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More ghost stories from friends throughout Northern California
Mandi Wilson
A few years back, in high school, I had this dream that really stuck with me and has never left. I was locked in a room that was enclosed with mirrors, and in the reflection was me but I looked different. It was me but at the same time I had no clue who the person was, I was looking at a pale, eyes blacked out, completely soulless version of myself. She told me, “I've come back to see you,” and started to laugh very ominously. Everything went static, and I passed out only to wake to her laughing in my face. Then I awoke again, completely shaken up and decided to clear my head by taking a shower. That's when I heard the blood chilling laugh of my own voice coming from outside the shower and slowly faded off. To this day, I believe something not from this world came to visit me that night.
Family Ties
Audrey Howes
My ghost story takes place in Porterville where my grandmother grew up. My family is very close, and they all lived on one street—cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents—the whole family. The day of the encounter, we were moving furniture out from my great grandmother's house. My mom and I were moving the bed frame out when I got the feeling I was being stared at. I looked behind to see my great grandmother's ghost standing where her bed used to be, just staring at us with a saddened expression. This continued to happen throughout the day while moving her stuff out. It was clear she wasn't ready to completely let go yet.
My second story also takes place in Porterville, except this one involves my late uncle and his house. All of the properties were near the water, but my uncle's place was the closest, and from the beach you could see his house. While I was down at the beach with my parents, we all had that same feeling when we saw Grandma's ghost—that tingling feeling on the back of your neck. When we all turned around, we gasped as we saw the ghostly figures of my grandmother and uncle looking down at us. My family believed it was their way of letting us know they were okay and at peace.

The Little Boy
Cherie Krantz
To fully understand the story, you have to get an idea about the layout of my childhood house. As you walked into the home and turned right, you would enter the living room with a little tea cart where my mom kept the coasters and other glassware. As you made your way through the living room, you were met with a big wall separating the kitchen from the living room.
I was home alone one day, or so I thought, until I heard my mom talking to me. I called out to her and walked into the living room, and it was empty, so I continued to walk around and never found anyone. I decided to forget about it and go finish my schoolwork in the living room. That's when something happened that I can't explain to this day. The tea cabinets opened and closed and their movement was followed by rhythmic stepping coming towards me which suddenly stopped a few paces away.
I tried to block the whole thing from my mind until one of my friends came over one day. While we were hanging out, she said, "Who’s the little boy over there?" I hesitated and said, "What little boy?" She responded, “Yeah, there's just a little boy over there on the stairs listening to us.” The days following the incident were only met with more strange interactions, I finally had to tell whatever it was to leave me alone, and it did, thankfully.

The Unexplained
Sadie Pressman
I'm originally from Chico but recently moved to Nashville. While road tripping and moving stuff over, my friend and I had an eerie encounter with what we think was a UFO. We were driving through Joshua Tree National Forest when we saw in the distance what looked like a saucer and five different orb type objects. Just as they appeared, they vanished. It's extremely interesting because most UFO sightings and other phenomena take place in areas of vast wilderness. It was truly a sight to see.
D’artanion Markowski
This paranormal encounter happened years ago when I was about 14 or 15 years old. My family had just moved out to the boonies on this big property near Lower Lake. I only had one encounter, but it was disturbing nonetheless. I was home alone when I heard the faint noise of talking and music being played. Thinking my family must've gotten home early, I went and checked the house. To my dismay, there was no one there. The music and strange sounds continued to play. I couldn't track the noise to a certain area nor did the music get more loud or quiet, it constantly stayed the same volume, almost as if the sound was coming from inside the walls and following me around the house. I never felt in danger, but I was on my toes whenever I was alone in that house.
Maria Ferreyra
I have a group of friends that are really fascinated by UFOs, aliens, and all things extraterrestrial, so we often find ourselves going out and actively trying to communicate or possibly see something out of the ordinary. My friends believe aliens are benevolent beings and are just different versions of us from different places in the galaxy— essentially our souls live through many different dimensions and possibly it's just humans from another point in time. There's been some instances where my friends have seen mysterious orbs of lights in the sky dancing about, but for me I haven't had the pleasure of seeing anything yet.