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Bibliography ...........................................................85

Cascina Gatti: A Demographical Overview

Before jumping into our own analysis of the living conditions and the urban morphology of Cascina Gatti, we must first understand the socio-demographical composition of the area. At the very top-right of this page, the total population of Cascina Gatti is being shown in comparison with the rest of the 5 official constituencies of Sesto San Giovanni. According to the ISTAT Census Data (2018), Cascin Gatti has the second lowest total population of the municipality, it would be the last if we do not consider Villagio Falck in the northwester side, which was predominantly a community housing for factory workers now abandoned in most of its parts. Strikingly, the demographical composition of Cascina Gatti is predominantly old. In fact, the area is among the highest in the ratio number of seniors compared to the rest of the population. To make the matter worse, the low number of families and youngsters make Cascina Gatti a unique place, predominantly inhabited by seniors with no young influx of people.

Source: Comune di Sesto San Giovanni, Ufficio di Statistica su Dati dell’Anagrafe (2018) (this page and top next page)

Source: Istat - 8mila Census 2011 - Incidenza dell’occupazione ad alta-media specializzazione (middle) - Incidenza famiglie con potenziale disagi economico (bottom) On the left, the research also looked at the foreign population of Sesto San Giovanni. It can be observed that, Cascina Gatti, is not home of as many foreigners as the rest of Sesto San Giovanni. In prespective, Isola del Bosco, the neighboring constituency of our own research area, host as much as the three times the number of foreigners of Cascina Gatti. Next, the research delved into the educational composition of the site. It emerges that, Cascina Gatti as well as Villaggio Falck retains the least numbe of high-specialized workers, according to Istat (2011). On another note, it can be seen on the map at the bottom of the page that Cascina Gatti scores the highest in terms of numebr of families offically considered to be currently facing economic hardship. Although the Istat data dates back to 2011, the site visits and interviews with residents have confirmed that, overall, residents were not satisfied by their current economic status. The type of education and the economic status of residents cannot be overestimated in the 15 Minute City proposal for Cascina Gatti. Indeed, sound economic policies paired with social assistance must be implemented. Therefore, the 15 Minute City project must run on two different scales. Indeed, it is not only a strictly physical planning, but an approach that covers socioeconomic problems as well.

Mobility Network: Road Hierarchy
Although Cascina Gatti possess an overall good quality of road network, several main roads with 2x2 lines and side-parking that increase safety for pedestrians, yet the uneven quality of streets pavements makes some areas unsafe for users. The high presence of parking, gas station and large roads contrast with the discontinuity of the cycle lanes and allow us to think that the neighborhood is designed purposefully for cars. Indeed, the lack of a good cycle lane network impacts negatively any 15MC projects. The cycle lane follows Via Carlo Marx in all its entirety, ending in Adriano. Hence, on the one hand, the bike lane connects Cascina Gatti to the southern Adriano in Milan. On the other hand, the lane does not allow for a safe slow mobility within Cascina Gatti since fieldwork demonstrated that, more often than not, users are forced to cycle either on the streets next to cars or on sidewalks.

Source: Open Street Map
Mobility Network: Public Transport
The neighborhood of Cascina Gatti is located between two metropolitan train lines , M1 in direction to Sesto San Giovanni and M2 in direction to Gessate. Although Cascina Gatti seems isolated compared to other neighborhood from those underground lines, the bus network connects the area to them and to Milan and the need of a metro line does not seem like a pressing need since the low number of residents, and the proximity to both the M2 metro station of Crescenzago and the M1 of Sesto Rondò. In terms of ground level public transports, Cascina Gatti is serviced by four bus lines. All of them both crosses the North-South and East West transects. Consequently, the area is overall well serviced and gives user the ability to move both inside and outside of the area of study with relative ease. On a side note, research has not be able to look at the frequency of bus rides in the area, which can actually determine the quality of the bus service, overall.