Guelph Alumnus Magazine, Summer 1968

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U N I V E R S I T Y OF G U E L P H Summer,1968

GUELPH ALUMNUS INDEX Convocation 1968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Grads Give Gavels... . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... . . ........


Music at Guelph



New Board Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Summer Alumni Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Alumni in the News... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Unique Program

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...

Campus Highlights



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SECRETARY: Mrs. W. A. James, Mac '34

PRESIDENT: Dr. H. M. LeGard, OVC '23

TREASURER: James J. Elrnslie, Department of Alumni Affairs and Development

SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT: D. M. Adams, OAC '49 VICE-PRESIDENTS: Dr. Helen Abell, Mac '38; Dr. C. A. V. Barker, OVC '44; P. W. Couse, OAC '46 DIRECTORS: Dr. G. K. Boyce, OVC '42; G. R. Greenless, OAC '62; M. G. Greer, OAC '41; Mrs. W. A. (Anderson) James. Mac '34; G. L. E. Nixon, OAC '37; Mrs. J. W. (Scott) Pennington, Mac '38; Mr. Mabel Sanderson. Mac '31; Dr. T. A. H. Sanderson, OVC '61; Dr. J. N. See, OAC '35, OVC '38 EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS: Mrs. E. (Nairn) Carter. Mac '38, President, Macdonald Institute Alumnae Association; Dr. G. C. Fisher, OVC '44, President, OVC Alumni Association; D. N. Langford. OAC '69. President. University of Guelph Students' Union; G. W. McNern, OAC '51, President, OAC Alumni Association; T. B. Radford, Well '67, President, Wellington College Alumni Association; J. K. Babcack, OAC '54, Director. Alumni Affairs and Development

The Guelph Alumnus is published by the University of Guelph, Department of Alumni Affairs and Development. It is edited and printed under the supervision of the Department of Information, D. L. Waterston, Director. Editor of the Alumnus is D. W. Jose, OAC '49, Assistant Director of Information. The Editorial Advisory Board of the University of Guelph Alumni Association: R. A. N. Mercer, OAC '59, Chairman, Dr. Joan Budd, OVC '50; Prof. K. E. Chamberlain, Dept. of Fine Art; Mrs. Douglas (Inglis) Robinson, Mac '55; Prof. A. M. Ross, Dept. of English; Ex-Officio: Dr. H. M. LeGard, OVC '23 and J. K. Babcock, OAC '54.

Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash at Guelph, Canada. Undelivered copies should be returned t o Box 904, Johnston Hall, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont.. Canada.

Letters CRUMBLING CASTE SYSTEM Dear Editor: The cover picture of the Spring issue captures much of the real drama being played out on our campus today without losing sight of those intangible things which should always be with us as we attempt meaningful social change. The picture of George E. Day, which I have looked at so many times through the smoke haze of Board Room meetings, represents one of the traditions of our University. We do well to remember George E. Day for there is a measure of reassurance for us in his kindly, steady gaze: a reminder to troubled administrators and power conscious students that worthwhile achievements are the stuff of years rather than hours. Alexander M. Ross, Department of English.

STUDENT POWER AS A NEW ALUMNUS SEES IT Dear Editor: An empty feeling lingered with me after reading R. P. Gilmor's article "The Crumbling of the Caste System" in the summer issue of the Guelph Alumnus. I was left with the feeling that something was wrong-something was missing.

While it is impossible to express the student viewpoint on this important topic in a short letter, I should like to make some essential rebuttal. In whom has the freedom of the University resided for the last century of Guelph's history? Mr. Gilmor speaks of the student desiring a greater say in those decisions "which affect his life as a student." This is but partially true. Fundamentally the student demands much more - he demands the decision-making process be taken away from those working in the university and returned to those groups (students, faculty and alumni) from which it originally came. Students, in my opinion, do not deny the need for administrators but do deny them the moral right to make policy decisions affecting every member of the the comtrue University community munity of scholars. Considering this, we would construct a University in which the user groups determine community policy and in which the rationale for every decision, fundamental or otherwise, would have to withstand the scrutiny of open community debate. This is the philosophical power structure of the University as envisaged by students, a democratic University. Why do students make such demands? Essentially because we are concerned


with the orientation of today's University and thus the quality of the education we are receiving. In an age when it has become fashionable to be a value-free pragmatist, we call for a University free of outside business and political interests, free that is, to enjoy that freedom so long ago the very special prerogative of the University. Thus, while students recognize the necessity of some legal identity, our philosophy precludes participation within a "non-community" group such as the Board of Governors. Principles demand non-participation; political reality dictates the a dialogue. It is on this point means not the end - that student government and the student press diverge. With such fundamental differences still separating the students and the university administration it is distressing to read that the student's goal HAS been reached and all that remains now is t o tidy up loose ends. I do not wish at this time t o defend non-pacific protest but I should note. as would any student of social revolution, that it is the frustration of continually being co-opted which is the adhesive cementing that "unholy alliance" of violent and non-violent mass protest. J. R. Flegg, B.A. '68 Graduate Student.


This Issue This issue spotlights Convocation, an occasion that for most graduates will remain a memorable event. It underlines some of the things that any university worthy of the name tries to, and must, stand for, a point which was underlined emphatically in the Convocation remarks of Dr. Maurice F. Strong. This University takes its international responsibilities seriously, and it was re-assuring to hear the speaker, from his view-point, emphasizing the importance of such a concept. Dr. Strong's Convocation remarks se'rved only to underline the existing efforts of the University of Guelph to make a serious contribution to international development. This University's Centre for International Studies - a unique operation in itself - is studying,

among other things, how best we can aid in an educational way in underdeveloped countries. What does Convocation mean to the new graduate? Certainly, human individuality being what it is, each will have his own thoughts. These are likely to include some rather mixed reactions. A real sense of personal achievement will probably be mixed with a liberal lacing of both trepidation and anticipation. If the University has fulfilled its responsibilities well, and if the individual student has permitted the University to achieve its real objectives, then one of the emotions in every mind will have been much like those of an astronaut at the moment of blast-off. There are untold worlds to conquer, our basic training has given us the mental tools to do it. The rest is up to us.

Convocation - May 1968 "The University which responds actively and positively to the great issues of our time is the one which harnesses and directs events; it is the one which prescribes the condition and form of human existence in the years to come. I am gratified to see abundant evidence that the University of Guelph will be numbered among the institutions of this nature." So said Maurice F. Strong in his speech of acceptance of the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws at the Spring Convocation. But Dr. Strong, who is Director of Canada's External Aid Office, capped his compliment to the University by issuing a challenge. Developing countries need strong help, he said, through the extension of the University into international life. But this does not mean "give away programs." Nor does it simply mean provision of places for trainees abroad, or a flow of trained people from the campus. "It is not so much a matter of transferring our resources," Dr. Strong said, "as of transferring the capacity t o produce and develop resources." Food production and food handling are the crucial problems in developing countries, he reminded us. Those nations need our help to create their own facilities. Dr. Strong went on to say: "They need the help necessary to recreate the kind of facilities we have

here for research and improvement in food production and food handling. We must help them develop just such capacity." Dr. Strong was honoured at the morning Convocation on May 24, when the Household Science, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine students received their degrees. He was cited for his concern with human relations and his work with national voluntary organizations. His original interest in voluntary agencies led to a concern over the problems of developing nations seen at first hand in his travels abroad. The challenge thrown by Dr. Strong in his Convocation address was much in line with the well established policy of the University of Guelph. This policy is that the University should seek increasing opportunity to assist in all ways possible the developing nations. Dr. Strong foresees an integrated attack on the problems of development by selecting strategic priority areas within a given country and then devising a long-term program to fill their needs. This program might include "twinning" of a faculty member here with a faculty member in a particular university abroad, perhaps in a tropical or semi-tropical area.

Prof. James Laughland, OAC '10; A. R. Laughland, Wel. '68; Dr. Donald Laughland, OAC '39 three generations of alumni.


Dean M. H. M. MacKinnon; Gloria Thomson, Rockwood; Prof. R. J. Hathorn; Miriam Ostir, Guelph.

"We might develop joint programs of study, one part of a course being given in Canada, another part in the overseas university. We should share 'faculties, facilities and programs'," the speaker said. He added that we have much to gain as well as much to offer in such exchanges. Dr. Strong added his own thought-provoking view of the significance of international programs. "The larger task we face is nothing less than constructing a new world in which all people have access to certain minimum standards of welfare and opportunity, in which ability can find expression and initiative find reward. "The various measures which we have applied to equalize opportunity and to redistribute wealth within our own nations will have to be extended internationally. Indeed present day aid programs really mark the beginning of the extension of the principle of redistribution of wealth through taxation which we have come to accept as an important and essential feature of our own national life."




Donald N. Huntley, OAC '41 also a recipient of an honorary LL.D. degree, offered further food for thought to the afternoon Convocation, when Agricultural Science degrees were granted.

"Canada," he said, "must encourage people capable of imaginative adaptation." Fighting the rareness of home-grown knowledge, (from a Canadian point of view knowledge is as exotic a product as bananas - approximately 99 per cent is imported) he pleaded for urgent attention to transfer of knowledge and techniques, and perhaps even institutions. Dr. Huntley mocked the old theory of "random invention." He urged guidelines for the intentional creation of something different -the technological management of new developments. He urged Guelph graduates to help shape answers to such "what if" questions as: What if Canadian Agriculture is asked to provide a variable output from 25 per cent less than the present, to 100 per cent more, to meet year to year fluctuation in world food production? What if Canadian food producers demand the same return on labour and investment as other industrial producers? The University granted 670 degrees and diplomas during five convocation and graduation ceremonies May 22, 23, and 24. It was the largest graduation list in the history of the campus. The record is likely to last for only 12 months, however. University enrolment figures point to steadily larger graduating classes for many years to come.

Grads Give Gavels A two-year search for the right material has ended with the presentation to the University of three handsome gavels. U. of G. Alumni Vice-President Dr. C. A. V. Barker, OVC '41, led the search on the campus for a piece of wood that would have historical significance. By the time Dr. Barker's search for suitable wood in an old campus building had begun, several such buildings had been demolished. In the Animal Science building, however, the search revealed an old red oak stair railing and corner post which could be used. Because of its age, the wood proved to chip easily, but three perfect gavels were eventually produced from the section removed. Hand-turned by Prof. E. H. Garrard, OAC '27, the red oak gavels were presented to Dr. Mel LeGard, OVC '23, President of the Alumni Association. Dr. LeGard, in turn, presented one of the gavels to Board of Governors Chairman T. A. McEwan for use by the Board of Governors. Alumni Association Past President, Gordon Nixon, OAC '37, presented one to Dr. W. C. Winegard, University President and Chairman of the Senate, for official use by the Senate. The third gavel will be the official symbol of office of succeeding Presidents of the Alumni Association. Professor Garrard, who is well known for his hobby of wood working, designed the gavels with the assistance of Mrs. Garrard, and produced them in his workshop. Another of the Founding Colleges helped with Operation Gavel when Miss Grace Frank, an Associate Professor at Macdonald Institute made three red velvet carrying bags for the gavels. The Animal Science building from which the wood was removed has been known by many names in the three-quarters of a century that it has stood on the campus. It was built in 1895 as the "Experimental Building." The Farmer's Advocate of July 1, 1895, calls it "the Experimental Building at O.A.C." In 1903, the Guelph Mercury's Bird's Eye View painting of the campus calls it the "Grain Experimental and Biological Laboratory." In the O.A.C. Review of June, 1907, it is again referred to as "the Experimental Building." A pamphlet produced by O.A.C. in 1924 calls it the "Animal Husbandry Building," and a 1928 photograph in the University Archives calls it the "Animal Husbandry and Bacteriology Building."

The original contract for the building was dated May 15, 1895, and was signed with the names Mclntosh, Griffiths and Edwards. The original plans from the Department of Public Works (on linen) were found recently in the offices of the Engineering Section, Physical Resources. The upper floor plans provided for a classroom, a student's laboratory, agricultural museum, private bacteriological laboratory, an office and a closet. The ground floor shows a lecture room, agricultural laboratory, store room, photo room, general work room, seed testing room, general office, two offices and a hall. The basement plan designates areas for tools, fertilizers, roots, store room, preparation room, experimental work room, and two other rooms. In June 1918, the Department of Public Works constructed an addition to the building. Following the Second War, the building housed the Departments of Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Economics. Subsequently, Agricultural Economics

Dr. C. A. V . Barker, right, presents first gavel t o University of Guelph Alumni Association President Dr. Me1 LeGard.



Dr. C. A. V. Barker, right, and W. F. Bohn, Maintenance Section. Dept. Physical Resources examine the newel post.

Newel post and section of railing removed from Animal Science building.

Prof. E. H. Garrard, OAC '27 works on the gavels at his lathe.

moved to its present home in the former Biology building. The first data processing equipment on the campus was installed in the Animal Husbandry building in 1953, primarily to analyse production figures for dairy cattle. This was followed by the installation of the first 1620 Computer in 1960, and the establishment of the Institute of Computing Science, which plays such an important role in many facets of campus activity today. The Institute is still housed in the Building, although it will be moving to new quarters very soon. If any alumni have additional information or old photographs of the building from which the wood for the gavels.was taken, such material would be most welcome, and would find a place in an early issue of The Alumnus.

Dr. Me1 LeGard presents gavel to Board of Governors Chairman T. A. McEwan.

Gordon Nixon, right, presents Senate gavel to President W. C. Winegard.

Music at Guelph Columnist John Kragland wrote in the Globe and Mail this spring: "During the past 3 0 years, whenever some new major musical venture has been started in Canada there has been a good chance one of the principal directors would be Nicholas Goldschmidt. So one is prompted to wonder what spectacular plans are being negotiated at the Mr. Nicholas Goldschmidt University of Guelph." Some of the spectacular plans are now unveiled: Mr. Goldschmidt has announced an expanded program of instruction and activity in music to be inaugurated with the beginning of the fall semester. Mr. Goldschmidt himself, will teach a new kind of course on vocal music. It is designed for two different groups of people who will attend classes together. Singers of a high degree of proficiency and musical background will take the course as a Master Class. Students who wish to take the course for credit will be admitted as auditors. The undergraduates will write an examination and submit a serious paper dealing with some aspect of the music of Schubert, Mozart or Puccini. For those participating as singers, the course will be non-credit. Well trained singers in the area can thus join students in benefiting from Mr. Goldschmidt's long experience as conductor, performer, and teacher. "Mr. Goldschmidt's wide interest and broad contacts in the world of music and the fine arts in general will benefit all of our programs in these areas at the University of Guelph," says Dean M. M. MacKinnon of Wellington College. Mr. Goldschmidt comes to Guelph after four years with the Centennial Commission where he was Chief of the Performing Arts Division responsible for Festival Canada in 1967. He was formerly Director of the Opera School at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, and at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. At the University of British Columbia, Mr. Goldschmidt was Director of Music for the Summer School of the Arts, as well as Artistic and Managing Director

of the Vancouver International Festival. Starting in 1950 with a single non-credit course in choral singing, the venture developed by 1958 into the world-renowned International Festival. Other programs being developed at the University of Guelph by Mr. Goldschmidt include plans for a University Choir. The members of this Choir will come from students, faculty, staff and alumni. "This would permit us to blend mature voices with those of younger singers, and at the same time take advantage of the many very capable singers to be found among all groups on our campus," Mr. Goldschmidt explains. "I agree with Mr. Goldschmidt's plans to develop a University Choir in addition to the student Choral Club," says John Cripton, Social and Cultural Commissioner for the Students' Union Council. "Any project that helps build up the structure of cultural activities on campus is highly desirable. The new University Choir should in no way hinder the activities of the student Choral Club." Mr. Goldschmidt is also laying plans for a Saturday morning chamber orchestra group at the University. It will include leading professional musicians of the area supported by aspiring young musicians who may be planning a career in music. In developing the activities of this orchestra, emphasis will be placed on rehearsal and study with special emphasis on 18th Century and Canadian composers - rather than on performance. The University's Director of Music recently completed two important tours prior to officially taking up his position on July 1. In order to complete cornmitments for conducting and speaking engagements abroad, he has travelled extensively since the conclusion of the Guelph Spring Music Festival in May. During these trips he had many conversations with world renowned artists and made valuable contacts in the artistic centres of Europe and the Orient. The results of these will be evident in the future as special visits and performances will be planned for this campus. An important part of Mr. Goldschmidt's responsibilities is his position as Artistic Director of the Edward Johnson Music Foundation. Plans for the 1969 Guelph Spring Festival are well advanced and will be announced in the fall. Preliminary plans for the 1970 Festival also have been laid.


New Board Chairman "The Board of Governors represents the community within which the University exists, and by which the University is supported." Ronald S. Ritchie speaks thoughtfully in this way about the governing board of which he has just been elected Chairman. Mr. Ritchie brings to his new post a sharp sense of its limits as well as of its potential. "The Government of the University," Mr. Ritchie says, "is particularly difficult. It is very unlike business. In a university parallels of authority exist: the authority of the Senate, the authority of student organizations, the authority of the Provincial Government. The job of the Administration is to keep these parallel authorities operating effectively together. The Board of Governors acts as a buffer between the University and the Government and as an intermediary between the university and its containing society. The successful working of the University requires good will and understanding of all groups, Mr. Ritchie adds. Ronald Ritchie stands in a favourable position to understand, integrate and advance these parallel interests. A former faculty member of the Ontario Agricultural College and now a highly successful business executive - he is a director of Imperial Oil, Ltd. - he is well aware of the concerns of academics and of the general public. Born near Chatham, Ontario, in 1918, Mr. Ritchie received his early schooling in the London area. He graduated in economics and political science from the University of Western Ontario, then went on to earn an M.A. in economics at Queen's University. Mr. Ritchie first joined the Board of Governors of Guelph in 1965 and since then has been very active on the finance committee. His duties have included being co-chairman of the University of Guelph Development Fund. He has been Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors for the last six months. Mr. Ritchie knows intimately the interest of the business world which our graduates will enter and in which they will themselves become supporters of University financing. lnternational Affairs also holds great interest for Ronald Ritchie. He has been chairman of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Institute of lnternational Affairs and was one of the Canadian delegates to the Commonwealth Relations Conference in Pakistan. He has published a book on the economics of NATO

Mr. Ritchie discusses the Development Fund campaign with members of the Middlesex County OAC Alumni Committee for the Fund. E. D. McGugan '48; Mr. Ritchie; J. A. Wiley '58; W. K. Riddell '23; Earl Fahl '41.

and has also been a delegate to an international labour organization conference in Geneva. A family man, he is the father of five daughters and is of course sympathetic to the viewpoints of young people. The University of Guelph, according to Mr. Ritchie, has put in place machinery that will keep inter-related groups working practically. Student views are being heard. Senate is increasingly in control in all academic matters and the advice offered by the Ontario Government is being received and being considered. The Board of Governors works with all these groups. It in turn speaks to the Provincial Government for the University. Above all the Board voices to the public - individuals and corporations the ideals and the needs of the University. The Alumni of the University of Guelph, says Mr. Ritchie, can feel they have a major role to play in developing and shaping a great university. This university is unique in its story. It emerged suddenly into massive size without losing continuity with its past. Its alumni led the demand for this dramatic growth and are supporting and shaping the present developments. Because of Guelph's traditional strength in certain areas Mr. Ritchie feels that the University will perhaps grow most strongly in the fields which its Alumni already dominate: Agricultural Science, Veterinary Medicine, and Life Sciences generally. In these formative years, he says, we must make careful choices of areas in which this University can make its greatest contribution. "We are growing into a big university," the new chairman concludes. "This University will become great through attaining high academic distinction." The University community looks forward to working with Mr. Ritchie. rn


Alumni Weekend

OAC Classes '18, '23, '33, '38, '43 and Mac Classes '28, '33, '48 and

on campus June 21-23. They saw many exciting new facilities on

'53 celebrated reunions during the OAC MAC Alumni Weekend held

the familiar campus scene.


Former President, Dr. J. D. MacLachlan returned for Crop Science opening.

Crop Science Building Opened A highlight of the 1968 program was the official opening of the new Crop Science building. Chief speaker during the ceremonies was the Honourable William A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food for Ontario, whose department gave strong financial support toward construction of the 'magnificent building that cost close to five million dollars. "Research into ways and means of increasing food production, and facilities to train young people to do it are needed more than ever before,'' Mr: Stewart told the several hundred alumni and their families assembled with other special guests for the ceremonies. The call to speed up international co-operation was sounded by Dr. J. D. MacLachlan, the retired first president of the University. Speaking at the opening, the former president

said: "I hope you will be generous in your release of information and in other means of co-operation with many developing countries." Dr. MacLachlan, who is now a special advisor on agricultural education in Jamaica, pointed out that a university such as ours has technical knowiedge and research resources that are desperately needed by so many nations in underdeveloped areas of the world. He also noted the very high regard in which the Crop Science Department at Guelph is held by the agricultural community abroad. The former president expressed his pleasure with the manner in which the University's interest and activity in overseas development is continuing. The Centre for International Development provides a focal point on campus for such efforts and will assist in pin-pointing

Minister of Agriculture and Food, Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, addressed alumni.

those areas in which the University can make the most significant contribution abroad. Already a growing number of faculty members are accepting temporary postings in universities in underdeveloped countries or are making short consulting trips in these areas. Following the ceremonies tea was served and alumni were taken on guided tours of the facilities by faculty members of the Crop Science Department. Seeing the growth chambers in operation created special interest and evoked much comment.

Crockery Auction Another feature, which attracted alumni interest following the wellattended box luncheon, was an auction of crested and monogrammed crockery once used in early campus dining halls. Besides creating a lot of fun and providing mementos of Auctioneer Gordon Bennett, '43, coaxes for a unique nature, this event raised over $700 for the Development Fund. In addition to receiving reports on Added to the amount raised at the the Association's affairs, the memfirst auction held last year, the bers reorganized their scholarship proceeds will help to finance the program and approved a completely purchase of furnishings and equiprevised constitution and set of byment for the Alumni Office to be laws. One of the new features introlocated in the proposed University duced was a provision to take out Centre. a life membership on the installment The serving dishes and other plan. Interested alumnae should pieces no longer in use were rescued write the Association's Membership from a salvage operation last year by the Alumni Director on a tip from Convenor c/o Alumni House. Mrs. Donald C. Hindson (Chris. Deputy Chief Librarian Florence Robb) '54, Markham, was elected Partridge, Mac '26. The crockery to succeed Mrs. Eric Carter (Jean was divided into five lots so that Nairn) '38, Waterloo, as Association those celebrating reunions every President. Other officers and direcfive years on Alumni Weekend, would have an equal opportunity to obtain tors elected for 1968-69 were as some. Three lots remain in the cellar follows: Hon. President, Dr. Margaret S. McCready; 1st Vice-President, of Alumni House awaiting the aucMiss Annette Yaeger, '62, Toronto; tioneer's gavel in one of the next 2nd Vice-President, Miss Frances three years. Lampman, '54, Toronto; Secretary, Mrs. Donald C. McLeod (Mary Slater) '48, Clarkson; Treasurer, Mrs. L. H.

Annual Meetings


The Macdonald Institute Alumnae Association held a coffee reception prior to the annual business meeting convened Saturday morning. President W. C. Winegard, welcoming the alumnae to the campus, briefly outlined some of the developments taking place. He paid tribute to Dr. Janet Wardlaw, Dean McCready and the Institute faculty for the academic brief on added facilities for Macdonald Institute, which had just been completed. (More details on the brief will appear in a later issue).

T% . ' 2



Mrs. D. C. Hindson

another bid on an egg cup.

Lowry (Wanda Johnston) '55, Guelph; Membership Convenor, Mrs. G. B. Durrant (Doris Zinkann) '38, Kitchener; News Editor, Mrs. G. M. Jenkinson (Joan Anderson) '66, Guelph; and ex-officio directors: Mrs. R. I. Thompson (Andrea Branson) '57, Toronto West Branch President; Mrs. J. B. Stone (Nora Bowles) '52, Guelph Branch President; Mrs. Geo. B. Storey (Anne Carney) '36, Burlington Branch President; Mrs. Alan E. Christie (Carol Christie) '61, Toronto East Branch President. The O.A.C. Alumni Association's annual meeting had an excellent turnout to hear reports of the year's activities by President Gordon McNern '51. Membership at 2,818 was reported to be at a record high, representing 52.5 per cent of all known living graduates. The Association reported a $2,000 grant to the O.A.C. Alumni Foundation during the year and Foundation Chairman Paul Couse '46 presented entrance scholarships to three winners who had entered in the Spring Admissions. Not to be outdone by their sister Association, the alumni also approved a new constitution. Following a word of welcome, Dr. W. C. Winegard accepted from Glenn McCann, President of Class '55, a portrait of Dr. D. N. Huntley '41, their Honorary Class President, and a former head of the Crop Science continued on page 12

Alumni in the News Jock M. Appleton, OAC '35, has been appointed President of Brama-Green Limited, a joint subsidiary of Maple Leaf Mills Limited and Bramalea Consolidated Developments Limited, formed to produce dehydrated alfalfa and other farm crops. A pastpresident of the O.A.C. Alumni Association, he was named Director of Operations in the Maple Leaf Mills feed division on the recent acquisition of the feed division of Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, of which he was Vice-President.

Dr. John H. Ballantyne, OAC '34A and OVC '39, a Charter Director of the University of Guelph Alumni Association, has been appointed Scientific Advisor with the Bureau of Scientific Advisory Services, Food and Drug Directorate, Division of Veterinary Medicine, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. Last year Dr. Ballantyne stepped down after 14 years' service as Chairman of the Anatomy Department at O.V.C. to accept a visiting lectureship at Michigan State University.

the American Veterinary Medical Association's 105th annual meeting held at Boston in July. This award was given for his "significant contributions to the advancement of veterinary medicine in its organizational aspects".

J. H. Balrantyne

E. F. "Ted" Maritt, OAC '49, has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Ontario Food Council at Toronto, in charge of its market development program. For the past six years he has been Director of the Agricultural Branch and Market Development Specialist at Ontario House in London, England, where he will be succeeded by Henry C. Pauls, OAC '63.

T. L. Jones

Dean T. Lloyd Jones, OVC '34, was presented the 1968 AVMA Award of a gold key and plaque at E. F. Marritt

J. M. Appleton -


Department at O.A.C. The portrait will hang in the new Crop Science Building. The full slate of officers and directors for 1968-69 is as follows: President, Bruce B. Hodgins '38, Owen Sound; Hon. President, Dean N. R. Richards, '38, Guelph; Past President, Gordon W. McNern '51, Simcoe; First Vice-President, Dr. W. Harold Minshall '33, London; Second



Vice-President, Milt. G. Greer '41, Burlington; Secretary-Treasurer, C. E. (Ted) McNinch '49, Puslinch; Western Division:- W. L. (Nick) Whyte Jr. '66, Seaforth; John E. Reynolds '35, Leamington; Joe M. Mooney '37, Tillsonburg; John Pennington '38, Brantford; Central Division:- R. Gordon Bennett '43, Toronto; George R. Greenlees '62, Puslinch; Glen Johnston '54, Bramp-


- -

ton; F. Tom. Cowan '65, Toronto; Eastern Division:- John Y. Harcourt '34, Ottawa; R. Walter Hanbidge '48, Westmount, Que.; Northern D i v i s i o n : A. R. Parkinson '50, Port Arthur; Clare A. Young '35, Copper Cliff; Faculty Representative, Dr. Jack Tanner '57, Guelph; Graduate Representatives: Mike S. Odell '67, Guelph; Alan S. Hamill '67, Guelph.

New School Unique in Canada A School of Hotel and Food Administration is being established at the University of Guelph. The Board of Governors recently gave final approval to the program, and an active search for a Director and experienced faculty is now under way. The School will offer an eightsemester honours degree program with enrolment of the first freshmen class to commence in the fall of 1969. First of its kind in Canada, the main objective of the School is to prepare students, on a professional basis, for senior managerial and administrative positions in the hotel, restaurant, food services and allied industries. Collectively they make up the hospitality industry. Establishment of the new School came about after leaders in the hospitality industry asked the University to consider the widely recognized need in Canada for universitytrained graduates to meet the special demands in this rapidly growing field. The Hotel and Food Administration program will round out the University's well-established position as a teaching and research centre in food production, processing, distribution and consumption. "In the next few years the complete handling of hotel and food administration will demand more administrative competence and training in more and more of the operating functions of our industries." Allan D. Baker, Chairman and President of Versafood Services Limited, said this recently in a report to the members of the hospitality industry across Canada. "We are not going to be able to compete unless we have young people with advanced academic training developing within our organizations. The

Gilbert C. Clarke, President, Standard Brands Limited, left, receives Golden Pacesetter Award from Allan D. Baker.

supplier likewise will need to upgrade his marketing operation to match the skills of the customer. On a long term basis we cannot rely upon obtaining qualified graduates from American colleges," Mr. Baker concluded. Mr. Baker is serving as Chairman of the Hospitality Industry Founders' Fund which is seeking to raise $1,150,000 to assist the University in establishing the new program. Portions of the Fund will be allocated to finance special research projects at the School and to provide scholarship incentives for worthy students enrolling in the program. The remainder will be used to cover part of the capital outlay and the share of initial operating expenses not covered by University resources. Many senior executives in the hospitality industry have volunteered to serve on Mr. Baker's Campaign Management Committee. Ralph Sewell, President of Coca-Cola Limited is acting as Vice-Chairman and the four main campaign divisions are headed by John Coles,

President of Scott's Catering Company Limited; Joseph J. Stanway, General Manager of The Westbury Hotel, Toronto; Arnold Somerville, President of Arnold Somerville Limited and of the Canadian Restaurant Association Foundation; and Paul J. Phelan, President of Cara Operations Limited. The Fund's Honorary Chairman is the Hon. James N. Allan, OAC '14, while Board of Governors' member Stuart G. Bennett serves as Honorary Treasurer. The Fund has created the Golden Pacesetter Award to honour members of the hospitality industry for outstanding efforts in support of the new program. The first winner of the Award was Gilbert (Gib) Clarke, President of Standard Brands Limited, Montreal. The Award consists of a suitably inscribed citation and a mortar board with a golden tassel. The Fund already has made a good start towards its total objective and the campaign will hit full stride this fall.

Campus Highlights DEVELOPMENT FUND GOES OVER THE TOP The University of Guelph Development Fund's first phase objective of seven and a half million dollars has been achieved. Albert A. Thornbrough and Ronald S. Ritchie, Cochairmen of the Fund, announced the success at a special dinner of the Board of Governors to honor their retiring first chairman, Thomas A. McEwan. He led the way in having the University established and in having the long range development program undertaken. All divisions of the Fund contributed to the success, and alumni can be particularly proud of the role they played. In a joint statement announcing the achievement the Co-chairmen said: "This success is just a beginning for the University. It has made possible the initiation of our long range building plans, but many projects now under consideration will continue to challenge the support of alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of the University." On the Guelph campus, since the Fund was established, an arts building, a new Crop Science building, a new Central Utilities plant and the McLaughlin Library have been completed, and are now occupied. The Animal Science-Nutrition building is slated for completion within the next few months and the new Physical Sciences building in late 1969. The Development Fund has provided the "seed" money for all these buildings. (The new 1662-bed "Habitat" residence, which will be partially opened in September, is being financed by the federal and provincial governments through the Ontario Student Housing Corporation. Its cost will be amortized through student fees.)

Several more projects are under design or in the planning stage. The estimated cost of the construction program from the University's inception in 1964 to 1972 is in excess of 100 million dollars.

GUELPH GRYPHONS 1968 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Mon. Sept. l&Manitoba*-8 Tues. Sept 24-York*-8 Sat. Sept. 28-at

p.m. p.m.


Sat. Oct. 5-Windsor*-8

p.m. p.m.

Sat. Oct. 12-at


Sat. Oct. 19-at




Sat. Oct. 26-Waterloo Lutheran* -2 p.m. (Homecoming) Sat. Nov. 2-Laurentian*-2


Sat. Nov. 9-Playoff *Home Games at Guelph Support the Gryphons

APPOINTMENTS Professor Hugh D. Ayers has been appointed Director, School of Agricultural Engineering. An irrigation and drainage specialist at Guelph for many years, he is a 1942 graduate of the University of Saskatchewan. Prof. Ayers joined the Canada Department of Agriculture on his return from active service in 1946, conducting studies in drainage, hydrology and water treatment. He obtained his Master of Science degree from Washington State University in 1950 and then joined the faculty of the School of Agricultural Engineering at the

University of Guelph as Assistant Professor. He was named Professor in 1958. On a number of occasions Prof. Ayers has been invited to participate as a special consultant on international development projects. He was a visiting professor at the School of Civil Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; served as consulting hydrologist with the Tana Basin Survey in Kenya; and has been consulting hydrologist with the Trinidad Water Resources Survey, a Canadian External Aid Project. Prof. Ayers was invited to lecture to a UNESCO postgraduate course in Hydrology at Prague, Czechoslovakia, and recently was awarded a Commonwealth Visiting Professorship at City University, London, England. This award had to be declined because of teaching and research commitments at the University. Dr. Allan K. Colter has been named Chairman, Department of Chemistry. Dr. Colter, a physical-organic chemist, comes to Guelph in September. He was born in Edmonton and graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.Sc. degree. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of California in 1956. He spent a further year of study as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard, following which he joined the faculty of the Carnegie Institute of Technology at Pittsburgh. Dr. Colter is presently on a year's sabbatical leave from CarnegieMellon University, Pittsburgh, and is studying, writing and conducting research at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachussets. Dr. Colter has had extensive teaching experience at all levels from freshmen to senior graduate student courses.

DEAN JONES TO RELINQUISH ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES Dr. T. L. Jones will retire as Dean of OVC by March 1969 or earlier if the search committee locates a successor. Dr. Jones, in announcing his retirement, stated he would like to spend more time on teaching and working closely with his students. He will continue as a Professor in the Department of Pathology. Although he has not reached the retirement age of 65, Dr. Jones feels that a younger person might bring "greater energy" to the demanding task of Dean of OVC. He has been Dean for the past 16 years. Dr. Jones received his early education in Wales where he was born. He graduated from the University of Toronto with a DVM degree in 1934 and from McGill University with a Master of Science degree in 1935. Dr. Jones holds an Honorary Degree (D.V.M.) from the University of Montreal. In 1935, Dr. Jones joined the OVC faculty as an instructor in the Department of Pathology. In 1940 he accepted a challenging position with the Alberta Department of Agriculture as Provincial Animal Pathologist. This was a new position requiring the establishment of a laboratory for diagnostic and investigational work in animal diseases. From 1943 to 1945 Dr. Jones was with the Canadian Army with the rank of Captain. After the war he continued his work with the Alberta Government for one year before returning to the OVC. From 1946 to 1950 Dr. Jones was Professor in the Department of Pathology. He was acting Principal of OVC from 1950 to 1952, when he was appointed Dean.

FELLOW OF THE UNIVERSITY A new award called "Honorary Fellow of the University" has been established by the Senate. It is to be the University's highest award, and a special Diploma and Citation will -be given the recipient. It will be presented as a special award recognizing a significant involvement with the University. Active members of the Faculty, Senate or Board of Governors will not be eligible. The Honorary Fellow of the University of Guelph award, which may be made in absentia, will be the only award made at a Convocation when presented. The total living number of Fellows is to be restricted to 25. The recipient would have the following University privileges: receive all University material and invitations to convocations and other special events; be eligible for all academic parades; hold a paid membership in the University's Faculty Club; have use of the University Library.

NEW GRANT TO AID GRADUATE TEACHING IN AGROMETEOROLOGY Graduate teaching and research in agrometeorology at the University of Guelph will be greatly expanded under the impetus of a special grant of $98,000 from the Canadian Committee for the International Biological Program. The grant is for one year, and it is expected to be renewed for the remaining four years of the fiveyear Program. At present two faculty members, Dr. Ken King '51 and Dr. Murray Brown '51, are engaged in agrometeorology work. The new grant will permit the addition of three more full time faculty members to Dr. King's staff, and a

marked increase in the number of graduate students. Among other things, the researchers will be studying how various environmental factors limit crop production as well as how and why plants react to the stresses involved in weather phenomena.

Alumni and Graduate Ties are now available and may be ordered through Alumni House. Hand sewn, the pure silk ties were woven in England exculsively for the University of Guelph Alumni Association. Details of the shield from the University Coat-of-Arms were woven in the appropriate colours to create these handsome and distinguished ties. Alumni ties have a rich maroon background and may be ordered for use by graduates, by undergraduates who have completed two or more semesters, and by faculty, board and professional staff members of the University. Graduate ties have a background of dark blue and are available only for graduates of degree and diploma programs. An excellent gift idea, these unique ties are priced at $6.50 and come attractively boxed. (Ontario residents please add 5% Provincial Sales Tax). Cheques should be made payable at par to the University of Guelph Alumni Association, Alumni House, University of Guelph.



Coming Events Sept. 27


Oct. 25 Oct. 26

4:00 p.m.

-Official opening of McLaughlin Library

9:30 a.m. - Registration 10:OO a.m. - Tours of McLaughlin Library and Crop Science Building 11:30 a.m. University of Guelph Alumni Association Annual fleeting 12:OO noon -Alumni Reception 1:00 p.m. - Buffet Luncheon 2:00 p.m. - Footall Game Guelph Gryphons vs Waterloo Lutheran University 8:30 p.m. - Homecoming Ball Physical Education Building


Nov. 5 - 9

ARTS FESTIVAL WEEK Theme: Glory that was Greece

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