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1. Who is MJ?

1. Who is MJ?

Who is Rabbit?

Rabbit a gangster. His been in and out of jail. He sells drugs and hangs with low life's and murderers. He isn't afraid of nothing and no one and isn't afraid to do what needs to be done. Played by: Ihsaan Mohammed age 30.

We know you as a character on Generations The Legacy, can you please tell us about your journey before Generations?

Grew up with a strict Islamic background. Always had A passion for sport hence going into wrestling at the age of 9... Being the S. A champion 3 times and then boxing and then doing body building. Became involved with the Wong crowd as a teenager and going off track for a few years. The passing of my wife was a wakeup call and I changed my life... Started weightlifting. Opened a gym from my home and training young people to get them off the street and of off drugs. And continuing to do so up till today. The only fear I have is letting my loved ones down. I don't ever want to fail… Whether it be as a son or a husband or a father.

4. How has the lockdown affected you as a South African Actor/Model?

Negativity from people... Always being told what I couldn't do by nay sayers... Growing up in a poor community that automatically encourages a young man to steal and do drugs.

What are your plans for 2020?

Searching for a new production. I'm still out there in the field… Grinding... Looking for a permanent role... Doing radio interviews... Will be appearing in a covid 19 music video coming out soon. Going for photo shoots as well.

What would you like people to know about you?

My love for life... My love for my family... My love for my fellow man and wanting to make the people I love proud of me... That is my motivation. Wanting to be the best I can be.

What steps can some with a dream of becoming an actor take to be on the right path to living his or her dreams?

My motto is " hold the vision and trust the process". Always see what you want Infront of you… Work hard for it and you will see the results. Myspare time is spent with my family... And training with the guys. I love watching movies where I get my inspiration for my acting... And listening to music.

Where can people follow you? IG: Ihsaan Mohammed

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