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• Poet • Director • Photographer • film Maker • Author

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As a media and art mogul Hosea Known to his friends and fans as Bree Mokwadi aims to inspire, mentor and empower the masses by his passion in the arts and media. He can bridge a gap between stage and the person on the other side of it to relate and feel involved. He can harness passion and enthusiasm; he can make what seems useless be useful. from the child who plays Diketo (Indigenous game) to the professional that speaks to thousands on the national radio. He is all-rounder and can put all this aspect of arts into one dish. He can perform, shape, direct and dance.

The acting bug bit Hosea in the early 2000 while he was still in Primary taking part in dramas and art sessions, mainly focus then was poetry, writing and drawing than acting itself. He grew up a visionary. He dreamt of art as a whole than any professions teachers and parents would speak of.

The movement that launched his love for media and theatre was Dare to dream Movement which opened all the possibilities he never thought existed. He is a choreographer, poet, camera and video freak. The theatre he joined in 2011 assisted him more in managing all this aspect of abilities, it helped him to fuse all this element without sabotaging the other. Poetry blended good with music and dance, as well as drawing simplified what he was saying through words. There is more into this artist than just performing.

He directed, Shot and edited a hip-hop Music Video for the local group called D.W.D and directed a short film for the same group and everything let to another.

Hosea also done development work with Word on The Move, Mission Blow Up Movement and Founded 412 Movement and Breetainment a company for Arts, Media, Fashion and Entrepreneurship.

Total Focus currently is his Company called Breetainment Found and owned entirely by him. He specialises in Talent Management and grooming. He as well hosts various shows every year.

Follow Bree

Social Media handles

Email: breetainment@gmail.com Office : 079 290 5702 www.facebook.com/breetainment www.twitter.com/breetainment www.instagram.com/breetainment www.youtube.com/breetainment

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