N o te bo o k • Vo l u m e X X V I I I • 2 0 2 0
Pa rt ne r s in S c hol a r ship Student Emergency Relief The Crimson Laureate Society and the University of Utah are working to assist students and families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emergency funds are available for tuition, fees, room and board,
textbooks, required supplies or materials for classes, transportation, child care, unexpected medical expenses, and COVID-19 related expenses.
To commemorate our 50th Anniversary the College of Science is
asking all alumni to donate $50 to student emergency relief.
50 years of science alumni can make a significant difference. Please join
us in support of our less fortunate students and families.
s c i e n c e. u t a h . e d u / g i v i n g
The Sandra J. Bromley scholarship provides financial support to four undergraduate students each year in the College of Science.