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Doing Well by Doing Good

By Mary Whitrow

A TRUE ENTREPRENEUR often sees opportunity where others don’t. Mike Cassidy, president of the Cassidy Group (comprised of T3 Transit, Coach Atlantic Group, Maritime Bus, Cassidy Farms, and most recently, Vankampen’s Greenhouse) and a UPEI professor for 25 years, now retired, is one such entrepreneur. In one of his newest endeavours, Mr. Cassidy is working with Dr. Bishnu Acharya from the UPEI Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering and researchers from Dalhousie University to solve an issue that has been plaguing Prince Edward Island for many years; the overgrowth of sea lettuce.

Sea lettuce is a problematic algae that grows in large blooms or patches every summer in Island waterways, fuelled by an excess of nitrates in the water from farm runoff, septic tanks, and golf courses. When the sea lettuce dies it uses up oxygen in the water, creating anoxic (oxygendepleted) conditions that are deadly to marine life. Mr. Cassidy has been involved in harvesting the sea lettuce from Covehead Bay since 2011 and is now providing it to researchers to develop a liquid bio-stimulant that can be used as a fertilizer on an array of different crops. Dr. Acharya and his partners hope to see signs that the sea lettuce enhances field crops by September 2020. Mr. Cassidy has taken a solution to an environmental issue and transformed it into a business opportunity; he has introduced the fertilizer to some of his haskap berry crops at Cassidy Farms, in Hampton, PEI. Haskap berries, which look like elongated blueberries, are beginning to gain recognition for their high antioxidant content, unique flavour, and ability to flourish in harsh weather. The berries will find their way to VanKampen’s Greenhouse in Charlottetown, to be sold after the test results come back in 2020. This symbiotic relationship between Mr. Cassidy’s various businesses and projects is a great example of seeking “fit”, strategic alignment, and vertical integration. It’s exciting for the Faculty of Business to see members of the UPEI community working together to help the environment and the Island business community. We wish Mr. Cassidy and Dr. Acharya the best of luck in this project! (L-R) Mike Cassidy, Matthias Wolters (BBA ’15, Manager at VanKampen’s Greenhouse), and Dr. Bishnu Acharya.

Van Kampens Multi-Purpose Plant Food made from sea lettuce

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