Secsao 2014 Discussion list

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Submitted Discussion Topics (February 11, 2014)

Accountability  When VPSA’s are let go or reassigned. Pitfalls to avoid/. What went wrong? – UofL  Retention efforts and lessons learned – LSU  Using SACS process and data to make true improvement – LSU Athletics  Game day experiences (football in particular) – LSU  Partnerships between athletics and student affairs - VT  Does your athletic department offer a training table for varsity athletes? If so, which teams participate? Who provides your campus food service? – ECU  Bowl tournament/Final Four activities and funding - UofL Communications and Marketing  Practices for engaging parents, on an on-going basis, on AOD topics – Clemson  How are SA units dealing with social media collaboration within their departments? How are SA leadership handling the growing impacts of social media on campus and in their units? ECU  Which schools have decentralized campus when it comes to marketing and communications vs. centralized? – ECU  Android/Apple apps used by Student Affairs? – UofL Counseling  Online counseling delivery models – Clemson  Counseling sharing client information to Behavioral Intervention Teams UofL Crisis Management  Student deaths (alcohol and drug related) – Clemson  Threat Assessment Teams within behavioral concern teams – Clemson

Development  Hiring and training Student Affairs Development Officers – LSU  Fundraising ideas or best practice in student affairs Development models; other revenue generating ideas (report to student affairs or development or both) – VT  Strategies for making the big “ASK.” Are there examples or others that have had any success? -- UofL Financial    

Privatization and public/private partnerships – LSU Non-resident agreements with other states – LSU Status of various State funding levels – UNCC University Business Services Centers & University funding models -- UofL

Health and Wellness     

Electronic cigarettes (are they in your policy) – UNC Greensboro Suicidal students on-campus – UNC Greensboro Involuntary withdrawals for students with psychological disorders – UNCC Mandatory Health Care for students - VT Service animals in campus Residence Halls for anxiety and other reasons – UGA  Is any campus incorporating the Dimensions of Wellness into student success, and if so, how? – ECU  Affordable Care Act and student health - ECU Legal  New state laws affecting Higher Education – UNCC  Implementation of the Campus SaVE Act and Violence against Women Act, what are people doing to implement – GSU & UMemphis  Title IX efforts and organizational structure of such – LSU  Other options to underage arrests on-campus, what are others doing – UGA  How campuses are managing Title II compliance – Clemson  ADA accessibility, especially related to food allergies - USC

Student Learning  Using web-based solutions as a retention tool – LSU  What campuses offer Living Learning Communities in the residence halls? If so, what types of communities exist? What are the criteria that defines these communities? – ECU  What campuses have required on-campus housing for freshman – TAMU  How does academic advising work with Career Services on your campuses? – UofL Other  Presidential Transitions – recommendations for success - VT  “eSports” – UAB  Integrated door access systems I residence halls and throughout campus VT  Bias incidents and the collection of and response to incidents – LSU  Divisional restructuring and strategizing re-structuring – LSU  Selecting and implementing a new Student Information System (ERP) – LSU  When “Special meeting for retirees” will occur to help us in our continuing education needs – VCU  Do you have something like a Student Center or a Student Help Center, how do Student Affairs and Academic Affairs collaborate on such efforts – UMemphis  Does anyone have a comprehensive center that students can call to get help for everything from running out of financial aid to tutoring – UMemphis  Refunding of all SECSAO related funds (for those who need to cancel for any reason) for 2014 meeting and beyond (to be discussed by those attending)  When SGA is in opposition to administration – UofL

Next Year  UCF/FSU volunteered to host the 2015 meeting. However, they are open to others hosting 2015. Volunteers for 2015? 2016?

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