Vibrations March 2012

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Division of Student Affairs, University of Louisville

Table of Contents

1. Sun Grant Awarded

1. Sun Grant Awarded 2. Collaboration Aids in RA Spring Training 3. Brick Campaign 4. Great Turnout for Veteran Symposium 5. Fryberger Greek Sing Celebrates 75th Anniversary 6. Faculty Friends Program 7. UofL to Host 2012 NASPA Student Affairs Development Conference 8. Intramurals is on YouTube 9. Greek Giving Campaign 10. Dr. Cue Performs on Campus 11. Spring 2012 Cohort of the Cardinal Leadership Certificate 12. Return of the “Divine Nine” 13. Welcome to the Newest Panhellenic Sorority… Zeta Tau Alpha 14. TRiO Valentine’s for Kosair 16. New Online Giving Form Developed for Student Affairs 16. Recent Student Affairs Gifts 17. Student Leaders at 2012 KRACLE Conference 18. “Meat and Potatoes” 19. 2012 International Fashion Show 20. Intramurals Continues to Draw Record Participation 21. Three Student Activities GAs Graduating 22. Welcome New Staff 23. High Five! 24. Mark Your Calendar

March 2012

Julie Onnembo, Dave Shaw and John Smith were awarded a 2012 i2a Sun Grant in the amount of $4,750 for their proposal entitled “On-Line Student Staff training Module” and “Dare to Play Fair Intramural Sportsmanship Module.” This joint project between the departments of Student Activities and Intramural Sports will provide for the development of online training for student staff of both departments. In addition, Intramural Sports would use the online training to promote critical thinking to participants through online sportsmanship training. Both departments plan to make the online component required for their specific groups. Student staff would be required to complete the module before they begin work for Student Activities and Intramural Chairs and prior to registering their organizations into intramural programs. Both modules would be structured to emphasize critical thinking traits and standards. Student Staff training would focus on standards of clarity, accuracy and precision as well as traits of intellectual autonomy, integrity and confidence in reason. The Intramural project, Dare to Play Fair program, would be focused on traits of fair-mindedness, intellectual humility, courage, empathy, autonomy and integrity. Once completed, the modules will be available for all departments, University wide, who employ student staff. Other personnel who will be assisting with this project include Pam Curtis and Becky Clark from Student Affairs, and Katie Partin from First Year Initiatives.

tions a r b Vi 2. Collaboration Aids in RA Spring Training The Office of Housing and Residence Life welcomed its new and returning Resident Assistants (RAs) back to campus early this January with a Spring Training session. Phyllis Clark, of the Cultural Center, kicked off the event with an inspiring speech about following through and living up to leadership potential. The two-day event continued with sessions presented by numerous campus partners including: “Safe Zone Training” with the LGBT Office, “Résumé Building” with the Career Development Center, “Partnering for Programming” with the Student Activities Board and “Stress Resiliency” with Health Promotions. Additionally, Jan Ulrich, a representative from the Kentucky Suicide Prevention Center, presented a session called “Question, Persuade and Refer” about preventing suicide with on-campus residents. Members of the Office of Residence Life and Housing also came out to present sessions and show support. They included Adam Robertson, Patrick Chenault, Jessica Watts, Tom Converso, Charlie Edmiston, Crystal Favors, Ashley Hazen, LaMont Johnson, Jeremy Williamson and Amanda Cunningham. It was truly a successful collaboration between many of the Student Affairs offices and the RAs. Everyone had a blast! If you have any questions or are interested in helping with Fall RA Training, please contact Taylor McGovern U’Sellis at t0mcgo01@louisville. edu. (Pictured above is “Safe Zone Training” with the LGBT Office.)

3. Brick Campaign Student Affairs has launched the West Plaza Brick Campaign, which allows alumni, staff, faculty, and friends of UofL to purchase a commemorative brick engraved and placed in the West Plaza. Now you

have the opportunity to Leave Your Legacy in Stone! Purchasing a West Plaza Brick allows donors to commemorate their time at UofL, honor a friend or a loved one, or celebrate an important milestone in their life. You can be one of the first to buy a piece of history for yourself and leave your own lasting UofL legacy on the West Plaza. Your gift will truly leave a lasting impression at the University of Louisville. To learn more and purchase your brick visit http://louisville. edu/student/alumnus/legacybrick or simply click on the brick!

4. Great Turnout for Veteran Symposium

More than 165 folks from across the nation attended the 4th Annual Veteran Symposium for Higher Education held in Louisville February 20th through 22nd. Participants came from 27 different states and represented 107 different institutions. Presentations focused on Veteran Success and Transition Issues, Preventing Veteran Suicide, Assessing Veteran Student Services Programs, and Communication and Retention Strategies for Veterans. The Symposium was sponsored by the UofL Division of Student Affairs with the support of ACPA, NASPA and Servicemembers Opportunity College. Go to html to review the symposium presentations. 2

tions a r b Vi 5. Fryberger Greek Sing Celebrates 75th Anniversary

The University of Louisville celebrated its 75th anniversary of the Fryberger Greek Sing with a special two-night engagement at The Palace Theater in downtown Louisville. This year’s Fryberger Greek Sing was held on Saturday, Feb. 25, and Sunday, Feb. 26. The Fryberger Greek Sing is a song and dance competition between UofL fraternities and sororities. The groups spend months preparing music and choreography to perform on stage. This event is named after Agnes Moore Fryberger, a UofL music professor in the 1930s. Actually, it began as a tribute to her after she left her position due to illness. It originally took place on the steps of Grawemeyer Hall on UofL’s Belknap Campus! It also has been staged at UofL’s Red Barn and the Swain Student Activities Center, Memorial Auditorium and The Palace Theater. Proceeds from this year’s event help fund the UofL Community Music Program and academic scholarships for fraternity and sorority members. With Fryberger celebrating its 75th year at UofL, the competition was split into a two night format, allowing Saturday to be designated a “Greek Fryberger Alumni Night.” In order to welcome back alumni, Student Affairs hosted an alumni

reception prior to the alumni performance. This reception connected alumni guests ranging from 1955 to 2011 and was an excellent chance to mingle with UofL administrators, parents, and former Fryberger participants. Nostalgia was definitely in the air with photos of performances from decades past and stories of alumni experiences.

6. Faculty Friends Program On February 15, Student Affairs Professional Development Committee held the second offering of the Faculty Friends program series featuring Dr. Stuart Esrock, Associate Professor in the Communication Department. Dr. Esrock was asked to respond to a series of questions for us to learn more about what he does here at UofL and how that connects to our work in Student Affairs. He responded with a series of recommendations to help Student Affairs get the faculty’s attention despite the many different requirements, which includes teaching, research and service demanding their time. Problem of “awareness” • Make faculty aware of what Student Affairs has to offer • Make faculty aware of the benefits of partnerships to both faculty and students • We are on the same team Building “awareness” • New faculty orientations • College/chairs meetings • Department meetings • “Peer to Peer” • Service orientation


tions a r b Vi Proactive outreach • Development of partnerships • Guest lecture/teaching • Advising/mentoring • Seek faculty involvement in extracurricular activity • Conduit to connect faculty to students Incentives for faculty • Awards • Academic Work Plans • Support from Provost and Deans Importance of working together • Retention • Higher graduation rates Dr. Esrock’s presentation was powerful for us in Student Affairs because we are not usually privy to the perceptions of faculty about Student Affairs and what we do. His honesty and detail were tremendously valuable.

7. UofL to Host 2012 NASPA Student Affairs Development Conference The University of Louisville Division of Student Affairs was recently chosen to host the 2012 NASPA Student Affairs Development Conference! Glenn Gittings, working with Frank Mianzo, Pam Hoeppner from the Brown Hotel, and Casey Kruer Allen with the Louisville Convention and Visitors Bureau, submitted a successful conference bid package that situates the entire NASPA Student Affairs Development Conference in downtown Louisville at the Brown.

The purpose of the NASPA Student Affairs Development Conference is to share and exchange strategies, ideas, and resources, and to discuss issues related to fundraising for student affairs. The conference promotes an exchange of the best practices and assists attendees in identifying successful programs. It is designed for current professionals who have development responsibilities, specifically for student affairs, and professionals with experience in either student affairs or development. The conference plans to offer educational sessions geared towards individuals who are both new and seasoned within student affairs development. We look forward to hosting this stellar NASPA professional development event in July. The conference will be held July 22-24. To learn more visit:

8. Intramurals is on YouTube

Intramural sports has a new channel on titled ULIntramurals. There are currently over 40 short videos of flag football, Dr. Cue (and some of his shots), volleyball, tug-o-war and many more recreational sport videos. More are being added all the time, so check back often!

9. Greek Giving Campaign Student Affairs has recently launched the Greek Leadership Funds Initiative. The Office of Greek Life serves as a catalyst to 4

tions a r b Vi encourage fraternity and sorority organizations to provide experiences that promote growth, development, friendship, and education of their members. Greek involvement provides students with opportunities in finding their potential as leaders.

3 new Greek Leadership funds have been established: Interfraternity Council Leadership Fund National Pan-Hellenic Council Leadership Fund Panhellenic Council Leadership Fund

The goal of these leadership funds is to foster involvement, leadership, growth, and scholarship among the students involved in Greek life at UofL. The Greek Leadership Funds Initiative recognizes the importance of the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Panhellenic Council on the UofL Campus and the enriching experience they give students that are associated with each of the UofL Greek chapters. To learn more about and make a gift to the Greek Leadership Funds Initiative please visit

10. Dr. Cue Performs on Campus Tom Rossman, aka “Dr. Cue”, is a world champion “artistic pool” or trick shot billiard artist. He has appeared on ESPN numerous times and is a regular member of the United States team, which rivals other nations in worldwide billiard competitions. The departments of Intramural and Recreational

Sports and Student Activities, specifically the Student Activities Board, collaborated to bring Dr. Cue to campus for two shows on January 17. Dr. Cue performed in the Cardinal Corner Game Room at noon and again at 6 PM. Over 250 students attended the two shows combined, which featured many of the same shots he performs in competition. Everyone enjoyed the shots and comedy of Dr. Cue, who incorporates a lot of slapstick humor into his shows. Between these shows, Dr. Cue gave free individual lessons to any student who came into the room while also running a tournament. It was a great day in the Cardinal Corner Game Room. Check out some of his trick shots at

11. Cohort of the Cardinal Leadership Certificate

One of the most exciting new programs in Student Affairs, the Cardinal Leadership Certificate, is in its second semester and has already tripled in participant size. The program now hosts 29 diverse students from 23 different student organizations across campus. The program seeks to develop “Emerging Student Leaders” to work more effectively with their fellow students, faculty and university administration. Participants are building their critical thinking skills while investigating concepts like multicultural competence, program development, leadership styles and developmental planning of student organizations. After they graduate in April, these capable student leaders will have developed valuable skills that will help them contribute to the campus and their community.

12. Return of the “Divine Nine” This spring, UofL will host an event that will celebrate having the nine member organizations of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) the University now has on campus, otherwise referred to as the “Divine Nine.” Previously, UofL only had seven members of the 5

tions a r b Vi NPHC, but now is the only university in Kentucky with all nine members. A special reception will be held on campus, Saturday, April 20, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. followed by a cookout at 3:00 p.m. Please join us as we welcome back Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and celebrate being the only university in Kentucky with all of the “Divine Nine” members.

13. Welcome Zeta Tau Alpha UofL welcomes the newest panhellenic sorority—Zeta Tau Alpha. This photo was taken at the chapter’s celebratory luncheon at the Downtown Marriott when they were reactivated as the Beta Lambda chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha. The chapter had previously existed at UofL from 1927-1977. The chapter currently has 94 members and recently earned a chapter semester GPA of a 3.120 and a cumulative GPA of a 3.304. Frequently, you see the women of ZTA on campus distributing pink ribbons to support their national philanthropy of breast cancer awareness and education. ZTA is a great addition to the UofL campus!

14. TRiO Valentine’s for Kosair Expressing one’s love for another is a celebrated custom on Valentine’s Day; sweethearts and family members present gifts to one another, such as cards, candy, flowers and other symbols

of affection. In order to get into the spirit of Valentine’s Day, TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) students and staff, along with other UofL colleagues, engaged in a card making service project for Kosair Children’s Hospital. For this project, the group designed and decorated Valentine’s Day cards to give to children and their families at Kosair. Over a four-day span, 171 Valentine’s Day cards were produced, along with candy, and delivered to anxiously awaiting children! SSS would like to thank all of those who chipped in for this endeavor!

15. New Online Giving Form Developed for Student Affairs Working collaboratively with the Division of Advancement, Student Affairs has launched a new online giving form for potential donors. This new online page allows Student Affairs to align with Advancement giving procedures and the Charting Our Course capital campaign. The new form allows donors to select specific funds they wish to designate as their gift, schedule gift payments, utilize employer matching programs to possibly double their gift, and even make a gift in honor of someone. To view the new form visit: charting/index.aspx?sid=1157&gid=1&pgid=1003&cid=1865

16. Recent Student Affairs Gifts Thanks, once again, to the fantastic generosity of Louis (‘70) and Louise (‘71) Bornwasser, Student Affairs received a wonderful gift to 6

tions a r b Vi benefit the Floyd Theatre. The Bornwassers provided and installed upgraded projector equipment in the Floyd Theatre, a gift that was valued at almost $25,000! Along with their previous $75,000 gift for the Student Emergency Fund in 2010, the Bornwassers now have contributed $100,000 to the Division of Student Affairs Another thanks to the assistance of former SGA president Todd Schmeideler (‘97), Student Affairs received a recent $2,500 gift from Meijer in support of an SGA initiative called Cardinal Connectors.

17. Student Leaders at 2012 KRACLE Conference During the weekend of February 3-5, the University of Louisville Housing and Residence Life Department sent a strong delegation of student leaders, consisting of Resident Assistants and the Resident Student Association, to the annual Kentucky Residents’ Affiliates Conference for Leadership in Education on the campus of Eastern Kentucky University. Many of our students took advantage of the opportunity to attend and present programming tracks to the conference attendees. Our student leaders learned new ideas and programs and have come back excited to share them with the University. The University of Louisville also received several awards including over 20 Best of Bluegrass, which recognizes the outstanding work done monthly in the residence halls by their respective staff. In total, the University of Louisville returned with 26 awards and honors. Students attending KRACLE included Rose Marshall,

Melanie Raglin, Kaleb Petrella, Taylor Spears, Deepa Singh, Craig Peden, Alex Santomo, Bridget Quitter, Alissa Mudd, Philip Clemons, Brittnay Tooxell, Chris Millet, Josh Baechle, Brandon Collins, Clem Thomas, Jeremy Bozarth, and Lexy Payne. Awards of note: National Communications Coordinator of the Year: Alex Santomo; School of the Year: University of Louisville; Recognition Chapter of the Year: University of Louisville Cardinal Chapter

18. “Meat and Potatoes” Meat & Potatoes is a spin-off of the multiple-award winning Queen of Sheba Series. It is a monthly discussion series created by LaMont Johnson for college men that advances diversity awareness and understanding at the University of Louisville. Meat & Potatoes promotes positive communication and advocacy for today’s college man as he navigates through university life. The wildly successful program also covers hard topics and controversial issues. Meat & Potatoes is in its fourth year and features a panel of students across campus as co-hosts. If a guy likes to debate, learn about ongoing issues, eat free food, hang-out with friends, or just enjoy some laughs, then Meat & Potatoes is right up his alley! Follow them on Facebook: Meat & Potatoes – UofL and on Twitter @Meatandpotatoz. “The program has been a great outlet for UofL’s young men to openly and freely discuss topics ranging from politics and sports to rape and sex abuse. The events not only feature great opportunities to share and earn a diversity of opinions, but also bolster a sense of community and fraternity amongst all attendees.” said Alex X. Frommeyer, Chief Executive Officer, Inven LLC.


tions a r b Vi 19. 2012 International Fashion Show

20. Intramurals Draws Record Participation

More than 850 students, family members, and other University supporters came out on January 27th to celebrate the 10th anniversary of SAB’s International Fashion Show. Students were styled in colorful cultural apparel and the latest modern finery, provided by some of our best local fashion shops. Our international student associations—the African Student Union, Indian Student Association, Vietnamese Student Association, and the Sri Lanka Student Association—provided lively entertainment. Student leaders and volunteers from across the campus joined the SAB on the stage and behind the scenes to bring this festive event to an enthusiastic audience. The most poignant moment of the show, however, came early in the event as special guest host and former SAB diversity chair, Cory Young, joined Dr. Michael Anthony on stage to share the origins of the event that he had initiated ten years before. In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001, students and visitors from foreign countries were being harassed and terrorized across the United States. Cory decided that we should let students at the University of Louisville know that they were welcome and appreciated, which gave rise to this wonderful event which has—for ten years now—brought our University together for a truly global celebration. This year’s International Fashion Show was co-sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity and International Affairs, the Cultural Center, the Women’s Center, and the Red Barn Alumni Association. Additionally, the SAB received generous discounts from Ramsi’s Catering, and Fleur di Lis Events.

The spring semester is off to a great start for the Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports! The structured league and tournament phase of the program continues to see record numbers of participation, even when the national trend Racq Tournuetball is at a decline in structured ame nt activities in favor of more informal recreation. It’s great to see interest in the structured part of the program continuing to increase. There are many memories made when people are part of a team or group and the structured phase of the program is providing Volleyball those to record L e ag u e numbers of students!

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tions a r b Vi 21. Three Student Activities GAs Graduating Student Activities will have the great honor of graduating three Graduate Assistants this spring: Holly Bradford, Lyston Skerritt, and Joshua Hardman. All three are finishing their Master’s in College Student Personnel and are ready to pursue full-time positions working with college students. Holly, Graduate Assistant for Greek Life, has enjoyed having a meaningful impact on lives of students and is interested in working with many areas of Student Affairs, including academic advising and Greek life. Lyston, Graduate Assistant for Involvement, appreciates the amazing mentorship he’s experienced while working in Student Affairs and is interested in a future working with student involvement and diversity programs. Josh, Graduate Assistant for RSOs, is grateful for the wonderful learning experiences of Student Affairs and would love to find a position working with student programming and/or student organizations. We appreciate their hard work as GAs and wish them well as they begin their careers.

22. Welcome New Staff Bryan Shelangoski is the new Associate Director for Facilities (ADF) and Operations for Housing and Residence Life and serves on the Campus Housing Leadership Team. He is directly responsible for management of all facility issues of the University owned residential buildings, the partnership with the foundation facilities located on campus, and the connection between University housing and the affiliation communities located off campus. Bryan previously served as the Associate Dean of Students at Sullivan University in Louisville, where he directly supervised

several departments within Student Services, one being Housing and Residence Life. Before joining Sullivan, Bryan served as the Assistant Director of Housing and Residential Life at Kenyon College in Gambier, OH. Bryan is originally from Iowa and attended Iowa State University for his undergraduate work in Health and Human Performance. He then earned his M.B.A. from St. Thomas University in Miami, FL. He is currently working toward his graduate degree in Higher Education at the University of Louisville. Ashley Hazen is University of Louisville’s new Program Coordinator of Development and Community Engagement. She will advise RSA and NRHH, oversee the First Year Guide Program, coordinate judicial within housing, and partake in programming and several other aspects of housing to deliver outstanding services to our students. Ashley recently received her masters in Organizational Performance, Leadership, and Technology with a concentration in Higher Education from The State University of New York College at Potsdam. In addition to obtaining her Masters Degree, Ashley also studied Business Administration and Employee Relations as an undergraduate there. Before coming to the University of Louisville her professional experience was within Campus Activities and Greek Life.

23. High Five! Shannon Gets Two More Years Shannon Staten has been re-elected to serve another 2 years on the Executive Board for ACUHO-I (Association of College and University Housing Officers International). Although there were three other very qualified candidates on the slate with her and it is unusual to have someone re-elected to the same position, it happened. “I am excited to serve another 2 years at the national/international level.” Shannon said. 9

tions a r b Vi Dale Gets the Rare Double! Rare isn’t the right word, never is more like it! A week or two ago, Dale Ramsay, the director of Intramural Sports, was picked to work the championship game of the Boys Louisville Invitational Tournament (LIT) basketball tournament. Dale also worked the championship game of the Girls LIT tournament as well! This is the first time someone has worked both championship games in the long and storied history of the tournaments. On both the boys and girls sides, the LIT is one of the more prestigious high school basketball tournaments in the state. Kudos to Dale for achieving this feat. Things like this add to the department’s credibility, and help to promote their image to the community. In addition to Dale, Justin Peterson, Oliver Ray and Andrew Ansert are working in the KBOA (Kentuckiana Basketball Officials Association).

25. Special Thanks Thank you Joni Burke, Pam Curtis, Alex X Frommeyer, Evan Haag, Joshua Hardman, Shirley Hardy, Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr., LaMont Johnson, Dr. Michael Mardis, Frank Mianzo, Stuart Neff, Brooke Newton, Julie Onnembo, Lee Ann Riffle, Lyston Skerritt, John Smith, Teresa Smith, Gerome Stephens, Charisma Stigall, Jayme Trondle, Taylor McGovern U’Sellis, Brandy Warren, Beverly Wolford, and the staff of UofL Today for your contributions to this newsletter. The Student Affairs Vibrations newsletter is edited by Susie Cucura, Student Affairs Publications and Marketing Coordinator,

24. Mark Your Calendar! March 30

PINK, SAC Multipurpose room

April 13 – 14

elay For Life, 7 p.m. – 7 a.m., Quad near the R Shumaker Building and Crawford Gym

April 14

ofL Football Spring Scrimmage, Papa U John’s Cardinal Stadium 1 pm

April 16

Student Awards, 7:00 p.m. SAC MPR

April 18

Greek Awards, 5:00 p.m. Red Barn

April 20

27th Annual Crawfish Boil, 5 p.m. Red Barn

April 21

PHC 20th Anniversary and “Divine 9” Celebration, N Celebration 1 p.m., Cookout 3 p.m.

May 9

Senior Cookout, Red Barn and Plaza 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.

May 11

tudent Affairs Graduation Reception, S MPR Pre-function Area 10

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