Vibrations June 2013

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Vibrations Vibrations June 2013

Table of Contents 1. Experience More 2. ACC Student Leadership Symposium 3. Kentucky’s Operation Immersion 2013 4. ProDevo Committee a Success 5. Harold Adams Award 2013 6. Staff Get Lessons in Humor 7. National Video Features UofL Chapter 8. First Intramural Sports Job Fair 9. Emotional Intelligence and Breathing 10. Improve Your Golf Game! 11. “Before I die, I want to...” 12. Kendrick Lamar Raps 13. Graduate Day at the Downs 14. HSC Students Hold Vibrant Event 15. Barbados Presentation 16. Family! Fun! Tradition! 17. New Parent Guide 18. Reach Students in the SNEE 19. 2013 Student Awards 20. Adult Learner Awards 21. Intramurals Annual Awards Lunch 22. Start Your 4th of July Weekend Right! 23. 2013–2014 Student Activities Board 24. Hellos and Goodbyes 25. Did You Know? 26. Tradition in Student Affairs 27. High Fives 28. Mark Your Calendar 29. Reference Corner

Division of Student Affairs, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

Experience More

O ver the last eight months, Student Activities and Civic Engagement, Leadership and Service

have undergone a reorganization to become the Office of Student Involvement. We are excited about this change as it benefits UofL students by centralizing the hub of student involvement on campus. Over the next few months, we will be rolling out the new name, new web site and new image. The mission of Student Involvement is to foster engagement in student–led programs and services that enrich the education experience by maximizing the capacity of students to learn, serve and lead. Areas that make up the department include: Fraternity and Sorority Life, Recognized Student Organizations, Student Leadership, Community Service, Student Activities Board, Engage Lead Serve Board, SAC Operations, Red Barn Programming, Conference Services, and Off-Campus Student Services. The new website is coming soon: For more information contact the Office of Student Involvement at 852-6691.

ACC Student Leadership Symposium

SKnecht pencer Scruggs, Monali Haldankar, Adam and Travone Taylor were part of UofL’s

first visit to the ACC Student Leadership Symposium at Boston College, April 5-7, 2013, along with Pam Curtis, who served as advisor on the trip. They were welcomed with open arms and our students fit in right away. The ACC Student Leadership Symposium (ACCSLS) mission is to develop a community of ACC undergraduate students who understand the relationship between global and local issues and work to create innovative initiatives that advance students’ capacity for global leadership. Each year the host school selects a theme for the conference around the Social Change Model. This year’s theme was Civic Engagement. Our students made meaningful connections with students from several other ACC schools as they worked in teams over the weekend to design a response to a social issue about which they were passionate. Our own, Tra Taylor’s team won the competition with a great presentation about the issue of equity. Our students had an amazing experience overall and will help recruit attendees for next year’s symposium at the University of Miami on February 21–23.

Kentucky’s Operation Immersion 2013

Astaffprilmembers 9–12, 2013, three UofL Student Affairs (SA) – Ms. Colleen Gettys (from the

Disability Resource Center), and Dr. Terri White and Ms. Michelle Pinckney (from the Counseling Center) – were immersed for 72 hours in military culture and the deployment experience at the Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Co-sponsored by the Kentucky Division of Behavioral Health and the Kentucky National Guard, Colleen, Michelle and Terri experienced life as “boots on the ground” soldiers. The event is designed for people who work with veterans, to bridge the gap between the military and civilian world. These SA staff members attended morning presentations on topics including military culture, sexual assault prevention, combat stress, and soldier deployment issues. Afternoons were filled with learning how to march, team building obstacle courses, virtual simulator convoy missions, weapons training, humvee rollover training and yes…a combat mission…paintball war against soldiers. Colleen, Michelle, and Terri wore body armor throughout the event, slept in barracks, ate military food, and survived physical training at 5:30 AM in the dark Kentucky hills. All three staff members received “Challenge Coins” at the end of the experience. Challenge coins are presented to soldiers for extraordinary efforts accomplished in a single day. Terri received a “Purple Heart Certificate” for being one of four overall participants who “lost blood” during the

“combat mission.” Lesson learned – soldiers are good shots and paintballs can cause blood loss! Colleen: “I couldn’t have been more pleased with this experience. Before taking part in Operation Immersion, I knew very little about military culture. After observing and living that culture for 72 hours, my knowledge has greatly increased, and I am inspired to learn more. The presentations, panels, and activities have given me a greater appreciation for the physical and emotional challenges faced by our military and veterans. I believe the experience has given me a “foot-in-the-door” to have more meaningful interactions with these men and women. I am grateful for the patience, helpfulness, and openness shown to me by the individuals at this program, and I intend to pay it forward.” Michelle: “Being the daughter of a retired United States Army Veteran, I have always had the utmost respect and appreciation for the military. Growing up, I may not have always understood what he did for a living, but I always felt that what he did must have been pretty important. After going through this invaluable experience, my understanding & gratitude for the military has increased exponentially!! I enjoyed every minute of it…even the early morning PT session. My Dad even sounded pretty impressed that I went through this experience. As I spoke to him about it, I expressed how grateful I was that he never had to go to war. He stated that although

he was never deployed, it would have been an honor for him to lead his soldiers in battle. To all the service men & women out there, past, present and future…Thank You!!! May God bless you & your families!!!”

Terri: “Being a military brat, I believed I had a fundamental understanding of military life. I knew the language, the culture, expectations, etc. This experience has provided me an entirely new and deeper respect for our service women and men. I cannot count the number of times I wanted to ‘quit’ and play the “civilian card.” I know my father would be proud of my “combat scar.” I won’t just thank military personal for their service anymore – hugs all around. God bless all that have, are, and will serve this country.”

ProDevo Committee A Success

LLifeastOffice summer, the Housing and Residence formed a committee to address the

professional development needs of staff members. Each month, the ProDevo Committee selects a speaker to lead discussions on a topic of interest. One recent speaker was Sam Connally, VP for Human Resources, who spoke about the “next steps” in a person’s career. The committee also distributes monthly articles on a variety of topics including everything from best practices programs to investment and tax saving strategies. Additionally, the ProDevo Committee helped to create the first-ever Mentor/ Mentee program within the department. Thanks to Ashley Hazen, Mohammad Hussain, Taylor U’Sellis, and Bryan Shelangoski for making the ProDevo Committee a success! 2

Harold Adams Award 2013

D uring the annual Student Awards Ceremony on April 18th, Michelle Clemons, UofL graduate,

former Assistant Dean of Students, and current retiree, received the Harold Adams Award “for enhancing the quality of student life at the University of Louisville.” The award is a memorial tribute to Harold “Butch” Adams, a 1963 UofL graduate and much admired former Assistant Vice President for Student Life, and is given to individuals who best exemplify the qualities and spirit Harold Adams exemplified. Michelle was nominated by numerous people who wrote in support of her selection for the award. Here are what some of them had to say: “I have the highest admiration for Michelle Clemons. I have benefited greatly from her expertise, her insight, and most of all her inspiring ability to empower women to live independent and fulfilling lives. She cultivates respect and understanding. She promotes gender equity and challenges each of us to expand our world view.” “Her ability to inject student learning and opportunities for positive outcomes into difficult discipline cases is extraordinary. She embodies the characteristics of the Student Affairs professional and is most deserving of the Harold Adams Award.” “Michelle has taken a strong leadership position on the issues of violence against women. Without her expertise, her ability to work with women of any background, her ability to lend her voice to those who cannot speak up, and her own personal commitment to ending

violence, many women would never have heard that help was available and would never have found resources to end the violence in their lives and continue their education.” And, finally, “On EVERY occasion that I initiated assistance from Ms. Clemons for a student, her response and support was immediate. Ms. Clemons’ dedication to the UofL student population, their empowerment, their growth and development was unmatched.” We all think she is pretty special, too. Congratulations, Michelle!

Staff Get Lessons in Humor

TRetreat he annual Student Affairs Classified Staff was held on Friday, May 24th at the

Cardinal Hall of Fame Café. The theme of the retreat this year was “Humor, Life’s Best Medicine.” Once again, we had good food, door prizes, time to laugh, time to learn and time to relax. This year our speakers were Matthew Jablow, former Comedian, who had

a wonderful power point presentation on “Humor in the Office” as well as some awesome comedy to go along with that, and Benjamin M. Rigor, M.D., LL.D. who spoke on “Humor: It’s Good Medicine,” and in what ways laughter enhances our health. Dr. Rigor incorporated his own comedy as he spoke. The staff members left with new ideas, rejuvenated, relaxed and

ready to share their positive experience with co-workers. A big thanks

to our speakers, the PDC, Karen Zody, Tanisha Allen and all the Classified Staff that attended. Staff are looking forward to next year’s retreat.

National Video Features UofL Chapter

Pchosen roject Sunshine’s national headquarters has to feature our own UofL chapter in their

new video on the official Project Sunshine website. There are over 40 chapters nationwide, and UofLs chapter was one of a few to be selected. Interviews from two of our volunteers, Shandra Taylor and Brittany Hubert, are included in the video as well as video footage of Megan Good, and Dirk Dorsel working with some of the kids they serve. Here’s the link to the video: http://www.projectsunshine. org/aboutus/about-video3.php


First Intramural Sports Job Fair

TSports he Department of Intramural and Recreational held an Intramural Sports Job Fair on

Wednesday, April 17, 2013, to promote on-campus student positions anticipated to be available with the construction and opening of the new Student Recreation Center next fall. 247 students visited the Job Fair and filled out applications for positions ranging from office clerical positions to personal fitness trainers and group exercise instructors. Special thanks to Director of Career Services Leslye Erickson, who was instrumental in helping the Intramural Department organize and promote the fair. It was the first time Intramural Sports had offered a job fair.

Emotional Intelligence and Breathing

LCenter) ast April, Juan Pablo Kalawski, PhD (Counseling was invited to Puebla, Mexico to do an

introductory workshop on an Alba Emoting™. Alba EmotingTM is a physical method to help recognize, induce, express and regulate the basic emotions. This is achieved through specific breathing, postural and facial behaviors. Alpha Emoting is based on psychophysiological research by Susana Bloch and her collaborators, who have applied this method mainly to train actors. Alba Emoting can be used in psychotherapy to facilitate emotion awareness, regulation and transformation. It also can help therapists better recognize their own and their clients’ emotions. Juan Pablo enjoyed

his opportunity to give this workshop: “I always find it an honor to help people work with their emotions. It’s such an intimate part of each of us. I also had never been to Mexico before and loved visiting Puebla. It’s a beautiful, old city with great food. The participants found the experience very enriching and asked me to come back soon to give them additional training. I hope I can return to Mexico soon.” You can find more information about Alba Emoting here: http:// and here: http:// abstract.

Improve Your Golf Game!

Rcourt ecent plans have re-purposed a racquetball in the new Student Recreation Center

into a golf center. The golf simulator will enable participants to play any of 85 different courses around the world in live action. Participants use actual clubs and real golf balls to play the courses using a high definition screen. The system uses a series of sensors in the floor to instantly calculate the distance, height and curvature of the shot and display in as if it were actually happening on the real hole. Student groups are very excited about the addition of the simulator. Only a handful of campuses across the nation have them.

“Before I die, I want to...”

T“Before he Engage, Lead, Serve Board hosted its I die, I want to...” event on April 11, 2013. The student-led group was responsible for

bringing MTV’s “The Buried Life” stars, Jonnie and Dave to campus for the event. Over 300 University of Louisville students attended the event, which encouraged participants to think of their life goals and dreams as projects to help motivate them to meet those goals and achieve those dreams! The Engage Lead Serve Board strives to enhance the education of students by providing structured experiential and developmental opportunities that encourage community engagement, model good leadership, and allow active service. The board promotes collaboration between organizations and focus areas that encourage philanthropy, service, leadership development, and civic engagement. For more information, check out the website: http://engageleadserve. org/about-els/. Photos of the event are on Flickr: sets/72157633224622541/.

Kendrick Lamar Raps

T(SAB) he Student Activities Board and the Student

Government Association (SGA) brought rapper Kendrick Lamar to Louisville as part of the effort to restart a concert series for UofL Students. The sold-out concert was wellreceived and plans for a concert next year have already begun. 4

Two waysStudent you can help Affairs!

concession stand. Graduates could purchase additional admissions tickets for $5 each. 900 graduates and guests attended this year. View pictures at: sets/72157633448115481/.

HSC Students Hold Vibrant Event The next brick installation will be the end of July. Fall brick orders will run until the end of October. Be sure to order your brick before October 31, 2013 to make it into the Fall installation!

Graduate Day at the Downs

Aeachn annual tradition, May the

Alumni Office, the Student Government Association, and the

Division of Student Affairs invites graduating seniors to Graduate Day at the Downs. The event serves as a celebration for seniors as well as an acknowledgement of their new role as UofL Alumni. Graduates and their one guest received free admission to Churchill Downs and $5 to spend at the

ASciences vibrant event took place on the Health Campus (HSC) this past spring.

Activities included a cookout, dunk tank, DJ, corn hole, basketball mini tournaments and some inflatables. Kudos to the School of Medicine Class of 2016 for putting on such a great event.

Barbados Presentation

D r. Tom Jackson and Dr. Michael Cuyjet presented at the recent Caribbean Tertiary

Level Personnel Association annual conference in Barbados. Their topic was “Overcoming Impediments to Campus and Professional Development”

Family! Fun! Tradition!

Tplace his year’s Cardinal Family Weekend will take September 20-22, 2013. Everyone is invited

to share an exciting weekend with our Cardinal family. The fun will include tailgating sponsored by the Alumni Association, the Cardinals vs. Florida International football game, Family Weekend Lunch, recreational activities and much more.

Enjoy the weekend or the events of your choice and become a part of our tradition! Game tickets are limited. For more information and to order tickets, go to:

New Parent Guide

ThasheaUofL Parents Association new Parent Guide that is handed out to parents during Orientation. Check it out at: docs/2013-parent_guide.


Reach Students in the SNEE

PNews ost your news and events in the weekly Student and Events email (SNEE). This year’s SNEE

survey yielded the following results: • 71% went to an event because it was listed in the SNEE • 93% said they learned something new from the SNEE • 90% find the SNEE helpful • Of the students surveyed 89% found out about news and events (not exclusively) via the SNEE, 49% via Facebook, 30% via yard signs, and 23% via websites. The rest of the resources (Twitter, Digital TV, Text Messages, Cardinal Newspaper, Word of Mouth, etc.) were each used by 15% or less to find out about news and events. Regarding improvements, a few of the students suggested more information about RSOs and special events. To submit information for the SNEE go to: studentnewsandevents.

programming next year. Other notable recipients were Rabia Buridi as the recipient of the Cardinal Award of Excellence Scholar/Leader and Michelle Clemons as the recipient of the Harold Adams Award. To see a full list of award recipients, go to: programsawards/awards/2013studentawards. html.

River City Rocketry – Best New Organization

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Student Organization of the Year

the Dean of Students. Over 100 students and student organizations were recognized at the event for all of their accomplishments of the past year. The River City Rocketry, was the recipient of the Outstanding New Student Organization and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was the recipient of the Outstanding Student Organization of the year. Each will receive $500 from the Red Barn George J. Howe endowment and the George J. Howe Student Leadership Gift Account to utilize for

The 2013 Recipients are: (L-R): Staff Member Recipient – Mark Casey (Program Coordinator for the ELFH Department at Ft. Knox for the University of Louisville, College of Education and Human Development); Graduate Student Recipient – Gregory Yancey; Undergraduate Student Recipient – Melissa Behres; Faculty Member Recipient – Roger Buskill (faculty member in Organizational Leadership and Learning, College of Education and Human Development)

Intramurals Annual Awards Lunch

2013 Student Awards

TStudent hursday, April 18, 2013 was the 14th Annual Awards presented by the office of

Affairs staff member, was on the committee that initiated this award. She worked diligently on the committee in honoring these students from 1994 until her retirement in 2008. She passed away in 2009. It is in her memory that we continue her service to bestow this award on our University of Louisville students, faculty and staff.

Rabia Buridi - Cardinal Award of Excellence Scholar/Leader

Adult Learner Awards

Ibegan n 1994, the Kentuckiana Metroversity Council recognizing the accomplishments of adult

students and the faculty and staff members who help serve them. Barbara King, a former Student

Itheir ntramural Sports wrapped up a great year with 24th annual Intramural Awards Lunch. The ceremony, as tradition holds, took place in the George J. Howe Red Barn. The awards were started by a group of graduate assistants years ago to showcase not only organizations that had won the All Campus Championships, but also to begin recognizing traits associated with participation in the program such as leadership and sportsmanship in a more intentional manner. More than 150


people crowded into the George Howe Red Barn to enjoy a lunch provided by our friends at Qdoba and watch the presentation of the awards. During the ceremony, 20 students and student organizations were recognized for their accomplishments over the past year. The coveted “Dale Ramsay Sportsmanship Award” was won by Beta Theta Pi.

Start Your 4th of July Weekend Right!

PAssociation) lease join us for the RBAA (Red Barn Alumni Red Barn 44th Year Reunion Concert,

Featuring “THE TYMES BAND” at the UofL Red Barn, Friday, July 5, 2013. Door Opens at 7:30PM. Concert begins at 8PM. Voluntary donations for admission are accepted at the door. For more information, please contact: George Howe @ (502) 852-7467, (502) 552-9377 or The members of the RBAA thank you very much for your support to benefit UofL Students.

2013–2014 Student Activities Board

IStudent t will be an exciting year for the 2013-2014 Activities Board (SAB). The students are

already working hard to bring many new events to the students this fall. The kick-off events will be during Welcome Week as well as the Recognized Student Organizations Fair Cookout the first week of school. Heading up this year’s SAB is the

Administrative Chairs: Catherine Moster, Director of Programming, is a native of Cincinnati Ohio, who majors in Studio Arts and Psychology. Austin Schwenker, Director of Finance, is a native of Louisville, Kentucky who majors in Marketing and management. Adam Knecht, Director of Promotions, is a native of Shelbyville, Kentucky who majors in Computer Information Systems.

Valerie Browning Career Center

Joni Burke Student Involvement

Roger Metry Intramurals

Michael Richerson Intramurals Carolyn Stevens Housing

Hellos and Goodbyes Welcome New Staff Welcome to the following new Student Affairs staff members:

Jennifer Todden – Associate Director in Housing

Brenda Powell – Administrative Assistant in Trio

Retiring Staff Members The following people in Student Affairs will be retiring this year. James Brown Career Center

We wish them all a happy retirement.

Did You Know?

D id you know that there is a

web page that lists the upcoming Professional Development events. You can stay up to date with Learn at Lunch, New Staff Orientation, Workshops and more. You can fill out a High Five Recommendation. There are even a couple of past presentation documents available. Go to: pdc. 7

Tradition in Student Affairs

High Fives!

H arold Adams’ relationship with the University of Louisville spanned nearly 30 years

C ongratulations to the following people for receiving

and encompassed most of his college and professional life. He was a distinguished alumnus, a respected coach and one of the University’s best-loved administrators. An athletic scholarship launched his involvement with UofL in 1958. He went on to earn degrees in history, education and law, and in 1962, began serving as assistant basketball and head baseball coach for the University. Adams accepted his first administrative post in 1966 as Director of Housing, a position he held for two years. In 1970, he was appointed Associate Dean of Students, and in 1976, was promoted to Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs. Harold was best known for helping students on a one on one basis. The word spread quickly that, if you needed help at UofL, Harold was the person to see. Harold died in 1986 after many years of service to the University of Louisville. The Harold Adams endowment was started in 1987 and currently funds 5 partial tuition scholarships to first-year students from Henry County. The “Straight from the Heart” fund was established in 1987 to acknowledge Harold’s longtime commitment to helping students. The fund has assisted hundreds of students over the years with buying books, school supplies and small grants that helps them pay bills so they can stay in school. Each year the Harold Adams award is presented to a university faculty or staff member who best exemplifies the qualities and spirit Harold Adams exemplified. (See article on page 3.) The annual award, the scholarships, and the Straight From the Heart Fund are the ways we in Student Affairs continue Harold’s legacy of helping students.

a High Five award:

DRC Staff Disability Resource Center “Congratulations on a wonderful event to raise awareness of disability and show support for the students with disabilities at UofL. The event was informative and fun. iCount was a terrific effort!” Mohammad Hussain Housing and Residence Life “Mohammad knows what it means to be a ‘team player’ and to do ‘whatever it takes.’ He consistently works to get the job done and get it done to a standard far beyond ‘acceptable.’ Moreover, he has consistently offered to stay late or come in over the weekends in order to ensure a project is completed to the best of his ability. He is phenomenal at going above and beyond the call of duty. We appreciate him!” Jeremy Johnson TRIO “Jeremy has done a great job as the new PDC Chairperson! It is a pleasure working with him.” Leslye Erickson Career Development Center “The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports held a Job Fair on Wednesday, April 17, to promote on-campus, student positions anticipated to be available with the construction and opening of the new Student Recreation Center next fall. 247 students visited the Job Fair

and filled out applications for positions ranging from office clerical positions to personal fitness trainers and group exercise instructors. Special thanks to Director of Career Services Leslye Erickson, who was instrumental with helping the Intramural Department organize and promote the fair as it was the first time Intramural Sports had offered one.” Beverly Wolford Dean of Students Office “Beverly is always a very helpful and supportive co-worker. Thanks Bev for all you do!” Teresa Smith, Joni Burke & LeeAnn Riffle Student Activities “Thanks to these three hard working women,the Division of Student Affairs had a terrific Derby event, featuring a potluck lunch and fun betting. They coordinated the potluck, decorated, came up with fun games and then cleaned everything up again. It is a long standing Student Affairs tradition that wouldn’t keep happening without them.” Karen Zody Counseling Center “Karen is amazing at everything she does! She has always been an advocate for TRIO, even more so recently after the departure of our Administrative Assistant. Karen is always availalble to lend a helping hand or ear to my needs. There has never been one time where she has 8

turned me away! I appreciate her professionalism and always eager attitude to help out. Karen is not only a great asset the the TRIO Office and Counseling Center, but the Division of Student Affairs as a whole! Susie Cucura VPSA Office “Susie is simply AMAZING! She is always willing to step up and take things on when it comes to the Professional Development Committee. She is the epitome of a team player! Without Susie, my transition as Chair of the PDC would not have been as smooth! I appreciate her desire and passion for the success of the PDC! Thanks for all you do! Gerome Stephens & Victoria Spencer Student Involvement “Thanks for helping our new summer interns feel welcome and taking them on a grand tour of the city and campus.”

Submit your High Five recommendations here: ttps:// h studentaffairs/staff/department/ staff/staffmain/form/ student-affairs-high-five/

Mark Your Calendar June 28 Coffee & Conversation – Dean of Students Office & VPSA Office, 8:30-9:30am (DOS Office) July 5 Red Barn 44th Year Reunion Concert, 7:30pm July 11-12

Summer Academy

July 15-19 Gehring Academy Aug 14 Summer Picnic (Moved from the 9th)

Special Thanks


hank you Pam Curtis, Heidi Elmer, Shirley Hardy, Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., Jeremy Johnson, Dr. Juan Pablo Kalawski, Dr. Michael Mardis, Laura Mercer, Frank Mianzo, Tim Moore, Julie Onnembo, Tajuan Sellars, Bryan Shelangoski, John Smith, Shannon Staten, JT Stinnett, Dr. Terri White, Beverly Wolford and all of those who helped produce this issue of Vibrations for your contributions to this newsletter. The Student Affairs Vibrations newsletter is edited by Susie Cucura, Student Affairs Publications and Marketing Coordinator,

Sept 20-22 Family Weekend

Reference Corner


our websites to keep handy. Click on the buttons here and then bookmark them on your web browser. When you have events you want students to attend, be sure to submit them to be placed in the Student Events Calendar, Student News, Student News and Events email and Digital TV. Just click on the submit button and follow the directions. The Follow the Bird button will take you to the Student News and Events Facebook page. Feel free to “like” our page. The SA Tier One Tech Ticket will take you to a form that will help you get technical support.

Student Affairs

The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity institution.


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