2 minute read
from Upcoming Mag(28)
by Upcoming Mag

I am Slindile Melita Manci, a 16 year old ambitious, goal driven, dream chaser from Musgrave. I was born in Umzimkhulu. I am currently in grade 11 schooling in Wentworth Secondary School My motto in life is- dreams remain as dreams until you turn them into reality and it’s your responsibility to make those dreams a reality. My aspirations in life is to become a successful entrepreneur in the beauty industry and to make it out of the entertainment industry as an actor and a film producer and lastly to be a role model towards young women by my contribution in making South Africa a better place through pageantry which leads me to my achievements in beauty pageants such as: Miss Lady O’clock 2nd princess in 2019 without full experience of modeling Miss Teenager South Africa Finalist 2020/21 Miss Teen Liberty Queen 2021 Miss Teen Spectacular 2021

I’m currently in the process of competing for MISS DASHA SA TEEN MISS TEEN EXCEPTIONAL MISS TEEN HEROINE And I have made it as a Finalist for all of them as mentioned.

I'M ON INSTAGRAM AS @MEL_MANCI. MY PROFILE IS ACCESSIBLE T H R O U G H T H I S L I N K H T T P S : / / W W W . I N S T A G R A M . C O M / I N V I T E S / C O N T A C T / ? I = C I 1 1 4 K G E I 3 4 E & U T M _ C O N T E N T = J 1 3 R 3 F K

P L E A S E V O T E F O R M E :H T T P S : / / P A G E A N T V O T E A F R I C A . O N L I N E / P A G E A NT S / 6 5 9 / C O N T E S T A N T S / 8 0 2 3
