Volume 8, Issue 11, December 2014
KP Ezine
December 2014
Volume 8, Issue 11, December 2014
Par culars
Page 4
Jharkhand assembly election, 2014
Jammu and Kashmir assembly election, 2014
Devandra Fadnavis' Swearing-in Chart as Maharashtra Chief Minister
Tin Win
Comedian and KP
Sumanadasa Namarathna
Jammu and Kashmir assembly election, 2014
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Jharkhand assembly election, 2014
Nirmal Kothari
Zarganar, Myanmar's Most Famous Political Comedian
Tin Win
Kidnapped girls, Possible release?
Arvind Gupta
Srilankan presidential Election 2014
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Getting visa for service employment in abroad
Navin Chitlangia
How can intercepted signs be karmic implication?
Tin Win
Question & Answer
Tin Win
Book Review– Understanding Interceptions: A Key to Unlocking the Door
Tin Win
Planetary Position for December 2014
Generated from KPAstro 4.1TM
KP Ezine
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
December 2014
Nirmal Kothari
Volume 8, Issue 11, December 2014
Published by:
Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar- 2, Flat # 28, Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug, Maninagar, AHMEDABAD - 380 008, Gujarat State, India
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KP Ezine
December 2014
Jharkhand Elec on 2014 By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email : kanakbosmia@yahoo.com Question: Will BJP come in powner in Jharkhand assembly election on 25th November 2014? Number. 28 (out of 249) Date of Judgment: 12-11-2014, Wednesday; Time of Judgment: 14:00:03 PM IST Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’ Aynamsha 230.58'.28" Note: Now a day congress-I is very week in Jharkhand, only Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) is strong to fight with BJP, hence in this horary chart I have consider JMM as an opposition. I have predicted 80 advance predictions by my rule below and get 60 correct which means it is 75% and not 50-50 in election prediction at all as some KP astrologers has said about this rule. This is first time in history of KP astrology that someone is doing 80 advance predictions by using the same rule. Hint: If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured. Cuspal Sub Lord for BJP: 10th Cusp (Capricorn 240.05’.57”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mars. Mars is in the star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of 8 owner of 7-12. Star lord Venus is occupant of 6 owner of 1-6. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 2-3. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mars is the significator of 1-6 and connected with 8-7-12-5-6-2-3. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Cuspal Sub Lord for opponent JMM: 10th Cusp (Cancer 240.05’.57”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mars. Mars is in the star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of 2 owner of 1-6. Star lord Venus is occupant of 12 owner of 7-12. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 12 owner of 8-9. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mars is the significator of 7-12 and connected with 2-1-6-11-12-8-9. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for BJP: On the day of election (25th November 2014), the running joint dasa period is Jupiter-MarsSaturn-Venus. Dasa lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 8-9. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 6, owner of 2-3. Thus dasa lord Jupiter is the significator of 6-2-3 and connected with 4-8-9. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Mars is in the star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of 8 owner of 712. Star lord Venus is occupant of 6 owner of 1-6. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 2-3. Thus KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 28/249 Sun Rise: 06:51:00 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
05:56:11 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Horary No.: 28 Question : Will BJP come in powner in Jharkhand assembly election, on 25th November 2014?
Ruling Planets - 12/Nov/2014 02:00:03 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 02:03:47:56
XII 00:01:09:46
I 01:07:46:40 Mo 03:00:51:03 III 02:28:00:14
XI 10:25:01:59 Ke 11:23:35:35
1 11
IV 03:24:05:57 Ju 03:27:32:26
X 09:24:05:57 2 8
VII 07:07:46:40 Ra 05:23:35:35 V 04:25:01:59
IX 08:28:00:14 5
9 9
7 Ve 07:00:27:17 VI 06:01:09:46 Sa 07:01:14:13 Me 06:11:08:30 Su 06:25:53:47 XII 01:09:46
Ma 08:18:40:19 VIII 08:03:47:56
I 07:46:40
II 03:47:56 III 28:00:14
Ke 23:35:35 Name: Jharkhand Election 2014 Gender: Male Date: Wednesday, 12/Nov/2014 Time: 02:00:03 PM SID: 16:46:02 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India
Mo 00:51:03 IV 24:05:57 Ju 27:32:26
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 28" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Punarvasu, Pada 4 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 2 Y, 11 M, 22 D
V 25:01:59
XI 25:01:59
X 24:05:57
Ra 23:35:35
IX 28:00:14 Ma 18:40:19 VIII 03:47:56
VII 07:46:40 Sa 01:14:13 Ve 00:27:17
Su 25:53:47 Me 11:08:30 VI 01:09:46
Sgl Ve Me Me Mo Su Ve Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ma
Stl Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke
Sbl Ve Ve Ve Ma Me Me Ke Mo Mo Ma Me Ve
Ssl Ve Ju Sa Mo Ma Ra Ju Ma Me Mo Ra Su
Sssl Ve Ju Sa Ve Ve Sa Ju Me Ke Ve Sa Mo
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Visakha(2) Mo Punarvasu(4) Ma P.Ashada(2) Me Swati(2) Ju Ashlesha(4) Ve Visakha(4) Sa Visakha(4) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Mo Ju Ve Mo Ma Ma Me Ju
Stl Ju Ju Ve Ra Me Ju Ju Ma Me
Sbl Ke Ma Ra Sa Ju Mo Ma Ma Ma
Ssl Ve Sa Ju Ke Ma Ve Su Ju Ju
Sssl Ju Me Ra Ra Ju Sa Ma Ra Ra
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 4 6 8, 9 5 Mo+ 4 3 8, 9 4 Ma 6 8 1, 6 7, 12 Me 5 6 2, 3 Ju 6 4 2, 3 8, 9 Ve 4 6 8, 9 1, 6 Sa+ 4 6 8, 9 10, 11 Ra 8 5 7, 12 Ke+ 6 11 2, 3 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Krittika(4) 2 Mrigasira(4) 3 Punarvasu(3) 4 Ashlesha(3) 5 P.Phalguni(4) 6 Chitra(3) 7 Anuradha(2) 8 Moola(2) 9 U.Ashada(1) 10 Dhanishta(1) 11 P.Bhadra(2) 12 Aswini(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Jupiter Dasa 05-Nov-2001 - 05-Nov-2017 Jupiter 05-Nov-2001 Saturn 23-Dec-2003 Mercury 06-Jul-2006 Ketu 12-Oct-2008 Venus 18-Sep-2009 Sun 18-May-2012 Moon 06-Mar-2013 Mars 06-Jul-2014 Rahu 12-Jun-2015
Saturn Dasa 05-Nov-2017 - 05-Nov-2036 Saturn 05-Nov-2017 Mercury 08-Nov-2020 Ketu 18-Jul-2023 Venus 27-Aug-2024 Sun 27-Oct-2027 Moon 08-Oct-2028 Mars 09-May-2030 Rahu 17-Jun-2031 Jupiter 24-Apr-2034
Mercury Dasa 05-Nov-2036 - 05-Nov-2053 Mercury 05-Nov-2036 Ketu 03-Apr-2039 Venus 30-Mar-2040 Sun 28-Jan-2043 Moon 05-Dec-2043 Mars 06-May-2045 Rahu 03-May-2046 Jupiter 20-Nov-2048 Saturn 26-Feb-2051
Ketu Dasa 05-Nov-2053 - 05-Nov-2060 Ketu 05-Nov-2053 Venus 03-Apr-2054 Sun 03-Jun-2055 Moon 09-Oct-2055 Mars 09-May-2056 Rahu 05-Oct-2056 Jupiter 23-Oct-2057 Saturn 29-Sep-2058 Mercury 07-Nov-2059
Venus Dasa 05-Nov-2060 - 05-Nov-2080 Venus 05-Nov-2060 Sun 05-Mar-2064 Moon 05-Mar-2065 Mars 04-Nov-2066 Rahu 04-Jan-2068 Jupiter 04-Jan-2071 Saturn 04-Sep-2073 Mercury 04-Nov-2076 Ketu 05-Sep-2079
Sun Dasa 05-Nov-2080 - 05-Nov-2086 Sun 05-Nov-2080 Moon 22-Feb-2081 Mars 24-Aug-2081 Rahu 30-Dec-2081 Jupiter 23-Nov-2082 Saturn 12-Sep-2083 Mercury 24-Aug-2084 Ketu 30-Jun-2085 Venus 05-Nov-2085
Moon Dasa 05-Nov-2086 - 05-Nov-2096 Moon 05-Nov-2086 Mars 05-Sep-2087 Rahu 05-Apr-2088 Jupiter 05-Oct-2089 Saturn 03-Feb-2091 Mercury 04-Sep-2092 Ketu 03-Feb-2094 Venus 04-Sep-2094 Sun 04-May-2096
Mars Dasa 05-Nov-2096 - 05-Nov-2103 Mars 05-Nov-2096 Rahu 03-Apr-2097 Jupiter 21-Apr-2098 Saturn 28-Mar-2099 Mercury 07-May-2100 Ketu 04-May-2101 Venus 30-Sep-2101 Sun 30-Nov-2102 Moon 07-Apr-2103
Rahu Dasa 05-Nov-2103 - 05-Nov-2121 Rahu 05-Nov-2103 Jupiter 18-Jul-2106 Saturn 11-Dec-2108 Mercury 18-Oct-2111 Ketu 07-May-2114 Venus 25-May-2115 Sun 25-May-2118 Moon 19-Apr-2119 Mars 19-Oct-2120
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
bhukti lord Mars is the significator of 1-6 and connected with 8-7-12-5-6-2-3. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Mars. Saturn is occupant of 6 owner of 10-11. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 8-9. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 8, owner of 7-12. Thus antra lord Saturn is the significator of 4-8-9 and connected with 6-1011-8-7-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Sookshma lord Venus is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Moon. Venus is occupant of 6 owner of 1-6. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 4 owner of 8-9. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 3, owner of 4. No planet is in the star of Moon, and Moon is the CSL of 8-9. Thus Sookshma lord Venus is the significator of 4-8-9 and connected with 1-6-3-4-8-9. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for JMM: On the day of election (25th November 2014), the running joint dasa period is Jupiter-Mars -Saturn-Venus. Dasa lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 10, owner of 2-3. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 12, owner of 8-9. Thus dasa lord Jupiter is the significator of 8-9-12 and connected with 2-3-10. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Mars is in the star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of 2 owner of 1 -6. Star lord Venus is occupant of 12 owner of 7-12. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 12 owner of 8-9. Thus bhukti lord Mars is the significator of 7-12 and connected with 2-1-6-11-12-8-9. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Mars. Saturn is occupant of 12 owner of 4-5. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 10, owner of 2-3. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 2, owner of 1-6. Thus antra lord Saturn is the significator of 2-3-10 and connected with 12-45-2-1-6. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Sookshma lord Venus is in the star of Jupiter and sub of owner of 7-12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 10 owner of of 9, owner of 10. No planet is in the star of Moon and Sookshma lord Venus is the significator of 2-3-10 and Hence, the wining in election is sure.
Moon. Venus is occupant of 12 2-3. Sub lord Moon is occupant Moon is the CSL of 2-3. Thus connected with 7-12-9-10-2-3.
My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th house for BJP & JMM signifies winning. DasaAntra and Sookshma lords indicate only 3 for BJP and 3-10 for JMM, so chance of winning for BJP is not possible. Let me try to predict the total seat to be won by the JMM. The total seat in Jharkhand Vidhan Sabha is 81. I am not much success in predicting seat of party in election but this exercise will help me to improve my work in future. Gaining the seats is wealth for any political party. Hint: Level of wealth: No wealth If 2nd (money) signifies 5 (12th from 6th daily income), 8 (financial loss, income of opponent), 12 (loss).
KP Ezine
December 2014
Some Wealth If 2nd (money/income) signifies 5(12th from 6th daily income), 8 (financial loss, income of opponent), 12 (loss) along with 2(Income), 6 (daily income), 11 (gain). Enormous Wealth If 2nd (income) signifies 2(income), 6 (daily income), 10 (profession/status), 11 (gain). AND NOT CONNECTED TO 5 (12th from 6th daily income), 8 (financial Loss, income to opponent), 12 (loss). 2nd cusp (Sagittarius 030.47'.56�): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Moon. Moon is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Mars. Moon is occupant of 9, owner of 10. No planet is in the star of Moon and Moon is the CSL of 2-3. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 10, owner of 2-3. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 2 owner of 1-6. Thus Moon signifies 2-3-10 and is connected with 9-10-2-3-1-6. 2nd CSL does not signify only 5,12,8. So the condition of no wealth is not applicable in this case. 2nd CSL does not signifies only 5,12,8. So the condition of some wealth is not applicable in this case. 2nd CSL signify only 6-2-10 and is not connected with 5-8-12. So enormous wealth condition is applicable in this case. The total seat is 81, so I guess that JMM would get 60% of the total seat because we have only positive bhavas. Thus in my opinion JMM will get 45 to 50 seats.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Jammu and Kashmir Legisla ve Assembly Elec on 2014 By: Dr. Nirmal Kothari
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion, 5th Floor, 13, Kyd Street, Opposite – MLA Hostel,Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal. Mobile : +91-98300 89302, 094 777 507035. Email : Kothari_nirmal@hotmail.com
Background Note: The Election Commissioner of India has announced the 2014 Assembly Election in Jammu and Kashmir will be held in five phases in between 25th November to 20th December 2014, to select the 87 members of the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly. The votes will be counted on 23rd December 2014. Question: Will BJP win the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Election 2014? Horary Number: 170 (out of 249, on behalf of BJP). Time of Judgment: 27-10-2014, 11:38:10 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Moon reveals the nature of query Moon (Scorpio 20-12-33) is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant of 12, owner of 8. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 7 and 10. Sublord Venus, being untenanted, is the occupant of 10, owner of 6-11 and CSL of 5-6-712. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses (6-10-11), hence query or urge is genuine. Hints: If the sublord of the 6th or 11th signifies 6 (defeat to opposition, being 12th from 7th loss of opposition), 11 (reputation as a winner, fulfillment of desire, success) or 1 (efforts for winning), success is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 1-6-11. Note: To win or gain in any sort of competition like election, litigation, sports match, 1, 6, 11 cusps are judge primarily, while 3 (one’s ability) and 10 (position and power) should be considered as a supportive houses. However, in case of politics, if any confusion, 10th cusp (position and power in politics) should be additionally scrutinized carefully) Cuspal analysis for BJP 6th Cusp (Taurus 09-44-32): The sublord of 6th cusp Venus is in star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Planet Venus is the occupant of 10, owner of 6 and 11. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 5-6-7-12. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 10. Rahu in Virgo and conjoined with Mercury thus represents Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 7 and 10. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 8, owner of 1 and 4. • 6th CSL Venus signifies 6-10-11 and in connection with 10. (6-10-11) • 6th CSL Venus signifies 5-12. (5-12) 11th Cusp (Libra 14-10-07): The sublord of 11th cusp Mercury is in star of Moon and sub of Sun. Planet Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 7 and 10. Starlord Moon is the occupant of 12, owner of 8. Sublord Sun is the occupant of 10, owner of 9. • 11th CSL Mercury signifies 10 and in connection with 10. (10) th • 11 CSL Mercury signifies 8-12 and in connection with 12. (8-12) KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 170/249 Sun Rise: 05:38:25 AM Nithya Yoga: Shobhan
Sun Set: Hora:
05:02:20 PM Venus
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 170 Question : Will BJP win the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Election 2014?
Ruling Planets - 27/Oct/2014 11:38:10 AM PARK STREET, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 09:05:47:04
Mo 07:20:12:33 XII 07:09:44:32 I 08:03:40:00 Ma 08:06:37:27
III 10:10:34:27 10
Sa 06:29:21:07 XI 06:14:10:07
8 7
IV 11:14:30:11 Ke 11:24:26:46 9 6
Ra 05:24:26:46 Me 05:22:58:48 X 05:14:30:11 Ve 06:10:16:10 Su 06:09:46:21
VII 02:03:40:00 IX 04:10:34:27 1
5 4
2 VI 01:09:44:32
V 14:10:07
Ju 03:25:53:02 VIII 03:05:47:04
VI 09:44:32
VII 03:40:00
Name: J & K Election Gender: Male Date: Monday, 27/Oct/2014 Time: 11:38:10 AM SID: 14:23:41 Lat: 22:33:00 N Lon: 88:21:00 E Place: KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India
VIII 05:47:04 Ju 25:53:02
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 26" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Jyeshta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti Bal. Dasa: Mercury 12 Y, 5 M, 24 D
IX 10:34:27
III 10:34:27
II 05:47:04
X 14:30:11 Me 22:58:48 Ra 24:26:46
Ma 06:37:27 I 03:40:00
Mo 20:12:33 XII 09:44:32
Sa 29:21:07 XI 14:10:07 Ve 10:16:10 Su 09:46:21
Stl Ke Su Ra Sa Ve Su Ma Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa
Sbl Mo Me Sa Ra Ve Ve Ve Me Sa Ju Me Ve
Ssl Mo Ve Sa Ve Ra Me Ra Ke Mo Me Sa Sa
Sssl Mo Me Ve Ke Ra Ra Ke Ju Ra Su Sa Mo
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Swati(1) Mo Jyeshta(2) Ma Moola(2) Me Hasta(4) Ju Ashlesha(3) Ve Swati(2) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Ma Ju Me Mo Ve Ve Me Ju
Stl Ra Me Ke Mo Me Ra Ju Ma Me
Sbl Ju Ve Ra Su Ra Ju Su Ra Ra
Ssl Ve Ra Me Ju Mo Ra Ve Ju Ju
Sssl Sa Ju Ra Ra Ju Sa Su Ju Ju
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ke 24:26:46 IV 14:30:11
Sgl Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 10 9 Mo 10 12 7, 10 8 Ma 4 1 5, 12 Me 12 10 8 7, 10 Ju 10 8 7, 10 1, 4 Ve+ 10 10 6, 11 Sa+ 8 11 1, 4 2, 3 Ra 1 10 5, 12 Ke 10 4 7, 10 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
V 00:14:10:07
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Moola(2) 2 U.Ashada(3) 3 Satabhisha(2) 4 U.Bhadra(4) 5 Bharani(1) 6 Krittika(4) 7 Mrigasira(4) 8 Pushyami(1) 9 Magha(4) 10 Hasta(2) 11 Swati(3) 12 Anuradha(2)
Mercury Dasa 20-Apr-2010 - 20-Apr-2027 Mercury 20-Apr-2010 Ketu 16-Sep-2012 Venus 14-Sep-2013 Sun 14-Jul-2016 Moon 20-May-2017 Mars 20-Oct-2018 Rahu 17-Oct-2019 Jupiter 06-May-2022 Saturn 11-Aug-2024
Ketu Dasa 20-Apr-2027 - 20-Apr-2034 Ketu 20-Apr-2027 Venus 16-Sep-2027 Sun 16-Nov-2028 Moon 24-Mar-2029 Mars 23-Oct-2029 Rahu 21-Mar-2030 Jupiter 09-Apr-2031 Saturn 14-Mar-2032 Mercury 23-Apr-2033
Venus Dasa 20-Apr-2034 - 20-Apr-2054 Venus 20-Apr-2034 Sun 20-Aug-2037 Moon 20-Aug-2038 Mars 19-Apr-2040 Rahu 19-Jun-2041 Jupiter 19-Jun-2044 Saturn 18-Feb-2047 Mercury 20-Apr-2050 Ketu 18-Feb-2053
Sun Dasa 20-Apr-2054 - 20-Apr-2060 Sun 20-Apr-2054 Moon 08-Aug-2054 Mars 06-Feb-2055 Rahu 14-Jun-2055 Jupiter 08-May-2056 Saturn 24-Feb-2057 Mercury 06-Feb-2058 Ketu 14-Dec-2058 Venus 20-Apr-2059
Moon Dasa 20-Apr-2060 - 20-Apr-2070 Moon 20-Apr-2060 Mars 19-Feb-2061 Rahu 20-Sep-2061 Jupiter 21-Mar-2063 Saturn 21-Jul-2064 Mercury 19-Feb-2066 Ketu 21-Jul-2067 Venus 19-Feb-2068 Sun 21-Oct-2069
Mars Dasa 20-Apr-2070 - 20-Apr-2077 Mars 20-Apr-2070 Rahu 16-Sep-2070 Jupiter 05-Oct-2071 Saturn 09-Sep-2072 Mercury 19-Oct-2073 Ketu 16-Oct-2074 Venus 14-Mar-2075 Sun 14-May-2076 Moon 19-Sep-2076
Rahu Dasa 20-Apr-2077 - 20-Apr-2095 Rahu 20-Apr-2077 Jupiter 01-Jan-2080 Saturn 27-May-2082 Mercury 02-Apr-2085 Ketu 20-Oct-2087 Venus 08-Nov-2088 Sun 08-Nov-2091 Moon 01-Oct-2092 Mars 02-Apr-2094
Jupiter Dasa 20-Apr-2095 - 20-Apr-2111 Jupiter 20-Apr-2095 Saturn 08-Jun-2097 Mercury 20-Dec-2099 Ketu 27-Mar-2102 Venus 03-Mar-2103 Sun 02-Nov-2105 Moon 21-Aug-2106 Mars 21-Dec-2107 Rahu 25-Nov-2108
Saturn Dasa 20-Apr-2111 - 20-Apr-2130 Saturn 20-Apr-2111 Mercury 23-Apr-2114 Ketu 01-Jan-2117 Venus 09-Feb-2118 Sun 11-Apr-2121 Moon 24-Mar-2122 Mars 23-Oct-2123 Rahu 02-Dec-2124 Jupiter 08-Oct-2127
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
1st Cusp (Sagittarius 03-40-00): The sublord of 1st cusp Moon is in star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant of 12, owner of 8. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 10, owner of 7 and 10. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 10, owner of 6 and 11. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 5-6-7-12. • 1st CSL Moon signifies 10 and in connection with 6-10-11. (6-10-11) st • 1 CSL Moon signifies 8-12 and in connection with 5-12. (5-8-12) Cuspal analysis for opponent (7th cusp is considered for Opponent. Hence, rotation of chart to 7th cusp, treated as Lagna/Ascendant of Opponent) 6th Cusp (Scorpio 09-44-32) - 11h Cusp (Aries 14-10-07) - 1st Cusp (Gemini 03-40-00): The sublord of 6th, 11th and 1st cusp Venus is in star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Planet Venus is the occupant of 4, owner of 5 and 12. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and CSL of 1-6-11-12. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 4. Rahu in Virgo and conjoined with Mercury thus represents Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 4, owner of 1 and 4. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 2, owner of 7 and 10. • 6th CSL Venus signifies 1-6-11 and in connection with 1-10. (1-6-10-11) • 6th CSL Venus signifies 5-12. (5-12) COMPARISION TABLE Strength-wise Houses (Signifies & Connection) stronger than 11) (11 is stronger than 1)
Opponent Strong
(6 is
The Comparison (Analysis) Table between BJP and Opponent has been judged keeping in mind the following Golden Rules of KP Astrology, mainly KP Stellar Theory of Starlord versus Sublord. ♦ ♦ ♦
Planet is the source of a result, Constellation is the nature of the result and Sub is the final deciding factor of a result. If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is also benefic (favorable), then the native enjoys.
If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is also malefic (unfavorable), then the native suffers.
If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is malefic (unfavorable), then apparently it may seem that the event is going to take place, but eventually it will hold.
If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is benefic (favorable), then after some obstacles or hindrances, the event will take place. KP Ezine
December 2014
Conclusion: The Comparison Table shows that there will be a better chance of Opponent to win. But before concluding the final outcomes, if we check the FORTUNA of both parties, then it will turn the chances in favor of BJP. For BJP, Fortuna falls in 11th house which is highly favorable. And for Opponent, Fortuna is in 5th house, which is unfavorable. So my final conclusion is that BJP will win Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Election 2014. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary!
KP Ezine
December 2014
Devandra Fadnavis' Swearing-in Chart as Maharashtra Chief Minister By: Tin Win Email: tw853@yahoo.com
Chart Details Devendra Fadnavis was sworn in as the BJP's first chief minister of Maharashtra at a grand ceremony on Friday, 31 October 2014, at 18:28:30 (end time) PM IS, at Mumbai’s famous Wankhede Stadium, India, 18n56, 72e50; KP New Ayanamsa: 23:58:26, Lagna: Pisces 15:08:11, Moon: Capricorn 18:26:55, Star Sravana, Pada 3, Five-year compressed Vimshottari Dasa balance: Moon 0Y, 1M, 25D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1. Longevity 1st cuspal sub lord (CSL) Jupiter is in house 5, owner of houses 1,10, in the star of Mercury in Badhaka, Maraka house 7, owner of houses 4,7, and in the sub of own Jupiter. The 1st CSL Jupiter is the most evil for long life of Devandra Fadnavis' government by being occupant and owner of Badhaka, Maraka house 7 but life saving 1st and 5th signification appears at the planet and sub level which indicates survial for medium life with obstacles. This is supported by positions of Maraka 2nd lord Mars from 8th and Moksha 12th lord Saturn aspecting Lagna lord Jupiter; Badhaka, Maraka 7th lord Mercury from 7th aspecting Lagna; and Maraka 2nd lord repesenting Ketu being conjunct with Lagna that are significantly outweighing Lagna lord Jupiter from 5th aspecting Lagna. The conjunction of 12th lord Saturn in 8th house with 6th lord Sun and 8th lord Venus in 7th house also does not indicate a long life. Although the 1st CSL is the most important indicator for longevity, other indicators of 3rd and 8th CSLs for longevity are also crosschecked as follows: 3rd CSL Saturn+ is in house 8, owner of houses 11, 12 and the CSL of house 3 having no planet in its stars. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter in house 5, owner of houses 1,10, and in the sub of Moon in house 11, owner of house 5, indicating medium life by signification of favorable houses 1,5,11, along with unfavorable houses 8,12.. 8th CSL Mars is in house 9, owner of houses 2,9, in the star of Ketu in house 1, aspected by Jupiter in house 5, owner of houses 1,10 and Mars in house 9, owner of houses 2,9. Mars is in the sub of Saturn in house 8, owner of houses 11, 12 and the CSL of house 3 having no planet in its stars, also indiating medium life by signification of favorable houses 1,5,11, along with unfavorable houses 2,8,12.. Financial Position 2nd CSL Rahu is in house 7, conjoined with Mercury in house 7, owner of houses 4,7. Rahu is in the star of Mars in house 9, owner of houses 2,9, and in the sub of own Rahu. The finance poition of this government may not be sufficient enough for implementation of desired public programs since the 2nd CSL signifies house 2 only, out of required houses 2,6,11. Aspect of 2nd lord Sun on 2nd house is favorable for strong financial position and aspects of 8th lord Venus and 12th lord Saturn from 8th house on 2nd are unfavorable in this regard. KP Ezine
December 2014
Devandra Fadnavis Oath Sun Rise: 06:38:29 AM Nithya Yoga: Ganda
Sun Set: Hora:
06:05:54 PM Moon
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Ruling Planets - 26/Nov/2014 11:51:15 AM Maryland, USA Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 19:19:45
Sgl Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa
Stl Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Me Ke Su Ra
Sbl Ju Ra Sa Me Ve Ju Ju Ma Me Me Ve Ju
Ssl Sa Ke Ra Me Su Su Su Ra Su Ra Ma Ju
Sssl Sa Ra Ke Me Sa Sa Ve Me Ma Ju Ve Ke
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Swati(3) Mo Sravana(3) Ma Moola(3) Me Chitra(1) Ju Ashlesha(3) Ve Swati(3) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Sa Ju Me Mo Ve Ve Me Ju
Stl Ra Mo Ke Ma Me Ra Ju Ma Me
Sbl Me Me Sa Ra Ju Ve Mo Ra Ra
Ssl Ju Ve Me Ve Sa Ve Ju Ra Ra
Sssl Me Me Ve Mo Sa Me Ke Sa Sa
XII 08:46:11
I 15:08:11 Ke 24:13:25
III 17:22:33
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Bhadra(4) 2 Bharani(2) 3 Rohini(3) 4 Aridra(2) 5 Pushyami(2) 6 Magha(3) 7 Hasta(2) 8 Swati(4) 9 Jyeshta(1) 10 Moola(4) 11 U.Ashada(4) 12 Satabhisha(1)
Mo 18:26:55 XI 08:32:36
11 10
IV 12:34:23
X 12:34:23 12
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 7 7 6 Mo 11 11 5 5 Ma 1 9 2, 9 Me 9 7 2, 9 4, 7 Ju 7 5 4, 7 1, 10 Ve+ 7 7 3, 8 Sa+ 5 8 1, 10 11, 12 Ra 9 7 2, 9 Ke 7 1 4, 7 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
3 6
V 08:32:36 Ju 26:22:45 4 5
Me 25:28:54 Ra 24:13:25 Ve 15:32:09 VII 15:08:11 Su 13:58:09
VI 08:46:11
II 19:19:45
IX 17:22:33 Ma 09:44:28 8 7 Sa 29:50:13 VIII 19:19:45
III 17:22:33
IV 12:34:23
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ke 24:13:25 I 15:08:11 Name: Devandra Fadnavis Oath Gender: Male Date: Friday, 31/Oct/2014 Time: 04:28:30 PM SID: 18:28:31 Lat: 18:56:00 N Lon: 72:50:00 E Place: MUMBAI, Wankhede Stadium, India
V 08:32:36 Ju 26:22:45
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 26" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Sravana, Pada 3 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ashtami Bal. Dasa: Moon 0 Y, 1 M, 25 D
VI 08:46:11
XII 08:46:11
Mo 18:26:55 XI 08:32:36
VII 15:08:11 Ra 24:13:25 Me 25:28:54
X 12:34:23 Ma 09:44:28
IX 17:22:33
Sa 29:50:13 VIII 19:19:45 Ve 15:32:09 Su 13:58:09
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
Moon Dasa 26-Jul-2014 - 26-Dec-2014 Moon 26-Jul-2014 Mars 08-Aug-2014 Rahu 17-Aug-2014 Jupiter 09-Sep-2014 Saturn 29-Sep-2014 Mercury 23-Oct-2014 Ketu 14-Nov-2014 Venus 22-Nov-2014 Sun 18-Dec-2014 Jupiter Dasa 10-Jan-2016 - 10-Sep-2016 Jupiter 10-Jan-2016 Saturn 12-Feb-2016 Mercury 21-Mar-2016 Ketu 25-Apr-2016 Venus 09-May-2016 Sun 19-Jun-2016 Moon 01-Jul-2016 Mars 21-Jul-2016 Rahu 04-Aug-2016 Ketu Dasa 13-Mar-2018 - 28-Jun-2018 Ketu 13-Mar-2018 Venus 19-Mar-2018 Sun 06-Apr-2018 Moon 11-Apr-2018 Mars 20-Apr-2018 Rahu 26-Apr-2018 Jupiter 12-May-2018 Saturn 26-May-2018 Mercury 12-Jun-2018
Mars Dasa 26-Dec-2014 - 10-Apr-2015 Mars 26-Dec-2014 Rahu 01-Jan-2015 Jupiter 17-Jan-2015 Saturn 01-Feb-2015 Mercury 17-Feb-2015 Ketu 05-Mar-2015 Venus 11-Mar-2015 Sun 29-Mar-2015 Moon 03-Apr-2015 Saturn Dasa 10-Sep-2016 - 26-Jun-2017 Saturn 10-Sep-2016 Mercury 26-Oct-2016 Ketu 06-Dec-2016 Venus 23-Dec-2016 Sun 09-Feb-2017 Moon 24-Feb-2017 Mars 20-Mar-2017 Rahu 06-Apr-2017 Jupiter 19-May-2017 Venus Dasa 28-Jun-2018 - 28-Apr-2019 Venus 28-Jun-2018 Sun 18-Aug-2018 Moon 02-Sep-2018 Mars 27-Sep-2018 Rahu 15-Oct-2018 Jupiter 30-Nov-2018 Saturn 09-Jan-2019 Mercury 27-Feb-2019 Ketu 11-Apr-2019
December 2014
Rahu Dasa 10-Apr-2015 - 10-Jan-2016 Rahu 10-Apr-2015 Jupiter 22-May-2015 Saturn 27-Jun-2015 Mercury 09-Aug-2015 Ketu 17-Sep-2015 Venus 03-Oct-2015 Sun 18-Nov-2015 Moon 02-Dec-2015 Mars 24-Dec-2015 Mercury Dasa 26-Jun-2017 - 13-Mar-2018 Mercury 26-Jun-2017 Ketu 01-Aug-2017 Venus 16-Aug-2017 Sun 29-Sep-2017 Moon 11-Oct-2017 Mars 02-Nov-2017 Rahu 17-Nov-2017 Jupiter 26-Dec-2017 Saturn 29-Jan-2018 Sun Dasa 28-Apr-2019 - 28-Jul-2019 Sun 28-Apr-2019 Moon 03-May-2019 Mars 10-May-2019 Rahu 16-May-2019 Jupiter 29-May-2019 Saturn 10-Jun-2019 Mercury 25-Jun-2019 Ketu 08-Jul-2019 Venus 13-Jul-2019
Authority 10th CSL Mercury is in house 7, owner of houses 4,7, in the star of Mars in house 9, owner of houses 2,9, and in the sub of Rahu in house 7, conjoined with Mercury in house 7, owner of houses 4,7. It doesn't indicate the strong authority for this government as 10th CSL is lacking to signify any of required houses 6,10,11 for strong authority. The assumed agressive approach of CM through aspect of Mars on Lagna may lead to complication in this regard. Relations with Opposition The conjunction of 4th and 7th lord Mercury with Rahu in 7th house does not indicate so beneficial relations with opposition partners. But the 11th CSL Venus, occupant of house 7, owner of houses 3,8, in the star of Rahu in house 7, conjoined with Mercury in house 7, owner of houses 4,7, and in the sub of own Venus, indicates to make deals with opposition partners. Critical Periods Astrologically this government may not survive for the full term of five years, and the critical periods are expected as follows: ♌
Rahu Dasa of five- year compressed Vimshottari (10 April 2015 to 10 January 2016), as indicated by signification of Badhaka, Maraka houses 7, 2 and 4 (end of everything), without any of life saving houses 1,5,11, by Rahu being in the star of Mars and sub of own Rahu;
Mercury Dasa of five- year compressed Vimshottari (26 Jun 2017 to 13 March 2018), as indicated by Badhaka, Maraka houses 7, 2 and 4, without any of life saving houses 1,5,11, by Mercury being in the star of Mars and sub of Rahu.
Good luck!
KP Ezine
December 2014
Comedian and KP By: Sumanadasa Namarathna (Sunaparantha Kalyan)
Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda, SRI LANKA
Email: sunaparantha@yahoo.com What is Comedy? It is an entertainment action consisting of jokes and satirical sketches. Also it often involves the transmutation of painful circumstances into abandon and joke. So, comedy or joke gives us an emotional flavor or essence. In that way we can call it 'Alchemy', because in chemistry it is the transformation of matters. This state of transmutation or transformation of emotions in the mind is a result of someone's ability of creating or production of flavor. If we go back to the era of Indian Aesthetics, we can see an ancient Indian treatise called "NatyaSastra" authored by "Bharatha Muni" an ancient work of dramatic theory in the scope of the performing art, theater, dance, music and all aspect of stage craft. According to Natyasastra, the emotional flavor or essence that is relished by the sensitive spectator is called "Rasa", that is generated through the style of acting (abhinya). Bharata Muni enunciated eight Rasas in his book on dramatic theory. They are, 1. Sringaram - Love, attractiveness 2. Hasyam - Laghter, mirt, comedy 3. Raudram- Fury 4. Karunayam (Karunaa) - Compassion, Mercy 5. Bibhatsam - Disgust, aversion 6. Bhayanakam - Horror 7. Veeram - Heoic mood 8. Adbhutam - Wonder, amazement The performance of a particular Rasa differs greatly between different styles and schools of abhinaya. Each of these Rasa is under the ruler ship of particular planets and Bhawas. Here the topic under consideration is Comedy, with the emotional flavor of Hasyam. When considering the comedians, the makers of Hasyam, are actor or actress while some are play writers or in any profession connecting to aesthetic fields like Cinema, Music and Drama. Astrologically these persons should have a karmic merits or capability to product the taste or Rasa of Hasyam for the spectator. Now let us see the astrological sensitive points in a natal chart for such type of qualities. (a) Fifth House The 5th house of the natal chart is the place for Poorva Punya which exhibit intellect, creativity, artistic talent, entertainment capabilities of a native. According to our great Guruji Shri KSK, if the Sub Lord of the 5th cusp is a significator for 5, 6, 10, the native can be a popular taste maker in amusements. If 11th cusp also is connected he will be a prosperous in his talented career. (b) Venus Throughout the history and culture, the planet Venus is symbolized with a sign of female sex and so it rules romance, beauty, artistic instinct, aesthetic sense, music, literature and KP Ezine
December 2014
recreations sources and many more aesthetic and attractiveness (Sringaram) fields. The connection of Venus with 5th house may reveal many facts of comedians. (c) Moon Moon rules our emotions and manifest ourselves through our being (mind). Man's emotions are ever changing like tides. Tides rule Moon. So our emotions are like fluids. It is momentary changing. It reacts unconsciously to external emotional stimulation. When Moon is in connection with the entertainments (5h House) the artistic creativity of a person is endowed, especially for mood changing act in a comedy. (d) Jupiter Jupiter is a planet of joviality. It is mood characterized by high spirits and amusement and often accompanied by laughter. Hence Jupiter is regarded as the source of happiness and should come as a signifiator for comedian's life. (e) Mercury Mercury as a planet of duality and quickness, rules over tricksters, magicians. Any body who has Mercury well connected with Jupiter and 5th house, the native shows a mask to the world instead of his natural face or postures (Abhinya) generating some kind of Rasas. (f) Ninth House In my study I have found that an unlimited connections of 9th house with the relevant houses and planets are available witnessing the facts as 9th house represents higher mind making one philosopher clown. On the other hand, the 9th house of the natural Zodiac is Sagittarius a sign of duality owned by above said Jupiter, that makes quick changes in the native himself. When studying the following natal charts of some comedians using above facts, the outcome may be helpful to make a rule for comedian. 1. Jack Anthony, Male, born on Tuesday, 04 Sept. 1900, at 11.45 am ST (standard time), Glasgow, Lanarkshire, UK, 55N53, 04W15, Time Zone h0w (0 hr west of GMT), Sid. Time, 10.20.34, KP New Ayanamsa 22:22:50, Asc. Libra 20º 36' 59", Bal. Dasa:Venus 17 Y, 05 M, 29 D, by KPAstro 4.1 http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Anthony,_Jack 2. Bill Cosby, Male, born on Monday, 12 July 1937, at 12.30 am ( 00.30Hrs) EDT (DT = daylight saving time), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 39n57, 75w10, TZ h4w, Sid. Time 18.47.57 , KPNA 22:53:41, Asc. Pisces 27º 19' 11", Bal. Dasa:Venus 11 Y, 06 M, 05 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Cosby,_Bill 3. Walter Carr, Male, born on Wednesday, 01 Apr. 1925, at 06.30 am GMT, Larkhall, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom, 55N45, 03W59, TZ h0w, Sid. Time 18.50.28, KPNA 22:43:24, Asc. Aries 12º 22' 25", Bal. Dasa: Rahu 03Y,03 M,28 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Carr,_Walter 4. Lenny Clarke, Male, born on Wednesday, 16 Sept. 1953, at 10.41 am EDT, Stoneham, MA, USA, 42N28, 71W06, TZ h4w, Sid. Time 09.37.36, KPNA 23:07:14, Asc. Libra 19º 01' 50", Bal. Dasa: Kethu 05Y, 06 M, 25 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clarke,_Lenny 5. Mini Holmes, Male, born on Monday, 13 March 1967, at 4.15 am EST, Toronto, Canada, 43n39, 79w23, TZ h5w, Sid. Time 15.18.44, KPNA 23:18:32, Asc. Capricorn 03º 00' 26", Bal. Dasa: Mercury 09Y, 04 M, 26 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Holmes,_Mini 6. Red Foxx, Male, born on Saturday, 09 Dec. 1922, at 01.12 am CST, St.Louis, Missouri, 38n38, 90w12, TZ h6w, Sid. Time 06.20.11, KPNA 22:41:28, Asc. Virgo, 11º 23' 36", Bal. Dasa: Mercury 08Y, 11 M, 03 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Foxx,_Redd 7. Billy Connolly, Male, born on Tuesday, 24 Nov. 1942, at 4.30 am GDT, Glasgow, KP Ezine
December 2014
Scotland, 55n53, 4w15, TZ h1e, Sid. Time 07.22.51, KPNA 22:58:11, Asc. Virgo 02ยบ 46' 46", Bal. Dasa: Moon 00 Y, 05 M, 28 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Connolly,_Billy 8. Barry Cryer, Male, born on Saturday, 23 March 1935, at 03.00 am GMT, Leeds, England, 53n50, 1w35, TZ h0e, Sid. Time 14.52.23, KPNA 22:51:45, Asc. Sagittarius 13ยบ 34' 36", Bal. Dasa: Rahu 11 Y, 06 M, 17 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Cryer,_Barry 9. Charly Chaplin, Male, born on Tuesday, 16 Apr, 1889, at 08.00 pm GMT, London, Middlesex, England, 51N30, 00w10, TZ h0e, Sid. Time 09.39.56, KPNA 22:13:18, Asc. Libra 16ยบ 21' 16", Bal. Dasa: Rahu 03 Y, 09 M, 24 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Chaplin,_Charles 10. Joan Rivers, Female, Born on Thursday, 08 June 1933, at 02.00 am EDT, Brooklyn, New York, USA. 40n38, 73w56, TZ h4w, Sid. Time 18.08.57, KPNA 22:50:15, Asc. Pisces 11ยบ 02' 49", Bal. Dasa: Mercury 06 Y, 09 M, 04 D http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Rivers,_Joan Outcome of the analysis In most of the charts under study, it is found that:
1. The 5th cuspal sub lord significantly presents as a significator for house 5, 6, 9,10 and 11;
2. Venus signifies 5th house; 3. Moon is connected with 5th cusp and Mercury and Jupiter; Jupiter is connected with Venus. Conclusion If the 5th cuspal sub lord is well connected with house 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, and also Moon, Mercury and Jupiter, the native can be a famous comedian. My Pranam to Guruji Shri KSK!
KP Ezine
December 2014
Jammu and Kashmir Elec on 2014 By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email : kanakbosmia@yahoo.com Question: Will BJP come in powner in J & K Assembly Election on 25th November 2014? Number. 106 (out of 249) Date of Judgment: 12-11-2014, Wednesday; Time of Judgment: 11:39:55 AM IST Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’ Aynamsha 230.58'.28" Note: Now a day National conference is very week in J & K, also congress-I is also zero. Only PDP is strong to fight with BJP, hence in this horary chart I have consider PDP as an opposition. I have predicted 80 advance predictions by my rules below and get 60 % correct which means it is 75% and not 50-50 in election prediction at all as some KP astrologers has said about this rule. This is first time in history of KP astrology that someone is doing 80 advance predictions by using same rule. Hint: If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured. Cuspal Sub Lord for BJP: 10th Cusp (Gemini 000.00’.46”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Mercury is occupant of 2 owner of 1-2-10. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 1. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 2 owner of 1-2-10. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 5-6. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 2-8. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is the significator of 1-2-10 and connected with 1-2-10-3-5-6-8. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Cuspal Sub Lord for opponent: 10th Cusp (Sagittarius 000.00’.46”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star of Mercury and sub of Mars. Ketu is occupant of 1. No planet is in the star of Ketu and Ketu is the CSL of 10. Ketu is aspected by Mars & Jupiter. Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 3. Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 1-2-10. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 8, owner of 4-7-8. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 3. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Ketu is the significator of 4-7-8 and connected with 1-10-3-5-2. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for BJP: On the day of election (25th November 2014), the running joint dasa period is Jupiter-Moon -Rahu-Mercury. Dasa lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 11, owner of 4-7-8. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 2, owner of 1-2-10. Thus dasa lord Jupiter is the significator of 1-2-10 and connected with 11-4-7-8. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Moon is in the star of Jupiter and sub of own. Moon is occupant of 11, owner of 11. No is planet in the star of Moon and Moon is the CSL of 7. Star lord Jupiter is occupant KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 106/249 Sun Rise: 06:51:00 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
05:56:11 PM Mars
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Horary No.: 106 Question : Will BJP come in powner in J & K Assembly election, on 25th November 2014?
Ruling Planets - 12/Nov/2014 11:39:55 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Me 06:10:59:30 Su 06:25:47:54 II 05:28:39:46
XII 04:01:00:08
I 05:00:00:00 Ra 05:23:35:53
Ve 07:00:19:57 Sa 07:01:13:32 III 06:29:08:29
Ju 03:27:31:57 XI 03:00:42:33
5 4
IV 08:00:00:46 Ma 08:18:35:53
Mo 02:29:39:51 X 02:00:00:46 6 12
Ke 11:23:35:53 VII 11:00:00:00
V 09:00:42:33
IX 00:29:08:29
1 12
11 VI 10:01:00:08
VIII 11:28:39:46
IX 29:08:29
X 00:00:46 Mo 29:39:51
VIII 28:39:46 Ke 23:35:53 VII 00:00:00 Name: J & K Election 2014 Gender: Male Date: Wednesday, 12/Nov/2014 Time: 11:39:55 AM SID: 14:25:31 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India
XI 00:42:33 Ju 27:31:57
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 28" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Punarvasu, Pada 3 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Gemini Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 4 Y, 4 M, 25 D
XII 01:00:08
VI 01:00:08
V 00:42:33
I 00:00:00 Ra 23:35:53 II 28:39:46
Ma 18:35:53 IV 00:00:46
Sa 01:13:32 Ve 00:19:57
III 29:08:29 Su 25:47:54 Me 10:59:30
Sgl Me Me Ve Ju Sa Sa Ju Ju Ma Me Mo Su
Stl Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma Ju Ke
Sbl Ra Sa Su Ke Ra Me Mo Sa Ma Me Ma Ve
Ssl Sa Ve Sa Ke Ve Ma Sa Ve Su Me Ra Ve
Sssl Ma Ve Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Ve Sa Me Mo Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Visakha(2) Mo Punarvasu(3) Ma P.Ashada(2) Me Swati(2) Ju Ashlesha(4) Ve Visakha(4) Sa Visakha(4) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Me Ju Ve Mo Ma Ma Me Ju
Stl Ju Ju Ve Ra Me Ju Ju Ma Me
Sbl Ke Mo Ra Sa Ju Mo Ma Ma Ma
Ssl Ke Ra Ju Me Ma Ve Ve Ju Ju
Sssl Ra Sa Su Ju Ra Ve Ke Ra Ra
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 11 2 4, 7, 8 12 Mo+ 11 11 4, 7, 8 11 Ma 3 4 3 9 Me 1 2 1, 2, 10 Ju 2 11 1, 2, 10 4, 7, 8 Ve 11 3 4, 7, 8 3 Sa+ 11 3 4, 7, 8 5, 6 Ra 4 1 9 Ke+ 2 7 1, 2, 10 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Phalguni(2) 2 Chitra(2) 3 Visakha(3) 4 Moola(1) 5 U.Ashada(2) 6 Dhanishta(3) 7 P.Bhadra(4) 8 Revati(4) 9 Krittika(1) 10 Mrigasira(3) 11 Punarvasu(4) 12 Magha(1)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Jupiter Dasa 07-Apr-2003 - 07-Apr-2019 Jupiter 07-Apr-2003 Saturn 26-May-2005 Mercury 07-Dec-2007 Ketu 14-Mar-2010 Venus 18-Feb-2011 Sun 20-Oct-2013 Moon 08-Aug-2014 Mars 08-Dec-2015 Rahu 12-Nov-2016
Saturn Dasa 07-Apr-2019 - 07-Apr-2038 Saturn 07-Apr-2019 Mercury 10-Apr-2022 Ketu 19-Dec-2024 Venus 27-Jan-2026 Sun 29-Mar-2029 Moon 11-Mar-2030 Mars 10-Oct-2031 Rahu 19-Nov-2032 Jupiter 25-Sep-2035
Mercury Dasa 07-Apr-2038 - 07-Apr-2055 Mercury 07-Apr-2038 Ketu 03-Sep-2040 Venus 01-Sep-2041 Sun 01-Jul-2044 Moon 07-May-2045 Mars 07-Oct-2046 Rahu 04-Oct-2047 Jupiter 23-Apr-2050 Saturn 29-Jul-2052
Ketu Dasa 07-Apr-2055 - 07-Apr-2062 Ketu 07-Apr-2055 Venus 03-Sep-2055 Sun 03-Nov-2056 Moon 11-Mar-2057 Mars 10-Oct-2057 Rahu 08-Mar-2058 Jupiter 27-Mar-2059 Saturn 01-Mar-2060 Mercury 10-Apr-2061
Venus Dasa 07-Apr-2062 - 07-Apr-2082 Venus 07-Apr-2062 Sun 07-Aug-2065 Moon 07-Aug-2066 Mars 06-Apr-2068 Rahu 06-Jun-2069 Jupiter 06-Jun-2072 Saturn 05-Feb-2075 Mercury 07-Apr-2078 Ketu 05-Feb-2081
Sun Dasa 07-Apr-2082 - 07-Apr-2088 Sun 07-Apr-2082 Moon 26-Jul-2082 Mars 24-Jan-2083 Rahu 01-Jun-2083 Jupiter 25-Apr-2084 Saturn 11-Feb-2085 Mercury 24-Jan-2086 Ketu 01-Dec-2086 Venus 07-Apr-2087
Moon Dasa 07-Apr-2088 - 07-Apr-2098 Moon 07-Apr-2088 Mars 06-Feb-2089 Rahu 07-Sep-2089 Jupiter 08-Mar-2091 Saturn 08-Jul-2092 Mercury 06-Feb-2094 Ketu 08-Jul-2095 Venus 06-Feb-2096 Sun 08-Oct-2097
Mars Dasa 07-Apr-2098 - 07-Apr-2105 Mars 07-Apr-2098 Rahu 03-Sep-2098 Jupiter 22-Sep-2099 Saturn 28-Aug-2100 Mercury 07-Oct-2101 Ketu 04-Oct-2102 Venus 02-Mar-2103 Sun 02-May-2104 Moon 07-Sep-2104
Rahu Dasa 07-Apr-2105 - 07-Apr-2123 Rahu 07-Apr-2105 Jupiter 19-Dec-2107 Saturn 14-May-2110 Mercury 20-Mar-2113 Ketu 07-Oct-2115 Venus 26-Oct-2116 Sun 26-Oct-2119 Moon 18-Sep-2120 Mars 20-Mar-2122
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
of 11, owner of 4-7-8. Thus bhukti lord Moon is the significator of 4-7-8-11 and connected with 11-7. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Rahu is in the star and sub of Mars. Rahu is occupant of 1. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 2 owner of 1-2-10. Star and sub lord Mars is occupant of 4, owner of 9. Thus antra lord Rahu is the significator of 4-9 and connected with 1-2-10. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Sookshma lord Mercury is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Mercury is occupant of 2 owner of 1-2-10. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 1. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 2 owner of 1-2-10. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 5-6. No planet is in the star of Saturn, and Saturn is the CSL of 2-8. Thus Sookshma lord Mercury is the significator of 1-2-10 and connected with 1-2-10-3-5-6-8. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for PDP: On the day of election (25th November 2014), the running joint dasa period is Jupiter-Moon -Rahu-Mercury. Dasa lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 1-2-10. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 8, owner of 4-7-8. Thus dasa lord Jupiter is the significator of 4-7-8 and connected with 1-2-10. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Moon is in the star of Jupiter and sub of own. Moon is occupant of 5, owner of 5. No planet is in the star of Moon, and Moon is the CSL of 1. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 5, owner of 1-2-10. Thus bhukti lord Moon is the significator of 1-2-5-10 and connected with 1-5. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Rahu is in the star and sub of Mars. Rahu is occupant of 7. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 8 owner of 4-7-8. Star and sub lord Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 3. Thus antra lord Rahu is the significator of 4-9 and connected with 1-2-10. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Sookshma lord Mercury is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Mercury is occupant of 8 owner of 4-7-8. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 7. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 8 owner of 4-7-8. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 9, owner of 11-12. No planet is in the star of Saturn and Saturn is the CSL of 2-8. Thus Sookshma lord Mercury is the significator of 4-7-8 and connected with 7-8-4-9-11-12-2. Hence, the wining in election is sure. My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th house for BJP & PDP indicates winning. sookshma dasa lord for BJP indicates 3-10-11 and for PD it is only 11, so fight is very close and BJP is the largest party in J & K. Let me try to predict the total seat to be won by the BJP. The total seat in J & K Vidhan Sabha is 87. I am not much success in predicting seat of party in election but this exercise will help me to improve my work in future. Gaining the seats is wealth for any political party. Hint: Level of wealth: No wealth If 2nd (money) signifies 5 (12th from 6th daily income), 8 (financial loss, income of opponent), 12 (loss).
KP Ezine
December 2014
Some Wealth If 2nd (money/income) signifies 5(12th from 6th daily income), 8 (financial loss, income of opponent), 12 (loss) along with 2 (income), 6 (daily income), 11 (gain). Enormous Wealth If 2nd (income) signifies 2 (income), 6 (daily income), 10 (profession/status), 11 (gain). AND NOT CONNECTED TO 5 (12th from 6th daily income), 8( financial Loss, income to opponent), 12 (loss). 2nd cusp (Virgo 280.39'.46�): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Mars. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 5-6. No planet is in the star of Saturn and Saturn is the CSL of 2-8. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 11, owner of 4-7-8. Sub lord Mars is occupant of 4 owner of 9. Thus Saturn signifies 4-7-8-11 and is connected with 3-5-6-2-8-4-9. 2nd CSL does not signify only 5,12,8. So the condition of no wealth is not applicable in this case. 2nd CSL signifies 2-6-11 and 5-8 indicating some wealth. 2nd CSL does not signify only 6 and is connected with 5. So enormous wealth condition is not applicable in this case. The total seat is 87, so I guess that BJP would get 50% of the total seat because we have positive 2-6-11 with negative 5-8. Thus in my opinion BJP will get around 40 seats (+/- 5).
KP Ezine
December 2014
Jharkhand Legisla ve Assembly Elec on 2014 By: Dr. Nirmal Kothari
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion, 5th Floor, 13, Kyd Street, Opposite – MLA Hostel,Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal. Mobile : +91-98300 89302, 094 777 507035. Email : Kothari_nirmal@hotmail.com
Background Note: The Election Commissioner of India has announced the 2014 Assembly Election in Jharkhand will be held in five phases, from 25th November to 20th December, to select the 81 members of the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly. The votes will be counted on 23rd December 2014. Question: Will BJP win the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly Election 2014? Horary Number: 94 (out of 249, on behalf of BJP). Time of Judgment: 27-10-2014, 11:50:23 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N33, 88E21), Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Moon reveals the nature of query Moon (Scorpio 20-19-25) is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant of 4, owner of 12. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 2, owner of 2 and 11. Sublord Venus, being untenanted, is the occupant of 2, owner of 3-10 and the CSL of 7-911. Moon signifies and is in connection with the relevant houses (3-10-11), hence query is genuine. Hints: If the sublord of the 6th or 11th cusp signifies 6 (defeat to opposition, being 12th from 7th loss of opposition), 11 (reputation as a winner, fulfillment of desire, success) or 1 (efforts for winning), success is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 1-6-11. Note: To win or gain in any sort of competition like election, litigation, sports match, 1, 6, 11 cusps are judge primarily, while 3 (one’s ability) and 10 (position and power) should be considered as a supportive houses. However, in case of politics, if any confusion, 10th cusp (position and power in politics) should be additionally scrutinized carefully. Cuspal analysis for BJP 6th Cusp (Capricorn 16-23-14): The sublord of 6th cusp Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Sun. Planet Saturn is the occupant of 3, owner of 6 and 7. Saturn is untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Saturn) and the CSL of 6. Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 12, owner of 5 and 8. Sublord Sun is the occupant of 2, owner of 1. Sun is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Sun) and the CSL of 1.
• •
6th CSL Saturn is in connection with 1-3-6. 6th CSL Saturn signifies 5-8-12.
(1-3-6) (5-8-12)
11th Cusp (Gemini 16-16-07): The sublord of 11th cusp Venus is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Planet Venus is the occupant of 2, owner of 3 and 10. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and the CSL of 7-9-11. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 2. Rahu in Virgo and conjoined with Mercury thus represents Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 2, owner of 2 and 11. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 12, owner of 5 and 8.
• •
11th CSL Venus signifies 11 and is in connection with 3-10-11. (3-10-11) 11th CSL Venus is in connection with 5-8-12. (5-8-12) KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 94/249 Sun Rise: 05:38:25 AM Nithya Yoga: Shobhan
Sun Set: Hora:
05:02:20 PM Mercury
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 94 Question : Will BJP win the Jharkhand Legislative Assembly Election 2014?
Ruling Planets - 27/Oct/2014 11:50:23 AM PARK STREET, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India Planet
Day Lord: Moon
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
III 06:14:08:00 Sa 06:29:21:11
Su 06:09:46:51 Ve 06:10:16:48 II 05:13:33:49 Me 05:22:58:56 Ra 05:24:26:44
Ju 03:25:53:05 XII 03:16:23:14 I 04:15:33:20 XI 02:16:16:07
4 3
Ma 08:06:37:50 IV 07:15:27:08 Mo 07:20:19:25
X 01:15:27:08 5 11
VII 10:15:33:20 V 08:16:16:07
IX 00:14:08:00 9
1 12
10 VI 09:16:23:14
IX 14:08:00
Ke 11:24:26:44 VIII 11:13:33:49
X 15:27:08
XI 16:16:07
Name: Jharkhand Election Gender: Male Date: Monday, 27/Oct/2014 Time: 11:50:23 AM SID: 14:35:56 Lat: 22:33:00 N Lon: 88:21:00 E Place: KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India
XII 16:23:14 Ju 25:53:05
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 26" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Jyeshta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti Bal. Dasa: Mercury 12 Y, 4 M, 1 D
I 15:33:20
VII 15:33:20
VI 16:23:14
II 13:33:49 Me 22:58:56 Ra 24:26:44
V 16:16:07 Ma 06:37:50
Mo 20:19:25 IV 15:27:08
Sa 29:21:11 III 14:08:00 Ve 10:16:48 Su 09:46:51
Stl Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa
Sbl Su Ra Me Ju Mo Sa Ve Ra Ve Ju Ve Ju
Ssl Su Su Ju Me Mo Ke Ve Sa Ra Ra Ra Ma
Sssl Su Sa Ra Ke Sa Sa Me Ke Ra Ju Ve Su
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Swati(1) Mo Jyeshta(2) Ma Moola(2) Me Hasta(4) Ju Ashlesha(3) Ve Swati(2) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Ma Ju Me Mo Ve Ve Me Ju
Stl Ra Me Ke Mo Me Ra Ju Ma Me
Sbl Ju Ve Ra Su Ra Ju Su Ra Ra
Ssl Ve Ra Me Ju Mo Ra Ve Ju Ju
Sssl Me Me Ra Ra Ju Sa Su Ju Ju
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ke 24:26:44 VIII 13:33:49
Sgl Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 2 2 1 Mo 2 4 2, 11 12 Ma 8 4 4, 9 Me 4 2 12 2, 11 Ju 2 12 2, 11 5, 8 Ve+ 2 2 3, 10 Sa+ 12 3 5, 8 6, 7 Ra 4 2 4, 9 Ke 2 8 2, 11 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 P.Phalguni(1) 2 Hasta(2) 3 Swati(3) 4 Anuradha(4) 5 P.Ashada(1) 6 Sravana(2) 7 Satabhisha(3) 8 U.Bhadra(4) 9 Bharani(1) 10 Rohini(2) 11 Aridra(3) 12 Pushyami(4)
Mercury Dasa 26-Feb-2010 - 26-Feb-2027 Mercury 26-Feb-2010 Ketu 24-Jul-2012 Venus 21-Jul-2013 Sun 20-May-2016 Moon 27-Mar-2017 Mars 26-Aug-2018 Rahu 23-Aug-2019 Jupiter 12-Mar-2022 Saturn 18-Jun-2024
Ketu Dasa 26-Feb-2027 - 26-Feb-2034 Ketu 26-Feb-2027 Venus 25-Jul-2027 Sun 24-Sep-2028 Moon 30-Jan-2029 Mars 31-Aug-2029 Rahu 27-Jan-2030 Jupiter 14-Feb-2031 Saturn 21-Jan-2032 Mercury 02-Mar-2033
Venus Dasa 26-Feb-2034 - 26-Feb-2054 Venus 26-Feb-2034 Sun 27-Jun-2037 Moon 28-Jun-2038 Mars 26-Feb-2040 Rahu 28-Apr-2041 Jupiter 28-Apr-2044 Saturn 27-Dec-2046 Mercury 26-Feb-2050 Ketu 27-Dec-2052
Sun Dasa 26-Feb-2054 - 26-Feb-2060 Sun 26-Feb-2054 Moon 15-Jun-2054 Mars 15-Dec-2054 Rahu 22-Apr-2055 Jupiter 16-Mar-2056 Saturn 02-Jan-2057 Mercury 15-Dec-2057 Ketu 21-Oct-2058 Venus 26-Feb-2059
Moon Dasa 26-Feb-2060 - 26-Feb-2070 Moon 26-Feb-2060 Mars 26-Dec-2060 Rahu 27-Jul-2061 Jupiter 26-Jan-2063 Saturn 27-May-2064 Mercury 26-Dec-2065 Ketu 27-May-2067 Venus 26-Dec-2067 Sun 26-Aug-2069
Mars Dasa 26-Feb-2070 - 26-Feb-2077 Mars 26-Feb-2070 Rahu 25-Jul-2070 Jupiter 12-Aug-2071 Saturn 18-Jul-2072 Mercury 27-Aug-2073 Ketu 24-Aug-2074 Venus 20-Jan-2075 Sun 21-Mar-2076 Moon 27-Jul-2076
Rahu Dasa 26-Feb-2077 - 26-Feb-2095 Rahu 26-Feb-2077 Jupiter 08-Nov-2079 Saturn 04-Apr-2082 Mercury 08-Feb-2085 Ketu 28-Aug-2087 Venus 15-Sep-2088 Sun 15-Sep-2091 Moon 09-Aug-2092 Mars 08-Feb-2094
Jupiter Dasa 26-Feb-2095 - 26-Feb-2111 Jupiter 26-Feb-2095 Saturn 15-Apr-2097 Mercury 27-Oct-2099 Ketu 02-Feb-2102 Venus 09-Jan-2103 Sun 09-Sep-2105 Moon 28-Jun-2106 Mars 28-Oct-2107 Rahu 03-Oct-2108
Saturn Dasa 26-Feb-2111 - 26-Feb-2130 Saturn 26-Feb-2111 Mercury 01-Mar-2114 Ketu 08-Nov-2116 Venus 18-Dec-2117 Sun 17-Feb-2121 Moon 30-Jan-2122 Mars 31-Aug-2123 Rahu 10-Oct-2124 Jupiter 16-Aug-2127
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
1st Cusp (Leo 15-33-20): The sublord of 1st cusp Sun is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Planet Sun is the occupant of 2, owner of 1. Sun is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Sun) and the CSL of 1. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 2. Rahu is in Virgo and conjoined with Mercury thus represents Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 2, owner of 2 and 11. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 12, owner of 5 and 8.
• •
1st CSL Sun signifies 11 and is in connection with 1-11. (1-11) 1st CSL Sun is in connection with 5-8-12. (5-8-12)
Cuspal analysis for opponent (7th cusp is considered for Opponent. Hence, chart is rotated to 7th cusp, treated as Lagna/ Ascendant of Opponent) 6th Cusp (Cancer 16-23-14): The sublord of 6th cusp Jupiter is in star of Mercury and sub of Rahu. Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 6, owner of 2 and 11. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 8, owner of 5 and 8. Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 8. Rahu in Virgo and conjoined with Mercury thus represents Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 8, owner of 5 and 8.
• •
6th CSL Jupiter signifies 6-11. 6th CSL Jupiter signifies 5-8 and is in connection with 5-8.
(6-11) (5-8)
11th Cusp (Sagittarius 16-16-07): The sublord of 11th cusp Moon is in the star of Mercury and sub of Venus. Planet Moon is the occupant of 10, owner of 6. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 8, owner of 5 and 8. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 8, owner of 4 and 9. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and the CSL of 1-3-5.
• •
11th CSL Moon is in connection with 1-3-6-10. 11th CSL Moon signifies 5-8 and is in connection with 5,8.
(1-3-6-10) (5-8)
1st Cusp (Aquarius 15-33-20): The sublord of 1st cusp Venus is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Planet Venus is the occupant of 8, owner of 4 and 9. Venus is having stellar (positional) strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Venus) and the CSL of 1-3-5. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 8. Rahu in Virgo and conjoined with Mercury thus represents Mercury. Mercury is the occupant of 8, owner of 5 and 8. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 6, owner of 2 and 11.
• •
1st CSL Venus signifies 1-3 and is in connection with 6-11. 1st CSL Venus signifies 5-8 and is in connection with 5-8.
(1-3-6-11) (5-8)
COMPARISION TABLE Strength-wise Houses (Signifies & Connection) (6 is stronger than 11) (11 is stronger than 1)
BJP Opponent Strong KP Ezine
December 2014
The Comparison (Analysis) Table between BJP and Opponent has been judged keeping in mind the following rules: of Starlord versus Sublord. ♦
Planet is the source of a result, Constellation is the nature of the result and Sub is the final deciding factor of a result.
If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is also benefic (favorable), then the native enjoys.
If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is also malefic (unfavorable), then the native suffers.
If Starlord is benefic (favorable) and Sublord is malefic (unfavorable), then apparently it may seem that the event is going to take place, but eventually it will hold.
If Starlord is malefic (unfavorable) and Sublord is benefic (favorable), then after some obstacles or hindrances, the event will take place.
Conclusion: BJP will win Jharkhand Legislative Assembly Election 2014. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! Pranaam to my Guruji Sri P. Roychaudhary!
KP Ezine
December 2014
Zarganar, Myanmar's Most Famous Poli cal Comedian By: Tin Win Email: tw853@yahoo.com
Chart Details Zarganar, Male, born on Friday, 27 January 1961, 13:42 PM, TZ hr 6:30 east of GMT, Yangon, Central Women Hospital, Myanmar, 16n47, 96e08, KP New Ayanamsa 23:13:24, Ascendant Taurus 15:52:13, Moon Taurus 25:12:42, Star Mrigasira, Pada 1, Balance Dasa 6Y, 0M, 5D, calculated by KPAstro 4.1. Biography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zarganar Comedian Rule If the 5th cuspal sub lord (CSL) is well connected with houses 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, and also Moon, Mercury and Jupiter, the native can be a famous comedian. - Sumanadasa Namarathna (Sunaparantha Kalyan) in his this month KP-Ezine article “Comedian and KP” Zarganar’s 5th CSL Ketu+ is in house 10, the CSL of houses 5,9 having no planet in its stars. Ketu is aspected by Saturn+ in house 8, owner of houses 9,10, being the CSL of house 1,2,6 having no planet in its stars. Ketu is in the star of Rahu and sub of own Ketu. Star lord Rahu is in house 4, aspected by Jupiter in house 8, owner of houses 8,11, and in sign Leo representing Sun in house 9, owner of 4. Thus his 5th (creative pursuits, fun and play, artistic talent) CSL signifies houses 5 (creative pursuits, fun and play, artistic talent), 6 (entertainment service, gain over opponent), 9 (creativity, higher mind for a philosophical clown), 10 (career, name, fame), 11 (gain, success) and is also connected with Jupiter (joviality, amusement). Here regarding connection of planets, Sun is conjoined with Mercury; Moon (imaginative comedic ability) is in the sub of Rahu; and Venus (artistic sense and instinct) is in the star of Jupiter. Other Indicators A striking feature of his horoscope is 2nd (speech) and 5th (artistic talent) lord Mercury- 4th lord Sun conjunction in 9 th house (creativity, higher mind) which indicates his sharp intellect and fast wit as a comedian and satirist. The powerful magnetic aspect of 7th (publicity) and 12th (something unknown/ innovative) lord Mars (energy to take action) from 1st house on the above Mercury-Sun conjunction and also 8th and 11th lord Jupiter (joviality, amusement)- 9th and 10th lord Saturn (deep thinking and analysis) in 8th house (something unknown/ innovative) intensifies his ability to develop great creativity. KP Ezine
December 2014
Zarganar Sun Rise: 06:37:55 AM Nithya Yoga: Indra
Sun Set: Hora:
05:58:45 PM Venus
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Ruling Planets - 26/Nov/2014 10:23:39 AM Maryland, USA Planet
Day Lord: Mercury
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 11:46:39
III 07:09:00 3
Ma[R] 07:23:34 I 15:52:13 Mo 25:12:42
XI 07:18:08 1 12
IV 05:04:31 Ra 14:43:38
Ke 14:43:38 X 05:04:31 Ve 00:50:07
2 8
VII 15:52:13 V 07:18:08 6
Me 28:00:43 Su 13:54:14 IX 07:09:00
10 9
7 VI 12:16:25
Sa 29:27:32 Ju 26:57:35 VIII 11:46:39
I 15:52:13 Mo 25:12:42
Ma[R] 07:23:34 II 11:46:39
XI 07:18:08 Ve 00:50:07
Me 28:00:43 Su 13:54:14 IX 07:09:00
Name: Zarganar Gender: Male Date: Friday, 27/Jan/1961 Time: 01:42:00 PM SID: 22:01:51 Lat: 16:47:00 N Lon: 96:08:00 E Place: Yangon > Rangoon, Rangoon, Myanmar
III 07:09:00
Ayanamsa: 23째 13' 24" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Mrigasira, Pada 1 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ekadasi Bal. Dasa: Mars 6 Y, 0 M, 5 D
IV 05:04:31 Ra 14:43:38
V 07:18:08
Sa 29:27:32 Ju 26:57:35 VIII 11:46:39
VII 15:52:13
Stl Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke
Sbl Sa Sa Me Ma Ke Sa Ju Me Ke Su Me Me
Ssl Sa Mo Sa Sa Ma Ra Ve Ke Ve Ra Sa Mo
Sssl Mo Me Ve Me Me Ma Ra Ju Me Ke Ju Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(2) Mo Mrigasira(1) Ma[R] Aridra(1) Me Dhanishta(2) Ju U.Ashada(1) Ve P.Bhadra(4) Sa U.Ashada(1) Ra P.Phalguni(1) Ke Satabhisha(3)
Sgl Sa Ve Me Sa Ju Ju Ju Su Sa
Stl Mo Ma Ra Ma Su Ju Su Ve Ra
Sbl Ju Ra Ra Sa Su Ma Ra Ve Ke
Ssl Ju Me Sa Sa Ju Sa Ra Ju Ma
Sssl Ju Ju Ve Ve Mo Sa Ve Ra Ra
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 1 9 3 4 Mo 1 1 7, 12 3 Ma 4 1 7, 12 Me+ 1 9 7, 12 2, 5 Ju 9 8 4 8, 11 Ve 8 10 8, 11 1, 6 Sa+ 9 8 4 9, 10 Ra 10 4 1, 6 Ke+ 4 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Ke 14:43:38 X 05:04:31
Sgl Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma
XII 12:16:25
XII 12:16:25
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Rohini(2) 2 Aridra(2) 3 Pushyami(2) 4 Magha(2) 5 U.Phalguni(4) 6 Swati(2) 7 Anuradha(4) 8 Moola(4) 9 U.Ashada(4) 10 Dhanishta(4) 11 U.Bhadra(2) 12 Aswini(4)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Mars Dasa 01-Feb-1960 - 01-Feb-1967 Mars 01-Feb-1960 Rahu 30-Jun-1960 Jupiter 18-Jul-1961 Saturn 24-Jun-1962 Mercury 02-Aug-1963 Ketu 30-Jul-1964 Venus 26-Dec-1964 Sun 25-Feb-1966 Moon 02-Jul-1966 Saturn Dasa 01-Feb-2001 - 01-Feb-2020 Saturn 01-Feb-2001 Mercury 05-Feb-2004 Ketu 15-Oct-2006 Venus 24-Nov-2007 Sun 24-Jan-2011 Moon 06-Jan-2012 Mars 07-Aug-2013 Rahu 15-Sep-2014 Jupiter 23-Jul-2017 Venus Dasa 01-Feb-2044 - 01-Feb-2064 Venus 01-Feb-2044 Sun 03-Jun-2047 Moon 03-Jun-2048 Mars 02-Feb-2050 Rahu 04-Apr-2051 Jupiter 04-Apr-2054 Saturn 03-Dec-2056 Mercury 02-Feb-2060 Ketu 04-Dec-2062
Rahu Dasa 01-Feb-1967 - 01-Feb-1985 Rahu 01-Feb-1967 Jupiter 15-Oct-1969 Saturn 09-Mar-1972 Mercury 14-Jan-1975 Ketu 03-Aug-1977 Venus 21-Aug-1978 Sun 21-Aug-1981 Moon 16-Jul-1982 Mars 14-Jan-1984 Mercury Dasa 01-Feb-2020 - 01-Feb-2037 Mercury 01-Feb-2020 Ketu 01-Jul-2022 Venus 28-Jun-2023 Sun 28-Apr-2026 Moon 05-Mar-2027 Mars 04-Aug-2028 Rahu 01-Aug-2029 Jupiter 18-Feb-2032 Saturn 26-May-2034 Sun Dasa 01-Feb-2064 - 01-Feb-2070 Sun 01-Feb-2064 Moon 21-May-2064 Mars 20-Nov-2064 Rahu 28-Mar-2065 Jupiter 19-Feb-2066 Saturn 08-Dec-2066 Mercury 20-Nov-2067 Ketu 26-Sep-2068 Venus 01-Feb-2069
Jupiter Dasa 01-Feb-1985 - 01-Feb-2001 Jupiter 01-Feb-1985 Saturn 22-Mar-1987 Mercury 03-Oct-1989 Ketu 08-Jan-1992 Venus 14-Dec-1992 Sun 15-Aug-1995 Moon 02-Jun-1996 Mars 02-Oct-1997 Rahu 08-Sep-1998 Ketu Dasa 01-Feb-2037 - 01-Feb-2044 Ketu 01-Feb-2037 Venus 01-Jul-2037 Sun 31-Aug-2038 Moon 05-Jan-2039 Mars 06-Aug-2039 Rahu 03-Jan-2040 Jupiter 21-Jan-2041 Saturn 28-Dec-2041 Mercury 05-Feb-2043 Moon Dasa 01-Feb-2070 - 01-Feb-2080 Moon 01-Feb-2070 Mars 03-Dec-2070 Rahu 04-Jul-2071 Jupiter 03-Jan-2073 Saturn 04-May-2074 Mercury 03-Dec-2075 Ketu 05-May-2077 Venus 04-Dec-2077 Sun 04-Aug-2079
VI 12:16:25
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
Fortuna is located in his 5th house, and generally it is supposed to improve the matters (creative pursuits, fun and play, artistic talent) indicated by the house occupied by it. The Jupiter’s aspect inflames unpredictable, magnetic, rebel quality of Uranus in 3rd house (ability) opposing the 5th CSL Ketu (art and career) in 10th house. Imprisonment An outspoken critic of the former military junta, the four-time political prisoner Zarganar, whose name translates to “tweezers,” spent a total of 11 years behind bars. His 12th CSL Mercury+ is in house 9, owner of houses 2,5, being the CSL of houses 8,11,12. This Mercury is in the star of Mars in house 1 and owner of houses 7,12, and sub of Saturn+ in house 8, owner of houses 9,10, being the CSL of house 1,2,6 having no planet in its stars. The 12th CSL is not prison karaka Rahu which is not a necessary condition but is connected with Saturn and signifies house 2,8,12, out of required houses 2,3,8,12 for imprisonment. In Saturn Dasa- Venus Bhukti on 21 November 2008, Zarganar was last time sentenced by the Court to 45 years imprisonment for violations of the Electronics Act, but released in Sun Bhukti on 12 October 2011 as part of a series of amnesties of political prisoners. Dasa lord Saturn+ is in house 8, owner of houses 9,10, being the CSL of house 1,2,6 having no planet in its stars. Saturn is in the star of Sun and sub of Rahu. Star lord Sun is in house 9, owner of house 4. Sub lord Rahu is in house 4, aspected by Jupiter in house 8, owner of houses 8,11, and in sign Leo representing Sun in house 9, owner of house 4, denoting houses 2,8 for imprisonment and houses 2,11 for release. Bhukti Lord Venus is in house 10, owner of houses 1,6, in the star of Jupiter in house 8, owner of houses 8,11, and sub of Mars in house 1, owner of houses 7,12, indicating houses 8,12 for imprisonment. Bhukti lord Sun is in house 9, owner of house 4, in the star of Moon in house 1, owner of 3, and sub of Jupiter in house 8, owner of houses 8,11, denoting houses 4,11 for release. Future Prospects Current joint dasa period Saturn Dasa- Rahu Bhukti is running from 15 September 2014 to 23 July 2017. Dasa lord Saturn, as already discussed above, signifies favorable houses 2,6,9,10,11, along with unfavorable houses 4,8. Bhukti lord Rahu is in house 4, aspected by Jupiter in house 8, owner of houses 8,11, and in sign Leo representing Sun in house 9, owner of 4. Rahu is in the star and sub of Venus in house 10, owner of houses 1,6. So Rahu signifies favorable 6,10,11, along with unfavorable 4,8. But his 10th CSL Sun is in house 9, owner of house 4, in the star of Moon in house 1, owner of house 3, and sub of Jupiter in house 8, owner of houses 8,11, without signifying houses 6,10 for power. It is therefore not expected for him to be involved in power politics but continued success for name, fame is foreseen as a comedian and social activist. Good luck! KP Ezine
December 2014
Kidnapped girls, Possible release? By: Arvind Gupta Email: guptaa@unhcr.org
As of Saturday 18th October 2014, the eNCA TV news channel in South Africa has been continuously running with the news that the Boko Haram group that had kidnapped more than 200 girls from a school in Nigeria in April this year has become ready to negotiate with the government of Nigeria for the release of the girls. Rumours are rife that an agreement has been reached between the government of Nigeria and the Boko Haram and that the release of the girls is now imminent. The Washington Post carried the following news today (18 th October 2014): http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/10/17/six-months-afterabducting-nigerian-schoolgirls-boko-haram-reportedly-wants-to-free-them/ “Washington post On Friday, the Nigerian military reportedly agreed to a truce with the militant group Boko Haram. According to the announcement, more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls who were abducted this year will be freed. According to CNN, the details of the release are expected to be negotiated next week. In August, the militant group Boko Haram declared an "Islamic state" in northeastern Nigeria, a territory largely occupied by the fighters. Boko Haram is believed to be hiding the girls somewhere in this area. This week marked six months since the mass kidnapping took place. Here's what has happened since. 276 abducted girls On April 14, 276 Nigerian girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram militants from a school in Chibok, northern Nigeria, according to official figures. The mass abduction occurred at night, and it took days before the full scale of the kidnapping became clear. Shortly after the abductions, a military spokesperson claimed that most of the girls had been rescued by Nigerian soldiers, but the remarks turned out to be wrong. Whether or not the Nigerian army is suited to finding the girls has been questioned: Its reputation in the rural north is bad, and it is often accused of lacking transparency and its soldiers of committing crimes. One recent video allegedly showed Nigerian soldiers slitting prisoners' throats, according to Amnesty International. In the weeks following the mass kidnapping, criticism of the Nigerian government and the military had quickly grown as they failed to free the girls. In May, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau released a video message claiming that the girls would "remain slaves with us." 186 days in captivity Nearly 200 days have passed since the girls were abducted, and according to estimates, more than 200 schoolgirls are still being held by Boko Haram militants. 61 escapes Only a few dozen girls have managed to escape over the past months: The Times of London cited an example of four girls who were able to flee from their captors and walked for three weeks through the jungle. Most of the escapes, however, took place shortly after the abductions, as this graph shows. As time passed, hope faded for many parents, and reports of escapes became less frequent. "The longer they're there, the greater likelihood they become dispersed, and the more difficult they are to track down," Jennifer Cook, director of the Africa Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Time magazine KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 8/249 Sun Rise: 05:29:58 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
06:14:48 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 8 Question : Will negotiation with captors succeed?
Ruling Planets - 18/Oct/2014 12:40:09 PM Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa Planet
Day Lord: Saturn
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 01:08:24:16
Ke 11:24:54:48 XII 11:12:59:39 I 00:09:20:00
III 02:09:01:29
XI 10:13:02:51 2
12 11
IV 03:10:58:05 Ju 03:24:42:54 Mo 03:29:52:27
X 09:10:58:05 1 7
Sa 06:28:21:38 VII 06:09:20:00
V 04:13:02:51
IX 08:09:01:29
9 8
6 Su 06:01:00:05 VI 05:12:59:39 Ra 05:24:54:48 Me[R] 05:27:32:30 Ve 05:29:13:58 I 09:20:00
VIII 07:08:24:16 Ma 08:00:09:47
II 08:24:16
III 09:01:29
Name: Chart 1 Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 18/Oct/2014 Time: 12:40:09 PM SID: 14:20:32 Lat: 25:47:00 S Lon: 28:15:00 E Place: Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
IV 10:58:05 Ju 24:42:54 Mo 29:52:27
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 24" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Ashlesha, Pada 4 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami Bal. Dasa: Mercury 0 Y, 1 M, 28 D
V 13:02:51
XI 13:02:51
X 10:58:05
VI 12:59:39 Ra 24:54:48 Me[R] 27:32:30 Ve 29:13:58
IX 09:01:29 Ma 00:09:47
VIII 08:24:16
Sa 28:21:38 VII 09:20:00 Su 01:00:05
Stl Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa
Sbl Sa Ve Ju Su Me Ra Ju Ve Ju Mo Me Ra
Ssl Sa Mo Sa Ve Sa Me Me Ve Ma Ve Ve Ra
Sssl Sa Ve Ve Sa Sa Ju Ra Sa Me Ju Ra Sa
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Chitra(3) Mo Ashlesha(4) Ma Moola(1) Me[R] Chitra(2) Ju Ashlesha(3) Ve Chitra(2) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Mo Ju Me Mo Me Ve Me Ju
Stl Ma Me Ke Ma Me Ma Ju Ma Me
Sbl Me Sa Ke Ju Ra Sa Ve Ra Ra
Ssl Ma Ju Ve Ma Sa Mo Me Sa Sa
Sssl Me Ve Me Ju Sa Ke Me Ra Ra
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ke 24:54:48 XII 12:59:39
Sgl Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 6 1, 8 5 Mo+ 6 4 3, 6 4 Ma 12 8 1, 8 Me 8 6 1, 8 3, 6 Ju 6 4 3, 6 9, 12 Ve+ 8 6 1, 8 2, 7 Sa+ 4 7 9, 12 10, 11 Ra+ 8 6 1, 8 Ke 6 12 3, 6 Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju, Ve. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Aswini(3) 2 Krittika(4) 3 Aridra(1) 4 Pushyami(3) 5 Magha(4) 6 Hasta(1) 7 Swati(1) 8 Anuradha(2) 9 Moola(3) 10 Sravana(1) 11 Satabhisha(2) 12 U.Bhadra(3)
Mercury Dasa 16-Dec-1997 - 16-Dec-2014 Mercury 16-Dec-1997 Ketu 13-May-2000 Venus 10-May-2001 Sun 09-Mar-2004 Moon 14-Jan-2005 Mars 15-Jun-2006 Rahu 12-Jun-2007 Jupiter 30-Dec-2009 Saturn 06-Apr-2012
Ketu Dasa 16-Dec-2014 - 16-Dec-2021 Ketu 16-Dec-2014 Venus 14-May-2015 Sun 14-Jul-2016 Moon 19-Nov-2016 Mars 20-Jun-2017 Rahu 16-Nov-2017 Jupiter 04-Dec-2018 Saturn 10-Nov-2019 Mercury 20-Dec-2020
Venus Dasa 16-Dec-2021 - 16-Dec-2041 Venus 16-Dec-2021 Sun 16-Apr-2025 Moon 16-Apr-2026 Mars 16-Dec-2027 Rahu 15-Feb-2029 Jupiter 15-Feb-2032 Saturn 16-Oct-2034 Mercury 16-Dec-2037 Ketu 16-Oct-2040
Sun Dasa 16-Dec-2041 - 16-Dec-2047 Sun 16-Dec-2041 Moon 04-Apr-2042 Mars 04-Oct-2042 Rahu 09-Feb-2043 Jupiter 03-Jan-2044 Saturn 22-Oct-2044 Mercury 04-Oct-2045 Ketu 10-Aug-2046 Venus 16-Dec-2046
Moon Dasa 16-Dec-2047 - 16-Dec-2057 Moon 16-Dec-2047 Mars 15-Oct-2048 Rahu 16-May-2049 Jupiter 15-Nov-2050 Saturn 16-Mar-2052 Mercury 15-Oct-2053 Ketu 16-Mar-2055 Venus 15-Oct-2055 Sun 15-Jun-2057
Mars Dasa 16-Dec-2057 - 16-Dec-2064 Mars 16-Dec-2057 Rahu 14-May-2058 Jupiter 01-Jun-2059 Saturn 07-May-2060 Mercury 16-Jun-2061 Ketu 13-Jun-2062 Venus 09-Nov-2062 Sun 09-Jan-2064 Moon 16-May-2064
Rahu Dasa 16-Dec-2064 - 16-Dec-2082 Rahu 16-Dec-2064 Jupiter 28-Aug-2067 Saturn 21-Jan-2070 Mercury 27-Nov-2072 Ketu 16-Jun-2075 Venus 04-Jul-2076 Sun 04-Jul-2079 Moon 28-May-2080 Mars 27-Nov-2081
Jupiter Dasa 16-Dec-2082 - 16-Dec-2098 Jupiter 16-Dec-2082 Saturn 02-Feb-2085 Mercury 16-Aug-2087 Ketu 22-Nov-2089 Venus 29-Oct-2090 Sun 29-Jun-2093 Moon 17-Apr-2094 Mars 17-Aug-2095 Rahu 23-Jul-2096
Saturn Dasa 16-Dec-2098 - 16-Dec-2117 Saturn 16-Dec-2098 Mercury 19-Dec-2101 Ketu 27-Aug-2104 Venus 06-Oct-2105 Sun 06-Dec-2108 Moon 18-Nov-2109 Mars 19-Jun-2111 Rahu 29-Jul-2112 Jupiter 04-Jun-2115
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 171/249 Sun Rise: 05:29:58 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
06:14:48 PM Saturn
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 171 Question : ) Will the girls be released?
Ruling Planets - 18/Oct/2014 01:26:20 PM Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa Planet
Day Lord: Saturn
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 08:28:09:48
XII 07:01:20:14 Ma 08:00:11:10 I 08:04:46:40
III 09:22:45:04 9
Ve 05:29:16:23 Sa 06:28:21:51 Me[R] 05:27:30:17 XI 05:25:17:16 Su 06:01:02:00
8 6
IV 10:21:25:19 Ke 11:24:54:41
Ra 05:24:54:41 X 04:21:25:19 9 3
VII 02:04:46:40 V 11:25:17:16 12
Ju 03:24:43:10 IX 03:22:45:04 Mo 04:00:15:14
2 VI 01:01:20:14
VIII 02:28:09:48
VI 01:20:14
VII 04:46:40 VIII 28:09:48
V 25:17:16 Ke 24:54:41 Name: Chart 2 Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 18/Oct/2014 Time: 01:26:20 PM SID: 15:06:51 Lat: 25:47:00 S Lon: 28:15:00 E Place: Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
IX 22:45:04 Ju 24:43:10
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 24" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Magha, Pada 1 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami Bal. Dasa: Ketu 6 Y, 10 M, 12 D
Mo 00:15:14 X 21:25:19
IV 21:25:19
III 22:45:04
Ra 24:54:41 XI 25:17:16 Me[R] 27:30:17 Ve 29:16:23
II 28:09:48 I 04:46:40 Ma 00:11:10
XII 01:20:14
Sa 28:21:51 Su 01:02:00
Sgl Ju Ju Sa Sa Ju Ve Me Me Mo Su Me Ma
Stl Ke Su Mo Ju Me Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju
Sbl Ma Mo Su Ju Ra Ju Ve Ve Mo Ju Ra Ra
Ssl Ma Ke Mo Ma Ke Ju Ke Sa Sa Mo Ke Ra
Sssl Ma Ma Ve Ra Ve Ke Ve Ve Ke Ju Ve Ra
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Chitra(3) Mo Magha(1) Ma Moola(1) Me[R] Chitra(2) Ju Ashlesha(3) Ve Chitra(2) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Su Ju Me Mo Me Ve Me Ju
Stl Ma Ke Ke Ma Me Ma Ju Ma Me
Sbl Me Ke Ke Ju Ra Sa Ve Ra Ra
Ssl Ma Mo Su Mo Sa Mo Me Sa Sa
Sssl Ve Me Ra Ve Sa Su Me Ra Ra
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 12 11 12 10 Mo+ 5 9 9 Ma 5 12 12 Me 12 11 12 7, 8, 11 Ju 11 9 7, 8, 11 1, 2, 5 Ve+ 12 11 12 6 Sa+ 9 12 1, 2, 5 3, 4 Ra+ 12 11 12 Ke 11 5 7, 8, 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju, Ve. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Moola(2) 2 U.Ashada(1) 3 Sravana(4) 4 P.Bhadra(1) 5 Revati(3) 6 Krittika(2) 7 Mrigasira(4) 8 Punarvasu(3) 9 Ashlesha(2) 10 P.Phalguni(3) 11 Chitra(1) 12 Visakha(4)
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ketu Dasa 30-Aug-2014 - 30-Aug-2021 Ketu 30-Aug-2014 Venus 26-Jan-2015 Sun 27-Mar-2016 Moon 02-Aug-2016 Mars 03-Mar-2017 Rahu 30-Jul-2017 Jupiter 17-Aug-2018 Saturn 24-Jul-2019 Mercury 02-Sep-2020
Venus Dasa 30-Aug-2021 - 30-Aug-2041 Venus 30-Aug-2021 Sun 30-Dec-2024 Moon 30-Dec-2025 Mars 30-Aug-2027 Rahu 30-Oct-2028 Jupiter 30-Oct-2031 Saturn 01-Jul-2034 Mercury 31-Aug-2037 Ketu 30-Jun-2040
Sun Dasa 30-Aug-2041 - 30-Aug-2047 Sun 30-Aug-2041 Moon 18-Dec-2041 Mars 18-Jun-2042 Rahu 24-Oct-2042 Jupiter 18-Sep-2043 Saturn 06-Jul-2044 Mercury 18-Jun-2045 Ketu 25-Apr-2046 Venus 30-Aug-2046
Moon Dasa 30-Aug-2047 - 30-Aug-2057 Moon 30-Aug-2047 Mars 30-Jun-2048 Rahu 29-Jan-2049 Jupiter 30-Jul-2050 Saturn 29-Nov-2051 Mercury 30-Jun-2053 Ketu 29-Nov-2054 Venus 30-Jun-2055 Sun 01-Mar-2057
Mars Dasa 30-Aug-2057 - 30-Aug-2064 Mars 30-Aug-2057 Rahu 26-Jan-2058 Jupiter 14-Feb-2059 Saturn 20-Jan-2060 Mercury 01-Mar-2061 Ketu 26-Feb-2062 Venus 25-Jul-2062 Sun 24-Sep-2063 Moon 30-Jan-2064
Rahu Dasa 30-Aug-2064 - 30-Aug-2082 Rahu 30-Aug-2064 Jupiter 13-May-2067 Saturn 06-Oct-2069 Mercury 11-Aug-2072 Ketu 28-Feb-2075 Venus 18-Mar-2076 Sun 18-Mar-2079 Moon 09-Feb-2080 Mars 11-Aug-2081
Jupiter Dasa 30-Aug-2082 - 30-Aug-2098 Jupiter 30-Aug-2082 Saturn 18-Oct-2084 Mercury 01-May-2087 Ketu 06-Aug-2089 Venus 13-Jul-2090 Sun 14-Mar-2093 Moon 31-Dec-2093 Mars 01-May-2095 Rahu 06-Apr-2096
Saturn Dasa 30-Aug-2098 - 30-Aug-2117 Saturn 30-Aug-2098 Mercury 02-Sep-2101 Ketu 12-May-2104 Venus 20-Jun-2105 Sun 20-Aug-2108 Moon 02-Aug-2109 Mars 03-Mar-2111 Rahu 12-Apr-2112 Jupiter 16-Feb-2115
Mercury Dasa 30-Aug-2117 - 30-Aug-2134 Mercury 30-Aug-2117 Ketu 26-Jan-2120 Venus 23-Jan-2121 Sun 23-Nov-2123 Moon 28-Sep-2124 Mars 28-Feb-2126 Rahu 25-Feb-2127 Jupiter 14-Sep-2129 Saturn 20-Dec-2131
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 18/249 Sun Rise: 05:29:58 AM Nithya Yoga: Shubha
Sun Set: Hora:
06:14:48 PM Jupiter
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 18 Question : When will the girls reunite with their families?
Ruling Planets - 18/Oct/2014 01:48:41 PM Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa Planet
Day Lord: Saturn
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 01:25:21:26
XII 00:01:00:08
I 00:25:53:20 Ju 03:24:43:18 III 02:26:54:08
Ke 11:24:54:38 XI 11:02:14:40
1 12
IV 04:00:00:02 Mo 04:00:26:16
X 10:00:00:02 1 7
V 05:02:14:40 Ra 05:24:54:38 Me[R] 05:27:29:13 Ve 05:29:17:33
Sa 06:28:21:57 VII 06:25:53:20
IX 08:26:54:08
9 8
7 VI 06:01:00:08 Su 06:01:02:55
XII 01:00:08 I 25:53:20
VIII 07:25:21:26 Ma 08:00:11:51
II 25:21:26
III 26:54:08
Name: Chart 3 Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 18/Oct/2014 Time: 01:48:41 PM SID: 15:29:15 Lat: 25:47:00 S Lon: 28:15:00 E Place: Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Ju 24:43:18
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 24" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Magha, Pada 1 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami Bal. Dasa: Ketu 6 Y, 9 M, 7 D
IV 00:00:02 Mo 00:26:16
X 00:00:02
V 02:14:40 Ra 24:54:38 Me[R] 27:29:13 Ve 29:17:33
IX 26:54:08 Ma 00:11:51
VIII 25:21:26
Sa 28:21:57 VII 25:53:20 Su 01:02:55 VI 01:00:08
Stl Ve Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma Ju Ke
Sbl Ke Ra Ve Ke Ju Me Ke Ra Su Me Ra Ve
Ssl Ke Ke Ve Ke Ve Ma Ve Ke Ju Me Me Ve
Sssl Ke Ju Me Ke Ra Me Ra Ju Ju Me Me Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Chitra(3) Mo Magha(1) Ma Moola(1) Me[R] Chitra(2) Ju Ashlesha(3) Ve Chitra(2) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Ve Su Ju Me Mo Me Ve Me Ju
Stl Ma Ke Ke Ma Me Ma Ju Ma Me
Sbl Me Ke Ke Ju Ra Sa Ve Ra Ra
Ssl Ma Ra Su Mo Sa Ma Me Sa Sa
Sssl Mo Ma Sa Ve Sa Ra Me Ra Ra
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ke 24:54:38 XI 02:14:40
Sgl Ma Ve Me Su Me Ve Ve Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 6 1, 8, 12 4 Mo+ 11 4 Ma 11 8 1, 8, 12 Me 8 5 1, 8, 12 3, 5 Ju 5 3 3, 5 9, 11 Ve+ 8 6 1, 8, 12 2, 6, 7 Sa+ 3 7 9, 11 10 Ra+ 8 5 1, 8, 12 Ke 5 11 3, 5 Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ju, Ve. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Bharani(4) 2 Mrigasira(1) 3 Punarvasu(3) 4 Magha(1) 5 U.Phalguni(2) 6 Chitra(3) 7 Visakha(2) 8 Jyeshta(3) 9 U.Ashada(1) 10 Dhanishta(3) 11 P.Bhadra(4) 12 Aswini(1)
Ketu Dasa 26-Jul-2014 - 26-Jul-2021 Ketu 26-Jul-2014 Venus 22-Dec-2014 Sun 21-Feb-2016 Moon 28-Jun-2016 Mars 27-Jan-2017 Rahu 25-Jun-2017 Jupiter 13-Jul-2018 Saturn 19-Jun-2019 Mercury 28-Jul-2020
Venus Dasa 26-Jul-2021 - 26-Jul-2041 Venus 26-Jul-2021 Sun 24-Nov-2024 Moon 24-Nov-2025 Mars 26-Jul-2027 Rahu 25-Sep-2028 Jupiter 25-Sep-2031 Saturn 26-May-2034 Mercury 26-Jul-2037 Ketu 26-May-2040
Sun Dasa 26-Jul-2041 - 26-Jul-2047 Sun 26-Jul-2041 Moon 12-Nov-2041 Mars 14-May-2042 Rahu 19-Sep-2042 Jupiter 13-Aug-2043 Saturn 01-Jun-2044 Mercury 14-May-2045 Ketu 20-Mar-2046 Venus 26-Jul-2046
Moon Dasa 26-Jul-2047 - 26-Jul-2057 Moon 26-Jul-2047 Mars 25-May-2048 Rahu 24-Dec-2048 Jupiter 25-Jun-2050 Saturn 24-Oct-2051 Mercury 26-May-2053 Ketu 25-Oct-2054 Venus 26-May-2055 Sun 24-Jan-2057
Mars Dasa 26-Jul-2057 - 26-Jul-2064 Mars 26-Jul-2057 Rahu 22-Dec-2057 Jupiter 09-Jan-2059 Saturn 16-Dec-2059 Mercury 25-Jan-2061 Ketu 22-Jan-2062 Venus 20-Jun-2062 Sun 20-Aug-2063 Moon 26-Dec-2063
Rahu Dasa 26-Jul-2064 - 26-Jul-2082 Rahu 26-Jul-2064 Jupiter 07-Apr-2067 Saturn 31-Aug-2069 Mercury 07-Jul-2072 Ketu 24-Jan-2075 Venus 11-Feb-2076 Sun 11-Feb-2079 Moon 06-Jan-2080 Mars 08-Jul-2081
Jupiter Dasa 26-Jul-2082 - 26-Jul-2098 Jupiter 26-Jul-2082 Saturn 12-Sep-2084 Mercury 26-Mar-2087 Ketu 02-Jul-2089 Venus 08-Jun-2090 Sun 06-Feb-2093 Moon 25-Nov-2093 Mars 27-Mar-2095 Rahu 02-Mar-2096
Saturn Dasa 26-Jul-2098 - 26-Jul-2117 Saturn 26-Jul-2098 Mercury 29-Jul-2101 Ketu 06-Apr-2104 Venus 16-May-2105 Sun 16-Jul-2108 Moon 28-Jun-2109 Mars 27-Jan-2111 Rahu 06-Mar-2112 Jupiter 11-Jan-2115
Mercury Dasa 26-Jul-2117 - 26-Jul-2134 Mercury 26-Jul-2117 Ketu 22-Dec-2119 Venus 18-Dec-2120 Sun 18-Oct-2123 Moon 24-Aug-2124 Mars 23-Jan-2126 Rahu 20-Jan-2127 Jupiter 09-Aug-2129 Saturn 15-Nov-2131
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
this week, before the reports emerged that Boko Haram was considering freeing them. There are conflicting numbers of how many girls are still in captivity — some say 215, some say 219.” This case devastated the parents of the girls who were kidnapped and caused serious concern all over the African Continent among its people. All efforts of the government of Nigeria to locate the girls and to recover them have so far proved to be in vain. However, now that the rumours of their release have surfaced, the subject has caught the attention of one and all. To me, personally, the news of the day has raised a number of questions. I am keen to analyse them through KP. I have divided my questions into 3 groups on the basis of their inter-relatedness. Accordingly, I have plotted 3 horary charts, one for each group of questions. All the three charts along with their significator tables are provided below. My questions, as grouped, are as follows: Group 1 questions: 1. Was kidnapping of the girls pre-ordained? 2. Are the girls in “custody” of the Boko Haram (in other words are they detained by that rebel group?) 3. Are the girls safe (alive or dead)? Group 2 questions: 1. Is the report of an agreement having been entered into between the government of Nigeria and the rebels actually true? 2. When Boko Haram expresses willingness to negotiate the release of the girls, do they speak the truth? 3. Will we receive actual news in this melee of rumours? Group 3 questions: 1. Will negotiations between the government of Nigeria and the rebels succeed? 2. Will the girls actually be released from captivity? 3. Will they reunite with their families? Let me take up each of these group questions in the order in which I have listed them above. Group 1 questions: 1. Was kidnapping of the girls pre-ordained? 2. Are the girls in “custody” of the Boko Haram (in other words are they detained by that rebel group?) 3. Are the girls safe (alive or dead)? Please refer to Chart 1 (horary number 8/249) which has been plotted on 18th October 2014 at Pretoria in South Africa. This chart relates to Group 1 questions. The rules: ∗ At page 196 of the IVth reader, Guruji speaks of kidnapping and suggests that a person
is kidnapped when the significators of 1, 3, 9, 12 jointly operate. The reasons for this grouping are clear. The 1st refers to the self or the individual concerned. Here it refers to the more than 200 girls kidnapped as one group. 3-9-12 relate to a person having to leave his or her normal place of residence and lead a life in a foreign or alien location. The 12th house also suggests being confined, jailed or having to live in captivity. If the significators of 1, 3, 9, and 12 signify the 11th, the person will be found; ∗ If the 12th Cuspal Sub Lord is Rahu (or any other planet) signifying 2,3,8 and 12 a perKP Ezine
December 2014
son suffers imprisonment or captivity; ∗ If the lagna, 3rd and 8th bhavas indicate longevity, the girls are alive and safe. If not they are dead. If mixed significations appear, some of the girls may not be alive and others may be in bad health (depending upon the connection with the 6 th, 8th, and 12th bhavas). 12th Bhava: The 12th Cuspal Sub Lord is Rahu. Rahu is in Mercury Sign, in the star of Mars, and in the Sub of Ketu. Rahu is in the 6th. It represents Mercury who is in the 6th and rules 3rd and 6th. It also represents Venus who is in the 6th and rules 2nd and 7th. Rahu is in the star of Mars. Mars is in the 8th and rules 1st and 8th. Rahu is in the sub of Ketu who is in the 12. Ketu represents Jupiter who is in the 4th and rules 9th and 12th. It is noteworthy that the 12th cusp sub lord comes out as Rahu. While it can be any planet, Guruji lays particular emphasis on Rahu as being the chief significator of imprisonment, custody, jail or captivity. Further, Rahu has connected all the relevant bhavas. It brings out 1, 3, 9, 12 which point to being kidnapped. It also brings out 2, 3, 8 and 12 which indicate being confined or captured. Let us look at the operating significators at the time of the kidnapping. The significators of 1, 3, 9,12 are as follows: 1st bhava: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Mars 3rd bhava: Moon, Jupiter, Ketu and Mercury 9th bhava: Saturn and Jupiter 12th bhava: Mars, Ketu, Saturn and Jupiter All the 9 planets have appeared as significators. Therefore, let us now look at each of the significators individually and deeply. Sun is in the 6th and rules the 5th. It is in the star of Mars and sub of Mercury. Mars is in the 8th and rules the 1st and 8th. Mercury signifies 3 and 6. Moon is in the 4th in its own house. It is in the star of Mercury who, as stated above, also contributes to recovery of the girls. Mercury signifies 3 and 6 by position and ownership. Moon is in the sub of Saturn who is in the 7th and rules 10th and 11th. By being linked with the 11th Moon has the power to cause recovery of the kidnapped girls. Mars is in the 8th and rules the 1st and 8th. It is in the star of Ketu and sub of Ketu. Ketu is in the 12th. It represents Jupiter who is in the 4th and rules 9th and 12th. If the aspects of Mercury and Venus on Ketu are taken into account, Mercury connects 3rd and 6th, and Venus connects 2nd and 7th. Mercury is in the 6th and rules the 3rd and 6th. It is in the star of Mars and Sub of Jupiter. Mars is in the 8th and rules the 1st and 8th. Jupiter is in the 4th and rules 9th and 12th. Jupiter is in the 4th and rules 9th and 12th. It is in the star of Mercury in the 6th and rules the 3rd and 6th. Jupiter is in the sub of Rahu who is in the 6th. It represents Mercury who is in the 6th and rules 3rd and 6th. It also represents Venus who is in the 6th and rules 2nd and 7th. Venus is in the 6th and rules 2nd and 7th. It is in the star of Mars and sub of Saturn. Mars is in the 8th and rules the 1st and 8th. Saturn is in the 7th and rules 10th and 11th. Thus, 11th signification gives Venus power to effect recovery of the girls.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Saturn is in the 7th and rules 10th and 11th. It is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Jupiter is in the 4th and rules 9th and 12th. Venus is in the 6th and rules 2nd and 7th. Thus, 11th signification gives Saturn power to effect recovery of the girls. Rahu is in the 6th. It represents Mercury who is in the 6th and rules 3rd and 6th. It also represents Venus who is in the 6th and rules 2nd and 7th. Rahu is in the star of Mars and sub of Rahu. Mars is in the 8th and rules the 1st and 8th. Ketu is in the 12th. It represents Jupiter who is in the 4th and rules 9th and 12th. If the aspects of Mercury and Venus on Ketu are taken into account, Mercury connects 3rd and 6th, and Venus connects 2nd and 7th. Ketu is in the star of Mercury and Sub of Rahu. Mercury is in the 6th and rules 3rd and 6th. Ketu also represents Venus who is in the 6th and rules 2nd and 7th. Rahu is in the 6th. It represents Mercury who is in the 6th and rules 3rd and 6th. It also represents Venus who is in the 6th and rules 2nd and 7th. From the above significations of each of the 9 planets, some of them show kidnapping followed by recovery depending, therefore, on the DBAS that will run. Which significators actually caused the kidnapping? For this the RPs will have to be examined. Now let us look at the RPs: Today is Saturday ruled by Saturn; Moon transits the star of Mercury Moon transits the sign of Moon Ascendant transits the star of Moon Ascendant transits the sign of Saturn Thus the RPs are Moon, Saturn, and Mercury. Here we have to add Jupiter being conjunct with Moon and also Rahu representing Mercury. The girls were kidnapped on the 14th of April 2014. On that date the DBAS were as follows: Dasa of Mercury, Bhukti of Saturn, Antara of Rahu and Sookshma of Jupiter. Thus all the significators that appeared strongly as RPs operated on the date of the kidnapping. This is what Guruji KSK has repeatedly said. The ruling planets at the moment of judgment will always agree with the ruling planets of the event whether the event was in the past i.e. prior to the time of judgment, or is to occur in the future!! One important issue to look at in the Group 1 questions is the safety of the kidnapped girls. This has been examined from the perspective of longevity. A major difficulty in this sort of analysis is that it pertains to a big group of persons collectively and not to an individual within that group. As such, I have assumed the following:
• • •
If longevity is promised, it would indicate that all the kidnapped girls are safe and alive; If longevity and death are both indicated, it would show that some of the girls may not be safe (and lack of safety includes being in ill health) or alive; and If longevity is not promised and death is shown, it would indicate that all of them have come to harm.
The Lagna for this prashna is Aries which is a movable sign. The 11th bhava, therefore, is the badhaka sthana for this lagna. KP Ezine
December 2014
The basic rule for longevity as propounded by KSK is that if the Ascendant Sub Lord signifies badhaka and maraka longevity is very short after the time of judgement. However, death is only indicated by the joint operation of the significators of the badhaka and maraka bhavas. Among the many other rules relating to longevity, it is important to note the following:
• • • • • •
If the Ascendant sub lord signifies 1,5,9,10 it is considered to be a benefic; If it signifies 1,3,5,9,10 it indicates poorna ayushya; If it signifies 1,5,9,10 and also 6,8,12 it is considered to be mostly benefic and has some negative elements; If it signifies 1,5,8,9,10, 6,12 Plus badhaka and maraka, it indicates Madhya ayushya; If it signifies only 6,8,12 it is considered to be malefic; If it signifies 6,8,12 Plus badhaka and maraka, it indicates alpa ayushya.
In the present analysis, the Lagna sub lord is Saturn who is in the 7th and rules 10-11. It is in the star of Jupiter who is in the 4th and rules 9-12. It is in the sub of Venus in 6th and rules 2-7. Here the Ascendant indicates the marakas 2 and 7 as well as the badhaka 11th. By taking 9 and 10 (12th to 11) for longevity, the results are mostly mixed. The 3rd Cuspal sub lord is Jupiter who is in the 4th and rules 9-12. It is in the star of Mercury and Sub of Rahu. Mercury is in the 6th and rules 3-6. Rahu is in the 6th. Rahu represents Venus who rules 2-7. Here again, the marakas 2 and 7 appear, the negative house of 6th appears. But, the longevity bhava 9 also connects. Badhaka does not appear. The results are of a mixed nature. The 6th may indicate that the kidnapped girls are not in a good state of health at this point in time. The 8th Cuspal sub lord is Venus who is in the 6th and rules 2-7. It is in the star of Mars and sub of Saturn. Mars is in the 8th and rules 1-8. Saturn is in 7th and rules 10-11. The 8th cuspal sub lord is stronger in indicating maraka 2nd, 7th and badhaka 11th. However, it equally and strongly indicates 1, 3 and the longevity bhava 10, here 12th to 11 badhaka. Thus all the longevity houses (1, 3 and 8) have shown mixed results. As per my assumptions in making this analysis, it would indicate that most of them are safe but some may have suffered harm. Group 2 questions: Please refer to Chart 2 (horary number 171/249) which has been plotted on 18th October 2014 at Pretoria in South Africa. This chart relates to Group 2 questions. Is the report of an agreement having been entered into between the government of Nigeria and the rebels actually true? When Boko Haram expresses willingness to negotiate the release of the girls, do they speak the truth and mean what they say? Will we receive actual news in this melee of rumours? In the chart that is plotted for this Group of questions, the main theme is whether there is any truth in the information that an agreement between the government and rebels has occurred and will it lead to the release of the kidnapped girls? Moon is the indicator of the affairs under examination. It is in Sun sign, Ketu star and Ketu sub. Moon in the 9th rules the 9th. Ketu is in the 4th. Ketu represents Jupiter who is in the 9th and rules 1-2-5. KP Ezine
December 2014
Please also note that communications, agreements, correspondence, etc. are indicated by the 3rd bhava and by its links with the 9th and 11th bhavas. Moon indicates the 9th. The Ascendant falls in Sagittarius and its cuspal sub lord is Mars. Mars is in Jupiter sign, Ketu star and Ketu sub. Mars is in the 12th and rules the 12th. Ketu is in the 4th. Ketu represents Jupiter who is in the 9th and rules 1-2-5. It must be stressed that Mars is the star lord of the 11th bhava. I have, therefore, taken this horary chart as correctly indicative of the questions in Group 2. Is the report of an agreement true or false? The rule applied is that the 3rd Cuspal sub lord indicates.
• • • • •
If it is in the star of Mars it is mischievous; If it is in the star of Saturn it is false; If it is in the star of Jupiter it is true; If it is in the star of any planet but linked in any manner with Mars it is mischievous and false; If it is in the star of any planet but linked in any manner with Saturn it is definitely false.
The 3rd Cuspal sub lord is Sun. It is in the star of Mars. Mars is strongly aspected by Saturn. Clearly, then, the report of an agreement having been reached between the government and the rebels is not true at this point in time. The reporting of such an agreement may cause harm to the efforts being made (due to Mars), if any, to reach such an agreement. Are the rebels truly expressing willingness to negotiate the release of the kidnapped girls? Whether one speaks the truth or not is judged from the 2nd bhava. Guruji KSK has said (in the IIIrd reader; 3rd edition, March 1981) that the 2nd house governs the face and the tongue. If: • • • • •
2nd Cuspal sub lord is Mars and is in any manner connected with Mercury, one speaks lies; If it is Saturn and in any manner connected with Mercury, one hides some truth and only gives partial information; If it is Mercury and no other planet is connected with it, one provides information in meticulous detail; If it is Venus, the person is a peacemaker. If Venus is connected with Mercury, he or she is adept at finding the strength and weakness of both sides; If it is Sun, one does his duty nobly and never lies.
Applying the rules above, the following position emerges: The 2nd Cuspal Sub Lord is Moon. Moon is in Leo (Sun Sign) in the 9 th bhava. It is in the star of Ketu and sub of Ketu. Moon is not connected with Mercury in any manner. Moon shows that the communication from the rebel group is true. It is an emotional state of mind and, like the waxing and waning of the Moon, it may be strong or weak at times. The government (the other party), therefore, may not be sure of the true intentions of the rebels at this stage. The government may, therefore, hesitate in taking steps more forthrightly until they are sure that the rebels mean what they say. KP Ezine
December 2014
Moon being in Sun sign would be indicative of their true intention. But, outwardly, there is hesitation and even lack of complete openness. Will we receive correct news with the right information? News is received when the 3rd Cuspal Sub Lord signifies the 3rd and 11th, and when the Moon transits the Sign, Star and Sub of the significators of the 3rd bhava. The 3rd Cuspal Sub Lord is Sun. It is in Venus sign, Mars star, Mercury sub. Sun is in the 11th and rules the 10th. Mars is in 12th and rules the 12th. Mercury is in the 11th and rules 7-8-11. Therefore, it is clear that 3rd Cuspal Sub Lord signifies the 11th. It indicates that the true communication will come to the public at large. Sun is not a very slow planet. It is posited in a movable sign the owner of which is Venus a friendly and mediating planet. I expect that such a communication will reach the public in a few months’ time. As the questions I have posed do not directly call for timing of the events, I have not done that analysis for this Group of questions. Group 3 questions:
• • •
Will negotiations between the government of Nigeria and the rebels succeed? Will the girls actually be released from captivity? Will they reunite with their families?
Please refer to Chart 3 (horary number 18/249) which has been plotted on 18th October 2014 at Pretoria in South Africa. This chart relates to Group 3 questions The main theme of this group of questions relates to the release and return of the girls, and their reunification with their families. The release from captivity is dependent upon a successful negotiation between the rebels and the government. The rules that apply to this analysis are the following:
• • •
Negotiations succeed when the 11th Cuspal Sub Lord links with 3,9,11; As the negotiations relate to the release of the girls whose parents are anxious for their safety and return home, the 5th house (house of children) must be connected; As the negotiations are between the government on the one hand and the rebels on the other hand, Sun must be linked in any manner with the Ascendant and Rahu or Ketu must be linked with the 7th in any manner (both Rahu and Ketu indicate the rebels).
For release from captivity:
The 12th Cuspal Sub Lord must signify 2,4,11. Additionally, Shri Kanakji also examines the 6th and 11th bhavas links with 2,4,11;
For reunion of the girls with their parents or families:
The 2nd is family (without reference to any specific member of that family) and 11th is success in reuniting with them. The 5th stand for the girls (children) who need to reunite with their families. Thus, the 5th Cuspal Sub Lord must signify 2,5,11.
As always, Moon has been taken to be reflective of the affairs under consideration.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Moon is in the 4th and does not rule any bhava. It is in the star of Ketu and sub of Ketu. Ketu is in the 11th. It represents Jupiter who is in the 3rd and rules 9-11. Here all the relevant bhavas have emerged. Moon indicates 3, 4, 9 and 11. The Ascendant Sub Lord is Ketu. It is in Jupiter sign, Mercury star, Rahu sub. Ketu is in the 11th. It represents Jupiter who is in the 3rd and rules 9-11. Mercury is in the 5th and rules 3-5. Rahu is in the 5th. Rahu represents Mercury and Venus. Venus rules 2-6-7. Please note how accurately the Lagna reflects all the issues under consideration. The 2nd is family. 3,9,11 are essential for the negotiations. 2,5,11 are essential for reunion of the girls with their families. Lagna is linked with the 7th (those whom we deal with which, in this case, are the rebels) and this combination of Lagna-7th is linked with the group of 3,9,11 which is negotiations. Now let us look at each of the questions in Group 3: Will negotiations between the government of Nigeria and the rebels succeed? The 11th Sub Lord is Rahu. It is in Mercury sign, Mars star, Rahu sub. Rahu is in the 5th. Rahu represents Mercury and Venus. Mercury is in the 5th and rules 3-5. Venus is in the 5th and rules 2-6-7. Mars, the star lord, is in the 8th and rules 1-8-12. The sub lord is Rahu. Therefore it is clear that the 11th bhava links with the 3rd and points to successful negotiations. It is linked with the 5th and shows that the negotiations are about the release of the girls from captivity (the 12th bhava). The appearance of the 8th bhava shows that negotiations will be quite difficult and problematic. Also note that Sun aspects the Lagna and is also in the sign of Venus who is the star lord of the Lagna. Clearly, the Lagna here represents the government. The 7th is in Venus sign and Venus is conjoined with Rahu, showing that the other party with whom negotiations have to take place are the rebels. Will the girls actually be released from captivity? The 12th Cuspal Sub Lord is Venus. It is in Mercury sign, Mars star, Saturn sub. Venus is in the 5th and rules 2-6-7. Mars is in the 8th and rules 1-8-12. Saturn is in 7th and rules 10. Thus the 12th Cuspal sub lord links with the 2, 5 only. The 6th Cuspal Sub Lord is Mercury. It is in Mercury sign, Mars star, Jupiter sub. Mercury is in 5th and rules 3-5. Mars is in the 8th and rules 1-8-12. Jupiter is in 3rd and rules 9-11. Here the 6th Cuspal sub Lord links the 5th with the 9th and 11th. The 11th Sub Lord is Rahu. It is in Mercury sign, Mars star, Rahu sub. Rahu is in the 5th. Rahu represents Mercury and Venus. Mercury is in the 5th and rules 3-5. Venus is in the 5th and rules 2-6-7. Mars, the star lord, is in the 8th and rules 1-8-12. The sub lord is Rahu. Thus it is clear that the girls would be released after successful negotiations between the government and the rebels. Again, the appearance of the 8th consistently throughout the analysis indicates that negotiations will be very difficult and the release of the girls will be painfully slow and full of tension.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Will the girls reunite with their families? The 5th Cuspal Sub Lord is Jupiter who is in the 3rd and rules 9-11. It is in the star of Mercury who is in the 5th and rules 3-5. It is in the sub of Rahu. Rahu is in the 5th. Rahu represents Mercury and Venus. Mercury is in the 5th and rules 3-5. Venus is in the 5th and rules 2-6-7. Thus, the 5th Cuspal Sub Lord is linked and connected with 2,5,11. There is, therefore, no doubt that the kidnapped girls will be able to reunite with their families. In the nature of this analysis, it will be virtually impossible to determine the timing of the release of a large number (more than 200) of persons. Such an analysis must be done individually. It may be noted that Mercury is linked with all the houses of negotiation and release. Mercury shows plurality and multiplicity. It is not unreasonable, therefore, to expect that not all the girls will be released at once. They will be released in batches on a number of different dates. I am curious to see the outcome of the events. Hope that the readers of this esteemed magazine will watch the developments carefully as well.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Srilankan presiden al Elec on 2014 By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. Email : kanakbosmia@yahoo.com Question: Will Maithripala Sirisena win Srilankan Presidential election 2014? Number. 162 (out of 249) Date of Judgment: 28-11-2014, Friday; Time of Judgment: 13:11:43 PM; IST Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’ Aynamsha 230.58'.30" Note: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/11/24/sril-n24.html Sri Lankan minister quits ruling party to contest presidential election By K. Ratnayake ; 24 November 2014 Sri Lankan Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena announced on Friday that he was resigning to stand as the “opposition common candidate” against President Mahinda Rajapakse in the election called for January 8. Sirisena’s decision is a calculated blow against the president and his government. Sirisena was the long-standing general secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), the main partner in the ruling coalition, until he was sacked by Rajapakse on Saturday. Three other ministers and two members of parliament have also quit the SLFP. Sirisena claimed that dozens of ministers and MPs would resign from the government to join him in the coming days. ………………………… ………The Democratic Party of former army chief, Sarath Fonseka, who stood as the common opposition candidate against Rajapakse in the 2010 election, declared that it would consider supporting Sirisena. The opposition Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna is doing likewise. Rajapakse is desperate to prevent any further defections from his party and to stem the unfolding crisis. ……………. ………….Working people should not place any faith either in the government or the opposition “common front,” which is seeking to exploit widespread alienation over rising prices, deteriorating living standards and the abuse of democratic rights. If Sirisena comes to power, he will be just as ruthless as Rajapakse in imposing the austerity agenda of the ruling elites. I have predicted 80 advance predictions by my rule below and get 60 correct which means it is 75% and not 50-50 in election prediction at all as some KP astrologers have said about this rule. This is first time in history of KP astrology that someone has done 80 advance predictions by using only one rule. Hint: If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured. Cuspal Sub lord for Maithripala Sirisena: 10th Cusp (Virgo 000.50’.44”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Rahu is occupant of 10. No planet in the star of Rahu and Rahu is CSL of 10. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 12 owner of 8-10. Star lord Moon is occupant of 3 owner of 9. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 12. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is the significator of 3-9 and connected with 10-8-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 162/249 Sun Rise: 07:01:37 AM Nithya Yoga: Dhruva
Sun Set: Hora:
05:53:09 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Horary No.: 162 Question : Will Maithripala Sirisena win Srilankan Presidential election 2014?
Ruling Planets - 28/Nov/2014 01:11:43 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet
Day Lord: Venus
Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ma 09:00:52:07 II 08:23:08:12 I 07:22:13:20 III 09:26:45:53 Mo 09:27:32:42
XII 06:28:17:28 Ve 07:20:29:39 Su 07:12:00:47 Me 07:06:22:18 Sa 07:03:08:12 XI 06:01:43:31
7 7
IV 11:00:50:44 Ke 11:22:44:49
Ra 05:22:44:49 X 05:00:50:44 8 2
VII 01:22:13:20 V 00:01:43:31
Ju 03:28:28:21 IX 03:26:45:53 1
4 3
1 VI 00:28:17:28
V 01:43:31 VI 28:17:28
VIII 02:23:08:12
VII 22:13:20
VIII 23:08:12
Name: Srilankan presidential El Gender: Male Date: Friday, 28/Nov/2014 Time: 01:11:43 PM SID: 17:00:39 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India
Mo 27:32:42 III 26:45:53 Ma 00:52:07
IX 26:45:53 Ju 28:28:21
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 30" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Dhanishta, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Saptami Bal. Dasa: Mars 4 Y, 9 M, 14 D X 00:50:44 Ra 22:44:49
II 23:08:12
I 22:13:20 Ve 20:29:39 Su 12:00:47 Me 06:22:18 Sa 03:08:12
XII 28:17:28 XI 01:43:31
Stl Me Ve Ma Ju Ke Su Mo Ju Me Su Ma Ju
Sbl Mo Sa Ju Ma Ve Mo Ve Sa Ju Ra Me Ve
Ssl Mo Mo Me Sa Ra Ve Me Mo Me Su Sa Sa
Sssl Mo Ra Ma Me Me Ra Me Ve Ma Mo Ve Ju
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Anuradha(3) Mo Dhanishta(2) Ma U.Ashada(2) Me Anuradha(1) Ju Ashlesha(4) Ve Jyeshta(2) Sa Visakha(4) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2)
Sgl Ma Sa Sa Ma Mo Ma Ma Me Ju
Stl Sa Ma Su Sa Me Me Ju Mo Me
Sbl Mo Ju Ra Me Sa Ve Ra Su Mo
Ssl Ve Ma Su Mo Me Ju Mo Mo Sa
Sssl Sa Ju Ra Ve Ju Ju Sa Ve Me
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ke 22:44:49 IV 00:50:44
Sgl Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma Ma Ve Me Mo Me Ve Ve
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 12 12 3 Mo 2 3 1, 5, 6 9 Ma 12 2 1, 5, 6 Me 12 12 3 8, 10 Ju 12 9 8, 10 2, 4 Ve+ 12 1 8, 10 7, 11, 12 Sa 9 12 2, 4 3 Ra+ 3 10 9 Ke+ 12 4 8, 10 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Jyeshta(2) 2 P.Ashada(3) 3 Dhanishta(2) 4 P.Bhadra(4) 5 Aswini(1) 6 Krittika(1) 7 Rohini(4) 8 Punarvasu(1) 9 Ashlesha(4) 10 U.Phalguni(2) 11 Chitra(3) 12 Visakha(3)
Mars Dasa 11-Sep-2012 - 11-Sep-2019 Mars 11-Sep-2012 Rahu 07-Feb-2013 Jupiter 26-Feb-2014 Saturn 02-Feb-2015 Mercury 12-Mar-2016 Ketu 09-Mar-2017 Venus 06-Aug-2017 Sun 05-Oct-2018 Moon 10-Feb-2019
Rahu Dasa 11-Sep-2019 - 11-Sep-2037 Rahu 11-Sep-2019 Jupiter 25-May-2022 Saturn 18-Oct-2024 Mercury 25-Aug-2027 Ketu 13-Mar-2030 Venus 01-Apr-2031 Sun 01-Apr-2034 Moon 23-Feb-2035 Mars 24-Aug-2036
Jupiter Dasa 11-Sep-2037 - 11-Sep-2053 Jupiter 11-Sep-2037 Saturn 30-Oct-2039 Mercury 13-May-2042 Ketu 18-Aug-2044 Venus 25-Jul-2045 Sun 25-Mar-2048 Moon 11-Jan-2049 Mars 13-May-2050 Rahu 18-Apr-2051
Saturn Dasa 11-Sep-2053 - 11-Sep-2072 Saturn 11-Sep-2053 Mercury 14-Sep-2056 Ketu 25-May-2059 Venus 04-Jul-2060 Sun 02-Sep-2063 Moon 14-Aug-2064 Mars 16-Mar-2066 Rahu 24-Apr-2067 Jupiter 01-Mar-2070
Mercury Dasa 11-Sep-2072 - 11-Sep-2089 Mercury 11-Sep-2072 Ketu 07-Feb-2075 Venus 05-Feb-2076 Sun 06-Dec-2078 Moon 12-Oct-2079 Mars 14-Mar-2081 Rahu 11-Mar-2082 Jupiter 28-Sep-2084 Saturn 03-Jan-2087
Ketu Dasa 11-Sep-2089 - 11-Sep-2096 Ketu 11-Sep-2089 Venus 07-Feb-2090 Sun 09-Apr-2091 Moon 15-Aug-2091 Mars 15-Mar-2092 Rahu 11-Aug-2092 Jupiter 30-Aug-2093 Saturn 06-Aug-2094 Mercury 14-Sep-2095
Venus Dasa 11-Sep-2096 - 11-Sep-2116 Venus 11-Sep-2096 Sun 11-Jan-2100 Moon 11-Jan-2101 Mars 12-Sep-2102 Rahu 11-Nov-2103 Jupiter 11-Nov-2106 Saturn 13-Jul-2109 Mercury 12-Sep-2112 Ketu 13-Jul-2115
Sun Dasa 11-Sep-2116 - 11-Sep-2122 Sun 11-Sep-2116 Moon 30-Dec-2116 Mars 30-Jun-2117 Rahu 05-Nov-2117 Jupiter 30-Sep-2118 Saturn 19-Jul-2119 Mercury 30-Jun-2120 Ketu 07-May-2121 Venus 12-Sep-2121
Moon Dasa 11-Sep-2122 - 11-Sep-2132 Moon 11-Sep-2122 Mars 13-Jul-2123 Rahu 11-Feb-2124 Jupiter 12-Aug-2125 Saturn 12-Dec-2126 Mercury 12-Jul-2128 Ketu 11-Dec-2129 Venus 12-Jul-2130 Sun 12-Mar-2132
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
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KP Ezine
December 2014
Cuspal Sub lord for Mahinda Rajapakse: 10th Cusp (Pisces 000.50’.44�): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mars. Mars is in the star of Sun and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of 8 owner of 7-11-12. Star lord Sun is occupant of 6. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 4. No planet in the star of Rahu and Rahu is CSL of 4. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 2-4. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Mars is the significator of 6 and connected with 8-7-11-124-6-2. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for Maithripala Sirisena: On the day of election, (8th January 2015) the running joint period dasa is Mars-JupiterRahu-Mercury. Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Sun and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of 2 owner of 1-56. Star lord Sun is occupant of 12. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 10. No planet in the star of Rahu and Rahu is CSL of 10. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 12 owner of 8-10. Thus dasa lord Mars is the significator of 12 and connected with 2-1-5-6-10-12-8. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of Saturn. Jupiter is occupant of 9 owner of 2-4. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 12 owner of 8-10. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 12 owner of 3. Thus bhukti lord Jupiter is the significator of 8-10-12 and connected with 2-4-9-12-3. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Rahu is occupant of 10. No planet in the star of Rahu and Rahu is CSL of 10. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 12 owner of 8-10. Star lord Moon is occupant of 3 owner of 9. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 12. Thus antra lord Rahu is the significator of 3-9 and connected with 10-8-12. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Sookshma lord Mercury is in the star of Saturn and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 12 owner of 8-10. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 12 owner of 3. Thus Sookshma dasa lord Mercury is the significator of 3-12 and connected with 12-8-10. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Joint period for Mahinda Rajapakse: On the day of election, (8th January 2015) the running joint period dasa is Mars-JupiterRahu-Mercury. Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Sun and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of 8 owner of 7-11 -12. Star lord Sun is occupant of 6. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 4. No planet in the star of Rahu and Rahu is CSL of 4. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represent Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 2-4. Thus dasa lord Mars is the significator of 6 and connected with 8-7-11-12-4-6-2. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Bhukti lord Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and sub of Saturn. Jupiter is occupant of 3 owner of 8-10. Star lord Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 2-4. Sub lord Saturn is occupant of 6 owner of 9. Thus bhukti lord Jupiter is the significator of 2-4-6 and connected with 8-10-3-6-9. Hence, the wining in election is sure. Antra lord Rahu is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun. Rahu is occupant of 4. No planet in the star of Rahu and Rahu is CSL of 4. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence represents Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 2-4. Star lord Moon is occupant of 9 owner of 3. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 6. Thus antra lord Rahu is the significator of 3-9 and connected with 4-2-6. Hence, the wining in election is sure.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Sookshma lord Mercury is in the star of Saturn and sub of own. Mercury is occupant of 6 owner of 2-4. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 6 owner of 9. Thus Sookshma dasa lord Mercury is the significator of 6-9 and connected with 6-2-4. Hence, the wining in election is not seen. My opinion: Sookshma lord indicates 3-10 for Maithripala Sirisena and does not signify 3 or 10 or 11 at all for Mahinda Rajapakse, so there is better chance of winning for Maithripala Sirisena.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Ge ng visa for service employment in abroad By: Navin Chitlangia “RUDRA”
Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad, Belabhumi – I, Flat No. 302, 2nd Floor, 22/2, Sukanta Sarani, Hind Motor Area, PO. BHADRAKALI, P.S. Uttarpara, Pin - 712 232, W.B., INDIA. Mobile : +91-9830580345. Email : pratibha_astrology_navin@yahoo.com
Name & Sex of Querent: Mr. A. Gautam, Male. Question of Querent: When I will get VISA for service employment in Oman? (Question asked through SMS i.e. WhatsApp Messenger) Horary (Seed) No.: 136 (out of 249). Date & Time of Judgment: 27-09-2014, 09:05:05 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Hind Motor (22N41, 88E20), Hooghly, West Bengal, India. Getting visa for service employment in abroad VISA is a document or instrument or a type of endorsement like letter or mark in passport showing that a person is legally and conditionally authorized to enter or leave the territory for which it was issued. Thus the role of 3rd house (document, letter, instrument etc.) 11th house (Success, Fulfilment of desire) and 12th house (foreign travel through VISA) will come. And for the purpose of service employment, connection of 6 (Service) or 10 (Business & Profession) is required. Hints: If the 3rd CSL be the significator of 3 (VISA) or 12 (foreign travel through VISA) and connected with 6 (service), 10 (business & profession) or 11 (success, gains, fulfilment of desire), getting VISA is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 3, 11 and 12. (Note: The above rule may be crossed verified with 11th CSL, if required). Moon reveals the nature of query. Moon (Libra 12-53-34) is in star of Rahu and sub of Mercury. Moon is the occupant of 12, owner of 10. Moon is having stellar strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Moon) and CSL of 3. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu is conjoined to Sun and Venus and thus acts as agent of Sun and Venus. Sun is the occupant and owner of 11. Venus, being untenanted, is the occupant of 11, owner of 1-8 and CSL of 6-9-12. Sublord Mercury is the occupant of 12, owner of 9 and 12. Moon signifies 3-6-10-11-12 and in connection with 12, hence query is genuine. Cuspal analysis 3rd Cusp (Sagittarius 17-10-58): The sublord of 3rd cusp Moon is in star of Rahu and sub of Mercury. Planet Moon is the occupant of 12, owner of 10. Moon is having stellar strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in stars of Moon) and CSL of 3. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu is conjoined to Sun and Venus and thus acts as agent of Sun and Venus. Sun is the occupant and owner of 11. Venus, being untenanted, is the occupant of 11, owner of 1-8 and CSL of 6-9-12. Sublord Mercury is the occupant of 12. 3rd CSL Moon signifies 3-6-10-11-12 and is feebly connected with 12. Planets signifying the houses 3, 11 and 12 in respect to A. B, C, D A = Planets in Occupant’s Stars B = Occupant of Houses C = Planets in Owner’s Stars D = House Own
KP Ezine
December 2014
Horary No. 136/249 Sun Rise: 05:26:56 AM Nithya Yoga: Vaidhrti
Sun Set: Hora:
05:28:16 PM Sun
Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Horary No.: 136 Question : When I will get VISA for service employment in Oman?
Ruling Planets - 27/Sep/2014 09:05:05 AM Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India Planet
Day Lord: Saturn
Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 07:16:39:35
III 08:17:10:58 8
Ra 05:26:02:31 XII 05:21:05:27 Mo 06:12:53:34 Me 06:05:30:19
Ma 07:15:01:41 I 06:17:26:40 Sa 06:26:10:15
6 5
IV 09:19:05:35
XI 04:21:11:58 Su 05:09:59:32 Ve 05:02:38:13
Ju 03:21:16:33 X 03:19:05:35 7 1
VII 00:17:26:40 V 10:21:11:58
IX 02:17:10:58 11
3 2
12 VI 11:21:05:27 Ke 11:26:02:31
VII 17:26:40
VIII 01:16:39:35
VIII 16:39:35
IX 17:10:58
Name: VISA Gender: Male Date: Saturday, 27/Sep/2014 Time: 09:05:05 AM SID: 09:51:50 Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India
X 19:05:35 Ju 21:16:33
Ayanamsa: 23째 58' 21" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Swati, Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Tritiya Bal. Dasa: Rahu 9 Y, 7 M, 4 D
XI 21:11:58
V 21:11:58
IV 19:05:35
Ve Su XII Ra
III 17:10:58
II 16:39:35 Ma 15:01:41
02:38:13 09:59:32 21:05:27 26:02:31
Sa 26:10:15 I 17:26:40 Mo 12:53:34 Me 05:30:19
Stl Ra Sa Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Me Ve Mo
Sbl Su Ju Mo Me Ju Ve Ma Sa Ve Ke Ju Ve
Ssl Su Ra Ve Ra Su Sa Ra Ve Me Ju Ve Mo
Sssl Su Ma Ra Mo Ra Ju Me Sa Ra Ra Sa Ve
Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Phalguni(4) Mo Swati(2) Ma Anuradha(4) Me Chitra(4) Ju Ashlesha(2) Ve U.Phalguni(2) Sa Visakha(2) Ra Chitra(1) Ke Revati(3)
Sgl Me Ve Ma Ve Mo Me Ve Me Ju
Stl Su Ra Sa Ma Me Su Ju Ma Me
Sbl Ve Me Ju Su Ve Ju Ke Ra Ra
Ssl Ke Ke Ju Ve Me Ma Ra Ma Ma
Sssl Me Ju Ve Ju Ma Ra Ke Sa Sa
Dasa Summary Bhukti
Ke 26:02:31 VI 21:05:27
Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me
Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 11 11 11 11 Mo+ 12 12 10 Ma 1 2 4, 5 2, 7 Me 2 12 2, 7 9, 12 Ju 12 10 9, 12 3, 6 Ve+ 11 11 11 1, 8 Sa 10 1 3, 6 4, 5 Ra 2 12 2, 7 Ke+ 12 6 9, 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner
Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Swati(4) 2 Anuradha(4) 3 P.Ashada(2) 4 Sravana(3) 5 P.Bhadra(1) 6 Revati(2) 7 Bharani(2) 8 Rohini(2) 9 Aridra(4) 10 Ashlesha(1) 11 P.Phalguni(3) 12 Hasta(4)
Rahu Dasa 01-May-2006 - 01-May-2024 Rahu 01-May-2006 Jupiter 12-Jan-2009 Saturn 07-Jun-2011 Mercury 14-Apr-2014 Ketu 31-Oct-2016 Venus 19-Nov-2017 Sun 19-Nov-2020 Moon 13-Oct-2021 Mars 14-Apr-2023
Jupiter Dasa 01-May-2024 - 01-May-2040 Jupiter 01-May-2024 Saturn 19-Jun-2026 Mercury 31-Dec-2028 Ketu 07-Apr-2031 Venus 13-Mar-2032 Sun 12-Nov-2034 Moon 31-Aug-2035 Mars 31-Dec-2036 Rahu 06-Dec-2037
Saturn Dasa 01-May-2040 - 01-May-2059 Saturn 01-May-2040 Mercury 04-May-2043 Ketu 12-Jan-2046 Venus 21-Feb-2047 Sun 22-Apr-2050 Moon 04-Apr-2051 Mars 04-Nov-2052 Rahu 13-Dec-2053 Jupiter 19-Oct-2056
Mercury Dasa 01-May-2059 - 01-May-2076 Mercury 01-May-2059 Ketu 27-Sep-2061 Venus 25-Sep-2062 Sun 26-Jul-2065 Moon 01-Jun-2066 Mars 01-Nov-2067 Rahu 28-Oct-2068 Jupiter 17-May-2071 Saturn 22-Aug-2073
Ketu Dasa 01-May-2076 - 01-May-2083 Ketu 01-May-2076 Venus 27-Sep-2076 Sun 27-Nov-2077 Moon 04-Apr-2078 Mars 03-Nov-2078 Rahu 01-Apr-2079 Jupiter 20-Apr-2080 Saturn 26-Mar-2081 Mercury 05-May-2082
Venus Dasa 01-May-2083 - 01-May-2103 Venus 01-May-2083 Sun 31-Aug-2086 Moon 31-Aug-2087 Mars 02-May-2089 Rahu 01-Jul-2090 Jupiter 01-Jul-2093 Saturn 01-Mar-2096 Mercury 01-May-2099 Ketu 01-Mar-2102
Sun Dasa 01-May-2103 - 01-May-2109 Sun 01-May-2103 Moon 19-Aug-2103 Mars 17-Feb-2104 Rahu 24-Jun-2104 Jupiter 19-May-2105 Saturn 07-Mar-2106 Mercury 17-Feb-2107 Ketu 25-Dec-2107 Venus 01-May-2108
Moon Dasa 01-May-2109 - 01-May-2119 Moon 01-May-2109 Mars 02-Mar-2110 Rahu 01-Oct-2110 Jupiter 31-Mar-2112 Saturn 31-Jul-2113 Mercury 01-Mar-2115 Ketu 31-Jul-2116 Venus 01-Mar-2117 Sun 31-Oct-2118
Mars Dasa 01-May-2119 - 01-May-2126 Mars 01-May-2119 Rahu 27-Sep-2119 Jupiter 16-Oct-2120 Saturn 22-Sep-2121 Mercury 31-Oct-2122 Ketu 28-Oct-2123 Venus 25-Mar-2124 Sun 25-May-2125 Moon 30-Sep-2125
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.
Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.kpastrosystem.com
KP Ezine
December 2014
Sun, Venus
Sun, Venus
Sun, Venus
Jupiter, Ketu, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu Moon Rahu
(A) Significators of 3,11 and 12: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu. Ruling Planets at the time of judgment Lagna / Ascendant
Venus – Jupiter – Venus
Venus – Rahu – Mercury
Day Lord
(B) Ruling Planets are: Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. (C) Common (fruitful) planets among (A) and (B): Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu Joint period (DBAS) Present Dasha Lord: Rahu (from DOJ to 01-05-2024) Rahu is a common (fruitful) planet; hence Mercury Dasha is taken into consideration. Present Bhukti Lord: Mercury (from DOJ to 31-10-2016) Mercury is a common (fruitful) planet; hence Mercury Bhukti is taken into consideration. Present Anthra Lord: Ketu (from DOJ to 17-10-2014) Ketu is a common (fruitful) planet; but Ketu does not signify 11 by itself or as agent of Jupiter. Hence, Ketu Anthra is not taken into consideration. Next Anthra Lord: Venus (from 17-10-2014 to 21-03-2015) Venus is a common (fruitful) planet and signifies 11th house, hence Venus Anthra is taken into consideration. Now, in DBA of Rahu-Mercury-Venus (from 17-10-2014 to 21-03-2015), I prefer to select Venus Sookshma (from 17-10-2014 to 12-11-2014) because Venus appears strongly under the ruling planets and it is also the strong significator of the 11th house. Actual Fact: Prediction comes correct. The mail for employment VISA confirmation was received by the native on 21st October 2014. And with physical VISA, the native travelled to foreign land (Oman) on 19th November 2014. Pranaam to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK!
KP Ezine
December 2014
How can intercepted signs be karmic implica on? By: Tin Win Email: tw853@yahoo.com
Intercepted Signs Intercepted signs or blank signs are the zodiac signs where any house cusp does not fall. Intercepted signs always occur in opposing pairs, and more than one house cusps fall in some signs making some houses larger and consequently others smaller. Mechanics of Intercepted Signs 1. Unequal house system: Intercepted signs are impossible in the equal house system with all houses 30° degrees each, so they do not exist in Vedic or Jyotish astrology. They can appear only in the astrology system that uses unequal house system, like Placidus in KP system. 2. Factor of geography: Because of the Earth’s irregular shape, at the lower latitudes like India their appearance is rare but the higher and higher latitude, the more likely are intercepted signs since the lines marking divisions of latitude become increasingly closer together. Using the Placidus house system, at latitudes between 51 and 53 degrees north around Edmonton, Canada, about 82 percent of all charts contain one set of intercepted signs, about 10 per cent have two sets in one house and about 10 percent have no interceptions at all. (Chris McRae: Understanding Interception - A Key to Unlocking the Door, American Fedration of Astrologers, 2000) Most births in the UK, which is located between 50 and 59 degrees north latitude, have at least one pair of intercepted signs, many have two, especially the Scots. (Alice Millers: Interceptions Heralds of a New Age, American Federation of Astrologers, 2009) 3. Different unequal house systems: It can be different, intercepted signs or not, depending on the unequal house system used, Placidus, Koch or Regiomantanus etc. 4. Tropical or sidereal chart: It can be different depending on the tropical or sidereal chart used. 5. Adjustment of birth time: It can be different if birth time is adjusted, e.g. in the case of birth time rectification. Rebirth charts Intercepted signs do not appear in most well documented rebirth charts. Never known for sure There seems to be some significant karmic implication to an intercepted 12th house. Whether it indicates unfinished business from past lives or not, we may never know for sure. (Joanne Wickenburg: Your Hidden Powers: Intercepted Signs and Retrograde Planets, American Federation of Astrologers, 2001) Every horoscope is reflection of past karma. In the Indian astrology based on karma and reincarnation, the horoscope of a native is a KP Ezine
December 2014
reflection of past karma he should have done in the previous births and what he should experience in this birth. Under these circumstances, how can intercepted signs be karmic implication? Reference charts: Intercepted or Blank Signs (KP-Ezine, September 2013 issue) Nature of Intercepted Signs (KP-Ezine, December 2013 issue)
KP Ezine
December 2014
Ques on-Answer By: Tin Win Email: tw853@yahoo.com
Question -1: Rahu/Ketu Rules The nodes i.e. Rahu and Ketu have aspects as per traditional system, just like Jupiter 5,7 & 9 houses aspects from its occupation. Is it applicable in KP as some of the KP astrologers are not applying as they are mathematically calculated points and not planets? In the KP Reader 2, “Fundamental principles of astrology”, Rahu & Ketu (Nodes) are explained in detail, in the chapter: “The NODES- RAHU & KETU”. This is very interesting and also very informative. In KP system, it is also emphasized in many places that Nodes are stronger and important. The explanation and results explained in this chapter is noted as “ RA / KE, Their nature & Influence & what their places are in Predictive astrology , according to Westerners and the Hindu Sages” Can these rules be considered in KP system ? – in stellar astrology? Answer – 1: Please see the article “RAHU/KETU RULES IN KP” in KP E-zine, May 2007 issue) https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/k_p_system/conversations/messages/18262 Rahu/Ketu’s aspects are not applied in KP Readers. For Rahu/Ketu’s signification he results of the followings are found taken in the KP Readers depending on relevance to the matter under consideration regardless of their sequence of order: 1) House occupied, 2) Planet in conjunction, 3) Planet in aspect and 4) Star lord, 5) Sign lord. In fixing timing of event by selecting DBAS, Rahu/Ketu can be given priority, as the nodes are stronger than the planets. Question - 2: Planetary Aspects Pls throw some light on planetary aspects in KP. Answer - 2: Order of Significators in KP The importance order of grade A to E significators is as follows: A)Planets in the star of the occupant of house; B) Occupant of house; C) Planets in the star of house owner; D) House owner; E) Planets which are in conjunction with or aspected by the above significators.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Grade E Significators by Conjunction/Aspects Planets which are in conjunction with or aspected by the Grade A, B, C, D significators are very weak significators, and they are used as the last resort only after grade A to D Significators. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k_p_system/messages/7295 Hindu Aspects The Hindu aspects (Drishtis) are counted ‘from rasi to rasi’, irrespective of the positions of the planets in the rasis and the relative distance between the two planets i.e. not ‘from degree to degree’ like in the Western aspects. Planets aspect the entire rasis with or without any planet or cusp there, and the closer an aspect on any located planet or cusp is, the stronger the result would be. All planets, Sun to Saturn, aspect the 7th (180°) from the rasi occupied by them. In addition Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn have special aspects as below: 1. Mars aspects the 4th (90°) and 8th (210°) from the rasi occupied by it. 2. Jupiter aspects the 5th (120°) and 9th (240°) from the rasi occupied by it. 3. Saturn aspects the 3rd (60°) and 10th (270°) from the rasi occupied by it. In the solved examples of the six KP Readers, only the Hindu aspects are used without considering the orb, except some minor applications of Western aspects here and there and encouragement to use them. Aspects of Rahu and Ketu There are different views regarding the aspects of Rahu and Ketu. In KP the shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu (Nodes) do not aspect any planet or any house since they are only the sensitive and powerful intersecting points in the pathway of Sun and Moon and they are not having any physical body which can be seen through a telescope as we can see all the other planets. This is the reason why they are called shadowy planets. (Guidelines for Preparing and Judging Horary Chart by K.P. Kuppu Ganapathi, KP E-zine February 2007 issue) Some exceptions in KP literature are Dr. Bal Krishna Singh Hatia’s application of Rahu `s 5th and 9th aspects (K.P. and Astrology Year Book, 1999, p 26) and Prof. K. Balachandran’s use of Ketu's 7th, 9th and 12th aspects. (K.P. & Astrology Year Book 2002, pages 82 & 84) https://groups.yahoo.com/…/k_p…/conversations/messages/18262 Those who apply aspects of Rahu and Ketu generally consider their 5th, 7th and 9th aspects, similar to Jupiter's aspects. However, none of the astrological treatises ascribed to any of the rishis properly gives aspects to Rahu and Ketu. Trying to use planetary aspects for Rahu and Ketu would be misleading and a source of confusion when making predictions. (Vault of the Heavens: Treatise on Vedic Astrology by Ernst Wilhelm, page 196) http://www.jyotishvidya.com/nodes.htm Western Aspects The Western aspects are counted ‘from degree to degree’, not from rasi to rasi as in the Hindus aspects. There are five basic, most important aspects, used already by Ptolemy: 1) Conjunction, 0° 2) Sextile, 60° 3) Square, 90° 4) Trine, 120° 5) Opposition, 180° Shri Kuppu Ganapathi is the only KP astrologer who applies the Western aspects all the time in his articles in the K..P & Astrology year books, and late Shri Raichur had to make a special computer program of Western aspects at earlier stage especially for him.
KP Ezine
December 2014
Differences between Hindu and Western Aspects The main differences are as given under: 1. The Hindu aspects are counted from rasi to rasi but in the Western aspects, the aspect is reckoned from degree to degree. 2. The magnitude of Hindu aspects between two planets is different whereas in the Western aspects it is the same. The Western five basic aspects are the same for all planets, e.g. sextile (60° / Hindu 3rd aspect) is for all planets, not for Saturn only as in the Hindu aspects; square (90° / 4th Hindu aspect) is also for all planets, not for Mars only like in the Hindu aspects; trine (120° / 5th Hindu aspect) is also for all planets, not for Jupiter only similar to the Hindu aspects. 3. The Western sextile and trine aspects are clearly marked as beneficial and square and opposition as evil. Whereas in the Hindu aspects there is no such classification and they are generally based on the signification of aspecting and aspected planets. 4. Hindu aspects are always forward looking unlike in Western aspects where both 120° and 240° are the same aspect which is called trine. Observation It is to note is that a planet can be a significator of almost all houses, if both Hindu and Western aspects are taken into consideration. A problem is how to reconcile the good and bad Western aspects with the KP significators by occupation and ownership at the planet, its star and its sub levels. Hindu aspects with Western idea of orb may be considered as said in KP Reader I, i.e. if conjunction/aspect is closer, its effect becomes stronger. Conjunction is a kind of Western aspects. Such approach is applied in the 4 step theory using basically orb of 3° 20’.
KP Ezine
December 2014
KP Ezine
December 2014
Book ReviewUnderstanding Intercep ons: A Key to Unlocking the Door
Understanding Interceptions: A Key to Unlocking the Door by Chris McRae The American Federation of Astrologers, 2000, 206 pages
Interceptions are what happens when you have the same sign of the zodiac on two house cusps, and elsewhere in the chart, two opposing signs missing. The further your birth from the equator, the more common this becomes. At latitudes between 51 and 53 degrees north around Edmonton, Canada, where Canadian astrologer Chris McRae has lived most of her life, about 82 percent of all charts contain one set of intercepted signs, about 10 per cent have two sets in one house and about 10 percent have no interceptions at all by using the Placidus house system. Her book is researched, with lots of supporting data, 76 charts with documented birth times, and life stories. It covers imaginable facets of interceptions: house systems and the mechanics of interceptions; transits or progressions of planets into intercepted houses (or onto intercepted planets); progressed house cusps; intercepted signs (and repeating signs); and intercepted planets. Chris McRae thor observes that intercepted signs or planets are more deeply emphasized because they engender inner pressure to focus on a specific task; McRae calls this "intensification due to internalization." Many people of great wealth, like Merv Griffin, Bill Gates, Bill Cosby, Ross Perot, and Steven Spielberg, have Taurus-Scorpio intercepted. She does not derive a sense of impairment or repression from interceptions. She writes: "I do not look upon any part of our charts as being disadvantaged. I like to think that every part is for the purpose of some type of development or quest." She describes the psychological process involved as an "intensification due to internalization". She explains that "when we internalize a basic need it gains a great deal of intensity. It becomes a need we struggle to fulfill in our outer experience. ‌ The internal expression may create certain frustrations for a period of life and should not be considered an impairKP Ezine
December 2014
ment or a personality flaw but an opportunity of internal growth and understanding in those sign urges". Regarding interceptions in horary charts, her own experience indicates that an intercepted significator does not itself deny a positive outcome, but it does seem indicate a delay of some kind operating behind the scenes of which the querent has no way of knowing or understanding. Contents: 1. Value and Effect of Interceptions; Definition and Effect of House Systems How Much of the Cart is Affected Effect on Signs Strength of Ruler Repeated Signs Vastly Unequal Houses Effect on Quadruplicities and Elements Progressions TransitsIntercepted Planets Ruling Non-Intercepted Houses 2. Development of Interceptions Development by Transits Development by Progressions 3. Intercepted Signs Aries/Libra, Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius Cancer/Capricorn Leo/Aquarius Virgo/Pisces 4. Repeated Signs First/Second and Seven/Eighth Second/Third and Eighth/Ninth Third/Fourth and Ninth/Tenth Fourth/Fifth and Tenth/Eleventh Fifth/Sixth and Eleventh/Twelfth Sixth/Seventh and Twelfth/First 5. Intercepted Planets Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto 6. Effect on Quadruplicities and Triplicities Quadruplicities Triplicities KP Ezine
December 2014
7. Other Applications Horary Electional and Event Charts A Political Event Biography
KP Ezine
December 2014
Planetary Positions For O5.30 AM December 2014 Ahmedabad Date
Sc 14:43:36
Pi 05:18:36
Cp 02:56:05
Sc 10:35:48
Cn 28:33:06
Sc 23:51:26
Sc 03:27:10
Vi 22:36:18
Pi 22:36:18
Pi 18:46:49
Aq 10:53:11
Sg 18:09:40
Sc 15:44:24
Pi 19:13:37
Cp 03:42:25
Sc 12:10:15
Cn 28:34:32
Sc 25:06:44
Sc 03:34:13
Vi 22:33:07
Pi 22:33:07
Pi 18:45:48
Aq 10:53:42
Sg 18:11:29
Sc 16:45:13
Ar 03:01:34
Cp 04:28:46
Sc 13:44:37
Cn 28:35:46
Sc 26:22:02
Sc 03:41:15
Vi 22:29:56
Pi 22:29:56
Pi 18:44:50
Aq 10:54:15
Sg 18:13:19
Sc 17:46:02
Ar 16:41:24
Cp 05:15:10
Sc 15:18:56
Cn 28:36:48
Sc 27:37:20
Sc 03:48:16
Vi 22:26:45
Pi 22:26:45
Pi 18:43:54
Aq 10:54:51
Sg 18:15:10
Sc 18:46:53
Ta 00:11:35
Cp 06:01:36
Sc 16:53:12
Cn 28:37:39
Sc 28:52:38
Sc 03:55:17
Vi 22:23:35
Pi 22:23:35
Pi 18:43:01
Aq 10:55:28
Sg 18:17:02
Sc 19:47:45
Ta 13:30:18
Cp 06:48:04
Sc 18:27:26
Cn 28:38:18
Sg 00:07:56
Sc 04:02:16
Vi 22:20:24
Pi 22:20:24
Pi 18:42:12
Aq 10:56:08
Sg 18:18:55
Sc 20:48:38
Ta 26:35:45
Cp 07:34:33
Sc 20:01:38
Cn 28:38:46
Sg 01:23:13
Sc 04:09:14
Vi 22:17:13
Pi 22:17:13
Pi 18:41:25
Aq 10:56:50
Sg 18:20:49
Sc 21:49:31
Ge 09:26:32
Cp 08:21:05
Sc 21:35:51
Cn 28:39:02
Sg 02:38:31
Sc 04:16:10
Vi 22:14:03
Pi 22:14:03
Pi 18:40:41
Aq 10:57:33
Sg 18:22:43
Sc 22:50:26
Ge 22:02:03
Cp 09:07:38
Sc 23:10:04
Cn 28:39:06
Sg 03:53:48
Sc 04:23:05
Vi 22:10:52
Pi 22:10:52
Pi 18:40:00
Aq 10:58:19
Sg 18:24:38
Sc 23:51:22
Cn 04:22:45
Cp 09:54:12
Sc 24:44:20
Cn 28:38:58
Sg 05:09:06
Sc 04:29:59
Vi 22:07:41
Pi 22:07:41
Pi 18:39:21
Aq 10:59:06
Sg 18:26:34
Sc 24:52:19
Cn 16:30:19
Cp 10:40:49
Sc 26:18:37
Cn 28:38:39
Sg 06:24:23
Sc 04:36:52
Vi 22:04:31
Pi 22:04:31
Pi 18:38:46
Aq 10:59:56
Sg 18:28:31
Sc 25:53:17
Cn 28:27:35
Cp 11:27:27
Sc 27:52:58
Cn 28:38:07
Sg 07:39:40
Sc 04:43:42
Vi 22:01:20
Pi 22:01:20
Pi 18:38:14
Aq 11:00:47
Sg 18:30:28
Sc 26:54:16
Le 10:18:22
Cp 12:14:06
Sc 29:27:24
Cn 28:37:24
Sg 08:54:57
Sc 04:50:31
Vi 21:58:09
Pi 21:58:09
Pi 18:37:44
Aq 11:01:41
Sg 18:32:26
Sc 27:55:17
Le 22:07:22
Cp 13:00:48
Sg 01:01:55
Cn 28:36:29
Sg 10:10:14
Sc 04:57:19
Vi 21:54:58
Pi 21:54:58
Pi 18:37:18
Aq 11:02:36
Sg 18:34:25
Sc 28:56:18
Vi 03:59:46
Cp 13:47:30
Sg 02:36:32
Cn 28:35:22
Sg 11:25:31
Sc 05:04:05
Vi 21:51:47
Pi 21:51:47
Pi 18:36:55
Aq 11:03:33
Sg 18:36:24
Sc 29:57:20
Vi 16:01:04
Cp 14:34:14
Sg 04:11:15
Cn 28:34:03
Sg 12:40:48
Sc 05:10:48
Vi 21:48:37
Pi 21:48:37
Pi 18:36:34
Aq 11:04:33
Sg 18:38:24
Sg 00:58:23
Vi 28:16:40
Cp 15:21:00
Sg 05:46:07
Cn 28:32:33
Sg 13:56:05
Sc 05:17:30
Vi 21:45:26
Pi 21:45:26
Pi 18:36:17
Aq 11:05:34
Sg 18:40:24
Sg 01:59:27
Li 10:51:27
Cp 16:07:47
Sg 07:21:06
Cn 28:30:51
Sg 15:11:22
Sc 05:24:11
Vi 21:42:15
Pi 21:42:15
Pi 18:36:03
Aq 11:06:37
Sg 18:42:25
Sg 03:00:32
Li 23:49:14
Cp 16:54:35
Sg 08:56:13
Cn 28:28:56
Sg 16:26:39
Sc 05:30:49
Vi 21:39:04
Pi 21:39:04
Pi 18:35:52
Aq 11:07:42
Sg 18:44:27
Sg 04:01:38
Sc 07:12:11
Cp 17:41:25
Sg 10:31:29
Cn 28:26:51
Sg 17:41:55
Sc 05:37:25
Vi 21:35:53
Pi 21:35:53
Pi 18:35:44
Aq 11:08:48
Sg 18:46:29
Sg 05:02:45
Sc 21:00:14
Cp 18:28:16
Sg 12:06:53
Cn 28:24:33
Sg 18:57:12
Sc 05:43:58
Vi 21:32:43
Pi 21:32:43
Pi 18:35:40
Aq 11:09:57
Sg 18:48:31
Sg 06:03:52
Sg 05:10:43
Cp 19:15:08
Sg 13:42:26
Cn 28:22:04
Sg 20:12:28
Sc 05:50:30
Vi 21:29:32
Pi 21:29:32
Pi 18:35:38
Aq 11:11:08
Sg 18:50:34
Sg 07:05:00
Sg 19:38:25
Cp 20:02:01
Sg 15:18:07
Cn 28:19:24
Sg 21:27:44
Sc 05:56:59
Vi 21:26:22
Pi 21:26:22
Pi 18:35:40
Aq 11:12:20
Sg 18:52:38
Sg 08:06:08
Cp 04:16:19
Cp 20:48:55
Sg 16:53:54
Cn 28:16:32
Sg 22:43:00
Sc 06:03:26
Vi 21:23:11
Pi 21:23:11
Pi 18:35:44
Aq 11:13:34
Sg 18:54:41
Sg 09:07:17
Cp 18:56:39
Cp 21:35:50
Sg 18:29:48
Cn 28:13:29
Sg 23:58:15
Sc 06:09:50
Vi 21:20:00
Pi 21:20:00
Pi 18:35:52
Aq 11:14:50
Sg 18:56:45
Sg 10:08:25
Aq 03:32:20
Cp 22:22:45
Sg 20:05:47
Cn 28:10:14
Sg 25:13:30
Sc 06:16:12
Vi 21:16:49
Pi 21:16:49
Pi 18:36:03
Aq 11:16:08
Sg 18:58:50
Sg 11:09:34
Aq 17:57:57
Cp 23:09:42
Sg 21:41:48
Cn 28:06:48
Sg 26:28:44
Sc 06:22:31
Vi 21:13:39
Pi 21:13:39
Pi 18:36:17
Aq 11:17:28
Sg 19:00:54
Sg 12:10:42
Pi 02:10:11
Cp 23:56:38
Sg 23:17:50
Cn 28:03:12
Sg 27:43:58
Sc 06:28:47
Vi 21:10:28
Pi 21:10:28
Pi 18:36:34
Aq 11:18:49
Sg 19:02:59
Sg 13:11:50
Pi 16:07:48
Cp 24:43:35
Sg 24:53:49
Cn 27:59:24
Sg 28:59:10
Sc 06:35:01
Vi 21:07:17
Pi 21:07:17
Pi 18:36:54
Aq 11:20:11
Sg 19:05:04
Sg 14:12:59
Pi 29:51:00
Cp 25:30:33
Sg 26:29:41
Cn 27:55:25
Cp 00:14:23
Sc 06:41:11
Vi 21:04:06
Pi 21:04:06
Pi 18:37:18
Aq 11:21:36
Sg 19:07:09
Sg 15:14:07
Ar 13:20:50
Cp 26:17:31
Sg 28:05:23
Cn 27:51:17
Cp 01:29:34
Sc 06:47:19
Vi 21:00:55
Pi 21:00:55
Pi 18:37:44
Aq 11:23:02
Sg 19:09:14
December 2014