Since 1970, the 165-hectare Arboretum has "grown" from large open fields to include 17,947 plant collections, wetlands, nature trails and a memorial forest.
The best collection of Scottish books and material in North America is in the University of Guelph Library.
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president's Page
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ontents SUMMER 2004
alumni Matters
in and Around the University
BUSINESS partnership hatched at U of G becomes a success story for 1997 graduates Chris Adams and Shawn Kitsemetry. The University prepares for Alumni Weekend, and Guelph graduates report in from Las Vegas, Chicago, Florida and points beyond.
have been showing off the cam pus at College Royal for 80 years. Prof. Maureen Mancuso is named provost, and the University celebrates National Research Council awards for two students and Canada Research Chair appointments for two faculty.
CAMPUS LIFE THEN AND NOW The Guelph campus was a brand-new university when Klaus and Eli zabeth Nielsen registered in September 1964. To see what's changed in 40 years, we compare their student days with campus
life in 2004.
40TH ANNIVERSARY FACTS AND STATS ABOUT YOUR ALMA MATER It's hard to stop at 40, but here are some of the things that make Guelph Canada's No. 1 comprehensive university in academic quality, research intensity and student experience.
ALUMNI PROFILES STILL TALKING AFTER ALL THESE YEARS The cross-cultural relationship between Ontario farmer Philip Shaw and Bangladesh professor Enamul Haque symbolizes all the great fri endships that have started at U of G.
on the Cover Photos by Martin Schwalbe and Dean Palmer Illustration by Amanda Duffy
Summer 2004 1
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Quelph alumnus Summer 2004 • VOLUME 36
Editor Mary Dickieson
These are just a
Director Charles Cunningham
few of the
Art Direction Peter Enneson Design Inc.
businesses advertised by Guelph alumni in the business card section of the online community
Contributors Jennifer Brett Fraser Barbara Chance, BA '74 Rachelle Cooper Stacey Curry Gunn Lori Bona Hunt SPARK Program Writers Andrew Vowles, B.Sc. '84 Advertising Inquiries Scott Anderson 519-827-9169 519-654-6122 Direct all other correspon dence to: Communications and Publi c Affairs University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario N l G 2W 1 Fax 519-824-7962 E-mail m.dicki eson@exec. The Guelph Alumnus magazine is published three times a yea r by Communications and Publi c Affa irs at the University of Guelph. Its mi ss ion is to enhance the relationship
Science@ Guelph Experience (S@GE Camp) For entire Grade 7 & 8 classes • Interactive and stimulating academic and recreationa l modules • Top ics augment Ontario Sc ience Curriculum • Faculty developed, taught by grad uate students
between the University and its alumni and friends and pro mote pride and co mmit ment within the University community. All material is copyright 2004. ldeas and opin-
• 3 day on-campus res idential
ion s expressed in the articles do not neces-
• 11 Camp ch oices from May to mid-June • Special rates for teachers and chaperones • Save with early bird regi stration
sa ril y reflect the id eas or op inion s of the University or th e editors. Canada Post Agreement# 40064673 Printed in Canada by Co ntact Creative Services. TSSN 1207-7801 To update yo ur alumni reco rd , contact:
Visit our on-line registration page at or for more information call (519) 824-4120 (ext. 53133) or email
· -
-Your Leorning Connection-
Alumni Affairs and Development Phon e 519-824-4120, Ext. 56550 Fax 5 19-822-2670 E-mail
the President's page ALASTAIR SUMMERLEE
We are inspired by our history ......
E ALL LOVE TO BRING OUT the family photo albums and to remember the significant events in our lives. Looking back at our history helps us understand who we are today and gives us both a sense of accomplishment and the inspiration to move forward in life. When we turn the pages of the University of Guelph album, we see a rich history indeed, but none of the events in our institutional life has had a greater impact than The University of Guelph Act passed by the Ontario legislature on May 8, 1964. As a full-fledged university, the campus expanded academic programs and research interests. New buildings went up to accommodate the large nwnbers of postwar babies who were graduating from Ontario high schools. Faculty and staff numbers also rose, and the University's reputation grew as its alumni family branched into more diverse areas of employment and social responsibility. In 40 years, we have matured into one of Canada's most respected universities, a top teaching and research institution. Today, we welcome a new generation of high school graduates whose large numbers present their own challenges. Our campus is growing once again to accommodate an enrolment almost 10 times what it was in 1964. In recent times, Ontario's double cohort has attracted much attention as the cause of increased university demand, but rising participation is really a broader long-term pattern, driven by underlying demographic trends as well as changes in workplace expectations and the continuing growth of a service economy. Guelph's history reflects those changes and the evolution of society's belief in the value of higher education. We should take pride in that history but understand that across the province, there are still barriers that prevent otherwise qualified and willing indivi duals from partaking of the benefits of a university education. Those barriers represent failures of opportunity that we must seek to reduce or eliminate. In our publicly funded system, we must endeavour to ensure that university attendance does not entail a burden -financial or otherwise- that is too great to bear for any prospective student. The University of Guelph is fortunate to have support from alumni and friends in the private sector who have helped to grow our endowment for student financial aid. In addition, their con-
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tributions to The Science of Life, the Art of Living campaign have benefited each and every student at U of G. We are grateful for the show of support received during the campaign. Unfortunately, we expect that the cost of attending university will continue to rise. We are encouraged by the announcement that the Ontario government is committed to a comprehensive review of funding for post-secondary education, but Ontario remains the province with the lowest level of public support for its students. During the review, it will be important that students and parents, as well as universities and colleges, voice their concerns about improving the quality of the student experience. At Guelph, we are developing a long-term strategy to address not just financial issues but all barriers to accessibility. A task force made up of faculty, students and staff is reviewing an extensive body of literature on accessibility to inform the University community and stimulate discussion that will lead to policy recommendations. You are invited to read an interim report by the Guelph Task Force on Accessibility at It provides context for our discussion and identifies especially challenging issues- acceptable levels of student debt, attracting international students and participation rates by women and traditionally disadvantaged groups. How we deal with these issues in Ontario and on our own campus will determine the history we write during the University of Guelph's next 40 years.
Summer 2004 3
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NEw EQUIPMENT at OVC will help identify horses with a genetic advantage on the racetrack. Prof. Laurent Vie! says researchers can now measure a horse's peak oxygen uptake during exercise. This value, called the "V02 max," is a tneasure of aerobic capacity and athletic potential. "It's extremely expensive to raise and train a race horse, so this can help owners decide if they want to make that investment;' he says. "Using data from vo2max, we can say that this horse does or doesn't have the framework to be a great race horse." The equipment includes a mask worn by the horse, allowing clinicians to track consumption of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide as the horse runs on a treadmill. It will also be used as a diagnostic tool for horses in respiratory distress and as a research tool for projects like Prof. Ray Geor's studies in equine nutrition.
Th e 2004 College Royal executi ve switched from planning to playing at t he egg·toss, jello·eating and pie·throwing competitions. Kneeling, from left: Cheryl Trueman, Len a Levi son, Marijn Fleuren and Stacey McFadden . Standing: jessica Coke, jennifer Stone, Kat ie Hickey, Megan Burn side and Kri sta Wyd even .
LWA YS THE TH IRD WEEK END in March, College Royal celebrated its 80th birthday this year by doing pretty much the same old thing. And by doing it, the event attracted, more than 30,000 visitors to campus to see traditional favourites such as the dog and cat shows, square dancing and the logging competition. Of course, there were also milkshakes made by food science students and animals to visit
TWO RECEIVE NRC AWARDS H I S YEA R'S U OF G recip ients of the Natio n al Resea rch Co un cil 's (NRC) Women in Engineering and Science (WES) awards are Melissa MacKinnon, a second-yea r biom edi cal sc ien ces major, an d Lou ise Sun, wh o is stu dy ing biological engineering.
at OVC, not to mention a juried art show, photo graphy contest and flower arranging. This year's Curtain Call musical produ cti o n was Cabaret, but Guelph students also performed in the chemistry magic show, pancake-flipping contest, children's theatre productions and synchronized swimming demonst rations. Run entirely by students, College Royal gives them a chance to show off their skills and their campus. If you missed it, there's always next year.
They are among 19 Canad ian wom en selected to take part in the NRC progra m tha t hires students to work in its research labo ratories across Canada fo r t h ree su mm er or co-o p work terms. The students each receive $10,000 to $12,000 per work term. The awards are intended to en co u rage wo m en to con sider research careers in science,
engineering and m ath . Both women are interested in cancer resea rch. MacKin non, who is fro m Ott awa, plan s to
app ly for veterinary studi es at - -- - - -- • Guelp h an d ho pes to b eco m e an equ in e surgeon and resea rcher. Sun is thi nk in g abo ut a research ca reer in designing health-care prod ucts and devices. Born in China, she
Mancuso named provost NTEGRITY IS ONE OF those essential values that U of G tries to instil in students, and the University's new provost and vice-president (academic) knows a lot about integrity, ethical behaviour and how important these values are to Canadian society. Political science professor Maureen Mancuso has studied political ethics and standards of conduct in public life for more than a decade. She co-authored the 1998 book A Question of
Abdi Musse
Ethics: Canadians Speak Out. She's been teaching and mentoring U of G students even longer. Since joining the Department of Political Science in 1992, she has served as department chair, U of G's academic colleague to the Council of Ontario Universi-
immigrated to Canada at age 13 with her parents and attended high school in Guelph.
TIMOTHY FINDLEY WAS U OF G FRIEND H E UNIVERSITY OF Guelph Library's extensive theatre collection has grow n richer with the donation of Timothy Findley's personal collection of theatre memorabilia. Those who are fans of the late author's novels - including The Wars,
The Piano Man's Daughter, The Telling of Lies and Not Wanted on
ties, associate vice- preside nt (academic ) and acting vicepresident (academic). Mancuso is an advocate for new ideas that increase interactive, group and self-learning experiences for students.
the Voyage- may not know that Findlay spent 15 years as an actor before he sta rted writing. Findley's partner and fellow actor, William Whitehead, says they kept all the costume designs, set designs, production photographs and props fro m the plays they were involved in since 1962. Findley, who died in 2002, received an honorary degree from Guelph and felt a stro ng attachment to U of G, Whitehead says. The collection will physically remain in Whitehead's Stratford home as long as he lives.
"For the last several years, the University has been focusing on growth;' she says. "Now we need to make sure we balance that with maintaining quality and enhancing the lea rning experience."
LEADERS SET UP SHOP H E NEW CENTRE FOR Studies in Leadership, which serves as th e core of the U niversity's interdisciplinary leadership programs, opened its doors in February in the Macdonald Institute. The centre wi ll undertake research on leadership issues relevant to the public, private and non-profit sectors; develop educational programs in the leadership area and engage in outreach activities.
PRoF . Ron MERRILL and research associate Abdi Musse of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry have discovered how numerous diseases, including cholera, diphtheria and influen za, attack the human body. "We've found a common mechanism that may be part of a 'villain' protein that invades our cells," says Merrill. He and Musse were studying a bacterial protein called colicin E1, which is produced by E. coli and serves as a tool to kill other bacterial cells. They found that a lower pH environment causes a cascade of specific events within the colicin structure and triggers the mechanism that allows the protein to invade and kill bacterial cells.
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in and around the University ALUMNI FETE AT CONVOCATION Moura
From Left: Project coordinator Jean Dalgleish, research assistant Christina Wakefield, Prof_ Kevin James, Prof. Douglas McCalla and research assistant Sarah Purton.
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A U OF G TEAM from the Department of History and the Department of Economics is turning handwritten census information from 1891 into digital data that can be easily crunched any number of ways to answer wide-ranging social and economic questions about that era. They will digitize about five per cent of the handwritten information that is already available to the public on microfilm and will complete the national project by 2008. The end result, called a public-use microdata sample, will open an important window on Canada's past, says Prof. Kevin James, History, who directs the census project with Prof. Kris Inwood, Economics. U of G's project will close a gap in the continuum of census microdata sam pies stretching from 1851 to the present Other Canadian universities are working to fill in other gaps.
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UELPH GRADUATES Moura Quayle, BLA '74, and Tony Arrell, B.Sc(Agr. ) '67, shared the convocation spotlight in February with 700 new Guelph graduates and Ontario ombudsman Roberta Jamieson. Quayle and Jamieson received honorary degrees, and Arrell received the Lincoln Alexander Medal of Distinguished Service. Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and a professor of landscape architecture at the University of British
Columbia, Quayle is chair of the Canadian Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, serves on OAC's International Advisory Council and holds several awards from the Canadian and American societies oflandscape architects. Jamieson's career has been marked by a series of firsts: first woman to serve as Ontario's ombudsman, first aboriginal woman to receive a law degree, first aboriginal commissioner of the Indian Commission of Ontario and
award, she battled back from a shoulder injury to dominate the women's 65-kilogram division (she didn't surrender a single point) at the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS ) wrestling championships in March. It was her third consecutive CIS title.
ARBORETUM LOOKS TO THE FUTURE NIVERSITY OF GUELPH'S beloved Arboretum is getting a much -needed update of its master plan. " [t has b ee n 18 years since the master plan was last updated," says Board of Governors m ember and Guelph lawyer Robin-Lee Norris, who is chairing the Arboretum Master Plan Committee. The committee will engage
RYPHO N WRESTLER Tara Hedi can will be an alternate for th e 2004 women's Olympic team after finishing second at the Canadian Olympic team trials in December. A two-time winner ofU of G's Female Athlete of the Year
first female chief of Canada's most populous reserve, Six Nations. She is a recipient of the Order of Ca nada. Arrell, who is chair and CEO of Burgundy Asset Management, was recognized for his many years of volunteer service to U of G, including serving as a member of the Board of Governors and Board of Trustees, co-chairing the recent $87- million campaign and chairing the University's investment management committee.
in a highly consultative process, says Norris, including public and stakeholder meetings and input. There will also be an assessment of the Arboretum by a study team that will examin e areas such as teaching, research, programs, infrastructure and public service. A draft plan will b e developed first and will be widely circulated for comment. The final plan will incorporate feedback from this process and include both a new VISIOn for the Arboretum and a new physical and financial plan. For more information or to submit comments, call Pro[ Jim Taylor, Landscape Architecture, at 519-824-4120, Ext 58719, send e-mail to or fax to 763-9698.
CRC chairs to King and Ladizhansky IOMEDI CAL SCIENCES professor Allan King and physics professor Vladimir Ladizhansky have been named to prestigious Canada Research Chairs (CRC). The University now has 22 chairs and expects to eventually have 36 funded positions. King was appointed to a Tier 1 position in animal reproductive biotechnology. Tier 1 chairs are acknowledged as international leaders in their fields and are awarded $200,000 a year for seven years. King will focus his CRC research on understanding the effect of reproductive technology on embryo development and pregnancy outcome in animals, and developing strategies for their efficient use.
U of G student Lindsay Chamberlain .
SAFER SPROUTS Profs. Allan King and Vladimir Ladizhansky
The author of more than 140 referred scientific papers, King has trained more than 25 graduate students and has extensive experience with national and international collaborative research. He was recently named to an international committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Ladizhansky was named to a Tier 2 chair in biophysics,
Fine Art and Music. U of G students, from left, Jen Hutton, Simon Hermant, Lisa Westerveld and David Hornsby hold up photos that were exhibited at the Bullring this winter.
WINDS OF CHANGE H EN YOU APPROACH th e University from downtown Guelph, you'll "see" what th e weather is by looking at a new illuminated sculpture mounted on the north wall of the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre. Changing red, blue, green and yellow lights form eight rings in an oval shape, and they're actua lly controlled by the weather. The permanent sculpture by Scottish artist Diane Maclean changes constantly because the lights are operated by an anemometer on the roof of the
HE BULLRING CAN NOW add "art ga llery" to th e li st of functions - livestock show pavilion, bar, dance hall, concert hall, coffee shop and lounge- it has se rved sin ce 1902. The Bullring Coffee Shop, which opened in October 2003, now has five permanent areas of wall space to showcase temporary art exhibitions of student work from the School of
receiving $100,000 a year for five years. A nuclear magnetic resonan ce spectroscopist, he is devoting part of his time as a CRC to coming up with sophisticated ways to study biological macromolecules. He holds degrees from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and did post-doctoral work at MIT.
building that reads wind speed and direction. "As far as I know, it's the only outdoor sculpture in Canada that's operated by nature;' says art centre director Judith Nasby. "One of my curatorial objectives is to encourage artists to engage with U of G scientists to see what kind of new artwork might eme rge from their involvement." When asked to help, Prof. Terry Gillespie, Land Resource Science, approached 1974 M.Sc. graduate Claude Labine, now the president and CEO of a company that produces weather-monitoring equipment, to supply the wind anemometer. Labine, who heads up Campbell Scientific Canada, not only agreed to supply the equipment, but also travelled to Guelph from Edmonton to personally set it up and test it.
SPROUTS LOVERS may soon be able to enjoy this nutritious food worry-free, thanks to a new decontamination method being developed at U of G by food scientist Keith Warriner. "This new decontamination agent rids the sprouts entirely of harmful pathogens, leaving behind only the healthy shoots consumers are expecting," he says.
OWN OR RENT A YEAR after launching research to measure the costs and benefits of home ownership, Prof. Marion Steele, Economics, says rn financial terms, it's best to be a homeowner in Toronto or Vancouver, mainly because of the high rates of capital gain there. In Winnipeg, however, it's cheaper to rent. She and Prof. Rakhal Sarker, Agricultural Economics and Business, are looking at six Canadian cities, evaluating financial costs and other values that affect living decisions.
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U of G campaign exceeds goal, HE UNIVERSITY
GuELPH has enjoyed a tremendous show of support from
private-sector donors who contributed more than $87.3 million to The Science of Life, the Art of Living campaign. That's 16 per cent above the original $75-million
goal, but the value of those gifts increases further when you consider the impact they had on University efforts to leverage public funds. During the campaign period -
1999 to 2003
-the University received an additional $233 million from federal and provincial programs beyond its normal operating and research revenues. Together, this represents a public and private investment of $320 million that will support the education of the next generation, attract world-class faculty and provide new facilities to accommodate the ever-growing numbers of students who want to attend the University of Guelph.
Campaign volunteer thanks staff
The Science of Life, the Art of Living campaign total at an
on-campus celebration event in February, campaign co-chair Tony Arrell, B.Sc.(Agr.) '67, took the opportunity to thank members of the University community who contributed to the success of the most ambitious fundraising campaign in U of G history. "We have a lot to celebrate and a great deal to be proud of;' he said. "It is because you are such a determined and focused c01rununity of researchers, scholars, stu-
dents and alumni that the University of
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Guelph has achieved the outstanding reputation that it enjoys today:' Arrell hosted the celebration with U of G president Alastair Swrunerlee. They made special mention of former president Mordechai Rozanski, who launched the campaign; chancellor Lincoln Alexander, an honorary patron of the campaign; and members of the campaign cabinet and volunteer team . Rozanski joined the celebration via a live teleconferencing link from New Jersey's Rider University, where he is president. Staff in Alumni Affairs and Development, Communications and Public Affairs and the Office of the President were also recognized for their professional support during the campaign.
U of G governor gives from the heart ARY-EL! ZABET H FLYNN,
a member of the University's Board of Governors since 1999, gave a $100,000 gift to the campaign that both honours her late husband and reflects her role as a member of Guelph's governing body. The Michael Joseph Flynn Classroom in Rozanski Hall has been dedicated by Mary-Elizabeth and their children, Katherine, Matthew and Megan. Formerly president and chief executive officer of the Provincial Capital Corporation, Michael Flynn died in 2001. Mary-Elizabeth, who is chief exec-
aws public support Research wing opens in September HASÂŁ 1 OF THE University's science complex will open on schedule in September. The five-storey research wing will provide 173,000 square feet of space. This first completed wing of the science complex sits behind the current Chemistry and Microbiology Building and runs from the MacNaughton Building to a buffer of trees at Gordon Street. It houses research labs, related offices, some teaching labs and the University's new Advanced Analysis and Training Centre. Other significant features of the research wing are the top-floor botany greenhouses and growth chambers. In addition to this being a practical location for natural lighting, the greenhouses will add an interesting architectural element to the complex. The science complex project continues this summer with renovations in the MacNaughton Building and demolition of the Chemistry and Microbiology Building. Phase 2 of the science complex will add a further 210,000 square feet of teaching, research and ancillary space, including student common space. The entire project is scheduled for completion by the fall of 2006.
utive officer of F.N. Financial Corporation in Toronto, chaired aU of G steering committee in 2001 and 2002 that updated the University's campus master plan. She led a comprehensive review of the physical plan for U of G that sought wide-ranging input from the University and surrounding Guelph community, as well as alumni. The committee's work helped guide planning for the construction of Rozanski Hall, as it will all future development on the main campus. "Guelph is already an outstanding university, but we're not prepared to sit still;' she said. "We're planning for the next decade." Although those comments spoke directly to the work of updating the campus master plan, they also reflect her commitment to the University's academic mission and the role the new classroom complex will play in the education of Guelph's growing student population.
HTM expansion was a first step ofthe School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) is its hands-on approach to teaching. That's a key reason why alumni and other industry leaders became major donors to the school's recent restaurant expansion, says director Marion Joppe. The $3.5-million project was designed to help meet the industry's need for more and better-qualified people, while addressing HTM's need for better facilities. As a result of the expansion, food production space has doubled and new food storage equipment
has been added. Students now have access to updated information systems for reservations, table management, ordering and productivity. In addition, HTM programs benefit from a multipurpose atrium that is available for use as an 85-seat dining room, lecture space and facility for special events.
Chicken farmers support U of G research $100,000
from Chicken Farmers of Ontario will help advance U of G efforts that contribute to Canada's biology-based economy. With a strong centre of expertise in the Ontario Agricultural College, the University is building multidisciplinary teams of researchers who will contribute through innovation and the education of highly qualified personnel needed by Canadian and international biobased industries. Chicken Farmers of Ontario is a farmerrun organization representing more than 1,100 chicken farmers in Ontario. Their gift has been designated to an agricultural biotechnology building project that will provide first-class facilities for students, faculty and researchers who are advancing ((The Science of Life" identified within the University's campaign theme.
Summer 2004 9
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THENToday's Guelph students don't wear beanies or baby doll pyja
t's easy to measure
the evolution of the University of Guelph by comparing the inventory of buildings and programs on campus today with those that existed when the founding colleges became a university in 1964. But to feel the true spirit of the campus, you have to look inside those buildings at the students who have studied, slept, ate, laughed, wept and wooed in them for the past 40 years. Inside a room in Mills Hall, a student residence on campus since 1921, you'll see posters on the walls, pictures of family and friends on the dresser, books on the shelves, clothes hanging from hooks and spilling on to the floor, as well as a bed, desk and chair.
At first glance, it could belong to a typical 1964 first-year student like Klaus Nielsen. The Ontarian recorded his photo as the first student to register in the "new" University of Guelph. Like 70 per cent of the 1,800 students on campus at the time, Nielsen registered in the Ontario Agricultural College. If you ran into another U of G graduate from the late 1960s, chances are good that he would also be male, because only 20 per cent of the University's population was female. One of those few women was Nielsen's wife, Elizabeth (Vincent). She enrolled in Macdonald Institute and spent her first year living in Macdonald Hall.
When we look a little closer at the that sit on the Mills Hall desk- the com puter, printer, speakers, MP3 player, phone - it becomes clear that this room could belong only to a typical U of G student today, someone like Ulla Laidlaw. 1n 2004, she's part of the majority gender on campus. Sixtythree per cent of Guelph's 16,000 undergraduate students are women. And like Laidlaw, one-third of today's students are enrolled in a bachelor of arts program, compared withi;;;;;;;;:;:o_ _ __ __ three per cent who are earning a bachelor of science in agriculture as Klaus Nielsen did. The computer is the clear centrepiece in Laidlaw's room. It's her stereo, music recording centre, DVD player, communication
, can't remember life before cellphones. By Rachelle Cooper
centre, word processor, dictionary, thesaurus, research centre, notebook, calendar and calculator. It's the lifeline to her friends, family, professors and course material. Every few seconds, it beeps to indicate someone is "talking" to her through MSN Messenger, even though she's left a "trying to st udy" message in the text box. "MSN is on all the time, which is distracting, but yo u can't help it," she says. Because she can see the names of friends who are also connected to the instant message program, Laidlaw has only to reach up and type a few words to communicate with them in real time. The most high-tech gadget on Klaus
Nielsen's desk in his undergraduate years was a slide rule. "We didn't have calculators at that time;' he explains. He didn't even have a typewriter. Essays and other assignments were usually handwritten. He would sometimes pay people to type assignments because unless you could type without any errors, it could take several tries to get a clean-looking copy. There were no personal stereos when he was in first year, but folk music could be heard coming from the rooms of the two guys on his floor who had guitars. When not plugged into the computers in their rooms, current U of G students can be found weekday afternoons on the couches in the Daily Grind coffee shop in the Uni-
L versity Centre watching Blind Date or Dr. Phil. In the evenings, they're in the common areas of the residences watching Th e Apprentice or The O.C. The only TV available in Klaus Nielsen's first year was in the reception room of the Athletics Cen tre. It was a brand-new colour TV that brought in one Buffalo station in colour. Students were invited to watch it, but were told not to adjust the dials themselves. Today, as soon as a new movie or song is available on the Internet, it promptly gets downlo aded and posted by students to the shared residence network. They're logged in to their computers for most of the day, but Guelph students may not "walk and
Summer 2004 11
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talk" as much as their peers attending bigger schools in bigger cities. Laidlaw says only a couple of her friends have cell phones and others leave them at home because they simply don't need them in Guelph. Of course, every student living in residence has a phone with voice mail and call waiting. When asked if he had a phone in his residence room in 1964, Nielsen Ia ughs. "Are you kidding? In Maid's Hall, we didn't even have one per floo~ There was only one for the whole residence." He would sometimes use that communal phone to call Elizabeth, but women were prohibited from the men's residences and vice versa. Female visitors were allowed only during the yearly "open house" day, which was closely supervised by the residence deans. "The door had to be open," says Klaus. Adds Elizabeth: "And both feet had to remain on the floor." : Klaus could visit Elizabeth m the common room of her residence W1til11 p.m., but he wasn't allowed past the locked door. Once a year, after the Conversat Ball, residence students were allowed to stay out all
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"Because you were allowed to stay out, you made sure that you did whether you wanted to or not," says Elizabeth. "Usually, we'd go to somebody's place for a party or to a hotel where we got together and then arranged for an early breakfast." Klaus could smoke in his room, but was not allowed to drink anywhere on campus. He could come and go as he pleased, but Elizabeth and the other female students on
Ontarion editorials commented
on feminism, student housing, premarital sex and civil rights.
Homecoming in 1964 featured a "novelty" exhibition of women's field hockey.
campus had to sign in and out of residence and be in by the 11 p.m. curfew, at which point the doors were locked. Outside of residence, women weren't allowed to wear pants. "We couldn't even go into the library or dining hall on a Saturday with pants on;' says Elizabeth. Not only did she always have to wear skirts, but she also had to wear nylons. Knee socks were frowned on and, in her first year, an Ontarian writer said Mac girls should be able to wear the more fashionable over-the-knee socks. Elizabeth explains why these strict rules were obeyed. "Miss Kidd, the main head dean of women, was a characte~ You didn't want to get called up in front of her, I'll tell you. Although we did water bomb her a couple of times from a place not connected with anyone . Today, Laidlaw wears whatever she 路 .. .i wants and, thanks to a former U of G student's topless statement in 1991, can even bare her breasts if she wants. Living in Mills Hall last year, she had no curfew and could have up to two overnight guests of any sex in her residence room, as long as she signed them in. Like the Nielsens, she shared her room and points out that she was lucky to have only one roommate. "Because the biggest rooms on campus are in Mills, they put three people in each room this year because of the double cohort." With the arrival of close to 5,000 students graduating from both the high school OAC program and the new four-year curriculum
Top-selling paperbacks in the
Tuition went up to $230 per
Co-op Bookstore were The Art of Marriage and Fanny Hill.
semester for the 1965/66 school year, but the Department of Agriculture offered a $62.50 bursary for OAC degree students.
this past fall, residence assistants (RAs)student counsellors who live among the firstyear students- are being called on once again to play the Miss Kidd role. "They aren't as mature as we were in first year;' says one fourth-year RA. "We need to really enforce the rules because a lot of them just don't use common sense. They were throwing chairs out of the balconies in East, so now all balconies are locked." These RA comments could well have been made by student proctors employed in the early 1960s, who dealt with pranks like sodding the main floor of Johnston Hall, plugging residence drains and putting beer in the milk dispensers. The proctors' priorities were first to protect University property, second to preserve study and quiet hours and third to help students adjust to their new environment. Today's residence rules are based primarily on safety concerns and consideration for the rights of others, and they reflect society's changing values. In the Nielsens' time, smoke lingered in the air of most campus buildings, but is now prohibited in even the campus pubs and private residence rooms. Laidlaw says few students smoke cigarettes these days. Alcohol has been allowed in residence rooms since the early 1970s, but the privilege comes with a long list of rules that RAs do their best to enforce. Cans are OK, but bottles, kegs and draft balls aren't. The large number of underage students in the 2004 doublecohort class has added to RA responsibilities to monitor alcohol use in residence common rooms. One RA says they try to ensure that
17 -year-old first-year students aren't drinking in the lounge areas, but Laidlaw's friend Alex Corey confirms that being underage until February of his first year didn't stop him from drinking "behind dosed doors" on campus and with friends off campus. Although there was no drinking on campus in 1964, Klaus Nielsen says a fair bit of beer drinking was done in the bars off campus. "We had boat races on Thursday nights where whoever could drink the most beer the fastest without dying would win," he says. Elizabeth says that in her day, the girls didn't normally go to bars. She went to a bar only once while at Guelph. Dating back to the days when most Guelph students went home for the weekend, Thmsday is still the traditional pub night. For many first-year students today, tl1at means getting dressed up to go out to one of the dance bars in town the Palace, Trapper's Alley, Club Denim. By second year, they usually branch out to the lower-key Albion, Van Gogh's Ear and Trasheteria. Students can conveniently hop on the free student-run Magic Bus from campus to downtown and back until3:30 a.m. Way off the Magic Bus route) at Woodlawn Road and Silvercreek Parkway) is the bar that gets the most pre-pub night talk, regardless of program or year. With its country music and decor, the Stampede Ranch offers students a chance to get in touch with U of G's "cow college" roots. "A lot of two-stepping goes on at the Ranch;' says Laidlaw. "It's a lot of fun." Students can either take a chartered bus or "cab it" to and from the Ranch.
Tuition for fall 2003 was $2,053,
Top-selling paperbacks in the
The Gryphon Hall of Fame has
Ontarion editorials commented
and more than so per cent of
University Bookstore are The
inducted six women who scored
on family violence, off路campus
entering students received
King of Torts and A Cold Heart.
financial aid from the University.
national recognition in field
housing, the role of the media
hockey, an official varsity sport
and the practice of detaining
since 1966.
Summer 2004 13
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These are usually group outings. And even though a lot has changed on campus since residence visitors had to keep both feet on the floor, Laidlaw says the dating scene is quite laid back. Couples do go out to movies or to dinner together, but hanging out with a larger group of friends is just as common, she says. In the 1960s, Elizabeth and Klaus also went out to movies and dinner. How the West Was Won and Bikini Beach were both playing in Guelph the year they started dating. Although their first years at Guelph were 39 years apart, Laidlaw and Klaus Nielsen both made the short walk from their residence rooms to Creelman Hall to get most of their meals. In 1964, Creelman was the only dining hall on campus and fed all600 first -year students at once - 420 from OAC, 80 from OVC and 100 from Mac - creating great demands on the kitchen. "There were two or three choices for dinner at best and it was all what we called "mystery meat;" says Nielsen. After moving off campus in second year, which all students had to do until South Residences opened in 1968, those who didn't want to cook their own meals on weekends could buy a five-meal package for $3.75. Today, Laidlaw and Corey can bypass Creelman Hall for one of 15 other dining facilities on campus, as well as the Bullring and the Brass Taps. Today's students can use their meal cards to buy food almost 24 hours a day, including at eight off-campus eateries, and instead of complaining about "mystery meat;' they brag to their high school friends who didn't come to Guelph.
Terry Daynard was elected
president of College Royal.
Regular advertisers in the Ontarion in cluded du Maurier cigarettes, Lloyd's Supe rtest, Tip Top Tailors and George Walker Jewellers.
"Everyone knows Guelph has the best food," says Laidlaw. "When my friends from other universities came to visit last year, they all told me they were horribly jealous of our meal plan." Guelph students can check campus menus online and can get a range of meat or vegan dishes, a customized order of pasta, sandwiches or quesadillas prepared while they wait, nachos or wings in Gryphs Sports Lounge and an upscale sit-down dinner at Caribou Creek Restaurant, or they can order Pizza Pizza delivered to their residence. U of G does offer residence accommodation to upper-level students, but most choose to move off campus. Laidlaw rents a house near downtown with four other women and is enjoying cooking her own food. A trademark of today's Guelph student is the Nalgene bottle clipped to his or her backpack with a carrabeaner. Instead of buying bottled water, environmentally aware students carry the hard plastic camping bottles to class, the gym and the library. Often spending 12-hour days on campus for classes an d drama rehearsals, Laidlaw brings her one-litre turquoise Nalgene bottle as well as her lunch in reusable containers. "When I'm on campus for a large chunk of the day, it's ridiculous because I have a whole other side bag full of my Tupperware. It's sort of funny:' Corey, who's in his second year of environmental science, also packs his lunches in reusable containers and washed-out milk bags. "I have so many milk bags right now because I can't use them all, but I won't
The Guelph Mercury published the marks of Macdonald Institute's graduating students.
The Home Economics Club hosted a guest speaker from Maple Leaf Milling who predict路 ed that people wou ld soon be eating synthetic food and that computers would take over restaurant operations, making chefs obsolete.
throw them out." They both say they're not trying to make a big statement by producing less garbage; for them, it just makes economical and environmental common sense. Corey knows all too well how much money he saves by bringing food from home. "Last year, I ran out of meal points in early March, so for the last little while, I was living on rice and beans because I ran out of money at the same time. Luckily, it was just when I got approved for a credit card, so I paid for my groceries on that and worked as soon as I was done school to pay it off." Like many Ontario students, he is quickly accumulating university debt. Although he received a $2,000 entrance scholarship, a $9,000 U of G financial need scholarship and a student bursary from his home province of New Brunswick, he already owes $10,000 in provincial and fed eral student loans. Because he's only halfway through his degree, that amount will probably double. He works as a lifeguard during the summer to save as much money as possible for school, but says that during the school year, being a student is his full-time job. "It stresses me out a little that I'll have debt when I graduate, but I feel like I'll be able to pay it off. I've put it in my mind that there's nothing I can really do right now anyway. I have some friends whose parents pay for tuition, but not many, so this is pretty much the norm. My sister has huge student loans that she figures will be paid off by the time her new baby is seven." Klaus Nielsen's generation also made a
The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management hosted
the executive chef from Vineland Estates Winery, who prepared a feast to help his alma mater thank donors to the school's newly renovated kitchen and teaching restaurant.
U of G reports marks only to the student who earned them.
lot of economical choices. Rather than rent entire houses in their second year, four students would often share a two-bedroom apartment. "That was quite common to keep the costs down a bit." Whether sharing an apartment in the '60s or a house in the new millennium, it seems most students find it necessary to escape from distractions in their shared accommodations to study in the library. "I often meet my housemate at the library, and we sit i.n the Williams coffee pub, where there are those big comfy chairs," says Laidlaw. "We study for a.n hour or two, then go skating at the arena." To some U of G administrators, opening a coffee shop in the McLaughlin Library seemed pretty radical even in the fall of 2003, but it turns out Elizabeth Nielsen and her friends also spent a lot of time drinking coffee in the library coffee shop during their undergraduate days. At that time, the library was housed in Massey Hall, and the coffee shop was in the basement of the building. "We spent a lot of time there meeting with friends and playing bridge," she says. U of G students and alumni would probably agree that the distractions from coursework are what really define student life. The tomato fights in the field behind OVC, the bull that OAC let loose in Macdonald Hall, panty raids, the dances to live bands on campus in the gymnasium, the student productions in War Memorial Hall, and the tug-ofwar competitions across the Speed River between the first-year and upper-year stu-
Regular advertisers in the Ontarian included Trapper's Alley (a pub), Travel Cuts, local optometrists, Knar Jewellery and numerous colleges, training institutes and graduate programs.
Terry Daynard B.Sc.(Agr.) '65,
M.Sc. '66 and PhD '68, was appointed associate dean (research and innovation) for OAC.
Summer 2004 15
dents are all events the Nielsens remember clearly from their undergraduate days. There were several clubs on campus then, including debating, drama, arts society and a choral club, which each put up booths to attract new members during the annual Club Events. Klaus and Elizabeth both played intramural sports, an activity that's more popular than ever on campus today. Some 6,000 students participate in the 13 different intramural sports offered. "We had a football game between Mac and Bursar girls;' says Elizabeth, who also played intramural hockey. Klaus was a member of the varsity football team and says the bleachers were always packed for the team's home games. Laidlaw says she doesn 't know many people who go to varsity games, but everyone is involved in extracurricular activities of some kind. Whether the goal is to get fit (kickboxing), have fun (inner tube waterpolo), learn a new skill (social dancing), beef up a resume (advancing Canadian entrepreneurship) or give to others (Habitat for Humanity), extracurricular activities are definitely a key aspect of the Guelph experience. "I find that the things I'm involved in outside of classes become just as important as my school work," she says. And although there are more than 150 clubs and interest classes offered on campus, today's students are just as likely to be involved in longtime traditional Guelph activities like participating in College Royal and Curtain Call Productions. Laidlaw runs regularly in the Gryphon
the n
Dome listening to music she's downloaded from the Internet on to her MP3 player, skates at the twin-pad arena, has taken interest classes in fencing and jazz dance and plays the saxophone with Curtain Call (which began as a student company about 75 years ago as part of College Royal). She's also a member of the Drama Student Federation and is one of 230 peer helpers- students who help other students with their transition to university. Volunteerism is a big part of student life at U of G. A campus program called Student Volunteer Connections, which runs out of the office of Student Life and Career Services, matches students' skills and interests with organizations in need of volunteers. Laidlaw is one of more than 500 Guelph students who take part in ProjectServe by volunteering a full day every September to work for a non-profit organization in Guelph. "This year, I weeded an environmental conservation park," she says. Corey runs, skis, plays intramural soccer, takes Tai Kwan Do lessons on campus, is a member of the rock climbing club and is involved in the U of G Forest Defence Collective. "We're a group trying to stop clear-cutting in Temagami, Ont., by bringing in guest speakers, raising awareness and writing letters;' he says. "If they do go ahead with cuts, we'll go up and protest." Working as a peer helper in the Centre for International Programs has opened Laidlaw's eyes to more than 60 study-abroad
~pt;o-m fot U of G ~odenr>. She h" 'pphed
Ten men joined the previously
In 1964, a new Canada student
Teenburgers at A&W were
A non-stop flight from Toronto
all路female cheerleading squad.
loan program limited loans to a
69 cents.
to London, England, was $195
maximum of $s,ooo during a college career.
to spend a semester studying in Aberdeen, Scotland, next year. (The Nielsens went to Scotland, too, but not as part of a study-abroad program. After obtaining their undergraduate and master's degrees at Guelph, they went to the University of Glasgow to do their PhDs.) In the Nielsens' undergraduate years at Guelph, before the semester system was introduced, they each took nine courses and were in class every day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The evenings were spent studying. Although both good students, they say they were never concerned about their marks or their futw路e careers. "We were there to also have a good time;' says Klaus. He is now a senior scientist with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Elizabeth is a director general with Health Canada. Judging from the serious faces and dozens of weekly appointments and group therapy sessions booked at the Counselling and Student Development Centre, today's university students are more stressed about their marks and their future careers. For most, concerns about marks and finances began back in high school. Klaus Nielsen says high marks weren't essential for getting into his program of choice. The competition today, however, means students learn early on to work hard to realize their goals. In 2003, U of G received 35,800 applications for 4,600 first-year spots. With an entering average in the 90s, Laidlaw believes she's worked hard to give herself several options after graduation. "I definitely want to make sure I maintain my marks,"
she says. Coming out of high school, she was worried she would put herself in the "wrong program" and limit her career options. In his time, says Nielsen, "a career was something you sort of fell into." Now, students often choose their comses and extracurricular activities to help fulfil their long-term goals. Because of her diverse talents and strengths, Laidlaw has taken a variety of courses so she doesn't pigeonhole herself in to a career. In first year, she took psychology, physics, theatre, English, calculus, the history of science and music, a combination of courses that simply wouldn't be an option at many other universities. Many students feel pressured to have a career picked out and RRSP contributions started before grad uation, but as she nears the end of her second year, Laidlaw says she now knows she should focus on getting the most out of her present experience. From slide rule to laptop, there are many differences in the University of Guelph that Laidlaw and Klaus Nielsen know. But regardless of the changes in the trappings of university life, many of their memories of Guelph will be similar. Reading the latest message on the cannon, meeting friends in the library, cramming for exams, playing intramural sports, being surprised by a professor's new ideas, finding what you're really interested in and walking across the convocation stage. These are the experiences that Guelph graduates share no matter how :uch dust has accumulated on their degree ~ diploma . ga 1
Book early today for $419,
A&W teenburgers are now
For the 40 to 6o per cent of
non-stop Toronto to Heathrow.
Canadian students who gradu-
U of G cheerleader and marketing student Leslie Wilson
ate with student loans, their
grossed six figures through
average debt is $21,200.
sales of her book, The Ultimate
guide to Cheerleading, and her line of Cheer Cutie clothing and accessories.
Summer 2004 17
Almost 97 per cent of Gue lph graduates report that they are emp loyed within two years of graduation.
The Macdonald Stewart Art Centre houses an internationally recognized collection of Canadian Inuit art from 1950 to the present.
U of G's undergraduate population is 63-per-cent female and has been within one per cent of that ratio for the last 10 years. Across Canada, the ratio is about 57 per cent
Thirty-thcee -cent of Guelph undergraduates are enrolled in a bachelor of arts program, 29 per cent in a bachelor of science program and 15 per cent in a bache lor of commerce program; the rest are spread across the University's remaining 10 degree programs .
THAT MIGHT No matter how you mix them up, th 18
Ninety per cent of Guelph students come from outside our home county, a reflection of the University's reputation as a residential campus.
U of G has 13 campus police officers who conduct foot, bicycle and vehicle patrols of the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including an escort service to augment the student-run Safe Walk program. • 15,500 courses enrolments in degree studies • 28,ooo registrations for non-degree courses.
U of G will distribute $19 million in student financial aid this year. It costs $8 ,to ge!;a a copy ouro _ cial
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The best collection of Scottish books and material in North America is in the University of Guelph Library.
you'll find the form: ~
In addition to the London, , Cannes and Krakow semesters, U of G now offers studyabroad programs in Guatemala and India and has exchange programs with more than 6o educational institutions worldwide.
URPRISE YOU ... all add up to a great university! Summer 2004 19
If you live within driving distance of campus, you can take advantage of diagnostic, rehab ilitation and health promotion services - including fitness and nutrition programs - offered by the Health and Performance Cent re.
About 10 per cent of Gue lph's 700 varsity athletes earn Academic AllCanadians honours by achieving an ave rage of 8o per cent or higher while competing at the national level.
â&#x20AC;˘ caring community
New admissions to U of G co-op programs jumped from 603 in 2002 to 1,099 in 2003, bringing total co-op enrolment up to about 1,8oo.
U of G scientists are designing a gree nh ouse fo r Mars.
The ever-popular aggie pubs are now held at off-campus clubs, with bus service provided both ways.
Not only can you now drink coffee inside the U of G Library, but you can also buy it there at the first路 floor Wi lliams Coffee Pub kiosk.
Since 1970, the 165-hectare Arboretum has "grown" from large open fields to include 17,947 plant collections, wetlands, nature trails and a memorial forest.
Over the last 10 years, the p~rcentage of students who work during the school year has remained the same at about 10 per cent. But more students are applying for provincial aid and more are receiving financial support from their parents.
The tuition for a BA or B.Sc. student at Guelph for two semesters is $4,184, but the total cost of attend ing the Un iversity (including room, board, supplies, books and other living expenses) is about $14,500 per year.
Guelph has 1,900 graduate students from 70 countries.
ALMA MATER Summer 2004 21
donated more than $33,000 from their meal plans to support food banks
Deferred maintenance is a Canada-wide university problem, but U of G needs an estimated $2oo million to catch up on needed repa irs to buildings and infrastructure.
More than 100 of Guelph's 760 full-time faculty have won prestigious teaching and research excellence awards.
U of G staff, faculty, retirees and students pledged a record-breaking $319,000 to the Guelph and Wellington United Way in 2003 15 per cent of the agency's total campaign.
More than 6,300 students participate in intramural sports each semester. Among the most popular sports are soccer, volleyball, underwater hockey and inner tube water polo.
On a busy day, 12,ooo people pass trough the U of G Library turnstiles.
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Still talking after all these years Cross-cultural friendship started at U of G By Philip Shaw, B.Sc.(Agr.) '81 and M.Sc. '89
iii ~
~ ~
how it happened. I grew up on a farm near the small southwestern Ontario town of Dresden. On the other side of the world, Enarnul Haque was chasing monkeys through the tea gardens near Sylhet, East Pakistan. I'm sure it never crossed his mind that someday he'd be pointing out those monkeys to this farm kid from Ontario. But that's exacdy what happened on my visits to his boyhood home in 1993 and 2000. How did two such diverse people from two ver y different parts of the world get together? On a cold icy January day in 1986, I took what felt like a lonely walk up Gordon Street for my first day in graduate school in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Business at the University of Guelph. On the same street, Enamul was doing the same thing. Litde did we know that Gordon Street walk would lead to a lifetime walk together. We first met in the McLaughlin Library. Prof. Harry Cummings of the School of Rural Planning and Development had assigned my class a project in regional economic models. I was clearly out of my element. The library was nothing like my farm in Dresden. As I stumbled through rows of books and journals, I met Enamul doing the same thing. The first thing he said to me was that he liked to read. It seemed a strange thing for him to say, but I realize now it took a lot of courage for a foreign student from Bangladesh to break the ice. I can just imagine myself in Bangladesh telling sotne stranger in Bangia that I like to
read. It would have been a disaster. This is how A.K Enamul Haque, M.Sc. '87 and PhD '92, remembers it: " I was quite shy because I could not speak English fluently. I had no problem reading and writing in English, but speaking was my weak point. Our first official discussion, however, took place in the library. Phil was looking for a journal, and I pointed toward the shelf where he could find it. In those days, my best friend was the library. It's a place where you don't have to speak. "Phil had a very bold style. 'Hello, Philip Shaw is my name,' he would say and then extend his hand for a warm handshake. I liked his style because he was probably the first Canadian who welcomed me like that. There were a few others, but they were busy with their own lives. Why bother a person who can't speak English well?" My library encounter with Enamul was the start of a lifelong friendship put together by U of G. Over the next few years, I earned a master's degree in agricultural economics and business, while Enamul earned his M.Sc in agricultural economics and a PhD in resource economics. During this time, we became inseparable. Enamul was part of my family. But it wasn't easy. Southwestern Ontario is a long way from Sylhet, Bangladesh. There were certain cultural differences that we both found difficult. The language barrier in the early days was always a problem. Enamul once told me that he first wondered how he could survive in a cold, icy land where the most ava ilable foods were called donuts.
Enamul completed his PhD in 1991. I was present at his thesis defence, as he was at mine. Shortly after, I drove him to the Toronto airport, where he departed from Canada and his Canadian life. When he disappeared into the security of Pearson airport, I knew one chapter of our relationship had closed and another was about to begin. He return ed to stand up for me at my wedding in January 1992. Later that year, he got married, too. After that, I knew keeping our friendship alive would be difficult. Spanning that many miles, both geographically and culturally, would take some commitment. I called every month, something I still do to this day. But telephone communication was poor, and Enamul didn't actually own a phone. In January 1993, my wife, Cindy, and I set out for Bangladesh. We are travellers, so we thought we were prepared for almost anything. But nothing could have prepared us for the culture shock on the streets of Bangladesh. It was total cultural inversion. Up was down, right was wrong, comfort was an illusion. It occurred to me that maybe that's what Enamul felt in January 1986 on his cold walk up Gordon Street. In many ways, my U of G days were the most dynamic of my life, but the 1993 trip to Bangladesh changed my life forever. Never aga in would I look at life from a purely western perspective. Back in Ca nada, I started a family and expanded my farming business. I also developed a writing career across the United
Above: Enamul Haque and Philip Shaw at Foy's Lake in Bangladesh in 1993. Insets, clockwise from top left: U of G graduation photo; with their wives, Zoya Haque and Cindy Shaw in 1993; at Mongala, Bangladesh in 2003; and on the beach at Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh in 1993.
States and Canada and started a weekly radio commentary at CFCO Radio in Chatham. It was a busy time. On the other side of the world, Enamul was busy with his life, too. In late 1999, I decided to pay another visit to Bangladesh and flew there in January 2000. I travelled across the country and, when I left, told Enamul I would be back in 2003. Little did I know that he'd show up four months later in Canada. His career had taken off and he'd begun travelling the world to attend seminars and give presentations. A professor of economics at Nor th South Un iversity in Dhaka, he is renowned in Bangladesh and South Asia for his work. For my return visit in 2003, Enam ul arranged a 48-hour voyage with the World Conservation Union into the Sundarban National Forest, the largest mangrove forest in the world. There, we were lucky eno ugh to see and photograph a Royal Bengal tiger. Si nce that first day in the McLaughlin
Library, we've been "debating the issues." That's a buzz phrase Enamul and I use for our "intercultural" conversations. His perspective was born in the burgeoning cauldron of humanity called Bangladesh. Mine is more typically western. During that 2003 visit, we were both interviewed on a Dhaka radio station. On leaving the studio, Enamul suggested that we publish our unique perspectives about world issues. Essentially, why not let everybody "debate the issues"? That was the start of our joint column called "East/West." It appears each month in, an online newspaper owned and published by another Guelph grad, John Gardiner, BA '80. The column can be viewed at This is how Enamul puts it: "I proposed that since we'd been talking about many issues over the phone, we should start a column together. This would help the
world know that we are friends although we live thousands of miles apart. We trust each other, even though our beliefs are different. We respect each other, even though we have differences in our skin colour. With all these differences, this is one world, one village and one human race. Let us know each other better!' In our column, we've tackled such issues as nuclear proliferation, western-style foreign aid, what globalization means to farmers in both our countries and, of course, the war in Iraq. Plans are also in the works to have the column published in an Englishlanguage daily in Dhaka. Over time, our world has grown smaller. Today, Enamul and I call each other on our respective cellphones. That's a far cry from the days when we "debated the issues" in the Grad Lounge at U of G. Nothing can replace that. It's a great example of how Guelph builds lives and nurtures relationships across cultural and continental divides. ga
Summer 2004 25
HEY WERE PROBABLY hanging out in downtown Guelph at Van Gogh's Ear when they first decided they would make good business partners, but Chris Adams, B.Sc. '97, and Shawn Kitsemetry, B.Comm. '97, say they didn't know exactly how or when they'd blend their interests in marine biology and marketing. Each went his own way after graduation. Kitsemetry headed west for a job in sales, using the Internet to sell an after-market back-up sensor for the automotive industry. He was eventually hired by the manufacturing company to develop and execute a retail marketing strategy across North America. Adams says he graduated at a time when governments were cutting back on fisheries management, so he went fishing for a new career plan and ended up at a job fair at U of G. He applied for a one-year post-graduate diploma in applied information technology at the Information Technology Institute in Ottawa. That's where he met Krista Lariviere, co-founder of cgk Technologies Group Inc. They started the company in Toronto in 1999 to supply professional Internet services to small to medium-sized companies. Kitsemetry joined them six months later as head of sales and marketing. All three had entrepreneurial ambitions, but Kitsemetry admits he was surprised when ~ Adams called to say he and Lariviere wanted 0 to jump into the eBusiness market. "I thought ~ 0 he was a biology guy;' says Kitsemetry. ~ After six months of working elbow-to_:: elbow in a small Toronto flat, they moved ~ cgk to Barrie in late 2000. 0 ~ The move was a lifestyle choice, but it <( ~ also helped differentiate cgk from the comQ. petition. Forty per cent of the firm's cus~ tamers are located in the Barrie area, 45 per ~ cent are in the greater Toronto area and 6:: 15 per cent are outside Ontario.
From left: Shawn Kitsemetry, Chris Adams and Sandy Coulter.
Now a big fish in a smaller pond, cgk has grown more than 100 per cent each year and launched its proprietary product, Hot Banana, in the U.S. market on Aprill, 2004. The three partners started Hot Banana Software Inc. as a separate company to capture a larger share of the $6-billion North American market for web content management services. Kitsemetry describes Hot Banana as a commodity-based system that allows customers to pick the tools they need today. "You can achieve what you're trying to do on the web without having any programming skills. You can build and maintain a website without knowing how to program html:' There are currently 171 websites and over 1,000 people using Hot Banana. Adams says its success rests on the company's pledge to put business ahead of technology. "The crash happened because too many people were using technology for technology purposes instead of thinking about the business behind why they were
investing in the technology." While Hot Banana swims into deeper waters, cgk is now focusing on professional Internet services, such as consulting on web design, communications, custom software and marketing strategies. One of its recent success stories involves another U of G marine biology graduate, Sandy Coulter, B.Sc. '83. Coulter is an environmental officer for the City of Barrie. When the former Ontario Conservative government enacted its new Nutrient Management Act, Coulter turned to cgk to design a software program that wou ld help him comply with the new provincial legislation. He needed a way to monitor and report on what's happening at the city's water pollution control plant, without adding additional staff. Coulter's cgk-designed software provides an effective interface among three essential parties: the city, private contractors and officials at the Ministry of the Environment. The system now has three monitoring mod-
Alumni Association Awards of Excellence will be presented June 26 at the President's Lunch. The recipients are Donal McKeown, DVM '58,Alwnnus of Honour; Bruce Stone, BSA '53 and MSA '54, Alumni Volunteer Award; and Sue-Ann Staff, B.Sc.(Agr.) '94, Alumni Medal of Achievement. Join your class in the Gryphon Dome to support and recognize these distinguished alumni. Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
HE BuLLRING WAS renovated in 2003 and is once again one of our students' favourite places. The Central Student Association (CSA) calls it a "student living room on campus:' The Bullring is licensed and offers beverages, snacks and light meals in a
ules up and running: environmental incidents, siltation control and biosolid spreading. The program saves numerous phone calls among the three parties, maintains accurate records and allows immediate tracing should the need arise. Adams says his biology classes came in handy for the city project and sparked a few comparisons between his Guelph experi-
cozy environment with comfortable seating. If you have Bullring memorabilia or photos the CSA could use for display, please bring them with you! Alumni Weekend hours are 7 to 10 p.m. Friday and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday.
ence and Coulter's. Even though they graduated 14 years apart, they had some of the same Guelph professors and both learned the importance of natural resource management. In 2003, cgk Technologies won the City of Barrie's New Business Award, and this year, earned a spot on the Barnham Group Top 25 up-and-coming Canadian IT com-
reunion classes have set up bulletin boards on the online community. Visit your class site to view reunion plans and post an update on what you've been doing since graduation. At press time, the following classes had launched bulletin boards: Engineering, FACS '79, OVC '79 and OAC '64, '79A, '84 and '84A. To access the bulletin boards and register with the online community, visit To set up a bulletin board for your group, call Alumni Affairs at 519-824-4120, Ext. 56934.
panies. The latter measures ckg's success on the world stage. The Barrie award also considers its involvement in the local business community. The company offers regular seminars on how to use Internet and web technology to enhance business opportunities, with the proceeds used to sponsor a local high school participant in the Junior Team Canada business program.
Summer 2004 27
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Coming Events june 1 - OAC public lecture hosted by the dean's office. OMAF deputy minister Frank Ingratta will discuss "Agriculture: Adding Value to Life" at 7 p.m. in OVC Lifetime Learning Centre 1714. june 11- Alumni reception in Halifax, 6 p.m., Westin Nova Scotian Hotel. For details, contact Mary Feldskov at mfeldsko june 11 and 18- Arboretum workshops on watercolour painting and sketching. Details at, or Ext. 52358. june 13 to 16- U ofG hosts the National Agricultural Biotechnology Council conference, "Finding Common International Goals." For details, visit www.uoguelph. ca/research/NABC/ or contact Katie Meyer at june 14 to 16 -Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference for educators, health professionals, clergy, therapists and social workers. Details at 519-767-5000 or june 16 - Latornell Lecture hosted by the Department of Land Resource Science. Pedro Sanchez, director of tropical agriculture at the Earth Institute at Columbia University, describes "Soil Fertility and Hunger in Africa" at 7 p.m. in the OVC Lifetime Learning Centre. june 25 to 27- Alumni Weekend at the University of Guelph. Aug. 28 and 29- Kemptville College Alumni Weekend. Contact Ellen Mooney at 613-258-8336 or emooney@kemptville Sept. 10 - OACAA annual golf to urn ament in Guelph. Contact Carla Bradshaw at cbradsha@oac. Sept. 11 -Arboretum Auxiliary plant sale, includes rare and unusual plants, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the R.J. Hilton Centre on College Avenue, free admission. Sept. 25 -Homecoming at U of G. For information about these and other campus events, call the University of Guelph at 519-824- 4120, Ext. 56544.
Last lecture reflects Guelph experience
ORMER CANADIAN astronaut Roberta Bondar, B.Sc. (Agr.) '68 and H.D.Sc. '90, spoke to graduating students March 29 at the Last Lecture, an annual event designed to give graduating students an opportunity to reflect on their experiences at Guelph and celebrate their accomplishments. Prof. Judith Thompson, English and Theatre Studies, and graduating student Rebecca Philbrook also spoke. An accomplished photographer as well as a scientist, Bondar illustrated her talk with images from her books Passionate Vision and Canada: Landscape ofDreams.
FTER A SUCCESSFUL EVENT last fall, U of G's Project Serve is gear ing up for another day of community involvement Sept. 25. As in past years, hundreds of Guelph stud ents will spend a Saturday morning working for a local community agency or non-profit organization. Alumni can also get involved this year by acting as team leaders or by inviting students to an agency in the Guelph area where you volunteer. For more information, contact Emi lie Hayes at 519-824-4120, Ext. 52782, or
She recently participated in the National Gallery of Canada's "Science and Photography: Beauty of Another Order" exhibition. Thompson is a renowned playwright and two-time winner of the Governor General's Literary Award for Drama for The Other Side of the Dark and White
Biting Dog. Philbrook, who graduates this spring with a BA in English and French, was chosen to give the student lecture. She received the Nancy Stoten Memorial Scholarship, the College of Arts Student Union Book Prize and an award for promoting francophone culture on campus.
F YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE who likes to plan really far ahead, then mark your calendar for the 2005 Florida Reun ion on March 2. The annual event in Port Charlotte has become a tradition for many snowbirds and U.S. alumni. More than 70 alumni and friends attended the 2003 event, including U of G president Alastair Summerlee, who spoke about Guelph's ranking as Ca nada's lead ing comprehensive university. The earliest graduate in attendance was Gord Nixon, OAC '39, and the Baker Trophy for the highest class attendance went to OAC '51.
ORE THAN 75 OVC alumni attended a reception hosted by the college as part of the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas Feb. 16. DVM graduates from 1952 through to future 2005 grads had the opportunity to mingle and h ear about the redevelopment plans for the college.
Members of the DVM class of 1994, from left: Odie Marcovici, Nina Honda, lan Sandler, Suzi Peters, AI Donais, Tracey Hobbs and Kathleen Norman.
Look at us now! ALUMNI WEEKEND 2004 will highlight the 40th anniversary of the University of Guelph. Already rich in history and known by the reputation of its founding colleges, the Guelph campus was granted university status in 1964. Today, the University of Guelph is renowned in Canada and around the world for its innovative research, its emphasis on teaching and learning, and its efforts to advance open learning, internationalism and collaboration. In the last year, Guelph ranked first among comprehensive universities in Canada in four independent surveys that evaluate academic quality, research intensity, community atmosphere and public accountability. We invite the entire U of G alumni community to find out why your alma mater earns such accolades. Join us on campus June 25 to 27 to celebrate your connection to the University of Guelph.
FRIDAY, JUNE 25 Alumni Golf Day- Afternoon tee times have been booked at Guelph Lakes Golf. Reserve your spot by June 10
Call Sam Kosakowski at 519路824-4120, Ext. 54703, or send e路mail to Leave your message at 4 p.m.
Paint the Cannon
Rutherford Conservatory Grand Opening- A horticultural visual delight at 5 p.m.
A casual family event with a buffet dinner served from 5:30 to 630 p.m.
Welcome Party -
Residence Tours- Find your residence room, 7 p.m. Star Party -
Visit the physics observatory for a spectacular look at the summer sky, 9:15p.m.
SATURDAY, JUNE 26 OVC Alumni Association Breakfast and AGM- 830 a.m. Campus Walking Tour- 9 a.m. OAC Alumni Association AGM -
9 a.m.
CBS Alumni Association Breakfast and AGM -
9 a.m.
CSAHS Dean's Breakfast and Tours- 9 a.m. H.K./H.B. Alumni Association AGM -
10 a.m.
Mac-FACS Alumni Association AGM -
1030 a.m .
Coffee Break Lecture- Food scientist Massimo Marcone talks about his coffee research at 10 a.m. President's Lunch -
This event will honour the classes of 1954 and will include the presentation of the
University of Guelph Alumni Association (UGAA) Awards of Excellence. Classes seated together at 1130 a.m. Wa lk, ride a horse-drawn trolley or learn about fish research, 2 p.m
Campus Tours -
President's Open House Alumni at the Library -
Tour the 1882 stone President's House, then have tea at Creelman Hall, 2:30 to 4 p m Find out what's in it for you at 2 p.m
Chemistry and Microbiology Farewell Tour Engineering Reception UGAA AGM -
Visit your old haunts one last time, 4 p.m.
Enjoy wine and cheese with classmates, 5 p.m
All alumni welcome, 5 p.m.
Alumni Dinner -
Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the University UGAA hosts a 6 p m. reception. followed by
recognition of the Silver Anniversary classes of 1979 and a slide show highlighting the first 40 years at U of G. Alumni Pub- Dance to music from the '70s, '80s and early '90s. Doors open at the Brass Taps at 9 p.m
SUNDAY, JUNE 27 Ecumenical Service- 9 a.m. Farewell Breakfast- A buffet-style meal and a slide show of photos taken over the weekend, 945 a.m.
Mac '39D, '49D, '54, '54D, '64 and '69 -
OAC '33, '39, '44, '49, '53, '54, '64, '79, '79A.
'84, '84A and '94- OVC '49, '54, '58, '59, '79 and '84. It's not too late to bring your class or group of friends back to campus for Alumni Weekend. Register online
For a full schedule of Alumni Weekend events. visit our website at lumni. Register early because seating for many events is limited. Call 519-824-4120, Ext. 56544, or send e-mail to alumni@uoguelph ca.
A father needs a sense of humour
lan Darling and daughter Caroline talk in front of Massey Hall, where she attends drama classes. When he was a Guelph student, Massey Hall housed the University library and a student-run coffee shop in the basement.
Ian Darling, BA '71, says his daughter Caroline was one of his toughest editors while he was writing Go Ask Dad, a new humour book about fatherhood published by Mosaic Press. Now an editorial writer at the Kitchener- Waterloo Record,
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• Margaret (Ferguson) Burdsail, DHE '41, finished her Macdonald Institute diploma just as the school was closed to support Canada's efforts in the Second World War. The buildings were used to train military chefs and wireless and radar operators. One of the students at RCAF Wireless School No. 4 was her future husband, Bernard, who completed his training in 1943, the same year they were married. They celebrated their 60th
Darling studied political science at U of G. Caroline is enrolled in Guelph's drama program. Go Ask Dad draws on both their experiences for the chapter titled "Dad's College Education." Ian Darling writes: "Dad doesn't realize how little he
anniversary last June with five daughters, 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren in attendance. They live m Kingston, Ont., where she volunteers with the local chapter of the Thyroid Foundation of Canada and he volunteers with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes.
1950 • Alex Henry, BSA '51, will be inducted into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame in June in
knows until his kids are old enough to go to college or university ..... like the federal government, he may go into debt, but he is always expected to have money for worthy as well as unworthy projects. These years provide Dad with the opportunity to consider whether it is always better to give than to receive. ''As he suspected, the kids' courses turn out to be acceptable, but he does sigh a little when told that the real incentive to come back the following year is the great social life on campus. He hopes the parties aren't as great as the ones he remembers." Darling's U of G experience began in Wellington College, which was the campus home for arts and science students from 1964 to 1970. He took advantage of Guelph's three-semester system and studied year-round to complete his degree. He remembers the campus as a hot-bed of debate on social and political issues of the day.
recognition of his century contributions to agriculture, especially in the fertilizer business, where he introduced bulk blending plants that enabled farmers to target applications and increase yields. He and his wife, Yvonne, have retirement homes in London, Ont., and Fort Myers, Fla. • Otto Radostits, DVM '59, has been named a Member of the Order of Canada for his contributions to science. During a career spanning more than four decades, he edited and wrote a
number of definitive textbooks on large-animal medicine and served as a rrentor to generations of students at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM). Dedicated to food safety and animal welfare, he has been a prominent advocate of biosecurity practices among livestock owners to prevent the spread of disease. Raised in Alberta, he taught at OVC and Purdue University early in his career, but moved to the University of Saskatchewan in 1964 to start WCVM's veterinary clinical teaching practice. He was head of the college's Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine from 1982 to 1991 and is now a professor emeritus. • Kenneth Tipper, DVM '51, "repositioned" his workday last fall after 42 years of service to the farming community on Ontario's Manitoulin Island. Earlier in his career, he worked
Marion and Kenneth Tipper
in Sturgeon Falls and Massey and even tried government service for about a year, making his 52 years one of the longest service records for a large-animal veterinarian. More than 250 people gathered in Providence Bay to wish him well and praise both him and his wife, Marion, for their dedication to the veterinary profession and the island community. Their sons,
Sean and Sandy, were also on hand for the event.
1960 • Thomas Chudleigh, BSA '63, will be inducted into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame in June. President of Chudleigh's Apple Farm near Milton, Ont., he is being honoured for his leadership in the orchard industry, particularly in the cultivation and marketing of apples. The family orchard began with Chudleigh's great-grandfather and added a pick-your-own operation in 1967, followed by a bakery and retail operation, which are hallmarks of the company today. • Donald Gibbons, BSA '63, and his wife, Bertha Ann, celebrated 40 years of marriage May 7, 2004. Their courtship began at the University of
Th e Gibbons family, from left: Vania, Donald, Bertha, Sheila, Kathryn and Nancy.
Guelph. He studied agricultural engineering; she was at Macdonald Institute but transferred to teachers' college before graduation. They now live in Calgary, where he is a senior business adviser with Annapolis Consulting Group. They're celebrating their anniversary with good wishes from their daughters, Sheila, Vania, Kathryn and Nancy; son-in-law, Bill; and grandchildren, Riley and Grace. • Wade Johnson, BSA '64 and M.Sc. '66, recently retired from a position as director of the Agriculture and Agri- Food
Canada research station at Kentville, N.S., and moved to a new home in Brockville, Ont. • Dawn Monroe, BA '69, has retired from her position as manager of library services for Citizenship and Immigration Canada after 32 years with the federal government. Her retirement plans include some travel and working on research for her website, www. famouscanadian
Two vets meet in Victoria
1970 • Jane Eccles, BA '70, drew on 10 years of work inspired by visits to the Kawartha area of Ontario for an exhibition this spring at the Station Gallery in Whitby, Ont. In addition to her paintings, the show included a performance by Eccles of her original writing and visuals. She and her husband, Ron, BA '70, have two sons, Brad and Ryan, B.Comp. '03, and live and work in Bowmanville. • Don Gallagher, B.Sc. (Agr.) '70, writes that after 27 years in Toronto, he and Sharron are "enjoying the scenery, the sailing and the lack of traffic" in Kingston, Ont. He is still selling real estate with Royal LePage and says "old friends (and you are getting old)" can drop him a line at • Thomas Kopf, BLA '78, is a principal at DTJ Design Inc., a landscape architecture firm in Boulder, Colorado, with a national reputation for park and conservation planning. He recently published a book on how to design cost-effective and livable communities. Building Community is available at • Daniel Laing, B.Sc. '71, has changed careers from science to history. He will retire this summer after 32 years as a technician with Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada to promote his book, Ruined by the Reich, recently
Abe Kidd, DVM '42, left, asked his daughter to snap his photo with former OVC dean Trevor Lloyd jones, DVM '34, during an alumni gathering in Victoria, B.C., last fall. More than 300 Guelph alumn i live in the Victoria area, and all were invited to the Horticultural Centre of the Pacific for tea and a tour led by head gardener and instructor Les Stempski, ADA '86. Kidd is retired from veterinary service with the B.C. government. He sent the photo to recognize the contributions jones made as acting principal, principa l and dean of OVC from 1950 to 1969 during the forma tion of the Un iversity of Guelph.
published by McFarland and Company. It's a historical account of a Prussian family caught between the murderous policies of Hitler and Stalin from 1916 to 1945. Laing is the author of numerous scientific articles for journals and newspapers. He lives in Amherstburg, Ont. • Melanie Macdonald, BA '70, is a former president and CEO of World Neighbors Inc., an international not-for-profit organization that sponsors grassroots development work throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America. Macdonald has more than 26 years of experience in non-profit management. She is owner of The Hopetown Group in Lanark, Ont., where she consults with not-for-profit organizations and provides executive coaching services. Before establishing her own firm, she was executive director
of CUSO from 1995 to 2000 and has served as chair of the International Development Executives' Association. From 1991 to 1995, she was chief financial officer for the United Church of Canada in Toronto.
1980 • Anna (Fabrizi ) Fiala, B.A.Sc. '81, moved to Edmonton to complete a dietetic internship after graduation and has been there ever since. She is now regional manager of patient food service for Capital Health. She married junior high school teacher David Fiala Aug. 15,2003. • Jackie Fulton, BA '89, was recently appointed director of group sales for the Westin Resort and Spa in Whistler, B.C. She was formerly the hotel's sales manager responsible for the U.S. Midwest, California and international incentive markets. Originally from Stoney Creek,
Summer 2004 31
Guelph grads among Canada's top gardeners We've identified six U of G graduates and numerous University friends among those named by Gardening Life magazine as key players in the Canadian gardening world. The article on "Canada's Fab 55: A Gardening Who's Who" appeared in the February 2004 issue. The magazine says it set out to recognize the "diverse talents that populate Canada's gardening world." These Guelph grads were included in the celebrity portfolio: • Virginia Burt, BLA '85, a Toronto-based landscape architect whose focus has turned to therapeutic and spiritual heal-
ing gardens. Her company, Visionscapes, has designed healing gardens for individuals as well as hospital and mental health facilities m Guelph, London, Hamilton, Toronto and other locations across Canada and in the United States. • Martin Galloway, B.Sc. '78, is a biologist, zoologist and botanist who lectures at various Canadian universities and is host of HGTV's The Secret Life of Gardens. He also operates a native plant nursery called Chalk Lake Greenhouses in Uxbridge, Ont. • HenryKock,B.Sc.(Agr.) '77, is an interpretive horticulturist at the U of G Arboretum. He
established the facility's gene banks for rare plants, initiated the province's Elm Recovery Project, created a schoolyard naturalization program, and is currently working on a manual on the ecology and propagation of trees and shrubs in the Great Lakes watershed. • Bernard Jackson, ODH '77, was responsible for building Memorial University Botanical Garden in Newfoundland and served as director until 1997. An expert on butterflies, trees and rock gardening, he is now overseeing the installation of a rock garden at Nova Scotia Agricultural College. • Tom Sparling, BLA '70, built
a career as a .Plant researcher/ breeder and professor in the landscape architecture program at Ryerson University in Toronto. In 1997, he took over from Jackson as director of the Memorial University Botanical Garden, where he is a proponent of Newfoundland native plants. • Karl Stensson, BLA '73, and Bill Stensson, are the third generation of their family to run Toronto's Sheridan Nurseries. Started in 1913 by Sven Hermann Stensson and passed on by Howard, BSA '36, the company is now one of Canada's largest gardening chains.
Ont., she has been working in hotel marketing and sales positions in Whistler for 13 years. • George Gillson, B.Sc. '80, completed a PhD and MD at the University of Calgary and, in 2002, started Canada's first private medical testing laboratory in Calgary. Rocky Mountain Analytical specializes in steroid hormone assays and is expanding into the area of wellness-focused nutritional biochemistry testing. • Sherri-Lynn Herd, BA '84, has been a career and employment counsellor for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in British Columbia for four years. She recently moved from Qualicum Beach to Nanaimo. • Peter Wozniak, DVM '83, is a medical doctor and assistant professor at the University of Ottawa. A fellow of the College of Family Physicians, he is currently editor of the Journal of
Atherosclerosis. • Patricia Young, BA '80, is the new managing editor of the Guelph Mercury, where she oversees a team of more than 20 editors, reporters and photographers. A longtime sports reporter, she was recently the
associate sports editor at the Globe and Mail. She covered sporting events around the world and co-ordinated The Globe's coverage of the 2000 Olympics in Australia. She also worked at the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong.
Wendy and Shawn Braithwaite • Wendy (Bennen), B.Comm. '93, and Shawn Braithwaite were married June 7, 2003, in Banff, Alta. They met at U of G and currently live in Lake Louise, where she is director of human resources for the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. Friends are welcome to contact them at • Peter Buchanan-Smith, BA '95, recently opened an art and design studio in New York City called Monday Morning. He
has a graduate degree from New York's School of Visual Arts, was an art director at The New York Times and published his first book, Speck, in 2002. The book won J.D. Magazine's design distinction award. Most recently, he was an organizer of and featured designer in the American Institute of Graphic Arts' "Fresh Dialogue" symposium. See his work at www. • Cassie Campbell, BA '97, was again named to Canada's national hockey team. She competed with the team at the 2004 Women's World Hockey Championships March 30 to April6 in Halifax. During the 10 years Campbell has competed for Canada, the team has captured six world championship titles (including this year), an Olympic silver medal in 1998 and an Olympic gold medal in 2002. First a top defenceman, she made the transition to left wing a few years ago and currently plays for the Calgary X-Treme in the National Women's Hockey League. As a member of the varsity Gryphons, she earned Ontario Women's Intercollegiate Athletic Association All-Star
honours four times. • Julie Cieply, BA '95, married Leonard Collins, BA '87, in Oakville, Ont., July 19, 2003. They are currently living in Burlingt01_1, where he is director of major accounts and commercial revenue for Cogeco Cable. She works in An caster as a territory manager for Canada Bread. • Armin Elbers, M.Sc. '92, was recently appointed veterinary epidemiologist at the Central Institute for Animal Disease Control m Lelystad, The Netherlands. He will focus on the epidemiology of notifiable animal diseases and risk analysis for government agencies. • Chris Healy, B.Sc. '95, recently returned from a three-year stay in Barcelona, Spain, where he completed an MBA and started a wireless ISP business. He is currently working in capital markets strategy as executive vice-president for Strategic Analysis Corporation and is delving into community and volunteer activities in his new Toronto neighbourhood. • Thomson Kalinda, M.Sc. '93 and PhD '97, has been named head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and
Degree & Year _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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Send address changes and Grad News to: Alumni Records, University of Guelph, Guelph ON N1G 2W1 Phone: 519-824-4120, Ext. 56550, Fax: 519-822-2670, E-mail:
Summer 2004 33
STAY IN TOUCH U of G Alumni Association UGAA Executive .................................... e-mail: .................................................... Alumni Affairs Susan Rankin, director ..................................... Jennifer Brett Fraser, events and communications manager Carla Bradshaw, OAC alumni officer ..................... Mary Feldskov, chapter development officer ......... . ..... Sam Kosakowski, CBS/CPES alumni officer .................. Elizabeth Lowenger, OVC alumni officer .............. ....... Laurie Malleau, CSAHS alumni officer ....................... Deborah Maskens, COA advancement manager ............... Vikki Tremblay, alumni affairs assistant Gisele Angel, reception clerk ................................. Alumni Online Community International Programs Jan Walker, job posting service ............................... Guelph Alumnus Mary Dickieson, editor ........... .................. For telephone contact, call519-824-4120.
100% Cotton Throw
Extension Education at the University of Zambia in Lusaka. He was the first student to complete U of G's PhD program in rural studies and is currently serving on the advisory committee of a master's student in Guelph's School of Rural Extension Studies who is doing field research in Zambia. • Sophika Kostyniuk, B.Sc. (Env.) '96, is a San Francisco Bay area campaigner for the Coasta l Alliance for Aquaculture Reform, a lobby group dedicated to protecting wild salmon and coastal ecosystems. • Colleen (Posthumus) Madill, B.A.Sc. '95, is the customer service manager with TD Canada Trust in Hanover, Ont., but is currently on maternity leave. Sarah Anne was born Aug. 18, 2003. Madill and her husband, Dan, recently completed their new home in Tara and can be
~·~) · ~/ Gifts Clothing & Memorabilia available at
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Celebrate 125 years of football at Guelph and bring your team back to campus. We're planning reunions for Homecoming, Sept. 25, and we want to know about your team. Call or e-mail if you're interested in coming back to celebrate: 1-888-266-3108 or
reached at • Kenneth Mitchell, BLA '98, is currently appearing with Kurt Russell in the Walt Disney feature film Miracle about the U.S. hockey team's victory over the Soviet Union in the 1980 Olympics. Mitchell has accu-
Kira Rowat
Kenneth Mitchell mulated an impressive list of film and TV credits over the last three years, including Charms for the Easy Life, Odyssey 5 and The Recruit. At U of G, he was a member of the men's soccer team for four years and won the Canadian Society of Landscape Architecture Silver Medal for outstanding design abilities and academic achievement at graduation. Originally from Toronto, he now lives in Los Angeles. • Piers Nash, B.Sc. '92, was recently appointed an assistant professor at the Ben May Institute of Cancer Research at the University of Chicago. After graduating from Guelph, he obtained a PhD in biochemistry from the University of Alberta. He has spent the past 4\12 years as a post-doctoral fellow at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, and his work on cellular signalling and cancer has been published in leading journals such as
Nature, Science, Current Biology and Genes & Development. • Kira Rowat, B.Sc.(Agr.) '97, and her husband, Stuart Taylor, are beginning a three-year assignment as agricultural and nutrition officers in Zambia with the Mennonite Central
Committee. They have a oneyear-old child, Iona, and are members of St. Pierre Bible Fellowship in their hometown of St. Pierre-)olys, Man. • Ryan Snider, MA '97, is the director of international projects for the Salama SHIELD Foundation, which focuses on AIDS prevention though social awareness. He works and lives in Kampala, Uganda, with his wife, Tricia Gardy. • Angela (Naylor) Stiles, BA '95, is executive director of the Agricultural Adaptation Council in Guelph and a graduate of the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program. Her husband, Brent Stiles, B.Sc. '95, is an animal health technician in Cambridge. They have two young children, William and Emma. Friends can reach them at • Smadar Tal, DVM '92, and his wife, Yoni, welcomed their third son in October 2002. They live in Ramat-Gan, Israel, and invite classmates to visit them there. • Steven Vamosi, B.Sc. '93, is an assistant professor of population biology at the University of Calgary. He studies evolutionary ecology, with a special emphasis on the role of natural enemies in morphological and life-history evolution. He and his wife, )ana Vamosi, celebrated the arrival of their first child last year. U of G friends and potential grad students can reach him at
2000 • Jonathan Brand, BA '03, began his fine art degree at the University of Mississippi before returning to Ontario to enrol at U of G. His final project, Working Index, was installed at Sis Boom Bah Gallery in Toronto last summer and reviewed by Now magazine. He also earned an Imperial Tobacco Canada artistic development grant for the work, which grew out of his desire to explore colour-coded symbols on construction sites. • Kari Collier, BA '01, is enjoying time at home in Brantford, Ont., with her first child born in November 2003. • Kelly Jazvac, BA '03, a graduate of Guelph's studio art and art history programs, received an Imperial Arts Council artistic development grant for her exhibition "Stored," which showed last year at the ZsaZsa Gallery in Toronto. It consists of a series of small product-like sculptures, appearing to be either excessive or ineffective in their implied function. • Sunil Ram, MA '03, is also a two-time graduate of the University of Regina, which recently honoured him with its Distinguished Alumnus Award for community service. The award recognizes his writing, teaching, commentary and consultative work in the area of peace advocacy. His academic career has paralleled a military career, including teaching at the American Military University. See the summer 2003 issue of the Guelph Alumnus at news/alumnus/backissues/Sum mer02/feature_thesis. • Kristina Rody, B.Sc.(Agr.) '02, an assistant cross-country coach with the varsity Gryphons, captured a bronze medal in the California International Marathon in December. It was only her second marathon race, but her
2:53:58 time placed her third in her age group and 8lst overall out of close to 3,000 finishers. She was the 12th woman to finish the circuit. • Derek Sullivan, MFA '02, of Toronto is the youngest artist to be awarded a permanent commission in the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre's outdoor sculpture park. Installed last fall, his Pin Cushion is a giant bronze and stainless steel sculpture that's just the perfect height for resting your derriere. • Rob Winger, MA '03, has won this year's CBC Literary Award for English-language poetry. He submitted an excerpt from his
Rob Winger unpublished book Muybridge's Horse, a series of poems about eccentric American-British photographer Eadweard Muybridge. Winger worked on the book as part of his Guelph master's thesis in the School of English and Theatre Studies. He is currently completing a PhD at Carleton University. A photographer as well as a poet, Winger was studying photography at New Brunswick's Mount Allison University in the 1990s when he was introduced to the work of Muybridge, who is known as the father of the motion picture. 'Tve actually been working on Muybridge's Horse for four or five years now, most intensively while at U ofG;' says Winger. 'Tm hoping the award might provide the opportunity to get it published sometime soon."
Summer 2004 35
OBITUARIES Ronald Crozier, BSA '48, of Westport, Ont., died Jan. 26, 2004. He worked as an agricultural representative before becoming editor of The Farmers' Advocate published in London, Ont., and The Western Ontario Farmer. In the 1960s, he bought a hardware store in London, which he operated with his family until retirement. He is survived by his wife, Margery; three daughters, Julia Maynard, B.H.Sc. '65, Jane Timmins and Susan Enerson; his sons-inlaw, David Maynard, B.Sc.(Agr.) '65, Ernie Timmins and Michael Enerson, B.Sc.(Agr.) '77; and five grandchildren. Ted Gruszka, MA '84, died Oct. 4, 2004, after a two-year battle with cancer. He completed his master's research in Guelph's Centre for Resources Development (now the School of Rural Planning and Development), then worked in the Toronto area. He is survived by his wife, Debbie, and two daughters, Rebecca and Rachel.
president and vice-chancellor from 1984 to 1988, but his relationship with the University dates back to his undergraduate days at the Ontario Agricultural College during the 1940s. As a student, he was co-captain of the college football team and winner of the Wildman Trophy for "true sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct." After graduating, he joined OAC's soil science department (now the Department of Land Resource Science) as a lecturer, then went on to earn a master's degree at the University of Missouri and a PhD in soil chemistry at Cornell. In 1952, Dr. Matthews returned to Guelph, where he rose through the academic ranks to professor and department head. In 1966, he was appointed the University's first vice-president (academic).
George Hostetter, BSA '44, died Nov. 20, 2003. He was a lifelong employee of Brights Wines and received the Order of Canada in 1986 for his work in introducing vinifera and other varietals to the Canadian wine industry. One of the founders of the Niagara Grape and Wine Festival, he received many awards from the wine industry for his work in varietal selection. Donald Huntley, BSA '41, M.Sc. '43 and HDLA '68, died Dec. 24, 2003. Formerly executive director of the agricultural education and research division of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF), he was also a professor in OAC's field husbandry program. He was largely responsible for OMAF's popular Field Crop Recommendations and Chemical Weed Control publications, which have been used widely across the province for more than 50 years. He will be inducted into the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame in June in recognition of these contributions. Burton C. Matthews, BSA '47, died Jan. 2, 2004. He served as U of G's fourth
Burton C. Matthews He left Guelph in 1970 to become president and vice-chancellor of the University of Waterloo, a position he held until 1981. After stepping down, he served as vice-chair and chair of the Ontario Council on University Affairs before returning to U of Gas president in 1984. He retired in 1988. During his presidential tenure, he spearheaded Guelph's first major capital campaign, which raised more than $60
million. He initiated a planning process that strengthened and modernized U of G's administration and research activities, expanded the University's co-op programs and established the President's Scholarships, which have since been awarded to more than 200 of Canada's top high school students. One of the awards is named in his honour. Dr. Matthews is survived by his wife, Lois; two sons, David and Tom; his daugh ters-in-law, Jane and Ellen; and four grandchildren, Geoffrey, Amy, Stephen and Krista. Florence Partridge, DHE '26, died Feb. 21, 2004, at age 98. She contributed much to the University of Guelph community during her SO-year relationship with the campus. Just one month prior to her death, she added $100,000 to an art acquisition fund she established in 1979. The Florence G. Partridge Fund, which now totals $245,000, has supported 27 major works to date. They include prints and paintings by historical and contemporary artists and several works located in the sculpture park at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre (MSAC) . At a ceremony in January, Partridge said she believed an art collection "is an important part of an institution." She first put that theory into action as the librarian at the OAC library in Massey Hall, buying paintings by Canadian artists with whatever funds were left in her furniture budget at year's end. MSAC director Judith Nasby says that ingenuity launched U of G's art collection, which is now housed at the art centre. After graduating from Macdonald Institute, Partridge earned a degree in library science from the University of Toronto and worked as a campus librarian from 1932 to 1971. Herlife was filled with volunteer work, including serving as founding president of the University Women's Club of Guelph. Partridge was one of the art centre's longest-standing volunteers. She had been involved with the centre since it
Florence Partridge, left, with Macdonald Stewart Art Centre director Judith Nasby in January 2004. beginnings in 1975 and served as the first docent for the school tour program. She was named U of G's Alumnus of Honour in 1990 and Alumni Volunteer of the Year in 1995. The Canadian government selected her for the prestigious Lescarbot Award for outstanding service as a cultural volunteer in 1993. William Philipsen, DVM '34, died Nov. 8, 2003, in Brandon, Vermont. In 1929, he walked two Ayrshire cattle on a 1,20 0-mile trek to publicize the hardy breed. After graduating from Guelph, he practised large and small animal medicine in his home state of Vermont, retiring in 1987. H e is survived by his wife, Marion, and so ns, Douglas and David. Edward Roberts, BSA '43, died Jan. 1, 2004. He taught chemistry at OAC briefly, but spent most of his career as a chief chemist at Toronto Elevators (later known as Maple Leaf Mills) in Toronto. He is survived by his wife, Ruth , and children, Barbara and David.
Londa Balfood, B.A.Sc. '01, Jan.28,2004 Almen Barron, BSA '48, November 2003 Peter Beerstecher, MSA '60, July 26, 2003 Frederick Bent, B.Sc. '91, Sept. 29, 2003 Anna Jean Blight, B.H.Sc. '60, Oct. 8, 2003 Frances Bond, DHE '28, Nov. 24, 2003 Thelma Brill, DHE '34, Sept. 21, 2003 Robert Buck, DVM '46, Oct. 23, 2003 Edward Buries, BSA '49, Jan. 30,2004 John Campbell, BSA '53, Aug. 29, 2003 Marion Campbell, DHE '42, Oct. 22, 2003 Mary Carroll, DHE '39, Dec. 25, 2003 Jean Chapman, BSA '40, in 2002 Florence Clarke, B.H.Sc. '57, Feb.28,2004 James Clarke, DVM '42, in 2003 Rosemary Collins, BA '79, Jan. 8, 2003 Arnold Creary, ADA '58, Dec. 25, 2003 Peter Crompton, BA '01, July 13, 2003 Elizabeth Darby, DHE '42, March 4, 2004 Marshall Dorosh, BA '68, in 2000 Richard Drew, DVM '48, Oct. 3, 2003 George Dudgeon, BSA '38, Dec. 20, 2003 Harry Dyme, BSA '34, Sept. 23, 2003 Richard Elliot, DVM '38, Aug. 16, 2002 Isabelle Ferguson, DHE '32, March 25, 2003 Keith Ferris, BSA '36, May 12, 2003 Florence Ford, DHE '39, in 2003 Margaret Gannon, DHE '27, February 2001 Grace Gibson, DHE '29, in 2002 John Goad, BSA '36, March 6, 2004 Christopher Golding, BA '73, Dec. 5, 2003 Stephen Jay Gould, H.D.Sc. '02, May 20,2002 George Gowa, B.Sc.(Agr.) '65, in 1993 Ross Graham, BSA '50, Dec. 29, 2003 Margaret Gunter, DHE '36, Jan. 3, 2004 Willis Hamilton, BSA '50, Nov. 22, 2003
Erik Hansen, B.Sc. (Agr.) '72, in 1998 Wayne Harrison, B.Sc.(Agr.) '79, Nov. 4, 2003 Jacob Isa, DVM '38, Feq. 24, 2004 Margaret Ingram, DHE '42, in 2003 Henry Lemckert, DVM '61, Sept. 10, 2002 Jean Lindsay, DHE '39, May 1, 2003 Helena Lopata, H.D.Sc. '95, Feb. 12,2003 Marilyn MacQuarrie, B.H.Sc. '57, Oct. 23, 2003 Jean Marshall, DHE '35, July 7, 2003 John Martyne, DVM '38, Sept. 1, 2003 Mary McGillivray, DHE '36, July 5, 2003 Leslie McQuinn, DVM '51, Sept. 18, 2003 Darka Migus, M.Sc. '79, Jan. 1, 2002 Linton Murray, BSA '62, July 22, 2003 Brenda Murti, M.Sc. '72, Sept. 19, 2003 Archibald Park, DVM '50, July 28, 2003 Randy Penner, BA '80, Feb. 20, 2004 Hillard Pivnick, BSA '46, Oct. 6, 2003 Paul Presant, BSA '51, Jan. 13,2004 Peter Regan, BSA '58, March 4, 2004 Peter Regehr, BSA '51, Sept. 12, 2003 Robert Robertson, BSA '44, Nov. 5, 2003 Andrea Rooz, BA '95, Aug. 14, 2003 Ray Sammons, DVM '55, Jan. 17, 2004 Marion Shivas, DHE '41, Jan. 12,2004 Elizabeth Smith, B.H.Sc. '60, Jan. 30, 2004 Ida Smith, DHE '30, Jan . 23, 2001 James Smith, BSA '41, Jan. 5, 2004 Michael Southwell, ADA '84, Oct. 15, 2003 Gerald Stortz, PhD '80, Nov. 23, 2003 Jackson Strapp, BSA '52, July 19, 2003 Jonathan Swallow, M.Sc. '97, in 2003 David Tuck, ADA '54, in 2003 Paul Underwood, DVM '26, May 5, 2003 Harry Wickett, BSA '41, Jan. 28,2004 Richard Wilson, DVM '47, in 2003 Campbell Wyndham, M.Sc. '77, March 20, 2002 Charlotte Yates, DHE '52, in 2002
Summer 2004 37
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