4 minute read
Seeing Butte County
Hank Hansen started taking pictures on 35mm film when he was in high school in the early 70s, and while photography itself has changed pretty significantly in the intervening years, Hank is as passionate about taking photos of beautiful and interesting things now as he ever was. His favorite subjects are sunsets, landscapes, and the night sky. “Up at Mount Lassen is where I love to go for nighttime photography because there’s not a lot of light pollution,” he says. “You’re at a higher elevation, above the smoke and stuff that comes through the valley, and you can see everything so clearly.”
Everyone has something they particularly love about their chosen hobby, and for Hank, it’s the seeing. He lives in Oroville, and he points out that there is a lot of beauty all around if you just take a moment to look for it. “Butte County is a very photogenic place,” he says. “We have so much around us, like the lakes and the foothills and the farmland.” The diversity of subjects in and around Butte County really is astounding. Being on the Pacific Flyway offers unique opportunities for capturing photos of wild birds as they make their way south for the winter and the many moods of Lake Oroville also make for fascinating photos. “It’s a beautiful lake when it’s full." Hank says, "When the water goes down, and you see more of the bottom of the lake—the contours—it gets a whole lot more character. So when the lake is at record lows, it’s fun to look around and take pictures.”
Hank takes hundreds of photos on his outings. He carefully weeds through each and edits them before posting to his Facebook page, where he often gets comments from folks who assume, from the beauty of the photo’s subject, that they must have been taken somewhere far away. “I’ve taken photos very close to Oroville and people make comments when I post them to Facebook: ‘Where is that?’ And I say, ‘It’s just five minutes outside of Oroville.’ And they say, ‘I've lived here all my life and I’ve never seen a beautiful place like that!’” Hank says. “It’s fun to show people who can’t get out the beauty around us.”

Hank is disabled and not in the best of health, which keeps him from getting out and doing things the way he used to. It also has changed the way he looks at his photography. “Taking photos is kind of a community service that I do,” he says. “I take pictures of people at events and post them and just give them away mostly. It’s a way of giving back to the community.” This past December, Hank and his daughter had a joint show at MugShots Coffee House in Oroville, which he enjoyed. They’ll be mounting another one this winter.
Until then, Hank’s photos can be seen at www.facebook.com/hank.hansen.984. Swing by, and see why we can’t get enough of his work.
2023–2024 SEASON
Swan Lake
November 11, 2023 | Cascade Theatre, Redding | 7:30 p.m.
November 12, 2023 | Laxson Auditorium, Chico | 2:00 p.m.
Mozart Requiem
February 17, 2024 | Laxson Auditorium, Chico | 7:30 p.m.
February 18, 2024 | Cascade Theatre, Redding | 2:00 p.m.
Sounds of the Cinema
May 11, 2024 | Cascade Theatre, Redding | 7:30 p.m.
May 12, 2024 | Laxson Auditorium, Chico | 2:00 p.m.
Extraordinary Beethoven

March 5, 2024 | Cascade Theatre, Redding
March 6, 2024 | State Theatre, Red Bluff
March 7, 2024 | Laxson Auditorium, Chico
The Techy Water Dispenser
We all remember the classic water cooler stacked with that clear jug and stocked with paper cups, but Culligan wants to introduce you to the water cooler of today. Environmentally friendly, costefficient, and genuinely modern looking, the Ascent 80 Bottleless Cooler and the Culligan Peak Combination Ice Maker and Water Dispenser are the next step in water service.
Better for your environment:
Culligan connects the water cooler directly to your water line, so there’s no need to change out heavy replacement jugs and no plastic being added to the environment down the line. The coolers have the signature Culligan filtration system to reduce contaminants, bad tastes, and odors while adding back minerals and electrolytes resulting in pure, fresh-tasting water. Culligan water means you’re less likely to purchase single-use water bottles and more apt to just fill up that Kleen Kanteen, Yeti, or other reusable bottles, and with the Peak or Ascent 80 dispensing it, this couldn’t be easier.
Better for your budget:
Water consumption fluctuates with the seasons and so does the cost associated with traditional water coolers depending on how many bottles are changed out every week. However, with the bottleless water cooler, the price stays the same regardless of how much water is used. There’s no water jug associated with the system, so there’s no delivery fee, no transportation fee, and no charges associated with cleaning and sanitizing old bottles. The monthly cost remains the same whether you use 5 gallons or 500 gallons, and even the required yearly maintenance is included in the monthly rental price.

Better for your aesthetic:
The sleek, streamlined black and blue design with touchless controls fits seamlessly into any home or office space. Simply select hot or cold water and dispense your selection with a wave of the hand. It’s the perfect companion for kitchens or break rooms, ready to supply cold water, crunchy ice, and hot water for tea, soups, or coffee without having to camouflage the unsightly jug with wellplaced houseplants.
Culligan’s newest water dispensers have everything you’re looking for in an innovative techy package; better aesthetic, better budget, and better for the environment.
More information can be found at culliganofchico.com or by calling 530-343-5100.