Vibrations December 2012

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December 2012

Table of Contents

1. ADA Symposium Well Received 2. New Book Features Chapter by Dr. Tom Jackson 3. Homecoming SOUL Service Project 4. Gorgui Dieng a hit at Meat & Potatoes Program 5. First Year Transition Program 6. Elect Her 2012 7. The Happening 8. The (Un)Seen 9. A Great Fall Semester for Intramural Programs 10. The Gallery 11. Student Affairs Staff Present at CPAK 12. Intramurals Rugby Team Wins Fire Truck Pull 13. Red Barn Scholarships Awarded 14. NRHH Inducts Three New Members 15. RSA Fall Retreat 16. The PDC wants YOU!!!! 17. Did You Know? 18. Welcome New Staff! 19. Kudos & High Fives 20. DATES To Remember

Happy Holidays from Student Affairs

ADA Symposium Well Received


he Disability Resource Center collaborated with Norb Ryan (State ADA Coordinator), the State ADA Task Force, and the Kentucky Association on Higher Education and Disability to host the ADA Symposium: Addressing Higher Education Compliance in Kentucky, on November 1, 2012, at the University Club. The symposium was attended by 81 people, and included higher education representation from all across the state. Attendees included Student Affairs vice presidents, deans of students, chief academic officers, human resources personnel, facilities personnel, disability services staff, information technology staff, and a host of others. Scott Lissner, ADA Coordinator from The Ohio State University and current President of the Association on Higher Education and Disability, addressed general compliance with legal mandates that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as how the amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act impact facilities access and documentation standards. Alan Anderson, from the Louisville office of the EEOC, presented on the employment and retention of persons with disabilities. Chris Daniel from EKU, Michael Providenti from NKU, and John Bowers from WKU presented on the initiatives from their

respective campuses in addressing accessibility of distance education classes, web sites, library services and other technology access issues. The day concluded with Leisa Pickering from the University of Kentucky facilitating discussion on how the ADA amendments impact our documentation guidelines when determining eligibility for accommodations. The symposium was well received and attendance indicated the commitment from higher education institutions all around the state to enhancing the accessibility of their campuses and their services.

New Book Features Chapter by Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr.


r. Tom Jackson, Jr. is co-author of a chapter in the just published book Called to Serve: A Handbook on Student Veterans and Higher Education. Dr. Jackson cowrote the chapter entitled Institutional Leadership on Serving Student Veterans and Service Members with Charles J. Fey, and Leah Ewing Ross. Visit the publisher’s website to learn more about the book. Florence Hamrick and Corey Rumann, the co-editors of the book, will be featured presenters at this year Veteran Symposium for Higher Education scheduled for February 11 and 12 in Louisville.

Homecoming SOUL Service Project


aturday, October 13, 40 UofL and NKU students from several organizations across campus participated in the Homecoming SOUL service project at the Parkland Boys and Girls Club. They were instrumental in getting the field at the Boys and Girls Club ready for the first ever KABOOM! playground to be built in Louisville. Supporting an effort to put a playground

in an area of our city where kids don’t have playgrounds was inspirational to all. Watch the Courier Journal video about the full project and see the kids’ faces as they explore their new playground for the first time!

Gorgui Dieng a Hit at Meat & Potatoes Program s told by Mike Rutherford— A Owner/author of CardChronicle.

com, College Basketball editor for SB Nation, and co-host of The Two Man Game on Louisville ESPN. It probably goes without saying that being the hotshot owner

of a team-specific college sports website has its perks. The insufficient compensation, the poorly-worded hate emails from rival fans, being recognized in public no less than twice a year; it’s the stuff every American boy dreams of when he’s in Kindergarten. One of the major bonuses you don’t hear about every night on the news is the opportunity to hang out and talk with groups and organizations that invite you to serve as a guest speaker. One such group was the University of Louisville Properties folks, who invited me to be a guest panelist for their “Meat & Potatoes” program. Meat & Potatoes is a monthly discussion group where male students at UofL get the opportunity to hear and talk about a variety of topics pertaining to their interests. They also get to eat for free, which is something (I’m told) human beings generally enjoy. In all seriousness, the result of my participation with the Meat & Potatoes program was one of the more enjoyable extended public discussions I’ve ever had. Much of that had to do with the fact that the always-entertaining Louisville basketball player Gorgui Dieng was also a guest panelist, but really everyone involved played a role in making the program a great experience. There’s a reason why Meat & Potatoes has won multiple state and regional

awards, including an education grant. A big thanks to program creator LaMont Johnson, moderator Alex Frommeyer, panelists Kyle Medeiros, Abhi Mehta and Devin Turner, and co-organizer Chiraag Bhimani for inviting me out to join in the fun. I look forward to doing it again in the near future.

First Year Transition Program


s we all know, the transition into college life can be a tough one. With the stresses of coming to a new school being no mystery, University Housing and Residence Life hosts the First Year Guide (FYG) program to help first years with this transition. This year was an incredibly exciting year for the program. Implementing over 100 programs throughout residential communities, they were able to reach hundreds of first years and make long-lasting impacts on their college transitions. From teaching male residents baking skills to having a Q&A on dating advice for first years, the FYGs covered a wide range of topics in their programs. This year, two FYGs in Threlkeld Hall collaborated with Threlkeld staff and put on a talent show for students to express themselves and help them relax during the stresses of midterm week. The program was such a hit with students that Threlkeld’s building director is planning to continue “Threlkeld Live” throughout 2

the year. Lasting impressions such as these drive the success of the program. Not only does this program impact the lives of many first years throughout campus, they also have great impacts on the FYGs as well. “It’s very rewarding to be able to truly connect with residents and build that community and expectations of great programming,” says Threlkeld FYG Chris Millett.

Elect Her 2012

The Elect Her program

sponsored by the Office of Civic Engagement, Leadership and Service and funded by the American Association of University Women was held Saturday, November 10. Tara Andrews from Elect Her came from Baltimore, MD to teach the attendees about how to run a campaign for office, particularly student government office. Guest speakers, Carrie Mattingly and Sirena Wurth, both SGA VPs, spoke to the group about their successful campaigns. And Councilwomen Attica Scott from Louisville Metro Council gave an inspirational talk about her

work in the city government. Andrea Shaw, soon-to-be-sophomore and Student Activities student worker, said about Elect Her, “I really enjoyed meeting so many strong women who knew what they wanted and who strived to get it. The skills I learned were definitely valuable, not only in the political spectrum, but in everyday occurrences. I would love to see this program return to our campus.” Stephanie Mooney, senior Communications major, said, “I thought it was a really interesting workshop. The information about how to run a successful campaign is something every woman on campus should know. Even if you never use it, it definitely will change how you view our political system.” Thanks to the Women’s Center and PEACC for their support of this motivational program.

The Happening


ampus Housing partnered with several departments across campus, primarily with the Office of the Fire Marshal, to coordinate the university’s Fire Prevention Week programming, entitled, “The Happening.”

Participants tried on firefighter’s gear, walked through a smoke tent, used fire extinguishers, witnessed an actual residential room fire demonstration, and watched a Theater Arts presentation entitled “Throw It In the Fire.” Additionally, the HSC Burn Unit was on hand with burn safety information. Greetings were provided from the University Provost and V.P. of Business Affairs. Check out the video above.

The (Un)Seen


he Disability Resource Center, in collaboration with the Cultural Center, presented “The (Un)Seen: Exploring Misconceptions in Disability” as part of the Let’s Talk Lunch Series on September 26th. The presentation, facilitated by Sarah Arenas, Graduate Assistant in DRC, featured a lively discussion about the stereotypes that students with hidden disabilities – such as learning disabilities, chronic health issues, or traumatic brain injuries – experience daily. Students, faculty and staff discussed ways to promote advocacy of disability awareness and offered suggestions on how to improve the culture of accessibility on UofL’s campus. A big thanks to the Cultural Center and all who participated for creating a meaningful dialog on this important topic.


A Great Fall Semester for Intramural Programs


ifty seven students participated in the 57th annual Turkey Trot road race, which took place on Nov. 19. The Turkey Trot is the oldest, consecutively run road race in Kentucky. The race route goes around campus and changes year to year to reflect the construction and changes of the University. 

 One hundred students participated in the Swim Meet on Nov. 27 in the Ralph Wright Natatorium. We are one of the few Intramural departments remaining that still offer a swim meet along with many other special events such as the.... 

 Bowling Doubles Tournament which attracted 150 participants. The tournament was held on November 29.

The Gallery

Step Show Parent of the Year Award

Brick Campaign (video)


Former SGA Officers

The Line Waiting for Sugar Bowl Tickets

Two waysStudent you can help Affairs You Don’t Know Jack Alcohol Awareness Program Held in Miller Hall Earlier This Semester 4

Student Affairs Staff Present at CPAK


he following staff members presented at CPAK in November. Lauren Doerner and Gerome Stephens “Believe in Strengths” during their session, which helped attendees incorporate ideas from This I Believe and UofL’s Freshman LEAD program into their own Strengths workshops. Daphne Arnold, Morgan Brickley and Kenzie Adriance shared “What’s in Your Communication Toolbox” by demonstrating and explaining all the new social avenues Student Affairs staff can use to effectively and quickly communicate and share with college students. Pam Nessle Curtis and Susie Cucura talked about “Crayons, Rubberstamps & Professional Development” when they discussed unconventional and creative ways to encourage professional development for Student Affairs professionals. David Horrar received special thanks for his service to CPAK with technical support. Matt Real was elected President for the new year. Congratulations Matt! This was great representation for UofL, and for the Student Affairs division.

Intramurals Rugby Team Wins Fire Truck Pull


i Kappa Alpha Fire Truck Pull benefited the WHAS Crusade for Children. In November, the Kappa Zeta chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha

fraternity hosted its first annual PIKE’s Peak Week Fireman Challenge. The event raised over $4,400. The Fireman Challenge, which took place on a Saturday morning at Fourth Street Live! in downtown Louisville, featured three competitive divisions that gave participating teams, of eight to ten people, the opportunity to see who could pull a fire truck fifteen feet in the least amount of time. The Louisville Intramurals Rugby Team went home as champion of the campus division and had the overall fastest time. Congratulations Intramurals Rugby Team!

Red Barn Scholarships Awarded


he following students received scholarships for fall 2012 from the Red Barn: Michael Maughan, James Martineau, Courtney Lambring, Paul Curtis, Jessica Bondy-Carey, and Marissa Hatfield. Congratulations!

NRHH Inducts Three New Members


he National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is an honors housing organization composed of the top one percent of leaders at the University of Louisville. NRHH is a resident run organization that strives to acknowledge those who make a deliberate choice to remain in the residence halls and better their living and learning environment. We accomplish this through our four pillars: leadership, recognition, scholastics and service. NRHH had its annual induction ceremony on October 4th, where we inducted three new members into our organization. Congratulations to Noor Yussuf, John Deis, and Albin George. Also, NRHH had its first service event of the year on Saturday October 27, where some members volunteered at the 4th annual Vision Walk in downtown Louisville. These walks are orchestrated all across the U.S. and have raised millions of dollars for research on degenerative eye diseases so, hopefully, one day a cure can be found. The Louisville Vision walk raised over $38,000 and NRHH was delighted to be part of this wonderful event.


RSA Fall Retreat

Each semester the Resident Student Association (RSA)

at the University of Louisville holds a retreat for all of its members. This October, the RSA focused on teaching new members skills and procedures that will help them along their leadership path. Some of these involved writing OTMs, and filling out procurement card requests. During the morning rotations, students were also able to decorate signs and fill “goodie bags” for the Miller Hall residents who had recently been moved from Miller to different housing arrangements. The day concluded with a handson activity that taught them about the many things they need to account for while planning an event. It also taught them to think creatively about effective programs. Overall, it was a successful retreat.

The PDC wants YOU!!!!

A re you looking for a way to get involved within the division? Are you creative and want

to develop yourself outside of your current responsibilities? If you said yes, then we have what you need! The Student Affairs Professional Development Committee (PDC) strives to work

consistently to empower and inspire Student Affairs professionals in knowing ourselves, knowing our positions, knowing our field, and knowing our community. The PDC strives to orient new staff to the Division, build a sense of team, recognize the exemplary accomplishments of staff, and provide information and programming to enhance the operation/ management of Student Affairs offices. The PDC is responsible for the coordination of great events such as Summer Academy, Summer Picnic, Classified Staff Stu Retreat, Coffee and d Affaent Conversation, and irs Learn at Lunches. If you have ideas on programs you think the PDC should initiate, then stop by one of our meetings! Taking it to the next level! Our next meeting will occur on January 10, 2013 in SAC W312 at 9AM! If you are looking to get involved with this amazing committee on a regular basis, contact Jeremy Johnson at: or contact any member of the committee. Thank you to the current members of the committee for your tireless efforts! Susie Cucura, Student Affairs Marketing & Publications Pam Nessle Curtis, Engage. Lead. Serve. Office Ashley Dale, Career Development Center Jeremy Johnson, PDC Chairman, TRIO Student Support Services Michelle Pinckney, Counseling Center Shaun Rayhill, Career Development Center JT Stinnett, UofL Properties Beverly Wolford, Dean of Students Office Karen Zody, Counseling Center

Did You Know?


id you know there is an online form for technical support. Go to: studentaffairs/staff/department/ staff/staffmain/form/satech/ or click the button below.

Welcome New Staff! Housing and Residence Life Neftali J. Hernandez, the new Hall Director at UTA, was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He came to the United States (Georgia) at 10 years of age. He went on to receive his Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology and a Minor in Sociology at Georgia State University. His heavy involvement in Georgia State University, both academically and extracurricularly, took him on a path that led him to where he is today. He is currently the Hall Director at University Tower Apartments and a full-time graduate student in Counseling Psychology. Dean of Students Office Geri Morgan serves as the Student Care Manager, working with students experiencing crisis and with the Student Care Team. She has worked with the University of Louisville since November 2002, first serving as Program Coordinator for the Dental School and the WINGS Clinic, continuing 6

her social work career focused on administering community programs providing services to people living with HIV/AIDS. In Fall 2007, Geri became the BSW Coordinator of Academic Affairs for Kent School of Social Work, and has maintained a Part-time Faculty role with Kent School since then. Geri graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English from Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, in 1986, and with a Master of Social Work from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, with a focus in program directing, in 1996. She enjoys watching college sports and spending time with her dog, Annie. Vice President for Student Affairs Office In November we welcomed Alex Jenkins to the division of Students Affairs as our newest Department Assistant. Alex will be working directly with ISLP in marketing, promotion, social media, and planning and she will also have roles connected to the Parents Association. Alex comes to our division having served as a former REACH Peer Advisor, served on SGA Executive Staff, participated in Freshman L.E.A.D., and was also a former McConnell Scholar, Porter Scholar, and even a former SOSer. Along with her multitude of UofL experiences, Alex has extensively participated in multiple ISLP trips and travelled abroad with McConnell Scholars. Alex is also currently pursuing her graduate degree in Justice Administration. We welcome Alex to our Division and look forward to having her as a part of the team.

Kudos and High Fives


he Office of Housing and Residence Life could not be more proud of our staff. Recently we attended the Kentucky Association of Housing Officers conference, held in Murray, Kentucky. We were well represented, bringing one of the largest delegations to the conference, including two graduate students! At the conference UofL presented four different program sessions. We brought home the “Best of Kentucky” program award, and as a result, will be presenting that session at SEAHO 2013. We also brought home award winners for the KAHO service award (Teresa Crum) and the Outstanding New Professional Award (Crystal Favors). Our own Ashley Hazen, received a RELI scholarship, should she be selected to attend RELI. Lastly, Teresa Crum was re-elected to a two-year term as Secretary/Treasurer for the KAHO state board.


n November 9, 2012, the Disability Resource Center was invited by Health Promotions to talk to a wonderful group of student health advocates. Topics covered in the presentation included, disability legislation, student advocacy, reasonable accommodations, people first language, and understanding the medical model vs. social model of disability. The DRC was delighted to present to the students concerning the

purpose of disability services, policies and procedures, and the unique challenges students with disabilities face in higher education! Kudos to Valeria Aramburu and Sarah Arenas, Graduate Assistants at the DRC, for developing and delivering this informative session.


ryan Shelangoski did an amazing job at the Divisional staff meeting explaining the mold and bedbug issues. His calm demeanor was impressive as were his thoughtful descriptions that were easy to understand. The facilities area is very lucky to have someone with such true professionalism and an even stronger commitment to the student experience.
He also serves as a co-leader on the India Alternative Break trip in December. We are lucky to have him working with us in Student Affairs.

Dr. Glenn Gittings was recently nominated for a 2011-2012 Faculty Favorites

Award. Each year, the Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning asks UofL students to nominate faculty, staff, and graduate teaching assistants who make a significant difference in their learning and intellectual growth. Nominees exemplify the true spirit of teaching and learning through the eyes of their students who submit nominations and comments about their favorite teachers. Dr. Gittings teaches as a graduate school adjunct instructor in the College of Education & Human Development. He will be recognized collectively with the other nominees by Provost Willihnganz through the 7

Faculty Favorites Program at a luncheon during the Celebration of Teaching & Learning in February.


am Curtis recommends Laura Ulmer for a High Five: “She is a great person to work with and I really enjoy our creative problem solving sessions together. I appreciate Laura and I am glad she is part of the Student Affairs team.” If you would like to submit a nomination for a High Five, click on the button below.

Mark Your Calendar 12/19

Holiday Party (Damon’s) 3-5pm

12/24–1/1 Winter Break 1/10

Spring Directors Meeting


Veteran Symposium


Divisional Staff Meeting


Student Affairs New Staff Orientation

Reference Corner


hree websites to keep handy. Click on the buttons here and then bookmark them on your web browser. When you have events you want students to attend, be sure to submit them to be placed in the Student Events Calendar, Student News, Student News and Events email and Digital TV. Just click on the submit button above and follow the directions. The Follow the Bird button will take you to the Student News and Events Facebook page. Feel free to “like”

Student Affairs

Special Thanks


hank you Pam Curtis, Dr. Glenn Gittings, Shirley Hardy, Ashley Hazen, Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., Jeremy Johnson, LaMont Johnson, Dr. Michael Mardis, Frank Mianzo, Julie Onnembo, Cathy Patus, John Smith, Charisma Stigall, Beverly Wolford and all of those who helped produce this issue of Vibrations for your contributions to this newsletter. The Student Affairs Vibrations newsletter is edited by Susie Cucura, Student Affairs Publications and Marketing Coordinator, The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity institution.


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