Parametric Design in Architecture

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©Di Vanni N., Haber F., Alharthi O. Academic Work of Studio 1, MDPA20


5th edition



Presentation Master’s degree Parametric Design in Architecture is an international program that seeks to teach and explore technology efficiency. MPDA is oriented to the integration of computational tools and digital manufacturing technology in building systems and architectural design. MPDA focuses in:

Ramon Sastre Sastre PhD in Architecture. He was a professor at the Department of Architectural Technology of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Research member of LITA, CODA and SMIA.

- Design and optimization of lightweight building systems, mainly through form-finding processes, including tensile architecture. - Integration with professional workflows and industrial standards, although keeping a wide space for experimentation, research and industry oriented innovation. - Generation of efficient form by efficient means: guiding computational thinking and tools to the simplification of processes and material efficiency.

Gerard Bertomeu Farnós Architect by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Associate partner at CODA. Lecturer at the Barcelona Metropolitan School of Architecture, UPCBarcelonaTech.

Enrique Soriano Botella Architect by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Associate partner at CODA. PhD Candidate at UPC. Lecturer at the Barcelona Metropolitan School of Architecture, UPC-BarcelonaTech.

The architectural project is a complex process, in which knowledge management must be linked to design in an operational way. In this regard, parameters are all the categories of information that affect decision-making when a project is carried out. This is the aim of parametric architecture: to go beyond geometry and the form, in order to design a system taking in all the variables/categories involved in the process. Hence the potential offered by modern software tools and programming frameworks (Grasshopper, Python), is to change the design process and turn architects into builders of systems. This master’s degree offers a comprehensive approach training professionals in advanced architectural creation, oriented to efficiency in buildings and commitment to the environment. The course opens with practical digital and physical workshops on parametric software, geometry and numerical control machines, aimed at solving real problems in complex architectural design. The second semester, explores real applications through performance driven design aiming to create interaction and synergies between parametric design and other disciplines such as BIM, urban design, planning, construction, structures, installations, services and climate in order to obtain more efficient and sustainable results. It’s taught at the Barcelona Metropolitan School of Architecture where its Model Workshop, Digital Laboratory and Technology and Innovation Research Team CODA support students to explore all the possibilities of parametric design.

Pep Tornabell Teixidor Architect by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Associate partner at CODA. PhD Candidate at UPC. Teacher at the Escola Massana Art and Design Center.

©Fabiola D., Ferrero I., Navarro J. Academic work of studio 1, MPDA19

“Immerse yourself in a creative parametric design laboratory in an international environment”


Degree Special master’s degree issued by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Credits 60 ECTS (448 teaching hours).

Students completing this master’s degree will be able to work in offices, bringing new skills and knowledge that will allow them to tame complex architectural creation under the new paradigm based on parametric design:

Modality Face-to-face.

- Create flexible design models with rich design space exploration.

Start date From 5/10/2020 to 27/09/2021

- Design and analyze building systems, focusing on lightweight systems. - Build expertise on rationalizing complicated geometry into complex structured data ready to fabricate. - Reduce unexpected overcharges linked to design changes. - Work in teams using several interoperability platforms. - Apply optimization algorithms in any design field and at different design stages. - Identify patterns on large datasets statistically processed.

WHO IS IT FOR? - Architects, building engineers, quantity surveyors, industrial engineers, and civil engineers. - Professionals including consultants, planners and interior designers, and other professionals aiming to shift their professional careers, supplement their skills or begin their own business project.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES - Expert in computational design in architecture focused on workflow automation. - Consultant for the AEC industry providing taylored programming solutions. - Structural and Energy Building analyst.

Timetable Monday: 14:00 to 18:00 Tuesday: 14:00 to 18:00 Wednesday: 14:00 to 18:00 Thursday: 14:00 to 18:00 *Occasionally the schedule of classes will be from 16 to 20h. *Exceptionally conferences will be held on some Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning. Taught at ETSAV - Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès C/ Pere Serra, 1-15 Sant Cugat del Vallès Fee 8.500€ Contact (34) 93 112 08 67

ŠAcademic management

Training Content Studio 1

Parametric Geometry

Through the study of a wide range of complex built architectural study-cases, the student is introduced to generative modelling control and analysis. The work is focused on the generalization of the building system by understanding the geometric dependencies and its constructive constraints which have to be defined and evaluated. The challenge is then to propose enhancements to the system and a study of constructive trade-offs when the building system is applied to an arbitrary geometry. This consultancy oriented approach comes along with the study of different formfinding modelling strategies for efficient structures that are the basis of the next semester. The scope of this part covers curvature and topology, complex systems modelling, dynamic relaxation and optimization. Several intensive and transversal workshops will be deployed to ground these subjects.

- Analytical geometry Geometry is the graphical language of design. In this course, we will immerse into the core of geometry to understand and solve design, construction and fabrication problems through mathematics. With a mixture of theoretical blackboard sessions and applied Grasshopper practices, geometric concepts will be explained and expanded.

6 ECTS. 48 Teaching hours

- Form finding of efficient structures - Building system optimization

Digital Fabrication

6 ECTS. 48 Teaching hours The use of computer-aided-design software tools in architectural and product modelling has shattered the former connection between brain and object usually established by the use of hands in the making process. The emergence of numeric control machinery has allowed the designer to close again this circle in a fully digital process. Data is transformed from bits to matter through code. Digital Fabrication is composed of a first block dedicated to geometry rationalization. Acknowledging architecture is discrete, and industrial material are mainly planar, different rationalization techniques are studied to reparametrize surfaces of arbitrary double curvature into planar pieces. The second block is focused on subtractive 3D manufacturing where instead of designing an object to be milled, students are encouraged to design the milling process that will define the object. - 2D machining - 3D machining

5 ECTS. 40 Teaching Hours

- Synthetic geometry A practical toolset of applied geometry to provide fluency and control on the use of Grasshopper and its environment while practising geometric concepts and the tools to work with it.

From Sign to Algorithm 5 ECTS. 40 Teaching Hours

From Sign to Algorithm is a subject dedicated to the study and the application of logic applied architecture. The course Architecture and Computation aims to give a theoretical basis to the new forms of generating architecture with computers, whatever its methodology. It provides an introduction to computers and to formal systems and relates these ideas to the architectural trends of the last half-century. It is based on lectures, readings and discussion of a range of topics and representative texts of some of these theoretical ideas, and of the architectural trends to which they are related. Introduction to Programming focuses on the very basic principles behind computer programs execution with an initiation to the design of algorithms using the Python language in Grasshopper environment. RhinoScriptSyntax and Math libraries are presented gradually along the course.

Workshops 1

Building Information

This subject frames a series of special intensive courses around visual programming, geometry and optimization. These courses are said to be transversal, since they are fundamental and used in all other subjects. Exceptionally they are exclusively taught during the academic week, providing an ambience of concentration, dedication and high interaction. The aim of the subject is to level all students, to provide a common language and to provide a set of basic and intuitive tools for the rest of the master.

Performance driven design. This subject will provide tools to evaluate structural and energetic performance while learning how to control the flow of information in efficient ways. From structural analysis to energy efficiency evaluation, with an intense workshop on BIM and interoperability.

5 ECTS. 40 Teaching Hours

- Digital seminar: geometry and visual programming bootcamp - Physical seminar: topology and curvature - Digital seminar: optimization and evolutionary multi-criteria optimization

Studio 2

6 ECTS. 48 Teaching Hours The course is focused on construction-aware design and concludes with the fabrication of 1:1 model based on novel and experimental building systems developed by exploiting all fields of knowledge unfolded at the master. Instead of designing a shape and later plan the fabrication, a building system is instead designed and the form may subsequently emerge given the geometrical and mechanical properties. The confrontation of the parametric modelling including the simulation, analysis and fabrication to the reality of assembly process, organization and building precision, raises the level of selfexigence and highlights the value of computational design. - Building system design Based on strict restrictions of fabrication efficiency, teams of students explore or enhance simple systems that can produce efficient form by efficient means. Through successive and incremental physical model making, the digital model is calibrated. - Collective assembly After successive evolutionary selection, teams merge, self-organise and develop strong potential candidate models that are finally built.

Algorithms in Technology 5 ECTS. 40 Teaching Hours

The course tackles in parallel the use of algorithms in design for construction technology at different levels of complexity. From the pseudocode and algorithms skecthing in visual programming, to scripting in several frameworks. All exercices are around construction and geometry, although to be applied to any specific problem. The subject provides support to specific demands on studio2. Design of algorithms applied to architectural construction both in visual and scripted programming. Algorithms for quick programming versus algorithms for longlasting programming or multi-author programming. Algorithms for our own use versus algorithms for others. Numerical techniques: matrix analysis. - Algorithms in form finding: force density method + true deformation - Algorithms in form finding 2 - Advanced Programming in Python

6 ECTS. 48 Teaching Hours

- Structure - Energy - Interoperability

Planning and Landscape 5 ECTS. 40 Teaching Hours

This module focuses on a large scale and is divided into two different blocks. The first one, Territory, is dedicated to searching, study and display of several indicators regarding economic and social reality at the big scale. Plenty of information arises both from Open Data administrations and Social Networks. After an initial discussion on the validity of each parameter for the main analysis, the assignment is to process large amounts of data in order to synthesize it into the minimum amount of ink while maximizing the number the understanding of reality. The second block, Landscape Design, consists on the approximation to nature taming through construction a broad set of parametric tools on top of the classical landscape strategies. Sessions are focused on the modelling of a park in a back-and-forth process where the different layers inform the rest. Students are encouraged to work with as many complexities as possible from the analysis of reality to the design of the final proposal. - Territory - Landscape design

Workshops 2

5 ECTS. 40 Teaching Hours This subject frames a series of special intensive courses around structural modelling, analysis and optimization. These courses are said to be transversal, since they are fundamental and used across other subjects. Exceptionally they are exclusively taught during the academic week, providing an ambience of concentration, dedication and high interaction. The aim of the subject is to provide a complementary toolset to the knowledge provided on Building Information and applied to the main work developed at Studio 2. - Isogeometric analysis - Large deformations and form finding

Master Thesis

6 ECTS. 16 Teaching Hours Master thesis is dedicated to generating original work, based on research, were the student will show how parametric design has changed his/her skills to produce architectural projects. This research work will be done under assistance of a tutor, one of the professors of the master, a will be evaluated by a jury of several members, from the faculty of the master.

©Andrés Flasjzer

TEACHING STAFF Angel Antequera Vacachavez Civil Enginyer by the Universidad Autónoma Gabriel Rene Moreno. Architect by the Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Master in Parametric Design in Architecture by the UPC. 11 years with gerent d’enginyeria of ANSA Consultores S.R.L., 14 years of professional experiència in treballs that involve simulation by elements finits, structures metàl·liques, concret armat i fusta dins the civil and industrial field. Gerard Bertomeu Farnós Architect by ETSAV UPC. Associate partner at CODA and researcher at LITA UPC. As an intern FPI-UPC has taught in the course “Parametric Architecture” on ETSAV. He has taught workshops and classes on the use of wood in the computational design at universities in Madrid, Norway, Austria and Hungary. Dionís Boixader Ibáñez PhD in Mathematics at the UPC. Associate Professor at UPCETSAV. Head of technology department. Dionis specialises in fuzzy logic and geometry. Cecilie Brandt-Olsen Structural engineer specialised in computational design. The relationship between geometry and structural performance has been one of her main focus areas during her studies. She is passionate about non-standard projects with a need to improve existing workflows and develop innovative solutions using cutting edge technology. Daniel Calatayud Souweine Architect from ETSAV UPC. Research Professor. Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning (UPC). Author of eleven articles in scientific journals, nine book chapters and twelve papers in national and international conferences on issues of sustainable urban design, sustainable building, urban metabolism and climate change. Faculty member’s participation in the Solar Decathlon ETSAV 2010. Pau de Solà-Morales Architect from ETSAB UPC. He holds a PhD in Design from Harvard University (2000). He specializes in “architecture, information and complexity”, and in the use and application of information technologies in architecture and design, areas in which he has written numerous articles. Since 2001, he has been a visiting professor at the Harvard Design School, and professor and head of the computer science department of the Accademia d’Architettura at the University of Italian Switzerland. He is currently the director of the architecture school from Reus (URV).

Alfonso Godoy Muñóz Architect. Master in Sustainability from Barcelona Tech. PhD student in the UPC’s Sustainability Programme. Co-founder of the architectural cooperative arqbag. He has also developed his professional and research activity at the Institut de Recerca de l’Energia de Catalunya (IREC). He works on topics such as comfort, energy efficiency and thermal simulation of buildings. Member of the Board of Directors of IBPSA Spain. He shares his activity in Arqbag with teaching at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, the Universitat de Barcelona-IL3 and Barcelona Tech. Alison Grace Martin Independent researcher studying natural structures and complex patterns in nature and applying the findings to design and construction concepts. She runs courses in UK and European universities on experimental methods in form-finding, and especially in weaving techniques, topology and materials geometry. She studied at Exeter College of Art and St. Martin’s College of Art and Design, graduating in Graphic Design in 1979. David Andrés León Architect. He holds an ICD Master of Science Degree and an Elisava Master’s Degree in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture. He has been involved in several research undertakings of which stand out his participation in German research platform FAT-LAB and his collaboration as a research assistant in CITA for the EU- Horizon 2020 Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive Action project Flora Robotica. David is also the co-author of publications of architectural research and robotics. Roberto Molinos Esparza Architect from ETSAB UPC. Roberto co-founded Modelical in late 2011. Prior to that he worked for SENER and IDOM as architect and parametric design specialist. He regularly lectures on Geometry Modeling, BIM and Technology Management at IE School of Architecture and Design, IE University Madrid. Robert holds a Master in Structural Design from Madrid Tech. Jordi Nebot Roca Architect. Jordi is principal of Arquitectura Agronomia a landscape architecture firm based in Barcelona. In the last 20 years he has been involved in some of the most important contemporary landscape architecture projects in Europe. Nebot was lecturer at the Department of Architecture at UVA from 2012-2014 and previously was professor at the Master of Landscape Architecture at UPC Barcelona, and taught Architectural Analysis (Project I) at School of Architecture de la Salle of Barcelona. Nebot earned a Master in Architecture at the School of Architecture of Valles UPC.

Juan Pablo Quintero Avila Architect and Venezuelan designer based in Barcelona, pioneer in the use of emerging processes of digital manufacture applied to design and architecture. He is the founder of Medio Design, a studio-workshop dedicated to the development of non-standard projects through mixed processes that include both traditional manufacturing techniques and new manufacturing tools. Alan Rynne Vidal Building Engineer with a broad skill set ranging from Architectural Design & Construction Management to Web & Software Development. Alan specialises in rationalizing freeform surfaces in Architecture; optimizing structural behavior and construction processes; and developing new tools with C# to help in those tasks. Ramon Sastre Sastre PhD in Architecture. He was a professor at the Department of Architectural Technology of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Research member of LITA, CODA and SMIA, has developed his work and research on different subjects: Analysis and programming on architectural technology, structural morphology in architecture, tensile structures, membranes, stereographics studies of solar radiation and illumination. He was director of the Escuela de Arquitectura del Vallés (UPC, from 2002 to 2005). Council member (2004-2010) of EAAE. Coordinator of the Architecture & Civil Engineering of CLUSTER. He’s lectured in United Kingdom, Belgium, Turkey, Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica. Enrique Soriano Botella Architect by ETSAV UPC. PhD candidate at UPC. CODA associate partner and researcher at LITA UPC. As an intern FPI-UPC has taught in the course “Parametric Architecture” on ETSAV. Lecturer at ETSAV in Representation department. He has taught workshops and classes on the use of wood in the computational design at universities in Madrid, Norway, Austria, Hungary and Donosti. Pep Tornabell Teixidor Architect by ETSAV UPC. PhD Candidate at UPC. CODA associate partner and researcher at LITA UPC. Lecturer at Massana College of Art and Design. Expert in structural analysis, computational design, digital fabrication and crafting technologies specializing in wood. Founder and researcher of La Deriva, an adisciplinary space for social and technological experimentation. Belén Torres López Architect specialized in Computational Design and Building Information Modeling (BIM). Architect by the UPC. Master in Advanced Design and Digital Architecture by Elisava-UPF. Master of Science from the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICDC) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) of the University of Stuttgart. He has collaborated on several research projects applied to the AEC industry.

FORMER GUESTS LECTURERS Olivier Baverel Structural engineer. Jorge Duró Architect and Engineer. Benjamin Felbrich Architect. Teresa Galí-Izard Agronomist. Josu Goñi Civil Engineer. Riccardo La Magna Structural engineer. Philipp Längst Structural engineer. Carlos Lázaro Civil engineer. Julian Lienhardt Structural engineer. Javier Marcipar Engineer. Pablo Martínez Architect. Laia Mogas-Soldevila Architect. Dragos Naicu Civil engineer. Robin Oval Structural engineer. Mark Pauly Computer scientist. Helmut Pottmann Mathematician. Mar Santamaria Architect. Seiichi Suzuki Structural engineer. Xavier Tellier Structural engineer.

©Andrés Flajszer. Rynne A., Rodriguez N., Fabré M., Dimitri C., Sais M., Rodriguez J., Academic work of studio 2, MPDA18

LEARNING METHODOLOGY The teaching methodology of the programme facilitates the student’s learning and the achievement of the necessary competences.

Learning tools - Practical classroom sessions Knowledge is applied to a real or hypothetical environment, where specific aspects are identified and worked on to facilitate understanding, with the support from teaching staff.

- Problem-based learning (PBL) An active learning methodology that enables the student to be involved from the beginning, and to acquire knowledge and skills by considering and resolving complex problems and situations.

- Solving exercises Solutions are worked on by practicing routines, applying formulas and algorithms, and procedures are followed for transforming the available information and interpreting the results.

- Tutorship Students are given technical support in the preparation of the final project, according to their specialization and the subject matter of the project.

- Case studies Real or hypothetical situations are presented in which the students, in a completely participatory and practical way, examine the situation, consider the various hypotheses and share their own conclusions.

- Workshops Students are supported when undertaking group work, including theoretical sessions which provide the tools and knowledge needed to achieve a result. Ideas and results are exchanged between all the participating groups.


The Master’s Degree in Parametric Design in Architecture was a good decision. First, thanks to the teachers and their extensive curriculum in the fields of research, teaching and innovation. And also because of the wide range of topics covered, which go beyond those offered by other renowned schools, as well as the diversity and multidisciplinary nature of the student group, which enriched our exchange of points of view and our learning. The master’s degree also gave me a kit of very powerful digital and intellectual tools, and provided me with the confidence to face challenges in the workplace. Since taking the master’s degree, I have worked on innovation in the architecture field, and I am currently specialising in the design of large-scale projects. A position that I face every day with the new challenges of the construction industry.

Anna Rizou Architect a K Studio Architecture

For me, the master’s degree in Parametric Design has been the perfect complement to my professional development. After 10 years working as a civil engineer, I decided to study architecture, and during this period I discovered the interesting world of parametric design, which is now becoming very important as a result of technological breakthroughs and the demands of an increasingly competitive market. This master’s degree is theoretical-practical, with a comprehensive vision that is applied to real professional needs. It covers everything related to parametric design and modelling, solutions optimization, structural analysis, prototyping and the manufacture and assembly of structures. This training is backed by an excellent teaching team, who are always ready to answer your questions. Having completed this master’s degree has given me the opportunity to open a new studio in my country of origin, inspired by the master’s degree and backed by the knowledge and design techniques I learned during the training. I would recommend it 100%!

Ángel Antequera Structural Engineer at Modularem

I was looking for some training in the area of my interests, but also a specialist field capable of enhancing my skills beyond the boundaries of traditional design. When I discovered this master’s degree in parametric design, it completely exceeded my expectations. We were a group of international students led by a young and passionate team, who showed us a new approach to design analysis and control, and provided us with a set of tools with unlimited potential that can be applied on a 360° basis, in both the field of architecture and in product design. Shortly after finishing the master’s degree, I was hired by a computer design studio specializing in engineering complex geometries for large projects. Giacomo Gasbarri Bim Architect at Computational Design and Complex Geometry

Benjamín Suárez Director of the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya

Everyone who works at the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya firmly believes that our students are the central figures in our projects. Our advisory bodies, management and teaching staff work together while thinking of how to make the best contribution to people’s professional development, and especially those working in technological environments. Our daily challenge is to provide them with the most suitable skills for boosting their career and helping them to achieve their objectives. With this in mind, we believe that at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, we must work in two areas: helping professionals to develop their innovative abilities, and enhancing each individual’s personal talent. Progress is made by nonconformists - people who are capable of applying critical and creative thinking to problem-solving, thereby extracting an innovative experience capable of improving individuals’ quality of life. But in order to apply changes, it is also necessary to have leadership skills, and a leader is someone who knows how to take advantage of their personal skills to turn them into a competitive advantage. Each of our students is an opportunity to create a better world, and we want to work with them to make it a reality. ‘Democracy needs both conflicts of ideas and opinions that give it vitality and productivity.’ Edgar Morin

©Di Vanni N., Haber F., Alharthi O. Academic Work of Studio 1, MDPA20

INFORMATION AND ADVISORY SERVICE At the UPC School we want to foster people’s talent. For this reason, at the Information and Advisory Service we aim to respond to professionals’ concerns about the programmes, activities and methodologies that best meet their training needs.

TAILOR-MADE TRAINING All the postgraduate programmes at the UPC School can be taken as training programmes tailor-made to your organisations, in versions specifically adapted to your circumstances. In these cases, the programmes are designed after studying the specific needs of the people at whom they are aimed, as well as the company’s strategy. To find out more about these course types, please contact our business training unit:



Students on this programme will have access to the My_ Tech_Space virtual campus - an effective platform for work and communication between the course’s students, lecturers, directors and coordinators. My_Tech_Space provides the documentation for each training session before it starts, and enables students to work as a team, consult lecturers, check their notes, etc.

The UPC School can advise you on the various scholarships and grants that you may be eligible for. We also have agreements with banks that offer very advantageous conditions to help you in your training. Please consult our advisory team.


Tripartite Foundation training grants

The School of Professional and Executive Development has an employment service which receives a large number of job offers every year, including employment contracts and professional internship agreements. We aim to contribute to improving the career of students trained at the School of Professional and Executive Development, and to help the business sector select the best candidates. The job offers are announced through the My_Tech_Space virtual campus, an effective platform for communication, resources and training support services.

Companies that plan and manage their workers’ training are eligible for a loan to co-finance the training, which they can put into effect after the training period has ended by applying deductions from the worker’s Social Security contribution. Companies that grant individual leave for training to workers requesting training recognised with an official qualification or a university degree during working hours may apply for a deduction from the worker’s Social Security contribution, which covers the cost of the salary up to a maximum of 200 working hours for each worker.

ŠAndrÊs Flajszer. Zening W., Brant M., Matos J., Navarro J., Abaza M., Ibrahim A., Fierro P. Academic work of studio 2, MPDA19

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