Sea the shells by Mary Koske
f you were diving off the coast of Barbados, you might happen on the discarded shell of a Lambis chiragra (spider conch) like the one pictured here. This specimen measures about six inches from horn to horn, although some snails in this species grow to eight inches. The horns are an evolutionary device that protects the mollusc from predators. The spider conch is herbivorous, grazing on algae from the surface of rocks at a depth of two to 10 metres, and has a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. This shell is one of several hundred in a collection given to the Department of Zoology by Diana Marston of Fergus, Ont., on behalf of her late husband, Tony, who was a professor in the School of Hotel and Food Administration for 11 years until his retirement in 1982. He died in 1992. Zoology professor Gerald Mackie, who first saw the shell collection more than 10 years ago in the Marston home, says it is more diverse than the collections owned by most museums. The shells - mostly snails and clams - have been stored under ideal conditions, are well-preserved and have maintained their color and shape, says Mackie, who estimates their value at about $25 ,000. He and some zoology students are now identifying and labelling the shells. They should be in classroom use by next fall, giving students the opportunity to observe and handle species they would otherwise find only in a textbook. There are more than 300 species and varieties among the shells, including seven classes of molluscs. Some are quite rare. Students will study the form and structure of the shells, as well as their adaptation to the environment. The extensive collection will also allow students to see the growth of particular species. There are, for example, several specimens of triton shells, each one representing a different stage of growth from the egg mass to the largest shell. The public will be able to view some of the shells during College Royal Open House March 15 to 17 in the foyer showcases of the Axelrod Building. In future, other parts of the collection will be on display in the new Aqualab facility.
December 1995 Editor Mary Dickieson Executive editor Sandra Webster, BA '75 Contributors Margaret Boyd Barbara Chance, BA '74 John Hanis Mary Koske Trina Koster, BA ' 94 Joanna Von Felkerzam Martin Schwalbe Design/production Mary Dickieson Linda Graham, BA '77
On the cover Just weeks before his 1995 graduation, fine art student Phil Irish chose a warm spring day to set up his easel on Johnston Green. He rotated his chair 360 degrees to combine a number of perspectives as he
Advertising Vicki Gojanovich
painted. The result was a watercolor collage that
Editorial Advisory Board Trish Walker, BA '77, M.Sc. 90, chair Susan Blair, BA ' 83 Ron Downey, DVM ' 61 , M.Sc. '68 Guus Hazalaar, BA '76 Klari Kalkman, B.Sc. '79 Sheila Levak, B.Comm. ' 83 Denis Lynn, B.Sc. ' 69 Crystal Mac Kay, B.Sc.(Agr.) '93 Dan Melanson, BA '89 Rita Stem , FACS '87 Charlene van Leeuwen, B.A.Sc. '87 Bob Winkel, B.Sc.(Agr.) '60
proved to be so inviting and spontaneous that the University's Liaison Office decided to reproduce Irish' s work on its recruitment materials. The painting graces the cover of admission packages, a wall calendar for high school counselling offices,
This publication is guided by Guelph 's standards of quality and good taste. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the offi cial position of the University or the UGAA. Copies of the magazine's editorial policy are available on request.
12 All about food packaging
16 Key recommendations from strategic planning
Alumni records: Telephone: Ext. 6550 Fax: 5 19-822-2670 emai l: velma@ vax l .alumni.
Guelph (ISSN 0830-3630), Vol. 28, No. 3. Copyright 1995. Publication dates are May I, Sept. I and Dec. I.
Dream teams
U of G posters and T-shirts and now the Guelph
Editorial/advertising office: Uni versity Communications University of Guelph Guelph , Ont. NIG 2WI Telephone: 5 19-824-4 120, Ext. 8706 Fax: 519-824-7962 email : mdickies@
The Guelph Alumnus magazine is owned and publi hed by the University of Guelph. in co-operation with the Uni versity of Guelph Alumni Association. Its mi sion is to enhance the relationship benveen the University and its alumn i and f riends and promote pride and commitment within the Uni versity community.
First-prize fiction
29 Grad News
Inside Can university friends find happiness as partners in art, business, research? Yes, say actor/directors Duane Rabe-Martin and David Sinclair; both were drama students at Guelph in the late 1980s.
This publication is printed on 50% recycled paper.
Guelph Alumnus
Campus attracts students 路 Many U ofG students will readily admit that Guelph's beautiful campus was the deciding factor in their decision to come here. Not all students have a chance to visit before they enrol, but University recruitment staff try to give them an image of the Guelph campus, and this year, they're relying on the watercolor collage of Johnston Green by Phil Irish, BA '95. Deputy registrar Chuck Cunningham says the painting is uniquely Guelph, and the image has proven so popular that U of G posters have disappeared in almost every high school where they've been displayed. And that's a lot of schools. Guelph's seven liaison staff have visited more than 500 schools this fall. Their efforts are part of the reason U of G applications remain high and the number of Ontario Scholars continues to grow. Seventy-two per cent of the first-year students enrolled in September had high school averages over 80 per cent.
Picture yourself in Phil's picture
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U of G grads have the write stuff U of G graduates captured all three prizes in the 1995 Guelph Alumnus Writing Competition, winning a total of $1 ,000 in prize money from competition sponsor ScotiaMcLeod Inc. Sandra Sabatini, Kelley Aitken and Cinda Gault each entered a short story; they are the first Guelph alumni to win the annual competition. First-prize winner Sandra Sabatini has never ventured far from her Guelph roots. She grew up in the city , met her husband, Ricco, BA ' 78 and MA ' 90, on campus, and they are raising a family here. Ricco works for the Wellington Dufferin Guelph Health Unit and Sandra is a full-time mom who has learned to study and write in the midst of family chaos. During her fifth pregnancy, she re-enrolled at U of G to add the honors designation to her 1981 English degree, then went on to complete a master's degree before the baby was a year old. She is now enrolled in a PhD program in English literature at the University of Waterloo. And she does some freelance editing. Sabatini's feeling about the importance of family love and her own experience dealing with Alzheimer' s disease helped shape the characters in her winning story, The One with the News, printed on page 19. Kelley Aitken of Toronto is a 1979 fine art grad who has taken her creative talents into other fields as well. She paints, works in mixed media and collage, and has exhibited her work in both Toronto and Ecuador, where she lived for a while and worked in the Galapagos as a volunteer for the Charles Darwin Research Station. Her second-prize story, Nickname, is, in fact, set in Ecuador. She has also worked in Western Canada and in Quebec' s Gaspe Peninsula. Aitken says she began to write about 10 years ago when she felt the need to try another creative outlet. She has had some publishing success, but works primarily as a freelance illustrator. And she recently completed a course in teaching English as a second language. Cinda Gault had a successful career in social service work, but gave it up to pursue her love of writing and literature. A 1976 U of G graduate in psychology, she went on to earn an MA in criminology from the University of Toronto and worked for several years in the Toronto area. he was writing in her spare time and publi hed a romance novel - a Harlequin Super Roman e called Past Convictions - in 1978. With the support of her husband and rwo h1ldren, Gault returned to U of G and completed an MA in English in 1994. She is now enrolled a PhD student at York University and hopes to teach literature and creative writing. Her hort story Babcza won third place in the Guelph Alumnus/ScotiaMcLeod competition.
Sandra Sabati ni
Kelley Aitken
Guelph oversees CIDA project in Egypt
Building leaders
U of G has been selected as the Canadian partner for a $ 1.4-m illion project in the Nile Delta in Egypt by the Canad ian International Development Agency (CIDA) . It is the fi rst bilateral project signed by CIDA and the Uni versity in 11 yea rs. The three-year project is designed to help develop com municati on progra ms and services fo r a multimedi a institution in the Nile Delta set up to keep farmers in fo rmed about the results of an earlier CIDA project aimed at improving drainage and irrigation.
by Mordechai Rozanski
Graduate degrees increase Fall convocation in October saw the highest number of graduate degrees (2 16) ever awarded at a fa ll convocation. About 450 undergraduate degrees were also presented. Honorary degrees went to prominent Japanese ecologist Hiroya Kawanabe and Australian enviro nmental physicist John Philip. Uni versity professor emeritus titles were bestowed on retired zoology professor Eugene Balon and animal scientist Ted Burnside.
Aquatic sciences facility opens Phase 1 Phase I of the aq uatic sciences fac ility was officially opened Oct. 20. lt includes the Hagen Aqualab, which provides space for a broad range of research programs in conservation, preservation of the enviro nment and water quality, and the Axelrod Institute of Ichth yology, home to three inte rnational journals and studies of the Axelrod foss il collecti on. To date, $4.3 million of the $6-milli on fundin g goal fo r the fac ility has been rai sed, with donations from the fede ral and prov incial governments and the private sector. Major donors from the private sector include Rolf C. Hagen Inc., Herbert and Evelyn xelrod, First Echo Group and TransCanada Pipeline.
Guelph Alumnus
Eight of the University's Alumnus of Honor recipients were on hand during Homecoming for the unveiling of a stone sitting wall in front of Alumni House. Pictured, from left, are Gordon Henry, BSA '34, R.J. "Rusty" McDonald, DVM '45, Harold Minshall, BSA '33, Ken Murray, BSA '50, Helen Abell, Dip.(H.E.) '38, Tom Peters, BSA '48, Gordon Nixon, BSA '37, and Clay Switzer, BSA '51 . The sitting wall was donated by Murray, as well as landscaping at the front of Alumni House. The wall pays tribute to the University's honored alumni. Photo by Mary Dickieson
During Homecoming weekend in October, we opened new offices for our first-year studies program and unveiled a stone sitting wall emblazoned with the names of our Alumnus of Honor winners. These two events seem to tie together the spectrum of all we do here at the University of Guelph. The helping hand we offer to new students is really laying the groundwork for the day when a handshake will congratulate their achievements as alumni. Some would say those achievements are the only real measure of our success as an educational institution. Over the past few months, we have undergone a strategic-planning process on campus, and it has reminded us that the aim of this university is to make a real difference in Canadian society and in the world, to enlarge the scope and enhance the quality of human life. We begin by making a difference in the education and the lives of our students. U of G inherited from its founding colleges a belief in the importance of nurturing leadership, and we take that role very seriously. Our most prestigious entrance awards - the 13 President's Scholarships - are awarded to scholars who have also demonstrated their leadership abilities. And up to 20 per cent of our enrolments in some programs are now granted on the basis of a student-profile form that goes beyond academic marks to consider an applicant' s community involvement. We've broken new ground with a program that increases access to postsecondary education for members of the First Nations Reserve and with last year' s launch of Project Go, a partnership with a multicultural school in Scarborough that is designed to encourage its students to pursue a university education. The Office of First-Year Studies was also a first in Canada, geared to helping students get off to a good start at university. Right next door to the office's new home in Day Hall sits Raithby House, an original stone cottage that houses student groups like the Centre for Community Leadership and Involvement and Volunteer Connections. In the first seven class days of the fall semester, 85 students signed up to help organizations such as Big Sisters and the Ontario Environment Network. We see leadership in the singular efforts of students like Laura Beattie, a 1992 President' s Scholar who was awarded the Vaughan Medal for her service as a student senator. And we see 5
President's Column continued the results of group efforts like a student residence fund raiser that garnered more than $4,000 for the United Way campaign in one day. And just last month, Guelph students on Interhall Council hosted more than 900 students from U.S. universities and colleges for a conference on residence programs. These students are making a difference - on campus and beyond. We believe our students learn by example, and there are many examples of leadership among our faculty. Three names that come to mind are Jay Newman, Terry Beveridge and Nancy Bailey. Last year, Newman became the 16th U of G professor to be named a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Beveridge received a Canada Council Killam Research A ward and Bailey was the 24th Guelph professor to win an Ontario Council of University Faculty Associations teaching award. U of G also ranks among the three universities in Canada with the highest number of faculty who hold 3M Teaching Fellowships. Our goal to improve the lives of other people has been answered over and over again through Guelph research efforts. One of the most obvious examples is the 30-year history of research co-operation between U of G and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. All of us enjoy the benefits of that research in food production and animal care. And just this fall, we watched proudly as crop scientists Neal Stoskopf and Rick Upfold joined colleague Ed Gamble as recipients of the People's Republic of China's Friendship Award, the country's most prestigious honor for foreign experts. Their wheat project in China is just one example of how Guelph alumni are making a world of difference around the globe. We could point to other successful alumni who have reached the top in their profession or who have contributed to government, the arts or their communities. Our campus community, of course, has been a major benefactor of alumni leadership. We see it in our scholarship programs, our physical plant and in new ventures like the research development company GUARD. One of the most enduring and significant examples was the formation of the University of Guelph Alumni Association 30 years ago. Its founding members could not have anticipated the difference the UGAA would make in the lifeblood of this institution. When we celebrate the association's 30th anniversary in 1996, let's use the occasion to recognize alumni whose achievements have helped us "make a real difference in society." The Guelph Alumnus magazine will pay tribute to 30 such alumni whose leadership abilities and commitment have improved the lives of others - on campus, across Canada and around the world. We invite you to recommend classmates and friends for this honor. Write to us care of the Guelph Alumnus magazine and help us recognize 30 who have made a difference. 6
Real estate revenues flow to trust fund Three real estate projects concluded this year have enriched U of G's Heritage Trust Fund. The 217-acre Eramosa Research Station was old in May to Gary Houghton, an area turkey farmer who is a 1973 graduate of OAC. The station was closed in February because it did not meet animalcare standards. Several projects, most involving sheep, were moved to the Ponsonby Research Station. Net proceeds from the $455,000 sale have been transferred to the Heritage Trust Fund. In late summer, the University sold the Cruickston manor and 53 surrounding acres in Cambridge to Jan Chaplin, director of business resources for General Tower of Cambridge, and her husband, Mark Fretwurst. The couple plan to restore and then reside in the 17,500-square-foot mansion. At the couple's request, the sale price of the property is not being disclosed, but the University administration says the price is consistent wi th an independently appraised value of about $850,000. The sale leaves U of G with access to the property for research and teaching purposes. There are no immediate plans for development or sale of the remaining 913 acres in the estate. In a third project, U of G concluded an agreement with Hammerson Canada Inc . that provides the company with a 60-year lease on - and development rights to - 9.8 acres of University-owned property on the northeast corner of Edinburgh and Stone roads. Hammerson, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hammerson pie of London, England, specializes in largescale retail and commercial real estate and development. The company bought the land under the Stone Road Mall from the University in September 1994 for $9 million . Under the terms of the recent lease agreement, Hammerson has prepaid $2. l million in land rent and will pay the remaining $3.9 million by June 1996. These projects have accelerated projections on the growth of the Heritage Trust Fund. It' antici pated that the market value of the fund will reach $29 million by the end of the 1996/97 fi cal year. compared with $12 million at the end of 1993/9..+.
An invitation A university 's ultimate goal must be to use its unique resources for the good of society at large. And its alumni form the largest body of resource material. Help us recognize U of G alumni who have used their education for the benefit of others - through professional activities, per onal commitments or volunteer work. Send your recommendation to Mary Dickieson, Editor, Guelph Alumnus, University of Guelph, Guelph. Ont. NlG 2Wl, by July 1, 1996.
Guelph Alumnus
Alumni GUARD U of G's future Alumni make up 70 per cent of the founding investors in GUARD Inc., an company aimed at commercializing technologies developed by Guelph researchers. Earlier this year, 48 alumni and friends committed $480,000 to help launch Guelph University Alumni Research and Development. Additional funding solicitation of corporations and financial companies is under way, and it's expected that a public offering will be made early in 1996. "The founding investors realize the need for investment capital to develop and commercialize new Canadian technologies," says Deborah Whale, chair of the alumni and friends investors committee. President Mordechai Rozanski lauds the support alumni have given to GUARD. "This is yet another example of how Guelph al umni are contributing to the advancement of U of G as one of the best research and educational institutions in Canada." Alumni have propelled the GUARD concept since its genesis in a collaboration between the OAC Alumni Foundation and the University's Office of Research. Both groups recognized how resources for postsecondary education were waning. Alumni said they wanted to play a more effective role in the future of the University, especially research. U of G entered into a master agreement with GUARD, giving the company rights of first option to develop and commercialize intellectual property owned or controlled by the University during the next 10 years. U of G owns 20-per-cent equity in GUARD . The University will share in the capital appreciation of GUARD. Dividends paid by GUARD will be directed back into the University. One of GUARD 's main goals is to convert inventions created at Guelph into new businesses, through the formation of spin-off companies. Additional reearch contracts flowing back from spin-off companie will support new research initiatives. The distribution of revenue transferred to U of G by G ARD will be allocated according to the University' inventions policy, which shares profits between the inventor, the inventor's department and the University. Research vice-president Larry Milligan stresses the importance of GUARD to the University. "GUARD aims to generate income to support research and research infrastructures," he says. "This is particularly important in light of significant cuts from the granting councils and other traditional sources of support." GUARD is a for-profit technology management company. It is governed by its shareholders through a board of directors and managed by a team from the research and development arm of the Office of Research. Over the past few months, some of the investors have helped with the assessment of six principal technologies identified as having commercial potential. Guelph Alumnus
Those technologies are: • a vaccine against foal pneumonia caused by Rhodococcus equi, an often fatal disease; • a molecular modelling method for designing or discovering new drugs or pesticides with superior qualities; • high immune response technology, a method of breeding innately healthy livestock; • artificial geranium seeds, dried plant embryos that can be stored indefinitely and germinate when planted; • "supermale" asparagus hybrids, which can significantly increase plant yield; and • a gamma ray backscatterer device that determines the internal structure and composition of materials by measuring X-ray and gamma ray reflection. It can be used to measure the thickness of ice on aircraft wings and has medical applications. GUARD issues a newsletter charting its progress and activities. To be included on the mailing list or to receive more information about the company 's pending offering of public shares, contact Ron Moses at U of G's Office of Research, telephone: 519-767-5022, fax: 519-821-5236, e-mail: Ron@ornet.or.uoguelph .
Members of GUARD lnc.'s board of directors gather for a photo. Seated, from left: chair John Yarnell and vicechair Ken Murray, BSA '50. Standing: Tom Cowan, BSA '65; Bruce Wilkie, DVM '65; John Oliver, BSA '61; and Hank Vander Pol, BSA '65. Absent: Chandra Kudsia. Photo by Martin Schwalbe
VP named for UA&D John Mahley, principal ofMabley Philanthropy Counsel Inc. of Halifax and a 1970 graduate of U of G, will become vice-president for University affairs and development Jan. 1. Before launching his consultancy in 1991 , Mahley was vice-president and chief operating officer of the $50-rnillion Cancer Care Fund. At Dalhousie from 1983 to 1988, he was the chief fund development officer and led professional staff support for the successful $35 -million "Campaign for Dalhousie." Early in his career, he was director of alumni affairs at the University of Windsor and, in 1975, was a charitable foundations research officer at U of G.
John Mabley 7
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Dream Teams China loves them Two U of G crop scientists conducting a wheat project in China have been honored for their efforts to help feed the nation' s burgeoning population. Profs. Neal Stoskopf, BSA '57 and MSA ' 58, and Rick Upfold, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 68 and M.Sc. ' 70, joined 40 experts from 17 nations in Beijing Sept. 29 to accept the Friendship Award, the country's highest award given to foreign researchers. Selected as outstanding experts among the more than 70,000 foreigners now working in China, Stoskopf and Upfold were recognized for successfully increasing wheat production by 25 per cent in the provinces ofHeilongjiang, Gansu and Xinjiang since their project began in 1990. Their work was completed with the collaboration of retired colleague Ed Gamble, BSA '52 and MSA ' 54, (who received the award last year) and research assistant Qing Lai Sheng, M.Sc. '90. Stoskopf says that although China is the world ' s largest producer of wheat, the rate at which the country of 1.2 billion is growing each year - the size of Guelph ' s population every three days - is making the work of pressing importance. "Living in a global society, we will all have to know how to maximize food production and quality in the future if ei;iough is to be produced for those who need it," he says. "I feel there is also a moral obligation because the western world has agricultural knowledge that, if put into practice now, could help feed people currently going hungry ." Conditions manipulated by the team to increase wheat production included fertilizer inputs (tinting, quantity and ratio), a reduction of tillage practices, an increase in seeding rates and the addition of organic matter to the soil by plowing under leguminous crops interplanted with the wheat. Canadian germplasm will be used as part of the Chinese breeding programs to improve the quality of the \\heat in the future. In addition, winter-wheat lines from around the world were introduced in parts of Heilongjiang PrO\.i nce. Wi nter-hardy lines were seeded into the tubble of the previous crop to hold snow and provide a protective winter blanket. Where winter wheat survives, it produces a higher yield than spring wheat does and reduces soil erosion. As the project continues, Stoskopf and Upfold will look at the issues of soil erosion, sustainability and continuing high yield. Although the project has been funded entirely by the Chinese government, both professors say it has yielded great benefits for U of G and their students. "I will be able to use the information I've gained in the wheat project to explain issues of production and diet to students when I teach 'Issues in Agriculture' next semester," says Upfold. "Such opportunities give faculty a global perspective that can only
Guelph Alumnus
enhance the classroom experience." Two students from Xinjiang Province are currently studying agriculture at U of G as a result of contacts made during the course of the project. In total , there are 30 students from the People' s Republic of China enrolled in U of G graduate programs, and the University has four existing agreements with Chinese institutions that permit exchanges of students and faculty. Travelling to China to receive the award was an honor, says Stoskopf. "Canadians are well-received in China, and we received the very best treatment," he says. "This project could go a small way to laying the foundation of a peaceful, productive relationship with the country in the future ."
In Beijing, Profs. Neal Stoskopf, right, and Rick Upfold, second from right, accept the Friendship Award from Ma Junru, gen路 eral director of China's State Bureau of Foreign Experts.
Alumni society formed in Beijing Just over a year ago, a historic event took place at China' s Beijing Agricultural University (BAU)now merged with Beijing University and known as China Agricultural University. A University of Guelph alumni society was formed by more than 30 BAU scholars and students who have studied at U of G. Animal science professor Shen Huile was the first when she came to Guelph in 1980 to work in poultry science. The BAU/Guelph exchange agreement was the first between a Canadian university and an educational institution in China. At the founding ceremony June 23, 1994, former BAU president An Min spoke of the benefits of the. now 16-year-old Guelph/BAU relationship, which began as a Canadian International Development Agency project.
Dream Team stories by Kerith Waddington , Joanna Von Felkerzam and Mary Dickieson
Dream Teams
"We are still aware of our scientific improvement with the help of U of G in agricultural meteorology, poultry science, veterinary pathology and immunology, plant breeding and genetics, soil physics, animal nutrition and animal health, as well as the establishment of the veterinary diagnostic lab and the observation station of microclimatology, etc.," said Min. "Above all, we have established a very modem university library, which has adopted the managing system of the library of U of G. Now the (BAU) library becomes a kind of model library in China." A number of other government representatives, BAU administrators and faculty were on hand to launch the alumni society. Among them were former BAU vice-president Shen Qiyi, honorary president of the alumni society, and professors Zhang Lao, Han Xiangling and Li Jianhua, who are serving as the society's first executive.
Productivity demands safety Three recent human biology graduates are finding a niche for their talents in the field of ergonomics. Chris Ursulak, Dale Braun and Jean-Francois Hivon say that today' s workforce is being asked to produce more, faster and with greater accuracy than ever before. Employees are under considerable pressure to maintain top production skills. One way to do it, say these Guelph partners, is to ensure a comfortable and safe work environment. That's the niche they can fill , says Ursulak, who serves as CEO of their new firm, Work-Able Solutions. He brings to the company an extensive knowledge of computer technology and consulting experience. Braun has experience in practical ergonomics, having completed a number of industry contracts. Hivon brings knowledge of vocational rehabilitation and injury management. The partners say that getting injured workers back to work quickly goes hand in hand with new practices to prevent workplace injuries. Work-Able Solutions offers in-plant assessments of workstations, looking at tools, furniture, equipment alignment, environmental factors, postural conditions, repetition, and psychological and other demands on the worker. Their assessment 10
A large group of Guelph alumni, BAU faculty and scholars assembled for the June 23, 1994, formation of a Uof Galumni society at the Chinese institution.
Partners Chris Ursulak, left, Jean-Francois, centre, and Dale Braun hare a desire to own their own business and a commitment to improving workplace safety and effl路 clency. Photo by Trina Koster
might also address the psychological aspects of a task and physical conditions in the workplace, such as air quality, sanitation conditions, noise and light factors, as well as biological and chemical hazards. Assessment services are followed up with consultation on how to improve the work environment, workshops and seminars that develop an awareness of the importance of ergonomics, and training sessions to teach employees how to complete a task safely and efficiently. Ursulak is still working on a research project begun at Guelph that looked at the differences between men and women in lifting mechanics. Braun has contributed to the development of new formulas for a model calculating lumbar spine compression forces. Hivon was involved in a U of G project that measured musculature fatigue during lifting. Their industry clients include large corporations like Labatt's, Polycon Industries Ltd. and Ford of Canada, as well as small companies that don't have the resources to establish their own departments of health and safety. Although lacking such resources, small companies still need information on ergonomics and often don ' t know where to find it. Ursulak says that's the reason for Work-Able Solutions' commitment to information sharing. He maintains an online service that gives clients access to the company's resources and is developing a product database that can help them find the right product at the right price to solve redesign problems. And through the company ' s electronic mail service, clients can communicate with people around the world who are interested in ergonomics and health and safety. The three partners believe that a broad dissemination of knowledge about ergonomics will lead to a safer, more productive work environment.
Guelph Alumnus
Dream Teams
Drama grads go hog-wild in Vancouver Only three years ago, they were five budding actors and directors living in Vancouver with many hopes but little money, and no jobs to substantiate their dreams. So they decided to build their own dream - a non-profit theatre collective called Ceramic Pig Theatre. When Duane Rabe-Martin, BA '89, David Sinclair, BA '86, Bruce Bennett, BA '86, Catharine Cunliffe, BA '88 and classmate Neil Fleming, left Guelph to settle in Vancouver, they immediately noticed a lack of small theatre groups in the area. The reason, they soon realized, was a lack of audiences. Rabe-Martin blames the city's wild surroundings for the reluctance of theatregoers. "Where else can you drive into nowhere for $1 .50 on the bus, get off, be attacked by a cougar, catch the bus back and get off at the hospital?" Undaunted, the five were determined to raise public interest by introducing Vancouver residents to Guelph's brand of theatre. They launched Ceramic Pig Theatre in 1993, drawing its name from a concrete pig that was moved in by crane to decorate the front lawn of the "Palace," a house in Guelph often rented by drama students. One day, the pig mysteriously went mi sing and hasn't been heard of since. Although the concrete pig provided the inspiration for the theatre's name, the group decided "Ceramic Pig" was actually more appropriate because each production was destined to break their piggy banks. The theatre's inaugural production was Samuel Beckett's Endgame, directed by Gerald Vanderwoude, a 1988 fine art graduate from Guelph who runs two theatre companies in Vancouver. (Leis Leftward, yet another product of Guelph's Drama Department, has also established a small theatre troupe in the city.) In its second season, Ceramic Pig found favor with the critics with its production of Paradise Express. The Vancouver Sun described Fleming's $300 recycled set as "effective and evocative," and the Kisilano News praised Sinclair's directing. The troupe has also performed for two successive years at the Fringe, Vancouver's Theatre Festival. The 1994 performance of House was a one-person show featuring Sinclair. This year, he teamed up with Rabe-Martin, who is also theatre manager, in now what?, a play written and directed by Fleming. After three sold-out shows and
Guelph Alumnus
rave reviews, Fleming is now rewriting the script for future performances. His success worked like a courage potion for other group members. Several are now writing their own plays and hope to soon have them produced. Now what? is also the first Ceramic Pig production that has managed to pay for itself. Part of that success, says Rabe-Martin, is due to the financial support of several Guelph alumni. Past shows were fully funded by the group members themselves; they relied on volunteers lured by the promise of success, but satisfied with a bottle of affordable wine. Most of the eager volunteers involved in Pig productions have been U of G students. The now what? poster, for example, was designed by former student Shawn Carnegie. A number of other students have travelled west to perform with the theatre. This cross-Canada collaboration stems from maintaining close contact with the Guelph community, says Rabe-Martin. For members of the collective, Ceramic Pig Theatre is a second full-time job. Both Sinclair and Rabe-Martin work on the mini-series Madison as set dressers and designers. Fleming plans to work between Toronto and Vancouver, building up recognition for the theatre company and possibly organizing a Ceramic Pig Theatre tour. They donate their vacation time and vacation pay to cover advertising costs and set materials for Ceramic Pig - a familiar story in small theatre groups across the country. Rabe-Martin says he and his Guelph collaborators hope to keep the theatre alive by organizing it into a non-profit society. "We want to see the Ceramic Pig Theatre a little bigger and more open ... a real theatre company."
David Sinclair, left, and Duane Rabe-Martin in the play now what?, written and directed by Neil Fleming for Vancouver's 1995 Fringe theatre festival. Photo by Shawn Carnegie
1n World supermarket shopper Marvin Tung says that's the premise that drives North America's highly sophisticated foodpackaging industry
Each of the food items in Marvin rung's weekly shopping sports a package designed within the last 20 years. Photo by Martin Schwalbe
Guelph Alumnus
Outside out by John Harris
he great museums of the world can wait. Global traveller Marvin Tung has other concerns of consequence when he ventures forth from Guelph. He goes shopping. "I can't stay out of the supermarkets," says Tung, whose recent travels off campus include stops in Budapest and Tokyo, plus various cities in Western Europe and a swing through the U.S . Midwest. Tung holds the University of Guelph 's NSERC/George Weston Industrial Research Chair in Food-Packaging Technology, which is supported by a $1-million endowment from George Weston Ltd. and a matching grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. An internationally acclaimed scientist in his specialty - polymer research and packaging performance during thermal food processing - Tung will also be involved in research at the Guelph Food Technology Centre (GFTC). In the major leagues of North America' s foodpackaging industry - in Canada, it's a $7-billion-ayear sector, employing about 30,000 workers Tung is a recognized clutch performer. And no wonder. With consulting credits that read like a who's who of the food industry - the li st of firm he' done research and development work for include Kraft. General Food . Her hey and Nabisco - heh played leading role in developing such packaging taple as the queezable plastic bottle and in ommercial izing such space-travel breakthrough a the retort pouch. He has held previous posi tio ns at the University of British Columbia and the Technical University of Nova Scotia, where he was head of food science and technology. Tung's April 1994 appointment to Guelph is widely considered a major coup for the University. As a much-in-demand collaborative researcher, private- and public-sector consultant and seminar speaker, he visits the world's cities at the invitation of industry, government and the scientific community. He visits the world' s grocery stores on his time off. "Most tourists visit museums and monuments. I spend my time in the stores. That's what turns me on. " And the stuff Tung brings home - such as Japanese snack boxes with masterpiece-quality aitwork Guelph Alumnus
- gets turned into teaching aids in his fourth-year undergraduate food-packaging course at Guelph . More to the point, it adds to his understanding of the continuing evolution of one of the pillars of packaging function - to protect what it sells and to sell what it protects. Tung calls hi s office in the Food Science Building a "solid-waste dump ." There are food packages everywhere: instant soup pouches and plastic pudding containers crammed into filing cabinets; cereal boxes stuffed into bookshelves; juice bottles lined up beside beer cans on w.indow ledges; and every manner of can, cup, bottle, box, tube, tray and bag picked up from supermarkets - just down the street or halfway around the world. To the untrained eye, there's not much to distinguish one can of beans from the next. To Tung, the construction of the can tells the story of the manufacturer's packaging/processing expertise. Is it in three pieces or two? How were the pieces bonded? ls the
Tung's trends •
Ontario processors are just beginning to use modified-atmosphere packaging for pre-cut salads, vegetables and fruits. To keep the Caesar-salad-in-a-bag fresh, the amount of oxygen inside the bag is minimized by adding carbon dioxide and nitrogen. • Look for more glass jars to replace tin cans on your grocer's shelves, especially for products like soups, sauces and vegetables. Consumers can see exactly what the product looks like, the glass jar is microwaveable and leftovers can be resealed. e Aiming for the upscale market, many processors are investing in new package designs. Sophisticated artwork adds an eclectic appeal to breakfast cereal; a combination of Wedgewood blue and daisies in a drawing of a horsedrawn milk wagon evokes feelings of nostalgia, goodness and nature from a milk carton. • As polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) packaging materials are improved, we'll see this heat-proof plastic being used for products requiring hightemperature processing, such as baby food, vegetables and soup.
The battle against botulism It's been said that an army moves on its stomach. And the modem era of moving packaged food is said to have been launched by the demands of an army some 200 years ago. . . It all began with the efforts of French mventor N1colas Appert, acting in response to a challenge and the of. fer of a 12,000-franc cash prize from Napoleon Bonaparte to devise a method of preserving food for hts on-the-march conquering army. Pre-Loui s Pasteur - and when the science of bacteriology was non-existent - Appert patented a system of packaging food, including vegetables, fruit, datry products and fish, in corked glass bottles that were immersed in a boiling water bath and sealed with wax. "The boiling killed food-destroying micro-organi~ms that Appert didn't even know existe?," says foo~ scientist Marvin Tung. "Before that, soldiers were dymg because of malnutrition or because the food supply became contaminated." Now known as the "father of canning," Appert used his prize money to open the world's first comme.rcial cannery, which continued from 1812 to 19.33. Ht s heat and hermetic-seal food-packaging system is sttll used today, with improvements in the technique. Jump ahead two centuries and some things haven't changed. For its space program, NASA urged research into lightweight packaging to move beyon.d the era o.f the C-ration - the food-in-a-can that earned troops mto battle through and beyond the Second World War. The metal 's dead weight was just one of the can's problems. "If soldiers fell down, loaded up with all that weight, they could be injured," says Tung. "If they got shot, they could get hurt by C-ration shrapnel." In 1974, he was in on the first commercialization of precisely the package NASA was looking for-:---- the retort pouch, a lightweight, flexible, sealed plastic bag that stands up to the high-temperature processmg of the food packed inside. Tung and his University ofBriti~h Colu~bia colleague William Powrie developed 111novat1ve products and processes, including a retort processmg vessel that mixes steam with air to protect the package from excessive pressures resulting from high-temperature processincr. "It was a breakthrough," says Tung. He later w~rked on advancing and commercializing the system as an outside consultant with Magic Pantry, which ensured a high profile for the retort pouch by co-sponsoring several Mount Everest climbs. 14
top recessed or flush to the sides? "There' s something unique about each package," says Tung, who also records cultural or regional differences in packaging preferences, such as shelf-stable milk-in-a-box, which is big in Europe but never really caught on in most of Canada. "Typically, people consider the o~t足 side and the product inside as separate entities, says the researcher, who has spent half~ lifetime essentiall y establishing the opposite premise - that the product and its package are a unit. To him.' t.hat lightwei ght, pull-tab, carbonated can of pop s1ttmg. on a store she lf is a precise integration of food engineering and packaging technology. "Remember the cookie war," he ays, warming to his subject with the glint-in-the-eye enthusiasm of one who's always on the lookout for the mi ss ing piece that solves the puzzle and often finds it where everybody else has already looked. In the cookie war of the mid- I 980s, North America's snack-industry giants battled to get to market with "a mom 's cookie. Everybody wanted that cookie, crisp outside and a chewy centre. It's great right out of the oven, but not so great the day after tomorrow. The challenge to the manufacturer was to produce a cookie that could sit on the store shelf and still measure up weeks from now." But there was another challenge and one that had to be solved simultaneously. They had to come up with a new package that would act as a barrier to the forces bent on ruining the cookie. At the top of the enemy hit list are oxygen, water vapor and c~r足 bon dioxide. The so lution was a new polymer with a metallized coating. It's a high-tech plastic that has since been advanced and is now a common packaging material. Think potato chip bags. That fundamental challenge of packaging - to keep the inside in and the outside out - is the underpinning of a highly sophisticated industry that has moved ahead by leaps and bounds in the last 25 years, says Tung. The primary re.ason can be summed up in one word - plastics. Plastics developed in the 1950s and into the 1960s proved unreliable as packaging materials for heat-processed foods because they couldn't be heated to the high temperatures needed to process the product inside the package. There were also problems with plastics giving food an off-flavor. "Now we're constantly developing new polymers," s~ys Tung, who brings that research specialization with him to Guelph, an expertise that is a magnet for manufacturers who have fo llowed hi s career moves across Canada. As research chairholder, he will co-ordinate the collaborative on-campus packaging research of Guelph faculty. and graduate students, individual companies a n~ 111dustrial consortia. He works closely wtth Ian Bntt, manager of food-packaging technology at Guelph, and research technician Sylvia Yada. A chatter member and the current president and chair of the board of directors of the Yirginia-ba ed Guelph Alumnus
Institute for Thermal Processing Specialists, Tung says he was attracted to the Guelph position for three main reasons - the opportunity to work with business, the prestige of "being at the top of the pecking order" and the involvement of Weston ' s. "GFTC is building a reputation as a one-stop foodtechnology crossroads, and I already knew of Guelph's credibility in that area," says Tung, who has turned down lucrative offers in the past from U.S. industrial firms. "I did some research on the George Weston company. Since 1882 (when it was founded), Weston ' s has a history as a responsible company and a tradition of philanthropy." As for the stewardship responsibility of the packaging industry - and concerns about overpackaging and recycling - Tung says the industry has generally responded positively to a consumer-driven "wake-up call. Most packaging firms have seen the writing on the wall. They realize that if they' re not good stewards, they'll not only waste money, but they ' ll also face a consumer and legislative backlash." Alternatively, he wants to "remove ideology" from the recycling debate. "Let's keep the energy-
from-waste option open. Let's keep all options open. Landfill sites should be mined to keep resources going around and around." Tung's current projects include research into a method of layering a blend of polymers to produce a high-performance protection capability. Again, the essence of the ever-better package will be to keep oxygen and water vapor out and to trap flavor and freshness in. Industry wide, trends in this area include "active packaging," such as the use of oxygen absorbers, an insert that absorbs oxygen to inhibit moulds and aerobic bacteria. In addition, to keep up with consumer demands for "fresh-like" quality, the industry is seeking packaging solutions that will allow both minimal food processing and maximum shelf-life, Tung says. Coming down the pipe are edible packages and sensory packaging that will sell the product inside by hooking consumers to the feel , smell or sound of the package outside, he says. "Manufacturers do what's best for them and their product - to protect it, distribute it and sell it. Consumers have to get tuned in to that process to make a fully informed choice about what's best for them."
GFTC increases food industry's competitiveness When Weil ' s Food Processing of southern Ontario had problems processing a vegetable, the recently formed $36-million Guelph Food Technology Centre (GFTC) readily provided a solution. After extensive product analysis, GFTC scientists introduced an additional step to the processing line that effectively and inexpensively counteracted the problem - and gave Weil ' s an advantage over its competitors. Conducted in the centre's 14,000-square-foot pilot plant, this project is one of more than 130 that GFTC has tackled in its first year of operation. The centre has also provided technical training to more than 700 people employed in the food industry, co-sponsored a conference on functional foods and offered training courses in areas like packaging and food safety. This fall, GFTC opened a technical business centre in collaboration with the Royal Bank of Canada. It will provide generic business assistance and financial advice to food entrepreneurs and companies. Established as a partnership of industry, labor, government and university sectors, GFTC is billed as a one-stop-shopping technology centre for the Ontario food industry. Its services include developing and testing new products, finding innovative uses for raw materials, solving production problems, devising creative packaging, adapting new technologies to the marketplace and providing innovative training programs. GFTC president and CEO Don Murray says the centre' s clients get the best technical services possible through the centre' s Guelph Alumnus
A project for Weil's Food Processing used this unique pressure cooker, which is located in the Guelph Food Technology Centre's pilot plant. The French-made Lagarde rotary retort is used to process shelf-stable products like fruits, vegetables and juices. Photo courtesy GFTC
in-house capabilities, leading university researchers and extensive network of technology suppliers in private industry. Mmrny himself brings both an academic research background and industry experience to the job. He is credited with leading-edge research on the use of natural foods biochemicals in diagnostic, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical areas, and has more than 20 patents issued or pending . A new service from GFTC is a series of technical bulletins geared to the Ontario food industry. To get on the mailing list or to find out more about GFTC services and workshops, call 519767-5036 or fax to 519-836-1 281 . 15
Checking our progress: Are we headed in the right direction?
fter several months of consultation and deliberation, the University's Strategic-Planning Commission presented its recommendations last June in a document called Making Change: The Strategic Plan of the University of Guelph. In October, the University Senate took a major step towards implementing these recommendations when it adopted the report' s five strategic directions: learner centredness and research intensiveness as U of G's primary strategic di rections, and collaboration, internationali sm and open learning as its secondary strategic directions. For many people on campus, the adoption of these directions reaffirms the best of what they ' re doing now and illustrates that, with some course corrections, U of G is headed in the right direction. Students have always been the primary focus here, and U of G is one of the most research-intensive uni versities in Canada. One onl y has to look back over the past year to see examples of all five strategic directions already in motion. Starting a new journey are 1995 BA graduates Cathy Fox and Jennifer Fletcher. Photo by Kerith Waddington
+ Critical thinking PhD economics student Audrey Sattel berger was named one of 1O finalists in a national essay contest sponsored by the Magna Corporation of Canada. Participants were asked to answer the question: "If you were prime minister, how would you improve the Canadian economy and ensure national unity?" Sattelberger emphasized a holistic approach to managing the country instead of imposing radical cuts that "jeopardize the fibre of our nation."
+ New directions for OAC The idea of self-directed learning - learner centredness - where students have more responsibility for developing their own studies, was adopted by OAC more than a year ago. This fall, students enrolled in the bachelor of science in agriculture program found a revised curriculum - with a more general core of courses and less specialization - designed to give them a better look at the total food system. OAC dean Rob Mclaughlin says the rapidly changing workplace means students 16
need to focus on analytical and problem-solving skills and teambuilding abilities to compete in the 21st century.
+ Interactive software
cal Studies, Prof. Doris Dyson uses a variety of computer programs to supplement her lectures on topics like anesthetic uptake and distribution, trauma, fluids, colic and C-sections. The feedback she receives from her second-year students tells her that the animation and interactivity of the programs stimulate the learning process and make concepts covered in the lectures clearer.
Like professors around the world , U of G faculty are increasingly integrating computer-based technology into their courses with the goal of encouraging critical thinking. Zoology professor Sandy Middleton uses computer laboratories in his large introductory zoology classes to deliver factual material and demonstrate the concepts covered in lectures. Over in the Department of Land Resource Science, Prof. David Elrick uses Mathcad - a mathematical toolbox software package that permits easy calculations of complex equations - in his graduate soil physics course. The software allows more class time to be spent discussing the basic physics and math that students later apply using the toolbox pro1995 OVC graduate Christina Karkanis, seated, and Prof. Doris Dyson. gram. Photo by Kerith Waddington In the Department of Clini-
+ Mentoring Efforts to get undergraduate students more involved in research has paid off for Sean Dukelow, a student in Prof. John Brooke's human neurophysiology course. Dukelow, who hopes to enter medical school after completing his degree in human kinetics, was invited to present a paper on his work with Brooke at the Trends in Neurosciences Conference in San Diego this fall.
+ Self-reliance As Guelph faculty try to encourage self-reliance in students, they're rethinking the way courses are taught. History professor Gil Stelter has eliminated classroom lectures and exams in a fourthyear research course in urban history by using the World Wide Web. When students log on, they gain access to practical advice and lecture materials, which they see illustrated in a local case study. Students also present their research projects via the Internet and participate in online discussions with other students, outside experts and the instructor. Guelph Alumnus
+++++ Open learning
U of G strives for:
+ learner centredness ++ research intensiveness
An Office of Open Learning was established on campus last year combining the offices of Distance Education and Continuing Education. This reorganization will allow the University to develop and market programs that address the lifelong learning needs of Canadians.
+++ collaboration ++++ internationalism +++++ open learning
++ Discovery Glai and Klai, the world's first lambs born from frozen embryos that began their lives in test tubes, made their way into the world March 21, 1995. Their birth was the result of a collaborative effort by researchers in the departments of Population Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Profs. Brian Buckrell and Stanley Leibo led the team that extracted unfertilized eggs from donor ewes. The eggs were then fertilized in the lab with previously frozen semen, developed in a test tube, frozen in liquid nitrogen and eventually thawed and implanted in surrogate ewes.
++ Benefiting society Microbiology professor Terry Beveridge and research associates Terry Paul and Jagath Kadurgamuwa are using modified brands of penicillin developed in their lab to customize the drug to more effectively tight the bacteria associated with diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis. Beveridge says antibiotics can be modified to better penetrate the holes on the surface of bacteria that allow the bacteria to take in nutrients and exclude wastes.
++ Problem solving A 600-pound computerized robot originally intended for use on Mars was redesigned at U of G tor duty in Northern Ontario forests. Undergraduate physics student Bill Wong and a team of researchers at the Petawawa National Forestry Institute developed "Jacob," a sevenlegged, six-foot-tall robot, tor
Bill Wong
Photo by Trina Koster
Guelph Alumnus
+++++ Distance courses
Glai and Klai.
reforestation exercises in clear-cut forests. Wong was hired through the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to develop Jacob's software.
+++ Collaboration The universities of Guelph, Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier recently agreed to establish a joint library storage facility that will increase access to library resources, while relieving space constraints and controlling costs on all three campuses. U of G also offers a number of graduate programs with its sister institutions: > public policy and administration, McMaster; > industrial/organizational psychology, Waterloo; > physics and chemistry, Waterloo; > philosophy, McMaster; and > history, Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier.
Photo by Trina Koster
++++ Global perspective For the last two years, Profs. Vince Souza-Machado, Horticultural Science, and Jana Janakiram, Rural Extension Studies, have taken students to Mexico to study agriculture there. The program gives students invaluable exposure to developing-world agriculture, a head start in understanding Mexico's NAFTA concerns, connections with
At convocation ceremonies in June, Judith Adam of North York, Ont. , told fellow graduates of the Ontario diploma in horticulture and agriculture programs that distance learning is the "cutting edge of education." She was valedictorian of a class of 61 graduates from seven provinces and two U.S. states. Distance learning offers flexibility and practicality to people who recognize education as a lifelong journey. U of G has offered the two diploma programs, with support from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, tor 34 years and has more than 1,000 graduates.
+++ Efficiencies An instrument that diagnoses diseases such as cancer and AIDS is finding new applications in plant and animal biotechnology research at U of G. Called a fly cytometric cell sorter, the machine uses lasers to identity, count and sort cells like a high-tech coin sorter. Crop science professor Peter Pauls was the principal applicant in a group of 11 labs that applied successfully to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for funding to buy the cytometer. "Our ability to carry out our respective research projects depends on access to this state-of-the art instrument," he says, "and we are encouraging students to get involved and learn more by using this device."
Prof. Vince Souza-Machado, centre, talks with a Guelph student, left, and alumnus lmmer Aguilar Mariscal, PhD '88.
Guelph alumni in Mexico and skills to help them face the new market when they graduate.
++++ Exchanges About 20 Guelph students are participating in the University's first India semester. The study program in Rajasthan, Jaipur, is U of G's first in a Third World country. During the 1994/95 academic year, more than 250 Guelph students studied overseas and 528 students from 77 countries were enrolled at U of G. In addition, about 40 per cent of Guelph's faculty have international experience.
+++++ Lifelong learning Last year, Lifelearn Inc. received a gold award from the International Compact Disc Interactive (CDi) Association tor the most outstanding consumer CDi program for 1994. The award was presented tor Lifelearn's first self-study module in a companion-animal dentistry certificate course. Lifelearn is a private company, with U of G/OVC as the largest single shareholder. It was founded to provide a co-ordinated international approach to continuing education and professional development for vets and members of allied fields. 17
any of Canada's youth are in an identity crisis that can lead to depression and, tragically, to suicide. In recent studies on depression and suicide among young people, family studies professor Gerald Adams found that those who lack values and commitment are more at risk than those with a clear sense of identity, values and commitments. Statistics Canada puts this country at the top of the chart in a comparison of teenage suicides here and in other countries. And the data show that suicide is on the rise. The suicide rate for Canadian males aged 20 to 24 tripled between 1961and1981. For young women that age, it rose from 2.5 to 5.9 per 100,000 population during the same period. These statistics suggested to Adams that depression among young people must also be high, so he conducted two studies to assess the relationship between identity and depression/suicide in university students. Collaborators for these studies included his wife, Carol Marstrom-Adams, a professor at the University of Virginia, and U of G graduate student Theo Selles. For the first study, Adams and Selles surveyed about 350 students using depression and suicide ideation scales to determine how identity affected these states. He evaluated depression by looking for symptoms of pronounced sadness, fatigue and general malaise, loss of concentration, weight loss, mental confusion and sleep-pattern disturbances . They found that young people with a committed sense of identity had low depression and suicide ideation rates, whereas more diffuse individuals scored extremely high on the scales, to the point of mild to moderate depression. They also scored high in suicide ideation. For the second study, Adams and MarstromAdams used survey data from 300 students, mostly women, to determine whether it was acceptance of their own identities or the degree to which other people recognized their identities that was the greater influence on depression and suicide. They found that most young people put more value on the recognition they receive from others - friends, family, peers. A personal identity not supported by social groups 18
is at greater risk, says Adams. Young people may be well-grounded in themselves, but they must also be well-grounded in society. This study indicates the need for young people to talk to those they know and trust about their needs and wants, he says . It shows that families really need to listen to their children and help them develop their identities. Families can help by encouraging children to develop independent expression and viewpoints in matters important to them, says Adams. The form of the family - whether the parents are separated, di vorced or remarried - is not important as long as the right support mechanisms are in place. Children need to feel a sense of belonging and respect for the connectedness of families and communities, he says. Evidence shows that as children formulate their sense of identity, adults have to recognize their growth as a way of buffering them from certain kinds of mental illness and stress. Adams believes that high school teachers and university faculty promote growth among young people because they express diversity and an awareness of alternatives. Teachers and advisers are important because they give students a sense of who they are and expand their minds, he says. In talking with students, Adams uncovered much uncertainty and hopelessness about the future. A pattern among negative emotional states emerges ; hopelessness is a good predictor of depression, then of suicide, he says. It begins with a failure to find support for individual identity. Adams is critical of the lack of a message of hope from current political parties. No party is doing an adequate job of communicating that what' s hurt is going to be fixed . Government policies that are dissolving public safety nets are also eroding a sense of Canadian identity and the values that are at the core of social and personal commitments, he says. As every safety net disappears, it is not onl y hurting those directly affected, but it also means there is less security for everyone, he says. Adams believes there is an ever-expanding ense of hopelessness. This extremist viewpoint i not healthy for teenagers and is putting generation of kids at risk, he says.
Story by Margaret Boyd Photo study by Trina Koster
Gerald Adams Guelph Alumnus
The one with the news Story by Sandra Sabatini
mbrose came back from the dead last night. Worm-eaten , stinking of compost gone awry. He was happy to see me and to be back and in his right mind with Peggy. She kept picking up grey bits of flesh from the carpet, shaking her head at his untidiness, yet delighted nevertheless to have him home. I knew that days were passing in my dream, and as they did, he began to look better. The flesh adhered more specifically to his face; I couldn ' t see so much of his gums when he smiled. He seemed to grow lips during dinner. At the soup course, I distinctly heard his teeth clacking together, but by the time he was eating the hazelnut torte, I could hear smacking noises . I also knew that he got better because I was there. This dream made me wish I had a therapist. I told Larry about it in the morning, and I asked him if he'd ever seen a body coming out of a grave instead of going into one. He supervises the burial crew at Woodlawn, but he' s also in charge of exhumations. He gave me a kiss and said: "Forget it, Connie, you're scary enough." He didn ' t want to give me any details. I didn ' t need them. I have a scar on my knee from falling on the sidewalk in front of Wendy's house when we were six years old. We played What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf? and I turned, screaming, to run away from Kevin McPhee, who was the wolf. I tripped on the same heaved-up concrete that made me fall off my bike the week before. I had just lost the scab and there I was, bleeding and crying. The object of my friend's disgust. I don ' t remember Wendy ever falling . My father heard me and came to take me home. He put another Band-aid on my knee and read to me about Nubbins the farm horse, who had a pretty good life. This was before my father died. I remember the press of the cold kitchen table against my thighs. It seemed strange and thrilling that it was my father peeling back the bandage and gently pressing it to my skin, and not my mother. I didn't know he would be able to do such a thing at all, let alone with great gentleness. He didn't live much longer after that. As though God decided that this one act should be enough to last me until Ambrose came along. Guelph Alumnus
When I was 10 years old, my mother bought a three-bedroom cottage on the Deer River in the Kawarthas. I think it was the Kawarthas. I used to listen to the weather reports for the Haliburtons, the Muskokas and the Kawarthas. Which are we, I asked my brother. He was fishing and didn't care. The cottage stood three feet off the ground on concrete blocks. The bedroom doorways were covered by curtains that didn't extend across the whole opening and fell down in the slightest breeze. It was an uncomfortable place and dirty. There was no beach at the edge of the river where we swam, only a muddy embankment, and none of us cared to clean our feet before we went back to the cottage to change. The outhouse, slapped together with slabs of splintering pine, had to be moved every few years. Dark and pungent with lime and shit, it at least had a door
Photo courtesy of Alzheimer Association of Ontario, Guelph Chapter
that locked, so sometimes I went there to change into my bathing suit, away from view, holding my breath. There wasn ' t a good season at the cottage. It wasn ' t insulated, so there was no question of going there in the winter, and sometimes the roof collapsed in the early spring when the weight of the melting snow forced its way through rotting beams. One year, we went to open the cottage and found the furniture wet and the coffee table bowed like a smile in the middle. The wood was warped and never did break, but ever after, it was useless as a place to rest a mug of coffee. My brother has it still in his family room. It' s a good conversation piece. Spring meant blackflies; summer meant mosquitoes and my cousins. My cousins were dangerous people. They drank and smoked cigarettes and hashish while their parents sat in the cottage, somehow believing that we were all really playing Monopoly. They fed frogs to snakes and then put firecrackers in the snakes ' mouths. This was the only habit they tried to keep from their parents. I, who loved telling, never told. I sat still at the edge of the circle of sand so as not to be splattered with exploding snake and frog guts. Anything dreary or dingy or embarrassing that can happen to a young girl happened to me at that cottage. I fell into the river on the long weekend in May and nearly drowned before I was pulled out by the man who rented a room in my mother' s house, the man I had grown up hating. Afterwards, I sat in my brother's room, shaking, topless, a towel around my shoulders and no one' s arm to comfort me, listening to my aunt scold me again about safety rules and the proper way to get on a boat. Menstruation began, of course, at the cottage, and I was left to deal with it in the outhouse, left to deal with the stomach pain in my doorless bedroom, quietly dreaming of blood. I was sure there must be a quiet place somewhere, where my elbows wouldn ' t knock the bedside table, with a large window and a cold sea and a beach, chilled and clammy, that would make the bones of my feet ache. My mother said bare feet would make 路 my period cramps bad, but I didn ' t believe they could get worse. That was before I found out that life offers unlimited opportunity for getting worse. I read all of Ian Fleming in my room. Would I be the sort of girl James Bond would fall in love with ? Was there any question ? My mother played cards in the kitchen with her si ster and my uncle and the other man . Euchre was the game of choice. Before I could do long division, I knew what was trump and how to take tricks and go alone. 20
They were all very fat people who could barely sit comfortably at a table. They smoked thousands of cigarettes. My aunt had orange hair and a partial plate. Her legs were mapped in red and turquoise veins below her Bermuda sho11s. Her bifocals were connected by a silver chain around her wattled turkey neck. She favored my brother, who was friendly to her and fetched her lighter. She didn't hit me, but she had a slicing tongue. I thought her meanness must have something to do with the strange wiry bits of metal she had around some of her teeth. I was grown up with children of my own before I understood that the metal kept her false teeth in place and gave her sibilants a sharpness that seemed to fl ay me. My uncle was bald, but he had hair everywhere else on his body. He went whole summers without wearing a shirt. He taught me to play the guitar and to swim and to tuck in all of my shirts. He never said anything when he tried to slip hi s hands on to my rib cage and up. I never said anything, and I didn ' t stay away either. I thought it might have been an accident and didn ' t believe it was and I wondered if it might happen again. I thought that all men matured into a strange shape, alien to the one they grew up with . Up until about their mid-20s, most of the men I knew seemed normal. Slim of hip, more or less broad of shoulder. Delightfully constructed of straight clean lines. Then something happened. My uncle, for instance, and the man who lived with us looked okay from behind, but when they turned sideways, it was clear that years of determined drinking had altered their shadows forever. Sideways, they were gravid with the beer, which gave them huge bellies and C-cup breasts. The disproportion between hips, shoulders, legs, arms and these huge stomachs made them seem like Martians, candidates for Unsolved Mysteries. How did it happen? What was in there? They stroked the greying hairs, caressed their bellies, even named them. My mother was at the cottage, smoking. She sat beside the man who lived with us and who sometimes kissed her. He was not my friend, though he tried to be. I could never like him or pray for him, even when it was pointed out to me that doing so would make Jesus happy. A one-eyed tax idermi st lived down the road from our cottage in a long low bungalow set well back from the gravel road. The property was surrounded by a me h fence topped with barbed wire. We believed the fence to be electric and never touched it. If we stood at the gate and ' aited in the blasting sun Guelph Alumnus
among angry deer flies, eventually the doctor, as we called him, would come out and make his slow way down the driveway, preceded by his dog, Laddie. The doctor told us that Laddie, who had one blue eye and one almost pure white eye, was part wolf and part husky. We knew by the way he looked at us that he would eat us if he got the chance; we didn't pet Laddie. We followed the doctor up to the house and shivered in the dark garage waiting for the door to open on a house of wonders. The doctor was an artist with the carcasses of bears, wolves, cougars, fish , owls, butterflies, weasels, rats and snakes. His favorite display was of Laddie the first, a beagle who ' d had, it seemed, a much friendlier outlook on life. Our favorite display was at the very end of the room. An illuminated glass cabinet, faintly smelling of formaldehyde, housed the three-headed baby pig that had died at birth and had been donated to the doctor by one of the local farmers. It was small, grotesque, irresistible, with three sets of limpid eyes and three damp-looking snouts, preserved, warm, needy. We couldn't pull ourselves from the pinkness of it. We whispered in its presence: Could this happen to a person? Sure, my brother said, I've seen it. Have not. Have too. Stupid. You' re the one who's stupid. Am not. Are too. Haven 't you ever heard of \ thalidomide ? No. Stupid. Stupid. You could have been a thalidomide baby. What's that? I'm not telling. Ask Mom. He always knew everything before me. One night, I had to give up my room to a friend of my uncle's. I slept on the springs of the old couch in the living room, listening to the fist fight outside the front door. My uncle and the man, two fat and ancient men, were fighting over my mother, who matched them pound for pound and year for year. It made my stomach cold to listen. Who were these people and why did they drink so much, and if they had to drink so much beer, why not wait and let it knock them down instead of each other? Being drunk did not help them . They sounded like my brother and me, only stupider, slower. You 're a lousy son of a bitch. YOU'RE A LOUSY SON OF A BITCH! AM NOT! ARE TOO! Guelph Alumnus
Followed by punches and vomiting. My mother stayed in her room and seemed to be asleep on another planet. I followed her example. In the morning, I poked my head into my room to get my shoes. My uncle ' s friend was lying on top of my bed, naked with a purple sausage on his belly. My head was back in the living room before I realized what it was I might have seen. I thought it would be good to get away from this life. We grew up on Cinderella, but my cousins all seemed to know that she could have nothing to do with them. Woolw01th's and the five and dime were supposed to have everything we needed. We were all supposed to have been born with a love for the green and blue swans on the tops of our console TVs. The people up the hill from our cottage lived in their place all year round. Bill had brought Lucia over from Italy after the war, but he never actually married her despite giving her four or five children , not counting the two from Bill ' s marriage to Brenda. Lucia had straight black hair, which she cut bluntly at her jaw with her kitchen scissors and wore paited in the middle. Her eyes were blue, but one of them didn ' t move. I could never tell , when I visited, if she was yelling at me or one of Bill 's kids. She spoke with a lisp because her .upper teeth had never grown in. She had false ones, but they were uncomfortable, especially when clean; she preferred to do without. Their house was unfinished: exposed pink in ulation between studs, a screwed-down plywood floor. The kitchen's exterior walls were made of gyprock, but between the rooms were only bai路e two-byfours, through which we could see the wiring and dust at the back of the stove. Lucia was strong. She fed and stroked the rabbits in the shed that were kept until the weather was nice enough to start the hibachi. It was the sort of house where the pet bitch could give birth to a litter of puppies in the dirt basement and live undetected for weeks while we cuddled them. Until Bill finally found out and shot them with his .22, finishing off an afternoon of Labatt's. Lucia cleaned up the mess. I see her now in the health centre, sometimes at the same table as Ambrose. I can ' t say hello. I'm sure she doesn't recognize me, even if it' s me she' s looking at. It doesn't surprise me that she's somehow lost her mind, but it makes me nervous seeing her with Ambrose, whose ears are kind of big and whose front teeth, if he's thirsty, protrude a little. I don ' t want Lucia mistaking him for a rabbit. I went hunting for bullfrogs with my brother in the mars hes around our cottage. He expected me to take 21
Need winter reading? Look for the latest works by these U of G alumni and faculty. Anatomy of a Winery Donald Ziraldo, B.Sc.(Agr.) '71, president, lnniskillin Wines; published by Key Porter Books Limited, Toronto. Becoming Vegetarian Brenda (Charbonneau) Davis, B.A.Sc. '82, Victoria (Harman) Harrison, B.H.Sc. '65, and Vesanto Melina, registered dietitians and nutrition consultants; available in major bookstores. Feny Tales (from Nova Scotia) Blair MacNeill, U of G professor emeritus, Department of Environmental Biology; self-published in Guelph.
If Home Is a Place K. Linda Kivi, BA '86; published by Polestar Book Publishers. Nutrition Works: Make It Work for You: Skills, Tips and Recipes Linda Barton, B.A.Sc. '91 and M.Sc. '93, U of G nutrition and lifestyle consultant; available in the U of G Bookstore. Peak Performance: Coaching the Canine Athlete Chris Zink, DVM '78, M.Sc. '82 and PhD '86, professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md.; available in Canada through Apex Publishers in Etobicoke, Ont., and in the United States through Canine Sports Productions in Lutherville, Md. Parenting Today's Teenager Effectively: Hear Me, Hug Me, Trust Me G. Scott Wooding, B.Sc. '73, Calgary psychologist; available in most bookstores. The Impossible Uprooting David Waltner-Toews, PhD '85, poet, essayist and professor in OVC's Department of Population Medicine; published by McClelland and Stewart, Toronto. Work and Leisure in the 21st Century Don Reid, a professor in U of G's University School of Rural Planning and Development; published by Wall and Emerson, Inc. of Toronto. 22
the oar and cosh the frog over the head and toss it into the boat. I won his approval through bloodthirstiness. When the front of the boat was full , we headed back to the cottage to chop off the legs and feet and then, as if it were a silk stocking, we would peel back the skin. Our mother wouldn't cook them; she said the legs were still alive and would be jumping in the hot butter. We fried them ourselves, adding salt and pepper, and ate them on the cottage porch out of the pan, burning our fingertips. We decimated the frog population in that region north of Peterborough. We stopped their voices and ate their legs, so the wiser ones moved away. The last few years at the cottage, we were reduced to eating chicken legs, which are not as sweet as fresh frog. My children don't know I was a ravager of wetlands; they think I've always been a responsible composter and recycler. They are gentle children whose uncles keep their hands to themselves while watching Disney movies and whose eyes dampen when the cat goes over the waterfall, even though they know it lives. My brother doesn't kill frogs any more and has gone on to live a life I no longer admire, even as he does not admire mine. We used to kill together, but we aren't close now. The carcasses of hundreds of frogs are not between us, but something is. It could be our mother, who died with her legs still covered in skin and attached to her body, uncooked, uneaten, but no less devoured. I sat beside my mother's hospital bed, swallowing the familiar odor of fonnaldehyde and decay. Her flesh was disturbingly pink. Her eyes were glassy with pain or with medication or with a vision of another world. I thought, she's free of the man now. Maybe I am, too. I wanted him to go away, not her, but she was the one whose heart failed, as though I'd poked the pin through the wrong voodoo doll. I ended up getting rid of both of them. My mother died suddenly . Does anyone ever die gradually? There is no middle ground between breathing and not breathing. She stopped one evening - breathing, I mean - and was taken in a slow ambulance far away from me. The cottage is one of the things my new father saved me from. His name is Ambrose and he has excellent posture from his years in the military. This is what I noticed first. When I met him, he squeezed my arm, my forearm, with a dry, cool pressure containing welcome and distance, my two favorite things.
Ambrose was a quiet man. He's much quieter now, but even in his prime, when I first knew him, he had learned about the power of few words. I never was able to stop rattling on into si lences. I wanted to save everyone embarrassment because I didn't know that no one was embarrassed, except for me. Quiet people draw intimacies from me and have an unfair advantage in friendships. Larry is quiet, and when I lie on the sheet beside him, he feels to me both warm and cool. I trusted Ambrose because he was quiet and because he never repeated anything I told him. Thanks to his Peggy, Ambrose's house was always clean and because they were both Christians, nobody around their house drank or smoked or did dope or blew up snakes. Peggy dusted every day and vacuumed every other. In the early days of my bfe with them, I would come home from school and she would have the carpets folded back on themselves and the furniture askew . The curtains would be off windows that smelled of vinegar and newsprint, and the sun bouncing off things would hurt my eyes. She called this spring cleaning, which I had heard of in fiction. On those occasions, I was glad that I had never told anyone about my cottage years. I never was so clean before, and as I spent more time in their company, it seemed to me that the years before, with my real family and that man I hated and my molesting uncle and disapproving aunt and delinquent cousins and Bill and Lucia, had happened to someone else, or maybe it was something I'd only read about. If I could stay long enough with Ambrose and get clean enough and buy enough shoes and acquire my PhD, then maybe I never was that cottage girl. I look like Ambrose used to look before he went into the sanatorium. Our hair is the same color and I have his oversized ears and narrow, delicate feet. Our teeth are crooked. For a while, I liked to imagine that maybe Ambrose was my real father, full of goodness and kindne s. Someone I could never hate. I didn't hate my real fa ther. He built the kitchen cupboards in our house and included a small hideaway shelf fo r his bottle of Scotch. I heard that he liked Roadrunner cartoons and would hold me on hi s lap for a few minutes every day after work while he sipped his drink. He died before I was old enough to build a pedestal fo r him to fall off. I tried to keep my mother out of the cottage box with all the other memories. I think of her at that kitchen table by herself and not with the other hadows . Whatever the truth was, I thi nk of her a the only person, apart Guelph Alumnus
from Ambrose, who enjoyed my company always and thoroughly. I like to manipulate the memories to suit me. I wish Ambrose had some memories to manipulate. I hope that he does and that maybe he's just not saying. My mother had lime green sheers on the kitchen door and window. It is enough to admit that she loved them. There's no need to go on about the matching lime green no-wax linoleum that she hired the next-door neighbor's unemployed brother-in-law to lay the year she won the big bingo pot. I wonder what it would be like to go back into that kitchen after my years with Ambrose and his wife. My mother's curtains had white felt polka dots and were ruffled priscillas. I probably couldn't find anything like them now. Probably young retro queens out on their own for the first time are scouring the second-hand shops to find lime green polka dot curtains to put in their kitchens, where they will sip mint tea while wearing orange hounds-tooth polyester bell bottoms. Those curtains are mine. I want them back. This was all I knew about old people until Ambrose became one. My mother visited Agnes Lacy two afternoons a week, and sometimes I had to go with her though I complained about the raspy sound made by the elastic bandages on her legs when Agnes walked, and about her doily smell of lace and old dust that choked me. I stayed away whenever I could. Agnes was too old. My mother never lived to be old. Maybe she thought I would spurn her and so got out early. Maybe she wanted to teach me a lesson. Ambrose is getting really old. He never gives me anything any more. Hardly even recognition. But his is a smell on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons that I hold against my face and breathe in deeply, as though he were an expensive sachet. I know that what I remember is dubious at the best of times. I construct my cottage and my cousins knowing they are all dead or lost to me in other ways; there is no one to confirm or deny. Ambrose won't say what he remembers. He won't say my name, but he seems very happy to see me, so I believe he recognizes me as someone important to him, but I'm not really, not any more. Not as important as the kind orderly who gets him ready for bed every night because Ambrose won't let the women on the floor touch him. I construct my own significance to maintain my Guelph Alumnus
connection with Ambrose, whom I love, whether he talks or drools or sleeps. I remember that when I was younger, he took me to restaurants and always walked on the road side of the sidewalk. He wore a fedora and took my elbow when we walked, took me up the CN Tower and to Niagara Falls and visited or called me every day in the days when he was just beginning to lose his mind, while he could still dial and still converse. To tell me he loved me, making deposits to that account against a future of deficits. Peggy would phone me in the morning, not wanting to be a bother. "Can you help me get Dad out of bed? Are you busy right now?" and I would hop in the car and scoot down the hill and around the corner, leaving toast to burn. I would run up the stairs to find Ambrose reeking of urine in his undershirt and jockeys, perched on the edge of the bed. "It's time to wake up, sleeping beauty," I'd say, laughing. "Get ready for true love' kiss." Peggy would take his right hand and elbow and I would take his left and we'd pull. I'd pull against Ambrose's weight, his si lent determination, and the laughing I couldn't stop when I looked at him, straining against us, wanting to be left in bed. Why was I laughing? What was so funny? This memory makes me happy. It was almost as if I believed that getting him downstairs would cure him, at least for the day, and J knew I was strong enough to do that. I could deal with that. It was as though I felt reassured that anyone fighting with this much dete1mination would live a long time. I leave my family at home when I go to the health centre. Larry sometimes comes, but it's easier for him to stay with the children and he never knows what to say. He doesn't like to see Ambrose the way he is. Ambrose sits through most of his days now, and when he walks, he shuffles. His stride is lost. The place he is in is called a health centre, which is quite a funny name for it. Sometimes I'm sure that Ambrose finds it as funny as I do. We have the same love of irony. There's a chance he may have Hodgkin 's di ease or one of the other more euphemistically tem1ed cancers. The family has decided against a biopsy and the taking of any heroic measures. If they 'd asked me, I'd have told them I thought Ambrose was worth any number of heroic measures, even though he's not too clean any more and doesn't make much sense. I tell him he's my dad and I'm his Connie. I told him I got a new job and I was going to get rich and come get him and the two of us were going to Ber-
Writing competition From the editor: The Guelph Alumnus would like to thank our sponsor, ScotiaMcLeod Inc., and the judges in the 1995 writing competition. Together, we provide three things that beginning writers covet - publication, prize money and the chance to have their work read by an elite panel of contemporary writers and editors.
Constance Rooke is an accomplished editor, critic, short-story writer and award-winning teacher who came to Guelph in 1988 to chair the Department of English and is now associate vice-president, academic. She is also a strong supporter of Canada's literary community. Rooke guided the award-winning Malahat Review, Canada's foremost literary magazine, for nearly I 0 years. She and her novelist husband, Leon, initiated and still organize an annual writers' festival in Eden Mills. In 1994, she edited a travel anthology that contains the personal accounts of 35 renowned Canadian writers . Proceeds from Writing Away go to the Canadian branch of PEN International in support of its work on behalf of free expression and writers in prisons around the world.
Iris Tupholme (nee Skeoch) is a 1979 English graduate of U of G who has carved a successful career in the publishing field. As editor-in-chief of HarperCollins Publishers in Torpnto, she is an apt judge of good writing and stories that will make the bestseller list. Authors she has published include Timothy Findley, Rosemary Sullivan, Bharati Mukherjee, Rick Salutin, Margaret Visser and Janice Kulyk Keefer.
Ajay Heble is a professor in Guelph's Department of English and a scholar and critic of contemporary Canadian literature. Earlier this year, he published a book called The Tumble of Reason: Alice Munro's Discourse of Absence, which looks at seldomstudied elements of Munro's fiction. Heble is also an accomplished jazz pianist who performs frequently and plays a key role in organizing an annual jazz festival in Guelph.
muda. That's when he told me I was full of beans and I laughed. Words like Bermuda still channel into his consciousness, as though he remembers riding his rented motor scooter along the shore on the one holiday he spent there. He always wanted to go back. Remembering how to go to the bathroom is hard for him, but remembering Bermuda is easy . Ambrose used to sing: "When I was single, my pockets would jingle, I wi sh I was single again" and a song about Bonnie lying over the ocean, but in his version, Bonnie had only one lung due to a bout with tuberculosis. These songs still make him smile, though he doesn ' tjoin in any more. Sometimes I say to him : "Where are you, Dad? Are you in there?" He doesn ' t answer me, but I like to ask, just in case he really is in there, quieter than ever, annoyed with everyone for talking to him as though he were an immigrant whose grasp of English will improve if we only speak slowly and loudly enough. He eats and sleeps and gets cold, sad or happy, but I know he' s more than the sum of these parts. That's who I talk to and whose hand I hold and whose cheek I kiss. Sometimes he crosses his eyes and blinks like a cartoon of adoration and we laugh together. The best thing about his old days was curling up beside him on the couch, as though I were small and he were my real father. There is a couch in the health centre and if I hold out the KitKat bar at just the right time, he will stop shuffling down the hall and sit beside me while I feed it to him. I can put my head on his shoulder and he might say, how are you, darling, and I might say, fine. Larry will dig a symmetrical grave for Ambrose. He will use the backhoe to begin with, after he's carved out the grass and rolled it up like a sleeping bag. Then he'll do the finishing by hand. Ambrose believed he'd be in heaven while we were lowering him in the opposite direction . "Remember, Connie, 'To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."' I want to know where he is now, when his body is demanding only the merest presence. Does God have the rest? I imagine that I am devoted to him, that everybody else has shut up once and for all about drinks of juice and what's for supper and why are you going to school when you're so old? I imagine taking my books and papers to balance on my lap in a chair beside him, preparing for tomorrow's seminar, keeping vigil with Ambrose. So that if he should open his eyes and know something, it would be me that he knows. I would like to be known again, to visit that place he made for me. This is what I want: I want to clai m Ambrose' body from the authorities. With my tears, these tears I li ve with, I would wash his feet and then dry them tenderl y with my hair. I want to lay him in a vault, roll a stone in front of it and mourn him dail y. When some days have passed, I want to take some scented oil from the shelf above the bathtub and visit that vault early on a misty, qui et morning. I want to be terrified to see the stone rolled back and light blaze within the tomb. I want two angel wearing lightning to tell me he is risen. I want to be the one with the news. D Guelph Alumnus
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Alumni welcome new students
U of G hosts major donors
For the past six years, U of G alumni in several Ontario cities have helped welcome new students to the University by hosting send-off parties in their local communities. The gatherings give students and their parents a chance to ask questions and learn about the campus. And they meet Guelph alumni from their own area, who share information about career choices after graduation . Alumni speakers at the Windsor send-off were Richard Helmer, Dip.(Agr.) '62, and Nikki Didicher, BA '83. In London, they were Laurie Farquharson, B.A.Sc. '87, Michael Marritt, Dip.(Agr.) '75, Martha Travers, BA '93, and Keri Gibbings, BA '95. Jn St. Catharines, new students heard from Joe Kita, B.Sc. '92, and John McAdam, B.Sc.(Agr. ) '95 . In Barrie, the speakers were Vanessa Bates, BA '93, Irene Alderdice, B.A.Sc. '88, and Barb Pidgen, B.A.Sc. '80. Addressing new students in Ottawa were Heather Ryan, B.A.Sc. '90, Trevor Fisher, B.Sc.(H.K.) '93, and Chantale Pinard, DVM '93.
Ray Hnatyshyn, former governor general of Canada, was guest speaker at U of G's annual banquet to honor its major private donors. Chancellor Lincoln Alexander hosted the event Oct. 20 at the Arboretum. Those attending were annual donors of $5,000 or more or lifetime donors of $50,000 or more. Hnatyshyn spoke about his political career and the important role that supporters of educational institutions are playing in helping to ensure accessibility to postsecondary education.
Friends meet in Chicago
Top: Thomas and Rebecca Kohler - the children of Lisa and Rick Kohler, B.Sc.(Agr.) '85 - enjoy the midway at Homecoming. Below left: The enthusiasm that East Residences students showed for the Gryphons was turned to a charitable cause a month later when they joined forces with Lennox-Addington students to shave heads for a day and raised more than $4,000 for the United Way. Below right: Nancy Sawyer, B.H.Sc. '62, and Shawn Penny, president of the FACS student council, wield the scissors at the opening of the $3.2路 million FACS addition. Photos by Mary Dickieson
OYC dean Alan Meek and director of development Pam Healey attended the annual Friends of University of Guelph dinner Oct. 2 1 in Oakbrook, Ill. , a suburb of Chicago. They met many Guelph alumni living in the U.S. Great Lakes region and spoke about the University's strategic plan and campus events such as the opening of the aq uatic sciences facility. Friends of University of Guelph is a registered U.S. charity that can accept gifts from non-alumni Americans and issue tax receipts acceptable to the IRS. Alumni living in the United States can now give directly to U of G.
Students question grads About 150 FACS students and some students from other disciplines asked questions about career paths, job opportunities and workplace realities when they met 35 FACS alumni at a careers night Oct. 3. It was a collaborative project involving the college administration and student council, the Mac-FACS Alumni Association, Alumni Affairs and Career Services. The evening proved to be a win-win situati on for everyone involved . Students got answers, alumni were able to reconnect with classmates and their alma mater, the college increased communication among alumni, students and faculty, and the event generated new participants in a Career Services speakers' bureau.
Guelph Alumnus
Nominations sought for alumni awards Alumni Volunteer A ward
Meeting new students is Homecoming highlight
The University of Guelph Alumni Association will present this award to a graduate who has demonstrated loyalty and commitment to the University of Guelph by supporting it through volunteer work. To be presented in the spring at the UGAA' s annual volunteer reception.
A message from UGAA president Elizabeth O'Neil One of the joys of being active in the University of Guelph Alumni Association is coming back to campus each fall to welcome new students . The UGAA's annual new-student barbecue is held the Thursday before Homecoming, and this year, close to l ,000 students found their way to Alumni House for food and entertainment. This is an important program for the UGAA. Within days of the start of their unjversity career, these new students benefited from the involvement of alumni and were made aware of the role the alumni association plays in the life of the University. We 'll be taking a closer look at that role in 1996 as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the UGAA. In honor of the associ ati on' s contributions to campus, the Guelph Alumnus magazine plans to recognize 30 alumni who have made a real difference in the lives of others. Thi s is an opportunity for you to pay tribute to a classmate or friend whose life or career has inspired you . I hope yo u' ll take the time to send a letter of recommendation to the editor so we can recognize the many ways that Guelph alumni are making a difference in the world. And don ' t forget that we ' re also lookjng for nominations for the Alumnus of Honor, the Alumni Medal of Achievement and other awards that will be presented next summer. It's a big world out there, and we need yo ur help in identifying alumni who have turned their educati on into action and achievement. Action is the keyword fo r a group of our senior alumni who demonstrate unfa iling enthusiasm withjn UGAA ' s Alumni-in-Action organization. They have mounted a very successful program to link individual alumni with international students. During Homecoming, Alumni-in-Action hosted a dinner for 85 international students and is planning its annual Chri stmas reception for Dec. 7. If you'd like to kn ow more about Alumni-in-Action or any UGAA program , yo u can contact me through Alumni House or by e-milll at
Chapter news Calgary - Alumni from 25 Canadian universities will attend the third annual Calgary Pan-Alumni Skate Jan. 28 from 3 to 6 p.m. at the University of Calgary ' s Olympic speed-skating oval. The UGAA invites alumni in the Calgary area to enjoy the afternoon of family skating, clowns and astro-jumps, all for a nominal fee. For more information, call 403220-7108. Ottawa - The Ottawa-Carleton alumni chapter will host its annual curling bonspiel Feb. 24. To register you and your family, call Marg (Fenton) McGowan, B.H.Sc. ' 54, at 613-828-7038. Guelph Alumnus
Alumnus of Honor
Elizabeth O'Neil
The UGAA recognizes an alumnus who has brought great honor to his/her alma mater and fellow alumni through significant contributions to community service, science, education, business, industry, the arts or alumni affairs . To be awarded during Alumni Weekend in June 1996.
Alumni Medal of Achievement A graduate of the last 15 years will be recogruzed by the UGAA for contributions to country, community, profession or the world of arts and letters . To be awarded during June convocation ceremonies. To obtain nomination forms for the above awards, contact Carla Bradshaw, UGAA Nominations Committee, Alumni House. The deadline for nominations is Feb. 9, 1996.
OVC Distinguished Alumnus A ward Presented annually by the OVC Alumni Association, this award recognizes a graduate who has brought honor to the college and fellow alumni through leadership and service to country, science, education, profession or alma mater. To be presented at the OVC luncheon during Alumru Weekend in June. Nomination forms will be avajlable in the December issue of the Crest. Milli completed forms to the OVC Alumni Association c/o Carla Bradshaw, Alumni House, by Feb. 28, 1996.
George Bedell A ward of Excellence This award is presented to a graduate of the School of Hotel and Food Administration who best represents the school in terms of professionalism, achievements and contributions to the hospitality industry . To be presented in the spring. Nominators should send their name, telephone number (home and business) to the George Bedell Award Committee, c/o Laurie Malleau, Alumni House. The deadline is Feb. 28, 1996. A ward committees for the above can be reached through Alumni House at the University of Guelph, Ont. NlG 2Wl, 519-824-4120, Ext. 6657. 27
Jan. 20 - HAFA alumni/student hockey game, 10 p.m., Gold Arena. Fans are invited to watch the game from Gryphs Sports Lounge. Jan. 26 - Aggie Good Time Banquet, call the OAC Student Federation for details and tickets, Ext. 8321 . Jan. 26 - Guelph Round Table on the Environment and Economy discusses "Building Sustainable Communities," 7:30 p.m., Cutten Club. For information, call OPIRG at 519-824-2091. Jan. 26 - Department of Music/Macdonald Stewart Art Centre concert series presents Ernie Tollar and Band playing "world-jazz" music, 8 p.m. at the art centre, admission $10. To reserve tickets, call Ext. 3127. Jan. 28 - Annual Calgary Pan-Alumni Skate, 3 to 6 p.m. at the University of Calgary Olympic speedskating oval. For information, call 403-220-7108. Feb. 7 - Guelph Round Table on the Environment and Economy discusses "Sustainable Modes of Transportation," 7:30 p.m., Carden Place Hotel. For information, call OPIRG at 519-824-2091. Feb. 9- Deadline for nominations for the Alumnus of Honor, Alumni Medal of Achievement and Alumni Volunteer Award. For information, call Ext. 6657. Feb. 17 - OAC '86 diploma reunion at the Days Inn in Guelph. For details, call Ian Jones at 705-5344294. Feb. 17 - Department of Music/Macdonald Stewart Art Centre concert series presents baroque music, 8 p.m. at the art centre, admission $10. Music performed by Mary Cyr on viola da gamba, Avery Maclean on recorder, Sophie Rivard on baroque violin , Sandra Mangsen on harpsichord and David Knight on percussion. To reserve tickets, call Ext. 3127. Feb. 24 - Ottawa-Carleton Alumni Chapter curling bonspiel for alumni and families . For an application form, call Marg McGowan at 613 828-7038. Feb. 28 - Deadline for nominations for the OVC Distinguished Alumnus Award and the George Bedell Award of Excellence. For details, call Ext. 6657. March 6-Alumni Florida Picnic at North Port Yacht Club, North Port, Fla. For an invitation to the picnic, call Ext. 2122. In Florida, call Alex Henry, BSA ' 51, at 813-731-2747. March 14- Curtain Call reunion. Watch your January mail for details. If you have memorabilia to offer for a display or want more information, call Ext. 6936. March 16 and 17 - College Royal. Alumni House welcomes visitors Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 29 - U of G Choir, conducted by Marta McCarthy, 8 p.m., War Memorial Hall, admission $7. 28
April 11 - Jazz night at the University Club, featuring pianist Frank Folcio and the U of G Jazz Ensemble, conducted by Howard Spring, 8 p.m., Level 5, University Centre, admission $2. April 12 & 13- OAC annual bonspiel , Guelph Curling Club, call Sarah Nadalin at Ext. 6533 to register. April 27 - OPIRG 20/20 event, South African Interest Group dinner and speaker. May 4 - OPIRG 20/20 event, May Day dance, call 519-824-2091 for details. May 30 to June 1 - 25th-anniversary reunion at Bluevale Collegiate Institute in Waterloo, Ont. , call 519-650-0569 for information. June 17 to 19 - Guelph Conference and Training Institute on Sexuality, hosted by the Department of Family Studies. Pre- and post-conferences add to the main conference agenda to provide a diversity of topics of interest to educators, medical personnel, therapists, social workers, clergy and other professionals. For information, call Ext. 2908. June 21 to 23-Alumni Weekend. If you ' re interested in having a class reunion, call Sue Lawrenson at Alumni House, Ext. 6963.
OPIRG launches 20/20 plan The Ontario Public Interest Research Group-Guelph has planned 20 events for 1996 to celebrate 20 years of campus and community activism. If you want to get involved or find out more about the anniversary, call Karen Farbridge or Peter Cameron at the OPIRG office on Trent Lane, 519-8242091.
25 years seems like yesterday to the alumni and staff who are reliving campus memories as they plan 25th-anniversary celebrations for Alumni Weekend June 21to23 , 1996. For more information, call Ext. 6657 , fax to 519-822-2670 or send e-mail to alumni@>
Thursdays at noon concerts The Department of Music presents free noonhour concerts on Thursdays in Room 107 of the MacKinnon Building. Jan. 25 "From Russia with Love": Youri Zaidenbery, violin , Sterling Beckwith, bass, Sofia Moschevich, piano. Feb. 1 Henry Janzen, violin, and Alison MacNeill, piano. Feb. 8 The Andrew Klaehn Jazz Quartet. Feb. 15 Flavio Varani, piano. Feb. 29 Paul Pulford, cello, and Boyd Macdonald, piano. March 7 Valerie Candelaria, piano. March 14 Sally Sandford, soprano, and Catherine Liddell , lute/theorbo. March 21 Royal City Saxophone Quartet
To find out more about Calendar events, call the U of G extension listed at 519-824-4120. Guelph Alumnus
Barbara (Wilson) Anderson, Dip.(H.E.) '37, is an antique dealer with a new shop located just three kilometres south of Huntsville, Ont. The little house, called Antiques, Etc., is just off Hwy. 11 on the Gryffin Lodge Road .
Gordon Carter, DVM '43, sends greetings to fellow OVC grads. He retired 10 years ago from the faculty of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech and has since been named professor emeritus. In retirement, he has helped revise several veterinary microbiology texts and continues to conduct research on pasteurellosis with colleagues in Brazil and Southeast Asia. Doug "Chippy" Chapman, BSA '44, of Odessa, Ont. , was one of only 20 seniors in the province who received 1995 Ontario Senior Achievement Awards. The award recognizes outstanding seniors for contributions made during their senior years. Chapman was honored for his involvement in community service, humanitarian activities and volunteerism. He is the past chair of Lennox and Addington County Seniors Outreach Services, a community home-support agency providing a range of services for seniors in the area. He is also past president of the Napanee Rotary Club, an elder and trustee at Riverside United Church, secretary of the Odessa Group Committee of the Odessa Boy Scouts and chair of the steeri ng committee of the Lennox and Addington Association for Community Living. Much of his expertise was gained during a career in which he co-ordinated major programs for the Canadian government and the World Health Organization.
George Eaton, B.Sc.(Agr.) '55, retired in June after 32 years as a faculty member at the University of British Columbia. He joined UBC's plant science department in 1963 after working in Ontario as a fruit and vegetable extension specialist and researcher. Originally from Nova Scotia, he holds a degree from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and a PhD from Ohio State. An expert on berry crops and tree fruits, Eaton was named professor at UBC in 1974 and served as acting head of plant science in 1988/89. He is a member of the Sigma Tau Upsilon Honorary Agricultural Society and has served on the senate of Regent College, the Vancouver School of Theology and UBC. Previously active in the militia, he also holds office in several Masonic lodges and a number of Scottish Rite and York Rite bodies. In retirement, he will continue his work with community groups and playing the role of a Gizeh Shrine clown.
Guelph Alumnus
How to make a MAC quilt The ladies of Mac '56 have combined their sewing talents and their memories of Macdonald Institute to create a quilted wall hanging that depicts many of their undergraduate experiences in Macdonald Hall . Left to right: Catherine (Shore) McDonald, Lois (Stratton) Campbell and class president Ruth (Jeffery) Miner add finishing touches to the quilt, which was started four years ago as a 40th-anniversary class project. Class members designed and pieced the blocks and helped with the quilting. June Klassen, a skilled quilt maker in the London, Ont., area, co-ordinated the overall project and hosted two weekend quilting bees. The finished wall hanging will grace the walls of the faculty and graduate student lounge in the FACS Building. It will be unveiled June 22, 1996, during Alumni Weekend.
Edward Klos, BSA '50, retired in 1990 after 36 years at Michigan State University, where he was a professor and chair of botany and plant pathology. He and his wife live in East Lansing, but have a winter home in Bradinton, Fla. They invite other 1950 classmates to call if visiting either location . Lennox Blizzard, M.Sc. '69, is an instructor at George Brown College in Toronto, teaching math, physics and environment courses. John Hayhoe, B.Sc.(Agr.) '6 1, is president of Hayhoe Mills Ltd . of Woodbridge, Ont. , a family-owned flour-milling business that now involves his three sons. Son Mark, Dip.(Agr.) '88 and BA '91, is a vice-president in the company. He and his wife, Carylin Whittaker, have a two-year-old son, Mikhail. Ross Knechtel, B.Sc.(Agr.) '67, completed a master's degree in theological studies from Wilfrid
Laurier University in 1994 and earned a volunteermanagement certificate from Conestoga College. Doug Moynihan, BA '69, was recently named human resources manager for A venor Pulp and Paper in Thunder Bay, Ont. He is part of a four-generation U of G family , beginning with his grandfather, William, who graduated from OVC in 1921 and went on to become chief veterinarian in Ontario. Next came Doug's father, Wally, DVM '44, a former assistant veterinary general for Canada. The fourth generation is Doug 's niece Laurie Tranton, B.Comm. '94, a management trainee for the Hudson Bay Company. Ben Riehl, DVM '60, retired in May as Agriculture Canada's regional veterinary supervisor for the Atlantic Region. He and his wife, Faye, have purchased a 21-acre property in Irishtown, P.E.I., where he will pursue his hobbies of gardening, woodworking and camping. The Riehls have three sons, one daughter and two grandsons.
David Sararus, Dip.(Agr.) '64, of New Dundee, Ont., is one of the estimated 475 people who will begin overseas assignments this year for the Mennonite Central Committee. He is beginning a one-year assignment in Bolivia as a maintenance worker and teacher's assistant. Lynette Ng, M.Sc. '65, is science librarian at the University of Ottawa's Vanier Science Library. After earning her Guelph degree in microbiology, she went on to complete a master's degree in library science at the University of Western Ontario. Her husband, Chee Wah, PhD '68, also studied microbiology at Guelph.
1~1 ~~
Can you dig it? If you graduated in 1971, dig out your plat路 form shoes and hippie beads 'cause we're gonna "get down" for a quarter-century celebration at Alumni Weekend June 21to23, 1996. See the next Guelph Alumnus for details or call 519-824-4120, Ext. 6963.
William Laidlaw, BA '74, recognized himself in a photo we ran in the last issue of the Guelph Alumnus. Although long since retired from the Gryphon
Faron Langdon, B.Sc.(Agr.) '79路, and his wife, Ann, are ordained ministers in the Salvation Army. Both work as administrators/chaplains at Sunset Lodge, an intermediate-care facility in Vancouver. Kathy (Reffic) Parker, B.Sc. ' 76, is a staff naturalist with the Federation of Ontario Naturalists . She and her husband, Martin, also serve as nature tour guides. They live in Port Elgin with their four children - Melanie, Mike, Alex and Andrew. Donald Ridley, PhD ' 73, has been named a director of Ciba-Geigy Canada Ltd. He joined the company in 1973 in the agricultural division, was named corporate vice-president for research and technology in 1988 and became senior vice-president responsible for all corporate services in 1992. He also sits on the boards of Ciba Corning, Ciba Dyes and Mettler. Toledo. Charles Ross, B.Sc. ' 76, has moved to Sutton, Ont., and is providing presentation design services and computer graphics to product and pharmaceutical firms from his partnership in Markham. Karen Saunders, B.Sc. '77, graduated in June from the RN program at Algonquin College in Nepean, Ont. In August, she began a one-year volunteer posting at the Haikou City Orphanage in Hainan, China, through Overseas Canadian Professional Services, an organization affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Marius Schuetz, M.Sc. '77, went on from Guelph to earn a law degree at Queen 's University and is now general counsel with Alexander & Company, Barristers and Solicitors, in Vancouver.
Terry Clark-Smith, B.A.Sc. '79,
and her husband, Shawn Smith, DVM '80, own and operate a petfood s.tore and pet-s.upplies manufacturmg company m New Brunswick. Jim Gillespie, MA '71, was inspired to resurrect his master's thesis during a recent holiday in London, England. After sitting in on some sessions at the British House of Commons, he returned to Canada and mailed a copy of his 1971 history thesis - "The Attitude of the House of Commons Towards France, 1898-1904" - to the House of Commons Library, which has added it to its historical collection on international affairs. When not on vacation, Gillespie lives in Nepean, Ont., and works for Supply & Services Canada as a research consultant. Maureen Kitchen, B.A.Sc. ' 74, of Mississauga, Ont., is director of location research for A&P. She is also a new bride, married to Douglas Stephen on May 7, 1995.
gridiron, he's still a team player, now director of government relations for Glaxo Wellcome Inc. He was also recently elected president of the Metropolitan Toronto and York Region Lung Association for a two-year term .
Marvin Stevenson
Elizabeth "Beth" Selby, B.A.Sc. '79, is superintendent of schools with the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education. Marvin Stevenson, B.Sc. '75 and M.Sc. '78, was recently appointed sales manager of the feed-additives division of Degussa Corporation, Canada. Headquartered in Ridgefield Park, N.J. , Degussa Corporation is the U.S. subsidiary of Degussa Ag, an international company involved in developing and manufacturing chemical, precious metal and pharmaceutical specialties. Stevenson will be responsible for the sale of Degussa feed additives throughout Canada. Prior to this appointment, he worked at United Co-Operatives of Ontario in Missi ssauga, where he served first as manager of nutrition and quality control, then as feed marketing manager. He now lives in Port Perry, Ont., with his wife, Catherine, and,'their son, James. Violet (Kersys), BA '73, and Tony Svirplys, B.Sc.(Eng.) '74, were married while students at U of G and celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in September. They live in Brampton, Ont., where she teaches English with the Dufferin-Peel Separate Guelph Alumnus
School Board and he is a Peel Region police officer. Their children are Saul and Larissa, who graduated from U of G this spring with a B.Sc.(Agr.) and is now enrolled in a master's program in the University School of Rural Planning and Development.
Ralph Westendorp, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 72, graduated from Guelph in fisheries and wildlife. He worked for many years in public nature programs as a naturalist, supervisor and outdoor education instructor with the Canadian Wildlife Service and Metro Toronto Conservation Authority, then spent five years in private business. He is now pastor of Cambridge Alliance Church in Cambridge, Ont. He and his wife, Annette, have five children - Nathan, Stephen and Peter at home and Matt and Joy at U of G. Scoff Wooding, B.Sc. '73, has been working in the psychology field since earning his Guelph degree. He also spent some time working as an educational guidance counsellor, then earned a PhD in educational psychology in 1986. He is now a counsellor with the Calgary Board of Education and also maintains a private practice. In April, he published his first book, Parenting Today's Teenager Effectively: Hear Me, Hug Me, Trust Me, which is nearing the best-seller mark in sales. His own two children - a son and a daughter - have graduated from the teen years.
Bien Bahut, Dip.(Agr.) '8 1, is completing his second posting in Nigeria as a CUSO volunteer. An agric ulturi st from Saskatoon with a farm background, Blahut is based in Ibadan with the International Institute for Tropical Agricu lture. Through the institute's grain and legume improvement program, he is helping farmers produce more soybeans, an important source of protein in West Africa. Mary (Larocque), B.Sc. '8 1, and Jack Bereziuk, B.Sc. '80, li ve on a 17-acre property in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains near Calgary. She works as a pharmaceutical representative for Boehringer Mannheim ; he is an ergonomic specialist for the Alberta government, having earned an M.Sc. in environmental design from the University of Calgary in 1987. Robert Brayford, Dip.(Agr.) '86, is a field manager for Bradford Sod Farms Inc. He was married in April to Christine Guergis, who manages a Subway franchise in Alliston, Ont., that they own with Brayford's brother, Scott, Dip.(Agr.) '87, and his wife, Nicole. Their first store, managed by Nicole, opened in Angus in 1993. Mark Broadbent, B.Sc.(Agr.) '89, is working in Nepal and would like to communicate with alumni friends via e-mail. His address is marcb@mos. Heather Bruce, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 86 and M.Sc. '89, recently moved to Brisbane, Australia, where she has a Guelph Alumnus
postdoctoral position with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. This move follows the completion of a PhD in agricultural food and nutritional science at the University of Alberta.
Mark Burrows, B.Sc.(Eng.) '83, has been appointed president of Zygo Mould Limited, Toronto. Aygo designs and manufactures precision injection moulds for the high-speed plastic packaging industry . He joined Zygo in 1993 and has served in various roles from sales and marketing management to operations management. Burrows moved into the plastic machinery business with Husky Injection Molding Systems in 1985, after spending two years in liquid hydrogen research and development. Prior to joining Aygo, he was responsible for market development in Canada for the engineering parts division of Hoechst Celanese. He lives in Georgetown with his wife, Sarah, and their three sons.
Inducted into the Gryphon Club Hall of Fame during Homecoming were, left to right, Michelle Turley, BA '86; Jim MacMillan, BSA '64; Gavin Carrow, BA '85; Donald Fletcher, Dip.(Agr.) '36 and BSA '39; and Tom Dimitroff, Gryphon football coach from 1979 to 1983.
Ian Campbell, B.Sc. '82, his wife, Gail, and their children, Abby and Alex, are living in Switzerland, where he is an international business consultant for Holderbank Gestation et Conseils. Marguerite Ceschi-Smith, M.Sc. '8 1, is a city councillor in Brantford, Ont. , elected in November 1994 to a three-year term. She works for Mohawk College's Ontario Skills Development Office as a human resource and training consultant. Joanne (Groff) Chambers, Dip.(Agr.) '8 1, says she and her husband, Charlie, live a double life. He owns a service station and restaurant on the TransCanada Highway in Wolseley, Sask. , but spends most of his time with Joanne and their sons, Cody and Bo, on the family's floating home - a yacht docked in Hamilton, Bermuda. Joanne works on the island as a group credit controller for a diversified company in the retail industry. Henry Cheung, B.Sc. '86, is a forensic chemist in Hong Kong. After graudation from U of G, he earned an M.Phil. in biotechnology and a PhD in bio31
Lost grads If you know an address orphone number for any of the following alumni, send it to us so they, too, can receive the Guelph Alumnus. Write to Alumni Records, Alumni House, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. NlG 2Wl. Fax: 519-822-2760, E-mail: velma@vaxl.
1980s Kim Arndt, BA ' 89 Nadja Becsey, B.Sc. '89 David Bond, B.Sc. '89 Kevin Brown, M.Sc. '89 Jacqueline Claeys, B.Comm. '89 Marcel Deneer, ODH '89 David Flather, M.Sc. '89 Jennifer Hayes, BA '89 Julian Holman, B.Sc. '89 Rosemary Jackson, B.Comm. '89 Susan Jupp, BA '89 Alan Kuzma, D.V.Sc. '89 Micheal MacHan, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 89 Micheal Mercer, BA '89 Kathryn Norton, BA ' 89 Stephen Putman, B.Sc.(Eng.) ' 89 Hector Rayo, M.Agr. '89 Kellie Sanderson, B.Sc. '89 Susan Sibbald, BA '89 Tar.ya Townend, B.A.Sc. '89 Camilla Willings, BA '89 Cheryl Ziegler, BA '89
1990s Christina Baasner, BA '90 Jill Byers, B.A.Sc. ' 90 Dana Castle, B.Sc. '91 Paul Cressman, B.A.Sc. '90 Jennifer Desouza, BA '90 Daryl Dolny, B.Sc. '90 James Frizzell, BA '90 Susan Guiry, B.A.Sc. '90 Joeseph Hayford, MA '90 Sarah Hunt, BA '90 Andrew Johnston, B.A.Sc. '90 Carolyn Laws, B.Sc. '90 Linda Maclnnis, BA ' 90 Nancy McNeil, B.Sc. '90 Robert Nash, B.Sc. '90 Michele Parent, BLA '90 Peter Riemann, B.Sc. '90 Sarah Smith, B.Sc. '90 Mark Vietch, B.Sc. '90 Kimberly Williams, B.A.Sc. '90
chemistry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong before beginning work in the field of police investigation. Jill Chisholm, BA '88, went on to earn a B.Sc. in occupational therapy from the University of Toronto. She now works in neurorehabilitation at St. Joseph's General Hospital in Thunder Bay, Ont.
ter, Kathryn, in April 1995 . They live in Silver Spring, Md. Leesa Franklin, B.Comm. '85, is food-services director for Dalhousie University, responsible for residential and retail food-service operations. The new position offers a change of pace from her nine-year career as a military food-services officer.
Andrew Cragg, BA '87, lives in Pickering, Ont., with his wife, Debbie McGlynn, whom he married in October. He works for the Toronto Dominion Bank as a business analyst in investor and trust services.
Tana (Jamnik), Dip.(Agr.) '83, and Bill Go/beck, DVM '83, own and operate Westmount Animal Clinic in Calgary. They have lived in Alberta since 1984 and bought the small-animal clinic in 1989. They have two children, Dylann and Thomas.
Derin (Aylin) Denham, B.Sc. '87, is an account manager for Berkeley Scientific in Surrey, E ngland . Part of the job involves public relations efforts to raise the company profiles of clients in the phannaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostics industries. Joanne Denny, B.A.Sc. '87, is a Canadian Forces food-services officer and is just beginning an M.Sc. in foods and nutrition at the University of Manitoba. She was commissioned in 1987 and completed her dietetic internship in 1989. She has worked as the base food-services officer at Canadian Forces Base Edmonton and as a staff officer at Air Command Headquarters in Winnipeg. Maryke (Wondergem) DeWolf, B.Sc.(H.K.) '8 1 and M.Sc. '82, jokes that she is enjoying her "retirement" in France, where she is staying at home with her three children, ages two to eight. Linda Dimock, B.Sc.(Agr.) '85 and M.Sc. '90, and her husband, Peter Deadman, B.Sc. '85 and MLA '90, are living in Tucson, Arizona, where he is completing a PhD in renewable natural resources at the University of Arizona. They have a daughter, Leah Elizabeth, born in Tucson, but plan to return to Canada when hi s doctoral studies are completed. Christopher Dufault, M .Sc. '82, and his wife, Heather, are the new parents of Sophie Cecile, born in March. Christopher has been working in OttawaHull as a pesticide-evaluation officer with Environment Canada and its successor agency, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada, since 1992. He can be reached by e-mail at bt27 5 Heather (Hart), B.A.Sc. '87, and Michael Eatsen, BA '87, live in Peterborough, Ont., where he is general manager of Peterborough Volkswagen and she supervises Red Cross homemakers. Janet Enders, B.Sc. '80, operates her business, Summit Ventures, from her home in Vancouver. Bonnie (Pegg) Fahey, B.A.Sc. '87, is a familystudies teacher in Newmarket, Ont., and was married in July. Chris Finley, BLA '85, recently completed an MBA at the University of Maryland in real estate finance and is now working as an asset manager for a private real estate development and management company, Combined Properties, in Washington, D .C. He and his wife, Elizabeth, welcomed a daugh-
Tom Hattie, B.Sc. '82, is an award-winning teacher on faculty at the University of Western Ontario. He recently won both a national 3M Fellowship for excellence in teaching and a UWO award. NOTE: U of G ranks among the three universities in Canada with the highest number of faculty who hold 3M teaching fellowships - a fact this university is justly proud of. But we're curious to know how many of our alumni have also received the distinction? If you ' re a 3M Fellow, please let us know. Send e-mail to Colin Holmes, B.Sc. '87, completed a PhD at McGill University in 1993 and has been working as a postdoc at the Montreal Neurological Institute in the field of brain imaging. In November, he began a one-year placement at the University of California, Los Angeles. Kathleen (Coo/en) Hopkins, B.Sc. '82 and DVM '86, is doing locum work for veterinary practices in the Toronto area, while her husband Kim, B.Sc. '8 1, works as a research microbiologist for Diversified Research Laboratory Inc. in downtown Toronto. They have a one-year-old son, Ryan, to make sure they don't have any spare time. Joanne (Gibson) Jarvis, BA '88, is a registered dental hygienist in London, Ont. She earned her certificate from London's Fanshawe College in 1992 and was married to Brad Jarvis in 1993. Robert Koop, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 85, graduated from the Canadian Theological Seminary in Regina, Sask., in April. In August, he began a position as assistant pastor in charge of youth ministries at Kingston Alliance Church in Kingston, Ont., where he lives with his wife, Ruth Ann, and their three children: Julia, 7; Steven, 5; and Kimberly, 3. Susan (Elliott) Langille, B.A. Sc. '85 , is a stay-athome mom for children Lauren, 5, Benson , 3, Andrew, 2, and infant Zachary. In her spare time, she sells Discovery Toys. Ormond MacDouga/d, B.Sc.(Agr.) '86, completed an MS in physiology in 1988 and a PhD in 1992 at Michigan State University . He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in biological chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where his wife, Twylla Tassava, is a medical student. His area of research is the regulation of adipoGuelph Alumnus
Bay of Fundy reunion cyte gene expression, including the obese gene. He plans to continue this line of research when he joins the faculty of the University of Michigan Medical School in July 1996. In July, the couple celebrated the birth of Austin MacDougald-Tassava.
Blair Mansell, B.Comm. ' 88 , has been working for the Marriott Corporation in its health-care management services division for the past seven years. He recently moved to Winnipeg with his wife and children to begin a position as director of food services at the Seven Oaks General Hospital. He'd like to swap stories with other HAFA grads in the area.
Alicia (Bennett) Marshall, B.A.Sc. ' 89, recently moved to Collingwood, Ont. , where she splits her time between working as a clinical dietitian and caring for an active one-year-old, Alexander.
Enjoying the nostalgia of the Bay of Fundy reunion are, from left: Alan Watson, Winn Halina, Mark Showell, Myra Maclennan, Jocelyn Webb, Birgit Braune and Doug Yurick.
Nora (Cowell) McEwen, BA '82, lives in North Gowen, Ont. , with her husband, Jim, and their threeyear-old daughter, Dawn. Nora has been teaching with the Carleton Board of Education for 12 years.
An unusual alumni reunion took place on New Brunswick's Deer Island in August when zoology professor David Gaskin hosted a gathering of alumni who had survived (as students) at least one tour of duty in the hut - a former mackerel smokehouse that was used from the early 1970s to the midl 980s as a summer-time research site.
Cynthia (Mesman), BA ' 85, and Tony Mitchell, B.Sc.(H.K.) '82, live in Sarnia, Ont., with their children, Natasha and Rebecca. She is a claims representative for Co-operators Insurance and he is a teacher with the Lambton County Board of Education. Janice (Bos) Moerat, B.A.Sc. ' 81 , is a day-care teacher in Newmarket, Ont. She and her husband, Mike, were married in 1981 and have two children, 11-year-old Caryn and nine-year-old Michelle. Glenn Morison, BA '84 and MA ' 87 , is living in Hazelton, B.C., with his wife, Alexandra, and their children, Matthew and Morag. Glen is a United Church minister and serves churches in Hazelton and the nearby Gitksan Nation community of Gitsegukla. He says Hazelton is a nice stopover for alumni travelling to Alaska and he welcomes their calls. Ian Morrow, Dip.(Agr.) '80, is co-owner of a sports bar and restaurant called Rackateers, located in a sports complex in Calgary. David Mott, Dip. (Agr. ) ' 83 , is facilities manager for Ottawa' s waste-water collection and treatment facilities. He lives in Orleans, Ont., with his wife, Virginia, and their three children: Andrew, 6; Peter, 5; and Lauren, six months. Sharon Ford Parsons, B.Sc. ' 82, recently became the executive director of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance, a federation of regional and product-based aquaculture associations from across Canada. She lives in St. Andrews, N.B. Andrea (McLeod) Pringle, B.A.Sc. '85 , recently moved to Sunnyvale, Calif. , to accommodate her husband ' s job in the computer industry. Meanwhile, she continues to operate her desktop publishing business and acts as a sales and marketing representative for the Frederick Harris Music Company of Oakville, Ont. In 1994, she completed an associateship diploma in singing performance from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Guelph Alumnus
During those years, Gaskin' s research employed the help of more than 35 dedicated student biologists who cruised the waters of the Bay of Fundy searching for marine wildlife and recording oceanographic data. Those who attended the reunion were able to share experiences and renew old friendships, thanks to the organizational skills of Birgit Braune, B.Sc. '77, and Gaskin, whom they credit with giving them the opportunity to create the memories they relived this summer. The group also invited several of the Deer Island neighbors who had befriended them as students and who can still remember the nostalgically named David Gaskin Cetacean, Seabird and General Marine Science Data Collection Centre when it was only a mackerel shack. In addition to Gaskin and Braune, who works at the Canadian Wildlife Service Research Centre in Hull, Que., reunion goers were Winn Halina, B.Sc. '74 and M.Sc. '77, a research technician in U of G's Department of Biomedical Sciences; Barry Hill, B.Sc. '77, owner of a biological consulting firm in St. Andrews, N.B.; Myra Maclennan, B.Sc. '84, a biology teacher in Oshawa, Ont.; Mark Showell, B.Sc. '80 and M.Sc. '84, a biologist at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, N.S.; Alan Watson, B.Sc. '73 and M.Sc. '77, director of Guelph's Arboretum; and Doug Yurick, M.Sc. '77, head of Environment Canada's Ottawa division that considers new parks proposals, and his partner, Jocelyn Webb.
Andrew Read, B.Sc. ' 80, M.Sc. '83 and PhD '90, has been appointed assistant professor of biology at Duke University and is working at the Marine Institute in Beaufort, N.C. For the past two years, he has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, focusing on harbor porpoise population dynamics. Bruce Richmond, BA ' 86, recently opened his own business in Stoney Creek, Ont., Access Metal Service. He lives in Grimsby with his wife and two children, Sarah and Mitchell, and says he still misses the campus and Mill 's Hall friends . Rob Ridley, B.Sc. ' 89, reports that he is still happily married and living in Cochrane, Alta. He has been 33
working for the last five years as a seasonal park ranger in Alberta' s Kananaskis Country.
Suzy Rosenstein, BA '86 and MA '89, says she found happiness through the classifieds. She met her husband, David Esser, through a personal ad. They ' ve been married for a year and a half and celebrated the birth of their son, Maxwell Jacob, in August. The family also includes Hundleby the cat and Yoffi the golden retriever. She has been working in the field of public health since graduation, in areas such as heart health, tobacco use and substanceabuse prevention. John Span, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 80, is the marketing and research director for Carlisle Technology, a bar-coding and data-collection systems integrator based in Burlington, Ont. Prior to this appointment, he was a freelance horticultural photographer with clients in the nursery and landscape industries . He still maintains his stock library and speaks frequently to horticultural groups. He and bis wife, Anne Lavallee, have two sons, Joel and Caleb.
Amy (Bundy) Speers, BA '86, is a retail lending manager in Orillia, Ont. She and her husband, Jamie, have two-year-old twins, Erin and Cody. Freeman Sweazey, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 87, is an RCMP officer who was recently transferred to the North-
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west Territories. He and his wife, Shelley (Billings), B.A.Sc. '88, have moved from Rocky Mountain House, Alta., to Fort Resolution with their children: Luke, 2; and Ashlee, 1.
Lorraine (Pieck) Tawfik, B.Sc. ' 80, is a PhD student in materials science engineering in the Department of Orthopedics at SUNY in Stony Brook, N.Y. She also teaches two math courses at Suffolk Community College in Long Island. Gregory Vis, Dip.(Agr.) '84, is senior marketing manager for International Thomson Publishing in Albany, N.Y. He and his wife, Nancy, have a one-yearold son, Samuel James. Karen Warkentin, B.Sc. '85, worked for several years after graduation as a naturalist, then completed an M.Sc. in biology at Dalhousie University in Halifax. She is now doing a doctorate in zoology at the University of Texas at Austin. Her field work deals with the life history of red-eyed tree frogs in Corcovado National Park, which is located in the rainforest of Costa Rica. Not long ago, CBC radio's Quirks and Quarks aired a story about her observations of escape hatching - tadpoles hatching early when attacked by egg-eating snakes. Ellen Woodley, B.Sc.(Agr.) '80 and M .Sc. '91 , is a CUSO volunteer stationed in the Solomon Islands. She is involved in CUSO ' s social justice movement in the South Pacific, aimed at helping local community groups fight for individual rights. Woodley is helping islanders retain their culture by working with the College of Higher Education and a government department.
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ney, N.S. She was married in 1994 to Todd Ayre.
Moira Brown, PhD '95, has been appointed assistant professor of biology at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine. She is continuing her research on the genetics of right whales.
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Jennifer Bull, B.Sc. ' 94, is working on a master's degree in wood science at the University of British Columbia and will be studying at the Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, located on the UBC campus. Karen (Focht), DVM '93, and George Catt, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 91, live at Brownsville, Ont. George farms at the family dairy operation; Karen practises at the Wellington Animal Hospital in Woodstock. Jeff Charron, B.Sc.(H.K.) '91, earned a degree from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto earlier this year. He and his wife, Debra, now live in Windsor. Kelly Cunningham, B.A.Sc. '92, supervises customer relations and catering operations in the nutriGuelph Alumnus
tion services department at McMaster Medical Centre in Hamilton, Ont. In her spare time, she manages with her fiance, a Subway franchise in Port Dalhousie. Nigel Dance, BA '90, is in his second year as principal of a K-11 school on a First Nations Reserve in Kasabonika, Ont. He taught previously with the Kapuskasing, Haldimand and Toronto boards of education, after earning his B.Ed. at Memorial University in 1991. He is now working on a M.Ed. degree at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Lisa (Sellai) Dickieson, B.A.Sc. '92, is a case manager at the Homewood Health Centre in Guelph. She was married shortly after graduation to Scott Dickieson, and their first child, Ryan, was born in April. Andrew Dunsmore, B.Sc. '92, earned a diploma in education last spring from the Graduate School of Education at Bishop' s University in Lennox ville, Que. He spent the summer working as a bush pilot in Chapleau, Ont., and plans to spend the next year travelling throughout Southeast Asia and Australia.
Brent Jones, BA '94, right, finished his degree in theatre arts and music in England as a participant in U of G's London semester. It was "thoroughly enjoyable and had a profound effect on my life," he says. Jones took advantage of the opportunity to do some travelling, performing and song writing. "When I returned from Europe, I recorded an album based on my experiences there," he says. "As Fate Would Have It is a result of endings and new beginnings. U of G was instrumental in making the transition from one to the other." The album is an eclectic mix of songs influenced by several types of music, from country to classical and pop. Jones is a familiar performer in his home area of Dorchester, Ont.
Scott Fairbairn, BA ' 94, was recently appointed a development officer at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ont. In his spare time, he manages a successful music career, working as a freelance musician and playing with the band Boatman.
Becky Miller, B.A.Sc. '95, is enrolled in an early primary education program at Queen ' s University. Julianna Murphy, BA '94, recently had an exhibition of her photography at the Guelph Exchange Gallery. She uses a secret formula - manipulation of the camera - to produce photos that display colors with a surreal richness. She has exhibited at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, the Guelph Civic Museum and the Wellington County Museum. An exhibition of her work will tour the western provinces throughout 1996.
Sean Farmer Bray, B.Sc. ' 93, studied for a year at the Toronto Montessori Institute after graduating from Guelph, then spent a year teaching Montessori elementary school in London, Ont. In August, he moved to the Boston area to take a job teaching middle-school math and science at a Montessori school in Natick, Mass. David Gibson, BA ' 95, is a freelance writer who is developing a sitcom pilot for NBC TV. Entitled Go Monkey Go, the show is a slice-of-life comedy about a single woman whose work at the local zoo mirrors her personal life. Adam Hadley, B.Comm. ' 92, who is currently enrolled in a master' s program at HAFA, was married Oct. 7 to Nancy Johnson, BA '92. Leonard Handley, B.Sc.(H.K.) ' 91 , and Karen Wilson, B.Sc.(H.K.) ' 92, were married in August in Kingston, Ont., where they live with their young son, Jeffrey. Handley is completing a doctor of chiropractic degree; Wilson is teaching high school in Belleville, after earning an education degree from Queen's University in 1993. Kimberly (Burrill) Jozkow, B.Sc. '94, is studying ultrasonography in Mohawk College's medical imaging technology program. Anissa Jones, BA '94, a member of the 1994/95 Central Student Association executive, is working for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Paul Karpiuk, BA '93 , has completed a B.Comm. at the University of Windsor and is now employed with Canada Trust. Guelph Alumnus
Melody (Book) Lawless, B.A.Sc. '92, is a childcare supervisor at the YMCA in Burlington, Ont. , Scott Lougheed, B.Sc.(Agr.) '90 and M.Sc. '95, is manager, Agricultural Service.s Canada, for the Bank of Nova Scotia. He works at the bank' s executive offices in Toronto, but lives in Guelph with his wife, Kristiina Ruotsalo, DVM '90, who is completing a D.V.Sc. degree. According to Lougheed, they have no kids, two dogs, one cat and an old car because the mortgage is too big to afford a Porsche.
Left to right: George Klosler, BSA '62 and M.Sc. '65, and sons Paul, M.Sc. '96, and George Jr., BA '89 and M.Sc. '91, seem to be listening to the same drummer. All three have launched their careers with a U of G master's degree in agricultural economics. George Sr. is a professor at Fanshawe College in London, Ont., George Jr. is an account manager with the Royal Bank in Simcoe, and Paul is in the midst of his first job search. The photo was taken on the day Paul defended his M.Sc. thesis. A third son, David, earned a B.Comm. in management economics from Guelph in 1994.
Peggy Norris-Robinson, M.Sc. '94, is a gerontologist with the Mental Health Commission of New Brunswick. She and her husband are still celebrating the birth of their first child, Brianna Rachel, last June. Jacquelyn (Bright), B.Sc. '91 , and Greg Sanford, BA ' 90, met six years ago at the Bullring and have been married since July 1993. They now live in Waterdown, Ont. She teaches at MacLachlan College in Oakville; he is a controller for Hotz Ferrous in Hamilton .
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Trevor Schell, B.Sc.(H.K.) '94, has just enrolled in a master's program in ergonomics at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell. Jan Slaats, MA '92, is a planner with the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority. He says the solid geography background he obtained at Guelph comes in handy every day in this job, where he has lots of opportunity to work on shoreline management. Brent Tegler, PhD '91, is working in the South Pacific on a CUSO project similar to that of Ellen Woodley (see page 34). A Guelph native and U of G graduate in the philosophy of applied ecology, Tegler is in Vanuatu, where he has helped establish the country's first native environmental group. Cati (Bourgeois) Van Veen, BA '92, earned a teaching certificate from the University of Toronto in 1994 and is now back home in Bruce County supply teaching and painting. She and her husband, Tom, have one daughter, Jenna.
Chris Visser-teNyenhuis, B.Sc. '91 and M.Sc. '93, recently moved to Sweden with her husband and became a first-time mom in September. Not yet employed, she has spent her free time volunteering at an alcohol rehabilitation centre in Ludvika.
Anderson Ward, M.Sc. '90 and PhD '94, is a re-
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Charlene Ward Coats, BA '93, lives in Guelph with her husband, Charlie, and two daughters, nineyear-old Charmaine and Jacqueline, 10 months. She works as an applicant services clerk.
BA =Bachelor of arts B.A.Sc. =Bachelor of applied science B.Comm. = Bachelor of commerce B.H.Sc. = Bachelor of household science BLA = Bachelor of landscape architecture B.Sc.(Agr.) =Bachelor of science in agriculture B.Sc. =Bachelor of science B.Sc.(Eng.) =Bachelor of science in engineering B.Sc.(H.K.) =Bachelor of science in human kinetics DVM = Doctor of veterinary medicine Dip.(Agr.) =Associate diploma in agriculture Dip.(H.E.) =Diploma in home economics ODA = Ontario diploma in agriculture ODH = Ontario diploma in horticulture PhD = Doctor of philosophy GD = Graduate diploma MA = Master of arts M.Agr. = Master of agriculture MLA = Master of landscape architecture M.Sc. =Master of science
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Guelph Alumnus
The fo llowing deaths have been reported since the last issue of the Guelph Alumnus. Full notices, which are usuall y submitted by family or classmates, may appear in this issue or a later one.
David Williams, ODH '91 and ' 93. Louis Winters, Dip.(Agr.) '85 , Dec. 3, 1994.
Leslie Allen, BSA '36, 1993. Edith (Bell) Bailey, Dip.(H.E.) ' 29, Oct. 5, 1995. Robert Beattie, DVM ' 51, July 15, 1995.
Glenn Anderson, BSA '54 and MSA '58, died Sept. 21, 1995, at hi s home in Guelph . He was retired from the faculty of U of G's Department of Crop Science and is survi ved by his wife, Phyllis, his daughter, Donna Logan, and his son, Dean, OAC '82. A memorial fund established in his honor will support an undergraduate scholarship for a student in weed science.
Donald Beckford, BSA ' 61 and MSA ' 62, April 1994. Helen Brannen, Dip.(H.E.) '28, June 14, 1995 . Daniel Brenot, BSA '43, May 3, 1995. Helen (Bucke) Brigham, Dip.(H.E.) '33, Oct. 15, 1995. Delfin Bustamante, Dip.(Agr.) '03 and BSA ' 05, date unknown. Mary Corbett-Fell, BA ' 70, April 4, 1995. Lorenz Dieflein, ODH '70, Jul y 16, 1995 . Earl Doyle, BSA ' 32, Nov. 3, 1994. Harold Dukelow, BSA '34, Aug. 12, 1995. Patrick Gilhooly, BSA '43, Sept. 2, 1994. Harold Grice, DVM ' 51, Feb. 21 , 1994. Carlyle Johnston, DVM '49, Oct. 9, 1995. Barbara (Carl) Hartley, BA '80, July 29, 1995. Doris (Rogers) Hunter, Dip.(H.E.) '30, Sept. 18, 1995. John Ketchen, BSA ' 39, Jul y 20, 1995. Peter Kuhn, Dip.(Agr.) '48 , June 30, 1995. Cedric Larsson, BSA '39, July 31, 1995 . Helen MacDonald, Aug. 10, 1995 . Margaret (Dunbar) McLauchlan, Dip.(H.E.) '32,Feb. 3, 1995 George McMaster, Dip.(Agr.) '30, June 24, 1993. John Morrison, BSA '42, June 28, 1995 . Donald Orth, BSA ' 48, June 23 , 1995 . Madeline (Fulton) Parks, Dip.(H.E.) '32, Aug. 23, 1995 . Dene/do (Stuart) Randle, Dip.(H.E.) '29, Aug. 28, 1995 . Kenneth Raynor, BSA ' 39, Aug. 24, 1995 . John Robson, Dip. (Agr.) ' 55, Sept. 14, 1995. Helen Rowat, Dip.(H.E.), '25, Aug. 12, 1995. Harry Sherin, Dip.(Agr.) ' 35 and BSA '37, Sept. 25. 1995. Marion (McEachern) Smith, Dip.(H.E.) ' 39, Sept. 25 , 1995.
Helen Wolff, BSA '41, June 1992.
Gordon Bennett, BSA '43 , oflslington, Ont., died Aug. 22, 1995 . A former deputy minister of agriculture, he was active in many agricultural organizations, was honorary director of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and was an honorary member of the Canadian Council of 4-H Clubs. He was class president of OAC '43, a former elder of Islington United Church and a Paul Harris Fellow with the Rotary Club of Etobicoke. He is survived by his wife, Pearl , two children and three grandchildren. Hi s family has requested that memorial donations be sent to the U of G Alma Mater Fund. Barbara Bougie, DVM '89, died of cancer Aug. 23, 1995. Originally from Fort Erie, Ont., she met her husband, Daniel Gui/left, DVM '88, while studying at Guelph. After graduation, they married and moved to Lancaster, Ont., to practise at the Glengarry Veterinary Clinic. Their son, Richard, was born in 1992. Dr. Bougie is survived by her husband and son, her mother, Joan Bougie, and two brothers, Brian and Bernie. Keith Boyd, BSA ' 45, of Durham, Ont. , died July 8, 1995 . He is survived by his wife, Eleanor, and three children, Eleanor Campbell, B.H.Sc. ' 68, Elizabeth Morley, B.H.Sc. '71 , and Freeman, BA '76. Darrel Dolson, BSA '50 and MSA '52, died in London, Ont., May 4, 1995. He retired in 1988 after working 35 years for Canadian Industries Limited and is survived by his wife, Eileen (Macleod), B.H.Sc. ' 52, three sons: Ross and his wife, Sandra; David and his wife, Susan Ingram, BA '72 and M.Sc. '73; and Neil, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 77, and his wife, Gail (Trumanen) B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 77. He is also survived by seven grandchildren.
Edward Tigchelaar, BSA ' 62, July 9, 1995. Wendell Wakefield, DVM '38, date unknown. Loy Waif, Dip.(Agr.) '38, Sept. 12, 1995.
Charles Hayes, BSA '33, of Montreal died June 23, 1995. He was retired from a lifetime career with Ayerst, McKenna and Harrison Ltd. (now Wyeth/ Ayerst Inc.). He joined the firm's quality-control laboratory after graduation and later became assistant to the director of quality control. Predeceased by his wife, Evelyn, Dip.(H.E.) '32, he is survived by two sons, Ross and Donald.
Ross Walton, DVM '42, Sept. 11, 1994. Charles Webster, BSA '35 , Sept. 29, 1995.
Forman Lawrence, BSA '43, died March 24, 1995, in Agincourt, Ont. After serving in the Cana-
Guelph Alumnus
Donations given in memory of deceased alumni will help support scholarships at the University of Guelph if directed to the Alumni Memorial Fund. Send c/o Alumni House, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. N1G 2W1. For information, call 519-824-4120, Ext. 6183.
dian Armed Forces during the Second World War, he worked as a chemist at Baxter Laboratories and Dupont before joining the staff of Leaside High School, where he was head of the science department. He is survived by two brothers and a sister. William Machel/, DVM '51 , of Olds, Alta., died May 30, 1995 . He practised veterinary medicine in Truro, N.S., for two years, then moved to Olds, where he practised until his retirement in 1993. He is survived by his wife, Elsie, and six children.
Robert Mcfarlane, B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 78, died at his home in Delaware Township, Middlesex County, May 17, 1995 . After graduation, he returned to farm in his home area of Littlewood, Ont. He worked with his father, Leslie, and brother, Don, to establish a beef and cash-crop operation. He was also a dealer with Northrup King Seeds and gave many hours of volunteer service to his community. He is survived by his wife, Mary (May), B.Sc.(Agr.) ' 78, and their children, Heather, Emma and Matthew . His family would like to thank friends who have donated to the Alumni Memorial Fund in his memory. Samuel Nsembukya-Katuramu, M.Sc. '78 , of Kilembe, Uganda, died Nov . 19, 1993. He was a senior fisheries officer in charge of Lakes George and Edward in western Uganda from 1979 to 1989 and is survived by his wife, Pelluce, and seven children .
Irene (West) Slater, Dip H ington, Ont.. died Jul~ 0. I by her husband . Eri . B A · 2- . shared a lifelong membe hip~ gelist Church and _ ye John 's cub pack. She i 26 grandchildren and I great-~vr:ar·-.1«1rn
Mark Terhune,
.(Agr. · 9
Brantford, Ont. , died July I . 199..: and classmates in U of G · Depan and Anthropology ha e e tabli hed in his name.
lea Vickery, BSA "38. died ug _:. I Delhi, Ont., where he operated a t oo pany with his son , Cli fto n. Hi '' or m industry began with Agric ulrure Canada in I ~ continued while he earned a Guelph de'°ree in 19~ and a master' s degree at Michigan tate Gni'e il) in 1942. After serving in the Ro al Canadian Air "Force, he went on to a long career in breeding plan and promoting Canadi an tobacco. He i un i, ed by his wife, Eva, and his on . Wilson Woods, Dip. (Agr.) ·32 and B · 6. died Sept. 23 , 1995. He wa co-founder and pre ident of Wellington Motors of Guelph and ,,. a tive in community affairs. He i urvived by hi wife. Joan. and two children.
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Education is still
the greatest gift of all Name: Selma Guigard Hometown: Ottawa, Ont. Program: PhD environmental engineering Accomplishments & Interests: Past president, Graduate Engineering Society Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council support Ontario Graduate Scholarship Guelph Women in Networking Scholarship Cycles, skates and swims for relaxation Why Guelph? Selma says she was impressed with the environmental focus of Guelph's engineering faculty. Her research on cleaning heavy-metal contamination from soils supports her goal to "work in an area where I can safeguard the environment."
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