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Our ingredient of the month is cumin to a spice shelf near you (though it's likely there already

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KOO-min or KYOO-men?

Picture, if you will, a man in a kitchen—a man about to embark on an adventure into another dimension, a dimension of taste and smell and exotic flavors. The dimension of— The Pantry Zone!

We’ve all been there. We’ve all seen it. Most of us have it—the spice rack in your cupboard or pantry, if you’re organized, or a jumble of bottles or tins jammed into the back spaces behind familiar condiments (guilty!). It’s a place where, frankly, I’m afraid to blindly root around with bare hands. Why, you might ask?

I’m afraid I’ll pull out a spice I used once back in 1999 that is now hopelessly, ridiculously, passed its expiration date. If you take a look, there are plenty of spices that remain a mystery to many of us. Cardamom, coriander, fenugreek, mace, nigella (nigella!?), and sumac. However, I have heard of cumin, even though I’ve never knowingly added it to a dish. So, cumin it is! Kingdom: Plantae. Clade (another word I need to look up): angiosperms. Order: apiales. Family: apiacaea.

Cumin has been around for thousands of years. Its seeds were excavated in Syria dating to the second millennium BCE. Cumin was used as part of the mummification process in Egypt and was significant in Minoan Crete. Ancient Greeks had it on the dinner table, and it is still on the table in Morocco. It was used in Roman cuisine and has been in India for hundreds of years.

Spanish and Portuguese colonists brought it to the Americas, and it is mainly grown in North Africa, Mexico, Chile, and China. The two main exporters are China and Mexico, but South Asia is the biggest consumer. 300,000 tons of cumin is produced annually. Cumin has fat, carbs, and protein. B vitamins dominate, especially niacin and folate. It’s high in magnesium, manganese, and iron.

Cumin is one of the most used spices you’ll find in the pantry. It has a warm, peppery flavor, and it has a noticeable aroma which heightens the food experience. It is a popular ingredient in Mexican food such as fajitas and chili, and it’s a key ingredient of Indian curries. While cumin pairs well with meats, it adds a lot of flavor to vegetable dishes such as carrots and sweet potatoes.

Oh, yeah. If you’re American you pronounce it KOO-min. If you’re British you pronounce it KYOO-men. So they say, somewhere.

Let's Get to the Nine-One-One

with Katelyn Roberts

If I wasn’t a first responder, I’d be a teacher or professor. I enjoy passing along my knowledge and educating future generations.

Three critical qualities that got me where I am today are thoroughness, inquisitiveness, and an insatiable need to expand my knowledge about my craft of paramedicine.

Explaining my schedule to folks that don't already get it is like trying to give someone directions in a different language. Hand gestures & pictures are your best friend!

A book that left a lasting impression on me is called Elsewhere. It’s about life after death, and it helped me put some complex ideas into a different perspective.

Something I want to learn is another language—maybe Spanish or ASL. I think it would be super useful at work and in my daily life.

My “go to” Northern California spot is Fort Funston in San Francisco. It's a huge off-leash dog park on the beach. Best of both worlds!

My inspiration behind where I am today is my dad. My father inspired my career path. He has supported and pushed me every step of the way.

My single biggest indulgence is an on duty 3am donut shop stop with my partner, Bre. They’re the best reward after a busy run!

When I see signs, messages, or voices referring to me as a “hero,” my reaction is to be flattered at the sentiment, but I don’t think I’m a “hero.” I’m just doing my part like everyone else.

One thing I want people to know about me is that outside of work I am a totally normal person who lives a normal life with my sidekick, Lola, my puppy.

Katelyn Roberts Paramedic, Captain Butte County EMS

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