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University of Guelph Alumni Association
rwe rwere
message from the
in and around the University
alumni Matters
He University of Guelph Alumni Association looks for volunteers and nominees for its annual awards program. The Arboretum recognizes its supporters, and the OVC Class of' 49 celebrates its 50th anniversary by establishing a scholarship endowment. And with this issue of the Guelph Alumnus, more than 46,000 grads receive a special newsletter.
oF G opens new teaching facilities that provide high-speed computing and multimedia equipment for student use, eight faculty
receive research excellence awards from the provincial government, and the College of Physical and Engineering Science welcomes a new dean from eastern Canada. In addition, construction begins on a 660-bed residence townhouse.
TEACHING TOUGH PROFS How tough are they? Six U of G professors who demand a lot from students get top marks for their ability to motivate and inspire.
STUDENT LIFE LIVE AND LEARN This is how spaces become places to call home. It's fate that puts two strangers together in a university residence room, but it's a well-planned first-year experience that helps them find their way from adolescence to adulthood.
18 ON THE COVER PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR KarenWendlingisoneof the tough ones. Her students don't have to like her wacky earrings or her point of view, but they'd better be prepared for class and ready to defend their own opinions.
research Wotes
Photo by Dean Palmer/The Scenario
Winter 2001
Quelph alumnus Winter 2001 • VOLUME 33 IssuE I
Named "Best University Magazine" by the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education
Editor Mary Dickieson Director Darlene Frampton Art Direction Peter Enneson Design Inc. Contributors Stacey Curry Gunn Barbara Chance, BA '74 Lori Bona Hunt Suzanne Soto Alexander Wooley Advertising Inquiries Brian Downey 519-824-4120, Ext. 6665
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message from the President MORDECHAI ROZANSKI
HE UN I VE RS I TY OF GUELPH, like all other Ontario uni ve rsiti es, is fac in g o ne of the greatest e nrolm ent chall e nges sin ce th e 1960s, when the babyboo m er generati o n reached university age and post-seco nda ry instituti o ns g rew at a rate unseen since the end of th e Seco nd Wo rld Wa r.
If we proceed with this growth, it will be phased-in over the next eight to nine years, peaking at 18,000 by 2009. Subject to additional operating funds, the University of Guelph and Humber College are committed to increasing enrolment by an additional 2,000 by 2006 in the new blended programs, to be delivered primarily in a new facility at Humber (funded by $30 million in capital support through the Super Build Growth Fund) and scheduled to begin with a pilot program of 200 students in 2002. To accommodate our projected growth, as well as cope with substan-
In just three short years, wh en the provincial governm ent eliminates Grade 13 fro m th e high school curri culum , a n estim a ted 57,000 students a re expec ted to co m e kno ckin g on unive rsit ies' doors seeking admission. Other dem ographic facto rs, such as the m ovem ent of boomers' tial retirements, we expect to make new children through th e edu catio n system faculty and staff appointments over the and a projected increase in overall uninext 10 years. It will also be important versity pa rticipation, will push that in ifor us to identify ways of retaining the tial fi gure to some 89,000 students seektalented people we already have. in g unive rsity placem ent over the next In the meantime, we continue to revidecade, so th e 57,000 new stud ents in talize our campus f~1cilities. To date, we 2003 are not a passin g phe no m eno n. have either completed or plan to complete This enrolment challenge is over $160 million worth of work a critical conside rati o n fo r us on capital projects critical to supT HE UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, as we plan fo r o ur future a nd porting our academic mission: a LIKE ALL OTHER ONTARIO pursue our visio n , w hi ch is 660-bed suite-style residence, the based on the principles of qualaddition to the Thornbrough UN I VERSITIES, IS FACING ONE ity, accessibility, distinctiveness, Building, classroom and laboraOF THE GREATEST ENROLMENT innovatio n and fi scal respo nsitory upgrades, a new field house bility. To en sure th at some of for intramural sports, the proCHALLENGES SINCE THE 1960s these deeply held principles are posed science complex and a preserved, we es ta bl is hed , in cluster of "smart classrooms" spring 1999, four "pla nn ing cl usters" to examine the folwith the latest in learning and information technolog ies. lowin g a reas: enro lm ent grow th w ith qua li ty; strategic As we further refine our plans and map our future, we wil l research planning; recruitment, retention and support of continue to involve our governance bodies and commufaculty and staff; and expansio n a nd renewal of facilities nity in planning consultation and keep the wider Univerfor learning, research, living and wo rkin g. Underlying this sity community well-informed with regular updates. planning process a re seve ral fund a mental pr inciples: All these activities reflect our ongoing commitment to U of G will be un able to grow su bstantiall y unless it a dynamic vision of Guelph: to be Canada's innovative recei ves increased provin cial o perating grant support leader in creating, transmitting and applying knowledge to a nd addition al fund s fo r fac ili t ies re newal. (Guelph improve the social, cultural and economic quality of life of has already received $50 milli o n towards a new sciCanadians. We plan to achieve this by educating and gradence complex and a classroo m cluster from the provinuating first-class students prepared for life, careers and citcial Super Build G rowth Fund .) izenship, and by continuing to generate world-class research, The G uelph cam p us in fras tru ctu re w ill not support scholarship and creative work to serve society sustainably growth beyond 18,000 students, from its present 15,000. and responsibly.
W inter 200 I 3
1n an
PARTNERSHIP BOOSTS ENGINEERING/ COMPUTING SCIENCE U of G and partners HewlettPackard (Canada) Ltd. and the Ministry of Training, Coland Universities leges (MTCU) have made a $9.4mi llion investment in the future of engineering and computing science. In a 35,000-square-foot addition to the Thornbrough Building, this unique partnership is providing new state-ofthe-art facilities and technology that will build on the University's unique programs to create a nationally recognized centre in biological and environmental engineering and computing science. It will also enable Guelph to tr iple its undergraduate enrolment and double its graduate enrolment in a range of innovative high-demand programs in the School of
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Honoured guests and partners officially open the $9-4-million Thorn· brough Building addition Sept. 25. From left are former Board of Gov· ernors vice-chair Albert Thornbrough; School of Engineering director Lambert Otten; Prof. David Swayne, acting chair of the Department of Computing and Information Science; former U of G president Bill Wine· gard; founding B of G chair Thomas McEwan; chancellor Lincoln Alexan· der; CPES dean Bob McCrindle; engineering student Melissa Fortin; president Mordechai Rozanski; Guelph MPP Brenda Elliott; Dianne Cun· ningham, minister of training, colleges and universities; and Paul Tsaparis, president and CEO of Hewlett-Packard (Canada )Ltd.
Engineering and Department of Computing and Information Science (CIS).
Under its Access to Opportunities Program, MTCU provided $4.7 million to increase
enrolment in the School of Engineering and CIS, with the funding to be matched by money from the private sector. The vast majority of the match came from HP Canada, mainly through a range of hightechnology equipment and computers. In addition, the company is making a significant donation to Guelph's S@GE program, a unique children's science camp that promotes science education, particularly among young girls. MTCU will also provide additional operating support for the increased enrolment. The Thornbrough addition will be used by both the School of Engineer ing and CIS, providing a physical link between the two and capitalizing on existing and potential synergies.
Second in Canada, tops in Ontario OF G RANKED first in all indicators of student quality and made gains in overall reputation, but saw Simon Fraser University move into first position in the comprehensive category in the annual Maclen11's ran kings of Canadian universities released Nov. 13. Maclean's rated U of G the No. I comprehensive university in Ontario overall and the top comprehensive university in Canada in the following indicators of student quality: aver-
age entering grade of students; proportion of entering students with an average of 75 per cent or higher; and percentage of students who graduate. Guelph also rose in the national reputational survey to be ranked second-best overall. President Mordechai Rozanski congratulated Simon Fraser on its success in this year's ran kings and said: "Our strong performance within the context of provincial operating funding constraints is a tribute to our
outstanding faculty, staff, students, academic and administrative leadership and alumni. I am particularly pleased to note that our commitment to providing the highest-quality education for our students has been recognized." In interviews with media, Ann Dowsett johnston, editor of the annual Maclean's ranking issue, said the difference between Guelph and Simon Fraser was tiny this year and had more to do with the B.C.
university pulling ahead because of financial advantage than with any decline in quality at U of G. She said Guelph is still "a very elite institution; still very student-focused." Dowsett johnston added that almost every Ontario university fell, and she attributed the slippage to funding cuts from the province, which she said have forced many universities to increase class sizes and spend less per student.
OVC opens high-tech learning centre
nitaries present in person and online, the future of veterinary education was unveiled Nov. 21 at the official opening of the On tario Veterinary College's Learning Commons. The Learning Commons transforms a significant portion of the OVC Library into a stateof-the-art digital learning and research centre with high-speed digital links with veterinary colleges in P.E.l. and Quebec. At the opening, V!Ps from those two colleges appeared in real time on giant monitors, joining other guests on site, including Ontario Minister of Finance Ernie Eves; David Tr ick, assistant deputy minister with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU); and Michael Gourley, cha ir of the board of directors of the Ontario In novation Trust. "This is a wonderful day for faculty,
IN FACT... Thirty-five first -year students at U of G were among the first recipients of excellence awards from the Canada Millennium Scholarship foundation, which high academic achievement and community involvement.
research fac il ity a rea lit y. The Learning Commons is a nother example of how OVC is rev italizing itself for the 2 1st ce ntu ry." As part of the OVC Library, the Learning Commons w ill faci li tate co llaboration, resea rch and independent lea rni ng. Made possible through the support of MTCU, the Indus t ry Canada agency CANAR IE Inc. and industry partner Life lea rn Inc., it features a ce ntra l area
with high-speed n1u ltim edi a
From left are Micheal Gourley, David Trick, DVM student Sarah Slater, Ernie Eves, OVC dean Alan Meek and president Mordechai Rozanski.
staff and students at the co llege," said OVC dean Alan Meek. "The Learning Commons is a major leap forward in our learning and research capabi lities and w ill p rovide key support for the new doctor of veterinary medicine DVM 2000
curriculum." President Mordechai Rozanski congratu lated all parties involved on campus and at sister veterinary colleges in P.E.I. a n d Q uebec fo r t h eir "v isio n and coll aborative spirit in making th is learning, teach ing and
s 0
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computers, network v ideo ~ servers and specia l Inter net ~ links, giving facu lty and st u dents access to interact ive edu cational resources as we ll as on line video conferenci ng. "This is bel ieved to b e t h e first example anyw here in Canada of institutions from a broad geograph ica l area co m ing toget h er to sh a re pro fessional programs as part of a virtua l commun ity;' sa id Meek.
CPES names new dean emori al University chemistry professor Peter Tremaine
has been appointed dean of the College of Physical and
Engineering Science, effective April 2, 2001. He joined Memorial in 1991 and served two terms as head of chemistry. Pre-
viously, he held research positions with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., the Alberta Research Council (ARC) and the Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority/ARC/ industry research program . He is president of the International Asso ciation of Properties of Water and Steam and chaired the 13th International Conference on Steam and Water Properties.
Winter 2001 5
in and around the University EIGHT FACULTY CLAIM PREA AWARDS E1 G H T U oF G researchers have won Premier's Research Excellence Awards (PREA) in the two latest rounds of the provincial program designed to boost investment in research. A total ofl5 U ofG faculty have won PREAs to date. With the awards va lued at $150,000 each, $100,000 coming from the Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology and $50,000 from the University or other sources, the total value of U of G PREA awards now stands at $2.25 million. The new PREA recipients are Profs. Eric Poisson, Physics; John Klironomos, Botany, Kees de Lange, Animal and Poultry Science; Yoshi Mine, Food Science; Beren Robinson and Elizabeth Boulding, Zoology; Dev Mangroo, Chemistry and Biochemistry; an d Daniel Fischlin, Literatures and Performance Studies in English. Fischlin is the first U of Gwinner in the arts. "Now that the principle has been established that members of our discip lines are eligible for these awards, I am sure we will see more coming to the college in fu ture years," says College of Arts dean Carole Stewart. PREA funds are intended to help 路 gifted young researchers expand their research efforts by attracting graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and research associates to their programs.
Scientists honoured
of G awarded two honorary
degrees and about 6so degrees
and diplomas during fall convoca tion ceremonies Oct. 16 to 18. Hon orary degree recipients were Maarten Chrispeels, director of the Centre for Molecular Agriculture at the University of California at San Diego, and Marian Stamp Dawkins, a professor of biological sciences and animal behaviour at Somerville College at Oxford University. In addition, Gordon Nixon, founder of the U of G Alumni Association, received the inaugural Lincoln Alexander Medal of Distinguished Service, and two retired faculty members were named University professors emeriti -
Prof. Richard Protz, Land Resource
Science, and Prof. Ronald Harris, Environmental Biology.
Cl HR boosts U of G research of G researchers say the inauguration of the new Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) bodes well for a variety of long-standing health-related research programs at Gue lph . Six U of G scientists recently received a total of $1.7 million for health research projects ranging from bacterial infection to genetics, bringing to 24 the total number of Guelph researchers who are currently
receiving C!H R funding. "At U of G, there are a large number of research programs that have a major impact on the health and well-being of Canadians," says Prof. Ross Hallett, assistant vice-president (resea rch infrastructure programs). C!HR funding supports projects in a range of areas, including bacterial and viral infections, DNA repair, childhood injuries, aging and nutrition. It includes operat ing and equipme nt
IN FACT... A new PhD program in literary studies/theatre studies, developed jointly by U of G and Wilfrid Laurier University, has been hailed by the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies as an example for other institutions to follow.
grants, post-doctoral fellowships and doctoral research awards, one senior investigator award and Burroughs Wellcome Fund student research awards. The six scientists who received the new CI HR funding are Prof. Mark Baker, Pathobiology; Prof. Rod Merrill, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Profs. janet Wood and joe Lam, Microbiology; and Profs. Allan King and jonathan Lamarre, Biomedical Sciences. This sum mer, CIHR awarded a chair worth more than $346,000 to Prof. Heather Keller, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. The U of G awards are part of a $194-million investment in research initiatives across Canada at universities and hospitals, in government and in the voluntary health sector.
Appointments authored the book A Question of
Ethics: Canadians Speak Out,
)OAN WAKEMAN, B.Sc.'78, has been appointed the first
which received wide coverage from national and international media.
ATHLETICS DIRECTOR R 1 c H A R o F RE EM AN has replaced retiring Dave Copp as
~ former chair of the Department
fuVl of Political Science, will serve as ~ associate vice-president (acade-
6: mic) for the next five years. On faculty at Guelph since 1992, she has served as U of G's academic colleague to the Council of Ontario Universities since 1998 and is well known for her research on scandal, corruption and political ethics. She co-
director of athletics. Freeman has been business manager in the department for the past 30 years, handling the public relations and advertising side of athletics.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulatory chair with the U of G-based Canadian Institute for Food Inspection and Regulation. Her career includes working as a bacteriologist in the private sector, as a food and drug inspector with Health Canada and as a food project officer with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs and CFIA.
Digging in to increase residence spaces
Construction is under way on U of G's new town路
will provide accommodation for 66o students, help路
house-style residence complex scheduled for com路
ing to meet an increased demand for campus
pletion this fall. Funded through external financ路
housing due both to recent enrolment growth and
ing, the new $38-million East Residence Village
a low vacancy rate in the city of Guelph.
U OF G WELCOMES AWARD-WINNING SCIENCE WRITER STEPHEN STRAUSS, awardwinning science writer, colwnnist and editorial board member with The Globe and Mail, is the inaugural winner of the University of Guelph Donner/Guelph Book Fellowship. Strauss's fellowship will fall under the auspices of Guelph's newly created Centre for Safe Food (CSF), which will have as its mandate the development of credible science-based communication and management programs that enhance consumer confidence and transparency in the foodsafety system. Made possible through start-up funding from the Donner Foundation, the CSF will in its first yea r provide research and conferences around emerging agri-food issues, several graduate students and one-post-doctoral fellow, and a new graduate-level co u rse in foodsafety risk analysis, in addition to the Donner/Guelph Book Fellowship. "The support from the Donner Foundation represents an opportunity for the University to establish, with other partners, a centre that will actively engage Canad ians in the debate about foodsafety options and alternatives, as well as enhance the efforts of government, industry and producers to communicate and manage foodsafety issues;' says Prof. Larry Milligan, vice-president (research).
Winter 200 I 7
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Canadian bee strains. This summer in France, they exchanged uninfected queen bees and are now rearing sister colonies infested with mites in each country. But to meet strict Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada regulations - which do not generally permit the importation of bees - the French queens brought to Canada have been placed in quarantine on an island far enough from the mainland to be beyond a honeybee's normal
Gard Otis
will provide a so luti on to a deadly predator killing Canada's honeybee populations. The varroa mite is a parasite that has devastate d honeybee colonies worldwide in the last 20 years, a nd until now, commercial beekeepe rs have been forced to us e in secticides to slow the infestation . But Guelph environmental biology professor Gard Otis may h ave found a natural "' genetically based way to beat ~
the mites. Last year at an inter-
Cf. national beekeeping conference,
~ he learned from French scien~ tist Yves LeConte that wild bee z ~ populatio ns in several regions co of France have rebounded over ~I the last seve n yea rs. Although u ~ the rea so ns for th e apparent t;: res istance a re unkn own, Otis ~ and Le Co nte initi ated a dual >~ research project to determine if the resi sta nce is genetically it based and can be bred into
flight range. He and LeConte will study the growth rates of mite populations in both French and Canadian bee colonies as the first step towards breeding resistant colonies. "I'm hopeful for the first time in years;' Otis says.
TAKING AIM AT TEETH GRINDING A NEW DEVICE created by a U of G engineering professor and students may lead to better methods for preventing the wear and tear caused by nightly teeth grinding. One-quarter of all Canadian dental patients arc diagnosed
IN FACT... One-quarter of all Canadian dental patients grind their teeth in their sleep and often wake up with headaches.
with bruxism, teeth grinding during sleep. Forces generated by grinding teeth can be so strong that the teeth get worn down to the nerves. Bruxism sufferers often wake up with headaches and pains in their jaws. But they may be helped by a device designed by biological engineering students Shel li e Boudreau and Nicole Lauwaert, and systems and computing engineering student Zey nin )una, in collaboration with engineering professor john Runciman, Guelph respirologist Gerry Hollinger and Guelph dentist Don Cohen. The device w ill have pressure-activated sensors embedded within a plastic mouthguard that fits over a person's teeth- that send digital signals to a computer program, which records activity. "We'd like to see our information put towards designing a more effective mouthguard;' says Boudreau, "and we hope o ur device will be used in sleep labs to help determine at what stage of sleep bruxism is triggered."
birds, deer and other wild life are eating their way through Ontario farms to the tune of about $4I million a year, but farmers still have a strong appreciation for wi ldli fe and consider much of the loss "the price of doing business;' a study by Prof. Kim Rollins, Agricu l-
tural Economics and Business, has fo und. The st udy was the first ever to put a price tag on wildlife damage to Ontario's field crop, fruit, vegetab le, beef and sheep farms. It reports that wildl ife damage exceeds $33 million annually, and farmers are spendin g an additional $7.5 million trying to keep critters at bay. Farmers are also reporting that wi ldlife-caused losses to crops
Kim Rollins
and livestock have increased over the past five years. Even so, nearl y 80 per cent of fa rm e rs surveyed said wildlife is a necessa ry part of the balance of nature, and more than half take measures to support wildlife, investing some $8 million to enhance habitats on their farms in 1998 alone. "T he bottom lin e is that wildlife requires a natural habi tat;' says Rollins. "The a nimals aren't owned- they're wildand farmers reali ze this." The most ambitious w ildlife study to date for Ontario, this research was based on a random sampling of some I,OOO Ontario farms. It included three separate
Winter 2001 9
surveys and extensive farming logs that quantified losses over a twoyear period. A final report of findings was completed this summer. The study primarily examined damage from large mammals such as deer and bears; small mammals such as coyotes, wolves, dogs and raccoons; and waterfowl and birds. Alan Filewood
REMEMBERING THEATRE HISTORY PROF. ALAN FILEWOD, Literatures and Performance Studies in English, is planning a book that he hopes will draw attention to an almost forgotten chapter of Canada's theatrical history and political life w O:l -the workers' theatre move....J ment from 1929 to 1936. ~ I u Filewod says workers' theatre VI z ;::: troupes were social barometers "'.,;::;: for their era and foreshadowed >O:l the protest movement that began 0 >- in the 1960s and still simmers 0 I a. today. He notes that similarities
can be seen between the workers' theatre movement and the kind of group action mobilized in current protests such as those at World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle and Prague. The workers' theatre movement was born in the midst of the Depression with the Second World War on the horizon. Troupes made up of students, progressive arts clubs, unemplayed workers and others perceived an international crisis looming and wanted to see change.
Performances often took place on the streets, revo lved around current events and were an attempt to intervene in publie movements to help mobilize the people. "Dozens of troupes probably existed across Canada;' says Filewod, "but they have not really been considered theatre because they were left wing and on the streets."
access to the bloodstream. just like humans, cats and dogs sometimes need life-saving blood transfusions during surgery or in emergencies, says Aubert. Client-based blood donation programs are available for dogs, but there is no comparable program for felines. Blood collection is also more complex for cats, as they are typically less amenable to being held for collection, she says. As a result, collecting blood donations from cats requires more planning and help as the animals are typically anaesthetized for the procedure. In addition, more blood is usually taken per procedure to minimize the amount of times blood is collected. Using vascular access ports would mean the donor cats would not need to be sedated and less blood could be taken to reduce stress. For her study, Aubert will
REDUCING STRESS WHEN TREATING CATS COLLECTING BLOOD from cats may soon be less stressful for animals and humans alike thanks to a new method developed by an OVC researcher. Isabelle Aubert, a third-year internal medicine resident, is studying the use of implanted vascular access ports in felines. The devices are surgically placed under the animal's skin and into a blood vessel to allow for a safe
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implant vascular access ports, then assess the ease of blood collection and the quality of the blood collected. The devices may also be used one day in feline patients who require frequent administration of intravenous medicines.
following exposure to auditory stimulation such as speech. This finding suggests that exposure to speech or other forms of sensory stimulation might lead to speedier and improved motor skill rehabilitation. "Our study shows that the
TAlKING BENEFITS STROKE RECOVERY HEALTH-CARE WORKERS and loved ones could speed up a stroke victim's speech recovery by therapy as simple as speaking to them regularly, according to findings by psychology professor Dan Meegan. The groundbreaking discovery by Meegan and colleagues at the University of Rochester found a link between how the brain perceives incoming information from the senses and how it controls the production of bodily movement. The researchers discovered improvements in motor timing
while they are still unable to move their limbs or muscles. The result might be an accelerated recovery. It's a major finding for those of us in the cognitive and neural sciences and provides a potential wealth of implications for rehabilitative cases."
Dan Meegan
brain's ability to perceive time and our ability to control the timing of our bodily movements are closely connected;' says Meegan. "In fact, motor learning can occur without motor training. This means stroke patients could be practising motor timing even
CoN CERNED thattheillegal pet trade is threatening Ontario's endangered wood turtle, zoology professor Ron Brooks is working to help catch and prosecute turtle smugglers. He uses microchip technol ogy to identify turtles in Algonquin Park and says microchips could cut down on illegal traffic by pinpointing a smuggled turtle's origins. "Overall, there's no group of animals that is in more danger than turtles;' says Brooks, who has been studying Ontario's
wood turtle populations since 1987. " If you have attractive animals with good characteristics, it makes them especially vulnerable." Wood turtles have always been at risk from loss of habitat, highway construction and natural predation. But now, their popularity as pets, medicine, aphrodisiacs and food is further threatening their survival. Wood turtles are listed as being an endangered species in Ontario and a vulnerable species in Canada. At nest sites in Algonquin Park (one of three places known to be home to Ontario's remaining wood turtle populations), Brooks and graduate student Kim Smith are implanting a small microchip containing a 10digit identification nutnber on each turtle's hind legs. In the future, when a shipn1cnt of turties is sei zed, the n1icrochips could be scanned and the turtles' origins identified , Brooks says.
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Royal City Travel
10 Paisley St. Unit 8 Guelph, ONTARIO dennisrct@ Winter 2001
spoon-feeding allowed in their classe And their students love them for it. TH E COFFEE J AR wasrunning low.Firstyea r philoso phy, a take- home test d ue the next day, and jam es Mattick was on a 12hour re adin g m ara thon to get through material he was supp osed to have digested over th e co urse of several weeks. The sun was long up when he fi nished the test, his answers drawn from fatigued thought and a caffein e headache. Prof. Karen Wendling was not impressed. Waxing philosop hical, Mattick says the allnighter taught him what not to do at the University of Guelph, where students are expected to be "active" partn ers in the learning process, and especially not in a course taught by a professo r who has a reputation for being demanding and unmoved by excuses.
"!didn't do exceptionally well on the exam;' Mattick says in the hallway after class, tucking his marked test into a folder and out of sight. He admits that he didn't really expect to get away with the last-minute cramming. Wendling told her students during the first week of class that she is tough, that the material they will study is hard and that she expects them to challenge it, challenge her and be prepared to defend their opinions. In other words, she wants them to think about what they're learning. There is no shortage of such professors at Guelph. In fact, writing an article on the subject is a lot like preparing for a final exam: you spend weeks collecting material
from professors, students, co unsellors and peer helpers, too much for the li m ited amount of time and space available. T here's a temptation to slip into "cram mode" an d try to squeeze every great professor at Guelph into a single article. But this story will focus instead on a handful of tough a nd challenging faculty who serve as examples of what has earned the Un iversity a natio nal reputation for teach ing excellence. They are "tough," "demanding," "dazzling" and "inspiring" teachers whose methods of educating run the gamut from choosing difficult readings to using tennis balls to explain physics or cartoons and com ic books to explain microbiology and Shakespeare. Some make a point of involvi n g
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These Guelph profs demand critical thinking and coherent arguments. undergraduates in research projects that augment class assignments. Others are renowned for lectures that stimulate students to debrief by e-mail afterward. Their teaching styles are as varied as their disciplines, but these Guelph professors share a genuine desire to help students succeed and the knowledge that a reputa t ion for teaching excellence is not a laurel that comes without struggle. Expecting and demanding resu lts is a difficult- albeit rewarding- process. It may be pa infu l at times for both student and teacher. But for some, there is no other way to educate and no better way to learn. "My favourite professors are the ones who challenge my way of thinking;' says fourthyear biomedica l sciences student Mike Stephenson, a President's Scholar and nominee for a Rhodes Scholarsh ip. "I like profes-
sors who ask hard questions, but who are respectful of t he answers you give. I'm inspired by professors who are motivated and have passion for what they are teaching." Stephanie Van Egmond, a 1997 Guelph graduate, adds that she learned best when she was pushed to str ive for excellence. Sometimes, the lesso n came in the form of a low mark, including one in a phi losophy course taught by Wendling. "She simply said that I was smart and that she expected better work from me," says Van Egmond. "Yes, I fe lt a lo t of pressure, b u t I also fe lt challenged to live up to my own capabilities." Wendling takes it as a compliment that her current and former students say she is demanding. It's one of the most frequent com ments she reads on course eva luations, righ t alongside quips and remarks about her collection of"wacky" earrings. "When
students call me tough, it tells me that I'm doing something right. My favourite courses as an undergraduate were always the ones where I felt challenged, the ones I continued to think about long after the semester was over, courses that raise issues that keep you up late at night thinking and wondering about the right thing to do." As for her career choice, Wendling never had any doubts. "I always planned to be a professor. I come from a family of professors, and it was something I wanted to do as long as I can remember." She started out studying physics, but switched to philosophy because it "felt like finding home. Growing up, we would always talk about things at home, argue about things, and I always worried about moral issues." Home is also where she developed her teaching goals, wanting her students to come
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away from her courses with the ability to understand and admire people they may disagree with. Like Wendling, veterinary science professor Peter Physick-Sheard revels in the fact that he is known as a demanding teacher. "I want my students to do the best they can, and I am not doing them any service if I spoon-feed them;' he says. A faculty member in the departments of Population Medicine and Clinical Studies, Physick-Sheard worked with race horses in private practice, then concentrated on veterinary surgery before turning his full-time focus to teaching. A graduate of the University of Bristol, he says he considers teaching the most enjoyable part of his job"although my students may wonder about that at times." "Tough but fair" is what they say, and Physick-Sheard admits that he is "very direct" in his teaching style. "I don't mince words and I never usc notes." A disability now requires him to use a scooter to get around, and he has taken to parking it at the front of the lecture room, where he just talks, asks questions and interacts with the class. "I think some of the students find it intimidating. Everyone has a different teaching style, and many of the students have taken courses where they sit and are delivered small, easily digestible bits of information. Then I come along and discuss things and ask them to reflect on the value of the information they have learned. Some of the students find it a bit disturbing, they have to work harder, and they're not as comfortable." He notes that the Ontario Veterinary College and the entire University have high admission standards that attract the best students
from Ontario, as well as the rest of Canada and other countries. He believes students appreciate the fact that he respects their intelligence enough to demand their best work. "Simply asking the students to remember facts and then regurgitate them isn't doing justice to their minds; it's not flexing their intellectual muscles;' he says. "One of the best comments I ever got on a student evaluation was: 'This class is why I came to university."' Prof. Alejandro Marangoni insists that his food science students learn more than it takes just to pass his courses. "All the questions I ask of them require that they develop an intuitive sense of the material. When students know the material well enough to say to me: 'What you are saying is incomplete; that is a high for me in class." It's no surprise that Marangoni is demanding in the classroom because he makes similar demands on himself. Hired as a professor at age 26, he is the winner of numerous prestigious research awards, including the first-ever Young Scientist Research Award from the American Oil Chemists Society, which he won over 20 other nominees from around the world. In 1999, he received an Ontario Premier's
Research Excellence Award to boost his study of the physical properties of fats and oils such as milk fat and cocoa butter. And in his spare time, he likes to go freestyle kayaking and is working towards a brown belt in judo. "He has such high standards that he encourages people, he inspires," says graduate student Amanda Wright. She took several courses from Marangoni as an undergraduate and is now working on her PhD degree under his supervision. "His courses are difficult- you have to pay attention - but he is so excited about what he's teaching, you can't help but get into it." Marangoni's own university experience was inspiration for his teaching style. Originally from Ecuador, he won a scholarship to Lester B. Pearson College in Victoria, B.C. "When I was a student, I always hated memorizing things for the sake of survival. I used to dress up in a suit and tic for exams; I treated it like an important occasion. I used to go in and say to myself: 'OK, try and throw something at me I don't know."' It was a more nonchalant attitude that earned Prof. Alastair Summerlee a reputation for truancy during his high school and university days. "It was sort of a standing joke;'
provost and vice-president (academic). " If class began at 9 a.m. and if I didn't think I was going to get something out of it, l was gone by 9:10a.m. l can still hear the professor saying: 'Off again, Mr. Summerlee?"' Remembering that experience makes him work harder now to make coming to class worth his students' time, he says. Summerlee is in a unique position to add perspective on the subject of teaching and learning. A professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences since 1988, he was named to his administrative position last year and is now responsible for the entire academic side of the University. His classroom approach echoes a University-wide objective to focus on the learning needs of students. "At the end of the day, l have to ask myself if I was successful in helping all the people learn to the best of their ability;' he says. In 1995, U of G officially adopted learner-centredness as a strategiL objective, and Summerlee says it's starting to make a difference. "There's no question that if you go
to a conference or meet professors or students from other universities, Guelph has a reputation for teaching excellence," he says. ''I'm in a privy position to hear those things. I think it's harder for faculty here to step back and be reflective. It's easy to get lost in the day-to-day classroom problems, rather than seeing ourselves as others see us." What other educators see is an institution that seeks to empower students to assume more responsibility for their own learning. Traditional lectures are combined with handson experiences and collaborative work projects that stimulate discussion and debate. Prospective students see a close-knit campus community at Guelph where professors welcome interaction with students. And they no doubt count the number of Guelph faculty who have won national teaching awards -third highest among comprehensive universities in Canada. Nevertheless, Summerlee admits that Guelph still has a ways to go. He'd like to see all faculty give a higher priority to teach-
ing. "There's still a perception among some professors that research activity is more important," he says, when what U of G administrators hope for is a blending of research and teaching initiatives, with each stimulating the other. The University is helping to accomplish this through Teaching Support Services, a campus unit dedicated to working with professors to enhance their teaching methods and facilitate learning. Key among its services are workshops for new faculty and a peer consultation program. Microbiology professor Roselynn Stevenson is the kind of teacher that new faculty might want to emulate. She won the College of Biological Science teaching award last year and an earlier teaching award from the U of G Faculty Association. She says respecting differences in learning styles is an important part of the teaching process. "So me students are perfectly happy if you sit them down and ask them to memorize a table of biochemical test reactions, but someone else has to be in the lab and touch the organism on a plate to understand and to learn." At first glance, it's hard to believe that Stevenson is "one of the tough ones:' She looks more like a kindly aunt, chatting about how memorizing organisms and bacteria isn't much different than the way children are memorizing Pokemon, cartoon characters that evolve into !50 forms. But she is the epitome of the cliche "appearances are deceiving." She can be brutal in the classroom or laboratory. ''I've had people tell me in no uncertain terms that I am hard- in very annoying terms at times;' she says with a laugh.
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Stevenson says she got a taste of what it must feel like to be student in her class when she enrolled in a watercolour painting course. "I never did my homework, and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing. I remember walking into class one day and being scared, thinking: 'What if I make an idiot of myself and splash stuff around?' It occurred to me that this is how many of my students must feel- out of their element and not understanding what they're doing." Figuring out every student's learning style is a near-impossible task in some courses, especially in 路large classes where simply grading exams without help from a teaching assistant is more than most mere mortals can handle. Add to that a difficult topic that many students are encountering for the first time, and there's little time for professors to think about whether they are sufficiently challenging their students. But there are those who manage to find a way. One example is physics professor Ernie McFarland. A 3M Award winner, he has taught many of the introductory courses in his department. And after more than two decades at Guelph, he knows what works and what doesn't. "My approach is to ask a fair number of questions in class, even in classes of 300 people. The students get into it; it keeps them alert." McFarland is a former high school math teacher known for stuffing his pockets with props like golf and tennis balls that he pulls out at times to illustrate such things as gravity and collisions. A few years back, his students returned the favour by throwing ping pong balls at him on his birthday. "I try to make it useful for students to
come to class," he says. "Everything they need to know is in the book, but I want to get them excited about the material, and I've found over the years that they learn better if l can get them sparked a bit." Stevenson illustrates textbooks with cartoons for the same reason. She draws the characters herself to help explain difficult concepts to her classes. "I have some students tell me the first thing they do is sit down and read all of the cartoons, cover to cover." One group of crafty students turned her cartoon bacteria into yarn characters as a gift. Pointing to one of her cartoons, she explains that students see a drawing of an enzyme chewing up bits of DNA or little bugs holding up signs and "suddenly they understand the whole process." Prof. Heather Keller, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, considers herself a fellow - learner, focusing more on real-life case studies than on lectures. "My teaching philosophy is: 'I'm not the expert,' so l encourage group work where the things students bring in from the outside enrich the learning environment." A specialist in nutrition and aging, Keller
relies on her own experiences as a dietitian to fuel classroom discussions. "When I started at Guelph, I took gerontology courses and became fascinated by the subject matter,'' she says. She went on to earn a master's degree in clinical nutrition and worked as a hospital nutritionist before obtaining a PhD in epidemiology and biostatistics. Keller won a college teaching award in I998, partly because of the way she involves students in her research. She heads a study funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to explore links between seniors' nutrition and health, and another funded by the Danone Institute to design a nutrition education program for seniors. Her undergraduate students are active participants in both studies, gaining a leg up on academic research techniques and first-hand experience working with community groups. Keller is in good company at U of G, where blending theory with practical experience is a campus-wide goal. Indeed, PhysickSheard echoes her strategy, saying students can play an invaluable role in research. "] have several papers out right now with students' names on them as well as my
own," he says. "I think students provide a stimulus for research. You have to have work ready for them to do and they ask questions. They raise issues you hadn't considered." Being an effective teacher takes more than developing learning methods and involving students in research. It also requires professors to gauge whether their methods are being successful, and that means turning a critical eye on oneself. For Wendling, it means re-evaluating the first exam she gave in her introductory course. "I think there was a clash of expectations, and I take some of the responsibility for that," she tells the class. "But I think members of the class need to take some responsibility for it as well. I don't think some of you realized how hard this stuff is until the test. If you don't agree with something you read, you must understand why the authors are saying what they're saying in order to disagree with them. It is tough, but my belief is, it isn't worth doing if it isn't hard, and if it is hard, you're learning more."
Later in her office, Wendling explains her decision not to count the test. Teaching and learning are not a power struggle between students and professor, she says. Sometimes, even the most demanding teachers have to step back a bit and evaluate their own methods. "I pitched the test too hard, and that is not in line with my teaching philosophy. I want my students to come away with a better sense of why they believe what they believe. I want them to question their beliefs even if they don't change them." This time, Wendling lowered her expectations for a whole class caught off guard, but she didn't do that for Van Egmond, the 1997 graduate who received a low mark and the explanation that she wasn't living up to her potential. We have to wonder how students like Van Egmond respond when it's their turn to rate a professor. Do "tough" professors generally get lower student evaluations? And how often are teachers tempted to base their demands and expectations on how they think students will respond?
Summerlee admits it's a pervasive concern among faculty, but he believes that at the end of the day, students are capable of reviewing the work they've done and what they've learned and giving a professor an appropriate evaluation. Van Egmond may have been unhappy with the low mark, but she recognized the compliment when Wendling said: "You're smarter than that:' In truth, student evaluations aren't a big concern for this group of demanding faculty. "I hate feeding students scientific pablum, giving them material that is easily digested so they will give me a good evaluation and everybody is happy," says Marangoni. "I don't think I'm doing the students a favour, and I don't think they appreciate it." Keller believes her students recognize that what she does is for their benefit. "But sometimes, I don't think it clicks in until after they've left." Adds Stevenson: "One of the hardest things to learn is that you have learned something." The proof is in the pudding, so to speak, as these tough professors continue to receive teaching accolades while maintaining their tough teaching styles. Even more telling is the fact that students keep coming back for more. Remember james Mattick, the first-year student who failed to impress Wendling with his last-minute cramming? He barely glanced at his test paper before hiding it, but quickly vowed to do better next time. As for his demanding prof, "I would pick her as a professor any day of the week. She's one of the best I have because she gets me to think, and that's something I don't always have to do and not something I always want to do, and I like that." ga
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first-year unive They spend most of the other 148 hours in residence, the p AT THE BEGINNING ofSeptember,the room at the end of the third floor of Watson Hall looks more or less the same as thousands of other residence rooms all over campus. The walls are bare. There are two single beds, a couple of small desks, a place for clothes. It's empty, silent, lifeless. And then two strangers arrive. Nicole Moore is from Brampton, Ont. Clare Crummey is from Toronto. They're both 19 and first-year students at the University of Guelph. They will share this space for the next eight months. The strangers start talking. They find
they both have an interest in travelling and social justice. They unpack their luggage, put up posters, plaster the walls with snapshots, put their own sheets on the beds, buy some plants.
hangs her Mexican blanket over the window. It's not long before an empty institutional space becomes a home imbued with unique character and warmth, like it has so many times before.
Like other residents in the building, they decorate the door to their room. Using red, blue, green, pink and gold paint, they write out favourite quotations in Spanish, English and French.
As the room is transformed, so is the building. The 50 students who live in Watson Hall applied to do so because they're inte rested in international issues. The staff organize activities such as film nights, dinners, speakers and parties. The dynamic exchange of ideas and extracurricular activities turns Watson into a vibrant community known as International House.
Nicole and Clare start classes. They meet people and share experiences. They attend a rally in Toronto to protest government plans to privatize universities, and Nicole
students spend about
hours a week in class.
where spaces become places and strangers turn into friends. In their room on a late November afternoon, Nicole is in bed, wrapped in a duvet, trying to nap. Clare's sitting on the floor studying. They take a moment to contemplate a couple of questions: What's it like being roommates? What's it like living in residence? "We've handled it pretty well;' Clare says thoughtfully. "We' ve got major things in common, like travelling and our degree program in international development." Nicole sits up. "She's a night person, I'm a morning person," she grins. "It's just a matter of accommodating people's needs;' says Clare. "You meet peo-
By Stacey Curry Gunn
p le; most of them become good friends. And people are around all th e time, but that can also be a bad thing." "Like the night before an essay is due;' says Nico le. "Even if you put a sign on the door, they come in anyway," Clare adds. "They don't believe us," Nico le groans. It's in the small details of residence living that life-changing experiences are woven. Nico le and C lare and the rest of the nearly 5,000 students in residence are learning things that can't be taught in a classroom. They're learni n g about each other,
about themselves, about life. " It's a rite of passage- everyo ne does it," says C lare. "You learn to live with someone else." THE T R A o IT IoN of residence life o n this campus is long and colourful. It dates back to the very beginnings of the institution in 1874. Tales of students who lived and lea rn ed at Guelph from the founding of the Ontario Agr icultural College until the mid-1970s are recorded by john Eccles, former assistant director of residence admissions, in his book,
The Boarding Ho11se: The History of Residences
Photography by Martin Schwalbe Winter 200 I 19
at the University of Guelph. In the preface, Eccles briefly charts the evolution of campus living: "The mores of society dictated the way students lived at the 'Model Farm' of 1874. Early to bed, early to rise, hard work, lectures and Bible study daily for room, board and $50 a year. "As academic programs changed from a one-year degree to a four-year degree finally in 1901, the hours of field and barn work were reduced and the hours of academics, student societies and athletics increased . "With young ladies on campus in 1904 came interaction with the opposite sex. By 1913, they were dining together in Creelman Hall, attending dances and meeting at various clubs. "As society's mores changed, so did life on campus. It wasn't until the student revolution of the '60s that life in residence evolved to total integration and students obtained the rights and privileges of non 'in loco parentis' society." TODAY, THERE ARE 13 residences On campus, ranging from the traditional architecture ofJohnston Hall with its landmark
stone tower to the modern apartment-style units of East Residences. Ninety per cent of Guelph students come from home towns outside the local area. University policy guarantees first-year students a room, and more than 70 per cent of the residence beds go to them. The oldest residence is Macdonald Hall,
Big, big world
"I got to know a lot of people. Group living does make you realize that the world is not just yourself. It makes you appreciate each other's differences, variety of cultures and different social values, from the city to the country." Kim Aitken, B.A.Sc. '88
originally built to accommodate female students in 1904. Next fall, a new townhousestyle residence will open with space for 660 students, allowing the University to accommodate more of the upper-level students who would like to live on campus. One residence, the impressive ivy-covered MiUs Hall, wrote another chapter in residence history this fall by going co-ed, after housing only men since it opened in 1921. As part of this new era, roommates Cameron Fryer and Chris Lee share a room next door to Katy Winship and Erika Kristensen on the first floor of Mills. Cameron plans to major in history, Katy is in environmental science and Chris and Erika are in engineering. "We're getting along now that the alarm clock issue is sorted out," Katy reports, explaining that her first few mornings in residence were marred by the deafening blasts of music from Chris's stereo on the other side of the wall separating their rooms. The noise jolted her awake, but failed to rouse Chris. "He doesn't wake up," laughs Cameron, who has resorted to throwing things at his slumbering roommate, with little success. Cameron, clearly one of the more high-
spirited students on Mills's first floor, plays the bagpipes and loves all things Scottish. His part of the room is decorated with an impressive collection of drink coasters and posters of Sean Connery. In the middle of the room is a pyramid of beer cans- a "beeramid"- that he's been building. Cameron holds court and Chris works at his desk while other students drift in and out of the room to chat, share a joke or ask a question. Elaine Murch, who lives down the hall, can't resist poking a toe at the beer cans. They crash to the floor, sparking a howl from Cameron and protestations of innocence from Elaine. Cyndie Horner, senior residence assistant at Mills, suggests that Cameron get rid of the stack of cans anyway because it might attract flies. Horner is responsible for taking Chris, Cameron, Erica, Katy, Elaine and 35 other students living on the first floor of Mills under her wing. Her job is to help get them involved in campus life, ensure they have the information they need to adjust to university, and act as a sounding board and resource guide if they run into problems. Horner has lived in residence for four
years, and this is her third year as an RA. From dispensing information to drumming up fun activities, she's in her element. "I love doing this stuff," she says. Her dedication to the job is also evident in her readiness to listen and help when students are feeling uncertain or troubled. "Because I went through everything, I
Closest friends "I met my husband, Doug Paul, in residence, and we've been married seven years. The friends we met in residence are some of our closest friends to date. We regularly e-mail each other, and one of our gang even opened a chat room called the Lower Horizon 3. Even though we were all from different backgrounds and now have vastly different careers and different lives, when we all get back together, we still remember (and laugh at) all of the same residence antics. We just pick up where we left off." Maria Barzso-Paul, B.A.Sc. '9oBA '77
can relate to their fears. For instance, if they write the chemistry exam and they're upset with their mark, I can tell them I got a 56 on my first mid-term but ended up with an 81 in the class." Dealing with worries, uncertainty and stress in a new environment is all part of the transition to adulthood, to new levels of responsibility. From personal experience, and from seeing other students go through it year after year, Horner has seen the value of the residence experience. "It helps to learn to live with someone. It makes you take a look at yourself to see how you share things and cope with different lifestyles. In my first year, my side of the room was decorated with sports posters and stuff and my roommate's was more feminine with a pink frilly blanket and teddy bears. People would say: 'Do you get along?' We were best friends. At the end of the year, we had to separate our wardrobes." At International House, program facilitator Todd Schenk echoes Horner's observations. "It's a learning experience, it's life," he says. "You'll have a cubicle beside someone in some company or organization some day
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and you'll have to deal with it. My first year in residence wa s th e sin gle most tremendous learning experien ce I've ever gone throu gh . I lea rn ed a lo t about community, about working with others and supporting each o th er. I guess it so und s cheesy, but it's true. It was a chall engin g situation, in a good way, to have to dea l with a person from a different background , with different norms, over how loud yo u play your music at eight in the mornin g. It m ay seem like a given, but people are different." Horner and Schenk are two of U of G's 120-member residence life staff who rely o n their own experiences and training to help new students adjust to campus living. "The students are growing and learning as adults and citizens," says Irene Tho m pso n, assistant director of residence li fe and desk services in Student Housing Services. "We provide housing and life experiences outside th e classroom door. The residence environment is a living laborato ry for them . Maybe th ey won't realize it whil e they' re here, b ut once they leave this environment and go off on their own and make their way in th e wo rld , they' ll realize it and apply what th ey learn ed." In most cases, when they ar rive at U of
G n ew st ud ents a re leav in g behi nd th eir suppo rt sys tem , family and fri ends. " It's an oppo rtunity to spread th eir wings, to test th eir independence, th eir au tonomy," says T ho mpson. " Residen ce life is challenging, but suppo rts are built in th at help st udents deal with th e challenges they enco unter."
Making music "I was a house adviser at Lambton Hall in my second year. This is where I met my wife, Carol. In my first year at Johnston Hall, I met someone who became a very good friend and still is. He was very much into music and so was I. I'm in a band now that evolved from that - the Speed River Valley Mountain Boys." Rob Witherspoon, B.Sc. (Agr.) '81
THE PROGRAMS AND SERV ICES p rovided by Student Housi ng Serv ices and its we ll -trained staff make U of G a lead er in res ide nce living in Canada. In add itio n to the paraprofessional RAs, there are professionally trained residence managers, student peer he lper cluster leaders, st ud ent elected Interhall Council mem bers and desk services staff to help smooth the way for students, an d to fos ter an enjoyable a nd ed u ca ti onal experience. When students register for residence, th ey ca n apply to become invo lved in a living/learning centre that focuses on a theme or area of study. In addit ion to Inte rn ational House, the University offers Arts House, Eco House (for those interested in enviro nmental and social issues) and La Maison Fran<;aise. The University also has an Office of FirstYear Studies (OFYS)- unique among postsecondary institutions- that runs a program called University College Conn ection (UCC), which is co-ordinated by Mi ld red Eisenbach, B.A.Sc. '78. It helps new students make a successful transition to university by arranging "clusters" of up to 30 students in the same academic program. They live in the same residence and share classes, in terests
and friendships. UCC promotes collaborative learning, provides opportunities for for mal and informal faculty and student interaction, and offers activities to help students develop effective learning strategies for uni versity-level course work. Vance McPherson, a third -year bio medical sciences student, is a peer helper cluster leader for students in Lambton Hall who are taking biological and environmental sciences. He says the clusters benefit students in a number of ways. "Academic ice breaking happens a lot sooner. It's easier to study in groups. It's also helpful on a social level; many of them have similar career interests." McPherson decided to become a cluster leader after participating in UCC in his first year."! wanted to start taking a leadership role on campus ... to really show people what this place has to offer. Personally, l think that academically speaking, Guelph is one of Canada's best-kept secrets, considering the amount of research and the calibre of programs offered here. I really like giving people an appreciation of that. First -yea r students may be questioning their decision; !like to show them this is a great place."
OFYS also offers programs to prepare students for university life even before they arrive on campus. Each july, new students can attend START, an orientation program that gives them an opportunity to get to know the campus. There's also a summer reading program to sharpen critical thinking skills in preparation for the year ahead. And at the
Getting along
"I lived in residence all four years - my first two years in South and my last in East - and I loved it. It was great, especially because I was quite shy and being in residence made it easy for me to meet people. In East, I was part of a 16-person unit. It was a very interesting mix of roommates, which taught me quite a bit about living and getting along with people." Ruth Fox, BA'84
beginning of the fall semester, orientation programs introduce new students to the academic, social and cultural community of the University. To ENsuRE a safe and enjoyable residence atmosphere, the University requires the 4,100 single students who live on campus to abide by rules and regulations that have evolved over decades to cover everything from quiet hours to drinking. One high - profile situation in the late 1920s, known as the Beddoes case, prompted the Ontario agriculture minister to ban initiation activities, a policy the University continues today. According to Eccles, the Beddoes incident began when several students became annoyed with the autocratic ways of an aristocratic classmate from England. His "disruptive behavior ... made him a squealer in the eyes of the students. Several of his compatriots felt that a squealer should be in a pig crate. They took young Beddoes, put him in a pig crate and took him on a wagon to the Capital Theatre and proceeded to auction 'their squealer' to the evening crowd. A few local citizens were not amused and called for arrests."
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High-spirited Mills
and the tale made its way to the provincial legislature, where the government was accused of"allowing Canadian boys to persecute an English student." The perpetrators each received $100 fines. IN
Thompson has worked for Student Housing Services, she has seen policies tighten up considerably. Pranks and initiation rites are not allowed, nor is anything that causes harm, harassment or humiliation, she says. Most residence students are 19, but alcohol use in residence rooms is strictly regulated. Interhall Council, the residence student government, has developed a number of strategies to encourage responsible drink ing. Orientation Week has less emphasis on alcohol-related events. When drinking is allowed, venues are "split-licensed;' with designated areas for drinkers and non-drinkers - a strategy designed to accommodate the nearly 900 first-year students in residence who are under the legal drinking age. Residence life staff work to strengthen communities and emphasize the responsi bility of individuals as community members. The leadership roles played by the RAs, cluster leaders and other peer helpers demonstrate the importance the University places on encouraging students to help other students. "Residence life staff forge a sense of community from day one by introducing students to each other, explaining rules and regulations, offering support and
"I lived in Mills Hall and at that time, it wasn't co-ed, although I have to say, it was probably as co-ed then as it is now! The close friendships I made then I still have 2o-odd years later. There were 140 guys in Mills Hall, and it was a high-spirited place. The whole residence would go to football games. Or we'd call South Residences and invite them to a snowball fight. Residence life was, for many of us, also a maturing time. We helped each other; there was quite a support network. I keep in touch with people from all over the world via e-mail. Don Adam, BA '77
dealing with any conflicts that arise," says Thompson . If roomm ates just can't get along, for exa mple, they are reassigned or som e may opt for a single room. In addition to the day-to-day demands,
Still friends "When an acquaintance from high school and I found out we were both coming to Guelph from Kingston, we agreed to room together. The first year we lived in Lambton, then in Addington, and in our third year, we shared a suite in East Residences with other peo路 ple we had met in first year. Katherine (Lux) Kelly and I became really good friends; we are still friends. We see each other about once a year, and as recently as a few months ago, we brought our families together, children and all." Lenore Latta, B.Sc. '82 and M.Sc. '87
a new challenge is looming that will affect residence life and the University as a whole. In as little as two years, the number of first year students could increase because of the phase-out of Grade 13- a demographic shift that would dramatically boost the number of students under the legal adult age of 18. There are many implications to dealing with students who are not legally adults, such as the need to obtain parental permission for off-campus activities such as fie ld trips. To address the myriad issues associated with an influx of younger students, the University has struck a number of committees, one of wh ich is focusing on the impact on various aspects of university life, such as residences, orientation and OFYS. "We are reviewing programs in other provinces because they are already dealing with yo unger students," says Brenda Whiteside, associate vice-president (student affa irs). By ensuring the network of support services is adjusted to handle the future increase in student population, U of G looks to maintain its impressive track record of student success. Studies over the years have shown that living in residence has a significant impact on students' overal l satisfaction with their experience at university and can boost academic performance. Guelph -one of the most residential universities in Canada- has an 88 -per-cent graduation rate that outranks al l other comprehensive universities across the country, according to Maclean's magazine. Surveys and statistics aside, students say they enjoy living in resid ence for the social life and the convenience of being on campus and having a meal plan . The downside? Students say they miss home-cooked meals, privacy and personal space. But both the good times and difficult times are ultimately transforming. "You learn new ways to think, new things to think about," muses Schenk in his room at International House. "There should be a social science of turning residences into unique and special places and how that happens. You take buildings that are fairly institutional and you turn them into a community, and l think that's pretty phenomenal. Walk by any room and see how much people b egin to care about it. It's weird when you move stuff out and it's just a space aga in at the end of the year." ga
HIRE AGUELPH CO-OP STUDENT Physical Sciences • Applied Math & Statistics • Biochemistry • Biophysics • Chemical Physics • Chemistry • Computing & Information Science • Physics Commerce • Management Economics in Industry & Finance • Hotel & Food Administration • Housing & Real Estate Management • Agricultural Business • Marketing Management B.Sc. (Technology) • Pharmaceutical Chemistry • Physics and Technology Biological Sciences • Biomedical Toxicology • Environmental Toxicology • Food Science • Microbiology Engineering Sciences • Biological • Engineering Systems & Computing • Environmental • Water Resources Social Sciences • Child Studies • Economics • Family & Social Relations • Gerontology • Psychology Environmental Sciences MA Economics
BRENT HICKLING Economics Co-op Student Ontario Ministry of Agricu Food and Rural Mfairs
ARBORETUM HONOURS HEROES THE ARBORETUM celebrated its 30th anniversary in November by honouring 30 Arboretum "heroes," people and organizations that have played a significant role in the Arboretum's development over the past three decades. "Almost everything you see in the Arboretum was planted or built in the past 30 years- everything," says director Prof. Alan Watson. The 165-hectare Arboretum, which once consisted largely of fields used for test plots for OAC students and faculty, is now home to 17,947 plant collections, wetlands, nature trails, a memorial forest and three oldgrowth forests of a type now rare in Ontario. In addition, the Arboretum kicked off its new Maples for the Millennium project. Maples were among the first trees planted in the Arboretum, and 30 trees have been set aside for dedication purposes. For more information, contact Watson at 519-8244120, Ext. 2356.
Seated, from left: Dave Howse and Ray Cormack. Standing: Jim Archibald, OVC dean Alan ~ Meek, Bill Mitchell and Ken Fisk. ~-----------------
UGAA TAKES THE PULSE OF ALUMNI THE UN IvERs 1 T Y of Guelph Alumni Association has formed an action committee to review the results of an alumni survey completed last fall. President Scott vanEngen, B.Sc.(Agr.) '88, says UGAA commissioned the survey through Guelphbased Strategic Research Associates, and is now in the process of reviewing the results. "We wanted to take the pulse of the alumni community to aid UGAA, other constituent alumni groups and alumni programs staff in developing future programs and events;' says vanEngen. "Thank you to those alumni who participated; your input has been invaluable." UGAA is also looking for alumni volunteers to help develop new programs and serve on the executive. If you're interested, contact Michael Somerville, director of alumni programs, at Alumni House, 519-824-4120, Ext. 6183, or e-mail to alumni The current UGAA executive includes, front row from left, Robin-Lee Norris, BA '80, first vice-president; and Scott vanEngen, B.Sc.(Agr.) '88, president. In back, from left, are Michael Somerville; John Watson, BA '69, second vice-president; Bradley Hull, BA '89, secretary; William Summers, B.Sc. '82, treasurer; and James Weeden, B.Sc.(Eng.) '71 and M.Sc. '86, past president. For a complete listing of the UGAA board of directors and to follow the progress of UGAA initiatives, visit the alumni Web site at
the OVC Class of 1949 met recently to celebrate the achievement of a 50th-anniversary class project. With contributions from 6: class members and matching government
funds, the OVC '49 scholarship endowment has exceeded $231,000, and it's still growing as new donations are received. A grad uate entrance scholarship of $3,500 and five undergraduate bursaries of$1,000 each will
be awarded annually under the direction of the OVC Awards Committee and the dean. The OVC '49 committee met at the Burdette Art Gallery in Orton, Ont., which is owned by classmate Ray Cormack.
Peter Lindley, BSA '57, left, attended the Gryphon Club Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame inductees, from left: Andy Longpre, BA '81, wrestling;
dinner in October to congratulate his daughter, Susan, B.Sc.(H.K.)
nm Mau, BA '92 and MA '93, basketball; Sue Lindley, B.Sc. (H.K.) '82,
'82, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame in recognition of her
basketball and field hockey; Peter Langford, BA '85, football; and Alan
athletic accomplishments in basketball and field hockey.
Singleton, head hockey coach from 1956 to 1963 and 1967 to 1969 .
A luncheon honouring the memory of former Gryphon coach Dick
The Ohio Northern University (ONU) marching band from Ada, Ohio,
Brown ended at Alumni Stadium, where Brown's family and friends
has performed at U of G's Homecoming for the past several years.
took part in a ceremonial kickoff. From left are Maggie and Mark
The band's 2000 northern trip combined the Gryphon game on Sat-
Brown, U of G athletics director Richard Freeman, defensive tackle
urday with a half-time performance at a Hamilton Ti-Cats game the
s: )>
Jeremy Oxley, Anne Brown, Jackie Brown, Mitchell Brown-Robson,
night before. The band led a parade of Gryphon supporters across
Stacey Brown, Gryphon coach Dan McNally, Bernie Custis, Melanie
campus to Alumni Stadium, where U of G suffered a disappointing
Brown-Robson and Lorraine Custis.
37 to 14 loss to Concordia.
., -c
"' Winter
200 l 27
alumni Matters A L UMNI AwA RD S OF ExcELLENCE
What kind of luck enables a man to tell the fantastic story of discovering the Titanic, to top the best-seller list with a book of wildlife art, to interview the reclusive Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and to inspire a movie with the personal letters and photographs of a Russian tsar's daughter? College of Arts graduates will read about the interesting career of publisher Hugh Brewster, BA '71, in an alumni newsletter delivered to them as an insert in this issue of the Guelph Alumnus. Graduates of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences and the Ontario Agricultural College have also received special newsletters from their college or alumni association. In total, more than 46,500 U of G alumni are benefiting from the piggy-back distribution offered by the Guelph Alumnus. For a handful of alumni- those who have a spouse who is a graduate of one of these three colleges- it means that a second copy of the magazine may be delivered to the household. We're working to resolve the duplication, but hope that in the meantime, you will enjoy both the magazine and the news from your college and alumni association. Please give the second copy to a colleague, a neighbour or a prospective student. For news of all U of G colleges, visit the campus Web site at From the home page, click on the Guelph Alumnus site to read the full story about Hugh Brewster's role in the founding and growth of Madison Press Books in Toronto.
ALUMNI AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE The University of Guelph Alumni Association invites nominations for: Alumnus of Honour An annual award celebrating the achievements of alumni who have bro ught great honour to their alma mater through profess ional, community and personal endeavours. Alumni Medal of Achievement A convocation award that recognizes a graduate of the last 15 years who has achieved excellence through contributions to country, community, profession or the world of arts and letters. Alumni Volunteer Award An ann ual award to honour alumni who have demonstrated loyalty and commitment to their alma mater by supporting the University of Guelph through their volunteer work. Nomination deadline: Feb. 23. Submit nominations to the attention of Mary Ann Grape, UGAA Awards Committee, c/o Alumni House, University of Guelph, Guelph ON N1G 2Wl. OVC DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS An annual award presented by the OVC Alumni Association to recognize a graduate who has brought honour to the college and fe llow alumni through leadership and service to country, science, education, profession or alma mater. Nomination deadline: Feb. 28. A nomination form can be requested by calling Alumni House at Ext. 6544. GEORGE BEDELL AWARD OF EXCELLENCE This award is presented to a graduate of the School of Hotel and Food Administration who best represents the school in professionalism, achievement and contributions to the hospitality industry. Nomination deadline: Feb. 28. For more information, call Laurie Malleau at Ext. 2102. Award committees for the above can be reached through Alumni House at the University of Guelph, Guelph ON N1 G 2W1, 519-824-4120, fax: 519-822-2670, e-mail: vikkit@alumni.
B.COMM. GRADS GATHER The Department of Consumer Studies celebrated the 1oth anniversary of the B.Comm. marketing management major and the fifth anniversary of the B.Comm. housing and real estate management major with a fall reception at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre. The event drew over 100 guests, including alumni and business partners. Sharing their experi路 ences as president of the Guelph Commerce Society are, from left, Kate Longmire, B.Comm. 'oo; Jenn Clark, the current president; and Ben Kelly, B.Comm. '99.
How I spent my summer vacation
• Howard and Christine Hill had a lot to tell their students in Highland Park, Ill., after spending their 2000 summer vacation mountain climbing in the northernmost mountain range in the world. They reached the summit of a previously unexplored peak in the Daly Bjerge area of northern Greenland and now may have the opportunity to name it.
A native of Burlington, Ont., Hill, B.Sc.(Agr.) '88 and ADA '86, and his U.S.-born wife are both high school science teachers who have a love of adventure. They prefaced the climb by teaching a field ecology course for the University of Minnesota in Canada's low arctic region near Bathurst Inlet, then flew to Greenland with an international group of 10 climbers.
Hill was the only Canadian in the group, and he and Christine were two of only three who made it to the top of the still-growing glacial mountain at 4,700 feet above sea level. They chose words from the Canadian national anthem to name it "Glowing Heart Peak" because of the heartshaped ice field on its northeast slope. "You wouldn't believe the view out there;' says Hill. "It was a beautiful place, but unforgiving in terms of weather." The summer season is only two weeks long and unpredictable, he explains. Their group spent four solid days in tents during a snowstorm with 80km-per-hour winds and waited a week for weather to clear enough for a Twin Otter plane to pick them up after the climb. "This was exploring in the truest sense of the word," says Hill, who was amazed by the chance to see a glacier in motion. He and the other climbers actually crossed two glaciers and made three first ascents on some of the highest peaks in the Daly Bjerge range.
University Press, 2000. This should alleviate some of your concerns, may accentuate others, but you will assuredly be wiser than when you wrote that long letter." • Mildred (Taylor), DHE '35, and Grant Misener, ADA '32, BSA '35 and DVM '38, of Niles, Ill., sent a note and photo to classmates and friends when they weren't able to visit the University last summer for Alumni Weekend. From the note: "We have very kind thoughts of the University of
Guelph, where we both attended in the 1930s." They celebrated the doctor's 88th birthday on July 1, 2000, and Mildred's 86th on Aug. 20.
• Bill Grierson, BSA '38, wrote from his home in Winter Haven, Fla., in response to a letter by John Boros, BA '88 and MA '91, that was printed in the Fall 2000 issue of the Guelph Alumnus. The subject was genetic engineering and the ability of scientific research to ensure the safety of GE foods. Grierson writes: "Read a recently published book by a distinguished Canadian geneticist. This is Pandora's Picnic Basket by Alan McHughen, Oxford
• Keith Bryant, BSA '57, retired in October and was named Professor Emeritus, Policy Analysis and Management, at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. He was at Cornell for 26 years after teaching 11 years in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Minnesota. His retirement plans include continued research and more time spent at his cottage in eastern Ontario. • Tom Sawyer, ADA '59 and BSA '64, heads the 70-member Sawyer Preservation Woodlot Association that was founded in 1989 to preserve and manage a 30-acre woodlot planted by Sawyer's father in the mid1930s. The association was recently awarded a Wildlife Habitat Ca nada Forest Stewardship Recognition Program citation for its efforts to promote good forest stewardship. Located in Perth County, Ont. due east of Exeter on Usborne- Fullarton Town lin e just offHwy. 23- the woodlot is open to the public and features several interpretive trails. 19605
• Jim Hunter, ADA '68, is a partnership development adviser for the Indian Agr icultural Program of Ontario. He and his colleagues across the province work to promote business partnerships between aborigina l communities and the corporate sector in agriculture. The program is part of a provincial "Building Aboriginal Economics Strategy" launched in 1998. To learn more about Hunter's work, visit the program Web site at, or contact him at jim_f_h@hotmail. com. 19705
• Adrienne Duff, B.A.Sc. '72,
Winter 200 1 29
STAY IN TOUCH U of G Alumni Association Scott vanEngen, president ............ . .... ........... ..... e-mail: ........................................................ www.ugalumni. Alumni Programs Michael Somerville, director .... ... . .............. e-mail: Carla Bradshaw, OAC alumni officer .. . ......................... Sam Kosakowski, CBS/CPES alumni officer .................. ..... Laurie Malleau, CSAHS alumni officer .... .................... .. .. Andrea Pavia, OVC alumni officer .............................. ... Susan Rankin, Arts alumni officer ............................. srankin@arts. Vikki Tremblay, alumni programs office ......... . ...... e-mail: Guelph Alumnus Mary Dickieson, editor ........ ........ ........ e-mail: ............................................. For telephone contact, call519-824-4120 Alumni Records Jean Williams, records clerk .................... .... .. e-mail: Velma Reddon, records clerk ................ .. ...... e-mail: International Programs Jan Walker,job posting service .............................. e-mail :
lyon the two years I spent at Guelph, living on and off campus." After U of G, he did ranch work before taking an industrial job. He has one son and two grandchildren in Kelowna, B.C. • Heidi (Higgon) Wilker, B.Comm. '76, left the Delta Meadowva le in Mississauga, Ont., in 1999 after alm ost 10 years in conference services. She has started her own homebased business as an event planner. Blessed Events provides meeting and conference planning tailored for religious organizations. Her husband, Don, B.Comm. '75, is a built-in accountant for the new business; he has been with Evans Martin, a chartered acco unting firm in Brampton, for 19 years. 1980S
lives in Ottawa and works as a senior policy analyst. • Jim Erhart, B.Sc. (H.K.) '78, is a professional service representative for Merck Frosst Canada & Company in Calgary. He moved to Alberta a year ago after working in the pharmaceutical industry in Regina, Sask. His two daughters, Erin
and Amy, are both in university in Western Canada. • Janet Hutchinson, B.Sc.(H.K.) '79, is manager of support services at Calgary Family Services. She and her husband, Fino, have three child ren. She says that in their "downtime," they "chauffer and chase the k ids around to their various activi-
ties." Their e-mail address is • Randy Trites, ADA '66, logged into the U of G Web site after being out of touch with the University for several years. He has worked for Ball Packaging in Richmond, B.C., for 10 years as a millwright/fabricator and says, "I still look back fond-
• Eddie Chan , BA '87 , works for the Hong Kong government, the last fo ur years as executive officer (Stadia). He is married to Annie Wong. • Brenda Davis, B.A.Sc. '82, is a registered dietitian and chair of the Vegetarian Practice Group of the An1erican Dietetic Association. Sh e is th e co-
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author of Becoming Vegetarian and recently finished a new book with Vesanto Melina called Becoming Vegan. It was published in September by Quarry Health Books. (Wondergem) • Maryke DeWolf, B.Sc.(H.K.) '81 and M.Sc. '82, and her family have returned to Canada after living abroad for 18 years. They've settled in Manotick, Ont. • Paul Fitzpatrick, BA '86, is a sales representative with Royal LePage- Vantage Realty m Guelph. He has been in real estate sales for 13 years, and was joined by his wife, Gail, as a partner in the Fitzpatrick Group four years ago. They have two children, Elisa, 3, and Cameron, 1. Contact them by e-mail at paulfitzpatrick@ • Susan (Coles) Goulden, B.A.Sc. '84, and her husband, Ian, live in Waterloo, Ont., with their children, Jennifer Lee Yu and Karen Yu Lei. Both girls were adopted from China, and the Gouldens thank Susan's classmate Andrea (Kovits) Henderson of Mission, B.C., for her hospitality while they were en route to China. When not parenting, Susan works in sales for McCormick Canada. • Eric Griffin, BA '82, is rector of St. Margaret's Anglican Church in Hamilton, Ont. He holds degrees from Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier University (M.Th.), Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto (M.Div. and doctor of theology). His dissertation examined 17th-century sacramental doctrine of the Church of England, and an abridgement of the first chapter was published in September in
Anglican and Episcopal History. His wife, Margaret, is project manager with a U of G sociology project looking at the collected works of Florence Nigh tin-
gale. They have two children. • Scott Legge, B.Comm. '86, was recently appointed president of the Foodservice Consultants Society International, a worldwide not-for-profit association of independent consultants. He is the first Canadian president and the youngest in the society's history. He has worked in foodservice operations management since graduation from U of G, and now operates Legge and Associates Foodservice & Hospitality Consulting in Rockwood, Ont. To contact him, send e-mail to Scott@ Legge- • Evelyn Smith MacKay, BA '90, was recently presented with the June Callwood Award by the Hospice Association of Ontario in recognition of her contribution as a volunteer with Hospice Wellington over the past 16 years. She is an instructor and practitioner of therapeutic touch, and uses this skill to benefit hospice patients in Wellington County. • Vilis Ozols, B.Sc. '85, has received the highest professional speaking designation awarded by the National Speakers Qualifications Association. include serving at least 100 dif-
ferent clients and giving 250 presentations within a five-year period. He is founder and president of Ozols Business Group in Golden, Col., which provides motivational speaking, leadership training and management consulting internationally. U of G friends may remember him as the 1984 College Royal public speaking champion and an allstar volleyball player. He played pro beach volleyball and toured as an international competitor before turning to consulting. • John Pringle, DVM '81 and D.V.Sc. '87, is professor and head of equine internal medicine in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. Contact him at john.pringle • Deborah Rumble, BA '95, lives in Markham, Ont., and is a customer service representative at Patriot Computer. She travelled to the United Kingdom last summer and plans to continue studies at the master's level. • Brenda (Schneider), BA '87, and jeff Schwaabe, BA '86, live in Keswick, Ont., with two cats and one horse. They both work for the Bank of Montreal in Scarborough, where she is a
U of G Degrees
B.Sc.(Eng.) = Bachelor of
ADA = Associate dip loma
science in engineering B.Sc.(Env.) = Bachelor of science in enviro nm ental sciences B.Sc.(H.K.) = Bachelor of science in human kinetics B.Sc.(P.E.) = Bachelor of science in physical education DHE = Diploma in home economics D.V.Sc. = Doctor of veterinary science DVM = Doctor of veterinary med icine GO = Graduate diploma MA = Maste r of arts M.Agr. = Master of agriculture
in agriculture ADH = Associate diploma in horticulture BA = Bachelor of arts B.A.Sc. = Bachelor of applied science B.Comm. = Bachelor of commerce B.H.Sc. = Bachelor of household science BLA = Bachelor of landscape architecture BSA = Bachelor of science in agricu lture (pre-1965) B.Sc.(Agr.) = Bachelor of science in agriculture B.Sc. = Bachelor of science
staff analyst and he a network analyst. Contact them at • Joseph Shaw, BA '8 1, has enjoyed a freelance career as an actor and director. He is also an acting instructor at Mount Royal College in Calgary, co-director Rogues Actors' Studio (www.corogues. com) and artistic director of Rogues Theatre. He'd like to reconnect with fellow drama grads via e-mail at joe@coro • Adam Socha, M.Sc. '86, is the senior toxicology adviser in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment's Standards Development Branch. He recently coedited a book on chemical hazard ranking and scoring methods that was published by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. He lives in Richmond Hill, Ont., with his wife, Christine, and their infant daughter, Juliette Rose. • Mary (Neufeld) Shum, B.A.Sc. '84, works as an account manager with Firmenich of Canada, and her husband, David, B.A.Sc. '79, is a national account manager at Amcor Pet Packaging. They live in Mississauga with their two children.
MBA = Master of business
admininstration M.Eng. = Master of engi neering MFA = Master of fi ne art MLA = Master of landscape
architecture = Master of manageme nt studies M.Sc. = Master of science M.Sc.(Aqua) = Master of science in aquaculture ODA = Ontario diploma in agriculture ODH = Ontario diplo ma in horticulture ODR = Ontario dip loma in recreation PhD = Doctor of philosophy MMS
Winter 2001 31
• Shayla Morag Steeves, MA '98, launched her debut CD, Private Diary, last August. It was recorded at U of G in 1999 when she worked on campus in Computing and Communications Services. She is now a senior management consultant at Halifax's ATi Consulting Corporation and a part-time sociology
professor at Mount Saint Vincent University, but says she has had a lifelong passion for music. "Each song on Private Diary is extremely special to me since they're all based on my own diary entries of the past 18 years;' she says. The CD is available throughout the Maritimes, at the U of G bookstore or by contacting the artist at privatediary@steevesproductions. com.
rently enrolled in nursing at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., and would like to hear from friends and former classmates at cassidnm@muss. cis. • Ga len Countryman, BA '97 and MA '98, is a tax policy officer at the Department of Finance in Ottawa. He welcomes e-mail from friends and classmates at Countryman. • Jolyne Drummelsmith, B.Sc. '95 and PhD '00, received the 2000 Graduate Student Award from the Canadian Society of Microbiologists. She is now at Laval University in Montreal on a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council postdoctoral fellowship. • Andrew Dunsmore, B.Sc. '92, is working as a pilot for Air Alliance, an Air Canada connector. He lives in Toronto with his wife, Carol; they were married in September 1999. Contact him by e-mail at gchirpy
• Amanda (Beck), B.Sc. '98, and Stephen Antal were married in a lakeside ceremony on June 24, 2000. Many friends, family and Guelph alumni were there to celebrate with the bride and groom. They would like to keep in touch with friends via e-mail at • Debbie Busko, MA '98, lives in Waterloo, Ont., with her husband, Drew Gillingham, and their son, Nathan, born Aug. 6, 2000. She is on leave from her job as purchasing manager at J&D Systems Inc, a telecommunications company, and would love to hear from any friends and classmates at • Nicole Cassidy, BA '96, is cur-
• Jackie Fraser, B.Sc.(Agr) '94 and M.Sc. '96, has left environmental consulting to take on a new challenge as environment and resources manager for the Aggregate Producers' Association of Ontario. She works in Mississauga, but lives in Norval, Ont., and her new e-mail is • Tricia Bertram Gallant, BA '94 and M.Sc. '99, has left U of G to pursue a doctorate in education at the University of San Diego in California. She had
been at Guelph since 1989 when she enrolled as an undergraduate, staying to complete a master's in rural extension studies, then working in Career Services and Co-op Education Services. • Natale Ghent, BA '92, is a full-time writer who lives in Guelph with her daughter, Wesley. In October, her first children's book, Piper, was published by Orca Book Publishers. Drawn from Ghent's personal experience with dogs and sheep, Piper is a story about the bond between an Australian shepherd puppy and a young girl. • Jeff Houle, B.Comm. '95, says he moved to northern California in 1996 "to give Silicon Valley my best shot:' Four years !ater, he lives in Santa Clara and is the director of strategic accounts at Minerva Networks, which he says is going public in January 200 l. "It would be great to hear from some grads, and be sure to say hi when in California," he says. His e-mail is • Jim Ji.itte, B.Sc. '92, and his family are planning to ride bicycles 10,000 km on a crooked path from Newfoundland to British Columbia this summer to raise awareness of the Ronald McDonald Houses in Canada. Ji.itte and his wife, Nancy, were inspired by their own experience at Ronald McDonald House in Hamilton, Ont. "We are tremendously excited about this and how it can possibly help families," he says. "Our primary goal is to inform families in rural/outlying communities that they do not need to suffer additional stress driving long distances to be with children who are hospitalized." Their trip begins at Signal Hill on April 28 and ends in Victoria on Sept. 4. The entire route is outlined on the Web at www.cyclingforchil for those who want to
greet them along the way. • Sonya Lacharite, BA '93, lived in Gifu, Japan, for almost three years with her husband and two young sons. The family is now settled in Idaho Falls, Idaho, just a couple of hours from Yellowstone park! She says, "Any ideas on how to use a French degree out here are welcome." • Becky (Miller) Madill, B.A.Sc. '95, is a teacher with the Avon Maitland District School Board in Ontario. She and her husband, David, had their first child in November. She welcomes mail from child studies classmates and Mac Hall friends at • Nigel Marriner, BA '95, coordinates a student affairs program for first-year students at the University at Buffalo and lives in Williamsville, N.Y., with his wife, Deidre. Send e-mail to "to rehash all those good times shared at Guelph." • Katherine McGhie, DVM '91, is an owner/partner in two small-animal hospitals near her home in Belle River, Ont. • Shelley Newman, DVM '90 and D.V.Sc. '96, spent 2 1/2 years as a clinical instructor in anatomic pathology at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine before becoming a member of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists in 1998. In 1999 she returned to work in her home town of Guelph, as an avian and fur-bearing pathologist at the U ofG Animal Health Laboratory, but she recently accepted a position as a staff pathologist at the Animal Medical Center in New York City. • Line Alice Olivier, B.Sc.(Agr.) '98, works for Montbeliarde Breed Genetics in France as a sales and technical representative for regions that include Africa and Latin America. I Ier
e-mail is • Sarah (Holditch ), B.A.Sc. '99, and John Parnell, ADA '98, were married last July and are now living in Elmvale, Ont. He works on the family farm, and she is attending Medaille College in Buffalo, N .Y., to earn an education degree. • Ch rissy (Dejonge) Redden, B.Sc. '90, of Camp bellville, Ont., competed in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, as a member of the Canadian National Mountain Bike Team. She is a two-time Canadian mountain bike cross-country champion who won silver at the Mont Sainte-Anne World Cup race last season and was seventh at the world championships. She finished eighth in the Olympic race despite having to repair a flat tire in the second lap. • Karl Reimer, B.Sc.(Eng.) '94, joined the consulting firm of Blasland, Bouck & Lee Inc. in Syracuse, N.Y., in December 1999 as a project engineer in the hydrogeology division. He says the work is challenging, varied and interesting. Friends can reach him by e-mail at reimer or KDR @BBL INC. COM. • Asep Saefud din, OVC M.Sc. '91 and PhD '96, is head of the statist ics department at IPB Baranangsiang m Bogor, Indonesia, and directs a centre on regional development and community empowerment. He welcomes Guelph students who would like to conduct research involving Indonesia's social, education and hea lth sectors. He can be contacted at • Sh an non Sh orten, BA '96, describes herself as an English teacher and world traveller. She is currently in Taegu, South Korea, and can be reached byemail at shanner_1998@ yahoo. com.
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Coming Events Jan. 20 - Guelph Open Wrestling Tournament and Alumni and Friends Banquet. Contact Doug Cox at Ext. 3405, e-mail: Jan. 22 to 2 6 - OAC Ca reer Week. For information, contact Kathryn Barkey at Jan. 26 - lOth annual Aggie Goodtimes Banquet for alumni and students, contact SFOAC at Ext. 8321 for tickets. Feb. 17 - OAC Alumn i Hockey Tournament. For details, call Rod Thompson at 519-291-1685. Feb. 17 - OAC '81A 20-year reunion at the Guelph Holiday Inn. Play hockey and visit classmates. For details, con tact Carroll Nancy at 519-762-2176, e-mail: Feb. 23 -Nominations due for the University of Guelph Alumni Associa tion (UGAA) Awards Program. Contact Carla Bradshaw at Ext. 6657 or cbradsha@oac. for details. March -A Texas alwnni reunion is being organized for mid-March. Snowbirds can watch the "Winter Texan Repo rt" o n KRGV-TV ChannelS for date and location, or visit the U of G alumni Web site: March 7 - U of G Alumn i Florida Reunion at Maple Leaf Estates, 2100 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte, Fla. For m ore information, contact Carla Bradshaw at Ext. 6657 or March 17 & 18 - College Royal. March 24 - Heritage evening hosted by students of the B.A.Sc. program to celebrate the history of Macdonald Institute. For details, contact Laurie Malleau at lmalleau@uoguelph .ca. March 30 & 31 - OAC Alumni Association 43rd annual Curling Bonspiel, Guelph Curling Club and Guelph Country Club. Contact Carla Bradshaw at Ext. 6657 or to register.
To contact U of G for more information, call519-824-4120 or send e-mail to alumni@uo guelph. ca.
OBITUARIES contributions to the Olympics movement. He is survived by his wife, joan, three children and 10 grandchildren.
A legacy of sport William "Bill" Mitchell, BSA '38, died Aug. 10, 2000, in Guelph. A championship athlete in his student days, he served in the Second World War after graduation and joined the staff of U of Gin 1941. He became the first director of athletics in 1946, a position he held for the next 32 years. He coached and built the Guelph football program and launched the "Gryphon" as varsity team mascot. In 1984, he became the first inductee into the Gryphon Club Hall of Fame. Four years later, the campus athletics centre was renamed the W.F. Mitchell Athletics Centre in his honour. Mr. Mitchell is survived by his wife, Eleanor; his children, Bill, Bob, Jane and Margaret; and grandchildren. Donations to the Gryphon Club in his memory should be directed to Alumni House. Human kinetics pioneer Retired human biology professor john Powell died Oct. 31, 2000. Born in England, he taught there and in the United States before joining the OAC faculty in 1965 as founding head of the Department of Physical Education. Over the next 10 years, he guided the department through its evolution and transfer to the College of Biological Science in 1971. He also originated and developed the concept for Guelph's Department of Human Kinetics, renamed the School of Human Biology in 1978. Locally, Prof. Powell was renowned for his long-running Cardiovascular Club and his back clinics. Internationally, he was known for his many
Faye Austin, B.H.Sc. '54, Aug. 6, 2000 Hugh Becking, BSA '25, 1981 Albert Bildfell, DVM '60, Oct. 23, 2000 Stewart Bird, BSA '36, july 16, 2000 James Boyce, BSA '32, Aug. 29, 2000 Marion Brennan, DHE '53, Aug. 12,2000 Robet Brusso, B.Sc.(Agr.) '69, date unknown John Christie, BSA '42, Oct. l, 2000 James Conner, BSA '43, July 2, 2000 Roosevelt Douglas, ADA '63, Oct. 1, 2000 Bill Drennan, DVM '55 and M.Sc. '66, March 28, 2000 George Dyck, BSA '42, june 21,2000 Agnes Fleming, DHE '41, July 24, 2000 Roy Froebelius, ADA '55, July 3, 2000 John Gandier, DVM '42, May 4, 2000 John Gartshore, BSA '37, Aug. 13, 2000 Clayton Gilson, HDL 1987, June 2000 Allan Gilleland, BSA '38, Aug. I, 2000 Ken Grant, BSA '48, Aug. 30, 2000 Katherine Greenfield, DVM '80, Oct. 3, 2000 Burton Griffith, BSA '35, June 26, 2000 James Hancock, BSA '49, Sept. 23,2000 Herb Heimbecker, BSA '43, Oct. 14, 2000 Herman Hodgson, BSA '34, Aug. 10, 2000 Ken Hurry, B.Sc. '70, date unknown Henry Ive, BSA '48, May 2000 Annamma Jacob, DVM '73, 1999 Hubert Jasmin, BSA '51, Oct. 6, 2000 Garnet Johnston, BSA '49 and honorary degree 2000, Oct. 9, 2000 Robert Johnston, DVM '67, March 12, 2000 Robert Jordan, BSA '49, july 26, 2000 Judith Judge, B.A.Sc. '75, Sept. 25, 2000 Ellwood Junkin, BSA '49 and M.Sc. '73, July 13, 2000 Ina Kniep, DHE '36, Nov. 8, 2000 Carl Koehn, BSA '46, Oct. 1, 2000 Robert Landon, BSA '35, july 31, 2000 Dennis Lecky, BSA '61, date unknown Young Lee, B.Sc.(Eng.), july 24, 2000 Dale Leslie, ADA '89, june 28, 2000 Berneice MacFarlane, DHE '39, jan. 26, 1999 Barbara MacKay, BA '68, July 8, 2000
Donald MacKenzie, BSA '52, Oct. 4, 2000 Lloyd McKibbin, DVM '52, Aug. 6, 2000 Edward McLaughlin, BSA '37, Nov. 9, 2000 Mary McPherson, ODH '96, Oct. 4, 2000 William Matthewma, BSA '34, Aug. 28, 2000 Ellen Maxwell, DHE '40, 1992 Sally Maynard, DHE '57, June 15, 2000 Joan Morgan, B.H.Sc. '54, date unknown Mabel Moyer, DHE '22, Aug. 1, 2000 Alfred Pain, ADA '35, March 20, 1990 Neal Procunier, BSA '44, July 14,2000 Shirley Raymont, DHE '47, Sept. 28,2000 William Richardson, BSA '44, July 5, 2000 Stewart Rumble, BSA '40, Jan. 20,2000 Jean Sabiston, DHE '49, Oct. 5, 2000 Vincent Senatore, BA '86, Aug. 13 Paul Smit, BA '94, Sept. 15,2000 Alice Snider, B.Sc.(Agr.) '83, September 2000 Bernadette Steinhauser, B.A.Sc. '98, May 16, 1999 Harry Stirk, ADA '3 7, Sept. 15, 2000 Jean Turnbull, DHE '34, Feb. 4, 2000 Harry Watson, BSA '43, Oct. 24, 2000 Neil Walsom, ADA '65, Aug. 11, 2000 Martin Weber, B.Sc.(Agr.) '72, Aug. 18, 2000 Kate Zimmerman-Kim, BA '88, May 13, 2000
Friends Stuart Bryans, May 26, 2000 Harriet Downing, March 23, 2000 June Evans, Sept. 20, 2000 Robert Gunn, March 28, 2000 Gloria Lemieux, May 25, 2000 William Moore, june 16, 2000 Orin Reid, Aug. 27, 2000 Jeanette Truss, july 26, 2000 Ernest Turner, Sept. 13, 2000 Frank Vigor, july 28, 2000 Faculty Douglas Bullock, BSA '50, Food Science, Aug. 3, 2000 Robert Fulkerson, BSA '46, Crop Science, Sept. 2, 2000 Ambrose Zitnak, Horticultural Science, July 29, 2000
Winter 200 I 35
the rway
"College life then as now began with two feet: one at home among family, and perhaps with a sweetheart, and the other tentatively placed in Guelph." HESE woRDs are from U of G history professor Terry Crowley in his book The College on the Hill: A New History of the Ontario Agricultural College, 1874- 1999. Crowley goes on to quote the diary of George Creelman, BSA 1888, who described his first impression of the college residence and his assigned roommate. Creelman wrote: "I walk in. The room is empty. Did I say empty? Not that, vacant. In one corner was a bed, but the slats were out, and to bring it up to its normal height, four mattresses were piled one on
the other. On top of this, some twisted bedclothes, a dirty towel, a pair of Indian clubs, some soiled clothes and an armful of books. A tin pitcher and basin stood on a washstand in one corner, and the floor was littered with long boots, overalls, notebooks and papers. This was the room of the elegant lawyer's son from Stratford whom I was lucky to get to room with?" By the time this OAC residence photo was taken in the early 1920s, the campus had been irrevocably changed by the addition of female students at Macdonald Institute (1903). "Co-education brought conditions that allowed young people to carve out a social space that marked the beginnings of a youth culture separate from either adolescence or adulthood," said Crowley.
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