U N I V E R S I T Y O F G U E L P H Fall, I S 6 8
GUELPH ALUMNUS INDEX A Proud Record................. ., ...... ,.
. . . . 4
New Hope For Children. ............................ 5 Seeing the Invisible.
........................... ,. 6
Action of Antibodies on Cancer Cells ...... 8 Hemophilioid Studies at OVC ........,&.......... Audio-Tutorial Laboratory ........................
9 11
Homecoming 1968 ...............-................. 12 ...........................
Alumni In The News ................................
Campus Highlights
Appointments ..........................,................. 18
OUR AUTHORS: Dr. D. G. Howall is Associate Dean. and D u n Designate of OVC; Dr. Laura Smith, OW: '66, is a graduate Student in Un Department of Cthical Studkr; Mr. lvsn (kinyer is a Sckntkt in ttrc Dopa& ment of A w n Pathology, Wildlife Diseases and Via.K. F. is kof.uw ot M~WOMOIOCY; m. H. a DOWIM, OW: '48, is Chairman of the Department of PhysWogy and Pharmuobgy.
The cover s h o m a soctlon of normal fish liver magnified appmxlm8tdy 20,000 times, as photographad by Ivan Wnwr on the e k t m n r n k m s q m bested in the &p&rtmont of Avian Pathology, Wildlife D(se8sa and Vimiogy. This Is one of five elactmnrniaoreopes~~~huseonthcumpA u rr .M h will k installed in tha m r h n e n t of Mkrobiofoa by the end of the year.
UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HONORARY PRESIDENT: Dr. W. C. Winagard PRESIDENT: D. M. Marns, OM: '49 SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT: Mrs. W. A. (Dorothy Anderson) James. Mac '34 VICE-PRESIDENTS: Dr. Helen C. Abell. Mac '38, P. W. Cwse, OM: '46, Dr. T. A, H. Sanderron, OVC '61, Catherine G. M. Woodburn. Well '68.
SECRETARY: T. 8. Radfortl. WeH '67 TREASURER: J. J. Elrnslie, h l o p m e n t Officer. University
ot W p h .
The Guelph Alumnus is published by ttvc Unhersity of Qudph, Department of Alumni M a i n and Development. It is edited and printed under the supervision of the Department of Infmmation. D. L. Waterston, Director. Editor of the Alumnus is O. W. Joac, OAC '49, A t d t t r n t Mrector of Information. The Editorial Advisory Borrd of the Uniwmity of Ouelph Alumni Association: R. A, N. Mercer, OAC "59, Chairman; Mrs. D. M. (Marilyn Ingfis) Robinson. M c '55. Vice-Chairman; Dt. Joan Budd, OVC 'SO; Prof. K. E. C h . r n W n . Dept. of Fine M, A. I?.J. M r r . Well '68; Prof. A M. Ross Dept. of English; ExCMicm: D. M. Adam& OM: '49 a d J. K. 8.beock. OM: '54
DIRECTORS: Mrs. F. R. (Jean Keeler) Chapple, Mac G. R. Oreenkeo, OM: '62; M. G. Oreor, O M '41; R. W. Clark, Well 'a8;Dr. M. D. Harlow, O W '48;Dr. D. House, OW: '48; Mrs. D. J. (Jean Kellough) King, k c '52; 6. S. Lum. Well '68,Dr. W. H. Minshrll. O M '33; Helen M. McKerchef, Mac '30; Julie A Whelm, Well '68. EXOFFICIO DIRECTORS: Dr. O. C. F i s h , OVC '44, OVC Mumni Association: Mn. D. C. (Christine ROW) Hindson, Mac '54, Resident, M.edoruld ImWute Alumme Asrocktian; 8. 8. Hodgins, OM: '38. P m b n t , OJU: A b m i JI.10ciafhn; D. N. Langfwd. OAC '69, hcdbnt, Unbrmity ot W p h StwkctW Union; T. El. RadfoFd, Well '67, Wdlh([ton Colk#e Akrmnl Asweirtkn; 1. K. Babcock. W'M, D i r n t o r o l A l u m n i A l k S n m d ~
Authorized n second class mail by the Past O M Depaftmm& Ottawa. and for payment of postage in ush at Guelph. C a w . U n d d i w r d copies should be returnad to Box 984, Johnston Hall. University of Guelph. Quelph. Ont., Canada.
Letters The letter from J. R. Flegg. B.A. '68, a graduate student, in the Guelph Alumnus, No. 3, while not exactly an example of pellucid English, seems to have been written to air his views on the way in which a university should be run. Among other things:
". . . . our
philosophy precludes participation within a 'non-community' group such as the Board of Governors. Principles demand non-participation; political reality dictates a dialogue. It is the means not the end on this point that student government and the student press diverge."
This sounds like great stuff, but its meaning is no clearer to me than the unintelligible prattling of Marshall McLuhan. And what, if you please, is "the philosophical power structure of the University?" In view of the front-page prominence given to his letter, would you mind telling us a bit about Mr. Flegg's qualifications for running a university-and how these
have been demonstrated? Also, since we alumni are continuously exhorted to provide funds for scholarships, is Mr. Flegg being supported on some scholarship or assistantship, or is he paying his own way? Finally, although I have been a student at four universities, Mr. Flegg's letter shows me that I have missed much. Never once, as a student, did I experience "the frustration of continually being co-opted," whatever that may mean. F. B. Hutt OAC '23.
I have been reading with great interest each issue of the new Guelph Alumnus magazine and would like to congratulate everyone concerned with it. Good design work and good pictures really do make a difference in reading enjoyment. I think that most alumni would like to
find, in an alumnus magazine, a sense of involvement with the current scene on campus, and that Guelph Alumnus has done a good job in this direction. I enjoyed reading Mr. Gilmor's article on Student Power in the Spring. 1968 issue, and Mr. Flegg's rejoiner in the Summer issue. Of course, one can beat such an issue into the ground, but perhaps Mr. Flegg might like to expand on his views in the future. Just as interesting, I think, would be the views of some of the faculty on this and other issues, both within their field and on basic issues arising from the functioning of our university. Jim Bates, OAC '60. Letters of comment on articles appearing in the Guelph Alumnus, or on issues facing the University today are welcome and encouraged. Please address correspondence to the Editor. The Guelph ~lumnus,University of Guelph.
This Issue In this issue, the Guelph Alumnus takes a quick look at one aspect of research on the campus. In a series of articles, each prepared by one of the members of the respective research teams, we review some of the current medically-related research on campus, an activity that long has held an important place at Guelph. Of necessity, the items will be sketchy at certain points. We did not intend to present comprehensive research papers. Indeed we are dealing with fundamentally long-range projects in which when one phase concludes another unfolds. The objective has been to present only a quick review of a variety of such projects.
Even at that, many equally interesting, and equally important projects have had to be omitted for lack of space. Members of this University, and graduates, may well be proud of our record of contributions to human welfare. The true scientist is more concerned with extending knowledge than in receiving plaudits, and invariably progress is the result of team effort. At the same time, many contributions go unheralded and unsung except in the recognition of other scientists following similar quests. Premature discussion of halffinished projects serves little real
scientific purpose, nor do extravagant claims based on scanty evidence. At the same time, perhaps, we have been too reticent to lay claim to credit for significant work. In all cases, the reports in this issue of the Guelph Alumnus were provided somewhat reluctantly by the researchers concerned. They do not wish these should be considered as reports on finished work. But we feel that all Alumni will be interested in this cross-section view of some of the current efforts of Guelph scientists. Alumni may be justifiably proud of what is happening today at their alma mater.
A Proud Record PLAGUES, both animal THEandGREAT human, always cause fear and panic. As one studies the staggering toll of deaths, the man-hours and man-lives of productive effort lost, and the human misery produced, it is easy to understand why this is so. One has merely to recall the ancient plague of Arosius, when more than one million persons died after destruction of the crops by an invasion of grasshoppers, the typhus epidemic which destroyed about two million Indians in Mexico in 1577 A.D., and in recent times the typhus fever which took one million lives during the Balkan Wars and World War I. During an epidemic of influenza (today's common flu) believed by many to have originated in swine in 1917, twenty-one million dead were counted. These plagues, which have helped shape the course of history, were the destructive forces which thrust veterinarians into the scene. Since the discovery of the microscope, great scientists have contributed to human medicine their work in veterinary research. The names of such scientific giants as Pasteur, Koch, Lister, Mohler and Sir Arnold Theiler have been prominent in veterinary literature. From their discoveries, benefits are still accruing to the health of modern man. Human medicine is indebted to veterinary medicine for many other contributions such as the protection of humans from such parasitic infections as trichinosis, and continuing research on unconquered diseases. Scientists have discovered the secret of preventing tuberculosis in cattle -the final victory over the disease will mark one of the most important undertakings ever conceived for the betterment of the public health.
Dr. D. G. Howell
This recognition by scholars that human and veterinary medicine are linked together places new responsibilities on the veterinary schools since it affects outlooks in both teaching and research. The University of Guelph is no exception. It has always conducted extensive programs in research, and many of those research programs have had broad objectives with benefits far beyond the area of farm animals. As has been mentioned, many disease causing organisms may infect not only domestic animals, but also those who contact these animals. In addition, animals may provide a very necessary testing environment for both new techniques and new drugs. The Ontario Veterinary College is proud of the record of efforts made by members of its faculty to the betterment of mankind through contributions to advances in medicine. Many projects presently underway give some modest hope of further success. In addition, the Ontario Veterinary College has made another contribution to medical research through the growing number of qualified veterinarians engaged in research and teaching functions in medical schools. Another contribution which the University of Guelph may be able to make will be through the proposed lnstitute of Biomedical Research. This lnstitute will be a joint venture with the four medical schools in Ontario. It is proposed that the lnstitute would provide an environment for the integration of medical, veterinary, biological and physical sciences in the study of disease and body functions related to animals and man. In addition, the lnstitute would help meet the needs of medical schools by providing a supply of specially
reared laboratory animals for research and experimental use.
Calf on continuous drip intravenous feeding at OVC.
New Hope for Children NCE IN A WHILE, a child is born with a hernia. He has only one chance in ten of surviving because nobody has found a cure. Using animals as subjects, the University's Department of Clinical Studies has begun to tackle that problem and others in research that are of significant interest to both veterinary and human medical fields. Hernias of the diaphragm which are a birth defect in newborn infants have an associated mortality of about 90 per cent. The cause of death is entirely unknown if distress is caused within the first twelve hours of life. But also, in previous studies it was discovered that similar hernias could be produced in unborn lambs. These lambs appeared in every way analagous to the defect seen in infants. Thus the Ontario Veterinary College and the Department of Surgery at the Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute have organized a cooperative investigation to simulate this ailment in farm animals. In Guelph, pregnant ewes will be held at the veterinary college and problems and techniques of foetal surgery will be studied by veterinarians and research surgical teams. Just prior to delivery of the lambs, the ewes will be transported to Toronto. At this stage, extensive studies and repair of the induced hernia are performed in hopes of shedding new light on the subject. Another area of research the University is undertaking is in air pollution. The effect of noxious gases, released from our mechanized society, on the health and growth of food producing animals is of major public health significance. The medicine division is studying manure to determine how much am-
by Dr. Laura Smith
monia, sulfer dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are released from it. Their next step will be to rear piglets in environmental chambers with controlled exposure to the various gases and mixtures. In the ever mounting problem of air pollution, nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen sulphide are important contaminants from machinery and industrial operations. Diarrhea among newborns is another problem that researchers at the Department of Clinical Studies have begun to investigate. Diarrhea at birth can create a serious crisis in the health of young animals and infants in the first few weeks of life. The metabolic imbalance caused by loss of body water and vital salt often requires hospitalization for further treatment, and detailed blood analysis to correct the situation. For the past year, over two
I -Experimental surgery in progress in one of the research surgeries at OVC.
hundred calves born on farms in the Guelph area have been examined, blood tested and treated if needed for diarrhea. A computer analysis of the data collected was employed to correlate more critically the laboratory analysis of samples collected, preventative methods and treatment for both human and animal medicine. In the area of bone surgery and fracture healing, considerable contribution has been made in the past few years at Guelph. A study of the blood supply to the entire back limb of the dog has been completed. This is important groundwork to subsequent studies of fractures of the hip, damage to its blood supply and the distintegration of bone which follows. A disease which affects the bone structure in the legs of both children and smaller breeds of dogs is LeggPerthes disease. A study is now in progress to investigate the differences of bone type and structure in normal dogs as compared with susceptible specimens. A problem in both human and veterinary orthopedics is the failure of fractures, especially those in the forelimbs (arms) to knit properly. The reason for this is relatively unknown, and further studies of the condition are being conducted. Another aspect of interest in this field is an investigation into the possibility of using plastics to replace defective bone or joints. Many types of materials have been investigated in reconstructive bone surgery, but with relatively poor success on a long term basis. Discovery of a material that is strong, compatible and stable in bone would be a major contribution in orthopedic surgery. It is hoped that continued research on the subject will lead to such a discovery.
Seeing the Invisible
of the great technological advances of this century is the electron microscope which permits researchers to obtain a visible image of infinitisimally small scraps of matter. This indispensable tool of science is capable of magnifications many times greater than a conventional microscope which is limited by the wavelength of the light beam employed. By definition, a microscope is an instrument employing a lens or system of lenses for producing enlarged or magnified images of minute objects. To be useful, it is important that the magnified detail be clearly defined or resolved. Resolution in light microscopy is restricted to about one half the wavelength of the light beam, which at the limit of the visible spectrum has a wavelength of 4,000 Angstroms, or 0.4 microns. Thus, to be visible in a light microscope, particles must be 0.2 microns in diameter or larger. In 1924, de Broglie hypothesized that the sub-atomic particles, electrons and protons, when accelerated through a high voltage potential, would form beams with wavelengths thousands of times shorter than those of visible light. Electro-static and electro-magnetic fields can be used to focus these beams, and although proton microscopes have been built, electron-optical devices have received more attention. The instrument commonly referred to as an electron microscope should more properly be called a transmission electron microscope to distinguish it from another important instrument, the scanning electron microscope. The transmission electron microscope then, is one of a group of electron-optical devices in which a
beam of accelerated electrons emitted from a tungsten cathode is used to image objects at useful magnifications 2,500 times higher than is possible with the light microscope. The illuminating electron beam is concentrated and focused onto the specimen by an electromagnetic condensor lens. A primary image of the specimen, produced by an objective lens is further magnified by other lenses, similar in function to a light microscope ocular, and the image is projected onto a fluorescent screen where it is rendered visible to the eye. The process is similar in effect to that of a conventional microscope, but there are many important differences. Electron microscopes require delicate expert maintenance; the preparation of biological specimens, for subsequent examination in these instruments, requires considerable skill, patience and time; and, last but by no means least, the cost of a high performance microscope is about $60,000! Furthermore, it is not, generally speaking, possible to examine living cells or tissues because of the high vacuum in the electron-optical column, and the lethal nature of the concentrated electron beam. In addition, the information transmitted to the viewing screen or recorded on photographic film is often difficult to interpret. Nevertheless, in spite of all these difficulties much of our present day knowledge of the morphology of virus,es, bacteria, yeasts and fungi, and of the ultrastructure of the cells of the higher plants and animals has come from investigations using the transmission electron microscope. Another important field is the relationship of structure to function in cells and
tissues, a factor which is now being investigated by cyto- and histochemical techniques devised for electron microscopy. The modern instruments are now capable of resolving powers of better than 5 h-tgstroms (1 Angstrom = 10-7 mm) and the final magnifications of 5,000,000 times. Such a magnification is staggering when thought of in the terms of every day objects. A dime magnified to this level would be over fifty miles in diameter. Conversely, the size of the specimen which may be examined in the transmission electron microscope is very small. Tissue sections suitable for examination are usually not more than 0.3 mm square and l000A thick. Such sections are 100,000 times less in volume than sections normally used in light microscopy (1 cm2 x 5 microns). Because of this, some problems are very difficult to investigate. The study of some pathological conditions is restricted by the smallness of the specimen. Many months may be spent locating the area of interest before the real search begins. Unfortunately there is a large gap particularly in this respect, between the light microscope and the transmission electron microscope. The scanning electron microscope, however, bridges part of this void. The scanning electron miscoscope was first designed in 1938 but because of the lack of adequate recording devices at that time, development of the instrument has only just reached the stage of practical application. In the scanning microscope the method of image formation differs from that used in the transmission instrument. In the latter device the illuminating electron beam
ment, on the other hand, is formed by secondary electrons emitted from the specimen under the influence of the primary (illuminating) beam. The secondary electron emission is picked up by a collector, amplified and displayed on a cathode-ray tube in synchronism with the primary beam which scans the specimen. This means that only a small part of the specimen, at a time, is exposed to the incident beam and is therefore less likely to be damaged. Specimens up to 100 x 100 x 5 0 mm may be examined in the scanning microscope at a resolving power of 200A and at a depth of field 500 times greater than that of the light microscope. The image is virtually three dimensional. However, since the type of information gained from this device is different from that attainable by transmission microscopy, the instruments are complementary, rather than substitutes for one another. The future holds great promise for the development of optical devices using accelerated subatomic particles as image forming radiations to aid in the search for knowledge.
Ivan Grinyer is seated at the electron microscope on which he produced the photo on the cover of this issue.
Action of Anti bodies in Cancer Cells ROJECTS WHICH, it is hoped, Pwill help to understand better the complex problems presented by cancer are under way in the Department of Microbiology. It is the hope of medical science that enough information may be gleaned about the life processes within cancer cells, that it may become possible to interfere with their growth without harming normal cells. Research projects will involve the study of possible causative agents, as well as of the intricate processes and reactions which take place within a living cell. Why are cancer cells different from normal cells, and how are they different? These are questions begging answers. One project in the Microbiology Department, and under the supervision of Dr. K. F. Gregory, is testing antibodies which could destroy diseased cells and stop the spread of the cancer. Testing is first done in the laboratory in test tubes. Later, if the results are encouraging, it may be transferred to laboratory animals. Antibodies are immune proteins produced by an animal in retaliation against disease germs and other foreign substances which have invaded the organism. Similarly, antibodies can be produced against enzymes which are essential for the functioning of all living cells. The present Guelph studies concentrate on testing certain antibodies which inhibit an enzyme called lactate dehydrogenase, present in all animals. However, the antibodies these researchers are looking for must discriminate between cancerous and non-cancerous cells by stopping the growth of that particular enzyme in diseased cells but leaving the normal cells intact. Five types of the enzyme lactate
by or. K. F. Gregory
dehydrogenase exist in an animal. However, the results were more This research project contributed to successful in test tubes using the the discovery and the characterizaanti bodies which specifically react on tion of these different types. In the lactate dehydrogenase. Cancer cells course of these experiments, certain growing in test tubes were inhibited antibodies were found to be highly by these antibodies while normal specific inhibitors of this enzyme. cells were not affected. One of these antibodies was added Cancer cells growing in animals to a complex tissue extract, in which were inhibited also but only temmany enzymes act in sequence. The porarily. Then, since no antibody antibody blocked the sequence by could be found which permanently acting selectively on the single enstops the growth of the enzyme, zyme against which the antibody thus killing the cancer cells, the was produced. researchers hit upon a new idea, From this project, the researchers namely to attach poisons to the have discovered that all three types molecules of antibodies which the of cancer cells studied -two from cancer cells took up selectively. mice, one from rabbits - take up Currently, such studies are undermolecules of this type of antibody way here in which toxic proteins such and concentrate them within the as bacterial toxins are chemically cancer cells. joined to the anti-enzyme molecules. This fact was established in two It is hoped that the antibodies will ways. One method involved placing serve as carriers to bring the toxic the treated cells under ultraviolet compounds into cancer cells, thereby light for microscopic observation destroying them. following a procedure which Since normal cells do not take made the anti-enzyme molecules up the antibodies in an intact form, fluorescent. they probably would not be killed. The other method involved using Mr. B. S. Samagh, a student from antibodies to different enzymes India, is working on this project for which function as parts of distinct his Ph.D. degree. metabolic sequences and showing (Continued on page 10) that the predicted sequences were inhibited within the cells. Previously it had been thought that antibodies could not penetrate into the physiological interior of mammalian cells. Indeed, none of the normal types of cells studied were able to take up these antibodies and the cancer cells did not take up most types of antibody. Neither the normal types of cells nor the cancer cells of these animals The bright areas in this photo show were able to take up most of these the antibody to lactate dehydrogenase antibodies. . . the antibodies did not taken up by a living mouse cancer cell. perform as the researchers might The antibody is revealed by an indirect have wished. fluorescent "staining" method.
Hemophilioid Studies MANY recent news reports TofHEorgan transplant operations,
byDr. H . G . D o w n i e
following allotransplantation. The most formidable problems, however, still lie with the depression and the almost unique survival of Dr. Blaiberg in South Africa for over of immune mechanisms which contribute to the rejection of any homoa year have whetted the interest of transplanted organ. There is no the press and the public. These relationship between the complexity reports have also aroused renewed of the organ and its capacity for interest on the part of groups of transplantation. There is also no scientists who have been working indication that the more complex with varying degrees of success in animals have a more intense imrelated studies since the turn of munological reaction. Homograft the century. incompatibility is therefore found Sir Peter Medawar, a world rethrough all stages of evolutionary nowned expert in the field of organ development. transplants, recently noted that the Immunosuppression, then, still apparent successes in heart and remains the heart of all transplantakidney transplants were the results of improvements in the understanding tion trials. Enzyme mediated reactions and immune reactions can of the many aspects of the problem and not the result of a unique finding be interfered with at many levels and by any one individual. stages, and all of the successful compounds or techniques presently Several distinct areas of study have all contributed to the develop-
tution of nervous system control and regeneration of peripheral function
in use are the by-product of cancer research and chemo-therapy. All of the routine transplantation operations performed in man up to the present time have been done because of the total failure of a body organ which threatened the existence of the whole, or to reconstitute the body following the accidental loss of a member such as an arm or leg. A serious problem facing a minority of the population is an inherited deficiency in a blood coagulation factor which constantly presents a threat to life, and whose absence at sufficient levels shortens normal life span. Transplantation of the spleen has been considered as one possible means of correcting this deficiency. Our laboratories have been actively (Continued on page 10)
A winsome member of the colony of hemophiliac dogs at OVC. He and his mates are helping expand the horizons of medicine.
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involved in the study of the coagulation system for some 12 years, and we have had an interest in the organ transplantation phenomenon since we transplanted surviving hearts from dog to dog in 1950. It has been established that coagulation of the blood is not a static phenomenon that is maintained in a similar fashion from individual to individual. It is in reality a constantly fluctuating system with checks and balances of procoagulant substances and anticoagulant substances that usually remain within normal limits. Alterations of the limits, however, produce situations that contribute to, or are involved in, hemorrhage on one side and thrombosis on the other. Research workers associated with our laboratories have investigated both aspects of diseased states (hemorrhage and thrombosis), in order to more readily appreciate the more difficult concept of a normal maintained coagulation state. A proliferation of proenzyme and enzyme discoveries as a result of the increased research efforts of the 1940's resulted in the displacement of the simple early coagulation theory with a modern, more complex concept. Coagulation is now considered to occur as the result of a series of reactions in which at nearly every step an inactive proenzyme is converted to an active enzyme, which in turn activates a proenzyme. This is called an enzyme cascade or waterfall sequence. In order to study blood coagulation and the hemophilioid disorders in animals, a colony of dogs was estab-
(Continued from page 8)
(Continued from page 9)
lished in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology in 1956. This colony, which has fluctuated in size since that time, is one of the most complete in the world. Experiments in our laboratories and elsewhere have indicated that the liver is one of the prime sources of coagulation active substances, but it is now seen that a source outside the liver may contribute some of the important blood coagulation factors. Considering this, it was decided to transplant normal spleens into hemophiliac dogs in an effort to evaluate the spleen's capacity to produce the necessary enzymes to correct a deficency. To date 14 successful spleen transplants have been performed at OVC, more than by any other team of research scientists. It has been concluded that the spleen is not the only source of the missing specific blood clotting factor being studied in these experiments. There must be other areas of the reticula-endothelial system which contribute to the supply of these substances. In fact, in experiments with rats, both the liver and spleen have been removed with no detectable shift in the level of the factor activity. It is obvious that the solution to the problem is not as simple as supposed and that many experiments studying the body tissue's capacity to provide the many factors supporting blood coagulation in the body will have to be done. Support for the studies is being received and further results can be expected in this interesting and important field of biomedical research..
sion of human leukemia which often occurs. The virus-mouse system provides a reproducible experimental system for studying the reason for the spontaneous remission in humans and why it does not persist. If the reason for these fluctuations can be determined it may be possible to modify the pattern to prolong the period of remission. Mr. Eric Leggatt is studying the role that antibodies may perform in relation to the virus and the malignant cells. Mr. Tom Buscher is investigating the role that the substance interferon may have. Interferon is produced by cells, in response to a virus, which interferes with the reproduction of the virus within cells. Both of these students are working towards M.Sc. degrees.
Audio-Tutorial Laboratory A new concept in education technique, first introduced at Guelph in September 1967, has won the unqualified approval of first year Botany students. The unusual Audio-Tutorial Concept Laboratory has 32 carrels each equipped with a tape recorder, film projector and screen along with the usual library and work bench. Students may complete each laboratory assignment at their own speed and convenience. The student finds the instructions concerning each assignment on tape. and if necessary demonstrated on film. The laboratory instructor, who is always present, freed from mass lecture and demonstrations, can spend more time tutoring individuals. I n the upper picture, John Thompson listens to tape and makes notes on instructions linking last week's observations to the new assignment. Students record the varying responses of bean plants grown under different light conditions and in different hormone solutions (bottom left). At right, Prof. C. B. Kelly, OAC '36, and Prof. C. M. Switzer, OAC '51, Chairman of the Department of Botany, discuss the laboratory procedure with visiting high school students.
Homecoming 1968 ALUMNI found fun and RETURNING festivity everywhere on the campus of their Alma Mater on Homecoming October 25 26. Months of Weekend planning and preparation culminated in a most successful and enjoyable Homecoming. Visitors who watched the early morning parade witnessed one of the best collections of floats in Homecoming history. The colourful displays of decorated floats were greeted by enthusiastic students and cheering spectators. Guided tours of the new and exciting McLaughlin Library and the Crop Science building with its highly functional and sophisticated research facilities allowed the returning alumni to become acquainted with some of the new facilities of the expanding campus. At the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting held in the morning, Dr. Winegard, the Association's Honorary President. presented alumni chairs to G. L. E. Nixon, OAC '37, the first Association President, and to Dr. H. M. LeGard. OVC '23, the retiring President. As noted in the Summer issue of THE ALUMNUS, these chairs may be purchased through Alumni House. Dr. Winegard commended Mr. Nixon and Dr. LeGard for their devoted service t o the Alumni Association and to the University. The painting. CAMPUS COMPOSITE 1937, by Evan MacDonald, A.R.C.A., commissioned for Alma Mater by OAC Class '37, was presented by Class President Gordon Overend to Dr. H. D. Branion, Assistant to the President. Colour reproductions 8" x 10". suitable for framing may be reserved by writing Alumni House. The prints are expected to sell for $6.00 and the net proceeds will go towards the OAC Alumni Foundation for scholarships. The installation of the new President, D. M. Adams, OAC '49, and the introduction of the new Board of Directors listed on the inside front cover, marked the beginning of a new year in the life of the U.G.A.A. A feature of the day for Wellington graduates was the first annual meeting of the WELLINGTON COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. which was held after the well-attended football aame laved against Waterloo Lutheran ~niversi&. ?he Honorary President, Dean M. H. M. Mac-
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As usual, the colorful float parade on Saturday morning was an important part of the Homecoming Weekend festivities. The various years in all colleges prepared excellent floats in what was described as the best parade yet. The engineers really got steamed up as the picture at the top indicates. Noah's Ark a t the bottom of the page was the entry of OAC '70. Board of Governors' Chairman, Ronald S. Ritchie, centre, discussed the vital role that alumni can play i n shaping the University's future. I n the background is the painting Campus Composite 1937 by Evan Macdonald A.R.C.A. It was presented to the Association by Year OAC '37, and copies will be available through Alumni House.
Kinnon, greeted the Wellington alumni and a brief business meeting was conducted by President Tom Radford '67, who was re-elected for a second term. Also el&ed were Vice-president Paul Matthew '68,Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. M. S. (Linda Sully) Keith '67 and directors M. J. Crozier '67, J. R. Flegg '68, Margaret L. (Smith) Garrett '68 and L. P. Rafferty '67. Ex-Officio directors named were Sandra F. Gibbons '68, A. E. Rirnmington '69 and Catherine G. M. Woodburn '68. A number of years had special reunion programs. These included MAC classes '52, '53, '57. '63, '66, '68; OAC classes 56A, '58, '62, '63, '64,'65, '66, '67, ' 6 7 k '68; and OVC. classes '66 and '67.
Dr. W. C. Winegard, Honorary President of the University of Guelph Alumni Association offers congratulations to the Association's two past presidents and expresses the appreciation of all members for the leadership which they have given. ;ordon Nixon, OAC '37, and Dr. Me1 -eGard, OVC '23, were presented with the landsome Alumni Chairs i n which they are seated. Returning alumni and their families found food abundant at the luncheon, as the picture below left indicates. The new President of the University of Guelph Alumni Association, Dave Adarns, OAC '49, seems to be contemplating the problems of the year ahead as he finished lunch with two of his daughters.
Campus Highlights A committee t o study the academic organization of the University was appointed last June by the Senate. The committee, chaired by Dr. B. C. Matthews. Vice-President Academic, includes members of faculty, students and alumni. As a result of enquiries from various individuals and groups as to the progress of the committee. Dr. Matthews has made the following statement: "The committee appointed to study the academic organization of the University has held four meetings thus far and is currently meeting every week. The committee is attempting to prepare a short brief on the subject of the academic organization of the University which will be distributed to all parts of the University as a basis for discussion. This brief will not represent the final decisions of the committee in any way, but will be intended to stimulate the preparation of briefs by individuals and groups for submission to the committee. "Following receipt of the briefs, the committee plans to hold public hear-
Chancellor Drew, left, addresses Dr. Francess Halpenny during the Fall Convocation. Dr. Halpenny, who is Managing Editor of the University of Toronto Press, received an Honorary LL.D. degree. Dr. 6. C. Matthews, Vice-President, Academic, sits i n centre.
ings to provide opportunity for the briefs to be discussed. The committee will then prepare a definitive report with recommendations. This report will be distributed again to all parts of the University for reaction. After these steps have been taken, the committee report will be prepared for consideration by Senate and by the Board of Governors. "I can assure all concerned that every opportunity will be provided for individuals to make their opinions known to the committee before any decisions are made. Indeed, the committee is most anxious to receive the thoughts of all interested people." Eight successful career women, all alumnae of Macdonald Institute, returned to their alma mater in the fall to speak at Careers Night, an annual program sponsored by the Alumnae Association to help give undergraduates a better idea in choosing their life work. The speakers gave hints on selecting a career, preparing for it academically, applying for a job and meeting the demands of a job once they are hired, but the advice that was stressed the most was "never let yourself get in a rut." Dr. Helen Abell, Mac '38. a professor of sociology at the University of Waterloo, set the ball rolling by pointing her finger at the students and saying, "Keep that mind of yours open." Miss Margaret Calder, Mac '60. a hospital administrator in nutrition for the province of Ontario, gave her theory on how to avoid a dull life when a job gets tedious . . . go back to school. "That's one of the easiest ways to quit a job." Mrs. Sandra Rumble. Mac '67, never gets bored with her job as home economist for the St. Lawrence Starch Company. She is a cook, an author and a "public relations man" all rolled up in one. When Miss Wendy McCaul. Mac '62, went job hunting, she had stiff demands to be met. She liked department stores. was interested in homemaking, enjoyed meeting people and wanted to be a world traveller. So she went to England and found the perfect job, buyer for a large department store in London. "You have to be a specialist in everything as a home economist." Miss Cathy Cowbridge, Mac '67, discovered. On
paper her job consists of working with 4-H group leaders and women's institute groups, but in actuality, she finds herself in some woman's home answering questions like. "What colour should I paint this basement wall? Should it be green or purple?" Mrs. Margaret Roberts, who received an M.A. in science from Mac Institute in 1968, works in a municipal social service agency whose motto is to give "strength to families in stress." Many couples on the verge of a marital breakdown discover their problems are not sexual but financial, and Mrs. Roberts's job is to straighten out their budget. Miss Bev. Halstead, Mac '66.began in textiles but found the male competition overwhelming and discovered "they want engineers, chemists and physicists." So she returned to school and received a Type A teacher's certificate and is now teaching honours grade 13 home economics in Scarborough. Miss Margery Edwards. Mac '64, is sold on her product: Ontario Hydro. She instructs Secondary School teachers on the use of electrical appliances and gives cooking demonstrations at special events such as the Canadian National Exhibition. The seventh annual OAC Alumni Careers Symposium, arranged by the Student Branch of the OAC Alumni Association under its President, Bob Cobbledick, was held on November 11. Over 230 students of the fourth year degree programs of OAC and the second year of the diploma program participated. After a banquet and greetings from Dean N. R. Richards, Mr. Paul W. Couse, OAC '46, discussed the future of the graduate in terms of his ability to make a valuable contribution to his chosen profession. Bruce B. Hodgins, OAC '38, President of the OAC Alumni Association, introduced the panel chairmen. The symposium featured discussion panels in ten different career areas for degree and diploma graduates which included professions in agricultural enterprises, business and industry, as well as careers in education. engineering, government services, and research and graduate studies.
The 32nd annual congress of the Canadian Union of Students was held on the campus just before the beginning of the fall semester. The Union represents over 150.000 students in Canadian universities. Basically a session of policy making and resolution passing, the congress discussed issues relevant to Canadian students - student housing, a greater student voice in the university. education, Vietnam, the high school situation, the Hall-Dennis report, Czechoslovakia and campus recruiting. New officers were elected and internal policy decisions were made by the delegates. The congress was attended by more than 300 delegates and observers from across Canada and various international student organizations. University of Guelph delegates were Ann Patrick, Mike Tasker. Chris Terry and Don Langford. The main goal of the congress was to find ways of establishing greater democracy within the university society. As the week wore on, discussion developed into a serious political and theoretical analysis of the academic community and the function of the university in human society. With the viewpoint that the student should have the strongest voice in decisions, since ultimately he will be the citizen of the community, the congress searched for ways t o change the present situation. One of the major issues decided upon was a high school program in which CUS representatives will go into high schools to arrange unions to allow students a better perspective before entering the university society. The CUS will show films on advocates of student reform and will also send bulletins to high schools on the subject of scholastic reform.
Last year a referendum was held at Guelph on whether students should withdraw from CUS. The Student Voluntarist Movement, a right-wing organization, led a strong fight to withdraw but the "pro CUS" group won by a two to one margin in the subsequent vote. CUS withdrawal referendums have, however, been successful at several Canadian campuses and at this last Congress. thirteen universities withdrew from the Union. Two full-time organizers, one from CUS in Ottawa and another from the University of Guelph were hired to assist in the organization of the congress. Closed circuit television, a press liaison officer, simultaneous French-English translators and a documentation centre were all employed during the congress. Since the Congress, some of those universities which indicated intention to withdraw from CUS have reversed their stand and applied for reinstatement. At the University of Guelph. on the other hand, a referendum in October by a small majority favoured withdrawal from CUS of the University of Guelph Students' Union. Withdrawal will not take place until the end of the present academic year, next spring, since membership fees have been paid until that date.
The Unlverslty of Guelph student newspaper, The Ontarion, attracted considerable attention off the campus with two special supplements in October. The first was labelled their High School Supplement. The specified intention was a critical evaluation of the educational system to focus on what the editors considered inadequacies in the present educational system. The second was a special agricultural supplement for the 1968 International Plowing Match. The High School issue contained an interview with a high school principal, interviews with secondary and postsecondary school students, and other articles from outside sources. Copies were distributed to students at high schools in a number of centres, and several thousand were shipped t o other university campuses for distribution in those areas. Protests arose from several officials and citizens over some offensive language used in certain articles and the negative attitude displayed by some of the writers. At the same time, there were readers who in letters to the Guelph newspaper commended the intent of the editors t o scrutinize our present system. (Continued on page 16)
a Students cast ballots in CUS referendum.
Student organized demonstration sought reduction of speed limit on Highway 6 through the campus. The University has been seeking removal of the highway.
(Continued from previous page) When asked to comment, President Winegard noted that while he didn't approve of the language, The Ontarion, as the students' newspaper, was responsible to the incorporated Students' Union of the University of Guelph. Consequently, the contents of the paper were the direct responsibility of the students themselves through their elected representatives. The second supplement of The Ontarion was produced in recognition of the International Plowing Match which was held in the Guelph area this year. A total of 50,000 copies of a 40-page issue were printed and distributed free of charge to those attending the Match. It drew nothing but praise for its content and lay-out.
Drama has achieved an important place in the academic programs offered students on the campus today. The drama section of the Department of English offers a balanced program covering all phases of dramatic art. Active participation by students in the many aspects of theatre is the key note of the program. General B.A. students may take either six or 10 drama courses during their six semesters. Honours B.A. students may take drama as a minor honours (10 courses), as a major with another minor (16 courses) or as a specialized honours (20 courses). Already, students from distant parts of Canada have come to Guelph to study drama.
The University of Guelph's collection of art continues to grow through both acquisitions and gifts. A recent gift to the collection is a sculpture in American walnut now on display in the Arts building. By the distinguished Canadian sculptor. Frances Gage, the piece is entitled Torso. Miss Gage commented that she was both fortunate and happy to have her work on display on such an exciting and beautiful campus as that of the University of Guelph. Years or other groups interested in donating works of art to the University kie enquiries through Alumni may m House.
WI - --4
Scene from a recent production of Everyman in the drama workshop.
Professor Gordon Couling, Department of Fine Art, and Frances Gage with Torso.
Alumni in the News John M. Lindley, OAC '53, has been elected President of Campbell Soup Co. Ltd., New Toronto. Mr. Lindley had been named Vice-President General Manager and a Director of the Company in 1966.
Dr. V. C. Rowan Walker, OVC '47, has been appointed Director of Laboratories, Veterinary Services Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. A past-president of the Ontario Veterinary Association. Dr. Walker assumed his new post after 20 years with the Connaught Medical Research Laboratories. Gordon B. Henry, OAC '34, mayor of Ingersoll, took home the trophy in the Mayors' class at the recent International Plowing Match, held near Guelph. Mayor Henry. who defeated 3 0 other mayors and reeves to win the trophy. is plant manager of lngersoll Cheese Co. Ltd.
MEL LEGARD TIES ONE ON Dr. H. M. LeGard, OVC '23, now PastPresident of the University of Guelph Alumni Association, ties an Alumni Tie on Dr. Winegard at the reception for alumni officers held at the beginning of Homecoming Weekend. The hand-sewn pure silk tie was woven in England exclusively for the Association and contains details of the shield from the Coat-of-Arms. The handsome Graduate ties, which have a dark blue background, are available only for graduates of degree and diploma
Nova Scotia alumni and their wives gathered at the Jubilee Boat Club, Halifax, to greet Dean N. R. Richards of OAC on October 25th. A total of 48 turned out to hear Dr. Richards discuss developments on the campus since the founding of the University of Guelph in 1964. Plans were made for setting up a chapter of the University of Guelph Alumni Association in Nova Scotia. Provisional officers elected for the chapter D. J. Packman. OAC were: President '48; Vice-President J. H. King, OAC C. A. Douglas, OAC '35; '37; Secretary Committee Dr. Harrv Finlev. OVC '67; J. E. Shuh. OAC and Mrs. C. (Shirley) Van Nostrand, Mac. '58.
programs. The Alumni ties of a dark maroon background are available for graduates, undergraduates who have completed at least two semesters, faculty and professional staff. An excellent Christmas gift idea, these unique ties may be ordered through Alumni House. They are priced at $6.50 each and come boxed. (In Ontario. please add 5% Provincial Sales Tax.) Cheques should be made payable t o the University of Guelph Alumni Association.
Everett W. H. Doherty, OAC '54. has been appointed Vice-President and General ~ a n a ~ofi Checkerboard i Farms Ltd., Toronto. a new subsidiary of Ralston Purina Co. of Canada Ltd., formed t o operate the company's various poultry processing plants, turkey and chicken hatcheries, poultry breeding and growing farms in Canada. Hany F. Graesser, OAC '36,was appointed President at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of Canada Malting Co. Ltd., Toronto. He had been VicePresident of the Company since 1965.
E. W. H. Doherty
J. M. Lindley
Dr. V. C. R. Walker
Appointments Donald Greenaway, a well known and highly respected personality in the field of restaurant and hotel management in the United States, has been appointed Director of the University of Guelph's newly created School of Hotel and Food Administration. In making this announcement, Dr. W. C. Winegard, President of the University added. "The broad knowledge and experience of Donald Greenaway will be invaluable t o the University at this time. He will be responsible for initiating the course program for the new School as well as selecting faculty. This is a challenging job and we have selected Mr. Greenaway because of his particular capabilities." The University of Guelph is the first university in Canada to offer a degree program in Hotel and Food Administration. The first students will enrol in the new program in the fall semester of 1969. The main objective of the School is t o prepare students, on a professional basis, for supervisory and managerial positions in the accommodation, food service and related industries. Mr. Greenaway is experienced in developing academic programs t o provide professionally trained people for the industry. In 1951 he joined Michigan State University as a professor t o build a new curriculum in restaurant management. Later he became Director of the School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management at Michigan State. He had previously reorganized the Hotel Management curriculum at Washington State University.
Donald Greenaway
"The already close association between the University of Guelph and all aspects of the food industry from production t o consumer will be an added bonus for the School," says Mr. Greenaway.
The appointment of Howard R. Binns, as Chairman of the Centre for International Programs, and Professor of Veterinary Bacteriology at the University of Guelph has been announced by Dr. W. C. Winegard. President of the University. Mr. Binns will come from Kenya on January 1st t o assume his new position. "We are fortunate in being able t o secure a man of Mr. Binns's wide experience in many developing countries," said Dr. Winegard. "With his personal knowledge of the problems faced by such nations, he will be able t o guide the efforts of the University of Guelph in the international sphere." The University of Guelph hopes t o establish close relationships with other universities in emerging nations on a reciprocal basis. Students and faculty from universities in many parts of the world will come t o study and teach at Guelph. At the same time, members of the Guelph faculty will be encouraged t o spend periods of time teaching and doing research in Guelph's sister universities abroad. Mr. Binns, the new Chairman of the Centre for lnternational Programs, has over 30 years experience in the Middle East and many parts of Africa. For the past 18 years he has been Director of the
Dr. Janet Wardlaw
East African Research Organization at Muguga in Kenya. In addition to being fluent in both French and English. Mr. Binns speaks German, and several other languages. He is a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, and an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. The appointment of Dr. Janet M. Wardlaw as Dean of Macdonald lnstitute of the University of Guelph will become effective January 1, 1969, President W. C. Winegard has announced. She was named Dean Designate some months ago. Dr. Margaret McCready who has been Dean since 1949 will go on leave for one year beginning January 1, 1969. Dr. Wardlaw has been on the faculty of Macdonald lnstitute in the Department of Foods and Nutrition since September 1966. As a Professor in Nutrition. she has been teaching undergraduate courses and her current research interests are in the fields of feeding frequency on body composition, and community nutrition. In this latter area she is at present engaged in a project on feeding habits of pre-school children, in co-operation with WellingtonDufferin-Guelph Health Unit. As a professional dietitian, Dr. Wardlaw has worked for the Canadian Red Cross Society in Toronto, the Michigan Department of Health and the Toronto Department of Health. From 1956 t o 1966 she was a member of the Faculty of F w d Science, formerly called the Faculty of Household Economics, at the University of Toronto.
Dr. D. G. Howell
Dr. J. M. deMan
Dr. Dennis George Howell has been named Dean of the Ontario Veterinary College. University of Guelph. This a p pointment will become effective January 1, 1969. As reported in the previous issue of The Alumnus, Dean T. L. Jones asked to be relieved of his responsibilities. He will remain on the faculty as Professor of Pathology. The new Dean came from England to join the faculty as Associate Dean of OW: in August, 11967. Previously he had wide experience in veterinary research and in industry. During the past year, Dr. Howell has been responsible for coordinating the many research programs under way within the Veterinary College. He has also been responsible for liaison with the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario. the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, and other research supporting bodies. Support for such projects comes from both the National Cancer Institute, Toronto, and the Medical Research Council. Ottawa.
Dr. J. M. &Man has been named Chairman of the newly established Departmsnt of Food &ianta, President W. C. Winegard has announced. He will assume responsibility for the University of Guelph's comprehensive new teaching and reseach program in Food Science. Obtaining a M.D. degree from the University of Alberta in 1959, he then joined their faculty and has helped supervise the crolution of the Food Science program. Dr. deMan's appointment at the University of Guelph coincides with the establishment of a new Bachelor of Science study program in Food Science. The emphasis in the curriculum will be on preparing graduates to meet the growing need for highly trained food scientists in the food industry. The establishment of the new Department of Food Science means that one of Quelph's oldest departments, Dairy Science, ceases to exist as an entity although its functions form the nucleus of the new department. "In this connection I am particularly pleased to be abte to report that Professor A. M. Pearson who was chairman of the Department of Dairy Science will be remaining," says
James J. E l d i e , formerly Mministrative Officer, has been named Development Officer, in the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development. A native of Guelph, Mr. Elmslie sewed in the Armed Forces prior to joining the University Staff in 1966. He was succeeded as Mministrative Officer by Roman T. Bnun who has had 20 years experience in office administration with national companies in Kitchenar and Toronto. Miss Geraldine E. Ludwig, Well '68 has been appointed Publications Assistant. She majored in English and graduated at the fall Convocation with a B.A. degree. Miss Ludwig is from Waterford, Ontario.
James J. Elmslie. right; Roman T. Braun, lower Ieft; Geraldine E. Ludwig, lower right.
President W. C, Winegard. "He will remain as a senior faculty member, in the Department of Food Science." Profromr Pearson. OAC '42,and his colleagues have concentrated their efforbi on producing high quality dairy products and the implications of synthetics on the use of natural products. Research aimed on coming up with new consumer produds utilizing natural dairy products has been encouraged.
A beloved former President of OAC, Dr. William R. Reek, M.B.E., F.A.I.C., died on October 19 in his 86th year. AS President from 1945 to 1950, he guided the College through the difficult post-war years of rapid expansion. His policies not only maintained. but enhanced, its academic reputation, and ensured an increasing level of research activity. Both Dr. and Mrs. Reek made a reputation of knowing students by name. This was a formidable task with classes swollen by returning service men along with their younger classmates. During Dr. Reek's presidency came the largest graduating class in OAC's history. The last of his many honors came with the granting of an honorary degree from the University of Guelph in 1966. The hospitality of President and Mrs. Reek was rmll known. Faculty, staff and students were W e welcome in their home in Community House on all possible occasions, and it was truly a social centre of the campus community. The late Dr. Reek left a successful career in public adminhtratiin as Daputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario to begin a new one in the d m l c world. He insided on the best possible academic qualifications for faculty m m b c n , and instituted a new program of educational leaves to encourage faculty to undertake further past-graduate study. It also was during his presidency that the Departments of Soil Science and Agricultural Economics were founded at OAC, and Macdonald Institute first offered a four year degree program.
Coming Events -
1969 January 24 January 28 February 7
February 8
February 28 March 8 March 14 - 15
April 25 26 April 25 26 June 20 - 22 i
WINTER CONVOCATION O.V.C. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting, 4:30 p.m. King Edward Hotel, Toronto.
CONVERSAT ENYUKAI 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Physical Education Building Dress formal. $12.00 per couple. Alumni may obtain tickets through ALUMNI HOUSE. POORMAN'S CONVERSAT YAKAl 8:30 p.m. 1:00 a.m. Physical Education Building Semi-formal dress. $3.50 per couple. COLLEGE ROYAL BALL COLLEGE ROYAL Show Day O.A.C. ALUMNI BONSPIEL