Annual report 2013 14

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Annual Report 2013-2014


About Student Affairs Our Mission The Division of Student Affairs mission works to provide students with effective services and developmental opportunities that augment their academic experience and enhance the quality of their lives while enrolled at the University of Louisville. When coupled with a challenging academic experience, these services and opportunities facilitate the students’ total development so that they attain their educational goals as individuals prepared to function successfully as leaders within a diverse, multicultural and international world. In support of this mission, the Division provides essential services to the faculty and academic units.

Our Vision To be acknowledged for our outstanding service to students; recognized as responsible servants to our communities; known as innovative and studentcentered practitioners; and regarded as one of the premier student affairs programs in the country.

Our Goals • To inspire a vibrant campus life and engaged student body.

• To celebrate tradition and create a sense of purpose. • To enhance services that meet the needs of students. • To transform theory into practice to support student learning.

Our Values We value students. We value their ideals, dreams, aspirations, and challenges as they seek to find meaning and their voice. We value learning and individual potential. We value the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills to reach individual potential, and support opportunities for understanding unique talents and passions while becoming part of an educated citizenry. We value the spirit of community. Like a small neighborhood, we value open dialogue, mutual respect and trust, commitment to long-term relationships, tradition, and a sense of belonging that inspires Cardinal pride. We value service to students and society. We assist students in defining, refining, and achieving their goals through programs and services designed to help them succeed and become contributing members of society. We value professionalism. We encourage professional growth, development, and ethical conduct of our staff and strive for collaboration to create an environment supportive of student learning.


Table of Contents

Career Development Center 4 Dean of Students 6 Disability Resource Center 8 Housing and Residence Life 10 Intramural-Recreational Sports 13 Student Involvement 15 Student Counseling Center 18 TRIO Student Support Services 20 Additional Highlights 22 Staff Snapshot 23 Performance Metrics 24


Career Development Center MISSION: The Career Development Center supports the mission, academic programs and advancement of the institution. Within this context, the primary purpose of the Career Development Center is to assist students and alumni in developing, evaluating, and/or implementing career, education and employment decisions.



The UofL Career Development Center operates as a centralized career center consisting of a main office with satellites to all schools and colleges of the University, with the exception of the Business School, which operates their own career center and The School of Engineering, which manages their own Co-Op program. A career coach is assigned to work with the students, staff and faculty of each of the schools within the university including Engineering and Business. Their role is to provide self-exploration, career exploration, experiential education, job search, employer development, and graduate school exploration guidance and resources to their assigned school or college.

Director: Trey Lewis Location: Houchens Building LL03/04 Phone: 502-852-6701 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Cards CareerLink - Our online system contiunues to grow adding 2,412 new student registrations, 968 new employer registrations, and 1,119 new positions posted. 2. Cards Career Navigator Program - Completed the Cards Career Navigator career assessment campaign as an intervention with undecided students in GEN 101. Successfully served 720 undecided and pre-unit freshmen through individual counseling appointments. 3. Interview Stream - Using Interview Stream the mock interview program has grown to include engineering, speech pathology, nursing, communications, justice administration, sports administration and music. 4. Formation of LNCD - New student Leadership Network for Career Development (LNCD) program. Focus group information/needs assessment with seniors. Developed handbook and recruited pilot/ inaugural leadership team. 5. Events & Presentations - 60 presentations across campus, 10 Career Events the CDC facilitated or participated in.

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Cards Career Navigator - Utilization of the Kuder Career Assessment instrument in collaboration with Academic Advising, specifically with undecided and pre-unit students. 2. Interview Stream - Using Interview Stream the mock interview program has grown to include engineering, speech pathology, nursing, communications, justice administration, sports administration and music. 3. Career Fair Events - Healthcare, Dental, Communications, Justice Administration, College of Student Personel, College of Education and Human Development, Teacher Recruitment, Engineering, Graduate School, Majors Fair. 4. Presentations/Workshops - 101 & GEN 201, Audiology, Speech Pathology, Public Health, First Year Initiatives, Disability Resource Center, Communications, IIntegrated Programs in Biomedical Sciences, International students, Sports Admin, Living Learning Communities, CONNECT, REACH, Financial Aid, Alumni Association, Porter Scholars, ROTC, LGBT, Justice Administration, English, Peer Advisors, Student Orientation Staff, Housing, Greek Life, School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies, Cultural Center.


Career Development Center

STRATEGIC GOALS (2014-15) 1. Establish LNCD student leadership group as an RSO to engage and empower peer to peer career development and awareness of Career Services. 2. Complete PeopleSoft – Symplicity data integration & LDAP student access. Access to students and students’ access to employers will allow the career center staff to more effectively impact student career exploration and preparation. 3. Increase employer awareness of our graduates’ capabilities and participation in on-campus recruiting, career fairs, job postings, advertising possibilities and information presentations. To offer our students and alumni more and a broader selection of part-time, full-time, coop and internship employment opportunities at UofL. 4. Increase student awareness and use of the programs and services offered by the Career Development Center. It is the responsibility of the Career Development Center to ensure that students are informed about career development, to teach career management skills and to provide part-time, full-time and coop and internship opportunities for UofL students and alumni. 5. Increase faculty and staff awareness of the Career Services Office. Faculty and staff are one of the best sources of student referrals to the Career Development Center.

1,980 Student Individual Appointments 10% Increase Over Last Year

1,119 Positions Posted in Cards CareerLink 2% Increase Over Last Year

395 Career Assessments

ASSESSMENT PLANNING 1. Individual Coaching Appointment survey. 2. Cards Career Navigator student appointment survey. 3. Career Event survey. 4. Career Presentations surveys (workshops, Gen 101, etc).

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. CONNECT Mentors - Train and educate CONNECT Mentors about Career Development Center services and resources to assist them in mentoring incoming freshman. 2. Cardinal Covenant - Continue to provide individualized assessment interpretations for referred CC students and facilitate Values Card sort workshops with CC student group. 3. Out for Work series - Built workshop series and began process for Out for Work certification to assist the Office of LGBT and LGBT students with preparation for Job Search and general career development


Dean of Students Office MISSION: The Dean of Students Office serves the University’s most valuable asset - our students. We promote a positive learning experience and make opportunities available for students to achieve their full academic and personal potential by: promoting a vibrant student experience; building relationships among students, faculty, staff, and the community; upholding University standards and protecting student rights; empowering students to promote positive change in our community and in our world.



Our office provides a variety of services in support of students, including student non-academic grievance services, RSO funding, student conduct services, crisis assistance, extended absence notifications, SGA advising, and other programs designed to help create and promote a vibrant campus community.

Director: Michael Mardis, Ph.D.



Location: Student Activities Center, W301 Phone: 502-852-5787 Website:

1. Emergency Contact Update Process and Cardinal Card Photo integration - Implemented a new process that will require students to update their emergency contact information each semester when they are registering for class. Additionally, Cardinal Card photos are now integrated into the PeopleSoft system. These initiatives were recommended by the Student Care Team to allow for more accurate emergency contact information when the University is responding to a crisis situation. 2. Student Sexual Misconduct Policy - Developed and implemented a student sexual misconduct policy. 3. SRC Opening - The Student Recreation Center (SRC) opened in the fall 2013 semester. The SRC has been a collaborative initiative with SGA, Student Affairs, Intramural Sports, and various other departments. This project was supported by President Ramsey and the past five years of SGA leadership. The opening of this new facility greatly enhanced the campus life opportunities for students and will add to the vibrant growth in campus life. 4. Internships - Provided internships for a Kent School of Social Work MSSW and five students in College Student Personnel Services/Higher Education Administration Master’s degree programs. 5. Website Update - Updated and enhanced the Dean of Students Office website to be more user friendly and appealing to the eye.

1. Conduct - Consulted with several University academic and administrative units to address and resolve student conduct related issues. 2. Hosting Graduate Assistants and Interns Supported undergraduate and graduate interns as they pursued their studies and interests in higher education. 3. Records Checks - Service to external entities and alumni. 4. Absence Notifications - Absence notification provided to assist numerous University departments and students. 5. Question, Persuade and Refer Training (QPR) - Training provided to various departments and campus units pertaining to recognizing the warning signs of suicide and how to assist students in crisis.


Dean of Students Office



1. Collaborate with the International Center by meeting with students of concern prior to study abroad, ensuring that they have plans for mental health care. 2. Work with campus constituents to evaluate newlyreleased VAWA (negotiated rule-making occurs in November 2014) to incorporate necessary revisions to the Code of Student Conduct. 3. Continue to research Title II legislation and determine if establishing a policy related to harm to self is necessary. 4. Engage personnel across campus in a discussion about compassionate/medical withdrawal, providing detailed written procedures. 5. Implement an alternative dispute program in collaboration with Housing and Residence Life.

1. Develop an assessment instrument to be used during administrative conduct meetings centered on critical learning skills.

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. ISLP Belize 2014 - International Service Learning Trip to Belize, Central America. 2. International Tea - Sponsored/hosted International Tea on October 16th. 3. Campus Ministers Outreach - Religious Life Association (RLA) Sponsorship 4. Women in Leadership Symposium Sponsored several students participating in the Women in Leadership Symposium March 4, 2014.

Club Programing Committee Money Awarded to Student Groups 2013/14 2012/13 2011/12

$$$$$ $89,430

$$$$$ $90,398








from 2009-2014


$119,275 $101,745


Disability Resource Center MISSION: The mission of the Disability Resource Center is to foster an inclusive campus climate through education, service, collaboration, and outreach to the University of Louisville community. We provide support for students with documented disabilities by promoting equal access to all programs and services.



The Disability Resource Center staff coordinate support services for qualified students with disabilities, serve as a resource to other units on disability compliance issues, and advocate for systemic change to enhance the accessibility of our campus. We continue to collaborate with virtually all units within the University. The DRC is a strong partner with academic units identifying access barriers for students and working collaboratively with students and faculty to reduce or eliminate these barriers.

Director: Cathy Patus Location: Stevenson Hall Phone: 502-852-6938 Website:

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Service and Assistance Animal Policy - DRC staff collaborated with Residence Administration and Legal Counsel to draft Service and Assistance Animal Policy. 2. Nick Scott presentation - DRC staff collaborated with SAB to host Nick Scott, body builder who uses a wheelchair. 3. Accessible technology - DRC staff continued collaborations with Delphi Center staff to address accessibility of technology used in the classroom, and other University staff to address accessible technology generally. 4. Kentucky School for the Blind - Bob Blake enhanced DRC’s collaborations with KSB through a presentation at KSB Career Days, campus visits for KSB students in grades 7-12, and a presentation for KSB’s Community Resources Week. 5. Faculty consultations - DRC staff continued extensive consultations with individual faculty to address accessibility issues in the classroom/ curriculum.


1. iCOUNT and Disability Advocacy Project Second annual iCOUNT activity and continued promotion of on-line modules of Disability Advocacy Project. 2. Re-design of DRC webpage - Upgrade to Plone IV and re-formatting of webpages. 3. Colleen Gettys’ participation in Provost’s inaugural Staff Leadership Academy - Colleen applied and was selected to participate in the Provost’s inaugural Staff Leadership Academy with focus on enhancing leadership skills, conflict management, cultural competencies, and strategic planning. 4. March on Washington commemoration - DRC staff served on CODRE’s planning committee to host the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. 5. Collaboration with Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB) - Bob Blake enhanced DRC’s collaborations with KSB through a presentation at KSB Career Days, campus visits for KSB students in grades 7-12, and a presentation for KSB’s Community Resources Week.


Disability Resource Center

STRATEGIC GOALS (2014-15) 1. Assist with recruitment of qualified students with disabilities and provide services and information to ease the transition into postsecondary education. 2. Provide and coordinate support services for enrolled students with disabilities. 3. Develop and administer assessment instruments/ activities with emphasis on continued modification and improvement of services for students. 4. Facilitate development of leadership, self-advocacy and independent living skills of students with disabilities. 5. Assist with University-wide efforts to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. All DRC services and activities support diversity and inclusion - All initiatives and services undertaken by the DRC support the recruitment and retention of a very diverse population – students with disabilities. 2. CODRE, Veteran Service Advisory Group, training with CONECT Peer Mentors - DRC staff serves on the Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality as DRC representative, serves on CODRE’s Staff Concerns Committee, participates in Veteran Services Advisory Group. Conducted training for CONECT Peer Mentors. 3. Disability Studies initiative - DRC staff served on committee to developed proposal for a disability studies certificate program. 4. iCOUNT - DRC staff planned and delivered second annual iCOUNT activity to celebrate disability history and enhance disability awareness on campus.

ASSESSMENT PLANNING 1. Determine tracking capabilities of Clockwork. Clockwork tracks: Student’s enrollment, current class schedule, approved accommodations, accommodations used, and contacts with DRC staff. 2. Evaluation of note-taker and interpreter services. 3. Evaluation of accommodation exam service. 4. General survey about purpose of visit, nature of disability related problems encountered, satisfaction with staff and referrals services, effectiveness of accommodations, etc. of all students using DRC services.


Number of Accommodation Letters Prepared for Faculty

1. Supplemental Note-taker Services Supplemental note-takers received 8,770 service hours for serving as volunteer note-takers for student with disabilities. 2. Consultations with OVR (Office of Vocational Rehabilitation), OFB (Office for the Blind), KSB (Kentucky School for the Blind), KSD (Kentucky School for the Deaf) - DRC staff regularly consulted and collaborated with members of these and other agencies to address accommodations for students with disabilities. 3. Liaison to JCPS PACT Program and participation on PACT Advisory Group - DRC staff served as liaison to U of L for Jefferson County Public Schools’ PACT Program and serves on advisory group. 4. Kentucky Interagency Transition Council - DRC staff represented higher education disability services professionals in Kentucky on a council in which various agencies across the state discuss transition issues for students with disabilities.

Letters Administered


3,221 3,000







Housing and Residence Life MISSION: The Department of Housing and Residence Life promotes a safe, convenient, inclusive, and healthy livinglearning environment which provides opportunities that help engage students, facilitate student and faculty connections, and encourage student success.



The core values of our program mirror our mission statement which focuses on safety, comfort and academic success. Specifically, we focus on student development and growth as they transition to campus and continue through their UofL experience. We provide opportunities for community living, service to others, campus involvement and learning independent living concepts.

Director: Shannon Staten Location: Stevenson Phone: 502-852-6636 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Participated in hosting SEAHO - Several staff served in roles with the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) host committee such as chair of the registration team, chair of the guidebook and information team, hosting the past-presidents, co-chair of local events and volunteers, and site preparation prior to conference. The conference held at the Marriott in Louisville had over 1,000 participants and vendors; and celebrated the 50th anniversary of SEAHO. 2. Updated information systems, business practices and reports - Moved the department website to Plone 4. Created a Sharepoint site for the affiliated community managers to enhance information and processes for the communities. Updated the application and assignment process for students to be fully automated; including a new timeline that protected the servers from overload and the creating of “walk through videos” that were on line and available for students and parents on each step of the process. Using Google Documents for scheduling the 50 desk assistants for the various halls and shifts. Conducted a full-student staff selection process with on-line applications, scheduling of interviews and submission of resumes and reference letters. Created a comprehensive monthly report that details Housing and Residence Life’s (HRL’s) financial condition for the month and fiscal year; significant events that happened during the month, utility expenditures, residence hall occupancy data with YTD comparisons, and a detailed schedule of HRL’s significant revenue and expense. 3. Sustainability - UofL was selected to participate in the Give and Go Move-out 2014 campaign hosted by Goodwill and Keep America Beautiful. (Only 6 schools were selected nationwide and one of the criteria was a campus that reflects continual emphasis on sustainable issues.) Donated 3,041 pounds of usable material after move-out. Participated in the Campus Conservation Nationals. Decreased energy usage in all the halls by 2.9% during the competition; ranked 2nd in the state for energy reduction. Re-initiated a bike-share program in the foundation halls. 4. Facilities updated - Converted the Bettie Johnson Hall workout room into the “Social Green Room.” The intended outcome of the room was to provide a space for inspiration, programming, exchanging of ideas, and self-reflection. It has been used for presentations, mentoring sessions, and is used by students as the “craft room.” Furniture, tools, and resources are available for creative thinking. Also, converted a workout room in Kurz Hall into a conference, presentation, and 24 hour quiet study space for residents. Updated the Miller Hall and Center Hall lobbies with fresh paint and new upholstery on furniture. The Bettie Johnson Hall break in the piping of the fire suppression system produced flooding in two hallways and we collaborated with multiple city and UofL departments to make sure damage was minimal and the buildings systems were restored in a timely manner. Mold remediation. For both Miller and Threlkeld Halls: all older case furniture was replaced with new, movable furniture and dehumidification systems were installed in the Basements. 5. Recognition, celebration, and grant - National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) won a national “of the month” (OTM) program. The submission for “Residential Community of the Month” submitted by Jenny Falcone for the 7th floor of Unitas won the national recognition. The Fall Festival celebrating the 10-year anniversary for Kurz Hall and Billy Minardi included special guest: Heddy Kurz (96 year old) who enjoyed the festivities. An educational grant from SEAHO was received for development of the KNOBS program. The new programming initiative in Kurz Hall: Kurz New Opportunities to Better Students (KNOBS) focuses on transitioning to college, including programs on sexual assault prevention and learning life skills such as cooking and laundry.


Housing and Residence Life


Number of Beds

6k 5,089



5k 4,206 4,013 4k 2009/10






* Capacity for all campus housing, including the off-campus housing affiliation communities

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Financial and Administrative Reorganization - The proposed departmental reorganization from a buildingbased to a functionally based structure was a multi-departmental effort involving Budget and Financial Planning, Position Management, VPSA, Payroll, Position Management, and Information Technology among others. 2. Dean of Students office - Student Care Team, case management discussions and development of commitment to care and suicide protocol guidelines. Began working with Mental Health Grant committee. 3. First Year Initiatives - Participated in Book in Common, trained RAs and hall staff on the themes of the book and how to promote the themes on the floors. Provided 50 first year guides to help with welcome weekend and opening day events. Collaborated on programs in the halls for student success. 4. REACH - Collaborated on programming and events held in halls during finals. 5. Cultural and Intersections Center - Assisted in training and presenting informational sessions with students in the centers. Assisted with programming, staff training and student living in the Rustin Community for Social Justice (theme community).

STRATEGIC GOALS (2014-15) 1. Residents: Honor that our residents are our strongest asset by consulting with residents, encouraging student responsibility in the community, providing positive living environments that support academic success, and focusing on providing quality service. 2. Staff and student leaders: Provide leadership and development that creates opportunity to prepare for the next career or education step for our staff and student leaders. 3. Administrative: Continue to update our administrative processes and options through innovative and user friendly technology, efficient sustainable processes, and improved communications with our students and families. 4. Overall program: Continue efforts that provide a unified campus housing program with the appropriate level of services and resources for students living in the various on and off campus communities.

ASSESSMENT PLANNING 1. J Turner Move-In Survey and January Survey. These surveys measured satisfaction with processes. 2. FY Programming Model/Learning Outcomes Assessment. 3. Hall Director (HD) training / learning outcomes assessment.


Housing and Residence Life

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Rustin Theme Community - Provided program support for this theme community for social justice and inclusion. 2. Programs with Intersections/Cultural Center Programs included: Allies and Ice Cream; Why Tie Dye? Learning about the LGTBQ Community; You’ve Got Privilege; Trees of Diversity; Exploring Diversity: What does it mean to you?; and Pride Week activities (most halls participated in events throughout the week). 3. Community and civic awareness initiatives Most residence halls participated in a community awareness fair with Student involvement; 15 various service projects for local agencies (food drives, programs, sponsoring families, assistance at the site, etc); SOUL project during welcome weekend (many halls participated in this Student Involvement event); Some halls participated in the Study Abroad Fair collecting information and then have group discussions afterwards in the halls about the concept.

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Scholar’s House: adopted for Halloween, Christmas - Adopted the Scholar’s House on Lee Street to provide candy and toys for trick-or-treat event, to host a family for the holidays including providing a full holiday meal, gifts for the children, and household items to set up their apartment. 2. Support of women’s shelters - Raised money through a Candy Gram program for the downtown shelters. 3. Home of the Innocents - RSA hosted a Shanty Town overnight event to educate students on homelessness issues. Included a presentation by the Louisville Coalition for the Homeless. Collected items throughout the event that were donated to The Home of the Innocents. 4. American Red Cross - Hosted a Housing wide blood drive.


Intramural and Recreational Sports MISSION: The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports’ goal is to improve the quality of life and sense of belonging for all members of the University of Louisville community. Through participation in a variety of sports and fitness activities, participants achieve an improved level of physical, emotional, and social well being within a welcoming environment.



The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports serves to improve the quality of student lives using sports and fitness activities to achieve that goal. Intramural and Recreational Sports encourages students to get involved in some activity that will enable them to develop a healthy lifestyle. Students can choose from a wide variety of activities ranging from fitness classes to competitive Intramural Sports to Sport Clubs. Our motto is “A Sport for Everyone and Everyone in a Sport.”

Director: Dale Ramsay

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Student Recreation Center - The Student Recreation Center opening on October 28th is the most significant event in the 86 year history of the Intramural-Recreational Sports Department. 2. Personal Training Program - IntramuralRecreational Sports is now able to offer personal training for our students. 3. Privatizing the Custodial Services of the SRC Intramural-Recreational Sports is extremely pleased to be able to outsource the custodial services of the SRC. 4. Summer Athletic Camps - With the closing of the SAC, the Athletic Camps (Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, and Cheer Camps) are being transitioned to the SRC. 5. Improved Services - We now offer credit card and payroll deduction options for memberships. All of our registrations for Intramural Sports are now online.


Location: Student Recreation Center Phone: 502-852-6707 Website:

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Learfield Sports (Formerly Nelligan) - Our arrangement with Learfield continues to be a financially successful one for our department. 2. Bursar, Registrar, and Card Offices - With the opening of the SRC and the advent of the Student Recreation Fee, we have developed a strong relationship with the Bursar, Registrar, and Card Offices. 3. U-Fit Program - Intramural-Recreational Sports is collaborating with Health Promotions in allowing them to use the Fitness Lab in the SRC for their U-Fit program. 4. Welcome Week - With the opening of the SRC, there will be two events here. 5. Service Solutions (SSC) - One of the components of our successful operation is the work done in cleaning and maintaining the SRC facility.

Intramural-Recreation Sports

STRATEGIC GOALS (2014-15) 1. Work with Simiens to digitize previous year’s AllCampus Champions Boards and get the display active in Fall 2014. 2. Work to transition Athletic camps into the SRC (Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, Dance, Cheer). 3. Continue to work with the Dean of Students to pursue the initiative of potentially providing scholarships to incoming students who will participate in Sports Clubs. 4. Purposefully make Undergraduate Supervisor training a more intensive experience to allow for a more prepared and educated student staff. 5. Continue to aggressively market the SRC to the UofL community.

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. International Nights - We again worked with the International Center, who helped us market the event directly to the various international clubs. 2. Student Employee Picture Display - The Student Picture Board in the SAC facility was updated again this year to reflect the current student staff. 3. Intramural Champions Board - Celebrates the diversity of our participants. 4. Badminton Club - Membership in the club has included a strong international contingent, with members from various countries around the world.

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Tae Kwon Do Club Holiday Food Drive. 2. Baseball Club worked at the Mini-Marathon. Passed out smoothies to participants as they ran. 3. Badminton Club made donations. The donated canned goods for Christmas food baskets and also made contributions to the Angel Tree. 4. Blood Drive and Youth Rugby Clinic. Rugby Club co-sponsored an American Red Cross Blood Drive and conducted a Youth Rugby Clinic.

ASSESSMENT PLANNING 1. Department-wide Critical Thinking skills study. 2. One year SRC anniversary statistical study. 3. Injury statistics and response study.

Intramural Sports Program Participants 2013/14

8,497 9,056










3k 5k 7K Participants



Student Involvement MISSION: The office of Student Involvement fosters engagement in student-led programs and services that enrich the education experience by maximizing the capacity of students to learn, serve and lead.


DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The program areas of the office of student Involvement include: Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Leadership, Student Activities Board, SAC Operations, Conference Services, Recognized Student Organizations, Community Service, Engage Lead Serve Board, Red Barn Programming and Off Campus Student Services. Through these functional areas, the office seeks to engage students to add value to their experience at UofL in a variety of out of class activities. The office serves as a hub for student involvement on campus. By helping students to become engaged, students will be retained and graduate from the University.

Total OrgSync Users 10k












Phone: 502-852-6691 Website:

1. Internship projects - Examples of projects: Alternative Service Break Board, OrgSync marketing campaign, MLK Day of Service, and campus wide food drive. Student Involvement provided an impactful experience for the student and the department. 2. Engage Lead Serve Board (ELSB) - Thanks to the SGA, ELSB operated on an increased budget of $84,000 which was effectively managed and utilized. ELSB continued to increase recognition across campus by updating their logo and branding. ELSB’s signature event this spring was Andrew Jenks, filmmaker and MTV reality show star. Make a Difference Nights were a success with more than 300 students attending during the year. 3. OrgSync - Continued promoting campus-wide utilization of OrgSync, resulting in usage increases among both RSOs and individual students. Community grew from 338 portals at the end of May 2013 to 409 at the end of May 2014. The number of individual user accounts has increased from 6,395 in May 2013 to 9,070 in May 2014, an increase of 2,675 users. Freshmen compose the largest proportion of individual users, with 2,174 users - over half of the enrolled freshman class for 2013-2014. 4. Celebration of Student Leadership (CSL) and Student Awards - Quality of both programs increased dramatically. Student Awards were praised as the “best one ever.” 5. RSOs - There were a great number of Health Sciences Campus Student groups (RSOs) that applied for the Student Awards. Five of them were winners and three took home the top awards: New Organization and Cardinal Awards of Excellence. 6. ACC Leadership Symposium - Created application process, utilized last year’s attendees to select this year’s participants. This showed continuity and student engagement in the process.



Location: Student Activities Center W310


7,557 5k

Director: Tim Moore



Student Involvement

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. MLK Day of Service - Cultural Center, our perennial partner, gives staff time and solicits numerous donations to make the event happen. 2. Recognition programs - Judges utilized from across campus; The Firecracker Cheer Squad from The Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies gave a special performance at the Celebration of Student Leadership. 3. Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Summit - The format of the Fall RSO Summit was overhauled in response to feedback from the 2012 Fall RSO Summit. A partnership with the Kentucky YMCA was developed to support this new format; KY YMCA staff members were brought in to facilitate breakout sessions and deliver the keynote address. As reflected in the Assessment section, this format change was met with largely positive feedback. 4. Elect Her and College Women’s Leadership Conference (CWLC)- American Association of University Women (AAUW) provides the facilitator, training materials and food; TFF included this event as required participation which helped increase numbers by half. Forty-four attendees up from twenty in 2012. We support The Women’s Center in putting on CWLC. 5. Community Involvement Fair- Collaborated with the Peace Studies program and Student Activities Board.



1. Create conditions that foster student led initiatives through training, advocacy and assessment so that student needs are met. 2. Foster a sense of belonging for students to feel welcome and able to engage in the University community and beyond. 3. Maximize the utilization of resources through effective stewardship to insure appropriate support for all program areas. 4. Establish sustainable funding that allows for the maintenance and creation of programs and services. 5. Provide an environment that nurtures positive staff relationship resulting in a high functioning department.

1. GA Charles Delp has sketched out a plan for an SAB Advisory Board that will be implemented in the Fall to provide feedback and input to the Board on their events and practices. 2. Continuation of quantitative assessment will be enhanced with the gathering of qualitative data at SAB events. 3. Post recruitment and initiation surveys for all new members regardless of council about their experience in fraternity and sorority life. 4. Continued program evaluations and analysis. 5. Data collection through the cardinal chapter program (a workshop series for Greek chapters).

SAC Traffic (number of people through building) SAC Reservations 2.5 m 2.0 m

1.7 million

2.02 million 1.5 million

1.5 m

1.52 million 1.21 million

1m 10 k



7,9 9 9







5k 2009/10



Student Involvement

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Elect Her Campus Women Win and College Women’s Leadership Conference (CWLC) - We hosted Elect Her for the 2nd year in November 2013, and CWLC June 5 – 7, 2014. 2. MLK Day of Service - The focus this year remained on the UofL Signature Partnership in West Louisville. The Student Activities Board (SAB) worked with the Office of Student Involvement to help with a series of celebrations honoring the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 3. Welcome Week SOUL - Fairness Campaign is one of our regular sites. Some other sites are also Signature Partnerships. 4. ASB Winter Break trip - Cultural immersion and service in the Dominican Republic for 9 days (December 2013). 5. Pride Week - The Student Activities Board (SAB) contributed funding to the Pride Week keynote speaker, Janet Mock, and funded and hosted an after-party dance as a culminating celebration of the week.


1. Voting - Voter information posted on student news; SGA elections signage. 2. Welcome Week SOUL - The 2013 SOUL event was planned for 500–600 students which included 35 service sites. We had 75 staff and student leaders assist with check in and site supervision. 3. MLK Day of Service - Continued our partnership with Maupin Elementary School, we focused on service projects in the vicinity. We had 257 students, staff and faculty volunteer on that glorious sunny day. 4. Alternative Service Break Trips - We had two alternative break trips to NOLA (wetlands restoration) with 10 students and two staff and Dominican Republic (community development) with 8 students and two staff. 5. Sustainability Week - The Student Activities Board (SAB) sponsored a weeklong effort to promote environmental sustainability, which included an alternative transportation day, a reduce-your carbon-footprint day, and a cardinal marketplace event featuring sustainable items from the Louisville community.


Student Counseling Center MISSION: The Counseling Center supports the academic mission of the University of Louisville by providing quality mental health services and programs to assist students in achieving their personal and educational goals. We also contribute to the broader mission of the University by providing training for new mental health professionals.



The Counseling Center provides short-term mental health counseling (individual, group and couples) for all currently enrolled students, consultation, and reach to the greater campus community. We serve as a practicum site for the counseling psychology program at UofL, the clinical counseling program at Spalding University, and an internship site for the Kent School of Social Work. We also provide LD and ADHD testing.

Director: Aesha L. Tyler, Psy.D. Location: Student Services Annex Phone: 502-852-6585 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Improved intake process - Funding obtained for the purchase of IPads to implement the web based intake component of Titanium and update student records. 2. Update of website - The website has been updated and transitioned to Plone 4. The updated was the project of one of the Graduate Assistants. 3. Mental Health Screening Day - Campus wide screening for depression and mental health information. This was a collaborative event between the Counseling Center and ECPY Students. 4. Revenue enhancement - LD/ADHD assessments provided $5,656 in additional income that covered the cost of the assessment materials and supplemented professional development activities for the staff. 5. Outstanding staff performance - Staff continued to perform at a high level even though the CC lost 3 staff persons in a very short time frame and the director was on sick leave for almost three months. Scheduled 7,463 appointments, 958 intakes, and 153 emergencies and were without two staff persons.



Scheduled Counseling Sessions 7,063






5k 4k 3k

3,570 2009/10







Student Counseling Center

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. ECPY Faulty - Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, Counseling, and College Student Personnel (ECPY) provided a faculty person and two practicum students to work at the counseling center during our critical staffing shortage. This collaboration has opened the discussions for future dual appointments in the counseling center and ECPY faculty. 2. To Write Love on Her Arms - Collaborative presentation the Student Activities Board on Self Harm. 3. National College Depression Partnership - A collaboration project with campus health to improve identification and treatment of depression using the collaborative care model to systematically track patient outcomes across the broader health spectrum. Education. A two year study which involved 200 students receiving counseling. The study aimed to understand the clients’ reaction to psychotherapy. 4. Stress Resiliency - Collaboration with Health Promotions to provide information on ways of reducing stress.

STRATEGIC GOALS (2014-15) 1. Complete the implementation of the web-based component of Titanium. 2. Develop an evaluation tool for the evaluation of the Practicum Program. 3. Increase the number of counseling groups available to students. 4. Identify new or additional space for the Counseling Center.

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. iCount Disability Awareness - Supported DRC in this event. Table event regarding counseling and testing services. 2. Take Back the Night - Counseling Center staff presence to assist event participants that might need emotional support. 3. LBGTQ Group - Therapy group to support and address LGBTQ students.

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Graduate Student Group - Group Support for female graduate students facilitated by counseling center staff. 2. Looking for Love In All The Wrong PlacesLouisville Housing Authority - Presentation on healthy relationships. 3. Take Back the Night - Community event on the prevention of sexual violence.

ASSESSMENT PLANNING 1. Continue counseling center services questionnaire 2. Implement Practicum Program Evaluation


TRIO Student Support Services MISSION: The University of Louisville’s Student Support Services program is designed to assist first-generation, lowincome, and or students with disabilities towards the successful completion of their postsecondary education, while promoting a supportive institutional climate.



TRIO Student Support Services is a Title IV academic retention program designed to assist first-generation, low-income, and/or students with disabilities toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. Staff provides one-on-one personal and academic assistance and advocacy for TRIO students. Services include free tutoring (and/or referrals to REACH for tutoring), mentoring, leadership opportunities, cultural enrichment activities and events, graduate school visits and application assistance, financial support to help reduce educational loan burdens, and a variety of workshops and seminars that address study skills, financial literacy, goal setting, and personal development. We monitor student GPA’s, implement individualized academic improvement plans when needed, and provide access to GRE, PRAXIS, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT and other graduate school resource materials. We also provide opportunities for students to volunteer within the community and serve as a referral source for support services outside of our scope of operation. All of our services are provided free to participants.

Director: Nadine Petty Location: Davidson Hall, Room 106 Phone: 502-852-1406 Website:

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Summer Bridge Workshops: “Stress: Handle It” and “Good Habits for Good Students” - Oneday “Summer Bridge” for new TRIO students and first time freshmen. Collaborated with Ulmer Career Center (College of Business) and Office of Health Promotions to facilitate workshops. 2. Opening Day Celebration - Dunkin Donuts donated donuts and coffee for TRIO first day of classes breakfast event. 3. Workshop Incentives - Q’doba donated 140 preloaded entrée cards. 4. Pierre Quinn: Guest Speaker - Collaborated with Cultural Center to provide guest speaker and meal to TRIO and AAMI (African-American Male Initiative) students. Topic: Student Success. 5. “Goals Gone Wild” - TRIO presented workshop to AAMI students on goal setting.

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Third Annual Student Awards Ceremony TRIO students were recognized for academic achievement and academic improvement. UofL staff who actively supported us during the year also were recognized. 2. College Women’s Leadership Conference Sponsorship - Sponsored 12 TRIO students to attend the CWLC. 3. Math Summer Pilot Program - Our program was chosen to pilot a 6-week online math preparation program for TRIO students needing to complete developmental math requirements. Program runs from June 9 – Aug. 1. We were the only Kentucky program chosen to do so. 4. Summer Bridge - Provided students with the opportunity to get acclimated to SSS and U of L. Students attended sessions covering topics like financial aid, financial literacy, stress management, procrastination, personality assessments, and college survival skills.


TRIO Student Support Services

STRATEGIC GOALS (2014-15) 1. Revamp the grant aid awarding process to more closely align with federal regulations. 2. 100% of participants will receive financial literary services. Financial literacy will be implemented as part of the intake process to help meet this goal. 3. Increase total number of one-on-one contacts per student participant.


ASSESSMENT PLANNING 1. Written formative assessments collected at the end of each workshop and event. 2. Online summative assessment in the form of a TRIO End of Year Survey. 3. One-on-one student/advisor meetings to assess student development/progress. 4. Midterm Progress Reports for grade assessment.

1. iCount - Participated in disability awareness event hosted by the DRC.

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Dare to Care Food Bank - Nov. 20, 2013: TRIO student volunteer outing.

Observed Program Outcomes

85 80 75


Persistance Rate Persistance Rate Objective Good Academic Standing Rate Good Academic Standing Rate Objective 83% 80%




70 89%

90 85 80

84% 80%



70 65 60 50 45



2011/12 Year




Additional Highlights

From the Division of Student Affairs International Service Learning Program We continue our commitment to providing students with opportunities for community service and international travel. 139 students participated in five programs coordinated by the Division of Student Affairs. This past year students traveled to Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe, and West Indies.

Parents Program This year, the Parents Program continued to engage parents through Orientation, and Welcome Week programs; created an electronic newsletter sent out to more than 5,000 parents each month; and created ways for parents to interact with the University via social media and Family Weekend programs. Our parent Facebook page is extremely active with over 1,000 users who provide feedback to us about all aspects of campus life.

Community Service Project The Division of Student Affairs continued its tradition of bowl service projects by participating in a cooperative community service project this year in Orlando during the Russell Athletic Bowl in December. We worked cooperatively with the University of Miami and the organization Clean the World which is based in Orlando. Students, alumni, and staff helped assemble hygiene kits for those affected by typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Clean the World serves as a catalyst to prevent hygienerelated illness around the globe through recycling soap and bottled amenities discarded by the hospitality industry, and distributing these and other hygiene products to impoverished populations.

Student News and Social Media The Division of Student Affairs publishes a weekly email to all 22,298 students and maintains the campus wide student event calendar to let students know what’s going on across campus. Members of the campus community submit upcoming events and news items for the newsletter and campus-wide calendar. We are also active on social media sites, engaging students and sharing campus news and events.

Development Efforts Our university staff, alumni, and friends continue to be supportive of university student programs and initiatives. We were thankful for $88,321.22 in contributions this year. Much of this support went into student endowments that generated partial scholarships for 90 students this year totaling more than $25,500. In addition to direct student tuition support we provide direct emergency aid to students in crisis and coordinate efforts to provide students opportunities to travel to professional conferences and workshops that enhance leadership development and support their classroom work.

Commitment to the Profession As one of the premier Student Affairs programs in the country we take seriously our commitment to give back to the profession. We actively seek out opportunities to host national events including the Association for Student Conduct Administration’s Don Gehring Institute, the National Association for Campus Activities National Leadership Conference, the Veteran Symposium for Higher Education, and a variety of state and regional meetings and workshops. Our staff continue to assume leadership roles in national organizations and share research and best practices through presentations at national, state, and regional meetings.


Student Affairs Acting Vice President for Student Affairs (502) 852-6933 Dr. Michael Mardis Dean of Students/Associate Vice President (502) 852-5787 Dr. Michael Mardis Departments and Directors: Career Development Center Trey Lewis Counseling Center Dr. Aesha Tyler

(502) 852-6701 (502) 852-6585

Development and Parents Programs (502) 852-6933 Dr. Glenn Gittings Disability Resource Center Cathy Patus Housing & Residence Life Shannon Staten

(502) 852-6938 (502) 852-6636

International Service Learning Program (502) 852-6933 Dr. Joy Hart and Dr. Kandi Walker Faculty Coordinators Intramural Sports & Recreation (502) 852-6707 Dale Ramsay Special Programs and Development (502) 852-7467 George J. Howe Student Involvement/Student Activities Center (502) 852-6691 Tim Moore Student Leadership Pam Nessle Curtis

(502) 852-6691

Student Rights and Responsibilities Angela Taylor Assistant Dean of Students

(502) 852-5787

TRIO Student Support Services Nadine Petty

(502) 852-1406


The Division of Student Affairs

Student Activities Center W301, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 Phone: 502-852-6933 Website:


The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity institution. This publication was prepared by the University of Louisville and printed with state funds KRS 57.375.

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