1 minute read
from Upcoming Mag(25)
by Upcoming Mag
M E E T :
LIL BOY is a South African New Wave Hip Hop Artist that is looking forward to work with the biggest artists in the game & hottest DJs in S.A He started his career of becoming a musician in 2015, When he was in Grade 5.
His purpose is to change the whole of the S.A Hip Hop Industry.
He worked with the biggest names in the New Wave like • SlimesCiaga • Stone Piece • WillYum & • Starblaq.
In 2020 he was nominated at both Mzansi Arts & Media Awards under Category of Best Newcomer Artist Of The Year & also at Golden Arts & Media Awards under category of the Best Upcoming Artist Of The Year. In 2019 he shared stages with some of the biggest artists in the game.
In March 2020 he won at the Online Radio Station that is based in Johannesburg "Hillbrow FM" on "I'm Hot on Playlist" with his latest track titled "Drip" . After that he got an International feature all the way from America where he was featured by SlimesCiaga, WillYum & Eye Ra Da Drugi on the track titled "Mariah I'm Drunk" . He get paying gigs sometimes he don't.
His purpose when he blow up is to open his own Record Label & sign any artist that is serious about music.
You can stream & download his music on: Spotify, Mp3 Juice YouTube Channel: LilBoy Rsa Audiomack: LilBoySA Slikour on Life: LilBoy Rsa Send-Space
A N D F O L L O W H I M O N H I S S O C I A L M E D I A H A N D L E S : F A C E B O O K : L I L B O Y R S A I N S T A G R A M : @ L I L B O Y _ R S A T W I T T E R :