5 Tips to Improve Post Click Experience

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5 Tips to Improve Post Click Experience Google Ads have been around for some time now and people recognize it as a legitimate source to boost a business’s sales. Some may even say that Google Ads do a better job as compared to other traditional modes of marketing. But there has been a flaw in Google Ads that has been overlooked for quite some time now. This flaw is digital marketers putting a significantly low effort in their post-click experience as compared to pre-click experience. According to a study, more than 95% of clicks don’t convert. This is an abysmal rate but is accepted in the digital marketing circle. It is wrong to rely only on the huge number of traffic out of which only a handful will convert. Ultimately it is the increase in conversions that will show your clients the benefit of using Google Ads as a medium for marketing and for that conversions are important. Therefore in this article, we will discuss 5 tips to improve the postclick experience.

1. Match Ad message with landing page:

Image: Match ad message with landing page

Matching your ad message with your landing page is extremely crucial for your conversion. If after clicking your ad, the user ends up on a landing page that doesn’t match your ad then there won’t be a conversion because the user will end up being confused. There are some aspects to focus on while trying to match an ad with a landing page. In case of simple search ads, make sure that the ad copy and landing page share common keywords and call to actions. When it comes to displaying ads, one should also consider the color scheme and images in addition to the ad copy keywords. If you are a brand then make sure to mention that brand in both ad copy and landing page. The goal here is to provide a seamlessly smooth experience for the user between both pre and post click stages. If done right this method will increase conversions by a substantial number. Try to keep the same headline and offer in both the ad and landing page.

2. Keep the Landing page simple and to the point:

Image: Simple landing page

We all hate clutter in real life and also online. While creating a landing page there should be an emphasis on keeping it organized. This organized structure will not only appear more pleasing to users but it will also motivate them towards the conversion goal. In order to motivate the users towards the conversion goal, it should be marked out clearly on the landing page. Keep a 1:1 ratio for your conversion and CTA button on the landing page. Meaning that since you have one conversion goal for a landing page, there should only be one CTA button.

This one CTA button should be the only clickable place on your landing page. Make sure that there are no off-page/external navigation links on the page. Your landing page should include everything that the user needs to make a decision on your offer.

3. Personalized Landing pages:

Image: Personalized landing page

First, some facts to prove the importance of personalization: 1. 80% of consumers think that big brands don’t know how to advertise to them. 2. More than 70% of consumers feel frustration towards un-personalized content. 3. More than 75% of consumers will consider an offer more positively if it is personalized. So these facts make it clear that consumers give a lot of value to personalized content over generic content. Generic page creation is a very common practice among digital marketers when it comes to landing page creation. Every landing page should be created by keeping the target consumer/user in mind.This personalized approach will help consumers to relate, engage, consider and finally convert to your offer. Another element that can be used to make the landing page more personalized is to include a chat window. If a consumer has some doubt they can simple chat with a bot or representative and gain clarity. This will show attention and care towards the users which are elements that are crucial to conversion.

4. Test and Improve:

Nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement. This sentence is especially true for digital marketing. The world of digital marketing is very dynamic. There is no guarantee that what works today will work tomorrow. So there is a need for continuous effort to improve. In the case of post-click, you can try A/B testing different elements on the landing page. Some of these elements are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Try different headlines The layout of the landing page Form structure Form length Call to action button Color scheme Brand name position and design

Also try to reduce elements on your landing page because having a lot of elements can affect the page load time negatively. Users, especially mobile users are highly impatient when it comes to page load time.

5. Thank You page:

Image: Thank you page

The post-click experience is not complete without a decent thank you page. You should connect the CTA click with a good thank you page. This thank you

page should have a message that acknowledges and thanks the consumer for converting. This thank you page makes the consumer feels appreciated, builds a genuine strong relation with your brand and also provides you with an opportunity for further conversions. Some tips on creating a good thank you page are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

A genuine thank you message. An image of the offer if possible. Steps after converting Any other related conversion offers

You can go a step further and include a thank you email in the process. A thank you page and thank you email has become the norm in the industry as of now. Don’t be among the 95% of marketers who don’t put enough emphasis on post-click experience. Instead, get the most out of this opportunity by getting max conversions from landing pages. These efforts will not only increase conversions but also help build a long term relationship with the consumer. Continuous efforts towards improving post-click experience will not only increase conversions but also bring in consumers for repeat conversions. This is the benefit of relationship building with consumers.

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