2 minute read
Introduction - Towards a urban policy design project
THE ISSUES Engaging community and residents' participation Community culture construction is 1 2 relatively weak, the community is short of all kinds of cultural activities and public welfare activities. Buildings Landscape Services facilities Population and jobs
2 Community residents' participation in community activities is not wide and deep enough; the sense of belonging of community needs to be enhanced.
This third section is articulated in 3 part, one for each strategy: ‘A new way of living’, ‘A new way of community’ and ‘A new type of natural environment’. 3 The three different strategies pursue different objectives, the first one is focusing mainly on the residential stock and upon the problems that affect this environment. For instance solve the problem of the massive vacant dwellings, affecting almost all the residential building and in particular the one in the main square of the neighbourhood. For these problems, we aim to intervene in creating possible solutions, processes and incentives to encourage people living in Milano Due and creating new social services for the community. The second strategy is focusing on the commercial spaces at the ground floor of the buildings, in particular under the arcades. We count a total of around 30 abandoned activities, almost half of the total available. Here we use different strategies to foster buyers in locating here their activity, that can be commercial spaces, jobs activities (architecture and lawyer office, etc) to provide new opportunities for residents or new services, for people to enjoy. The third strategy is focusing on the open spaces, in fact during the surveys we noticed that the numerous green areas were not valorized at all, big areas that couldn’t be used by the community and just there for decorative purpose. With these third actions, we aim to regenerate open spaces, placing and creating new functions usable by the community (community farms, green roofs, etc). At the end, we provide a conclusion to summarize all the three strategies together, in order to come up with a broad view of the actions implemented in the whole neighbourhood.
2 1 2 3 3 3 3 There are some abandoned activities and a building in the neighborhood High housing costs and housing prices make it unaffordable for many people. The apartments are oversize and there are few small size apartments. Although there are a lot of green spaces in the community, most of them are for decoration, and there are not many green spaces for residents to use. The type of green space is very simple, lack of diversity. There are no benches in some areas or the number of benches is insufficient. Some facilities are damaged and need to be repaired and improved, such as broken fences, bus stops lacking seats and protection. The community lacks the services that the elderly really need, such as facilities for the elderly care, newsstand, typewriting and copying shops. Some facilities need to be improved, such as bus stops lacking seats and shelter.
3 The community is aging The total population of the community has been decreasing year by year, especially for young people and children. Lack of jobs opportunity