Vibrations - June 2010

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June Edition 2010

It’s Happening Here In this Edition: The VP’s Pen: The PEOPLE to Bring It to Life Veterans “Into the Fire” The PROMISE of a Limitless Future Student Activities Sponsors WOW Meet the New SGA and SAB Officers What Our Students are Saying Living Green and Loving It Celebration at Churchill Downs The PASSION to Break New Ground The WILL to Achieve Greatness Students Like Weekly Email Summer Concert at the Red Barn The INSIGHT to Champion Community Gulf South Summit

The Successful Supervisor Series UofL Student Awards Alternative Spring Break 2010 Get Ready for the 15th Annual RBAA Golf Scramble Kentuckiana Metroversity Recognizes Accomplishments Intramural Sports Hosts 22nd Annual Awards Factoids: Social Media Simplified Award Winning Career Center Team Sign-up for PDC Quote of the Day Awards Abound for Housing Mark Your Calendar Professional Development Kudos Take Our Vibrations Survey!

The VP’s Pen: The PEOPLE to Bring It to Life This issue of Vibrations highlights many of our staff achievements during the recent academic year. These accomplishments wouldn’t have taken place without the dedication and commitment of staff within the division. I challenge staff to continue to engage with the University and the profession through innovative programs that focus on the needs of students. 5

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ions t a r ib V f first-year Hundreds o parents d n students a g the in it s will be vi e next few th in s u c a mp e go ou t s weeks; plea make to of your way lcome. e w l e them fe Staff at a recent Student Affairs gathering at the Red Barn

“Into the Fire” The Disability Resource Center, in conjunction with the University Veterans Organization, hosted “Into the Fire” on March 31 at the Red Barn. This is a play about returning veterans with disabilities and combat-related trauma and their stories as they reintegrate into their families, communities, educational institutions, and the workforce. This powerful production featured two actors capturing the emotions and expressions of both male and female veterans and their families through recreation of their stories. Audience members experienced tears and laughter, anger and joy, tension and relief as they engaged in this powerful and poignant production. The discussion that followed provided ample opportunity for the audience to engage in dialogue to address the emotions incurred. A great experience! 5

The PROMISE of a Limitless Future Tia Johnson of the Education and Advising Center has collaborated with James L. Brown of The Career Development Center alongside the Exercise Science and Public Health Education programs to offer a pilot series entitled, “The Health & Human Performance (HHP) Career Connection.” The purpose of this pilot event was to connect juniors in these concentrations to internship opportunities, potential employers, and graduate programs related to their majors. The HHP Career Connection was held in MITC 201 on Thursday, March 4 and all students were welcome. There were eleven employers/ exhibitors for the event. 5


ions t a r ib V Student Activities Sponsors WOW Marketplace Since many students will be on their own for the first time this fall, Student Activities is sponsoring the 1st annual Week of Welcome (WOW) to assist them by familiarizing them with local businesses. This new program will assist students in finding goods and services including banking, getting their hair cut, getting their cars repaired, dry cleaning, and purchasing clothing and food. On August 31st, 2010, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., businesses can set up displays and distribute information at 6’ tables located outside the Student Activities Center and the George J. Howe Red Barn. 5

Meet the new SGA and SAB Officers Student Government Association Officers President - Sana Abhari Louisville, KY, Political Science and Economics Major Executive Vice President - Deep Aggarwal Louisville, KY, Economics Major with Biology and Finance Minors Academic Vice President - Kurtis Frizzell Calhoun, KY, Political Science Major and Social Change, Humanities and Philosophy Minors Services Vice President - John Weber Director of Finance - Christopher Bretzlauf Finance Major and Economics Minor Student Activities Board Officers Programming Director - Robin Chrisman New Albany, IN, Communications Major Marketing Director - Sarah Cruce Harrodsburg, KY, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Major



ions t a r ib V What Our Students Are Saying A short video about what our students are saying about sustainability and recycling can be found by visiting the following website or by clicking on the photo or this link: 5

Living Green and Loving It By Anna L. Roeder, Resident of Louisville Hall Since taking up residence in the University of Louisville’s Green Dorm Room, I have often been asked, “What do you like about living in the Green Dorm Room?” This is a hard question to begin to answer, because what is not to love about living more sustainably on a daily basis? Feeling better about everything from flushing the toilet, to the very manner in which my room was renovated, has been nothing short of amazing. The Green Dorm Room, in Louisville Hall, developed first as a challenge to ten students in Jamie Horwitz’s Sustainable Architecture course, a three-hour seminar in art history. At the request of Russ Barnett, director of research and development for the Kentucky Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development, these students gave their input to design the room during the spring 2009 semester. Turning the students’ conceptual design into an actual dorm room was made possible with a $5,000 grant from Arts and Sciences Dean, Blaine Hudson. The art students were excited to work on this project because, as one student put it, “The model dorm room could eventually spur UofL to change its approach to residence hall purchasing by focusing on environmentally sustainable products.” This was a point well stated. I feel honored to live in a space that is bringing our campus one-step closer to housing students in a more environmentally friendly manner. Certain features distinguish this room from any other room on campus. They are different in ways that make the room much more sustainable and aesthetically pleasing! Not only is the room easy on the environment, it is also very easy on the eyes. The floors are made of bamboo. Since bamboo is a grass, it is much more sustainable in its growing cycle than wood. Grasses grow back in a relatively quick manner. Beyond these aspects, bamboo is also exceptional to walk on! We have no need for carpet, because the bamboo is soft—and has never grown cold as tile often does. In addition, one wall is covered in clay. The clay has insulating features, as well as easy upkeep. The soft green color adds visual variety and a homey touch. The large windows let in vast quantities of natural light, cutting down a need for electricity use during the day. A beautiful ceiling fan helps regulate the temperature. Having a low-flow shower head and toilet, as well as an aerator on the faucet, have cut water use by approximately 50 percent! With tall ceilings, large windows, along with the several distinctive “green” characteristics, the room feels less like a dorm, and more like a modern, innovative, energy-efficient living space. As the chair of Housing’s Green Committee, it is a goal of mine to educate residents, in particular, about sustainable living. It is a future goal to create greener dorm rooms on our campus, but for now, education can bring students a long way in their current traditional residence halls. By learning how small everyday changes in routine can make a huge difference, students can help lower energy and resource consumption by the university as a whole. 5


ions t a r ib V Celebration at Churchill Downs “Senior Day at the Downs,” an event sponsored by the Student Government Association, Office of Student Affairs, and the Alumni Association, marked the University of Louisville’s first celebration honoring graduating seniors. The Dean of Students, Dr. Mardis, welcomed the seniors and their guests to the sixth floor Sky Terrace on Thursday, May 6th for an afternoon of food, fun, and $2 bets. The crowning moment for the students in attendance was arguably the third race of the afternoon, UofL Senior Celebration: Race to Graduation. Seniors were honored with not only the name of the race, but also with the opportunity to present a trophy to the winning horse’s owner. Outgoing SGA president OJ Oleka made this statement about the day’s events “It was nice to experience a sending off that is so unique to Louisville. Not everyone can say they’ve spent a day at Churchill Downs.” 250 seniors (10% of the graduating class) attended this event, making it a big success. 5

The PASSION to Break New Ground The Office of Civic Engagement, Leadership, & Service facilitated the inaugural retreat of the newly created Engage Lead Serve Board in April. This group is the University’s new student lead model for engagement and leadership and focuses on areas that include green initiatives, global leaders, STAND (a developing group focused on genocide education and activism) and children’s programs. The board includes presidents and leaders from already existing groups such as the UofL Dance Marathon President, Anna Hellmann, and the 2010-11 Bonner Leader Intern, Jonathan Bender. The learning and creativity that will come from this group promises to be tremendous. Collectively, these students will see a great deal of value in the shared vision for community and global change. Margaret Mead’s words resonated in all of the discussions of the group, “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” The Engage Lead Serve Board feels that the collective understanding of what the different service and philanthropic groups are doing will result in greater collaboration and will allow more students to commit to their passion for service. Be on the lookout for Engage Lead Serve this fall. 5


ions t a r ib V The WILL to Achieve Greatness Shannon Staten, Director of Housing at UofL was one of five women interviewed for the article on Flourishing Careers which appears in the May+June issue of The Talking Stick—a magazine that is the authoritative source for campus housing. The latest edition is available online. You can read Flourishing Careers, advice from five professional women who have thrived in the facilities management world, by visiting: http://www.nxtbook. com/nxtbooks/acuho/talkingstick_20100506/#/40 5

Students Like Weekly Email How often do students read the weekly Student News and Events? 272 students participated in a survey to help answer that question. 57% of them read it regularly, 42% read it sometimes, and of those surveyed, only 1% said they never read it. The survey opportunity was posted in the last email of the semester. Most of the participants said they read the Student News and Events information on their computer, and a few read it on their mobile device. 92% of those surveyed find the Student News and Events information helpful and 97% found the email easy to navigate. When asked: “How do you normally learn about events?” most responded with multiple answers. 99% of the survey participants use email to learn about events, 30% use facebook, 17% use digital signage or TV’s in campus buildings, 17% use The Cardinal newspaper, 14% use the website, 12% use text messaging, and less than 1% use Twitter. These results are helpful in reassuring us that covering all of the methods used by the students remains prudent. They are a clear form of diversity in action. To sign up to receive the Student News and Events email or to provide feedback, send an email to To submit announcements for the email, fill out the online form at 5

Summer Concert at the Red Barn Please join us for the RBAA (Red Barn Alumni Association) 25th Anniversary Concert featuring “The Tymes Band” at the UofL George J. Howe Red Barn, Friday, July 9, 2010. The door opens at 7:30 p.m., and the concert begins at 8 p.m. Come and hear UofL’s own Craig Lush, from the Physical Plant, who is the drummer for The Tymes Band. Admission is whatever you choose to contribute and is voluntary to help defray the event cost and to benefit UofL students through the RBAA. Checks received are 100% tax deductible. For more information, please contact: George Howe at (502) 852-7467, (502) 552-9377 or The members of the RBAA thank you very much for your support to benefit UofL Students. 5


ions t a r ib V The INSIGHT to Champion Community Classrooms have just gotten bigger at UofL! They now expand into our residence halls. Students interested in living with others who have common academic interests can choose to reside in a living-learning community (LLC) for the upcoming academic year. Students can apply for these experiences at the same time they apply for their housing. What is particularly exciting about this venture is the campus-wide commitment to making it happen. This program can’t work without university programs working together. The planning group is combined of representatives from Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Student Services, Student Affairs, Admissions, Housing and Residence Life, Advising, Speed School, Honors, REACH, Career Development Center, Institutional Research, Communications and Marketing and Pre-Dental Hygiene. What is UofL’s definition of a living learning community? An LLC has: • Clear academic objectives and mission • Students living together in a discrete portion of a residence hall • Staff, curricular and co-curricular programming, and resources dedicated to that program In what ways does the university believe that LLCs will contribute to a student’s academic success? National research shows LLCs contribute to: • Development of personal relationships with other students in the classroom • Increased GPA • Greater involvement on campus and in professional organizations • Higher likelihood of graduating in four years • Easier transition from high school to college • Increased class attendance What makes these communities different from living in any other residence hall community? There are seven differences, to be specific: 1. A Peer Mentor to assist with the transition from high school to college 2. Academic advising offered in residence hall 3. Opportunities to meet faculty and practitioners outside the classroom setting 4. Career workshops focused on turning coursework into a career 5. Academic programs to assist in becoming more successful as a student 6. Community service and leadership experiences 7. Social activities to assist in getting to know community members better Students living in these communities will be taking two or more common courses, while living together on the same floor. Finding study partners has just gotten much easier.


ions t a r ib V The new communities are: 1. First Year Interest Group—Unitas Tower First Year students (men and women) on two floors will combine their shared living experience with the following opportunities: Shared BIO 102, 104 and GEN 101 courses 2. Honors Pre-Health, Science and Engineering Community—Threlkeld Honors Hall Shared CHEM 201 and HON 101 course 3. Pre-Health Community – Miller Hall Shared BIO 240 course and GEN 101 Natural Sciences 4. Pre-Dental Hygiene Community – Community Park Shared CHEM 101 and DHED 101 courses; Student information panels; Tours of School of Dentistry 5. Engineering Community – Wellness Hall Common curriculum in first two years; Co-op preparation workshops Go to to learn more about these exciting new opportunities for students. 5

Gulf South Summit In March, Kim Shaver and Amanda Romito-Hamilton from The Office of Civic Engagement, Leadership, and Service presented at the Gulf South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education. They presented on the topic of reflection. The interactive workshop, “Home Is Where the Heart is: Reflection as a Means to Finding One’s Place in the World” allowed participants to engage themselves in a reflection activity using The Social Change Model of Leadership. Not only did Amanda and Kim present, but a student, Emily Peeler, created a poster presentation, “Growing Partnerships: UofL’s Alternative Spring Break Program with Black Mountain, NC Community Gardens.” This presentation explained the social justice issues behind the annual community garden trip to Black Mountain. The conference was engaging and educational. The students learned about new programs and even found time to explore the University of Georgia and the town. One of the most inspiring presentations was from keynote speaker, Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS Shoes. 5 In photographs (clockwise starting on left): Kim Shaver and Amanda Romito-Hamilton hosting a round table Kim Shaver, Emily Peeler and Amanda Romito-Hamilton in Downtown Athens Kim Shaver and Joe Frey, remember Joe?


ions t a r ib V The Successful Supervisor Series This May, Beverly Wolford and Kathy Pendleton both graduated from “The Successful Supervisor” series. When asked “What would you say to others who might be thinking about taking this course?” Kathy Pendleton said, “Even though you’ve been supervising for a long time, it’s a good refresher course. It forced me to look at my own leadership style and gave me new tools to use.” Beverly Wolford said, “It was a wonderful experience for me. There were familiar topics presented with new meaning, and interaction opportunities with various campus staff. A great course for anyone old or new to supervision. I recommend it highly.” Congratulations Kathy and Beverly! 5

UofL Student Awards The University of Louisville had a ceremony on Monday, April 12, to recognize outstanding students, student organizations and other campus groups for achievement on campus and in the community. The awards were presented by Athletics, REACH, International Center, SGA, Cultural Center, Kentucky Metroversity, Greek Life and the Dean of Students. UofL Student Awards are in their 11th year. Nominations come from students, faculty and staff. A committee selects recipients based on leadership, service and involvement. “It is rewarding for the entire university community to recognize and celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of students,” said Dean of Students, Michael Mardis, who helped present the awards. “The University of Louisville has a wealth of exceptional student scholars that contribute so much to our vibrant campus community and beyond. The various student awards, their recipients and organizations are representative of the diverse and meaningful contributions of our student body.” Also awarded were two staff members for the following categories: Advisor of the Year: Sean Bogle, Resident Student Association This award recognizes the adviser of an officially registered student organization who has demonstrated outstanding contributions with his or her time and expertise. Bogle was nominated by nearly all of the leadership board members of RSA. The comments that came with the nominations spoke of his depth as an adviser, unlimited time and dedication, and true progress and innovation. Harold Adams Award: Jenny Sawyer, executive director for Admissions The award is a tribute to Adams, a former Assistant Vice President for Student Life, who was known for his nurturing nature toward students and concern for every phase of students’ educational experience. Sawyer was nominated by Jim McGovern, a 1974 graduate of the College of Arts & Sciences and a 1978 Law graduate. He described her as someone who begins fostering relationships with students before they are on campus and continues to parent them when they arrive at UofL.


ions t a r ib V “Jenny is a tireless advocate for all things concerning the student. In a unique position to foster students even before they are on campus, Jenny never fails in her devotion to students. She takes students-to-be and “parents” them from day one to graduation. Jenny nurtures all aspects of a student’s education, from classroom to the playing field, and from social life to family relationships. When a young person expresses interest in college, I naturally think of my alma mater. My second thought is Jenny, whom I invariably refer to beginning and already enrolled students. I know that she will recruit fairly, monitor incessantly and maintain a real contact with that student. She will foster a relationship between the University and a student that lasts a lifetime.” Nomination by: Jim Govern A complete list of Student Awards winners can be accessed on the web at 5

Alternative Spring Break 2010 Local ASB: This year’s local alternative spring break (ASB) was a collaborative effort with Morehead State University, where over 20 students, collectively worked with the refugee population right here in Louisville. This year’s focus was birthed from UofL’s First Year Initiatives book-in-common, “The Devil’s Highway.” Students volunteered at the Americana Community Center and Catholic Charities. They assisted with projects that included Dare-to-Care food drives, apartment resettlements, teaching English as a second language, and working in a community garden. Over the course of the break, we received gracious donations from Jimmy John’s, McDonald’s, Cake Flour, the Muhammad Ali Center and Puccini’s—not to mention our very own Student Affairs staff sponsored a potluck on the first night of the break. The students walked away with a great experience and upon the conclusion of the ASB, the students met at the Louisville International Airport to greet a refugee family from Iraq and this brought it all home—why they completed the service they did over the break. One student said of her experience: “ASB 2010 was a fantastic experience to meet knew people with a common purpose of giving back to the community. At the end of the day working in the community garden at the Americana Community Center, it was rewarding to know that our efforts were going to help make a difference for the families by providing them with their own plot of land to help sustain their families. Just as the community garden required us to move the compost piles, shovel the soil, clean the garden, and more, society also needs helpful individuals who are willing to get a little dirty in order to support the greater community.”


ions t a r ib V Black Mt., NC ASB: A Three-Year Partnership Continues to Blossom. For our third year, our ASB program returned to Black Mt., NC to work with the “Eat Smart Black Mt.” and “Making Health A Way of Life” community health initiatives. We worked with the Black Mt. Community Garden, which provides garden plots to families, individuals, local school and organizations. Half of the garden plots are part of the “Plant a Row for the Hungry” initiative and volunteers who maintain these plots donate the harvest to local non-profits that support families in need. We planted eleven apple trees and assisted with garden maintenance. This year we worked alongside students on spring break from nearby Warren Wilson College. Together we attended training by ToxicFree NC on how to lobby lawmakers about farming issues--such as pesticide use and fair treatment of farm workers, assisted in the facilitation of Black Mt. Primary School’s Garden Field Day and attended the monthly meeting of the Black Mt. Health Initiatives Community Council. For UofL students coming from an urban university environment, it was interesting for them to interact with the Warren Wilson students whose college experience exemplifies the philosophy “Work for the Hands and Serve from the Heart” and requires students to work on a “crew” that is responsible for the daily functioning of the campus, as well as commit to giving at least 100 hours of service through courses or co-curricular service-learning projects during their four years in attendance. We ended our week with a potluck, and both groups prepared entrées that used local produce and food products. One of our contributions was meatloaf made from local bison! Our group also visited the program “Wintergreen” which is a non-profit that instructs the community about the value of locally grown foods and serves as a resource on growing winter foods. We assisted with the community meal provided weekly by the Welcome Table program. Because of the many community partners we have met through our three year partnership in Black Mt., this year the ASB program was able to introduce students to how a small community has come together through their local parks program, school district and non-profits to form a health initiative partnership for the community that works with all age groups and targets those in need. In preparation for ASB, students are required to attend five orientation sessions that introduce them to food literacy issues, through readings and interaction with non-profits in Louisville that work with these issues. This year Oxmoor Farms and CFA provided us with great resources and information. Our readings were inspired by Barbara Kingsolver, Michael Pollen and Wendell Berry, as well as many on-line community garden resources. Community gardening is the bridge between urban culture and rural culture: Hopefully, through this experience, our UofL students will be inspired to get involved in community health and food literacy issues in Louisville and in Kentucky’s rural communities. 5


ions t a r ib V Get Ready for the 15th Annual RBAA Golf Scramble The 15th Annual RBAA (Red Barn Alumni Association) Golf Scramble will take place on Saturday, June 12, 2010, beginning at 8:00 a.m. (Check in at 7:30 a.m.) at the Crossings Golf Course at 205 Letts Road in Brooks, KY. Cost is $58.00 per person that includes 18 holes of championship golf (par 71), cart and cookout. The winning team will receive an expense paid trip to compete in the Acura College Alumni Team Championship held at the world famous Pinehurst #2 and #4 courses November 5–7 that will include accommodations at the Carolina Hotel, all meals, and two rounds of golf!!! Last year this great event raised $436 all to benefit UofL students. Pictured are last year’s winning team that was made up of our very own Student Affairs staff, David and Connie Hatfield, and John and Teresa Smith. 5

Kentuckiana Metroversity Recognizes Accomplishments In 1994, the Kentuckiana Metroversity Council began recognizing the accomplishments of adult students and the faculty and staff members who help serve them. Barbara King, a former employee from the University of Louisville, was on the committee that initiated this award. She worked diligently on the committee in honoring these students from 1994 until her retirement in 2008. This past year Barbara King passed away, and it is in her memory that we continue her service to bestow this award on our University of Louisville students, faculty and staff. 5 The 2010 Recipient’s are: Undergraduate Student Recipient – Peter Eichhorn II Graduate Student Recipient – Julie Douglas Staff Member Recipient – James Atkinson – Career Center Faculty Member Recipient – Dr. J. Price Foster – Justice Administration

Intramural Sports Celebrates Year of Record Growth The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports celebrated a year of record growth at their 22nd Annual Awards Day Ceremony. The intramural program saw record participation in eight different leagues and events resulting in an increase of more than 1,000 participants than the previous year. The ceremony was held in the world famous George J. Howe Red Barn and was attended by over 175 students and many friends from Student Affairs. Everyone in attendance enjoyed a great lunch provided by our friends at Qdoba Mexican Grill.


ions t a r ib V In addition to crowning the All Campus Champions in the fraternity, women’s and campus divisions of play, awards were given that signify accomplishments in the areas like leadership and involvement. The marketing director of Qdoba was one of our guests and helped present awards to the winners of the inaugural Qdoba Cups. The Qdoba Cup now goes to the winners of the Fraternity, Women’s and Campus divisions of play. A highlight of the ceremony was the honoring of some former student sports officials, who have gone on to achieve high levels of recognition in their sport, by naming the Official of the Year in their respective sport after them. Those honorees included Dale Orem, a 19 year National Football League official who worked a Super Bowl and threw his first flag in intramural football; Alfred Smith, an NCAA basketball official who has worked a national championship game, a soccer official who has worked eight International matches; and Tony Crush, a softball umpire who is in two Hall of Fames and a volleyball official who has been an evaluator for the NCAA championships on two occasions. The award ceremony is great because it reminds students that the real fruits of participation come from the journey leading up to the podium, not standing on it to receive the actual award. To help reinforce that, we present awards in a number of areas that do not directly reflect athletic achievement. The Mendy’s and the Dale Ramsay Sportsmanship awards are two of the more coveted awards that reflect the benefits of participation over the win/loss record of any team. 2010 Intramural Sports Awards Departmental Awards Lou Frankel Softball Umpire of the Year—Kevin Smith Dale Orem Flag Football Official of the Year—Tony Bellflower Frank Nuxoll Volleyball Official of the Year—JP McNamara Alfred Smith Basketball Official of the Year—Patrick Harwood Tony Crush Soccer Official of the Year—Adam Kornberg Official Newcomer of the Year—Bryant Combs Official of the Year—Andrew Allen Group Fitness Instructor of the Year—Nicole Dean Outstanding Sport Club—Men’s Lacrosse Outstanding Male Chair Award—Scott Ruhlig—Sigma Alpha Epsilon Outstanding Female Chair Award—Staci Kolkmeier—Chi Omega Dale Ramsay Sportsmanship Award—ASCE 4.0 (American Society of Civil Engineers) Most Improved Campus Points—ASCE 4.0


ions t a r ib V Most Improved Women’s Closed—Sigma Kappa Most Improved Fraternity—Phi Kappa Tau Qdoba Cup Champion-Campus—Sigma Alpha Epsilon Qdoba Cup Champion-Women’s Closed—Chi Omega Qdoba Cup Champion-Fraternity—Pi Kappa Alpha Mendy Awards Sports Club—McKinley Soult Female—Neily England-Delta Zeta Male—Brandon Kolze- ASCE 4.0 IM Service Awards UofL IM Rec-Sports—SGA, 2010 Service Award UofL IM Rec-Sports—Julie Onnembo, 2010 Service Award— Student Activities


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The 2010 Intramural and Recreation Sports Service Award was presented to Julie Onnembo of the Student Activities Office for her service to Intramural programs and especially her support of the “Up All Night” program. 5

Factoids: Social Media Simplified Social media is all the rage. Listed below are some definitions that may clarify meaning and usage. Social Media Defined: “Online technologies and practices that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other.” — Multiplatform_Glossary.aspx “…media designed to be disseminated through social interaction…” — “…a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content…” —Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein (via Wikipedia) Wikipedia Examples of Popular Social Media Software Applications Include: Communication • Blogs: Blogger, LiveJournal, Open Diary, TypePad, WordPress, Vox, ExpressionEngine, Xanga • Micro-blogging / Presence applications: FMyLife, Jaiku, Plurk, Twitter, Tumblr, Posterous, Yammer, Qaiku


ions t a r ib V • Social networking: Facebook,, Hi5, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning, Orkut, Skyrock, ASmallWorld, Xing,, Bebo, BigTent, Elgg, Flirtomatic • Social network aggregation: NutshellMail, FriendFeed • Events: Upcoming, Eventful,, Collaboration • Wikis: Wikipedia, PBworks, Wetpaint • Social bookmarking (or social tagging): Delicious, StumbleUpon, Google Reader, CiteULike • Social news: Digg, Mixx, Reddit, NowPublic Multimedia • Photography and art sharing: deviantArt, Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, SmugMug, Zooomr • Video sharing: YouTube, Viddler, Vimeo, sevenload • Livecasting:,, Stickam, Skype, OpenCU • Music and audio sharing: MySpace Music, The Hype Machine,, ccMixter, ShareTheMusic • Presentation sharing: slideshare, scribd Reviews and opinions • Product reviews:, • Business reviews: Customer Lobby, • Community Q&A: Yahoo! Answers, WikiAnswers, Askville, Google Answers Entertainment • Media and entertainment platforms: Cisco Eos • Virtual worlds: Second Life, The Sims Online, Forterra • Game sharing: Miniclip, Kongregate Brand monitoring • S ocial media monitoring: Sysomos Heartbeat • Social media analytics: Sysomos MAP Other • Information Aggregators: Netvibes, Twine (website) Wikipedia Sampling of Popular Social Media Outlets: Web 2.0 —the term commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. . —Wikipedia


ions t a r ib V Blogs —a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reversechronological order. “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. —Wikipedia Twitter —a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to the author’s subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. —Wikipedia Facebook —a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by workplace, school, or college. —Wikipedia Wiki —a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor. Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often used to create collaborative websites, to power community websites, for personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems. —Wikipedia YouTube —a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos…and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. —Wikipedia Flickr —an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community. In addition to being a popular website for users to share and embed personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers to host images that they embed in blogs and social media. —Wikipedia LinkedIn —a business-oriented social networking site...mainly used for professional networking. —Wikipedia Digg —a social news website made for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the Internet, by submitting links and stories, and voting and commenting on submitted


ions t a r ib V links and stories. Voting stories up and down is the site’s cornerstone function, respectively called digging and burying. Many stories get submitted every day, but only the most Dugg stories appear on the front page. —Digg Aggregation —the process of gathering and remixing content from blogs and other websites that provide RSS feeds. The results may be displayed in an aggregator website like Bloglines or Google Reader, or directly on your desktop using software often also called a newsreader. — Mashup —a web page or application that uses or combines data or functionality from two or many more external sources to create a new service. The term implies easy, fast integration, frequently using open APIs and data sources to produce enriching results that were not necessarily the original reason for producing the raw source data…Mashups and Portals are both content aggregation technologies.— Wikipedia 5

Award Winning Career Center Team Director Leslye Erickson was awarded the ACPA (College Student Educators International) Presidential Citation for Service at the Boston national convention. Leslye was recognized for her contributions to coordinating and facilitating a new change-over in ACPA Career Placement. ACPA launched Career Central, a new yearround, online job board for use by ACPA employer and candidate members. A new online employer and candidate convention job posting and interview scheduling module was also launched, referred to as Career Central Leslye Eric at Convention (C3). kson and Dr. Jackso Matt Real received the National Association of Colleges n and Employers (NACE) Excellence Awards for Research. Matt, along with Farouk Dey, University of Florida Career Center, collaborated on the Emerging Trends in Career Services: Adaption of Casella’s Paradigm. James Atkinson was recognized by Kentuckiana Metroversity, Inc. as the Outstanding UofL Staff Member for Adult Learners winner. Career Development Center Graduate Assistants were also recognized: Tracey Walterbusch, was elected President: 2010-11 CEHD (College of Education and Human Development) Graduate Student Council. She is currently working at Southwestern Oregon Community College as a conference assistant and will begin her new graduate position in Student Activities when she returns. Former Career Development Center intern, Dana Kelly, was elected ECPY representative. Abigail “Abby” Head graduated and was recognized as the Most Outstanding School Counseling Student (second year in a row for a Career Center Grad Assist!) and has accepted a position as an Academic Advisor in UofL’s Honors Program!!! Yea for employment! And a big Congratulations to Valerie Browning’s husband, Wilbur, for attaining his Ph.D. in Divinity from Beeson Divinity College at Sanford d a e H y A bb University in Birmingham, Alabama. Thank you Val for all of your support in his endeavor! 5


ions t a r ib V Sign-up for the PDC Quote of the Day The Professional Development Committee is offering to send you a “PDC Quote of the Week” email every day if you sign up for it. Below is a sampling of the types of quotes that will be sent out: Success “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” — Booker T. Washington Leadership “There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.” — Ronald Reagan Inspiration “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” — Unknown Stress Management “People are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln Laughter “Dinosaurs were lies fed to us to cover up the existence of Pokemon.” — Anonymous To sign up for this weekly email, send your email address to with “PDC Quote of the Day” in the subject line.


Awards Abound for Housing and Residence Life Housing and Residence Life has been very busy, as usual. Just this semester, we have had participants attend KRAC (Kentucky Resident Assistant Conference), KARH (Kentucky Association of Residence Halls), CPAK (College Personnel Association of Kentucky), SEAHO (Southeastern Association of Housing Officers), NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education), the Veteran’s Symposium and ACPA (College Student Educators International). The staff members attending have participated in the case study competitions, served as volunteers for the conferences, and presented over 15 programs! Congratulations to the following: • Michelle Massey was recognized by CPAK for outstanding service as a mid manager in the state for 2010 • Elizabeth Cassady was recognized by CPAK as the graduate student of the year in the state • Hannah Piechowski came in second in the case study competition at CPAK • Cara Monaco, RSA Public Relations Director, won Executive Board Officer of the Month [October] at SAACURH (South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls) • Caleb Piper won Best Program at KARH • Sean Bogle became certified by the National Crime Prevention Institute (NCPI) for Campus Crime Prevention • Sean Bogle received Conference Presenter Award at KAHO (Kentucky Association


ions t a r ib V of Housing Officers) • Michelle Massey was recognized with a SEAHO service award • Amanda Morris served as the Secretary/Treasurer for KAHO • Dorothea Muller was elected State Editor for KAHO • Elizabeth Cassady, Curtis Creekmore, Hannah Piechowski, and Lauren Rust co-presented “Enhancing Residential Leadership Development: The Resident Intern Program at CPAK. • Curtis Creekmore and Hannah Piechowski co-presented “You Can Do This for a Living: That’s What She Said” at KRAC. • Steven Grayson won the RA of the Year Award at KRAC. • Lamont Johnson and Elizabeth Young were winners of the Presentation Award at KRAC. • UofL won the delegation of the year at KRAC and spirit of KRAC Award • NASPA – Allen and O’Hara won an award for their partnership presentation. • David Braden has been promoted to be the Vice President of Business for Allen & O’Hara • Lauren Rust co-presented with Jonathan Johnson “The Green Team: Strategic Sustainable Initiatives for Student Affairs” at the Southern Association for College Student Affairs, and “Creating a Green Team: Sustainable Initiatives in Housing and Residence Life” at KAHO. 5

Mark Your Calendar Intramural Faculty Staff Golf Scramble June 11 RBAA Golf Scramble June 12, 7:30 a.m., The Crossings Golf Club, Register by May 31st Summer Academy July 1st and 2nd Friends of Louniversity Summer Camp July 7, 8 ,9 NACA/ASCA Student Organization Institute July 22-25 - UofL Hosting Annual Summer Picnic August 2, 2:30–4:30 p.m. DRC Transition Program August 4-6 UofL Counseling Center Mental Health Symposium August 16th and 17th WOW (Week of Welcome) Information Event August 31st, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Family Weekend September 9-12 New Staff Orientation September 13, 9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.



ions t a r ib V Professional Development Kudos This month, the PDC recognizes the Dean of Students and VPSA staff for all their work within the division, the university and beyond. (If you don’t see your name, it is because you haven’t submitted your involvement. Please send Frank Mianzo, in the Vice President’s Office, an email with updated information: Michael Mardis, DOS—I2A Task Force–Undergraduate Studies, Student Care Team–Student Affairs, Undergraduate Council– Undergraduate Studies, NSSE Committee (Delphi Center)– Undergraduate Studies, International Service Learning Program Advisory Committee–Student Affairs, Search Committee for the I2A culminating experience specialist–Undergraduate Studies Michelle Clemons, DOS—Coalition to Reduce High Risk Drinking– Student Affairs, Early Childhood Model School Board of Advisors– Provost, NPHC Suite Advisory Board–Student Affairs, Student Care Team–Student Affairs Beverly Wolford, DOS—Professional Development Committee Becky Clark, VPSA—Student Orientation Planning Committee– Undergraduate Studies, Welcome Weekend Planning Committee– Undergraduate Studies, University Wide Assessment Committee, Institutional Research, Undergraduate Council–Undergraduate Studies, DPS Advisory Committee David Horrar, VPSA—Tier 1 Advisory Group–IT, Webguides–IT George Howe, VPSA—Development Committee–Student Affairs, RBAA Torchbearer Scholarship Committee–Student Affairs, Spirits and Tradition Committee–Student Affairs Shirley Hardy, VPSA—African American Alumni Association, Commission on Status of Women–Provost Susie Cucura, VPSA—Communications Council–Communications/Marketing, Professional Development Committee–Student Affairs, Collaborative Leadership Community Committee–Student Affairs, Newsletter Committee–Student Affairs, Family Weekend Planning Committee–Student Affairs, NSSE Communications Committee—Undergraduate Studies, Student Affairs Communications Committee Susie Cucura is a member of the Professional Development Committee among others and she believes professional involvement helps her in her work. Here is what she has to say: “The PDC has really helped me make the transition from the corporate world into the higher education environment. I have had much to learn—from the University hierarchy to the University goals and how my position in Student Affairs fits into it all. It has been a challenging, yet wonderful experience. I really enjoy learning new things (my third strength) and the PDC is a great outlet for doing that. The Collaborative Leadership Community committee has been especially inspiring to me regarding not just leadership, but personal and professional growth for any working situation. Whether learning about effective leadership, StrengthsQuest, or ways to communicate better with staff and students, I can’t think of a better way to learn. And it’s fun, too! 5


ions t a r ib V Take Our Vibrations Survey! We want to know what you think about Vibrations. Please go to student/form/vibrationsfeedback and fill out our survey. Thanks! 5

Special Thanks Thank you James Atkinson, Lauren Berman, Sean Bogle, Elizabeth Cassady, Pam Curtis, Shirley Hardy, George Howe, Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., Dr. Michael Mardis, Frank Mianzo, Dorothea Muller, Stuart Neff, Julie Onnembo, Cathy Patus, Natasha Ramsey, Anna L. Roeder, Amanda Romito-Hamilton, John Smith, Natesha Smith, Teresa Smith, Shannon Staten, Charisma Stigall, Gerome Stephens, Robin Sutherland, Beverly Wolford, and Liz Young for your contributions to this newsletter. The Student Affairs Vibrations newsletter is produced and edited by Susie Cucura, Student Affairs Publications and Marketing Coordinator, 5


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