Guelph Alumnus Magazine, July 1972

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UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH July-August, 1972, VOl. 5, NO. 4


Contents Three, two, one, BLAST OFF. The excitement of an Apollo launch lasts only a few minutes for most TV viewers. Eyewitness to Apollo 15 and 16 takeoffs, Michael Taylor has been excited about space research since it began. He describes why and offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Cape in

CREDITS Photography: cover, pages 3, 4, and 5, Michael Taylor; page 7, Dan Thorburn, Audio-Visual Services; page 8-9 (centre) Don Hamilton, Audio-Visual Services.

3 Apollo: Beauty out of this world/Michael Taylor

There are 270 blind students in Canadian universitles and colleges. Mary Ann Oberle was the flrst one to enrol at Guelph, and she's intent on proving that blindness isn't the horrible handicap the sighted think it is.



VICE-PRESIDENTS: Mrs. J. D. (Virginia Shortt) Bandeen Mac '57, Dr. C. R. Buck, OVC '46, D. W. ~ h o n e l l ,OAC '70, and T. 8. Radford, well '67.

Unless you're so out of shape that one trlp around the block would put you In the coronary wing, there's a whole new world of enjoyment in riding a bike. At least, that's what Guelph's cycling enthusiasts say.

SECRETARY: Mrs. G. M. [Joan Anderson) Jenkinson, Mac '66. TREASURER: J. J. Elmslie, Development Officer, University of Guelph. Dl RECTORS: Miss Elizabeth Brandon We11 '70; Dr Sandra J (Kelk) Chernesky O ~ C '63~ kR. .R. ( k t r i c i a Schoenau) bavies, d a c '57; Miss Jean Dewar, Mac '28; Dr. G. R. Do~dge OVC '52; J. R. Fle g, Well '68; Miss ~ a t r i c i d Moll We11 '70. A McTaggart, OAC '35; Dr. j H ~ i l 1 i ; l g i o n OVC '69. Dr W H. ~ i n s ' h a l i ,OAC '33; And G. ~ . ' ~ r i i e r sOAC ; '67.


E:-OFFICIO DIRECTORS: P. D. Ferguson, Well 67, president, Arts and Sciences A l u m n ~ Association: G R Greenlees OAC '67 president O.A.C. ~ i i m n ~i.ioEiaiionr' i Dr. ~ l i z a 6 e t hGullett, Mac '55, presidbnt Macdonald Institute-Family and ~ o n s u d e r Studies Alumni Association: Dr. F. D. Hornev. OVC '51, president, O.V.C. Alumni Associatiin; and J. K. Babcock, OAC '54, director, Alumni Affairs and Development. The Guelph Alumnus is published by the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development, University of Guelph. The Editorial Committee i s comprised of. Editor- D. A. Bates OAC '69, Alumni Offlcer; Art Director- Prof. E. Chamberlain; J.. K. Babcock OAC '54, D~rectorof Alumni Affa~rsand ~ e v e l o p k e n tD. L. Waterston, D~recto! of Information; 'D. W. Jose, OAC '49, Assistant Director of Information. The Editorial Advisory Board of the University of Guelph Alumni Association is comprised of: Mrs. G. M. (Joan Anderson) Jenkinson. Mac '66 chairman; M,n. J. M. (Kay Murdqch) Little, ad '59 vice-cha~rmanDr. A. E. Austln Dept, of ~ nlish, ' Miss ~ o i e m a r yClark, M?.; '59. G. Love, Well '69; Dr. J. H. ~ l l l t n ~ t ; n , OVC '69; and G. B. Powell, OAC '62. Ex-officio: J. K. Babcock, OAC '54 and Dr. V. C. R. Walker, OVC '47. Corresponding members: D. R. Baron, OAC '49, G. M. Carman, OAC '49, and H. G. odds, OAC, '58. Undelivered copies should be returned t o Alumni House University of Guelph, Guelph, ontarlo, Canada.



Being blind doesn't make you different/ DAB




Me and my bike/ DAB

page 6

Will peace ever return to Northern Ireland? Former Northern Ireland (Ulster) prime minister Terence O'Neill doesn't think so because he sees no solution to ending the violence that has its roots in nearly 400 years of Irish history.

10 Ulster: Victim of history/Terence O'Neill 12 Campus Highlights

13 Alumni News 14 Letters Apollo 16 takeoff as seen from press corps observation point approximately two miles from launch. Cover photo

Apollo: Beauty out of this world A

T EIGHT seconds to liftoff, the five first stage engines of Apollo 16 ignited, pouring smoke and flame from 8,000,000 pounds of thrust across launch pad 39A. As 45,000 gallons of water per minute protected the platform from the white heat of the exhaust, the 6,000,000 pounds of Apollo 16 inched its way moonwards. The brilliance of the flame reduced all other colours to greys; the thunder of the engines deafened me; the ground vibrated beneath my feet. The Apollo 16 moonshot was an aweinspiring sight. As an enthusiastic follower of the American space program since its beginnings in 1957, 1 have always felt that there is tremendous potential for design using the complexity and originality of space research. There is nothing on this planet-or out of it that could not be incorporated into a design. Considering the grandure and scope of space research, the possibilities are limitless. I look at modern technology and derive photographs which can be modified, repeated in series, and if necessary, subdued to fit the particular feeling I am trying to convey. In recent years, I have been developing designs for fabrics, wall coverings, panels and murals from the components of space research. Having received press accreditation as a result of the publicity my photographs of Apollo 15 received, I flew down to Cape Kennedy three days before launch in order to take advantage of the tours and briefings organized by the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA). After an initial briefing, the press corps was given free rein to explore the Kennedy Space Center which is situated on two islands- totalling 141,000 acres miles and valued at $72,000,000 -three off of the Florida coast. Approaching the center along a causeway, one can see the numerous launch complexes strung out at regular intervals along the Atlantic shore-line. The center is built on a nature reserve, and judging from the abundance and variety of wildlife, nature and space research coexist very well. In fact, one alligator has become quite



Michael Taylor teaches design in the Department of Consumer Studies, College of Family and Consumer Studies, at the University.

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friendly with space workers and comes regularly at mealtimes for tld-bits, its favourite dish being marshmallows; toasted, of course. At another press briefing, I met Frank Borman, one of the Apollo 8 astronauts who were the first to orbit the moon. His knowledge of design principles was impressive, and undoubtedly the reason for his being chosen to assist with the redesigning of the Apollo space craft after the disastrous fire in 1967 which killed three astronauts. NASA tours included trips to the launch sites of the Mercury and Geminl programs where pioneer astronauts llke Alan Shepard were launched into space, and to the Vertical Assembly Building. The VAB dominates the landscape and is aptly named. Inside the multi-storied building, bits and pieces of rocketry abound. Stages of Apollo 17 and the Skyiab project, all undergoing exhaustive testing, were mounted in cell compartments on the walls. Some of the more delicate parts were completely encased in protective, atmosphere-controlled "igloos." The first stage rocket of Apollo 16 had once been here. It had taken eight years to design, build, and test it.

After two minutes and 40 seconds into the launch, it would be casually jettisoned into the Atlantic Ocean. The waste of these magnificently made parts is one of the saddest aspects of the space program, but the Skylab-shuttlecraft program will put a stop to this waste. But the highlight of the tours was, of course, to launch pad 39A where Apollo 16, still encased in the mobile service structure, was being prepared for launching. It was beautiful. The complexities of detail were incredible: intricate geometrically-perfect gantries, the slmplydesigned yet precise cylindrical shape of the rocket stages, the delicate balance of massive structures and tiny essential parts, all working so beautifully together, not only functionally, but also aesthetically. At takeoff, Apollo 16 stood two miles away from the press corps observation point. Havlng spent three days waiting for the launch, I was caught quite unprepared for the strength and power of the event. As the rocket cleared the gantry, Kennedy Space Center officials relinquished flight control to Houston, and the rest Is history. Mankind's ninth journey to the moon had begun.


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Being blind doesn't make YOU




ARY ANN Oberle's white cane the universal symbol of blindness lies on a shelf in her residence room. She seldom uses it. Refusing to do so Is her way of telling people that blindness does not make a person "different" nor incapable of accomplishing many tasks the sighted consider impossible. That Includes obtaining a university degree. There are 270 bllnd students currently enrolled in Canadian universltles and blind since six colleges. Mary Ann months old, a result of an operation to remove tumors behind her eyes was the flrst to enrol at Guelph. Another has registered for the fall semester. Although she lives in a world of sound and touch, she's very much aware of the world of light around her. She's also aware of the misconceptions most people have about her handicap, those who play at being blind, closing their eyes for a few seconds, bumping into tables and chairs. "I have the Impression," says Mike Bocian, manager of transcrlption services at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind's office in Toronto, "that the public Is uncertain as to how much help




a blind person really needs In a particular situation." Mary Ann Is trying to ease that uncertainty. Appreciative of company but seldom asking for it, Mary Ann usually walks to classes alone. And at night, she turns on the lights, signalling her friends that she is home and sparing them the eerie feeling of sitting in the dark, llke she has for the past 23 years. "I have to live wlth sighted people and live llke them," she says. "I want people to realize that being blind doesn't make you different." As a result of taking only two or three courses In some semesters, Mary Ann stands academically in fourth semester although she has spent six consecutlve ones on campus. She hopes to obtain her BA in geography within a year, taklng the full fivecourse program in two of the three semesters. For her, university Is a combination of machinery and teamwork: machinery to translate the material she must study Into brallle notes and tape recordings; and teamwork (surrogate eyes) to do her readlng for her. Three Guelph residents, all volunteers, record onto tapes the books and chapters of texts Mary Ann requests. She pays a fourth person a paraplegic -for her readlng time. Mary Ann then makes braille notes from the tapes. Occasionally, Mary Ann will tape a lecture with a cassette recorder, but usually makes braille notes using a braille guide -two hinged metal plates with holes corresponding to the braille alphabet. A classmate says Mary Ann can punch braille letters in notepaper with a stylus faster than most students can write. Braille texts, however, are luxuries for her. Brailled copies of most university texts do not exist, and to have a text brailled can take up to six weekshalf a semester. "If an emergency arises," says Mr. Boclan, "we can transcribe between five and six books In a week." Few blind students can afford the wait, says Mary Ann. It's much better to review a book with one of her readers, tape all or part of It, and make brallle notes.


"The universities aren't really set up for bllnd students," says Mr. Boclan. Because readlng lists and course timetables are constantly changing and seldom available before the start of the academic term, the CNlB and a few American transcription services have no lead tlme to prepare braille books. As a result, they're swamped with requests at term openings, and blind students either wait or do without. Fortunately for Mary Ann, the textbook void Is partially filled with cwperatlon. The llbrary provides a readlng room for her readers when the books she requires are restricted clrculatlon or perlodlcals that cannot be taken out of the Ilbrary. Geography department personnel make maps for her using aluminum foil, coding land features in dots and dashes that she "reads". And professors read aloud any information they print on blackboards and describe vlsual materials they use in class. "I have a pretty good Imagination," she says. "As long as someone tells me what something looks like, I can usually put it into note form." Getting around campus poses few problems for her. She has parts of It memorized, and when she's headlng somewhere she's not familiar wlthusually classes In a new buildingshe'll ask a friend to walk her there once, helping her memorize the route and obstructions and guideposts to watch for. It's a long walk to classes from her room In the South Residences and she bumps into something occasionally, but then she knows whereabouts It is. "I can usually tell when something is in front of me it makes things more dense," she says, referring to a sense of awareness few sighted people can appreciate. She's looking forward to moving into the new East Resldences in September. She and five friends will occupy a six-girl apartment, but except for having several roommates she expects little to change." "They'll be too busy to worry about me," she says. And she'll be busy too, making notes, typing essays, and studying just like everyone else. DAB




Tom Bates, OAC '51

Me and my bike W

HEN TOM BATES, OAC '51, bought his single-speed CCM-with-a-wirebasket-up-front blke 11 years ago, he didn't realize that one day he'd be a pioneer of sorts. Today, Dr. Bates, professor of land resource science and doyen of the campus bicycle set, is just another face in the crowd, one of over 500 cyclists on campus. Pedalling to campus has become a lifestyle at Guelph as it has across North America in the past few years. Proponents say it's healthy, fun, relaxing, Inexpensive and non-polluting. Many cyclists have banked the money they would have spent on a second car after discovering the joys of panting and puffing their way up the College, Edinburgh, and Gordon Streets hllls.

Louise (Bazinet) Hesiop, Mac '67

Terry Diggle, Well '70

For Dr. Bates, it's about a 1% mile trip to campus from his home in the western end of the city. Four flat tires and numerous blowouts later, he still rides that resisting same old bike -year round the temptation to move up in class. But for Guelph's director of personnel, John Hurst, a five-year veteran of cycling to work, the temptation was too great. He has traded in his three-speed for a 10-speed model. As one of the University's first white-collar cycling enthusiasts, he stuck with it despite some class-conscious eyebrows raised at the sight of a senior administrator pedalling to work on a humble bike. Few sympathizers recognized his newly-found liberation. Aficionados, like associate professor of botany, Wilf Rauser, OAC '59, take some pride in their machines, boasting of Singer frames and Campagnolo gears and dreaming of the Italian Colnago which retails for a modest $1,000. Dr. Rauser rides a Molton, a $100 fourspeed, British-made mini bike that fits in the trunk of his car. It comes complete with a front wheel spring suspension and rear wheel shock absorber, little extras that help smooth out his eight-mile round trip to the campus and back home. Even the bike stands have an aura of class about them. The concrete formseach measures 30 inches by 10 inches with all four sides tapering to the top and forming a narrow slot which holds a bike wheel -were initially designed and used in Regina, Saskatchewan, by the Wascana Centre Authority which administers a 2,000-acre green-belt area. Campus planners, concerned with aesthetics, consider the low-lying forms more pleasing to the eye than the old, rusting metal stands which have been all but replaced by the concrete models. Over the past two years, the University's grounds department has placed between 400 and 500 forms around campus buildings. Cyclists were reluctant to use the 1971 batch, complaining of slots too wide to support their bikes. Newer models have thinner tires and lighter frames and wheel rims. Considerable damage could result, cyclists said, if their bikes flopped around in the concrete forms. So the grounds department and carpenter shop redesigned the fibreglass mould from which the forms are made, resulting in overall acceptance and neat lines of gleaming 10-speed racers as pictured at left. DAB


Ulster: Victim of history HE SCOTTISH Presbyterians who settled in Northern lreland (Ulster) during the great period of British expansion near the end of the reign of Elizabeth I were left in peace - considering Britain's historical lack of toleration in religious matters-by the established Church of England for about 90 years. So that you may understand what is happening in Ulster today, the significance of history and anniversary dates, I will have to push you through a little lrish history; I won't take you back too far. About 1700, the Church caught up with these Scottish settlers, and many emigrated to North America to avoid the religious conflicts which were to come. In 1798, there was a rebellion against British rule in Ireland. The British Government reacted by forcing the Act of Union between Great Britain and lreland through not only the British parliament, but also through the lrish parliament in Dublin. lreland was then given 100 MPs in the British House of Commons. Then came the Victorian period. During Queen Victoria's reign the growth of the desire for home rule in a very large part of lreland grew. In my view it was unfortunate that Victoria didn't like lreland or the Irish, and she didn't set foot in lreland for 60 years. She spent all her time when out of London in Scotland at Balmoral. Unfortunately, there was no home in Ireland, and she didn't want to have one. This inevitably had its affect on the growing problem of the lrish question. She repented before her death because she was so impressed by the lrish regiments in the South African War that in the last year of her life she visited Dublin and to her astonishment received a tremendous reception. During the reign of King Edward VII, the problems of lreland gathered pace. Shortly before the World War One, the Liberal party got in with such a small majority that it was quite unable to govern without the 80 (Southern) lrish nationalist MPs. These MPs said they would not support the government unless it introduced home rule. At the same time, the Protestants in Ulster said they wouldn't have home rule under any conditions. The Protestants got ready to resist the imposition of British Prime Minister Asquith's Home Rule Bill which was passed into law just before the outbreak of the war, but, in 1914, the bill was put into cold storage until the end of the war. In 1916, there was an uprising in Dublin. At that time the British were fighting for their lives against the menace of the German submarines, and they felt they had been stabbed in the back by this uprising. Unfortunately, instead of putting the ring leaders in jail until the end of the war-which may

well have been the statesman-like thing to do because the majority of the people in Dublin did not suppoi the uprising - right wing pressure in London ensured that the leaders of that uprising were executed. As a result lrish opinion swung strongly the British. - - against The situation became even more difficult than it had been before. In 1920, the Government of lreland Act was proclaimed. Under that act there were to be two pariiaments set up in Ireland: the parliaments of Southern lreland and of Northern Ireland. As a bridging device, there was to be a Council of Ireland. I think the British government hoped that the Council would grow in strength, and, in a period of time, in some mysterious way, the two parts of Ireland would come together. However, what the southern lrish wanted was Canadian status, dominion status; Asquith's successor, Lloyd George, knew this, but he wasn't prepared to grant it. And so, being an agile politician, he hit upon the idea of giving both lrish pariiaments dominion titles without dominion status. This has a strong analogy with Canada. Canadians can tell at a glance the difference between their provincial parliament and their federal parliament. In Ontario your members are called MPPs; in other provinces, MLAs. You have a provincial premier not a provincial prime minister, a provincial treasurer and not a provincial minister of finance. The members of parliament, prime minister and minister of finance are only to be found in Ottawa. Because of this 1920 Act, the grand sounding titles were conferred on the two so-called parliaments in Ireland. In Southern Ireland, the newly created parliament never really came into existence. Because Britain would not grant dominion status, a bloody civil war developed, lasting almost two years. The Irish Free State was eventually established with dominion status. Ulster was left, however, with dominion titles without dominion status. With the passage of time, these dominion titles became very confusing to the people. Because they had their own prime minister, they felt they were a sovereign independent country. This led to endless confusion and it wasn't until the appointment this year of William Whitelaw as administrator of Northern lreland and the dissolution by the British government of the Ulster parliament, Stormont, that the people of Ulster realized where the real power lay. In World War Two, Southern lreland remained neutral while Ulster as part of the United Kingdom, was involved in the allied war effort. After the war there was a great feeling of gratitude to Ulster and some hostility to Southern Ireland, both in Britain and in North America. These feelings had a great effect, lulling the Northern lrish people into a sense of false security. They had the good will of Britain. They had the good will of This article is adapted from an address to a Guelph audience given by Lord Terence O'Neill, prime minister of Ulster from America. They had the gratitude of the allies and, therefore, 1963 to 1969. Lord O'Neill visited Guelph in May, a guest of the they needn't carry out any reforms because right was on their side. This was a very unfortunate conclusion to draw from student government of the College of Arts.


A review of the dates in Irish history that have lead to the deaths of over 380 people.

that situation which existed at that time. In 1963, when I was elected prime minister of Ulster, I knew that 1 had to bring about a new attitude in Ulster, otherwise it was inevitable that the lid would blow off the pot. I inherited a difficult situation. There were all sorts of taboos. We will not do this. We will not do that. But it seemed to me that we had to do something, otherwise there would be an explosion. Until then, of course, no protestant prime minister had ever set foot in a Catholic school or a Catholic hospital. Nor had any prime minister of Ulster ever crossed the border, nor had any prime minister of Southern Ireland ever come up to Belfast. It seemed to me that these things should be changed. So I invited the prime minister of Southern Ireland, Sean Lemass, to come up to Belfast. He came after some hesitation. He thought he might get into a bit of trouble himself. There were concrete results from that visit. Some of my friends despite my political problems I still have friends- in Belfast say to me today, "If only you hadn't met Mr. Lemass, you would still be prime minister today." It isn't true, and you've only got to study the history books to see it. I called an election in Ulster a few months after I met Mr. Lemass. I canvassed in Protestant and Catholic houses alike, in places where I would be shot dead today. I was received in a most friendly fashion by both sides. I was swept back to power by a far bigger majority than my predecessor had been able to gather on a much more sectarian ticket. In the autumn, 1968, the civil rights movement started, organizing several marches and demonstrations. Near Christmas, i addressed the country on television, calling for a truce which the civil rights organizers agreed to observe. After Christmas a new organization, based at the university in Belfast called the People's Democracy, sprang into prominence. PD broke the truce on purpose in order to create further trouble. PD organizers carried out a march from Belfast to Londonderry which led to great opposition in the Protestant towns and vlllages through which they went. On purpose they heightened the tension. Shortly after that I went to London and told the prime minister, Mr. Wilson, and the leader of the Conservative Party, Mr. Heath, that i had tried to improve relations between Northern and Southern lreland and that it now seemed to me that my efforts were lying in pieces in the gutter. The only honourable thing I could do was to resign. They wouldn't hear of it. In April, 1969, there were some very serious explosions. Belfast's water supply was cut, and an electricity generating station was blown up. Obviously it was a very serious situation. Everybody assumed that this was the lrish Republican Army. It was only a long time after that it was determined that the people who had set off these explosions were Protestant extremists. I resigned as prime minister soon after. Then, in August, the Ild which I had always thought would blow

off the pot blew off. And in conditions of extreme violence after 500 houses had been burned down in Belfast, and 10 people had been shot, the British army marched in. And from that moment to this I have never been able to see any solution to the situation. It seems to me that once the British army came in, and had become vitally involved with the situation in Northern Ireland, that the government of Northern Ireland could not be said to be governing. That was my personal view. Gradually with the passage of time things slowly got worse and worse and worse. In June, 1970, the labour government fell from power and was replaced by the conservative government. Mr. Heath got in with a majority of 28, too small a majority with which to govern effectively. I have no doubt whatsoever that this was the restraint on further intervention in the affairs of Ulster. Now the labour government hadn't been brave enough to do anything but I'm merely mentioning why the conservative government also felt its hands tied. Slowly the situation got worse and worse. In March of this year the British government intervened, abolished Storrnont, and appolnted Mr. Whitelaw as administrator. The moment that intervention took place a lot of people were very brave. Although I felt that the British initiative was 2% years too late, nevertheless, we all hoped that it would bring peace. Then the Irish Cardinal condemned the IRA, the priests working in the riot areas condemned the IRA, Catholic housewives marched for peace and for about a fortnight it looked as if the shooting and the bombing were going to stop. But gradually the situation worsened. Why did the IRA continue? I think I can answer. Again, you've got to go back into history. The Irish have a very long memory. In 1920, Lloyd George's government, through the voice of Mr. Churchill who was also a minister in that government said it would "never parley with this gang of murderers," the IRA. In 1921, the IRA were having lunch with the prime minister at 10 Downing Street. Now, if the IRA lay down their guns and lay down their bombs, they are frightened that the people who will someday be at the conference table will be the Catholic MPs. The IRA is determined that if anyone is going to be at any conference table at any time, it will be the IRA and not the Catholic MPs. This is why the situation continues today, in my humble opinion. You might not hear that viewpoint in London or Belfast. This is an absolutely tragic situation. Whatever the rights or wrongs of the situation might be; whatever lack of generosity there has been on the part of the Protestant majority in Ulster, the fact remains that the Protestants in Ulster have withstood a lot in the last two or three years. The fact that they may have brought it on their own heads is neither here nor there; they have stood a hell of a lot. That is the situation as I see it today. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope to God I am. I

'Since the British army marched in, I have been Unable to see any solution to the situation.'





Alumni Day happenings: At far left, George Greenlees presents silver tea service to retiring OAC dean, Dr. N. R. Richards; at left, former Macdonald Institute dean, Dr. Margaret McCready discusses with alumnae some of the handicrafts she obtained while in Ghana; below, Dean C. M. Switzer discusses details of O.A.C. Centennial Arboretum Centre with Jack James, OAC '72, (left) and Dr. Allan Hamill, OAC '67, (right) who presented class gifts of $1,072 and $7,000 respectively.

W. L. Teeple, '48; W. D. Toombs, '68; and G. Weeden, '70A.

Campus Highlights Founding college deans are featured guests on Alumni Day Two deans of the University's founding colleges were featured guests June 16 and 17 when approximately 600 alumni returned to the campus for Alumni Weekend. Dr. N. R. Richards, OAC '38, and his wife Mary received several gifts from alumni, marking Dr. Richards' retirement as dean of OAC and as honorary president of the O.A.C. Alumni Association. Dr. Margaret S. McCready, principal and later dean of Macdonald lnstitute for 20 years, returned to Guelph to address alumni on her experiences in Ghana. Following her retirement at Gueiph in 1969, she chaired the University of Ghana's Home Science Department for two years. Elsewhere durina Alumni Weekend. G. R. Greenlees, ~ A '62, C succeeded R. G. Bennett, OAC '43, as president of O.A.C. Alumni Association and Dr. Elizabeth Gullett, Mac '55, succeeded Rosemary Clark, Mac '59, as president of the Macdonald Institute Alumnae Association. Mac alumnae at the annual general meeting of the association approved a name change to recognize graduates of the reorganized college which graduated its first class at May convocation ceremonies. The association's new name is Macdonald Institute-Family and Consumer Studies Alumni Association, (Mac-FACS). A picnic lunch, children's races, an art exhibit, campus tours, and 15 class reunion dinners rounded out thls year's program. At the OAC annual meeting, Dr. Richards and his wife Mary received a silver tea and coffee service, a gift from the association membership, and "his" and "hers" framed resolutions, paying tribute to them. The Association directors had previously presented an alumni chair to Dr. Richards.

G. L. E. Nixon, OAC '37, chairman of the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation announced that the foundation had approved an annual award or awards of $1,000 to be presented in Dr. Richards' name. He also presented Dr. Richards with an illuminated scroll and said that the terms of reference for the new award were to be determined by Dr. Richards. Addressing the alumni for the last time as dean and honorary president, Dr. Richards reviewed his term of office, expressing his gratitude to the alumni for their support. OAC directors elected: Other officers elected for 1972-73 are: First Vice-President, F. T. Cowan, '65; Second Vice-President, J. A. Eccles, '40; Faculty Representative, A. M. Pearson, '42; Student Representative, D. Cameron; Class '72 Degree Representative, J. T. James, '72; and Class '72A Representative, D. Ireland, '72A. Directors elected for a three-year term of office are: E. F. Carberry, '44; J. Leiss, ODH '63;R. S. Proctor, '50; T. M. Schmidt, '71; J. A. Wiley, '58. Ex-officio officers and incumbent directors continuing in office in 1972-73 are: Honorary President, C. M. Switzer, '51; lmmediate Past-President, R. G. Bennett, '43; Secretary-Treasurer, M. G. Freeman, '55; O.A.C. Alumni Foundation Chairman, G. L. E. Nixon, '37; and directors, W. B. Fox, 36; J. N. Mayes, '69; D. W. McDonell, '70; L. J. Ross, '54; T. G. Sawyer, '64; M. R. Stewart, 57A;

Mac-FACS dlrectors elected: Elected directors and officers are: President, Dr. Elizabeth Gullett, '55; First Vice-President, Mrs. D. J. (Jill Young) Varnell, '61 ; Second Vice-President, Mrs. T. G. (Nancy West) Sawyer, '62; Secretary, Mrs. D. (Doreen Hamill) Bannister, '67; Treasurer, Mrs. D. W. (Carolyn Gardhouse) McDoneil, '64; Membership Convenor, Mrs. J. D. (Lynn Wiikinson) Creeden, '68; and Alumnl News Editor, Mrs. E. D. (Aili Saving) Heater, '56. Ex-officio directors for 1972-73 are: Immediate Past-President, Miss Rosemary Clark, '59; Honorary President Emeritus, Dr. Margaret S. McCready; Honorary President, Dr. Janet Wardlaw; Branch Presidents: Burlington, Mrs. Morley (Willa Couse) Funston, '31, Guelph; Mrs. G. M. (Joan Anderson) Jenkinson, '66; and Niagara, Mrs. F. G. (Eiia Ross) Lawson, '39; UGAA Vice-President, Mrs. J. D. (Virginia Shortt) Bandeen, '57; Student Representative, Miss Kathy Robins; and Graduate Class President, Miss Lynn Campbell, '72.

Green thumbers plant trees at University arboretum "Go then and plant a tree," and approximately 100 Guelph alumni and their families took Doug McDonell's words to heart, hopped haywagons headed for the arboretum, and planted 109 willows and poplars. The occasion was Green Thumb Day, May 13, a University of Guelph Alumni Association program designed for professional .hofiiculturali&s and backyard aardeners alike. Proaram features included several interest sesions with Department of Horticultural Science faculty, a beer and burgers lunch, and a formal tree planting and dedication ceremony at the arboretum followed by "plant your own tree" activities. Dinner with guest speaker Dr. W. C. Winegard and a Las Vegas Night concluded the program. Nlne campus horticulturalists conducted interest sessions dealing with everything

destruction raids on the then Celt city of Segobriga. During preliminary examination last year, Dr. Sadek discovered numerous fragments of pottery and mosaic tiles, and a gravestone bearing a Latin inscription which possibly dates back to 200 B.C. Alumni interested in this expedition are advised of the advertisement on page 16 of this issue. The UGAA is sponsorlng alumni tours, and a trip to Spain with a side trip to Carrascosa del Campo Is planned next year.

president of the newly independent University of Calgary. Dr. Armstrong came to Guelph in 1968.

Alumni News

Spring enrolment dips Paul Couse, OAC '46, plants a tree during Green Thumb Day at Guelph. from lawn care to a campus tour of arboreal highspots which serve not only as shade and decoration but also as teaching material for horticulture undergrads. Following lunch, alumni boarded haywagons for a ride to the arboretum service centre, located on College Avenue where Arboretum Director, Dr. Robert Hilton, Doug McDonell, OAC '70, and Padre W. A. Young, OAC '26, led alumni in the planting and dedication of a six-year-old clump of paper birch trees. "The tree is one of the great gifts of our Creator ever mindful of the welfare of His people," Mr. McDonell said. Its gifts are many, its favours manifold where the tree dwells, man has a chance to live a bountiful, happy life. Where there are no trees, on the moon, for example, life is as barren as the moonscape itself." At the arboretum, alumni scattered in all directions to plant trees in predetermined locations (and pre-dug holes) in accordance with the master plan of the arboretum development. The trees, planted in the field in the northwest corner of the intersection of College Ave. and Victoria Road, form part of an extensive collection of willow and poplar varieties planned eventually for the site.

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Excavations underway at Carrascosa del Campo An 11-member team of Guelph faculty and students have begun excavation at Carrascosa del Campo, site of the University's first archeological expedition. Professors Mahmoud Sadek, Department of Fine Art; Victor Matthews, Languages; Jack Milliken, Landscape Architecture; Mary Rogers; History, and seven students have started to uncover what expedition director Dr. Sadek thinks was a camp Inhabited by Roman soldiers during

Undergraduate enrolment for the spring semester is down six per cent from last year, attributable, in part, to a 25 per cent decrease in freshmen enrolment. Total underaraduate enrolment is 2.108, consisting of 7,778 full-time (420 freshmen) and 316 part-time. Registrar Arnold Holmes. OAC '62, explained that the enrolment decrease was due to a decline in the expected number of arts students, and that most Ontario universities are experiencing the same problem in their arts faculties.

Guelph faculty commute for first off-campus course Four University faculty members commuted to Toronto this spring to give the first off-campus course ever offered through the University's Office of Continuing Education. Entitled Trends in Dietary Administration, the 10-lecture course attracted 27 dietltians from 20 Toronto-area hospitals. Dr. Mark Waldron, director of OCE, predicts "considerable development" In the future of off-campus courses.

Guelph dean honoured at Calgary convocation Dr. H. S. Armstrong, dean of graduate studies at Guelph, received June 2 the honorary degree, Doctor of the University of Caigary (D.U.C.), at that university's spring convocation. Dr. Armstrong was the first president at Calgary, being appointed in 1966. He was orofessor of geology 'and dean of the Faculty of Armstrong Arts and Science at the University of Alberta prior to his appointments as academic vice-president (1963) and president of the U of A Caigary Campus (1964). In 1966, he was appointed




Dr. Max A. Chernesky, OAC '65, Dr. R. A. Green, OVC '51, and Miss Frances Hucks, Mac '26, have been elected to three-year terms of offlce effective September 1, 1972, as alumni representatives on the University of Guelph Senate. Dr. Green and Miss Hucks succeed Paul W. Couse, OAC '46, and Mrs. Helen (Bates) West, Mac '30, who will retire August 31, 1972. Dr. Chernesky, who has been completing the term of Dr. C. I.. McGilvray, OVC '35, continues in office. Dr. Chernesky, an associate virologist at St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, told the Guelph Alumnus that he feels that the university environment is an ideal one in which to combine teaching and research. "I feel that for a person to be a viable teacher he must be familiar with advancements in his field of study," he said. Dr. Chernesky was commenting on a recommendation contained in the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario's Draft Report which recommended teaching and research costs be separated. University of Guelph President, Dr. W. C. Winegard has stated that such a move would result in research funding becoming a political football tossed between the federal and provincial governments. A truly dedicated teacher, he said, could ignore active research only if he kept up with developments by reading professional journals and papers. A member of several professional organizations, Dr. Chernesky is a member of the O.A.C. Alumni Association. Dr. Green, who owns and operates his practice in Petrolia, said that while a senator he will "work toward developing methods of disseminating knowledge that will reduce the feelings of frustration, despair, and alienation in both those who are able to attain a post-secondary education and those who are not."

diminish, perhaps to be replaced by new ones. It will depend on the universities whether they emerge as a tool of government or remain respected institutions which can and will influence government." Active in many professional organizations, Miss Hucks is a life member of the Mac-FACS Alumni Association. Hucks




Commenting on the future of Ontario's post-secondary system, which some observers consider gloomy because of funding cutbacks and recommended centralized control, Dr. Green stated: "The universities, like other healthy organisms, will respond to external stimuli and become stronger . . standards regarding the ability to produce, the ability to survive, and the willingness to serve, will be raised. "Ail this will happen because we are entering a phase on this earth when we will be running out of space, out of food, and out of time; survival itself is our greatest challenge. "We will meet this challenge by training tested human beings, rather than as we do today, test-trained human beings." A life member of the O.V.C. Alumni Association, Dr. Green is a member of the Central Canada and Ontario Veterinary Associations and a past-president of the Western Ontario Veterinary Association. Miss Hucks, who recently retired as supervisor of foods and nutrition, Home Economics Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food In Toronto, said she agrees with statements contained in "Aims and Objectives of the University," the Draft Report of the University's Senate on Academic Priorities. Alumni received the report in the last issue of the Guelph Alumnus. The report's statement that every component of the University must realize the significance of its contribution to the University as a whole is the "greatest challenge," Miss Hucks said. "In spite of concern today with communications, there is great difficulty in developing and maintaining an awareness of a common goal in the personnel or organizations with many components," she said. As for the future, she said: "Undoubtedly, the present crises will


Gordon L. E. Nlxon, OAC '37, has been elected chairman of the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation, succeeding David M. Adams, '49. Other officers elected at the foundation's annual meeting, which was held June 1 in Toronto, are: William G. Fulton, '57, vice-chairman, and Milton G. Greer, '41, treasurer. The foundation administers assets of approximately $138,000 and presents about $15,000 In annual scholarships, awards, and prizes related to agricultural education. Two new foundation awards were announced at the annual meeting. In recognition of Dean N. R. Richards' contributions to agricultural education, the foundation has established a new annual award of $1,000 in his name. Peter Thompstone, OAC '72, recipient of a foundation Graduation Scholarship, was also named the first Beth Duncan Memorial Gold Medallist. This award was endowed by members of OAC Class '54 In memory of their classmate. Ralph W. Peck, OAC '49, has been appointed vice-president, Toronto stores, of The T. Eaton Co. Ltd. Mr. Peck joined Eaton's in 1965, and has held managerial positions in Winnipeg and Toronto prior to his recent appointment. Before joining Eaton's, Mr. Peck held senior management posts in the marketing and merchandising flelds with leading advertising agencies and proprietary and food manufacturers. Mr. Peck is a member of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists, the Granite Club, and the Toronto Board of Trade. Charles J. Small, OAC '42, has been named ambassador to the People's Republic of China. For the past three years he has been Canadian high commissioner, and later ambassador, to Pakistan. Born In China where he lived 15 years, Mr. Small joined the Trade Department in 1949, transferring to External Affairs in 1955 and specializing in Asian affairs. He has served as trade cornmlssioner In Hong Kong and as the permanent Canadian representative to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris.

Letters i can't help but agree with Clive Tisdaie's reply to the letter by W. R. Lundy, '71 (see Guelph Alumnus, Vol. 5, No. 3). Mr. Lundy Is confused. He states: "Business does not like competition as the natural reaction is to increase supply thereby lowering competition." Thls statement is simply false since an increase in supply does not lower competition; In fact it increases It. Mr. Lundy says excess in demand should result in an increase in supply but this did not come about for certain reasons (he implies business is at fault here). This contradicts what he said before. Mr. Lundy suggests government, as an arm of business, was instrumental in increasing supply and hence our unemployment problems . . . Wow! We hardly need such trite and incorrect "economic analysis" as this if we are to correct such imbalances. Mr. Tisdaie is right on; Mr. Lundy should reread Mr. Tisdale's reply. David Enns, OAC '66

Guelph Alumnus, Vol. 5, No. 3, is at my elbow on the cocktail bar. This honoured place is amply justified by Mr. Bill Tolton's resounding editorial which so ably defends "Aggie" loyalty to OAC. I hope Bill Tolton's temper doesn't flare at the formality of Mister. I didn't do it to destroy his earthy image -only to show respect for his deftness. It would clear the communications atmosphere like a thunderstorm if Mr. Tolton's typically Canadian style were to replace the flocculent jargon that's crept into academic language. Perhaps above all, we should recognize Bill's fortitude. He takes an unequivocal stand when many others retreat apologeticaily. But he doesn't do this blindly for Bill isn't a half-educated man. You may be sure that the idea of becoming an encyclopedist gave him a philosophic basis for his own training. You may be sure that Bill never yearned for an Ivory or an ivied tower at "Hahvud" University. You may be sure that his lively imagination is tempered by his courage to face things as they are. But why not? In the stirring century of her existence, the Ontario Agricultural College has given inspiration to many women and men who grew to distinguished stature in the world community. These people, almost invariably, were remarkable for imagination without hallucination. Few of these alumnae and alumni have exalted their alma mater above criticism, and i know of only one Judas who has failed to hold her above disdain. Blll Young, OAC '23

July-August, 1972, Vd. 5, NO. 4

ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED: If your son or daughter is an alumnus of Guelph and has moved, please notify the Alumni Office, University of Guelph, so that this magazine may be forwarded to the proper address.



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