiovascular health. DHA milk contains a lower fat concentration than regular milk does and can be used to make


low-fat cheese and butter. Patents for the process have been granted in the United States, Canada and Europe. The University has licensed Food Systems Innovation Inc. to commercialize the technology worldwide. Company president Moni Eino, who earned a PhD in food science from Guelph in 1975, says the product could be available to consumers by the end of the year. • Source: Food Inventory, Spring 2000, http://www. uoguel ph .ca/resea rch/ publications/foodinvent.pdf

GARLIC AND FISH OIL uelph research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nu trition has shown that garlic and fish oil are potent heart disease fighters. The combination had a beneficial effect on blood lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in a study of 50 men with moderately elevated blood cholesterol. It lowered total cholesterol levels, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LD LC) and triglyceride concentrations; high levels of these blood components are risk factors for cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death among North Americans. The garlic and fish combination also tipped the blood chemistry balance in favour of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, the good cholesterol, over LDL-C. • Source: Research, Fall 1998,




stay healthy, and they want to stay healthy with less use of drugs;' she says. "They don't want to be on many different medications like their parents were. They want to be out enjoying walking and gardening until they're 100. And that's what they perceive these kinds of things can do for them." A Canadian study prepared for the National Institute of Nutrition in 2000 found that almost two-thirds of consumers (63 per cent) "strongly agree that certain foods have health benefits that go beyond basic nutrition and may reduce the risk of disease or other health concerns." In addition, 66 per cent of the respondents reported they eat at least one food or food component in the hopes of achieving specific health benefits.

And according to the Toronto Star, a 1999 Gallup Canada survey found that more than two-thirds of Canadians believe natural herbal supplements can be as effective as prescription drugs or over-thecounter remedies. Health food stores and major supermarket chains alike are catering to these healthconscious consumers. Their shelves are increasingly crowded with a dizzying array of foods, beverages, dietary supplements and the like that are purported to cure what ails you. The global market for such items was $128 billion in 1999, up 17 per cent from two years before, according to data from the U.S.based Nutrition Business Journal. Consumers may be gobbling down food supplements, herbal remedies and other nat-

http ://www. uoguel publications/health/page6.html

term intent of conducting human trials. • Source: Research, Spring 2000, http://www. uoguel publications/ good food. pdf

OMEGA-3 EGGS esearchers in Guelph's Department of Animal and Poultry Science have developed an all-natural flaxseed-based diet for hens that turns out eggs rich in omega-3 fatty acids. "It's been good for the egg industry; it's stimulated extra demand for eggs overali;' says Craig Hunter, B.Sc.(Agr.) '66, vicepresident of operations for Burnbrae Farms Ltd., which markets Naturegg Omega 3 eggs. Prof. Steve Leeson is now investigating algae and marine oils as another source of additional fatty acids to feed hens. • Source: Research, falll998, http://www. reseqrch/ publications/health/pagell.html


FLAXSEED OIL of G nutritional sciences professor Bill Woodward has found that flaxseed oil may improve immune system defences. His experiments on young mice showed that flaxseed oil was particularly effective in promoting development of healthful immune competence when compared with safflower, corn, soybean, canola and olive oils. Olive, canola and soybean oil also performed well relative to sunflower and corn. Further research is planned, with the long-


ural care products in growing numbers, but it's not all smooth sailing for the industry that caters to th eir demands. Still largely reliant on folklore and anecdotal evidence to promote such products, the sector continues to be plagued by questions around unsubstantiated claims, dosages, interactions with other drugs, advet:se reactions, standardization and contamination of products. These kinds of issues can breed cynicism, but Conquer urges patience instead. "The whole thing is not garbage. We need more information on all supplements out there, and that's what the government is trying to

SOYBEANS n the first Canadian soy research initiative of its kind, Prof. Alison Duncan of the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences has begun a study to determine how soy isoflavones affect specific hormones in the blood. Her theory is that the isoflavones may be able to reduce hormones that are thought to play a role in the development of prostate cancer, which affects one in nine Canadian men. Duncan hopes to release the results of the study next summer. • Source: SPARK news release, April 30, 2002, http:/ / news/health/april02 uelph research has also shown that reducing animal protein intake and boosting soy protein in the diet slow the progression of polycystic kidney disease in mice. With Prof. Dominique Bureau of the Department of Animal and Poultry Science and Diana Philbrick of the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, Prof. Bruce Holub is now conducting research on a natural component from soybeans in an effort to create a nutritional supplement that will retard the disease.



• Source: U of G news release, Feb. 27, 200 l, http://www.! archives/00 1156.html

BLUEBERRIES Guelph study, accepted for publication by the British Journal of Nutrition, is the first demonstration anywhere in humans that blueberries do provide antioxidant effects, says Holub. The study conducted by master's student Colin Kay involved giving people a concentrated blueberry powder, developed at U of G, after they had eaten a fatty meal and their bodies were under oxidative stress. Signals of oxidative stress were then measured in their blood. The results showed a significant rise in the protective antioxidant status of the blood within one hour of consuming the wild blueberry product. • Source: Prof. Bruce Holub, Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, http://www.


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Analysing the Content A key resource in establishing the validity of functional foods and nutraceuticals is the Guelph Centre for Functional Foods (GCFF), part of a range of analytical services offered by U of G's Laboratory Services Division. "We're a one-stop shop for analysis," says project leader Chung-Ja Jackson. The GCFF works in collaboration with

the University's departments of Food Science and Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences to quantify and qualify the medicinal ingredients in nutraceuticals and functional foods. It also collaborates with the universities of Toronto, Western Ontario and McMaster and has other public- and private-sector clients from across North America and around the world. Scientists conducting clinical studies of a particular product or nutraceutical "have to know what's in it and how much is in it;' Jackson says. Take soybeans, for example. The GCFF is able to isolate, identify and quantify 12 different forms of isoflavones in soybeans.

do (through a new regulatory system) . And that's what scientists are trying to do." People looking for that kind of information are turning to the University of



Isof!avones have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels; help prevent breast, prostate and colon cancer; and alleviate symptoms of menopause and osteoporosis. Anyone who does clinical research on soy has to test the quantity of the isoflavone, Jackson says. She is now collaborating with U of G agronomists working on soybean varieties and yields to produce higher levels of specific isoflavones. Private companies submit samples that are tested for the phytochemical content in such products as garlic, ginseng and herbal supplements and for antioxidant levels in foods, plants, berries and even wine. The GCFF can also provide information on how food component content is altered by processing. The centre's high standard of service -it's ISO 9002 certified- comes from its specialized expertise in devising effective analytical methods using advanced technologies such as high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, which can isolate and quantify food components purported to have medicinal value. And its reputation is growing. The media regularly knock on Lab Services' door for testing services. In 2000, for example, the Toronto Star went to the GCFF, cited as "one of Canada's foremost testing centres;' for analysis of 10 brands each of ginseng, garlic and feverfew pills purchased in Toronto. Based on the results, the paper reported that some products had lower-than-promised or even non-existent amounts of the active ingredients. Jackson is also providing input into Health Canada's proposed regulatory system for natural health products by participating in an expert advisory panel whose mandate is to develop standards of evidence for evaluating foods with health claims.

Guelph. With its renowned expertise in agrifood and a host of related disciplines, the University aims to replace folklore with scientific facts, directing its research prowess

towards nutraceuticals and functional foods in an effort to maximize their potential and minimize their risks. One wet, snowy Friday night last March, it was standing room only in a U of G lecture hall as 125 people of all ages gathered to hear the latest news on the subject. They came from across southern Ontario- students, teachers, veterinarians, engineers, health-care workers- to learn more about Guelph's research on antioxidants, DHA, vitamin E, ginseng, ginkgo, St. John's Wort, glucosamine and chondroitin and how these components of foods can help fight diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, depression and osteoarthritis. The evening, the first of its kind advertised to the general public, was organized by Allison Tannis, a master's candidate in HBNS, as part of her coursework. "The response was amazing," she says. "There is a need and desire for this kind of information. We're teaching the community what we're finding out here." The University is a valued resource in the nutraceuticals and nutritional sciences field because its multidisciplinary approach in research and teaching spans the departments of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, Food Science, Plant Agriculture, Animal and Poultry Science, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, and Consumer Studies. The faculty, staff and students in these areas collaborate to investigate and harness the power of nature's medicine chest. Together, they effectively span the continuum from the growing and harvesting of a natural product to demonstrating health effects in humans. "We're trying to develop nutraceuticals and functional foods that protect and promote health" is how nutritional sciences professor Bill Bettger puts it. Guelph researchers are developing animal feeds that boost the omega-3 fatty acid content of eggs, meat and milk. They're determining exactly what biological compounds are in specific plants and establishing techniques for growing plants to optimize production of their medicinal compounds. They're studying how soy isoflavones affect specific hormones in the blood in an effort to curb prostate cancer. They've done research on how dietitians perceive nutraceuticals and what information they require to recommend them to consumers. And they're teaching the stu-

dents who will form the next generation of researchers and make other contributions to the industry. This work is complemented by the HNRU, which conducts scientific trials in humans and offers opportunities for students to gain real-world research experience. U of G's resources are further bolstered by the research and analytical services available at the Guelph Centre for Functional Foods in the University's Laboratory Services Division. It provides quantitative and qualitative analysis of functional foods, nutraceuticals and phytochemicals for a wide range of private- and public-sector clients. This convergence of research, analytical and teaching prowess is attracting other key players in the sector to Guelph. They include the Guelph Food Technology Centre, an independent company established in 1995. It offers contract research and development services, technical training and food-safety quality systems that bridge the gap between basic, publicly funded university research and the immediate, practical and applied concerns of industry. The result is a growing hub of expertise that spans investigation, analysis, development, teaching and educational outreach. Beyond addressing the immediate needs of society, the synergies created by this cluster have the potential to revolutionize and more tightly mesh the agri-food industry and the health-care sector, says Holub. "Agri-food products need to be considered the pharmacy for disease prevention;' he stresses. "Agri-food has to be at the forefront of human health. The University of Guelph is bringing these agri-food products to the people in need." A leading champion of nutraceuticals and functional foods, Holub spreads that message far and wide, from church basements to national and international conferences. He's spent the last 20 years studying how dietary supplementation can prevent, manage and retard cardiovascular and kidney disease. A 1967 B.Sc. graduate of Guelph, Holub has served as president of the Nutrition Society of Canada and chair of the Heart and Stroke Foundation's nutrition task force. "We, as academics, have to take a leadership role;' he says. ''As the public starts to get informed, they are demanding this information."

Testing the Health Claims The Human Nutraceutical Research Unit (HNRU) is a University of Guelph service that tests the merits of nutraceuticals and natural health products (NHP). The unit focuses on products that are intended to promote health, enhance performance, and prevent and manage disease. Its services are available to food and NHP companies that want their products evaluated for potential health claims using controlled human studies. Faculty in the Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences also use the unit's facilities for research projects, and the unit uses students to carry out tasks that provide important research experience. Testing the effects of specific nutraceuticals on humans is of paramount importance, says HNRU director Julie Conquer. "There may be wonderful work done on animals, but animals aren't humans. There's no guarantee you'll get the same effects in people." When the research unit was established in 1998, it was the first facility to offer a wide variety of human clinical trials of nutraceuticals at a Canadian university. Other institutions and privatesector companies have since followed suit, but Guelph continues as a leader in the field, Conquer says. Studies conducted by HNRU have confirmed the positive benefits of specific weight-loss products as well as a nutraceutical that lowers the amount of homocysteine in the blood (homocysteine is an amino acid that, at high levels, may irritate blood vessels and damage arteries). These studies are awaiting publication by peer-reviewed journ als before the results are publicized. Conquer's research has also demonstrated that patients with Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive afflictions have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood. She is currently investigating the effect of fish oil supplementation on Alzheimer's patients. Other clinical studies are under way on a St. John's Wort-based product for depression and a glucosaminebased product for osteoarthritis.

Clients also come to the unit for help in developing new supplements and functional food products and for research reviews of scientific literature. Education outreach is another priority. The HNRU holds two symposiums a year on NHPs for health professionals, including doctors. The next symposium, in October, will focus on nutraceuticals

such as creatine and caffeine that affect exercise performance. Previous sessions have concentrated on mental disorders and cardiovascular disease. The HNRU also oversees the Natural Health Products Technology Cluster, which has more than 25 members dedicated to growing, developing, researching, distributing and marketing quality NHPs in an effort to promote Canada's industry. The membership includes academic departments related to nutritional research and analysis at Guelph, Toronto and Trent University, as well as the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers ofNHPs. "We need to develop the industry's infrastructure, market and science base to create a competitive advantage for our members;' says Conquer. "These are highvalue products with potentially enormous economic impact."

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With compelling enthusiasm, Holub brings forth facts and figures that support his contention that the food we eat can prevent or mitigate cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. His message about the positive power of nutraceuticals and functional foods is tempered, however, by "frustration and disappointment" with Canada's status quo on the issue. Chief among his concerns, he says, is the entrenchment of the current medical model that focuses on fixing- rather than preventing- health problems, and the difficulty of getting information out to the public

so people can make informed choices. Health Canada currently regulates nutraceuticals, functional foods and other natural health products either as foods or as drugs. If they're regulated as foods, direct claims about health benefits are banned. That means information about Guelph's triglyceride study of Burn brae Farms's OmegaPro eggs, for example, is prohibited from appearing on the product label or in advertising. Change is coming. In 1999, Health Canada established an Office of Natural Health Products and is working on a new regulatory system for natural health products. Holub says he's encouraged by the proposed new regulatory framework, but he continues to push for other all-encompassing changes to Canada's health-care system. He wants to see a preventive medical model established that would focus on early detection and functional food-based control of "moderate" risk factors among the



younger population. And he argues for more education and training of various health specialists, health professionals and the public for the prevention and management of disease. In addition to improving public health, he says, such a proactive approach would help solve the problem of spiralling healthcare costs. He estimates that early monitoring of health risk factors and disease pre路 vention and management efforts could save the system "a minimum" of $30 billion a year. "We are wasting millions of dollars on health-care costs when functional foods could come in and reduce our expenses on these important pharmaceutical drugs . Canada spends more every year on pharmaceuticals than on doctors." Holub would also like to see "a new breed of preventive health specialists"drawn from Canada's vast pool of science graduates- become the foot soldiers delivering this new medical model. U of G is already a leader in nutritional and nutraceutical science education with a fully developed program that's unique nationally and globally, says Bettger. He has been a leader in developing undergraduate and graduate courses that are now in high demand by Guelph students across many disciplines. Two years ago, Guelph launched a B.Sc. major in nutrition and nutraceutical science and a B.Sc. minor in functional foods and nutraceuticals, which Bettger believes are the only programs of their kind in the world. Three undergraduate courses are dedicated to the subject, and nutraceuticals and functional foods are also woven into many other course offerings. At the graduate level , students earning an M.Sc. or PhD in nutritional sciences can select functional foods and nutraceuticals as their area of emphasis. Two courses are dedicated to the subject, and about 75 per cent of all graduate courses include nutrition and nutraceutical science topics. Some courses also involve practical work experience, including opportunities at the HNRU. Demand for these courses is constantly rising, says Bettger. The fourth-year undergraduate course on functional foods and nutraceuticals had ISO students last year. At the graduate level, 35 students enrolled in the functional food and nutraceutical course. Typically, the courses attract stu-

dents from many different degree programs because they provide a broad perspective on food production and health issues, using scientific investigation to unravel the impact

In addition to improving public health, a proactive approach to preventing and managing disease would help solve the problem of rising healthcare costs. food can have on our health. "Students understand that our healthcare system has to be modified ," he says. "They understand that the development and promotion of functional foods and nutraceuticals are one of the keys to a new health-care system. Many of the life sciences students at Guelph want to learn how they can participate in the process." Adds Holub: "Stu dents see that nutraceuticals and functional foods will be bigger than pharmaceuticals. It's a revolution- it absolutely is." ga

She's a southern woman with a strong northern edge by Stacey Curry Gunn hen U of G graduate Maureen Doherty and her husband, Bryon, first set foot in Canada's Baffin region, their plan was to stay for a couple of years, gain some teaching experience and immerse themselves in a different culture. "We had been applying for jobs in exotic


places- preferably hot places- and ended up in the Arctic;' she recalls during a phone interview from her office in Iqaluit, where she is now the executive director of the Nunavut Status of Women Council. "I came up north thinking it would be for two years, and it was 19 years this summer. There's a particular majesty to this place and it's hard to leave."

Back in 1983, when they first arrived in the North, the Dohertys were newlyweds and Maureen Doherty was a recent graduate of teacher's college in Toronto. They had met two years before- in a dramatically warmer locale- teaching school on a CUSO assignment in Nigeria. Maureen Doherty (who was then Maureen Speers) had gone to

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Africa immediately after graduating from Guelph in 1981 with a BA in drama. "Going to Nigeria was very good in terms of stretching me and really being challenged to give in a way I hadn't before;' she says. "It shifted my thinking and understanding of the world. When I came back (to Canada), I didn't want to give that experience up so quickly. I wanted to be challenged more, and I wouldn't have had the same opportunities if I had taken a teaching job in Toronto." Instead, she found herself teaching grades 3 and 4 in Kimmirut, a community of 300 people on the southern tip of Nunavut's Baffin Island. Nunavut, the native land of the majority of Canada's Inuit, is part of a starkly beautiful network of northern islands and mainland bordered by the Arctic Ocean, Baffin Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. It officially became a separate Canadian territory in April1999. Contrary to some images of the North as a barren, windswept wasteland, Maureen Doherty found a place of"outstanding beauty." Hiking, camping, boating, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling trips soon provided the couple with a sense of the geography. Fall is a particularly beautiful season, she says, with the vegetation covering the rolling hills and tundra becoming a patchwork quilt of brilliant reds, greens and golds. Doherty also felt an "immediate connection" with the local community. She volunteered with the Girl Guides, joined a women's group and learned how to sew to make warm clothes for winter for her expanding family, as the first of her three sons, Sean, was born within a year. "I felt needed. I wanted to contribute to the community of women in Kimmirut. And they were able to help me in return as a young mother and a southerner in a harsh climate." After Kimmirut, she lived and taught in Arctic Bay and Nanisivik on north Baffin Island in the High Arctic, before moving to Iqaluit in 1993. Today, Doherty is devoted full time to working on behalf of women in Nunavut. She helped establish the Status of Women Council in 2000 and became its executive director in January. The council's mandate is to advance the equality and full participation of women -socially, legally and economically. Even though women in Nunavut live in a geographically and culturally unique loca-


tion within Canada, they face the same kinds of issues as women everywhere, says Doherty. "They all have issues in common: custody and access to children, child care, violence against women, poverty and the need to support women in leadership." There are still too few women in the higher ranks of the Nunavut government, she says. Currently, two of the 19 members of the legislative assembly are women. "My hope is that Inuit women will feel that sense of power so they can take on leadership positions. My dream is to see full participation in decision-making at all levels of government." On behalf of the council, she also sits on the government committee that's drafting the territory's human rights legislation. "It's a unique opportunity because we're able to design something from scratch. It's important for the council to have a presence in the process to ensure women's rights are protected." Doherty's efforts on behalf of women also include fundraising for breast cancer research and organizing "take back the night" marches and the annual Dec. 6 ceremony of remembrance and action for violence against women. "She makes an invaluable contribution to the communities of the North;' says Kerry McCluskey, editor of the community newspaper News North. "She's pretty amazing. I truly don't know where she finds all the energy with three children, a relationship and a full-time job. She has found a huge amount of time to dedicate to women in the community. She organizes all kinds of events, both personal and professional. You can be sure that if Maureen isn't in the audience, it's because she organized the event." And that kind of commitment is especially important when it comes to issues such as violence against women and family violence, which are all too common in the North, McCluskey adds. " It's very important that someone is there making sure these issues stay in the limelight. Even though she's a southerner, Maureen is very sensitive to the customs and beliefs of the Inuit culture. Her brand of feminism is a southern-woman brand of feminism, yet it has a good strong northern edge to it, so she doesn't put people off." Doherty is also highly regarded for her work as an educator, which has focused on adults for the last decade. She returned to Toronto for a year to earn a master's of edu-

cation in 1999. In her previous position as co-ordinator of community programs for Nunavut Arctic College- the territory's only postsecondary institution - she supervised adult education programming in eight communities to determine what programs were wanted and to deliver them. Most often, she says, the college provides a combination of practical and classroom experience designed to lead to employment. And the rewards have been great: "I see 14 graduates working in the daycares in Pond Inlet, or you have someone come in at a basic literary level, get their adult basic education and then go on to a degree and social work. You can see the concrete results of education, and that's so exciting." Another measure of the esteem in which Doherty is held is the fact that her community put her name forward to become a justice of the peace. She served in that capacity for 10 years, sitting in court, often with an Inuk elder from the culture at her side for advice prior to passing sentences for summary offences. " I was quite honoured they would ask me to take on that role. I was one of few women involved, so I think I brought a different perspective." For all her achievements over the years, Doherty credits her drama education for providing the foundation for success. "I often say my undergraduate degree in drama at Guelph was absolutely the best preparation for life. There are many things it's given me- stage presence, an ability to engage with people, whether in the classroom or when I was doing life skills work with inmates at the correctional centre. I use drama as a tool for learning, so it's been very useful." She adds that because the drama program at Guelph was small, "everybody was vital to every production. We all did everything, and that's very similar to life in the North. It's very important that everyone contribute. You get such satisfaction and enjoyment for having given. If you have an understanding of the privileges you've had in life, you really want to give back to your community and others. Our family has been that way." All members of the Doherty family are active in the community. Bryon now teaches drama and English at the high school in Iqaluit and "does a million other things" as well.


''Her brand of feminism is

' strong northern edge to it." Eldest son Sean, now 18, will attend U of G this fall on a Toronto Dominion Canada Trust scholarship for outstanding community leadership, as well as a Canada Millennium Scholarship and an entrance scholarship. He plans to pursue a B.Sc. in biomedical sciences, and his mother is "thrilled" at his choice of university. Brendan, 15, is on the Nunavut snowboarding team and recently competed at the Arctic Winter Games in Greenland. And Liam, 12, went to Saskatoon earlier this year to participate in the national science fair with a project on recycling in lqaluit.

"My children were very lucky in being immersed in Inuit culture and having summers in Ontario at the cottage with family," says their proud mother. "As a result, they have a real sense of the world being much larger than Toronto or Ontario. They've travelled, learned how to adapt in another culture. They feel very much like northerners." During the dark days of winter, Iqaluit society is a whirl of concerts, dinner parties and other gatherings. Each member of the Doherty family takes part in the community's annual musical; the latest production was The Music Man, adapted to include

northern references. In the summer, outdoor activities are the priority. "I think we've been really fortunate to have had the experience of living here;' Maureen Doherty says. "There's a very strong sense of community. The Inuit culture is very rich, and it's been a wonderful environment to raise my family and to work in." She anticipates that she and Bryon may one day return to a warmer climate- with trees- depending on where their sons eventually settle. "But we have no plans to leave any time soon. There's too much to do here." ga

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"Everyone in a company should live up to high standards, but the burden of leadership rightly belongs to the chief executive officer. CEOs set the ethical direction for their companies. They set a moral tone by the decisions they make, the respect they show their employees and their willingness to be held accountable for their actions." U.S. PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BuSH, ADDRESSING WALL STREET EXECUTIVES JULY

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ARE OUR LEADERS? U of G launches new efforts in leadership recognition and education • By Suzanne Soto THERE SEEMS LITTLE DOUBT that 2002 will go down in U.S. history as a catastrophic year for corporate America. The collapse of several billion-dollar companies from shady accounting practices, insider trading, outright fraud and other unethical dealings by those at the very top battered the stock markets, bankrupted investors and suddenly made all corporate leaders suspect. Canada, too, had its own business troubles and embattled chiefs. BCE's Jean Monty, Nortel Networks' john Roth and Hydro One's Eleanor Clitheroe were among some of the high-profile CEOs whose judgment was questioned and leadership found wanting. Politicians on both sides of the border and those who should know better, such as social agency leaders, had their own moral failings exposed. The Canadian government

was found awarding multi-million-dollar advertising contracts to supporters, wh ile in the United States, the Red Cross and United Way were among several agencies discovered to be playing fast and loose with charitable donations. The truth about the disgraced CEOsor for that matter, fallen community heads and politicians- is that they were likely never real leaders to begin with. So says Prof. John Walsh, associate dean of the Faculty of Management at U of G. "The biggest mistake people make is to confuse leadership with being in charge of something;' Walsh says. "Leadership is not the same. The only true and effective leadership is one that is grounded in integrity and trust, and unless you build on those things, you are not building leadership. You

are just acquiring management capability and technical skills." Unfortunately, Walsh adds, there are myriad managers out there and few true leaders. And that's a shame, he says, because recognized leadership attributes such as vision, values, self-awareness, creativity, wisdom, commitment and the ability to motivate and empower others can be learned, understood and acted on. Prof. Michael Cox, also of the management faculty and co-author of the book The Seven Pillars of Visionary Leadership, couldn't agree more. "Management is about doings things right: planning, organizing and controlling," he says. "And it is based on competency and intelligence. Leadership, on the other hand, is about doing the right things: creating the

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context, shaping the vision, engendering a shared culture of values, helping others to grow, reducing boundaries, inspiring and motivating followers. Leadership, then, is really about developing both the head and the heart, to mobilize people and performance:' Both Walsh and Cox also say the recent scandals have demonstrated something the two of them have known for awhile- that there is great need for more leadership education. "In Canada, we have many programs that teach management, but the challenge has now become to educate people for leadership, so they will be ethically capable of leading, whether in the world of politics or commerce or in our communities;' Walsh says. NEW PROGRAMS, NEW APPROACHES

Distinguished guest speakers, U of G faculty, conference delegates and the first students in Guelph's diploma program in leadership discussed, listened and learned together at the 2002 Recognition of Leadership conference. "We're all leaders in training, " said author and psychologist Charles Pascal, and "self-knowledge is the breakfast of champion leaders."


IN RECENT YEARS, the University has stepped up its efforts to address the need for leadership education. A conference convened in 1999 identified the leadership challenge facing business and private-sector organizations in today's new economy and evaluated new forms of leadership, from "servant-leadership" in the commercial sector to "the leadership network" implemented in government. A follow-up conference th is summer asked a diverse group of experts to share their perspectives on the qualities required for effective leadership and their thoughts on how organ izations can effectively match leadership talent with opportunity. "Some believe great leaders are born;' said conference chair Patrick Boyer, a former MP and now an adjunct professor in Guelph's Department of Political Science. "Others would say leaders are produced by dramatic circumstances, and this is also sometimes evident from history. Yet, so much more is involved. The leadership phenomenon is much more complex than a person's innate ability." With scholarly research and personal experience as their guide, Boyer and others at the University of Guelph are developing new programs to teach leadership skills and help people develop a self-awareness of their own leadership potential. Among the delegates at the 2002 Recognition of Leadership Conference were 18 people enrolled in the first class of a new postgraduate diploma in leadership developed by faculty in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences and the Office of Open Learning. Geared to mid-career professionals, the diploma program focuses on

the challenges facing leaders in the private, public and non-profit sectors. Prof. Maureen Mancuso, associate vicepresident (academic ), says the diploma program is a forerunner to a new Guelph master's degree in leadership that will combine scholarship with practical experience. Now before the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, the two-year MAin leadership will provide a fresh alternative to an MBA, which focuses on business administration, or an MPA, the scholarly corollary in public administration. Rooted in the social sciences and multidisciplinary in approach, both the diploma and master's programs will offer a broad approach to the study of leadership, says Mancuso. "Leadership training at Guelph is inclusive and all-encompassing, and it is not limited to one particular field. We believe this makes our programs richer and more rewarding for participants." Adds Cox: "We want to educate leaders for th e public and private sectors, for the volunteer sector and for the community. Our aim is to train leaders who will build stronger communities, who will measure not just return on investment but also return on integrity and return on character and intelligence." For more information, visit www.guelph or call the Office of Open learning at 519-767-5000. HEAD AND HEART LEADERSHIP

W H EN 0 NT AR I 0 C H I E F ) UST I C E Roy McMurtry spoke at the Guelph leadership conference in july, his remarks echoed the thinking of University academics: "We must motivate the leadership potential within every individual." Today's society is blurring the line between leaders and followers, and McMurtry said the challenge for modern-day political and business leaders is to provide for more meaningful citizen involvement. Some conference speakers elaborated on McMurtry's reference to shared leadership with a shared vision. Others addressed Canada's need for innovative leadership and a global perspective. Speakers and delegates a like !;;;;;;=====~ agreed that industrialized societies are looking for leaders of integrity who are guided by strong core values. And many were inspired by the personal experience of Ethel BlondinAndrew, Secretary of State for Youth and Chil-

dren, when she talked about her experience as the first aboriginal woman elected to the House of Commons- and the first appointed to Cabinet- to reinforce the need for leaders who bring new perspectives and challenge contemporary thinking. Conference delegates heard that Blond inAndrew and other female leaders are encouraging a new definition of leade rs hip as an ongoing relationship. "A huge and wonderful transformation seems to be happening within our society," said Boyer, who pointed out that 15 of the first 18 participants in Guelph's new diploma program are women. Many more women are becoming interested in leadership training, he said. "This is a truly positive occurrence in terms of the development of future leadership in our country." Mancuso, for one, is heartened by the numbers. Historically, she says, women's leadership and career aspirations have been thwarted by child-rearing, family responsibilities, social expectations and a lack of well-developed networks of influence and mentoring opportunities. "Women need to be encouraged to seek out leadership opportunities and be supported once they attain them;' she says. "This process needs to start early. We should be mentoring our female students and making sure they are aware of their capabilities and opportunities. The new diploma program in leadership will be a great starting point for many women." The overriding message from the 2002 conference was encouragement for U of G and other organizations that are addressing the need for leadership training. Statistical and anecdotal evidence from a panel of Guelph faculty cited research in which both employers and employees said there is a greater need to improve leadership abilities than any other management or business skill. Over the next few months, papers presented at the conference will be published in book form and on the Internet. Published proceedings from the initial Leadership Challenge conference in 1999 are already available in limited quantities from Guelph's Office of Open Learning and at!leadershipchallenge. "Many fresh approaches are found here;' says Boyer. "The problem is that there is no final truth around the issue of leadership, but asking the questions and seeking the information is an enriching process that enables some of us to become leaders." ga



HE UNIVERSITY ofGuelphisnot alone in its commitment to leadership education. Other educational institutions and many private organizations are also recognizing the need to develop and train our successor generations of leaders. Among those individuals with such foresight are Guelph graduates Terry Clifford, BSA '61, and Jason Ward, BA '95. Each is following the sage advice to "think globally, act locally" -Clifford to prepare Canada's youth for global competition and Ward to market Canadian expertise that can benefit other countries.

YOUTH EXPERIENCE TERRY CLIFFORD was a member of Parliament during the debate over free trade agreements. Canadians were clearly divided on the issue. All of our knowledge of trade was based on Canadian sales to the United States, he says, and most criticism of free trade was based on economic concerns for our children and grandchildren. Those observations convinced him that Canada needs to empower the next generation with a new global vision of this country and leadership skills that will enable them to hold their own in the global marketplace. In 1991, he established a national not-forprofit organization called Global Vision that provides leadership training and travel opportunities for Canadian youth aged 16 to 25. More than 6,000 young Canadians have participated in Global Vision's Junior Team Canada training program. They learn about innovation and entrepreneurship, the challenges of the global economy and Canada's key markets and economic sectors. "Leadership is a huge component of the Global Vision program;' explains Clifford. "Our young people travel abroad to see first-hand how companies operate in other countries, they call on companies to find out what is good and bad about Canadian business, and they learn about social responsibility and how important that is." Clifford challenges business people to invite a junior Team Canada delegate to join

their international negotiating tean1s. "You're welcome to utilize this young talent;' he says. "It will give you a fresh perspective on the recognition of leadership in this country:'

SHARED EXPERIENCE JASON WARD takes a different perspective on Canada's leadership potential. He looks at the wealth of leadership ability now retired from the workforce and says: "Why not share it?" A lawyer with Ogilvy Renault in Toronto, Ward is executive vice-president of a new company called ExecAdvice that is building a network of experts and professionals willing to provide advice, training and mentoring to private- and public-sector organizations around the world. ExecAdvice programs mobilize Canadian expertise to help businesses, organizations and governments in other countries achieve their goals. Wards says education is an important component of the approach, and for that, the company has turned to U of G's Office of Open Learning. A number of leadership courses for Indonesian diplomats, for example, are currently under development at Guelph. ExecAdvice is also working with organizations in India, China, Malaysia, Greece and the United Kingdom and will turn to the Office of Open Learning to develop specialized courses as they are required. "The primary product ExecAdvice offers is the wisdom of highly specialized advisers who learned their skills first-hand and are anxious to bring their experiences to bear to make the road less difficult for others," says Ward. With U of G's track record in leadership training, he believes Guelph alumni could be a great source of advisers. Some advisers work strictly as volunteers; others charge a nominal fee. But for all exec advisers, "there is the opportunity to make a significant difference;' he says. For more information on Global Vision, visit; for ExecAdvice Corporation, see

Fall 2002 23





HE IMPORTANT ROLE ALUMNI play in the life of the University of Guelph comes to the forefront each June as convocation ceremonies and Alumni Weekend present opportunities to recognize a few indivipuals who have been identified by their peers as exceptional Guelph alumni. Their contributions may be in the professional arena, within the world of arts <Jnd culture, through their efforts to support education or focused on strengthening the fabric of society. Most often, the alumni chosen for recognition have made significant achievements in all of these venues. So it is with the alumni award recipients of 2002.

Shirley Surgeoner



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HE LINCOLN ALEXANDER MEDAL of Distinguished Service was presented during convocation ceremonies June 12 to Shirley Surgeoner, B.A.Sc. '72. One of the most active graduates of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS), Surgeoner continually mentors alumni involvement in her alma mater. During the 1990s, she served six years as an alumni senator, represented the former College of Family and Consumer Studies on the restructuring committee that led to the ereation of CSAHS, and chaired an ad hoc restructuring committee for the Mac- FACS Alumni Association during the same period. A member of the Mac-FACS board of directors since 1994, she assumed a leadership role in developing a new agreetnent with the University to enhance scholarships offered by the association and to support a new CSAI-jS alumni structure. She is coorganizer of celebrations planned for 2003 to mark the 1OOth anniversary of the founding of Macdonald Institute, as we! I as the "Foo d for Thought" series held during Alumni Weekend. In private life, Surgeoner runs her own


company, Vexan Visuals Inc., in Fergus. She shares U of G experiences with her husband, Gordon, B.Sc.(Agr.) '7 1 and M.Sc. '73, a faculty member in the Department of Plant Agriculture and president of Ontario AgriFood Technologies, and with their children -Jade, Brae and Drew- who are all current students at Guelph.

George Atkins


LWAYS AT EASE BEHIND A microphone, George Atkins, BSA '39 and H.D.La., is recognized across Canada and around the world for his skill as an agricultural communicator and broadcaster. During Alumni Weekend, he was named Alumnus of Honour by the University of Guelph


as well as the Saturday-evening farm and garden program Country Ti111e and a five-daya-week radio farm broadcast for Ontario and Quebec. He was the agriculture anchor on CBC's Radio Noon for more than a decade. Atkins was also founding executive director of the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network in 1979 and served I 0 years in that capacity. His messages addressed the needs of farmers and the rural poor around the world and reportedly reached more than I 00 million listeners. The network now involves more than 800 rural communicators in I 00 developing countries and is recognized as a valuable component of Canada's international aid effort.

Tom Sanderson


H E UGAA's VoLUNTEER or THE Year has built a relationship with the Ontario Veterinary College as a graduate, a businessman and a faculty member. Tom Sanderson, DVM '61, spent 20 years in a mixed veterinary practice in Listowel and Mount Forest before returning to his alma mater in 1982 to manage veterinary programs at the research stations. During his 14-year career with the college, he served as co-ordinator of the externship program, co-ordinator of senior-year electives and interim direc-

Alumni Association. Atkins's broadcast career began with Niagara TV in Hamilton, but he spent 25 years with the CBC as a farm and agricul-

tural commentator, developing and producing numerous agricultural radio and television series. He hosted CBC-TV's Country Calendar,

tor of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. He has also taken an active volunteer role in the college community and alumni activities, beginning with his own class. Twentythree years after its 1961 graduation, Sanderson took the initiative to launch regular class reunions and newsletters and still fills this role today. He joined the board of the OVC Alumni Association in 1992. As president from 1994 to 1996, he led the development of a new vision for the organization, recruited younger graduates to the board and inspired them to work together towards a common goal. One of those goals was the establish-

Fall 2002 25

alumni Matters ment of the OVC Alumni Trust in 1997. It created an endowment fund that now benefits the college community and its students.

Kathleen Keil



Kathleen Keil, '97, graduated from OVC, but she's already become a leader in the veterinary profession and her community. She is the recipient of the UGAA Medal of Achievement, awarded to a graduate of 15 years or less. Keil is the manager of veterinary services at Bayer Inc., where she provides leadership to Bayer's customer service, monitors field trials and participates in the development of regulatory submissions. She is also the official media spokesperson for Bayer's Advantage Flea Control line of products and earned a prestigious company award for her work to establish a special after-hours customer hotline. She is now leading an educational campaign about the public health risk of parasite zoonosis and the benefits of deworming. She is also involved in several professional organizations, serving as president of the Ontario Association of Industrial Veterinarians and as a member of the Ontario ~ Veterinary Medical Association board of

~ "'~

directors. Keil also acts as coach and mentor to current OVC students in the course

"'~ iD

tion, she chaired Bayer's 2001 United Way campaign and serves on company commit-



"The Art of Veterinary Medicine., In addi-

~ tees that promote recycling, resource con~ servation and voluntarism.



Tom HuLLan d







accolades for veterinary graduates, Tom Hulland, DVM '54, was recognized as OVC Distinguished Alumnus during Alumni Weekend. The award honours his contributions as a faculty member in the college. He joined the Department of Pathology in 1959 and later served as chair of the department and as associate dean (academic) for OVC. A distinguished researcher and professor, he is a two-time recipient of the OVC Award for Teaching Excellence chosen by senior graduation classes and has received U of G's Medal of Merit. Hulland was the second Canadian to

attain diplomate status with the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, an orga路 nization he later served as president. He was also president of the Canadian Veteri路 nary Medical Association and a Fellow o the Royal Society of Medicine, London, England. He has been a member of the U of G Senate from its inception and has chaired presidential task forces and committees. He is an active alumnus and community vol路 unteer who supports the Guelph Radial Trail system, and has made numerous gifts of art to the Tom Thompson Gallery in Owen Sound and to the University collection at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre.

alumni Matters HIGHLIGHTS OF ALUMNI WEEKEND • Attendance: 1,2oo, the largest number of alumni ever


• largest reunion event: Mac and OAC '67 dinner

• Most popular college event: CSAHS dean's tea and tour

• Class reunions: 36

• Best dancers: OAC '82A

• Best-attended AGM: UG-AA

• Most senior class: OAC '33

• Best party: Bullring loath-anniversary pub

• longest trip back to campus: Dorothy

• Youngest class: OVC 2001

• Best new event: CBS facilities tour

• largest class turnout: OAC '52

• Best food : President's Luncheon in the

• Rowdiest class: CBS '82

Gryphon Dome

Barrales, OVC '52, Chile

• New in


online registration, accom-

modation in new East Village townhouses.

The loath-anniversary Bullring Pub attracted an enthusiastic crowd, including, from left, Alumni House staff member Linda Visentin, Kathie Mclaughlin, B.Sc. '75, and Laurie Jocius, BASe. '87-

CBS Student Council: An honour roll of CBS student leaders will be displayed in the new sciMargaret Dickenson, B.H.Sc. '68, right, was a

ence complex when it is completed in September 2oo6. Attending the recognition event at

featured speaker at the Mac-FACS Alumni Asso-

Alumni Weekend were, front row, left to right: Deborah Bolton, B.Sc. 'oo; Suzanne Phillips,

ciation's "Food for Thought" seminar. She's

B.Sc. '98; and Myriam Thanasse, B.Sc. '99. Back row: acting dean Anthony Clarke; Roy Angelow,

pictured here at the President's Luncheon with

B.Sc. '82; Anthony Phillips, B.Sc. '98; Elizabeth Godwin, B.Sc. '99; Tim Singer, B.Sc. '01; and

John Small, OAC '42, and his wife, jean.

Mike Mooney, B.Sc. '74.

Fall 2002 27


alumni Matters Coming Events 13 to 1 5 - OAC '54A reunion in Woodstock. Contact George Quinn at 519-283-6450 or or John McClellan at 519-836-2660. Sept 20 - Gryphon Club Hall of Fame


dinner. Call Ext. 6133 for tickets. 20 and 21 - OAC '62 reunion at


the Boliday Inn in Guelph. Contact John Pawley at

Sept. 21 Oct. 19 -

Homecoming. See Page 26. OAC 'SOA reunion at the Whippletree, starts at noon and runs all day. Contact Sue Hilborn at 519-537-3756 or Oct. 21 - HAFAAA and the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management cohost an industry reception for alumni,


students, faculty, staff and friends at the Delta Toronto Airport, 5 to 8 p.m. Call Laurie Malleau at Ext. 2102. Nov. 9 - Aggie Day at the Royal Winter Fair. All Aggies, including OAC, RCAT, KCAT, NLCAT, Centralia and Alfred grads, are invited, 4 p.m. at the BullPen. Wear your Aggie jackets, hats, sweatshirts, etc. Nov. 20 - OAC Alumni Foundation

jan. jan.

awards banquet at the Arboretum Centre. Contact Carla Bradshaw at Ext. 6657 or Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 - 16th annual U of G Alumni Hockey Tournament. Contact Brad Stephenson at 519-826-3223 or brad.stephenson@o m December 2002 - OAC Mistletoe Pub, date and location to be confirmed. Call Carla Bradshaw at Ext. 6657.

March 2003 -Texas reunion. Send your e-mail address to for details. june 20 to 22, 2003- Alumni Weekend. Class reunions are already planned for OAC '53, OVC '58, FACS '73, OVC '78, OAC '68, FACS '98, HK '78, OAC '63 and Mac '63.


2 4 - OAC Career Week.

2 4 - 12th annual Aggie Good times

Banquet. Contact the SFOAC office at Ext. 8321 for tickets. March 5 - Florida Alumni Reunion in Port Charlotte. Snowbirds, please forward your Florida address to Alumni House to receive an invitation. Call Ext. 6544 or send e-mail to

For information on how to arrange a reunion for your class, contact Jennifer Brett at Ext. 3540 or :J>



LUMNI LIVING I N OR VISITING Florida or Texas in March are encour-

aged to cont~ct Alumni House to receive an invitation to the annual reunions in those states. The Florida event is held in Port Cha rlotte on the third Wednesday of March. A number of events are being considered for the Texas event. To get involved in the planning or to find out the details, call Ext. 6544 or send e-mail to



S A GRADUATE OF THE University of Guelph, you are automatically a member of the University of Guelph Alumni Association (UGAA). The UGAA is led by a volunteer board of alumni who are interested in strengthening and sustaining the University. Their activities are designed to encourage communication among alumni and betw路een alumni and the University community, promote opportunities for lifelong relationships, and facilitate participation in the affairs of the University. The full UGAA board includes representatives from each college alumni association and student groups. The executive committee for 2002/2003 consists of Bill Summers, B.Sc.(Agr.) '82, president; Scott van Engen, B.Sc. (Agr. ) '88, past president; janet Leon-



hard, B.Sc.(H.K.) '82, first vice-president; Fred Quinton, BA '72, second vice-president; Gwen

his professional football career as Win- ~_, nipeg's 1988 rookie of the year and a Grey ~

Paddock, B.Sc.(Agr.) '85, secretary; and Andrea Chance, BA '93, treasurer. Contact them through Alumni House at or 5 19-824-4 120, Ext. 6544.

Cup champion. 0 Mooney coached Gryphon football from c 1956 to 1960 with a record of 26 wins and 17 losses. Stallman, who also taught kinesiology a t U of G, was well-known as a coach, divin g judge and adm inistrator of Swim Ontario.



IVE VARSITY ATHLETES AND TWO coac h es will be inducted into the

Gryphon Club Hall of Fame Sept. 20. They are: Kathy Cameron, B.Sc.(H.K.) '89, and the late Alan Claremont, ADA '57 and BSA '6 1, track and cross-country; Mike Hawkes, M.Sc. '70 and PhD '75, diving; Mel LaForme, BA '80, rowing; Dan Wicklum, B.Sc. '9 1, football; and coaches Tom Mooney, football, and Robert Stallman, swimming and diving. Among their achievements in sport: Camero n was a n OUA All-Star two times and C IAU All-Canadian in 1988. Clarement was the first Canadian to win the Can isius Co ll ege Invitational in 1957. Hawkes was a provincial and national medal winner in both team and individual diving competitions. Between 19 76 and 1988, he won both Pan Am and world championship medals. Wicklum started hi s varsity career on the 1984 Vanier Cup championship team and




EMBERS OF OAC '5 2A celebrat- r ed their 50th anniversary on campus june 22 by presenting cop ies of th eir new anthology to the UGAA and to the Un iversity of Guelph Library. Through this collection of life stories, the ~ class has reflected extensive changes in agriculture over the last half century, and they have preserved the personal cha rm of each contributor. The historical resource will enrich research and education for future students at the University. The collection of stories was edited by classmate Richard Woolger and presented during Alumni Weekend.



H ECK OUT THE ADVANTAGES of Guelph's new Online Co mmunity Network'" at


African economist to head University of Ghana

As Kwado Asenso-Okyere, M.Sc. '76, prepares to lead one of Africa's most prestigious universities, he faces education issues not unlike those at his Canadian alma mater: maintaining high academ ic standards, attracting research funds and accommodating additional students. As vice-chancellor of the University of Ghana, AsensoOkyere will continue an association with the university that began in the late 1960s when he enroll ed there as an undergraduate. He came to Canada

in 1974 to complete a graduate degree in agricultural economics as part of the Canadian International Development Agency-sponsored GuelphGhana project and later completed a PhD at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Asenso-Okyere was first appointed a research fellow at the University of Ghana in 1976. He has held a series of progressive positions since then and was named a full professor in 1997. He will assume the vice-chancellor's position Oct. l.

An agricultural economist with expertise in econometrics and price analysis, he has achieved wide administrative experience through committee work and directorships at the University of Ghana, within professional organizations and through consultancy work. In 1987, for example, he co-ordinated a national agricultural economics survey and co-authored a cocoa pricing model for Ghana. He has also served on government task forces that recommended agricultural development and growth strategies for the country's agri-food sector. Asenso-Okyere has published widely on economic issues related to food and agriculture, health and nutrition and international trade policies. Since 1995, he has co-ordinated an annual report on the state of the economy. Among the honours he has received are a distinguished leadership award from the American Biographical Institute for outstanding contributions to contemporary society and recognition from the Internationa l Biographical Centre as one of the "Outstanding People of the 20th Century" for his contributions to development research.


Awards in Ottawa when he received the Bryce Taylor Memorial Award for contributions to national sport in the areas of leadership and development. McEwen has served as a member of the Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, the Sports Federation of Canada and the National Advisory Council, to name

only three of his volunteer roles. In professiona l sport, he made his mark as a director of Northwest Sports Enterprises, a co-founder and director of the Ottawa National World Hockey Association and cofounder of the Ottawa Rough riders Football Club. He is currently a governor of Hockey Canada.

• World-renowned Harvard University economist Jo h n Kenn eth Galb raith, BSA '31, has comp leted a new book titled The Economics of I111wcent


1940 • Bill McEwe n , ADA '40 and BSA '43, was honoured last spring at the Canadian Sport

1960 • Peter Crow n, BSA '66 and M.Sc. '68, retired in june as professor of land evaluat ion and remote sens ing a nd associate chair of graduate programs in the Depa~tment of Re newable Resources at the University of Alberta. A PhD graduate of Alberta, Crown jo ined the faculty there in 1977 after 10 years of soil survey work with Agriculture Canada in Guelph and Edmonton. Although he w ill continue to teach part time and work with graduate students, Crown says he will now have more time for visiting nationa l parks, mountain hiking and sailing. He can be reached at • Terry Daynard, B.Sc.(Agr.) '65, M.Sc. '66 and PhD '68, was named to the Order of Ontario late last year. He is widely known across the province as executive vice-president of the Ontario Corn Producers' Assoc iation, a position he assumed in the mid1980s after beginning his professional career as a professor of crop science at OAC. • Do nn a Woolco tt, B.H .Sc. '69 and PhD '79, has been appointed vice-president (academic) at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax. She joined U of G as a professor of fam il y stud ies in 1979, then went on to serve as department chair and assistant vice-president (academic). In the AVP post, she oversaw the University's internal review of departments and undergraduate programs, co-op and professional development programs.

1970 • Diana Bish op, BA '75, has been chief parliamentary correspondent for Globa!TV's national news since 1999. • Peter Donaldson, BA '75, is a featured performer in the Stratford Festival's 50th-anniversary season. Until Nov. 2, he appears

Fall2002 29


STAY IN TOUCH U of G Alumni Association Bill Summers, president .............................. e-mail: ........................................ . ......... Alumni Programs Susan Rankin, director ..................................... Carla Bradshaw, OAC alumni officer ..................... Sam Kosakowski, CBS/CPES alumni officer .................. Laurie Malleau, CSAHS alumni officer ........................ Andrea Pavia, OVC alumni officer .......................... June Pearson, COA alumni officer Vikki Tremblay, alumni programs office .................. Alumni Records ........................................... International Programs Jan Walker, job posting service ...............................

Guelph Alumnus Mary Dickieson, editor ............................. For telephone contact, call 519-824-4120.

with his wife, Sheila McCarthy, in the Avon Theatre production of Bertolt Brecht's The Threepenny Opera. An article in the

Stratford Festival newsletter, Fanfare, traces Donaldson's career from U of G's drama program through two years of running a

summer-stock theatre company with fellow Guelph grads, an apprenticeship at Stratford and a year of study in New York. A reg-

ular performer at Stratford, he also played Ian Bowles on the TV series Emily of New Moon from 1995 to 1999 and has appeared in the films A Long Day's journey Into Night and Atom Egoyan's The Sweet Hereafter. Donaldson and his wife live in Stratford with their two children. • Bev Hogan, B.A.Sc. '79, spent the last 14 years raising four children, but has returned to teaching kindergarten part-time near her home in Smiths Falls, Ont. • Patrick Luciani, BA '73, is executive director of the Donner Canadian Foundation and sits on the board of Private Foundations Canada, which lobbies for public policies that support philanthropy. For more information, visit the Web site • Peter Poon, B.Sc. '77, has been appointed vice-president, strategic planning and business development, of AstraZeneca Canada With an MTAx degree, you will be on a fast track to a career as a professional tax advisor helping clients achieve their goals in business structuring, tax policy, international tax, estate planning, and owner-manager planning.

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Ltd. He was most recently president of the company's Singapore operation, but is now responsible for business intelligence, risk assessment and scenario planning, and portfolio and resources management for Canada.

1980 • Mark Cochran, M.Sc. ' 80, is managing director of NeuroVentures Capital Inc. in Charlottesville, Va. He was previously vice-president of MDS Capital Corp. in San Francisco. He also worked with Bayer Pharmaceuticals for eight years, most recently as vice-president of business development and biotechnology in Berkeley, Calif. • Cynthia Cornacchia, PhD '87, a professor of history at Wilfrid Laurier University for 13 years, was honoured with that university's 2002 award for teaching excellence. A social historian who specializes in childhood

and family history, she has written numerous reviews, journal articles and two books. She is currently working on a sociocultural history of adolescence in Canada from 1900 to 1950. • Helen Drolia, M .Sc. ' 89, is a small-animal veterinarian who's been in private practice in Greece for 12 years. She writes to thank th e Guelph Alumnus for keeping her in touch with the University community over the years and to express her sadness at reading in the last issue about the death of Bev Glover, M.Sc. '83. "Bev was a good person and a good friend, especially during my stay in Guelph. I will miss her." Drolia can be reached at Lammers-Helps, • Helen B.Sc.(Agr.) '87, is a freelance writer with articles published in

Country Guide Ontario, Western Hog Journal and Ontario Gar-

Hall of fame honours five Five distinguished Ontarians were inducted into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame in June, and all have ties with the University of Guelph. Three are OAC graduates- the late Gordon Bennett, '43; Oliver Bradt, '38; and former OAC dean Rick Richards, '38. George Earley graduated from Ridgetown College in 1960. And Donald McQueen Shaver received an honorary degree from U of Gin 1995. Induction into the hall of fame recognizes significant contributions to Ontario's agriculture and food industry. Bennett worked for the betterment of farm organizations, marketing and rural families throughout his life, including service as deputy minister of agriculture. Bradt, an exceptional breeder of tender fruits, is credited with transforming the Niagara Peninsula into a world-renowned wine-producing region. Earley pioneered the use of foreign cattle breeds, bringing hybrid vigour, better feed conversion and lower production costs to the beef industry. Richards was instrumental in building a strong soil survey unit in Ontario to classify and map soils on their capability for various uses in agriculture. Shaver is a recognized poultry breeder who developed a highly successful leghorn chicken that helped give Canadian poultry breeding a place of world prominence.

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Fall 2002 31

dener. She lives near Kitchener, Ont., with her husband, Ron, and children, Carolyn and David. Since the death of her infant son, Michael, Lammers-Helps has been active in support organizations for bereaved parents. She is newsletter editor for the Waterloo chapter of Bereaved Families of Ontario and sits on the newsletter advisory committee for Perinatal Bereavement Services Ontario. She can be reached at • Mark Leonard, B.Sc. '80, recently became a director of Gennum Corporation, a leading provider of silicon integrated circuits and

hybrid circuits for the video and hearing instrument markets. In 1995, Leonard founded Constellation Software Inc., a conglomerate of vertical market software companies that employs some 500 people, and has served as its president since its inception. • Ross Parry, BA '80, is an executive vicepresident for the public relations group OEB International in Toronto. He was formerly with Enterprise Canada. • Shelyn Ponsford, B.Sc. '89, works in the analytical research and development department of Pfizer U.K. in Canterbury, England.

She's a lab steward for quality operations in the company's head office for research in Europe and can be reached by e-mail at tar • Rose Scapin, B.Comm. '85, graduated from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition as a registered holistic nutritionist in May. She also has a post diploma in corporate communications from Seneca College and works for the York Region Newspaper Group. She lives in Newmarket, Ont., with her husband, Hector, and son, John-Michael. • Shawn Taylor, B.Sc. '84, is president of Habitat Works!, a full-service ecologicai restoration business located in Huttonville, Ont. Part of a larger firm called Dillon Consulting Limited, Habitat Works! specializes in the technical design, supply and construction of naturalized stream and wetland systems in urban areas and in th e emerging field of ecotechnology. In addition to Taylor, the firm employs Guelph grads Gintas Kamaitis, B.Sc. '78 and B.Sc.(Eng.) '82; Mark Hartley, B.Sc. '86; Tom Young, ADA '80 and B.Sc.(Agr.) '88; and Andrew Scott, B.Sc.(Agr.) '97. More information about the company is available on the Web at Taylor can be reached at or • Stan Voyda, BA '88, is a corporate accounts manager for Ecolab Ltd. in Dallas, Texas. His career with the company has included positions in Mississauga, Ont., and Sydney, Australia, where he completed a master's degree in marketing part-time at the University of Western Sydney. He is currently enrolled in a distance education doctoral program with Australia's Charles Sturt University. He and his wife, Siew, have a 10year-old daughter, Seema Gosia. • Randy Walton, BA '88, is the new head football coach for Valley High School near Pittsburgh. During his student days, he was quarterback for the Guelph Gryphons. • Hana Weingart!, M.Sc. '89 and PhD '94, is a virologist with the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease in Winnipeg, which is part of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. But away from the office, she's a mountain climber and adventurer who was featured in the Winnipeg Free Press last March . An experienced climber who has reached summits of up to 8,000 metres in many parts of the world, Weingart! was interviewed about her plans to climb

Argentina's highest mountain, the 7,000metre Mount Aconcagua, this winter. She has organized a group of 10 climbers who began training in April for the South American climb. • Nancy Weir, B.A.Sc. '85, was a presenter at the 2002 Guelph Sexuality Conference in June. A research consultant in Toronto, Weir is co-ordinating a pilot project sponsored by the Centre for Research in Women's Health, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre to expand access to emergency contraceptive pills.

1990 • Mickie Bhatia, PhD '95, a renowned stem biologist at the University of Western Ontario and the John P. Robarts Institute, was named one of Canada's Top 40 Under 40 this spring. He was selected from more than 1,200 nominations for the award by a panel of business and community leaders. The award recognizes vision and leadership, innovation and achievement, community involvement, impact and strategy for growth. Bhatia holds a Canada Research Chair in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine and is an assistant professor in Western's Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. • Enna Dzedets, B.Sc. '94 and DVM '98, was married in 1996 to Colin Hughes, B.Sc. '96, and they had a baby boy, Joseph, Oct. 12,2001. • Wanda Fabbian, BA '96, and Julie Martin, BA '93, are registered horticultural therapists working in Guelph; Fabbian at St. Joseph's Health Centre and Martin at Homewood Health Centre. "Horticultural therapy is a direct people-plant connection that offers a non-threatening, self-nurturing environment for healing," says Fabbian, who conducts both group and individual therapy sessions. Both women are board members of the Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association,, and are registered through the American association.They invite inquiries at and


University of Guelph Donor Clubs

Join Bob Thomas [OAC '67] in Brazil and Argentina

The outstanding support of U of G alumni and friends _has encouraged the redesign of donor clubs to reflect the University's growing family of donors and to better recognize their leadership contributions. A new donor club called Young Alum· ni Leaders will recognize the outstanding support of young alumni. In addition, many existing donor clubs have been renamed to honour the legacy created at U of G by several individuals. The 2002 Donor Report will reflect these changes.

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Donor Club & Gifts • Young Alumni Leaders

Tours depart Nov. 22, 2002, and jan. I 7, 2003

Alumni who make a gift in the 10 years following their graduation • Deans' Council

R. W Thomas Inc. 519-633-2390

$soo to $999 • President's Council

$1,ooo to $4.999 • Governors' Council

$ to $9,999 • Chancellor's Council


$10,ooo to $24,999


• George Drew Council


$2s,ooo to $49,999


• Emmett M. Hall Council


• Pauline McGibbon Council


• William A. Stewart Council


• Lincoln Alexander Council

$ to $99,000 $10o,ooo to $499.999 $soo,ooo to $999,000

14. 15. 16. 17

$1 million+ • ).D. Maclachlan Society





11 A.M.·SP.M. t

• Wendy Jolliffe, B.Sc. '92, lives in St. John's,

Planned gifts of $10,ooo + through a



will, trust or gift annuity or $35,000 + through a life insurance policy

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• President's Legacy Council ·'


·! ., 1 /~~

(~lfd/ ·v~.ii'W'\ ~ I

Ntld., with her husband, Darrell Kean, and


son, Jack Read Jolliffe Kean, born Nov. 20, 200 l. She is a navigation officer with the

INFO: 519·824·4120 EXT, 3903


~ !-.· -.~·.·.·. . ~

Cumulative lifetime giving of $10o,ooo to $499,000 • Governors' Legacy Council

Cumulative lifetime giving of $soo,ooo to $999.999 • Chancellor's Legacy Council

Cumulative lifetime giving of $1 million

Fall 2002 33


I Canadian Coast Guard fleet. In addition to extensive coastal work around Newfoundland and Labrador and offshore on the Grand Banks, Jolliffe has worked in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland on an icebreaker and has sailed to the Azores Islands on a fisheries patrol vessel. Last year, she received the deputy minister's commendation 111 recognition of her heroic actions in saving the life of a crewman on a Spanish fishing vessel. She is currently completing certification as master, intermediate voyage, and can be reached by e-mail at • Denis Langlais, PhD '94, held a post-doctoral position in biophysics at the University of Paris after graduation, followed by positions at the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. He then left academia to join the company Millennium Technology, where he was involved in the design and construction of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems. He now works at Tecmag in Houston, Texas, developing hardware/software for MRI and spectroscopy systems. He lives with his wife, Heather, and

daughters, Rayanne and Janelle, in a Houston suburb and can be reached by e-mail at • Mark Lutz, BA '91, surprised some U of G classmates when he appeared as Monica's boyfriend in a March episode of the TV sitcom Friends. He's also had a recurring role as Groosalugg in the series Angel and is remembered by Canadian fans for his starring role as Brainiac in the CTV movie Power Play. Born in Montreal, Lutz grew up in Hong Kong and Toronto before attending U of G, where he was a star in the pool rather than on the stage. An Ontario and Canadian university finalist in swimming, Lutz was invited to compete at the Canadian Olympic trials. Sometime after his graduation from Guelph, he moved into the entertainment field, relocating to Los Angeles in 2001. • Catherine MacMillan, BA '91, and her husband, Doug, are changing the name of Guelph's Barrow Communications to MacMillan Marketing Group. The couple bought Barrow in 2000. • Jennifer Farney, B.A.Sc. '94, is

a caseworker for Ontario Works in Chatham-Kent. She and her husband, Larry, recently purchased a cattle and cash crop farm in the Ridgetown area. • Cameron Straughan, B.Sc. '93, is a writer, editor, publisher, filmmaker and fisheries biologist who is currently pursuing a master's degree in environmental communications at York University. In june, his short film 2001 - A Waste Odyssey was screened at the fourth International Festival of Environmental Film and Video in Goias, Brazil, one of only two Canadian films screened out of 429 works from 63 countries. Straughan is currently working on a documentary about Algonquin Park wolves as part of his master's degree. He has also had numerous short stories published and launched Kadath Press three years ago. • Sheila (Turner) And riessen, BA '95, and her husband, George, had their third daughter, jasmine, Aug. 9, 2001. They live in Listowel, Ont., and Sheila is an occasional teacher with the Avon Maitland School Board.

2000 • Sylv ie Ch artrand and Jake

Regala, both B.Sc.(Env.) '00, are planning to be married this fall. She is an environmental officer for the Niagara region; he is a field technician/analyst for a Mississauga-based company that performs pipeline inspections. Regala says: "We'd love to hear from the 2000 tree-hugger grads, second Addington cluster members and other Guelph friends." Email them at • Dalia Gough, DVM '02, is a tl1ird-generation OVC graduate, following in the footsteps of her late grandfather, Harold Gough, '35, and her parents, Ted and jiggs, '71. Harold Gough practised for many years in Mt. Brydges, Ont., and was joined by Ted and jiggs following their graduation. Harold's widow, now 85, has attended the graduation ceremonies of all three generations. • Nicola Otter, B.Sc. '01, was honoured by the Guelph YMCA-YWCA this spring as tile 2002 recipient of the Young Woman of Distinction Award. Now a medical representative for Johnson & johnson in Toronto, Otter was recognized for her many contributions as a volunteer during her years at U of G.


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·Send address changes and Grad News to: Alumni Records, University of Guelph, Guelph ON N1G 2W1 Phone: 519-824-4120, Ext. 6550, Fax: 519-822-2670, E-mail:



------=; OBITUARIES Donald Horney, DVM '51, died June 26, 2002. He taught in OVC's Department of Clinical Studies from 1951 to 1991 and received a Medal of Merit from the University of Guelph in 1992. He is survived by his wife, Shirley, and five daughters, Debra Kaye, Jan Hazlett, Barbara Arnold, Sandra Bailey and Nancy Fisher.

CliffordA.V. Barker, DVM '41, died May 25, 2002. A faculty member at OVC for 39 years, he helped introduce penicillin to veterinary medicine and was instrumental in advancing and applying the science of artificial breeding in domestic animals. By the time he retired in 1984, he had taught medicine, surgery, obstetrics and theriogenology to more than 3,000 Canadian veterinarians and supervised many international graduate students. Dr. Barker edited the OVC Alumni Bulletin for many years, served on the executive of the OVC Alumni Association and was named OVC Distinguished Alumnus in 1977. Over the years, he acquired and organized an extensive collection of veterinary artifacts and documents at OVC. In 1990, it was named the C.A.V. Barker Museum of Canadian Veterinary History in his honour. Dr. Barker published numerous scholarly works and was recognized internationally for his contributions to the veterinary profession. In 1986, he was named a Member of the Order of Canada. He served in Canada's military during the Second World War and remained active in the 11th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, Guelph, for many years. Predeceased by his wife, Jean Healy Barker, he is survived by three sons, Ian, DVM '68, Eric and Graham.

Colin Sonoski, BA '88, died July 18, 2002, when the military helicopter he was piloting crashed near Goose Bay, Nfld., on its return from a search-and-rescue mission. He joined the Forces immediately after receiving his fine art degree and earned his pilot's wings in 1991. Originally from the Toronto area, he is survived by his wife, Sharon, a three-year-old daughter, Jenna, and an infant son, Liam . Alyson (Hicks) Weir, B.A.Sc.'85, died May 31,2002. After receiving her degree at Guelph, she worked at the Canadian Salt Company in Windsor and Neilson-Cadbury in product management and senior marketing roles. In the last few years, she focused on raising her children, Ashley, Shannon and David, with her husband, Ken, BA '84, and enjoying a country lifestyle in Carlisle, Ont. Friends can reach Ken at Mary Ainslie, DHE '33, in 2001 Arthur Arkell, BSA '49, May 13, 2002 John Auckland, BSA '49, April20, 2002 Thomas Bell, BSA '47, June 23, 2002 Ann DiBenedetto, BA '68, April2, 2002 Walter Boddington, DVM '51, May 17, 2002 Ellen Brown, DVM '51, May 8, 2002 Greg Butler, ADA '00, June 28, 2002 Maria Carere-Rox, BA '80, March 31, 2002 Joseph Cassidy, DVM '48, March 22,2002 Jacqueline Clark, BA '74, in 2001 Robin Daynard, B.Sc.(Eng.) '67, March 19,2002 Catherine Denholm, BSA '37, Jan. 28, 2002 Brian Diggle, B.Sc. '70, in 2001 Louise Donovan, DHE '39, March 2002 Margaret Facey, DHE '47, June 22,2002 Paul Featherstone, ADA '68, May 14, 2002

John Fondse, ODH '64, May 25, 2002 Margaret Ford, DHE '39, AprilS, 2002 Daniel Fuzzen, B.Sc.(Eng.) '76, july 23, 2002 William Gay, DVM '40, Nov. 30, 200 I George Goodwin, BA '73, January 2002 Harvey Graham, BSA '39, March 28, 2002 Brian Grayton, M.Sc. '75, july 2000 Richard Gurure, PhD '97, March 26, 2002 Kathleen Hartin, DHE '50, March I 7, 2002 Paul Heming, BSA '34, May 4, 2002 Tom lncledon, B.Sc.(H.K.) '97, April I 9, 2002 Allan Jack, ADA '63, Jan. 12, 2002 Edward Leadlay, BSA '37, May 16, 2002 Kathleen MacMillan, DHE '36, April13, 2002 Steven Mantle, B.Sc. '77, Jan. 30, 2002 Elizabeth McDonald, DHE '40, April10, 2002 Daniel Melanson, BA '89, July 3, 2002 Lloyd Mitchell, B.Sc.(Agr.) '82, April25, 2002 Charles Moore, DVM '34, in 2000 Lyle Myers, BSA '40, March 22, 2002 Francis Nelson, DVM '40, April6, 2002 Stuart Phoenix, BSA '38, July 19,2002 Doris Pluta, B.A.Sc. '77, Feb. 20, 2002 Winston Potter, BSA '49, Dec. 28,2001 Rama Rai, PhD '70, March 3, 2002 Robert Rattray, BSA '49, May 21 , 2002 Peter Roche, BSA '53, April 27,2002 Robert Saker, ODH '71, December 2001 Maxine Scanlon, DHE '48, May 24, 2002 Herbert Schmalz, BSA '40, February 2002 Robert Shane, B.Sc. '82, Nov. 25, 1999 Edythe Sheldon, DHE '37, March 2, 2002 Elizabeth Simpson, BSA '44, April14, 2002 Robert Simpson, B.Sc.(Agr.) '82, April 1, 2002 Lorne Sonley, BSA '39, March 26, 2002 Roy Spracklin, DVM '52, May 19,2002 Dorothy Switzer, B.H.Sc. '52, May 4, 2002 Stanley Trevor, BSA '31, May 12, 2002 Peter Wang, DVM '48, March 22, 2002 Kathleen Waterous, DHE '37, April24, 2002 James Wellington, ADA '52, January 2001 Margaret Whiteside, DHE '26, May 15, 2002 Maurice Wiancko, BSA '39, December 2001 Lynn Williams, DVM '55, june 5, 2002

Fall 2002 35


the <Way <We <Were FROM THE ARCHIVES

AM ED AFTER William Johnston, principal of the Ontario Agricultural College from 1874 to 1879, Johnston Hall was the second OAC residence and administration building on the same site. The original building, represented by the portico on johnston Green, was demolished in 1928. This photo taken soon after the second building opened in 1932looks stark in comparison to the activity that went on inside. Known for their love of pranks, OAC students hung class signs on the Johnston Hall tower in the 1930s, and later students brought farm animals inside, held numerous water fights, varnished the locks so the building couldn't be locked at night and



laid sod on the floor in the main hallway. A Johnston Hall display commemorating the building's 70th anniversary also includes reference to the building's war service; johnston Hall and Green were fenced off as headquarters for the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War. Today, the building continues to function as a residence for more than 300 students and houses a variety of administrative offices and departments. Over the years, johnston Hall has become a symbol of both the agricultural college and the University of Guelph. Its limestone clock tower is the University's best-known landmark, and its spacious front lawn is one of the most-loved spots on campus.

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