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Editor Sarah Baker

Associate Editor
Jelena Damjanovic
Art Direction Joel Jackson Design
Carmine Ragno
Sami Anguaya, Klarke Braaten, Jill Clark, Jelena Damjanovic, Bruce Grierson, Janet Gunn, Simon Houpt, Heather Hudson, Mariam Matti, Ibtesaam Mohamed Afroz Moosa
Transformation in Motion
KPE launches 2022–2027 Academic Plan
Intermittent Fasting and Exercise
What happens to your body when you combine exercise and intermittent fasting?
30 A Dream Come True
Blues goalie plays with Toronto Maple Leafs

36 The Apex Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport supports high performance at all levels

42 Family Ties
Alumni association president brings special connection to U of T, KPE
50 In Memory: Barbara Goldring
Honouring the profound impact and generous support of Barbara Goldring
60 Tales from the Frontier Roy Shephard’s reflections on the early days of sport science
Photography Tim Burkhart, Dewey Chang, Daniel Ehrenworth, John Hryniuk, Joel Jackson, Ira Jacobs, Fazlur-Rehman Malik, Seyran Mammadov, Jason Peters, Lisa Sakulensky, Glenn Tachiyama, Katia Taylor, Jojo Qian
Pursuit is published by U of T’s Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education www.pursuit.utoronto.ca
Editorial Comments sarah.e.baker@utoronto.ca
Address Changes alumni.kpe@utoronto.ca
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