Annual Report 2011-12

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Student Affairs

Student Affairs Annual Report 2011-2012


About Student Affairs .

Our Mission .

The Division of Student Affairs mission works to provide students with effective services and developmental opportunities that augment their academic experience and enhance the quality of their lives while enrolled at the University of Louisville. When coupled with a challenging academic experience, these services and opportunities facilitate the students’ total development so that they attain their educational goals as individuals prepared to function successfully as leaders within a diverse, multicultural and international world. In support of this mission, the Division provides essential services to the faculty and academic units.

Our Vision To be acknowledged for our outstanding service to students; recognized as responsible servants to our communities; known as innovative and studentcentered practitioners; and regarded as one of the premier student affairs programs in the country.

Our Goals • To inspire a vibrant campus life and engaged student body.

• To celebrate tradition and create a sense of purpose. • To enhance services that meets the needs of students. • To transform theory into practice to support student learning.

Our Values We value students. We value their ideals, dreams, aspirations, and challenges as they seek to find meaning and their voice. We value learning and individual potential. We value the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills to reach individual potential, and support opportunities for understanding unique talents and passions while becoming part of an educated citizenry. We value the spirit of community. Like a small neighborhood, we value open dialogue, mutual respect and trust, commitment to long-term relationships, tradition, and a sense of belonging that inspires Cardinal pride. We value service to students and society. We assist students in defining, refining, and achieving their goals through programs and services designed to help them succeed and become contributing members of society. We value professionalism. We encourage professional growth, development, and ethical conduct of our staff and strive for collaboration to create an environment supportive of student learning.


Table of Contents

Career Development Center 3 Civic Engagement, Leadership & Service 5 Dean of Students 7 Disability Resource Center 9 Housing and Residence Life 11 Intramural-Recreational Sports 14 Student Activities and Student Activities Center 16 Student Counseling Center 18 TRiO Student Support Services 20 Additional Highlights 22 Staff Snapshot 23 Performance Metrics 24


Career Development Center MISSION: The Career Development Center must support the mission, academic programs and advancement of the institution. Within this context, the primary purpose of the Career Development Center is to assist students and alumni in developing, evaluating, and/or implementing career, education and employment decisions.



The UofL Career Development Center operates as a centralized career center consisting of a main office with satellites to all schools and colleges of the University, with the exception of the Business School, which operates their own career center. A career coach is assigned to work with the students, staff and faculty of each of the schools within the university. Their role is to provide self-exploration, career exploration, experiential education, job search, employer development and graduate school exploration guidance and resources to their assigned school or college.

Director: Leslye Erickson Location: Houchens Building LL03/04 Phone: 502-852-6701 Website:

GOALS (2011-12) 1. Shift student focus to career exploration phase of career development process 2. Shift employer development focus to increase use of and connection to alumni for all programming efforts 3. Increase communication/marketing/advertising with students, staff, faculty, administration 4. Increase quality of general on-line resources and school/college specific on-line resources 5. Collect and share better documentation of the worth of our work 6. Staff Development

POINTS OF PRIDE 1. Cards Career Navigator - Created idea for Cards Career Navigator and began the design of the freshman program initiative 2. Interview Stream Launch – Mock Interview Program - Continue to grow and expand our ability of conducting mass mock interviews with students with the introduction of Interview Stream – an on-line practice interview module 3. Big East Virtual Career Fair - Participated in the first ever Big East Virtual Career Fair with over 600 UofL student/alumni participants 4. Career Development Center Resources - All staff created a comprehensive listing of resources for students in their major and posted information on-line for student/alumni use 5. Career Development Center Web Page Re-design - Completely Reinvented the Career Development Center Web page to include information for students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents


Career Development Center

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Cards Career Navigator - Working in collaboration with Academic Advising, created idea for Cards Career Navigator and began the design of the freshman program initiative 2. Interview Stream Launch - Mock Interview Program Working in collaboration with Academic Advising created idea for Cards Career Navigator and began the design of the freshman program initiative 3. Big East Virtual Career Fair - Partnered with other Big East schools in the first ever Big East Virtual Career Fair with over 60 UofL students and alumni participating

2,199 Students Registered in Card Career Navigator

STRATEGIC GOALS (2012-13) 1. Increase employer awareness of our graduates’ capabilities and participation in on-campus recruiting, career fairs, job postings, advertising possibilities and information presentations 2. Increase student awareness and use of the programs and services offered by the Career Development Center 3. Increase faculty and staff awareness of the Career Services Office 4. Improve job related knowledge and skills of all staff with special emphasis on improving technology skills 5. Improve data collection on career program/ services and outcomes

1,286 Student Individual Appointments

581 Career Assessments

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Cardinal Covenant - Participant in Specialized Retention Program for economically disadvantaged and first generation students; Career Development Center provided individualized career assessments and interpretations for all incoming cardinal covenant students 2. Porter Scholars - Participant in Specialized Retention Program for African American students. Career Development Center provided individualized career assessments and interpretations for all incoming Porter Scholar students


Civic Engagement, Leadership & Service MISSION: As we develop your STRENGTHS, we help you explore and connect to your PASSION to make positive social change through opportunities, resources, and support that encourage: engagement in your community, reflection on your leadership, and your participation in service.



We value innovative leadership that is not positional, but rather an ongoing transformational process. Effective leaders intrinsically challenge themselves and inspire others by exemplifying collaboration, respect for diversity, strengths focus, and team and community engagement. We encourage an engaged student body that is civically and personally responsible for the welfare of others, by providing opportunities for volunteerism and holistic community service on campus and in the broader community.

Director: Pamela Nessle Curtis Location: Student Activities Center W310 Phone: 502-852-0242 Website:

GOALS (2011-12) 1. Develop a sustainable administrative system for National Student Exchange, Bonner Leaders and America Reads, programs 2. Better utilize social media to further mission, goals and impact 3. Improve Engage.Lead.Serve. on line – office Flickr account, office blog, integrate into programs and use for assessment as well as marketing 4. Increase face to face relationships 5. Enhance the student experience

POINTS OF PRIDE 1. How Can We Best Serve - This program won a Student Award for Best New Program; the students also presented what they did at Gulf South Summit, Honors Symposium and to the i2a Task Group 2. Student Awards - Gerome created two new awards for our office – The Red Wagon Award (for taking people with you) and The True to Form Award (for Freshmen LEAD); we also recognized several Bonner Leaders and America Reads tutors 3. Leadership Programs • uLEAD – was launched; a new partnership with Northwestern Mutual Financial Group (NMFN) allowed us to make this happen both with funding and access to high level business and community leaders used as speakers • Freshmen LEAD – Selected a senior director for the incoming LEAD class in addition to two LEAD directors • Leadership Quest – two graduate interns helped shape this year’s program and contributed to the most successful Legacy projects completed by the students – the creation and launch of two brand new Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), EPCOT (Engaging The Philanthropic Community of Tomorrow) and WFP (World Food Programme) Campus Chapter • Etiquette dinner – partially funded by NMFN and student meal plans 4. Profiles in Leadership - Gerome took the lead on creating the Profiles in Leadership format, collecting nominations of students, coordinating the submissions and photo taking and working with Communications and Marketing to post the information on UofL Today and the website; the goal was to spotlight the successful students who have been closely connected with our office 5. Kentucky College Women’s Leadership Conference (KCWLC) and Elect Her - The Women’s Center and Women 4 Women came to Engage.Lead.Serve. and together offered a statewide leadership conference for college women; a nomination to become an Elect Her site was submitted in the fall and UofL was selected among 15 other universities to host this American Association for University Women sponsored event; the goal is to get more women to run for SGA office and run effective campaigns so they will more likely run for public office after they graduate—getting more women in elected positions


Civic Engagement, Leadership & Service

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. uLEAD - Cultural Center director, Northwestern Mutual Financial Network (NMFN), YUM!, Family Scholar House 2. Leadership Programs - NMFN, Student Government Association (SGA), Community Foundation of Louisville, many community and campus partners served as speakers, on panels and other resources 3. Cardinal Leadership Certificate and Community Service Fair Student Activities staff and SAB 4. How Can We Best Serve - First Year Initiatives, Ideas to Action 5. MLK Day - Cultural Center, Anne Braden Institute 6. Cards in the Community - SGA, Cultural Center, Sigma Alpha Lambda 7. K Y College Women’s Leadership Conference; Elect Her - Women’s Center, W4W, American Association for University Women 8. Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Symposium including the Community Engagement Showcase - Ideas to Action (i2a), Office of Community Engagement, Undergraduate Research

STRATEGIC GOALS (2012-13) 1. Civic engagement - develop one way to educate students about elections (national and SGA); Get 50 students to attend Elect Her November 10; Collaborate on and plan a series of events called Cards in the Community 2. Assessment - create a plan for assessing learning and satisfaction, develop meaningful performance metrics 3. Culture of recognition - build recognition into new Department Assistant’s job description; give out state certificates for recognition; contribute to recommendation for overhaul of Student Awards program 4. Social media - add one new video; Post to facebook at least once a week; Assign social media to job description of Dept Asst 5. Ensure a focus on high impact practices and what employers are looking for into our programs: Develop Internship program based on Bonner Leader program with possible foci of philanthropy, civic engagement, community engagement









6,930 5k

2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012


COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Welcome Week SOUL 2. SOUL Saturday Service projects 3. MLK Day of Service 4. Alternative Service Break trips

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. K Y College Women’s Leadership Conference The conference is focused on giving college women an affordable professional conference on best leadership practices


Dean of Students Office MISSION: The Dean of Students Office serves the University’s most valuable asset - our students. We promote a positive learning experience and make opportunities available for students to achieve their full academic and personal potential by: promoting a vibrant student experience; building relationships among students, faculty, staff, and the community; upholding University standards and protecting student rights; and empowering students to promote positive change in our community and in our world. Our office provides a variety of services in support of students, including student non-academic grievance services, Recognized Student Organization (RSO) funding, student conduct services, crisis assistance, extended absence notifications, SGA advising, and other programs designed to help create and promote a vibrant campus community.



We try to positively impact the lives of our students. This accomplishment is what we continually strive to achieve and will always be at the core of what we hope to accomplish in the Dean of Students Office. Our office provides a variety of services in support of students, including student non-academic grievance services, RSO funding, student conduct services, crisis assistance, extended absence notifications, Student Government Association (SGA) advising, and other programs designed to help create and promote a vibrant campus community.

Director: Michael Mardis Location: Student Activities Center, W301 Phone: 502-852-5787 Website:

GOALS (2011-12) 1. Revise Hazing Policy 2. Revise Alcohol Policy 3. Revise the Speech and distribution of Literature Policy 4. Explore student conduct data management systems for potential replacement of Judicial Officer. 5. Establish/enhance campus and community relationships

Club Programing Committee Money Awarded to Student Groups








1. Conduct Data Management System - Explored student conduct data management systems for a potential replacement of the Judicial Officer system and selected Maxient as the new replacement 2. Speech and Distribution of Literature Policy Review - Completed a review of the Speech and Distribution of Literature Policy and created an additional and separate policy to address “commercial” speech requests 3. Student Awards Program Expansion - This year, the 13th Annual Student Awards presented fifty-nine awards, including the Harold Adams Award given to Larry Owsley for his outstanding contribution to student life 4. Persona Non Grata (PNG) PeopleSoft Review Updated service indicators in PeopleSoft to say “persona non grata” on student information pages in red to be easily identifiable 5. The Student Care Team - provided assistance to 224 students that were experiencing some type of crisis or distress situation

$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $119,275

$$$$$$$$ $101,745

$$$$$ $90,150

TOTAL AWARDED from 2008-2012



Dean of Students Office

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Mediation Initiative - Implemented a pilot program of a student-run mediation initiative through collaboration with the Office of the Ombuds, Counseling Center, and Housing & Residence Life 2. Student Care Team (SCT) - For the reporting period, the SCT focused on the following areas to support academic units: phone consultations; training for a variety of departments across campus (including Business School, Academic Advisors, a Delphi Center Dine and Discover, English Department, and Kent School of Social Work); and providing the newly created Guide for Dealing with Difficult Student Situations and the creation of a behavioral agreement to be used by both the Dean of Students Office and Housing and Residence Life to include Campus Health and Counseling Center appointment expectations. The suicide protocol was also finalized and the SCT worked with specific offices in order to best meet the needs of students.


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Club Programming Committee (CPC) - The CPC provided funding for a number of events in 2011-2012 that contributed to diversity efforts on campus 2. Suicide Protocol - A specific Suicide Protocol was created in conjunction with LGBT services in order to meet the needs of their student population 3. National Pan-Hellenic Counsel Advisor (NPHC) As a result of a program coordinator resigning and due to an adjustment in strategic programming objectives, funds were identified to create a first ever NPHC Coordinator position

1. Implement Maxient database system and load in all Student Care Team and conduct information 2. Establish official use of grounds policy and promulgate to the rest of the University 3. Develop a communication plan in collaboration with UofL Hospital regarding transportation for students with injuries and mental health incidents 4. Create a committee to include Athletics, SGA and Student Affairs representatives that will meet on a regular basis to discuss issues and initiatives of mutual interest 5. Continue to expand student leadership programs and increase funding to assist with student retention efforts


Disability Resource Center MISSION: The mission of the Disability Resource Center is to coordinate services that ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to take full advantage of the University’s educational, social, and cultural opportunities.



The Disability Resource Center (DRC) staff coordinate support services for qualified students with disabilities, serves as a resource to other units on disability compliance issues, and advocate for systemic change to enhance the accessibility of our campus. We continue to collaborate with virtually all units within the University. The DRC is a strong partner with academic units identifying access barriers for students and working collaboratively with students and faculty to reduce or eliminate these barriers.

Director: Cathy Patus Location: Stevenson Hall Phone: 502-852-6938 Website:

GOALS 1. Assist with recruitment of qualified students with disabilities and provide services and information to ease the transition into postsecondary education 2. Provide and coordinate support services for enrolled students with disabilities 3. Develop and administer assessment instruments/ activities with emphasis on continued modification and improvement of services for students 4. Facilitate development of leadership, self-advocacy and independent living skills of students with disabilities 5. Assist with University-wide efforts to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

POINTS OF PRIDE 1. Disabled Student of the Year - This award was resurrected/awarded. Student recipient received $300 cash award and was recognized at DRC Cookout and Student Life Awards Program 2. Formation of Technology Access Work Group DRC staff provided advocacy for institutional attention to accessible technology, resulting in formation of a work group who will address all issues related to accessible technology; this work will be on-going and will occur in phases, identifying and involving other units of the University as needed 3. Planning the Disability Symposium - DRC staff participated in the state Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Task Force and was instrumental in gaining support, collaboration, and partial funding for a Disability Symposium to be held on the UofL campus in November, 2012


Disability Resource Center

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Finding a Focus: Overcoming Obstacles with a Disability in College – The DRC collaborated with graduate assistants in the Career Development Center to provide an informational program; the topic of this event was strategies and self-advocacy skills used by students with disabilities in higher education 2. Let’s Talk Lunch: Disability Microaggressions - The DRC collaborated with the Cultural Center on a Let’s Talk Lunch attended by both students and staff; the topic of this event was “Micro-Aggressions, Subtle Forms of Discrimination, Against Individuals with Disabilities” 3. From the White House to the Court House: Making the Case for Accessible Math - The DRC collaborated with Steve Noble, nationally known authority on accessible math and science, to bring Mr. Noble to campus for a presentation on legal requirements and practical “how-to’s” regarding math and science accessibility; this program was attended by staff and faculty. 4. Kent School Program - DRC staff collaborated with Kent School of Social Work and community agency reps to present a Diversity Forum focused on disability; attended by students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Membership on JCPS (Jefferson County Public Schools) and OVEC (Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative) RITT’s (Regional Interagency Transition Teams) 2. Consultations with OVR (Office of Vocational Rehabilitation), OFB (Office for the Blind), KSB (Kentucky School for the Blind), KSD (Kentucky School for the Deaf) 3. Liaison to JCPS PACT (Providing Access to Community Transition) Program 4. Supplemental Note-taker Services

Tests Adminitsered

DRC Tests Administered 2477

2500 2000 1500


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Basically, All DRC Activities Support Diversity and Inclusion 2. Service on Commission On Diversity and Racial Equality (CODRE) - DRC Director serves on the CODRE as a representative of the DRC; in addition to general membership, the Director chaired the Staff Concerns Committee for academic year 2011-12 3. Collaboration with Conect Peer Mentors DRC staff provide training for Conect Peer Mentors regarding mentoring students with disabilities 4. Veteran Services - Service on Vet Services advisory group

2161 1896







Housing and Residence Life MISSION: Housing and Residence Life promotes a safe, convenient, inclusive, and healthy living-learning environment which provides opportunities that help engage students, facilitate student and faculty connections and encourage student success.



The core values of our program mirror our mission statement which focuses on safety, comfort and academic success. Specifically, we focus on student development and growth as they transition to campus and continue through their UofL experience. We provide opportunities for community living, service to others, campus involvement and learning independent living concepts.

Director: Shannon Staten Location: West Hall Phone: 502-852-6636 Website:

GOALS (2011-12) 1. Acknowledge that our residents are our strongest asset by consulting with residents, encouraging and educating student leadership, and focusing on providing quality customer service 2. Establish the University of Louisville Housing and Residence Life program as a nationally known “teaching� program for Housing and Student Affairs professionals 3. Continue to update our administrative processes and options for students through innovative and user friendly technology and student controlled systems 4. Move the vision forward to increase campus housing, create a more unified housing program for our residents and extend campus life services on the Belknap and Health Sciences campuses and into the community 5. Identify ways to build relationships with academic and administrative units in order to be integral in building campus community for student retention and satisfaction


Housing and Residence Life

POINTS OF PRIDE 1. Grant Recipient - Won an educational grant through Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) to support the programmatic initiatives tied to raising awareness through dialogue on issues affecting men, specifically for “Meats and Potatoes” 2. On Campus/Vendor Partnership Award - Won an award for our collaboration between University of Louisville Properties (ULP)/EDR Trust and Housing and Residence Life (HRL) for using JTurner Surveys to assess move-in and renewal satisfaction of students and parents 3. First Year Programming Model - Redesigned our first year programming model to be a two-semester model with the intentional outcomes of assisting students as they acclimate into the second semester; the topics became the basis for the returning halls’ programming as well 4. First Year Live On Requirement - Completed requirements for the first year live on, obtained permission from the university to proceed, educated various departments on the process, and worked with families and students to ensure it went smoothly 5. Continuing a Strong Collaboration with EDR Trust to Provide a Seamless On-Campus Environment - We continued to work on this by bringing all levels staff into the expectation for collaboration and unified processes; staff selection and collateral assignments for Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs) continued to strengthen 6. Retooling Our Marketing Portfolio and Recruitment Material - We worked together to redesign our logos, our printed materials and our on-line information to be up-to-date for our students and to be very sharp and attractive; we decided to unify the swag items given to staff and students and were more cost efficient in those efforts

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Expanding Security Measures On-Campus and to Affiliated Communities - Worked with Campus police to conduct safety tours, conducted quarterly drug sweeps with the K-Nine team, assisted the campus Fire Marshall with monthly tours of the Greek Houses, provided additional security patrols between August and October on the west side of campus between 10:00 p.m.– 3:00 a.m. 2. Developing and Maintaining Strong Working Relationships with Campus Partners who Impact Our Students - Met regularly with the Bursar, Admissions, Financial Aid and IT in order to strengthen the work we are doing 3. Expanding Academic Relationships and Support - Worked with one of the faculty to collaborate with a class on sustainability to measure electricity usage in the halls; purchased a data program that monitors usage in halls and reports through web pages to students about their space


5,089 4,206



4,013 3,300




Year 13


Housing and Residence Life

STRATEGIC GOALS (2012-13) 1. Increase living learning or themed communities by at least one new community: International Living through Arts & Sciences 2. Continue to update traditional facilities providing student-friendly and welcoming environments: update Louisville Hall Lobby, upgrade 20 University Tower Apartments, start design of MedDent lobby renovation 3. Continue to explore and evaluate methods for using technology in all of our operations: upgrade RMS to correct difficulty with student self-assign; install computers at front desks for student guest sign in and other options; identify electronic support for on-call staff and other service based staff such as facility assistants and Resident Assistant Technical Support (RATS); taking student staff application process to electronic format 4. Reduce overhead expenses for facilities and operations: outsource some maintenance, combine efforts with ULP 5. Formalize our learning outcomes and assessment for student leadership skill development and the first year programming model

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. “Date Auction & Dinner for Two Charity Challenge” - ULP, SODEXO, Intrafraternity Council (IFC), Panhellenic, National Pan-Helenic Council (NPHC), Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) and UofL Athletics joined forces to host the 2nd annual date auction with proceeds going to various charities 2. Residents Student Association “Giving Back to the Community” - Each hall was encouraged to select a local agency to volunteer for or provide needed items. Agencies included: Scholar House, Wayside Mission, the Heart Walk, and the Ronald McDonald House

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Themed living communities - Developed a themed community, Rustin Community, for social justice: gender issues 2. “Our Love is Color Blind” - Although interracial relationships are becoming more common, four lovely interracial couples openly talked about the varied challenges of their relationships 3. “Urban Living 101: So What Was He Wearing?” - The slaying of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the Florida high school student who was shot and killed sparked a national dialogue on race and gun control; students came together for a thought provoking discussion and to sort out the facts of the disturbing case


Intramural-Recreational Sports MISSION: The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports’ goal is to improve the quality of life and sense of belonging for all members of the University of Louisville community. Through participation in a variety of sports and fitness activities, participants achieve an improved level of physical, emotional, and social well being within a welcoming environment.



The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports serves to improve the quality of student lives using sports and fitness activities to achieve that goal. Intramural and Recreational Sports encourages students to get involved in some activity that will enable them to develop a healthy lifestyle. Students can choose from a wide variety of activities ranging from fitness classes to competitive Intramural Sports to Sport Clubs. Our motto is “A Sport for Everyone and Everyone in a Sport.”

Director: Dale Ramsay

GOALS (2011-12)

Location: Student Activities Center E-102 Phone: 502-852-6707 Website:


1. Continue to work on the planning of the new Student Recreation Center (SRC); continue to work with University Planning Design and Construction (UPDC), the design architect, develop the budget, staffing plan, investigate purchases, etc. 2. Continue to collaborate with Student Health and Get Healthy Now on offering Pilates and Yoga classes to the UofL community 3. Implement new activities (Team Handball League, Fraternity Kickball, and Fraternity Disc Golf) into the Intramural Component of our program 4. Investigate a possible solution for the All-Campus Champions Boards as we transition into the SRC 5. Continue to work with Nelligan Sports Marketing in securing sponsorships for the Department of Intramural – Recreational Sports


1. The New Student Recreation Center Project - In April, ground was broken on the new $37.5 million, 128,000 sq. ft. Student Recreation Center; the anticipated opening date is October of 2013 2. Canoe Regatta - The Canoe Regatta continues to be wildly popular and is without question one of our benchmark events and is also unique to almost every other university in the nation 3. Faculty/Staff Golf Tournament - The Intramural and Recreational Sports Department sponsored the 20th Annual Faculty/Staff Golf Scramble, which was held at Nevel Meade Golf Club 4. Project Graduation - For the past fourteen years we have provided the recreation space in the Student Activities Center for post-graduation celebrations; Project Graduation provides a safe alternative to the alcohol-related parties normally associated with high school graduation. 5. Intramural Awards Luncheon - This year was our 25th edition of the annual Intramural Sports Awards Luncheon; we gave out awards in honor of Dale Orem, Lou Frankel, Frank Nuxoll, Alfred Smith, and Tony Crush; we also named the Official of the Year Award after James Breeding this year; various students and organizations were recognized for their achievements throughout the school year

Intramural-Recreation Sports

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS Intramural Sports Program Participants 2011/12





1. Nelligan Sports Marketing - Our arrangement with Nelligan continues to be a financially successful one for our department 2. Student Government Association (SGA) Cardinal Corner - SGA contributes $10,000 to the Intramural-Recreational Sports Department. In return, students get to use the Cardinal Corner at no cost 3. Athletic Department - We work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of each other’s facilities 4. Financial Aid - Our department works closely with Charlie Schnell in the Financial Aid Office to recruit College Work Study/Cardinal Covenant students to work in the Intramural Department 5. Student Recreation Center Project - We continue to work collaboratively with various University departments as we move forward with the SRC project; these include University Planning and Design, Vice-President for Finance, SGA, and the Dean of Students




7,697 7k

8k 9k Participants


STRATEGIC GOALS (2012-13) 1. Continue to work on the planning of the new Student Recreation Center; our focus this year is equipment selection, finalizing the SRC budget, developing an operational/staffing plan, and selecting a software platform 2. Implement operational changes at Humana Gym; Humana will be reduced to one shift effective the Fall of 2012 3. Work in identifying a software platform that will enable us to move to on-line registration in the Intramural component of our program 4. Implement mock emergency training to enable our staff to respond more effectively in emergency situations 5. Work with University Archives to digitize previous year’s All-Campus Champions Boards as we transition into the SRC

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. International Nights - We worked with the International Center, who helped us market the event directly to the various international clubs 2. Student Employee Picture Display - This board reflects the diversity of our staff, which his over 40% female and 40% minority 3. Intramural Champions Board - It serves to celebrate the diverse nature of our participants 4. Badminton Club - Membership in the club has included a strong international contingent, with members from various countries around the world

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Tae Kwon Do Club Holiday Food Drive 2. Tai Chi Club, Louisville Tai Chi Day and World Tai Chi Day 3. Jerry Barry and the American Legion Christmas and Easter programs


Student Activities and Student Activities Center MISSION: The mission of the University of Louisville Student Activities Department is to provide activities and services for the University community. Through its various boards, committees, and staff, it provides cultural, social, and recreational programs, aiming to make the out-of-class experience a part of the total educational process while advancing the institutional mission. These programs promote a sense of community and loyalty to the University while serving as a place for social, intellectual, and developmental growth for students as individuals or as part of a group.



The University of Louisville Student Activities Department provides activities and services for the University community. Greek Life, Student Programming, Student Activities center, Off Campus Student Services, Recognized Student Organization Support and Activities Administration comprise the functional areas of the department. A majority of programs and services are student initiated with advising and support provided by the professional staff of the department. The department promotes students to become involved in the out of class experiences of the University. The department delivers programs and services primarily through the Student Activities Center, the Red Barn, Davidson 105 and Greek Row but is not limited to these facilities as many programs and services take place in a variety of setting on and off campus.

Director: Tim Moore

GOALS 1. Serve as UofL’s primary resource to positively engage all UofL students to be involved in out-ofclass activities for the UofL community; provide an outstanding professional preparation experience for graduate students entering the field of campus activities 2. Cultivate a favorable environment that is welcoming and offers desired programs and services to create a dynamic campus life program for UofL students 3. Be recognized as the leader in providing quality service to the UofL community 4. Expand and renew facilities to create a vibrant campus “living room” 5. Foster traditions and spirit at the University that instills a sense of pride and purpose in students and alumni


Location: Student Activities Center W310 Phone: 502-852-6691 Website:

Student Activities and Student Activities Center

POINTS OF PRIDE 1. 400 Recognized Student Organizations (RSO’s) - There are 400 RSOs at UofL, an increase from 250 in 2007 2. Over 10% Greek Affiliated - With 30 Greek chapters, 10.5% of undergraduates are affiliated with a Greek chapter and have a 14% higher graduate rate than other students 3. 1.5 Million - An estimated 1.5 million people visited the Student Activities Center over the past year, making it one of the most highly trafficked buildings on campus 4. Traditions - The department supports Homecoming, Family Weekend, Fryberger Greek Sing, Crawfish Boil, International Fashion Show and other UofL traditions 5. First Impression - Over 13,000 guests of the University and Department of Admissions’ daily campus visit program meet in W310B and are received through the Student Activities’ suite front desk

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Perspective Students - Working with the office of Admissions, the department plays a key role with a variety of perspective and admitted student events, including daily campus visits 2. RSO Support - In collaboration with the Student Government Association, we also hosted a mandatory RSO Summit in the fall semester and one for the first time on the Health Sciences Campus (HSC) for all the HSC student organizations



1. Kentucky Center for the Arts (KCA) - In cooperation with the KCA, the Student Activities Board and Office of Student Activities continued to offer $15 tickets for selected events to students, faculty and staff through the “Arts Madness” program 2. Heart Walk - Student Activities sponsored a team and recruited walkers in the 2011 American Heart Association’s HeartWalk

1. Divine 9 - Through intentional efforts, all nine NPHC chapters are now present at UofL and active 2. Recognized Student Organizations - The Student Activity Center (SAC) and RSO’s hosted many events that support cultural diversity that include the Chinese Moon Fest, Study Abroad Fair, BABA Week and more 3. International Fashion Show - features collaboration with several cultural, international, and ethnic student organizations to celebrate our diverse range of cultural backgrounds 4. Collins Tuohy - The Collins Tuohy lecture addressed issues of social inequality and encouraged students to abandon their prejudices and expand their understanding of their fellow humans

SAC Traffic (number of people through building) SAC Reservations 2m 1.5 m

1.9 million

1m 10 k


5k 2008-2009

2.02 million

1.5 million

1.7 million 8,339

6,505 2009-2010



7,9 9 9


Student Counseling Center MISSION: The Counseling Center supports the academic mission of the University of Louisville by providing quality mental health services and programs to assist students in achieving their personal and educational goals. We also contribute to the broader mission of the University by providing training to new mental health professionals.



The Counseling Center provides short-term mental health counseling for all currently enrolled students. We also serve as a training site for graduate students in clinical and counseling psychology and provide psychoeducational assessments for Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Director: Kathy Pendleton Location: Student Services Annex Phone: 502-852-6585 Website:

GOALS (2011-12) Scheduled Counseling Sessions 7k


1. Implement student satisfaction survey 2. Continue to strengthen the relationship between the Counseling Center and Kent School of Social Work 3. Seek a funding source to update camera for live supervision 4. Continue assessment/research relationship with Dr. Jesse Owen, ECPY (Department of Educational and Couseling Psychiatry) 5. Implement a triage system to reduce the wait time for appointments


6k 5k 4k 3k

4,758 3,087


2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012


POINTS OF PRIDE 1. Electronic Scheduling & Records - Implemented an electronic scheduling and records system effective January 2012 2. Reception and Waiting Room Expansion - The office reception area and waiting room were moved to the former campus health space creating a larger reception area and waiting room 3. Staff Increase - Hired two masters level clinician to help cover the increased demand for services 4. Learning Disabilities / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (LD/ADHD) Assessments - Completed 52 LD/ADHD assessments; the additional income was used to purchase assessment protocols ($3,805), fund office renovations ($8,622), Titanium Lease Agreement ($1310) Grant Aid Cost Share ($2925), and professional development 5. Increase in Services Provided - 7,063 scheduled appointed which represents a 48% increase; completed 784 new intake appointments and a 66% increase in the number of 1:1 individual appointments

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Counseling Center Directors Meeting - Meeting with directors from Spalding, Bellarmine and Indiana University Southeast regarding collaborating on possible future internship consortium 2. Upward Bound - Presentation: Time Management & College (Terri White) 3. Spalding University - Practicum placement for 3 doctoral level students in Clinical Psychology 4. Health Promotions Cost Share - Contributed to the cost of E-checkup; collaborated with Health Promotions to share the waiting room and receptionist


Student Counseling Center

STRATEGIC GOALS (2012-13) 1. Implement the web-based component of Titanium to streamline the intake process 2. Complete the conversion of all current records from paper to electronic records 3. Update the Counseling Center website 4. Implement the student satisfaction survey 5. Create office/work space for graduate assistants

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Presentation on the importance of a positive self-image for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and Delta Gems event

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) - LGBT Therapy Group addressed issues regarding acceptance/non-acceptance from family or peers, the coming out process, dating, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, etc. 2. Women’s Group - Women’s Therapy Group: provided the opportunity to share with others issues of common concern including life transition, intimate relationships, depression, anxiety, identity, self-esteem, family, and interpersonal problems 3. Commission on the Status of Women - Committee and sub-committee membership 4. Commission of Diversity and Racial Equality - Committee and sub-committee membership 5. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. - Presentation on Body Image & Healthy Relationships


TRiO Student Support Services MISSION: The University of Louisville’s Student Support Services program is designed to assist first-generation, lowincome, and or students with disabilities towards the successful completion of their postsecondary education, while promoting a supportive institutional climate.



TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) is a Title IV academic retention program designed to assist first-generation, low-income, and/or students with disabilities toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. Our staff provides one-onone personal and academic assistance and advocacy for students on their caseload. Our services include free tutoring (and/or referrals for tutoring), mentoring, leadership opportunities, cultural enrichment activities and events, graduate school visits and application assistance, financial support to help reduce educational loan burdens, and a variety of workshops and seminars that address study skills, financial literacy, goal setting, and personal development. We monitor student Grade Point Averages’s (GPA’s) and implement individualized academic improvement plans when needed, provide access to GRE, PRAXIS, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT and other graduate school resource materials. We also provide opportunities for students to volunteer within the community and assist them with writing their resumes, finding employment, crisis intervention and serve as a referral source for support services outside of our scope of operation. All of our services are provided free to participants.

Director: Nadine Petty Location: Davidson Hall, Room 106 Phone: 502-852-1406 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE 1. Kentucky Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (KAEOPP) Scholarships - KAEOPP, our state TRiO chapter, awards annual scholarships; of the 3 students who we submitted, 2 were awarded scholarships during the 2011-2012 academic year 2. First Annual Student Awards Ceremony - We hosted an Awards Ceremony recognizing academic performance of our TRiO students 3. In-House Tutoring Program - SSS has established a tutoring program to meet the individual needs of our participants

GOALS (2011-12) 1. Function at capacity by serving at least 140 students. Take part in Orientation as a recruiting tool for incoming students. Market our services with Academic Affairs 2. Develop an in-house tutoring program that specifically meets the needs of our individual students 3. Persistence: 75% of our participants will remain enrolled from fall to fall 4. Academic Standing: 80% of our participants will be in good academic standing at the end of each academic year 5. Graduation Rate: 55% of our participants will graduate within six years


TRiO Student Support Services

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Summer Bridge Workshops - We collaborated with the Career Center, Ekstrom Library, REACH, Class Act Federal Credit Union and Health Promotions to facilitate the following workshops: Considering Careers, UofL Information Literacy, Learning Styles, Financial Literacy and Health and Wellness respectively 2. Outreach Program Collaboration - Upward Bound refers graduates of their program to us once they have established that they will be attending UofL; SSS collaborates with Upward Bound in using the Student Clearinghouse for Outreach Programs in order to track SSS students who are no longer attending the University 3. Kosair Children’s Hospital Volunteer Activity - SSS staff and students, in collaboration with the Cultural Center’s Porter Scholars and students from the Commuter Student Services, volunteered their time to make Valentine’s Day cards for the children of Kosair 4. Tornado Relief Collection - SSS collaborated with the Pan African Studies Department to collect and deliver donation items for the victims of the Henryville, Indiana tornado 5. Self-Love - SSS collaborated with the UofL Office of Health Promotions and the City of Louisville’s Planned Parenthood and Connect Immunity to offer a seminar and panel discussion on self-esteem, relationships, sexual health, and love and acceptance of self; the seminar provided a way for non-TRIO students to interact with TRIO students in an informal setting

STRATEGIC GOALS (2012-13) 1. Secure sponsorship to send students to a TRIO Student Leadership Conference in the spring of 2013 2. Collaborate on a service or civic engagement project with another Kentucky SSS program by summer 2013 3. Inform faculty and academic staff of our services through classroom presentations in the fall 2012 as a means of developing further recognition and support from the Division of Academic Affairs

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Hearts for Children: Kosair Children’s Hospital - Students volunteered to make cards for Valentine’s Day for children at Kosair Children’s Hospital 2. Tornado Relief Drive - We collected personal hygiene items donated by students and delivered the collected items to WHAS (a designated drop off point for the Indiana Tornado Relief) 3. Berea Kentucky Food Bank - TRIO SSS students attending TRIO Day in Berea, KY donated non-perishable food items to the Berea Food Bank

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. National Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China - As a cultural activity, SSS purchased tickets for students to see a performance of the National Acrobats of the People’s Republic of China 2. Blue Man Group - SSS facilitated and financed a cultural activity for students to see a production of Blue Man Group at the Kentucky Center for the Arts in order to expose them to an interactive multimedia theatrical performance outside of their cultural norm 3. Dive into Diversity - Participants developed personal insight on the meanings of culture, stereotypes, and bias through activities that challenged the limits of the way they think about themselves and other people


Additional Highlights

From the Division of Student Affairs International Service Learning Program

Professional Development Committee Continued our commitment to professional development through ongoing programs developed by the internal Professional Development Committee. Programs included the annual Stu d Affaent summer academy, classified staff irs retreat, brown bag lunch discussions, and social events designed to recognize staff contributions and build Taking it to the next level! community.

We continue our commitment to providing students with opportunities for community service and international travel. More than 100 students participate in six programs coordinated by the Division of Student Affairs; This past year students traveled to Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe, West Indies, and India.

Student News and Events The Division of Student Affairs publishes a weekly email to all 20,000 students and maintains the campus wide student event calendar to let students know what going on across campus. Members of the campus community submit upcoming events and news items for the newsletter and campus-wide calendar.

Parents Program Engaged parents through Orientation and Welcome Week programs; created an electronic newsletter sent out to more than 4,000 parents each month; created ways for parents to interact with the University via social media, an updated website and Family Weekend programs.

Development Efforts Hired a Student Affairs Development Director to build relationships with alumni, parents, and potential corporate partners. Initial efforts included working closely with University Advancement to update donors’ databases, developing development priorities and strategies, creating Student Government Association and Greek alumni programs, and a legacy brick program in the West Student Activities Center courtyard.

Veteran Symposium For the past four years the Division of Student Affairs has coordinates the national Veteran Symposium for Higher Education. The program is designed for Higher Education staff that work with student veterans and highlights new research and best practice programs in the area of veteran services. The symposium draws 200 participants from more that 30 states. National program supporters include American College Personnel Association (ACPA), National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), and Servicemembers Opportunity College.

Commitment to the Profession As one of the premier Student Affairs program in the country we take seriously our commitment to give back to the profession. We actively seek out opportunities to host national events including the Association for Student Conduct Administration’s Don Gehring Institute, the National Association for Campus Activities National Leadership Conference, the American College Personnel Association national conference, the Veteran Symposium for Higher Education, and a variety of state and regional meetings and workshops. Our staff continue to assume leadership roles in national organizations and share research and best practices through presentations at national, state, and regional meetings.


Staff Snapshot

Staff Type


Full-time Professional/Classified Staff:


Part-time Professional/Classified Staff:


Graduate Assistants:


Student Staff on Payroll:


Student Interns:


Practicum Students:





No. of Staff

% of Staff











No. of Staff

% of Staff




African American













Student Affairs

Performance Metrics Metric Total Professional Staff Students Employed by Division – Fall Semester Professional Meetings/Programs Hosted

2008-2009 74 480

2009-2010 76 318

2010-2011 88 367

2011-2012 86 323





VPSA Main Website Total Page Views VPSA Main Website Unique Visitors


104,483 22,129

170,904 26,546

140,754 30,098

Voting in SGA Elections





Housing Beds % of Freshman on Campus % Students on Campus

3,300 64% 20%

4,013 59% 24%

4,206 61% 32%

5,089 71% 30%

Scholarships Awarded Scholarship Dollars Awarded New Development Funds Collected Student Affairs Dollars Generated from UofL Cares

71 $20,321 $16,403 $4,381

102 $22,750 $15,648 $5,220

56 $18,450 $94,257 $5,710

71 $21,900 $23,333 $6,854

Counseling Center Assessments Counseling Center Scheduled Sessions

28 3,087

25 3,570

36 4,758

52 7,063

Total # of Students on Greek Rosters Fraternities on Campus Sororities on Campus RSO’s on Campus

1,369 16 10 259

1,490 16 10 351

1,494 17 10 394

1,665 18 12 400

Student Activities Board Program Attendance





Family Weekend Attendance - # of Families





DRC - Tests Administered






Metric DRC - # of Classes Note Taker Services Provided DRC – Accommodation Letters Provided to Students Student Care Team - Student Issues

2008-2009 459

2009-2010 528

2010-2011 479

2011-2012 492









New Students Registered in Cards Career Link New Employers Registered in Cards Career Link New Posted positions in Cards Career Link Career Center Assessments Career Center Coaching Sessions













1,421 1,404

1,365 1,218

624 1,299

581 1,286

SAC Traffic - # of People thru Building SAC Reservations Intramural Traffic – # of People Using Gym Facilities Intramural Sports Program Participants Intramural Sports Clubs SAC Game Room Usage

1,900,000 5, 639 450,000

1,732,539 6,505 469,785

2,018,066 8,339 470,586

1,500,000 7,999 434,958

7,697 17 40,198

8,824 18 37,537

9,400 23 37,383

9,528 20 40,932

CPC Events Funded CPC Dollars Awarded International Service Learning Student Participants SOUL Participants Alternative Spring Break Participants Speech and Literature Distribution Requests

124 90,150 29

161 101,745 80

184 119,275 99

149 86,763 102

161 19 105

598 34 84

608 33 31

594 36 24

Total Student Service Hours – CELS





Parents Receiving Newsletter – Mailing List





Student Programming Budget SGA, SAB, ELSB





Total Budget (General, Program, Housing, SGA)

$11,862,999 $11,901,112


Student Affairs Vice President for Student Affairs (502) 852-6933 Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr. affairs Dean of Students/Associate Vice President (502) 852-5787 Dr. Michael Mardis Departments and Directors: Career Development Center Leslye Erickson

(502) 852-6701

Civic Engagement, Leadership & Service (502) 852-5787 Pam Nessle Curtis Counseling Center Dr. Kathy Pendleton

(502) 852-6585

Development and Parents Programs (502) 852-6933 Dr. Glenn Gittings Disability Resource Center Cathy Patus Housing & Residence Life Shannon Staten

(502) 852-6938 (502) 852-6636

International Service Learning Program (502) 852-6933 Dr. Joy Hart and Dr. Kandi Walker Faculty Coordinators student/islp Intramural Sports & Recreation (502) 852-6707 Dale Ramsay Student Activities / Student Activities Center (502) 852-6691 Tim Moore Special Programs and Development (502) 852-7467 George J. Howe TRiO Student Support Services Nadine Petty


(502) 852-1406

The Division of Student Affairs

Student Activities Center W301, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 Phone: 502-852-6933 Website:


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