Upfront Magazine - August 2017 (The Philippines Edition) with Tristan Defeuillet-Vang

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Fueling it up and firing it high on a topnotch level >>> Upfront Cover Story Upfront photograph exclusive by Tom Saint Clair

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Upfront Magazine Philippines and Singapore takes the fashion and fitness to a whole new level >>> Check it out! UPFRONT ISSUE 008



UPFRONT MAGAZINE                                        EDITORS NOTE                                    132 UPFRONT EMPOWERED COVER: Tristan Defeuillet-Vang

»» p.150

Upfront’s double sizzling cover for Sexy Summer issue is here! Join the stunning and hunky gentlemen and curvy ladies as they unveil their dominance and creativity. We have Tristan Defeuillet-Vang the Eurasian Supermodel of the next generation. Chris Spearman - the European fitness enthusiast, sexy cancer researcher and godlike physique competitor; and Australia’s summer demigod Sonny Brown - European-Australian and hunky businessman unveils his sultry confidence to a whole new level and surely willl bring your game to the highest.


Get to know Upfront’s exciting and talented new faces and figures of fashion and fitness! From inspiring stories, lifestyle and wellness regimens, to career and life advices! Experience their utmost greatness now! After all, greatness never stops!

34 The Intense Charm of Miami’s Eric Claussen »» p.34

The upcoming fitness actor and fashion model brings up his A-game and show his charismatic charm to dominate his career and passion. »» p.170

50 Healthy Living and Healthy Lifestyle with Helen Fritsch The influential flight attendant and fitness enthusaist defies the adversities in life to keep moving forward and attain excellence in her career.

72 Living with Excellence with Oklahoma’s Candi Bridges One of the Personal Training Entrepreneurs takes the business and health to a whole new level and stand out in her own way.

92 Influential Outcomes with Dez Crowe

p.7 »»»»p.50

The American dental specialist talks about her passion on lifestyle and health plus how she can stand out from the crowd by bringing some defining, yet radical results to the table.

170 Daring Hurdles with Minnesota’s Kennedy Gilbertson The sexy, young and vibrant business-finance specialist shows his hard work and dedication to attain his goals and be one of the pillars of society to make an impact and change in his community. »» p.72

»» p.92

So what exactly is the recipe to make you successful? While we’d all love to throw in a cup of this or a dash of that, it’s not that straightforward. However, there are 10 qualities that all successful people have. Find the perfect mix of all ten ingredients below, combine, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Resilience - Let’s face it: there will always be times of uncertainty in our lives. The difference is how you handle them. You can go ahead and make decisions to make sure you have an illusion of security, or be willing to dive into the unknown. Being effective in difficult circumstances and setbacks is what will enact change and propel you forward. Honesty - Being honest with yourself will allow you to really dig deep and see what it takes to achieve your goals. Are you scared of moving forward with your dream? Acknowledge it. You’d be amazed at how fast forward you will move towards your goal after you do so. Don’t forget, honesty goes a long way when it comes to others too. Need help? Ask. Want a job? Be honest in your resume. Your reputation will thank you. Time Management - Being productive with your time is essential in working towards your goals, professionally and personally. After all, all work and no play makes a Jack a stressed out and dull boy, right? Patience - You might not see immediate results when working towards something long term. You need to trust and see things through, even though there doesn’t seem to be any sort of change happening. People who don’t succeed don’t have the patience to wait and see what happens months or even years from now. If everything came so easily and quickly, then why isn’t everyone successful? Courage - Behind every successful person exist stories upon stories of failure. While having your best plans blow up in your face is scary, it’s all part of the learning process. If all the most successful people in the world ran away every time they got scared, where do you think they would be today?

Upfront Cover Tristan Defeuillet-Vang Upfront Photography Tom Saint Clair Editor In Chief Holly Anderson Creative Art Director Ian Carlo Bajada Deputy Editor for Manila Carl Richard Herrera Deputy Editor for Singapore Ivanna LiHan Chistensen Associate Editor Andrew Alexander Lim Managing Editor Alan Isaac W. Christopherson Publisher Viewpoint Media International Media Partner Phoenix Media UPFRONT Magazine | 23


THE POWER AND STRENGTH ISSUE                                     Networking - Successful people never venture out on their own. In fact, they would probably tell you that it’s impossible. Having people who can mentor you, keep you accountable, and talk through your concerns will make or break you. Go out there and start meeting people. Now. Passion - What do you truly enjoy in life? Successful people inject passion into what they do. Let’s say you want to start a photography business, but hate having to market yourself. A successful person would work hard at marketing because they know that without clients, they cannot pursue their passion of having a photography business. Try to think about an aspect of your life that you want to change. How can you inject your passion into it? Upfront Cover Tristan Defeuillet-Vang Upfront Photography Tom Saint Clair Editor In Chief Holly Anderson Creative Art Director Ian Carlo Bajada Deputy Editor for Manila Carl Richard Herrera Deputy Editor for Singapore Ivanna LiHan Chistensen Associate Editor Andrew Alexander Lim

Vision - Do you have a clear idea of what you want and how to get it? Successful people do. They take the time to clearly outline what they want, and create a strategy to help with that vision. They also frequently refer to their vision and to their values and strategy in order to succeed in whatever they set their minds to. Adaptability - Having a plan is definitely important on your road to success. But what if things change? How easily will you move from one set of circumstance to the next? Highly successful people are able to change with every turn and adapt to situations that arise. Will you be one of those people? Creating Value For Others - Why would anyone pay attention to you if you don’t have something to offer? Successful people know that they need to build up their skill set, whether it’s career related, or even something as simple as helping a friend out. Figure out what you have to offer to the world, and just do it!

Managing Editor Alan Isaac W. Christopherson

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132 Sexy, sizzling and strong issue of Upfront’s Empowered Hunks and Babes Upfront’s exclusive cover stories and feature interviews show the diversity of male dominance and excellence in media, arts, health and fitness, business and life! Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, this is issue is one of the anticipated edition for the new generation. Can you keep up? Excel and be the best you can be! Stand out from the crowd uniquely and fiercely!


Get to know Upfront’s exciting and talented new faces and figures of fashion and fitness! From inspiring stories, lifestyle and wellness regimens, to career and life advices! Experience their utmost greatness now! After all, greatness never stops!

UPFRONT MAGAZINE EDITORS Holly Anderson Ian Carlo Bajada Andrew Alexander Lim

»» p.150 »» p.120

34 The Intense Charm of Miami’s Eric Claussen The upcoming fitness actor and fashion model brings up his A-game and show his charismatic charm to dominate his career and passion.

50 Healthy Living and Healthy Lifestyle with Helen Fritsch

»» p.72

The influential flight attendant and fitness enthusaist defies the adversities in life to keep moving forward and attain excellence in her career.

72 Living with Excellence with Oklahoma’s Candi Bridges One of the Personal Training Entrepreneurs takes the business and health to a whole new level and stand out in her own way.

92 Influential Outcomes with Dez Crowe The American dental specialist talks about her passion on lifestyle and health plus how she can stand out from the crowd by bringing some defining, yet radical results to the table.

120 Swaggering Style with Switzerland’s Valentin Dickler

Publisher Viewpoint Media International Media Partner Phoenix Media


»» p.7

»» p.92 »» p.50

The sexy, young and vibrant fashion model shows his hard work and dedication to attain his goals and be one of the pillars of society to make an impact and change in his community.

»» p.34



Hunky American actor and model, Eric Claussen advocated that with absolute commitment anything is really possible. The sexy Miami-based gentleman brings up his determination to excel his career and passion with utmost confidence.

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by Ian Carlo Bajada and Carl Rich Herrera Photographs by Ivan Brun

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e is hot, sexy, witty, and crazily brilliant individual! The dashing Miami-based actor and model, Eric Claussen, was born and raised in Huntington, New York, USA and he grew up in Northern Virginoia, USA. Eric is a bartender and waiter at Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, a Lyft driver, and an actor who also does modeling too. He has been in the industry for more than six years already and his very first photo shoot was about four years ago. Eric is one of the diverse talented young men in the show business, film, fashion, and modeling industry.

He has appeared in TV commercials, print advertisements, featured in various magazines or cover publications and even braced the covers of romance novels. In those span of years, who was your inspiration to venture this career? “My mother because she used to model but gave up on it due to nonpayment and fake agencies. I’m not one to give up no matter what obstacles invariably come my way”, the young actor shared. Was this something that you want from the beginning or was it something that someone influenced you along the way? Why 36 | UPFRONT Magazine

Let go of that identity and just be the most beautiful you that you can be.”

is that? “When I was a youngster, I remember seeing my mother’s modeling pictures. I never really pursued it until I turned my life around. Once I turned my life around and got into the best shape in my life this was something I really wanted to do”, the hunky model said. And now that he’s got all figured it out, the dashing young gentleman is conquering the industry with utmost confidence and skills. “I was into sports as a youngster. I remember playing wiffleball in the backyard with my dad, hitting home runs into the neighbor’s yard. My dream was to be a superstar athlete”, Eric Claussen recalls his childhood memory and his ambition when he was little. Eric is also an avid reader. He loves the outdoors and adventure. Roller coasters are his favorite! He really enjoys learning new things, meeting new people, helping others and just enjoying life as it unfolds naturally.

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In life you are either growing or dying. Greatness takes hard work, dedication and persistence. You’ve got to stay hungry and keep pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone so that you can continue to learn, grow and expand. Your true potential is limitless as long as you keep expanding so Greatness Never Ends.”


How was the year of 2016 for you and what are your plans for 2017? “2016 was great. I was super busy working on lots of acting and modeling projects all the time. 2017 has been slow for me. I decided to go exclusive with a new agency and haven’t really worked at all in the acting/modeling field. A learning experience for me.” It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “I am always open to new opportunities and taking risks. The bigger the risk the bigger the reward. Life is about learning, growing and improving. Making mistakes and falling down is part of it. Fall seven times, stand up eight”, said the Miami-based actor. How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “I’ve overcome addiction to drugs and alcohol which nearly took my life several times. I’m very open and share my story helping others along the way. A lot of people look up to me. I’m an inspiration to many”, Eric shared. Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your first-ever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “Hilarious. I had no money. I drove 14 hours to Montgomery, AL and didn’t even have money for gas to return home. I wrote a blank check and asked the photographer not to cash it. The photos came out amazing even though I had no idea what I was doing. The photographer, now a good friend, really helped loosing me up and bringing the photos to life”, he recalled. Change can be tough at first and embarking new things can be risky or scary too. But, if there is one the thing or lesson that you learned in the long run about change and being new to certain things, what is it and why? “As human beings we attach ourselves to an identity. Who we want to be, who we want others to see us as, who we are when we show up in life. Life is forever changing and a great lesson I learned is that you have to constantly be adapting and changing with the times. Let go of that identity and just be the most beautiful you that you can be”, the fitness fanatic explained. Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “Yes, I would like to buy and own my own home. I have always paid rent and had roommates. It would be a nice change to own my home and live by myself”, Eric hoped. Let us have a flash-forward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year of 2017? “I keep working on improving myself on a daily basis. The idea of Constant And Never-Ending Improvement has been implanted into my subconscious and I’m consistently hungry to learn and grow. My passion is in acting. Five to ten years down the road you’ll see me on the big screen playing an assortment of different roles showing my range”, the sexy, tattoed-hunk said it brightly. Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “In life you are either growing or dying. Greatness takes hard work, dedication and persistence. You’ve got to stay hungry and keep pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone so that you can continue to learn, grow and expand. Your true potential is limitless as long as you keep expanding so Greatness Never Ends.”, Eric confidently said. If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “ATom Hanks is great. He has such a sickening work ethic and at the core of him is the biggest loving heart. He’s willing to help out and give back expecting nothing in return. That’s a great man.”, the fitness buff disclosed.

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BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Given the huge duties and accountabilities of Eric Claussen as an actoe and a model, what does it takes to stay on-point and stay on track to all the given challenges? The dashing model-athlete tells us all respectively.

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Handling responsibilities can be very challenging at times. What challenges do you face in your work and how do you overcome those to be an effective individual? “Money is a challenge for me. By bank account always has a rounding balance of two or three figures. I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt. I know it won’t be like this forever because I keep learning, growing and improving but right now I live day to day.”, the fitness enthusiast answered. Work can be overwhelming sometimes, especially priorities. How do you manage your busy schedule and other activities? “Easy, I just

prioritize things of most importance to me and make a checklist in that order. Then I take massive action and get them checked off as quickly and efficiently as I can.”, Eric shared on how he manages his time effectively. Social activities like mingling with friends or going out with family is important too. How do you balance work with your personal life? “I’m actually a lone wolf. I don’t really hang out with anyone all that much. I see my family a couple of times a year and I really enjoy that. My sister has a lake house in VA and my family likes to meet there a couple times a year. It’s fun. We go out on the boat, Jet Ski, wakeboard, kayak and just chill enjoying the beautiful scenery. Good times with the family!!”, the fitness hunk revealed when asked about juggling his responsibilites.

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Life is forever changing and a great lesson I learned is that you have to constantly be adapting and changing with the times.”

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Look GOOD FEEL GREAT By IAN CARLO BAJADA and CARL RICH HERRERA Photographed by IVAN BRUN pfront Magazine: They and hiring a personal trainer and say when you look good Upfront Magazine: How about physical therapist? you also feel good. But, models that you look up to that Eric Claussen: Credibility. Do some how exactly do you mainmay serve you as an inspiration or due diligence and research. Does tain your physical shape motivation? this person produce the results and physique? Eric Claussen: I love Kathy Ireland. that you are looking to get on Eric Claussen: It’s true. You absoShe stepped out of modeling to a consistent basis? Talk to other lutely must watch what you eat start a billion dollar business. I’ve clients and look at before and and maintain a workout routine. got some business ideas brewing. after photos of others who used Then you look good and feel this person. great all the time. Upfront Magazine: A sexy individual is: Upfront Magazine: What special Upfront Magazine: How many Eric Claussen: Someone who owns and vital qualities or certain chartimes do you work out in a week? who they are and embraces it not acteristics that you should possess Do you have any favorite workout worrying about what others think. as a professional in the industry in particular? you are in? Eric Claussen: I work out 6-7 days Upfront Magazine: Confidence is: Eric Claussen: You absolutely must a week. The gym is my second Eric Claussen: Holding your head have tough skin and don’t take home. It just puts me in such a high and marching forward no anything personally. Stick to it. good mood when I’m done and I matter what knowing in your heart Keep training, learning, growing love that feeling. Bi’s and Tri’s is of hearts that it will work out. and improving and eventually my favorite workout. I love when you’ll get a breakthrough. the veins in my arm are popping Upfront Magazine: Name the food out during my work out!! and drinks you cannot resist to eat Upfront Magazine: Given a priviand drink? lege opportunity and task to eduUpfront Magazine: What types of Eric Claussen: I have a crazy cate young and old people’s minds food groups do you eat to supplesweet tooth. I love Cold Stone. I about fitness and health; let’s say ment your workout routine? love cookies, cake and ice cream. you are an ambassador of a Eric Claussen: I eat salad all the You gotta live a little and enjoy non-government organization (i.e. time. Its water based so I burn these things sometimes. UNICEF, Red Cross International it off quickly and it keeps my etc.). How would you exercise your energy high. Upfront Magazine: What are your authority, background and utilize roles as to being a professional in your resources in the best of your Upfront Magazine: Being fit and this field? Of all careers you have ability to educate them? healthy is very vital as we grow to choose, why do you want to Eric Claussen: Everyone learns difold and age every year. What venture this kind of industry? ferently and at their own pace. I’d was your wake-up call point in Eric Claussen: You show up early, meet with a group of likeminded your life that started to realize stay late and don’t complain individuals and come up with a that being fit and healthy is a enjoying the ride helping others bunch of ideas/options. Then cremust? along the way. Time melts away ate an app implementing these Eric Claussen: Almost six years ago when I am on set. There’s no other ideas/options. when I turned my life around and place I’d rather be quit drinking and doing drugs. I Upfront Magazine: What would switched my negative addictions Upfront Magazine: What special be your last advice to the individof drinking and doing drugs with training and experiences did you uals who want to venture the kind working out and personal develundergo to make you a credible of career you are in right now? opment. I look amazing and feel and reliable professional? Eric Claussen: It’s gotta be somebetter than any drugs ever made Eric Claussen: Practice, practice, thing you really want to do. It’s me feel. I’m addicted to a new practice. I’ve done hundreds of going to take a lot of hard work, positive lifestyle and reaping the photo shoots, been on set hundreds dedication and persistence. There benefits. of times, and taking hundreds of are no guarantees. classes. The training never ends. Upfront Magazine: Any influential If you don’t use it you lose it. Upfront Magazine: What is your individuals or public figures that Remember every master was once final message to the people who you admire most in terms of work a disaster. Everything that is worth have supported you? and career? it is going to be hard. You gotta Eric Claussen: I love you!! Thank Eric Claussen: Robert Downy Jr. stick with it and keep showing up. you!! Anything is possible if you and Bradley Cooper to name a have the will and determination to few because they are like me Upfront Magazine: What are make it so. and have overcome addiction to the important things that a clidrugs/alcohol. ent should consider when investing


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G N I D A F N U Anderson y ll o H d n a a d ja ws By Ian Carlo Ba t attendant kno

d fligh n a t s ia s s u d h r t a n e w o t s ie r a d n The fitness us bou io r e s e m yle. o t s s e k f a li e iv t c a d n how to bre ving a li y h lt a e h , s e in t fitness rou 50 | UPFRONT Magazine


Y T U BEA Patrick s e m a J y b d e Photograph

nce e d fi n o c h it w p Let’s move u defies every as Helen Fritsch ve innovations. norm and achie

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hat if you travel around the world and live each that moment happily? Well, lucky for this woman, she always does have priceless experiences to live each day. Literally, Helen Fritsch grew up seeing all over the world and witnessing the different breathtaking places. Helen is a flight attendant for US domestic and European destinations. She has been a flight attendant for 31 years already and she is absolutely living the dream to travel around the world. The fitness enthusiast got her inspiration to venture this career because of his father’s influence. “My father’s job had my family relocating every 2-3 years grow-ing up. I got divorced in my late 20’s and decided that I needed to “start over”. I imme-diately started applying to various airlines hoping to relive my transient lifestyle breaking free from the life I was currently living”, Helen Fritsch shared. It was a right moment for her to unfold her life on a different direction and experience life as it comes when adversities came along the way. “I loved traveling and seeing the world growing up. I felt after my divorce, I had the opportunity to try and recapture those memories and make new ones so I decided I wanted to become a flight attendant”, the wonderful wanderer revealed. “My father was a star athlete in school. I remember always admiring all of his trophies and medals and constantly going through all of his scrapbooks of newspaper articles about him. I knew I wanted to be star athlete just like him one day’, Helen recalled her childhood memory and ambition when she was a little kid. Aside from travelling around the world and meeting new people, Helen is also a fitness enthusiast who values the healthy living and lifestyle. It helped her professionally and indi-vidually. And, who would have thought that this amazingly, talented woman will turn 60 this year?! Active lifestyle helped her not only to stay healthy but also kept her to stay younger and happier too! “I compete in bodybuilding shows now. I also like to cook, play golf, snow ski and travel”, Helen Fritsch added. Use her age-defying tips and advice as we get to know her more up-close and personal here at Upfront Magazine. Who knows? You might just be one step away to living that dream and living your life happily! How was the year of 2016 for you and what are your plans for 2017? “2016 was very tough! I became extremely ill in the Fall of 2016 and was sick for several months. This illness put all aspects of my life on hold. Currently, I am 100% better. Still dealing with a few issues but I have no doubt will fully recover soon! I turn 60 in 2017! So, I have plans to compete in 4 bodybuilding shows, one being a big Masters National show in July. Afterwards, I plan on doing extensive traveling around the world enjoying life and turning 60!”, Helen said. It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “Yes always! I constantly have my eyes wide open and receptive to the Universe and what it may offer or present to me. I believe everyone has a

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specific plan here on Earth and I want to be able to live out my plan to the best of my ability. I’m always looking at what God or the Universe is presenting to me or trying to tell me and then follow that path!”, the flight attendant explained. How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “Totally honored, humbled and SO grateful!! It was definitely a total “WOW” moment when I found out!!” Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your first-ever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “I was very intimidated and nervous! Luckily, I worked a great photographer who directed me quite well. The pictures came out amazing!”, Helen recalled. Change can be tough at first and embarking new things can be risky or scary too. But, if there is one the thing or lesson that you learned in the long run about change and being new to certain things, what is it and why? “I wouldn’t be where I am today if I would not have faced my fears, believed in myself and attempted to “jump” knowing there was no safety net. I knew that I did not want to be stuck in a predictable, monotonous holding tank. I believed in myself and knew I could face the unknown and unfamiliar. There were times when I succeeded and also times that I failed. Those failures helped me grow and prosper. I learned many life lessons from “jumping” and plan to continue to take risks as life goes on!”, the fitness fanatic shared. Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “I am training to get my NPC Masters Figure Pro card this summer! Eyes always forward continuing to get closer to my dream and goal!”, Helen said optimistically. Let us have a flash-forward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year of 2017? “I’ll still be a flight attendant…I love my job! I will also still be very involved in fitness. I also will continue to be checking off those Bucket List items!”, she believed positively. Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “If you believe in yourself and you feel that you are truly capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to, then you will experience greatness regardless of how big or how small your accomplishments are. Effort, willpower, determination, sacrifice, perse-verance…as long as you follow a path with goals and dreams, eyes always forward, you will continue to experience greatness and it will never end!” If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “My Father. He was an accomplished individual and stand out athlete in school. A strong and dedicated man with a solid work ethic. He was a leader and a winner on and off the field. An overall great sportsman, gentleman, father. He taught me to work hard for what I believed in, whether it was at work or at

If you believe in yourself and you feel that you are truly capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to, then you will experience greatness regardless of how big or how small your accomplishments are.” UPFRONT Magazine | 53


the gym. I continue, and will always aspire to be like him!”, Helen stated.

Being selfassured in one’s own abilities and worth. That is confidence is all about.”

Handling responsibilities can be very challenging at times. What challenges do you face in your work and how do you overcome those to be an effective individual? “You have to show fellow coworkers leadership qualities and prove to them your ability to handle responsibilities with the “know how”, dignity, respect and professionalism that it takes to lead the way.” Work can be overwhelming sometimes, especially priorities. How do you manage your busy schedule and other activities? “I just make sure everything is planned accordingly and I have at least one day to my daughter and one myself that’s just for us”, Erica explained. Social activities like mingling with friends or going out with family is important too. How do you balance work with your personal life? “I decide what is most important to me and prioritize activities accordingly. For example…I compete in bodybuilding shows. When I am in contest prep, I fly trips where I can get work-outs in on the road and eat clean without any hassles. This makes life a lot less stressful!”, she said. Social activities like mingling with friends or going out with family is important too. How do you balance work with your personal life? “My friends and family are VERY important to me! They accept my busy work and training schedule. At the same time, I am always calling, texting, emailing to stay in touch if I’m out of town or busy training. It’s all about balance and compromise.” They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “I make it a priority to love my body from what goes in it,to what goes on it, and to what it does.” How many times do you work out in a week? Do you have any favorite workout in particular? “I work out 5-6 days a week. I lift heavy weights and various forms of cardio. I love doing HIIT/Functional training classes! These full body workouts hit all areas of the body.”, shared by the fitness enthusiast. What types of food groups do you eat to supplement your workout routine? “Lean proteins, complex carbs, healthy fats.” Being fit and healthy is very vital as we grow old and age every year. What was your wake-up call point in your life that started to realize that being fit and healthy is a must? “ABoth of my parents were athletes so I learned at a very early age that physical activity was always important and an integral part of our family dynamic”, Helen remembered. Any influential individuals or public figures that you admire most in terms of

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work and career? “Barack and Michelle Obama, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Tony Robbins, Joel Osteen.” How about models that you look up to that may serve you as an inspiration or motivation? “In the fitness industry I look up to Lori Harder, Nicole Wilkins, Amanda Latona to name a few! These women possess amazing inner strength to have achieved all they have in the fitness industry but they also have given back to their fitness communities and their fan base helping people achieve their goals through hard work, determination and discipline and seeing amazing transformations!” Upfront Magazine: A sexy individual is: Helen Fritsch: Confident and self-assured Upfront Magazine: Confidence is: Helen Fritsch: Being self-assured in one’s own abilities and worth. Upfront Magazine: Name the food and drinks you cannot resist to eat and drink? Helen Fritsch: Dark chocolate and red wine! Upfront Magazine: What are your roles as to being a professional in this field? Of all ca-reers you have to choose, why do you want to venture this kind of industry? Helen Fritsch: I don’t have a career in the fitness industry but I do participate in fitness through competing in bodybuilding shows and attending fitness workshops and conferences. As a lifelong athlete, I continue to train and pursue more experience and knowledge in the fitness world. This enables me to not only take care of myself and be the best I can be but I can also share my wealth of knowledge to help others attain their fitness goals. Upfront Magazine: What special training and experiences did you undergo to make you a credible and reliable professional? Helen Fritsch: At this time, I do not have my personal training certification but I’m looking at getting certified in the near future. I have taken several courses and attended many workshops and symposiums pertaining to fitness and personal health and well-being. Upfront Magazine: What are the important things that a client should consider when in-vesting and hiring a personal trainer and physical therapist? Helen Fritsch: People get into fitness or need physical therapy for various reasons. My biggest concern would be clients make sure the PT’s have proper certification and educa-tion in the field. Next, I would look at their experience level…. how long have they been in the field, what type of clients do they cater to and

what kind of results have their clients achieved. Finally, I would want to make sure I have a good rapport with my PT and also make sure they offer support, motivation and are a good role model during my time with them. Upfront Magazine: What special and vital qualities or certain characteristics that you should possess as a professional in the industry you are in? Helen Fritsch: I expect trainers and coaches to possess the knowledge and guidance I need to achieve my specific goals. I also want them to push me to achieve my goals. I am hiring them to not only help guide me but motivate me to perform at my best and bring out an inner mental, emotional and physical strength that I couldn’t do on my own. I need them to be sympathetic to my causes, help bring me back up if I’m down and get me back on track if I veer off course. Upfront Magazine: Given a privilege opportunity and task to educate young and old people’s minds about fitness and health; let’s say you are an ambassador of a non-government organization (i.e. UNICEF, Red Cross International etc.). How would you exer-cise your authority, background and utilize your resources in the best of your ability to educate them? Helen Fritsch: Knowledge is power. Many people don’t know where to start when they de-cide they want to improve their health and fitness lifestyle. I would seek out and show people where to start. A world of information is at our finger tips now. The internet and social media are great starting points. I would also gather those people/professionals who share my passion and ask them for their help and input. Upfront Magazine: What would be your last advice to the individuals who want to venture the kind of career you are in right now? Helen Fritsch: If someone wants to get in the fitness industry they need to be very patient! They need to realize that being a role model and setting positive examples in health and fitness will help them develop a clientele and a business. It will take time but it will be worth it in the end! Upfront Magazine: What is your final message to the people who have supported you? Helen Fritsch: A huge THANK YOU for everyone’s patience and understanding! My regi-mented life style can be a bit overwhelming at times! My family and friends have been behind me 100% and I wouldn’t be where I am today without their love and support!

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e c n e l l e c ex m e n i n f o n a o e in. m o w w e s s i r h e T the div d w e liv ’t. f l r o o e w n o e is ompetitiv up . Otherts acwanay. the crs can keenp barely guell it off. Othe Some caan rarely pridges will c Candi B der ship e m o s Andklahoma’s anding lea, unique But,aOke her outtisotn to a neowvercomet t innova efinitely tandou andnd she’ll darriers to swn w ay. leveolmae seriousssbom in her o l o B a j a d a s and blo n C a r y W i t h e rs a I & a e rrer ed by Cas e H d r l R i c h aP h o t o g r a p h r a C y B

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IS HERE to face the future By

Carl Richard Herrera Ian Carlo Bajada Photographs by Casey Withers


If you had told me five years ago that I would be doing this I would not have believed you! I have a master’s degree in SpeechLanguage Pathology and had just taken a break from it after ten years to be a stay-at-home mom... God sure does have His own plan for us.�

Candi Bridges was raised in a small rural town in SW, Oklahoma (Walters), USA. It is a small town with a big heart for Candi. She is a fulltime, hands-on mother of two children, a loving wife, and a business owner. She has instructed group fitness classes for four years already. Candi has grown from a ladies-only bootcamp in her garage to owning a full-service gym built from the ground up! God is good to her and to her business. They are so excited about the growth of EYECANDI FITNESS helping clients to achieve their fitness goals and keep them healthy. She fell in love with group fitness because Candi enjoyed doing it. Once she began sharing it with friends, they inspired her to pursue it further and that is why she ventured this kind of career and business. 74 | UPFRONT Magazine

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Develop a tough skin! Give 100%. A sexy individual is Smart, compassionate and sexy of course!”


as this something that you want from the beginning or was it something that someone influenced you along the way? Why is that? “If you had told me five years ago that I would be doing this I would not have believed you! I have a master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology and had just taken a break from it after ten years to be a stay-at-home mom... God sure does have His own plan for us”, Candi shared. Recall your childhood memory. When you were growing up, what was your dream back then or perhaps your ambition when you were little? “I wanted to live in a big house with a huge porch. I said I would have two children (one boy, one girl) I always wanted to work with children”, the enthusiastic mother and entrepreneur said. “My first interest is always my children. I love spending time with them...no matter what they/we are doing. I enjoy scrapbooking, outdoor adventures, college football and NBA games and reading on the beach”, Candi on the things that she like to do during her free time or vacation. How was the year of 2016 for you and what are your plans for 2017? “2016 was full of many emotions! I learned a lot about myself….2017 is turning out to be fabulous”, said the stunning businesswoman. It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “I am always up for venturing out… .I’ll try almost anything once….as far as new things right now, I’m pretty happy with where

we are….not ready for anything too crazy again just yet!” How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “I am honored to have been asked! What an exciting time for UPFRONT Magazine! I definitely understand what it’s like to pour your heart and soul into something you love and then to see it finally take off ….BREATHTAKING to say the least!!” Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your first-ever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “Oh…...this is a great question! I was a “hot mess” to say the least!!! I had no idea what to expect from my shoot. I had never taken a professional “serious” or “sexy” picture!!! The entire time I was like “my Granny would die if she saw me now...walking down this alley in some heels, booty shorts and this thing called a semi-mid drift”, Candi recalled. Change can be tough at first and embarking new things can be risky or scary too. But, if there is one the thing or lesson that you learned in the long run about change and being new to certain things, what is it and why? “I have learned that I’m not even close to knowing everything I need to know about owning/running a business. The risk is great I know that for sure. It’s scary being a single owner of such a big investment, but I know that with God, my family, my team and our clients we will not fail”, the sexy and fit health enthusiast explained.

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Strive daily to do great things. When you never stop trying to do great things for others your life is never empty.”

E S O P R U P D N PASSION A Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “Pay off my building! Isn’t that everyone’s goal?” Let us have a flash-forward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year of 2017? “Still enjoying my family…..having a son in college and son as a junior in high school and traveling with my hubby when able and still continuing to change and impact lives”, Candi shared it optimistically. Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “Strive daily to do great things and when you never stop trying to do great things for others your life is never empty”, the EYECANDI fitness owner explained. If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “My grandfather was amazing. He taught 78 | UPFRONT Magazine

me everything I needed to know about life. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him. He was a wonderful family man and an excellent business owner”, Candi revealed. Handling responsibilities can be very challenging at times. What challenges do you face in your work and how do you overcome those to be an effective individual? “You’re absolutely right. Many responsibilities come with owning your own business. A lot of things are behind the scenes that no one else sees except you. I work daily to keep my mind strong and my focus clear”, the fitness enthusiast shared. Work can be overwhelming sometimes, especially priorities. How do you manage your busy schedule and other activities? “I have a planner that is my life! I always

say “family first.” I practice that in my business as well.” Social activities like mingling with friends or going out with family is important too. How do you balance work with your personal life? “I always pick my family first, even if that means just hanging at home with them because I have been at work for the day. Honestly, friend time is very limited. Mommy time with my boys is my first priority”, Candi on balancing her priorities. They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “I am at the most relaxed time in my physique right now. It has been a nice break from the strict meal guidance and all of the cardio.” How many times do you work out in a week? Do you have any favorite workout in particular? “I lift weights 5-6 days per week

in the gym. I participate/instruct group fitness classes 3-5 times per week.” What types of food groups do you eat to supplement your workout routine? “Lean proteins, healthy fats, carbs within my boundaries in regards to my fitness goals and the best part...the re-feed meals!” Any influential individuals or public figures that you admire most in terms of work and career? “I really like DLB. Her physique is phenomenal. I also like her ability to not take anyone’s bull!” How about models that you look up to that may serve you as an inspiration or motivation? “Honestly, I don’t look up to any of the “models” per say. It’s my journey.”

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pfront Magazine: A sexy individual is: Candi Bridges: Smart, compassionate and sexy of course!

Upfront Magazine: Confidence is: Candi Bridges: Sometimes dangerous. Upfront Magazine: Name the food and drinks you cannot resist to eat and drink? Candi Bridges: cupcakes, Starbucks skinny vanilla latte, banana Laffy Taffy Upfront Magazine: What are your roles as to being a professional in this field? Of all careers you have to choose, why do you want to venture this kind of industry? Candi Bridges: My roles are CEO, manager, human resources, personal trainer, coach and counselor. I love this industry because it’s a special feeling when you are able to change lives. Upfront Magazine: What special training and experiences did you undergo to make you a credible and reliable professional? Candi Bridges: NASM, personal training certification, TRX level 1 and level 2 instructor Upfront Magazine: What are the important things that a client should consider when investing and hiring a personal trainer and physical therapist? Candi Bridges: Make sure you meet with the trainer prior to deciding about choosing them. Ask them all of your questions and make sure they ask you questions about your goals

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and expectations of them as well. With social media, you are able to check references easily these days. Upfront Magazine: What special and vital qualities or certain characteristics that you should possess as a professional in the industry you are in? Candi Bridges: Ability to connect with all people, a good personality, compassion, drive, strong work ethic, and commitment Upfront Magazine: Given a privilege opportunity and task to educate young and old people’s minds about fitness and health; let’s say you are an ambassador of a non-government organization (i.e. UNICEF, Red Cross International etc.). How would you exercise your authority, background and utilize your resources in the best of your ability to educate them? Candi Bridges: I would use a lot of hands on learning and activities. With both age groups given, that would be your best way to break through to them.


I have learned that I’m not even close to knowing everything I need to know about owning or running a business. The risk is great I know that for sure. It’s scary being a single owner of such a big investment, but I know that with God, my family, my team and our clients we will not fail.”


Upfront Magazine: What would be your last advice to the individuals who want to venture the kind of career you are in right now? Candi Bridges: Develop a tough skin! Give 100% Upfront Magazine: What is your final message to the people who have supported you? Candi Bridges: Thank you so much for always hanging in there with me! I appreciate your commitment and love for EYECANDI FITNESS!

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This superb beauty is the next breathtaking refinement for dental health and fitness. She’s the radiating face of positivity and hope plus, one of the inspirational women and public figure for healthy lifestyle. She’s certainly ready to project the sexy glow from inside and out. And she will surely break some hurdles and take that brand new level of inspiration.

Exceptionally She’s

By Ian Carlo Bajada and Holly Anderson

Striking Photographs by Bryan Forrester

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Well, I had cancer strike me down in 2013 and my doctor at that time said due to my low BMI and clean eating regimen, I saved my own life. The cancer was isolated to that specific area and it prevented it from spreading. The healthy choices I made also helped my recovery time after the major surgery to be less than 5 weeks when it was supposed to be a few months. It’s truly important to do what you can to live a healthy lifestyle.”


OVERCOMING ADVERSITIES By Ian Carlo Bajada and Holly Anderson Photographed by Bryan Forrester

They say, smiles can be contagious and it can spread positivity towards others. Others believed that smiling more often everyday can help you stay young and happy or even healthy. Well, Dez Crowe is one of the pillars of the society who is also responsible for making our smiles flashy and ‘glowy’. Dez is a dental office manager who is taking care of all patients’ dental needs. She is also a certified personal trainer for clients with weight loss goals through strength training and cardio exercise. She still models too and she is affiliated with fitnessmodels.com. Dez practically moved and travelled a lot. Dez was born in New York City, USA and she was raised in several places such as Guam, California, Florida, and Houston Texas. She has been in the dental field since 2001and still continues to help other people with their dental needs. She also lives in an active lifestyle and does healthy living. Dez is also in the fitness industry since 2014 and making a progress. In those span of years, who was your inspiration to venture this career? “I was raised in the fitness industry through my mother Teresita Mission and as for dentistry I was drawn to it as I was in orthodontic treatment for the alignment of my teeth”, Dez shared. “OMG! I never thought I would do either one from the constant painful tightening of the ortho treatment on my teeth, oh and jeez that long wait I would endure while my mother would teach classes every day as I would do my homework. As a kid that was so boring (laughs) but really, as I got older I saw the meaning people’s lives being lifted and smiles of joy as they were being transformed. That is what caught my urge to be a part of such a beautiful movement”, the dental manager added. “I used to watch a show when I was young and I cannot recall for the life of me what it was but all I knew is I wanted to be a homicide detective. What was that??? But, I was very serious about it I thought. Well just as I tell my son now, you can change career goals so many times while you’re young. It’s ok just as long as you end up doing what you love to do and your job does not feel like work”, Dez Crowe recalled her childhood memory and her ambition when she was young. “I love relaxing now in my life and I love going on vacations modeling with my fitnessmodels team. They are such a huge part of my life. As far as my interests go, I just want to help and inspire the world in anything I do. I look for interests pertaining to my life accomplishments and how I can pay it forward”, Dez on her interests and hobbies.

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AND POWERFUL CHARM One of the fresh, prominent individuals who will bare confidence and creative attitude to stand out from the crowd.


By Ian Carlo Bajada and Holly Anderson Photographed by Bryan Forrester

ow was the year of 2016 for you and what are your plans for 2017? “Oh Jeez! Ouch but Thankful! 2016 Was a year of pain and gain. My son moved forward with “Adulthood” life moving out and going on to college. As a single mother I was so hurt and lost. But while I experienced the pain I gained a lot of joy because on the brighter side of things, I watched him make the best choices. He has his own place, works at a bank, and goes to college. Proud mother moments even though I want him back at home. The other gain in 2016 was through that trying moment I spent so much more time with myself in prayer, church, bible study, and progressed with a peaceful soul like any other year that has passed. I also did another fitness shoot along with a magazine. FOR 2017.. My plan is to meditate in the word of God always and still strive towards my fitness modeling career. I live to inspire others!”, shared the fitness beauty. It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “I really want to mentor the youth, being a positive influence, and make a difference in their lives. I had a challenging upbringing and I can help by using it. The children are our future and if we invest in them then we are investing in a brighter future for the world.”, Dez Crowe shared. How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “I am very grateful, humbled, and I am honored to have been selected by your publication as being recognized in something I am so passionate about in my life. This magazine shows inspiration more of which the world needs!” Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your first-ever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “I was approached by a photographer at a dental lab in Houston Texas. He worked there but was a professional photographer as well. I always wanted to model so when he asked I was excited but get this! It was for the troops overseas that was sent off during the time of the 9/11 terrorist attack. He put together posters and calendars of beautiful women. My first modeling gig had purpose! While I was doing 96 | UPFRONT Magazine

the shoot, I did it with flying colors and wanted to go on from there!”, Dez recalled. Change can be tough at first and embarking new things can be risky or scary too. But, if there is one the thing or lesson that you learned in the long run about change and being new to certain things, what is it and why? “So, when I was young I truly was not getting anywhere. I had friends that I just did not want to let go of but they had no ambition. I had a fire in me all of the time and saw myself going places but I just could not separate myself. I prayed and prayed. One day I just got up and moved away. I was so scared of the new roads and new people and OMG… I barely had any money. But that is what did it! I had nothing to fall back on which made me push even harder. Every vision I had I was in control and there was not one person around me bringing me down. I became my own leader and stayed focused. Change is good. Change is greatness!”, the fitness enthusiast explained.

A sexy individual to me is one who is thankful, grateful, graceful, and humble with everything that they do.”


Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “For the year of 2017 my one ultimate goal that I am working on currently is my family. I have been working on it all year so far. In one part of this article you see I had my family but there was a time that we were all torn apart and I was in foster care. We have been an apart due to some deep-rooted issues. My family faced a lot of pain and there was a lot of mental and physical abuse involved which tore souls apart. I don’t care what you go through in life, forgiveness is the key to set you free. We are all safe and together now and it’s been phenomenal. I am focused on it very hard right now. ”, Dez disclosed. Let us have a flash-forward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year of 2017? “I really want to own a simple gym that way I can go full force with helping with women shelters and create some youth programs. If I have a well-established income that will pay for these types of facilities, then I will be so happy!”, shared optimistically. Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “This magazine’s catchphrase “Greatness Never Ends” means a whole lot to me! UPFRONT Magazine | 97


Every vision I had, I was in control and there was not one person around me bringing me down. I became my own leader and stayed focused. Change is good. Change is greatness!”

Looking VIRTUOUS, FEELING MAJESTIC, The captivating, sexy dental expert shares her lifestyle and workout regimen and how to stay fabuluosly on-point. By Ian Carlo Bajada and Holly Anderson Photographed by Bryan Forrester

Failure is not a word in this dictionary. A high magnitude of achieving goals and bringing people with you is greatness. Shooting for the stars, using your talents and your success to bring others up is true greatness. So, if you are great, then you care, and to care is to show love to others, and that is what greatness is all about. How could greatness end if it becomes a movement? It can’t, Greatness Never Ends!” If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “God is the greatest of all. So, I had a very tough up bring and I had spiraled out of control. I lost faith at times and even at those times I still believed and prayed. When people doubted me He never did and I know for a fact it was He who brought me to where I am today. I promise God is the greatest man I know!”, Dez answered. Handling responsibilities can be very challenging at times. What challenges do you face in your work and how do you overcome those to be an effective individual? “So, with this question I am going to use my fitness career responsibilities. Clients come to me with their goals and I am there to help them achieve them. This can be very tough. You are a trainer but yet they want you as a mother, counselor, sister, friend, and so on. Sometimes you are placed in people’s lives for many reasons. But over time trying to be everything above I ended up choosing to just be a trainer if they come to me for that reason specifically. That seems to be more effective of myself to them in the long run because I help them with a number of up lifting things in their life. I watch them progress and move up on their own using their new self-esteem to help others. Oh but then they end up being a forever friend in the end.”, the Dental expert revealed. Work can be overwhelming sometimes, especially priorities. How do you manage your busy schedule and other activities? “I live a very scheduled and structured life. I wake up every day at the same time and I plan my day according to the schedule. I end each day with prayer and my nightly inspirational book. It keeps me grounded”, the lifestyle enthusiast emphasized.

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Social activities like mingling with friends or going out with family is important too. How do you balance work with your personal life? ”I still have a very hard time with this area of my life because I do not like going out. I also do not like going to people’s houses. I have to rest because I am so busy and its tough that my day is gone. I try to invite my friends and family to go to church with me followed by lunch and I also do the same with my gym training time. Hey, why not come and spend time with me at the gym, you get benefits of working out and social gathering time in right... As far as my family and close friends go, they just hang out at my house with me”, Dez Crowe shared. They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “I work out consistently and eat healthy food choices. When I do both of these things combined I feel great. My physique stays well maintained.”, the fitness enthusiast disclosed. What types of food groups do you eat to supplement your workout routine? “I weight train five days a week with six days of cardio training. I love doing the leg press machine with push the least of four 45 pound plates on it! I eat whole grains, jasmine rice, lean meats, and green veggies. I love my nightly oatmeal pancakes or protein bread French toast!”, Dez enumerated. Being fit and healthy is very vital as we grow old and age every year. What was your wake-up call point in your life that started to realize that being fit and healthy is a must? “Well, I had cancer strike me down in 2013 and my doctor at that time said due to my low BMI and clean eating regimen, I saved my own life. The cancer was isolated to that specific area and it prevented it from spreading. The healthy choices I made also helped my recovery time after the major surgery to be less than 5 weeks when it was supposed to be a few months. It’s truly important to do what you can to live a healthy lifestyle”, Dez recalled.

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Any influential individuals or public figures that you admire most in terms of work and career? “I have a nutrition coach I go to if I need food plans to get myself through my busy schedule. His name is John Dang. He is an all-natural athlete and fitness expert which uses all natural foods sources for everything. I look up to, follow, and respect those athletes in the fitness industry.” How about models that you look up to that may serve you as an inspiration or motivation? “This woman of God is a role model, a model to me. Taraji P. Henson says, ‘Anybody that follows me, knows that I love the Lord, and I’m not afraid to say it.’ She is a fighter and proved that no matter how old you are or even if you already have kids, you can get up and become whatever you want to be. She proved that and showed it with dignity.” Dez Crowe on confidence and real mesaure of sexiness: “A sexy individual to me is one who is thankful, grateful, graceful, and humble with everything that they do. Confidence is having trust and faith in yourself. Self-assurance!” Upfront Magazine: What are your roles as to being a professional in this field? Of all careers, you have to choose, why do you want to venture this kind of industry? Dez Crowe: I have always ventured out on my fitness modeling career because I can use it to uplift and motivate people. Choosing the role as to being a fitness icon in the public eye, I have to uphold and maintain my physique. I have to keep up my portfolio and maintain my photoshoots. Upfront Magazine: What special training and experiences did you undergo to make you a credible and reliable professional? Dez Crowe: As far as my dental career, I went to school and my fitness career I spent years of gym training, certifications, continued education courses, and countless modeling sessions. Upfront Magazine: What are the important things that a client should consider when investing and hiring a personal trainer and physical therapist? Dez Crowe: Make sure they fit your expectations in regards to your goals. Look for credentials and certifications. Upfront Magazine: What special and vital qualities or certain characteristics that you should possess as a professional in the industry you are in? Dez Crowe: Self-discipline, endurance, positive attitude, focus, drive, ambition, tenacity, and most of all have determination. Upfront Magazine: Given a privilege opportunity and task to educate young and old people’s minds about fitness and health; let’s say you are an ambassador of a non-government organization. How would you exercise your authority, background and utilize your resources in the best of your ability to educate them? 100 | UPFRONT Magazine

Dez Crowe: I would use my past and present experiences and channel it out of my soul! Methods of experience; empathy; expertise. I would use my experience’s (the good, the bad, and the ugly) keeping it completely real with them as means of helping them to see and learn from what I have gone through. I would empathize with them because I too faced challenges when I was their age and still till this day face challenges as an adult. Then I would use the expertise of my skills, knowledge, education, professionalism, and fitness modeling career to help mentor them into reaching their full potential in life.

Shooting for the stars, using your talents and your success to bring others up is true greatness.”


Upfront Magazine: What would be your last advice to the individuals who want to venture the kind of career you are in right now? Dez Crowe: Be prompt, very professional, and so hard working towards this. It’s a tough industry with a lot of motivated people trying to make it just as you are. New faces in the modeling world surface every day so what makes you stand out? Show them what makes you extraordinary. If this is your dream, then make it become your reality. Do not let anything get in your way and surround yourself with people that will push you in the direction you are going in. Pray and I mean pray your way to the top. Speak it, believe it, and you will receive it! Know that greatness never ends! Upfront Magazine: What is your final message to the people who have supported you? Dez Crowe: First off I thank you Upfront Magazine for allowing me this opportunity to talk to all my supporters with this question in this interview. That’s what makes you so awesome addressing them as well! I thank you for supporting and believing in me just as all of my supporters do. I have been so blessed and there are not enough words to describe the thankfulness and gratefulness I have inside my soul. I mean as I am saying this I am crying because I literately have flashbacks of the times I tried so hard and felt like I just could not make a difference. All I ever really wanted to do was change people’s lives through the painful trials I went through but overcame and make some type of difference. Then one day it just came full speed ahead. There were so many lives touched when I just let myself go! That was it, it was because I was holding back the real me! All of you gave me the courage and strength to let go and be free. I got here because of all of you and I am so grateful. Testimonies can help people and if you have one please share it. It can help you as well. God blessed me to have all of you in my life! Greatness never ends with supporters like you! I thank you! UPFRONT Magazine | 101

Majestic masculinity is not only about outward beauty, hot abs, dashing looks and sexy physiques, but it is also about a beautiful heart, sophisticated confidence and graceful creativity. Strong men and gentlemen embody these exceptional qualities that can empower other men or young boys in all shapes and sizes.


with Enzo Junior, Nicolas Jordy and Deniz Panradl

And with the fast-paced world we live in, playing it safe is not an option. We have to take bold choices and take risks to stand out from the crowd. Take the leap of faith and grow competently. After all, uniqueness is what makes us creative and incomparable.

Feature Story By Holly Anderson Ian Carlo Bajada

Photographed exclusively by Jorge Freire Abel Cruz

Powered by

Photo Studio Miami

Distributed by

Viewpoint Media Int.

Channel your



When money is tight, stress levels are high, and the visions of instant success don’t happen like you thought, it’s easy to let those emotions get to you, and thereby your team. Take a breath, calm yourself down, and remind yourself of the leader you are and would like to become. Feaure Story By Holly Anderson Ian Carlo Bajada Photographed by Jorge Freire Abel Cruz



with Enzo Junior, Deniz Panradl and Nicolas Jordy

Having a great idea and assembling a team to bring that concept to life is the first step in creating a successful business venture. While finding a new and unique idea is rare enough; the ability to successfully execute this idea is what separates the dreamers from the entrepreneurs. However you see yourself, whatever your age may be, as soon as you make that exciting first hire, you have taken the first steps in becoming a powerful leader. Powered by Photo Studio Miami Distributed by Viewpoint Media Int.


always prevails


A world with full of competition, mediocrity is not an option. One should aim for the best. One should excel and standout. With driven excellence, you can’t settle for less. The sexy, stylish and swaggering Swiss fashion model of Europe will unleash his daring and powerful strength effortlessly. Switzerland’s guy-next-door, Valentin Dickler, shows his creativity and makes an impact to the society.




for creativity and confidence By Ian Carlo Bajada and Isaac Christopherson Photographed by Natalia Aguilera

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To venture this kind of career, you have to be yourself and to keep your social networks attractive. It’s really important to be active on social media because lots of agencies look at those media.”


LET’s talk SOME

RADICAL STYLE BY IAN CARLO BAJADA and isaac christopherson photographs by NATALia aguilera

The hunk from Switzerland and the young guy-next-door of fashion and fitness discusses his career including his new opportunities and how to face them head-on with hope and optimism.


alentin Dickler was born and raised in a small village in Switzerland and finished most of his studies there. Valentin is an architectural draftsman and has been in the modeling industry for more than two years already. He may be new to the industry, but he proved that he has done a lot of things and work already. Valetin believed that in order to excel in this industry is that you have to be yourself. Was this something that you want from the beginning or was 122 | UPFRONT Magazine

it something that someone influenced you along the way? Why is that? “I have never expected that I can do this kind of work… When I was young, I was ugly, a little fat and I had a lot of pimples… My mother paid my photo-shoot with a really great photographer aside from having a memory or experience. I posted some pictures on Facebook and an agency called me. That was the beginning…”, the young Swiss model shared. Recall your childhood memory. When you were growing up, what

was your dream back then or perhaps your ambition when you were little? “Simple and mature… Growing up happy!!! Having fun, take care of my brother… Having a big family when I will be old…”, Valentin said. What interests you now and what are the hobbies or things that you like to do during your free time or a vacation? “I love painting! I have already done lot of exhibition. Then, during my free time, I’m painting or doing some travel with my love.”

How was the year of 2016 for you and what are your plans for 2017? “2016 was really good with new opportunity and new change! Hope 2017 will be the same. But at the moment it’s alright”, said the Swiss fashion model. It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “Yes of course, I’m open… But you know, for me, New Year is not equal at new life. Opportunities are welcome all the year”, Valentin said. How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “I’m honored! Really… I have no words!”

Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your firstever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “I was stressed like everybody… I wasn’t confident. But it was really fun and I keep a good memory”, Valentine recalled. Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “Let’s be realistic and aim to be feasible. Last year I have done my first interview, my first editorial magazine… 2017 I will be proud to do a cover.” UPFRONT Magazine | 123


A sexy individual is a person with confidence and something special! That person doesn’t have to be a perfect body or a perfect face… That person to be sexy just needs to feel good and to be confident. All the fact is on the attitude! It is a state of mind. Feel sexy and you will be sexy.”



BY IAN CARLO BAJADA and isaac christopherson photographs by SHEFQET ELSHANI

he Swiss fashion model and fitness enthusiast unveils his future plans in the industry and reveals his utmost confidence in and outside the work. Valentin Dickler surely knows how to seize every opportunity that comes in his way. Whether it is just a catwalk, a photoshoot, a brand launch, an upcoming editorial, or even a runway show, Valentin will surely rock every scene with his sensible, swaggering and artistic style in world of modeling. Let us have a flash-forward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year 124 | UPFRONT Magazine

of 2017? “Always as an architectural draftsman with modeling as a passion like today with a big family and a little cute house built by me.” Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “The best thinks in life will never stop… If something is good for you, you can keep it all the time you want… until the end of your life”, the stunning model explained his own philosophy. If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “My mother! She’s always there… And

she is a good person,” the young and charming model mentioned. Valentin Dickler believed that facing new opportunities should be welcomed with hope and positivity especially when you are facing and venturing new beginnings. One should not be intimidated by the future of uncertainty but rather face it with hope and an unbreakable confidence.

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VA L E N T I N D I C K L E R :


The real essence of true confidence is someone who know who he is! That person knows his advantage and his own personality to unlock his own true potential.”

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andling responsibilities can be very challenging at times. What challenges do you face in your work and how do you overcome those to be an effective individual? “There is difficult things but with calmness we can get passed them.” Work can be overwhelming sometimes, especially priorities. How do you manage your busy schedule and other activities? “I am really an organized person. I make sure I balance everything and make sure that it does not overwhelm me or be ran over by own schedule”, the young fashion model shared. Social activities like mingling with friends or going out with family is important too. How do you balance work with your personal life? “I really love my work as an architectural draftsman and a model. I have no trouble in balancing them because I prioritize them and balance it.” They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “I do some sport every week and I also drink a lot it’s really essential for the skin!” How many times do you work out in a week? Do you have any favorite workout in particular? “Only once! I just go running.” What types of food groups do you eat to supplement your workout routine? “I eat healthy like normal people. 3 meals in a day…” Any influential individuals or public figures that you admire most in terms of work and career? “Keith Carlos! He has a very healthy lifestyle, a perfect body and a beautiful career as a model.” How about models that you look up to that may serve you as an inspiration or motivation? “The same answer as before, Keith Carlos!”

A sexy individual is: “Is a person with confidence and something special! That person doesn’t have to be a perfect body or a perfect face… That person to be sexy just needs to feel good and to be confident. All the fact is on the attitude! It is a state of mind. Feel sexy and you will be sexy.” Confidence is: “Someone who know who he is! That person knows his advantage.” Name the food and drinks you cannot resist to eat and drink? “Cheese and chocolate… Yes, I’m Swiss.” What are your roles as to being a professional in this field? Of all careers you have to choose, why do you want to venture this kind of industry? “To be honest, I’m not sure that we can call my path “a career”! It’s only a passion for me!!” What would be your last advice to the individuals who want to venture the kind of career you are in right now? “To be yourself and to keep your social networks attractive. It’s really important to be active on social media because lots of agencies look at those media.” What is your final message to the people who have supported you? “Just be yourself and just be happy with what you do and it will take you to places.”

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Get your game on with Chris Spearman. Want to look ripped and ready for your getaway? Keen to lose and drop a few kilos or make some gains so you’re more agile and productive (or inspirational) outuside work or inside the gym? Just keep in mind that losing weight or being a fitspiration should be part of a holistic strategy that leaves you stronger, faster, fitter and healthier overall. Now, turn the page and make that gamechanging results!


BREAKTHROUGHS By Holly Anderson and Ian Carlo Bajada Photographs by Terry George 132 | UPFRONT Magazine

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When you do great work, the satisfaction is never ending, it’s infinite. Strive for great work and you will find happiness.”



UPCLOSE AND PERSONAL Cover interview by Holly Anderson and Ian Carlo Bajada Photographed by Terry George

The Irish-British hunky athlete and the handsome London-based cancer researcher specialist brings you his utmost sexy confidence through work, fitness and lifestyle.

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Chris Spearman was born and raised in Cork, Ireland. He moved to London, England to do and finish his PhD in Cancer Research. Aside from pursuing his doctorate degree, Chris is also growing his online coaching business. “I’ve always wanted to do a PhD, to have “Dr.” in front of your name and to study an area of science that nobody in the world has ever discovered before”, the cancer researcher added. “To be on the cover of a magazine, never did I imagine I would achieve that goal, ever! So grateful,” asked on what is his childhood ambition. Chris loves to travel around during his free time or when he is on a vacation. As he progress and excel in his profession, he always wanted to step out on his comfort zone. So,

he is trying new things as a learning experience to grow professionally, spiritually and emotionally. Aside from his doctorate degree, under his belt, he also wears the following: MSc. in Molecular Cell Biology, BSc. in Biochemistry, international cover model, online transformation specialist and a keen scientific blogger. Cancer Research UK is the world’s largest independent cancer research charity. It is a cancer research and awareness charity in the United Kingdom. Its aim is to reduce

the number of deaths from cancer. It conducts research into prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Additionally, it also provides information about cancer and runs campaigns aimed at raising awareness of the disease and influencing public policy. Chris Spearman involvement with cancer research will help to identify causes and develop strategies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure. Cancer research ranges from epidemiology, molecular bioscience to performance of clinical trials to evaluate and

compare applications of various cancer treatments. These applications can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and immunotherapy and combined treatment modalities such as chemotherapy. With his utmost dedication and hard work, Chris hopes that he will achieve this scientific and medicine breakthrough of a lifetime. Who knows? He might be able to crack the code in finding the cure to one of the deadliest illnesses of mankind!

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I’ve set myself a lot of goals business and personally this year and the most important point to note here is that for the first time my goals are big and I’ve finally started to believe that anything is possible.”

NEW BEGINNINGS NEW OPPORTUNITIES H ow was the year of 2016 for you and what are your plans for 2017? “2016 was a really tough year, but 2017 has been the best yet….so many exciting things on the horizon”, Chris shared. It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “Recently, I’m going out of my way to experience new things and do things I haven’t imagined myself doing a whole lot more…”, the personal trainer added. How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “This is such an honor and to be on the cover is amazing. Like I said, being on the cover of a magazine has always been a dream of mine”, Upfront cover guy Chris Spearman for Power and Strength issue explained.

Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your firstever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “Madness, it was such a surreal moment especially afterwards looking at some of the photos was crazy”, the dashing fitness model recalled his first-ever photo shoot when he is starting in the industry. Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “I’ve set myself a lot of goals business and personally this year and the most important point to note here is that for the first time my goals are big and I’ve finally started to believe that anything is possible”, Chris shared his goals with hope and optimism. 136 | UPFRONT Magazine

Let us have a flash-forward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year of 2017? “Wow….ok, happily married, gorgeous kids in a beautiful house waking up every day doing what I love”, the inspiring doctor of cancer research revealed his future plans as he ambarks his exciting journey of a lifetime. Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “My interpretation of this is that when you do great work (greatness) the satisfaction is never ending, it’s infinite. Strive for great work and you will find happiness”, Chris Spearman described. If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “My mum, she is a massive motivation for me in the way she views life and what is important in life”, the hunky European disclosed his greatest inspiration in his life.

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ling g g u j n o n a m ris Spear h C k dual n i u v i H d n n i a e e v p i o t r c u E g an effe n i e b , s e i t friends. i l i d b n a y l i m a responsi f w o r k w oi tn h& Ia n C a rl o B a ja d a g n i c n a l a b and n d e rs e o rg e s b y H o ll y A w o rd

d b y T e rr y G

ink of h T t. e m r e v e e v uals we ha wn to earth and id iv d in e rs e iv d e one of th is very do doing cancer is o h n w a y m r u a g e f p o S d is r in Ch nd brains k ference in our society. From nal training, a le c s u m a s a him kes a dif for perso youth and a g m in o h h c a w o r c e d e n a li le n o talented on to the throughs, ti a a e r ir b p s c in fi ti n n a ie c g s in r e research fo le and fitness outputs, to b g what you love plus making aen. blogging lifesetyration; Chris proved that doincan make the world progressthivose the next gen r society by small or big acts and how do you overcome edia impact to ou es do you face in your work ifficult especially on social m le What challencgtive individual? “This can be dbe yourself and be real, peoped. to be an effe way I find to attack this is to ower & Strength issue declar and the best the upfront cover guy for P respect that”, p h o to g ra p h e


o m e ti m e s , s g in lm e h w ver o r k c a n b e o How do you . s ie it r io r p e s p e c ia ll y a n d o th e r le u d e h c s r busy manage you in g th in g s I o d n o s u c I fo a c ti v it ie s ? “ lf b o r e d o r e s y m d n fi a r e ly lo v e a n d I r . S o c ia l d te ta s e h , li k e ” in a jo b I d is w it h fa m il y t u o g in o g h fr ie n d s o r it w g n li g in it h y o u r p e r m w e k k r li o s w ie e it c v n la a c ti re w do you ba o H . a week whe o ff to o t n y a ta d r o e p n to is im h a v e a t le a s d n a I’ v e s ta r te d y e tr c I in “ S ? . fe ff li o h sonal d ju s t s w it c n a y a th e w e e k ” , w g a in e r n u o d h e p v y c ti I put m more produ h c u m o s am d o in g th is I . n answered a m r a e p S is Chr

138 | UPFRONT Magazine

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Confidence is knowing what you are good at, but also knowing your flaws too.”


GOOD, F eel GREAT, The inspiring guy-nextdoor and cover guy discusses his health regimen secrets, nutrition tips, some life advices for your career, and other interesting side of Chris Spearman’s work and personality. They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “As I say to my clients, stick to a regime that you enjoy. Nobody wants to look amazing but be miserable.” How many times do you work out in a week? Do you have any favorite workout in particular? “When I can I train almost every day, it’s my stress relief so I don’t see it as work. At the minute its leg day I love.”, the bodybuilder and cover model shared. What types of food groups do you eat to supplement your workout routine? “I try and keep fats IN my diet and focus my carbohydrates in and around my training as much as I can”, the lifestyle buff said. Any influential individuals or public figures that you admire most in terms of work and career? “Too many to mention but generally people who have a positive mindset for me are the most motivating. Life can be difficult at times and looking at the positives is what inspires others I think.” The Upfront cover guy for Power & Strength issue revealed that hard work, determination, consistency and genuinity can help you stand out from the crowd. Cliché as it may sounds to you, but if you want look good and feel great about yourself, you must take the neccessary actions to make it happen and let the confidence radiate your personality!

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I think my research and my PhD have made what I do in fitness a lot more credible to people.”



SPEARMAN Chris Spearman takes it to another level as we get to know his outside work and outside his comfort zone. After all, he’s more than a face and a figure. By Holly Anderson Ian Carlo Bajada Photographed by Terry George




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Upfront Magazine: A sexy individual is: Chris Spearman: Hmmm…ask me again after I get married (laughs).

ON CONFIDENCE, IRRESISTIBLE SNACKS and VENTURED CAREER Upfront Magazine: Confidence is: Chris Spearman: Knowing what you are good at, but also knowing your flaws too. Upfront Magazine: Name the food and drinks you cannot resist to eat and drink? Chris Spearman: Pizza!!! Love pizza!


UPFRONT Magazine | 143


I think to be caring, understanding and that you can relate to people is the most important thing.�

BEING A CREDIBLE PROFESSIONAL IN AND OUTSIDE THE WORK. QUALITIES TO STANDOUT FROM THE REST AND BEING A BEACON OF INSPIRATION IN THE FUTURE Upfront Magazine: What special training and experiences did you undergo to make you a credible and reliable professional? Chris Spearman: I think my research and my PhD have made what I do in fitness a lot more credible to people. Upfront Magazine: What are the important things that a client should consider when investing and hiring a personal trainer and physical therapist? Chris Spearman: If they relate or get on with their coach then the rest will follow I feel. Upfront Magazine: What special and vital qualities or certain characteristics that you should possess as a professional in the industry you are in? Chris Spearman: I think to be caring, understanding and that you can relate to people is the most important thing.


LAST WORDS OF INSPIRATION AND MESSAGE OF ENCOURAGEMENT Upfront Magazine: What would be your last advice to the individuals who want to venture the kind of career you are in right now? Chris Spearman: Smile more! You will have some amazing days But also some bad ones too enjoy both and always be grateful for everything.


Upfront Magazine: What is your final message to the people who have supported you? Chris Spearman: Massive thank you to those you support me, but an even bigger thank you to those who don’t, you guys drive me more than anyone!


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European-Australian cover star Sonny Brown has become the one of the fitness industry’s most dedicated and flexible men around the globe. Whether it’s demanding or not, the Australian Hunk brings forth the resurgence dominance and excellence. His astounding might, physique, confidence, power and strength will put you off the edge and immediate astonishment as he embraces his own individuality in lifestyle, fitness and health. Dare to enter his world. By Ian Carlo Bajada and Holly Anderson Photographed by Noel Daganta 150 | UPFRONT Magazine

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Change is the only constant in life and if you play your whole life focused on knowing every step you will never reach true success and happiness.”



UPCLOSE AND PERSONAL Cover interview by Holly Anderson and Ian Carlo Bajada Photographed by Noel Daganta

His astounding physique, charm confidence and strength will put you off the edge and immediate astonishment as he embraces his own individuality and uniqueness in fitness and lifestyle.

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Sonny Brown was born and raised in Portugal and moved to New Zealand when he was nine years old. His family moved to Gold Coast, Australia when he was around twelve years old. From there, he has a successful online coaching business including a few business startups that keep him busy and focused in life. His responsibilities include communicating with his client’s weekly reports, writing meal plans and training programs, setting goals, targets and keeping in great shape. Sonny has been in the industry for ten years now and his inspiration came from a deep-seeded drive to succeed at whatever he choose to do with his time and energy in life. Sonny’s late inspiration and vision of landing the biggest fitness covers in the world comes from Greg Plitt, who sadly died in a freak accident back in 2015. As his modeling career progressed, Sonny Brown started to make money from fashion shoots, fitness shoots and appearances for skin care ranges, magazines and private companies. He realized that he had what it took to reach

whatever goals he set for himself. Sonny started to research the top photographers in the world including the editors and owners of the magazines and basically made sure they knew who he was to make the work collaborations happen. By the time he had the chance to meet with these individuals, Sonny made sure he was so good they couldn’t say no to work with him due to his charismatic talent and professionalism. His childhood dream was awesome. Sonny remembered watching people surfing and body boarding in the cold oceans of Portugal. He loved body boarding and wanted to be a professional body boarder. People would ask him “what do you want to be when you older”, his reply would be a professional body boarder. Later in life, 16 and 17 years of age, Sonny was on a junior pro body boarding tour around

Australia and sponsored by 4 companies at that time. He knew that he always wanted to be involved in fitness, sports and active lifestyle to promote healthy living. During his vacation and free time, Sonny Brown loves swimming in the oceans, travelling, training, financing, and riding motorbikes and bicycles, meeting new people, and venturing fashion and trying out good, quality food. His vision when working with anyone is to create an atmosphere of selfbelief and confidence. Sonny feels once this platform is structured, no matter the clientele base is, the outcome is always positive and creates a new level of understanding in that person’s life. Enabling them to create a better understanding of their own needs and goals which creates the new level lifestyle which is what he practices and preaches. Sonny Brown has worked with busi-

nessmen and woman from all walks of life. Most recently, he has done with corporate speaking for the banking sector in Australia. Sonny is the most energetic, well-spoken and fluid motivational speaker you will ever meet and all he needs is that one shot. He most recently worked with the U.S Marines in California, USA, which was a huge turning point in his carrier. He realized his truest potential involves speaking with people and the physical is only a byproduct of the power he holds and shares with anyone who wants to listen, share and learn. Sonny Brown’s passion in life is fitness and holistic living. He wants to help others realize their full potential via training, nutrition and mindset. Growing up in Portugal, Australia, New Zealand and England gives him a huge advantage when stepping into a new roll in life.

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Greatness once structured and put in place is not only a mindset but a lifestyle. It’s a reality for some but an object for others.”


NEW BEGINNINGS NEW OPPORTUNITIES H ow was the year of 2016 for you and what are your plans for 2017? “My 2016 and 2017 was being so honest with myself and others that I honestly arrived at my peak in life with so much more ahead of me. I let go of former relationships and dived in deep. I had fear about everything I was doing but reached further success and let go of anything holding me back in life. The rest of 2017 will see me continue to live my dreams whilst helping others and I’m grateful to be alive.”, shared the caucasian hunk. It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “I live in a world that continues to change weekly and daily because of the standards I set myself and the travelling I do. I have lived in 9 countries in the last year which means I have connected with many different people from different walks of life. New opportunities including this cover and editorial have happened because I am proactive and keep my ear close to the ground as my friend Neveux tell’s me. I don’t wait for success or chance I make it happen and know with this continued energy I will have new opportunities, friendships and business ventures ahead”, Sonny shared. How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “In all honesty I feel your publication is setting a new standard in the industry. It’s clean, functional and has a great fresh and innovative energy to it. When the right people connect great things happen. I feel is what connected me with UPFRONT magazine and your team and professionalism matched with mine will make for a great story and images that will help others around the world! ” Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your first-ever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “It was tough and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing but remember that practice makes perfect. We all start somewhere and I simply kept trying – never give up!”, Sonny recalled. Change can be tough at first and embarking new things can be risky or scary too. But, if there is one the thing or lesson that you learned in the long run about change and being new to certain things, what is it and why? “Change is the only constant in life and if you play your whole life focused on knowing every step you will never reach true success and happiness. Everyday is a new day just like lifestyle, fitness and business you must develop and be willing to grow or life will take over and in 10 years from now it would of passed you by. Turn up your mindset and soar like an eagle this world is yours!”, the fitness enthusiast explained.

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Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “FContinued happiness, success and fulfillment. I feel these 3 elements combined for me equal everything I ever wanted from Sonny Brown as a man. I’m already here and know with my attitude and surroundings I will continue to find further fulfillment. ”, Sonny disclosed. Let us have a flashforward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year of 2017? “AI will continue to develop as a man connecting with like minded individuals around the world. Helping others is a passion of mine and making solid finances and growing physically, emotionally and spiritually is at the top of my agenda. Success does not come knocking you need to go out daily and make that happen. I love my work and my lifestyle so as time passes I will simply develop in all these areas”, shared optimistically. Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “When I first had the pleasure of reading over this interview that really resonated with me. Greatness once structured and put in place is not only a mindset but a lifestyle. It’s a reality for some but an object for others. In my life I have envisioned every element of greatness from a young boy to a man on a journey of self belief and drive. Greatness for me is living life on your terms whilst never surrendering to meritocracy and hurt. We all have the same 24 hours in a day and if you truly want anything you can have it!” If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “: This is a brilliant question and I would say the attitude, vision and drive of Greg Plitt as my fitness icon, friend, energy and blueprint. I feel in this day and age everyone is so concerned about being real on social media that they honestly forget to be real and where they first started out. I watched videos, interviews and photo shoots of Greg Plitt with the best names in the industry. Per Bernal, Michael Neveux and Noel Daganta I listened to how he made his own covers happen, how we developed the relationships and I followed every step with my own drive and flare to 5 years later working with Per Bernal at Gold’s Gym Venice shooting the biggest cover in the world. I had envisioned that for 5 years and without Greg’s energy and videos I wouldn’t be here today. Forever real, Forever grateful”, Sonny answered. No matter what your age is or what physique level you are in, it’s never too late to dream and make it happen. Believe in yourself that you will succeed. And that is why Sonny Brown is our Upfront cover guy for this edition. He is passionate, professional, creative, dedicated and most of all, uniquely handsome who defied the adversities in life.

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juggling n o n w o r B y man, Sonn e l t n dual i e v i G d y n i x e e S v i t ’s c e Europ g an effe n i e b , s e i t friends. i l i d b n a y l i m a responsi f w o r k woi tnh& Ia n C a r lo B a ja d a g n i c n a l a b e rs and b y H o ll y A n d D a g a n ta words

d p h o to g r a p h e

by Noel

hat chalW . s e m ti t a g in y challeng r e v e b those to be n e a m c o s c r ie e it v il o ib s u n o o y mes o c ss Handling resp e in your work and how do re st h it w g n c deali lenges do you faividual? “Time management and t” but in my profession I n an effective ind use the word need instead “wa l with stress and issues that to mind. I never day that is what helps me dea thusiast shared. Social n ry need to train eve ork.”, the lifestyle and fitness et with family is important arise with my w gling with friends or going ou al life? “In all honesty I n activities like minu balance work with your perso a week and I’m available too. How do yo e much in my life. I work 7 days l slow down but for now il c don’t really baland my vision 24/7. One day this wrfect age for it. Don’t stop to my clients an m busy with life and I’m at a pe at is what I have learned I like it this way, I’ need it and listen to your body th today”, Sonny said. is or rest unless youst ten years to be here writing th , s o m e t im e s over the pa g in lm e h w ver


o ork can be ow do you H . s ie it r io pr d other n a le u e s p e c ia ll y d e h ur busy sc priorities I manage yo e r u s e “I mak deadlines a c t iv it ie s ? d n a e l u d che myself t e my daily s s I d r a stand to meet a e w o r ke d v a h I . r e r elee r /d e v e l o p o n j a w o m s e s h e t n f n as a busi and one o s e n i onny Brow r S a , M ” . S g U n i e z with th is prioriti n o p u k c i ments I p a d v is e d .

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Fitness is a lifestyle not a diet and I’m doing it because it’s my passion and no.1 interest in life. Again it’s about prioritizing your time daily to make sure you eat well and train hard!”


GOOD, F eel GREAT, The inspiring guy-nextdoor and cover guy discusses his health regimen secrets, nutrition tips, some life advices for your career, and other interesting side of Sonny Brown’s work and personality. They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “I work in the fitness industry and couldn’t imagine writing meal and training programs or talking about something I wasn’t living myself – that is called fake. Fitness is a lifestyle not a diet and I’m doing it because it’s my passion and no.1 interest in life. Again it’s about prioritizing your time daily to make sure you eat well and train hard!”, the figure competitor and fitnes model advised. Being fit and healthy is very vital as we grow old and age every year. What was your wake-up call point in your life that started to realize that being fit and healthy is a must? “I stopped bodyboarding around 18 years of age and knew I was missing the discipline and foundation in my life. I moved to London and worked very hard in the Italian restaurant scene I wasn’t training and didn’t feel so positive about myself or lifestyle. Money can not buy happiness or health and by the time I was 20 I was no longer taking care of myself or health I had a big wake up call and found fitness later that year”, Sonny recalled. How many times do you work out in a week? Do you have any favorite workout in particular? “I train 7 days a week and usually train for around 1 – 2 hours a day depending on work schedule or upcoming shoots and or events. I like to isolate specific muscle groups but also like functional strength and conditioning training which has me doing big compound lifts. Deadlift, squat, standing press and bench press and sprints.”, Sonny elaborated. “eI don’t use supplements apart from vitamin c and turmeric or cinnamon. I love fish and rice and basically live of lean cuts of meat, low gi carbs and plenty of salad and veggies. I also add lots of chili to my diet, the chili is great for metabolism and cleansing.”, he added.

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Positive attitude and a desire to help others reach there truest potential whilst teaching a standard that can be set in many elements of life from relationships, family, business and mindset to the gym and beyond.”

Sonny Brown takes it to another level as we get to know his outside work and outside his comfort zone. After all, he’s more than a face and a figure.

By Holly Anderson Ian Carlo Bajada Photographed by Michael Neveux


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Upfront Magazine: Any influential individuals or public figures that you admire most in terms of work and career? Sonny Brown: Johnny Depp I had the honor of meeting with him in one of his offices in West Hollywood. His attitude, fashion and pure class are something no one I have ever been around comes close to. Upfront Magazine: A sexy individual is: Sonny Brown: A woman who can handle a man with manners, attitude and confidence without questioning herself. Upfront Magazine: How about models that you look up to that may serve you as an inspiration or motivation? Sonny Brown: Greg Plitt


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My inspiration comes from a deep seeded drive to succeed at whatever I choose to do with my time and energy in life.”


ON CONFIDENCE, IRRESISTIBLE SNACKS and VENTURED CAREER Upfront Magazine: Confidence is: Sonny Brown: Energy and passion.

Upfront Magazine: Name the food and drinks you cannot resist to eat and drink? Sonny Brown: Every 5 -6 days I will dominate burgers, donuts and some chocolate. BEING A CREDIBLE PROFESSIONAL IN AND OUTSIDE THE WORK Upfront Magazine: What are your roles as to being a professional in this field? Of all careers you have to choose, why do you want to venture this kind of industry? Sonny Brown: I love helping others realize there truest potential. My role in my field is setting standards and helping others to arrive at there’s. With investment or business startup it’s about knowing trends and staying connected with the right people. In saying that it’s not about how many people but the quality of these individuals. Sometimes they stay on journey others times they drop to the side. It’s a hard and tough road and only the strong will survive. As I have developed my team and friends have changed and I feel that is a part of growth. The only constant in life is change.


Upfront Magazine: What special training and experiences did you undergo to make you a credible and reliable professional? Sonny Brown: I stayed true to my vision for over 5 years and then added another 5 years. Any true leader or business owner knows it’s a 5 to 10 year plan. Yes you need certificates and credible ventures and accolades but remember when you walk in a room or into a meeting none of that matters its you an your energy that does.

others reach there truest potential whilst teaching a standard that can be set in many elements of life from relationships, family, business and mindset to the gym and beyond. LAST WORDS OF INSPIRATION AND MESSAGE OF ENCOURAGEMENT Upfront Magazine: Given a privilege opportunity and task to educate young and old people’s minds about fitness and health; let’s say you are an ambassador of a non-government organization (i.e. UNICEF, Red Cross International etc.). How would you exercise your authority, background and utilize your resources in the best of your ability to educate them? Sonny Brown: I would ask questions about there life and childhood. I want to know how people started there life as this tells me more about who someone is and what they have been through to arrive at there current situation. From there I would gauge this information and put together further information that is relevant to each one of these individuals helping them to understand a clearer more constructive way to happiness.


Upfront Magazine: What would be your last advice to the individuals who want to venture the kind of career you are in right now? Sonny Brown: Believe in yourself and seek out 1 or 2 individuals who have done it. Catch a flight to them, contact them, meet them, train with them, and pay them. Do whatever is in your power to learn from the best. Finances will take care of themselves if you are truly living and breathing your passion in life. Upfront Magazine: What is your final message to the people who have supported you? Sonny Brown: I love and appreciate you all and I’m here to give you the same support in anyway shape or form. Like I tell my clients I’m an email away – sonny@greaterhealth.com.au

QUALITIES TO STANDOUT FROM THE REST AND BEING A BEACON OF INSPIRATION IN THE FUTURE Upfront Magazine: What are the important things that a client should consider when investing and hiring a personal trainer and physical therapist? Sonny Brown: Energy, passion and drive that should include credible former clients and a professional attitude. Upfront Magazine: What special and vital qualities or certain characteristics that you should possess as a professional in the industry you are in? Sonny Brown: Positive attitude and a desire to help


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Minnesota-native and hunky American Business and Finance specialist, Kennedy Gilbertson encouraged that an individual with an unwavering dedication and hard work can lead you to endless possibilities. All you have to do is grab that opportunity and own it. He takes that leap of faith and trusted his instincts. Now, it is your turn. All you have to do is believe that you are capable of doing great things. By Ian Carlo Bajada and Carl Rich Herrera Photographs by James Newton

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Confidence is a position which God grants us, so we can humbly and boldly walk with Him in power.”






ennedy Gilbertson was born in Marshall, a small town in the southwest corner of Minnesota in United States of America. He was born in the month and year when Chris Evert won the 81st Women’s Wimbledon and Jimmy Connors won the 88th Men’s; Gary Player won the 103rd British Open two days before he was born; four days before he was born, the 1st World Football League game was played; two weeks later, St. Louis Cardinal Lou Brock stole his 700th base. They moved around a lot when he was younger but always stayed within the Midwest, predominantly Minnesota. After his parents divorced, his mom, two sisters and Kennedy moved to Minneota, Minnesota (home of the Vikings and a powerhouse in both football and wrestling!) where he graduated high school. Kennedy attended a local university in the town he was born – Southwest Minnesota State. Family has always been very important to him so Kennedy never ventured far from Minneota… it’s actually where he currently lives today and calls it home. Kennedy currently works for a small, independently owned company that offers financing programs to equipment dealers and manufactures. His main responsibility is discovering opportunities where they can add value and be a viable solution through the financing programs which they offer. To do that, Kennedy is on the phone every day making calls, as well as connecting through their streamlined marketing initiatives. One very key difference in how they approach business is that they aim to develop long term relationships with their prospective business partners. The only numbers they see are in the financing figures they provide. How long you’ve been in the industry or business? “For 17 of the last 20 years that I’ve been in the professional world, I’ve worked in the commercial equipment finance industry. For the last year and a half, I’ve also enjoyed being a cover model in the fitness and fashion industry”, Kennedy Gilbertson said. In those span of years, who was your inspiration to venture this career? “The simple answer – me… and money. At least, that’s how I started out with 172 | UPFRONT Magazine


my finance career. You see, in the beginning my inspiration was to get a paycheck to start paying off my college loans. As I started moving up the corporate ladder, material possessions started to become my inspiration. But I’ve learned through personal experience that when your inspiration is misplaced in things that don’t bring glory to God and/or hold eternal value… God will give you the opportunity to self-correct yourself. And because He is a good, good father… He’ll give you multiple opportunities if you’re willing. Thankfully for me, I was able to have a spiritual awakening that afforded me to shift my inspiration from me to a greater person… Jesus Christ. Why has Jesus become my inspiration? I could give you the Christian clinical definition of who Jesus is and what He did for you and me. Please don’t mistake me – that is VERY important. But I think what puts so many people off by Christianity and Christians is that’s what many Christians do… they resort to pulling out the Bible and start quoting scripture. For myself, I believe there is power in being able to articulate and display to someone the impact and influence that someone or something has had in a person’s life. Because at the end of the day, we can debate and philosophize and fight about what is or is not true or factual but what a persona cannot take away from another is the impact that someone or something has had in a person’s life. That is irrefutable! That’s why I can look back on my life and see when I looked for inspiration in someone or something else… it lacked depth and breadth until… I found Jesus Christ and made him Lord of my life”, he added. Was this something that you want from the beginning or was it something that someone influenced you along the way? Why is that? “I actually just fell into it right out of college. Like most college graduates… you just want a job. I was a business administration major with a double concentration in management and finance, but there were no courses on commercial equipment leasing. I had the foundational knowledge of finance and accounting so that helped. But most of what I learned, and continue to learn, was through mentorship and experience on the job”, the business expert explained. UPFRONT Magazine | 173


Recall your childhood memory. When you were growing up, what was your dream back then or perhaps your ambition when you were little? “I adored both of my grandfathers – Grandpa Johnny and Grandpa Don. They were both farmers. My Grandpa Johnny was also a bar/restaurant owner and bartender for 50+ years. I had always thought that if I could do what they did, I would be a happy man. I didn’t realize until I later on in life that what I saw was not only happiness… but joy and appreciation. They literally just enjoyed and loved their life, beginning with the love for their family”, Kennedy recalled. What interests you now and what are the hobbies or things that you like to do during your free time or a vacation? “By biggest interest is my children and being the father and daddy they need me to be. So any free time which we have together, I want to spend it doing something that they enjoy doing. And obviously as a parent, doing things that also help instill good morals, values and principles which will build their character”, he shared.

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A sexy individual is someone who exudes confidence and uses their position to positively influence and impact the world. One person at a time. It’s not about looks… it’s about how you live.”

NEW BEGINNINGS AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES It’s a New Year for others and a fresh start for some. Are you open to new opportunities, change and venture new things along the way? Why is that? “Absolutely! I’ve never played the role of being a dead fish going with the flow. Life is always changing… transforming. The future is unfolding for me this very second! The future is unlimited for me right now. I have an intuition but I don’t fully know what I’m capable of. I don’t know what’s possible for me. I have the power to change my personal history... changing the direction of my life... changing my thoughts... changing where I want to go... exploring new horizons. To me… that’s exciting and I love adventure!” How do you feel that you have been selected for this new issue and fresh yet groundbreaking publication? “I was stoked! I came to develop friendships with some members of Center Stage Magazine last year, whom also have ties with Upfront. They are all individuals who I personally and professionally respect. And I have no doubt that Upfront will carry on the heritage of

CSM as a hard working team that works tirelessly to produce one of the best fitness, fashion and motivational publications! This really is a family and I feel blessed to be a part of the greatness”, the male model shared. Let us have a quick backtrack and trip from the past. What was your experience like when you first start your first-ever gig of work and your photo-shoot? “My first fitness shoot was with four other guys whom I had never met before. We showed up at a park in Minnehaha Falls, MN on a busy Saturday afternoon in the middle of summer. I had done fashion shoots years ago, but never fitness. There is definitely a difference! I felt a little out of place because these guys were RIPPED and I had only got back into fitness a few months prior. They also had no problem “showing skin” in public. I was a little intimated but these guys were great. I actually developed a close friendship with two of the guys”, Kennedy recalled. Change can be tough at first and embarking new things can be risky or scary too. But, if there is one the thing or lesson that you learned in the long run about change and being new to certain things, what is it and why? “For me, life should be about pro-

gression and growth. So if you are not willing to risk, you cannot grow… and if you cannot grow, you cannot become your best. Anything that grows goes through change. Change is inevitable; but progress is optional. And what often prohibits us from progressing is the fear of failure and that pain which may come with failing. But fear is a liar! Yet, it is difficult to ignore. I believe that the greatest battles of life are fought everyday within each of our hearts and the 6” between our ears. Until we embrace that with change will be pain, both in success and failure, the fear which we allow to control us, will continue to keep us from progressing and paralyze us. That’s where confidence and courage need to be unleashed. Because when it is and we realize that at the point of maximum danger is the point of minimum fear… life begins. God places the best things in life on the other side of terror. On the other side of our maximum fear are all the best things of life”, Kennedy elaborated.

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Now, let’s aim high for a bright future. If there is one ultimate goal you want to achieve in 2017, what would that be and why? “I’d like to speak at a TedTalks event. I’ve discovered, especially over the last year, that I can relate to a vast and diverse audience because of my life experiences. And in recognizing that, I want to give my life testimony to others in hopes that it imparts wisdom, hope, inspiration, love, forgiveness, compassion and anything else positive that may be lacking in their life. So many people don’t have someone to encourage them… to shine light into their darkness… to speak truth into their life… to look in their eye and say “You have worth. You have value. You are loved.” Until you hear someone’s testimony and can connect on the same emotional level… many times you just keep searching. And most times, those people get stuck in their current situation and drown in their fear, anxiety and/or pain. They need to hear that someone understands their situation… someone has felt their pain and that while it hurts, it doesn’t last forever. And on the other side of pain is victory. If I can help people stop searching and find themselves… I think that’s a message were delivering”, Kennedy hoped. Let us have a flash-forward to the future. Where do you see yourself five to ten years from the year of 2017? “I’m a day dreamer and night time thinker so I have many future goals and plans. But as it relates to my calling… I remain focused on my ultimate goal of developing a platform that brings inspiration and hope to others by relating to them through my life experiences. Whatever my future holds, it will be something that is a result of my hard work, passion and determination to bring love, hope, faith and a positive impact and influence to as many people as I can. At the end of the day… it’s not about Kennedy. It’s about walking out my life’s purpose and doing what God has placed on my heart; which ultimately is to leave a legacy for my children and family that will be worthy and glorious to God. Soli Deo gloria”, the male fitness model said it optimistically. Upfront Magazine’s catchphrase is: Greatness Never Ends. How would you describe that in your philosophy and thinking? “I didn’t understand this when I was younger… when I was chasing what I thought were the measures of what made a man successful and great. I always had this vision that once I made a certain amount of money, had these possessions and reached a certain societal status… I’d have made it and achieved greatness. But as I’ve matured, traveling through the peaks and valleys... the struggles and the triumphs... the joys and the pains of life have changed my perspective and philosophies on many things. Greatness to me never ends until I take my last breath. So each day, I simply want to be a better man this moment than what I was the last; never being satisfied with the me of yesterday, today. And while striving to be a better man… having a positive influence and impact on the world – one person at a time. To help people achieve their goals and realize their personal significance... to add value to others while helping them along their path in becoming a better person today 176 | UPFRONT Magazine

than what they were yesterday. It’s not about perfection… it’s about progress. We’re here to do life together. We’re all climbing to achieve greatness. I think Winston Churchill’s captures this perfectly… ““Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, everimproving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.”, Kennedy added. If you could pick one person who is great, who would it be and why is that person great to you? “To be honest… I believe each one of us is great. We all have greatness inside of us! I just think that some people get caught up in looking at their past and their imperfections; not realizing that until they let their past die can they fully experience life and their greatness; that we are all perfectly imperfect. Then there are others who already have a preconceived notion of what ‘greatness’ is… a picture of those whom they deem as having achieved success and greatness. People who have this etched in their mind need to forget that and remember that, like everything in life, it’s a process. Ray Lewis stated it well when he said, “Greatness is a lot of small things done well.” But I would add that it’s a lot of small things done well… consistently and repeatedly. Greatness has a lot to do with just simply “showing up”! So… think about that. How many times in your life have you done a lot of small things well?!?!! In its simplest and truest form… THAT. IS. GREATNESS! At some level… you have achieved greatness! No person should ever minimize the triumphs in their life. No person should ever be ashamed to celebrate victories that may seem small to others. Only you and God know what they really cost”, the business and finance specialist explained.


Through it all, remain humble and passionate with a spirit of endurance and perseverance.”

THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Work can be overwhelming sometimes, especially priorities. How do you manage your busy schedule and other activities? “Self-discipline that is leveraged by a combination of routine, technology and the people in my circle. Technology, the gadgets and apps are great but I have an amazing group of family and friends. Several of them are heavily involved with my affairs and have an intimate knowledge of what’s going on. They’re not only helpful with my schedule, but they also are great mentors and accountability partners.” Social activities like mingling with friends or going out with family is important too. How do you balance work with your personal life? “First and foremost, my #1 priority is my children. That is a challenge for me because I am a workaholic and am involved with several things. I also have a hard time of saying “no” which makes it difficult. Because of all that, my circle is very small; mainly comprised of my family and kids. With health and fitness being so important to me… my friends either belong to my gym or Church.”

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They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “I have a wicked busy schedule. So for me, it’s important that I take inventory on a consistent basis for my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. I once heard “you can’t eat an elephant in one bite”. So I make a focused effort to address each area and try my best to have balance in each. I do that by setting smaller, daily goals in each area and strive to hit them. Hitting those smaller goals are crucial little victories to help keep me motivated, positive, stable and secure”, the fitness enthsiast said. How many times do you work out in a week? Do you have any favorite workout in particular? “I try to work out every day. With my schedule, some days I may only be able to do an in-home/office work out and stretching. Regardless of the day, I always make sure to get my ab work out in and some type of strength training. My favorite workout would be working my core and abs”, Kennedy shared. What types of food groups do you eat to supplement your workout routine? “All of them… but in balance! I try to maintain a balanced micronutrient and macronutrient diet. I keep my macros simple with a 40/40/20 intake of protein/carbs/fat. There are cheat meals here and there and sometimes, due to a hectic schedule, my diet does suffer but I try to keep it as consistent as I can.” Being fit and healthy is very vital as we grow old and age every year. What was your wake-up call point in your life that started to realize that being fit and healthy is a must? “Throughout my life, I’ve always been very active in various sports and fitness. After having a successful collegiate career in wrestling, I filled that void with other activities and hobbies like running, mountain biking, hiking, swimming (usually like a rock) and bodybuilding. One thing that I didn’t realize that in my younger years, I was using sports and fitness as an outlet to deal with things internally which I wasn’t equipped to handle. I also didn’t realize I was living with a disorder that would soon become very “active” in my life. Even with all the knowledge and experiences I had gained throughout my life, I still fell into some bad habits; got introduced to the wrong people and succumbed to a life of addiction, or what is medically termed as Substance Use Disorder. I’ve been fortunate and blessed to now be 855 days in recovery-remission. My true wake-up call began with getting myself clean and thriving in recovery-remission. And over time, I’ve made it a mission of mine to become more knowledgeable about the disorder and how it is impacting others. But then as I became more aware of the facts, and understanding my calling and purpose, I knew I could use my redeemed health and fitness as a platform to bring awareness to this devastating and

often times deadly disorder. Here are some basic facts about Substance Use Disorder… • Addiction is not a moral failing. • Addiction is a disease. More specifically… it is a chronic, progressive brain illness. Renowned Dr. Drew states, “Addiction is a dangerous illness. It has a worse prognosis than most cancers today.” • The United States Surgeon General and the medical community has recognized addiction as an “epidemic” in our country. • Nearly 21,000,000 Americans suffer from addiction. • 1 in 7 Americans is expected to develop a Substance Use Disorder. • 1 in 3 American households are impacted by addiction. • 90% of Americans suffering from a Substance Use Disorder will never receive treatment. • EACH DAY, 350 Americans lose their life to addiction; one life every four minutes. • Addiction in now the leading cause of death to people under 35! With my wake-up call-ing, it is my goal and responsibility to help wake-up others to how being fit and healthy can assist them in their recovery-remission and overall health. Prestigous publications like Upfront Magazine and Center Stage Magazine are a tremendous blessing in helping get my wake-up call out to others”, Kennedy informed. Any influential individuals or public figures that you admire most in terms of work and career? “Clayton Jennings, Steven Furtick and Craig Groeschel” How about models that you look up to that may serve you as an inspiration or motivation? “James Ellis, Brandon Fokken and Burton Hughes. To me, these guys “model” what men should embody in having strong Christian values; being a devoted family man; an unrelenting pursuit and commitment towards excellence; and a passion for their overall health & fitness”, shared the healthy lifestyle advocate. A sexy individual is: “someone who exudes confidence and uses their position to positively influence and impact the world… one person at a time. It’s not about looks… it’s about how you live”, Kennedy stated. Confidence is: “not in what we feel… but what we know; knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Confidence is a position which God grants us, so we can humbly and boldly walk with Him in power.”

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For me, life should be about progression and growth. So if you are not willing to risk, you cannot grow… and if you cannot grow, you cannot become your best. Anything that grows goes through change. Change is inevitable; but progress is optional. And what often prohibits us from progressing is the fear of failure and that pain which may come with failing.”

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Name the food and drinks you cannot resist to eat and drink? “Anything sweet! But my faves are café breves, Coca-Cola, pizza and candy. I have a serious sweet tooth so it takes a lot of discipline and restraint to stay away. Thankfully Max Muscle Sports Nutrition has some awesome protein and recovery supplements that taste great but are low in carbs. That helps my sweet cravings tremendously!” What are your roles as to being a professional in this field? Of all careers you have to choose, why do you want to venture this kind of industry? “I went into finance because that’s what I went to school for. At the time, I figured that was the most logical reason to pursue a career in that industry. Since then, I’ve enjoyed the industry and the companies which I’ve worked for. Literally each company I’ve worked for has had the philosophy of adding value to others and striving to develop long term relationships. I’ve been blessed with that and within that blessing, I’ve also been able to make some lifelong friends. Heck… I even met my children’s moms within this industry. As for modeling… initially, my goal was to network and connect with various individuals and companies of influence while modeling. I saw modeling as the catalyst that could help create my platform for public speaking. Essentially, modeling was going to be one of the ways by which I would develop my audience to generate a buzz and excitement for speaking engagements. As my modeling career has progressed, it has taken a life unto itself. It never occurred to me that modeling could convey my messages and be complimentary to my public speaking engagements. As my modeling career has progressed, it has taken a life unto itself. It never occurred to me that modeling could convey my messages and be complimentary to my public speaking engagements. Modeling has become an integral component of the overall “big picture” for my life.” What special and vital qualities or certain characteristics that you should possess as a professional in the industry you are in? “Humility, integrity, confidence, unrelenting work ethic, teamwork mentality, desire to learn and be teachable” What would be your last advice to the individuals who want to venture the kind of career you are in right now? “My advice is the same regardless of what career someone is considering. Because we should be a “model”, a representation of something we are passionate about. No one should ever settle for less than that. Make sure you understand your purpose by first and foremost, understanding your talents and gifting. And after you’ve laid that foundation… Define what success means to you, not someone else’s definition. After you’ve done that, develop your blueprint of what is needed for you to reach your ultimate level of success… building upon achievable milestones along the way. And if along the way you find people, even your loved ones, not agreeing or believing in your dream… that’s fine. Your dream is yours… don’t expect anyone else to see it. And don’t let others opinions become your reality. Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to other models… or anyone for that matter. Comparison will kill your calling and steal your joy. Believe in yourself and know that you are beautiful in your own uniqueness… you are fearfully and wonderfully made! Hold true to your principles, values and belief. Don’t compromise them and your integrity on your journey to greatness. Through it all, remain humble and passionate with a spirit of endurance and perseverance. To those who have stood by, encouraged and supported me… THANK YOU for joining me on my journey. I know it hasn’t been the smoothest but it has definitely made us stronger and helped us find our purpose as individuals and as a family. THANK YOU for believing in me and never allowing me to give up on myself. And above all, THANK YOU for loving me through every situation… showing me mercy; extending me grace; forgiving my trespasses and continuing to walk humbly with me and our God.

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European-Asian cover hunk Tristan Defeuillet-Vang has become the one of the lifestyle industry’s most devoted and adaptable youth influencer around the world. Whether it’s challenging or not, the Eurasian icon brings forth the rebirth supremacy and distinction. His astonisging strength, figure, conviction, influence and intensity will put you off the edge and immediate astonishment as he embraces his own individuality in lifestyle, fitness and health. 186 | UPFRONT Magazine

By Ian Carlo Bajada and Holly Anderson Photographed by Tom Saint Clair

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Well, I’m motivated by the fact to always push myself harder and higher. I’m never satisfied about my work. I’m always asking questions to myself, always wondering how I can do for level up. This allows me to experience growth I never expected out of myself.”



UPCLOSE AND PERSONAL Cover interview by Holly Anderson and Ian Carlo Bajada Photographed by Tom Saint Clair

His astounding physique, charm confidence and strength wil put you off the edge and immediate astonishment as he embraces his own individuality and uniqueness in fitness and lifestyle. 188 | UPFRONT Magazine

Tristan Defeuillet-Vang was born in Vienne, France. He is currently residing at Lyon, France and lived in Thailand recently. Tristan is a personal trainer, martial arts teacher and a social media influencer. His hobbies and interests revolve around in health, sports, music, food and art in general. Tristan loves to learn from others, share, inspire and motivate people in general. The Eurasian hunk is only nineteen years young who wears several hats which allowed him to be a personal trainer, martial arts athlete, teacher, model, digital influencer and a musician.

A typical day for Tristan is normal just like everyone else’s but with a lot of motivation to slay the day. At 10:00 AM, he wakes up and turns on some hip-hop music while eating healthy breakfast, sponsored by his favorite nutrition brand: Bulk Powders. He is keen in checking his notifications and mails from his online clients, doing some Skype sessions with them and/or scheduling his next post on social media platforms. At 1:00 PM, he prepares for his meal 2/7 of the day, and he is ready to go for a 1-on-1

personal training session with his client. At 4:00 PM, Tristan usually gets a call from his manager, Brandon Donaldson, who will tell him to work a couple of days for a scheduled shoot in Paris for a clothing brand. He typically leaves in the morning, the day after tomorrow. Aside from that, he is also doing his personal workout from 4:30 to 6:00 PM. And then, he schedules his next postings on his social media avenues, before putting on his kimono and works with his father - 5th Dan of KungFu - from 7:00 to 11:00 PM.

Around 11:00 PM to 2-3:00 AM, Tristan is usually back at home already, taking one of his last meal of the day, then working on his online programs, editing videos for his upcoming YouTube channel, and answering back to his followers on each social media platforms. With the role of a model that his different jobs give him, he has to be really careful about all the things he says and does, because an effective public figure should be influential.

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NEW BEGINNINGS NEW OPPORTUNITIES I By what I’m looking to obtain at a current point of time. I have always wanted to be the best Tristan I can be; I don’t want to be better than anyone else, but simply than myself yesterday.”

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‘m humble enough to know I’m not better than anybody, but wise enough to know that I’m different from the rest. I have my own philosophy of life due to the fact that I was raised by a family full of values from Martial Arts. My mum passed away when I was 7, then I was raised by my grandmother who also died 2 years ago. It can sound « weird » but this is the worst & the best things that ever happen to me because I have learn like you could never imagine from that. I prefer to smile to life and think positive no matter what happens, I don’t want to live in the past and have to regret something. I don’t compete with talented people that are around me like many of the young man are doing, I learn from them and here’s the big difference. Martial arts taught me that we can learn from everyone, and then to everyone. I apply this simple rule in my life and that’s simply crazy how it change mine: Tristan on what makes him standout and how he keeps up with the talented people around him. “It’s easy to be discouraged in these worlds of modeling and personal training, but you have to remember that true leaders / winners are the ones who never give up, no matter what happens. There will always be someone better than you, someone smarter than you and you have to accept it. In order to succeed, you have to fail over and over again, that’s part of the process. As long as you know this and leave your ego behind you, you are ready to enter the business world. Eventually you will outlast everyone”, the Eurasian model gave a great advice to the poeple who will venture this kind of profession or career. With all the exposure you get, how do you keep your feet on the ground? “You’ll never be satisfied with your life if you don’t at least try to make the world or anyone else’s life better. That’s what I’m trying to do with my clients, students & followers with the aim of making their life’s better. I’m at the beginning of my career; I’m still young and know that I still have a lot to learn. I often repeat to my friends that

I’m still a nobody.” Who is the person that gave you a huge impact in your life and why is that person is vital? “A lot of people like my dad and cousins; however a vital person for the moment is my grandfather, grand master 8th Dan of Kung-Fu who teaches me a lot about philosophy. I’m learning a lot from everybody and my personality has grown that way,” Tristan replied. How do you set goals for yourself? “By what I’m looking to obtain at a current point of time. I have always wanted to be the best Tristan I can be; I don’t want to be better than anyone else, but simply than myself yesterday. I aspire to inspire before I expire. I want to break the rules and show to everybody that a 5’10 Eurasian model who is clearly not in the modeling standard of his country can succeed to. I want to show to everyone that everything is possible as long as you work your butt off and fight for what you want. I want to be the greatest version of myself ”, he added. “I’m a model and influencer, I know what will please people and how to promote, but overall like to seduce in general, and that’s one of the reason why this job fits me so much”, Tristan on the true nature of being sexy and an eyecatching individual. Cast a magic spell and wave your magic wand, where do you see yourself ten years from now? “I don’t even see myself 1 year from now. There are so many different possibilities for me, I’m doing many things and each one of them can evolve to a bigger scale so it’s pretty hard to answer to this! Honestly, I just want to enjoy the process and see where it takes me.”

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N A T S I TR G N A V T E L L I DEFEU juggling n o g n a V t e Defeuill n a t s i r T : k vidual n i u d H n i y e x v e i t S c e ’s f a f Eurasi ing an e e b , nds. s e e i i r t f i l i d b n i s a n y o l i p s m re k w i t h f aIa n C a r lo B a ja d a r o w g n i c n a l a n d b a b y H o ll y A n d e r s o n & in t C la ir words

p h o to g r a p h e

d b y To m S a

of e p ty is th in l u f s s e succe ualization are the b to e k ta it s e o td individ ocess as much Work-wiseo, wmhea passion, altruism &lo pr e th e v T to “ ? e n v a io profess ing successful. You h ity and true determinatiovne. r keys to belove the goal with humil ties and defaults and neill as you think about your quali use this kind of job w Always reu know everything, beca e yourself every day”, improv think yo d n a ities like e v ti lv c o a v l e ia c to o S u . o d y e o. to t challenge nd fitness enthusiast shar n ta r o p im is y the lifestyle afriends or going out with famsilonal life? “I try to mingling withu balance work with your peroing useless thing. How do yo self, and don’t spend times d id. organize my ime is priceless. ”, Tristan sa T and work? u o y y b d t in ti m id a te “ I’ m u s e ? n o ti a u o p e o p le g e it s y h a n d le th a t u o y o d g p e o p le b in w t o a H id im t in g a n d in o u g h I’ v e h t y t s e t o im p r e s s n o H I’ m d o in g . g in h t h is w il l t y d r n e a v e d n u o r t on the g zy to do a r c g in h got my fee t o n g e , t h e r e ’s n a h c e ls e . T h a t ’s r e e n v o e y n n a n a th a c h il d not better m I’ m I’ e c , g in s in o h is to w h a t I’ m d p ly d o in g t im s hat I have m w I’ g d in n o a d le m y a li f e s t g e t in t it h a t w a y. I’ o t k r o le p w o o e t p d r by s o I’ m u s e e a r c h in g f o s t o n e in s p ir e d m b I’ , o t lf e m s e y h t m r do for e a r c h in g f o s it t o o ,” , th e m I’ o , d e n m a c y I b , d it o mate if h e c a n d k in h t o t d me, an o d e l s a id . E u r a s ia n m

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I used to say that food is life, especially Japanese food. It’s simple; your body is the only thing in the world which is really yours, more than your home or your family. Therefore, you have to take care of it using nutrition and physical activities.”

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GOOD, F eel GREAT, The inspiring guy-nextdoor and cover guy discusses his health regimen secrets, nutrition tips, some life advices for your career, and other interesting side of Tristan Defeuillet Vang’s work and personality. They say when you look good you also feel good. But, how exactly do you maintain your physical shape and physique? “I’m always doing different personal trainings « formations », keeping myself updated with the latest books, articles and social media posts related to personal training & fitness in general. As a great representation of the Y generation, I’m always connected. And I think that’s what makes difference.”, the figure competitor and fitnes model advised. Being fit and healthy is very vital as we grow old and age every year. What was your wake-up call point in your life that started to realize that being fit and healthy is a must? “: I used to say that food is life, especially Japanese food. It’s simple; your body is the only thing in the world which is really yours, more than your home or your family. Therefore, you have to take care of it using nutrition and physical activities. I’m not counting my calories like all the fitness models are, I can understand but I’m not working that way. I eat something like 5 to 7 times a day, but don’t want to have any quantity notion because I only think about quality (also in my life in general). I’m working the same way with my clients; they are kind of allowed to eat all day long if they want as long as they understand this quality nutrition is the key. Yes! They are losing weight, while they are eating more.” Tristan recalled. What groups of food do you usually eat? “It would be easier for me to answer by the negative. What groups of food do I usually don’t eat? It’s simple, milk is totally forbidden, gluten, red meat & sugar are reduced to the max, and I have never felt so good. My only weakness is Japanese food. My 60K followers know me for being the king of Sushi (and as you see I try to make my « cheat meal » as healthy as I can)”, Tristan shared.

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To me passion, altruism & individualization are the keys to being successful. You have to love the process as much as you love the goal with humility and true determination.”

TRISTAN DEFEUILLET VANG Tristan Defeuillet-Vang takes it to another level as we get to know his outside work and outside his comfort zone. After all, he’s more than a face and a figure.


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Upfront: Do you think there are essential skills to be effective in maintaining your figure or shape? Why is that? TRISTAN: One of the most important things is to work on your mindset and see it as a lifestyle, not as a duty or something that needs effort. It will be « hard » to start the process, but once you’re getting it and really decide to change, it will become easier day after day. Your body will adapt and feel the good changes, and the more you’ll get into that, the less you’ll need effort to eat clean, train smart and think well. It’s the same thing when the battery of your car is broken, and you need to jump your car to turn it on, your personal trainer is there to help get the car started with you and switch on the battery, it can take time but once you switch it on it will move by itself.


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Always rethink about your qualities and defaults and never think you know everything, because this kind of job will challenge you to evolve and improve yourself every day.”

ON IMPROVING ONE’S SEXUAL STAMINA DURING SEXUAL ACTIVITY Upfront Magazine: Fact or myth? Does working out daily improve one’s sexual stamina or prowess during sexual activity? Why do you say so? TRISTAN: Fact. Working out improves the natural testosterone hormone secreted by your body and as a man, it will help you to get better erection and better control of your muscles like the perineum and so have more sexual endurance.


GYM ETTIQUETTE ADVICE Upfront Magazine: Do you have any gym etiquette advice for other people? TRISTAN: Three rules: Keep loud grunting to a minimum, never compare yourself with others in the gym and only give advice when it’s absolutely needed or requested.


Upfront Magazine: There are a lot of online coaches and lifestyle advisers out in the market already, what are the factors that people should take into consideration when hiring a personal trainer or online coaches or maybe investing some time and money to them? TRISTAN: I used to say that a personal trainer is like a girlfriend, you have to experience different coaching styles to know which one fit you better. Every coach is different so it’s impossible to know the factors people should take in consideration apart from the fact that he really has to be passionate about what he does.


QUALITIES TO STANDOUT FROM THE REST AND BEING A BEACON OF INSPIRATION IN THE FUTURE Upfront Magazine: If you are our health ambassador and a lifestyle advocate, how would you help promote healthy living in school or in corporate world? TRISTAN: To promote healthy living you would have to set the example. Show people it’s still possible to work hard, exercise and eat right. Upfront Magazine: A lot of your followers are curious to know these, if there’s any food and beverage that you cannot resist what would that be and why? TRISTAN: I’m totally addicted to my morning’s vegetable juices and my weekly Japanese restaurant. I just fell in love with it after my former coach Léonard Anson forced me to drink it for my diet last year, and this just change my life in terms of wellness.


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LAST WORDS OF INSPIRATION AND MESSAGE OF ENCOURAGEMENT Upfront Magazine: Any advice to individuals who wants to gain weight and lean muscle? Advise to people who want to lose weight and be sexy? TRISTAN: Be really careful of the online advices and don’t listen to that huge guy we all have in our gym because you are not taking the products that he takes, so you cannot use the same workout and/or diet. The proper way to do it is to get you a personal trainer or to really document yourself with nutrition and workout sciences.


Upfront Magazine: What is the best piece of career advice someone has given to you? MY BEST ADVICE: One of my uncles once told me to always be grateful to the universe, think positive no matter what happens and to give your all for what you truly believe in. I would like to specially thank him, because he changed my whole life. Love you mister EGRAZ. FITSPIRATION FIGURES Upfront Magazine: Name your fitspiration icons/models you looked up really most. MY FITSPIRATION MODELS: I really like Adi Gillespie’s shape & personality as an athlete. As a model, even if he’s not an official one, my favorite IGER is the iconic @ tonimahfud, he’s one of my biggest inspiration. As a fitspiration, let’s talk about those three who are not the most famous but are the living symbol of this new aesthetic generation: Nicolas Iong, Jon Skywalker and Zac Aynsley.


YOLO MOMENTS AND QUICK FIXES Upfront Magazine: What is your greatest YOLO (You Only Live Once) moment that you have done? MY GREATEST YOLO MOMENT: I’m living with the YOLO mindset, so it’s really hard to find one precise moment.


Upfront Magazine: Quick fix that makes you feel relaxed brings you to your happy place? MY QUICK FIX AND MY HAPPY PLACE: Breathing & meditating. MY PLACE TO GO: New York, Miami or Bali. Opposite places, opposite lifestyle, but I see each part of me in these town.

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Fueling and Firing Sexiness with

TRISTAN DEFEUILLET VANG The Eurasian Supermodel, the hunky French personal trainer, and the driven lifestyle specialist Upfront photograph exclusive by Tom Saint Clair

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