Annual Report 2014-15

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Annual Report 2014-2015


Table of Contents About Student Affairs Our Mission The Division of Student Affairs mission works to provide students with effective services and developmental opportunities that augment their academic experience and enhance the quality of their lives while enrolled at the University of Louisville. When coupled with a challenging academic experience, these services and opportunities facilitate the students’ total development so that they attain their educational goals as individuals prepared to function successfully as leaders within a diverse, multicultural and international world. In support of this mission, the Division provides essential services to the faculty and academic units.

Career Development Center 4 6 Dean of Students 8 Disability Resource Center

Our Vision

10 Housing and Residence Life

To be acknowledged for our outstanding service to students; recognized as responsible servants to our communities; known as innovative and studentcentered practitioners; and regarded as one of the premier student affairs programs in the country.

13 Intramural-Recreational Sports

Our Goals • To inspire a vibrant campus life and engaged student body.

• To celebrate tradition and create a sense of purpose. • To enhance services that meet the needs of students. • To transform theory into practice to support student learning.

Our Values We value students. We value their ideals, dreams, aspirations, and challenges as they seek to find meaning and their voice. We value learning and individual potential. We value the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills to reach individual potential, and support opportunities for understanding unique talents and passions while becoming part of an educated citizenry.

16 Student Involvement 19 Student Counseling Center 21 TRIO Student Support Services 23 Development/Parents Association Additional Highlights 25

We value the spirit of community. Like a small neighborhood, we value open dialogue, mutual respect and trust, commitment to long-term relationships, tradition, and a sense of belonging that inspires Cardinal pride. We value service to students and society. We assist students in defining, refining, and achieving their goals through programs and services designed to help them succeed and become contributing members of society. We value professionalism. We encourage professional growth, development, and ethical conduct of our staff and strive for collaboration to create an environment supportive of student learning.



Career Development Center

Career Development Center MISSION: To empower students for success in their journey from college to career.



Our professional staff consults with students to assist in the major and career exploration process. The Career Development Center offers students the opportunity to participate in internship programs as well as receiving assistance with resume preparation and practice interviews. The Center works with students to develop a customized job search strategy, provide access to timely and relevant full-time job opportunities, as well as assistance on a student’s preparation for graduate school.

Director: Trey Lewis Location: Houchens Building LL03/04 Phone: 502-852-6701 Website:

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. OUT for Work: Bronze Level of LGBTQ Career Center Certification - This designation was awarded to the Career Development Center for providing career information, tools, resources, and programs to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer students. 2. New Focus on Engaging Diverse Populations of Students - The Career Development Center has restructured to better position itself to align with office that serve underrepresented student populations. The offices include the Cultural Center, the Disability Resource Center, and the LGBT Center.

STRATEGIC GOALS (2015-16) 1. Intrusive Career Planning to Impact Persistence to Graduation. 2. Expansion of Employer Development and Internships. 3. Commitment to Tracking and Communicating Career Outcomes. 4. Improve Career Services Branding and Marketing. 5. The Development of Customized Connection Points for Students and Employers.

POINTS OF PRIDE (2014-15) 1. Expansion of Cards Career Navigator Program The Career Development Center has confirmed the plan to present to 35 sections of GEN 101 (College of Arts & Sciences) and present major and career exploration workshops to approximately 1,300 first year students enrolled in GEN 101. 2. Creation of University-wide Internship Program The Career Development Center has created the infrastructure to launch its’ university-wide internship program. Internships and other types of out-ofthe-class learning experiences are paramount to students’ preparation for their transition to a competitive marketplace. 3. New Visual Identity and Website - Partnership created with the Office of Communications and Marketing to establish a visual identity for the Career Development Center to be used in future marketing campaigns and communications.

908 Student Individual Appointments

1,387 Positions Posted in Cards CareerLink 24% Increase Over Last Year

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Out for Work - The Career Development Center collaborated with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Center to create a monthly workshop series for LGBT students on specific career topics. 2. Speed School Engineering Career Fair - The Career Development Center collaborated with the Speed School Career Center to host a fair for STEM fair for Engineering/Natural Sciences students to connect with employers. 3. iComm Annual Internship Fair - Annual Internship Fair in collaboration with the Department of Communication. Featured 25+ employers seeking current student interns.

216 Career Assessments



Dean of Students Office MISSION: The Dean of Students Office serves the university’s most valuable asset - our students. We promote a positive learning experience and make opportunities available for students to achieve their full academic and personal potential by promoting a vibrant student experience; building relationships among students, faculty, staff, and the community; upholding University standards and protecting student rights; and empowering students to promote positive change in our community and in our world.



Our office provides a variety of services in support of students, including student non-academic grievance services, Recognized Student Organization (RSO) funding, student conduct services, crisis assistance, extended absence notifications, Student Government Association (SGA) advising, and other programs designed to help create and promote a vibrant campus community.

Dean of Students Office



1. International Tea - Dean of Students office sponsored International Tea. 2. ISLP Belize & Trinidad/Tobago - Offered service learning trips to Belize and Trinidad/Tobago. 3. Collegiate Youth Rights Conference Participated in Collegiate Youth Rights Conference. 4. Religious Life Association Outreach Assisted Religious Life Association meetings providing University services and support. 5. Outreach Luncheons - Dean and Assistant Dean meet informally with Hillel group.

1. Create a comprehensive conduct assessment program. 2. Coordinate a statewide case management forum. 3. Publish online resource guide for students. 4. Provide students seeking compassionate withdrawal their families a flowchart. 5. Establish a coordinated suicide prevention training calendar.

Director: Michael Mardis, Ph.D. Location: Student Activities Center, W301 Phone: 502-852-5787 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Student Advocate - Hiring of Dr. Kathy Pendleton as Director for Student Advocacy and Support Services. Assists students in navigating university policies and procedures. 2. Code of Conduct Revised - Revised Code of Conduct and Student Sexual Misconduct Policy. Benchmarked alternative dispute resolution programs and added language to the Code of Student Conduct. 3. SAMHSA Grant - Submitted federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant application. 4. University of Southern Mississippi - USM used our student complaint process when creating their own.

Club Programing Committee Money Awarded to Student Groups

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. New Faculty/Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientations - Presented on conduct and Title IX to new faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants. 2. Orientation Sessions - Provided Student Affairs information to parents and students at Orientation. 3. QPR Suicide Prevention - Provided Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training to staff. 4. Student Care Team - Handled issues regarding students of concern. 5. Absence Notifications - Provided university community with notice of student absences.



$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $121,976












from 2010-2015


$86,763 $119,275


Disability Resource Center MISSION: The Disability Resource Center fosters an inclusive campus climate through education, service, collaboration, and outreach to the University of Louisville community. We provide support for students with documented disabilities by promoting equal access to all programs and services.



The Disability Resource Center (DRC) staff coordinate support services for qualified students with disabilities, serve as a resource to other units on disability compliance issues, and advocate for systemic change to enhance the accessibility of our campus. We collaborate with virtually all units within the University. The DRC is a strong partner with academic units identifying access barriers for students and working collaboratively with students and faculty to reduce or eliminate these barriers.

Director: Cathy Patus Location: Stevenson Hall Phone: 502-852-6938 Website:


STRATEGIC GOALS (2015-16) 1. ADA compliance - Continue to advocate for an institutional commitment to access for persons with disabilities by encouraging creation of an ADA Coordinator position. Support and collaborate with ADA Coordinator when position is hired to address equitable access to all University programs and services for persons with disabilities. 2. Automation of DRC processes - Continue to automate DRC operations through continued implementation of Clockwork database functions. 3. Leadership development – students with disabilities - Launch Culture of Accessibility Leadership Program (CALP) to identify and develop leadership potential of students with disabilities. 4. Faculty development - Develop and deliver faculty training and informational resources regarding pedagogy and general interactions with students with disabilities. 5. Career development - students with disabilities Develop additional collaborative relationships with area and national agencies and initiatives to support the career development, job readiness, and job placement of students with disabilities.

Number of Tests Administered

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Embracing Disability week of activities DRC staff collaborated with members of (CODRE), the HSC Office of Inclusion and Diversity, the Interfaith Center, the Delphi Center and others to plan and deliver the week of disability-themed programs March 30 – April 3. 2. Programs on autism - DRC staff collaborated with the Kentucky Autism Training Center, the Cultural Center, and advising and academic support staff from the Speed School of Engineering to plan and deliver three programs on autism. 3. Transition to College presentation at KSB DRC staff collaborated with the Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB) to make presentation on Transition to College for KSB students. 4. Faculty consultations - DRC staff continued extensive consultations with individual faculty to address accessibility issues in the classroom/ curriculum.


3,114 3,000

3,19 4





1. All DRC services and activities support diversity and inclusion - All initiatives and services of the DRC support the recruitment, retention and retention of a very diverse population – students with disabilities. 2. Embracing Disability week of activities - DRC took the lead in developing and presenting a weeklong series of disability-themed presentations and workshops March 30-April 3, working collaboratively with the Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality. 3. iCOUNT - DRC staff planned and delivered third annual iCOUNT disability awareness event.

1. Supplemental Note-taker Services Supplemental note-takers received 7,335 service hours for serving as volunteer note-takers for students with disabilities. 2. Consultations and participation in programs with Best Buddies of Kentucky, Kentucky Autism Training Center, Coalition for Workforce Diversity, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Office for the Blind, Kentucky School for the Blind - DRC staff regularly consulted and collaborated with members of these and other agencies to address and facilitate services and resources for persons with disabilities. 3. Liaison with Jefferson County Public Schools’ PACT classroom - DRC staff serves as resource for JCPS’s Providing Access to Community Transition (PACT) classroom and serves on PACT Advisory Group.





Tests Administered

1. Embracing Disability for an Inclusive Campus The Disability Resource Center took the lead in developing and presenting a week-long series of disability-themed presentations and workshops March 30-April 3, working collaboratively with the Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality. 2. Developed inaugural Culture of Accessibility Leadership Program (CALP) - The DRC hosted an intern from the Higher Education Administration Master’s program to develop a leadership program designed for students with disabilities. The purpose of CALP is to recognize and develop leadership potential and to provide training needed for students to assist the DRC in advocating for and promoting strategies to achieve an accessible campus. 3. Disability Advocacy Program - Added over 50 new advocates this year by adding all Arts & Sciences Peer Advisors and all Student Orientation Staff. 4. Collaboration with Kentucky Autism Training Center (KATC) - Recognizing and responding to growth in numbers of students with autism enrolled at UofL, DRC enhanced collaborations with the KATC to co-present three programs (Cultural Center Lunch & Learn, Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality’s (CODRE’s) Embracing Disability for an Inclusive Campus week of activities, and Speed School advisors and academic support staff).

Disability Resource Center



MISSION: Campus Housing promotes a safe, convenient, inclusive and healthy living-learning environment, providing opportunities that engage students, facilitate student and faculty connections and encourage student success.



More than 5,500 UofL students, including 70 percent of all first-year students, live on our main campus, choosing from a range of housing options that include traditional residence halls, suites and apartments. Campus Housing staff provide support and opportunities for students to succeed through educational programming as well as leadership and employment opportunities. On campus students have access to campus resources and facilities and interact daily with a diverse groups of students who share similar academic goals. Amazing amenities, living learning communities, support staff, campus security, and the ability to develop friendships that will last a lifetime.

Director: Shannon Staten Location: Stevenson Hall Phone: 502-852-6636 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Improved Upper-class Room Sign up Process - Developed educational campaign to ensure current students understood their housing options both on campus and with affiliated properties. Students and parents seemed more satisfied with new process which moved decision making from fall to spring semester and discouraged early hard sell campaign from affiliated properties. 2. Paperless Room Condition Form Process - Our room condition form process was converted to an on line process which was more sustainable and substantially reduced check in times for students and parents during fall check in. 3. Developed New Residence Education Model - The Residence Education team collaborated with Katie Partin in Institutional Effectiveness to design a new residence education programming model that would support the University’s efforts on student learning, critical thinking and success. Student learning outcomes were developed for programs in the residence halls, and staff training was changed to effectively train hall staff and leaders on the model. 4. Residents Participated in National Norming Assessment Survey - We facilitated the Skyfactor survey (formerly known as EBI) with an incredible 50 percent response rate from all on-campus residents. We are now utilizing the results from this survey to intentionally implement improvements based directly on the feedback received. 5. Fully implemented CLAWS as a student development tool - All student staff in Housing worked with the Cardinal Learning Assessment Workshops (CLAWS) format; trained supervisors on process; developed process to do the desk assistants (large number of staff reporting to one staff supervisor); and provided Student Affairs with summary of the experience and recommendations for future changes or implementation.

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Admissions: Trained Recruiter Staff and Virtual Admitted Student Event - Participated in two new initiatives with Admissions this year. Fourteen Admission’s recruiters trained and worked in our front office during First year application launch. We were invited to join the Admissions Virtual Admitted student event on March 23 2015. An Admin team member answered students housing questions virtually. 2. Improved MDA account collection - Partnered with the Bursar team to move Medical/Dental Apartment (MDA) payments away from monthly options to pay per semester. This was accomplished by moving MDA in line with Belknap payment strategies, redesigning info on webpages, and communication to MDA residents. We went from all monthly payments to all accounts paid in full. This eliminated the need for monthly audits and saved Bursar and Housing Billing staff significant time. It also decreased the number of delinquent accounts and staff time spent monthly on student accounts. 3. First Living Learning Community (LLC)/Themed Community Group Leader Meeting - Campus Housing hosted the first annual meeting for LLC/Themed group leaders. Our newest partners Upper-class Honors, ROTC, and Public Health attended and were able to meet established group leaders and hear Campus Housings vision and future plans for construction and LLC/Theme development. 4. LLC expansion - The Speed LLC was successfully moved from Center to Community Park to support ongoing need for more beds. 2014-2015 Speed LLC occupancy was 91; anticipated for 2015-2016 is 121. The Metro themed community exceeded first allotment of beds and expanding to 30+. Worked with Public Health to add LLC for fall 2015; anticipate 25 students. 5. Building Resiliency in Campus Community (BRICC) Coalition - Four Housing staff members attended the strategic planning meeting in April.

HOUSING CAPACITY* 6k Number of Beds

Housing and Residence Life

Housing and Residence Life

5,157 5k





4k 2010/11






* Capacity for all campus housing, including the off-campus housing affiliation communities

STRATEGIC GOALS (2015-16) 1. Add new Living Learning Communities and increase participation in existing communities consistent with University’s strategic direction. 2. Complete facility review of older campus buildings. 3. Participate in campus discussions with the goal of developing housing enrollment management/vision document consistent with university needs and strategic direction. 4. Continue to enhance residence hall programing model



Housing and Residence Life

Intramural and Recreational Sports

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Black Lives Matter program - 50 students attended a panel discussion with University of Louisville Police Department (ULPD), Cultural Center, Pan African Studies, and a local attorney (Alumni) regarding current events surrounding police and black community engagement. 2. Tunnel of Oppression - 40 student leaders and staff designed and presented a program focusing on social justice including race issues, sexism, body image consciousness, religiosity, healthy relationships and persons with disabilities. Approximately 150 individuals participated in the 2-day interactive event 3. Student Affairs Diversity Committee - Campus Housing is serving in an active role with the Student Affairs Diversity Committee (SADC). With only 1 semester (Spring 2015) of activity the committee has reviewed past strategic goals for the committee that preceded it, established a draft vision/mission, goals and objectives, connecting with community resources and assessing the best method of providing professional development opportunities to the division. 4. HBCU Connect - Campus Housing intentionally sought out to diversify its pool of summer conference interns (graduate student position) by advertising the opportunity with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).


MISSION: The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports’ goal is to improve the quality of life and sense of belonging for all members of the University of Louisville community. Through participation in a variety of sports and fitness activities, participants achieve an improved level of physical, emotional, and social wellbeing within a welcoming environment.



The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports serves to improve the quality of student lives using sports and fitness activities to achieve that goal. Intramural and Recreational Sports encourages students to get involved in some activity that will enable them to develop a healthy lifestyle. Students can choose from a wide variety of activities ranging from fitness classes to competitive Intramural Sports to Sport Clubs. Our motto is “A Sport for Everyone and Everyone in a Sport.”

Director: Dale Ramsay Location: Student Recreation Center Phone: 502-852-6707 Website:

Intramural Sports Program Participants

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Student Recreation Center NIRSA Outstanding Facility Award- The Student Recreation Center (SRC) was recognized by the National IntramuralRecreational Sports Association (NIRSA) with an Outstanding Facility Award which recognizes stateof-the-art collegiate recreational facilities of NIRSA member institutions. 2. KIRSA Conference - Intramural-Recreational Sports hosted the Kentucky Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (KIRSA) State Conference. The conference was held in the SRC and had a a record number of over 100 attendees. Four of our staff members did presentations. 3. Program Growth - With the opening of the SRC we are serving students in record numbers. Combining the SRC with the Health Sciences Campus (HSC) Fitness Center, we had 15,549 unique student users, which represent over 70% of UofL’s enrollment. We had a record number of teams in 9 different Intramural Sports. There were over 9400 user hours in our fitness classes. We also added four new Sports Clubs in 2014-15. 4. SRC Facility Usage - In 2014-15, which was the first full year that the SRC was open, there were 512,000+ user hours. This represents nearly a 20% increase over our last year in the Student Activities Center. 5. Snow Days in the SRC - The SRC was open every snow day in Winter 2015 from 11:00am until 6:00pm, providing the university community with a recreational and social outlet when the university










1. Project Warm - Partnered with Habitat in West End working to prepare houses for winter conditions. 12 participants. 2. Dare2Care Drive - Collected canned goods and delivered 150 food items for the Hunger Banquet. 50 participants. 3. ECOReps Composting Day of Service Worked with ECORep in Louisville to work in city parks. 4 active participants. 4. Operation Christmas Child - Worked with Samaritan’s Purse to college toys, art supplies and other supplies for donation to individuals who frequent Samaritan’s Purse. Donated 23 complete packages / 50 participants. 5. Pause for Paws (4 events) - Worked with local Humane Society to have puppies and snacks in the Humanity Quad during mid-term and final periods.






5k 10k 15K Participants


and surrounding community were otherwise closed. Despite the fact there were often times with less than ideal conditions, our staff always made it in to get the SRC open.

Intramural-Recreation Sports

Intramural-Recreation Sports

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Sports Clubs/Admissions - This year we worked with Admissions in an effort to attract a higher level of student and athlete to our program by educating potential incoming freshmen of the availability of academic scholarships from the university. Our clubs were able to use this information to actively recruit potential club members and offer them the possibility of receiving significant financial aid. 2. University Archives with the Champions Board - This year we collaborated with University Archives to convert our Intramural Champions Board to digital form. These pictures were then loaded into a touchscreen television and prominently displayed in the front lobby of the SRC. 3. Playfair/Night at the SRC - Last year we hosted two events. Playfair was held on the SRC Turf Field. “Hit the SRC” was held in the SRC at the conclusion of Playfair. The incoming freshmen familiarized themselves with the SRC. 4. Athletics - We work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of each other’s facilities. Our students gett to compete in outstanding venues such as Cardinal Arena (Basketball Championships), Bass/Rudd Tennis Center (Tennis Tournaments), Wright Natatorium (Swim Meet), and the Trager Stadium (Track Meet). 5. Learfield - Learfield has done an excellent job in providing our department with additional revenue that we need to operate our program.

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. First Tee Program - This is a University Signature Partnership initiative. Students from the First Tee program come to the SRC to use our Golf Simulator during the winter months. Guest instructors from the UofL Women’s Golf Team and local golf professionals come in to teach the students. 2. International Night - We used the evening as a way of attracting international students to the new rec center, and expose them to the various new amenities available to them. We worked with the International Center, who helped us market the event directly to the various international clubs. 3. Badminton Club - Membership of the club consists of a strong international contingent, with members from Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Nepal, India, Russia, Germany, England, Scotland, Canada, and the United States. 4. Intramural Champions Board - The Intramural Champions Wall of Fame consists of photos of the champions from all of our yearly Intramural events displayed prominently in the Intramural Sports Office and celebrates the diverse population of our participants. 5. Hosting Recognized Student Organizations - The physical space of the SRC allows us to host university groups in ways we never had access to in the past. We host a wide variety of international groups.

STRATEGIC GOALS (2015-16) 1. Continue to stabilize the financing of the Student Recreation Center. 2. Increase the use of the Student Recreation Center by partnering with other Student Affairs and University departments, as well as Recognized Student Organizations. 3. Expand the number of Sports Clubs taking advantage of available scholarship opportunities through the Department of Admissions, resulting in the recruitment of a higher level of student. 4. Over the next three years, produce a series of 2030 minute workout videos available online to better serve our Distance Education community. 5. Increase international student involvement by intentionally engaging various international student organizations.


COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. American Red Cross - The American Red Cross conducted five Blood Drives at the SRC last year 2. Old Louisville Meetings - We hosted a series of public meetings with Planning and Design and the Old Louisville Neighborhood Association concerning the implementation of the proposed bicycle path along 4th Street. 3. Tae Kwon Do Club - The group held a Holiday Food Drive, where they supported the Angel Tree by providing holiday meals to 10 families. 4. Badminton Club. The club donated canned goods for Christmas food baskets and also made contributions to the Angel Tree.


MISSION: Student Involvement fosters engagement in student-led programs and services that enrich the education experience by maximizing the capacity of students to learn, serve and lead.


DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW The program areas of the office of student Involvement include: Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Leadership, Student Activities Board, SAC Operations, Conference Services, Recognized Student Organizations, Community Service, Engage Lead Serve Board, Red Barn Programming, and Off Campus Student Services. Through these functional areas, the office seeks to engage students to add value to their experience at UofL in a variety of out of class activities. The office serves as a hub for student involvement on campus. By helping students to become engaged, students will be retained and graduate from the University.


Director: Tim Moore Location: Student Activities Center W310 Phone: 502-852-6691 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Game Changers - After 2 years of work, first ever overnight leadership retreat = 10 students and 7 staff spent 3 days in October at an Indiana retreat center working on leadership development focused on Student Leadership Practices Inventory (SLPI). 2. LEAD - LEAD’s Student directors had a vision to empower participants to make big ideas happen by challenging them to submit their projects for acceptance to the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU) in Miami. A group of four students, named “Swipe to Serve,” was accepted and they also won a Student Award for their project. 3. ASB growth - Two international trips, Costa Rica (December) and Ecuador (May), as well as 2 domestic trips to DC and Asheville, NC in March. Inaugural year of the Alternative Service Break Board (ASBB) – student led planning and implementation of service trips during the year. 4. Student national conference attendance Engage.Lead.Serve Board (ELSB) plus one ASB Board member (9 students) attended IMPACT conference – student led conference focused on service and social justice; 5 students selected and 4 attended ACC Leadership Symposium at the University of Notre Dame; 6 students attended Clinton Global Initiatives University; 2 students attended the Habitat for Humanity Young Leaders Conference. 5. New RSOs - 7 organizations formed by students on the Health Sciences Campus. 5 previously-inactive organizations had their charters reinstated. Updated the Health Sciences Campus (HSC) SGA Office with a swiper door to allow more access for the HSC Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) to utilize the office space in absence of professional staff. This summer the office suite will undergo an upgrade facilitated by the Med School Council to entice more RSOs to utilize the space.


DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. College Women’s Leadership Conference - 3 day weekend conference promoted to women around the region and hosted by UofL focused on supporting women in leadership. 2. ELSB Food Chains video/panel - Migrant worker awareness; also involved tremendous collaborative efforts with faculty and community leaders related to food literacy and food insecurity. 3. ASB trip issues - Trips were focused on social issues around community development, food literacy, food insecurity and environmental sustainability – all working with agencies in underdeveloped countries and/or with low socioeconomic status (SES) populations. 4. MLK Day of Service and SOUL - Service projects are primarily done in low SES parts of the city or serve residents of low SES. 5. RSO sponsored programs - The RSO’s hosted many events that support cultural diversity that include but are not limited to: International Fashion Show, Jalsa 2014, Israeli Apartheid Week, Pride Week Events, A Night to Honor a Holocaust Survivor, El Dia de los Muertos, International Banquet, and African Night.

1. 2nd year leadership program - Began monthly planning sessions in January with the Career Development Center on sophomore leadership program, also involved undergraduate advising and A&S advising. 2. Elect Her - Program has transitioned to new RSO, AAUW student chapter. 3. College Womens Leadership Conference (June 2014) - Women’s Center. 4. White Privilege Conference - ELSB hosted University of Notre Dame professor’s class attending the conference in Louisville. 5. Engineering LLC Fair - The Engineering Living Learning Community hosted an involvement fair. The Graduate Assistant for RSOs attended the event and represented the student involvement office.

STRATEGIC GOALS (2015-16) 1. Implement leadership training plan, including Game Changer Retreat and joint ELSB and Student Activities Board (SAB) trainings. 2. Implement Card Corps, including 9 Weeks of OrgSync campaign. 3. Implement ASB Board and explore May ASB. 4. Focus Freshmen LEAD on service projects and Clinton Global Initiative University; focus Task Force Freshmen (TFF) on civic engagement (SGA elections/voting). Provide semester officer training for chapter officers.


Total OrgSync Users 12,071 9,969


7,557 4,766



Student Involvement

Student Involvement












Student Involvement

Student Counseling Center SAC Traffic (number of people through building) SAC Reservations

2.5 m 2.0 m

2.02 million 1.5 million

1.5 m

1.52 million 1.21 million

1m 10 k


7,9 9 9

1.56 million




5k 20010/11







1. 2014 Welcome Week SOUL - 750 students attend Community Service event during Welcome Week. 2. 2015 MLK Day of Service - 225 students attend Community Service event on Martin Luther King Day. 3. ELSB - Engage Lead Serve Board hosted 62 events ranging from service opportunities, education and awareness, to leadership and community engagement conferences. 4. Alternative Service Break Trips - Winter 2014 – Costa Rica – 9 students; Spring 2015 – (2 trips) – 8 NC and 5 DC; Spring 2015 – Ecuador – 3 students and 1 staff. 5. Trick or Treat with the Greeks - For the first time in recent memory all three governing councils came together with the fraternity and sorority life staff to host underprivileged children that would not have been able to participate in Halloween otherwise to participate in a haunted house, apple bobbing, pumpkin painting, and other activities with the collegiate students on Greek Row.


MISSION: The mission of the Counseling Center is to provide services and programs that support the psychological well-being, holistic development, and retention of University of Louisville students. The Center seeks to promote an environment that is conducive to positive personal growth and educational achievement. We are committed to diversity in the provision of services and in supporting the University community, while honoring the unique needs and concerns of individuals and traditionally underrepresented groups. We are dedicated to achieving excellence in all aspects of service provision, consultation, training, and research.



The University of Louisville Counseling Center (ULCC) provides short term individual, group, and couples counseling, crisis intervention, and psychological testing. Our clients seek services for a variety of areas of concern, including psychological, personal/social, academic, and career issues. Counseling Center professionals provide consultation to faculty and staff members, as well as participate in outreach, training, advocacy, program development, and research. Our counselors work in conjunction with the University community to promote a healthy campus environment that maximizes academic success and student retention.

Director: Aesha L. Tyler, Psy.D. Location: Student Services Annex Phone: 502-852-6585 Website:

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Searches for Director, Training Coordinator, Counselor - Student Affairs conducted a national search for a Counseling Center director and selected a licensed clinical psychologist who can provide therapy services to students in addition to performing administrative duties. ULCC hired a Training Coordinator, a licensed psychologist who provides oversight of all training activities, along with clinical duties. ULCC hired an additional Counselor, an Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). 2. Move to Cardinal Station - ULCC is in the process of a move to a newly-renovated space at Cardinal Station in August 2015, which will put the Center in line with International Association of Counseling Services (IACS) standards for physical space, records storage, and waiting room facilities. It will also provide office space for additional staff and trainees. 3. Technology improvements - We are implementing Titanium (our record-keeping program) access from home for professional staff. This would allow staff members who were home caring for family or otherwise out of the office for non-illness to be able to work on notes, etc. This would also provide quick access to client info in an emergency situation. 4. BASICS Training - ULCC sponsored a training in Summer 2015 for Brief Alcohol Screening and Interventions for College Students (BASICS),

designed for the prevention and treatment of undergraduate alcohol abuse. Student Affairs staff, and UofL faculty were invited to attend. 5. Crisis/ walk-in coverage - Crisis coverage was changed so that a member of professional staff is “on call” every hour from 8:30 to 5. With the new system, walk-ins can be seen faster, and phone calls/inquiries/ crises are handled by a clinician quickly.

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Committees/interviews - Dr. Gulati served on the committee to apply for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant for suicide prevention along with


Student Counseling Center




2011/12 2010/11




1. Move to ULCC to Cardinal Station (in process). This includes marketing to inform students of the move and the benefits for students of ULCC being housed in the new location. 2. Hire additional professional staff members. 3. Staff will create therapy groups and workshops to provide additional services to students and reduce wait time during peak utilization periods during the semester. 4. Work to implement using iPads so that clients can complete paperwork electronically, paper is reduced, which helps move us towards all electronic files, and info is sent directly to clients’ electronic file. 5. Implement more efficient video-recording system for supervision of graduate student trainees.

Scheduled Counseling Sessions



TRIO Student Support Services


several campus partners. She also served on the National College Depression Partnership (NCDP) study committee. Dr. Tyler served on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Reaffirmation subcommittee, and attended mock interview day at Spalding University for psychology internship applicants. Dr. Casiano attended mock interviews for UofL’s Education and Counseling Psychology—College of Education and Human Development (ECPY) students. 2. Training Program - Meeting attendees: Dr. Michael Mardis (VPSA), Dr. Aesha Tyler (ULCC), Dr. Ruby Casiano (ULCC), Dr. Jason Osborne (ECPY), Dr. Eugene Foster (ECPY), Dr. Anna Faul (Kent School), Dr. Bernadette Walter (Noble Kelly Center/Psychology), and Dr. Suzanne Meeks (Psychology) met to discuss opportunities for collaboration. A follow up meeting was held and was attended by Drs. Tyler, Casiano, and Walter, along with Martha Fuller (Kent School), Dr. Emma Sterrett (Kent School), and Dr. Katie Hopkins (ECPY). We discussed possible opportunities and aspects of expanding the training program, including student interest, adequate licensed supervisors, required staff time, etc. 3. Stress Resiliency and KORU Mindfulness Collaboration with Health Promotions to provide information on ways of reducing stress and a mindfulness program. 4. 1st Year Initiatives - Gabrielle Billings led student discussion about book This I Believe as part of First Year Initiatives Student Orientation. 5. RA Training - Behind Closed Doors—Training RAs on how to talk with students about suicide and giving RAs resources for how to get help for students.



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DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 1. Take Back the Night - ULCC staff presence to assist event participants that might need emotional support. Staff also sets up a resource table for the event. 2. Cultural Competency Workshop - Dr. Tyler presented in the Cultural Competency Workshop Series (co-sponsored by Association of Black Students (ABS) and the Cultural Center). Title: “Mental Health among Students of Color.” 3. PRIDE Week - Tabling event. 4. Cardinal Towne - Grief processing after student death. 5. International Student Resource Fair - Tabling event.

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Take Back the Night - Community event on the prevention of sexual violence. 2. Staff Day of Service - Part of the University of Louisville’s commitment to community engagement.

MISSION: The University of Louisville’s Student Support Services program is designed to assist first-generation, low-income, and/or students with disabilities towards the successful completion of their postsecondary education, while promoting a supportive institutional climate. .



TRIO Student Support Services is a Title IV academic retention program designed to assist first-generation, low-income, and/or students with disabilities toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. Staff provides one-on-one personal and academic assistance and advocacy for TRIO students. Services include free tutoring (and/or referrals to REACH for tutoring), mentoring, leadership opportunities, cultural enrichment activities and events, graduate school visits and application assistance, financial support to help reduce educational loan burdens, and a variety of workshops and seminars that address study skills, financial literacy, goal setting, and personal development. We monitor student GPA’s, implement individualized academic improvement plans when needed, and provide access to GRE, PRAXIS, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT and other graduate school resource materials. We also provide opportunities for students to volunteer within the community and serve as a referral source for support services outside of our scope of operation. All of our services are provided free to participants.

Director: Nadine Petty Location: Davidson Hall, Room 106 Phone: 502-852-1406 Website:

COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. FAFSA Days - FAFSA completion initiative with Ekstrom Library and KHEAA. 2. Graduate School Academy - Collaboration with Career Center and Kaplan. 3. Midterm Chilidown - Tom & Chee’s donated chili for event. 4. Morocco – Study Abroad - Initiative with Women’s Center – they provided scholarships for two TRIO students to attend and hosted trip. 5. Time Management Workshop - Pizza Donici’s donated pizza for event. Gray’s Bookstore donated planners to give to students at event

POINTS OF PRIDE (2013-14) 1. Fourth Annual Student Awards Ceremony TRIO students were recognized for academic achievement and improvement. UofL faculty/staff recognized for support of program and students. 2. On Course - Piloted a 4-week On Course student success seminar in TRIO. Pilot showed positive outcomes for success measures. Brought findings to A & S Advising Office and they decided to implement On Course in GEN 101 Freshman Orientation courses. 3. GEN 101: TRIO Section - TRIO only (or TRIO eligible ) section created for GEN 101 to be taught by TRIO staff. 4. Fulbright Scholar - TRIO student, LaShawn Ford won a Fulbright scholarship to complete graduate work in Kent. She was nominated by TRIO staff for the scholarship and we provided her recommendation. This same student was runner-up for a Truman Scholarship, which we also initiated. 5. Study Abroad Scholarships/Women’s Center The Women’s Center hosted 2 TRIO students for a study abroad trip to Morocco. They were provided scholarships via the Women’s Center to attend.


TRIO Student Support Services


Development/Parents Association


1. Create partnership with Office of Veteran Services to more effectively recruit and serve Veterans. 2. Implement a separate College Survival Day for TRIO students who are Veterans. 3. Implement “difference education” workshops for students across racial, sexual preference, and SES lines as per competitive priority objectives in grant. 4. Create more service learning and volunteer opportunities and partnerships for TRIO students. 5. Use CLAWS systematically with all student staff.

1. International Fashion Show - Paid for tickets for students to attend. 2. Postpartum Support Group 3. College Survival Days 4. 50th TRiO Anniversary Celebration 5. Student Parent Association Clothing Give Away Drive

Observed Program Outcomes Persistance Rate Persistance Rate Objective Good Academic Standing Rate Good Academic Standing Rate Objective 85 80 75










70 90 85 80




65 60 50


45 20010/11

2012/13 Year





The department serves a variety of purposes within the division of Student Affairs. Housed within the department are the following areas/roles: Student Affairs Development Efforts; Parents Association; Assessment; and Student Affairs external relations. The development efforts and external relations are attained through establishing new gift programs and supporting current initiatives of the division through the establishment and cultivation of relationships with student groups, friends, parents, alumni, foundations and corporations. The Parents Association serves parents through a dedicated monthly newsletter, Facebook page, and website and will grow into a more full service area over time. The assessment component is accomplished through the eventual coordination of division-wide assessment results allowing information to be utilized for strategic planning and direction.

Director: Glenn Gittings, Ph.D. Location: Student Activities Center, W302 Phone: 502-852-6937 Website:


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MISSION: The University of Louisville, Division of Student Affairs Development Office provides division-wide support in the areas of fundraising and external relations. The Student Affairs Development Office is dedicated to establishing new gift programs and supporting current initiatives of the division through the establishment and cultivation of relationships with student groups, friends, parents, alumni, foundations and corporations. The office is charged with directing, guiding, and leading the division’s private fund raising activities and is responsible for the development efforts of the departments within Student Affairs. Ultimately the Division of Student Affairs Development Office develops philanthropic support to promote and enhance programs and activities offered to UofL students. This office is also responsible for all efforts, programming, and communication to UofL parents through the Parents Association.



1. Parent Photo Booth @ Orientation - Goal was to engage families throughout freshman orientation and offer a way to create a lasting memory from the start of their student’s UofL college experience. We took Free hi-res photos with a giant Proud Cardinal Parent image backdrop during all 10 sessions of freshman orientation. After each event we uploaded all photos to a Flickr page for parents to access. 2. Parents Facebook growth/engagement - We are now at more than 1,700 likes on the Parent’s Facebook page. I have begun utilizing it even more to give glimpses into campus life through posting photos and updates from various events and UofL experiences. The engagement with this has been fantastic and parents continue to share information from the page to their student’s social media accounts. 3. Bowl Service Project - We continued the bowl service project this year at the Russell Athletic Bowl. The bowl service project concept offers collaborative efforts between institutions to provide a service


event for alumni/students/staff during post-season athletic events. This concept allowed the institutions to connect to alumni/donors, & future student donors on a whole new level. The project offers opportunities for community service, alumni/student engagement, and institutional opportunities. 4. Parent Guide Collaboration with Housing - The second year of the guide, I needed to get it to families much earlier and in greater numbers than the first year. Therefore, I reached out to Housing to partner with them on their Housing Guide which is mailed prior to orientation to incoming freshman. We had some overlap/similarities in the content and by coming together, we could provide a much stronger guide for families. The other key is this provided a significant cost savings on design and printing for Housing. For the Parents Association it allowed our guide to get into households in greater numbers and much earlier. Parents came to orientation already talking about the Parent guide. 5. Fryberger Parent Reception/Leadership Fund gifts from Fryberger Board - We continued hosting a Parent/Alumni reception before Fryberger in conjunction with Greek life & Alumni Association. Attendance has grown so large we needed to move to a larger room this year and the event attracted the largest crowd ever and also included a great mix of parents as well as young & seasoned alumni. The Fryberger Board also continued their tradition of donating proceeds from Fryberger to the Greek Leadership Funds. This is helping us move much closer to endowing all 3 funds.

Development/Parents Association

Additional Highlights

From the Division of Student Affairs


COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS 1. Freshman Orientation - Collaborated with Admissions and presented to all parents/families at all freshman orientation sessions in conjunction with Alumni Association. Also expanded outreach and participated throughout the entire 2 days of Freshman orientation. The added expansion to day 2 programming required strong collaboration between Financial Aid, Orientation, and a new partnership with the University Club. 2. Admissions Recruitment Efforts - Cooperated with Admissions to attend and present to families at the larger prospective student events as well as speaking to parents at all high level scholarship events (ULEAD, GEMS, McConnell Scholars, MLK Scholars, Porter Scholars, Brown Fellows). 3. Summer Sendoffs - Collaborated with Admissions and Alumni Association to host student send-off receptions for incoming freshman & families after freshman orientation throughout the state (Somerset, Madisonville, Lexington, Northern KY) 4. Cuyjet Graduate Fund Efforts - Worked to honor Dr. Cuyjet’s legacy through the renaming of a gift account that is focused on supporting CSP graduate students through funding professional development. To unveil this and promote the giving opportunity, we hosted alumni receptions at both NASPA & ACPA in Dr. Cuyjet’s honor. 5. Bowl Service Project - The bowl service project concept offers collaborative efforts between institutions to provide a service event for alumni/students/staff during post-season athletic events. We collaborated with multiple offices on campus including: President’s Office, Service Learning, Student Involvement, Athletics, Alumni Association, OCM, Development. Also collaborated with the division of Student Affairs at the University of Miami as well as the non-profit Clean the World.


1. Work with Institutional Effectiveness to revise the Annual Report allowing for better connectivity of Assessment for each department and alignment towards SACS. 2. Grow Freshman Summer Sendoff events by expanding to including Louisville and surrounding counties. Also cementing a structured cooperative relationship with Alumni Association in the planning and facilitation of the events. 3. Add a Welcome Week Parent event to host Family’s for a reception on Move-In Day. 4. Maintain strong stewardship of Toshiba to build and prep for renewal of the gift to the SRC in 3 years. 5. Move Family Weekend to a single location on-site at the football stadium. This allows for a tailgate and meal at the stadium.

COMMUNITY SERVICE & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Russell Athletic Bowl Cooperative Community Service Project - We completed a cooperative community service project in Orlando along with Miami during the Russell Athletic Bowl. Volunteers to helped build hygiene kits made from recycled soap and shampoo donated by hotels. We ended up with volunteers that ranged from students to alums and even staff. Every year, we consistently have the President and OCM attend this event. We worked with Clean the World, which is a nonprofit organization working to collect and recycle soap and shampoo products discarded by the hospitality industry every day. Through the distribution of these and other donated hygiene products to impoverished people, prevent the millions of deaths caused by hygiene-related illnesses every day.

International Service Learning Program We continue our commitment to providing students with opportunities for community service and international travel. 100 students participated in five programs coordinated by the Division of Student Affairs. This past year students traveled to, Asia, Central America, Europe, and West Indies.

2014 SACSA Conference The UofL Division of Student Affairs served as host for the 2014 Southern Association for College Student Affairs (SACSA) conference. More than 500 attendees from throughout the southeast. Over 200 staff and students volunteered during the conference which was held November 1–3, 2014.

2014 Parent of the Year LaTonya Quinn, mother of J. C. Campbell was named Parent of the Year during the annual homecoming event. Ms. Quinn was one of more than 30 parents nominated for the award, now in it’s seventh year. The award is designed to let students recognize their parents for the help and support they have given them through their academic career.

Student Affairs Hosts International Guest The Division of Student Affairs continued the tradition of hosting Student Affairs professionals from other institutions in an effort to learn more about our international peer institutions. This year we hosted Allyson Logie Eustare and Dale Lynch from different campuses of the University of the West Indies. During their 2 week visit they met with our Student Affairs Directors, staff and students. On weekends they took advantage of the city’s cultural events and activities. It was a great learning opportunity for all involved.

New Director of Counseling Center

Dr. Aesha Tyler was selected as the new Director of the Counseling Center in August 2014. Dr. Tyler holds degrees from the University of Michigan, the University of Illinois, and the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She brings 12 years of clinical experience in university and agency settings. Before coming to UofL, Dr. Tyler spent 4 years as a staff psychologist at the University of Kentucky Counseling Center.

New Director of Career Development Center

Trey Lewis was named the new Director of the Career Development Center in January of 2015. Before coming to UofL, Trey was Director of Career Services at Indiana University Southeast. Trey has an undergraduate and graduate degree in Human Resources from James Madison University, where he worked in their Career and Multicultural Center.


Student Affairs Acting Vice President for Student Affairs (502) 852-6933 Dr. Michael Mardis Dean of Students/Associate Vice President (502) 852-5787 Dr. Michael Mardis Departments and Directors: Career Development Center Trey Lewis Counseling Center Dr. Aesha Tyler

(502) 852-6701 (502) 852-6585

Development and Parents Programs (502) 852-6933 Dr. Glenn Gittings Disability Resource Center Cathy Patus Housing & Residence Life Shannon Staten

(502) 852-6938 (502) 852-6636

International Service Learning Program (502) 852-6933 Dr. Joy Hart and Dr. Kandi Walker Faculty Coordinators Intramural Sports & Recreation (502) 852-6707 Dale Ramsay Special Programs and Development (502) 852-7467 George J. Howe Student Involvement/Student Activities Center (502) 852-6691 Tim Moore Student Leadership Pam Nessle Curtis

(502) 852-6691

Student Rights and Responsibilities Angela Taylor Assistant Dean of Students

(502) 852-5787

TRIO Student Support Services Nadine Petty

(502) 852-1406


The Division of Student Affairs

Student Activities Center W301, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 Phone: 502-852-6933 Website:


The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity institution. This publication was prepared by the University of Louisville and printed with state funds KRS 57.375.

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