Vibrations December 2013

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Vibrations Vibrations December 2013

Table of Contents 1. Happy Holidays! 2. UofL Hosts Botswana Dignitary 3. Fryberger Sing Board Makes Big Check Presentation 4. 10 Year Anniversaries Celebrated 5. Tim Moore Receives Outstanding Service Award 6. Dr. Denny Golden Shares His Insights on the Profession 7. Student Affairs Aims for 100% Participation in UofL Cares 8. Mental Health Awareness and Screening Day 9. Student Recreation Center Opens! 10. The Screening of “Call Me Crazy” 11. Parent of the Year Award 12. Pump You Up! 13. Bowl Service Project 14. Provost’s Staff Leadership Academy 15. Michael Mardis Co-Authors Journal 16. National Residence Hall Honorary Inductees 17. Former SGA Leaders Return to UofL for Lunch 18. DRC Fall Cookout 19. RSA Executive Board Attends Conference 20. Scholar House Smile Squad 21. Traditions in Student Affairs 22. Chris Potts to Participate in Mid Management Institute 23. Joanna Morse Leaves Counseling Center 24. Karen Zody Moves to the SRC 25. Roger Retires! 26. Val Retires! 27. Joni Retires! 28. Did You Know? 29. High Fives! 30. Mark Your Calendar 31. Reference Corner

Division of Student Affairs, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

Happy Holidays!

focused on possible collaborations and partnerships that would benefit Botswana as well as the University of Louisville. Learn more about ISLP in Botswana: botswana.html

Fryberger Sing Board Makes Big Check Presentation

UofL Hosts Botswana Dignitary

N ovember 1, the Fryberger Greek Sing Board made a big check presentation to the School

O n November 11 this year, Dr. Jackson hosted a distinguished guest from the Botswana Embassy in Washington D.C. Mr. Barongwa Master Baipidi, or “Master B” as he prefers to be called, represents a unit within the Ministry of Education called the Botswana Education Hub. While in Louisville, Master B met with various faculty and staff as well as students who had recently traveled to Botswana as part of the University of Louisville International Service Learning program. These preliminary discussions

of Music for $5000 to benefit their Community Music Program. The program offers scholarships for instruction to youth in the community in the way of music lessons. The funds were raised at the 2013 Fryberger Sing. This is the second year assisting this philanthropic effort. Students chose this “music philanthropy” for the occasion of the Fryberger Sing’s 75th anniversary in 2012 and have continued to increase their support. Next year’s Fryberger Sing will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at 7 p.m. at the Louisville Palace.

10 Year Anniversaries Celebrated

O n Tuesday, October 22, On-Campus Housing and EdR, a premiere

privatized studenthousing company based in Memphis, TN, celebrated the 10-year anniversaries of Herman & Heddy Kurz and Billy Minardi residence halls. A Fall Festival, including games, food, and tons of fun, was held in the Kurz Hall courtyard with hundreds of guests in attendance. Ninety-six-year-old Heddy Kurz, the namesake of Herman and Heddy Kurz Hall, was the special guest of honor and had a blast! She took part in all of the festivities, including a tree-planting ceremony and plaque dedication to her and her late husband, Herman, for their dedication and commitment to the success of UofL students and the entire community. Approximately 14 years ago, in 1999, the university made the strategic and visionary decision to join forces with EdR to develop one of the most innovative housing partnerships of any university in the country. Since then, this partnership has been one of the key elements in helping to transform the university from a predominately commuter campus into a strong and thriving residential community.

Tim Moore Receives Outstanding Service Award

TAward he Dr. Fred W. Rhodes Outstanding Service is awarded annually at the College

Personnel Association of Kentucky (CPAK) conference to professionals who have exemplary

service to the profession. The award is named in honor of Fred Rhodes, current Vice President of Student Affairs at Bellarmine University and former Associate Vice President for Student Affairs at UofL.

Student Affairs Aims for 100% Participation in UofL Cares

“Currently I am blessed to be working at the University of Louisville with wonderful staff and students that I have the pleasure to serve and lead each day” says Tim Moore, winner of the 2013 Fred Rhodes Outstanding Service Award. “For me, being a student affairs professional has always been about more than providing services and presenting programs—it is about impacting the student experience. It is the passion to make the experience richer, deeper and more meaningful that drives me to work each day to be a better professional.”

actual giving from staff within Student Affairs sky-rocketed this year. Thanks to all staff who participated in this worthy cause.

Dr. Denny Golden Shares His Insights on the Profession

D r. Denny Golden, current President of Fontbonne University and former Vice President

for Student Affairs at UofL, addressed friends, former colleagues, and graduate students at a recent lunch at Bellarmine University. Dr. Golden was in Louisville to speak at the College Personnel Association of Kentucky conference and agreed to share his thoughts about the Student Affairs profession at a lunch sponsored by UofL and Bellarmine University.

Areturned ll Student Affairs staff envelopes and

Mental Health Awareness and Screening Day

O n October 10, 2013, the UofL Counseling Center paired with students enrolled in the UofL

Counseling Psychology Program and members of the UofL Active Minds chapter to spread awareness and information about mental health. Mental Health Awareness and Screening Day offered the UofL community an opportunity to obtain information about mental health and take confidential screeners. Students all over campus were found de-stressing by popping the bubble wrap handed out during the event! Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who helped make the day a success! 2

Student Recreation Center Opens!

Aconstruction, fter years of dreaming, planning, design and life on the UofL campus was radically changed the morning of Monday, October 28. The doors to the new Student Recreation Center

(SRC) opened at 6:30 a.m. that morning. Even at that early hour, there was a line of students stretching the entire length of the lobby, anxiously waiting to check in and start using their new center. Over 2,800 students, faculty and staff visited the new facility that day and over 11,500 visited the center during its first week of operation. The center is averaging around 2,200 to 2,400 users per day on the weekdays and close to 500 users on each day of the weekend. By comparison, the Student Activities Center was averaging around 1,400 users on a good weekday and around 125 per day on the weekends. In addition to the increase in general use, we are also seeing an increase in participation in our structured, indoor intramural events. Our volleyball league registration has consistently been around 40 teams for a number of years.

This year there are 62 teams currently participating in leagues played in the new SRC. Intramural Sports anticipates seeing the same type of growth throughout the rest of the indoor season. 36 soccer teams are playing in the first ever, indoor soccer tournament on the new MAC Court. That number will grow significantly next season when the format will change to leagues rather than a tournament. If you haven’t seen the center yet, stop by for a visit!

Center Cardinal Burger Company (formerly known as Damon’s Grill). UofL Senior Cecily Dupont nominated her deserving mother, Julie Dupont, who became the 2013 Parent of the Year recipient. During the ceremony, Mrs. Dupont was presented with a personalized award and received a brick that will be placed in the West Plaza. Twenty-four parents were nominated for this year’s award. Each parent received a copy of their son or daughter’s essay and a personalized gift from the Dean of Students Office.

The Screening of “Call Me Crazy”

Pump You Up!

Twithhe the UofL Counseling Center together UofL Active

Minds chapter hosted a screening of the film “Call Me Crazy” at the Floyd Theater in the Student Activities Center on November 19. Students enjoyed free pizza and beverages as they watched a film highlighting the role of support and hope in five stories and experiences of individuals with mental health concerns and their family and friends. After the film, students engaged in captivating dialogue about mental health.

Parent of the Year Award

Tceremony he sixth annual Parent of the Year Award was held during Homecoming

weekend on October 19 in the Student Activities

TtheheStudent Disability Resource Center collaborated with Activities Board to host Nick Scott

and his message of “Pump You Up” on Thursday, November 13, from 5-7 p.m. at Chao Auditorium. At the age of 16, Nick Scott was an ordinary teenager when a near fatal auto accident changed his life forever. After becoming overweight and discouraged, he found the determination, mindset and personal strength to transform his life into a personal triumph. Nick relayed to his audience his journey as a professional speaker, author, professional bodybuilder and wheelchair ballroom dancer. The audience enjoyed learning how Nick became a fitness icon who encourages others to unleash “the beast within.” 3

Bowl Service Project

TAffairs he University of Louisville division of Student is proud to continue its tradition of bowl

service projects by participating in a cooperative community service project this year in Orlando during the Russell Athletic Bowl. We will be working with the organization Clean the World based in Orlando with the ONE Project to help assemble hygiene kits for people affected by typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Clean the World serves as a catalyst to prevent hygiene-related illness around the globe through recycling soap and bottled amenities discarded by the hospitality and industry and distributing these and other hygiene products to impoverished populations. Volunteers are needed on the morning of Saturday, December 28, 2013 and must be on site by 9:00 a.m. at 400 Pitman Street, Orlando, FL 32801. UofL students, parents, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni are invited to sign up for the project. Bus transportation will be provided to and from the site for the service project. Please fill out the registration form below to join us in making a difference in the Orlando community for the Philippines relief effort while showing your Cardinal pride! serviceproject. Thank you for your consideration. We hope to see you. Go Cards! #L1C4

Provost’s Staff Leadership Academy

AColleen shley Dale (Career Development Center) and Gettys (Disability Resource Center) are participating in the Provost’s Staff Leadership Academy, this academic year, to hone their leadership skills. Twenty-four staff members

from across the University were selected to take part in this pilot program which is offered as a collaboration between Great Places to Work and Human Resources. Participants will attend a session each month on various leadership topics, ranging from strengths to strategic planning. Participants have been divided into groups that will work on capstone projects throughout the year and present on those projects at the end of the program.

Michael Mardis Co-Authors Journal

Congratulations toGamm Michael Mardis, Christian (Office of Admissions),

and former UofL faculty member Dana Sullivan on the recent publication of their article “Behavioral Intervention and Threat-Assessment Teams in Higher Education: Results From an Exploratory Study” in the fall journal of the Association of Student Conduct Administrators.

National Residence Hall Honorary Inductees

Trecently he National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) held their bi-annual nomination and

induction process. The NRHH is the premiere honorary supported by the the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Incorporated (NACURH) the leading

international organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students. It also provides opportunities for their personal growth and development. NRHH strives to provide recognition for individuals who have contributed to the advancement of college and university housing. It ensures the advancement of member chapters through resource sharing, programming, and leadership development opportunities contributing and supporting the vision of NACURH, Inc. NRHH is pleased to announce and congratulate their biannual nominations and inductions: Nick Peak, Resident Assistant (RA) of Unitas Hall; Matt Schafer, RA of Miller Hall; Jon Stinson, Director of Finance for RSA; Abby Wittmer, Vice President of RSA; Jenny Falcone, RA of Community Park; and Katie Burr, RA of Unitas Hall. If you see them on campus, please congratulate them for becoming part of the top 1% of our on-campus leaders. NRHH is also pleased to announce that they have received six regional “of the Month” award winners in the past three months. • August Advisor of the Month: Ashley Hazen, Area Coordinator of Development and Community Engagement • August Community Service Program of the Month: “RA Day of Service” Housing and Residence Life RA Training Service Event • August Diversity Program of the Month: WorldFest-Nominated and received by Ali Lewis, Senior RA of Threlkeld Hall 4

• September Resident Assistant of the Month: Jenny Falcone, RA of Unitas Hall • October Resident Assistant of the Month: Lyndsey Lipson, RA of Bettie Johnson Hall • October Community Service Program of the Month: “The Haunted Hospital” by Staff of Medical Dental Apartments Congratulations to all!

Former SGA Leaders Return to UofL for Lunch


s part of Homecoming and the Student Recreation Center Grand Opening the division of Student Affairs hosted a lunch for former Student Government Association (SGA) leaders. The lunch was well attended incuding a

Mattingly and UofL president Dr. James Ramsey during the recent SRC dedication ceremony. The eight former presidents in attendance were: Sana Abhari, Angela McCormick Bisig, Holly Everett, Kurtis Frizzell, Doug Kemper, OJ Oleka, Rudy Spencer, and Tara Wigginton.

DRC Fall Cookout

TResource he Disability Center (DRC)

held its Fall Semester Cookout on November 14. Beautiful weather helped to make it one of the most successful yet. Students, faculty and staff gathered in the Stevenson Hall lobby to enjoy burgers, hot dogs, and grilled corn and conversing with colleagues. It was a great opportunity to spend time with all of our newest students and congratulate students graduating at the end of the semester. Thanks always to George Howe and his staff for making the DRC Cookout a great event!

RSA Executive Board Attends Conference rare appearance of eight former SGA presidents. The eight former SGA presidents joined current president Carrie

Texecutive he Resident Student Association (RSA) board had the privilege of attending the regional South Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls conference at

East Carolina University in October. There was a lot of learning, sharing of Cardinal RSA knowledge and bonding with RSAs B from around Keack row: Grad the country. St il, Director of uate Advisor, E Finan inson van Advisors, Directo , Advisor, Ash ce, Jon r le of Prom y Ha ze Ashley Hazen Ly v n and Evan Keil Wit ers, Vice Presotions, Rache , l tmer, N id e were able RHH P nt, Abby Houlet r e s t id e ent, Jo and firs to present Lind el t a session Comsey Miller and row: Presiden t, m N on How to Mar unications ational Coordin ia Kues Bring Your . ator, OTM (Of The Month) Program from a Slow Starter to a Winner of the Race!

Scholar House Smile Squad

Hstaffousing and Residence Life has a Smile Squad for

bringing smiles to the children living in oncampus housing. The Smile Squad delivered goodie bags and pumpkins to the children of Scholar House this Halloween. Staff generously donated candy, toys and toiletries for the goodie bags. A big thank you goes out to all who helped make the children’s Halloween more fun. 5

Two waysStudent you can help Affairs!

The most recent round of personalized bricks are being installed over the holiday break. The project is becoming a unique and exciting way for alumni and friends of UofL to leave a lasting legacy on the UofL campus. Orders are currently being collected for a late spring installation. To commemorate your UofL Legacy or honor a loved one, purchase your West Plaza Legacy Brick by visiting:

Traditions in Student Affairs

Tandhecontinues Turkey Trot is our state’s oldest road race to be one of our best traditions! Ran

every year since 1954, the Intramural Department’s annual road race is the oldest, consecutively run race in the state of Kentucky. The race is held annually on the Monday before Thanksgiving break. This year, the women’s race started at the George J Howe Red Barn. The men’s race started at the Intramural Fields. Both races finished on the West Lawn. All 76 runners, 21 women and 55 men, finished the race insuring the tradition lives on. The route is always around and through campus and is often determined by the construction taking place on any given year. One year the race route was changed the morning of the event!

This year’s winners were Alana Cahill for the women’s closed division, Mike Price took the fraternity crown and Sean Dyreng won the Men’s Open.

Chris Potts to Participate in Mid Management Institute

C hris Potts, Assistant Director for Residence Life and Housing,

was accepted to participate in the ACPA Donna M. Bourassa Mid Management Institute at the University of Texas at Austin January 24–28, 2015. Going into its 17th year, the institute is an educational program designed to strengthen the skills of mid level managers in the profession.

Joanna Morse Leaves Counseling Center

After three years, Joanna Morse, Psychologist will be leaving the Counseling

Center on January 3, 2014 to embark on a new adventure. Joanna has become a new partner in a private practice. While at the Counseling Center Joanne was a strong advocate for the LGBT community and was instrumental in revitalizing group counseling services.

Thank you for your contributions to the Counseling Center and the greater campus community. We wish her well as she embarks on her new journey.

Karen Zody Moves to the SRC

KCounseling aren Zody left the Center in

November after five years as a program assistant. She is now working for Intramural Sports in the new Student Recreation Center (SRC) as an Administrative Assistant. Karen is excited to have the opportunity to work at the new Rec Center. “Everyone has been very welcoming and helpful, and I look forward to assisting Intramural Sports in their future endeavors.” Karen said.

Roger Retires!

After thirteen years of exemplary service, Roger Metry has retired from the

University of Louisville and the Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports. Being the person at the front desk meant that Roger set the tone for almost every person who came to the office for any type of function. Roger always treated people with respect, courtesy and helpfulness. Among the Intramural Sports staff, he was known for his quiet insight, humor, integrity and reliability. He will be missed but leaves with the best of wishes and with the understanding that he will still be able to be involved with the program in a volunteer role whenever he desires. 6

Val Retires!

O n October 29, the University Community and the Career Development Center wished Ms.

Valerie Browning farewell as we celebrated her retirement from UofL. After 33 years of service, which included time in a variety of offices in Student Affairs, Ms. Browning’s last position was Program Assistant Sr., in the Career Development Center. In her role, she helped students and employers access the services offered through the center by scheduling appointments and answering thousands of questions. In appreciation for her service she was presented a bouquet of flowers, a gift card for dinner out on the town for two and a “Legacy Brick” placed in her honor in the SAC West Plaza patio. A friend to all and faithful attendee at campus events of all kinds, Ms. Browning will be missed and her faithful service remembered.

Joni Retires!

Lknow ittle did Joni Burke 33 years ago,

when she came to volunteer to get some experience in higher education, that it would turn into her professional career—and UofL is fortunate that it did. Joni is a lion—a member of Alpha Delta Pi. In the Alpha Delta Pi creed there is a line that says “I believe that the privilege of membership in Alpha Delta Pi brings responsibility to do my best in whatever I undertake, always remembering that leadership requires confidence tempered

with humility and courage blended with

tolerance.“ There is often talk in fraternity and sorority life about living the values that the Greek letters represent. Joni has lived the Alpha Delta Pi creed every day of her professional life here at UofL. There is not enough time or enough words to tell you what Joni has meant to so many students, alumni, staff, faculty, inter/national headquarters and colleagues across the country. Over the years Joni has worked with thousands of students. The Panhellenic Council renamed the Greek Woman of the Year award to the Joni K Burke Greek Woman of the Year to reflect the wonderful legacy that Joni leaves at UofL. Joni has been recognized by the National Panhellenic Council as the Advisor of the year. UofL has been recognized by the Association for Fraternity Advisors with the Diversity Initiative Award. Joni has mentored and coached aspiring professionals. She is an outstanding University citizen supporting all areas of the University through her attendance and participation. She is dedicated, humble, focused, caring, and professional. We all wish her the best in her retirement.

Did You Know?

D id you know that there is a web page

for Student Affairs upcoming events? Just go to the staff page of the Student Affairs website and click on “Staff Calendar” in the left hand column. Or click here and save the link on your browser.

High Fives!

C ongratulations to the following people for receiving a

High Five award: George Howe Student Involvement “George, I really can’t express in words how much you are valued here at the University. Best way to put it, you’re priceless! Thanks for allllll that you do! Love yah Son!”

Julia Fleischer Student Involvement “Julia successfully coordinating and facilitating leadership activities for the 2013 Freshmen LEAD fall retreat. Thanks to her efforts, 68 members participated in a variety of leadership development activities.” Teresa Smith Student Involvement “Teresa manages thousands of room reservations every 7

semester. So when I screwed up and forgot to reserve a space, Teresa went out of her way to find one for me. It is those little kindnesses that make working here such a great experience! Many thanks, Teresa, for this and all you do!” Jeremy Johnson TRIO “Jeremy does such a wonderful job coordinating the PDC meetings and special events. We are grateful for the opportunities he presents to all Student Affairs Staff members.” Jacqui Smith Housing “Jacqui took the lead this fall when many of the Housing leadership staff were out of town at a conference. She had to work with the students and staff in Miller as many rooms were found with mold to help relocate the students and take care of the staff. While we tried to help from afar, Jacqui was the rock in the office who kept that staff and the students taken care of. High Five to Jacqui for her leadership and her care of our students.” Amanda Cunningham Housing “Amanda and her student facility team have completed yeoman’s work this semester in Miller Hall. They have moved furniture, helped move students’ belongings and kept the process of cleaning the rooms moving along. It hasn’t mattered whether it was a week day or weekend, her team has been there for the Miller Residents and staff!”

Submit your High Five recommendations here: h ttps:// department/staff/staffmain/form/ student-affairs-high-five/

Mark Your Calendar Dec 18 Graduation Reception Jan 15 Directors Retreat Jan 16 Coffee & Conversation, Student Involvement, 3:30-4:30 pm Jan 31 New Staff Orientation, 9am Feb 16,17,18 SECSAO Feb 21 Divisional Staff Meeting, 9am Feb 22 Fryberger Sing, 7pm Feb 9,10,11 Veteran Symposium Apr 17 Student Awards, 7pm Apr 18 Crawfish Boil, 5 pm Apr 22 TRIO Awards Lunch, Noon May 8 Senior Day at Downs May 23 Classified Staff Retreat

Reference Corner

The Follow the Bird button will take you to the Student News and Events Facebook page. Feel free to “like” our page. The SA Tier One Tech Ticket will take you to a form that will help you get technical support.

Special Thanks


hank you Joni Burke, Pam Curtis, Shirley Hardy, Ashley Hazen, Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., Jeremy Johnson, Dr. Michael Mardis, Laura Mercer, Frank Mianzo, Tim Moore, Julie Onnembo, Cathy Patus, Kathy Pendleton, LeeAnn Riffle, Brian Shelangoski, John Smith, Shannon Staten, Charisma Stigall, JT Stinnett, Rebekah Tillotson, Beverly Wolford, Karen Zody, and all of those who helped produce this issue of Vibrations for your contributions to this newsletter. The Student Affairs Vibrations newsletter is edited by Susie Cucura, Student Affairs Publications and Marketing Coordinator,

Student Affairs


our websites to keep handy. Click on the buttons here and then bookmark them on your web browser. When you have events you want students to attend, be sure to submit them to be placed in the Student Events Calendar, Student News, Student News and Events email and Digital TV. Just click on the submit button and follow the directions.

The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity institution.


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