Institute for Aerospace Technology

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Institute for Aerospace Technology Launch Event 14 Dec 2010

Poster Book

Institute for Aerospace Technology Our vision is to establish The University of Nottingham as a world-leading University for aerospace R&D. We will achieve this by implementing major infrastructure development and investing in the research base; establishing new research and technology transfer activities with a strong fit to sector priorities; and strengthening strategic relationships with funding bodies and key industrial partners.

Nottingham’s current aerospace research portfolio currently includes over 70 externally funded projects valued at c.£35million. We work with most leading aerospace companies, and have several strategic partnerships. Key awards include: 2 Rolls Royce UTCs - Gas Turbine Transmissions and Manufacturing EPSRC funded Nottingham Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre GE Aviation/ EPSRC SMARTPACT strategic partnership on Advanced Electrical Power & Actuation Systems EU/ Industry Clean Sky JTI – Systems for Green Operations, where UoN is the only University with associate member status 5 EPSRC Platform Grants related to Aerospace technologies – the highest number at any UK university This work involves >50 academic staff from a number of leading research groups, including: Advanced Materials Advanced Manufacturing Applied Optics & NDE Electromagnetics Polymer Composites Power Electronics, Machines & Control Satellite Navigation Technologies Structural Integrity & Dynamics Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics The Institute for Aerospace Technology provides the focus and strategic direction for our aerospace activities, enabling a pipeline from fundamental (TRL 1-3) to applied (TRL 4-6) research. Recognised by the University as a Priority research area, our strategy will be underpinned by a major ERDF award.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Institute for Aerospace Technology The Institute supports three key elements: Enhancement of basic research infrastructure & equipment, including construction of the Aerospace Research Centre and major investments in manufacturing, measurement and analysis facilities A dedicated Aerospace Technology Centre supporting applied, industry focused research and development activities Increased business engagement & knowledge transfer activities, supported by our business development and project management team The Aerospace Technology Centre (ATC) will be a dedicated research & knowledge transfer centre, providing new, state-of-the-art, facilities for aerospace R&D. Projects in ATC will be multi-disciplinary, building on our leading basic research activities and evolving towards large-scale demonstrators. This will enable application-focused, integrated research at a size & complexity not currently possible. The ATC will be based at University of Nottingham Innovation Park (UNIP), and will comprise 1200m2 of dedicated laboratory space and office / meeting space for our research team and industry partners. The ATC will open early 2012, and we are now inviting suggestions and proposals from academic leaders and industry partners to populate the facility.

Our Business Engagement Programme will establish links with new companies from start ups and SMEs to major multinationals and explore additional areas of collaboration with existing partners, many leading to long term relationships. There are many ways to interact with the Institute to attract talent to your business, improve your innovation capacity and solve technology problems. The Business Engagement programme will help businesses access these opportunities through: CPD & training events Themed technology events and workshops Graduate placements within local SMEs To learn more about these opportunities please contact: Ben Sumner Project and Business Manager Institute for Aerospace Technology 0115 8467617

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Power Electronics, Machines & Control

Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group One of the largest research groups in its field worldwide, the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group (PEMC) has 9 academics and a research grant portfolio > ÂŁ16M earned from EPSRC, TSB, EU, STFC, national and international industry, and UK and US defence bodies. The research team comprises approximately 30 Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and 40 PhD sudents undertaking world leading research activities across a range of fields including: Power Electronic Energy Conversion, Conditioning and Control Power Electronics Integration, Packaging and Thermal Management Motor Drives and Motor Control Electrical Machines

Matrix converter integrated into induction motor endplate

The Group works extensively with industrial partners applying core technologies and expertise in areas such as Aerospace Electrical Systems and Equipment, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Marine Systems, Industrial Drive Systems and Pulsed Power Converters.

High speed thermal imaging of IGBT die during resonant converter operation

Research in the Group ranges from basic technology investigation to fully engineered advanced concept demonstrators. The Group is justifiably proud of its experimental facilities, which have been significantly enhanced in 2010, and is renowned for its ability to conduct research at realistic power levels (up to 1MW continuous). Specialist facilities exist for power device packaging research and for reliability studies. Dedicated electronic supplies provide emulation of aircraft generation systems up to 270kVA.

Matrix converter driven electro-mechanical actuator on test

Contact: Jon Clare e: t: 0115 951 5546

Cold plate design for calorimetric Advanced Silicon Carbide evaluation of semiconductor power module for high losses in a high power resonant temperature environments converter

Matrix converter integrated into a single power module

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Research in Power Electronics Integration, Packaging and Thermal Management Increasingly widespread use of power electronics in availability critical, harsh environment applications (e.g., transport, energy) demands compact, low-cost and highly reliable solutions reducing converter weight and volume drives up the operating temperature, yielding reduced lifetime and poor reliability interdisciplinary approach required for reliable product design. Key research areas : Improved integration and packaging technology; Understanding of wear-out processes and development of reliability models; Design tools that can optimise against all technological constraints; Health management based on in-service prognostic and usage management functions. High-Performance High-Reliability Packaging Sandwich-type packages: - better cooling and switching - higher integration, efficiency and reliability

New materials Silicon-Carbide: - higher operational temperatures - higher frequencies - reduced volume - reduced weight Challenge bespoke packaging solutions: - optimised electro-magnetic properties - optimised electro-thermal properties

Challenge advanced joining technologies: - improved manufacturing - advanced operational features. More Efficient Cooling

Advanced Design Tools

Direct liquid cooling: - improved thermal performance - reduced size and weight - reduced thermo-mechanical stresses - reduced pumping energy. Challenge

Computer Aided Design: - automated parametric optimisation - interdisciplinary analysis built-in reliability Challenge trade-off between accuracy and speed

target hot spots IGBT Voltage Overshoot

Contact: Mark Johnson e: t: 0115 846 8685

IGBT Thermal Resistance Map Rth (째C/W

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Research in Power Electronic Energy Conversion, Conditioning and Control Power electronic energy conversion is a vital technology to underpin the low carbon economy. The PEMC Group research in power conversion, conditioning and control technologies is World leading and covers a wide range of technologies and applications. Examples of the Group’s work are shown below: Future Electricity Networks


High Energy Physics

Renewable Energy


Industrial Applications

Contact: Jon Clare e: t: 0115 951 5546

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Clean Sky JTI

What is a JTI? What is a JTI? JTI = Joint Technology Initiative The JTI is a new EC funding tool under FP7 “A JTI is a type of project created by the European Commission for funding research in Europe to allow the implementation of ambitious and complex activities, including the validation of technologies at a high readiness level” “The size and scale of JTIs requires the mobilisation and management of very substantial public and private investment and human resources” A JTI exists as a legal entity under EU law The Clean Sky JTI exists for 10 years from December 2007 JTI work is split into six Integrated Technology Demonstrators (IDTs)

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Pat Wheeler e:

Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) The use of all-electric equipment system architectures will allow a more fuel-efficient use of secondary power, from electrical generation and distribution to electrical aircraft systems. The University of Nottingham is an Themes for Nottingham Associate Member of the Clean Power Systems – Sky JTI in the Systems for Green including regeneration Operations ITD and radical architectures We are the only University which Power Quality and EMC is an associate Member in our own right Power Conversion Total budget of about €10.3M

Led by Power Electronics, Machines Control Group Also involves: George Green Institute [EMC] and CFD Group [thermal]

Actuation – rotor craft Thermal design – system and application level Power devices – including reliability and thermal management Wing Ice Protection Systems Extreme temperature operation – devices, thermal and apps Health monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics…

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Pat Wheeler e:

Why use Electrical systems? Why use Electrical systems? Energy Efficiency More efficient and less wasteful, even when many of the resulting aircraft may be heavier and have more drag

Elimination of hydraulic fluids Logistics and Operational Maintenance

Lower energy losses during conversion Engines are freed from the constraints of a bleed off-take, improved SFC

Deletion of hydraulic and pneumatic systems Easier interfaces to the aircraft than with hydraulic or pneumatic connections

Environmental Issues Reduction in fuel consumption which relates to the energy efficiency effect Power Sources: “Conventional” Aircraft

Reduction of variety of support equipment used today and decreased life-cycle costs

“More Electric Aircraft” Concept

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Pat Wheeler e:

Thermo & Fluid Dynamics

Plasma Aerodynamics

Plasma vortex generator for flow separation control Vortex Generator



Entrained Airflow

Plasma actuator with Gurney flap

Plasma actuator Spanwise flow oscillation for skin-friction reduction

Spanwise travelling waves for skin-friction reduction Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Kwing-So Choi e:

Flow Control and Drag Reduction

Spanwise wall oscillation for skin-friction reduction

Direct numerical simulation of turbulent wall flow with spanwise travelling wave

spanwise velocity

Turbulent boundary layer control

streamwise velocity horseshoes vortices



quasi-streamwise vortices



vortex structure

No control

Travelling wave Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Kwing-So Choi e:

Starting and Colliding Vortices of Plasma Jet DBD plasma actuators offer a unique ability to create a body force close to the wall in atmospheric pressure airflows. They are purely electric devices which do not require any moving parts or complicated ducting. The plasma actuators are very simple, fast-acting, and can be manufactured as sheets to be adhered to the desired surface. They are, therefore, ideal for flow control applications of aircraft and aero engines. DBD plasma actuators are usually composed of two electrodes separated by a dielectric layer. One electrode is exposed to the airflow and the other one is encapsulated between the dielectric and the aerodynamic body surface. By applying a high voltage AC signal, the plasma appears over the surface which induces an electric wind. These devices usually operate at frequencies of a few kHz with the required voltage of a few kV. When the pulsed signal is applied, the DBD plasma actuators initiate vortices, which develop into a wall jet. The figures illustrate the process of initiation and development of these starting vortices in the immediately downstream of the plasma actuators.

Fig 2: Stronger starting vortex at 120 ms after plasma initiation

Fig 3: Colliding vortices showing the KelvinHelmholtz instability Fig 1: Starting vortex at a) 120 ms, b) 210 ms and c) 300 ms after plasma initiation Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Kwing-So Choi e:

Centre for Advanced Measurements in Engineering Research Applications (CAMERA)

CAMERA Centre for Advanced Measurements in Engineering Research Applications Aims: Provide a loan pool of the most advanced equipment to support research Provide a knowledge base of established techniques for solids/fluids applications Train in experimental techniques for solids/fluids applications Investigate new measurement techniques for solids/fluids applications Introduction The CAMERA centre provides infrastructure and knowledge transfer support for fluids and solids applications. The centre boasts ÂŁ1.7 million pound expenditure on equipment and infrastructure aimed at supporting applications and is developing a training schedule to ensure that research can meet its potential. Examples of the equipment are:

Figure 1: Comparison of Time series of Wire resistance and electrical capacitance tomography for detecting bubbles in two-phase flow studies Vertical axis is time.

Electrical capacitance Tomography which is use to identify two-phase flow applications (Figure 1) High speed Particle Image Velocimetry, useful for quantification of flows to a similar standard as CFD and can be used as validation or for fundamental research in its own right (Figure 2) High speed camera, useful for impact studies and a general workhorse for a wide variety of applications (Figure 3) High-Speed Infra-red imaging applications (Figure 4) Laser Doppler Velocimetry/ Phase Doppler Anemometry, provides detailed information about the velocity and size of sprays and two-phase flows in a wide variety of applications (Figure 5) Acoustic emissions system. For detecting cracks in material.

Figure 2: Particle image Velocimetry image of the flow generated at a wall by a vibrating object.

In addition to supporting research, by providing researchers with state-of-the-art equipment and training in best use of the system, the centre also aims to use the breadth of expertise across the university to develop new instrumentation to tackle advanced research projects. In simple cases this can be the extension of an existing technique to measure a new topic such as detecting erosion from acoustic emissions. In others it might be developing a new technique such as 3D visualisation of the surface of a liquid using IR. Speed map onto the surface

Figure 3: High speed camera setup to investigate oscillations in water droplets due to coalescence.

Contact: David Hann e: t: 0115 951 4153

Next Image

Figure 4: Infra-red image sequence of the surface of a thin water film showing the turbulent features moving in time.

Figure 5: Phase Doppler Anemometry system and two sample data sets showing the droplet sizes and velocity measured using the system.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

CAMERA Experimental mechanics and strain measurement The CAMERA facilities include a variety of strain measurement techniques including full-field methods such as digital image correlation (DIC), electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) and thermoelastic stress analysis (TSA) as well as point methods such as strain gauging and video extensometry. The facilities also include a range of electromechanical and servohydraulic testing machines for testing of materials and structures under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions, including loading under high and low temperatures. Full field strain analysis equipment is particularly useful for analysing the elastic and failure response of materials such as aerospace composites, and structures and features (such as bonded joints) made from them.

Comparison of DIC results (right) with FE results for a random fibre composite where individual fibre bundles are modelled (Bond et al, ICCM-17)

100 kN servohydraulic testing machine for cyclic loading and for use with the thermoelastic stress analysis system

DIC plots for tensile tests on short-fibre filamentised composite (Bond et al, ICCM-17) Strain field within a bonded joint (Image: T. Nicholls) Contact: Arthur Jones e: t: 0115 951 3784

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Applied Optics & Non-destructive Evaluation

Material Characterisation using Ultrasonic Surface Waves Microstructure Imaging We have developed a technique which can image the material microstructure of materials directly relevant to the aerospace sector, such as titanium, aluminium, steel and nickel. The technique is called SRAS – spatially resolved acoustic spectroscopy. Some material properties – strength, fracture toughness, susceptibility to creep or dwell fatigue – are highly structure sensitive i.e. are influenced by grain size, degree of randomness, grain orientation etc.

Figure 2: SRAS velocity image of an austenitic stainless steel weld.

SRAS uses laser-generated and -detected ultrasonic surface waves to reveal the microstructure, by looking at changes in the ultrasonic velocity on a very small scale (down to 50µm). The technique is very fast (>1200 points/sec) and can be used on samples of any size. We are currently building the third generation SRAS instrument as an emda sponsored Technology Demonstrator. If the elastic constants are known, the ultrasonic surface wave velocity in any arbitrary direction for all crystal orientations can be calculated. A database of velocities between planes (001), (011) and (111) is shown here for nickel.

Figure 5: Calculated pure ultrasonic surface wave velocity on generic planes of nickel.

Figure 1: SRAS velocity image of Ti-685 alloy. This 3 megapixel image was acquired in less than 45 minutes.

Curve fitting could be used to determine the orientation from measured velocities in multiple directions. The experimental results match the calculated results on two planes – (110) and (111) – on aluminium.

Figure 6: Theoretical vs. experimental results of two typical planes on aluminium.

Figure 3: The variation in velocity in this image is due to a change in coating thickness of 30nm.

Figure 4: SRAS instrument.

Nonlinear imaging for fatigue estimation The SRAS technique shown above is a linear measurement – great for revealing microstructure. However these images do not significantly change as microdamage evolves. Microdamage formation is a form of fatigue which is related to the material elastic constants. To estimate fatigue we need a nonlinear technique which is sensitive to these elastic constants. There are many different nonlinear ultrasonic techniques. We use a collinear propagation method.

Figure 8: Nonlinear ultrasound system.

Figure 9: Aluminium and titanium samples. Figure 7: Nonlinear ultrasonic technique: measure velocity change as material is stressed.

Figure 10: (A) Linear SAW velocity (ms-1), revealing the microstructure of the area around the nonlinearity scan below on aluminium, which is indicated by a dashed box. (B) Nonlinearity (mms-1/MPa), demonstrating link between grain orientation specific elastic constants and microstructure.

Figure 11: (Top) linear velocity (ms-1) at 0% (A), 60% (B), 80% (C) of fatigue life over same grain structure. (Bottom) nonlinearity (mms-1/MPa) measured in the same area at the same time (D-F).

Thanks: We would like to thank the following organisations for their support: EPSRC, RCNDE, TSB, emda, Rolls-Royce, Airbus, SERCO.

Contributors Matt Clark, Ian Collison, Rob Ellwood, Wenqi Li, Steve Sharples, Richard Smith, Mike Somekh Contact

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Material Characterisation using Ultrasonic Bulk Waves For metal matrix composites, the correlation between shear wave speed and porosity has been determined using finite element modelling (figure 3).

Porosity detection in composite materials Porosity reduces material strength: could be catastrophic in critical stress regions. Detection of porosity in composites is challenging, due to the complexity of the ultrasonic response (reflections from multiple layers, fibres etc.). Porosity modifies the local material properties, and thereby changes the frequency response of a fibre/resin composite (multi-layered material) (figure 1). Porosity has been determined using decomposition functions, based on the modified response (figure 2). Patent applied for, application number: 0818383.2

Figure 3: Shear velocity change with porosity

Figure 1: The frequency response of system components (a) plies: regularly- spaced resonance peaks, (b) resin layers (much thinner than plies): high frequency resonance peak, only the initial slope is in range, and (c) porous ply (modified resonances).

Figure 2: Porosity map obtained from a C-scan section through a 32-ply, 4mm thick, 0/90 lay-up, autoclave-cured, pre-impregnated carbon-fibre composite. The composite was artificially modified by adding an extra triangular-shaped ply or cutting out a triangular region in a ply, and replacing it with extra resin. Higher porosity is shown as the orange/yellow region which has the triangular shape of the cut-out.

Figure 4: MMC materials, and close up of microstructure

Laser activated ultrasonic transducers Cheap optical transducers (CHOTs) are optically "powered" ultrasonics transducers they convert optical pulses into all sorts of ultrasonic waves They detect ultrasonic waves by modulating the light reflected from them They are low cost. The can be permanently attached or temporary. They are low mass and have small physical dimensions.They can be probed remotely without physical contact.

Figure 6: How the transducers are created and photographs of some devices. Figure 5: Example of CHOT devices and a variety of samples

Nanometre sized ultrasonic transducers are important in both biological and industrial applications. Used to generate nanometric wavelengths or access small structures such as cells.

Figure 7: Time response and frequency content of the measured signal from a 10 micron patch transducer on a glass substrate obtained with a picosecond ultrasonic pump probe system.

Custom detector for coating thickness measurements Linear array modulated light camera for picosecond ultrasonic measurements of coating thickness. Allows imaging of the sample properties over large areas where previously only point measurements were possible. Figure 8: Echo returns record with custom detector on sample with two regions of different thickness

Figure 9: The custom made linear array detector.

Figure 10: Thickness profile of extended region of sample, subplot shows uniformity of measurement

Thanks: We would like to thank the following organisations for their support: EPSRC, RCNDE, Rolls-Royce.

Contributors Ahmet Arca, Jon Aylott, Richard E. Challis, Xuesheng Chen, Matt Clark, Ian J Collinson, Amandine Dispas, Nicholas S Johnston, Roger A Light, Martin Mienczakowksi , Valerie J. Pinfield, Mark C Pitter, Steve D Sharples, Richard J Smith, Robert A. Smith, Mike G Somekh, Teti Stratoudaki Contact

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Custom CMOS Modulated Light Camera for Aerospace Applications Imaging Light Detection and Ranging - LIDAR

A beam of modulated light is sent to the target scene, and the camera measures the change in phase of the reflected light. Since time of flight is directly linked to the phase, it is possible to determine the range to the scene. By using an array of photodetectors, it is possible to map the distance to several points in the scene quickly, and no scanning is required. Each pixel contains a Gilbert mixer and low pass filters, so by mixing the reflected light with a reference signal at the camera, the phase shift due to time-of-travel can be determined, and this gives the depth data.

Fig 1. The figure shows an impression of a rover navigation manoeuvre. The modulated light reflected back to the camera is used to determine the depth information.

There is often the need to obtain a 3D image of a scene quickly. It is particularly useful in machine vision and particularly in rover navigation and vehicle docking manoeuvres. As shown in the figure above, the rover scans the area ahead of it and navigates appropriately. By using a low power camera array, it is possible to capture wide-field images with depth information quickly and accurately and with low strain on payload requirements. Total power consumption is about 20W, and weight is under 1kg.

Fig 2. The figure shows an impression of a section of the MLC Chip.

Widefield Heterodyne Interferometry using a Modulated Light Camera

Interferometry is used in variety of industrial and academic fields. It is used to measure optical path length changes due to environmental factors or by inclusion of a subject into the system.

Fig 3. The figure shows the response of the camera when exposed to a human hand. Units are arbitrary.

Traditional homodyne interferometry uses light at the same frequency to produce fringe patterns that change intensity depending on their phase. Heterodyne interferometry uses light at different frequency to produce fringe patterns that modulate intensity at that difference frequency. The resultant fringe pattern, imaged using the MLC, is less susceptible to electrical, optical and background noise.

Fig. 4 Mach-Zehnder interferometer schematic

Fig. 6 Fringe pattern on MLC array at T = 0

Fig. 5 Mach-Zehnder interferometer experiment

Figures 4 and 5 show the experimental setup of the interferometer. It allows for switching between homodyne and heterodyne mode. Figures 6 and 7 show the intended DC output over the fringe pattern, whilst figures 8 and 9 illustrate the output with a 180째 phase difference. Figure 10 is a homodyne interference pattern, figure 11 shows the phase image of the heterodyne interference pattern.

Fig. 7 DC value from 5 pixels at T = 0

Fig. 10 DC homodyne interference intensity image

Fig. 8 Fringe pattern on MLC array at T = {Beat frequency period / 2}

Fig. 11 AC heterodyne interference phase image

Fig. 9 DC value from 5 pixels at T = {Beat frequency period / 2}

Thanks: We would like to thank the following organisations for their support: EPSRC, ESA

Contributors Matt Clark, Samuel Achamfuo-Yeboah, Rikesh Patel Contact

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Let Nano Fly! Let Nano Fly! is an ESPRC cross disciplinary feasibility account hosted between the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Pharmacy. It will fund 10 short term feasibility studies themed around the use of nanoscience in the aerospace industry. These studies will consist of a mix of short projects lead by academics and micro fellowships lead by early stage researchers. These will be allocated by competition across the University which will be performed in two stages with the first awards due to start in the new year. The competition for the first round is now open and details can be found on the Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Centre. The aerospace industry requires the highest performance materials and components combined with the highest level of reliability and safety. Nanoscience is poised to make a major contribution to the aerospace industry but there are significant obstacles to realising its potential along with the many opportunities. Let Nano Fly! kicks off with these themes: Nano engineering on the macroscale: aerospace components can be very large and nano-engineering on this scale presents a huge challenge, from the availability of the basic ingredients in large quantities to ensuring the nanostructural properties across a component containing billions and billions of sub-components making large things from nanomaterials presents a huge challenge. Inspectability of nano-engineered components: the aerospace industry devotes huge resources to ensuring safety and reliability. The inspectability of nano-engineered components is a key challenge which must be tackled before nanotechnology can make a contribution to mission critical components. This presents an array of hugely challenging problems, for instance: how do you inspect a macro sized component at the nanoscale without chopping it up? how can a technique capable of nanometre resolution ever hope to cover a macro-sized component in a reasonable time? how to handle so much data? Ubiquitous sensing: nanoscience is enabling the development of smaller and smaller sensors and techniques for fabricating these sensors in huge numbers. The paradigm is shifting from making measurements at discrete points in space and time with singular sensors to being able to sense what is required everywhere and all of the time using a vast number of inexpensive, tiny sensors. Further details, including how to apply, can be found at the Let Nano Fly! website:

Contact Matt Clark - Andy Long - Clive Roberts - Jon Aylott - Peter Milligan -

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Nottingham Geospatial

IESSG (Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy)

The Institute, formerly known as the Nottingham Surveying Group, has been active for almost 40 years. Technological revolution has been a striking feature of this period, with major advances in terrestrial opto-mechanical equipment, automated acquisition systems, and the development of satellite-based systems such as Transit, GPS and GLONASS, EGNOS and the European Galileo system. The core of Institute research activity has traditionally focused around satellite navigation and positioning systems, this has widened to include fields such as photogrammetry, remote sensing, sensor integration and geographical information systems. Our research ranges from fundamental science to application software solutions, with an ever increasing diversity, from engineering surveying to unmanned aerial vehicles. This expansion into new research areas has naturally led to collaboration across departments and with other institutions. The Institute also runs very successful PhD and MSc programmes, with candidates coming from a wide variety of educational and work backgrounds, from all over the world. Many of our graduates have progressed to senior positions in academia, industry and the armed forces. Current research themes and projects include: • Engineering Surveying • Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing • Integrated sensors • Urban and rural landscape modelling • Ubiquitous positioning and autonomous systems • Ionosphere and Troposphere • Geodesy • GPS, DGPS, Galileo and GLONASS • Sub-surface Visualisation We run four Masters (MSc) courses: • Global Navigation Satellite Systems Technology (GNSST) • Engineering Surveying and Geodesy (ESG) • Environmental Management and Earth Observation (EMEO) • Positioning & Navigation Technology (PNT) The full-time course starts at the beginning of the academic year – late September or early October. Part-time candidates may start at other times depending on their background and experience.

Contact Us t: +44 (0) 115 9 513 880 e: w:

Institute for Aerospace Technology

CGS (Centre for Geospatial Science) CGS is a cross-disciplinary postgraduate research centre, established in April 2005 under the Directorship of Professor Mike Jackson. The Centre is global in scope and has experienced strong growth since its launch, building an international reputation for research excellence. Centre members undertake research into the following areas of geospatial science: • Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) • Geospatial Intelligence • Interoperability, open-source software and Standards • Location Based Services (LBS) • Semantics, Spatial Reasoning and Cognition • Geoinformatics and Data Modelling

In late 2009 CGS was designated an 'Oracle Spatial Centre of Excellence' one of just three worldwide. In September 2010 CGS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) for the establishment of an Open Source Geospatial Lab (OSGL) and to develop collaboration opportunities for academia, industry and government organisations in open source GIS software and data. The Centre’s formation is a key part of the University of Nottingham's strategic investment in innovative research and globally important new and disruptive areas of science and technology. CGS’s objective is to bring together researchers with a broad range of relevant expertise to fully unlock the potential of these new technologies for the benefit of the UK economy and the global research community. CGS researchers have attracted funding from a wide range of sources including: • The European Community • UK Research Councils • UK Government Departments and Agencies • Industry • International agencies and organisations Members of the Centre play an active role on many national and international committees and Management Boards, undertake commissioned research and consultancy and both organise and participate in workshops, conferences and seminars world-wide. CGS places a high emphasis on knowledge transfer, has produced a large body of academic publications, undertaken radio broadcasts and written articles for both trade magazines and non-technical publications. The Centre has a vibrant and growing postgraduate research community studying for Doctorate and Masters degrees. It is a co-investigator in Nottingham’s Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute leading on the location-aware aspects of the digital economy research and a coinvestigator also in the University’s £5m Doctoral Training Centre which is funding over 50 PhD studentships in Location-Aware Ubiquitous Computing. For more details visit the Centre’s web site at

Contact Us t: +44 (0) 115 951 5445 e: w:

Institute for Aerospace Technology

GRACE (GNSS Research & Applications Centre of Excellence) Part of the IESSG at The University of Nottingham, GRACE is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in satellite navigation technologies. We focus on assisting organizations, businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs to take advantage of satellite navigation, positioning, navigation, timing and location based technologies. Soon there will be over 160 GNSS signals in space available from GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass, QZSS, IRNSS and a host of others. We operate in a multi-sensor environment with systems for Dead Reckoning, INS, SLAM, Feature Matching, wireless foot-printing, DAB and a range of emerging technologies.

GRACE offers a range of services to help you develop and grow your business including: • Education and Training • Testing and Simulation • Research and Technological Development • Consultancy and Business Support • Business Incubation and Business Development The Nottingham Geospatial Building provides access to un-rivalled state of the art research & development, test and simulation facilities to organisations operating in GNSS and Geospatial related domains. Our facilities include: • GNSS Research Laboratory and Training Services • GNSS Applications Development Support • GNSS simulation, test-bed and testing facilities

Designed specifically to cater for the needs of the applications and research development community, the Nottingham Geospatial Building (NGB) provides a comprehensive environment for the simulation, R&D and testing of GNSS, PNT and geospatial applications: • Roof Based Laboratory • Spirent Simulation System • Indoor PNT environment • Mobile Integrated Positioning Test Vehicle

Contact Us t: +44 (0) 115 823 2333

Institute for Aerospace Technology


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Advanced Manufacturing

Self-Learning Control System for Freeform Milling with High Energy Fluid Jets (ConforM-Jet) Background Innovative control philosophies that enhance the capabilities of niche processing methods are of critical importance for EU manufacturers of high value added products made of advanced engineered materials. High Energy Fluid Jets (HEF Jet) processing is a niche technology with outstanding capabilities: cuts any material at negligible cutting forces; generates virtual zero heat; uses the abrasive jet plume as a ‘universal tool’. Nevertheless, freeform machining by High Energy Fluid Jets Milling (HEFJet_Mill) is still at infancy level. This is because no control solution for HEFJet_Mill exists.

ConfoM-Jet will develop and demonstrate a self-learning control system for High Energy Jets Milling (HEFJet_Mill) to generate freeform parts. This will be done by integrating models of HEFJet_Mill with patterns of multi-sensory signals to control the outcomes of jet plume-workpiece interaction, i.e. magnitude and shape of abraded footprint; these are key issues in controlling the generation of freeform via HEFJet_Mill.

Objectives 1. Develop a novel integrative (jet plume & abraded footprint) energy-related modelling for HEFJet_Mill. 2. Develop a unique energy-related (acoustic emission) multi-sensor monitoring system for HEFJet_Mill. 3. Develop, for the first time, a control system for HEFJet_Mill of freeforms equipped with key abilities: Self-learning ability. Self-gauging of the integrative energetic models of HEFJet_Mill vs. key energy- related sensory signals. Thus, whenever a new working scenario occurs, updated models will be employed by the predictive controller. Self-adaptive ability. The energy-related sensory signals, trained with the data available in the process database,will be taught to respond to process variations by feeding back the correct combination of process parameters.

4. Demonstrate ConforM-Jet control strategy on multi-axis HEFJet_Mill production systems to generate complex geometry parts made of difficult-to-cut materials (Ni/Ti alloys, optical glass) for high value added manufacturing (aerospace, medical, optical) industries.

Contact Us Dragos Axinte t: +44 (0) 115 951 4117 e: w:

For more information, please visit the ConforM-Jet website: ConforM-Jet project is funded by European Commission for 4 years

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Machining and Condition Monitoring Research Group Micromachining - Custom Build Miniature Machine Tool Micro-machining is a branch of manufacturing where the tolerances, features and even part sizes are on the microlevel. In-line with the recent strong interest in the development of scaled-down machine tools, an effort has been made in constructing a custom-built 4-Axis Miniature Machine Tool (MMT) that addresses machining of microparts. 30 The MMT is able to machine small 3D parts using mechanical chip removal processes such as micro-milling/ drilling with high dimensional and geometrical accuracies. MMT includes multi-axis tables (with nanometric resolutions) & spindles (ultra-high speeds) leading to high

Summary of Capabilities

Resolution on linear stage: 0.005Îźm rotational stage: 0.00082 arc sec

Maximum spindle speed (AC motor): 50,000rpm Maximum spindle speed (air motor): 250,000rpm Tool run out: <1Îźm

Process Monitoring Capabilities: The supervision of machine tool and cutting processes is vital for automated manufacture. This can be achieved via process monitoring for the detection of anomalous events on the machine tool and/or workpiece. Process monitoring can provide warning of workpiece anomalies (e.g. laps, surface drags) and/or tool damage (e.g. wear, chipping) to alert the operator when tool changes and/or process adjustments are necessary. For Grinding

Diamond Processing

For Milling

A novel concept of robust generation of preferentially orientated and featurecontrolled diamond micro-arrays has been developed and patented. This is based on using pulsed laser ablation to generate micro-features on diamond based tools so that controlled dimensions / arrangements of abrasive grits can be generated.


Waterjet Cutting 3mm


TiAl 30mm

glass fibre


Contact Us Dragos Axinte t: +44 (0) 115 951 4117 e: w:

carbon fibre

TiAl 60mm

epoxy resin


Abrasive water jet (AWJ) machining is one of the most promising non-conventional processing methods for difficult-to-cut materials such as advanced aerospace components, ceramic materials, composites and superabrasives including diamond.

Precision Manufacturing Centre Services to Industry Services to Industry PRODUCT DESIGN












Image with kind permission of Veeco Instruments Ltd

MICRO MANUFACTURING - Kern Evo Machining Centre - Sodick AP1L Precision Die Sinker - Sodick AP200L Precision Wire Eroder - Battenfeld Microsystem 50 - EnvisionTec Perfactory Contact: Anthony Smith e: t: 0115 951 3743 w:

ULTRA PRECISION METROLOGY - Veeco NPFLEX 3D Metrology System - Zeiss F25 CMM - Zeiss O-Inspect CMM - Hitachi S2600N SEM - Zeiss NVision40 Focused Ion Beam SEM

ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGIES - Feintool Modutec Assembly Platform - Klocke Nanotechnik Assembly System - Kuka KRsixx Robot - Physik Instrumente M-840 Hexapod

Institute for Aerospace Technology


Recycling Carbon Fibre Composites Carbon Fibre Composites Carbon fibre has a very high specific strength and stiffness, but the fibres are typically five to seven microns in diameter. Carbon fibre is used in a composite in which the fibres are bound together in a polymer matrix – usually epoxy resin. Typically about 2/3rds of the weight of the composite is carbon fibre. Components made from carbon fibre composite can typically be 1/3rd of the weight of parts made from aluminium and less than 1/4 the weight of parts made from steel. As carbon fibre is expensive it is used in applications where high strength and stiffness are required and low weight can be afforded. New aircraft, such as Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 are now being made from 50% carbon fibre composites to reduce weight, fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon fibre composites are also being used in increasing quantities in large wind turbine blades and automotive applications.

Recycling Carbon Fibre Composites Epoxy resin used to make carbon fibre composites is strong, but as it is a thermosetting polymer it can’t be recycled by melting. When heated the epoxy resin decomposes. As carbon fibre is valuable, recycling techniques are being developed to recover it by removing the epoxy resin to leave good quality fibres that can be re-used. Research at The University of Nottingham is focusing on the two recycling techniques, described here.

Recycling Carbon Fibre Composites using a Fluidised Bed Process

In the fluidised bed, the polymer is thermally removed from the carbon fibre. The fibre is then carried out of the fluidised bed and is recovered. Energy is recovered from the polymer. The fluidised bed process has successfully recycled high quality carbon fibre from scrap aircraft parts. Metals and other containments were separated from the carbon fibre in the process.

Current Research Projects Current research projects are investigating:

Reuse of Recycled Carbon Fibre It is not practical to recover carbon fibre from scrap components as continuous fibre similar to new material. Recycled fibre is in the form of short, sometimes fluffy material (fibre length typically up to about 20mm). Ways of using this fibre to make high grade components such as body panels for cars and lightweight panels for non-critical aircraft components are being developed in projects at The University of Nottingham. It has already been shown that panels can be made which are as stiff as those made from aluminium but are 30% lighter in weight. Fibre Alignment. Alignment of recycled fibre is seen as a key technology enabling fibres to be packed together closely to achieve the high fibre volume fractions that give the best structural properties. In a composite. The development of alignment technology could allow recycled carbon fibre to be used in applications where virgin carbon fibre would otherwise be used to achieve high specific stiffness.

Scale up of the supercritical fluid recycling process. Technology to align recycled carbon fibre to allow composites with high fibre volume fraction (hence high specific stiffness and strength) to be made. Quality control testing methods for recycled carbon fibre. New applications for recycled carbon fibre in electric heating elements. Modelling the fluidised bed recycling process.

Recycling Carbon Fibre Composites using a Supercritical Fluid Fluids at high temperature and pressure, above the critical point, act as powerful solvents and can be used to dissolve the polymer leaving clean high quality carbon fibre. Chemical products are recovered from the polymer.

Industrial Collaboration The research is being carried in collaboration with: Boeing Company, Ford Motor Company, Toho Tenax Europe, Technical Fibre Products, Advanced Composites Group, Recycled Carbon Fibre Ltd.

Successful trials have been completed using propanol at a temperature of 300°C at a pressure of 52 bar.

Funding is also being received from: Technology Strategy Board and Nottingham Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Stephen Pickering e:

Textile composites modelling using TexGen TexGen is open source software licensed under the General Public License developed at the University of Nottingham for modelling the geometry of textile structures. TexGen has been used by the Nottingham team as the basis of models for a variety of properties, including textile mechanics, permeability and composite mechanical behaviour. TexGen Applications Originally developed to describe textile composite reinforcements, TexGen has various applications in modelling dry fabric mechanics, fluid flow through fabrics and mechanics of textile composites. Published and current research activities related to TexGen are: Textile mechanics Textile permeability Textile composite mechanics Textile composite heat transfer Textile composite viscous forming 1. Model created using TexGen

2. Mesh generation (TexGen / 3rd party)

3. Automatic material property / orientation assignment

stress (GPa), volume averaged

1 2 3 4

strain (-), volume averaged

Dry fabric/ prepreg compliance

Resin flow / permeability

Composite mechanical properties

TexGen is available as a free download at Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Nick Warrior e:

Automated manufacture of multi-architecture composites Composite structures from multi-architecture preforms

Discontinuous fibre composites manufacture

Advanced flexible manufacturing

Automated tufting

Automated braiding

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Nick Warrior e:

Advanced Materials

Lightweight Alloys and Structures Research at Nottingham is looking into structure-property relationships in light alloys and novel lightweight materials (such as MMCs and foams) manufactured by casting and powder metallurgy (PM). Optimising the starting materials and processing conditions is important to achieve the target structures and properties. The effects of machining and joining operations are also the focus of current studies.

Above: MMC structures, Right: MMC insert in an Al casting

Metal-ceramic composite research focuses on the cost-effective manufacture of MMCs via casting, PM and slurry methods. Optimising the distribution of reinforcement in the matrix and the strength of the matrix-reinforcement interface are essential in order to produce high quality composites.

Left: Metal foam plates, sandwiches and filters, Above: Metal foam structures

Research at Nottingham into porous metals and metal foams is UK-leading. Activities include developing and improving new and existing manufacturing, processing and joining methods, understanding the deformation behaviour, developing testing methods and standards and quantifying the mechanical and physical properties. These exciting open or closed cell materials, made from predominantly Al, Fe, Ni, Ti and Cu alloys, are used for lightweight structural parts, energy absorption, sound and vibration damping, heat exchangers, filters, catalyst supports and medical devices. They are attracting increasing interest, in particular, in the automotive, aerospace and healthcare sectors.

Investigating the structural, microstructual, mechanical, chemical and thermal characteristics of lightweight materials and structures is central to the group’s activities. Methods include SEM/EDX, XRD, mechanical testing, OES, DSC/TGA, porosimetry and X-ray tomography. Right: Tomography image of an indent in a foam made from hollow spheres

Contact: Andrew Kennedy e: t: 0115 951 3744

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Surface Engineering and Laser Processing Thermal Spraying We use high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermal spraying and cold gas dynamic spraying (CGDS) for the production of thick protective coatings and spray formed tracks and deposits with specific functional properties. The adoption of coatings at the design stage increases the need for an understanding of the relationships between process conditions, microstructure formation and deposit properties and performance.

Process diagnostics and control Use of DPV 2000 to monitor particle temperature, velocity and size in spray plume.

Modelling and measurement of mechanical properties Finite element models of particle impacts allow predictions of residual stress as a function of spray conditions to be made.

Plot of particle temperature in the spray as a function of particle diameter for different process conditions

Microstructural characterisation Use of SEM and TEM to identify secondary phase formation in a WC-Co cermet wear resistant coating which influences its properties.

Novel manufacture route for amorphous materials Thermal spraying enables layers ~ 250 m thick to be deposited at high cooling rates (106-107 K/s) giving novel structures and properties. SEM micrograph showing crosssection of amorphous Fe43Cr16Mo16C15B10 HVOF coating.

Current areas of interest include: HVOF MCrAlY bond coats HVOF amorphous coatings for corrosion resistance Cold spraying of metallic coatings onto polymer composites Measurement of mechanical properties of sprayed coatings Corrosion behaviour of sprayed coatings

Laser Materials Processing The properties and performance of coatings are closely related to their microstructure. Laser surface melting can be used to further modify the microstructure and improve coating properties such as corrosion resistance and wear resistance. Current areas of interest include: laser surface treatment of sprayed coatings laser alloying of pre-placed coatings laser removal of coatings laser cutting

Micrograph showing how laser melting homogenises the structure of the assprayed coating. Electrochemical test results showing the performance gap between an as-sprayed coating and wrought material of the same composition, it can be seen that laser treatment closes this performance gap, decreasing the corrosion current density.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact Us Graham McCartney t: +44 (0) 115 951 3749

Philip Shipway t: +44 (0) 115 951 3760

Katy Voisey t: +44 (0) 115 951 4139




Materials Characterisation A wide range of materials characterisation equipment is available, permitting determination of material properties and behaviour for both macro and microscopic samples. MICROSCOPY Optical, scanning electron (SEM) and transmission electron (TEM) microscopy are routinely used to characterise a wide variety of materials. The SEMs are equipped with EDS analysis systems that allow localised compositions to be determined. The SEM environmental chamber allows admission of water vapour, producing up to 100 % humidity, so that hydrated samples can be imaged without being dried out, and non-conductive materials can be imaged without the need to coat with gold or carbon. A full range of microscopy sample preparation equipment is available.

XPS results showing Nickel peaks detected for Inconel 625 after corrosion (Sunday Bakare, PhD thesis 2010).

SEM micrograph of laser surface textured titanium (Laura Marten, final year project).

THERMAL AND VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS The thermal analysis suite includes differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis equipment. Pore size distributions can be determined using the mercury porosimeter and the gas absorption surface area and pore size analyser. Accurate volume and density measurements can be made using the gas pycnometer. The dynamic mechanical analyser (DMA) exerts a dynamic force on a sample and allows the change in deformation with temperature to be monitored. The thermal mechanical analyser (TMA) uses a static force to monitor the change in deformation with temperature. Both DMA and TMA allow the behaviour of small samples of material to be determined. MECHANICAL TESTING Tensile testing, hardness testing (Vickers and Brinell) and Charpy impact testing facilities are available. ADDITIONAL TECHNIQUES Nanoindentation, with a high temperature stage XPS, with Argon ion gun for depth profiling or cleaning sample surfaces XRD, with pressure-temperature cell Microtomography 3D structures obtained by X-ray scanning with resolution of upto 6 microns Profilometry Further materials characterisation facilities including photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), low energy diffraction (LEED), photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy and microscopy are available via the Nottingham Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Centre (NNNC). Contact: Paul D Brown e: t: 0115 951 3748

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Human Factors

Human Factors Research Group An International Centre of Excellence For over 20 years, the Human Factors Research Group has pioneered research in designing and evaluating novel products and technologies in a wide range of industrial applications including transport, healthcare, education and visualisation technologies. With our expertise in engineering, psychology, computer science, health sciences, product design and management, we have a world leading and award-winning research track record.

In particular, we are partners in Rail Research UK, the Horizon Digital Economy Hub and Doctoral Training Centre (representing over ÂŁ17 million investment from RCUK Digital Economy programme), and the MATCH (Multidisciplinary Assessment of Technology for Healthcare) project as well as having current EU projects worth over ÂŁ1 million in areas ranging from virtual and augmented reality in manufacturing to technology to support students with autism.

The work undertaken in the Human Factors Within our group are the specialist research teams: Research Group applies to a broad range of the Virtual Reality Applications Research Team contexts and falls under the following themes: (VIRART), the Institute for Occupational Ergonomics Design and Evaluation of Interactive (IOE) and the Centre for Rail Human Factors (CRHF). Each of these teams has an international Technologies reputation and works in collaboration with industrial Virtual Environments and Reality-Based and academic partners across the world. We work Technologies with a large range of partners from industry and Transport Human Factors other academic and research organisations and Occupational Ergonomics deliver face-to-face and distance learning courses in Human Factors, Applied Ergonomics and Interactive Safety and Human Performance Systems Design. Healthcare Ergonomics We work in collaboration with partners across the University of Nottingham and with other institutions, providing expertise in human factors applied to a range of engineering and technology applications.

Contact: Sarah Sharples e: w:

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Human Factors in Aviation The Human Factors Research Group have conducted a number of projects related to the context of aviation and aerospace. Throughout all of our work we take a systems approach in order to analyse the impact of new technologies, work and organisational systems in the aviation and aerospace industries. Measuring cognitive performance of air traffic controllers

Designing technology to support the flightdeck of the future

A current project focuses on human performance in air traffic control; specifically, the interaction of human factors, and the subsequent combined impact of these factors on air traffic controller performance.

The Flightdeck and Air Traffic Control Collaboration Evaluation (FACE) project used laboratory studies and real world observations to inform guidance for implementation of datalink and freeflight in ATC-Pilot communications.

The project aims to identify a set of factors which may negatively impact controller performance, and which can be interrelated into a human performance model. In addition, the project aims to identify interactions and relationships between these factors, and the combined impact of these factors on human performance. This research is conducted in collaboration with EUROCONTROL.

Using 3D visualisation technologies in the aerospace industry In partnership with Thales Alenia Spazio as part of European Project consortia we have conducted fundamental research into the use of virtual reality and mixed reality technologies in industrial applications, supporting the visualisation of equipment to be used or tasks to be completed in the international space station.

The Human Factors Research Group have previously completed a 2 year EPSRC funded programme that investigated the potential impact of introducing new technologies such as data link (text or graphics based communication) or free flight (pilot mediated air traffic control) into pilot-air traffic controller communication.

Contact: Sarah Sharples e: w:

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Human Factors in Industrial Applications Much of our work is conducted in collaboration with industry partners, including Network Rail, Highways Agency, Eurocontrol, Thales Alenia, Ordnance Survey and Alessi. Work in our group is funded from sources including the RCUK digital economy programme, EPSRC (specifically via our partnership with other UK universities in Rail Research UK), Technology Strategy Board and the EU. Example projects include: Network Control: Observational methods, experiments and interface evaluation have been used to identify expert strategies for control of rail and air transport networks and to assess the impact of automation. Workload Assessment: We have developed techniques to obtain measures of workload in real world settings that are now being used by Network Rail to assess workload within different rail signalling systems and technologies. Participatory Ergonomics: We have conducted participatory ergonomics using virtual reality prototyping to encourage the active participation of end users in the process of control room re-design. Driver Simulation: Our rail, car and bike simulators allow cost effective and safe testing and evaluation of road and rail infrastructure and vehicle control design.

Contact: Sarah Sharples e: w:

Novel Technology Design and Evaluation: We have developed methods for informing design of new interactive technologies such as 3D visualisation technologies, including virtual and mixed reality, in applications such as manufacturing, product design and education. Signage Design and Evaluation: Our human factors assessment of signage and measurement of driver behaviour and attitudes is being used to deliver guidance to maximise the effectiveness of sign design and implementation. Data Representation and Communication: Our work has considered how best to represent data on a range of display types, including small screen mobile display of geographic information and 3D graphical displays to display temporal data of communications use.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Air Operations Research

Automating and Integrating Airport Operations At most airports, runway sequencing, ground movement, gate assignment and baggage handling are managed on an individual basis by different controllers. They have limited decision support available that, in addition, focuses on solving the individual problems only. Important interactions between them are therefore ignored, resulting in reduced airport efficiency, increased delays, and increased pollution. The Automated Scheduling, optimisAtion and Planning (ASAP) group in the school of Computer Science is investigating holistic approaches for integrating and automating airport operations in collaboration with Manchester Airport, Zurich Airport, and Loughborough and Lincoln universities.

The ASAP group's particular areas of interest are in considering the real world problems with all of their inherent complexity, thereby delivering practical solutions that make a real world impact, helping practitioners to cope with the future challenges from increased air traffic volume.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Geert De Maere e:

Take-off Sequencing and Stand Holding at London Heathrow London Heathrow is the busiest airport in Europe and has more international passengers than any other airport in the world. It is vital to keep delays down. The gaps which are needed between aircraft at take-off depend upon the specific aircraft. Changing the sequence can change the gaps and improve the throughput. Aircraft wait in queues for the runway. Some (limited) interchange is possible between queues. Only limited re-sequencing is possible. NATS (formerly National Air Traffic Services) Ltd controllers perform excellently in the sequencing task, reducing delays to less than a quarter of what they would otherwise be. Working with NATS, the Automated Scheduling optimisAtion and Planning (ASAP) research group in the school of Computer Science have been harnessing the power and flexibility of modern computational search techniques to build an algorithm for a decision support system to aid controllers to consider more aircraft and further reduce delays (by up to 40%) while responding instantly (within a second) to situational changes. However, the demand at busy times means that some delays are inevitable. By predicting delays when aircraft are still at the stands and starting the engines later, the on-ground engine running time can be reduced by around another 15-25%, reducing fuel burn even further. A system to do this, designed at Nottingham, is being integrated into Heathrow at the moment.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Jason Atkin e:

Improving Time Predictions Aircraft have operational cycles: Loading with fuel, passengers and cargo Pushing back from stands Taxiing to the departure runway Queuing for take-off Taking off from a runway Travelling to another airport Being sequenced for landing Possibly circling in holding stacks Landing on a runway Taxiing to the stands Unloading passengers and cargo Then the whole cycle repeats. Each area is a candidate for decision support, simulation and optimisation. Reduced delays or improved time predictions for one area can have knock-on effects upon many later areas. Working with NATS, the ASAP research group are currently modeling the arrivals process, looking at the local airspace, the holding stacks and the runways to improve the predictions of landing times and potentially aid the controllers responsible for this important task. Other research is considering the operations at the stands and on the airport surface. Considering problems, such as the allocation of baggage sorting stations to aircraft and the placement of airport resources around the airport.

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Jason Atkin e:

Electromagnetics Design & Analysis

HIRF SE High Intensity Radiated Field Synthetic Environment The University of Nottingham is one of 44 Partners Collaborating on the HIRF SE Project The George Green Institute’s Contribution is in the Provision of Specific Time-Domain Modelling Techniques


Contact: Chris Smartt, Christos Christopoulos e: e:

All images are copyright Alenia Aeronautica and Dassault Aviation

Institute for Aerospace Technology

EM Modelling for Wireless Studies Motivation Computational modelling provides a useful tool for exploring the obstacles, benefits and solutions to the wireless problem. The motivation behind researching, developing and applying computational modelling techniques within this project is: • Computational modelling can be used to augment measurements by allowing multiple scenarios to be tested rapidly and cost effectively • Additional tools can be used to explore the effects of real-life scenarios on wireless communications • Design scenarios can be tested in advance – de-risking, reducing costs and reducing time to market The modelling for the wireless aircraft presents a number of obstacles: • The combined environment and wireless system is difficult to model – small structures and long signal lines • No two environments, even in the same aircraft, are the same – structural variations, vibrations, flexing etc.

JSF interior bay with wiring: The aircraft environment is complex and difficult to model


Successes Resonant Channel Modelling

Fractional Boundary Positioning and Vibration Modelling

• A circuit-based model has been developed for fast computations of the highly multipath propagation channel within the aircraft environment • Parameters can be obtained from system characterisation studies (simulation or measurement), analytical models or general statistical approaches can be applied • Rapid runtimes and flexibility allow us to model many channel configurations with equivalent properties to the aircraft environment e.g. modal density and Q-factor • Only the bandwidth of interest requires modelling reducing computational overheads • A RLC circuit based starting point ensures unconditional stability and ease of integration into full-field TLM models • Model has been successfully used to investigate the effectiveness of direct sequence spread spectrum BER using direct sequence spread spectrum within a in a highly resonant environment

• A boundary model for a full field TLM simulation has been developed that allows boundaries to be positioned in a semiconformal manner • Tool provides the advantage of infinitely adjustable boundaries with the efficiency of a structured mesh without mesh spacing reduction or grading • Tool can be used to dynamically Stair casing errors using all reposition boundaries during the regular TLM cells (top) and runtime of the simulation providing the improved fractional an unique modelling tool for boundary model (bottom). vibrations and/or structural flexing • Simulations are able to run at their maximum time step unlike some previously available models • Spurious results and errors in previously published models have been eliminated • Model has been successfully used to demonstrate the effects of boundary vibrations on CW signals • Successful application to small angle structures in order to reduce stair casing modelling error such as for the York wing

Resonant Coupled Cavity Modelling

highly resonant environment (Q=2000)

• Effects of cavity coupling has been explored for coupling through slots, holes and waveguides • Circuit-based models have been developed for implementation with the resonant channel model to model coupling effects • Parameters for simple configurations have been shown to be obtainable from analytical variational methods • Efficient model allowing for rapid runtimes and reduced computational demands • Waveguide cut-off effects can be Easily reduced using guiding structures that may already be present or they can be added

The York wing and the simulated time and frequency response within the wing

Key Outcomes • Tools have been successfully developed to aid the design of wireless aircraft through cost and design time reduction and an increase in safety • Now able to efficiently model highly multipath resonant environments in an efficient manner suitable for communication modelling • Able to model small, time varying or fixed boundary displacements in a structured mesh without loss of computational speed or accuracy • Models now need advancing from the test case stage to allow simulation of real aircraft environments and network topologies Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Christos Christopoulos, Mark Panitz e:

Electromagnetic Threat Prediction HY3D Electromagnetic Prediction Code In order to accurately predict electromagnetic threats to aircraft using realistic computational resources we require a tool which is capable of modelling features on widely different length scales in the same problem space.

Modelling Small Features: Slots A Slot model has been developed using an impedance boundary. The model parameters are derived from a fine mesh simulation of the slot

Cable Modelling

The basis for the prediction of RF threats is the HY3D code developed at the Universities of Swansea and Nottingham Features and benefits: • Time domain formulation providing wideband results from a single simulation • Body conforming tetrahedral grid close to surfaces gives an accurate representation of geometry • Efficient structured mesh Finite Difference Time Domain algorithm in free space regions leads to a fast algorithm • Models of frequency dependent dielectric materials and thin layer give accurate results over a wide frequency band in a single simulation • Impedance boundary models of slots and apertures makes the modelling of small features on a very large object feasible

Material Modelling Aircraft manufacture makes use of a range of different materials. In order to provide accurate predictions of electromagnetic fields within an aircraft structure we must develop models of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and a variety of materials. Material properties may be anisotropic and frequency dependent. • Materials must be well characterised by measurement before a model can be developed • Thin material layers and highly conducting regions may be efficiently represented by impedance boundary conditions • An impedance boundary condition provides a good model for carbon fibre composites. • Gaps, joints and apertures may be treated in a similar way giving a unified approach to modelling materials and geometrically small features • Digital filter techniques are applied to give an efficient algorithm to embed in the HY3D code

From Measurement to Model We must calculate the parameters of our material and fine feature models to best fit the measured data characterising the material/ thin layer/ feature We must calculate the parameters of our material and fine feature models to best fit the measured data characterising the material/ thin layer/ feature Figure 2. Z11 and Z12 data and model fit Contact: Christos Christopoulos, Phillip Sewell, Chris Smartt e: e: e:

We are interested in the coupling of electromagnetic energy into aircraft systems. A significant coupling path is via interconnecting cables thus cable modelling is of great importance • Cable currents must be accurately predicted in order to determine possible threats to aircraft systems • It is not feasible to model wires by explicitly meshing the individual conductors • Cable models are developed using a modal expansion of fields around wires and cable bundles. In HY3D we include the TEM modes of the cable in the analysis. Model Validation The validation test configuration is a measurement of coupling between wires in an enclosure with an open side for optional material panels

For validation we require a well controlled measurement giving a well characterised EM environment. Validation tests include: • External field illumination • Internal antenna excitation • Thin materials (perforated plate) • Material joints • Straight and curved wires The set of validation tests of increasing complexity enables the TRL of the integrated prediction capability as a whole to be established.

Conclusions • The HY3D code has been developed in order to provide models of complex materials and features so as to make the modelling of complex aircraft systems a viable proposition. • The application of the HY3D code to the prediction of electromagnetic threats at the design stage will ensure an electromagnetically robust design to be developed. • The code has been validated against a well controlled set of measurements performed at the University of York. • Technology Transfer: BAE SYSTEMS are applying the HY3D code in the Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields Resonant Environments (SEFERE) project. ( and HIRF-SE • Development and validation of the HY3D code is ongoing. Institute for Aerospace Technology

Structural Integrity & Dynamics Research Group

Structural Integrity and Dynamics Research Group Academic Staff Prof. Adib Becker Prof. Tom Hyde Prof. Seamus Garvey Dr. Guy Charles Dr. Stewart McWilliam Dr. Hengan Ou Dr. Atanas Popov Dr. Wei Sun

Institute for Aerospace Technology

Contact: Professor Adib Becker e:

Horizon Digital Economy Research

Horizon Digital Economy Research Horizon Digital Economy Research is a new venture representing a £40M investment by Research Councils UK and over 120 academic and commercial partners. Horizon is based at The University of Nottingham, with spokes at the Universities of Cambridge, Reading, Exeter and Brunel. The University of Nottingham is unique in holding both Digital Economy Research Hub and Doctoral Training Centre grants, training at least 75 postgraduates over 8 years. Horizon focuses on the role of ‘always on, always with you’ ubiquitous computing technology in the Digital Economy. Building on the Digital Britain plan, Horizon investigates the technical developments needed if electronic information is to be controlled, managed and harnessed — for example, to develop new products and services — for societal benefit. Horizon brings together researchers with backgrounds in computer science, the geospatial sciences, engineering, psychology, business, social science, law and the arts to build-in an understanding of people and society in our technology developments from the outset and to ensure we all benefit from these advances. Horizon has a wide variety of projects within the themes of Transportation, Creative Visiting and Energy, and will specifically examine how the digital footprints we leave behind could be harnessed to transform the way those sectors operate. Copyright Aerial Design

Acknowledgements: The University of Nottingham, RCUK Digital Economy Research Programme Contact: Sophie Dale e: t: 0115 846 8923 w:

Institute for Aerospace Technology

The contextual footprint of things Within Horizon Digital Economy Research, we seek to understand how we can generate and exploit the contextual footprint to deliver new applications and services – to date this has mostly concerned itself with information concerning people, recording information about location, activity, social context and then using this contextual information to deliver new and enhanced services. More recently we have started to consider the contextual footprint of objects. That is we look to understand how we can monitor objects, record their history and interactions and then exploit this information for valuable new services. We are investigating this in various contexts: as visually trackable tableware used as souvenirs; within the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure; in the design, construction, maintenance and demolition of buildings; and in smart factories and supply chains for hi-tech industries such as aerospace and pharma. We are considering the shared services and new business models enabled when cloud computing combined with ubiquitous computing is used to support the creation of transient virtual teams across business boundaries working to create physical artefacts. We wish to understand how this dynamic and evolving community of clients, designers, engineers, contractors, maintenance companies, owners, users, etc. can share and integrate the information from both embedded and personal mobile sensing devices, in order to more efficiently support the product life-cycle.

Acknowledgements: The University of Nottingham, RCUK Digital Economy Research Programme Contact: Sophie Dale e: t: 0115 846 8923 w:

Institute for Aerospace Technology

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