1 minute read
The Founder of Upcoming Mag
from Upcoming Mag (7)
by Upcoming Mag
Upcoming Mag is all about Up comers in the Arts and entertainment industry. We share biographies, Profiles, Portifolios, Artwork, stories, Pictures, Zcards, We do interviews, we create online Profiles, we advertise and promote people, brands and products, we do reviews,etc.
We share Upcoming mag though WhatsApp, You can aslo view it online on online magazine platforms.
The Founder of Upcoming Mag
Born Khensani Ben Mabunda this 30 year old man finally found a way to carry out his life purpose, which is helping everyone follow their dreams. We can write 30 best selling books about Monate but we will keep this short, he was born in Diepkloof Soweto, the year he was born his home was build, 30years letter he still lives there and he is happier than all those times when he was renting in Yoeville, Ponte the Vodacom building, Ivory Park and many other places.
He calls Himself Monate Over Total because after Quiting Drugs for the first time he had many Sesotho speaking friends and when asked how he is, he would always reply Monate Over Total, although he never really felt that way but that was a feeling he affirmed daily.
The is so much we can write about when we writing about Monate, I think that is one of the reasons why he doesnt write about himself in Upcoming Mag and maybe thats why he does not have a biography.
He is asking for your help today that is why we are writing about him today, Monate is also a Upcoming Artist, who wants to show you that anybody can make it, he entered a talent search @LoconetworkInvestments to win 1Million so he can take Upcoming Mag to the Ultimate Level and push his Music career showing you that you can do it too, Please Sms upcoming_mag to 41608 as many times as possible, Sms cost R5. Please view my (Accapella)Kule Party Performance at Loconetwork Golden Room on YouTube and if you like it,hit like: https;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jlXT3lRua8
Monate: "Much Love, Thank you."
Written By: Monate.